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19 ANNUAL REPORT 2006 Poh Kong Holdings Berhad Chairman’s Statement Dear Valued Shareholders, On behalf of the Board of Directors, I have great pleasure in presenting the annual report and financial statements of Poh Kong Holdings Berhad (“the Company”) and its subsidiaries (“the Group”) for the financial year ended (“FYE”) 31 July 2006. 20 ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS OVERVIEW The Malaysian economy grew by 5.8 % in the 3rd Quarter of the year which was higher than the expected 5.5% average growth, according to Bank Negara Malaysia’s outline of the performance of the economy on November 23. The Central Bank forecasts gross domestic product to grow by 6% in 2006. With the revision of the 1st Quarter and 2nd Quarter growth upwards, and a good showing in the 3rd Quarter, the growth is expected to be stronger in the 4th Quarter of this year due to accelerated Government spending and stronger domestic demand. Income is projected to trend upwards and higher commodity prices, export earnings and increase in foreign direct investment will contribute to sustain economic growth and increase income for consumers. The outlook for investment activity is expected to improve with new projects coming on stream under the Ninth Malaysia Plan, thus contributing towards sustained economic activities and a continued robust domestic sector. Coupled with this, the wholesale and retail sub-sectors are expected to grow by about 8% next year in tandem with the promotional efforts to be carried out during Visit Malaysia Year 2007, thus encouraging more shoppers, both local and foreign. REVIEW OF FINANCIAL RESULTS For the financial year ended 31 July 2006, Poh Kong’s group revenue was higher from RM351.9 million in FYE2005 to RM 372.1 million in FYE2006, recording an increase of RM20.2 million or a 5.74 % in sales. The increase in revenue was attributed to soaring high gold prices and growth in sales of which RM16 million was contributed by new outlets and RM4.2 million by existing stores. Chairman’s Statement REVIEW OF FINANCIAL RESULTS (continued) Poh Kong opened an additional 8 new outlets in urban and sub-urban centres with each costing an average of RM3 million. As a result of the outlets expansion, Poh Kong’s inventory comprising mainly gold has increased from RM250.7 million in FYE2005 to RM286.9 million in FYE2006. Profit before taxation rose higher from RM22.4 million in FYE2005 to RM35.1 million or an increase of 57% for FYE2006 under review. The growing demand for gold products and higher gold prices resulted in increase profits. Coupled with this, the fluctuation in gold prices due to supply and demand and other global factors have also caused many consumers to buy gold for investment. We are confident even if the high gold prices persists, we would not be adversely affected as gold has intrinsic values and consumers would get used to the prices. As in the previous year, gold jewellery continued to be a contributor to the total revenue although Poh Kong has emphasised the sales of diamonds and gems in its promotions of jewellery. Paid-up capital stood at RM115.9 million, an increase of RM0.4 million by way of conversion of Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks (“ICULS”) over the previous financial year of RM115.5 million. As at 31 July 2006, the Group’s net tangible assets recorded an increase of RM16.9 million at RM216.7 million over the previous year of RM199.8 million. The year under review continued to see intense competition in the jewellery retail trade industry. Competitors came up with aggressive marketing campaigns, competitive pricing, network expansion both locally and overseas and improving their retail outlets distribution. To commemorate Poh Kong’s 30th Anniversary and to maintain our unrivalled market leadership, we stepped up our brand equity advertising, promotional programmes and special events. These included the Poh Kong 30 th Anniversary Celebrations Gala Dinner at the KL Hilton for customers, business partners and associates, the trade, Government representatives and the media, and the Poh Kong 30th Anniversary “Million Ringgit Reward” Contest from 30 September 2005 till 30 April 2006 to reward our patrons with diamonds and gems as prizes. All Poh Kong staff also celebrated the occasion with a sumptuous 30th Anniversary “Summer Fiesta” Dinner at the Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel, Bandar Sunway, Selangor. Poh Kong sponsored the Miss Poh Kong Glamour/ International Tourism Pageant 2005 World Final at 1 Utama (New Wing), Bandar Utama, Selangor on 18 December 2005 and specially organised a Jewellery Extravaganza show where models displayed Poh Kong diamonds and gem sets. On 11 May 2006, Poh Kong Holdings Berhad via its whollyowned subsidiary Poh Kong International Sdn Bhd (“PKISB”) entered into a joint-venture agreement with two Hong Kong based companies to carry out the business of diamondcutting and polishing, sales, import and export of precious stones in Hong Kong and China. PKISB has a 51% equity interest in the joint-venture which will give the Group an advantage over its competitors as it will have a steady supply of diamonds and other precious stones at lower prices. Currently, we have a total of 72 retail outlets via a network across the country. The Group has also opened its first franchise outlet at Complex Karamunsing, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah in September 2006. 21 Chairman’s Statement ANNUAL REPORT 2006 Poh Kong Holdings Berhad REVIEW OF FINANCIAL RESULTS (continued) We are also pleased to announce Poh Kong Jewellers Sdn Bhd and several subsidiaries of the Group have been presented the Fair Price Shop Awards 2005 - 2006 in the jewellery category by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs this year in recognition of the Company’s outstanding contribution to the country’s economy. Poh Kong was ranked 10th in the Top Ten Retailing Company in Malaysia, with US$95 million (RM351 million) in sales volume for 2005, according to Retail Asia Publishing magazine. The Company was also listed 372 position in the region’s 2006 Retail Asia-Pacific Top 500 retail companies in the annual ranking based on sales value generated by retailers in 14 Asian economies in 2005. FUTURE PROSPECTS 22 Plans and strategies to increase our sales turnover for FYE2007 are on going to constantly fulfill the desires of our consumers via our brand building advertising campaigns and promotions, easy accessibility of our existing outlets, opening of new stores, franchise outlets and overseas market expansion. We plan to open more stores as part of our local expansion for the year 2006/2007. The expansion of outlets in various locations from urban to sub-urban centres, is aimed at generating growth opportunities and increase in revenue while providing wider accessibility and convenience to our consumers. The Group is optimistic in identifying more suitable franchisees in the future. Going forward on the Group’s overseas expansion, startup on the construction of a diamond cutting and polishing factory in Zhuhai, Guandong province is now in progress. Meanwhile, PKISB’s diamond-cutting and polishing business is currently in operations at a rented factory premise in Zhuhai. This overseas joint-venture would provide a wider base for Poh Kong’s future earnings and growth revenue. The Company’s strategies have continuously emphasised not only on yellow and white gold, but diamonds and gems, as well as the growth of our in-house brand Tranz for the young and trendy. It also foresees rapid growth for jewellery outlets Diamond Boutique and sole licensee products for the Walt Disney collection of favourite characters theme jewellery for children. We recognise that the local and global economic conditions such as gold price volatility will remain challenging and become more competitive with the participation and expansion of both local and foreign competitors. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Board expects the performance of the Group to remain satisfactory for the coming financial year ending 31 July 2007. Chairman’s Statement DIVIDEND APPRECIATION The Board has proposed to declare a final dividend of 6 sen per ordinary share, less income tax of 28%, for the financial year ended 31 July 2006 (2005 : a gross dividend of 6 sen per ordinary share, less income tax of 28% was declared) subject to the approval of shareholders at the 4th Annual General Meeting on 15 January 2007. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank our valued customers, business partners, suppliers, shareholders and especially our valued loyal customers for their continued support and confidence. I would also like to thank the Government and the relevant authorities, for their assistance. EARNINGS PER SHARE The basic earnings per share for the financial year ended 31 July 2006 stands at 22.48 sen (2005: 14.26 sen). Finally, to my Board Members, I thank you for your counsel and guidance during the past year, and to the Management and Staff, I look forward to your dedicated commitment and valuable contributions. I trust that we will continue to benefit from all your constant support in the coming year to further enhance shareholders’ value. 23 Dato’ Choon Yee Seiong Executive Chairman & Group Managing Director 18 December 2006 24 ANNUAL REPORT 2006 Poh Kong Holdings Berhad 25 ANNUAL REPORT 2006 Poh Kong Holdings Berhad Penyata Pengerusi Pemegang-pemegang Saham Yang Dihargai , Bagi pihak lembaga pengarah, saya dengan sukacitanya membentangkan laporan tahunan dan penyata kewangan bagi Poh Kong Holdings Berhad (syarikat) dan subsidiarinya (kumpulan syarikat) bagi tahun kewangan yang berakhir (“FYE’) 31 Julai 2006. 26 GAMBARAN PERNIAGAAN KESELURUHAN EKONOMI DAN Menurut pengumunan “Garis Kasar Bank Negara Malaysia” mengenai prestasi ekonomi pada 23 November, Ekonomi Malaysia telah bertumbuh sebanyak 5.8% dalam Suku Ke-tiga adalah lebih tinggi daripada purata pertumbuhannya yang dijangka sebanyak 5.5%. Bank Pusat meramalkan Keluaran Kasar Dalam Negera akan bertumbuh sebanyak 6% pada tahun 2006. Menerusi semakan mengenai pertumbuhan yang mendadak dalam Suku Pertama dan Suku Ke-dua, dan penujukkan peningkatan yang baik dalam Suku Ke-tiga, diekori dengan pemecutan dalam perbelanjaan kerajaan serta permintaan tinggi Dalam Negeri, pertumbuhan Ekonomi Malaysia diramalkan akan menjadi lebih tinggi dan kukuh lagi dalam Suku Ke-empat pada tahun ini. Pendapatan diramalkan melalui haluan yang semakin menaik, harga komoditi yang lebih tinggi, perolehan daripada hasil eksport serta pelaburan langsung negara asing akan mengukuhkan pengekalan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan peningkatan pendapatan penguna. Harapan bagi kegiatan dan aktiviti dalam pelabuhan dijangka akan bertambah baik dengan projek-projek baru seperti yang akan dilancarkan dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-sembilan, supaya dapat terus mengekalkan kedudukan kegiatan ekonomi dan sektor domestik yang kukuh. Di samping itu, sub-sektor jualan borong dan runcit dijangka akan bertumbuh lebih kurang sebanyak 8% pada tahun hadapan sejajar dengan usaha promosi yang akan dilancarkan sepanjang Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2007, yang seterusnya akan mengalakkan lebih banyak pembeli tempatan mahupun negara asing. KAJIAN KEPUTUSAN-KEPUTUSAN KEWANGAN Bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Julai 2006, jumlah keuntungan kumpulan Poh Kong telah meningkat daripada RM351.9 juta dalam FYE 2005 kepada RM372.1 juta dalam FYE 2006, iaitu, mencatatkan peningkatan sebanyak RM20.2 juta atau 5.74 % dalam hasil jualan. Peningkatan dalam jumlah hasil berpunca terutamanya daripada harga emas yang melambung tinggi dan pertumbuhan baik dalam hasil jualan, iaitu RM16 juta daripada cawangan baru dan RM4.2 juta daripada cawangan sedia ada. Penyata Pengerusi KAJIAN KEPUTUSAN-KEPUTUSAN KEWANGAN (sambungan) Poh Kong menubuhkan lapan (8) lagi cawangan baru di pusat bandar dan bandar kecil dengan setiap cawangan menelan kos sebanyak RM3 juta. Bersamaan dengan pengembangan cawangan baru ini, inventori Poh Kong yang terdiri terutamanya daripada emas telah meningkat daripada RM250.7 juta dalam FYE2005 kepada RM286.9 juta dalam FYE2006. Jumlah keuntungan sebelum cukai meningkat daripada RM22.4 juta dalam FYE 2005 kepada RM35.1 juta atau peningkatan sebanyak 57% dalam FYE 2006. Faktor utama peningkatan dalam jumlah keuntungan Poh Kong adalah disebabkan oleh permintaan yang meningkat terhadap produk emas bersamaan dengan harga emas yang tinggi. Selain itu, turun naik harga emas akibat daripada pembekalan dan permintaan serta lain-lain faktor global menyebabkan lebih ramai pengguna melabur dalam emas. Sekirannya harga emas terus meningkat, kami yakin bahawa prestasi kumpulan Poh Kong tidak akan terjejas memandangkan emas mempunyai nilai intrinsic dan pengguna juga akan terima harga emas tersebut. Modal berbayar terkini adalah RM115.9 juta, telah meningkat sebanyak RM0.4 juta melalui cara penukaran ‘Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks (“ICULS”) berbanding dengan tahun kewangan yang lepas yang mempunyai sebanyak RM115.5 juta. Sehingga 31 Julai 2006, Aset Ketara Bersih Kumpulan Poh Kong merekodkan sebanyak RM216.7 juta iaitu meningkat sebanyak RM16.9 juta berbanding dengan tahun lepas sebanyak RM199.8 juta. Kajian terus menyaksikan persaingan sengit antara pesaing-pesaing dalam industri dagangan runcit barangan kemas dalam kempen pemasaran agresif, peletakan harga yang berunsur persaingan, pengembangan rangkaian tempatan dan luar negeri menyebabkan mempertingkatkan pengedaran saluransaluran kepada pengedaran runcit mereka. Untuk memperingati Ulang Tahun Poh Kong Ke-30, dan untuk mengekalkan kedudukan Kepimpinan yang tiada saingan dalam pasaran, kami menekankan pengiklanan dalam jenama ekuiti kami, program promosi serta acaraacara khas. Ini termasuk Jamuan Makan Malam Gala Perayaan Ulang Tahun Poh Kong Ke-30 di KL Hilton untuk para pelanggan, rakan kongsi dan sekutu perniagaan, bidang perdagangan, wakil-wakil Kerajaan dan pihak media. Hadiah yang lumayan seperti berlian dan batu permata juga diberi sebagai ganjaran kepada pelangan tetap kami yang menyertai Pertandingan “Million Ringgit Reward” yang bermula dari 30 September 2005 hingga 30 April 2006. Semua kakitangan Poh Kong juga meraikan perayaan ini dengan Jamuan Makan Malam “Summer Fiesta” Ulang Tahun Poh Kong Ke-30 yang mewah di Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel, Bandar Sunway, Selangor. Poh Kong bukan saja menjadi penaja dalam pertandingan “Miss Poh Kong Glamour/International Tourism Pageant 2005 World Final” yang berlangsung pada 18 December 2005 di 1 Utama Shopping Centre (New Wing), Bandar Utama, Selangor, tetapi juga mengadakan pertunjukkan “Jewellery Extravaganza” secara khusus di mana modelmodel memperagakan berlian dan permata Poh Kong. Pada 11 Mei 2006, Poh Kong Holdings Berhad melalui anak syarikat milik penuhnya Poh Kong International Sdn Bhd (“PKISB”) telah menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama dengan dua syarikat berpangkalan di Hong Kong untuk menjalankan perniagaan dalam pemotongan dan penggilapan berlian, jualan, import dan eksport batu permata berharga di Hong Kong dan China. PKISB yang mempunyai kepentingan ekuiti sebanyak 51% dalam kerjasama ini memberi kelebihan kepada Poh Kong berbanding dengan pesaing lain dalam pembekalan berlian dan batu permata pada harga yang lebih rendah. 27 Penyata Pengerusi ANNUAL REPORT 2006 Poh Kong Holdings Berhad KAJIAN KEPUTUSAN-KEPUTUSAN KEWANGAN 28 (sambungan) Kini, rangkaian Poh Kong mempunyai sebanyak 72 cawangan premis runcit di seluruh negara Malaysia. Kumpulan Poh Kong juga telah membuka cawangan Francais yang pertamanya pada bulan September 2006 di Kompleks Karamunsing, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Dengan sukacitanya kami juga ingin mengumumkan bahawa Poh Kong Jewellers Sdn Bhd dengan syarikat subsiadiarinya diiktirafkan Anugerah Kedai Harga Patut 2005-2006 (Fair Price Shop Awards) bawah kategori barangan kemas oleh Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri & Hal Ehwal Pengguna Malaysia pada tahun ini sebagai pujian dan pengiktirafan syarikat dalam sumbangan cemerlang terhadap ekonomi negara. Poh Kong menduduki tangga ke-10 dalam Syarikat Peruncitan Sepuluh Teratas di Malaysia, dengan jumlah jualan sebanyak US$95 juta (RM351 juta) bagi 2005, menurut majalah “Retail Asia Publishing”. Syarikat Poh Kong juga disenaraikan pada tangga ke-372 dalam senarai syarikatsyarikat runcit tahun 2006 “Retail Asia-Pacific Top 500” dalam penarafan tahunan berdasarkan nilai jualan yang dihasilkan oleh peruncit-peruncit dalam 14 Negara Asia Ekonomi dalam tahun 2005. PROSPEK MASA HADAPAN Rancangan dan strategi untuk meningkatkan jumlah dagangan jualan bagi FYE2007 masih dilaksanakan untuk sentiasa memenuhi hasrat pelanggan-pelanggan kami melalui kempen pengiklanan dan promosi membina jenama kami, kebolehan diakses yang mudah bagi cawangan sedia ada kami, pembukaan cawangan-cawangan baru, cawangan francais dan pengembangan pasaran luar negara. Kami merancang untuk membuka lebih banyak cawangan sebagai sebahagian daripada pengembangan tempatan kami bagi tahun 2006/2007. Pengembangan cawangan dalam beberapa lokasi pusat bandar dan bandar-bandar kecil, disasarkan untuk menjana peluang pertumbuhan dan meningkatkan jumlah hasil di samping menyediakan kebolehan diakses yang lebih meluas dan keselesaan kepada pelanggan-pelanggan kami. Kumpulan adalah optimistik dalam mengenal pasti pemegang-pemegang francais yang sesuai pada masa hadapan. Maju ke hadapan dengan pengembangan luar negeri Kumpulan Poh Kong, pembinaan kilang pemotongan dan penggilapan berlian di Zhuhai, wilayah Guandong sudahpun dimulakan. Sementara itu, perniagaan pemotongan dan pengilapan berlian PKISB pada masa ini beroperasi di premis kilang yang disewakan di Zhuhai. Usahasama luar negera ini akan menyediakan pangkalan yang lebih luas bagi perolehan dan hasil pertumbuhan masa hadapan bagi Poh Kong. Strategi Syarikat yang secara berterusan memberi penekanan bukan sahaja kepada emas kuning dan putih, tetapi juga kepada berlian dan permata, serta pertumbuhan jenama Tranz miliki kami bagi golongan genarasi muda yang mengikut perkembangan fesyen semasa. Ia juga meramalkan pertumbuhan pesat bagi saluran-saluran keluar barang kemas Diamond Boutique dan pemegang lesen tunggal produk-produk bagi koleksi Walt Disney dengan barangan kemas bertemakan karektor-karektor kesukaan ramai bagi kanak-kanak. Kami sedia maklum bahawa keadaan ekonomi tempatan dan global seperti turun naik harga emas akan kekal mencabar dan menjadi lebih bersaing dengan penyertaan dan pengembangan pesaing-pesaing tempatan dan asing. Tanpa keadaan di luar jangkaan, Lembaga menjangka prestasi Kumpulan akan terus kekal memuaskan bagi tahun kewangan yang akan berakhir 31 Julai 2007. Penyata Pengerusi DIVIDEN PENGHARGAAN Lembaga telah bercadang untuk mengisytiharkan dividen terakhir sebanyak 6 sen bagi setiap saham biasa, ditolak dengan cukai pendapatan sebanyak 28%, bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Julai 2006 (2005 : dividen kasar sebanyak 6 sen setiap saham biasa, tolak cukai pendapatan sebanyak 28% telah diisytiharkan) tertakluk kepada kelulusan pemegang-pemegang saham pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ke-4 pada 15 Januari 2007. Bagi pihak Lembaga Pengarah, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pelanggan-pelanggan, rakan-rakan perniagaan, pembekal-pembekal, pemegang-pemegang saham dan khususnya pelanggan-pelanggan setia kami yang amat kami hargai atas sokongan dan keyakinan yang berterusan mereka. Saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kerajaan dan pihak-pihak berkuasa berkenaan, atas bantuan mereka. PEROLEHAN SETIAP SAHAM Perolehan asas setiap saham bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Julai 2006 adalah 22.48 sen (2005 : 14.26 sen). Akhirnya, kepada Ahli Lembaga, saya mengucapkan terima kasih atas nasihat dan panduan anda sepanjang tahun lepas, dan kepada pihak Pengurusan dan Kakitangan, komitmen dedikasi dan sumbangan bernilai anda amat saya hargai. Saya percaya bahawa kita akan terus mendapat faedah dari semua sokongan berterusan anda pada tahun-tahun yang akan datang untuk terus mempertingkatkan nilai pemegangpemegang saham. 29 Dato’ Choon Yee Seiong Pengerusi Eksekutif & Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan 18 Disember 2006 Statement on Corporate Governance ANNUAL REPORT 2006 Poh Kong Holdings Berhad INTRODUCTION The Board of Poh Kong Holdings Berhad (“the Company”) is committed to instill a corporate culture that emphasises good corporate governance and is to be practised throughout the Company and its subsidiary companies (“the Group”). The Group acknowledges the importance of corporate governance in enhancing its business prosperity and corporate accountability with the absolute objective of realising long-term shareholders value, whilst taking into account the interest of other stakeholders. The Group will continue to endeavor to comply with all the key principles of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (“the Code”) in an effort to observe high standards of transparency, accountability and integrity. This is to sustain optimal governance with conscientious accountability for continuous effectiveness, efficiency and competitiveness of the Group. 30 Set out below are descriptions of how the Group applied the Principles of the Code and how the Board has complied with the Best Practices set out in the Code. DIRECTORS The Board Balance professionals from various backgrounds and with the relevant experience and expertise that would add value to the Group. The mix of experience is vital for the strategic success of the Group. The presence of Independent Non-Executive Directors fulfils a pivotal role in corporate accountability. The role of the Independent Non-Executive Directors is particularly important as they provide unbiased and independent views, advice and judgement. The Executive Chairman and Group Managing Director is Dato’ Choon Yee Seiong. There is a clear division of responsibilities. As the Chairman, he is responsible for the orderly conduct and performance of the Board. As the Group Managing Director, he is responsible for ensuring the Board’s decisions are implemented, and that the day-to-day running of the business is in tandem with the goals and policies sanctioned by the Board. Although the current arrangement does not comply strictly with the best practices contained in the Code, the Managing Director is subject to the control of the Board of Directors. In compliance with the Code, Dr Choong Tuck Yew as the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director assist with concerns regarding the Company where it could be inappropriate for those to be dealt with the Executive Directors. The control environment set the tone for the Group and is driven by an effective Board (“the Board”) consisting of competent individuals with appropriate specialised skills and knowledge to ensure capable management of the Group. The Board is responsible for overseeing the conduct and performance of the Group’s businesses and oversees the Group’s internal controls. The composition of independent and non-independent directors is carefully considered to ensure that the Board is well balanced. In discharging its fiduciary duties, the Board is assisted by the following three (3) Board Committees each entrusted with specific tasks. All the three (3) Committees do not have executive powers but report to the Board on all matters considered and their recommendations thereon. The Terms of Reference of each committee have been approved by the Board and where applicable, comply with the recommendation of the Code: The Board comprises ten (10) members, of whom six (6) are Executive Directors and four (4) are Independent NonExecutive Directors. It is a balanced Board and comprises a) b) c) Audit Committee; Nomination Committee; and Remuneration Committee.