

May/June 2013
School at St. Timothy (Part Two) By Fr. Rick Bolte
Bishop Foys had given his verbal
support to me personally before but
now he had expressed that same
support before the Pastoral Council,
Finance Council, and the parish
clergy. But nothing had changed. We
had done surveys with mid 40’s in
favor and high 30’s opposed and the
rest uncertain: that is not a mandate
to build a school.
When Smith, Beers, and Yunker did
their survey for us now two years ago,
they had these same results as had
earlier surveys but they had some
explanation for the numbers. In the
interviews they did, they found that
those who were uncertain and even
some who opposed the school did so
because they had questions they
needed answered before they could
consider supporting a school. The
challenge was “How to answer these
and any other questions that would
come up?” and even “What other
questions might need to be
We began a search to find parishes
that had gone through this process
recently. No one could remember the
last time a school was started in our
diocese. Bishop Foys had reminded
us that many parishes had built a
school first and had Mass in the
school auditorium until there was
enough money for the church. You
may recall that for a few weeks I
asked in the “Pastor’s Desk” part of
the bulletin if anyone knew of such a
parish building a school. We received
some recommendations but the
various situations seemed too
different from ours to be a good fit.
Then someone in the parish told us
about his former parish in Indiana. I
contacted the pastor there who was
very helpful. He told me of their
situation and their process and how
it led to their building a school which
was now flourishing. He gave me
the name and contact information of
a person who would have what they
put together for their study. From
that person we received a document
171 pages long where they tried to
address all the relevant issues.
Their numbers were similar to ours
and we saw that proportionately we
had greater support for a school
than they had when they took their
survey. Much of the document was
made up of appendixes detailing
various charts and summaries of
collected data. It also included a
presenting the information to the
This became the document we
would use as a framework for our
own study. The school committee
has been working diligently to
prepare the document for St.
Timothy. At this point we believe we
have the information and document
ready to begin our presentation to
the bishop first, and if approved, to
the parish. We are scheduled to
meet with Bishop Foys and other
diocesan officials on June 5.
The Companion
is the newsletter of
St. Timothy Parish
P.O. Box 120
Union, KY 41091-0120
Contributions are welcome.
Contact Lynn Profitt:
Fr. Rick Bolte, Pastor
Lynn Profitt
Graphic Designer
Tom Tally
Fr. Rick Bolte
Fr. James Egbers
Michelle Alley
Katie Barton
Lesley Duggan
Jennifer Fedders
Pete Freeman
Deb Froschauer
Tim McGilloway
Josie Plummer
Dave Profitt
Deb Thomas
With Heartfelt Gratitude
By Deacon Dave Profitt
Deacon Dave Profitt
Deacon Dave Philbrick
“ thanks to the Lord,
for he is good, his love is
everlasting ~ Psalm 118:1 ”
Eucharistic Adoration:
Tuesdays, 8:30am - 10pm.
On April 13, Dave Philbrick and I had
the privilege of receiving the
Sacrament of Holy Orders to become
Permanent Deacons in the Diocese.
On the night before rehearsal, we
were informed by the Bishop that we
would be assigned to St. Timothy. We
were both thrilled to be assigned
here. When we began the process
five years ago, we were told it was
unlikely that one or both of us would
be here so needless to say we were
pleasantly surprised.
The role of the Permanent Deacon
is often a misunderstood ministry in
the Church. While we do receive Holy
Orders, we are not a Priest wannabe
or “Priest lite” as I like to refer to it.
We have a separate and distinct
ministry in the life of the Church. We
are called to a life of service and
charity. Permanent Deacons are most
often married men with children and
jobs who live and operate in the
world the way most people do. Think
of us more as a link between the
world and the Church. Our call is to be
Christ as servant in the secular world.
We are not higher up the food chain
so to speak or more important. Our
first calling was to marriage and to
the family life. Our call to the
diaconate fits within that family
concept and is important for people
to realize. We don’t receive super
powers at ordination. If so, I would
have a full head of hair but obviously I
don’t. Instead we are reminded that
Jesus came in to the world to serve
and not be served. We are to be the
voice of the poor and those
disenfranchised in the world today.
Our call is to humility and an
understanding that our actions speak
far louder than our words. In other
words, we have the same ministry as
all baptized Christians but with
different responsibilities and obligations.
None of this would have been
possible if it weren’t for you, the
parishioners of St. Timothy. It is your
example of service and commitment to
Christ and his Church that inspired me
to deepen my own spiritual life. It
allowed me to first hear God’s call and
then answer it. I’ve been a part of the
Parish for 15 years now and what I
have witnessed is the work of a great
group of people who selflessly serve
the needs of the Parish and the
community. This is why our Parish
develops so many Deacons. A sign of a
healthy Parish is when vocations are
being produced and we do that. The
men’s group, Christ Renews His Parish
and other ministries within the Parish
are where we grow and deepen our
spiritual life. The example of Fr. Bolte
and Fr. Jacob and Deacons Steve Alley
and Tom Nolan were so important in
our growth and development as well.
We received tremendous support from
them and it would be hard to imagine
my spiritual growth without them.
As Dave and I begin our work here in
the Parish, keep us in your prayers. I
will continue to serve as RCIA Director
and Dave will now be involved in Adult
Faith Formation. We will do our share
of baptisms and weddings and other
liturgical functions within the Church
as well. We will also make our share of
mistakes as we grow in this ministry so
pray hard for us because it looks like
you’re stuck with us.
I was thinking the other day how
much over the years in my writings in
the Companion that I’ve revealed
about my thoughts of becoming
Catholic and growing in the Catholic
faith. You know me and that has good
points and bad points. I’m still the
same person who will express my
thoughts when asked (and sometimes
when not). I have a great love for my
Catholic faith and the people of St.
Timothy. Thank you all so much for
your support and prayers. This would
not have been possible without you
and your continued support. May God
richly bless you and let’s pray for Pete
Freeman as he begins his journey in
the formation program in the fall.
Choir Camp
By Katie Barton
The annual St. Timothy Choir Camp will be held July 8 - 12. This week
is open to children ages 6-14 and will include singing, hand chimes, and
basic music theory instruction. Each day begins at 9 a.m. and concludes
at noon. The culmination of the week will be a concert in church on
Friday evening followed by an ice cream social! The cost is $20 for the
week. Children do not have to be parishioners of St. Timothy to
participate. Please contact Katie Barton for more details, to volunteer,
or to register your child!
My 30th Anniversary
By Fr. Rick Bolte
On June 15 we will celebrate my
anniversary – any excuse for a
party works for me. And though
this is a time most people would
expect to express gratitude to me,
I want to tell you how grateful I am
to be a priest and pastor here with
you. First of all celebrating the
sacraments gives me a regular
encounter with Christ. I wonder
sometimes how much poorer my
life would be without these
frequent and special encounters.
Celebrating the sacraments and
ministering to you in the parish is
such a gift of witness to me! The
faith and trust in God you have in
the face of: the loss of a loved
one, an illness, the loss of
employment, a difficult family
situation, and your own
sinfulness. The hope and joy in
God as you: bring a new child
into the world, join the church
through the RCIA, have a child
make their First Communion –
Confirmation - graduate, marry
the person you choose to share
your life and dreams with, and
begin new phases of your life
and spiritual development. You
are a gift of Christ’s presence to
me when you freely give of your
treasure, time, and talent.
Commonly you may think of my
ministry as a gift to you but your
faith gives me a grace and
witness to Christ’s presence that
is for me a gift beyond measure!
Thank you!!
Fr. Bolte,
on your 30 years
of dedicated service
to the priesthood!
All are invited to Fr. Bolte’s 30th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, June 15
after the 4:30 p.m. Mass in Brodnick Hall. The dinner menu will include:
Sliced Beef in Gravy
Signature Chicken
Signature Salad
Rice Pilaf
Grilled Garden Veggies
Please RSVP by Wednesday June 12 by calling the Parish office at 384-1100 if
you can join us.
By Pete Freeman
Pastoral Council
Worship: The committee is working on getting window clings
made for the glass doors at the
entrance to the sanctuary to
make them more visible when
open. The choir presented a
concert on May 19 followed by a
spaghetti dinner, to help fund the
mission trip. Choir camp will be
held July 8-12. Choir camp is for
children ages 6-14.
Outreach: Twenty-seven volunteers participated in the first
garden planting on April 15.
Twenty people have registered
for the Mission Trip to West
Virginia, June 16-22. Fund raisers began with all Masses the
weekend of May 11-12. Families
For Life ministry handed out
prayer cards after all Masses on
Mother’s Day weekend.
Adult Faith Formation: Sister
Olga Wittekind of Oldenburg
Monastery spoke on Monday,
May 13. A deposit was sent to Fr.
Jim Sichko for the next parish
mission scheduled for October
12-14, 2014. The committee is
planning topics to revive the
“Tapping Into Theology” program. Deacon Dave Philbrick has
been assigned to Adult Faith
Formation and will join the next
Youth Formation: STYM held a
meeting to discuss their participation in the upcoming Parish
Mission trip to West Virginia.
Paul Dierig and six members of
STYM will be going on the trip.
The group placed the blue
pinwheels on parish grounds for
Child Abuse Prevention month.
Senior appreciation dinner was
held on May 5.
Education: The kindergarten
program came to a close on May
22 with an awards ceremony and
closing program. All kindergartners will leave the program
able to read! This summer there
will be an extensive kindergarten
curriculum realignment.
Preschool registration has
gone very well this year. Five 4
year old classes and four 3 year
old classes have been filled.
There are a few 3 year old spots
available. Staff members final
reviews are done and each
teacher is working on a selfevaluation and growth plan for
Fall. Preschool graduation and
closing program was May 22.
Service learning final project is
completed. Children were earning
money at home for the Ed Colina
Foundation. The school completed
nine service projects this year and
received the Jefferson Award.
All catechists for the Special
Needs Resource Program are
returning. New faith buddies are
being recruited to replace many
who will be heading to college.
PSR First Communion was
celebrated by 113 students on
Saturday May 4 at 11:30 and
2:00. There was a reception in
Brodnick Hall following the 9:30
and 11:30 Masses on Sunday
May 5. PSR closing Mass was
9:30 on May 5. Sunday preschool
students also participated in a
May Crowning during that Mass.
Confirmation informational
meetings were held Monday,
April 29. 75% of students and
parents attended. PSR registration for 2013-2014 continues. Catechist recruitment is
ongoing for grades 1-8 and
Sunday morning preschool.
Pastor’s Report: Discernment
for pastoral council and other
committees was May 19.
Nominated parishioners were
contacted by the parish office.
The school exploratory committee has documents ready for
review with Bishop Foys. The
committee has met with the
architect. The consultants that
conducted the last survey have
recommended that we start
doing educational activities,
followed by fund-raising at the
end of the year, depending on
approval by the Bishop. Fr. Bolte
is to meet with Bishop Foys.
There is no new update on the
baptismal font.
The scouts are working on
cleaning up the hill and are
planning to install outdoor
Stations of the Cross, using
large crosses and the old
stations from the Church. The
crosses would ring the pond.
Three would be removable, as
needed, for access to the hill.
Fr. Bolte is looking into excavating and restoring the pond.
Kathy Russell has been
dismissed as principal at St.
Paul School. Two interviews for
the new principal are scheduled.
The goal is to have a new
principal hired by mid-May.
Anne Schafer is the acting
DPAA is progressing well. We
are closer to reaching our goal
than we were at this time last
New Business: Incoming and
outgoing pastoral council members will meet together at the
June meeting. Pastoral council
will discuss and review next
year’s budget at the June
meeting, if the Finance Committee has it ready.
Transportation Day 2013
By Deb Thomas, Director of Preschool & Kindergarten
Each year in the spring, St. Timothy
preschoolers learn about different
forms of transportation. At the end of
our learning experience, we have a
Transportation Exploration where we
fill the lower parking lot with different
forms of transportation! This year was
one of the biggest transportation days
yet! We had tow trucks from STI, a
school bus, a Bengals bus, an RV, a
police car, several fire trucks and
much, much more. One of the highlights this year was a Rumpke garbage
truck which several kids thought was
“the coolest thing ever”. Kona Ice even
came and the kids and their families
got to enjoy an ice while checking out
the many forms of transportation. We
had an old-fashioned car that was a
huge hit and a cement truck that
fascinated many of our students as
they climbed the ladders to see how
everything worked! Many thanks to all
those who came and brought the many
forms of transportation for us to
Our Parish Family
New Families
Wesley & Carol Shaw
John & Janie Waltz
Chris & Joann Wright
Eric & Amanda DeCesare
Brian & Heather Butler
Stacy Schram
Mary Moore
James & Jennifer Wagers
Shawn & Kelly Egan
Charlie & Barb Beaver
Ryan & Rebecca Gentil
Nelson & Cyd Rodriguez
Jose’ & Laura Merced, Jr.
Robert & Barbara McKee
Tim & Lisa Daniel
Kurt & Soledad Volk
Paul & Maria Ropic
Hans & Erica Otto
Casey & Megan Conly
Jeff & Katie Hale
Geremy Wilson & Mallorie Sears
Nick & Jami Sears
Mike & Ashleigh Schneider
William & Lois Anderson
Olivia Burns
Mrs. Lisa Daniel
Preston Daniel
Mr. Tim Daniel
Kullen Danskin
Mrs. Erica Otto
Kinley Profitt
Graham Sargee
Mila Sylaj
Elizabeth Gerrein and Ryan Kruer
Amy Kenkel and Bradley Paul
Stewardship of
APRIL 2013
City Heights
Gallatin County
Grant Recipient Be Concerned, Inc.
Alexander Bury
Samuel Robinson
David Lampl
St. Timothy First Communion Class of 2013
The St. Timothy First Communion Class of 2013 received their First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 4 on
a glorious sunny day! Thank you to all who had a hand in making the two Masses a beautiful and
memorable occasion for the students along with their family and friends. Receptions were held after
Sunday Masses for the students to celebrate this wonderful sacrament with our entire parish. Fr. Rick
blessed the First Communicant’s special gifts and mementos that they received for First Communion.
Catechists & Assistants
Ginny Baumgartner
Lynda Brewer
Carol Harvey
Michelle Hill
Marla Humphrey
Sharon Johnson
Carol Lense
Bernadette Leonard
Krystin Tuner
Mary Vogel
Ruth Zaborowski
Director of Religious Education: Debbie Froschauer
Religious Education Assistant: Anna Humphrey
First Communicants
Payton Alley
Skyleena Anderson
Jacob Arnold
Makennah Bachman
Shelby Bailey
Gunner Barhorst
Jeremiah Barth
Benjamin Bisbee
Ian Bold
John Bolin
Quent Bolton
Asha Bosley
Reaghan Brassine
Madison Braun
Grace Brewer
Maria Brockman
Averi Brodbeck
Zachary Brown
Hunter Brueggemann
Aiden Byrd
Alexandra Cain
Nicolas Carchedi
Johnny Carroll
Melly Carroll
Christina Caterino
Sydney Chavez
Kendall Cheek
Isabella Ciufo
Lukas Colemire
Alex Collins
Megan Dadosky
Bailey Daniels
Samantha Disken
Ashley Downing
Ethan Doxtater
Edward Drohan
Logan Dyer
Cameron Engel
Samantha Flowers
Emerson Fong
Madison Frahm
Thomas Frondorf
Liseth Garcia
Manuel Garcia
Drew Gartner
Emma Gilliland
Aidan Greenwell
Kiely Jane Greis
Alex Hammond
Katelyn Hanna
Riley Harber
Anna Hayden
Nicholas Henderson
Allison Hill
Rachel Hill
Cooper Hodge
Thomas Holocher
Christopher Howard
Calah Jackson
Luke Keipert
Wyatt Kerwin
Jackson Kline
Allyson Knotts
Caleb Kobman
Blake Koenigsknecht
Owen Kovacic
Riley Krahenbuhl
Amanda Lambert
Sean LaRoy
Brady Leiker
Cameron Lemmond
Danielle Lense
Jack Liles
Brady Louden
Payton Louden
Owen Lyons
Samuel Martin
Daniel McMahon
Alex Mirick
Meghan Mollere
Rosio Alexa Magana
Benjamin McMillen
Anna Meade
Megan Niehaus
Elizabeth Oakes
Katelyn Payne
Brad Perry
Anna Quinn
Rhet Ravenscraft
Molly Robinson
Colin Ross
Margaret Sansoucy
Benjamin Schuler
Tyler Seibert
Maria Sickmeier
Elijah Siracuse
Austin Smith
Meredith Snider
Madison Steffen
Elijah Steuer
Ava Stich
Ryan Studt
Spencer Sutter
Megan Thomas
Will Truitt
Addyson Turner
Atziri Uzoukwu
Amelia Vogel
Brandon Vogt
Aiden Wagenlander
Molly Weaver
Michael Wolf
Parish School of Religion
By Debbie Froschauer, Religious Education
Register NOW for 2013-2014 PSR
classes; July 31 is the last day for the
discounted registration rate. Forms
are available in the gathering space,
parish office and on the parish website
at Classes are
filling quickly so check the weekly
parish bulletin for closed classes.
Catholic School students who will be
in 2nd and 8th grade in the fall of 2013
must register for the upcoming PSR
program for sacrament preparation.
Notification was sent out in the mail to
those we have on file as attending
Catholic School.
Teaching opportunities are still available for SPS and PSR. Detailed lesson
plans are provided. A “Catechist
Training” session in August will provide you with everything you need to
have a successful, satisfying and faithfilled experience.
For more information or to volunteer,
please contact Debbie Froschauer at or
384-1100 ext. 104.
STYM Has Been Very Busy!
By Tim McGilloway, Youth Ministry
Retreat at Potter’s Ranch
March for Life
Canoe Trip
Saint Timothy Youth Ministry (STYM)
has been very busy this year. Our new
Youth Ministers Tim McGilloway and
Paul Dierig have done a great job in
keeping our youth ministry going with
lots of great activities that bring our
youth closer to Christ. Our youth
ministry has three main pillars –
Education, Outreach and Fun and this
past year we’ve done lots of all three of
those! We’d like to share some of the
highlights of this past year with you and
encourage you to help spread the word
about STYM.
Our educational focus this year was
on the Seven Sacraments and this
culminated at our annual retreat at
Potter’s Ranch. This weekend long
experience was led by the youth and
provided a great opportunity to grow
closer to each other, learn more about
the sacraments and have lots of fun
doing it! Our team of about 9 youth
prepared talks on each of the
sacraments and the youth had an
opportunity for discussion in small
groups. This retreat was certainly a
highlight of our year! Learning about
our faith is very important and STYM
makes this a priority!
STYM participated in many outreach
activities this past year including
helping at Oktoberfest, collecting
canned goods for the local food banks,
our pilgrimage to Washington DC to
participate in the March for Life, and of
course our Souper Bowl for Religious
Sisters. The Souper Bowl was a great
hit with the religious sisters of the
Diocese of Covington and we hope to
repeat it again to honor these great
holy women!
One our favorite
outreach ministries each year is doing
the Passion Play on Good Friday. This
year we did an encore performance of
“What A Week For Jesus” and it was
well received by the parish.
Fun is important too! One thing is for
certain, the members of STYM know
how to have fun and build friendships!
Our love for Christ brings us together
and our friendships keep us coming
back. We have many fun events during
our year! We started our year with our
traditional “Water Night” at Benton
Farm where we have a barbeque and
then have fun soaking each other with
water guns; we also had a great canoe
trip down the Kentucky River, Dodge
Ball and more.
This summer will bring more great
events too… camping trip, Kings Island,
canoeing and more!
STYM is open to all high school
students thirteen and older. We would
also like to take an opportunity to say
thank you to the adult leaders who
help with STYM: Mia Sylve, Patricia
Cowley, John Benton, Rick Allgeier, and
Trey Nix.
The STYM team is now working hard at
preparing our calendar of events for
next year, please keep us in your
By Fr. James Egbers, Pastor
We are pleased to announce the
appointment of Dr. Anthony (Tony)
Riegling as the new principal of St.
Paul School for the 2013-2014
academic year, effective July 1,
Dr. Riegling, who retired after 20
years’ service as an officer with the
U.S. Air Force, holds a doctorate in
education (Ed.D) from Indiana
University, with a specialization in
curriculum. He has served as
principal in three Catholic grade
schools in Kentucky and returns to
his native Kentucky after most
recently serving as principal of St.
Margaret of York School in Loveland,
Ohio which has a current enrollment
of 705. He is highly recommended
by former pastors, superiors and
colleagues with a current Catholic
college chair of an Education
Department describing him as being,
in her opinion, “the finest principal in
the United States.” He is licensed as
an administrator in grades K-12 in
Kentucky and Ohio, is married to
Jane and they are currently members
of the Cathedral of the Assumption in
As we welcome Dr. Riegling to St.
Paul and look forward to being the
beneficiaries of his extensive educational and leadership experience, our
gratitude is extended to the seven
members of the principal search
committee from St. Paul and St.
Timothy parishes for their dedication
and commitment to Catholic education and to the Department of
Catholic Education of the Diocese of
Covington for its assistance and
guidance in the search process.
With gratitude for your support,
we also ask for your continued
prayers as we conclude this school
year and offer you the assurance of
ours for a safe, happy and blessed
News from St. Henry District High School...
By Josie Plummer, SHDHS senior
Hello, St. Timothy’s parishioners! I
hope you all are enjoying the end of
this school year and the beginning of
this summer! A sure sign of summer
is the sports camps held for grade
school students at SHDHS and put on
by coaches and current team
members. You will find more
information on the SHDHS website
or call Sue Kolkmeier at 525-0255.
As this school year comes to a
close, students at SHDHS are
preparing for prom, Advanced
Placement exams, and final exams.
It can definitely be a stressful time,
but it also tends to be bittersweet
for the seniors.
On Sunday, April 28, St. Henry
hosted the Senior Send Off where
they served dinner and awarded
senior superlatives, such as “Most
likely to succeed,” “Most artistic,”
and “Mr. and Ms. St. Henry.” Seniors
voted on who would receive these
awards. It was a great time for both
parents and students as they got
their last chance to relax and enjoy
each other’s company before the
stress of AP exams and final exams
AP exams and final exams are sure
to be stressful, but I know that all
students of St. Henry have been well
prepared for these final weeks of the
school year. Of course, I will be
graduating here in a few weeks. As
excited as I am to start the next
chapter of my life, I’ll never forget
the experiences I’ve had and the
lessons I’ve learned through St.
Henry District High School. I will be
forever grateful for this school and
the people who have made my high
school experience unforgettable.
“Fishes and Loaves”
Summer Mission Trip
By Lesley Duggan, Outreach Ministry
The following 22 parishioners will
represent St. Timothy’s parish in West
Virginia June 16-22. We ask that you
pray for them, their safety and for
those to whom they will minister
during their week of service.
Marta, Mitch and Tod Kroger
Sharon Ryan
Mary Jo Beemon
John Benton
Dick Lambers
Rick Harvey
Leigh Ann, Jon, Ryan & Evan Divine
Ryan Henges
Ryan Nix
Amanda Thompson
Sam Deis
Paul Dierig
Ruth and Sarah Moore
Lesley and Brian Duggan
Fr. Rick
The group will attend the 8 a.m. Mass
on June 16 and depart thereafter.
While in the Appalachia area of
Barbour County, West Virginia, the
group will provide construction
support for homeowners as well as
provide community outreach to the
children through a Christian based
sports camp.
The following items are being
collected and will be donated to the
local community.
New/gently used sports equipment
Gently used cordless power tools
Coloring Books/colored pencils
School Supplies
Children’s Books
Granola Bars/Sealed snacks
Donations can be dropped off through
June 10 in room 1 of the Parish Center
during office hours.
April Grant Provides 172 Shopping Carts
By Lesley Duggan, Outreach Ministry
Making carts for
Be Concerned
On April 20, thirty-six St. Timothy volunteers of all ages shared fellowship
as they assembled and delivered 172 personal shopping carts to Be
Concerned in Covington. The carts were purchased with April’s grant funds
and will benefit those who are served through the agency’s pantry program.
Thank you, volunteers, for your stewardship of time and talent in service for
others! Job well done!
Already Giving Thanks!
By Lesley Duggan, Outreach Ministry
Working in
the garden
The garden is off to a great start! A grateful thanks to Bob Kordenbrock, Dave
Perry, Joe Meiman, Ed Bowman and John Vogelpohl for preparing the garden for
our early planting season. Thank you to the many volunteers who have participated in the garden’s planting thus far.
The volunteer opportunity to work in the garden helping with plantings,
harvesting and general maintenance is open to all parishioners of all ages.
Harvesting times are Monday evenings beginning at 6:30 and Thursday mornings
around 8:30, after the 8 a.m. Mass. Deliveries of the garden produce to local
nonprofit ministries are made on Tuesday mornings and after the Thursday
harvestings, around 10:30 -11 a.m. Parishioners interested in volunteering should
email Lesley at to have their email address added to
the Garden Mailing list for the latest garden news, updates and schedule changes
due to weather.
The 8th Annual St. Timothy/St. Charles
Longest Yard Sale
By Lesley Duggan, Outreach Ministry
St. Timothy’s participation in the
World’s Longest Yard Sale will be
Saturday, August 3 this year. As in
year’s past, all of the profits from
the space rental, food booth,
parking donations and the St.
Timothy booth will support our
international mission, St. Charles
Academy in Solwezi, Zambia in
Africa, a school of last resort for its
190 students, all orphaned and
In 2005 St. Timothy’s became
acquainted with St. Charles
through parishioners, Ted and
Mona Lewis, who went to Solwezi
as missionaries for Catholic Relief
Services. Our support for the
school began with the shipment of
school supplies via a parishioner
who worked for DHL at the time,
and was able to get them on a
plane free of charge. Little did we
know that God was busy working
things out for a partnership
between St. Tim’s and St. Charles
that continues today.
In 2006, the school’s coordinator,
Sister Krista, informed us that the
Diocese of Solwezi did not have
enough money to keep the school
open and asked if St. Tim’s could
provide financial assistance. With
a promise from St. Tim’s of $2,000
a year, their Bishop allowed the
school to remain open. Hence the
birth of the Yard Sale, an idea
accepted as a way to raise money
to keep our promise. With each
year, we have been able to provide
more than the promised amount,
thus allowing St. Charles to grow in
many ways.
The school’s coordinator, Sr.
Norma G. Atilano, sums up best the
impact of St. Timothy’s financial
support for both the children and
the school. “We were able to buy
school supplies, school uniforms,
sweaters/Jersey for all the children,
some shoes for those who don’t
have shoes, pay the school fees for
grade 7 to grade 12 who are in
different schools, providing food
during the closing of the term and
give rewards to the top five students
in the class, buy some medicines for
some children who are getting sick
while in school, contributing to the
families with some foods for the
funeral of children of St. Charles
who died from malaria. We are
hoping that St. Timothy Parish will
continue to support these children
to be in school. Your financial
assistance is the only guarantee for
these children to have a brighter
The Yard Sale is a one day
transformation of St. Tim’s parking
lots into a corridor of 70+ vendors
and thousands of shoppers, and it
takes many volunteers to make it
successful for St. Charles. Volunteer opportunities are numerous
and include helping with set-up the
day before and morning of, working
the food booth, helping with parking,
clean-up, etc… Parishioners and
parish groups are encouraged to be
part of this service opportunity. To
learn more contact Lesley Duggan
Registered St. Timothy parishioners who would like to rent a
vendor space have priority June 130. Thereafter, registration will be
open to the public. Two parking
spots equal 1 Rental Space and is
$20. All vendors keep their profits.
Table rentals will not be available
this year. Priority registration forms
can be found on the website and in
the parish office.
Children of
St. Charles
Yard Sale at
St. Timothy
St. Timothy Parish
P.O. Box 120
Union, KY 41091-0120
Vacation Bible School
VBS for Kids
Vacation Bible School is
June 10 - 14. Children ages
4-10 are welcome to come
and join the fun. This year
we will learn about Paul’s
Dangerous Journey to share
the Truth about God!
VBS is for Adults too!!!!
Fr. Rick Bolte will be presenting, “Stepping
into the beginning of Vatican II.” Adult VBS
will begin at 6 p.m. with light refreshments in Brodnick Hall. Fr. Rick will teach
and guide discussions on Vatican II from
6:30 - 8 p.m. All are welcome to join in our
faith filled VBS week!!!!
As you may know, St. Timothy Preschool and Kindergarten have received
thousands of dollars over the past several years from the Kroger’s Community
Rewards Program. But the program has changed recently. We need your help!
Good News
No more loading your gift
cards! Woohoo! You simply
need to link your Kroger
Plus Card (the one that
most of us keep on our key
chain) to St. Timothy
Preschool & Kindergarten!
The not so
Good News
Instead of earning 4% on all purchases,
Kroger has put a cap on the total payout
amount for non-profit organizations. It is
vital that we earn the maximum so that we
are able to support our preschool and
kindergarten programs. The sign up
process takes less than two minutes!
June 22 after 4:30 Mass
Limited to 100 people
RSVP by June 19
Watch bulletin for more details.
Select Cincinnati, then SIGN IN if you already have a Kroger Plus account.
If you don’t have a Kroger Plus account, sign up for one because this
will get you in-store savings, coupons and special offers!
Then, select Enroll. Choose St. Timothy Preschool & Kindergarten
#81152. See “Step-by-step guides” at bottom of screen for extra help.
Currently we have only 89 families signed up for this FREE, no-hassle,
“it’s-all-good” program. Please be the 90th! All proceeds go directly to
our kids to benefit their learning experiences. Thanks for your support!