2010-2011 Report - Mandel Jewish Day School
2010-2011 Report - Mandel Jewish Day School
2010-2011 annual report 5770-5771 42 years of academic excellence Board of Trustees president Orry Jacobs Vice Presidents Jonathan Kaye Nancy Levin board MISSION The Board’s mission is to create plans, set policies and take actions that will ensure the viability of the school for future generations. Board meetings are listed in the school calendar and are open to anyone who would like to observe. past presidents senior staff Marc W. Freimuth Jerry Isaak-Shapiro, Head of School Robert Goldberg Irwin G. Haber Leah Spector, Assistant Head of School/Director of Judaics and Hebrew Jeffrey Kahn Janet Keane, Chief Financial Officer Adam Levin Terry Pollack, Director of General Academics Laurie Goetz John Marcus Cathy Schreiber, Director of Early Childhood TRUSTEES Dan Aaron Polster Laura Simon, Director of Admissions Lori Riga Scott Simon Treasurer Michael Haas Secretary Terry Adelman* Karil Bialostosky* Glenn Bieler* Dan Dobres Barry Epstein Shari Goldberg* David Gordon Al Gray* Fran Immerman Rabbi Sruly Koval* Eliana LeVine Lisa Linden Debbie Meckler Stephanie Miller Emily Ludwig Michael Pasternak Margaret Ratner (Presidential Appointee) Arthur Rosner** Peter Rzepka Barry Sands Walter Schaffer Jonathan Shanes Laura Leventhal, Director of Development Karil Bialostosky, Director of Endowment and Grants Kathy Peskin, Director of Marketing Ellen Joseph, Student Services Coordinator Keith Sherwin new 2011/2012 board members Daniel C. Worthington Susan Hurwitz honorary life members Nancy Kumin Ian & Gloria Abrams Nick & Carol Federico Rochelle Gross Simon Kadis David & Helen Kangesser** Peter & Aliki Rzepka Neil Waxman Sam Weisberg Ryan Rivchun Anat Nurko Meg Ratner Jonathan Ross new 2010/2011 board members Barry Epstein is an entrepreneur and small business owner who is President of Eppco Enterprises Inc. as well as a partner in Hunan Coventry. He is a member of Kol Halev Synagogue and on the Boards of Siegal College and Kol Halev. Barry has two grandchildren at Agnon. Rabbi Sruly Koval is a teacher and director of Jewish Family Experience (JFX) in Shaker Heights, a family based learning center. He is a member of the Green Road Synagogue. Eliana Levine is a mathematician by profession. She is a member of B’nai Jeshurun Congregation and is on the Board of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. She has three children at Agnon. Helen Salz Suzanne Scharfstein Glenn Starkman Lisa Linden is a public relations and communications specialist. She is a member of Park Synagogue and has two children at Agnon. Rabbi Edward J. Sukol Jerome Weiss Stephanie Miller is a personal trainer and group fitness instructor at Total Customized Fitness, where she specializes in teaching boot camps. She has one child at Agnon. Ike Yedid Joelle Reizes is in the communications, marketing and public relations field and works at Life Line Screening. She is a member of Park Synagogue and has two children at Agnon and one who graduated in 2011. *Term expired 6/2011 ** Of blessed memory Ryan Rivchun is an attorney with the Rivchun Law Firm, LLC. He is a member of Park Synagogue and has one child at Agnon. A MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES PRESIDENT The 2010 – 2011 school year was a very successful one. The secret to our success was a simple recipe: we combined an outstanding and committed faculty and administrative team with a very engaged Board, terrific students and a dedicated parent body. We then let the various parties interact and ended up with a terrific year, including enrollment figures that exceeded our expectations due to an increased number of transfer students. We also exceeded our fundraising goals and again, completed the year with a balanced budget. To help assure long-term financial viability, we added a member to the Agnon administrative staff to work on endowment development. As a result, we received approximately $600,000 in endowment pledges, in addition to several legacy gifts through estate plans. Finally, we celebrated the accomplishments of current and former Agnon graduates. This included five members of the Class of 2007 who were named National Merit Scholar Semifinalists. In the coming year, we look forward to analyzing the results of our 2010-2011 benchmarking study. Under the auspices of the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland, we are evaluating Agnon’s educational quality and fiscal operations and comparing ourselves to other day schools in Cleveland and around the country. Results from this study, along with our own Parent Satisfaction Survey, will be instrumental in improving an Agnon education for future generations. Sincerely, A MESSAGE FROM THE head of school You’re about to leaf through some numbers – some pretty impressive numbers, but numbers nonetheless. Remember though that numbers (even the positive variety) only tell a part of the story. To be sure, they’ll let you know that the volunteer and professional leadership of the school are responsible stewards of this amazing institution; and they’ll also underscore the fact that Agnon is admired, celebrated and supported by an ever-expanding circle of people in our community – people who recognize that a Jewish Community Day School education is absolutely essential for the quality of our Jewish present and the security of our Jewish future. But at the end of the day, there’s an even more important story behind the numbers – the one that tells us that children whose families have different levels of Jewish affiliation and observance and knowledge can and should be under the same school roof with each other. It’s also the story in which teaching differently to those who learn differently not only creates personal successes – it builds community. Finally, it’s a story of innovative, sophisticated academic excellence in both general and Judaic studies, and of students who are prepared to assume their own leadership roles in their high schools, their colleges and their community. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, our staff and faculty and most importantly Agnon’s students, thank you for your interest and your support. Bivracha, Jerry D. Isaak-Shapiro Head of School Orry Jacobs President, Board of Trustees VISION STATEMENT The Agnon School strives to provide genuine academic excellence in which the integration of Judaic and general studies presents an interconnected world for students in the 21st century. Agnon is a school for the entire Jewish community, regardless of affiliation, observance or perspective. Agnon teaches to the whole child, celebrating his/ her multiple strengths while meeting individual learning needs and challenges. As a result of an Agnon education, students become selfconfident, compassionate, creative and engaged Jews and committed citizens, prepared for the academic and social challenges of the modern world. The Agnon School endeavors to be a national model for Jewish day schools, where staff and faculty learn from the best private and public schools. Students, their families and staff come together to create an inclusive, caring community that incorporates the local Jewish and general community, Israel and the world. We develop within our students a profound sense of connectedness with the Jewish people, its history, values and culture, and most particularly with the State of Israel and the Hebrew language. Student Accomplishments whiz kids neosef power of the pen Agnon 8 graders David Kaye and Itamar Nurko were each named a Beachwood Patch “Whiz Kid of the Week.” The 14-year olds were honored for connecting to their Jewishness while on a class trip to Israel. Part of their visit included hand-delivering new clothes to low-income Ethiopian children living in Israel. Ten Agnon middle school students participated in the 58th annual Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (NEOSF) and all left as winners. After presenting their projects to a team of scientists and engineers, each Agnon student received recognition from the judges. Twelve Agnon middle school students participated in the district’s “Power of the Pen” competition – a leading Ohio interscholastic program in written expression that challenges 7th and Aaron Dobres 8th graders to write creatively. Coached by middle school teacher Diane Lavin, 7th graders Aaron Dobres, Charlie Rose and Ariana Starkman and 8th grader Zoe Farkas moved on from Ariana Starkman the district level to qualify for the “Power of the Pen” Regional Tournament. th Second Place Winners Danielle Buchinsky (8th grade): How do different sodas affect the loss of tooth enamel? Mitchell Maly (7th grade): What is the effect of acid rain on plant life? Itamar Nurko David Kaye Danielle Buchinsky hebrew spelling bee Agnon 5th grader Callie Gordon and 7th grader Danielle Bieler each won their division’s first prize at Agnon’s fifth Annual Hebrew Spelling Bee for students in 4th - 8th grade, giving them an opportunity to enrich their Hebrew vocabulary in a fun and motivating way. The challenge generated much enthusiasm among Agnon students who studied up to 400 Hebrew words, along with their definitions, to compete for exciting prizes. Naomi Shapiro (8th grade): What is the effect of the temperature of milk on the viscosity of yogurt? Third Place Winners Mitchell Maly Matthew Baratz (7th grade): What is the effect of salinity on plant growth? Jacob Browner (8th grade): Does steel wool rust faster in purified water or saltwater? Naomi Shapiro Zachary Reizes (8th grade): How does concentration affect electricity output of an Acetic Acid battery? Ariana Starkman (7th grade): What is the effect of sound on walking in a straight line blindfolded? Honorable Mentions Callie Gordon Danielle Bieler Rotem Avisar (7th grade): What is the effect of fertilizer (ppm) on the pH of water? Noa Shapiro-Franklin (8th grade): What is the effect of acids and bases on enzyme action? Barak Spector (7th grade): Does the acidity level differ in various types of tea? Special Awards Special Awards went to Danielle Buchinsky, Naomi Shapiro, and Ariana Starkman. scripps spelling bee Agnon 8th grader Sergy Prokvolit tied for ninth place against 58 contestants from Sergy Prokvolit around the region at the 2011 Scripps National Spelling Bee. Sergy also represented Agnon the previous year at this prestigious event. soccer success Coach Mitch Borrow and the Agnon Soccer Team won all 11 of their regular season games. The athletes were honored at a school pep rally to celebrate the team’s winning season. Faculty & Staff Accomplishments steiger family education grant presidential meeting Agnon 1st grade teacher Johannah Cross was this year’s recipient of the Steiger Family Education Grant. Presented by the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland, this Johannah Cross grant recognizes an outstanding local Jewish day school teacher who demonstrates a dedication to teaching and a devotion to students. As a result of this award, The Sun Press News selected her as their “Person of the Week.” Agnon 5th/6th grade teacher Dina Rock was among a delegation of educators who met President Obama and hand-delivered recommendations for teacher evaluations Dina Rock based on student performance. Earlier in the year, she was the Hope Street group’s Ohio representative at a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation event focusing on educational reforms. She recommended making student achievement gains a major component of teacher evaluation measures. Hope Street is a nonpartisan coalition dedicated to expanding economic opportunity for Americans. sydney taylor book awards As a member of the Association of Jewish Libraries prestigious “Sydney Taylor Book Awards” Committee, Agnon Librarian Aimee Lurie helped to select the best new Jewish books Aimee Lurie for children and teens. She is part of this diverse group of librarians and educators who read and reviewed nearly 100 books with Jewish subject matter. Aimee then donated several of the books to Agnon’s Anne Frank Library. The Agnon School was honored with an award at the 2010 Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education (PEJE) National Assembly for Advancing Jewish Day Schools. Jerry Isaak-Shapiro’s Agnon Jerry Isaak-Shapiro Agenda newsletter column won first place in the category of “Inspiring Communications from a Head of School” for his article entitled “Teach Your Children Well.” This Day School Excellence Award was presented to a head of school who exemplified best practices in an inspirational message. Held in Baltimore, the three-day conference was attended by more than 1100 people representing 300 organizations from America, Canada and several other countries. The Assembly featured over 100 sessions, keynote presentations and events on day school sustainability. Volunteer & Staff Recognition parent volunteer of the year Lila Hanft video marketing award The school’s video, “All About Agnon,” received the Video Marketing People’s Choice Award at the 2010 PEJE National Assembly. This informative video featured on Agnon’s website was produced by Class of 2004 Agnon alumni Dana Leavitt, Allison Scharfstein and Danielle Weiss for their high school senior project. Video Marketing Awards were presented to schools that used the power of film to creatively position themselves to potential parents and donors. peje award grandparent volunteer of the year Agnon’s “Parent Volunteer of the Year” Award was presented to Lila Hanft. Mother to Sascha Roberts in 6th grade, Lila used her technology, Internet, social media and journalism talents to design, build and continually improve the school’s website. staff milestones Char Moses Agnon’s “Grandparent Volunteer of the Year” Award went to Char Moses, grandmother of Max Moses in Kindergarten and Jake Moses in 3rd grade. Helping out at numerous programs, Char often captured events with her camera and created photo albums or DVDs for the entire class. Michele Sudow, Kindergarten Teacher | 30 years of service Connie Mafrici, Food Service Assistant | Retiring after 22 years Diane Lavin, Middle School Teacher | 15 years of service Moran Chajmovic, 5th Grade Judaics Teacher | Retiring after 14 years Moshe Glauber, Technology Coordinator | 10 years of service Michele Sudow 30 years of service Cathy Schreiber, Director of Early Childhood | 10 years of service Shorashim exploring our roots: an integrated 7th grade program Each year Agnon’s 7th graders explore the concept of family and heritage in a year-long, multi-disciplinary program called Shorashim, a term which literally means “roots” in Hebrew. Agnon believes that students absorb more when they discover how their families’ experiences fit into the cultural, historical and scientific events of the 20th century, while unraveling their own personal pasts. Shorashim not only encourages students to research their family histories, listen to their family stories and learn about their family heirlooms, it also integrates these experiences with science, health, social studies, math, language arts, Judaics, art, and music in the following ways: science & health social studies math music Students focus on family genetic traits as well as the medical breakthroughs and topics that occurred during the time of their parents, grandparents and great grandparents. How much did a dozen eggs cost in 1955? While learning about their roots in a historical context, students also contrast the various price of products through the decades by charting graphs using mathematical price comparisons. Learning melodies from the past, students learn specific songs and instrumental music that are significant to recent Jewish history. During social studies, students look at the larger historical and geographical context of recent Jewish history – the decades of their great grandparents to the present. While learning about Jewish and general history, they become profoundly connected to their own, personal history – and to the histories of their classmates. Students also travel to Washington, DC, to visit several historical sites including The Holocaust Museum. judaics Students study Jewish history and immigration over the past several generations, identifying values and traditions in their own families which link them to this time period. Other areas of emphasis include Israel as the Jewish homeland, the meaning of student names and the connections their names have to the Torah. art language arts In language arts, students conduct personal interviews with family members, focusing on stories, heirlooms, documents and photographs. They then write creatively about these heirlooms, producing poems and short stories based upon their interviews and research. Students also write factually about the stories their family members have shared. Creating unique aesthetic compositions, students draw heirlooms in a media-specific way, incorporating the words that they wrote in language arts into their drawings by using their text as shape. In addition, hundreds of family photos are assembled into a photo timeline representing each 7th grader’s family through the decades. A personalized photo album is created which also acts as a roadmap of Jewish immigration. Shorashim culminates with a family program featuring a reader’s theater, where the script is comprised of student writings. In addition, there are instrumental ensembles plus songs and dance performances. An exhibition displays student projects, family photos, documents and heirlooms. A family photographic time line with historical events is also showcased. YEAR IN REVIEW ANNUAL GIVING 2010-2011 Donors of Distinction $25,000 and Above $5,000 - $9,999 $1,800 - $2,499 Anonymous (3) Anonymous (2) Sheldon and Terry Adelman Lois Davis B & B Wood Products Jamie and Wendy Cohen Forest City Enterprises Charitable Foundation Daniel and Laurie Goetz Ellen E. and Victor J. Cohn Supporting Foundation Immerman Family Fran Gordon Immerman Lee and Denise Farkas Eugenia and Henry Green Memorial II Fund Michael and Shari Goldberg Sherwin Goodman Andrew and Judy Green Bradley Ortman and Melissa Myers Kangesser Foundation David and Hedy Adler Charles and Ilana Horowitz Ratner Peter and Aliki Rzepka $10,000 to $24,999 Greg and Hallie Abrams Rochelle and Harley Gross Philanthropic Fund Michael Haas and Raquel Flatow Haas Robert and Susan Hurwitz Family Foundation Jonathan and Lesley Kaye Adam and Nancy Levin Mandel Family Foundation Joseph and Florence Mandel Family Foundation David and Tania Gordon Irwin and Ida Haber Richard Horvitz Orry and Sheila Jacobs Simon Kadis Krieger Fund of Cleveland Foundation Norman and Carolyn Kreiger Robert and Barbara Leiken Jonathan and Suzanne Scharfstein Bernard and Barbara Scharfstein $2,500 - $4,999 Anonymous Barry and Barbara Epstein Michael and Ann Epstein Larry and Bonnie Frankel Alvin, Rachel and Lottie Gray Fund Jerry and Deborah IsaakShapiro Steven and Giselle Lander Philip and Lisa Linden Saul and Anat Nurko Jared and Stephanie Miller William Proper and Ilene Tepper Lori Riga and Jeffrey Saks Pershing Square Foundation Neil and Connie Waxman Jonathan and Margaret Ratner Abe and Idelle Wolf The Reisman Family Sidney and Phyllis Reisman Tony and Wendy Reisman Stephen and Penni Weinberg Matt and Ilana Weisberg Joshua Polster and Eliana LeVine Ryan and Lauren Rivchun Jeffrey Sunshine and Helen Salz Earl and Marilyn Weiss Timothy and Sandy Wuliger $1,000 - $1,799 John and Rabbi Sharon Marcus Joshua and Lisa Mayers David and Ruth Moskowitz Family Foundation David and Inez Myers Foundation Michael Pasternak and Allison Gilmore Dan Polster and Deborah Coleman Jonathan and Elisa Ross Steve and Carrie Rudow Jeffrey and Michelle Rzepka Diana Shall Scott Simon Sinai Synagogue Foundation Shaw and Ally Abrams David and Robert Stein Family Foundation Dale and Susan Bass Ralph and Rachael Stewart Lawrence and Marilyn Blaustein David and Peggy Sugerman Mitchell and Caroline Borrow $750 - $999 Martin and Carolann Cohen Steven Dettelbach and Karil Bialostosky Nathan Dobres (of blessed memory) Isaac and Joan Yedid Andrew Altman and Amy Lilpson Glenn and Jill Bieler Bennett and Sharon Fagin Daniel and Wendy Dobres Judah and Darci Friedman Arnold Feltoon Michael and Stacy Goldberg Louis Freiberg Brian and Lauren Greene Stephen and Amy Hoffman Kevin and Liz Gregory Don and Judy Jacobson Jason and Meredith Hillman Gary and Roberta Kaplan Terry Pollack and Barbara Gross David Leavitt and Leah Spector Marcia Levine Eric and Emily Ludwig Glenn Starkman and Debra Rosenthal Stephen and Carolyn Warner DONORS Every donor is appreciated! We look forward to providing a listing of all Spring Benefit donors in our mid-year report. Shaw & Ally Abrams Howard Bram & Lynn Berg Jeffrey & Tamara Dubin Charles & Ruth Friedman Greg & Hallie Abrams Merna Braunschweiger Scott & Halle Dubin Judah & Darci Friedman Ian & Gloria Abrams Richard & Jackie Brooks Jason Friedman Sheldon & Terry Adelman Marvin Browdy David Effron & Rachel KabbEffron Daniel & Ines Ades Kenneth & Rachel Browner Fred & Sharon Eichenbaum Avrum & Phyllis Froimson David & Hedy Adler Roy & Lynn Buchinsky Martin & Carolyn Alpert Armond & Amy Budish Andrew Altman & Amy Lipson Eileen Carleton Michael & Susie Altman Lionel & Diane Caron Murray & Connie Altose Christine Catalogna Alex & Helene Antwarg Barry & Lynn Chesler Martin & Richard Evans Mario & Tsipi Arenas David Clar & Karen RosenblumClar Bennett & Sharon Fagin Joel & Julie Falck Matthew & Rifka Claypool Lee & Denise Farkas Dan & Ziona Austrian Avery & Susannah Cohen Kim Favor B & B Wood Products Jamie & Wendy Cohen Nick & Carol Federico Jeffrey Babbush Jeffrey & Arielle Cohen Evan Feinberg Shayna Bach Martin & Carolann Cohen Oren Baratz & Susanne WishBaratz Ellen & Victor Cohn Dale & Susan Bass Ronald & Francine Crocco Ruben Aronov & Margarita Aronova Marcia Coven Doug & Johannah Cross Michael & Wendy Cynamon Kenneth & Marilyn Dachner Charles & Ruth Daroff Rabbi Fred & Helen Eisenberg Rachel Eisenberg Jennifer Emery Barry & Barbara Epstein Michael & Ann Epstein Steven Friedman Allen & Kris Frydenberg Stephen & Nancy Gage Jeffrey & Kelli Gellis Gary Ginstling & Marta Lederer Nancy Gluck Frank Godfrey III & Cynthia Kerr Daniel & Laurie Goetz Allen & Denise Gold Bobby Goldberg David & Mindi Goldberg Floyd & Sandy Goldberg Michael & Shari Goldberg DONOR PROFILES LOIS DAVIS BELIEVES IN THE AGNON SCHOOL “My motivation for making a major gift to The Agnon School was my realization that unless children attend a Jewish day school they will not get enough of a Jewish education. These Lois Davis days, there are too many distractions and after-school activi- Brad & Linda Demsey ties. Children used to attend religious and Hebrew school four Rabbi Steven Denker days a week. Now, they attend for two days and that is simply Steven Dettelbach & Karil Bialostosky Daniel & Wendy Dobres not enough time for them to learn.” Arnold & Carol Feltoon Michael & Stacy Goldberg John & Deborah Fialka Jerrold & Barbara Goldstein Michael & Judy Fitzmaurice Joshua & Tiffany Goldstein Gina Beim Ken & Marge Flanz Sherwin Goodman Rich & Nadine Bendycki Claudia Folkman & George Mathiowitz David & Tania Gordon Steve & Etti Berkman Forest City Enterprises Charitable Foundation Fran Gordon Immerman David & Ruth Dobres Richard & Rachel Berkowitz Irwin Frank Robert & Sandra Berkowitz Mitchell & Susan Frankel Roger & Naomi Gordon Alan & Lori Gottlieb David & Leslie Granoff Al Gray Frances Berman Sam & Rina Frankel Family Foundation Glenn & Jill Bieler Larry & Bonnie Frankel Lawrence & Marilyn Blaustein Mort & Carol Frankel Kevin & Liz Gregory David Franklin & Rabbi Rona Shapiro Mila Grosman Harley & Rochelle Gross Rosalie Franklin Gary & Cari Gross Louis Freiberg Stanley Grossman Marc & Ann Freimuth Gary & Hannah Grunwald Gretel B. Bloch Foundation Harvey & Linda Boardman Jeff & Anna Boardman Israel Borow Mitchell & Caroline Borrow Nathan Dobres, of blessed memory Richard & Robin Douglass Daniel & Paula Dreyfuss Andrew & Loren Frieder Andrew & Judy Green Brian & Lauren Green DONORS Michael Haas & Raquel Flatow Haas William & Shirley Haas Jeff & Nicole Haas Paul Katz & Lisa Aronson Benjamin Katz Jonathan & Lesley Kaye Richard Marshall & Kathleen Newell Joshua Polster & Eliana LeVine Marshall Carpet One William Proper Jack & Janet Keane Doug & Ruth Mayers Dwayne Keeney & Shoshana Chazin Joshua & Lisa Mayers William & Robin McCann Marcia Hales Brian Kelly & Rabbi Lauren Werber S. Mattuch & Elizabeth Meacham Sheldon Hanft Chiam & Chaya Keren Francine Hekelman Herschel & Maxine Koblenz Nahum & Julia Meller Heinen’s Scott & Vicki Koller David & Becky Heller Hank & Kelly Kornblut Irwin & Ida Haber Lawrence Haims & Barbara Brothers Irwin & Susan Kornbluth Rabbi Sruly & Ruchi Koval Milton and Charlotte R. Kramer Charitable Foundation Norman & Carolyn Kreiger Fund Harvey & Nancy Kumin Harry & Janet Kushnir Shelah Kutunow Larry & Fran Lake Gerald & Florence Lander Marjorie Heller Jason & Meredith Hillman Stephen & Amy Hoffman Michael & Eydie Holsman Marvin & Pauline Horn Edward Horowitz & Lisa Bernd Richard Horvitz John & Margaret Hrynik Eric & Deb Hurwitz Robert & Susan Hurwitz Robert Immerman David & Linda Inwood Jerry & Deborah Isaak-Shapiro Josh & Lisa Jacobs Neal Jacobs Orry & Sheila Jacobs Don & Judy Jacobson Joseph & Melanie Joltin Jay & Ellen Joseph Mark Jowell & Simone Noble Ben Kadis Simon Kadis Franck & Wendy Kakou Bernard & Sedell Kamenir Kangesser Foundation David Kaplan Gary & Roberta Kaplan Sarah Kaplan Ferrin Steve & Kim Karl Steven & Giselle Lander Justine Larson Michael Lauer & Robin Avery Arthur & Diane Lavin David Leavitt & Leah Spector Leanne Leavitt Gerri Leikin Robert & Barbara Leiken Mark & Laura Leventhal Levin Consulting Adam & Nancy Levin Howard & Susan Levin Mark & Berinthia LeVine Sherry Lieber Dennis & Karen Linden Philip & Lisa Linden Shelley Lipson James Loeb & Judith MitchellLoeb Martha Klein Lottman Eric & Emily Ludwig Saul & Emily Ludwig Brian & Lauren Luntz Michael & Yulia Maly Mandel Family Foundations Bob & Lori Marcantonio John & Rabbi Sharon Marcus William & Michal Marcus Kevin & Sheila Margolis Edward & Deborah Meckler Progressive Foundation Charles & Ilana Horowitz Ratner Jonathan & Margaret Ratner Sidney & Phillis Reisman Tony & Wendy Reiskan Ofer & Joelle Reizes Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Sandra Meyer Stuart & Elin Meyer Michael & Hedy Milgrom Abraham & Barbara Miller Jared & Stephanie Miller Laurence & Carole Miller Dennis & Flossy Mitchell Nechama Moskowitz Jason & Sharon Moses Marjorie Moskovitz Mark & Abby Moskovitz David & Ruth Moskovitz David & Inez Myers Foundation Guilherme Nebel de Mello & Lakshmi Nebel Sara Nehrer Gary & Sharyn Neides Robert & Ilene Neides Raymond & Sandra November Saul & Anat Nurko Kenneth & Marilyn Oif Eric Olsen & Jennifer Finkel Amnon & Aya Ophir Bradley Ortman & Melissa Myers Amos Oshrin & Sheryl Kottler Oshrin Dave & Gina Page Stanley & Linda Palumbo Jay & Mindy Resnick Jeffrey & Jessica Resnick Lawrence Rich Ryan & Lauren Rivchun David & Dina Rock D. Kyle & Cynthia Rose David & Enid Rosenberg Arthur & Barbara Rosenfeld Tena Rosner Jonathan & Elisa Ross Alan & Barbara Rosskamm Sam & Terry Roth Daniel & MaryAnn Rothstein Steve & Carrie Rudow John Ruhl & Ivy Turkington Fred & Anne Rzepka Jeffrey & Michelle Rzepka Peter & Aliki Rzepka Zachary & Deborah Paris Eli & Hanna Saar Michael Pasternak & Allison Gilmore Jill Sadowsky Jeffrey Saks & Lori Riga Katelynn Patterson Elisabeth Sapell Fred & Susan Pearlman George Sapir Pershing Square Foundation Vadim Satonovsky & Irina Grinblat Kathy Peskin Julian Peskin Cantor Misha Pisman Sandro & Kim Piunno Play It Again Sports Jay Plotkin & Adella Wasserstein Terry Pollack & Barbara Gross Barry & Sally Pollack Dan Polster & Deborah Coleman William & Wendy Sattin Beth Schaberg Sheldon & Faith Schaffer Bernard & Barbara Scharfstein Jonathan & Suzanne Scharfstein Ronald & Francine Schatten Rabbi Jeffrey & Deborah Schein Don & Toni Scherzer Jane Glaubinger Schmidt Scott & Jody Spero Brent & Kate Weinstock Jim & Eileen Wilkoff Gary Schnur Elaine Spiegel Barry & Myta Weisberg Abe & Idelle Wolf Cathy Schreiber Stuart & Jodi Spiegel Matt & Ilana Weisberg Clifford & Linda Wolf Keith & Kimberly Schrode Jacqueline Spieler Bill & Barbara Weiss Dan & Ellen Worthington Marcy Scolnick SS&G Financial Services Earl & Marilyn Weiss Timothy & Sandy Wuliger Rabbi Steve Segar & Andy Getz Glenn Starkman & Debra Rosenthal Elie Weiss & Sara Hurand Isaac & Joan Yedid Leonard & Karen Steiger Rabbi Stephen & Naomi Weiss Daniel Yulish Robert & Carol Weitzner Gerald Zahler Wellpoint Foundation Eldar Zarbavel & Tanya Linetsky Stephen & Joan Werber Richard & Marcie Zeiger Charles & Joan Whitehill Nan Zieleniec Alan & Jessica Semel Diana Shall Jeffrey & Joan Shall Jeremiah & Wendi Shapera Donald & Arlene Shapiro Loren & Brenda Shapiro Stuart & Rebecca Sharpe Bruce Shaw & Iona Elovitz Greg & Debra Shaw David & Karen Shiffman Maxine Shiffman Naomi Shiffman Cantor Aaron Shifman Michael & Amy Shore Sanford & Estelle Shore Ilya & Victoria Shteyndler Kenneth & Amy Shuman David Shutkin & Connie Friedman Valentin Shvartsman & Faina Rozenfeld Michael & Anita Siegal Kenneth Sieman & Jacqueline Sandman Ahuva Silver Robert & Myrtle Silverman Bart & Sherry Simon Laura Simon Scott Simon Sinai Synagogue Foundation Warren & Zahava Sklar Steven & Michal Soclof Vivian Solganik Bradley & Amy Solomon Sharon Soltesz David & Robert Stein Family Foundation David & Erica Steinweg Jack & Tudy Stewart Jim & Jodi Stewart Ralph & Rachael Stewart Alex Stolyar Strassman Insurance Services, Inc. Burton & Sandi Zucker We regret any errors or omissions. Please contact the Development Office at 216-464-4055 ext. 124 with any corrections. Arthur & Karen Strauss Sue Strauss Thomas & Michele Sudow David & Peggy Sugerman Rabbi Edward & Roxanne Sukol Gilbert & Sylvia Sunshine Jeffrey Sunshine & Helen Salz Target Eric & Alison Tannenbaum Gabriel & Susan Tannenbaum Ilene Tepper Samuel Tobias & Mira Kleiner Neil & Jennifer Tramer Yevgeniya Tsirulnik Gina Villa Ilya & Marina Viner Wachovia Foundation Stephen & Carolyn Warner Neil & Connie Waxman Joel & Malka Weil Sanford & Bev Weinberg Stephen & Penni Weinberg Beth Ellen Weiner DONOR PROFILES THE SCHARFSTEINS GIVE BACK TO THE AGNON SCHOOL The Agnon School is pleased to announce the creation of an Alumni College Scholarship Fund and Staff Education Fund, made possible by a gift from alumni parents Jonathan and Suzanne Scharfstein and their parents, Bernard and Barbara Scharfstein. “Our goals were twofold. We wanted to revive The Agnon School Alumni College Scholarship Endowment Fund because we place a high value on education and feel pride as we watch Agnon alumni enter college. Moreover, we know how important an Agnon education is in establishing a solid foundation that enabled students to achieve this important milestone. As each Agnon alumnus matriculates into college, we know that they take a big piece of The Agnon School with them,” said the Scharfstein family members. “We also funded continuing education programs for Agnon teachers through the Staff Education Fund to support professional teacher development and to honor their amazing dedication to Agnon students. As a family, we are all indebted to the Agnon teachers who helped instill within our children the love of learning and the excitement of discovering new information.” Noah Kirsch (Class of 2007) was the first alumnus to benefit from the Scharfstein’s generosity, winning the 2011 Agnon Alumni College Scholarship. He is now attending Tufts University as a freshman. In his award-winning essay, Noah wrote, “Humility started with botched art projects, leadership began with a hand tentatively raised in science class. Curiosity was honed through experimentation, and passion was engendered by success. Those are the things that make Agnon special: the intimacy, the trust, the interdependency. It fosters true learning, true creativity, and a lifelong pursuit of success.” Funds Established Endowment Funds Established Endowment Gifts and Legacy Commitments Scharfstein Alumni Scholarship and Staff Development Fund Sheldon and Terry Adelman Lois Davis Simon Kadis Matching Gifts Lubrizol Foundation Merrill Lynch and Co. Foundation Progressive Foundation Wachovia Foundation Wellpoint Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Agnon Affiliations Jewish Federation of Cleveland Jewish Education Center of Cleveland Independent Schools Association of the Central States Ohio Association of Independent Schools RAVSAK – The Jewish Community Day School Network Donor Wish List Monthly All-School Kabbalat Shabbat Sponsors | $150 Middle School Weekly Lunch Sponsors | $250 Tu B’shvat All-School Lunch | $750 Grade Level Shabbat Dinner Sponsors | $1,000 Hebrew Language Books and Locking Cart for Library | $4,000 50” Flat Screen TV Plus Mounting and Wiring | $2,500 (Communications Vehicle for School Lobby) Two Wall Mounted Basketball Hoops/ Gym Additions | $5,000 Musical Instrument Lending Library | $5,000 Graded (K – 3rd Grade) Reading Books/ 10 Additional Classroom Sets | $3,400 Middle School Reading Café Expansion | $2,500 Early Education Commons Enhancements | $3,000 Please consider Agnon for your milestone donations and in your charitable giving plans. For Annual Fund information, contact Laura Leventhal at lleventhal@agnon.org. For Endowment and Planned Giving, contact Karil Bialostosky at kbialostosky@ agnon.org. Or, contact them at (216) 464-4055. BUDGET Continuity Commission State Aid Other Contributions and Fundraising Tuition JCF Subvention Income $ % to total Continuity Commission 185,000 4% State Aid 232,000 5% Other 32,0001% Contributions and Fundraising 832,00018% JCF Subvention 608,000 13% Tuition 2,621,00058% Total 4,510,000100% Supplies Other Occupancy Tuition Assistance Expenses Employee Compensation $ % to total Employee Compensation3,247,00072% Occupancy369,0008% Tuition Assistance 578,00013% Supplies277,0006% Other37,0001% Total4,508,000100% Alumni Notes Mazal tov to the following Agnon alumni: class of 2010 class of 2002 Sara Shore is at Cleveland Heights High School and ranked #1 in her class of 571 students. Ariela Alpert is living in Rwanda for a year and working as the International Coordinator for the Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village, a Rwandan boarding school for orphans modeled after an Israeli youth village. Ariela was also the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s “Face of the Month.” class of 2008 Shoshi Bieler is at Shaker Heights High School and won first place in the individual documentary category in the National History Day competition for her district. Nadav Marcus is at Shaker Heights High School and recently founded “Caring for a Cause,” a non-profit social justice organization that fights homelessness in Cleveland. class of 2007 Daniel Kaplan graduated from Orange High School in May 2011 and was elected International President of United Synagogue Youth (USY), a Jewish youth group affiliated with the Conservative movement. In the fall, he enrolled in USY’s Nativ, a gap-year program, studying at Hebrew University and volunteering and teaching in Yerucham, Israel. He will attend college in 2012. Agnon graduates Yoni Kirsch (Hawken), Ben Leb (Orange), Ilana Polster (Shaker), Michelle Scharfstein (Shaker) and Adam Stewart (Solon) were recognized as National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalists. Ilana Polster, who graduated from Shaker Heights High School, and Yoni Kirsch, who graduated from Hawken, were invited to compete in the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program. Candidates are identified based upon exceptional SAT or ACT scores. class of 1999 Noah Sudow was one of three individuals selected to participate in a cutting-edge venture between the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and PresenTense, an Israel-based program. The partnership was formed to help young Jewish social entrepreneurs develop innovative ideas. Noah’s idea was to foster academic, intellectual and economic cooperation between Israeli and Northeast Ohio-based researchers. Noah is also the son of Agnon Kindergarten teacher Michele Sudow. class of 1997 Samantha Rose was a Plain Dealer guest columnist whose article, “No Going Back in Egypt,” was featured in February, 2011. Samantha studied in Cairo on U.S. Fulbright and U.S. Department of Education fellowships. She is a graduate of Wellesley College and holds a master’s degree in Middle Eastern history from the University of St. Andrews. alumni participate in jewish community programs: 14 Agnon alumni were selected to participate in the following prestigious Jewish community programs. Saltzman Youth Panel Sam Baker: Class of 2007/Orange High School Sam Falck: Class of 2008/Orange High School Kevin Froimson: Class of 2008/University School Brooke Peskin: Class of 2008/Beachwood High School Elissa Rosner: Class of 2007/Hawken School The Saltzman Youth Panel – a Jewish Federation of Cleveland program – educates teens about the philanthropic process. A select panel of 40 high school juniors and seniors allocated $50,000 to worthy organizations, with 85% of funds awarded to programs serving the Jewish community. Diller Teen Fellows Program/Ambassadors for Unity Jacob Douglass: Class of 2009/Beachwood High School Rachel Kraus: Class of 2008/Solon High School Nadav Pecha: Class of 2009/Solon High School Kia Picker: Class of 2008/Solon High School Noah Shutkin: Class of 2008/Shaker Heights High School Ari Sobel: Class of 2008/Beachwood High School Howard Sobel: Class of 2008/Beachwood High School The mission of this Jewish American/Israeli exchange leadership program is to inspire and empower teens from Cleveland and Beit She’an, Israel, to become informed, active Jewish agents of change. Sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the International Diller Teen Fellows program, select high school sophomores and juniors hosted teens visiting from Beit She’an and, in turn, stayed with Beit She’an families when they traveled to Israel. In addition, they participated in social justice projects. Write On For Israel Alana Friedman: Class of 2008/Montessori High School Rachel Shaw: Class of 2008/Shaker Heights High School Write On For Israel, a two-year joint project of the Avi Chai Foundation and the Cleveland Jewish News administered through Akiva, trains high school students to become advocates for Israel and includes a free 10-day trip there. In addition to learning about the Middle East as juniors, students gain knowledge from guest speakers while honing their research, debate, organizational and writing skills. As seniors, participants developed and implemented Israel-related projects. wanted Alumni contact information and notes so we can keep in touch and celebrate with you. Please send information to Laura Leventhal at llevethal@agnon.org. 1970 1969 Agnon founded by Bobby & Linda Goldberg, Simon & Ziona* Kadis, Gene & Marilyn Maeroff, Aviva Orlan, Peter & Aliki Rzepka, Walter & Beth Schaffer and Rabbi Mordechai and Haniti Schreiber. Doors open at Brith Emeth Temple for Kindergarten and 1st graders. Kindergarten tuition: $375. 1st grade tuition: $575. First benefit raffle held. THE LAST 42 1989 1992 1994 1995 1996 School receives $50,000 allocation from Jewish Federation of Cleveland. Agnon increases Kindergarten to two classes. Gym program created. Morris Sorin appointed Head of School. Ray Levi, Head of School, 1992 - 1999. 1973 1971 School receives state charter. Enrollment: 117. Faculty: 10 full-time and 4 part-time teachers. School becomes Jewish Federation of Cleveland beneficiary agency. 1975 1976 1974 First 8th grade graduation held for five students. School moves to larger space at Beth Am. First art show held. First all-school show held: “We Sing of Thee America.” Integrated social studies, Judaics, music and art. Barry Sands, Board President, announces College of Jewish Studies, Akiva and Agnon to share new building. Ilana Sebo, Head of School, 1975 – 1983. 1977 1978 New outdoor play facility completed. First Kindergarten students graduate from 8th grade. Space limitations cap enrollment at 206. “Hot” lunch program begins with art teacher Barbara Weiss using hot plate to boil hot dogs once a week. Extra-curricular activities include track and field, photography and typing. 1982 1983 1984 After-school activities include dance, basketball, drama, pottery and stitchery. Sharon Eichenbaum, Head of School, 1983 – 1988. Major capital building campaign provides for gym addition, art lab, increased early childhood facilities, more middle school classrooms and kosher kitchen. More than 100 students present “Noah” at Beachwood High School to celebrate Agnon’s Bar Mitzvah year. First Agnon Science Fair held. Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) Board recommends full accreditation for The Agnon School. 1986 1985 Board creates Development Committee to increase school fund-raising efforts. 1988 Michael Wolf, Head of School, 1988-1992. Lunch program expands; PTA members cook, serve and clean up. Agnon’s first 7th grade class trip to Washington, D.C. First faculty trip to Israel. Agnon celebrates 25th anniversary. Family education expands to include retreats, evening programs and adult Hebrew classes. Art lab, computer lab, sanctuary/ music room, additional classrooms and courtyards added. “Numbers 2000” program, precursor to Shorashim, introduced to 7th graders. Annual 8th grade class trip to Israel initiated. 2000 1999 Agnon enrolls 407 students – the most ever. Peter Rzepka honored at 30th Anniversary tribute dinner. Lee Lazar, Head of School, 1999 – 2000. Joe Eideson, Head of School, 2000 – 2003. 2004 2003 First “Celebration of Learning” program. Upper and lower playgrounds expanded. Jerry Isaak-Shapiro named Head of School. Agnon named Blue Ribbon School. 2007 2005 Enrollment increases 15% since Jerry Isaak-Shapiro’s arrival. Bobby Goldberg honored at 36th Anniversary celebration. ISACS accreditation renewed. Strategic Plan and Core Values revised. 2011 2008 Agnon enrolls largest Kindergarten ever – 45 students in three classes. Agnon expands administrative staff to include Endowment Director. THE NEXT 42 * Of Blessed Memory The Agnon School 26500 Shaker Blvd. Beachwood, OH 44122 ISACS Accredited Contact us (216) 464-4055 www.theagnonschool.org 2010-2011 annual report 5770-5771 MISSION STATEMENT The Agnon School, a private Jewish Day School, develops ethical leaders and confident critical thinkers with a lifelong love of learning. By integrating superior general academics and Judaic studies, Agnon achieves academic excellence in a nurturing, welcoming environment that engages and teaches to the whole child. OUR NAME: SHMUEL YOSEF AGNON The Agnon School is named after Shmuel Yosef Agnon (1888-1970), the first Israeli to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1966. S.Y. Agnon saw himself as standing halfway between Jewish tradition and modern culture. He was firmly rooted in both worlds, just as we are here at Agnon.
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