Upcoming Sunday Services QUUF Christmas Day Potluck Dinner
Upcoming Sunday Services QUUF Christmas Day Potluck Dinner
A Welcoming Congregation Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Upcoming Sunday Services Wednesday, December 24, 5:00 pm Family Christmas Eve Candlelight Service This service is geared to children, their parents and grandparents. Children will enact the Christmas story and each child will receive his or her own candle for the service. We will have our traditional pageant and candle lighting ceremony. Wednesday, December 24, 7:00 & 9:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Services Our darkened sanctuary provides a lovely setting for our Christmas Eve services. At the 7pm service, our choir will sing, “Durme, Durme” and “Midnight Clear,” and, at the 9pm service, violinist Victoria Poling and pianist Ikue Goldstein will combine on “Greensleeves” and Schubert’s “Ave Maria.” Soloist Marj Iuro will sing “O Holy Night” at both services, and Rev. Bode and Florence Caplow will each give Christmas meditations at both services titled, “Silent Night, Holy Night.” Each service will conclude with the lighting of individual candles and the singing of “Silent Night.” December 28, 9:15 & 11:15 A.M. Fifteenth Annual Holiday Music Service We close the Christmas season with our Fifteenth Annual Holiday Music Service featuring the QUUF choir, directed by Marj Iuro, QUUF members, and special guests. This service will also feature a “Ritual at Old Year’s End” and a short homily by Rev. Bode. Join us for a few more carols, a little more lovely holiday music, and our heartwarming tradition of closing with John Lennon's “Happy Xmas (War is Over).” Green Sanctuary Dec 23, 2014 MARK YOUR CALENDARS QUUF Office Hours Wed Dec 24 10am-3pm QUUF Office CLOSED Thursday Dec. 25 & Friday, Dec. 26 Thursday, Jan. 1 QUUF Christmas Day Potluck Dinner Thurs. Dec. 25 2:00 pm Dec. 31, 2014Jan. 1 2015 Gathering in Spirit A Contemplative New Year’s Eve At QUUF 9:30 pm - 12:15 am Table of Contents Service Participants: 2 Wheel of Life: 3 QUUF Christmas Day Potluck Dinner Coordinators Carol Graves and John Collins invite you to QUUF’s annual Christmas Day potluck, Thursday, December 25, at 2:00 pm. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall to bring a main dish (meat, poultry, veggie, or fish) or a side dish, dessert, or beverage. You may also indicate whether you prefer to help with set-up, or clean-up. Please call Carol Graves (360-379-3299) by noon on Wednesday, Dec 24 if you plan to attend and have not yet signed up . Family Page: 4 Denom. Affairs: 8 Bulletin Board: 9 SUNDAY SERVICE PARTICIPANTS Minister Rev. Bruce Bode Ministerial Intern Florence Caplow RE Director & Ass’t to Minister for Cong. Life Kathy Stevenson Choir Director Marj Iuro Pianist Ikue Goldstein Ushers 9:15 Skip & Jacque McInvale 11:15 Jennifer Brinch, Julia Cochrane Greeters 9:15 Ruth Merryman, Flossie Bode 11:15 Joanna England, Phyllis Waldenberg Sound 9:15 Gary Nelson 11:15 H. David Kurland Social Hour 9:15 Joanna Sanders 11:15 Cathe Bell Flowers Sally Davis Christmas Banners Karen Page, Carol Graves, Siena Foxx, Sandy Stewart, Helen Oakland, Celeste Dybeck Foyer Art Steven Yates, Diane Ainsworth Fellowship Hall Art Steven Yates Office, Lobby, Den Art Karen Page Assisting in RE Abi Katz Childcare Providers Opal Bednarik, Clare Forbes, Sam Brooks This Week’s Designated Offering Backpacks for Kids is an organization which began at Peace Lutheran Fellowship to provide food for children over the weekend. The program now covers all of Jefferson County. Each week, packs are filled with practical and nutritious foods. These packs are then delivered to the school where staff confidentially and discreetly distributes them to students who need them most. Programs such as this have been shown to increase attendance, decrease behavior problems, improve concentration abilities and improve academics. Dec 28 7:15 Evening Contemplative Service Held in natural light and candlelight, the core of these services is a time of shared silence, enhanced by participants' contributions of music and readings. Members, friends, and guests are all welcome, and childcare will be provided upon request. Please email QUUF Board Member Victoria Poling at vpoling@gmail.com with questions. The QUUF Weekly Update is emailed to QUUF Members and Friends every Friday. If you wish to put an announcement in the weekly update, please email your request by Thursday, noon, of each week to the QUUF office at quuf@olympus.net. If you do not wish to receive the weekly update, please email the office and ask to have your email address removed from this distribution list. Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 2333 San Juan Avenue Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-379-0609 www.quuf.org Minister Rev. Bruce Bode bruce@olympus.net Intern Minister Florence Caplow intern@quuf.org Religious Education Director & Asst Min. Congregational Life Kathy Stevenson religiousedu@quuf.org Asst to the Min. for the Pulpit Joseph Bednarik Congregational Administrator Deborah Carroll quuf@olympus.net Choir Director Marj luro, mniuro@gmail.com Sexton Christopher Overman overman1107@gmail.com Office Assistant Alice King, adminasst@quuf.org RE Assistant Rebecca Brignoli YRUU Coordinator Kim Brooks QUUF Board of Trustees Carolyn Salmon, President 379-9392 2salmon@earthlink.com Sarah Hull, Vice-President 379-2454 starrinu@earthlink.net Nils Pedersen, Treasurer 437-5011 treasurer@quuf.org Calah Tenney, Secretary 301-9372 calahtenney@hotmail.com Janet Palmer, Asst. Treasurer 379-0735 janetpwc@hotmail.com Onnolee Stevens, 385-3613 onzies@mind.net Gary Forbes forbesfam@olympus.net Victoria Poling,360 643-1922 vpoling@gmail.com Galen Clark970 210-1805 oseafog@gmail.com Page 2 Wheel of Life Shelly Murney is scheduled to undergo surgery for breast cancer at Swedish Hospital in Seattle on Tuesday, January 6, anticipating returning home two days later for recuperation. January 4, 2015 Sunday Services 9:15 & 11:15 AM I Have Walked Through Many Lives… Speaker: Rev. Bruce Bode. The sermon on this first Sunday of the new calendar year will take off from Stanley Kunitz’s poem, “Layers,” which begins, “I have walked through many lives,/ some of them my own,/ and I am not who I was,….” Intern Coffee Shop Office Hours Resume in January Our intern, Florence Caplow, will resume coffee shop office hours in January. Check the weekly update in early January for time and place. WINTER SHELTER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED in February Did you miss out on the first week of serving the Winter Shelter? Don't worry, you can help and have fun Feb. 1-7, 2015. Thanks to overwhelming enthusiasm for the Winter Shelter, monitoring shifts and meals were well covered and delicious. The guests were very appreciative and we all had a good time while providing a needed community service. If you missed out during the first week, QUUF is on again from Sunday evening, February 1st through Sunday breakfast, February 7th. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall. And as the song says: 'Sanctuary, Sanctuary, it's a place to go when it gets cold.' " Seminary for a Day in Portland, OR on January 24 Seminary for a Day will be returning to First Unitarian Church in Portland on January 24th. Our keynote presenter will be Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker, the recently retired President of Starr King School for the Ministry. Her keynote presentation “Entering the Sanctuary of Openness” will explore how emerging theologies deal with these questions in surprising ways that can inform, intrigue and inspire us to new expressions of reverence and devotion. Look for details and registration information the first week of January. Other workshops on spirituality, justice, and theology offered by local clergy will make this a rich and rewarding day. For right now please Save the Date! First Unitarian Church 1034 SW 13th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 503.228.6389 | www.firstunitarianportland.org Page 3 QUUF Welcomes Families! New Year’s Eve Gathering Moving meditation - Sitting Contemplation Singing Jubilation 9:30pm Dec. 31, 2014 - 12:15am Jan. 1 2015 ● Dances of Universal Peace – Moving meditation ● Silent Meditation – Contemplative reflection ● Kirtan – Hymns of praise ● Buddhist Bell-ringing – 108 times ringing in New Year Everyone welcome. No charge - donations accepted. Dances and songs demonstrated. Participate as you are moved to. Wednesday, December 24 Christmas Eve Family Service 5:00 Sunday, December 28 Games and Art in RE, multi-age Join in any time (no admittance during short periods of contemplative mediation). No alcohol, drugs or pets. Join us as we Gather in Community, United in Spirit. Sponsored by the Dances of Universal Peace of the QUUF Social Justice Council. Sunday, January 4 We begin new curriculum in RE classes called Peace, Justice and the Interdependent Web. Single Mom’s Support Group Single Moms Support Group meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 5:30-7 at QUUF. For more information contact Julie Plachta 541-639-6708 or Kathy, 379-0609. Page 4 Having the Last Word-A Time for End-of-Life Planning Free and Open to the Public Saturday, January 17, 2015 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Fort Worden Commons Bldg. 200 Battery Way, Port Townsend, WA Hospice Foundation for Jefferson Healthcare and Compassion & Choices of Washington present the following topics: 1. Nuts and bolts of Hospice and Home Health 2. Overview of Compassion and Choices of Washington and the Washington Death With Dignity Law 3. Looking at your Person values 4. How to have a conversation with your doctor 5. Howe to have a conversation with your family 6. Preparing your own Advance Directive RSVP by January 12th. To Register go to www.hospicefoundationjhc.org and click on January 17th Conference or Call Mary Ann Seward at 360-390-4254. Help Make Our Sanctuary Bloom The flowers that grace our sanctuary on Sunday morning have long been the gift of a small group of creative growers and arrangers. Now we need more people to get involved. Here are several different ways you can contribute: Join the Flower Team Persons who love to create with flowers (and grasses, and other organic “finds”) are joining together to strengthen our “flower team.” There will be benefits – a winter flower arranging teach-in (Wednesday, January 14, 3-5 pm), frequent-flower status, and good fellowship and cheer. Join us by signing up for a specific Sunday in the flower binder in the fellowship hall. Look for the binder with this beautiful picture by Diane Ainsworth on the cover. Donate and Dedicate Maybe you don’t want to make an arrangement yourself but would like to celebrate an occasion or commemorate a special person on a particular Sunday. Now you can! Donate $30 to the flower fund, and members of the flower team will do it for you. Again, sign up in the flower binder for a specific Sunday (including your dedication) and follow the directions for submitting your $. Grow Flowers for QUUF Do you like to garden and have flowers to share? Identify yourself and we will be delighted to add you to our list of gardens to “mine” in the appropriate season. Let me know what you have and what you’d like to share. Any questions welcomed. Please contact Kathy Francis: 344-4108 or kathyfran@msn.com Page 5 Early Bird Book Group The Early Bird Book Group meets each Sunday from 8-9am in the Den. Currently, they are discussing CONCIOUSNESS: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist by Christof Koch. Please pick up the book on your own and join us for the discussion (chapters 8 & 9 this week). On Sunday, January 4, they will begin discussing a new book, BEING MORTAL: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande, For more information, contact David Rugh (dave.rugh@juno.com). All welcome! Just Good Books Just Good Books will meet on Monday, December 29th, at 7pm in the Den at UU for our discussion of "The Collector" by Jack Nisbet. This fascinating nonfiction work details the life of David Douglas who, long ago, did substantial natural history work in the Pacific Northwest. All are welcome to join our convivial roundtable of readers. For questions or to get a copy of the book, contact Leslie Aickin at 385- QUUF Media Sale The QUUF Media Sale needs your donations! Please set aside those books, CDs and DVDs that you are recycling because QUUF needs them! Contact Barb Dyer if you have questions or need assistance (dyer@olympus.net or 3790353). Save The Date! Saturday, February 7, 2015… The QUUF Book & Media Sale! Best annual used book sale in town! Member/Friend Photo Directories We have printed a new edition of the QUUF Member and Friend Photo Directory. While we provide non-photo directories to Members and Friends for free, we are asking for a $5 donation for each color photo directory. Directories are available to QUUF Members and Friends only. Please see Deb Carroll in the QUUF office. Native American Connections Beth Brownfield from the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship (BUF) will be visiting QUUF in January. On January 7th at 7 pm she will be showing a documentary on The Doctrine of Discovery. On January 8th at 4 pm she will be speaking and leading a discussion on the work of the Native American Connections Committee at BUF, and how it could be a possible model for us. For more information, contact Florence at intern@quuf.org. Science Reading Group The QUUF Science Reading Group meets the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at QUUF, from 4:00-5:30 pm. Note that there is No meeting this coming Sunday, Dec. 28th. Upcoming Meetings & Readings: Sunday, Jan. 11: Chapter 5, pp. 149-172, Reading the Rocks. Sunday, Jan. 25: Chapter 6 & Epilogue, pp. 173-199, Reading the Rocks. Sunday, Feb. 8: begin Evolution in Four Dimensions. For more information contact Jim Oakland at joakland@olympus.net. Page 6 Christmas Giving Tree The Giving Tree is still giving until the end of December. The white folded notes on the tree describe an item that is needed by a local child. These are all "team" purchases requiring several people making contributions for each gift. The notes tell who the item is for and why. These gifts will not arrive by Christmas but that won't diminish their value. If you still want to help these special children, this is your chance. Questions? Contact Jen Taylor at 385-3666. Writers Without Teachers Writers Without Teachers is a QUUF Affinity Group devoted to exploring the written word in a variety of formats: poetry, fiction, non fiction and web site content. The structure is based upon Writing without Teachers, by Peter Elbow. Emphasis is on improvement of writing to communicate, as opposed to a critique of one project. All submissions are read twice and the participants give their emotional reaction to the writing and any impediments to clear understanding of what is written. It is a supportive group of creative individuals. We meet weekly at QUUF on Thursdays from 2:00 - 3:30 and are seeking additional group members. For more information contact Pam Hicks at pamela@equal-ed.net or 360-385-1384. A-HA! A-HA! (Agnostics, Humanists, Atheists), is a continuing program of QUUF. We meet in the Fellowship Hall on the first and third Sundays of each month. Everyone is welcome to our salon gathering which consists of shared potluck dinners, building community, and discussion of topics suggested by A-HA participants. A short introduction to the evening's topic is presented and is followed by facilitated open discussion. You need not consider yourself an agnostic, humanist, or atheist to be welcomed! The diversity of perspectives provided by new participants is encouraged. Come at 4:30 if you are interested in socializing, having a potluck dinner, and the discussion. Come by 5:45 if you only want to listen to or participate in the discussion. We finish by 7:00 P.M. For the potluck bring your own plate, flatware, drinking glass, coffee cup and anything else to make your place setting comfortable. Bring an entree, a side dish, or dessert to serve 8 people. We provide coffee & tea. You are welcome to bring your own beer, wine, soft drink or other beverage. Child care will be provided on an as needed basis. Our discussion topic on January 4th will be: How The Emotional Brain Drives Things - presented by Jim Oakland. Our discussion topic on January 18th will be: An Alternative Point of View - presented by Rod Mitchell. Please join us! Contacts: Fred Weinmann, fweinmann@cablespeed.com or Julia Cochrane, willowtree@olypen.com. USHERS NEEDED for 11:15 Service Starting in January there is only one week a month that has regular ushers for the 2nd service. I, Julia Cochrane - usher wrangler, am asking each of you, regardless of which service you usually attend, to think about ushering at the 11:15 service a couple of Sundays a year. The job is not difficult – training available. Please email me at willowtree@olypen.com - and you will have my undying gratitude. Page 7 Denominational Affairs DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that the Jefferson County Amnesty International local group #1106 is a special interest group of our QUUF Social Justice Council? What is a recent major success in Amnesty International’s Human Rights Campaign? Answer. The Global Arms TradeTreaty (ATT) marks a historic breakthrough for human rights. At least half a million people die every year on average and millions more are injured, raped and forced to flee from their homes as a result of the poorly regulated global trade in weapons and munitions. The arms trade is shrouded in secrecy, but the recorded value of international transfers is approaching USD$100. “Since the early 1990s Amnesty International has campaigned with NGO partners to achieve robust, legally binding rules on international arms transfers to stem the flow of conventional arms and munitions that fuel atrocities and human rights abuses. More than a million people around the world joined the campaign.” “The ATT opened for signature and ratification on 3 June 2013. One-hundred-thirty (130) states have signed and 60 of those have ratified. “Of the top ten (10) arms exporters, five (5) have ratified. Two more of the top ten exporters have signed.”1 After a two (2) decade campaign a total of 155 states have voted in the UN General Assemble to adopt the ATT. above the threshold to be adopted by the Assembly. This happened on 25 September 2014, a swift turnaround for a UN treaty. The ATT went into force on 24 December, 2014. “The work does not stop here. . . while the Arms Treaty sets key ground rules for the global arms trade, it is not a panacea. It will require even more widespread support and pressure to ensure states strictly adhere to its principles,” said Salil Shetty, Amnesty International’s Secretary General.2 Denominational Affairs Committee: Hal Bertilson, Chair; Mary Tucker; Viki Sonntag; Julia Cochrane. 1 extracted from http://www.amnesty.org/en/news/arms-trade-treaty-marks-historic-breakthrough-humanrights-after-two-decade-campaign-2014-12-22 on December 22, 2014 2 ibid Commit2Respond: Climate Justice QUUF has signed up to endorse a new UU initiative for climate justice. Commit2Respond is about joining forces and amplifying our impact, united across Unitarian Universalism and beyond. Our entire faith movement is mobilizing and we are a key part of it! Joined together in collective action, connected through partnership, we will change the world. Find out more and you can also join as an individual at www.commit2respond.org. We Commit2Respond to climate change! As Unitarian Universalists we see ourselves as one thread in a single fabric of all existence. We know that our survival is bound up with every other thread of the interdependent web of life. And we know that it will take all of us to stem the tide of climate change and the crisis we are already facing. We will keep you posted on actions that this national movement plans to launch early next year. Page 8 QUUF BULLETIN BOARD FOR MEMBERS & FRIENDS QUUF Members and Friends may email personal announcements to the QUUF office for inclusion on the Bulletin Board page of the QUUF Weekly Update. We will make every effort to post your announcement, as space allows. New announcements will take priority over announcements that have already run for several issues. Please understand that we cannot run announcements indefinitely. Please email your announcement to quuf@olympus.net by Thursday, noon, of each week. Ginger Meta is seeking a seamstress/tailor to make a Raqs Sharqui dance costume. She has the pattern and the material for a simple caftan, plus a vest and a fairly tight-fitting Bolero jacket. She can pay or do a work trade or both. Please contact her via her e-mail: gingeremeta@gmail.com Florence Caplow, our intern, is the editor of a book called The Hidden Lamp: Stories from TwentyFive Centuries of Awakened Women. If you would like a signed copy, they are available in our office for $15-20. You can place cash or check (made out to "Florence Caplow") in Florence's mailbox. Or contact Florence at intern@quuf.org. Help! Our son, his wife and 8 year old son are coming to Port Townsend for one year from Panama. They are coming with one suitcase each. They will need a 2 bedroom house or apt, a used car, and some way of using their skills (jobs). Alan is a lawyer, Elida is an artist and a primary teacher and a native Spanish speaker. Dillon is enrolled at Swan school. We are a bit overwhelmed, can anyone help with the multitude of "needs"? Let us know please. Rod and Karen Page 385-4389 rpage@olympus .net Reduce inflammation, lose belly fat, and feel better for the new year! Elizabeth Walker, MS, PhD, Certified Nutritionist and Wellness Coach, is offering two 6-week nutrition and health classes to give you the knowledge and support you need to make healthy changes. One of the classes is based on the Abascal Diet and the other based on the Paleo Diet. Classes meet Saturdays at her office in central PT, beginning January 10. To get class descriptions and find out about discounts for early registration, contact Elizabeth at Elizabeth.Walker317@gmail.com. Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 360-379-0609 2333 San Juan Avenue Port Townsend, WA 98368 www.quuf.org quuf@olympus.net Regular Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10 am-4 pm Page 9
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May 30, 2014
Christopher Overman
Office Assistant
Alice King, adminasst@quuf.org
RE Assistant
Rebecca Brignoli
YRUU Coordinator
Kim Brooks
QUUF Board of Trustees
Lloyd Westbrook, President