2007 - Connecticut Art Directors Club | CADC
2007 - Connecticut Art Directors Club | CADC
" '- "\ <, ... ' ';\.. ~ ,~' " -t'- ~_)''.> ,j,- 'If· "' ... I .£-,' f. 1 - .: l , .-. , - . ~ , CONNECTICUT ART DIRECTORS CLUB II NURL RV8 115 5 DV " . the a letter from , I-I ~ ·· , '. - "That's perfect! I love it, ... don't change a thing." Ahhh, the creative process .. , if it were only that simple. The theme of our show this year, "Design Ain't Pretty," takes a closer look at the sometimes challenging process we all have endured at one time or another. Please join me in celebrating the toils of that process, the 32nd Connecticut Art Directors Club Awards, honoring excellence in the Connecticut creative community. As a result of the creative process or perhaps despite it, breakthrough creativity results from your passion, creative verve and innovative talent and deserves the highest level of recognition for your work. Thanks to all those who annually share their work with us, as well as those involved in organizing this endeavor. Our categories and judging criteria are developed and evaluated every year to represent the community as a whole, and to ensure the winning work truly lives up to the highest creative standard. We give our heartfelt thanks to our panel of esteemed judges for their time, diligence and experience in recognizing the very best. This show is a tribute to the creative community of Connecticut and honors its continuing excellence resulting from the creative process. Congratulations to all the CADC winners and to all of those who help make the CADC such a great organization for the celebration, advocacy, and leadership of the creative process. It has been my honor to serve as your CADC president and my extreme pleasure to work beside such an amazing, dedicated and talented board. And a special thank you to our tremendous executive director, Margaret Tobelman. Many thanks to all those who volunteer their time, resources and energy and to all the generous support we receive from many enthusiastic organizations, companies and individuals .... you are all the pulse of this club. Without your generous support and participation this club could not succeed. I encourage your continued involvement and collaboration with the Connecticut Art Directors Club. On behalf of the Board of Directors, thanks for making this a great year and continuing to perfect the creative process. Best, Rena DeBortolli CADC President . " '\ ~ '!' .,eL .... . .. . ~ . ~ ....., . "'- . ,- '. 00 Advertising 16 rn Broadcast 33 rn ijW& Broadcast / 36 Video Design ~ ~& ~~ ~ Promotion Graphic Design-43 New Media 79 Photography 93 0 Illustration , .. - .. .' \ ~ . ..... ... 36 94 ~~ Printing_ 95 ~ Student_ 96 ·Sldt{fO 8UOUH~ pm~ UOqElOdlOJ xdldl 'lOJElddS 'UOdt{fAE~ 'AEldS UEdJO 'W8] 'SlOlOW IEIdUld9 'X3:Pd::! '·dIOJ U01U3: 'SA.J 'UOqElOdIOJ nOJ 'dSIdIl.UOJ 'll'i/IV 'SSdldx3: UEJ~ldUlV dpnpu~ Pd1l.1dS SfUd~IJ ·SplEME 1EJ01 pUE 1EUOqEUldlU~ 'pmoqEu fEdddl pUE snoldUlnu pdfl.~dJdl SEt{ dH ·AJUE1J dSdlod pUE UOSUt{O[ l'i/ UWnO SHE8uI pm~ AdIt{dUlnH 81dqs01S IdUU018 'SEf~8la 8uwnpu~ SdPUd8B PdPddSdllSOUl S,UMOl dln Ul suomsod lUEJT:HU8Js PTdt{ SEt{ dt{ 'dJUdPddXd JO SIEdA 81Id1l.0 t{HM ·dJUJS Idfl.d dUlOl.{ sndsnt{JESSEW PdTlEJ SEt{ pUE UOlS08 JO dlnmSUI llV dt{llE TOOt{JS pdpUdnE 8dI9 ·S1dUUEl.{J HE SSOlJE SUlIOnEld pUElq pdlEJqSlt{dos 8uJpgnq uo snJoJ UlEdf pUE dt{ 'dSUdSssdu~snq t{f~M dSUdS Ug~SdP pUE gUqd}]:lEUl gU~gldW ·BdlE UOfSOg: dl.{f U~ PdlBJ01 Ullg 8UWUBIQ suoqBJ~UnUlUlOJ 8Uqd}]:IEUl B 'UOqEIOdlOJ SlddJUOJBWdW JO 10pdl~p dll.qBdlJ S~ s~l.{ " ,.::I '" Ben Hirsch, founder of Omnibus Creative, was born and raised in Providence, Rhode Island. He began his creative journey while studying and making glass art and sculpture at Tulane University in New Orleans. He furthered his studies in Florence, Italy, where he rekindled his lifelong passion for computers and technology and began to explore interactive art. Upon returning to Tulane he earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2001. After graduating with an award of distinction, Ben established Omnibus Creative, a small multi-media company with a focus on creating online experiences, web applications for businesses, and consulting services. He then moved to New York City and quickly built a client base of businesses from a wide variety of industries located across the country. CICI z'" :z: Today, Ben is hard at work on client web sites and applications. He has recently completed projects for Ritz Carlton, Pioneer Electronics, International Music Network, Jansport and the Louisiana Public Health Institute. Meanwhile Omnibus Creative has become the technical backbone for a handful of advertising agencies, web development companies and government institutes. Ben resides and works in Huntington, New York with his wife, Erica and son, Zachary. - , .::I .." n :z: \ u " J::I c::I CICI c::I .." Lilly is the third child in her family to become a designer, a cause of great confusion to her Portuguese parents who hoped that their children would become sailors. She is an art director at Bidwell ID, in Florence, MA, where she works on a range of accounts, from educational and nonprofit organizations to health care and high tech. Lilly has garnered awards from the Joselo Gallery, CASE, the University of Hartford and the Ad Club of Western Massachusetts (including a Best of Show.) Last year, her submission was chosen as the new logo for the Ad Club, in honor of their 90th anniversary. a:- .-... .... ~ ~ Her freelance clients have included the Northampton Arts Council, Academy of Arts, the Community Music School of Springfield, the Brianna Fund, Core Solution Group, Massachusetts Nonprofit Housing Association, the UMass Center for Public Policy, and a number of artists and musicians. She graduated magna cum laude from the Hartford Art School, and received their distinguished Helen Cheney Martyn Prize. Her "Lilliputian" paper collages have been included in exhibitions at New City Art,; Joselo Gallery; Hampden Gallery at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst; and Real Art Ways. CL. ~ - -I 'lJ 'PlOJillElS u~ lalLI8nEp pUE aJ~M S~LI LIl~M sa1l.11 aH 'slaLIlo 8UOillE 'LIJlEH 'ApUV 'Aaav 'MoLIS auo 'onJ 'saUUEJ liT palOuoLI uaaq SELI }flOM s~H 'SlSEOJ LIloq uo suoqqadillOJ a1l.qEaD pa8pnf SELI }flEW 'lJ 'PlOJillElS liT 'a}fqilla1 "l'il uoslapuv lE laalEJ 8u~sqla1l.pE s~LI uE8aq aH 'a}fqilla1 "l'il uoslapuv JO aJYJo OJSDUEld UES aLIt pauado }flEW 'ME80 alOps: 'u81EdillEJ "laUEId HEillS E lOJ suoqnIos" IEqoI8 aLIl LIl1M WHI pUElqal padIaLI aLI alaLIM 'AN 'laLIlEW pUE ME80 lE lopal1Q a1l.nEalJ dnol9 E SEM }flEW 's:aa 8U1U10f alOps: z z ~ U '}floMlau s:aa aLIl SSODE spnpOld Ea1 uOldq HE uo luailldora1l.ap a1l.qEaD SaaSla1l.0 ATluallnJ }flEW '}flOM 8uqEaD ol UOmppE uI 'JUI 'uonoJ pUE '}flOA MaN JO }fUES: aLI1 'laAES: 'lLI8n pns: 'Alan01 }floAMaN aLI1 '){JEqlno nlEqns '110U)I 'VN9IJ 'sdmLId 'Ea1 uqdn lOJ su81EdillEJ palEaD SELI aLI alaLIM ' ap~MppoM s:aa JO aJYJo }flOA MaN aLIl u~ 10pa11a a1l.nEa1J E s~ }flEW a:- - Veronica has over twenty years of experience as a graphic designer. She has been designing at CaseyDzn since 1999. CaseyDzn is a full service graphic design studio with a focus on the marketing strategy of every project. Typical projects include: identity programs, annual reports, corporate collateral, direct mail, book design, advertising, and display graphics. Z Cl .... '"'> ~ _ .'~H·' ,4 I::r -I ~ ~ a:2 r>• . --=-".~ . . U .... .... Prior to CaseyDzn, she designed for the print industry, software companies in Pittsburgh, and Wang Laboratories in Lawrence, Ma. Veronica has a BS in Communications/Media from Fitchburg State College. When not at working as a graphic designer, she is cutting stones, shaping metal, and creating handcrafted silver jewelry in her workshop. CADC HALL OF FAME THOMAS G . FOWLER --, --- • Equal to his talent was another side that made him special. Tom was fun! Work was fun! He loved what he did and his enthusiasm was contagious. To work with Tom was a privilege and an inspiration. He allowed the people that worked with him to stretch themselves creatively, take on whatever responsibilities that they showed they could handle, and encouraged everyone to go that step further. • His design and illustration work has appeared in nearly every graphic design publication, including Graphis, Print, How, Graphic Design USA, Creativity, Global Corporate Identity and U&LC. His work is also part of the permanent graphics collections of the Library of Congress and the Museum of Decorative Arts in Hamburg, Germany. - Another passion for Tom was collecting Eskimo and Inuit Art, for which he opened the Inua Gallery - a gallery for Northern Indigenous Art and Antiquities. It was Tom's wish to leave this astounding collection to a museum for the world to enjoy. (This is in the works right now.) ') Tom also cofounded CPS Communications in 1976; was Art Director of Perspectives Magazine from 1976 through to the early 1980s; was Creative Director Medical Marketing & Media Magazine; and in 1999, became President and Art Director of Psymark Communications; was the leader singer in the band "The Barons" and was an accomplished artist, craftsman, sculptor, and an avid outdoorsman and traveler. passed away after battling cancer. In February 2006, Tom Tom was always on a quest for new things, to learn more, looking over the hillside for what was next. For Tom, it was all about the journey and we are proud to have had the pleasure to travel along side him while he was here. of design excellence. 8 Tom Fowler, Inc. continues today in Tom's tradition J " \ ~ " \ ' "It transcends the media it's shown in. The integrity and strength allows you to blow it out. The vision is bigger and it still delivers." - , "1,, AWARD Best in Show TITLE MediaBOOM Website AGENCY/STUDIO mediaBOOM DESIGNER Sean Cooke ART DIRECTOR Frank DePino COPYWRITER Sonia Baghdady PROGRAMMING Sean Cooke OTHER Carl Bishop for sound design CLIENT mediaBOOM I _ -i! - .'. ' \ r.· :.' \ 11Th·IS n al·1S someth· of our craft". Ing about the tr a d·lhon . f -i! " \ ' 10 11 °1 ... .. .. , ,.,., ,.""' • AWARD TITLE AGENCY/STUDIO DESIGNERS ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER PRINTING PAPER Richan?t~less Spirit of Creativity Choate Rosemary Hall Combined Collateral How 2 Design Katie Thurber, Keith Edwards Noemi Kearns Keith Edwards Allied Printing & Cannelli Printing Strathmore Writing, Beckett Concept Glacier, Wide ruled Notebook Paper & Curious Metallics CLIENT Choate Rosemary Hall .. "SCOTn "" AWARD Silver SKINNY DIPP El TITLE Nonni's Ad Skinny Dipper AGENCY /STUDIO co:lab DESIGNER Rich Hollant ART DIRECTOR Rich Hollant COPYWRITER Rich Hollant PHOTOGRAPHY Beth Galton CLIENT Nonni's Foods __ ,...... NmwI.,_ ..._ IMlLaI'_. ,.. ..... ..k .. _ _ cno ...... &h,-'_"*"". AWARD Silver TITl.E Credential Not Pictures AGENCY/STUDIO Happy Dog Advertising DESIGNER David Grigg ART DIRECTOR David Grigg COPYWRITER Jeannie Credidio CLI ENT Washington Mutual ..... Q) E :::I <Fl t:: o U ...... _ • • ,.. _plclw.. I10_ .... r.. - .......... IUIJ-ral. AWARD Silver TITLE Mortgages Are Scary AGENCY/STUDIO Happy Dog Advertising DESIGNER David Grigg ART DIRECTOR David Grigg COPYWRITER Jeannie Credidio CLIENT Washington Mutual \ ... .. 16 AWARD TJTLE AGENCY /STUDIO DESIGNER ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER CLIENT 17 Excellence How We Listen Happy Dog Advertising David Grigg David Grigg Jeannie Credidio Washington Mutual AWARD Excellence TITLE Golf Ball AGENCY ISTUDIO Cronin and Company ART DIRECTOR Martin Walsh COPYWRITER Steve Wolfberg OTHER Lisa Crawford, Christopher Biggs CLIENT Arnica Insurance -g n 0 ::s '"c 3 C1I ..... 3: P> 00 P> ~. ::s C1I » 0< C1I a. :!? ::s 00 ;AWARD Excellence TITLE Egg AGENCY /STUDIO Cronin and Company ART DIRECTOR Martin Walsh COPYWRITER Steve Wolfberg OTHER Lisa Crawford, Christopher Biggs CLIENT Arnica Insurance AWARD TITLE AGENCY/STUDIO ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER OTHER CLIENT Excellence Hose Cronin and Company Martin Walsh Steve Wolfberg Lisa Crawford, Christopher Biggs Arnica Insurance 9: < 0: c e?.. » 0- '" '" "0 ~ C<i ::l ~ > "0 .5 OIl AWARD Excellence c TITLE Nonni's Ad Smell the Biscotti "E'" AGENCY /STUDIO co:lab <1) > "0 DESIGNER Rich Hollant <1) ART DIRECTOR Rich Hollant ~ ONc COPYWRITER Rich HoJlant t'<l OIl t'<l PHOTOGRAPHY Beth Galton CLIENT Nonni's Foods :2 '<1) E ::l '"0C U § - .' • .. --.................... _--_-.....-- -_......-_._(liii0 ..100 _ 1 .. _ ...... _ AWARD Silver TlTLE The Anti Picture AGENCY /STUDIO Happy Dog Advertising DESIGNER David Grigg ART DIRECTOR David Grigg COPYWRlTER Jeannie Credidio CLIENT Washington Mutual '- <1) E ::l '"oC U AWARD Excellence TlTLE Arnica Magazine Series AG ENCY /STUDIO Cronin and Company ART DIRECTOR Martin Walsh COPYWRITER Steve Wolfberg OTHER Lisa Crawford, Christopher Biggs CLIENT Arnica Insurance \ 20 21 AWARD Silver TITLE Fireworks Cruise AGENCY ISTUDIO Outthink ART DIRECTOR Mike Skiles CREATlVE DIRECTOR Kathee Speranza-Ryan COPYWRITER Nicki Palmer CLIENT Mohegan Sun ~ AWARD Silver n TlTLE Edward Hopper Consumer Direct Mail 0 ::l en AGENCY ISTUDIO Wondriska Russo c: 3 DESIGNER Stacy Lynn Baran ...,Cl> ART DIRECTOR Dennis Russo 9..., PRINTING Acme Printing Cl> PAPER Via ~ CLIENT Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 3: ~. AWARD Excellence TlTLE Doral Golf Resort & Spa Legends Ballroom Coaster Campaign AGENCY ISTUDIO Outthink CREATIVE DIRECTOR Sue MacClain COPYWRITER Jane Hudson PRINTlNG Thames CLIENT Doral Golf Resort & Spa " • t I " AWARD TITLE AGENCY ISTUDIO ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER OTHER CLl ENT Excellence Egg Cronin and Company Martin Walsh Steve Wolfberg Lisa Crawford, Christopher Biggs Arnica Insurance AWARD TITLE AGENCY ISTUDIO ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER OTHER CLIENT Excellence Hose Cronin and Company Martin Walsh Steve Wolfberg Lisa Crawford, Christopher Biggs Arnica Insurance AWARD TITlE AGENCY ISTUDIO ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER OTHER CLIENT Excellence Golf Bal Cronin and Company Martin Walsh Steve Wolfberg Lisa Crawford, Christopher Biggs Arnica Insurance :=:':'~'::"!':..~:..... ..::== ~ ................ --........... ...,.......... ... _____ .... _ --===-__ ~--....,..--,.. CoI""-"""~_ "- UU;~..... , .. .I - 22 -----.~ - - ",V."ll AR ELAST:IC...'1.V"A:IST PANTS. ~7< "-""Wn~1I ~G,AT"'''' " 7< 7<_ 7< J.d.", lit , ... I n ~IIOC:O"',U' ",., ' ..... '" , TII"~l IIlD I UfTl . ur ....... u • • ,.,., .. u yO.I,.U¥(- lIInllflKII....,a "'n'._ouu............ c,o.f UU • .,.. .. ' . " ..."III ••• CIfCU . . UI't .... tMl.n:·· 7< ./,<'li.:......~'"" ---~- -":ECK OUT OUR ·OALVES. T "7< * * _ _ _ _ _ ...... __ •.,'cu ...• _. _ _ .. _ ..... .. n . '.... . . ooar ....... _'U .-·-_·..... · "'..._ .....-.. . - ........ _u... _ _ _ .... · ...... -.... • OOUlI - . r..._ _ ... •• · n...- ~ ...... _'_ "" ..... -.. ..-..... Dl:t.uu" ......f...c_~1N 1 7< UI ..nll', ~"';. , lIfTl , ~nHT"ton . \,~ 23 ,p rlll IUl" ' OC:~P ' 111 -BIGE AWARD Excellence TITLE The Little E's (newsprint) AGENCY /STUDIO Mascola Group ART DlRECTOR Nick Healy COPYWRITER Michelle Yue PHOTOGRAPHY Derek Dudek CLlENT The Big E _._- _------- .. ~-:=:::"":..---:-...::== ~ ..... .. _CoII_....,II\_ .... _ .. .... - .... _ ___ _ _ U ti .... ...." AWARD Excellence TITLE Arnica Newspaper Series AGENCY/STUDIO Cronin and Company ART DIRECTOR Martin Walsh COPYWRlTER Steve Wolfberg PHOTOGRAPHY Derek Dudek OTHER Lisa Crawford, Christopher Biggs CLIENT Arnica Insurance • _-.n' Ull" U~ . _ -:,~ It's a tractor. It's a bug. It's a .. .what the heck is it? · ,,",·t-'"-"_·~'<I . "<......,-_.... _-" . ~--- ."".,... "•• Iooc .... ~.b. .. u.... ....l-"' ..., .... __ ...... <... ~,._. Data, Analytics. and Decision SuPPOrL It's all fun and games until someone loses an ann. ~'.'4 'P" ". 'h •• "'.......... ) ..... " ... ISO COR£ SEfMCU ... __ .... _ _ . -"o.~ . _~- Data. An.'li}1ICS, and Decision Suppon. ... _c... AWARD TITLE AGENCY /STUD[O DESIGNER ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER OTHER Silver History Isn't Made Keiler & Company Paul Emery Paul Emery Sean Benton Donna Lisitano, Communications Manager, Kim Prauda, Senior Account Manager CLIENT Stanley Proto AWARD TITLE AGENCY/STUDIO DES[GNER ART D[RECTOR COPYWRITER OTHER Silver Their Shoulders Keiler & Company Paul Emery Paul Emery Sean Benton Donna Lisitano, Communications Manager, Kim Prauda, Senior Account Manager CLIENT Stanley Proto Thouundli elf ~oplt; work In ConnKticul'l In,urOlo<e Induslry. lut SonH!oflhdr best work Isdoneouuldtt~off1ce.. AWARD TITLE AGENCY/STUDIO ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER OTHER Excellence Outside the Office Cronin and Company Wayne Raicik Steve Wolfberg Lisa Crawford, Lauren Kyle, Tom Bradley CLIENT Insure Connecticut's Future ----- .. ...-.-.. . . ------ ~ -~ , . . . .. c; . . . . Cy . . . y·., .... . . • _ - ......... . _ _1 .......... \ ~. 26 27 AWARD Excellence TITLE Imperfect World Campaign AGENCY /STUDIO DiBacco + Company ART DIRECTOR Louis DiBacco COPYWRITER Robert Dennis ILLUSTRATION Louis DiBacco PHOTOGRAPHY Getty Images CUENT ACSTAR Insurance Co. AWARD Excellence TITLE Field Stone - Rock Solid Relationships AGENCY/STUDIO PlowShare Group DESIGNER Karl Maruyama ART DIRECTOR Jeff Boal COPYWRITER John LaRock PHOTOGRAPHY Larry Robins CLIENT Fieldstone Mortgage. n II • • r ~ THE VENUE'S HOT. THE FOOO'S DIVINE. THE STAFF IS HIP. THE MUSIC'S FINE . BUT THE UNTOUCHED CUP'S.. . ~ ~ AWARD Silver TITLE Saccuzzo Coffee Direct Mail Campaign AGENCY/STUDIO Fathom COPYWRITER Kathleen Brouder CLIENT Saccuzzo Coffee . • o ~. AWARD Excellence TITLE Elevator Shaft AGENCY /STUDlO Happy Dog Advertising DESIGNER David Grigg ART DIRECTOR David Grigg COPYWRITER Jeannie Credidio PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Coon CLIENT The New York Foundling AWARD Excellence TITLE Cigarette Butt AGENCY /STUDIO Happy Dog Advertising CIl "0 DESIGNER David Grigg (;i ART DIRECTOR David Grigg « ::s COPYWRITER Jeannie Credidio :2 > PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Coon "0 c CLIENT The New York Foundling 00 c 'r;; "-2 <!) > "0 « (;i c .2 3..... ..:: AWARD Excellence CIl TITLE Stupid and Ugly AGENCY/STUDIO Happy Dog Advertising DESIGNER David Grigg g ART DIRECTOR David Grigg COPYWRITER Jeannie Credidio PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Coon CLIENT The New York Foundling AWARD Excellence TITLE Sister's Bedroom AGENCY /STUDIO Happy Dog Advertising DESIGNER. David Grigg ART DIRECTOR David Grigg COPYWRITER Jeannie Credidio PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Coon CLIENT The New York Foundling ~. J~ ,- --~ AWARD Excellence TITLE Edward Hopper Exhibition Ads AGENCY/STUDIO Wondriska Russo DESIGNER Heather Williams ART DIRECTOR Dennis Russo COPYWRITER Jeannie Credidio CLIENT Museum of Fine Arts, Boston • • AWARD Excellence TITLE Old Kinderhook AGENCY /STUDlO Outthin k DESrGNEI~ Troy Monroe JUNIOR ART DIRECTOR Jackie DeStefano CREATIVE DIRECTOR Kathee Speranza-Ryan COPYWRITERS Jane Hudson, Phil Clement CLIENT Playground / Old Kinderhook • til ~ E-< ..... o o '5 -0 o AWARD Excellence TITLE Abandon No One AGENCY/STUDIO Happy Dog Advertising DESIGNER David Grigg ART DIRECTOR David Grigg COPYWRITER Jeannie Credidio PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Coon CLIENT The New York Foundling , ~, ~ . .I All 30 31 AWARD Excellence TITLE Elastic Waist Pants AGENCY/STUDIO Mascola Group ART DIRECTOR Nick Healy COPYWRITER Michelle Yue PHOTOGRAPHY Derek Dudek CLIENT The Big E » 0< ('1> a. AWARD Excellence :!? ::l TITLE Degas to Picasso Harvard (IO Elevator Wrap AGENCY /STUDIO Wondriska Russo DESIGNER Stacy Lynn Baran ART DIRECTOR Dennis Russo CLlENT Museum of Fine Arts, Boston R • .g n AWARD Silver TITLE Mohegan Sun 10th Anniversary Direct Marketing Campaign ~. (IO AGENCY/STUDIO Outthink ::l DESIGNER Christine Jaworski JUNIOR ART DIRECTOR Kelly Clark ART DIRECTOR Mike Skiles CREATIVE DIRECTOR Kathee Speranza-Ryan n 0 3 2: ::l ('1> 0- COPYWRITER Nicki Palmer $: ('1> PRINTING Thames 0- CLIENT Mohegan Sun • ~ 3 -0 ~ t AWARD TITLE AGENCY /STUDlO ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER CLIENT Excellence Snowbridge at Blue - Campaign Outthink Kathleen Damiata Jane Hudson Playground/ Snowbridge at Blue AWARD Excellence TITLE AGENCY /STUDlO ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER OTHER Not Enough Time Campaign Cronin and Company Martin Walsh Steve Wolfberg Lester Ayala, Usa Crawford, Christopher Biggs CLIENT Arnica Insurance c 00 .til AWARD TITLE i\GENCY ISTUDIO DESIGNERS 0. E oj U ART DIRECTORS COPYWRITERS PHOTOG EAPHY PROGRA\1MING OTHER PRINTING CLIENT Excellence Corbin Russwin Museo Campaign Creative Services Group LLC Kathleen Massini, Claire Zoghb, Sarah Stevens Kathleen Massini, Claire Zoghb Claire Zoghb, Helene Kelly Al Ferreira Kyle Dostaler, Sara h Stevens www.corbinrusswinmuseo.com Phoenix Press Corbin Russwin AWARD Excellence TITLE MFA, Fashion Show AGENCY/STUDIO DESIGNER ART DIRECTOR COPY\'\!RITER CLIENT Exhibition Campaign Wondriska Russo Heather Williams Dennis Russo St eve Wolfberg Museum of Fine Arts, Bost< \. 32 AWARD TlTLE AGENCY /STUDrO COPYWRITER OTHER CLIENT Excellence Mount Gigantor Mascola Group Matt Sawyers Produced by Tapeworks Jiminy Peak Mountain Resorts 33 MOUNT GIGANTOR: JLMINY PEAK? TAKE MY CUSTOMERS? NONSENSE! JIMINY PEAK: Actually, I make perfect sense. I have a great base area, kids' programs and slopeside lodging - just like you. MOUNT GIGANTOR (still defiant): RIDICULOUS! I AM MOUNT GIGANTOR! JIMINY PEAK :50 "MOUNT GIGANTOR" JLMINY PEAK: Hi, I'm Jiminy Peak, and I'm a ski resort in the northern BerkshiIes. But you can just call me Jiminy. MOUNT GIGANTOR (thundering): I AM VERMONT'S MOUNT GIGANTOR- ADORED BY FAMILIES EVERYWHERE. JLMINY PEAK: Exactly. You're huge. And with you, it's sorta hard to keep track of the kids. MOUNT GIGANTOR (some doubt): MAYBE I SHOULD LOSE SOME WEIGHT. JIMINY PEAK: No, no. Well maybe. Just around your lift lines. See, there's less waiting with me. I have 7 chairlifts, and one's a high-speed six-pack. MOUNT GIGANTOR (insecurity coming through) : WHAT ELSE DO PEOPLE SAY ABOUT ME? JLMINY PEAK: Yeah. We need to talk about that. JIMINY PEAK: Just that you seem sort of far away. MOUNT GIGANTOR (still thundering): ABOUT WHAT? JLMINY PEAK: Families. A lot of them are switching to m e and I'm just saying , no hard feelings. MOUNT GIGANTOR: FAR AWAY ? JIMINY PEAK: You know, a little distant. [:10 tag to follow] • AWARD TrTLE AGENCY/STUDIO COPYWRlTER OTHER CLlENT Excellence The Little E's (radio) Mascola Group Michelle Yue Produced by Tapeworks The Big E Spot 1 :30 "ELASTIC-WAIST PANTS" NY Lady: Listen up, doll. When ya go to The Big E, do yourself a favah and wear elastic-waist pants. My mutha, God rest her soul, liked to call them buffet pants. But that's neither here nor there. NY Lady: What I'm trying to say is, with all those cream puffs, lobsta rolls, baked potatas - and chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven - it's like ya died and gone to heaven. So wear the pants, okay? I just want you to be comfortable, bubbalah. That's all. VO: The Big E. It's your own little world. September 15th through October 1St. Spot 2 :30 "TuBE Top" Old Lady: Back when I was a girl, my sister Martha and I would sneak off to Mardi Gras down in New Orleans. We told mama we were at a youth convention. Oh, but we were shaking our maracas on the dance floor. Let's just say we came home with lots of beads. Old Lady: Of course, now you can just go to The Big E for a Mardi Gras parade. And you don't even have to sneak out or wear a tube top. But that doesn't mean I won't. VO: The Big E. It's your own little world. September 15th through October 1St Spot 3 :25 "THE DOG'S MEow" Eastern European Guy: I come from very far away - all the way from Framingham - to tell you this. I will be shopping at The Big E for my new girlfriend - Cindy from Southie. Eastern European Guy: I could get her a fancy T-shirt or a rock and roll poster. But she said she wants something big and shiny. So when I am giving her this big and beautiful tractor, she will think I am the dog's meow, yes? VO: The Big E. It's your own little world. September 15th through October 1St. • AWARD Silver TITLE Signs AGENCY /STUDIO Cronin and Company ART DIRECTOR Martin Walsh COPYWRITER Steve Wolfberg OTHER Lester Ayala, Christopher Biggs CLlENT Arnica Insurance AWARD Excellence TITLE Egg AGENCY/STUDIO Cronin and Company ART DIRECTOI1 Martin Walsh co c ''2'" Q) COPYWRITER Steve Wolfberg OTHER Le st er Ayaka, Christopher Biggs CLIENT Arnica Insurance > "0 -<C o .~ > Q) ~ AWARD Excellence TITLE Cars Are People Too AGENCY/STUDIO Cronin and Company ART DIRECTOR Martin Walsh COPYWRITER Steve Wolfberg OTHER Lester Ayaka, Christopher Biggs CLIENT Arnica Insurance \ AWARD TITLE AGENCY /STUDIO ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER OTHER CLlENT Excellence How Do You Like? Cronin and Company Martin Walsh Steve Wolfberg Lester Ayaka, Christopher Biggs Arnica Insurance ~ ~ < (I) o ::l » 0< ~ a. (I) ::l QQ • a AWARD TITLE AGENCY/STUDIO ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER OTH ER CLIENT • Excellence Arnica TV Series Cronin and Company Martin Walsh Steve Wolfberg Lester Ayaka, Christopher Biggs Arnica Insurance AWARD Excellence TITLE Introducing Kerzner Marine Foundation AGENCYiSTUDIO Outthink ART DIRECTOR Martin Walsh COPYWRITER Steve Wolfberg PRODUCER Charlie Shaw CLIENT Kerzner = • AWARD Silver TITLE ESPN/MuhammadAIi Documentaries AGENCY iSTUDIO TELEVERSEMEDIA, LLC DESIGNER Paul Apito ART DIRECTOR Paul Apito COPY\!\!RITER Steve Wolfberg CLIENT ESPN Original Entertainment • NO FISHING FOR WILD BROOK TROUT BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL DEAD Killed by sprawl, fOfest ~s poor wal ei'" management . and declining air qualily. In 118 tAT! UR1I1111111M lIT 111111 CAN I EUVEI. lIND IIl IlW 111l8ll1l.m AWARD Silver TITLE No Fishing AGENCY iSTUDIO Keiler & Company DESIGNER Nicole Pawlowski ART DIRECTOR Paul Kingsford COPYWRITER St eve Culton OTHER Construction Ricky Underwood CLIENT Trout Unlimited 36 37 AWARD Silver TITLE Past, Present & Future Celebrating 50 years of Dove AGENCY /STUDIO Integrated Marketing Services DESIGNERS Emily Grace, Melissa Ford CREATIVE DIRECTOR Julia Contacessi COPYWRITER Sarah Davis PRODUCTION Don Coffey, Christine Lovello VENDOR Promotional Industries CLIENT Unilever Silver Sikorsky Technical Fellows AGENCY /STUDIO Smart Graphics DESIGNERS Marilena Vaccaro, Danielle Mullarney ART DIRECTOR Sandy Vaccaro PHOTOGRAPHY Sandy Vaccaro PRINTING Moor Wallace PAPER Cover: Splendorlux Black Pearl Text: 100 lb Superfine Ultra White Smooth Cover CLIENT Sikorsky Aircraft AWARD Excellence TITLE Better with Age Dove Pro· Age Sales Kit AGENCY/STUDIO Integrated Marketing Services DESIGNER Kevin Gironda ART DIRECTOR Melissa Ford CREATIVE DIRECTOR Julia Contacessi COPYWRITER Matt Nadler PRODUCTION Don Coffey VENDOR Promotional Industries CLIENT Unilever • . ' ~I\SCOll\ !l UROUP oO""R1.,.o1lr:tr~GflOUP6~~ of''ICE~WS6~IJE.I'T~~ --- StJ",tlOHS ~ .. \'\ .. _ _ ~ )IJII-"~ ,t.II"'- .Q..-I~ ,\'10 1l ...""""Ooro ,""",~'t" -- ... _roU""I1. _ ... '3 ~f-\~\. "" " aoO - -.l en f\:> ~l'·'\I\.;:. o 'O\loflt'...o _ .... <:P _,,~t.-"''''i.....J _ ~\.:O -..\ .... WfdZ-"l~O~,,"I't.J. -_. ...,. ... ---"'_. 40 41 AWARD Silver TITLE Taylor Design Design Calendar AGENCY /STUDIO Taylor Design DESIGNER Ken Hocker ART DIRECTOR Daniel Taylor COPYWRITER Staff ILLUSTRATION Dan Taylor, Nora Vaivads, Michelle Dore, Hannah Fichandler, Mark Barrett, Steve Habersang, Ken Hocker, Erin Cummings, Katherine Chordas, Mike Kranz, Suzanne Reusch, Vaughn Fender PRINTING Printech AWARD Silver TITLE Why Keiler? AGENCY /STUDIO Keiler & Company DESIGNER Michele Hyjek ART DIRECTOR Michele Hyjek COPYWRITERS Kristen Ehrlich, Gini Kramer , z:::a C/J ~ ~ """" ILLUSTRATION Staff '"'"'0 .... PRINTING Pond Ekberg 0 3 PAPER 80lb Porcelain Gloss Cover CLIENT Keiler & Company ~ o· ::s AWARD Silver TITLE Sikorsky Fellows Brochure AGENCY/STUDIO Smart Graphics DESIGNER Marilena Vaccaro ART DIRECTOR Sandy Vaccaro PHOTOGRAPHY Sandy Vaccaro OTHER Wire-O, Plastic, Diecut PRINTING Andrews CT, an RR Donnelley Company PAPER Splendorlux Black Pearl FDSP 93# and Finch Fine VHF Cover 100# CLIENT Smart Graphics • .,. .. t AWARD Excellence TITLE Taylor Design Summer Promotion AGENCY/STUDIO Taylor Design DESIGNERS Suzy Reusch, Hannah Fichandler ART DIRECTOR Daniel Taylor CO PYVVRlTERS Daniel Taylor, Stacey ResniKoff ILLUSTRATION Dan Taylor, Nora Vaivads, Michelle Dore, Hannah Fichandler, Mark Barrett, Steve Habersang, Ken Hocker, Erin Cummings, Katherine Chordas, Mike Kranz, Suzanne Reusch CLIENT Taylor Design AWARD Excellence TITLE Golf Digest "Live to Play" Look Book AGENCY /STUDIO Golf Digest Publications DESIGNESR Lance Hertzbach, Deb Chute ART DIRECTOR Lance Hertzbach PHOTOGRAPHY Staff Photographers PRINTING Professional Graphics, Inc CLIENT Golf Digest Publications AWARD Excellence TITLE Things That Go Together; a calendar of visual riddles AGENCY ISTUDIO Cheney & Company DESIGNER Andrea Hopkins ART DIRECTOR Andrea Hopkins CO PYWRITER Carol Cheney PHOTOGRAPHY Shutterstock PRINTING Harty Press PAPER McCoy Silk CLIENT Cheney & Co AWARD Excellence TITLE The Zemoga Reel AGENCY ISTUDIO Zemoga DESIGNERS Daniel Licht, Alejandro Gomez ART DIRECTOR Daniel Licht zemoga'" rrp""ti ... edillitally CREATIVE DIRECTOR OJ Edgerton 4 '? PROGRAMMING Daniel Iregui CLIENT Zemoga ' ';:;I!? ... 11<- AWARD Silver TITLE Constellation Brands Inc. 2006 Annual Report AGENCY iSTUDIO Bertz Design Group DESIGNER Mark Terranova ~f"I- ",:","11 ,,, sr "U. ,,~ ART DIRECTOR Ted Bertz COPYWRITERS Mike Martin, John McCue PHOTOGRAPHY Paul Horton PRINTING Canfield & Tack PAPER Appleton Utopia UlX CLIENT Constellation Brands Inc. t:: 0 0.. 11) 0::: t<i =s c c <C 11) "(;3 ... 0 ...0 0.. U AWARD Excellence TITLE Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority Annual Report AGENCY ISTUDIO Outthink DESIGNERS Brian Grabell, Troy Monroe ART DIRECTOR Kathee Speranza-Ryan COPYWRITER Phil Clement PRINTING Thames Printing CLIENT Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority Gi;] f!::§J AWARD Excellence TITLE Kaman Annual Report AGENCY /STUDIO Desantis Breindel DESIGNER Patrick Durgan-Bruce COPYWRITER Russ Jones PHOTOGRAPHY Lanny Nagler, and Stock PRINTING Finlay CLIENT Kaman Corporation 44 45 AWARD Silver TlTLE Keep America Beautiful Annual Report AGENCY ISTUDIO Taylor Design DESIGNER Mark Barrett ART DfRECTOR Daniel Taylor COPYWRrIERS Rob Wallace, Larry Kaufman CUENT Keep America Beautiful AWARD Silver TITLE Hartford Hospital Annual Report AGENCY/STUDIO Ritz Henton Design Group DESIGNER Ritz Henton COPYWRITER Noreen Kirk PHOTOGR.APHY Lanny Nagler, Joy Taylor OTHER Lee Monroe PRINTING AM Litho CLIENT Hartford Hospital STANDING OUT OUT standing AWARD Excellence TrILE UCONN Foundation Annual Report AGENCY /STUDIO Pita Communications DESIGNER Lisa Santoro ART DlRECTO R Paul Pita COPYWRITER Client PRINTING Lithographics, Inc PAPER Mohawk Navajo PHOTOGRAPHY Alan Grant CLIENT UCONN Foundation • t 46 47 AWARD Silver TITLE China Book AGENCY ISTUDIO co:lab DESIGNER Rich Hollant ART DIRECTOR Rich Hollant COPYVv'RITERS Rich Hollant, Andrew Szegedy-Maszak PHOTOGRAPHY Derek Dudek Jim Coon, Jeffrey Delombard OTHER The People of China PRINTING AM Lithography PAPER Sappi McCoy CLIENT Derek Dudek to o o;;0;- m AWARD Silver TITLE Canton, CT, The Bicentennial Commemorative Book AGENCY ISTUDIO Central Design, CCSU DESIGNERS Melissa Nardiello, Jessica Keller, Nick Corey, Lorena Iturrino ART DIRECTOR Susan Vial PRINTING Wolf Colorprint PAPER Potlach Northwest Recycled 80# Cover Gloss CLIENT The Town of Canton, CT - • t AWARD Excellence '" ~ TITLE LEGO Magazine. .~ AGENCY I STlJ DrO LEGO In House Agency "0 0 ·c DESIGNERS John Madrid, Deanna Ratches, ~ Q., Scott Decoteau ~ ART DrRECTORS Jeremy Brazeal, Toby Dutkewicz ..... E COPYWRITER Greg Farshtey, Daniel Lipkowitz :::l '"s::0 ILLUSTRATION Timothy Otis U PHOTOGRAPHY Atwater Studios PROGRAMMING Atwater Studios - Dave Michalak @:I ~ PRINTING Quad Graphics CLIENT Lego Systems Inc • ~esryan ,~,,,,",-,,.,.,, III' \' /- , AD "Istnet Ie\{ p Attorney On ;~7 Crime AFTER '\ KATRINA 1\ AWARD Excellence TITLE Wesleyan Magazin e Alumni Series AGENCY ISTUDrO Wesleyan University Office of Publications DESIGNER Steven Jacaruso ART DIRECTOR Steven Jacaruso PRINTING Wolf Printing PAPER Mohawk 50 /10 CLlENT Wesleyan University • • '"s::0 AWARD Ex cellence ~ u TITLE CIT Assimilation Program AGENCY ISTUDIO Creative Fusion Design Company :0 DESIGNERS Craig Des Roberts, Chris Walsh :::l Q., ART DIRECTOR Craig DesRoberts ~ ~ » 0.. COPYWRITER Eliza Sweet 0 PRINTING Andrews CT E PAPER Mohawk, Becket Enhance i-Ll CLIENT CIT @:I ~ ~ , AWARD Silver nTLE Cans AGENCY /STUDIO Happy Dog Advertising DESIGNER Jen Tiroletto ART DIRECTOR David Grigg COPYWRITER Jeannie Credidio CLlENT Happy Dog Wear AWARD Silver nTLE Doggie Bag AGENCY/STUDIO Happy Dog Advertising DESIGNER Jen Tiroletto ART DIRECTOR David Grigg COPYWRITER Jeannie Credidio CLl ENT Happy Dog Wear AWARD Silver TITLE LEGO Batman Packaging AGENCY /STUDIO LEGO in house agency DESIGNER John McCormack ART DIRECTOR John McCormack ILLUSTRATION Greg Hyland, Timothy Otis PHOTOGRAPHY Atwater Studios - Dave Michalak PRINTING Color Box CLIENT LEGO SYSTEMS INC -" 50 51 AWARD Excellence TITLE Thinkfast (5'iJ AGENCY ISTUDIO Silver Creative Group ~ DESIGNER Tracy Waxenberg 'i:l po ART DIRECTOR Tracy Waxen berg (") ILLUSTRATION Laura Tallardy ;>;" po CLfENT Zelco (fQ 5aQ Z .1 AWARD Silver TITLE Flatiron Works AGENCY (STUDIO Rena DeBortoli DeSign DESlGNER Rena DeBortoli ART DlRECTOI~ Ren a DeBo rtoli PAPER Met a l - Aluminum CLfENT FlatIron Works AWARD Silver TITLE Church of the Holy Spirit AGENCY ISTUDIO Ch eney & Company DESIGNER Jennifer Anderson ART DIRECTOR Jennifer Anderson PAPER Strathmore CLIENT Church ofthe Holy Light • .. AWARD Silver TITLE FlatIron Works Business Card AGENCY /STUDIO Rena De Bortoli Design DESIGNER Rena DeBortoli ART DIRECTOR Rena DeBortoli PAPER Metal - Aluminum CUENT FlatIron Works AWARD Excellence TITLE Saturnia Stationery AGENCY /STUDIO traciedesigns DESIGNER Tracie Valentino ' .:. ,. ':', ,:. ", :: ' :: , .:" ; ART DIRECTOR Jennifer Anderson . CLlENT Saturnia LLCt . .; . .:. AWARD Excellence TITLE PlowShare Stationer y AGENCY/STUDIO PlowShare Group DESIGNER Karl Maruyama \ ART DIRECTOR Jeff Boal COPYWRITER John LaRock PAPER Mohawk Options CLIENT PlowShare Groupt " -J, AWARD Excellence TITLE Elements Stationery Suite AGENCY ISTUDIO Elements DESIGNERS Rebekka Kuhn, J Berry ART DIRECTOR Amy Graver COPYWRITER Jim Katz ILLUSTRATION Joy Deangdeelert Cho PRINTING Printech PAPER Letterhead & Business Card: Domtar Feltweave, recycled white Envelop es: Mohawk strathmore w riting label CUENT Elements AWARD Excellence TITLE Horne Connecticut Stationery AGENCY ISTUDlO Fathom DESIGNER John Lepak ART DIRECTOR Brent Robertson ILLUSTRATION John Lepak CLIENT Horne Connecticut 1 Partnership For Strong Communities AWARD Excellence TITLE Svigals + Partners Stationery AGENCY ISTLJDIO Keiler & Company DESIGNER Nicole Pawlowski ART DIRECTOR Michele Hyjek PRINTING Pond Ekberg Company PAPER Cranes Fluorescent White Wove 24lb 100% Cotton CLIENT Svigals + Partners • .. I ...... AWARD Excellence "~I TlTLE Zemoga Stationery ::" ~ c AGENCY /STLJDIO Zemoga DESIGNER Dan Licht CREATiVE DlRECTORS OJ. Edgerton, A. Gomez lLLlJSTRATION Dan Licht - Q) c o PRINTING Paul's Prosperous Printing zemoga'" •. Ei C/J • PAPER Strathmore/Carolina CLIENT Zemoga • • MAN HAT TAN AWARD Silver TITLE Manhattan Logo AGENCY /STLJDIO Kevin Hall Design DESIGNER Kevin Hall ART DIRECTOR Kevin Hall CLIENT Splash, Ltd. H R H F TH H PIRI AWARD Silver TITLE Church of the Holy Spirit AGENCY /STLJDIO Cheney & Company DESIGNER Jennifer Anderson ART DIRECTOR Jennifer Anderson CLIENT Church ofthe Holy Spirit ~. 54 55 AWARD Excellence TITLE mediaBOOM logo AGENCY/STUDIO mediaBOOM DESIGNERS Sean Cooke, Pete r Dunbar ART DIRECTOR Frank DePino CLIENT mediaBOOM §'1l ~ AWARD Excellence TITLE Canson Edition Printmaking Papers Logo AGENCY ISTUDIO Ostro Design DESIGNER MichaelOstra ART DIRECTOR Michael Ostra COPYWRITERS Bob Toth, Janet Unger ILLUSTRATION MichaelOstro :Y" PRINTING Bob Tot h , VP Marketing Canson CLlENT Canson Papers -l ..., Pl a. ("D 3 Pl ..., '"'" r0 OQ 0 '" 0: ("D g. Q AWARD Excellence TITLE Hopetown Coffee Roasters Logo AGENCY /STUDJO Rena DeBortoli Design DESIGNER Rena DeBortoli ART DIRECTOR Rena DeBortoli ILLUSTRATION Rena DeBortoli CLIENT Hopetown Coffee Roasters • AWARD TITLE AGENCY /STUDIO DESIGNER ART DIRECTOR ILLUSTRATION CLI ENT Excellence CESO Productions Logo Rena DeBortoli Design Rena DeBortoli Rena DeBortoli Rena DeBortoli CESO Productions CESO PRODUCTIONS AWARD Excellence TITLE Proto 100th Anniversary Logo AGENCY/STUDIO Keiler & Company DESIGNER Paul Emery OTHER Donna Lisitano, Communications Manager, Kim Prauda, Senior Account Manager CLI ENT Stanley Proto • AWARD Silver TITLE Healthyville Exhibit AGENCY/STUDIO Stepping Stones Museum for Children DESIGNER Paul Emery ART DIRECTOR Sheri Cifaldi COPYWRITERS Stepping Stones Museum for Children and WGBH Interactive ILLUSTRATION Mark Collins, Stepping Stones Museum for Children, Workshop Design and WGBH Interactive OTHER Exhibit Architecture: Workshop Design Exhibit Graphics: Stepping Stones Museum for Children and Workshop Designs AV Design and Development; WGBH Interactive Fabricator: 1220 Exhibits CLIENT Stepping Stones Museum for Children \ 56 57 AWARD Excellence TITLE The Wine Thief Signage ~ AGENCY ISTUDIO Group C Inc ~ DESIGNER Peter Stockmal en ART DIRECTOR Bradford Collins 00 ::l po 00 FABRICATOR Gaudio so Sign CLIENT Karl Ronne (1) • AWARD Silver TITLE VIP Brochure AGENCY ISTUDIO The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. ~ ~ DESIGNER Marilou Soltis ART DIRECTOR Marilou Soltis COPYWRITER Georgia Peterson OTHER Director of Creative Services: David Mozdziak PRINTING 1. C. Otto PAPER Brochure: Sappi Hanno Art Silk Sleeve: Ne enah Classic Columns XL Finish CLIENT The Hartford, Middle Market CO c ~. ::l (1) en en 0 CO c ~. ::l (1) en '"OJ .... 0 (") ::r ....c (1) en AWARD Excellence TITLE Flambeau River Papers Swatchbook AGENCY ISTUDIO Plaid DESIGNER Leigh Trefny COPYWRITER Eliza Sweet PHOTOGRAPHY Chip Simons PRINTING Cellmark PAPER Flambeau River Paper CLIENT Celimark/Flambeau River Papers • 58 59 AWARD Silver TITLE Art in Public Spaces - Connecticut AGENCY /STUDIO Pita Communications DESIGNER Lisa Santoro ART DIRECTOR Lisa Santoro COPYWRITER Client PHOTOGRAPHY Various PRINTING AM Litho CLIENT Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism, Arts Division AWARD Silver TITLE Connecticut's Crisis, Faces of a Broken Healthcare System AGENCY /STUDIO Fathom DESIGNER Anthony Acock ART DIRECTOR Brent Robertson COPYWRITER Karen Wagner PHOTOGRAPHY Peter Casolino PRINTING Brass City Printery CLIENT Universal Healthcare Foundation of Connecticut • t AWARD Excellence TITLE Hartford Stage Season Mailer AGENCY /STUDfO objectJresonance DESIGNERS Kevin Sepe, Mark G. Snyder COPYWRITER Karen Wagner ILLUSTRATION Various PHOTOGRAPHY Various PRINTING Wolf Colorprint PAPER Sappi Magno Dull CLIENT Hartford Stage AWARD Excellence TITLE Berkeley Carroll School: tI) ....;:::l ~ A place where you can expect more .c u 0.... AGENCY /STUDIO Cheney & Company DESIGNER Andrea Hopkins o:l E t>l ART DfRECTOR Andrea Hopkins .... COPYWRITER Katie Towler ILLUSTRATION Marshall Hopkins PHOTOGRAPHY Sven Martson, Laura Stephenson 0 a. .... 0 U PRINTING Thames Printing PAPER McCoy Silk G;) ~ CLIENT Berkeley Carroll School AWARD Excellence TITLE Edward Hopper Press Folder AGENCY /STUDfO Wondriska Russo DESIGNER Stacy Lynn Baran ART DIRECTOR Dennis Russo PRINTING Integrity PAPEI, Beckett Expressions CLIENT MFA Boston ~. 60 61 AWARD TITLE AGENCY/STUDIO DESIGNER ART DIRECTORS COPYWRITERS PHOTOGRAPHY OTHER Silver Hamer USA Guitars Kaman Music Corporation, Bloomfield CT Eileen Lanati Jol Dantzig, Scott LaChapelle Jol Dantzig Tim Norcia, Rick Whittey, Jeff Crandall Tim Norica, Graphics Department Manager Jol Dantzig, Founder Hamer Guitars Scott LaChapelle, Marketing Specialist PRINTING Arrowhead Printing PAPER loolb Centura Silk Cover & Text CLIENT Frank Rindone, Product Manager of Hamer USA Guitars n o ::J '"c 3 ~ .... AWARD TITLE AGENCY /STUDIO DESIGNER ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER CLIENT • Excellence HDW Catalog Happy Dog Advertising David Grigg David Grigg Jeannie Credidio Happy Dog Wear . ' 62 AWARD TITLE AGENCY /STUDIO DESIGNER ART DIRECTOR COPYWRITER PHOTOGRAPHY CLIENT 63 Excellence Holy Family University Viewbook Taylor Design Suzy Reusch Daniel Taylor Scott Suhr John McKeith Holy Family University to c: ~. ::l (1) en en 8" to c: ~. ::l (1) en en n I>l §:. o (]Q en • • AWARD Silver TITLE AGENCY /STUDIO DESIGNER ART DIRECTORS OTHER PRINTING CLIENT Taste of SoNo Hat Man Poster Dan Camera Design Dan Camera Dan Camera, Karl Heine Sketched by Amy Noonan Kew Digital The Creative Placement Agency AWARD TITLE AGENCY/STUDIO DESIGNER ART DI RECTORS OTHER PRINTING CLIENT • Silver Taste of SoNo Olive Poster Dan Camera Design Dan Camera Dan Camera, Karl Heine Sketched by Amy Noonan Kew Digital The Creative Placement Agency AWARD Excellence TITLE The Multicultural Leadership Institute, Inc AGENCY/STUDIO Central Design, CCSU DESIGNERS Sarah Dupuis, Jamie Paakkonen, Stephen Meszaros, Blair Carney ART DIRECTOR Susan Vial ILLUSTRATION Blair Carney PRINTING Lebon Press PAPER loolb Galerie Art Gloss Text CLIENT The Multicultural Leadership Institute, Inc ''" '"0 AWARD Excellence 2:l TITLE The Multicultural Leadership Institute, Inc AGENCY /STUDJO Central Design, CCSU DESIGNERS Sarah Dupuis, Jamie Paakkonen, Stephen Meszaros, Blair Carney ART DIRECTOR Susan Vial ILLUSTRATION Stephen Meszaros PRINTING Lebon Press PAPER lOolb Galeri e Art Gloss Text CUENT The Multicultural Leadership Institute, Inc 0... <U (;; I-. 0 PI-. 0 U ~ @::§J AWARD Excellence TITl.E Alcohol Prevention AGENCY /STUDIO Central Design, CCSU DESIGNERS Sarah Dupuis, Jamie Paakkonen, Stephen Me szaros , Blair Carney Simply put... ART DIRECTOR Susan Vial ILLUSTRATION Sarah Dupuis PRINTING Lebon Press PAPER lOolb Galerie Art Gloss Text CLIENT Central Connecticut State University, Counseling and Wellness Center -' .. NCA ALL CANDY EXPO JUNE 6- 8, 2006 ~PLACEWEllOEctJfTE1\ - CH ICAGO, Il ~aI · BOOTl r tlV~ NO . 800 j.~ .. PV c..d,!III ..... ~boc:Iit -.I ....... Ioe.ori...t~produa. o/I'u.......IIcv.ddecltl=bilitr,quicl< IlIfNancI_profll. ),;eep y[z f:qh r.,.7Wr(D~,..d"'Pbylo.W:"ill IM-obowl ~ CHEC1< OUT THE .,... PEZC1D'P91 * * * * * DESIGNED BY ~ l ·... _ .. ..r............... _ _ t"~ c..-.u,al 2tll. 7iJ!i. U5J I , .... L %2.2.. "'::'::}~;,:,"':>:,.'" .. ...... "." 72 73 AWARD Silver TITLE Choate Rosemary Hall Asia Society Invite AGENCY/STUDIO How 2 Design DESIGNER Katie Thurber ART DiRECTORS Noemi Kearns, Ruth Zelanski PRINTING Allied Printing Services, Inc. PAPER Neenah Environment, Sedona Red Parchment, 80# Cover CLlENT Choate Rosemary Hall AWARD Silver TfTLE Financial Management & Trust "Reserve Note Cards" AGENCY/STUDIO How 2 Design DESIGNERS Keith Edwards, Josh Com en, Noemi Kearns ART DIRECTOR Noemi Kearns COPYWRITER Ruth Zelanski PHOTOGRAPHY Josh Comen PRINTING Cannelli Printing PAPER Mohawk Tomahawk Marigold, 80# Cover CLIENT Financial Management & Trust, Guilford Savings Bank AWARD Excellence TITLE Fireworks Cruise AGENCY/STUDIO Outthink ART DIRECTOR Mike Skiles CREATIVE DIRECTOR Kathee Speranza-Ryan COPYWRITER Nicki Palmer CLIENT Mohegan Sun .. AWARD Excellence TITLE "We Heart NY" Wedding Announcement AGENCY /STUDIO Braincraft Design DESIGNER Sheri Cifaldi ART DIRECTOR Sheri Cifaldi CLIENT Sheri Cifaldi + Jason Morrill AWARD Excellence TITLE Taste of SoNo Olive Poster AGENCY/STUDIO Dan Camera Design DESIGNER Dan Camera ART DIRECTORS Dan Camera, Karl Heine ILLUSTRATION Dan Camera, Amy Noonan PRI NT1NG Kew Digital eLlENT Creative Placement AWARD Excellence TITLE Taste of SoNo Hat Man Poster AGENCY /STUDIO Dan Camera Design DESIGNER Dan Camera ART DlRECTOR5 Dan Camera, Karl Heine ILLUSTRAT10NS Dan Camera, Amy Noonan PRINTiNG KewDigital CLIENT Creative Placement ... 74 7S AWARD Excellence TITLE CADC Grow Call for Entries AGENCY/STUDIO Studio Incognito DESIGNER Troy Monroe ILLUSTRATION Troy Monroe PRINTING Alphagraphics PAPER Mohawk Via CLIENT Connecticut Art Directors Club AWARD Excellence TITLE Rena DeBortoli Holiday Greeting AGENCY/STUDIO Rena DeBortoli Design DESIGNER Rena DeBortoli ART DIRECTOR Rena DeBortoli CLIENT Rena DeBortoli De sign AWARD Excellence TITLE Carnegie Ball- Save the Bay Invite AGENCY /STUDIO Sonalysts, Inc. DESIGNERS Rena DeBortoli, Stephen Freitas, Michele Granville ART DIRECTORS Rena DeBortoli, Stephen Freitas PRINTING Americor Pre ss PAPER Mohawk Superfine ultrawhite eggshell, 130# Cover CLIENT O'Neill Propertie s Group, LLC • AWARD Excellence TITlE "Hello, m y name is... " AGENCY /STUDIO How 2 Design DESIGNERS ART DIRECTORS PHOTOGRAPHY PRINTING PAPER Katie Thurber, Noemi Kearns Noemi Kearns, Ruth Zelanski How 2 Design Cannelli Printing Via Pure White Smooth Finish 100# cover CLIENT The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven AWARD Excellence TITLE Financial Management & Trust AGENCY /STUDIO DESIGNER ART DIRECTOR ILLUSTRATION PRINTING PAPER Fall Seminar Invit e How 2 Design JoshComen Noemi Kearns JoshComen Cannelli Printing Mohaw k Toma haw k ~:." c>'l .. p7' ~ v Paprika & Ivory, 80# Cover CLIENT Financial Management & Trust, Guilford Savings Bank AWARD Excellence TITLE CADC Annual Holiday AGENCY iSTUDIO DESIGNER ILLlJSTRATION PRINTING CLIENT AWARD TITlE DESIGNER CLIENT Ce lebration Invit e Studio Incognito Troy Monroe Troy Monroe Lebon Press Connecticut Art Director s Club Excellence Autumn Wedding Invitation Nichole Tremblay Jennifer Shaw \ -' .. 76 77 AWARD Silver TfTLE Choate Rosemary Hall "An Opportunity to Lead" Menu/Table Card AGENCY/STUDfO How 2 Design DESfGNER Keith Edwards ART DIRECTOR Noemi Kearns PRINTING Cannelli Printing PAPER Curious Metallic White Gold & Gold Leaf CLIENT Choate Rosemary Hall AWARD Excellence TITLE Doral Golf Resort & Spa World Golf Championship Invite/Calendar AGENCY/STUDIO Outthink CREATIVE DfRECTOR Susan MacClain COPYWRfTER Jane Hudson PRINTfNG Thames Printing CLIENT Doral Golf Resort & Spa • • AWARD Silver ~"'ROSS"O~ ",~~U"'l~ TITLE CADC Grow Annual Award Show Campaign AGENCY /STUDIO Studio Incognito DESIGNERS Troy Monroe, Brian Grabell ART DIRECTOR Troy Monroe ILLUSTRATION Troy Monroe PHOTOGRAPHY Al Ferreira Photography PRINTING Alphgraphics, Cannelli Printing, Andrews CT, Lebon Press PAPER Mohawk Via, Galeria by M-Real CLIENT Connecticut Art Directors Club • §"iJ ~ 'i:l ..... 0 to ::s 0 0 n ..... (1) ~. < (1) AWARD Excellence TITLE 200 6 Durham Fair Poster AGENCY /STUDIO Bertz Design Group DESIGNER Ted Bertz ART DIRECTOR Ted Bertz COPYWRITER Ted Bertz PHOTOGRAPHY Paul Horton PRINTING Finlay PAPER 80# Mohawk Options CLIENT Durham Fair Association Q) > (;j ~ u o c o CO AWARD Excellence e TITLE JDRF Hot for the Cure AGENCY/ STUDIO Elements 0. DESIGNER Rebekka Kuhn ART DIRECTOR Amy Graver PRINTING Phoenix Press PAPER Mohawk Via Felt, Bright white 100# cover Envelopes-Neenah Eames, India pink CLIENT Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation AWA RD Excellence TITLE CADC Annual Holiday Celebration Invite AGENCY/STUDIO Studio Incognito DESIGNER Troy Monroe PRINTIN(, Lebon Pre ss CLJENT Connecticut Art Directors Club -" 78 79 ~y~ AWARD Excellence ~~ ~A~ TITLE The Connection, Inc. 2006 Annual Report, "Seeds of Change" AGENCY (STUDIO How 2 Design CO ART DIRECTORS Noemi Kearns, Ruth Zelanski 0 ::l COPYWRITER Heide Erb 0 n ..., ILLUSTRATION Katie Thurber PHOTOGRAPHY Ruth Zelanski (1) pO C. PRINTING Cannelli Printing < (1) PAPER Opaque Vanilla & Bright White Pt. .. Ii:,.,""""I, '1 a.,." CLIENT The Connection, Inc. .' AWARD Silver TITLE Crested Butte Mountain Real Estate CIMARRON www.cbliving.com/cimarron.php AGENCY/STUDIO Caffeine Tnt ltgtnd has jl,ut begun ~~:~c.:....-.::..~_ DESIGNER Kevin Goodgion .... "'11>0_- ""*'*'11 .............- _ .... ." ........ _OttOl'4_. OoooilI. ... 1I>o . . . . . . . . . _ I ICI"-_IItl,C.......... """ ART DIRECTOR Kevin Goodgion ...,..._toIh_"'IJHr_oIi __ ft Cobr-. _ _ ... ""' _ _ _ _ jIOft ....... ,....,thoIlI:IUoI _IOIN--. COPYWRITER Wayne Trudeau ILLUSTRATION Kevin Goodgion ..... ~d_s._ ... r_ot ............. c--. _ _ ...... _~~!I>o_ ..... "'Q-.lIo,.fto. Its _ ,._Ietoo. 1Iugo _ _ _ YlP_ ~_ PROGRAMMING Donavon Young, Subrato Mukherjee ............. ''''"''.l1000_,.._.....-_ ..-.. ..... -....-1513.. _ " ' _ ......... -....~ CLIENT Triple Peaks LLC - ' - - - - - .. c . . Q d - _ ...RT.O..,.,.,.._ ... _ .............. _._ ...... .,...1n __ .HN .....u.uu.. uc , AWARD Excellence TITLE Nonni's Banners AGENCY ISTUDIO co:lab DESIGNER Rich Hollant ART DIRECTOR Rich Hollant COPYWRITER Rich Hollant PHOTOGRAPHY Beth Galton OTHER www.colabinc.com/nonnisbanners CLIENT Nonni's Foods • ~ '"0 ..., 0 DESIGNER Katie Thurber _ [s=iJ AWARD Excellence TITLE Mountain Workshop www.mountainworkshop.com AGENCY/STUDIO Plaid DESIGNER Leigh Trefny COPYWRITER Eliza Sweet PROGRAMMING Paul Reilly CLIENT Mountain Workshop AWARD Excellence OJ) c: '"..... ~ TITLE What Will You See Banner AGENCY /STUDIO Cronin and Company DESIGNER David Stewart (flash) Q) > "0 « ~ ~ ART DIRECTOR Jen Vallez COPYWRITER Paul Catonese OTHER Amber Rouleau CLlENT Wadsworth Atheneum AWARD Excellence TITLE Lake Arrowhead Resort Website www.laresort.com AGENCY/STUDIO Zemoga DESIGNER Dan Licht CREATIVE DIRECTORS OJ Edgerton, A Gomez PHOTOl,RAPHY Steve Tassler PROGRAMMING Andreas Hernandez, Jeff Gordillo CLIENT Lake Arrowhead Resort, CA =ttl "1""1(1&0' 1ft: -liVe-In or out "ann cs · 8abv Perwll4f ASllStants " Hou~k~rs (",."panlons. ior the e (jed.,. -Couplell tlwS(!fT\.!J'l*,S nu(~~ 82 83 AWARD Silver TITLE Liberty Bank Power Point Presentation; Corporator's meeting AGENCY ISTUDIO co:lab with Sunrise Pictures DESIGNER Rich Hollant ART DfRECTOR Rich Hollant ~ COPYWRITERS Sue Murphy, Rich Hollant ~ PHOTOGRAPHY Derek Dudek PROGRAMMING Rich Hollant OTHER Producer/Director/Editor: Taylor Warren/Sunrise Pictures o:l c ~. ;:l ~ Cinematography: Derek Dudek en en Whacky kid with weapons: Cole Hollant CLlENT Liberty Bank Profes sional Home Staffing Services AWARD Silver TITLE Garelick Website AGENCY ISTU DIO Cronin and Company DESIGNER Wayne Raicik ART DIRECTOR Dave Stewart (flash) COPYWRITER Jill Scherrer OTH ER David Givens, Pamela Soiss on CLIENT Garelick .... ,~,~ II.'M/IOOi t1 , ,,rtkJ, F lfr""l "'-Jl fw/.. ""''!1Jl-rl~·jov/..ve Nt~f~....tl".JJ.. ~- I I AWARD Silver TITLE Twinings Website AGENCY ISTUDIO Cronin and Company DESIGNER Dave Stewart (Flash) ART DIRECTOR Wayne Raicik COPYWRITER Jill Scherrer OTHER Dan Weingrod, Chris Williams CLIENT Twinings Tea • !UrNl'.V'.....Mtf __ ~Or..~!,"~ ~ r w~",',. I A,_o, I C~~o, AWARD Excellence TITLE NatNast.com www.natnast.com AGENCY ISTUDIO re:form llc. DESIGNER Brian Miller ART DIRECTOR Brian Miller COPYWRlTER Patty Nast-Canton, Dawn Hauser PHOTOGRAPHY Fadil Berisha PROGRAMMING Raymond Acunto, Brain Miller OTHER Client Contact: Patty Nast-Canton, Dawn Hauser CLIENT Nat Nast AWARD Excellence TITLE moto website AGENCY/STUDIO co:lab DESIGNERS Rich Hollant, James Payne ART DIRECTOR Rich Hollant COPYWRITER Rich Hollant CIl CIl Q) ILLUSTRATION Rich Hollant c:: PHOTOGRAPHY Derek Dudek PROGRAMMING James Payne, Lucas McHale CIl ::l co OTHER http://www.colabinc.com/ motosite/ overview .html CLIENT Motorola I~-~ - :::::... I- I ,I - I 1-''::- --_,- 1 I ..... ".- - - -,- AWARD Excellence TlTLE www.ctchefforhire.com AGENCY ISTU D[0 Creative Fusion Design Company DESIGNERS Chris Walsh, Craig DesRoberts ART DIRECTOR Chris Walsh CLIENT Chef for Hire, llc _ __-- ... .., ...... ... _..,.... ...... _ - . .. O-" ~ -:::::...~::- -' 84 85 ---- --AWARD Excellence II .. TITLE AGENCY /STUDIO DESIGNER ART DIRECTOR CLIENT Portfolio Properties Fathom Adrian Kecki Adrian Kecki Portfolio Properties Group AWARD TITLE AGENCY/STUDIO DESIGNER PHOTOGRAPHY PROGRAMMING OTHER CLIENT Excellence Steven MuellerArchiteets Web Site NuhnDesign Peter Nuhn Jim Fiora, Philip Jensen Carter Peter Nuhn www.stevenmuellerarchiteets.com Steven Mueller Architeets TltEt'NIVflUIT' OrCONNfCTH~ITfOt'Nn"TlON INC '(, '~', \L STANDING OUT OUT standing ld,()~f c: o .~ E -~ AWARD Excellence TITLE No Child Left Inside Website AGENCY /STUDIO Cronin and Company DES1GNER Dave Stewart (Flash) ART DJRECTOR Wayne Raicik COPYWRITER Jill Scherrer OTHER Chris Williams CLIENT CT DEP -" . AWARD Silver O'l'TIlO TITLE Ostro Design Website AGENCY ISTUDIO Ostro Design O[SIG-" pruuu(.;e~ breathtaking results. " DESIGNER Michael Ostro ART DIRECTOR Frank DePino COPYWRITER Janet Unger iLLUSTRATION Michael Ostro PHOTOGRAPHY Michael Heintz PROGRAMMING Steve Erbentraut - OTHER Carl Bishop for sound design CLIENT Ostro Design r;s AWARD Excellence TITLE CADC Membership Drive email ......". '.INN' , AGENCY ISTUDIO co:lab DESIGNER Rich Hollant ART DIRECTOR Rich Hollant COPYWRITER Rich Hollant ILLUSTRATION Rich Hollant GENIUS PHOTOGRAPHY Michael Heintz .. , , .. HI' ,'"~ U', , .".. co ••.•• ' ''.'e .. ." .~ .. .~, ~t .. .. .1 ~y", ._ " PROGRAMMING Rich Hollant OTHER www.colabinc.com/ cadcmembership CLIENT CADC . "',, . ,w,.,' -" AWARD Excellence TITLE Response Website AGENCY/STUDiO Response DESIGNER Nick Paradise ART DlRECTOR Doug Conner COPYWRITER David Klineberg & Carolyn Walker PROGRAMMING Nick Paradise OTHER www.thepowertoprovoke.com -' AWARD Excellence TITLE Beijingren AGENCY/STUDIO Derek Dudek Studio VJ ::l 0 0) = DESIGNER Derek Dudek ~ Q3 u PHOTOGRAPHY Derek Dudek PROGRAMMING Derek Dudek VJ ~ CLIENT Derek Dudek Studio. ~ ~ • AWARD Silver TITLE Stamford - Shelter for the Homeless AGENCY/STUDIO PlowShare Group DESIGNER Larry Robins ART DIRECTOR Jeff Boal COPYWRITER John LaRock PHOTOGRAPHY Larry Robins, John LaRock, Pierre Fabre PRODUCERS Jeff Brown, Mark Romanski OTHER The entire spot was shot on a cell phone CLIENT Stamford - Shelter for the Homeless. o o = o:l e Q.. AWARD Excellence TITLE National Adoption Foundation Website AGENCY /STUDIO Plaid DESIGNER David Plain ART DIRECTOR Jeff Boal COPYWRiTER Eliza Sweet • National Adoption Foundation iLLUSTRATION Cynthia Rimmer PROGRAMMING Paul Reilly OTHER www.nafadopt.com CLIENT National Adoption Foundation \ -' .. 92 93 AWARD Silver TITLE China AGENCY ISTUDIO Derek Dudek Studio DESIGNER co:lab ART DIRECTOR Rich Hollant COPYWRITER Andrew Szegedy PHOTOGRAPHY Derek Dudek PRINTING AM Litho PAPER Sappi - McCoy Silk 100# AWARD Excellence TITLE La Boca AGENCY ISTUDlO Aaron Kotowski Studio PHOTOGRAPHY Aaron Kotowski 'i:l ::r o 8 (JO @ ::r "0 '< AWARD Excellence TITLE Fieldstone Rock-Shots AGENCY/STUDIO PlowShare Group DESIGNER Karl Maruyama ART DIRECTOR Jeff Boal COPYWRITER John LaRock PHOTOGRAPHY Larry Robins CLIENT Field Stone Mortgage .' 94 95 AWARD Silver TITLE Beautiful Baby AGENCY /STUDIO Thomson Illustration and Design ILLUSTRATiON Bill Thomson CLf ENT Society of Illustrators = AWARD Excellence TITLE Taste of SoNo Hat Man Poster AGENCY/STUDIO Dan Camera Design DESIGNER Dan Camera ART DIRECTORS Dan Camera, Karl Heine I LLUSTRATION Dan Camera, Amy Noonan PRINTING Kew Digital CLIENT Creative Placement n •• • me Gf: AWARD Excellence TITLE GE NBC/Universal Symposium Booklet AGENCY/STUDIO Creative Fusion -omtn< rCIQIFinonct' New Thinking • for New Media ""0 ::l . §., DE SIGNERS Craig DesRoberts, Chris Walsh COPYWRITER Eliza Sweet PHOTOGRAPHY Various Stock PRINTING Andrews CT an RR Donnelley Co PAPER Gilbert ESSE Pearlized CLfENT Creative Fusion • z:::a ~ ::l • (JQ 8 , ~ "" 96 97 AWARD Silver TITLE Aerie 2007 Magazine AGENCY/STUDIO Civic Design DESIGNER Greg Norton ART DIRECTOR Nancy Wynn PRINTING Lebon Press PAPER Cover: Wausau Terra Green Astrobright Text: Wausau Astropaque White CLlENT University of Hartford English Department AWARD Silver TITLE Alcohol Poisoning Poster AGENCY ISTUDIO Central Design, CCSU DESIGNER Lorena Iturrino ART DIRECTOR Susan Vial CLlENT Central Connecticut State University Silver TITLE Circlebet (An Encoded Text Project) )ESIGNER Michael Dionne AWARD AWARD Silver TITLE 19th Century Heroes DESIGNER Matthew D. Hunsberger ILLUSTRATION Matthew D. Hunsberger Silver TITLE life. DESIGNER Stephanie Trainor AWARD \ -" 102 103 AWARD Silver TITLE Red White and Bombs Away DESIGNER Andy Huff PAPER Arches Silk Screen BEll. WHITE MI1I3IlMIJS 1\WA VI AWARD Excellence TITLE CADC Awards Show Campaign DESIGNER Lorena Iturrino c: ::s c -0 2: ::r '" ("1) 0. AWARD TITLE DESIGNER CLIENT Excellence Unfolding Great Lives & Fortune Teller Christopher Spada CASA: Court Appointed Special Advocate AWARD Excellence TITLE Geisha ILLUSTRATlON Christine Kornacki AWARD Excellence TITLE The Lion and the Mouse ILLUSTRATION Christine Kornacki AWARD Excellence TITLE CASA Promotional Material DESIGNER Elizabeth O'Brien , -" 104 105 AWARD Excellence TlTLE Sakurair Airline Logo & Application DESIGNER Michael Dionne AWARD Excellence TlTLE Trind Cold Medicine (Packaging) DES[GNER Michael Dionne AWARD Excellence TITLE Font Recipes DESIGNER Holly Atkinson AWARD Excellence TITLE FDR ILLUSTRATlON Tom Virgin AWARD Excellence TITLE Blacks & Blues ILLUSTRATION Tom Virgin AWARD Excellence TITLE Old Jazz ILLUSTRAflON Tom Virgin ~ . "\ 106 107 ,,\WARD Excellence TITLE capriccio DESIGNER Nadia Sadhu • z ('t ::;: AWARD TITLE AGENCY ISTUDIO PROGRAMMING .. Excellence Recurrent Transformations Socialite productions Zach Harris BLOW SOME HOT AIR A night of glassblowing and conversation @ Prescient Studio, Stonington Chair: Rena DeBortoli Invitation Design: Rena DeBortoli Special thanks to Jeffrey p'an INSPIRE ME @ Westport Arts Center, Westport Chair: Karl Heine Speakers: Alex Isley and the team from Alexander Isley, Inc., David Grigg from Happy Dog Advertising Invitation Design: Alex Isley Printing: Meridian Printing Paper: Mohawk Superfine HOLIDAY PARTY Toy Drive for Bundles for Babies @ Bentara Restaurant, New Haven Chair: Judi McCabe Invitation Design: Troy Monroe Printing: Lebon Press Paper: Mohawk CANNES/CLIOS NORTH Anthony Acock, Karl Smizer Poster Design: Bonnie Wetzel Certificate Design & Printing: John Nordyke Scholarship Winners : Graphic Design: Mike Dionne, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford Illustration: Kyle Phillips, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford Honorable Mentions: Graphic Design: Greg Norton, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford Graphic Design: liz O'Brien, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford Illustration: Laerta Premto, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford Photography: Liz O'Brien, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford CADC ADVISORY BOARD Peter Good Ted Bertz EDUCATION Chairs: Deb Kline, Mark Snyder, Bernard Keilty, St eve Jacaruso The Wesleyan Center for Film Studies, Wesleyan University Chair: Steve Jacaruso Co-Chair: Tom Kutz Invitation & Popcorn Cup Design: Bonnie Wetzel Chair: Judi McCabe Co-Chairs: Karl Heine, Mary Ellen Butkus Email Campaign: Rich Hollant CANNES/CLIOS SOUTH NEWSLETTER ART/PLACE, Southport Railroad Station, Westport Chair: Mary Ellen Butkus Co-Chair: Tom Kutz Invitation & Popcorn Cup Design: Bonnie Wetzel Chair: Shannon Brenek Co-Chair: Jen Scholte @ @ MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH Chair: Brian Grabell DESIGN MATTERS @ Bentara Restaurant, New Haven Speaker: Marc Frattasio Co-Chairs: Deb Kline, Kevin Hall PUBLIC RELATIONS Lee Moody, Deb Kline Special thanks to Steve Conroy, AdWeek Jennifer Peres chino STUDENT CONFERENCE & SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION @ Renee Samuels Center, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford Chair: Deb Kline Volunteers: Mary Ellen Butkus, Stacy Lynn Baran, Carla Willey, Bonnie Wetzel, Mark Snyder, Kevin Sepe, John Nordyke, Bernard Keilty, Margaret Tobelman Donations: Godiva Chocolate, Rena DeBortoli, Deb Kline, Judi McCabe, Mary Ellen Butkus, Bonnie Wetzel, Mark Snyder, Bernard Keilty, John Nordyke Speakers: Gene Seidman, David Saphirstein, David Bravo, Jack Tom, Rich Hollant, Kenneth Jaffe, Nicole Pawlowski, Shakeema Haynes Breakout Leaders: Paper: Lee Moody - Mohawk Fine Papers Job Placement: Karl Heine - creativeplacement Scholarship Judges: Rena DeB ortoli, Kirsten Paindiris, VENDOR SPONSORSHIP Chair: Rena DeBortoli Co-Chair: Steve Jacaruso WEBSITE Chair: Margaret Tobelman Co-Chair: Tom Kutz AWARD SHOW Chair: Deb Kline Co-Chairs: Board of Directors LOGGING 8< SCREENING Chair: Troy Monroe Co-Chair: Brian Grabell Special thanks to our volunteers: Amy Graver, Bernard Keilty, Brian Grabell, Deb Kline, Keri Comeroski, Lee Moody, Margaret Tobelman, Mark Snyder, Mike Smith, Rachel Rowan, Rena DeBortoli, Priscilla Lockhardt, Rich Hollant, Roxanne Bailey, Troy Monroe Special thanks to: Outthink AWARDS 8< CERTIFICATES Chair: Deb Kline Co-Chair: Margaret Tobelman Awards Design: Deb Kline Excellence Awards: Willington Nameplate, Inc. Silver, Gold, Judges ' Awards: Fine Awards 8< Gifts Best of Show, Richard Hess Spirit of Creativity: Nicholas Fasciano Design Inc. AWARD SHOW PRESENTATION Troy Monroe, Studio Incognito RICHARD HESS SPIRIT OF CREATIVITY AWARD Presented by: Mark Hess JUDGING WEEKEND Chair: Steve Jacaruso Co-Chairs: Deb Kline Special thanks to our volunteers: Al Ferreira, Bernard Keilty, Deb Kline, Jamie Paakkonen, Judi McCabe, Keri Comeroski, Laura Brosius, Lee Moody, Margaret Tobelman, Mark Snyder, Mike Smith, Nancy Anschutz, Nick Healy, Rena DeBortoli, Rich Hollant, Steve Jacaruso, Tom Kutz, Troy Monroe Special thanks to: Mansfield Freeman East Asian Studies, Wesleyan University SHOW HANGING Chair: Deb Kline Co-Chair: Brian Grabell Special thanks to our volunteers: Brian Grabell, Deb Kline, Idania Peralta, Jen Scholte, Judi McCabe, Keri Comeroski, Mike Smith, Monica Wolf, Nick Healy, Rena DeBortoli, Rich Hollant Special thanks to: Saint Clements Castle THANKS TO OUR DROP-OFF LOCATIONS Allied Printing Services creativeplacement Elements LLC Keiler 8< Company Outthink Sonalysts, Inc. CALL FOR ENTRIES Concept 8< Design: Troy Monroe, Brian Grabelll Studio Incognito Printing: Wolf Color Print Paper: Mohawk Via Vellum, 80# Cover, Jute Photography: AI Ferreira Copywriting: Phil Clement Screen Printing: Troy Monroe, Brian Grabelll Studio Incognito AWARDS SHOW INVITATION Concept 8< Design: Troy Monroe, Brian Grabell I Studio Incognito Copywriting: Patrick Dugan, Phil Clement Screen Printing: Troy Monroe, Brian Grabell I Studio Incognito Erasers: 4AlIPromos.com Assembly: Troy Monroe, Melissa Cerasani, Adriana Cerasani, Matthew Willis SCRIPT WRITER: Lanny Nagler, Rena DeBortoli SHOW EMCEE: Lanny Nagler, CADC Board 2006-2007 AWARDS SHOW BOOK Concept 8< Design: Troy Monroe, Brian Grabell I Studio Incognito Photography of Judges: Tom Kutz, Tom Kutz Photography Photography of Winners: AI Ferreira, AI Ferreira Photography Ltd. Printing: Thames Printing Company and Kodak Paper Stock: Cover: Mohawk Via Satin, i-Tone, Bright WIVte, 100 cover Text - M-ReaI 80# Galerie Art Gloss Bindery: Connecticut Valley Bindery Copywriting: Jennifer Jones Persechino, Brian Grabell Screen Printing: Troy Monroe, Brian Grabell I Studio Incognito VERY SPECIRL THRNkS TO OUR &OLl1 CLUB SPONSOR: MOHE&RN SUN THANKS TO OUR OTHER SPONSORS: Connecticut Valley Bindery Fine Awards 8< Gifts Hartford Art School Mohawk Fine Papers M-Real Paper Nicholas Fasciano Design Inc. Outthink USA Today Willington Nameplate Inc. ,, " i \ '., .' -. ),~~tJ '. ' ,.qr,,,,~,,)JI.. "'\. '-m . " " ,,>- ~ , \ Finally, a to-do list you'll really want to do. SHOPPING DINING Citizen Watch OdySea Brookstone Cache Cascade Electronics Chico's Autumn Essentials Clay Pipe Coach Lalo Treasures The Golf Shop Scentsations Lux Bond & Green Boccelli Turtlebacks Sky Essentials Summer Essentials Sunglasses USA Trading Cove Yankee Candle Winter Essentials Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Starbucks Coffee Todd English's Tuscany Johnny Rockets Jasper White's Summer Shack Ben & Jerry's Michael Jordan's 23,sportcafe Big Bubba's BBQ Michael Jordan's Steak House Fidelia's Imus Ranch Coffee Pompeii & Caesar Seasons Buffet Sunburst Buffet Bamboo Forest The Dubliner Casino of the Earth Food Court The Longhouse Lucky's lounge The Cove Uncas American Indian Grill Geno Auriemma's Fast Break Discovery Channel Store Everything Under The Sun Galina's European Boutique Godiva Chocolatier Landau America's Memories Riverview Essentials Oriental Fine Arts & Crafts Spin Street Sun Shoes Swarovski Trailblazer The Old Fanner's Almanac General Store Brewster 's Trading Post HOTEL & SPA 34-story glass hotel tower with 1,200 rooms and 175 suites ENTERTAINMENT & NIGHTLIFE 27,500 square-foot sun terrace and indoor swimming pool Mohegan Sun Arena The Cabaret Theatre Wolf Den 22,000 square-foot Elemis Spa and fitness center GAMING Ultra 88 Night Club leffingwells Martini Bar Bow and Arrow Taughannick Falls Bar Lucky's Lounge Sunset Bar Star Bar The Cove The Dubliner The Lodge The Brew Pub World-class, spectacularly themed casino with nearly 300 table games, over 6 ,200 slot machines and so much more mohegansun.com 1.888.226.7711 Thames Printing Company, Inc. Phone: 868.887.3541 I Fax: 868.887.3064 I Email: salesothamesprinting.net www.dtamesprinting.cam One Wisamsin Avenue I Norwich Industrial Park I Norwich, cr 86168 Kodak Every obs t ac le is an invitation to innovation, an open challenge to find a bette r way. So whe n you face new demands for elevated performance, Kodak responds-with real breakthroughs that simplify, streamline and accelerate you r bus iness. When you 've set your sights on higher ground, look to Kodak. We can help make yo ur climb to success a quick, smoo th ride. To learn more, visit us at graphics.kodak.com, or call 1-866-563-2533. © Kodak. 2007. Kodak is a trademark. What kind of company can tum wind into papcr? Our kind. At Mohawk, we're driven by the bcliefthat a paper mill should be more than a source of products - it should be an environmental asset to our' cus!.omeJ's. Which is why we offer' designers and corporations an unmatched level of l'Csponsihle choices, from products manufactured with renewable, non-polluting, wind-generated electricity to completely rccycled papers, In a world of increasing expectations, the answer is increasing innovation. Paper is what you make of it. Mohawk makes it more. Visit liS at mohawkpaper.eom. MOHAWK Creating image6 that tell the 0 tory . .. www.afpltd.com 237 Naubuc Avenue East Hartford, CT 06u8 860.569.8812 joannea>afpltd.com CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2 00 7 CAD C AWARD WINN ERS TOM FOWLER, INC. Gmphic C o mmullic(l tiuu Solutions III WESTPORT A VENUE NORWALK, CONNECTICUT 06851 T: 203·845·0700 E: MAIL@TOMFOWLERINC.COM \Y: WW'V . TO~ I FOWLEnINC . COM HEY, MAYBE WE NEED TO GET SOME CANINE CREATIVE? I., SMIZER PERRY 860.437.8877 www.smizerperry. com ~0 1i --~ CELEBRATING FINE DESIGN I I AUTHORITY .... ----~ ~~-~.~.----- lTT .... D WiLLI .g TOP-NOTCH TALENT ,.... A CLIENTS WHO APPRECIATE "D AD I A EXPERT PROFESSIONALS IN THE CREATIVE INDUSTRY ative pIace me ~ - ---- MARKETING GYMNASIUM The Single Source for Marketing Professionals - "' "¥"'~""" j ~ "",ooe ;y laSI.SI Turnar,und· Hi,II.Sll}ualiIV M'SI Callallilili••,· B'SI~uSI'm.rS'tfIilJ' • HIGHEST QUALITY DIGITAL PRINTING HP Indigo 5000 • DOCUMENT SERVICES PowerPointlMS Onice, Mac/PC • WEB-TO-PRINT Automated Online Print Workllow/Print-On-Demand • HIGH QUALITY OFFSET PRINTING • FINISHING, MAILING and FULFILLMENT • LARGE FORMAT DISPLAY GRAPHICS Banners, Posters, Trade Show Booths, Packaging Comps Call Now for a Free Workout with a Personal Production Trainer 213 853-4121 gwayonline.com 16 Testa Place Norwalk, CT 06854 Fax: 203-866-2274 Wolf ColorPrint is proud to support the Connecticut Art Directors Club! WOl{Co!orPrinr 111 Holmes Road - Newington, www.wolfcolorprint.com CT 06111 Image works Providing high quality problem solving for the graphic artist/studio. 49 Richmondville Ave. Westport, (T 06880 2°3. 226 .7611 Providing services to graphic arts professionals for over 30 years• - ---- - " j \ • • • • • • • • Packaging/display prototypes 3-D comp services - spray painting, rub downs (transfer type) , et c. Prepare final art for printer Retouching/color correction Product renderings SWOP standard proofs Large color output and mounting Scanning: drum and 40" x 60" flatbed .~ ~-~.-.~=---~~~----------------~------------------------ a Recruiter wbo's 'been in your sboes!! 'Finally, Recruiting TOP TALENT for our clients for over 15 years . .,. 1 1[7 I'!~ ' " Contact us in Co nnecticut: 203-975-8754 Acco unt Service, Crea t ive & Produ ction BRANTLEY COMMUNICATIONS \ ( www. b rantleyco m municati o ns.com \ STAMFORD NEW YORK DALLAS They sa winning isn't everything. ~hey" are full of it. Service Macs LLC Corporate Macintosh Solutions COMPLETE ON-SITE SUPPORT • • • • Experienced, professional staff of technicians Serving Fortune 500 clients and small offices throughout Fairfield County Dedicated to customer service Servers, desktop, software, hardware, design networks, computer environment management, remote access and more Increase Your Productivity 2034548899 155 Post Road East, Suite 16, Westport, CT 06880 www.servicemacs.com SIVIITH INC. subject : Ross Campbell, c reator of "Wet Moon" a nd ''The Aba ndo ned" aaron kotowski 646-263 - 1145 photography www.aaronk.com 4.All Promos . Guaranteed Lowest Prices • PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS EXPERTS • Highest Quality Guaranteed • • "'i!lW1 APPAREL • OFFICE ITEMS • BAGS • EXECUTIVE GIFTS ,-J MUCH .', ;;.h 40 Main Street • Centerbrook, Connecticut 06409 phone 866.732.3386 • fax 877.767.9952 • www.4allpromos.com I __ ,.J Connecticut Valley Bindery, Inc. A tradition in finishing excellence for over 20 years Featuring New High Speed Perfect Binder with Signature Recognition and PUR. Saddle Stitching • Perfect & Notch Binding • Die Cutting • Collating 3 Side Trimming • Wire-O • Plastic Spiral & Plastic Comb • Gatefolding Custom Folding • Round Cornering • Drilling • Shrink Wrapping • Hand Fulfillment SOFT COVER BOOKS • ANNUAL REPORTS • MANUALS CALENDARS· NEWSLETTERS Premium Quality! On Time Delivery! Quick Quotes! Competitive Pricing! One Hartford Square / N ew Britian, Connecticut 06052-1161 (860) 229-7637/ Facsimile (860) 224-2101 / E-mail: khubert@connvalleybindery.com www.connvalleybindery.com • WITCH HAZEL WORKS 8 RAILROAD AVENUE / SUITE 110 ESSEX, CONNECTICUT 06426 TEL 860 7672777 / FAX 860 7672647 call for entries onebyoneshow twelve square inches of artistic freedom Call for Entries Who can participate? CADC members and non-members alike. There will be an entry fee of $10.00 per submission for members, $20.00 per submission for non-members. What is eligible? Any original work of art that fits into a 12" square. Any medium. There's no "brief" to follow! Just 12 square inches of artistic freedom l How to enter: Enter as many pieces that you want! Please attach hanging hardware and download entry form from the cadc website and attach to the back of art. All submissions will participate in a silent auction unless marked "NOT FOR BID" on back. Bring/ send artwork to: Karl Heine/Creativeplacement 13 North Main Street,South Norwalk, CT 06854 T 203-838- 7772 creativeplacement.com Additional drop off locations will be announced Deadline for entries: September 7, 2007 Gallery Reception: Entries will be hung for viewing at an opening reception. A silent auction will take place where entries can be bid on. Proceeds to benefit charity in part. Judging will take place and the top 5 pieces will be awarded prizes! Watch for entry form, drop off locations, reception date and location on the CADC website (www.cadc.org). Photography: Lanny Nagler '. - , - ( \ ,J ! Connecticut Art Directors Club P.O. Box 921 Killingworth, CT 06419 860.663-1264 (f) 860.663-2018 cadc.org '-, !
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