The Messenger ~ El Mensajero
The Messenger ~ El Mensajero
MESSENGER MENSAJERO S T . L U K E ’ S E P I S C O P A L CTHE HURC H ~ S A N LU C AEL S IG L E S I A E P I SC O P A L The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Volume 46 Issue 2 FEBRUARY 2015 FEBRERO 2015 Rector’s Corner Rincón del Rector Help for our Neighbors Ayudar a nuestro Vecino The quiet of the morning is broken by Stephen Butler’s laughing voice as he prepares to work in the food and clothing distribution for SL2. Stephen is worried about staffing the Winter Hospitality Overflow shelter for the week of February 1-7 by SL2 members. It’s a big worry! But you would not be able to tell by Stephen’s happy voice and laughter. I shared with you all the dreams and stirrings of my heart to try to expand these opportunities in this year, opportunities for each of us to directly assist our neighbors and be Christ to them. I know, it’s scary, the thought of being Christ, or conversely that we are serving Christ in the neighbor. It is our calling. When we do it with joy and care, neither grudgingly or anxiously, I believe we experience a mystical transformation in our souls, a shaping into the new life of the Risen Christ. That’s why I commend this to you. I have expressed hope for a daytime warm shelter for the winter months. I hope we might provide informal English classes for our 1 PM members who live in the neighborhood. These ideas might work. Behind the ideas is not a blind commitment to these strategies but a desire to provide you with the opportunity to be transformed in the service of other people. Serving people may be something you already do in your professional life. If so, you may already know what I mean. Serving the environment, advocating is another expression of service. So I know these local, in house opportunities to serve our neighbor are not the only way to serve, by any means. I still offer them nevertheless as one way. Email me your interest, if any: I’d love to hear from you. Fr. Jaime Case Se rompe el silencio de la mañana con la voz y risa de Stephen Butler que está preparando a trabajar en la distribución de alimento y ropa por parte de SL2. Stephen está ansioso por los voluntarios para Winter Hospitality Overflow, el refugio invernal, para el 1-7 de febrero en que nosotros proveemos los voluntarios. Es una preocupación seria, pero no podrías captar la ansiedad en la voz alegre y la risa de Stephen. Les he compartido los sueños y deseos de mi corazón para expandir las oportunidades semejantes este año, oportunidades para ayudar directamente a nuestro vecino y ser Cristo para ellos. Yo sé, es miedoso, pensar ser Cristo para otros, o el opuesto, ver Cristo en el prójimo. Es nuestra vocación. Cuando lo hacemos con gozo y con cuidado, no con rencor ni ansiedad, creo que experimentamos una transformación mística de nuestras almas, una reformación en la vida nueva de Cristo Resucitado. Esta es la razón que se los recomiendo. He comunicado el deseo para un refugio de día durante el invierno. He esperado lanzar clases de inglés. Estas ideas pueden servir. Pero detrás de esto no hay un compromiso duro y ciego, sino el deseo de proveerles una oportunidad para ser transformado en servicio a otras personas. Ayudando a personas puede ser tu carrera ya. Si es así, sabrás lo que quiero decir. Sé que esas oportunidades locales, en la iglesia no son la única manera de servir. Aun así se los ofrezco. Mándame un correo electrónico: Quisiera oír de ti. Padre Jaime Case 2 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO ESCUELA DOMINICAL El 1 de febrero oiremos la historia de una persona sin casa. Después los niños harán bolsas de refrescos para llevar a Winter Hospitality Overflow, refugio para desamparados. La semana siguiente escucharemos del Buen Samaritano. Seguramente vamos a tener buenas charlas después. Seguiremos con nuevas historias de Jugar Junto a Dios, inclusive a un santo por mes. REUNION DE ESCUELA DOMINICAL Domingo, el 1 de febrero a las 11:30 en la biblioteca. Toda persona interesada bienvenida. Venga a compartir ideas y ver si pueden ser voluntarios. CELEBRACION DE MARDI GRAS Donde: Salón Parroquial Cuando: Martes 17 de febrero 5:30-7:30 Que: Comida Jambalaya (arroz con pollo) pan de maíz, ensalada, rosca de reyes, pancakes Boletos: $10 para adultos, $5 para niños 8-12 años. Niños menos de 7 son gratis Porque: Respaldar el ministerio de niños y jóvenes. Actividades: Hacer máscaras Coronar el Rey y la Reyna de Mardi Gras Música y baile Llevar disfrazo bienvenido CAMBIOS DE LITURGIA PARA CUARESMA El 18 de febrero es Miércoles de Ceniza y marca el primer día de Cuaresma. Vamos a hacer la misa bilingüe a last 7 de la tarde. ¡Vengan por las Cenizas! Durante Cuaresma vamos a utilizar la mesa humilde, en vez del Altar Alto, y lo vamos a colocar donde actualmente está el Altar Alto. Les recomiendo que mediten la sencillez y humildad de la mesa para la estación. Cada viernes se ofrece las meditaciones del Vía Crucis al mediodía. Si hay asistencia se puede hacer bilingüe. Domingo de Ramos es 29 de marzo, y volveremos al Altar Alto para el comienzo de la Semana Santa. El Jueves Santo tendremos misa a las 7 con Lavatorio de Pies. Espero que todos hagan el sacrificio de asistir todas misas especiales bilingües. EVENTOS PARA LOS JOVENES Febrero encuentros: Sábado, Febrero 7, 14, 21 y 28, 6 a 8 pm. Donna Greene y Don Lawry DIOCESAN EVENTOS PARA LOS JOVENES Spring High School Youth Conference (HYC) April 10-12, 2015 - St. Luk e's Renton Spring Junior High School Youth Conference (JYC) May 1-3, 2015 BAUTISMO OFRECIDA Domingo, 4 de Abril o Sábado, 5 de Abril de 2015 Si usted está interesado en el bautismo para usted o un miembro de la familia, por favor llame la oficina de la iglesia o avisa a padre Jaime anter del 15 de Marzo CRUZ ROJA AMERICANA DONACIÓN DE SANGRE Jueves, 19 de febrero 1:30 PM—7 PM Para programar su cita o para más información, visite Código Patrocinador:: SaintLukeEpiscopal O Cruz Roja Americana 1-800733-2767. THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Spiritual Development SUNDAY SCHOOL On February 1st we will hear a story about a homeless person. The children will then make up some treat bags to be taken to the Winter Hospitality Overflow shelter. The following week we will hear the story of the Good Samaritan. Some good discussion linking the two lessons is bound to follow. This will be followed by some new Godly Play stories, including one saint per month. SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING Sunday, February 1st at 11:30 AM in the library. All interested people welcome. Come and share ideas and see if you would like to volunteer. YOUTH EVENTS February meetings: Saturdays, February 7, 14, 21 and 28, 6 to 8pm. Donna Greene and Don Lawry DIOCESAN YOUTH EVENTS Spring High School Youth Conference (HYC) April 10-12, 2015 - St. Luk e's Renton Spring Junior High School Youth Conference (JYC) May 1-3, 2015 LECTIONARY CLASS This Sunday Bible study is based on the Lectionary and meets at 11:45AM in the Rector’s office. Brandon Hudson is leading this study. The Lectionary is the selection of lessons (Old Testament, Psalm, Epistle and Gospel) that changes every Sunday according to a carefully designed plan to cover most of the Bible. No previous class necessary. We will look at the Collect of the Day (which also changes) with the lessons, and try to answer our questions about the day’s lessons. 3 WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP Our next monthly session is on Saturday, February 14 from 10 AM-Noon. Our sessions begin with refreshments and friendly conversation. We will continue our study and discussion baseD on the book, The Story of Ruth: Twelve Moments in Every Woman’s Life by Joan D. Chittister. This month we will be focusing on Chapters 2 and 3, “Change” and “Transformation”. All women are welcome. If you do not have this book please contact the church office or Kris Lawless (574-3755 evenings). We look forward to coming together for this special time. If you have any questions feel free to contact any of the conveners. Mary Boettcher Janet Butler Kris Lawless LIFE GOES ON Life Goes On meets monthly to support those as they go through the grieving process. Fr. Dennis Cole facilitates this group. All are welcome. The group meets off-site at the Glenwood Place Senior Living (5500 NE 82nd Ave). Next meeting is on February 26 at 2PM. LENTEN SERIES: CHOOSE LIFE! Alcohol or other legal substances can cause trouble in families and for individuals in every aspect of their lives. Our Lenten Series will begin on Thursday, March 5, for 4 sessions, until March 26, starting at 7 PM. Join us for discussion and examination of the challenges that all of us face with these serious substances in our lives. DAILY LENTEN MEDITATIONS AND PRAYERS BOOKLET Coming this Lent is a booklet “God's Abiding Love” by Henri Nouwen. This is free, but supplies are limited so pick up a copy soon in the Narthex soon. Henri Nouwen is one of the most widely read spirituality authors of all time. He has an almost uncanny ability to probe the depths of his own heartfelt desires and, in that search, uncover God's abiding love for us. His search for God becomes our search for God. 4 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Other resources for Lenten study can be found at these websites and other book sellers: (booklets, Kindle & Nook versions are available). VISUAL ARTISTS GROUP This year, I am going to lighten our meeting agenda. We will meet only four times a year for our Monday home meetings, in March, June, Sept, and possibly Nov, instead of December. I will arrange for one day workshops during the year, probably on Saturdays. The first one will be a beginning watercolor workshop, thinking of the last Saturday of March. Susan Cole may offer a calligraphy workshop, and I will offer an outdoor painting workshop in the Summer. We will also have another fieldtrip to the Portland Art Museum, possibly to see one of the special exhibits, and also to enjoy and discuss art in our regular collections. I would still like to have an art exhibition during the year at the church, as people are able to produce new works. I hope that with a more relaxed agenda, we can continue the fellowship that we began last year. Success of the group will depend on your participation. Knowing the basic Mondays to target in advance, I hope we can all plan to save these times to meet together, encourage, share new work, and just catch up with one another. The first March meeting, Monday the 2nd, will be at Pam Goodlett's home, and I will give directions and fill you in on details later. Let's catch up with each other, and bring any suggestions that you have for the group as well. Look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep creating! Don Lonsbrough BAPTISM OFFERED Saturday, April 4 at 8PM Sunday, April 5 at 8AM or 10AM If you are interested in baptism for yourself or a family member, please contact the church office or Father Jaime by March 15. Worship NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM Our Steinway dedication series was launched by a stunning solo concert by jazz pianist Randy Porter on the 24th of January. A special thank-you is due to everyone who made this such a successful event. There were about one hundred people attending, many from “off-campus,” and the generous free-will offering kept our fledgling community concert series in the black. The series will continue with a Valentine’s Day vocal recital by our own soprano Catherine van der Salm. Plan to attend with your Valentine on Saturday, February 14th at 7 PM. You will hear love poetry from Shakespeare to e.e.cummings set to beautiful music by Schubert, Faure, Grieg, Copland, Vaughan-Williams, and others. Again, the concert is free but with a free-will offering taken to support future events at the church. On the previous Saturday, Feb. 7th, the next Jazz Vesper service will feature a very special guest, virtuoso jazz guitarist Dan Balmer, who will be joining our “house band.” The word is getting out about the jazz series here, so come and join in with psalms, prayers, lots of singing, and some sizzling jazz standards. The music begins around 5:50PM. In the middle of February we celebrate Christ’s transfiguration and then put away our “alleluias” for the reflective and sobering season of Lent, a slowing of our hectic pace and a bit of soul- THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO searching in the wilderness of our own making. Looking forward, the Lenten season leads us to Passion Sunday when we will have a very special event at St. Luke’s-San Lucas, a service at 7 PM on March 29th featuring J. S. Bach’s St. John Passion with soloists, a full instrumental ensemble, and the joint choirs of St. Luke’s-San Lucas Episcopal Church and St. James Lutheran Church in Portland. Please mark your calendar with all these wonderful opportunities to worship and enjoy God’s great gift of music. Tim Nickel, Director of Music ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES Wednesday, February 18 we will have two services of Ash Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes 12:15 PM (English ) 7:00 PM (Bilingual w ith m usic) MINISTERS IN THE SUNDAY LITURGY 5 On Palm Sunday, March 29. We will return to the High Altar for the beginning of Holy Week. Maundy Thursday, April 1, we will again have our Agape potluck simple meal starting at 6PM. At 7 PM we will have a bilingual service of Holy Eucharist including foot-washing this year, and stripping of the altar. I hope you will make it a point to join in the bilingual special services. Out Into The World WINTER HOSPITALITY OVERFLOW (W.H.O.) SEASON IS UPON US. "And I will show you my faith by my works" James 2:8b St. Luke's is hosting the first week of February at the men's shelter at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Sunday, February 1 (late afternoon) through Sunday, February 7 (early AM). If you didn’t sign up for a shift but are available as a substitute please contact me at 6005937. Saturday, February 28 at 10:00 AM: Ushers, Greeters, LEMS, Sunday School Teachers, Altar Guild, Acolytes, Lectors. Please come to a review for all and training for new events. It is not required, but encouraged. Ministry Leaders are expected to attend and to train up new members and update old members after the plenary meeting to be led by Fr. Jaime in the church. Many thanks to all who have signed up to be a host during this week! LENTEN LITURGY CHANGES To schedule your appointment use the sign-up sheet on Sunday or visit and use Sponsor Code: SaintLukeEpiscopal OR call American Red Cross 1-800-733-2767. On Wednesday, February 18th, Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. We will be celebrating together, bilingual, at 7 PM. Come for your ashes! We will have the small, plain altar in the front, where the High Altar currently is, and we will use it for the season of Lent. I commend to you its simplicity and humility for the season. Every Friday at 12:15 PM we will offer prayers of the Stations of the Cross. If the occasion permits, we will do it bilingually. Blessings, Stephen Butler AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Thursday, February 19, 1:30 PM—7 PM in the Parish Hall. You can save up to three lives in about an hour of your time! Please sign-up! 6 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Community Life COFFEE HOUR Thanks in advance, to our February Hosts who will be providing treats during Coffee Hour. Judy Morrison, Coffee Hour Coordinator Coffee Hour Hosts for February February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 March 1 Romagosas Slaninas Hamptons & McHargues Altar Guild Lincoln, Berhows, Cassidys THE LUNCH BUNCH On February 10 at 12 PM the Goodlett’s and the Roseberry’s will present a slide show and talk on the culture and politics of their trip to Cambodia and Vietnam. Please add your name to the sign-up sheets to attend and for sharing a luncheon dish. MARDI GRAS / SHROVE TUESDAY Where: When: What: Tickets: Why: Parish Hall Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015 5:30 PM~7:30 PM Dinner - Jambalaya (chicken & rice) cornbread, salad, King’s Cake and pancakes for all. $10 adult, $5 children ages (8-12) Children ages 7 and under are free Proceeds will highlight Children and Youth Ministries Activities: *Making masks at Kids craft table *Crowning of Mardi Gras King and Queen *Lively music and maybe a dance or two *Wearing of costumes and masks are welcomed. FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE In February, Russ and Claudia Roseberry will host Friday Night Live on February 27, starting at 6:30pm. The host will provide the main entrée while attendees bring a side/salad/dessert and beverage to share. Look for the sign-up sheet and maps in the parish hall. We always welcome new hosts! Questions or more information? Please contact us! Ginger and Brad Harris (971-373-8894) of BRINGING FOOD TO ANY ST. LUKE’S ~ SAN LUCAS EVENT Refrigerator: Label All Containers with Date (mm/dd/yy), Event, Contents and your name. Please take leftover food home. Any food not labeled or outdated will be discarded. Freezer: Wrap food for freezing, air removed, wrap tight in plastic. Label with Date (mm/yy) and person/group package belongs to (Outreach, Altar Guild,…) Non-Perishables: Please take leftover food products home. Masking tape, freezer tape and markers are stored in a container on the counter to the right side of the large silver refrigerator for your convenience. Unlabeled food has to be removed for the safety of all. Thank You. Sample Label: 1-20-15 Soup-Outreach J. Jones Administrative & Financial ANNUAL MEETING - THE RESULTS! VESTRY ELECTION: 3-Year Vestry Positions: Kathryn Gallaher Brandon Hudson Joseph Ziemba 1-Year Hispanic Vestry Position: Hipolito Casarez Senior Warden Junior Warden Clerk of the Vestry Treasurer Stefanie Aschmann Lew Hampton Tom Amies Doug Goodlett THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO DIOCESAN CONVENTION DELEGATES & ALTERNATES: 7 $8,025 over budget. This is a big deal and everyone should be proud. Delegates: Michael Grigsby-Lane, Lynne Hulse, Mary Ellen Sandberg and Roy Sandberg. Expenses: Overall expenses at the end of the 2014 were also over budget by almost an equal amount to our revenue, thus a small, positive balance. Alternates: No candidates were offered. We are allowed up to four, two men and two women. If you are interested in serving our parish at convention (FridaySaturday, November 13-14, at the Lynnwood Convention Center) please contact Fr. Jaime or Senior Warden, Stefanie Aschmann. Additional Comments: The proposed 2015 budget, which the Financial Advisory Committee recommends approval to the vestry, aligns with increased financial resources thanks to new pledging units and a special significant gift to the operating budget. These on-going gifts allow us to: 1) expand our commitment to outreach, 2) continue supporting our youth through Sunday school Godly Play curriculum and expanded summer vacation church school, 3) enhanced music offerings, and 4) support of the Diocesan recommendation of a two percent salary increase for staff. RECTOR’S SERVICE CROSS AWARDS Blanca Maldonado and Dena Cassidy WANTED: 2014 PHOTOS It’s not too late!! Have you taken pictures during any events or services here at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas this year? We would like to have your pictures please. Not only are these part of our history but can also be used to help advertise our church. Please copy them off onto a CD, if in digital format, or let us borrow them to scan and bring them to the office. Also, please label each picture with the name of the event and any people included. Thank You!!! BUDGET SUMMARY “Dollars and Sense” Percentages should to be at 100% of budgeted revenue and expense. Summary as of December 31, 2014 Revenues Expenses Net Income $406,686 $406,686 0 Year to Date Actual Amounts $414,711 $413,243 $1,468 Thank you for your contributions and please continue your financial giving as you are able in 2015. Doug Goodlett, Treasurer VESTRY SUMMARY - January 2015 TREASURER’S REPORT Total Budget for the Year Thanks to all who have pledged for 2015. It is not too late to pledge. Currently we have 106 units and our goal is 120. Some of you have made full prepayments which helps us meet our first quarter expenses without borrowing from savings. Percent of Total Budget 102% 102% Revenues: Actual revenues at the end of 2014 year totaled more than expected. Because parishioners made December payments to fulfill their pledges; and, the late fall/early winter fundraising activities which impressed everyone, revenue came in SENIOR WARDEN: Congratulations to Stefanie Aschmann, our Senior Warden for 2015. THURSDAY CREW: These volunteers worked 140 hours in December. Their total for the year was 2,160½ hours. Please thank them for their continuing service to the parish. CURATE: The possibility of our training a curate (assistant priest) is under discussion with the diocese. If things work out, he would arrive at midyear and be with us until mid-2017. BIG TURNOUT: On January 11th, First Communion – and the party afterward – expanded our 1:00 congregation to 135 persons. Attendance is holding up well at all services. HOUSING ALLOWANCE: As required annually by the IRS, the Vestry approved setting aside a portion of the Rector’s compensation in 2015 as a hous- 8 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO ing allowance. MARDI GRAS FUNDRAISER: Calibrate your taste buds for traditional Mardi Gras dishes and pancakes on February 17th. Join the fun and enjoy the food as Lent starts the next day. PHOTO DIRECTORY: We’re planning a new photo directory to be produced in house, if possible. It will add pictures OF our newest members. If you are a skilled photographer able to volunteer your time, please contact Kris Lawless in the parish office. PARISH HALL CEILING: Plans for repairs are pending. Lights may be replaced by more-efficient LED units. OUTREACH: The Warming Center, initiated during last month’s cold snap, was popular with local homeless persons. The Snoeys’ alpaca chili was a special treat. CHOIR/MUSIC: Mark your calendars for the second will be on Valentine’s Day: the third, one month later. All will begin at 7:00 p.m. VESTRY RETREAT: Our Vestry will meet on Friday and Saturday, February 20-21 to plan activities and programs for 2015 and beyond. The location is under discussion. CALENDAR UPDATES: Sun, Feb 1 – Sun Feb 8: Winter Hospitality Overflow, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (hours vary)\ Sat, Feb 14: Valentine’s Day Y: 2nd dedicatory Steinway concert, 7:00 pm Tue, Feb 17: Mardi Gras & Pancake Supper (time to be announced later) Wed, Feb 18: Ash Wednesday Fri-Sat, Feb 20-21: Vestry Retreat ADDS Tom Amies, Vestry Clerk Once again the Parishioners of St Luke’s ~ San Lucas have the opportunity to sell their prized possessions during the annual Rummage Sale. Donate rummage, get the word out in the community and by help during the set up and during the two sale days. DIRECTORY UPDATES Are you a new member and would like a parish directory or somehow didn’t receive one? Changes to your directory information? Please contact Kris in the church office at 360-696-0181 or by email, HURTADO, Pedro & ARREGUIN, Gabriela Linda 360-721-7043 628 Martin Way Vancouver, WA 98661 (Gabriela) VILLASEÑOR, Benedicto & ORNELAS, Guadalupe Joanna, Gerry & Emanuel (Manny) 2011 Brent St. Vancouver, WA 98661 360-693-0567 (Guadalupe) (Benedicto) 360-947-4876 (Joanna) 360-936-2350 (Gerry) 360-241-2264 CHANGES SCARBOROUGH, Dr. Jim & Kathy P O Box 192 Lyle, WA 98635 (Kathy) DELETES TORRES, Claudia & LOPEZ, Enrique Jonathan Torres “GOT RUMMAGE?” St Luke’s ~ San Lucas Annual Rummage Sale April 17th from 2PM -7PM and April 18th from 9 AM – 2 PM. Two great days! Search your house, closet, attic, garage, shed or storage unit for usable items that you no longer need. Reduce clutter in your house. Ask your neighbors and family for rummage. Starting March 29 bring your treasures to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas and place them on the stage in the Parrish Hall. If you have a large amount to donate and can’t get the load to the THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO church yourself, please contact Russ Roseberry at 694-2941 for a pick up Every item must be in serviceable condition. Donate clean used clothing, kitchen tools, dishes, bowls, small appliances, lamps, garden tools, furniture, tables, chairs, books and toys. Please everything in good condition Items that do not sell are: Stuffed furniture, refrigerators, washers, dryers, and mattresses, baby cribs, child car seats, TVs. If you have any item listed above that someone might be able to use please contact Russ Roseberry at 694-2941 so that they can be listed through the church. Russ Roseberry GOT METAL? GIVE IT TO THE METAL MONSTER! Metal donations can add to the bottom line. In 2014 more then $500 was gained through metal recycling. Let’s exceed that total in 2015! Nothing with refrigerant in it. Almost anything else can be recycled. Hot water heaters, dishwashers, metal fence parts, washers, dryers, garbage compactors, BBQs, bed frames, metal doors and much, much more. Contact the Church office with questions or Russ Roseberry 694-2941. Facility UPDATE ON PARISH HALL CEILING The Structural Engineer has finished the specifications for a permanent repair of the sagging ceiling. These specifications have been given to our architect, Kevin Cooley, who is drawing the plans for the project. There will be three steel beams, 16 inches high, added that will span the hall beneath the failed trusses. These beams will be supported on each end by posts inside the walls where the current support are located. As a part of the project the current ceiling tiles will be replaced, the lighting will be upgraded with some type of flush fixtures that are more energy efficient and more pleasing to the eye, and the fans will be replaced with more energy effi- 9 cient ones. As of now we do not have a completion date for the project but we plan to schedule it around Parish Hall use. Lew Hampton, Junior Warden A PARISH HALL FOR ALL In mid-1934 the Vestry minutes make some startling statements. First, on June 6th they said, “determined that the piano in the Parish House must be removed in September.” Then on June 30th it was noted, “Parish House destroyed by fire at about 3PM.” On July 1 it was concluded, “it will not be necessary to remove the piano in September”. This came after the main church building burned down in December, 1932, and our third church was rebuilt at a new location, leaving the Parish House on the old property. In one form or another St. Luke’s has always had a meeting place, a hall for gatherings, meals, and entertainment. In our first church building, a converted one-room schoolhouse, it was the church room that was used. Additionally of course, meetings were held at members’ houses, and larger events may have used Fort Vancouver facilities. With the arrival of our second rector, Rev. Nicholson, a school was started, which also served as a “parish hall” of sorts, known locally as St. Luke’s Hall. Also available at different times were other facilities, such as Brant’s Hall, the Standard Theatre, Garrison Hall (at the Fort), OddFellow’s Hall, and Eichenlaub’s Hall. In the Annual Report of 1890, Rev. Wilson stated that a “most pressing need is that of a suitable place for the meetings of guilds, Bible classes, Sunday School, and social gatherings”. Construction was soon started, located on property adjoining our 2nd church building, at 8th and C street. As we do today, occasionally other organizations wanted to rent our facilities. There is a note in the 1892 Vestry minutes that a “motion to permit the use of the School Assembly Hall for dancing was unanimously defeated”. Instead, they rented out the upper floors to the Sons of the Veterans, until they discovered that these were being used for dances. 10 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO There seemed to be a lot of controversy over dances at that time. In 1918 the Vancouver High School basketball team practiced in the Parish Hall. Through the years, many meetings and events have occurred in this facility. The stage was often used by various community theatre groups for plays and musicals (there is a secret side entrance to the stage in the Pie Room, now boarded up). In 1935, St. Luke’s rented the building on the Southeast corner of Fourth Plain and F street for $10 a month. It was used for Sunday School, meetings, and events, and designated as our Parish Hall. Several of our current members remember attending Sunday School classes at the building and then walking over to the Church for services. Our current Parish House was built in 1943, so it is over 70 years old. There have been improvements made during this time of course. It would seem also that dancing is not as controversial anymore, as it was back in the early 1890’s. Pat Lawless, Parish Archivist PORTLAND, TRINITY CATHEDRAL'S CANON THEOLOGIAN MARCUS BORG DIES AFTER PROLONGED ILLNESS Trinity's beloved Canon Theologian, Dr. Marcus J. Borg, died at home in Powell Butte, Oregon on Wednesday, January 21 at 7:05 a.m. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis was the diagnosis, and he died peacefully and without pain. There will be a memorial service honoring Marcus' life at Trinity on Sunday, March 22 at 2:00 in the afternoon. Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, will officiate. Please plan on joining us for this celebration of an incredible life well lived. THE FAITH FORMATION HUB Registration is open for Better Together, a workshop day designed to equip, connect and inspire church leaders and teams in their ministry with children and youth, and featuring keynote speaker The Rev. Matt Marino, formerly the Canon for Youth and Young Adults in the Diocese of Arizona and of Young Life in Arizona, and blogger at The Gospel Side. There will be workshop sessions in the morning and afternoon with a variety of topics of interest to formation leaders. Saturday, February 28 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Tacoma $25, includes lunch. Partial scholarships available. Register for Better Together here. Or contact Cindy Spencer at in the Faith Formation Hub, or call (206) 325-4200 x2032. NEED HELP PREPARING YOUR 2014 TAX RETURN? Do you qualify for EITC? Do you have questions about the Affordable Care Act? Did you know that AARP TaxAide volunteers assisted thousands of Clark and Skamania County residents with free tax preparation last year? IRScertified volunteers can help you with your 2014 tax return. And its free! Nine sites are open this tax season and a few even take appointments. For more information call 360-690-4496 X105 or visit one of these websites. THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO 11 PRAYER REQUESTS For those celebrating their birthday in February. 2 - Maria Vazquez 4 - Doug Goodlett 4 - Susana Gutierrez 7 - Russ Roseberry 8 - Beth Gellatly 10 - Gordon Cooley 10 - Stefanie Aschmann 10 - Ty Johnson 10 - Lindsay Sigurdson 11 - Beth Lawson 11 - Daniela Hernandez 12 - Jon Frederick 12 - Yvonne Waring-Coble 12 - Susan Marentette 12 - By Henry 12 - Janneth Sanko 13 - Marsha Colberg 13 - Jennifer Cole 13 - Lisbet Tapia 14 - Dick Berhow 14 - Ana Mariscal 15 - Ed Kaphammer 15 - Carlos Magallanes 15 - Edwin Montiel 16 - Elizabeth Ziemba 17 - Aurelio Marin 17 - Jim Springer 18 - Marlene Mason 18 - Judy Morrison 18 - Rudd van der Salm 18 - Todd Pauletto 19 - George McCormick 20 - Peggy McDonald 20 - Kay Andrews 21 - Pat Gutierrez 22 - Don Lawry 22 - Steven Hamann 23 - Evans Burik 24 - Anne Edwards-Williams 24 - Florentina Gomez 24 - Ashley Resendiz 25 - Pam Gunn 26 - Janet Williams 28—Irenea Zambrano 29 - Roy Brothers FEBRUARY CYCLE OF PRAYER Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Congregations, Ministries & Institutions Feb. 1 St. Paul’s Church, Shefa Amr, Israel Elderly People’s Home, Amman, Jordan St. John the Baptist, Seattle Feb. 8 Ahli Arab Hospital, Gaza St. Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle; Feb. 15 Theodore Schneller School for Boys, Amman, Jordan Feb. 22 Theodore Schneller Guest House, Amman, Jordan Feb. 1 Ascension, Seattle & Epiphany, Seattle Feb. 8 St. Clement, Seattle & Feb. 15 St. Paul’s, Seattle; Our Lady of Guadelupe, Seattle Feb. 22 Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East Congregations, Ministries & Institutions St. Peter, Seattle & Trinity, Seattle Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to submit an article for the March issue of The Messenger, please submit your written article on or before February 15 to the church office or email it to Thank you! Church Office Hours: 9 am-12 pm & 1-5 pm Tuesday - Friday Closed Wednesdays for Staff Meeting, 3-4:30 pm. Church office, 360-696-0181. FEBRUARY ~ FEBRERO 2015 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO 12 Sunday Monday 1 W.H.O. Begins 2 Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Sunday School & Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:45 Lectionary Class 11:45 EDQ Youth Class 12:00 Primera Comuníon 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Escuela Dominical 8 Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany W.H.O. Office Closed Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 6 W.H.O. Outreach W.H.O. Outreach 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 3:00 Staff Meeting Friday W.H.O. Outreach 7 W.H.O. Outreach 5:50 Jazz Vespers 7:00 Choir 10 Outreach Office Closed REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 12:00 The Lunch Bunch 11 3:00 Staff Meeting 6:30 Vestry 6:00 Youth Group 12 Outreach 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service W.H.O. 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 6:00 Handbells 9 Saturday 13 Outreach 14 Outreach 10:00 Women’s Spirituality Group 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 6:00 Handbells 6:00 Youth Group 6:30 Outreach Committee 7:00 2nd Steinway Dedicatory Recital 7:00 Choir 15 16 Last Sunday after the Epiphany Office Closed REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE Presidents’ Day The First Sunday in Lent Outreach 5:30 Mardi Gras / Shrove Tuesday Dinner MESSENGER DEADLINE 22 17 23 Office Closed 24 Outreach 6:30 Pastoral Care Committee The Second Sunday in Lent REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE March 2 Office Closed Visual Artists’ Group TBD March 3 20 21 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 12:15 Stations of the Cross 3:00 Staff Meeting 1:30 American Red Cross Blood Drive Vestry Retreat 26 27 7:00 Bilingual Holy Eucharist & Imposition Ashes 25 Outreach 3:00 Staff Meeting Outreach Outreach Outreach 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 12:15 Stations 6:30 Friday Night Live (Roseberrys) March 4 March 5 March 6 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 3:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 6:00 Youth Group 10 Ministers in the Sunday Liturgy Training of the Cross 2:00 Life Goes On Food Outreach Vestry Retreat 28 Outreach 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir Food Outreach Food Outreach 19 ASH WEDNESDAY Outreach 12:15 Holy Eucharist, Imposition of Ashes & Healing Service 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE March 1 18 6:00 Youth Group March 7 Food Outreach 12:15 Stations of the Cross 6:00 Youth Group The Messenger ~ El Mensajero THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Prepared by: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal 426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98663 Non-Profit 13 U.S. Postage Paid Vancouver, WA Permit No. 804 Request delivery by dates: January 31 - February 2 Return Service Requested St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy Doug Goodlett, Treasurer Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer Tim Nickel, Music Director Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator (360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182 Email: Facebook: Senior Warden: Stefanie Aschmann Junior Warden: Lew Hampton VESTRY MEMBERS: Hipolito Casarez, Kathryn Gallaher, Brandon Hudson, Sharon Mayhew, Michael Morrison, Ricardo Romagosa, Kreta Saathoff, Joseph Ziemba Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew St. Luke’s – San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853. Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need through service, and to grow in faith together.
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