hand tools - Keystone Precision Instruments
hand tools - Keystone Precision Instruments
HAND TOOLS Machetes The machete has proven to be the ultimate outdoor tool. It will cut, chop, slash or smash just about anything you put in front of it. The following machetes from Cold Steel® are made of 1055 Carbon Steel with a tough spring temper and are surfaced with a black, baked-on anti rust finish. Each Cold Steel® machete comes with a good utility edge which, with just a little work, can be made hair shaving sharp. The tough polypropylene handles are designed to provide a comfortable secure grip and they are rugged enough to resist chipping, cracking or breaking.A quality machete at a reasonable price. Gator® Machete and Sheath 2241576 BEST SELLER 97KMS The Gator Machete wields a 15˝ fine edge blade on one side, a 15˝ high performance saw blade on the other and the proprietary Gator grip for ergonomic control while using either blade. Comes with riveted nylon sheath for safe transport. List SALE 2241576 15˝ Gator Machete and Sheath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.70 $19.79 ® 97MKM Kukri Machete A workhorse machete ready to cut through the toughest jobs. Each machete features the distinctive weight forward balance of our “top of the line” model and always present their edge on an angle so they are guaranteed to “bite” deep with every stroke. Complete with a Cordura sheath. A solid value, ready for long, hard work. List SALE 97KMS Kukri Machete 13˝ Blade w/ Sheath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28.99 $23.75 97MKM Kukri Machete 17˝ Blade w/ Sheath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33.99 $26.75 97HM 97BM Heavy Machete The heaviest machete made by Cold Steel except for 2 handed model. Blade widens toward the tip for maximum cutting and chopping power. List SALE 97HM Heavy Machete 14 5/8˝ Blade – no sheath. . . . . . . . . . . . $18.99 $14.95 SC97HM Cordura Heavy Machete Sheath only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.99 $ 6.75 97PM Bolo Machete Features a “FAT” point that shifts its weight forward where it can do the most good when heavy chopping or slashing is required. List SALE 97BM Bolo Machete 16 3/8˝ Blade – no sheath . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18.99 $14.95 SC97BM Cordura Bolo Machete Sheath only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.99 $ 6.75 SC97BM Panga Machete 97AM18 Excellent for cutting thick brush and chopping down saplings and small trees. 97PM SC97PM Panga Machete 16˝ Blade – no sheath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cordura Panga Machete Sheath only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $18.99 $ 7.99 SALE $14.95 $ 6.75 97AM21 Latin Machetes Offer extra reach and leverage. Non-slip, wear resistant handles, they are perfect in almost any environment. List SALE 97AM18 Latin Machete 18˝ Blade – no sheath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18.99 $14.95 SC97AM18 Cordura 18˝ Machete Sheath only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.99 $ 6.75 97AM21 Latin Machete 21˝ Blade – no sheath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.99 $16.50 SC97AM21 Cordura 21˝ Machete Sheath only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.99 $ 6.75 97AM24 Latin Machete 24˝ Blade – not sheath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21.99 $17.50 SC97AM24 Cordura 24˝ Machete Sheath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.99 $ 6.75 97AM24 Basic Machetes 24˝, 22˝ or 18˝ blade made from high carbon tempered steel. All with 5˝ plastic handle. List SALE 742818 Machete 18˝ w/plastic handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.25 $ 8.95 742822 Machete 22˝ w/plastic handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.75 $10.50 742824 Machete 24˝ w/plastic handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.25 $11.25 743218 Sheath 18˝ leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18.90 $15.95 743222 Sheath 22˝ leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.60 $16.95 743224 Sheath 24˝ leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21.10 $17.95 64 743222 742822 Keystone Precision Instruments HAND TOOLS Woodman’s Pal® Land Clearing Tool 28412 14512 Made in Pennsylvania since 1941 the Woodman’s Pal® is praised as one of the best land clearing tools by surveyors, forest and land managers, soldiers, hikers and many more. Trim, prune, cut, blaze trails, remove unwanted growth and more with this quality tool. Scheifley’s Grutz® Heavy-Duty, Low Odor Rust and Corrosion Inhibitor Features – ■ Specially annealed high carbon steel blade (Hardened to Rockwell C47 +/-2) will not crack or chip even in sub-zero temperatures ■ Concave axe blade is convex ground for extreme strength and offers superior edge holding capabilities. The blade will cut wood up to 1 ½˝ in diameter w/ a single stroke. ■ Chisel sharp sickle hook slices through stubborn vines and briars. Removes unwanted sprout growth at ground level. ■ The line of balance runs precisely from the grip through the sickle edge creating a natural momentum for efficient, accurate and comfortable swinging motion. ■ Black powder coating prevents rust and corrosion. ■ Safety toe extending one inch up from the axe-side of the tool reduces risk of deflective injuries. Offering three models complete with Nylon Black sheath List SALE 48112 Classic – 16 ½” Length . . . . . . $87.95 $71.95 28412 Military – 16 ½” Length . . . . . $101.15 $79.95 14512 Long Reach – 22” length . . . . $89.05 $72.95 Stops rust, coats and protects your Woodman’s Pal®, machetes, axes, shovel, knives or any metal tool. A high performance water based rust preventative for use on metal surfaces. Contains no harmful or toxic materials. Meets performance requirements of Military Spec Grade 1. LC100R Grutz® Rust/Corrosion Inhibitor 4 oz. . . . . . List $ 5.48 SALE $ 4.25 Pop Pop Don’s™ All Purpose Farm & Home Lubricating Oil 48112 Seals and protects tools from rust and corrosion. Stops squeaks on hinges, doors, gates, windows etc. Contains no kerosene or other harsh solvents. 210HS LC101R Pop Pop Don’s® All-Purpose Lubricating/Rust/ Corrosion Oil 4 oz. . . . . . . . . List $ 5.48 SALE $ 4.25 Sharpening stones for machetes, Woodman’sPal®, knives etc. 220HS 210HS 220HS Rect. Sharpening Stone 3 ¼˝ x 15/16˝ x 5/16˝ Course grit electro-Silicon Carbide – use w/ oil or water . . . . . . . . . . . List $ 5.45 SALE $ 4.69 Round Combination Fine/Course Grit Stone List $21.95 SALE $17.95 Estwing Rock Picks Featuring a bonded and molded shock reduction grip which offers the utmost in comfort and durability, plus reduces vibration. The head and handle are forged in one piece and have a fully polished head. 907003 907002 Estwing Rock Pick 22oz. w/ 16.5” Handle. . . . . . 907003 Estwing Rock Pick 22oz. w/ 13” Handle . . . . . . . 907004 Estwing Leather sheath for Rock Picks . . . . . . . . Machete and Axe Sharpener 907004 List $42.95 List $37.95 List $7.95 SALE $39.95 SALE $34.95 SALE $7.29 A unique sharpening tool designed by Lansky specifically designed to quickly and safely sharpen any tool with a long working edge such as machetes, axes, hatchets, shovels, garden tools and more!! Features a comfort grip for secure handling and built in handguard to keep your hand safely away from the blade while sharpening. Tungsten carbide sharpening head will sharpen even the toughest blades with just a few strokes on either side of the blade. LASH01 Lansky Machete/Axe Sharpener… List $23.95 SALE $18.99 Giant Point Scriber Gator Pro Machete Head is made of forged steel with a Gator Grip® handle. Overall length is 16.5˝ and blade length is 10.5˝. Weighs 17.9 oz. and sheath is made of ballistic nylon. 31000705 Gerber Gator Pro machete w/Sheath . . . . . . . List $68.76 SALE $45.95 For marking on concrete, rock and steel - or any hard surface. Complete in metal case and plastic cap. 813054 Giant Scribe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $ 9.00 SALE $ 7.50 813055 Replacement Tips (6 per pkg.) . . . . List $11.50 SALE $10.00 Estwing Rock/Concrete Chisel 1/2” x 12” 813054 813085 Rock/Concrete Chisel . . . . . . . . . . . List $22.95 SALE $19.95 Heavy-Duty Center Punch 813085 Lightweight aluminum center punches are great for marking a variety of materials or punching starter holes for nails or drill bits 906802 906802 Heavy-Duty Center Punch . . . . . . . List $27.95 SALE $25.50 MA: 888-443-9840 MD: 800-331-8451 NY: 866-205-7488 Towanda, PA: 855-268-4323 PA (hdqtrs): 800-833-9250 65 HAND TOOLS Gator Fine Edge – Clip Point Features blade length of 3.76˝, overall length 8.58˝ and ballistic nylon Gator Grip™ handle. Weighs 5.4 oz. 46069 Gator Fine Edge – Clip Point… 05848 46069 List $56.24 SALE $38.90 06501 Gerber One-Hand Opening Tools 06064 The compact Mult-Plier® 400 features rugged performance and one handed opening Stainless steel hardware and Fiskars® brand scissors. Patented Saf.T.Plus locking system assures tool components stay in place while in use. Comes with sheath. Made in USA. 05500 Compact Sport Multi-Plier w/sheath. . . . . . . . . . . 2205509 Same as 05500 except black color w/sheath . . . . 06149 List SALE $66.25 $41.75 $76.32 $46.95 Clip Folding Knive The E-Z Out Jr. is a perfect everyday knife that is easy to deploy. Features a rugged poly-carbonate handle with a Softgrip® overmold. Fine edge w/blade length 2.38˝, overall length 5.48˝ and closed length 4.52˝. Handle is Glass filled nylon w/TacHide™. Weighs 1.40 oz 06501 05500 E-Z Out Jr. – Fine Edge Knife. . . . List $39.96 SALE $26.50 31000754 31000760 Gerber Clip Folding Knife A near perfect combination of strength, balance, ergonomics and lightweight design. Black blade length is 3˝, Overall length 6.95˝, closed length 3.95˝ with Aluminum TacHide™ handle and weighs 2.8 oz. Bear Grylls Survival Series Knives 05848 Scout Knife AR™ 3.0 Fine Edge Knife . . . . . . . List $58.93 SALE $36.95 Gator Fine Edge 154CM Serrated Edge, Drop point, Folding blade – Blade length 3.3˝, overall length 7.3˝, closed length 4.0˝. Weighs 2.4 oz. and has Textured Rubber Grip Employs advanced thermoplastics with an alligator-like texture to deliver a remarkably comfortable grip. Overall blade length 3.76˝ and overall length 8.58˝. Weighs 5.4 oz. w/Gator Grip™ Handle and Ballistic nylon sheath 31000754 Bear Grylls Scout Knife . . . . . . . . . . . List $37.50 SALE $25.95 06064 Serrated Edge, Drop point, Folding blade – Blade length 2.5˝, overall length 5.8˝, closed length 3.3˝. Weighs 4.8 oz and has a Glass-filled Nylon handle Gator Fine Edge Knife . . . . . . . . . List $72.10 SALE $44.80 Gatormate® Fine Edge – Clip Point Features a drop-point blade with a convex curve and maximum grip in both dry and wet conditions. The knife locks open for safety. Overall blade length 3.08˝ and overall length 7.2˝ Weighs 3.0 oz. w/ Gator Grip™ Handle and Ballistic nylon sheath 06149 Gatormate® Fine Edge –Clip Point Knife. List $45.32 SALE $29.95 DIME™ Multi-Tool 31001040 Keychain style multi-tool that is compact, lightweight and a must have pocket tool! Features: ■ Pliers ■ Wire Cutter 31001134 ■ Fine Edge Blade ■ Retail Pkg. Opener ■ Scissors ■ Crosshead Driver ■ Bottle Opener 31001040 ■ Med. Flathead Screwdriver ■ Tweezers Overall length is 4.25˝ with a closed length of 2.75˝. ■ File Weight is 2.2 oz.. Made from 3Cr13 Stainless steel. 31001134 Black Dime Micro Tool . . . . . 31001040 Red Dime Micro Tool. . . . . . . 66 List $27.50 List $27.50 SALE $18.39 SALE $18.39 Compact Scout Knife 31000760 Bear Grylls Compact Scout Knife . . . List $22.50 SALE $15.95 Tactical BladeMedic™ Knife Sharpener Great for field repairs on all types of knife blades. This sharpener is able to tackle regular or serrated blades, gut hooks, hunting, fishing – just about any knife using one or all of the following elements: ■ Tungsten Carbide – 3-4 strokes will restore your blade ■ Ceramic Sharpening Rods – Polish to a finished edge with 3-4 strokes ■ Serrated Knife Sharpener – Designed to get in even smallest serrations ■ Diamond Tapered Rod – For fast reconditioning and maintenance PSMED01 BladeMedic™ Knife Sharpener . . . . . List $15.95 SALE $13.59 Easy Grip Knife Serrated edge blade (1/3) made of 420 stainless steel w/ bead blast. Blade is 3 5/8˝ and handle, made of textured rubber, is 4 ¾˝. Comes w/ nylon belt sheath, ambidextrous opening style and lockback feature. LKN030 Easy Grip Knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $25.00 SALE $20.95 Small Lockback Made of 420 stainless steel pins, blade & bolsters w/ satin finish. Blade is 2 ¼˝ and handle, made of impact resistant ABS w/ rubber grip insert, is 3 ¼˝. Has a pocket clip. LKN045E Small Lockback Knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $ 7.95 SALE $ 5.98 Keystone Precision Instruments HAND TOOLS Redtop Man Hole Cover Pick 4432DP 4432DP 5/8˝ hex grade tool steel and approx. 32˝ in length with a hardened steel diamond point . . . . . . . . . . . List $28.95 SALE $24.95 Redtop Gad 4418GD 4418GD Gad is 3/4˝ x 1 1/2˝ x 18˝ of high grade tool steel with hardened tip – 4 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $28.95 SALE $24.95 4418RT Redtop Frost Pin 4418RT 1˝ diameter high grade tool steel with a 1 3/4˝ button top and a hardened diamond point tip . . . . . . . . List $23.50 SALE $18.50 Hammers – Wood Handle 440S8 440S6 44EN4 44EN2 44EN21/2 44EN4 44OS6 44OS8 44EN21/2 2 lb. Eng. Hammer 15˝ Wood Handle . . . . . 2 1/2 lb. Eng. Hammer 15˝ Wood Handle . . 4 lb. Eng. Hammer 16˝ Wood Handle . . . . . 6 lb. sledge 36˝ Wood Handle . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 lb. sledge 36˝ Wood Handle . . . . . . . . . . . . List List List List List $15.50 $17.89 $21.63 $33.69 $39.99 SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE $13.25 $15.50 $17.95 $26.95 $31.50 Hammers – Fiberglass Handle Fiberglass Handle features a solid fiberglass core with a molded polypropylene cover for the ultimate in durability HE2FG 2 lb. Eng. Hammer w/ 16” Fiberglass Handle. List $16.12 SALE $13.50 HE3FG 3 lb. Eng. Hammer w/ 16” Fiberglass Handle. List $18.85 SALE $15.95 HE4FG 4 lb. Eng. Hammer w/ 16” Fiberglass Handle. List $22.60 SALE $18.25 SH6FG 6 lb. Sledge w/ 36” Fiberglass Handle . . . . . . . List $37.25 SALE $28.95 SH8FG 8 lb. Sledge w/ 36” Fiberglass Handle. . . . . . . List $44.25 SALE $33.95 Ditch Bank Blades Professional grade and double edged tools used to clear vines, undergrowth and briars. Heavy steel blades with sturdy handles. 33770 14˝ Blade/36˝ Handle/ 3 Hole . . . . . . . . . . . . List $50.75 SALE $41.25 33771 16˝ Blade/40˝ Handle/ 3 Hole . . . . . . . . . . . . List $64.05 SALE $45.95 33772 16˝ Blade/40˝ Handle/ 4 Hole . . . . . . . . . . . . List $74.05 SALE $52.75 HE3FG SH8FG 33773 Bush Hook Professional heavy grade tool ideal for clearing tough vines, weeds, undergrowth and small saplings. Heavy steel blade with sturdy handle. 33773 12˝ Blade-Double Edge/36˝/Straight . . . . . List $76.95 SALE $54.95 E-Tool Folding Shovel with Serrated Blade 30000075 (open) 30000075 (closed) Compact, lightweight made to withstand the most rugged conditions. Open – overall length 23.39˝, close – 9.37˝ Only 40 oz. weight Steel shovel with aluminum shaft and glass filled nylon handle 30000075 E-Tool Folding Shovel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $75.00 SALE $47.95 Swedish Brush Axe 8813015 7 1/4˝ long. 8813015 8813016 8813017 28˝ hickory handle with razor sharp replaceable blade that’s Brush axe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brush axe replacement handle . . . . . . . . . . . Brush axe replacement blade . . . . . . . . . . . . List $47.50 List $16.00 List $16.50 SALE $39.95 SALE $13.00 SALE $14.49 Seymour Posthole Digger Bar 33770 DG19 PD48 Features a chisel edge on one end and a tamper point on the other end. Chisel end is used to loosen or dig soil in postholes. The tamper end is used to pack soil around posts that have been set in holes. Also, great for removing rocks from soil. DG19 Posthole Digger Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $54.42 SALE $40.95 Structron Hercules Posthole Digger Structron Hercules Digger with 4 ft. fiberglass handles and 6.25˝ point spread on blades. Cushioned grip and weighs approximately 10.5 lbs. PD48 Structron Hercules Digger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $90.16 SALE $69.35 PD48H 4´ Replacement Handle (one) . . . . . . . . . . . . List $21.00 SALE $16.50 Perfection Posthole Digger Perfection Digger with 4 ft. wooden handle and 5.5˝ point spread on blades. Handle is square cut for added strength at point of greatest stress. Weighs approximately 9 lbs. DG12 Perfection Digger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $81.26 SALE $62.95 DG10H 4´ Replacement Handle (one) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $19.00 SALE $14.95 DG12 MA: 888-443-9840 MD: 800-331-8451 NY: 866-205-7488 Towanda, PA: 855-268-4323 PA (hdqtrs): 800-833-9250 67 KEYSTONE PRECISION INSTRUMENTS 1670 East Race Street Allentown, Pa. 18109 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LEHIGH VALLEY, PA PERMIT 369 Worksite Notebooks Rite in the Rain worksite notebooks come in 3 versions all featuring spiral binding, 50, 2 page forms and are 4” x 6” in size. The JOB BRIEFING Notebook form walks you through the eight pre-job points and has a spot to collect signatures. The JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Notebook form contains spaces for a task list, hazard identification, controls and signatures. The DAILY LOG is the easy to use work site diary. All the notebooks feature the all-weather paper solution for the outdoor professional. 151 154 157 Job Briefing Notebook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Job Hazard Analysis Notebook. . . . . . . . . . . Daily Log Notebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $ 4.95 List $ 4.95 List $ 4.95 SALE $ 4.70 SALE $ 4.70 SALE $ 4.70 Pentel Drafting Pencils Feature a push-button instant point, knurled finger grip and 4mm stainless steel sleeve for template tracing. P205A P205B P205D Home Office: 1670 East Race Street Allentown, PA 18109 PH: 800-833-9250 FX: 610-266-3240 P205D Black Barrel (0.5mm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $ 6.59 SALE $ 5.70 Burgundy Barrel (0.5mm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $ 6.59 SALE $ 5.70 Green Barrel (0.5mm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List $ 6.59 SALE $ 5.70 DIME Multi-Tool ™ 31001040 Keychain style multi-tool w/ 10 different features that is compact and lightweight! Comes in red or black color – see page 66 for more information. 31001134 Black Dime . . 31001040 Red Dime . . . List $27.50 SALE $18.39 List $27.50 SALE $18.39 31001134 New England Office: New York Office: 455 Fortune Boulevard Unit 3 Milford, MA 01757 PH: 888-443-9840 FX: 508-478-4200 7020 Fly Road East Syracuse, NY 13057 PH: 866-205-7488 FX: 315-414-0781 Maryland Office: Towanda, PA Office: 2140 Priest Bridge Ct. Suite 1 & 26 Crofton, MD 21114 PH: 800-331-8451 FX: 410-451-7073 1706 Golden Mile Road Towanda, PA 18848 PH: 855-268-4323 FX: 570-268-0326 2241576 Gator® Machete and Sheath See our website for 25th Anniversary Monthly Specials! The Gator® Machete wields a 15˝ fine edge blade on one side, a 15˝ high performance saw blade on the other and the proprietary Gator grip for ergonomic control while using either blade. Comes with riveted nylon sheath for safe transport. 2241576 15˝ Gator Machete and Sheath . . . . . List $29.70 SALE $19.79 Email us at sales@keypre.com Visit our website at www.keypre.com
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hand tools - Keystone Precision Instruments
in diameter w/ a single stroke.
■ Chisel sharp sickle hook slices through stubborn vines and
briars. Removes unwanted sprout growth at ground level.
■ The line of balance runs precisely from the gr...
hand tools - Keystone Precision Instruments
1670 East Race Street
Allentown, Pa. 18109