let`s take care of our people
let`s take care of our people
www.worky-italy.com sales@worky-italy.com vendite@worky-italy.com Tel +39.0522.1545193 Fax +39.0522.1546451 2016 A brand of RO & Co S.p.A. Via G. Di Vittorio, 1 42025 Cavriago - RE - ITALY Work with Us, trust in people able to create a new world around You. Lavora con Noi, affidati a persone capaci di creare un mondo nuovo intorno a TE. D Trolley with Touchless arm GSCBV Nozzle for hidden exhaust tubes ear Colleague, I like keeping in contact with YOU: we share the same enthusiasm. We have the same determination to win and to constantly pursue new goals and new aims. Thanks to that, before one year ends, we are already imagining and making plans for the years to come. Without a passion for our work this would not be possible. It’s our fuel: it gives us the necessary energy to overcome the obstacles we face daily. In my previous letter I mentioned the people and how crucial they are in performing business strategies. It will be easier to achieve our dreams and reach our goals if we share them with our staff. They are the core part of the company. They have to be carefully selected, trained and motivated to commit to reaching our goals. Young people in particular; the new generations to whom we have a duty to give a future... who represent the future of our companies. Some time ago, while I was reading a newspaper in a foreign country, I’ve been impressed with the sentence by a football coach (Marcelo Bielsa): “Si Tu eliges que no quieres ser el mejor del mundo, qué problema hay? No hay ningún problema, pero hay que saberlo. Ser el mejor te quita horas con tu mujer, con los amigos, te quita las fiestas”. (Is there any problem if you chose that you don’t want to be the best in the world? No there isn’t any at all, as long as you are aware of that. Being the best means hours away from your wife, your friends, your holidays). News “let’s take care of our people” Trolley with balancer and automatic closing valve Cavriago, 24th February 2016 GON New Profile of big aluminium track Hose reel for high vacuum DMR3810HP Before we search for expertise in a person we search for aptitudes for success: Results orientation - Determination - character and common values. I’ve always liked working with people, helping them enhance their potentials. If You are surrounded by qualified, determined and honest people it will be easier to win. Our companies have always been showing great ambitions and willingness to achieve important goals and are recognized as reference companies in what we produce. CHECK THE NEW 2016 WORKY WEB SITE!!! GAT2 Guarda il video WORKY su youtube Visita il sito www.worky-italy.com I was particularly impressed with the philosophy in this sentence: if you do not want to be the best in what you do, that’s all right ….just be very aware of that! But if you wish to become the best at your job, then you must know that this requires sacrifices. Great sacrifices. Thomas Friedman: “In the past a worker with intermediate skills doing an average job could get an average wage. Nowadays to be average is of no benefit any longer!“ GTL-160 WORKY-ITALY NEW VIDEO ON VIDEO WEB www.worky-italy.com www.worky-italy.com sales@worky-italy.com vendite@worky-italy.com Tel +39.0522.1545193 Fax +39.0522.1546451 Stand-by mode Working mode A brand of RO & Co S.p.A. Via G. Di Vittorio, 1 42025 Cavriago - RE - ITALY gynmag-100100100 Proprierty reserved - Reproduction prohibited - The company enforces its rights on the drawings according to the law. Committenza / Final Customer Progettista / Designer Distributore / Dealer Progetto / Project Data / Date --- --/--/---- Scala / Scale Rev. 1: - - - 0 Progettista / Designer Approvato / Approved Note / Notes per approvazione / for approval Revisionato / Reviewed Proprieta` riservata - Riproduzione vietata - La Ditta tutela i propri diritti sui disegni a termine di legge. Note / Notes Tou per approvazione / for approval chl ess gtl-160 Committenza / F gon Progettista / De Distributore / De Progetto / Proje --Scala / Scale 1: - - - Bocchette GON Progettista / De GYG GON GON-K GON-IG GON-MG GON Nozzles Approvato / App Revisionato / R www.worky-italy.com sales@worky-italy.com vendite@worky-italy.com ① ⑥ ⑬ ⑦ ⑨ Legenda ⑦ ⑪ ② ⑦ ⑥ ③ ③ ⑧ ⑤ ⑦ ④ ④ ⑫ ② ⑤ 1 - GRK2-100-16 2 - GRNGM-160100 3 - GYG-100100100 4 - GON-100IG 5 - GON-100IGR 6 - GWB-100 7 - GSTS-1.5 8 - GSKT 9 - ZGS160KC4 10 - GRKTK1-1.5 11 - GSQEDW-1.5 12 - GSQEDRC 13 - CVE-4X1.5 Proprierty reserved - Reproduction prohibited - The company enforces its rights on the drawings according to the law. ⑦ ⑩ Committenza / Final Customer Progettista / Designer Distributore / Dealer Progetto / Project Data / Date --- --/--/---- Scala / Scale Rev. 1: - - - 0 Progettista / Designer Approvato / Approved Impianti di distribuzione fluidi ed energie FRMF4 FRMF6-C Ranger Fluid and Energy distribution systems Revisionato / Reviewed Proprieta` riservata - Riproduzione vietata - La Ditta tutela i propri diritti sui disegni a termine di legge. ⑦ per approvazione / for approval ⑧ Tel +39.0522.1545193 Fax +39.0522.1546451 Note / Notes Construction of a sliding exhaust extraction system Costruzione di un impianto con elementi scorrevoli A brand of RO & Co S.p.A. Via G. Di Vittorio, 1 42025 Cavriago - RE - ITALY FRMF4-C SMOBI3 GON SMOBIPACK www.worky-italy.com sales@worky-italy.com vendite@worky-italy.com Tel +39.0522.1545193 Fax +39.0522.1546451 Mobile Filters Unita’ Carrellate A brand of RO & Co S.p.A. Via G. Di Vittorio, 1 42025 Cavriago - RE - ITALY Wall Service Units Centraline Murali High Vacuum hose reel Arrotolatore per pulizia SB Spark Articulated Arms Bracci Articolati SMOBIPACK10 DEP1 DMR3810HP Distributore autorizzato Tel.: +39 0522 1545193 Fax: +39 0522 1546451 e-mail: vendite@worky-italy.com e-mail: sales@worky-italy.com follow us on: Authorized Distributor www.worky-italy.com Check the new 2016 web site! Visitaci sul nuovo sito 2016!