a career in career counselling


a career in career counselling
` 8.00
Deepak Razdan
he 46th session of the Indian
Labour Conference (ILC) on 20th
July, 2015 turned historic when the
Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi,
launched the National Career Service
(NCS) Portal to begin the process of
introducing information technology in
the delivery of services at the country’s
978 employment exchanges. The previous system under the National
Employment Service required job seekers to physically visit the Employment
Exchanges for registration, verify their
records and then wait for opportunities
to come. The employers too had to visit
Employment Exchanges for posting job
vacancies and obtaining lists of eligible
candidates with little flexibility. Thus
both job-seekers and employers were
unsatisfied. Bringing people and opportunities together, the NCS portal now
provides a nation-wide online platform
for job-seekers and employers for jobmatching in a dynamic, efficient and
responsive manner.
If one looks at the unemployment
data, and the number of educated jobseekers, the NCS Portal launch is most
timely. In December, 2013-end, there
were 468 lakh job-seekers registered
with the employment exchanges, over
302 lakh of whom were men and over
165 lakh women. The total number of
placements through the exchanges
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during 2013 was just 3.49 lakh – 2.90
lakh men and 0.59 lakh women. Nearly
60 lakh job-seekers registered themselves with the exchanges during 2013.
With the overall unemployment rate in
the country staying over two per cent
as per the latest Economic Survey, the
job-seekers’ data strongly highlighted
the necessity of utilizing IT tools to
speed up the job-placements.
The NCS, which is transforming the
National Employment Service into an
IT-based service platform, makes available a rich repository of career content
on over 3000 occupations across 53
sectors. The services under NCS are
available online and can be accessed
directly, through career centres,
Common Service Centres, mobile
devices, cyber cafes. The NCS Portal
will also facilitate organisation of job
fairs where both employers and job
seekers can interact. A dedicated
helpdesk (multi-lingual) is also available from Tuesday to Sunday on 1800425-1514 for assisting users. The
Government has also approved the
establishment of 37 Model Career
Centres which will be functional this
year. The NCS is also establishing a
network of Career Counsellors to make
the career centres become the hub of
Career Counselling in their area.
The National Career Service (NCS)
also offers a variety of other services
like information on skill development
courses, apprenticeship, internship,
career counselling, etc. All registrations
on the NCS Portal are Aadhaar based,
with national portability. Data for over 2
crore jobseekers registered with state
employment exchanges is on the NCS
portal. They can activate their accounts
using Aadhaar. Over 9 lakh establishments having Labour Identification
Number (LIN) are on the NCS portal
and they can post their vacancies. All
978 employment exchanges have been
given user IDs and passwords for activating their accounts. States have been
requested to publicize usage of the
NCS portal for posting vacancies and
job matching.
Several states (Andhra Pradesh,
Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,
Manipur, Telangana) having employment exchange data in a database
have integrated with the NCS portal.
Remaining states having manual systems can directly log on for new registrations. Information on courses of over
11,000 Industrial Training Institutes
(ITIs) and 12,000 Vocational Training
Providers (VTPs) is available on the
Portal. Over 14 lakh students from ITIs
and 11 lakh from VTPs are linked to the
NCS. These candidates have been
Continued on page 55
Usha Albuquerque
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited requires
200 Fitter and Welder
Last Date : 30.09.2015
(pg 43)
Union Public Service Commission
invites applications for various posts.
Last Date : 01.10.2015
(pg 13-19)
Military Engineer Services requires 241 Mate
Electrician, Mate Carpenter or Mate Mason etc.
Last Date : 10.10.2015
(pg 21-25)
Indian Space Research Organisation requires
112 Light Vehicle Driver, Heavy Vehicle Driver
and Staff Car Drivers
Last Date : 24.09.2015
(pg 42-43)
Turn over the pages for other vacancies
in Banks, Armed Forces, Railways, PSUs
and other Govt. Deptts
Following item is available in the Web Exclusives
section on www.employmentnews.gov.in
z Clock begins to tick as 98 smart cities
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t is said that there are two critical
decisions we take in our lives. One is
the choice of a life partner, and the second, the choice of a career or profession. These two important choices
determine whether we will be happy
and successful in life, or not. And while
we give ample time, attention and
expenditure to the first, very often little
thought is given to choosing a career.
And yet - career counseling, i.e
helping others make decisions about
their working lives, is possibly the oldest in the world and has now, in recent
years, gained importance and popularity. Choosing a career is a complex
process, more so as there are thousands of jobs, and new ones being created all the time, many more aspirants
for every study course, and hundreds
of applicants for every profession and
post. Yet there are over 30 million educated candidates who remain unemployed, a majority of them unemployable.
This is so because often a career
decision is made on the basis of unrealistic professional aspirations, inadequate knowledge, parental and societal
pressures and emotional factors that
should rightly be irrelevant to this decision. Our society is specifically one that
finds no child worthy unless he can
become a doctor, an engineer, business manager or a chartered account-
ant, ignoring the fact that each individual is unique in abilities, values, interests and personality styles, and could
be eminently successful in anyone of
thousands of work opportunities that
exist today.
The role of the Career counselor is,
therefore, to assist people with objective and professional guidance that can
enable them explore, pursue and attain
their career goals.
Professional career counselling has
been introduced into most schools
today as it helps improve the performance of students to a great extent,
enabling them to grow physically, mentally and emotionally with the knowledge, motivation and freedom to make
informed career choices.
Career counselling basically consists of four elements:
i) helping individuals to gain greater
self-awareness in areas such as
interests, values, abilities, and personality style,
ii) linking individuals to job opportunities, information and resources so
that they can become more knowledgeable about jobs and study
iii) engaging students in the decisionmaking process in order that they
can choose a career path that is
well suited to their own interests,
values, abilities and personality
iv) assisting individuals with job
Continued on page 56
DELHI POSTAL REGD. NO. DL-SW-1/4101/2015-17U(C)-108/2015-17 Licensed to Post without prepayment RNI 28728/76 N.D.P.S.O. New Delhi 11/12.9.2015 Date of Publishing : 7.9.2015 (` 8.00)
Air Surcharge 20p for Srinagar, Leh, Kalimpong, Imphal, Dimapur, Agartala, Duliajan, Karimganj, Chabua, Diphu, Dibrugarh, Tezpur, Haillakandi, Mariani, Jorhat, Shillong, Digboi, Silchar, Port Blair
Continued from page 1
search strategies, including managing career changes and transitions, and professional development.
Skills Required
z Counselors should possess thorough knowledge of prevalent job
and career trends, best institutions,
different courses and their fee structures, awards, scholarships and
financial assistance programmes,
etc. They should constantly keep
abreast of changes in the field of
education, emerging career opportunities, scope, and so on.
z Strong communication skills – verbal, written and interpersonal – go
without saying. The ability to develop a good rapport, motivate a positive approach, subtly steer students in the right direction is
z Listening skills (with empathy and
understanding), true commitment,
involvement, patience, sensitivity
and desire to understand the student's point of view. Strong analytical skills and creative ability to
develop new programmes related
to student development are helpful
as well.
z Emotional stability, sensitivity and
maturity to handle the career problems of others, a strong interest in
helping others, and perceptive in
assessing people and ability to
inspire respect, trust, and confidence.
Educational Qualification
Most counselors have a background in psychology as this provides
an insight into human behaviour which
helps career counselors to understand
better the problems of their clients.
There are no specific courses in career
counselling, but most courses in guidance and counselling cover career
counselling too. Candidates who have
a Master’s degree in any field are eligible to apply for a diploma in counselling, although some institutes prefer
students with a psychology background. Teachers with some years of
experience can also take up career
guidance and counseling. Some institutes that offer Post Graduate Diploma
courses in Guidance & Counselling are :
z National Council of Education and
Research Training –NCERT, New
President Pranab Mukherjee has greeted teachers throughout the country
on the eve of Teachers' Day. In his message, the President has said,
Teachers' Day is a special occasion to honour teachers who are practitioners of one of the noblest professions and whose dharma is to impart
wisdom. He said, teachers mould the destiny of students and impart wisdom and learning to future generations.To mark the occasion, the
President held a joint class of 11th and 12th standards of Dr. Rajendra
Prasad Sarvodaya school located in the President Estate.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that there are several ways to contribute to nation building. Interacting with the students on the eve of
Teachers Day he said, joining the Armed Forces or being in politics is not
the only way to serve the nation. The Prime Minister asked people who
have done well in their career to spend at least one hour a week or hundred hours in a year to teach the students. He said, classroom gives a
sense of mission and priority. The Prime Minister also released two commemorative coins of Rs 125 and Rs 10 in the memory of former President
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
Union Cabinet has approved Marginal Fields Policy (MFP) for the development of unexploited hydrocarbon discoveries by state owned oil companies. Decision in this regard was taken by Union Cabinet Meeting in New
Delhi. Under MFP, 69 unexploited oil fields owned by Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation (ONGC) and Oil India Limited (OIL) will be opened for competitive bidding based on revenue sharing model. These discoveries for
many years were not monetized due to isolated locations, small size of
reserves, technological constraints, high development costs and fiscal
regime. Private exploration companies will be able to submit bids for
exploiting these oil fields. The policy allows the successful bidder to sell
these oil fields at the prevailing market price of gas, rather than at an
administered price. This is first time revenue sharing model has been introduced in oil sector.
Union Government has identified 305 cities and towns across 9 states for
implementation of its flagship ‘Housing for All’ scheme. 305 cities were
identified by Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
(HUPA) for beginning of construction of houses for the urban poor under
the scheme. In this regard, HUPA Ministry will provide assistance of over 2
lakh crore rupees over the next six years for construction of houses to
enable two crore urban poor own their own houses. Selected cities and
towns are in Chhattisgarh (36) Gujarat (30), Jammu and Kashmir (19),
Jharkhand (15), Kerala (15), Madhya Pradesh (74), Odisha (42), Rajasthan
(40) and Telangana (34).
Union Government has accepted Justice AP Shah Committee report on the
Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) on foreign institutional investors (FIIs). By
accepting the recommendations, Government will not impose levy on FIIs
prior to 1st April 2015 i.e. retrospectively. In the meantime, government has
ordered Central Board of Direct Taxation (CBDT) field officers not to pursue
cases against FIIs on the issues related to MAT.
India has decided to join UN-based ‘Better Than Cash Alliance’ with a view
to reduce cash transactions in its economy and achieve financial inclusion.
The official announcement in this regard was made on the first anniversary
of Government’s flagship financial inclusion programme Pradhan Mantri
Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY.) Partnership with this UN alliance is an extension of Indian Government’s commitment to reduce cash transactions in its
Employment News 12 - 18 September 2015
Delhi www.ncert.nic.in
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of
Youth Development, Tamil Nadu
z Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu annamalaiuniversity.ac.in
z Karnataka University, Karnataka www.kud.ac.in
Job Prospects
z Most career counselors work in
schools and educational institutes,
or with career and study advisory
z They can also work with career
information centres and career
education programs.
z They advise on college majors,
admission requirements, entrance
exams, and financial aid.
z They help students develop jobfinding skills such as resume writing and interviewing techniques.
z Career counselors can also work
with recruitment agencies and specialise in employment and placement counselling to assist students
with career development and in
locating and applying for jobs.
With the increase in overseas education, career counselors have also
been advising students on choice of
study course, institute and country, as
well as assisting in the application
Starting salary for career counselors can range from around Rs
15,000 – 30,000. Most school counselors are taken on teachers pay
scales, while those working with career
management services and with
employment agencies can earn more.
Career counseling is a challenging
and fascinating career. It is a path less
travelled, but one which must be trod
on with a keen sense of responsibility
as it has a far reaching impact in the
lives of others. The future of an individual depends on Career guidance.
(The author is a well known career counselor. With inputs from Yashodhra Arora
Careers Smart Pvt. Ltd.
email: careerssmartonline@gmail.com)
economy as digitization of payments to achieve financial inclusion is a top
priority. ‘Better Than Cash Alliance’ is made up of Governments, international organizations and companies. It accelerates the transition of economy from cash to digital payments in order to reduce poverty and drive inclusive growth.
The Supreme Court of India has stayed Rajasthan High Court’s order
declaring Santhara, a Jain ritual of voluntary and systematic fasting to
death illegal. Santhara is a religious custom of Jain religion that embraces
voluntary death in order to purge oneself of bad ‘karma’ and attain ‘moksha’. The practitioners of this custom take an oath to stop eating until they
die of starvation.
Union Ministry of Urban Development has come out with a Smart National
Common Mobility Card (NCMC) model to enable seamless metro travel,
shopping. This card meets basic travel needs based on concept of stored
value of money. It can be used for travelling by any means of transport and
also enables account based retail shopping applications.
Union Government has launched SAHAJ scheme for online release of new
LPG connections for the consumers as parts of its consumer friendly initiative. Under the scheme, people can apply online for new LPG connection
and they need not visit to the LPG distributors for it. This will enable the
customers to post online request for a new connection by filing Know Your
Customer (KYC) form by uploading bank account details and photographs.
The West-Central Railway (WCR) zone headquartered in Jabalpur,
Madhya Pradesh has become the first Railway Zone in Indian Railways to
eliminate all unmanned level crossings. The target was achieved after all
118 unmanned level crossings of WCR zone were eliminated in phased
manner by August 31, 2015. This target was achieved by constructing 33
Limited Height Sub Ways (LHs) and manning of 30 level crossings.
World Health Oraganistion (WHO) has officially declared India as Maternal
and Neonatal Tetanus free country, i.e. mothers and newborns are free
from tetanus at the time of birth. This is second milestone achieved by India
in public health sector after it was declared polio free country in 2014.
Canada’s economy has fallen into a recession for first time after global
financial crisis of 2009. Statistics Canada, nodal national statistical agency
of Canada, has reported that its Gross Domestic Product has retreated at
an annual pace of 0.5 per cent from April through June 2015. In earlier
quarter, first three months of the year 2015, the economic slowdown had
appeared which had fallen to 0.8 per cent. Technically, two consecutive
negative quarters leads to recession.
Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has decided to recognize Yoga
as a sports discipline and place it in the Priority category. The sport of
Fencing has been upgraded to General category. University Sports have
been placed in the Priority category. General category of sports disciplines
will be retained.
South African city of Durban has been selected as the host for the 22nd edition of Commonwealth Games to be held in 2022. For the first time in the
history of Commonwealth Games, African nation has been chosen as host
of the Games. The city was chosen by the Federation’s general assembly
in New Zealand as it was the only bidder for the multi-sports event. 22nd
Commonwealth Games would be held from 18 to 30 July 2022.
Printed & Published by Dr. Sadhana Rout, Additional Director General, on behalf of Publications Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, New Delhi and Printed at Amar Ujala Publication Ltd., C-21 & 22,
Sector-59, Noida-201301. Published from Employment News (Ministry of I. & B.) East Block-IV, Level-5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066. Editor - Hasan Zia