Agnon Matters! - Mandel Jewish Day School
Agnon Matters! - Mandel Jewish Day School
Agnon Matters! AGNON MATTERS 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT 5772-5773 THE AGNON SCHOOL, A PRIVATE JEWISH DAY SCHOOL, DEVELOPS ETHICAL LEADERS AND CONFIDENT CRITICAL THINKERS WITH A LIFELONG LOVE OF LEARNING. BY INTEGRATING SUPERIOR GENERAL ACADEMICS AND JUDAIC STUDIES, AGNON ACHIEVES ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE IN A NURTURING, WELCOMING ENVIRONMENT THAT ENGAGES AND TEACHES TO THE WHOLE CHILD. BOARD OF TRUSTEES FIRST ALUMNI AT THE HELM BOARD OF TRUSTEES: FIRST ALUMNI AT THE HELM Michael Haas, Board President The Agnon School Board of Trustees nominated Michael Haas as Board President at its May 28th Annual Meeting. Haas is the first Agnon alumnus to take the helm as President of the Board of Trustees, attending Agnon from 1975-1982. Active on Agnon’s Board since 1994, Haas succeeds Orry Jacobs, who served as Agnon’s Board President for the past three years. Haas’ vision for the school is clear. “Agnon holds an important place in the community and is recognized as the premier Jewish day school in Cleveland. Agnon’s reputation for academic excellence and superb Jewish education is unparalleled. I intend to build upon this foundation and help Agnon grow in terms of enrollment and updated facilities. I will also strive to increase teachers’ salaries.” A partner with the global law firm of Jones Day, Haas represents clients in real estate, real estate finance, private equity and real estate fund formation. As a frequent speaker on real estate, Haas has been a guest commentator on Fox Business News. He was also named an Ohio Super Lawyers - Rising Star and was listed as a leading real estate practitioner in Chambers USA and Legal 500 US. Active in the community, Haas has served on the following Boards: Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, Cleveland Jewish Community Foundation and B’nai Jeshurun Congregation. He is also a former member of the United Jewish Community’s National Young Leadership Cabinet, the International Council of Shopping Centers, the Mortgage Bankers Association, the American Bar Association (Real Property Section) and the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association. Haas earned a Juris Doctor degree from Cleveland State University in 1994 and a B.A. degree in Political Science from Syracuse University in 1991. He and his wife, Raquel Flatow Hass, reside in Pepper Pike. They have two children who attend Agnon. Agnon holds an important place in the community and is recognized as the premier Jewish day school in Cleveland... A MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL AND BOARD CHAIR A M ES SAGE F RO M T H E H EA D O F S CH O O L A ND BOAR D C H AIR An Annual Report is – or at least should be – far more than pie charts, graphs and numbers. Clearly those are essential to the telling of a school’s story, and the information offered in these pages presents a wonderful story of progress and optimism, born of hard work and commitment. Yet it’s incumbent upon all of us to drill down even more deeply to the narrative behind the numbers – to the character of a school. Balanced budgets, growing annual funds and successful endowment campaigns are indispensable; yet they are also the means to an even more important end. So what are those end results – what do we hope to accomplish at Agnon? TO OFFER OUR STUDENTS THE VERY BEST ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENT, one in which their intellectual curiosity is nurtured and supported – that’s a great place to start. TO INCULCATE JEWISH PRIDE WHILE WE PROVIDE SOPHISTICATED KNOWLEDGE OF JEWISH HISTORY AND LITURGY AND LANGUAGE – that’s another central tenet of what we offer our students. TO BUILD A COMMUNITY OF MUTUAL RESPECT, not merely “tolerance” – where students and teachers may come from different places regarding their affiliations and backgrounds and observance levels, but where genuine respect is the watchword of the day. Where we celebrate both diversity and unity. WE SEEK NOTHING LESS THAN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FUTURE LEADERS OF OUR COMMUNITIES – of the community of Cleveland and of the American Jewish community. We wish to provide the skill-set and more importantly the mind-set that will Orry Jacobs Jerry D. Isaak-Shapiro give them the tools to be entrepreneurs and physicians and educators – all the while adhering to values culled from our millennia-old tradition. Leaders come in all shapes and Agnon Matters! sizes – some will be explicit, step-out-in-front leaders, prepared to assume responsibilities in high school, college and beyond. Some will be quiet leaders, supporting others through thoughtful role modeling of doing the right thing. Still others will be the kind of leaders who challenge the status quo, who ask the tough questions. This is the beautiful picture that is being painted every day at Agnon, the three-dimensional picture beyond the numbers. We hope that you’ll read through these pages and capture a glimpse of that portrait. It’s as much your painting as it is the teachers’ or even the students’ – because we would not be able to paint it without your partnership. For that, we thank you – for the trust and support and your own unwavering commitment to Jewish education. We thank you for coming along on this incredible journey with us. B’shalom, Orry JacobsJerry D. Isaak-Shapiro President, Board of Trustees Head of School We thank you for coming along on this incredible journey with us. 3 3 STUDENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS PENNY WARS Students raised $1,366 by waging a week-long “Penny Wars” charity event to support the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs. The Federation uses Annual Campaign funds to address the needs of the Jewish community worldwide, distributing funds to those at risk and strengthening Jewish identity. SPELLING BEE WINNER Julian Barnett was Agnon’s representative at the Cuyahoga County Spelling Bee. Ilana Solomon (pictured) was the alternate. POWER OF THE PEN Fourteen Agnon Middle School students participated in the district’s “Power of the Pen” competition – a leading Ohio interscholastic program in written expression that challenges 7th and 8th graders to write creatively. Coached by Middle School teacher Diane Lavin, 8th graders Gilda Weinstock (pictured) and Julian Barnett placed high enough to participate in the Regional competition. Seventh grader Rayna Langholt qualified for the State Tournament after successfully competing at the District and Regional levels. SHOFAR IDOL Seventh grader Rayna Langholt won the Middle School “Shofar Idol” competition. Rayna blew the shofar for 41 seconds during a special Rosh Hashanah assembly. 4 STUDENT COUNCIL Eighth grader Julian Barnett (top, right) was elected to serve as Student Council President and 7th grader Reed Abrams (center, right) as Vice President. SOCCER VICTORY The Middle School Soccer Team placed second in the team championship games. JUNIOR LEGO LEAGUE The Agnon Brainstormers, a team of Agnon 3rd grade boys, participated in a Junior Lego League competition at Hathaway Brown School. As a solution to this year’s theme - a Super Seniors Challenge - the students created a Lego model and presentation board that demonstrated how robots have changed. They were awarded a trophy for innovation by developing a robot called “Senior Wheelie E,” designed to help seniors in their daily lives. Eleven Agnon Middle School students participated in the 60th Annual Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (NEOSEF). After presenting their projects to a team of scientists and engineers, each Agnon student received recognition from the judges. The following Agnon 7 th and 8 th graders were this year’s NEOSEF award recipients. SECOND PLACE WINNERS THIRD PLACE WINNERS SPECIAL AWARDS KAYLA GITERMAN (8th): How does water temperature affect the duration of bubbles? NOAH HOROWITZ (8th): How does metal type affect galvanic cell voltage? GABE SUGERMAN (8th: What is the effect of temperature on carbonation? CALLIE GORDON (7th): How does Red Bull affect heart rate? RACHAEL GROSSMAN (7th): How does temperature affect the heart rate of a child of the ages 11-13? JESSICA LINDEN (7th): How do different types of music affect a person’s heart rate? JULIAN BARNETT (8th): What are the sliding frictions of different materials in a vertical shaft? LEAH FRYDENBERG (7th): How does yeast affect decomposition of foods? LOGAN GOLDBERG (7th): How does color affect eye fatigue? LEAH RUDOW (7th): How do different scents of essential oils affect heart rate? NOAH HOROWITZ (8th) won a special award from the Cleveland Regional Council of Science Teachers. GILDA WEINSTOCK (8th) won a William R. Sweet Family award. LOGAN GOLDBERG (7th) won a special award from the Cleveland Clinic Department of Psychiatry and Psychology. HONORABLE MENTION GILDA WEINSTOCK (8th): What type of wood will burn the most in a given amount of time? HELP FOR ETHIOPIAN ISRAELI CHILDREN In conjunction with their April class trip to Israel, Agnon 8th grade students personally delivered new clothes to Ethiopian children in Israel who live below the poverty level. Everyone filled duffle bags with brand new donated clothes for Ethiopian children in need. To cover airline costs for a second piece of luggage, the 8th graders conducted a fund raiser as part of this important social justice project. BIG WIN FOR JV BASKETBALL TEAM Agnon’s JV Basketball Team won the league tournament championship. Fuchs Mizrachi School placed second. HEBREW SPELLING BEE ENRICHES VOCABULARY With funds from the Slomianski Cultural Fund, Agnon provided students with an opportunity to enrich their Hebrew vocabulary in a fun and motivating way during its seventh annual Hebrew Spelling Bee for students in 4th-8th grade. Top prize went to Omer Sarig (5th grade) for the 4th-5th grade challenge. Avital Arenas (5th grade) placed second and Rylan Polster (5th grade) placed third. Carly Stewart (6th grade) won the Middle School challenge. Second place went to Rayna Langholht (7th grade) and Asaf Roth (8th grade) placed third. IRON CHEF COMPETITION Fifth and 6th graders participated in a nutrition and physical activity program in collaboration with Whole Foods Market. The program culminated with Agnon’s version of an Iron Chef competition. Student teams were judged on creativity, taste and presentation. The winning team included three 5th graders: Sari Langholt, Elana Spiegel and Casey Posner. 5 FACULTY AND STAFF ACCOMPLISHMENTS FACULTY AND STAFF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Fifth and 6th grade teacher DINA ROCK’S term was extended as a Hope Street Group National Teacher Fellow. The fellowship is designed for teacher leaders who share their expertise, experience and ideas to help shape education policy nationwide. Dina is one of six selected educators who represent the Hope Street Group in advocating for education policy changes. Dina Rock authored an essay, “Letter to a Teen-age Me,” which was published in Your Teen magazine. As Chair of the National Sydney Taylor Book Awards Committee, AIMEE LURIE, our librarian, announced the winners of the Sydney Taylor Book Award in New York. The Sydney Taylor Book Award recognizes outstanding books for young readers, older readers and teens that accurately reflect the Jewish experience. First grade teacher JOHANNAH CROSS taught a Reading Assessment and Intervention course at John Carroll University. VOLUNTEER AND STAFF RECOGNITION Agnon’s “Gloria Abrams Parent Volunteer of the Year” award was presented to HILLARY GRAHAM (mother of two Agnon students) and SCOTT SIMON (father of two Agnon students). Graham has devoted numerous hours as Agnon’s PTA President, and Simon chairs the school’s annual Dad’s Camp-In event, in addition to serving as Master of Ceremony at Agnon’s Spring Benefit Auction. Agnon’s “Grandparent Volunteer of the Year” award went to JACKIE PONSKY (grandmother of two Agnon students) who regularly volunteers in her grandson’s Gan Shoresh/Preschool class. VOLUNTEER SUPPORT Our thanks to the many Agnon parents, grandparents, alumni and others who volunteer time and talent in support of the school. The Agnon School is an outstanding community and learning environment thanks to our generous volunteers and donors. We are sincerely grateful. STAFF MILESTONES Three Agnon teachers, LINDSEY VANDER, KIM FAVOR and TSIPI ARENAS, as well as several 5th grade girls and boys grew their hair and donated it to various organizations that help cancer patients including Pantene, Locks for Love and Zichron Menachem in Israel. STEVE KARL JERRY ISAAK-SHAPIRO ETTI BERKMAN KIM FARKAS AMY FISHBACH RACHEL LEFKOVITZ HANNA SAAR TONI SCALABRINO MICHELE SUDOW BARBARA WEISS 5 years 10 years 10 years 15 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 25 years 32 years 36 years A G N O N M AT T E R S 6 216.464.4055 A YEAR OF FIRSTS NEW PHILANTHROPY COURSE Seventh and 8th graders actively engaged in a new course on philanthropy entitled “Do Unto Others.” This program was taught by Barbara Gross, a professional fundraiser with 35 years of non-profit fundraising experience in the Jewish community. Students first learned about the characteristics of a non-profit organization. Each grade then broke into smaller groups and selected a Cleveland (7th grade) or Israelfocused (8th grade) non-profit to research. Each group visited their selected non-profit organization and made a presentation about their agency to their entire class. During our Celebration of Learning Program, students showcased their non-profits and raised funds for their organizations. AGNON’S ANNUAL AUCTION RAISES RECORD AMOUNT For the third year in a row, a sell-out crowd of more than 350 people filled the auditorium and gym at our 24th Annual Spring Benefit Auction and Raffle – “Into the Future: Agnon Graduates Soar to New Heights.” The evening gala raised a record $405,000, including $300,000 contributed during the evening’s “Fund-ANeed” to renovate the school’s auditorium. The remaining $105,000 was used for scholarship assistance, programming and operations. The evening was chaired by Eliana LeVine, Robin McCann, and Meg Ratner. Elisabeth Sapell, Chair Advisor, Lisa Mayers and Ali Tannenbaum rounded out the Organizing Committee. THANKS TO OUR BENEFIT AUCTION SPONSORS PRESENTING Forest City Jones Day Adam & Nancy Levin Peter & Aliki Rzepka University Hospitals Urology Institute & Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital SIGNATURE American Greetings BENEFACTOR Fathom Mitchell & Kyla Schneider Penske Cleveland Michael Uhr PATRON First Merit Bank Rochelle & Harley Gross Legacy Village Lorex The KSB Group/Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Strassman Insurance UNDERWRITING SPONSORS Louis & Cynthia Chaiten Orry & Sheila Jacobs Zac & Taryn Ponsky Jonathan & Suzanne Scharfstein Rodney & Donna Wasserstrom Abe & Idelle Wolf Gerald Zahler UNDERWRITING CHAI SPONSORS MotoPhoto of Shaker Heights Clifford & Linda Wolf FIRST GOLF MARATHON RAISES FUNDS FOR SCHOOL Six golf enthusiasts including Adam Levin, Ruth Mayers, Ted Einhorn, Kathy Weisblat, Bob Marcantonio and Steve Lander, took The Agnon School’s “100 Holes of Golf Challenge” at Legend Lake Golf Course in Chardon, raising more than $20,000 for the school. The golfers completed 565 holes of golf, collectively. Proceeds from the marathon went to Agnon’s Barry Levin Fund, providing support for program enhancements, and Agnon’s Annual Campaign for Excellence, providing general operating support and financial assistance for those who could otherwise not afford an Agnon education. THANKS TO OUR 100 HOLES OF GOLF SPONSORS EVENT SPONSORS Lee & Denise Farkas • Peter & Aliki Rzepka • David Szellow • Gregg & Susan Wilkes BEVERAGE CART SPONSORS Bob & Jackie Breakstone • Channel Sources, LLC • Neil Cole • Michael E. Maund • Rich & Aimee Mason • Neil & Connie Waxman HOLE SPONSORS Greg & Hallie Abrams • Mitch Bowlus • Chagrin Valley Soap & Salve • Complete Sourcing Solutions • Corky and Lenny’s • Leo Dardashti • Ronald & LuAnne Fisher • Rob Hawranko • Aaron Herzog • Jeffrey Kahn & Karen Horowitz • Jonathan & Lesley Kaye • Levin Consulting • Adam & Nancy Levin • Aaron Magden • Doug & Ruth Mayers • Jared & Stephanie Miller • Ken Outcalt • Stephen A. Silverman • Tech Promotions • Neil & Jenn Tramer • Michael Williamson THE AGNON SCHOOL PRIVATE EDUCATION. JEWISH VALUES. 7 YEAR IN REVIEW KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS CELEBRATE PURIM COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 8TH GRADE ART SELF PORTRAIT 7TH GRADERS DISCUSS ISRAELI ELECTIONS GIRLS MIDDLE SCHOOL BASKETBALL EARLY CHILDHOOD ART 8TH GRADE GRADUATION EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDENTS CELEBRATE CHANUKAH 4TH GRADE GREEK CHANUKAH PROGRAM MUSIC WITH VISITING ARTIST EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDENTS CELEBRATE PASSOVER 1ST GRADERS VISIT AGNON’S ROMAN MUSEUM 8TH GRADE ISRAEL TRIP COMIC BOOK AUTHOR VISITS 4TH GRADERS PASSOVER TZEDAKAH PROJECT 3RD GRADERS CELEBRATING SUKKOT MIDDLE SCHOOL SOCCER TEAM 6TH GRADE SCIENCE LAB EXPERIMENT 3RD GRADE NATIVE AMERICAN PROGRAM 8TH GRADE FENCING GYM CLASS LOUIS STOKES VISITS AGNON CELEBRATING SIMCHAT TORAH MIDDLE SCHOOL SCIENCE FAIR WIZARD OF AG PLAY KINDERGARTEN L’DOR V’DOR PROGRAM 5TH GRADE SHOFAR FACTORY 2012-2013 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PRESIDENT Orry Jacobs VICE PRESIDENTS Laurie Goetz Michael Haas Lisa Linden NEW 2013-2014 BOARD MEMBERS David Gordon Eliana LeVine TREASURER Barry Epstein SECRETARY Lori Riga TRUSTEES Susan Hurwitz Steven Lander Joshua Mayers Stephanie Miller Bradley Ortman Margaret Ratner Ryan Rivchun Helen Salz Suzanne Scharfstein Idelle Wolf PAST PRESIDENTS Marc Freimuth Irwin Haber Adam Levin Dan Aaron Polster Peter Rzepka Walter Schaffer Keith Sherwin Nancy Kumin Emily Ludwig Robin McCann Anat Nurko Michael Pasternak Joelle Reizes Jonathan Ross Elisabeth Sapell Scott Simon Robert Goldberg Jeffrey Kahn John Marcus Arthur Rosner ** Barry Sands Jonathan Shanes Daniel C. Worthington HONORARY LIFE TRUSTEES Ian and Gloria Abrams Nick and Carol Federico Rochelle Gross Robert Immerman Simon Kadis** David and Peter and Aliki Rzepka Helen Kangesser** Sam Weisberg Neil Waxman SENIOR STAFF Jerry Isaak-Shapiro, Head of School Leah Spector, Assistant Head of School/ Director of Judaics and Hebrew Terry Pollack, Director of General Academics Cathy Schreiber, Director of Early Childhood Janet Keane, Chief Financial Officer Laura Simon, Director of Admissions Laura Leventhal, Director of Development Karil Bialostosky, Director of Endowment and Grants Kathy Peskin, Director of Marketing Ellen Joseph, Student Services Coordinator SHAW ABRAMS is co-owner of Force Sports, an athletic facility that features a variety of sports activities for children and adults. Shaw attended the University of WisconsinMadison, where he earned a B.A. degree in Economics. He is a Co-Director of the Orange Soccer Club and serves on the Friends of the IDF “Guys Night Out” Board. Shaw graduated from Agnon (Kindergarten - 8th grade) and his two oldest children are now students at the school. CYNTHIA CHAITEN is a Senior Financial Advisor at Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, where she is responsible for investment management, retirement planning and income management. She earned a B.S. degree in Biochemistry from the University of Rochester and a Masters of Public Policy degree from Georgetown University. Cynthia co-chairs Playground Fundraising for B’nai Jeshurun Congregation. She has two children at Agnon. MARTIN COHEN is the CEO of Prestress Services Industries, LLC, a leading fabricator of bridge products and structural pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete components used for parking structures and other building projects. Martin earned a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California - Davis and a Juris Doctor degree from Cleveland Marshall College of Law. Martin is active in the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as a Senate Club Member. Six of his grandchildren attend Agnon. CHARLES DAROFF is a founding partner of the law firm Hurtuk & Daroff Co., LLP. His practice specializes in real estate transactions and finance. He earned a B.A. as well as a Juris Doctor degree from Case Western Reserve University. An active member at B’nai Jeshurun Congregation, Charles has served on several of their committees and acted as a legal advisor. MEREDITH HILLMAN works for Michigan-based e-Prize, Inc., as an Account Director, Vice President. She is responsible for leading and managing The Coca-Cola Company, servicing North America, Europe and Australia. Meredith earned a B.A. degree in Sports Management and Communications from the University of Michigan and an M.B.A. from Wayne State University. She will be co-chairing the Federation’s 2013 - 2014 Woman2-Woman Committee, which engages young women within the Woman’s Philanthropy Division. She has three children at Agnon. FRANCK KAKOU is President of European Wine Imports, Inc. and CEO of Beverage Solution and Logistics, Inc. Franck attended the Culinary School of Paris and is a former chef. He is a member of Park Synagogue and has two children at Agnon. PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE NICOLE HAAS is the owner of Premier Equipment, LLC, a company that re-sells plastic processing equipment. She has one child at Agnon. **OF BLESSED MEMORY A G N O N M AT T E R S 10 216.464.4055 DONORS OF DISTINCTION: 2012 – 2013 $25,000+ Anonymous (4) Grant & Jennifer Dinner Forest City Enterprises Inc. FGI Foundation / Fran Gordon Robert Goldberg Harley & Rochelle Gross Charles & Ilana Horowitz Ratner Robert Immerman Family Foundation Jewish Federation of Cleveland Jewish Education Center of Cleveland Craig & Pamela Kahn Stephanie & Jared Miller Peter & Aliki Rzepka Stephen & Penni Weinberg $10,000 - $24,999 David & Hedy Adler Agnon PTA Canpro Investments LTD. Gordon Concert Fund of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland Michael Haas & Raquel Flatow Haas Robert and Susan Hurwitz Family Foundation Levin Consulting/Adam & Nancy Levin Jack, Joseph & Morton Mandel Foundation Jonathan & Meg Ratner The Reisman Family Tony & Wendy Reisman Sydney & Phyllis Reisman GRANTS Grant funding secured this year allowed us to build and integrate grade level Websites, enhance staff training, create a reading resource room, provide field trips, enhance Judaics, and build and support a greenhouse and garden. We thank our funders including Target, The Capitol Square Transportation Foundation, Whole Foods, Canpro Investment, the Sattin and Albin families, the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education and the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland for gifts totaling almost $40,000. $5,000 - $9,999 Ian & Gloria Abrams Barry & Barbara Epstein Louis Freiberg Andrew & Judy Green Family Foundation Jeff & Nicole Haas David & Becky Heller Richard Horvitz & Erica Hartman Horvitz Foundation Orry & Sheila Jacobs Jones Day David Leavitt & Leah Spector Saul & Anat Nurko Esther & Hyman Rapport Philanthropic Trust William & Wendy Sattin University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital University Hospitals Urology Institute Neil & Connie Waxman Abraham & Idelle Wolf $2,500 - $4,999 Greg & Hallie Abrams Shaw & Ally Abrams Sheldon & Terry Adelman American Greetings Bass Security Services Louis & Cynthia Chaiten Michael & Wendy Cynamon Michael & Ann Epstein Lee & Denise Farkas Daniel & Laurie Goetz William & Shirley Haas William & Anita Heller Jonathan & Lesley Kaye Kenneth & Amanda Kurland Steven & Giselle Lander Philip & Lisa Linden Eric & Emily Ludwig Thank You! Bradley Ortman & Melissa Myers Michael Pasternak & Allison Gilmore Joshua Polster & Eliana LeVine Jonathan & Elisa Ross Robert & Kathy Solganik Jeffrey Sunshine & Helen Salz Target Robert Wilson & Richard Zingale $1,800 - $2,499 Jamie & Wendy Cohen Ellen E. & Victor J. Cohen Supporting Foundation Lois Davis Fathom Don & Judy Jacobson John & Sharon Marcus Joshua & Lisa Mayers Doug & Ruth Mayers David and Inez Myers Foundation Daniel & MaryAnn Rothstein Jonathan & Suzanne Scharfstein Mitchell & Kyla Schneider Scott Simon Matt & Ilana Weisberg Earl & Marilyn Weiss Timothy & Sandra Wuliger $1,000 - $1,799 Jeremy & Marla Bass Martin & Carolann Cohen Evan & Meg Cooper Steven Dettelbach & Karil Bialostosky Daniel & Wendy Dobres Bruce & Sharon Epstein First Merit Bank Marc & Ann Freimuth Jeffrey & Kelli Gellis Michael & Stacy Goldberg Herb & Francine Greff Irwin & Ida Haber Jason & Meredith Hillman Matthew & Naomi Kall Gary & Roberta Kaplan KSB Group Harvey & Nancy Kumin Marcia Levine Lorex Corporation Edward & Deborah Meckler William & Robin McCann David and Ruth Moskowitz Family Foundation Penske Automotive Terry Pollack & Barbara Gross Dan Polster & Deborah Coleman William Proper Nathan and Fannye Shafran Foundation Kevin & Robyn Schadick Graham & Jennifer Schwarz Diana Shall Sinai Synagogue Endowment Fund Ralph & Rachael Stewart Strassman Insurance Services, Inc. David Szellow Ileen Tepper Rodney & Donna Wasserstrom Jerome & Judith Weiss Gregg & Susan Wilkes Clifford & Linda Wolf Jonathan & Kimberly Wynbrandt Isaac & Joan Yedid PRIVATE EDUCATION. JEWISH VALUES. 11 DONORS 2012 – 2013 EVERY DONOR IS APPRECIATED Ian & Gloria Abrams Greg & Hallie Abrams Shaw & Ally Abrams Sheldon & Terry Adelman Daniel & Ines Ades David & Hedy Adler Adventure Chrysler Jeep Agnon PTA Lawrence Allan Andrew Altman & Amy Lipson Murray & Connie Altose American Greetings Edward & Grace Anderson Anonymous (4) Mario & Tsipi Arenas Melvin Arnwine Jona Hope Ashner Sheldon & Sharon Auerbach Christopher & Deby Auerbach-Brown Steven & Anne August Linda Augustus Mike Axel Canpro Investments LTD. Shayna Bach Chuck & Sharry Bailin Stephen Baker Mitchell & Sheila Balk Oren Baratz & Susanne Wish-Baratz Jeremy & Marla Bass Alan Bass Bass Security Services Irit Baum-Rawraway Jeff & Susan Beamish Marilyn Beck Gina Bein Dwayne Bellow Rich & Nadine Bendycki Roger & Linda Benjamin Steve & Etti Berkman Robert & Sandra Berkowitz Richard & Rachel Berkowitz Irv & Lynne Berliner Frances Berman Gary & Julie Berman Jeffrey & Donna Berns Deborah Blair Jay Blaushild Lawrence & Marilyn Blaustein David Blumberg Jeffrey & Laura Blumenfeld Marc & Jill Boardman Howard Bochnek Alexander & Vera Bogorad Daniel & Susan Borison Mitchell & Caroline Borrow Mitch Bowlus Bob & Jackie Breakstone Jeremy & Barbara Brecher Robert & Barbara Brenner Richard & Jackie Brooks EVERY DONOR IS APPREICATED Jonathan & Ellen Brown Louis Brown Kenneth & Rachel Browner Roy & Lynn Buchinsky David & Avril Burg David & Sandy Burkons Zachary & Stacy Burkons Amy Byrne Capitol Square Foundation Michael & Janet Carlone Christine Catalogna Chagrin Valley Soap Louis & Cynthia Chaiten Alan & Alyson Charnas Keith Chelm Irina Chernyshev Kenny & Lisa Chinsky John Christopher Matthew & Rifka Claypool David Cohen Ethan & Gena Cohen Jamie & Wendy Cohen Jeffrey & Arielle Cohen Martin & Carolann Cohen Molly Cohen Ellen E. & Victor J. Cohen Supporting Foundation Bonnie Cole Neil Cole David & Roseann Cooper Carol Colletsky Mike Colotti Evan & Meg Cooper Steve & Ruth Coppel Avidan & Lora Cover Todd & Betsy Coy Sheila Coyne Ronald Crocco Doug & Johannah Cross Peter & Phyllis Currio Rand & Beth Curtiss Michael & Wendy Cynamon Kenneth & Marilyn Dachner Leo Dardashti Charles Daroff Cheryl Davis Lois Davis Carvelho de Mello & Dorothy Nebel de Mellow Rabbi Steven & Lisa Denker Steven Dettelbach & Karil Bialostosky Harlan Diamond Grant & Jennifer Dinner Fund Daniel & Wendy Dobres David & Ruth Dobres Deedra Dolin Richard & Robin Douglass Daniel & Paula Dreyfuss Barbara Drossin Jeffrey & Tamara Dubin Scott & Halle Dubin Larry & Barbara Edelman Brian Edelstein David & Rachel Effron Fred & Sharon Eichenbaum Eli & Rachel Eisenbach Rabbi Fred & Helen Eisenberg Rachel Eisenberg Frederick & Kathryn Eisner Jennifer Emery Marvin Engelberg Barry & Barbara Epstein Bruce & Sharon Epstein Michael & Ann Epstein Harold Etkin Bennett & Sharon Fagin Joel & Julie Falck Lee & Denise Farkas Fathom Kim Favor Nick & Carol Federico Arnold Feltoon Judith Feniger John & Deborah Fialka Matt & Alyson Fieldman Bill & Johanne Finley Bruce Finn First Merit Bank Brynna Fish Amy Fishbach Ronald & Luanne Fisher Tom Fitzsimons Michael Flink Claudia Folkman & George Mathiowitz Forest City Enterprises Forest City Hebrew Benevolent Association Joel & Ronna Fox David & Megan Frankel Larry & Bonnie Frankel Merle & Sheila Frankel Mitchell & Susan Frankel Sam and Rina Frankel Family Foundation David Franklin & Rabbi Rona Shapiro Louis Freiberg Marc & Ann Freimuth Judy Fridson Marc Fried Andrew & Loren Frieder Amy Friedman Pisman Charles & Ruth Friedman Jason A. Friedman Judah & Darci Friedman Mitchell Friedman Richard & Debbie Friedman Sam Friedman Allen & Kris Frydenberg Robert Fuerst Stephen & Nancy Gage David & Sharon Galin Steven & Karin Garfield Brent & Marci Garson Paul & Heidi Geis Barry & Anita Gellis Jeffrey & Kelli Gellis Adi & Judith Gerblich Alon & Tamar Geri Gary Ginstling & Marta Lederer Ben & Marcia Giterman Eric & Laura Giterman Joel & Deborah Glass Marc Glassman Moshe & Jill Glauber Elaine Gluck Jeffrey & Kerry Glueck Nancy Gluck Chips Godfrey Frank Godfrey III & Cynthia Kerr Daniel & Laurie Goetz Steve Gold David & Mindi Goldberg Michael & Shari Goldberg Michael & Stacy Goldberg Robert Goldberg Greg Goldfeder & Allison Proper Jerrold & Barbara Goldstein David & Susan Goldstein Joshua & Tiffany Goldstein Olga Goldstein Steve Goodman Darryl & Deborah Jo Gordesky FGI Foundation / Fran Gordon Gordon Concert Fund of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland Alan & Lori Gottlieb Robert Graham Andrew & Judy Green Family Foundation Jon & Marlene Green Irwin Greenblatt Marge Greenfield Herb & Francine Greff Michael & Nancy Greff Kevin & Liz Gregory Irina Grinblat Amy Groedel Len Grosman Harley & Rochelle Gross David Grossman William & Siva Grossman Lora Guyuron Adam & Amalia Haas Jeff & Nicole Haas Josiah & Dana Haas Michael Haas & Raquel Flatow Haas William & Shirley Haas Irwin & Ida Haber Steven Harf & Leslie Carno-Harf Larry & Hilary Handler Doug Hauck Marlene Haus Andrew Havas & Janet Greene Rob Hawranko Mary Howry Joel & Rachel Heiser David & Becky Heller A G N O N M AT T E R S 12 216.464.4055 DONORS 2012 – 2013 EVERY DONOR IS APPREICATED ENDOWMENT DONORS ($5,000+) Grant & Jennifer Dinner Fund Robert Goldberg Horowitz Ratner Family Foundation Craig & Pamela Kahn Fund Marjorie Heller William & Anita Heller David Hernandez Jason & Meredith Hillman Shirley Hoffman Stephen & Amy Hoffman Jason & Debra Hollander Michael & Eydie Holsman Stephanie Holzner Marvin & Pauline Horn Edward Horowitz & Lisa Bernd Sam & Barbara Horowitz Charles & Ilana Horowitz Ratner Richard Horvitz & Erica Hartman Horvitz Foundation Martin & Sandra Horwitz Johya Howell Scott & Brooke Howell John & Margaret Hrynik Robert and Susan Hurwitz Family Foundation John & Joanna Huss David Hutt & Diane Burgin Brad & Susie Hylan Lisa Iacco Robert Immerman Family Foundation Sarah Immerman Louis Innenberg Benjamin & Erin Inwood David & Linda Inwood Jerry & Deborah Isaak-Shapiro Barry Jacobs Howard & Amy Jacobs Josh & Lisa Jacobs Orry & Sheila Jacobs Don & Judy Jacobson Andrew & Judith Jennings Gene & Penny Jennings Matt Jennings Jones Day Jay & Ellen Joseph Steve Joseph Uriel & Charlotte Joseph Mark Jowell & Simone Noble Kenneth Kabb Ben Kadis Larry & Suellen Kadis Craig & Pamela Kahn Fund Jeffrey Kahn & Karen Horowitz Franck & Wendy Kakou Doron & Ilanit Kalir Matthew & Naomi Kall Sheldon & Mateele Kall James Kalsky Bernard & Sedell Kamenir Gary & Roberta Kaplan Hyman & Susan Kaplan Ira & Amy Kaplan Norman Kaplan Jonathan & Kori Karas Steve & Kim Karl Benjamin Katz David & Deanna Katz Jordan & Nancy Katz Paul & Lisa Katz Richard & Roberta Katzman Fred & Mary Kaufman Jonathan & Lesley Kaye Jack & Janet Keane Dwayne & Shoshana Keeney Roger & Alice Keeney Neil Kellner Bill & Judy Kelly Brian & Loren Kelly Alla Kirsch Michael Kirsch Louis & Nancy Klein Edward & Janet Kneitel HerschelB”H & Maxine Koblenz Bruce Koenigsberg Douglas Kohler & Jennifer Mills Scott & Vicki Koller Seymour Kopelowitz Randy & Jennifer Korach Marcia Korenstein Irwin & Susan Kornbluth David & Wendy Kornbluth Rabbi David & Laura Kosak Milton A. and Charlotte R. Kramer Charitable Foundation Brian & Luda Krantz KSB Group Harvey & Nancy Kumin Kenneth & Amanda Kurland Harry & Janet Kushnir Shelah Kutunow Larry & Fran Lake Gerald & Florence Lander Steven & Giselle Lander Bruce & Rita Langer Jeffrey & Jillian Langer EJ & Greer Langkamp Justine Larson Tom & Jane Lassar Abby Lausin Arthur & Diane Lavin Shelly Lazarus David Leavitt & Leah Spector Robert & Kathy Leb Rachel Lefkovitz Mark & Laura Leventhal Kobi & Liraz Levi Levin Consulting/ Adam & Nancy Levin Blair Levin Carol Levin Howard & Susan Levin Jeffrey & Elaine Levin Lewis Levin Susan Hunt Levin Marcia Levine Mark & Berinthia LeVine Rob Levine Ira & Karen Levinsky Keith & Nancy Libman Alice Licker Benjamin Light Thank You! David Leavitt & Leah Spector Jared & Stephanie Miller Fund Steven & Penni Weinberg Fund Kurt & Sue Linden Philip & Lisa Linden Charles & Roberta Lindenbaum David & Lori Liner Larisa Linetskaya Shelley Lipson Myra Lipton Yoav & Efrat Littner Tara Locher Karen Lockman Marvin & Rita Lockman James Loeb & Judy Mitchell-Loeb Lorex Corporation Martha Klein Lottman Helen Low Eric & Emily Ludwig Saul & Linda Ludwig Steve & Aimee Lurie Maria Lyatkher Victor Lyatkher & Rosa Teguy The Madav IX Foundation Nate & Paula Madvid Aaron Magden Stan & Carol Magden Michael & Yulia Maly Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation Richard Mannarino Robert & Lori Marcantonio Greg Marcus & Shelley Milan Marcus John & Sharon Marcus Kevin & Sheila Margolis Jeff & Roey Margulies Bruce & Karen Marks Richard & Kathleen Marshall Marshall Carpet One Michael Edward Maund Michael May David Mayers Doug & Ruth Mayers Joshua & Lisa Mayers William & Robin McCann Paul & Phyllis McCann S. Mattuck & Elizabeth Meacham Edward & Deborah Meckler Marc Melamed & Nora Singer Nahum & Julia Meller Leon & Deena Mendlowitz Gregg Merriman & Jill McDonough Mark Mesrobian Sandra Meyer Stuart & Elin Meyer Igor Mikhelson & Olga Vilenskaya Abraham & Barbara Miller Larry & Carole Miller Stephanie & Jared Miller Fund Rachel Millstone Barry & Karen Mintzer James Mirgliotta Dennis & Flossy Mitchell Jeff Morgan Cindi Morris George & Fran Morris Jason & Sharon Moses Margie Moskovitz Mark & Abby Moskovitz David and Ruth Moskowitz Family Foundation Steve Moss & Laura Simon Jeff & Jill Muencz Peter Mumma & Hillary Graham David and Inez Myers Foundation David Nalley Guilherme & Lakshmi Nebel de Mello Mr. & Mrs. Carol Nederlander Gary & Sharyn Neides Robert & Ilene Neides Doug Neviera Art & Margie Newman Steven & Janet Newman Gennady & Margarita Neyman Kevin Nolan Bryan & Marci Novak Raymond & Sandra November Robyn Novick Saul & Anat Nurko Mark & Shellie Nyer Adam & Erin Oakley Kenneth & Marilyn Oif David & Michelle Oppenheimer Rabbi Michael & Carolyn Oppenheimer Kevin & Marian Ornstein Bradley Ortman & Melissa Myers Anclaire Oscar Amos Oshrin & Sheryl Kottler Oshrin Andrew & Robin Oster Ken Outcalt Dave & Gena Page Ed & Marla Papcum Michael Pasternak & Allison Gilmore Katelynn Patterson Ezra & Ruth Pecha Penske Automotive Michael Perlman Kathy Peskin Scott & Deborah Picker Stephen & Amy Pincus Sandro & Kim Piunno Jay Plotkin & Adella Wasserstein Steven & Paula Polakof Stanley & Fredda Pollack Terry Pollack & Barbara Gross Martin Pollman Dan Polster & Deborah Coleman Joshua Polster & Eliana LeVine Keith & Cynthia Polster Lee & Monica Ponsky Zac & Taryn Ponsky Ron & Shelly Portnoy Angelo Posa & Sara Haus Ronald & Linda Posner Pete Prentice Charlotte Price Anatoliy & Yelenna Prokvolit William Proper Property Investment Company, LLC PRIVATE EDUCATION. JEWISH VALUES. 13 DONORS 2012 – 2013 Nikolaly & Raisa Prudkoglyad Timothy Quaine Martin & Debbe Rabinowitz The Radebaugh Family Barney Radov Jay Radov Lesley Radov David Raiffe David & Susan Rapkin Esther and Hyman Rapport Philanthropic Trust Jonathan & Meg Ratner Family Foundation Albert & Audrey Ratner Marc & Nadya Raxlin Barry & Susan Reis The Reisman Family Tony & Wendy Reisman Sydney & Phyllis Reisman Ofer & Joelle Reizes Yona Reizes Jay & Mindy Resnick Jeffrey & Jessica Resnick Larry & Linda Rich Craig Richter & Betsy Margolin Lori Riga Allison Ritley Ryan & Lauren Rivchun Bradley & Marcy Robbins Rabbi Daniel Roberts & Elaine Rembrandt Gary Roberts D. Kyle & Cynthia Rose Mitchell & Svetlana Rose Murray Rose Jeffrey & Melissa Rosen Bruce & Sharon Rosenbaum David & Enid Rosenberg Arthur & Barbara Rosenfeld Syrille Rosman Arthur & Val Rosner Jonathan & Elisa Ross Sam & Terry Roth Steven & Ronit Roth Harriet Roth Barry Rothschild Daniel & MaryAnn Rothstein Seymour Rothstein Aleksandr & Anna Rovner Rabbi Hal & Erika Rudin-Luria Minda Rudnick Steve & Carrie Rudow John Ruhl & Ivy Turkington Bob & Beth Ruskin Fred & Anne Rzepka Peter & Aliki Rzepka Stephanie Saad Eli & Hanna Saar Jamie Safdiah Jeffrey Saks Joan Saks Andrea Saltzman Martin & Mary Ellen Saltzman EVERY DONOR IS APPREICATED Joel Saltzman & Shiri Katz Eli & Michele Saulson Barry & Eva Sands Elisabeth Sapell George Sapir Ziv & Shelly Sarig William & Wendy Sattin Steven & Fredda Savett Carl & Toni Scalabrino Kevin & Robyn Schadick David & Orna Schafer Irwin & Marion Schafer Adrienne Schaffer Jonathan & Suzanne Scharfstein Rabbi Jeffrey & Deborah Schein Aaron Schlesinger & Adrienne Kirschner William & Mirel Schlesinger Mitchell & Kyla Schneider Schoenfeld International Inc. Jay & Roberta Schonfeld Cathy Schreiber Keith & Kimberly Schrode Allan & Ilene Schwartz Ricki Schwartz Dan & Cathe Schwarz Graham & Jennifer Schwarz Marcy Scolnick Bob & Ilene Segar Rabbi Steve Segar & Andy Getz John Sekevitch Alan Semel Nathan and Fannye Shafran Foundation Shaker Auto Lease Diana Shall Jeffrey & Joan Shall Michael & Katie Shames Wendi Shapera Jack & Mickey Shapiro Loren & Grenda Shapiro Simcha Shapiro Rae Ann Sharfman Greg & Debra Shaw Jason Shefrin Keith & Sally Sherwin David & Karen Shiffman Cantor Aaron Shifman Michael & Amy Shore Kenneth & Amy Shuman Scott & Annie Siegel Kenneth Siemen & Jacqueline Sandman Ahuva Silver Robert Silverman Stephen Silverman Scott Simon Bart & Sherry Simon Sinai Synagogue Endowment Fund Patrice Sklencar Peter Smilovits & Olga Demidova Stephen Smith Allyn & Leslie Sobel Zack & Laurel Sogoloff Marvin & Judith Solganik Robert & Kathy Solganik Vivian Solganik Bradley & Amy Solomon Gail Solway Little Jeanette Solway Lawrence & Jodilyn Solomon Michael Solomon Norman Sommers Elaine Spiegel Stuart & Jodi Spiegel Jim & Marsha Spitz SS&G Financial Services Robert Patrick Stanley Glenn Starkman & Debby Rosenthal David and Robert Stein Family Foundation Adam & Shari Stern Leonard & Michelle Stern Jack & Tudy Stewart Jim & Jodi Stewart Ralph & Rachael Stewart Susan Stodolsky & David Cramer Alex Stolyar Roz Stone Strassman Insurance Services, Inc. Arthur & Karen Strauss Thomas & Michele Sudow Michael Sugar David & Peggy Sugerman Rabbi Eddie & Roxanne Sukol Jeffrey Sunshine & Helen Salz Gilbert & Sylvia Sunshine David Szellow Gary & Milana Tabachnik Robert Federick Tacher Alisa Taddeo Bernard & Richard Talon Eric & Alison Tannenbaum Gabriel & Susan Tannenbaum Target Rabbi Kara & Kobi Tav Tech Promotions Ileen Tepper Robert & Sophia Teren David & Tracy Thomas Alisa Tolchin Bill & Betsy Trabold Neil & Jennifer Tramer Kris Tufto Laurie & Isabelle Tulk University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital University Hospitals Urology Institute Cecily Urich Fred & Susan Valins John Valvoda Brad Van Dillen Lindsey Vander Gina Villa Ilya & Marina Viner Ruth Viny THANKS TO OUR AGNOTE AND VENDOR PARTNERS Boris’ Kosher Meats Contempo Cuisine Frank’s Hebrew Book Store Dr. Giselle Lander/Hillcrest Family Vision Giant Eagle Heinens Hunan Coventry Jacob’s Judaic Book and Gift Center Lax and Mandel Miles Market Mitchell’s Ice Cream Mr. Brisket Rosenfeld Jewelry Starbucks Subway Tibor’s Kosher Meats Treasures Gift Shop at Siegal College Unger’s Kosher Market Whole Foods Market Mel & Barbara Vogel Saul Wachs & Diane Cover Stephen & Carolyn Warner Mark & Leigh Wasserman Steven & Joni Wasserman Rodney & Donna Wasserstrom Neil & Connie Waxman Bill Wayne Joel & Malka Weil Sanford & Bev Weinberg Stephen & Penni Weinberg Fund Jeffrey & Ellen Weiner Beth Ellen Weiner Joel Weingarten Ed Weinstein & Michele Cydulka Brent & Kate Weinstock Yair & Carol Weinstock Edward & Gail Weintraub Barry & Myta Weisberg Matt & Ilana Weisberg Bill & Barbara Weiss Earl & Marilyn Weiss Jerome & Judith Weiss Stephen & Joan Werber Morris Wheeler Gregg & Susan Wilkes Jim & Eileen Wilkoff Shallamar Williams Michael Williamson Robert Wilson & Richard Zingale Mark Wiseman Abraham & Idelle Wolf Clifford & Linda Wolf Howard & Marla Wolf Paul & Helen Wolf Warren Wolfson Robert Woolnaugh Dan & Ellen Worthington Timothy & Sandra Wuliger Jonathan & Kimberly Wynbrandt Abe Sam Yazdian Isaac & Joan Yedid Sheldon & Iris Yellen Daniel Yulish Gerald Zahler Eldar Zarbavel & Tanya Linetsky Richard & Marcie Zeiger Robert & Nancy Zimmerman Bradley & Lisa Zucker Burton & Sandi Zucker Jonathan Zupnik A G N O N M AT T E R S 14 216.464.4055 Thank You! AGNON FUND CONTRIBUTORS ALIKI & PETER RZEPKA JUDAICS FUND Peter & Aliki Rzepka Phillip & Deborah Weiss Gary & Rena Widzer Gerald Yosowitz & Nancy Levy BARRY LEVIN FUND Adam & Nancy Levin Levin Consulting Kathy Peskin Glenn Starkman & Debby Rosenthal Abraham & Idelle Wolf EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND Jeff & Nicole Haas Steven & Paula Polakof CAROL BERKE MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND Agnon 4th Grade Barry & Anita Gellis Jerrold & Barbara Goldstein Robert & Susan Hurwitz Kelli & Sue’s 2012-2013 Gan Shoresh Class Marcia Korenstein Aimee Lurie Josh & Lisa Mayers Allison Saks Marvin & Judith Solganik HEBREW LIBRARY FUND Richard & Jackie Brooks CHESED FUND Rob & Kathy Solganik Glenn Starkman & Debby Rosenthal Abraham & Idelle Wolf ENDOWMENT FUND Lawrence Gard & Gary Cohen Jeffrey & Kelli Gellis Arthur & Diane Lavin Josh Polster & Eliana LeVine HEADMASTER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Richard & Jackie Brooks John & Sharon Marcus Glenn Starkman & Debby Rosenthal Allyn & Leslie Sobel Abraham & Idelle Wolf ABRAHAM SLOMIANSKI ISRAELI CULTURE FUND Saul & Anat Nurko MIDDLE SCHOOL FUND Kathy Peskin PRIMARY GRADES FUND Barry & Lynn Chesler Joel & Deborah Glass Hillman Family Marcia Kornstein Eric & Emily Ludwig Douglas & Ruth Mayers James & Susan Mezi Jared & Stephanie Miller Lori Riga Walter & Paula Schwartz James & Marsha Spitz ELEMENTARY GRADES FUND Dan & Laurie Goetz Barry & Eva Sands David & Jennifer Snyder ZIONA & SIMON KADIS ENDOWMENT FUND Ian & Gloria Abrams Agnon School Board of Trustees David & Ruth Dobres Forest City Erectors Jeff & Kerry Glueck Dan & Laurie Goetz Kevin Hynes John & Deborah Juergensen Ben Kadis Kovalsky Family Susan Mackey James Mirgliotta Mark & Shellie Nyer Charlotte Price Harriet Roth Peter & Aliki Rzepka Jacob Samsa TDS Telecom Jennifer Tucker Shirley Ungar Ruth Viny Neil & Connie Waxman Abraham & Idelle Wolf GRETEL BLOCK ISRAEL EXPERIENCE ENDOWMENT FUND Charnas Family Jared & Stephanie Miller Rabbi Kara & Kobi Tav Kathy Peskin VINCENT FEDERICO SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND Marcia Kornstein KAHN FUND FOR LEARNING DIFFERENCES Jeffrey & Karen Kah Kathy Peskin WISH LIST Monthly all-school Kabbalat Shabbat Sponsors: $150 Weekly Middle School Lunch Sponsors: $250 Tu B’Shevat All School Lunch: $750 Grade Level Shabbat Dinner Sponsors: $1,000 Hebrew Language Books and Locking Cart for Library: $4,000 Musical Instrument Lending Library: $5,000 Graded (K-8th Grade) Reading Books and Novels: $5,000 Early Education Commons Enhancements: $3,000 “A Kids Guide to Giving,” for each 7th Grader who completes a course on tzedakah or {philanthropy): $300 for one year $1,500 for 5 years Video Camera: $1,500 20 (6-foot) Tables: $4,000 40 Table Cloths for the New Auditorium: $750 Bicycle Rack:$150 2012/2013 FINANCIALS INCOME Continuity Commission State Aid Other Contributions/ Fundraising JFC Subvention Tuition TOTAL EXPENSES 3% Continuity Commission 5% State Aid 1% Other $% $185,000 3% 303,000 5 25,000<1 1,404,00025 621,000 11 3,141,000 55 25% Contributions Fundraising 55% Tuition 11% JFC Subvention $5,679,000 100% 4% $% Other 14% Employee Compensation Occupancy Tuition Assistance Program Expenses Other $3,449,000 62% 394,0007 692,000 12 791,000 14 228,0004 TOTAL $5,554,000 100% Program Expenses 12% 62% Employee Compensation Tuition Assistance 7% Occupancy PEGGY WOLF MEMORIAL TECHNOLOGY FUND Clifford & Linda Wolf WE REGRET ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. PRIVATE EDUCATION. JEWISH VALUES. 15 ENDOWMENT AND LEGACY GIVING ENDOWMENT AND LEGACY GIVING This year we received two pledges of one million dollars each from the Horowitz Ratner Family Foundation and the Weinberg, Dinner, Kahn and Miller Families, bringing our total commitments to $4 million. Both charitable gifts represent multigenerational contributions. An additional $700,000 in legacy and planned gifts, including bequests and life insurance policies, will help secure a bright future for The Agnon School. Also in 2012, the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education (PEJE) admitted several Agnon donors into its newly created L’Dor V’Dor Honor Roll society. This national giving initiative recognizes generous donors across North America who have invested to secure the future of Jewish day schools through endowment and legacy gifts. Agnon representatives to this society include Sheldon and Terry Adelman, Robert Goldberg, Charles and Ilana Horowitz Ratner, Robert Immerman, Orry and Sheila Jacobs, Jon and Margaret Ratner, Peter and Aliki Rzepka, the Weinberg-Miller-Dinner-Kahn Family and an anonymous donor. HONORARY ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE David and Hedy Adler Charles and Ilana Horowitz Ratner Robert Immerman Orry and Sheila Jacobs Adam and Nancy Levin Peter and Aliki Rzepka Stephen and Penni Weinberg ROBERT GOLDBERG is not only a founding member of The Agnon School, he is also a generous donor. His interest in starting a Jewish community day school began when his daughter was ready to enter 1st grade. Though he wanted her to get a solid Jewish education, he also wanted to find an alternative to an afternoon Hebrew school and the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, an Orthodox day school. He contacted his good friend Peter Rzepka because Peter also had a daughter ready to begin school. After a series of discussions that included Walter Schaffer, the three men each committed $1,000 to start a Jewish community day school that taught students from all walks of life. In addition, they contacted the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Endowment Committee and received $50,000 for each of three years. “We pulled in a few other donors and started the school. We had no idea what we were doing and launched the school in 1969 with 11 students,” said Bobby. Today, Bobby has a grandson, who happily attends the school, and remains a strong supporter and community advocate. When asked why he has chosen to make a sizeable gift to the Agnon Endowment, he replied, “I am extremely proud of what Agnon has become. And, I’m now at an age where I want to make sure that the school continues and prospers forever. Agnon filled a void in the community and broke the ice for different types of day schools. Now there’s a place for all of us!” A G N O N M AT T E R S 16 216.464.4055 ENDOWMENT DONOR PROFILES DAVID LEAVITT AND LEAH SPECTOR have had a strong connection to The Agnon School for more than 20 years. In addition to being parents of five Agnon graduates, Leah is Agnon’s Assistant Head of School and Director of Judaics and Hebrew. “We deeply love the school. Agnon instilled pride and self-confidence within our children and provided a foundation to succeed in life. They have high self-esteem and strong identities as Jews,” said Leah. “It was important for our children to get a great education and for Judaism to be a central part of their lives. Agnon stressed high academics and positive Jewish values above all else. We also treasure the sense of community that exists at Agnon,” said David. Feeling thankful and blessed after their last child graduated, David and Leah reflected upon their experience and felt that it was natural for them to enhance their collective memories by giving back to the school. “In our case, we designated the funds for alumni, so our children and their peers could continue to benefit from these dollars. Our experience was priceless, and we owe the school so much,” said Leah. “This is the best investment we have ever made. We want to give back to something that gave us so much. It is our responsibility to do so,” said David, who added, “I wouldn’t be married to my wife if it wasn’t for Agnon!” ORRY AND SHEILA JACOBS have been affiliated with The Agnon School for more than 20 years. Sheila was an Agnon Early Childhood teacher for 11 years, and Orry served as President of the Agnon Board of Trustees from 2010-2013. They are impressed with the high quality of Jewish and secular education that Agnon provides its students, in addition to the school’s emphasis on Jewish values. “Agnon gives its graduates the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century – the ability to work effectively in a team, leadership, creativity, public speaking, writing and problem solving,” said Orry. “When you look at the colleges that Agnon graduates attend, in addition to how well they are doing there and the leadership roles they hold, you know that Agnon is doing a great job!” The Jacobs’ decided to make a Legacy gift to Agnon because Jewish education—and day school education in particular—is their highest charitable priority. “We wanted to leave part of our estate to charity, so making a Legacy gift to Agnon was a natural fit for our priorities,” said Orry. “This is a good time to make our estate plans, and we are delighted that Agnon is making endowment development a high priority.” THE AGNON SCHOOL PRIVATE EDUCATION. JEWISH VALUES. 17 ALUMNI NOTES ARIANA STARKMAN (’12) won the Highest Achievement Award for 9th grade at the Ecole International de Geneva (International School in Geneva) where she attended high school. Ariana ranked #1 out of approximately 130 students. ZACHARY REIZES (’11) and NOA SHAPIRO-FRANKLIN (’11), Shaker Heights High School, won first place in the state History Day Competition. Zachary won in the Senior Individual Documentary category for “The Ford Assembly Line,” and Noa in the Senior Group Performance category for Reed v. Reed: The Pivotal Catalyst to Legal Equality for Women. They both went on to compete at the national level. MOLLY KAZAN (’10) and LUCIE SHIFFMAN (’10) attended the 2013 BBYO National Executive Conference, each serving as Nesiah (President) and representing their regions of Wisconsin and Ohio, respectively. 18 DANIELLE BUCHINSKY (’11), is a three time state qualifier in tennis representing Laurel School. In 2011 she was a finalist in doubles and most recently finished 4th in singles. ANDREW MOYAL (’10), a junior at Orange High School, received the Michelson-Morley Award for “Outstanding Talent and Achievements in the Area of Mathematics and Science.” He also placed 4th in a national science competition. ELI SUGERMAN (’10), a junior at Orange High School, received the Yale Book Award for “Outstanding Personal Character and Intellectual Promise.” MICAH SATTIN (’10), a junior at Shaker Heights High School, became USY Chapter President. ZACHARY KIRSCH (’10) participated in the Bronx High School of Science 42nd annual New York City Invitational as a member of the Hawken School team. This New York Invitational is one of the nation’s largest high school debate and speech tournaments, with more than 1,000 debaters from 30 states. Zach, along with a partner, took part in a public forum team and advanced to the next level with the top 32 teams. MAXWELL BARNETT (’09) and KOBY PICKER (’09) were named National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists. Chosen on the basis of high scores on the Preliminary SAT, semifinalists represent less than one percent of high school seniors nationwide. RACHEL SHAW (’08) and SHOSHI BIELER (’08) were named National Merit Commended Students. DANIEL KAPLAN (’07) is studying design at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Design Architecture Art and Planning. The school was recently named the number three design school in the U.S. He credits Barbara Weiss for instilling a foundation to understand art and instilling personal art freedom. Daniel spent six weeks at Camp Ramah in Canada working with mentally challenged teens and adults and is now a Resident Assistant to 75 incoming freshmen at the University of Cincinnati. SARI LEVENTHAL (‘05) was accepted to the University of Pennsylvania’s Nurse Practitioner/Pediatric Acute and Chronic Care Graduate Program. She went to Israel for the spring semester, and completed a maternity/ pediatrics nursing rotation at Hadassah Hospital. DAREN FRANKEL (’05) earned a silver medal at the U-23 World Rowing Championships for Team USA in Austria, one of only four of 23 boats to earn a medal for the USA. A 2013 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Frankel earned the medal in his first international competition. JOSH SHAPIRO’S (’04) play “Sinternet! The Musical” was selected as one of four plays to premier in “New Voices 2013” at Muhlenberg College. The musical features a college professor who sells his soul to the devil to have the internet destroyed. ALLISON SCHARFSTEIN (’04), Shaker Heights High School ‘08, Yale ’12, is teaching 5/6th grade ELA at Brooke Charter Schools in Boston. DEBORAH BEIM (’00) received a professorship at Yale University. RACHAEL KAPLAN (’99) recently moved back to Cleveland and is working at University Hospitals as a speech pathologist and is pregnant with her first child. Former Agnon science teacher, IDA FRIEDMAN KASDAN, joined by son JOSH FRIEDMAN (’10) is making soap at Chagrin Valley Soap and Salve in Solon, and earning international praise for their natural products. Congratulations to NOAH LEAVITT (’10), MAYA SPECTOR (’10), SARA SHORE (’10), ELANA ROSNER (’10), ZACH LEVIN (’09), JULIA SCHARFSTEIN (’10), ELIANA DOBRES (’10), NADAV PECHA (’09) and KOBY PICKER (’09) for having been selected and serving on the 20122013 Saltzman Youth Panel, a community leadership youth program of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. ALUMNI NOTES MARRIAGES SHAINA OIF (’02) to David Leb; DAVID KAPLAN (’02) to Erica Bleiweiss. David is starting a job with the Jewish Federation of Columbus. BIRTHS SARA BETH (KAPLAN) FERRIN (’99) gave birth to twins, Ari and Cayla. She and her family live in Denver and Sarah is going to nursing school. STEPHANIE (JOSEPH) SAAD (’99) gave birth to a son, Dov. IN MEMORIAM YEVGENIYA BARON PROBST (’99) MELISSA KOPPEL (’03) CONGRATULATIONS TO THE AGNON CLASS OF 2013! Bottom Row (l-r): NOAH HOROWITZ, GABRIEL SUGERMAN, ASAF ROTH, GABRIEL SHAPERA, CAMERON BERGER Middle Row (l-r): MADELEINE CARLONE, ILANA SOLOMON, ZACHARY SHORE, LINDSEY FISHMAN, SUZANNE BERMAN, DAVID BUCHINSKY, KAYLA GITERMAN, KATIE DINNER Top Row (l-r): SASCHA ROBERTS, WILLIAM GOLDSTEIN, GILDA WEINSTOCK, JULIAN BARNETT, MICKI REISMAN, CASEY GREGORY REUNION CLASS OF 2003 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29 Contact Michael Bohl at for details. MAXWELL BARNETT (’09) received Agnon’s Alumni College Scholarship award. He is attending Ithaca College - Honors Program as a freshman. His mother, Halle Eichenbaum Barnett, is an Agnon alumna, and his grandmother, Sharon Eichenbaum, worked at Agnon for 18 years as a teacher, administrative employee and head of school. In his winning essay, Barnett writes, “Agnon students are taught how to think rather than what to think.” He goes on to state, “One of the things my Agnon education has led me to understand is that a holistic knowledge of the past fosters a balanced understanding of the present and an ability to successfully plan for and improve the future. This belief has, in part, shaped the way I have chosen to further educate myself and given me something to strive for in life making an impact.” Drs. Suzanne and Jonathan Scharfstein and Jonathan’s parents, Bernard and Barbara Scharfstein, established The Agnon School Alumni College Scholarship and Staff Education Endowment Fund. The endowment provides a $1,000 merit-based college scholarship annually as well as up to $1,000 each year for staff conference travel. Active at Agnon for many years, Suzanne and Jonathan are the parents of three Agnon alumni. Members of the class of 2002 gathered over Thanksgiving weekend to celebrate their 10th year reunion. Agnon kindergarten friends now seniors: JOSH CARNO-HARF, JOSH A. FRIEDMAN (’10), SARA SHORE (’10), JACKSON GOLDBERG (’10), MICAH SATTIN (’10) Agnon Alumni (’02), SHAINA OIF, surrounded by her Agnon friends: LANNA JUSTMANN, RACHEL ZIELENIEC, RACHAEL BAUM, MORGAN LEAVITT and DANIELLE RESSLER. 26500 Shaker Boulevard, Beachwood, OH 44122 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Cleveland, Ohio Permit #1305 AGNON MATTERS AGNON MATTERS AGNON MATTERS AGNON MATTERS Please send updated contact information to or call 216.464.4055, x100 AFFILIATIONS • JEWISH FEDERATION OF CLEVELAND • JEWISH EDUCATION CENTER OF CLEVELAND • INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL STATES • OHIO ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS • RAVSAK – THE JEWISH COMMUNITY DAY SCHOOL NETWORK
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