edjc 2.0 facing the future - European Day of Jewish Culture
edjc 2.0 facing the future - European Day of Jewish Culture
EUROPEAN DAY OF JEWISH CULTURE PROGRAMMES 13rd EDITION SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH 2011 “EDJC 2.0 FACING THE FUTURE” HERITAGE & MODERNITY OPEN DOORS - EXHIBITIONS - CONCERTS - ROUTES BELGIUM BULGARIA BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA FRANCE GERMANY ITALY LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA NORWAY POLAND SERBIA SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SPAIN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future INDEX The European Day of Jewish Culture 5 The AEPJ 7 The European Cultural Routes 9 “EDJC 2.0: Facing the Future” 11 Report European Day of Jewish Culture 2011 15 The EDJC in numbers 37 The 13th European Day of Jewish Culture 2012 39 European Day of Jewish Culture 3 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future Day of Jewish Culture The European A lready into its 12th edition, the EDJC was held on Sunday, September 4th, 2011. The subject matter of this edition, “EDJC 2.0: Facing the Future”, investigates the Jewish heritage in the era 2.0, explores which are the new approaches to promotion and preservation and which are the new tools of communication, representation and exchange. The new era of communication has opened up a world of new possibilities for presenting and highlighting Jewish Culture and heritage. Whether it is graphic design, videos, films, internet forums, etc., they all offer the opportunity of both a new view on already known aspects, and of tackling the subject in a totally different way, using the ever increasing facilities for sharing information interactively in a social media dialogue. A wide array of activities enabled the visitors to get acquainted with this particular aspect of Jewish culture. The present report offers a summary, per country, of the nearly 800 different activities, which have been organised all over Europe, confirming the consolidation of this event on a European-wide level. Some of the activities consisted in examining certain aspects of the subject matter, others focused on showcasing the historic Jewish heritage of each place with open doors and guided visits. Several countries, such as France, the United Kingdom and Spain, have already extended the celebration of the EDJC to the whole weekend, or even weeks and months: the EDJC became an additional event to the programs of activities held throughout the year by different institutions. We would like to thank the enthusiasm and efforts of all persons involved in the organisation and celebration of this important event. European Day of Jewish Culture 5 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future The AEPJ T he European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage – AEPJ- , was created in 2005 encouraged by the Council of Europe, to devise and develop the European Route of Jewish Heritage. The association is currently formed by two members: B’nai B’rith Europe, a Jewish non-governmental organisation present in 28 countries, who strives to defend the Human Rights and the Jewish culture, and to fight against anti-Semitism. Red de Juderías de España – Caminos de Sefarad, is a non-profit public association of Spanish towns whose goal is to protect the urban, architectural, historical, artistic and cultural Sephardic Heritage in Spain. There are currently 21 member cities - Ávila, Barcelona, Besalú, Cáceres, Calahorra, Córdoba, Estella-Lizarra, Girona, Hervás, Jaén, León, Monforte de Lemos, Oviedo, Palma, Plasencia, Ribadavia, Segovia, Tarazona, Toledo, Tortosa and Tudela, and each of these towns has highlighted its ancient Jewish heritage and has established a programme of animations, tours, and training. Furthermore, the AEPJ also has individual members. The association is operating in three fields: • Coordinating the European Day of Jewish Culture, which is celebrated on the first Sunday of September ever since 1999. • Developing the European Route of Jewish Heritage, acknowledged in 2005 by the Council of Europe as European Major Cultural Route within the COE programme of European Cultural Routes. • Acting as interlocutor with the Council of Europe on Jewish culture and heritage issues. European Day of Jewish Culture 7 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future THE EUROPEAN CULTURAL ROUTES T he programme was launched by the Council of Europe in 1987. Its objective was to demonstrate, by means of a journey through space and time, how the heritage of the different countries and cultures of Europe contributes to a shared cultural heritage. The Cultural Routes put into practice the fundamental principles of the Council of Europe: human rights, cultural democracy, cultural diversity and identity, dialogue, mutual exchange and enrichment across boundaries and centuries. The key objectives of the programme are to reinforce the potential of Cultural Routes for cultural co-operation, sustainable territorial development and social cohesion, with a particular focus on themes of symbolic importance for European unity, history, culture and values and the discovery of less well-known destinations. It helps to strengthen the democratic dimension of cultural exchange and tourism through the involvement of grassroots networks and associations, local and regional authorities, universities and professional organisations. It contributes to the preservation of a diverse heritage through theme-based and alternative tourist itineraries and cultural projects. The Governing Board of EPA awards the certification “Council of Europe Cultural Route” and carries out regular evaluation of certified routes in conformity with Committee of Ministers, which establishes the rules the rules for the award of the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certification. Currently there are 29 European Cultural Routes, among which features the European Route of Jewish Heritage, which has received its certification in 2005, being awarded “Major Cultural Route” two years later, in 2007. The main goals of the European Route of Jewish Heritage are to preserve, to promote and to keep alive Jewish heritage, to develop tourism around these sites and to make Europeans aware of the cultural richness created by Jews in Europe. The European Jewish heritage mainly includes archaeological sites, old synagogues and cemeteries, ritual baths, Jewish quarters, monuments and memorials, archives and libraries, as well as specialised museums to study, to protect and to publicise Jewish life and its religious and daily artefacts. But what is even more important is that the European Route of Jewish Heritage and the European Day of Jewish Culture connect the work of the communities with the cultural, artistic, economic and social agents of the different territories, thus mutually promoting their task on an international level. European Day of Jewish Culture 9 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future “ EDJC 2.0: Facing the Future ” “..Combining tradition and innovation is a constant that has always been present that is, as a matter of fact, the formula of how tradition managed to survive through centuries. This year’s topic is Facing the Future - Heritage and Modernity. Modernity implies change and dialogue in the new European context - dialogue within society as well as dialogue within all the communities that today add to the diversity and beauty of Europe”. Ms. Bjanka Subotikj, President of the Jewish Community of Macedonia The édition 2011 of the European Day of Jewish Culture places itself in the future; therefore towards an active questioning. Interesting choise, as it prefers the risk of the unknown to the destruction of the adquired certitudes, it causes the reflection and the call to responsability. Désirée Mayer, Présidente J.E.C.J.Lorraine The “fil rouge” that links all the events across Europe in this Day is resumed in “Facing the future”: if the contempary world overlooks tomorrow with thousands of questions and hopes, maybe an old tradition such as the Jewish one can help in providing tools and some reading keys. UCEI, Italy European Day of Jewish Culture 11 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future Europäischer Tag der Jüdischen Kultur Tag der offenen Tür - ausstellungen - Konzerte - ausflüge - Vorträge 4. September 2011 GIORNATA EUROPEA DELLA CULTURA EBRAICA Alla scoperta del patrimonio storico e culturale ebraico Mostre Conferenze ConCerti spettaColi MusiCa teatro B’nai B’rith E B R @ I S M O 2.0 Erbe und Modernität Belgien Bosnien-Herzegowina Bulgarien Dänemark Deutschland England Frankreich FACEB. Griechenland Italien LINKS URL Kroatien Litauen Luxemburg MAIL TWIT NET CHAT Mazedonien Niederlande INTERNET DVD Norwegen WEB Polen @ E-BOOK Portugal Rumänien GPS DATA SMS Schweden BLOG VIDEO T. Schweiz MMS Serbien FORUM HTTP Slowakei MEDIA HTML Slowenien Spanien ART MEDIA Tschechien WWW Türkei Ukraine Ungarn DIGITAL DAL TALMUD A INTERNET CYBER ART 27 PAESI EUROPEI > Belgio > Bosnia-Erzegovina > Bulgaria > Croazia > Danimarca > Francia > Germania > Gran Bretagna > Grecia > ItAlIA < > Lituania > Lussemburgo > Macedonia > Norvegia > Olanda > Polonia > Repubblica Ceca > Romania > Serbia > Slovacchia > Slovenia > Spagna > Svezia > Svizzera > Turchia > Ucraina > Ungheria > SIENA < יום התרבות היהודית באירופה > DOMEnIcA 4 SEttEMBRE 2011 < PORTE APERTE IN 62 cITTà ITAlIANE Dimanch AlESSAnDRIA > AncOnA > AStI > BIEllA > BOlOGnA > BOVA MARInA > BOZZOlO > cARMAGnOlA > cARPI Portes ouvertes - expositions - cASAlE MOnFERRAtO > cHERAScO > cHIERI > cIttAnOVA > cORREGGIO > cUnEO > FERRARA > FInAlE EMIlIA FIOREnZUOlA D’ARDA > FIREnZE > FOnDI > GEnOVA > GORIZIA > IVREA > lIVORnO > lUGO DI ROMAGnA > MAntOVA MERAnO > MIlAnO > MODEnA > MOncAlVO > MOnDOVì > MOntE SAn SAVInO > nAPOlI > OStIAnO > PADOVA > PARMA www.lpb-bwl.de Programm Elsass | Baden-Württemberg PESARO > PISA > PItIGlIAnO > POMPOnEScO > REGGIO cAlABRIA > REGGIO EMIlIA > ROMA > SABBIOnEtA SAlUZZO > SAn nIcAnDRO GARGAnIcO > SEnIGAllIA > SIEnA > SIRAcUSA > SOncInO > SORAGnA > tORInO Grafica: Ghidon Fiano - Litos Roma www.jewisheritage.org tRAnI > tRIEStE > tRInO VERcEllESE > UDInE > URBInO > VEnEZIA > VERcEllI > VEROnA > VIADAnA > VIcEnZA unione CoMunità eBraiCHe italiane Dipartimento Informazione e Relazioni Esterne alto patronato del presidente della repubblica patrocinio del Ministero per i Beni e le attività Culturali patrocinio del Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’università e della ricerca patrocinio del Ministro per le politiche europee Con il contributo otto pER mIllE www.ucei.it/giornatadellacultura European Day of Jewish Culture 13 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future 18 COUNTRIES | 160.00 PARTICIPANTS | 800 EVENTS European Day of Jewish Culture 15 16 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future BELGIUM ANTWERPEN BRUSSELS S everal activities have been organised in Antwerpen by the B’nait B’rith, Loge Mala Zimetbaum. Guided tours at the Diamond Museum of the Province of Antwerp; a concert of Jewish liturgic music and the official presentation of the new K.M.S. brochure “Jews, living in Antwerp ” at the main Dutch synagogue. The Dutch Synagogue, also known as the Synagogue of the Bouwmeesterstraat, is an impressive building in grand art-deco style, inspired by the synagogues of Toledo. In this synagogue the photographic exhibition “Judaism in the age of new media” was organised. The photographic competition “New tools of communication, representation and exchange”, was organised together with the “Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea CDEC Onlus” [CDEC]. Finally an important international Conference “Margins, Borders, and Peripheries in Modern European-Jewish Literature”, (Institute of Jewish Studies, University of Antwerp) was held. Around 1400 people participated; 6 activities were organised in Antwerpen. In Brussels guided visits to the permanent exhibition of the Jewish Museum of Belgium have been organised and Jewish specialties have also been offered. Above: Antwerpen, Book of Dan Zollman, photos of Hassidim in Anvers; Libro iphone of Giuliana Ghelarducci, second winner of the photographic competition. Here below, Jewish Museum of Belgium, Brussels and pictures of the photographic exposition event in Antwerpen. European Day of Jewish Culture 17 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA SARAJEVO BANJA LUKA Synagogue in Sarajevo T o mark this year’s European day of Jewish culture, the Jewish cultural, educational and humanitarian society “La Benevolencija”, and the Jewish Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina organized in Sarajevo, the opening of the exhibition “Tradition of the Jews in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Jewish commune Banja Luka now and then”, at the Gallery Novi hram. In the same time a documentary by Edward Serotta, “Survival in Sarajevo: a friendship in time of war” was presented. The photo exhibition and the film tell a compelling story about the Jewish Community, its role in the recent war in Sarajevo and its resistance to ethnic divisions in the country. A concert of the tenor Oberkantor Shmuel Barzilai and the Nigun Trio from Vienna took place in the Ashkenazy synagogue in 18 Sarajevo. The audience was enchanted by the repertoire. On the programme were: S. Carlebach (Klezmer Fraylach Instrumental), M. Machtenberg (Od Yishama, Scheechjanu), S. Zim (Avinu Schebaschamajim), S. Secunda (Chasonim oif Probe), S. Malavsky (Klezmer Fraylach Instrumental, Haven Yakir li,Shiru Lamelech), B. Chayat (Kol Haolam kulo), Lew. Pollack/Jack Yellen (A Jidische mame), U. Chitman (Adon Olam), N. Schemer (Jeruschalajim schel Zahav), MBD Werdige (Weniske wenichje). This year’s “European Day of Jewish Culture” was organized thanks to: Austrian Embassy in Sarajevo, USA Embassy in Sarajevo, “Centrope - The Library of Rescued Memories”, Ministry of Culture and Sport of Sarajevo Canton and the volunteers of Jewish Cultural-educational and humanitarian society „La Benevolencija“ and Jewish Community Sarajevo. European Day of Jewish Culture EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future BULGARIA SOFIA T he traditional celebration of the European Day of Jewish Culture was held under the joint patronage of B’nai B’rith Lodge Carmel – Sofia, The Jewish Organization Shalom – Sofia, and the American JOINT. The opening ceremony took place at the Sofia Beit-Aam, in the Jerusalem Hall. Here a concert of classical music and Sephardic songs, was performed by members of the community and by B’nai Brith professional musicians. Also the opening of a photographic exhibition about the events of the community and of Jewish life took place. Degustation of Jewish food accompanied these events. There were also Open Doors at the Sofia Central Synagogue and at the Jewish museum Habad Center. A new biographical film about the life and work of the famous Bulgarian theatre producer Leon Daniel was presented. A biographic film about the musical heritage of Professor Pancho Vladigerov, a well known Bulgarian composer of Jewish origin, was also shown. An other photographic exhibition, at the Beit Shalom, prepared by the members of BBYO, presented photos of the activities of the organisation. Around 6 activities have been organised and 1250 joined the events. European Day of Jewish Culture 19 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future FRANCE ALSACE LORRAINE PARIS/ILE DE FRANCE SUD-EST/MÉDITERRANÉE/CORSE SUD-OUEST T he title « Facing the future», in France becomes: “Jewish and modernity”. Alsace stands out in terms of participating cities, which are as follows: Belfort, Benfeld, Bergheim, Bischheim, Bouxwiller, Colmar, Diemeringen, Ettendorf, Foussemagne, Guebwiller, Haguenau, Hegenheim, Hochfelden, Ingwiller, Marmoutier, Mulhouse, Neuwiller-lès-Saverne, Niederbronn, Obernai, Pfafenhoffen, Reichshoffen, Rosheim, Saint-Louis, Saverne, Schiltigheim, Sélestat, Strasbourg, Struth, Thann, Valff, Villé,Wingersheim, Wintzenheim, Wolfisheim. Strasbourg faced the “Jewish and modernity” subject matter with the organization of an original activity in which visitors were invited to scan pictures and post cards of the Jewish Community of Alsace until 1950. Among a large number of conferences, the conference-projection “The Judaism: evolution towards modernity” in Ville, “From the milleneous unleavened bread, to the tomorrow’s bread” in Bischheim. In Thann Dorette ROESS dedicated several activities to Romy SCHNEIDER, an exhibition, films projection and a book presentation, the life of this actress, her Jewish women roles in films such as “la Passante du Sans souci ”, “la Banquière”, “Le Train”. In Belfeld “Sull’Aria” duo permorfed a concert on the evolution of the Jewish melody across the centuries”; in Haguenau took place an other concert by the Lame Vocale duo, in the frame of the festival « Voix et Route Romane ». A total of 65 activities, including lectures, concerts, exhibitions, guided visits of synagogues and cemeteries, open doors and food sampling, gathered more than 20 4.700 visitors in this part of the country. In Lorraine region the participating cities were: Delme, Fenetrange, Luneville, Montigny-lès-Metz, Nancy, Metz, Sarrebourg, Sarreguemines, St-Avold, Thionville, Verdun. Open Doors Days, events lectures and the concerts at the Arsenal and in other locations let the public vibrating through the sounds of Jewish music. Part of the program, also a master class Klezmer, film projections in Thionville and four important exhibitions in Metz, Montigny-lès-Metz et Delme. An other interesting appointment was the photographic exhibition « Jews among the Berbers», organised by the CBF, Coordination des Berbères de France with the Association of The European Days of Jewish Culture Lorraine (Photographer: Elias Harrus, Couvent des Récollets). A closing concert by l’Ensemble Baroque Nomade raised the audience’s spirits with ladino songs. European Day of Jewish Culture EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future In Paris and Sourrondings, many centres and associations have organised activities. The association Aki Estamos, the Alliance Israélite Universelle, La Lettre Sépharade and Judaica Europeana organized a program on “L’heure judéo-espagnole”, at the Centre Alliance Edmond J .Safra - Médiathèque Baron Edmond de Rothschild: free visits of the Mediatheque, projection of the film Les Derniers Marranes, Concert by Marlène Samoun and a a Cocktail were offered to the visitors. The Centre Medem – Arbeiter Ring organized a promenade in the Marais: « On the traces of popular Jewish immigration in Paris.» The SAPHIR AU MARAIS Galery hosted a lighting exhibition “Heritage and modernity, the Digital Era”, presenting the artists Vladimir KARA, David LIVER et Vladimir KARA. Bernard Lazare Center and the “Les cahiers du Yiddish” organized an Yiddish Party « From the Nigoun to the digital ». Many activities, concerts and guided visits also at the Judaism Museum of Art and History (MAHJ). In the South of France, numerous activities also took place in the cities of Avignon, Bayonne, Bordeaux, Cavaillon, Carpentras, Marseille, Montpellier, Narbonne, Nîmes and Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. In Marseille Xavier Nataf (responsible of the Mission Nationale pour le Cinéma et l’Audiovisuel and Director of the Cultural Action of the FSJU) gave the lecture « Cinema, identity and Jewish cultures » showing films’ fragments. In Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) at the Massorti Synagogue, Rabbi David Touboul delivered as well a lecture on Jewish Heritage: online music and literature. The Shalom Nice Radio broadcasted two lectures by Gilberte Jacaret: “The meaning of the European days of Jewish Culture and Heritage” and “Heritage and modernity, the Digital Era”. In Montpellier (Hérault), Saint –Rémy –de – Provence, Nîmes (Gard), Narbonne (Aude), Cavaillon (Vaucluse), Carpentras (Vaucluse), Avignon (Vaucluse ) guided visits to the Jewish quarters, synagogues and cemeteries. In the South-West, in Bayonne Philippe Pierret (curator of the Belgium Jewish Museum) gave lectures on the Restoration Work of the cemetery at the Jewish cemetery and at the Basc an Bayonne History. Also in La Bastide Clairence and in Bidache viisits to the Jewish cemeteries were organized. In the previuos page, Sergio MOSCONA « Torre de Babel XXXI », 2011, Galerie Claire Corcia, Paris; V. Kara, Galerie Saphir Au Marais. In this page: Lorraine: Official Inauguration, Conference at the Hotel de Ville, Metz, “History of Jews in Lorraine, from its origins to the half of XX century; a concert. Nice, the artist Myriam Franck. Book of the exhibition Jews among the Berbers. Duo LAME VOCALE Voyage en mélodies juives Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme. European Day of Jewish Culture 21 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future GERMANY AUGSBURG-SCHWABEN BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG RHEINLAND PFALZ A ugsburg-Schwaben: 17 towns with synagogues in Suabia, Munich and surroundings put together a varied program, which offered many combinations. In Augsburg, Regional Rabbi Dr.h.c. Henry Brandt and the District President Jürgen Reichert opened a colourful and exciting Day of Open Doors, with guided visits, lectures, concerts, workshops for children, a discussion round with members of the community, as well as the presentation of the new cantor. The day ended with a Klezmer concert in the synagogue. Baden-Württemberg: on both banks of the Rhine, between Basel, Strasbourg and Karlsruhe, the relationships between the Jewish communities and the regional culture were always very close with a mutual cultural enrichment in many areas throughout the centuries. The Jewish communities and many volunteers prepared a varied programme of activities 22 for the European Day of Jewish Culture 2011: concerts, guided tours at synagogues and cemeteries, culinary discoveries, film screenings and lectures. The coordination and organisation of the programmes was carried out by B’nai Brith René Hirschler, Strasbourg, the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Gedenkstätten in Baden-Württemberg and the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg. Rheinland Pfalz: in this region the Day was celebrated in Linz am Rhein (“A TICKLE IN THE HEART”, Swing & Klezmer-Trio aus Kšln), Mainz (guided Tour through the exhibition “Magenza - 1000 years of Jewish History in Mainz”), Koblenz (concert with music of Felix Mendelssohn, Fanny Hensel, Sofia Gubaidulin, Rosen, Paul Ben Haim, Darius Milhaud, etc.), Deidesheim (Photographic exhibition “Passionists” by Roland Schwarzbeck), Frankenthal and Odenbach. European Day of Jewish Culture EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future ITALY ALESSANDRIA ANCONA ASTI BIELLA BOLOGNA BOVA MARINA BOZZOLO CARMAGNOLA CARPI CASALE MONFERRATO CHERASCO CHIERI CITTANOVA CORREGGIO CUNEO FERRARA FINALE EMILIA FIORENZUOLA D’ARDA FIRENZE FONDI GENOVA GORIZIA IVREA LIVORNO LUGO DI ROMAGNA MANTOVA MERANO MILANO MODENA MONCALVO MONDOVÌ MONTE SAN SAVINO NAPOLI OSTIANO PADOVA PARMA PESARO PISA PITIGLIANO POMPONESCO REGGIO CALABRIA REGGIO EMILIA ROMA SABBIONETA SALUZZO SAN NICANDRO GARGANICO SENIGALLIA SIENA SIRACUSA SONCINO SORAGNA TORINO TRANI TRIESTE TRINO VERCELLESE UDINE URBINO VENEZIA VERCELLI VERONA VIADANA VICENZA “J UDAISM 2.0: FROM THE TALMUD TO INTERNET” is the subject matter of the 12th edition of the European Day of Jewish Culture in Italy. Also this year this event opens synagogue’s doors, musuems, Jewish quarters, proposing concerts, exhibitions, theatre shows, it offers enogastronomic routes, guided visits and cultural events, in order to answer in a lighting and joyfulfestoso mood to so many questions about Jewdaism and Jews. 62 Italian sights join the celebration of this day. Siena has been nominated by the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, to be the leader city to give the start to the hundreds of activities across al the country, from Asti to Siracusa, from Genova to Trieste, involving a public which is every year more and more interested. This event is witness of a vital and creative community, part of Italian history. 50.000 persons joined around 380 activities. For further info: www.ucei.it/giornatadellacultura Above. Sabioneta, Decoration detail; here above thee Aron in Siena. European Day of Jewish Culture 23 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future LITHUANIA VILNIUS L ithuania took part in the celebration of the EDJC, with 27 different activities, gathering some 10000 visitors. LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG L 24 uxembourg took part in the celebration of the EDJC, with 2 different activities, gathering some 100 visitors. European Day of Jewish Culture EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future MACEDONIA SKOPJE T he Jewish Community in the Republic of Macedonia celebrated the European Day of Jewish Culture for the sixth time on September 4, 2011. The event’s venue was the Holocaust Memorial Center, where the Concert of the Mois Hason Choir and the exhibition “Life of the Jews from Bitola” took place. “The spacious plaza just in front of the Center was perfect for a late summer night concert in the open air. We all agreed on the importance of our heritage, the Sephardic romances, performed in a modern context and communicating a message that would speak to us all in 2011 in our ever-changing European reality. The other songs of the program were carefully chosen from the repertoire of the choir and included traditional Jewish songs and songs by Macedonian and foreign authors. The conductor, maestro Tomislav Shopov, with his beaming smile gave final instructions to the singers. More and more passers-by seemed to prolong their stay and enjoy the music at sunset. At a quarter to eight, as tradition dictates, the audience slowly started gathering. The clatter of members and friends of the Jewish Community, government representatives and di- plomats filled the summer air as they took their places. The host announced the beginning of the European Day and the opening speech of the president of the community, The concert and exhibition announced, the sounds of Nabucco’s Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves set the expectations of what was to follow. During the next few songs the stage was completely dominated by Hebrew . Jo sto longi de mi kaza took us to a completely different territory - both literally and to that of the heart. In a heartbeat, we were taken to medieval Spain, where young men were courting las morenikas, and sang of love and passion. The traditional Sephardic romances performed were textually and musically first written down by Moric Romano, a distinguished member of our community, in their authentic djudezmu, while the prepara- European Day of Jewish Culture tion for choral performance was made by maestro Shopov. The last notes of the romances were mixed with astounding applause just before the beginning of the last block of songs: a tribute to one of the most loved Macedonian singers Toshe Proeski, songs by the Serbian composer Mokranjac, Ride the Chariot, La Spagnola, Traviata’s Drinking Song - and we came to the conclusion. By this time, the audience was up and applauding: Encore! Hava Nagila, one of the all-time favorites, and the guests either went to the Center to have a look at the exhibition or joined the cocktail outdoors, mingling and chatting. It was a great honor staging a concert of the Jewish choir exactly where once the Jewish neighborhood was situated the silence of many years was broken by the subtlety and sublime beauty of djudezmu. 25 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future NORWAY OSLO I n Oslo the official opening was given by Jonas Gahr Støre, the Minister of Foreign affairs of Norway with a Lecture by Chief Rabbi Michael Melchior and traditional music by Georg Reiss , clarinet and Tom Karlsrud, accordeon. Also it was organized the exhibition: The Jewish Year – For everything there is a season. Around 210 persons joined these activities. POLAND I 26 KRAKOW n Krakow around 110 persons joined 3 activities European Day of Jewish Culture EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future SERBIA BELGRADE NOVI SAD ZEMUN B elgrade Jewish Community organized the presentation of Jewish history and culture through TV broadcast as a guest appearance at the TV cultural program “Agape” on National TV station – Studio B. The purpose was to present Jewish heritage, culture and history through all aspects of our activities. The event started with an introduction of Belgrade Jewish Community, followed by a virtual tour at the Jewish Historical Museum in Belgrade, with Vojislava Radovanovoc, ethnologist and director of the museum. The program continued with a lecture of Rabbi Isac Asiel on “Jewish tradition and history”, with a concert of the Brother Baruh Choir (conductor Stefan Zekic), Shira u’tfila, The King David Theater (Mirjam Salom – director) and finally ended with Israeli folk dance, by Nahar Haeš dance group. In Novi Sad took place the following activities: Children’s Folk Dance Group – Workshop; Presentation by Vuk Dautović, M.A. (Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy) Applied Art Objects and Judaica – property of Novi Sad JC; ‘Heritage and Future’ , Photograph Exhibition; a concert at the Synagogue, Classical and Traditional Music: Roni Beraha (Cello), Sasha Kabiljo (Guitar). Also in Zemun an activity was organized in this occasion; an Exhibition about the Righteous from Serbia, at the Millennium Tower, Gardos, Zemun. Above the celebration of the EDJC in the Synagogue of Belgrade; here above the in Zemun. European Day of Jewish Culture 27 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future SLOVAKIA DIFFERENT CITIES S lovakia took part in the celebration of the EDJC, with 11 different activities, gathering some 750 visitors. SLOVENIA LJUBLJANA MARIBOR MURSKA SOBOTA Y 28 et another year, Slovenia took part in the celebration of the EDJC, with 14 different activities, gathering some 500 visitors. European Day of Jewish Culture EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future SPAIN ÁVILA BARCELONA CÁCERES CALAHORRA CASTELLÓ CÓRDOBA ESTELLA-LIZARRA GIRONA HERVÁS JAÉN MADRID MONFORTE DE LEMOS OVIEDO PALMA PLASENCIA RIBADAVIA SEGOVIA TARAZONA TOLEDO TORTOSA TUDELA TUI VALENCIA T he European Day of Jewish Culture was celebrated in more than 20 cities, across Spain, by the Red de Juderias, the Network of Spanish Jewish Quarters whose these cities are members and also by the cities and organizations collaborating with this Network on this occasion: Castelló d’Empuries (Gero- na), Tui (Pontevedra) Casa Sefarad-Israel de Madrid, and the Jewish communities of Madrid, Oviedo, Barcelona and Valencia. Many Sephardic and Klezmer music concerts were organized; in Barcelona a didactic concert on the traditional musical instruments of Sefarad was performed by Paco Díez (veu, guitar, zanfo- European Day of Jewish Culture na, mandolin and derbouka). Among the several cultural activities, interesting lectures (Barcelona, the online diffusion of heritage) and exhibitions on historic and anthropologic topics: “Hispanojudíos de Marruecos” produced by Casa SefaradIsrael at the Museum of Jewish History of Gerona; “Etnicidad de los xuetes” in 29 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future Palma; “Jews in Andalusia: history and Archeology” in Jaén; “Benjamin from Tudela, a traveller across the time” in Cordoba. Cordoba, Monforte de Lemos, Oviedo and Valencia focused on gastronomic topics, organizing the sephardic gastronomic week, workshops, kosher appetizers, shabbat dinners, Food Tasting Days and the Day of Jewish sweets. In Segovia the entire week before the European Day of Jewish Culture was dedicated to the Jewish Tapas. In Oviedo and Palma Jewish Book Fairs took place. Among other special activities, in Tortosa the Jewish Giants dance was preformed at the Cinta Square and in Ribadavia the Representation of the persecution of Jews by the Inquisition. The entire population participated dressed keeping with the times, customs and rituals. Open Doors, guided visits to Jewish Quarters and Synagogues, lectures on topics as the Cabbala or Jewish Medieval thinking, projection of Jewish films, took place across Spain, with a whole of more than 160 activities attracting some 74.000 visitors. PARADOR DE CALAHORRA Paseo del Mercadal s/n Tfno. 941-135 139 t"QFSJUJWPT Berenjenas maceradas y fritas con hebras meladas y polen de amapola. t$SPRVFUBTEFFTQJOBDBTZQBTBT t4BSEJOBTSFMMFOBT t&OTBMBEBDPDIBEFQJNJFOUPTSPKPTZWFSEFTUPNBUFOBUVSBMZBKP laminado aliñada con aceite de oliva virgen extra, sal y azúcar. t+BSSFUFEFDPSEFSPSFDFOUBMHVJTBEPDPOIPSUBMJ[BTQBUBUBTZDSJB dillas de la tierra (turmas) t1PTUSF Leche frita, Fijuelas de miel y ajonjolí. Precio: 27€ (IVA incluido). Bebida no incluida. RESTAURANTE LOS LARES $4BO"OUØO5GOP t"QFSJUJWPEFMBDBTB t&OTBMBEBEFRVFTPEFDBCSBZOVFDFTBMBMJ×PEFNJFM t3FWVFMUPEFDIBNQJ×POFTZBKFUFTUJFSOPT t4FHVOEPQMBUPBFMFHJS - Confit de pato con guarnición de patatas al romero y salsa de piña. - Taco de bacalao confitado y guarnición de verduritas al tomillo. t1PTUSF Flan de higos con reducción de vino dulce. Precio: 29€ (IVA incluido). Bebida no incluida. HOTEL CIUDAD DE CALAHORRA .BFTUSP'BMMB5GOP t#SPSTIUTPQBEFSFNPMBDIB t&OTBMBEBEFBSFORVFT t4FHVOEPQMBUP"FMFHJS "EBýOB "MCØOEJHBTEFQFTDBEPDPOTBMTBEFMJNØOZIVFWP t1PTUSF%VMDFTFGBSEÓEFOVFDFTOBSBOKBTZFTQFDJBT "HVBJODMVJEB7JOPBQBSUF Precio: 22€ (IVA incluido). (Sólo para grupos con reserva previa) Tudela 2011 XII Jornada ORGANIZA: AYUNTAMIENTO DE TUDELA la Europea de Cultura Judía CAMINOS DE SEFARAD RED DE JUDERIAS DE ESPAÑA COLABORADORES: t(SVQPEFUFBUSPEF$BTUFKØOEFMB#BSDB t$BSNFO(JM t(SVQP-JUFSBSJP5SBTMBQVFOUF t#PEFHBT'FSOÈOEF[EF"SDBZB t7JBKFT.BSýM t#BS(JOHPSP t"ZVOUBNJFOUPEF$BMBIPSSB t3FTUBVSBOUF5SJORVFUF t3FTUBVSBOUF3FNJHJP t3FTUBVSBOUF-FMF t-B3BOBEFM.PSBM t)PTUBM(BMB t1BSBEPSEF$BMBIPSSB t3FTUBVSBOUFMPT-BSFT t)PUFM$JVEBEEF$BMBIPSSB t.BSÓB$SFTQP"QBTUFHVJ NOTAS: Cualquiera que lo desee podrá disfrutar de los menús especialmente elaborados para la celebración de la Jornada Europea de la Cultura Judía que ofrecen los anteriores restaurantes. Para disfrutar del paquete que incluye transporte, visita y menú sefardí, es necesario reservar, y realizar el abono correspondiente, con antelación, en las Oficina de Turismo de Tudela 948-848 058 para acudir a Calahorra u Oficina de Turismo Calahorra 941- 105 061 para acudir a Tudela. 31 de Agosto al 4 de Septiembre diptico.indd 1 SEMANA DE LA TAPA SEFARDÍ Del 29 de agosto al 4 de septiembre Prueba las tapas sefardís que los restaurantes RASGO de Segovia han creado para celebrar la Jornada Europea de esta edición. LA HUERTA DE SAN LORENZO TAPA - 1,50 € Escalopines de calabacín al eneldo con base de salmorejo y verduras al curry. MENÚ - 15€ Entrante: Bureka de crema de espinacas y quesos. 1º a elegir: Ensalada de la huerta con salsa de anchoas ó Sopa fría de pepino y yogur 2º a elegir: Albóndigas de pescado con verduras asadas ó Pastel de berenjenas Postres a elegir: Tarta de higos, cítricos y nueces ó Lentuario de membrillo con frutos secos. CASARES TAPA - 1,50 € Kebabs de kofta MENÚ - 28 € Ensalada de sandía y queso feta. Plaki de bonito con polpettes. Magret de pato con costra de almendras y salsa de granada. Strudel. Pan , vino, agua y café. EL FOGÓN SEFARDÍ LA TABERNA TAPA - 1,50 € Keftes de Prasa al estilo Sefardí Horario de tapa: -de 11.30 a fin de existencias -de 20.00 a fin de existencias EL FOGÓN SEFARDÍ MENÚ - 29,95 € Entrante: Keftes de Prasa al estilo Sefardí PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, RESERVAS E INSCRIPCIÓN EN LAS ACTIVIDADES: CENTRAL DE RESERVAS CENTRO DE RECEPCIÓN DE VISITANTES Azoguejo, 1 - 40001 Segovia Teléfono: 921 466 721 Fax: 921 466 724 www.reservasdesegovia.com info@reservasdesegovia.com www.turismodesegovia.com info@turismodesegovia.com Primer Plato: Ensalada Templada de Atún Rojo con Salsa Agristada Segundo Plato: Berenjena Rellena de Pavo y Peras al Pedro Ximénez Postre: Buñuelos de Manzana con Arrope de Moscatel DI-VINO 1er plato: atún a la plancha con salsa de hummus egipcio RSS XII JORNADA Macedònia EN SEGOVIA Del 1 al 4 de septiembre de 2011 BLOGGER Romania BING Noruega EUROPEA TUENTI Lituània Dinamarca República Txeca FACEBOOK Regne Unit França YOUTUBE TWITTER CULTURA JUEVA Polònia Grècia Suïssa Luxemburg Bulgària 2.0 Alemanya MYSPACE WORDPRESS Turquia Eslovàquia Bèlgica Suècia Països Baixos Croàcia PICASA Itàlia Ucraina Espanya FLICKR Eslovènia Bòsnia i Hercegovina Hongria www.segovia.es Tinto Kosher “Alate” MENÚ - 38 € Entrante: milhojas templado de berenjenas asadas, crujiente de puerro y crema de calabaza. 24/08/11 14:51 Sèrbia www.turismodesegovia.com www.redjuderias.org Patrimoni 2.0 3-4 de setembre de 2011 4-5 elul de 5771 Portes obertes | Visites guiades | Exposicions | Concerts 2º plato: codorniz escabechada con verduritas y ensalada de cous-cous. Postre: Dulce Vida. Postre tradicional con el que se agasajaba al invitado deseándole una dulce vida. (Queso, pasta brie con almíbar de miel, sésamo tostado con canela, hierbabuena y mejorana). Bedida: Vino Koser Makor, agua Montepinos y café puro Colombia. www.fundaciondonjuandeborbon.org In the previous page, the concert in Barcelona. In this page, above, programs of the European Day Of Jewish Culture of Toledo, Tudela, Segovia, Barcelona. Here and below, from left: Girona; en Santo Sepulcro Estella-Lizarra, Jaen Concierto Ensemble, Pelegri; Jaen guided visit; Children Activity in Girona. 30 European Day of Jewish Culture EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future SWEDEN GÖTEBORG S weden took part in the celebration of the EDJC, with 13 activities, gathering some 150 visitors. Göteborg, concert: cantor Leon Pelman Göteborg: Bjorn Moback and Helga Bruemmer European Day of Jewish Culture 31 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future SWITZERLAND BASEL,BERN DELÉMONT ENDINGEN-LENGNAU GENÈVE LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS LAUSANNE SCHWYZ ZUERICH I n 9 cities the Swiss Program of the European Day of Jewish Culture 2011 offered a varied and furthermore a well prepared program dedicated to the topic of the day Facing the Future as well as to the understanding of Jewish Culture, History, Religion, etc. The lecture at the GIL in Geneva by the physicist Prof. Mikelman from the CERN and the Weizmann Institute turned out most instructive, the Panel at the CIG in Geneva was furthermore very well attended, the panel at the Omanut in Zürich on Israeli writers as well as the lectures at the ICZ in Zürich and Bern were followed with great interest. The IGB Basel on the occasion of this year’s topic created a documentary on Perspectives. Young and Jewish in Basel, which turned out wonderfully. On the whole the attendance can be compared to the former years: about 2000 participants came to the events all over Switzerland. The concerts at the Jewish Museum in Basel, at the CIG in Geneva, in Bern, as well as in Delémont were attended by 50 to 150 participants. Jewish Museum of Switzerland GENEVA, CIG, Concert at the synagogue; Zurich, the program of Omanut on Israeli Literature; Jewish Musuem of Switzerland. 32 European Day of Jewish Culture EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future UKRAINE KIEV U kraine took part in the celebration of the EDJC, with 25 activities, gathering some 12400 visitors. European Day of Jewish Culture 33 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future UNITED KINGDOM LONDON D espite heavy rain on 4th September, the first Sunday of the B’nai B’rith European Days of Jewish Culture & Heritage, Blue Badge guide Rachel Kolsky led an enthusiastic group of people around London’s historic Willesden Cemetery. ‘Finance to Furniture, Politics to Prayer’ was the well-chosen title for a 2-hour tour of the cemetery. Around 40 people turned out to visit the graves of the many distinguished AngloJewish people buried there and Rachel’s selection included notables from the world of art, science, industry, religion and politics (not excluding some rogues). ‘Bagels to Brady Street’ walking tour led the visitors from Brick Lane to Brady Street, introducing the Jewish East End through bagels, the furniture trade, the Jewish Maternity Hospital, Hughes Mansions, the Brady Centre and then Mocatta House, before visiting the cemetery. The Museum of Immigration and Diversity at 34 19 Princelet Street received over 200 visitors for its tour and exhibition, many of whom were from Brazil, Israel, Australia, USA, France and Italy and most were not Jewish. Hampstead Synagogue in London’s Dennington Park Road opened its doors to the public, inviting interested visitors to view the newly renovated Grade II* Art Nouveau interior. The Administrator, Ivor Nadel, who told them enthusiastically about the community and the building, especially the beautiful stained glass windows with which they were fascinated. The group included a husband a wife who were eminent Israeli professors, a young and enthusiastic Hindu family, an Asian family and several other non-Jewish visitors who were interested in understanding more about Judaism. Although only a small group attended the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain workshop at the Grade II listed West London Synagogue, (which was also open for Heritage European Day of Jewish Culture EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future Day), all were welcomed and looked after by trained JGSGB mentors, who had 6 computers set up and running ready for visitors to use. The JGSGB promotes and encourages the study of Jewish genealogy, assisting all those tracing the family history of their Jewish ancestors. The New West End Synagogue in St Petersburgh Place were also delighted with the large group of 90 people that came to its open day. The Jewish East End Celebration Society’s Clive Bettington reports that their AGM, also held on Sunday as part of the B’nai B’rith Heritage Days activities, was attended by 20 people at Nelson Street Synagogue, followed by singing and refreshments. Over 100 people attended an extremely interesting talk given by Professor Eric Moonman, OBE, President of the Zionist Federation, of Great Britain, former Vice President of the Board of Deputies and MP, on concerns with our future as a people in our ancestral land. Around the UK, Bradford Reform Synagogue, the Grade II* listed and oldest Reform synagogue outside London, ran a talk and an exhibition, The Lincoln Jewish community put on a Jewish Heritage Trail walk in Ramsgate, where it took place an exhibition based on the Heritage Days ‘Facing the Future’ theme, exploring what makes a modern synagogue tick. The shul had a good exhibition on display boards to give an insight into how the Jewish community embraces the past with the future, the uses of modern technology, online services and websites. Around 80% of visitors were not Jewish and many had never been inside a shul, so it was a great opportunity for interfaith connections. The momentum of the first day of events continued throughout the rest of Heritage Week. In the previous page: Rachel Kolsky leading a tour of Willesden Cemetery. Above Thanet & District Reform Synagogue Exhibition on ‘Facing The Future’; Hampstead Synagogue; Jeecs AGM Barry Davis; Brady Street Cemetery. European Day of Jewish Culture 35 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future THE EDJC IN NUMBERS 12th European Day of Jewish Culture 2011 - Europe Foglio1 Sunday, September 4th 2011 City/Region Activities Participants Belgium Antwerpen 6 1343 Bulgaria All Cities 6 1250 Czech-Republic All Cities 7 1350 France Alsace 65 4700 Italy All Cities 380 50000 Lithuania Vilnius 27 1000 Luxembourg Luxembourg 2 100 Macedonia Skopje 2 300 Norway Oslo 1 210 Poland Krakow 3 110 Serbia Belgrade Novi Sad Zemun 4 1 250 100 Slovakia All Cities 11 750 Slovenia All Cities 14 500 Spain All Cities 160 74000 Sweden Goteborg 13 150 Switzerland All Cities 9 2 Ukraine All Cities 25 12,4 United Kingdom All Cities 60 8,326 798 159,866 TOTAL - European Day of Jewish Culture (Provisional data) Country 37 EDJC 2.0: Facing The Future THE 13TH EUROPEAN DAY OF JEWISH CULTURE SEPTEMBER 2nd 2012 THE SPIRIT OF JEWISH HUMOUR The subject metter for the 13th editon of the European Day of Jewish Culture 2012 is: THE SPIRIT OF JEWISH HUMOUR. The world knows how good Jews are at self-deprecation when facing adversity and in all situations no matter how harsh. This subject will be dealt with in all its forms: Comic books, Cartoons, Jokes, Cinema, Theatre, Writers, Others. European Day of Jewish Culture 39 www.jewisheritage.org