Equipment Mart Ads
Equipment Mart Ads
Also Located In Harbor, OR KLB Enterprises 97960 Lively Ln. • Harbor, OR • (541) 469-8096 Check Out All Of Our Inventory @ (541) 474-1948 • (877) 852-5436 3480 Lower River Rd. • Grants Pass RUNAWAY TRACTOR Massey-Ferguson 202, loader, 3 point PTO & auto reversers ..................$5,500 TO 35, tiller gears, excellent condition .......................................................$2,200 DK35, 360 hours, 8 speed shuttle, loader & backhoe..............................$21,000 We Have A Great Selection Of Used Machines On Our Lot CASH PRICE ✓ 40 HP ✓ Live Hydraulics ✓ Hydrostat ✓ Quick-Attach Loader ✓ Live PTO ✓ Quick-Attach Bucket ✓ Remote Hydraulics $23,200 0% Financing Available 4 Year Mfg. Warranty The Kioti DK40 SE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM International Paystar 5000 6x6 Crane Truck with Manitex 1870 Crane & Jib online bidding Phone 707-552-0739 • Fax 707-552-8613 50 Solano Avenue, Vallejo, CA 94590 e-mail: Bond #14663700622 • CSL #A1621 COMMERCIAL LIQUIDATORS & APPRAISERS FIRST CAPITOL AUCTION INC. For more information or a FREE BROCHURE call 707-552-0739 or visit us on the web at: See page 11 for more pictures and information Over 35 Government Agencies United Rentals Hertz Equipment Rental Pacific Gas & Electric rd, 2013 @ 9am March 23 San Francisco Bay Area • 50 Solano Ave., Vallejo, CA 3-RIng PUBLIC AUCTION No Minimum! No Reserve! First Capitol Auction, Northern California’s Leading Auction Company ONLINE ..cco om m For Ad Information CALL: 800-822-9932 or 541-582-0300 FAX: 541-582-1273 • E-Mail: VOLUME 21 • NUMBER 5 • MARCH 8 - MARCH 21, 2013 850 ver In At O tions a n Loc ester W 7 tes Sta FREE ADS NEW & USED TRUCKS, TRAILERS, HEAVY EQUIPMENT & MORE!!! w w w. CONTACT INFORMATION: FIND US AT: FOR RENT DOZERS: Cat D10R with rippers Cat D9T with rippers Cat D8T with rippers Cat D6RIIXL with rippers Cat D6NXL with rippers Cat D5NXL with rippers Cat D5GXL with rippers Cat D3KXL with rippers GRADERS: Cat 140H with rippers EXCAVATORS: Cat 345CL 100,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 330DL 80,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 325DL 65,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 320C CLU 58,000 lbs w/thumb Cat 320DL 45-50,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 314CLCR 30,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 305C CR 11,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 304C CR 10,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer 35D 8,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer BACKHOE: Cat 420E A/C & heat cab, 4 in 1 bucket, Arriving Soon Ex-Government 2001 New Holland TV 140 Brush Cutter 1998 Fecon FTX100-L A/C and heated cab, 100HP, 74” mulcher, pilot controls, 1,300hrs, good U/C, well maintained Call 140HP, A/C and heated cab, joy stick controlled US boom mower with 5ft rotary brush cutter, articulating, 3,600hrs, good tires A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb, coupler, aux hyd, good U/C, 3,000hrs. Call $49,500 2005 Kobelco SK135SRLC 4x4, E-stick HAMMER: Cat H160 8,000 lbs NPK 5,500 lbs Kent KF22 4,000 lbs Kent KF12 2,000 lbs 1000 lbs 500 lbs OFF ROAD TRUCKS: Cat 735 35 ton Cat 730 30 ton LOADERS: Cat 930G 3 yd bucket & pallet forks Cat IT 38G 3.75 yd bucket & pallet forks Cat 950G 4 yd bucket & pallet forks Cat 980H 6 yd bucket SKIDSTEERS Cat 287B cab a/c, 11,000 lbs Cat 257B III cab a/c, 7,500 lbs Cat 247B cab a/c, 6,500 lbs COMPACTORS: Cat 815F Cat Cs 563E 84” drum, pad feet available Cat Cs 433E 66” drum, pad feet available 50 Ton Pneumatic Roller LIGHT PLANTS: BOOM LIFTS/SCISSORS LIFTS 40’ Boom 4x4 diesel 60’ Boom 4x4 diesel 1930 Scissor Lift 2632 Scissor Lift 2646 Scissor Lift 3246 Scissor Lift 2005 Cat 930G Erops A/C and heated cab, 3yd bucket, coupler, aux hyd, good tires, 4,200hrs. $89,500 2006 Cat 312CL 1 of 3 2004-2006 Cat 314CLCR 2004 Deere 135CRTS A/C & heated cab, hyd thumb & coupler, blade, aux hyd, 2,600hrs, good U/C A/C & heated cab, hyd thumb & coupler, aux hyd, blade, 2,500hrs-3,800hrs A/C & heated cab, hyd thumb & coupler, aux hyd, blade, good U/C, 2,500hrs. $87,500 Call $87,500 2008 Link-Belt 330LX 1998 Deere 672CH A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb and coupler, aux hyd, 2,600hrs, good U/C, nice tight machine 2004 Case 621D 6x6 all wheel drive, Low Pro cab with A/C and heat, 14’ blade, ripper, push block, good 17.5x25 tires, 4,900hrs. Call $89,500 Erops A/C and heated cab, GP bucket, hyd coupler, aux hyd, ride control, good radial rubber, 3,100hrs, very clean machine • $77,500 Cat 980H 1 of 2 2002 Cat 730 1 of 2 2003 Cat 735 A/C and heated cab, 6yd bucket, ride control A/C and heated cab, 30 ton, 6x6, articulating, good tires, 7,900hrs. A/C and heated cab, 35 ton, 6x6, articulating, good tires, 6,200hrs. Rental (Forks available) 2004 Cat D6RXLII 1998 Cat D8R Erops A/C and heated cab, S/U blade, M/S ripper, diff steer, good Cat U/C, 4,600hrs, well maintained Erops A/C and heated cab, U/Blade, M/S ripper, very good U/C, 12,500hrs, well maintained machine $162,500 Call Trades Accepted • 100% financing OAC $109,500 $149,500 2006 Cat D9T Cat D10R A/C & heated cab, S/U blade, SS/ripper, good U/C, 10,000hrs, very clean A/C and heated cab, U/blade, M/S ripper, good Cat U/C, well maintained machine For Sale or Rent For Rent or Sale 6731 Crater Lake Hwy. • Medford OR 97504 TOLL FREE: 866-205-7113 OFFICE: 541-830-3966 FAX: 541-830-0157 RANDY: 541-944-5067 Page 2 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 6700 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 Medford Area phone: 541-826-6580 fax: 541-826-6672 1999 GMC Grumman Olsen P30 2007 Ingersoll/Rabd Club Car XRT 1550 4X4 2000 Ford F-450 XL 2005 John Deere 310G Backhoe 11' step van w/complete cabinetry and work bench, Onan 4.5K propane powered generator, only 1,234 hrs. #0195 Club Car XRT utility side-by-side ATV, 4x4, 675 cc Kawasaki 2 cyl. engine, 4' dump body, Intellitrak drive train. No gears, no shifting. Very clean and ready to work! #9706 12' flatbed w/tool boxes, corner mount 3203 AutoCrane, 3200lb lift cap. w/22' max height, manual outriggers #9557 w/OROPS, extend-a-hoe and GP front bucket, quick change 36" hoe bucket, auxilliary hydraulics for thumb or breaker, 19.5L-24 rear tires, 12-16.5 fronts #4247 $6,995 $3,995 $22,600 $34,900 2005 Ford F-550 XLT 2009 Altec Chipper 163 hours on Kubota engine #0378 $18,900 9' utility bed w/Hi-Ranger TL38P aerial lift, 38' platform height with 44' working height, upper and lower controls w/emergency start, stop and power, hydraulic tool circuit, 12,000 lb Warn winch, 4x4 #3216 $24,900 2010 Ford F150 XL 6’ bed, WeatherGuard tool box, auto trans, 70,516 miles, 4.6L V8, gas, 235/75R17 tires #0419 $11,900 2007 Ford F450XL 2005 Ford F450 XL 2001 Ford F550 6.0L Power Stroke diesel, auto, 9' service body w/sliding top cover. 3203 PRX Autocrane, 3,200lb lift capacity w/22' max height. Awesome truck- only 46K miles! #2854 12’ bladbed w/ removable racks & liftgate, 6.0L Powerstroke diesel, automatic, 16,000GVW, 225/70R19.5 tires, a/c, am/fm, disk brakes, dual rear wheels, overdrive #7019 7.3L Power Stroke diesel, auto trans., a/c, 9’ utility body w/ 30” work platform, Altec AT35G aerial lift w/ 35’ platform height, 350 lb cap., 12,000lb Warn winch, 4x4. #4535 $39,900 $18,900 $24,900 1993 Ford F700 Custom 15’ flatbed w/ various tool boxes and racks, liftgate, knuckle boom, Eaton 10 spd., 5.9L diesel, 33000 GVW, 75,527 miles #7429 4x4, 5 spd. trans. 5.7L gas engine, AM/FM, power brakes, power steering, tow pkg, 4-way snow plow, 117,717 miles #2132 $24,900 $5,995 1997 International 4900 4x6, Hi-Ranger 65' boom w/2-man bucket, 750# capacity, tandem axle, dual rear wheels, hydraulic outriggers #4327 $29,900 1998 International 4700 4x2 auto, 75,286 miles, 11’ utility body w/ reinforced box for crane mount, IR 185 air compressor, NON-CDL, diesel, 25,500 GVW, a/c, am/fm, tow package #5311 $19,900 1994 Chevrolet 2500 Cheyenne 2006 Ford F450 9’ utility body, 4x4, auto trans., 6.0L Power Stroke diesel, a/c, 16,000lb GVW, 225/70R15 tires #1240 $19,900 2008 Ford F550 XL Service Truck 2004 Ford F450 XL 4x4 2004 Ford F450 XL 9' utility bed w/top trays. 1,300lb Tommy Gate power lift gate, 6.0L Power Stroke diesel, 225/70R19.5 tires, a/c, towing package #8023 5 spd. auto, 69,354 miles, 60’ fully enclosed utility bed, 4x4, 6.0L Powerstroke diesel, a/c, am/fm, tow package #3098 w/hi-profile, fully enclosed 9' body, AirNArc welder/compressor, 4 compartment lube tank, hose reel. side mounted tool boxes with shelving and tool trays #8307 $19,900 $16,900 $29,900 Get A Kick MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 Airman SDG60S Generator with Isuzu engine, 240/480 voltage, 34.6 kw, 9065 hours #0190 $8,995 1994 GMC 3500HD SL 11’ IMT service body w/ Liftmore 3660 crane, 5 spd. manual, 97,201 miles, 6.5L turbo diesel, a/c, power brakes, power steering, towing pkg. #4319 • $19,900 Deal At Oregon Truck Sales! EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR PAGE 3 REDMOND EQUIPMENT COMPANY (541)937-8882 • Redmond, OR Mike - 541-480-0942 • Dean - 503-956-1838 We BUY Heavy Equipment • Financing OAC 2 available Just In Just In “Our strength is your satisfaction” COME SEE US AT OUR NEW LOCATION: 39116 DEXTER RD • DEXTER, OR 2006 Frtl FLD12064T 1999 Frtl 132 Classic 2008 Cat 305C CR Excavators 2003 Case 580 Super M Backhoe cab/heat, 4x4, xhoe, low 3,395 hours, good tires, lights/gagues all good, just serviced, starts immediately, 24" AND 12" buckets, good solid backhoe • ONLY $33,900 2005 Bobcat 331G Excavator Kubota diesel, 2 spd, hydraualic thumb, coupler, 24" bucket, leveling blade, good rubber, 2,186 hours. No cracks, welds, or visible leaks ONLY $18,700 CALL DEAN TODAY 12K weight class, deluxe cab/heat/AC, quick coupler, blade, 2-speed, good rubber, control pattern changer, CAT dealer owned and maintained unit, JUST dealer serviced, no visible leaks, everything good, work ready. 2,440 hrs and 2,890 hours, QUALITY Cat machines starting price at ONLY $33,800 2005 Case 721D Wheel Loader Cab/heat/AC/stereo, air seat, ride control, FNR joystick option, 3.25 yd bkt, good rubber. LOW 4,390 hours, just serviced, good tires. Tight work ready unit ONLY $76,500 Just In 1989 Case 580K Backhoe cab, 2wd, standard backhoe, aux. hyd. to front and rear, GOOD tires approx. 70-80% remaining, Cummins diesel with recent NEW fuel injection and lift pumps. 8,936 hours. Runs good, priced to move at ONLY $12,800 Case 580C Backhoe 2wd, standard backhoe, Case 4cyl diesel engine with recent overhaul and recent NEW tires. Good running unit, perfect for farm or ranch Det 60, 13spd, 16,789 mls, 20yd boxes 3406E, 18sp POR OLD S$29,000 $84,500 1995 Cat 315L PSM brush grapple & 30" bucket 1990 John Deere JD490E thumb, q/c, hammer $42,500 Bomag model BW118AD Vibratory Roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,250 1999 Hitachi EX135USR, manual quick, link-style thumb, 3 buckets . . $34,500 Komatsu PC200LC-6LE, q/c, thumb, (3)buckets. . . . . . . . . . . . $46,500 2006 Ranco Anvil 15ft "Rock" box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 Dynapac 2100V Vibratory Roller, 38" drum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000 Kubota RTV1100, diesel, heat & a/c, dump box . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 1990 Komatsu WA380-1L Wheel Loader, scales . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,500 2008 Kello-Bilt 155-2524B 9ft disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,500 Prentince 400D, new cab, joysticks on 73KW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,500 Cat 633C elevating scraper, fresh engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,500 Cat D6D Logger, arch, winch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,500 Komatsu WA180-1 Wheel Loader, Q/C, forks, bucket . . . . . . . . $32,500 Timberjack 2628, 22” Koehring saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,500 Dump, log, water, lube, service trucks, tractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call New Cross Fire 60” buckets . . . . . . . . . CLOSE OUT PRICE!!! $3,995 39116 Dexter Rd, Dexter OR • complete inventory at ONLY $8,900 Delta Ban Saw Just In $600 2006 Case 650K Series 2 Dozer 3,135 hrs, 75HP turbo diesel, ROPS, 6-way blade, good extended life U/C, brush sweeps. 19,000 lb dozer, CLEAN ONLY $34,900 • CALL DEAN TODAY 2006 Bobcat S220 Skidsteer 75HP Kubota turbo diesel, just serviced, CHOICE of air or foam filled tires, aux. hyd., 73" bucket, 2,050 hours. Nice unit • ONLY $16,450 CALL DEAN TODAY Pexto Squaring Shear $1,200 2 available 2007 Cat 226B & 226B2 Skidsteers Aux. hydraulics, Flexipro tires, Cat dealer owned/maintained units with low hours- between 1,120 & 1,440. CLEAN, work ready machines 1998 Deere 310SE Backhoe ROPS, 4x4, xhoe, aux. hydraulics. 6,075 hours, work lights / gauges all working. Solid work ready unit starting at ONLY $16,300 O T H E R E Q U I P M E N T ONLY $19,250 AVA I L A B L E 2004 Cat 246B skidsteer, aux. hyd, 1,900 hours, CALL DEAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMING 1972 Cat 966C loader, cab, good rubber, runs good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,500 2007 Takeuchi TB135 mini-ex, hyd thumb, 2,290hrs, CALL DEAN . . . . . . . . . . COMING 2003 JLG/Gradall G6-42A forklift, 4x4, foam tires, Deere diesel, 3,400 hrs. . . . $25,900 1992 Deere 570B grader, cab, new edges, front scarfier, 7,850 hrs . . . . . . . . . . $31,900 2000 Case 1840 skidsteer, 2,500 hours, Cummins, Airboss tires . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9,200 2006 Case 590SM2 backhoe, ROPS, 4x4, xhoe, LOW hrs, CALL DEAN . . . . . . $37,500 BMP hyd thumb, quick coupler, 24” & 36” buckets, fits 200 sized excav . . . . . $ 3,900 U Haul trucks, various sizes available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL Indeco HP5500 hydra-hammer, 5,500 ft lb, 120 day factory warranty . . . . . . . . $36,900 Indeco MES1200 backhoe hydra-hammer, set up to fit Case backhoes . . . . . . $ 2,200 REZLOH cutting edge to fit Case 1840/40XT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100 60” and 62” skidsteer buckets, fits Bobcat, Case & others, 2 available . . . . . . . . CALL 82” 4/1 bucket to fit Case 580K series backhoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,100 Various size backhoe buckets to fit Case & Deere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL NEW skidsteer pallet forks to fit all brands, 4,000# rated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 850 NEW UNDERCARRIAGE FOR MOST MAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL CALL FOR PRICING ON NEW TAKEUCHI MACHINERY!! NEW INDECO HAMMERS & PARTS AVAILABLE • NEW & USED BUCKETS AVAILABLE CALL TODAY FOR PRICING • DELIVERY AVAILABLE Page 4 Dryer Rollers. SPECIAL $23 each Screen Assorted Sizes $1 lb. White City Metals Steel • Aluminum • Stainless • Brass • Copper New & Surplus • We Buy Scrap Metals • Concrete Mesh & Rebar 541-826-3242 7130 Crater Lake Hwy. • White City (Medford) M-F 8-5, Sat 8-3 • Also in Klamath Falls at 2825 Broadmore • 541-883-3583 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 CENTRAL EQUIPMENT CO., INC. New & Used Construction Equipment That’s Priced To Sel KX161 2006 John Deere 2210 Rubber tracks, angle blade, quick coupler, thumb, 3857 hours. 23 hp, hydrostatic trans, 250 hrs, exc. cond. $29,500 $7,995 KX161 KX161 Steel tracks, angle blade, quick coupler, thumb. 3329 hrs. $28,500 2006 Bobcat T190 Cat 247B Track Loader 1703 hrs on this track loader. New tracks, cab with heat. 2006, 1619 hours, rubber track, QC, thumb, nice cond. $35,900 1047 hrs, rubber tracks $19,900 $17,900 1998 Kubota L2900 w/ Loader & Mower 4WD. Nearly new 60” Landpride rotary cutter. $13,160 CALL GEORGE OR STEWART TOLL FREE: 1-888-779-7444 or 541-779-7443 Kubota BX 2350. Loader, 60” belly mower, 4x4, 183 hours. NEW Kubota SVL Track Loaders in stock. $9,995 0 Down & 0% Interest for 48 months 3008 Biddle Road • Medford, Oregon 97504 • 1-888-779-7444 or 541-779-7443 C A S E C O N S T R U C T I O N E Q U I P M E N T & PA R T S D E A L E R • A S V • G R E AT N O R T H E R N T R A I L E R S Onsite Custom Aluminum Manufacturing s Aluminum Trans./Hyd. Coolers OVER 10,000 s Aluminum Radiators UNITS s Charge Air Coolers s Pickup & Delivery Nationwide IN STOCK! s Mining s Drilling Complete Radiators s HD Construction Charge Air Coolers s Logging Oil Coolers s Stationary Gen Sets AC Condensers s Motor Coaches CAT 324 OIL COOLER MADILL 3800 CAT D-10 OIL COOLER CAT - MADILL - DEERE AND MORE... Will Garrett Give us a call. We’ll treat you RIGHT!!! VERY QUICK TURNAROUND CALL TODAY! Fast, Friendly and Honest SERVICE! Ryan Garrett MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR PAGE 5 TNT Equipment Trent Foglio • 541-991-5519 Mobile Repair on Heavy Equipment: Engines, Transmissions, Hydraulics, Carriages & More For complete inventory and pictures visit D9H 3800 hrs. on 1991 Cat New Life, 14’ wide blade, 4 barrel rippers, excellent shape • $70,000 Olympic Self Loader w/ grapple $5,000 Furukawa FL200 $16,000 1998 General 60/70 Ton 3-Axle Lowboy 22’ well, 9’ wide, airlift on 3rd axle $57,500 1987 Alloy 20’ Pup Trailer $8,000 2004 Linkbelt 370LX Jewell forestry cab, 66” Pierce grapple, ready to work 1987 Ingersol Rand SP84 Vibratory Roller 84” drum, drum drive, 3260 hrs. $30,000 Brand New Cat 3126 Industrial Complete Crate Motor $10,000 1966 General Lowboy 8’ wide, 18’ 6” well, 35 ton $7,500 2001 General 50 Ton Lowboy 22’ well, 8’6” wide, flat deck, air lift axle on 3rd $55,000 Cardboard Compactor with hydraulic power pack and card board drop box $3,000 2008 Sturdyweld 3 Axle End Dump Pup Trailer 15’ box, spring suspension $25,000 1995 140G Grader 8000 hrs, county owned, very nice $70,000 Young Hyd Grapple & Dog Bone $2,500 Jones Hydraulic Thumb off 160 excavator $2,500 D6 Drum $1,000 Cat 325 Boom & Cylinders Boom, Stick & Heel Rack • $4,000 Cylinders • $1,500 each $7,500 for all 1995 Komatsu 300 HD-5 Log Loader 60” grapple, ready to work! $40,000 3600ga. alum. tank, front/rear sprays, Gorman Rupp pump, Cummins 350, 13spd. Timberjack 1270 Parts 1984 Hyster C330A Double Drum Roller 4 cyl. diesel, 33” front drum, 48” rear drum, Ready to Work! $3,000 1980 Ford F8000 5 Yd Dump Truck Cat motor, air brakes, 5spd, 2 spd rear $6,000 1981 Cat 245 Excavator Parts 36” Pads, 90% Rails – $7,500 Stick Boom Cylinder – $5,000 $130,000 1977 Ford Fire Truck 750 gallon stainless steel tank, 2 hose reels, Cat motor, Allison trans. $7,000 2006 Hendrix Hyd. Quick Coupler came off a 330 with 1100 hrs $1,500 2008 Cat 246C Track Skid Steer aux. hyd., 14” rubber tracks, 575 hrs. • $28,500 Perkins motor w/ complete hyd. pumps, front & rear differentials, cab, radiator Barko 350 Shovel on Pierce Carrier $11,000 1979 Fruehauf 2-Axle Pup Trailer windrow gate, great rubber $5,000 1996 Komatsu 40 Forklift 8000 Lb, 3 stage lift, LPG $6,000 1980 KW Water Truck $12,000 2006 Takeuchi 175 Excavator hyd. thumb, hyd. blade, side swing boom, a/c, rubber tracks, 2800 hrs., weighs 18,000lbs $42,500 RELIABLE For Us There’s No Better Compliment RELIABLE Salespeople Who Treat You Right! RELIABLE Distribution Around The Pacific Northwest! RELIABLE Pricing To Meet Any Advertising Budget! RELIABLE Results, Making Phones Ring & Leading To Sales! Equipment Mart & Page 6 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 GOSHEN EQUIPMENT 15 Ton Tilt Bed electric brakes, all new tires, brakes, paint, lights $6,250 Construction Saw on Trailer like new $1,000 541-741-2025 Consign your unused equipment here for quick turnaround! I-5 and Hwy. 58 (Exit 188) 34024 Old Willamette Hwy. Eugene, OR 97405 BOBCAT 450 with tracks, low hrs, great rubber $5,950 1982 INT'L Flatbed with Fire Equip. Concrete Saw CATERPILLAR D8H V4 WISCONSIN electric start, runs great 1988 INTL 466T 13 spd diesel, 500 gal tank & hose reel sn 46A30001, straight, high horse motor, serviced, excellent runner Allison, 3 axle, great rubber $4,950 $595 $49,500 TAKEUCHI TB025 $10,500 1993 CAT D5C Crawler $2,950 INT'L TD-9 $6,500 3-Axle Utility Trailer $4,000 TD-9 & Trailer together $9,500 FORD Tractor with Forklift good tires $5,000 with winch, arch, & brush rake $37,950 966D Log Forks, rebuilt................................................................$5,999 CAT 931 or D3 Tracks ......................................................................$700 36" Rock Bucket with thumb.......................................................$2,500 1993 KOMATSU WA380 Wheel Loader $36,500 (2) CLARK Winches (668 & 665)....................................................CALL 671 DETROIT Turbo.......................................................................$2,250 CAT 1573 Engine, turbo aftercool ...............................................$1,250 4x3 Hyd. Rotating Brush Grapple for 27 - 37 Ton Excavator Call for Price Weldco-Beales Parallel Ripper for John Deere G Series Dozer comes with 3 shanks Call for Price 2 available Over 2,000 used attachments in stock. See our complete inventory at • Excavator Buckets • Backhoe Buckets • Brush Rakes • Grapples • Thumbs • Quick Couplers • Hydraulic Breakers • Hydraulic Compactors • Compaction Wheels • Skid Steer Attachments CAT Hyd. Auger with Wain-Roy Top for Backhoe Call for Price New 60" Blades for Mini-Excavators 59 to choose from 4 In Stock! And More!! MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 12" to 36" Compaction Wheels for Backhoes and Excavators New Rogue Fab 96" Brush Rakes for 550 Size Dozers Hyd. Tilt Head for Case CX210 fits Wain-Roy Buckets Call for Price Diesel 5 KW Generator single or 3 phase, ex-military, 1373 hours $2,650 REDUCED EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR PAGE 7 Check out our web catalog! We Also Rent! Locally Locally Owned Owned And And Operated Operated Since Since 1998 1998 Come see us at the Redwood Regional Logging Conference March 14-16 in Eureka, CA NEW 2012 Case 580SN 2008 Case 590SM-3 Plus Tier 4 engine, EROPS, 4x4, rc, 4/1 ex-hoe, hyd. Q/C, pilot controls ROPS, GP bucket w/ fork hooks, pilot controls, 4x4, ex-hoe, 975 hrs. POR $58,000 Branch Office 4373 HWY 99 South, Roseburg OR 97470 541-679-6211 • Evenings: Rick Smith 541-679-6211 6455 N.E. Columbia, Portland OR 97218 800-338-5495 • 503-282-7211 • Evenings: Dave Simonson 503-760-5416 Hyundai R35Z-9 Mini Excavator 2000 Hyundai H70 Dozer enclosed cab, manual QC, thumb, 2 buckets • $43,500 $27,500 $22,500 w/ripper MORE GREAT BUYS FROM OREGON TRACTOR ECO CRUSHER jaw buckets to fit excavators ..................for Rent or Sale 2006 Bobcat T140 Track Skidsteer ROPS, GP bucket, aux. lines, rubber tracks, good U/C • $17,000 1999 Bobcat 753G ROPS, GP bucket, aux. lines $8,900 Cat D8K, s/n77V8146, U-blade, winch..............................................................................POR NEW 2012 Hyundai R60CR-9 Excavator, cab, hyd QC & thumb, 2 buckets ...............$69,500 [3] Cat D5H TSk’s.......................................................................................$79,500 to $89,500 1984 Komatsu PC220-3 Ex., plumbed, spare bucket ..................................................$17,500 2008 Hyundai R35Z-7A Ex, open ROPS, hyd QC and thumb .....................................$29,500 1991 John Deere 410D 4x4 backhoe, EROPS, extahoe, 4in1.....................................$19,500 2006 John Deere 160LC Excavator .............................................................................$89,500 1986 Case 580 Super E 2wd St. Backhoe ...................................................................$12,500 1975 Int 4200 Dump Truck, 8V71, 5+4 trans, good rubber ..........................................$ 7,000 1998 Cat D6M XL, ripper, 6-way blade, new U/C.........................................................$89,500 1997 Christie Yarder, reb eng & trans, new chains & sprockets...................................$75,000 Hyundai R35-9 Mini Excavator, enclosed cab, hydraulic QC, thumb, 2 bkts, 380 hrs ....$39,500 (4) Used Track Mounted Log Loaders ...............................................................................POR 2001 Econoline 12 ton ramp trailer, air brakes................................................$6,500 $ 6,000 Crushing Equipment & Supplies Available! Too many to list...................................Please call 1990 Jaswell Air Rotary Water Well Drill 1991 Case 1840 1982 Case 580ELL Skid Loader Case 50hp diesel, 60” GP bucket w/ teeth ROPS, 4/1 front bucket, PTO, box scraper w/ ripper, belly mounted grader blade $6,500 $9,500 model #2400, 1050-350 air, water well package $52,000 2009 New Holland T1510 2008 Cat 232B II Skidsteer low hours, 4x4, new Kodiak mower, very nice tractor ROPS, 4/1 bucket, QC, 640 hours $9,999 $21,900 2011 Case 580SN 1999 John Deere 550H LT EROPS, ac/heat, 4x4, RC, ex-hoe, 4/1 bkt, aux. lines, Case controls 4250 hrs., 6-way blade, rear ripper, set up for slope board $89,000 $32,900 (707) 839-0170 McKinleyville, CA FINANCING AVAILABLE Cat D6N XL 5,700 hrs., 6-way blade, rippers For Mor e E quipm ent V isit Our Website www.altoequipm Page 8 Frank @ 530-310-2007 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING $78,500 541-826-2659 White City, OR MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 1989 International S1700 Roll-Off Boxes crew cab, DT360, auto, new rubber, gooseneck hitch, hyd. pump for boring equipment 15, 20, & 30 yard capacities WILL MAKE SUPER DEAL FOR QUANTITIES $7,250 1985 Pete 359 1984 Pete 377 Cat 3406, 13 spd., spring susp., 15’ box, ditch gate, good rubber $11,900 2001 Freightliner FL50 1980 International Water Truck 1992 Pete 377 Series 60, 13 spd., wet kit, lowbed ramps, runs good Cat power, IMT bed, 8,000lb autocrane, welder & compressor, product tanks w/reels, evac system, under CDL N14 475hp, 13 spd, wet kit, new clutch $7,500 $27,500 $25,500 $8,900 $7,900 Silver 92, 13 spd., ready for work $6,500 Diesel Engines - Take Outs Cat 3406E 4 Cyl. Water-Cooled Deutz Diesel Cummins 8.3 Case 584 All-Terrain Forklift Cat 930 Loader 1398 hours, excellent shape decent rubber, pins & bushings are tight, good machine $7,900 $7,500 $18,500 $17,900 1991 International Roll Back Truck 7.3 Powerstroke w/ ditch gate, 8V92 Silver, 13 spd, good rubber 444E, 6 spd., Chevron alum. bed w/ wheel lift, new paint 6.0 Powerstroke $11,500 $10,900 $9,500 1983 Pete 359 Dump 2005 15’ Western Rock Box 8V92 Silver 100% Lease Financing on used equipment provided by AmeriCapital, O.A.C.. All credit scores considered. Call 206-427-3973 to apply over the phone or visit to apply online. UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION Sunday, March 24 at 10am 265 Industrial Way, Myrtle Creek, OR Two Day Preview: Friday, March 22 & Saturday, March 23 • 9am - 5pm and 2 hours prior to sale on Sunday Total Liquidation of Thuro-Bilt Trailer Company & More! See 9 1 e g a P re for mo info GAS EN GI NE S D I ES EL E NG IN ES FORD 4.0 SOHC ..................................$2,850 4.6-5.4 SOHC ............................$2,250 300.............................................$1,195 302-351W-400M ........................$1,295 360-390......................................$1,550 460 ‘72-‘92.................................$1,495 415-V10 .....................................$2,795 CHRYSLER & JEEP 4.0-4.2........................................$1,395 318-360......................................$1,350 488-V10 .....................................$2,850 CHEVROLET 4.3 V6 ‘85-‘91.............................$1,195 305-350 ‘69-‘85..........................$1,195 454 ‘75-‘87.................................$1,395 TOYOTA 22R-22RE ..................................$1,195 3.0L V6.......................................$1,895 3.4L V6.......................................$2,895 DODGE CUMMINS 5.9 12V, Early ..............................$2,995 5.9 12V, Late ...............................$3,195 5.9 24V ........................................$3,495 5.9 24V, HD..................................$3,695 5.9 24V, C/R, ‘03-‘10....................$5,295 6.7 C/R ........................................$6,295 FORD 6.0 P/S.........................................$4,795 6.4 P/S.........................................$5,950 6.9................................................$2,695 7.3................................................$3,195 7.3 P/S.........................................$3,495 GM 6.2................................................$2,695 6.5T .............................................$3,195 6.6 Duramax ...............................$4,995 SPECIAL Problems with your diesel not running well, bad fuel economy or maybe not running at all? 24’ Trailmax Trailer Give Us A Call We Can Fix It! Special 22RE ‘88 - ‘95 Installed $2,250 Incidentals Extra • All custom built engines are balanced • Cold air intake systems • Programmers for gas & diesel engines • Updated fuel systems • Big turbos • Custom exhaust systems by Grumpy’s, up to 5” • Injection pumps & injectors ALL MOTORS EXCHANGE & MUST BE REBUILDABLE CORE CALL FOR APPLICATIONS NOT SHOWN FOR PRICE AND AVAILABLILITY! ASE CERTIFIED AND IN BUSINESS SINCE 1975 OVER 200 ENGINES AND 400 CYLINDER HEADS IN STOCK! R & G MACHINING AND ENGINE PARTS 1980 Komatsu D31A Dozer Komatsu PC220 LCD For complete details visit 541-733-9304 • • MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 Grumpy’s Diesel & Truck Repair We Work On All Trucks, Tractors & Loaders! All Makes And Models - Foreign And Domestic Agricultural, Industrial, Marine And Motor Homes Mulino, Oregon • Shop 503-829-6038 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 9 I T ’ S T IME I ME M E TO T O B UY UY! John Deere 1023E Tractor Loader Boxscraper See Us At The n o g e r O l a r t Cen w o h S s ' n a m s t Spor tes County Fairgrounds Deschu Expo Center March 7-10 G ET Y OUR O WN T RACTOR F OR L ESS T HAN $200 PER MONTH ! $ John Deere 1023E Tractors Tractors Have Arrived! Sale S ale a l e Price P r i c e $11,999! $11,999! 60 months • 0% Financing STANDARD FEATURES: Standard 23 Horsepower Standard 4-Wheel Drive Standard R-4 Tires Standard Hydro Transmission T Standard Foldable Roll Over Protection Standard D120 John Deere Loader )/2<'$%2<'&2 )/2<'$%2 2<'$%2 <'$%2<'&2 <'$%2<'&2 <'&2 5759 Crater LakeStreet Hwy. 2347 2347SWSW Hwy. 9797 1223 NE First Highway Central Point, Madras, Bend, OROR Madras, OR OR 541-826-2422 541-633-7671 541-475-6116 21600 21600 Hwy. Hwy 39 Hwy. 39 Merrill, Merrill, OR OR 541-798-5660 1223 NE First 5759 Crater Lake St. Hwy. Hwy Bend, OR OR Central Point, 541-633-7671 541-826-2422 43428Hwy. Hwy.299 299E E 43428 FallRiver RiverMills, Mills,CACA Fall 530-336-5549 530-336-5549 1 Subject to approved credit on John Deere Financial Installment Plan. Some restrictions apply, so see your dealer for complete details and other financing options. 2 Offer valid through 3/15/13. John Deere 1023E D120 Loader and RB5048L base package price $11,799.00. Offer not available at all locations; see your local John Deere dealer for details. All attachments and/or implements included in offer are John Deere and/or Frontier-branded. Frontier-branded. John Deere’s Deere’s green and yellow color scheme, the leaping deer symbol and JOHN DEERE are trademarks of Deere & Company Company. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION FORM $30 FOR 24 ISSUES SENT 1ST CLASS MAIL DELIVERY (STARTS NEXT ISSUE) Fill Out Form & Return With Payment To EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING P.O BOX 1996 • ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 MAKE A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO EQUIPMENT MART NAME _____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE/ZIP ____________________________________________________ PHONE ____________________________________________________________ Subscribe To The Print Version Of Equipment Mart & We’ll Run Your Business Card – For Free!!!* *Card runs 1 time, space available basis. Include card when mailing subscription & payment. Send It To A Friend Know someone who might like a copy of Equipment Mart? Send us their address & we’ll send them a complimentary issue of the paper. Mail check or Money Order for Ads, or E-Mail/Fax your ad and call with MasterCard/Visa Equipment Mart P.O. Box 1996 Rogue River, Oregon 97537 1-800-822-9932 Visit our office at 211 Pine Street , call locally 541-582-0300, FAX 541-582-1273, Email Page 10 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 FIRST CAPITOL AUCTION INC. Northern California Leading Auction Company Specializing In No Minimum! ★ No Reserve! ★ Government Endorced PUBLIC AUCTION ★ Pacific Gas & Electric ★ ★ Over 35 San Francisco Bay Area Government Agencies S a t u r d a y, M a r c h 2 3 r d • S TA RT S a t 9 A M 3 AUCTION RINGS ALL SELLING IN ONE DAY!!! Inspection: Friday, March 22nd Attention out of state buyers: We will be selling non-compliant government vehicles & equipment legal every where but California. Everything sells to the highest bidder! • 9am - 4:30pm • 50 Solano Ave., Vallejo, CA San Francisco Bay Area only 2,300 hours 2006 John Deere 210LE 4x4 Skip Loader International Paystar 5000 6x6 Crane Truck with Manitex 1870 Crane & Jib Caterpillar 430D 4x4 Loader Backhoe low low miles 1 of 2 1998 International 4900 Digger Derrick Truck 2006 Terex TH-842C 4x4 Telescopic Forklift 2006 International 4200 Water Trucks 2005 Ditch Witch RT40 4x4 Ride On Trencher 2004 Ford 550 4x4 Bucket Truck Case 570MXT 4x4 Skip Loader CNG Tube Trailer 2007 Bobcat T190G Track Loader 1 of 2 DON’T MISS THIS BIDDING OPPORTUNITY! 2006 Takeuchi TB175 Excavator with Thumb For more information or a FREE BROCHURE call 707-552-0739 or v isit us o n th e web at : w ww. 1s tc ap ito lau c t io n. co m online bidding FIRST CAPITOL AUCTION INC. Phone 707-552-0739 • Fax 707-552-8613 COMMERCIAL LIQUIDATORS & APPRAISERS e-mail: • Bond #14663700622 • CSL #A1621 MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 50 Solano Avenue, Vallejo, CA 94590 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 11 FOR SALE 541-821-3329 David Brown 990 #652 • $3,200 Rears 96” Cut Flail #702 • CALL FOR PRICING F350 flatbed, sideboxes & racks. 5 speed. #193. $3,250 Mahindra 5010 Hydro. Cab, loader, 4x4. 0% for 60 Months For all of our inventory, visit C&L Western @ JD Challenger 7020 4x4 Tractor enclosed cab, heat and air, new tires, low hours, excellent shape $16,500 Hyster Forklift 10,000 lb. Hard tires, propane. $4,500 New Holland 315 Baler, #646..............................................................................$4,250 Kuhn 360 Hay Bob. With side & rear gates, #678 .............................................$6,500 New Holland 57 Rake, #645 ................................................................................$4,500 (2) Ferguson Plows, 2 bottoms ........................................................................$450 ea. Cushman Utility Vehicle, #671............................................................................$1,100 Turbine 200 Sprayer, #599 ..................................................................................$1,500 Bale Squeeze, #415 .............................................................................................$1,800 12 Foot Pull Spring Harrow, #624 .........................................................................$475 Tractors REDUCED Massey-Ferguson 205 Loader-Backhoe, #681..................................................$3,500 Ford 9N, #582.......................................................................................................$1,550 REDUCED Ford 9N w/ Howard Rototiller, #612 ...................................................................$1,950 Intl 404 Cultivator, #588 ......................................................................................$3,950 541-826-8500 TD20C Power shift, thin line U-blade, good undercarriage. $12,500 6002 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 Sales • Service • Parts More Inventory @ For All Your Farm, Ranch, Vineyard & Orchard Needs! Komatsu D20P Crawler Drott Crane 6 way blade, 9,000 lb. machine. $12,500 Max 8,500 lb lift, hyd. stabilizers $8,500 TWO DOGS FABRICATING LLC TDF SERVICES • TRUCK EQUIPMENT COMPANY 2630 Avenue G WHITE CITY, OREGON Office: (541) 826-5200 Fax: (541) 826-4466 W E S E L L A N D I N S TA L L A L L M A J O R B R A N D S Champ 8,000# Rough Terrain Forklift 30‘ reach, sideshift $8,900 Used Diesel Tractor. 16-19 hp, 3 point hitch, $1,800 Liftall Gradall G-660-C pilot controls, 1-man operation, excellent condition. sideshift, JD diesel, new tires, excellent condition $10,500 $10,500 Ameramax Vibratory Roller Approx. 3000 lbs. • $1,650 Page 12 New 68” Skidsteer Bucket $595 16 foot flatbed w/ Tommy Gate and city stake sides. $1,800 TD F Is Sout her n O rego n’s Lead e r In Truck M o d i f i c at i o n . Service Body. Will fit 56” C.A., with Tommy Gate $4,500 We A l s o R e p a ir Tr u c k s. We Install B&W Trailer Hitches & Pop Up Towing Products 8KW KUBOTA POWERED WRICO PLATINUM DIESEL GENERATOR SET W NE Buy Factory Direct and Save! 1KW - 100KW Available Eugene, OR • 541-744-4333 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING • 1800RPM • Water-cooled • Safety Shutdowns • 120/240 Volt • Skid Mounted • Electric Start • Remote Start Panel • Industrial Muffler • Very Fuel Efficient $5,880 e Ti m d l ite cia Lim Spe Mfg. in the USA MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 THORSTEINSON EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE 8537 Commercial Way • Redding, CA Office: 530-221-1333 Cell: 530-941-0599 Email: Other Units in Stock Please Call Case IH 5230 2010 Terex TX760B Deere 5500 Flail Mower Tractor 95hp, s/n: JJF1036244, side mounted slope flail and rear flail 95hp, s/n: L06410K25721, side and rear flail mowers, 2200hrs 1,463 total hrs, nice unit $39,500 $21,500 (choice) $49,500 $12,500 95 hp, s/n: LV5500E650118, EROPS cab, 2118 hrs, air, nice unit • $19,500 (also for rent) (also for rent) 1998 Case 621B Cat 623E Scraper s/n: JEE0056768, EROPS cab with AC, 90%+ radial tires, runs good s/n: 6YF0236, very good job ready scraper $32,500 $59,500 $44,500 (also for rent) (also for rent) Case IH 4240 105hp, s/n: JJE0904591, rear mounted flail mower, 2,000hrs CMI/Rex 3-35C Compactor Also Deere 6420 2005 Dynapac CA152PD Volvo L120B EROPS cab, front blade, Cummins powered Clark CY500-1500 15,000lb Forklift $32,500 gas engine, runs good s/n: L120V60948, EROPS cab w air, qc bucket, nice unit 4x4, 4/1 bucket, quick change, 24” backhoe bucket, extending dipper, 800hrs, LOOKS NEW Cat 633D Scraper Volvo 330C s/n: 25W0497, very good job ready scraper, good rubber $36,500 s/n: 60082, narrowed bucket, EROPS cab with AC, runs good (also for rent) $39,500 Cat 631E Scraper Cat 615C Scraper 2005 Super Pac 8421 s/n: 1AB01240, NEW FRONT RUBBER, very nice job ready scraper s/n: 5TF0064, very good job ready scraper (also for rent) $5,500 s/n: CS8421028808, 84” drum, 1,173 total hrs • $49,500 (also for rent) 2006 Gomaco GT3600 Curb Machine Dresser 555 2005 Rosco RB48 Broom s/n: U003601, 5.5yd bucket, EROPS cab, Cummins powered, runs good • $19,500 EROPS cab with air, 1,250hrs s/n: JJG0298222, 2,400hrs, ripper, 6 way blade $19,500 $33,500 (also for rent) (also for rent) $39,500 Barber-Green 5537DFS 48”x10’ Twin Shaft Pug-Mill 2006 Ingersoll Rand ZX125 (2) 2007 Haulotte HB62 65’ Lifts 255 total hrs, LIKE NEW CONDITION $125,000 2003 Dressta TD25H (2) 350C Payhaulers EROPS cab with air, ripper, 7,700 hrs. 50ton trucks, all wheel drive, job ready $125,000 $25,000 (choice) (also for rent) 1999 Bomag 172PDB-2 66” Padfoot TA mounted with feeder, all electric 2,000hrs 1999 Johnston 4,000 Sweeper $19,500 ex- Cal Trans unit, low mi. (also for rent) MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 $14,500 $49,500 2004 Fox 412-HP Skip Loader 4x4, 4/1, 1,400hrs, rear Gannon, very good condition $19,500 (also for rent) $36,500 $69,500 (also for rent) (also for rent) Case 550H WT Pac-Mor 38yd Compaction Trailer equipped with top mounted Bobcat 331 with grapple, low hr. equipped with swing boom, new hydraulic thumb, 2 buckets, 2300 total hrs • $49,500 (also for rent) Komatsu PC300LC-6 1998 CME Clarco Asphalt Windrow Elevator s/n: A88102, 4,500 hrs, 48” bucket, thumb 2,500hrs, Deere powered $58,500 $16,500 under 700hrs, LIKE NEW $39,500 (choice) (also for rent) 2002 Hyundai Robex 95W-3 equipped with raised cab, 2 piece boom with grapple bucket, (scrap handler) $36,500 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 13 541-840-8016 Expo Consignment Auction Sales • Service • Parts • Rentals IN SERVICE FOR 15 YEARS Exit 136 on I-5 Sutherlin, OR Tractor & Equipment 541-459-2214 • Saturday, March 30 Nagano NUL060 Manlift Nursery Stock sells at 9am Equipment and all other items sell at 10am Preview Friday, March 29 • Noon - 8pm rubber tracks, 20' high 1994 Willard Marine Inflatable Boat $9,500 7 meter, 18 person cap., 5.9 Cummins diesel engine 1 Penninger Rd • Central Point, OR 97502 NO BUYERS PREMIUM!!! $8,500 210,000 Gallon Tanks Unused Can be used for diesel, water, etc. Has hoses, liner, valves. 70’x70’x6.5’ when filled. 105’x105’ protective & containment liner, tarp. Komatsu D21A-6 Dozer 6-way blade, 2090 hrs SALE $6,500 $13,000 1993 Cat D3C Series II Dozer $21,500 Ocean Freight Containers 20ft • starting at $2,400 40ft • starting at $3,000 2006 John Deere CT322 Skidsteer 2001 New Holland TN75 2WD Tractor w/Loader new tracks, 1084 hours 2298 hrs, rops, remote hyd $21,900 $19,900 $17,500 $15,999 New Holland TC25D w/Loader Kubota F2560 Riding Lawn Mower 6-way blade, ripper, OROPS, 3000 hrs. Open Consignment Days March 27, 28, 29 • 8am - 5pm TERMS OF AUCTION Cash or your good check All items sold as-is with no warrentees implied Titled items will have free and clear title Please NO SMOKING at the sale site Please feel free to call J.B. Dimick or Curt Crichton for consignment infomation! J.B. 541-840-8016 • Curt 541-821-1948 293 hrs, excellent condition, HST, diesel, ROPS 72" commercial mowing deck, diesel $14,000 $4,500 2 available dual tires, side-shift, diesel, 3-stage mast goes up 15’ Komatsu D38E-3 Dozer 3,000 hrs., brand new U/C, c/w rippers and 6-way blade $24,000 541-826-2659 2007 Bobcat S175 Skidsteer 1800 hrs., aux. hyd. $18,500 Hyster H60XL Forklift many more forklifts in stock $9,500 ea White City, OR Page 14 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 PM JOHNSON (541)610-3900 Equipment Bend, OR Co. For Complete Inventory VIEW ~ 2008 John Deere 160CLC Excavator hydraulic quick coupler, CWS thumb, 36" bucket, A/C, U/C @ 70%, 4390 hrs. $79,500 Other Equipment Available 1990 Ford F-700 Water Truck, 2000 gallons, front/rear sprays, gas 429 engine, 5/2 trans......$ 9,500 1986 Peterbilt 359 Truck Tractor, Cat 3406B @ 425 HP, 13 speed, 250" wheel base, jake, air ride ..................................................................................................$12,500 1975 John Deere 570A Motor Grader, cab, 12’ blade, front scarifiers, 4x4, 2418 hrs., very nice ...........................................................................................................$15,500 Caterpillar D6C Crawler Tractor, OROPS, straight tilt dozer, drawbar U/C @ 60%. .............$18,500 Caterpillar D7F, OROPS, straight tilt dozer, rippers, U/C @ 75%. real nice..............................$35,000 1984 Hitachi UH 181 Excavator, (90,000 LBS), 48" bucket & thumb, good U/C, 8021 hrs.....$26,500 1990 Lay Mor 8B Self Propelled 8' Sweeper, 952 hours ......................................................$ 2,000 1975 Caterpillar D6C, OROPS, U-Dozer, rippers, U/C @ 35% ................................................$22,500 2002 Cat 345B Excavator, 48” bucket, thumb, U/C @ 50%, pads: 30”, width: 11’6”, certified by MSHA, (Mine Safety and Health Administration)....................................................$89,500 John Deere 610C Backhoe, cab, 2 wheel drive, standard loader and backhoe ......................$13,500 John Deere 710B Backhoe, cab, 2 wheel drive, standard loader bucket, standard backhoe.....$13,000 1988 John Deere 310C Backhoe, cab, 4x4, standard loader & hoe, 6677 hrs.......................$14,500 1997 IR model SD40D 54" Roller, OROPS, comes w/ bolt on Sheepsfoot, 2270 hrs ............$24,000 Allied 703 Breaker (fits JD 310 C backhoe size) ......................................................................$ 3,500 1979 Kenworth W900 Dump Truck, Detroit 8V71, 15 speed ..................................................$ 6,500 1984 Kenworth Transfer Set, w/ Reliance trailer, Cat 3406, 15 speed....................................$16,500 1974 Hyster Tilt Deck Trailer, model HP20TPS, (48,750 lbs) cap., measures 25'x8"x39" .............$ 6,500 1981 Hobbs End Dump Trailer, 29'..................................................................................$ 6,500 obo New (2002) ISC Impact Service Corp. Model 66 Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher up to 250 tons/hour, never set up. It is new. Great Deal! ...........................................................$98,500 2004 Cat 287B Track Skid Steer 1997 Freightliner FL60 Truck blade, backhoe, only 3364 hours EROPS, cab, heater, A/C, newer bottom rollers, 1500 hrs. Cat 3126 engine, automatic trans., 101,029 miles $POR $28,500 $POR 1971 Cat 980B Wheel Loader Cat D25B Articulated Truck (25 Ton) Cat 966C Wheel Loader Caterpillar D8N cab, GP bucket w/ teeth, tires: 26.5 x 25 @ 10%, good condition 9152 hrs., tires: 26.5 x 25 @ 60%, good running condition cab, bucket, 3rd valve, tires: 23.5 x 25 @ 40% EROPS, cab, semi U-dozer, rippers, very good condition $27,500 $27,500 $23,500 $145,000 Caterpillar D8K Cat D25B Articulated Truck (25 Ton) Ditch Witch model 5010 OROPS, U-dozer, 4 BBL ripper, rebuilt engine, transmission, finals, U/C @ 90%, excellent 2002 Platinum Coach 4-place Outlaw Conversion Horse Trailer with living quarters $POR 1999 John Deere 310SE Backhoe tires: 26.5 X 25 @ 60%, good running condition cab, heater, 4x4, E-stick with a 24" bucket, standard general purpose loader, quick coupler, plumbed, 7000 hrs., tires @ 70% tires: 26.5 x 29, front @ 30%, rear @ 50% $27,500 $27,500 $9,500 $67,500 Cat 619C Elevating Motor Grader 2001 Pete 357 Cat D8L ISM 400 hp, 10spd, 46,000# lockers, 4:10 ratio, very nice truck 17,000 hrs., 1,000 hrs. on rebuild, c/w ripper $17,500 Frank @ 530-310-2007 MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 $78,000 541-826-2659 White City, OR EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 15 Graddy’s Equipment Sales & Rental VISIT US 24/7 @ WWW.GRADDYSEQUIPMENT.COM TRUCKS • FLATBEDS • DUMPS • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 779 VILAS ROAD • CENTRAL POINT ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM THE MEDFORD AIRPORT – WE WILL PICK YOU UP! 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 CALL FOR PHONE: 541-944-0774 PRICING & AVAILABILITY OF RENTAL EQUIPMENT 2000 GMC C6500 Bucket Truck. Automatic 4 spd., hid. brakes, AC, V8 gas. Telsta T36C boom, horseshoe bucket, genset. #4246T. $18,900 2006 John Deere 210LE 4x4 Skip Loader. With 6-way Gannon, standard 4 speed, diesel. #6074. $19,000 1997 Waldon Sweepmaster 250 Sweeper Broom. Cumins 3.9 diesel, AC, new brooms, full cab, ex-city. #25420. $12,500 1983 Freightliner FLA9664 Cabover Log Loader/Flatbed w/ Serco Boom. Cummins 350 diesel, air brakes, standard 13 spd. 18' flatbed dump. BILL OF SALE ONLY. #2282. $12,900 2005 Dynapac CA121PD Compaction Roller. Has back fill blade, padfoot. #1243. $17,900 2005 Ingersoll Rand SD25D Compacton Roller with Sheeps Foot. Kubota diesel. Vibratory, smooth drum. #1570. $19,500 2006 Bomag BW145PDH-3 Compaction Roller. Backfill blade, Deutz diesel. #1074. $22,500 2004 Bobcat 341G Track Mini Excavator. Hydraulic thumb, backfill blade, Kubota diesel. #1254. $16,500 2003 Bobcat 463 Skid Steer Wheel Loader. Kubota 22.5 hp diesel. Teeth on bucket. #1502. $6,950 2000 Laymor 8C Sweepmaster Towable Sweeper. Hyd. steering, back up alarm, 8' broom, hydrostatic drive. #4011. $12,500 2007 Ford F550 4x4 Bucket Truck. Terex Telect Hi-Ranger with 45' working height. Powerstroke diesel, automatic 4 spd, 4x4. #7332. $24,900 1999 Athey M8A Patriot Mobil Sweeper. IHC 444E in front, Isuzu in back, diesel, AC, automatic 4 speed, ex-city unit. Cannot be registered in CA. #9002S. $18,500 2000 Peterbilt 320 Trash Truck. Cat diesel, air brakes, automatic 5 speed. 16-yard bed with side loader. #2366. $17,500 2001 Wood Chuck W/C-17G Series Wood Chipper. Self feeder, 115 hours (per meter), Ford 4 cyl, gas. #0362. $8,950 1998 Ford E350 Box Cargo Van. 7.3 diesel, hydraulic brakes, 14' bed. #4458. $6,950 2006 Takeuchi TB135 Mini Excavator. Q-C bucket, 2' bucket, Yanmar diesel, backfill blade. #6442. $16,900 2006 John Deere 310G Backhoe. 4x4, extend-a-hoe, diesel, 4 speed, 4-n-1 bucket. #5756. $33,500 2005 Bobcat 463 Skid Steer. Kubota diesel. #1207. $8,950 1998 Athey RA 730 Air Boss Mobile Sweeper Truck. Dual controls, 7.3 diesel engine, automatic 4 speed, ex-county. #9002. $18,500 1989 Dresser Vost 242A Compaction Roller. Deutz diesel. Vibratory, double drum, towable, ex-county. #0269. $5,950 E - Mail: g rad dyssal • www.gradd y s e q u ip m en t . c om Page 16 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 Graddy’s Equipment Sales & Rental VISIT US 24/7 @ WWW.GRADDYSEQUIPMENT.COM TRUCKS • FLATBEDS • DUMPS • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 779 VILAS ROAD • CENTRAL POINT ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM THE MEDFORD AIRPORT – WE WILL PICK YOU UP! 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 CALL FOR 1998 Morbark Model 13 Self-Feeding Wood Chipper. JD diesel, excity unit, ready for work. #2688. $12,900 2003 New Holland EC35 Mini Excavator. Yanmar diesel, 1' bucket, backfill blade. #2768. $15,900 1999 Ford E350 Bucket Van. 460 gas engine, hid. brakes, automatic 4 speed. Telsta A28 boom with 34 ft. working height. #0700. $7,950 2000 Sky Trak 6036 Forklift Telehandler. 4x4, 3.9 diesel Cummins, hid. brakes, automatic 3 speed. #2210. $18,900 1995 Ford F450 Flatbed Dump w Rack. Gas, AC, automatic, 12' flatbed. #9696. $4,950 1992 Ford F800 Flatbed Dump Truck. Ford diesel, air brakes, 16' dump bed with removable sides. Ex-city unit. #3900. $7,500 G raddy’s E quipment For Rent Altec MG 747 Grader 10' blade, ripper for small work, finish grader $300 day Thomas 400 Portable Screen $300 day • $1,200 weekly $3,600 monthly Pull with 1 ton truck. PHONE: 541-944-0774 PRICING & AVAILABILITY OF RENTAL EQUIPMENT 1997 International 4900 Digger Derrick. 4x4, DT530 diesel, AC, air brakes, auto. 5 speed, Altec D845A boom with 15,000lb crane. #0901. $27,500 (5) 1996-98 Ford F800 Tree or Bucket Truck. 5.9 Cummins diesel, hid. brakes. Automatic 5 spd. 11' dump body. Altec LC650A boom, 55' working height. #6657. $18,500 ea. 1995 Ford F800 Flatbed Dump Truck. 5.9 Cummins diesel, air brakes, 7 speed standard trans. 20 foot long bed with 4 sides. #0520. $8,950 Power Screen/Power Grid 800 Portable screen w/ conveyor. $500 day • $2,000 weekly $6,000 monthly $50 per hour • $300 day $1,100 weekly • $3,300 monthly Lay-Mor Sweeper $150 day • $600 weekly $1,600 monthly 2005 Magnum MWT Water Trailer. 500 gallons, self-filling, two axles, Honda pump, rear sprays. Gas powered. #5262. $3,950 2001 Sterling M7500 Dump Truck. 5.9 Cummins diesel, air brakes. 45 yard dump box, oil tank, ex-city. #7820. $12,500 CALL FOR ALL YOUR RENTALS NEEDS! Grizzly Screen 8x12 w/ removable screens $100 day • $400 weekly $1,200 monthly Vac Star 800 vacuum or pressure, 800 gallon spoil tank, high-pressure washer, 250 gallon water tanks 1997 Ford LTL9000 Rolloff Truck. Cummins M11 diesel, air brakes, standard 10 speed. 20' foot long bed. #8869. $18,900 2006 IR SD45D Roller With Sheepsfoot Shell $250 day 1996 Case 580L 4x4 Backhoe $200 day • $800 weekly $2,400 monthly 6x10 Dump Trailer $10 hour (min. 2 hours) $50 day E - Mail: g rad dyssal • www.grad d y s e q u i pm en t . c o m MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 17 Consignment Farm & Equipment Auction Mittry Construction Located in Redding CA CALL DEMO AT 530-941-3366 Saturday March 23 • 10am Held at: Richard Bartel Ranch 12909 SW Hwy 126 • Powell Butte, OR (Next To the Powell Butte store) Items Included in Auction 1980 Kenworth Conventional • Classic 1956 Mac Tandem Chassis Vehicles from Central Oregon Electric tandem axle, 20’, 20,000# tiltbed equipment trailer 3 axle 8 hole wheels • 20’ split deck trailer, pintle hitch 19-1/2’ tandem axle beavertail car hauler • plus several trailers of various sizes 1965 GMC and Ford 8000 5 yard dump trucks 1988 Kenworth W900B 4 in 1, ext hoe, Q/C, enclosed cab, A/C, aux hyd, power shift trans, ride control, 24" & 36" buckets, 3200 hrs McLellan 4000 gallon, recent Cat engine, 8LL trans, 20K front 40k rears, walking beam suspension, Deutz diesel aux engine, Berkley pump, remote control cannon, air sprays $35,000 $18,000 2001 Deere 310SG 4x4 TRACTORS 1975 White 150 • John Deere 4020 new factory motor Ferguson TD20 and 35 • M. Ferguson 25 and 35 John Deere Grand 40 • 2 front end heavy loaders • ATV LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT 3 squeeze chutes • gates, panels horse and cattle feeders • horse tack and saddles 2003 Freightliner FL70 Elgin Crosswind 1995 Cat 525 Cummins, AT, dual controls, 44,696 mi., dual gutter brooms, water spray system Esco grapples, new center pins & bearings, recent trans., rake, a/c, cab, new Cat paint $31,500 $24,500 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 12’ offset disk • 13’ offset disk • 12’ corrigator 12’ 11-shank subsoiler • 14’ wheel roller • 8’ rototiller • 3 point 13’ cultivator 2-JD 3 bottom rollover plows • several pieces of small 3 point equipment WAY TOO MUCH TO LIST • NO BUYERS FEE 1999 Hitachi EX 230 w/1999 Waratah HTH20B Processor TCM 880 Loader Forestry cab & guard pkg, 16,265 hrs, large counterweight fuel tank, A/C, clean Cat 3406 repower, 6.5 yd bucket, 29.5 x 25 tires, tight machine, runs very good $57,500 obo $29,000 Dennis Turmon Enterprises, LLC Professional Auctioneer Office: 541-923-6261 • Cell: 541-480-0795 • Fax: 541-923-6316 1515 S Bent Loop • Powell Butte, OR 97753 check for photos @ TERMS: Cash or checks. Full payment made day of auction. REMOVAL: Nothing will be removed until full payment is made. Turmon Enterprises and property owner are not responsible for accidents. 2001 Freightliner FL70 Water Truck 2000 gal with 48,475 original miles, 26k GVW, non CDL, Cat engine, 7-spd trans, spring susp, F-S-R sprays, self drafting, hose reel, A/C, runs very good • $22,500 30” x 90’ Radial Stacker Belt with Belt-way 100 scale, good working condition $8,500 1990 Pete 379 100+HP, runs good, good tires Cummins 450 Recon, 13spd, 46,000# 2sp rears, very nice truck $4,500 obo Frank @ 530-310-2007 $12,500 Frank 530-310-2007 Case 1260 Dual Wheel Tractor Page 18 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 UNRESERVED* PUBLIC AUCTION Sunday, March 24 at 10am • 265 Industrial Way, Myrtle Creek, OR (Directly off I-5 Exit 103) Two Day Preview: Friday, March 22 & Saturday, March 23 • 9am - 5pm and 2 hours prior to sale on Sunday Total Liquidation of Thuro-Bilt Trailer Company & More! Trailers • Forklifts • Pickups • Trucks • 10’ Shear • Fabrication Equipment • Welders • Tools • Shop Equipment Mass Quantities of New Steel & Aluminum Stock • Mass Quantities of Trailer Building Components • Much More! REAL PROPERTY Great manufacturing facility on 10 acres with excellent I-5 exposure and access. 30,000 sqft building, 3000 sqft office, 10 bays. 60X100 storage facility. 3 phase electric. Completely fenced. MLS#13016777. To be auctioned by Prudential Realty at 1:00 on sale day. (Subject to bank's reserve price). 82,727 miles 1999 Ford F-350 Super Duty XLT 4x4 Shop Truck with Power Stroke 7.3 2004 Ford F-250 Power Stroke Diesel 4x4 Crew Cab Masteel 10 ft. sheer with electronic back gauge, model 0508002 only 132hrs FORKLIFTS Hyster 20,000 lb. diesel • CAT P5000 LP • Hyster 5000 LP Hyster SS60 6000 lb. diesel • Hyster Space Saver 60 forklift PICKUPS & TRUCKS 2004 Ford F-250 Power Stroke Diesel 4x4 Crew Cab (82,727miles) 2003 Chevy Trail Blazer 4x4 SUV 1999 Ford F-350 Super Duty XLT 4x4 Shop Truck w/ Power Stroke 7.3 diesel 1986 INTERNATIONAL 5 Yard Dump Truck 1989 Ford F-Super duty flatbed w/ boxes • 1986 Nissan Pickup TRAILERS (2) New Thuro-Bilt 10 ft. single axle utility trailers w/sides & ramp New Thuro-Bilt 8 ft. single axle utility trailer w/sides & ramp New Thuro-Bilt 14 ft. single axle flatbed trailer Alumaweld 20' Inboard Jet Boat Cat P5000 LPForklift with side shift Hotsy Model 1422ss-208 3000 psi Steam Pressure Washer with detergent system BOATS 1981 North River 18' Sled w/ Mercury 80 horse jet • 1989 Malibu Ski Boat Alumaweld 20’ jet boat w/ 351 Windsor & 3-stage Berkeley pump FABRICATION AND MANUFACTURING Masteel 10 ft. sheer with electronic back gauge Hyd-Mech model S-20 Series II industrial horizontal metal band saw w/power feed Edwards Jaws IV 55 ton hydraulic iron worker Industrial hydraulic benders • RIDGID 500 Pipe Machine • Hydraulic scissor tables HOTSY Model 1422SS-208 3000 psi steam pressure washer w/detergent system (only 132 hours) Birmingham V-812-6 manual box & pan brake (2) AFC Finishing Systems paint booths with ventilation and fire suspension systems (subject to seller’s reserve) Bendpak model X1-9X9000 lb electric hydraulic automotive lift • MUCH MORE New Thuro-bilt 10 ft. Single Axle Utility Trailers w/sides & ramp New Thuro-bilt 14 ft. Single Axle Flatbed Trailer Mass Quantities of New Sheet Metal WELDERS AND COMPONENTS (6) Miller Deltaweld 302 welders w/ Miller 70 series wire feeds (4) Hypertherm Power Max 1000 G3 series plasma cutters (6) Miller Regency 250 CV-DC welders w/ Miller 22A wire feeds (2) Miller CP-300 DC, welder w/ Miller S-22A wire feed (3) Millermatic wire feed welders Numerous overhead welding booms, welding leads and MORE AIR COMPRESSORS Rogers (Model/n MG25-125) rotary screw air compressor, s/n 050380 Rogers 25 hp 2 stage air compressor Zeks NC Series Air Dryer( model 100NCGA100) s/n 255702 • Air tanks and MORE New Aluminum Extrusion Stock 1986 INTERNATIONAL 5 Yard Dump Truck 1981 North River 18' Sled w/Mercury 80 horse jet 1 of 2 METAL STOCK Mass quantities of new sheet metal • Diamond plate sheeting Mass quantities of new angle iron, steel tubing, flat stock, & more Expanded metal • Aluminum angle stock • Aluminum flat stock Aluminum molding • Numerous steel shop racks and MUCH MORE. NEW TRAILER COMPONENTS Mass quantities of new trailer axles including: 6,000 lb. 6 lug axles w/springs & electric brakes • 3,500 lb. 5 lug trailer axles w/springs & electric brakes 5200 lb. 6 lug torsion axles w/electric brakes • Assorted trailer doors Rubber trailer mats • Weather stripping, trailer molding, trailer lights Trailer windows & frames. Trailer safety chains • Trailer fenders Trailer break-away kits • Rubber bumpers Assorted trailer hardware including 1000’s of bolts, nuts, washers, & more Saddle rack water tanks • Pallets of tires w/rims Fully stocked bolt bins and MUCH MORE! MASS QUANTITIES OF SHOP TOOLS & EQUIPMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND MORE! For complete details visit Mass Quantities of New Trailer Axles Miller Wire Feed Welders AFC Finishing Systems paint booths with ventilation and fire suspension systems (subject to reserve) All Items Sell to Highest Bidder! 10% Buyer Premium Applies. No Reserves* & No Minimum Bids. * Except for two paint booths and the real property, all items sell unreserved with no minimum bids. 541-733-9304 • • MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 19 1989 FORD 429 gas, 5 spd., w/ 2 spd. rear, 15'x8' hyd. tilt bed, 98,072 miles Excellent Top Soil Delivery Truck $12,500 Jerry @ 541-501-7608 1998 International 98S Truck 1977 Whit Boom Truck Cummins M11, diesel, 36,885 miles, good condition conventional, Cummins 350, diesel, 41,387 miles, good condition $9,500 $9,500 541-947-5265 • Lakeview, OR 2006 Interstate 35 Ton 22’ well, 102” wide, hydraulic detachable gooseneck (non ground bearing), self contained hydraulic 12hp engine pack, less than 10,000 mi. on orig. tires - like new $27,800 obo * financing available * Gary @ 707-499-7228 Hoopa, CA Boom Lift Older KW Dump Truck 60' reach, looks and runs good Cummins powered, 13 & 4 spd., Hendrickson suspension, 15’ box, good runner $6,999 Todd @ 541-813-9175 Brookings, OR Short Bed off 2004 Dodge Laramie with Innovation shell and removable camp bed with storage boxes, great dents or rust $1,850 obo 541-826-5596 Port Orford, OR CASE 580 SL 4wd Standard Loader standard 14' backhoe w/bucket, s/n JJG0196780, 5557 hrs. $21,500 Jerry @ 541-501-7608 2005 Dragon End Dump 28', AR400, dumps on 1 or 2 axles, asphalt package, high lift gate, tarp, aluminum rims $13,000 530-356-9435 1994 Komatsu D20A Dozer good undercarriage, 6-way blade, sweeps, screens, winch, 1902 hrs, c/w chokers, filters, manuals and extra parts, runs good, very economical $13,500 Pat @ 530-227-0665 2005 Case 650K Crawler Dozer equipped with ROPS, rear 3 shank ripper, 6-way blade, lighting pkg, rock guards, side screens & rear screen, 3372 hrs, s/n CAL002080 $34,500 Jerry @ 541-501-7608 42” Hang-On Fork Assembly for Backhoe 6,000lb cap., with mount brackets $22,500 Gary @ 707-499-7228 $350 541-864-0646 • 541-840-7329 Hoopa, CA Eagle Point, OR 2010 Kioti CK20S w/ KL120 Loader fits through a 4' gate with a 48" wide bucket making it perfect for horse corrals. Recent full maintenance has only 66 hours on diesel engine, manual transmission, very easy to handle for any job. New is $14,495 asking $11,499 obo Paul @ 775-813-7778 1987 MACK mid range, 172,000 miles, 20' x 8' hyd. bed Excellent Top Soil Delivery Truck $14,500 Jerry @ 541-501-7608 Reno, NV area 2005 Case 580M Series II Loader/Backhoe equipped with 4/1 loader, fork brackets, ext/hoe, 12” HD bucket, flip over pads, lights, lock-up kit, 2269 hrs, s/n N4C382023 $34,500 Jerry @ 541-501-7608 Page 20 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING 1985 Diamond Reo Dump Truck Cummins 400 engine, 13 speed transmission, SS ends, heavy duty rock box, no tailgate, good condition $18,500 Dave @ 541-954-3315 Oakridge, OR MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 Dromone Quick Coupler for a 300 series Excavator, model #JD330, mfg. in 2008, excellent condition $5,500 Dave @ 541-954-3315 • SCHOOL BUSES • HIGHWAY COACHES • AIRPORTERS • VANS USED BUSES All Kinds and Low Prices Oakridge, OR 1994 Traileze 7044 Trailer w/ 1996 Mack Tractor Excellent Unit Ready to pick up and deliver! $33,500 Jerry @ 541-501-7608 1997 Pete 378 Cummins N14, 18 spd., 46 rears on air tracks, double lockers, dual tanks, exhaust, & breathers, well maintained WESTERN BUS SALES, INC. (503) 905-0002 1-800-258-2473 30355 SE Hwy 12, Boring, OR 97009 New and Used Shipping Containers Large Inventory of 20’, 40’, & 45’ Containers 530-356-9435 2000 PUTZMEISTER 2000 PUTZMEISTER Concrete Pumper Truck Serving: Oregon, Washington, & Idaho w/ cord and cordless remote, 36 x meter truck mount Wholesale or Retail $125,000 Jerry @ 541-501-7608 • 888-379-2699 6731 CRATER LAKE HWY. MEDFORD, OR 97504 1996 CPS Bottom Dump Days: (541) 830-3966 Fax: (541) 830-5966 40', tarp system, aluminum rims, great shape $13,800 Gary @ 707-499-7228 Hoopa, CA JOHN DEERE 850 Crawler Dozer S/N # 380820T $8,500 obo 541-915-3695 Creswell, OR 24K Equipment Trailer 12,000lb GVW, oil hub axles, new 235/75R17.5 (6000# rated) steel belt radials, 28’ overall length, 19' flat deck + 4' dove tail, 8.5' overall width, large lock down box for chains and binders, large brake drums, excellent electric brakes, large pintle or 2 5/16 ball for towing, only 3,900# tare weight • $5,000 obo 530-221-2909 or 530-917-0656 Redding, CA Haul Up To 139,000 Lb. on Deck 20KW KUBOTA POWERED WRICO PLATINUM DIESEL GENERATOR SET W E N 1977 Ford 350 143,000 miles, good shape $2,500 Frank @ 541-601-6297 White City, OR MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 Buy Factory Direct and Save! 1KW - 100KW Available Eugene, OR • 541-744-4333 • 1800RPM • Water-cooled • Safety Shutdowns • 120/240 Volt • Electric Start • Remote Start Panel • Very Fuel Efficient • Long Life Kubota Diesel Engine $8,970 Mfg. in the USA EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 21 ★ merican Tractor A Quality Used Equipment & Attachments, Sales & Consignments Toll Free: 855-423-1200 Fax: 541-423-1203 Eric’s Cell: 541-944-3633 Cameron’s Cell: 541-944-8491 Dynapac CA250D 84" Smooth Drum Roller, Low Hours $52,500 John Deere 440B Skidder, Winch, Reman Engine $14,500 2004 Cat 287B Cab Heat/AC, Hyd Q/C, Upgraded U/C $31,000 2006 Deere 27D Excavator, QC Thumb. Low HRS $19,500 Deere 17zts, Thumb, Q/C, Aux Hyd’s. $13,000 2006 Deere 310G 4X4,4-1,E-Hoe $34,500 1995 John Deere 510D 4X4, GP Loader Bucket $16,300 John Deere 450E Dozer, 1,800 Orig Hrs, 6 Way Blade, Rippers $19,500 2002 Case 570MXT 4X4, Grading Box with Rippers $18,500 John Deere 550 Rippers, 6 Way Blade $16,000 2005 Deere 210LE, 4X4, 4-1, Gannon Box $21,000 Dynapac CA152D 66” Smooth Drum Roller, Low Hours $34,000 Case 455C Crawler Loader, Rippers, 4/1 Bkt. $12,500 Case 580E Skip Loader 4X4, Gannon Box $11,500 Case 850G Dozer Long Track, Rippers, Sweeps, 6 Way Blade $29,500 2006 Sullair 375H Air Compressor, Cat Diesel $11,000 5200 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 Kohler 100KW Gen Set, Hercules Diesel, Ex-Gov’t $7,900 Visit us @ Office: 541-423-1200 Sweepster Broom, Cummins Diesel, Cab AC/Heat $8,000 Multiquip 14.4KW Gen Set, Isuzu Diesel, Very Clean $7,500 Vermeer BC625A Chipper, 25HP Kohler, 6” Cap, Auto Feed $4,250 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 Please call if you don’t see what you need here V I S I T O U R N E W W E B S I T E @ W W W. A M T R A C T O R . C O M Page 22 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 5200 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 American Tractor ★ Visit us @ Office: 541-423-1200 Quality Used Equipment & Attachments, Sales & Consignments Deere 450G, New U/C, Winch, Brush Rake, Screens/Sweeps $29,500 2003 Deere 310SG, 4X4, E-Hoe, 4-1 Bkt, Power Shift $35,000 Dresser 518, 2YD GP Bucket, Ex Gov't $24,500 Toll Free: 855-423-1200 Fax: 541-423-1203 Eric’s Cell: 541-944-3633 Cameron’s Cell: 541-944-8491 Case CX14 Expandable U/C, New Tracks. $12,500 Deere 550B Dozer, Winch, Arch, 6 Way Blade $22,500 2005 Hyster 90XMS, 9,000Lb Lift, LPG, 3200 Hours $16,500 Yale GP0404 4,000Lb Forklift, LP, Ex-Gov’t $6,900 John Deere 310D, 4X4, ExtHoe, GP Ldr Bucket $18,500 Clark GP20 4,000Lb Forklift, LP, Loaded, Ex-Gov’t $8,900 2005 IR SD70D 66” Smooth Drum Roller w/ Pad Shell Kit $38,500 Deere 450C Dozer, Ripper, Limb Risers, 6 way Blade $11,500 ASV 2810 Tracked Skidsteer with 3 Point Hitch and PTO $9,500 2001 Bobcat 863 Skidsteer, Hi Flow, Hyd Q/C, Low Hours. $13,500 Hyster H100XL 10,000 LB. Forklift, Cab heat, LPG $12,500 Takeuchi TB135, Blade, Thumb, Q/C $22,500 Terex 33-03B Off Highway Dump Truck, 27 Ton, Rebuilt Trans, Detroit $17,500 Case 580C Skip Loader, Box Scraper $7,500 1981 Ford F700 5 Yd Dump Truck, Big Block Gas Engine, Auto Trans $9,500 Kent KCX 750 Demolition Concrete Crusher. $28,000 1997 IR RT708G 8,000 Lb. Rough Terrain Forklift. $12,500 GREAT SELECTION Of ATTACHMENTS IN STOCK • New/Used Wheel Loader & Dozer Attachments • New/Used Skidsteer Attachments • New/Used Excavator & Backhoe Attachments • New/Used Thumbs for Excavators & Backhoes • New/Used Quick Couplers for Excavators & Backhoes • Reman Hydraulic Breakers & Compactors V I S I T O U R N E W W E B S I T E @ W W W. A M T R AC TO R . C O M MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 23 5200 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 Qua Generac 200KW Gen Set, turbo diesel, low hrs, $16,000 500 Gal Diesel Tank on Trailer $1,200 Grove SM2232E Scissor Lift, 16’ Lift, 32” Wide Deck $2,800 American Tractor ★ Visit us @ Office: 541-423-1200 Quality Used Equipment & Attachments, Sales & Consignments JLG 1932E2 19’ Scissor Lift. $3,800 Oliver OC-4 Dozer, Restored, Gas, Blade $4,900 TrailEZE D15R 15 Ton Trailer, Beaver Tail, Tool Boxes $6,995 JLG600S 60’ Boom Lift, 4X4 Diesel $26,900 400 Gal Water Wagon, 5HP Briggs, Hose Reel $1,800 Parker 2K26 10 Ton Trailer, 26’X8’ Deck, Air Brakes $5,500 Kent KCX 750 Demolition Concrete Crusher. $28,000 Hyster 8,000Lb Forklift, Propane, Runs good $3,995 New 500 Gal Slip in Water Tank w/5HP Honda Pump $2,995 DR Chipper 16HP Gas $725 IR OL25X25 Air Compressor $3,450 Pull Behind Sheep's Foot Roller $1,800 Toll Free: 855-423-1200 Fax: 541-423-1203 Eric’s Cell: 541-944-3633 Cameron’s Cell: 541-944-8491 Deere 450H LT Dozer with Winch, Ex-Gov't $39,000 Coleman 15 KW Gen Set, Kubota Diesel $3,500 NSTC T500 Pressure Washer, Trailer Mounted, Kohler Gas, 500 Gal $2,500 Dynapac LP8500 $8,500 Skidsteer Backhoe Attachment For Bobcat 811 w/3 Buckets $4,500 Please call if you don’t see what you need here V I S I T O U R N E W W E B S I T E @ W W W. A M T R A C T O R . C O M Page 24 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 5200 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 Qua American Tractor ★ Visit us @ Office: 541-423-1200 Quality Used Equipment & Attachments, Sales & Consignments Toll Free: 855-423-1200 Fax: 541-423-1203 Eric’s Cell: 541-944-3633 Cameron’s Cell: 541-944-8491 GREAT SELECTION Of ATTACHMENTS IN STOCK New Helac PT10 PowerTilt 160/200 Size Excav. $4,500 New Deere/ Case 450/550/ 650 Dozer Rakes $2,400 New 18” Backhoe Wain Roy Bucket $800 Hitachi EX350 30” Bucket $2,800 18.4X26 Ring Style Tire/Skidder Chains $800 Cat 416/426B/C 18” Compaction Wheel $1,500 New 8”X37” Weld On Manual Thumbs $500ea Deere 410A/B Amulet Hoeclamp $800 Deere 310C/D Backhoe Quick Change $500 Deere 310SG/410 Backhoe Quick Change $500 Wain Roy Top Caps $500ea Komatsu PC400 30” Bucket $2,500 Hensley Blade Mounted Ripper $650 D6 Size Ripper shank $300 New Skidsteer Hay Forks $500 20” Auger Bit X 7’ Long, 2” Hex Shaft $950 Balderson 2 YD 4/1 Bucket IT28 Q/C Style $4,000 Cat 930 4/1 Bucket $3,500 Like New Case 580M 36" Dig Bucket $800 Deere 750 Hyster W6F Winch $5,500 Like New Deere 310E/G 24" Bucket $950 72" Hi-Cap Skidsteer Bucket $1,200 66" Hi Cap Cleanout Bucket for 350 Size Excavator $2,800 36" Yanmar VIO 45 Dig Bucket $650 Skidsteer Bobcat Sweeper, Very Good Condition $2,100 Skidsteer Bobcat Model 15 Auger $1,600 Backhoe Plate Compactor to fit Deere 310SG/410G $2,300 John Deere 750C Vail Rippers $7,500 Kent Backhoe Plate Compactor $2,500 Cat 305 18” Bucket w/Pins $600 Hitachi/Deere 350 30” Bucket w/Pins $2,800 Wain Roy 12” Backhoe Bucket $550 Cat 303 16” Bucket w/Pins $500 Case 580SM 24” Bucket $600 Case CX80 48” Cleanout Bucket $1,800 Deere 310SG/410G 18” Bucket w/Pins $675 Please call if you don’t see what you need here VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE @ WWW.AMTRACTOR.COM MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 25 LEGENDARY ARMS THE TRADING POST W WE EB BU UY Y G GU UN NS S!!!!!! WE BUY GUNS!!! Full-Service Arms Dealer & Collectibles BUY, SELL, TRADE ALL KINDS OF FIREARMS Antiques • Collectibles Indian Textiles • Jewelry Featuring Old West Collectibles By LEGENDARY ARMS WE BUY GUNS!!! 779 E. Vilas Road • Central Point, OR 97502 541-690-1500 • Page 26 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 Chapter 11 - Case No. 12-33661 Saturday, March 16 • 10am Preview: Friday, March 15 • 9am - 4pm 15338 NW O’Neil Hwy • Redmond, OR Taking Consignments for April 13 Heavy EQ Auction in Portland AUCTION HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE CAT D4 DOZER • JOHN DEERE 490D EXCAVATOR DITCH WITCH V30 TRENCHER WEEKEND WARRIOR TOY HAULER 888-791-7813 31’ ALLEGRO MOTORHOME • FARM TRACTORS (541) 779-3587 • RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ALL Heavy Equipment • Heavy Equipment AttachmentsIMPLEMENTS IN-STOCK ATTACHMENTS COLLECTOR UP TO 20% OFF CARS • PICKUPS & MORE Hunt Tractor, Inc. VIEW OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY ONLINE! 2003 JD 650HLT, 6-way blade, ripper, 1,761 hrs............................$43,500. eves/weekends • Medford, OR COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS Call RAY or TYLER BEAL for consignment or auction questions 2004 BOMAG BW177D-3, 66" smooth drum, vibratory, drum drive, 921 hrs...$32,500. 2003 JD 120CLC, AC, hyd. thumb, QC, aux. hyd., 3,136 hrs.....................$49,500. 503-760-0499 We have over a thousand attachments in stock. We carry new and used attachments for all makes and models of heavy equipment. WWW.CIAUCTIONS.COM additional photos & info available at: • New and Used Excavator and Backhoe Buckets • New and Used Thumbs for Excavators and Backhoes • New and Used Quick Couplers for Excavators & Backhoes • New and Used Hydraulic Breakers and Compactors • New and Used Skidsteer Attachments and Buckets If we don’t have exactly what you need we can find it for you. Call Dave Bishop for details or visit our website for a complete inventory list, including pictures and prices. (2) 2000 KW Water Trucks Cat powered, 9LL, 20k front, 46k rears on Hendrickson, top of the line water system, 9 sprays, 1 summer on complete system $77,000 each (will separate truck from tank) 530-356-9435 Maxi-Dump 3 Yd Dump Box with Sideboards • Easily search through thousands of used and new attachments by machine make and model. • Create your own user account to receive automatic inventory updates for attachments that fit your machine. 10,000 lb. hydraulic lift, fits inside most pick-up boxes, excellent condition BACKHOE BUCKETS • EXCAVATOR BUCKETS • MINI-EXCAVATOR BUCKETS THUMBS • QUICK COUPLERS • HYDRAULIC BREAKERS & COMPACTORS SKIDSTEER ATTACHMENTS • AND MUCH MORE $1,850 Don @ 541-232-3748 or 541-221-3668 Florence, OR H OW TO P L AC E YO U R A D ! Standard Photo Ad (1 1/2” x 4 3/4”) Super Photo Ad (3” x 4 3/4”) 1 Photo & Description 1 Photo & Description BLACK & WHITE AD - 1 ISSUE . . $30 BLACK & WHITE AD - 1 ISSUE . . $50 COLOR AD - 1 ISSUE . . . . . . . . . . $50 COLOR AD - 1 ISSUE . . . . . . . . . . $70 BLACK & WHITE AD - 2 ISSUES . $50 BLACK & WHITE AD - 2 ISSUES . $90 COLOR AD - 2 ISSUES . . . . . . . . . $90 COLOR AD - 2 ISSUES . . . . . . . . $130 CLASSIFIED: $10 PER ITEM Up TO 20 WORDS PER ITEM PAYMENT MUST BE INCLUDED IN ALL ORDERS: WE ACCEPT CHECK / MONEY ORDER / VISA / MASTERCARD FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. All Standard, Super Ads & Classifieds Are Part Of Our Web Site – No Extra Charge! Mail check or Money Order for Ads, or E-Mail/Fax your ad and call with MasterCard/VisaEquipment Mart P.O. Box 1996 Rogue River, Oregon 97537 1-800-822-9932 Visit our office at 211 Pine Street , call locally 541-582-0300, FAX 541-582-1273, Email MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING Page 27 ** % % Down & Financing for 48 Months $0 Down&0 Financing for 48 Months A.P.R. A.P.R. Expect Expect Expect Expect Exceptional Durability Innovative Design Smooth Handling Comfort & Value RTV900XT Bring home a new Kubota RTV during the Great Expectations Sales Event. Pick from a variety of versatile configurations. Offer ends May 31, 2013. Central Equipment Co., Inc. 3008 Biddle Road Medford, OR 97504 (541) 779-7443 ©Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2013 Page 28 GRZQ$35¿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¿QDQFLQJPD\QRWEHDYDLODEOHZLWKFXVWRPHULQVWDQWUHEDWH&,5RIIHUV)LQDQFLQJLVDYDLODEOHWKURXJK.XERWD&UHGLW &RUSRUDWLRQ86$'HO$PR%OYG7RUUDQFH&$VXEMHFWWRFUHGLWDSSURYDO6RPHH[FHSWLRQVDSSO\2IIHUH[SLUHV6HHXVIRUGHWDLOVRQWKHVHDQG RWKHUORZUDWHRSWLRQVRUJRWRZZZNXERWDFRPIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ2SWLRQDOHTXLSPHQWPD\EHVKRZQ EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 Equipment Mart Classifieds C lassified S FOR SALE 1) 1993 KW Day Cab W900L, less engine and trans., 40-145 rear ends, set up for E Model Cat. $8,000 2) Cat 3406E, 350,000 original miles, new cam and re-seal. $7,000 3) 16-715 Transmission, excellent. $1,500 4) (10) 11 24.5 Alum Wheels and Tires. $2,000 707-496-3029 • Arcata, CA Used Detroit Engines and Parts For Sale Diesel and Allison Transmission Repairs Over 40 years experience Leave Msg. 541-944-2576 Medford, OR Cat D4 7U w/ blade, winch, canopy, electric pony motor. $7,850 541-205-3176 • Klamath Falls, OR Crown 3000 Loader, rear mount, good shape, mounted on 1968 Ford 3-Axle Diesel, Cummins motor, 10 spd., has Cat 3304 Stationary Power Plant to power high volume pump. $11,000 541-836-2182 Drain, OR D2 3J 6500, 12" PADS, 80%-90% U/C, hydraulic blades, new clutch 541-205-3176 Klamath Falls, OR SERVICES Portable Cool Room Rentals! FOR SALE Brian Dries • 503-637-6138 • 37735 SE Rude Rd. Sandy, OR 97055 Sales & Service Hyd. Thumbs, Buckets, & Quick Changes Available Shale For Sale $10/yard - delivered within 20 miles of pit $4/yard - you pick up at pit Open Saturdays & Sundays Specializing in small jobs LANDSCAPE ROCK AVAILABLE Cairn Timber & Shale, LLC 541-826-9026 Kioti CK30 with KL 130 Loader 1294 hrs, hydrostatic drive powershift, 5ft rotary mower, 5ft box scraper, field master post hole digger with 10in auger & 8in auger $43,900 $16,800 2004 CAT D3G LGP METAL ROOFING Metal Building Products Hi-Rib, 3’ Panel Snaplock Panel Standard and Custom Flashing Parrott’s Metal, Inc. 541-955-8077 • MONDAY, MARCH 18 @ 6 PM Is The Next Advertising Deadline For Equipment Mart. Get Those Ads In Today!!! WANTED Wash Plant W.F. Wells & Sons Ban Saw 15 to 20 CU yds. per hour, hyd. conveyor, diesel, variable speed hyd. controls 39" W.F. Wells & Sons Inc. vertical ban saw blade welder, counter weight, variable speed $22,500 $1,800 2001 Freightliner FL70 Lodge & Shipley Power Sheer low mileage, 330 HP Cummins, LOADED! NEED CASH NOW? $72,500 8 ft. 1/2 inch $12,500 Hunt Tractor buys and consigns all types of heavy equipment attachments. Don't scrap it! Bring it in to us and put more cash in your pocket! Call Dave Ricks at 877-423-9747 or e-mail pictures and details to Located in Medford, OR ★ merican Tractor Am Portable Cooler Division: “Instant” Walk-in Coolers. Delivered to your suitable site! Sizes from 200 cu.ft. to 1200 cu.ft. Reunions, Florists, Caterers, Weddings, Company Parties. Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB #102938 Sid Layton 541-601-3336 or 541-826-2080 Pacific Import Equipment Inc. is in need of Equipment and Attachments for Buying, Selling or Consignments. Nippon Sharyo Diesel Generator Set NES90SH-2 75KW/90KVA, reconditioned $8,500 Wemco-Hidrostal Pump F6K-H-F2S 6x6, 1425 GPM@1150 RPM head 35', 3200 GPM@1750 RPM head 60', screw impeller • $8,500 Please Call Eric or Cameron Toll Free 855-423-1200 Located in Medford, OR EQUIPMENT DECALS Replacement Decal Sets for your Excavation, Paving, Logging, Mining, and Lifting Equipment. SAVE MONEY & TIME. One AFFORDABLE source for all your equipment decals. Prompt, Knowledgeable, Reliable Service DEALER AND CONTRACTOR DECALS. DECALS AND LETTERING FOR YOUR TRUCKS TOO! Call 215-536-5339 · Low Rates • Low Rates • Fast Approvals Fast Approvals • Easy Credit Application Easy Credit Applicaiton YOU FIND THE EQUIPMENT YOU FIND THE EQUIPMENT W WE E P PAY A Y FFOR O R IT! IT! WANTED 2005 Freightliner M2 Sports Chassis 1997 JCB S10 Loader LOADED, 24,000 miles 1883 hrs, loader series 2, 3/4 yd. quick coupler bucket, Perkins engine $62,500 $13,500 1998 Mitsubishi BD2J-2 2006 CAT 303CCR Used Hydraulic Thumbs to fit Cat 320-Deere 200CLC and Cat 312-Deere 120 size machines 541-830-3966 low ground pressure rubber tracks, 6-way blade, direct drive, 10k, 1360 hrs. $15,500 664 hrs. $25,500 800-644-1182 CALL HERMAN FLEISHMAN (800) 644-1182 • HERMAN@AMERICANLF.COM MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 29 1996 Miller Air Pak 400 Amp Diesel Powered Welder/Generator/Air compressor 2005 Kenworth W900L Cat 475, 18 speed, jake, 46000lb rears, full lockers, aluminum rims, cab guard, wet kit, virgin rubber, 248" wb, 340,000 miles 3 cylinder Deutz diesel, 2500 hours, s/n: KC303935, stock: 903044-01-3, 240 volt, AC, 3 phase, 400 amp, 100% Duty Air Comp-40 SCFM -90 PSIG, MIG, Tig, Plasma, 68" long, 30" wide, 43" high, est'd weight 2000#, very clean condition Mike @ 541-912-9901 Eugene, OR $64,500 Gary @ 707-499-7228 Hoopa, CA Caterpillar D6C 76A1495 OROPS, straight blade, hyd. tilt, ps, Hyster winch $12,000 obo 541-621-3204 $13,000 Gold Hill, OR 2006 Hassell Truck Box INGERSOLL-RAND VR90C 1/4 AR 400 high lift gate, excellent shape INGERSOLL-RAND VR90C Forklift $8,500 with 1987 Knight Hydraulic Transfer Trailer 1,681 hours, Vin # 154825 Call for price Jerry @ 541-501-7608 box good shape with 1/8 liners $12,500 541-660-6859 • Grants Pass, OR 1998 Eagle Picher R80 Forklift 8000#, 30' reach, side shift, 4 cylinder Perkins diesel, good machine with only 2000 hrs GENERAL Hay Rack $1,600 541-915-3695 $12,000 Frank @ 541-601-6297 Creswell, OR White City, OR 2000 KW T800 M-ll Mitsubishi BD2G Dozer 430, Super 10, air ride, 4-11 ratio, 12,000 FA, 40,000 RA, 872,000 mi., complete quick change package, willing to separate unit diesel, direct drive, 6-way blade, 98% under-carriage, rear tow hitch, includes manuals, excellent condition $11,500 Don @ 541-232-3748 or 541-221-3668 $38,500 707-496-4276 McKinleyville, CA Florence, OR 2004 Bobcat S175 New Holland Bale Wagon Super 1048 46hp Kubota diesel, 1950 hrs., advanced hand controls, vertical lift path, aux. hydraulics, attachment control harness completely refurbished $14,500 530-392-5534 $12,000 541-864-0646 • 541-840-7329 Sierraville, CA Eagle Point, OR 1987 COE Lube Truck Towmotor 6,000lb Forklift 24' van with 2500 gallon fuel tank, six product tanks with six pneumatic Lincoln pumps 10hp air compressor, live reels and generator, 100% drive tires good front tires • $32,500 1970’s model, 130” lift, hard tires, propane, no side shift, runs great $2,500 541-505-0080 541-560-3242 or 541-944-3070 Delivery Available Prospect, OR 1977 International 5 Yd Dump Truck PAYSTAR 5000 4 wheel drive, diesel, auto trans., 18,000 lb winch, very good condition, former state highway truck $11,500 Don @ 541-232-3748 or 541-221-3668 Florence, OR Page 30 DLR Everything your see in the a WHOLE LOT MORE EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 2851 Highland Ave. Grants Pass, OR, 97526 Dealer #6323 CA$H EQUIPMENT / TRADERS 541-955-1661 (fax) 541-659-9080 (Rob’s Cell) 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. • Sierra Pacific Capital • 800-863-6726 24’ Flatbed Trailer 2004 Wiesner Metalfab Equipment Trailer 1923 Fairbanks Morse low hours, cab, ex-county 20,000 GVW, tandem duals, electric brakes, pintle hitch, all steel, nice shape $18,000 $3,900 $6,500 Cummins diesel, crew cab, 6 spd., like new rubber, 14 ft. dump bed, no CDL required 2003 Conehead 550 Chipper track undercarriage, 19” capacity, grapple has 22’ reach, 750 hrs. 2000 Haulin 20’ Roll-Off Trailer 2’ beavertial, spring suspension 92k miles, Cat 3208, bucket controls on boom, cabover, ready to work $17,500 $49,500 $4,500 $14,900 1965 Cat 950 Loader 2000 F650 15 hp, with trailer D L SO ex-city, 8’ x 24’ deck, air operated ramps, 17.5 rubber 2000 GMC 3500 $5,900 each 4x4, dually, small block, auto, air, 82K, service box Cat 3406 motor, 15 spd., 15’ box, Henderson ext. leaf, snow plow, a/c, 160,000 orig. miles, ex-muni 2 to choose from $7,200 $17,500 2000 hours, gas, runs good, ready to work $6,900 air brakes, 17.5 tires, 19’ deck w/ dovetail $5,800 2004 Chevy Suburban 4 door, gas, automatic, tow package with winch, ex-city $6,500 MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 27’ x 7’, torsion axles, 8-hole wheels $4,900 $12,500 1997 Zieman 2735 Tri-Axle Trailer ex-city, 8.5’ x 25’ deck, air operated ramps, good 17.5 rubber low hours, ex-city $13,500 $2,900 1995 Ford Dump 2006 Fabform Gooseneck Trailer 1990 Ford 8000 Auger-Pole Setting Truck 1985 Wisconsin 3-Axle Trailer Lay-Mor Sweeper 2007 Equipment Trailer $3,500 1993 Ford L9000 3 Axle Dump 2000 hours, tow behind, good broom Vermeer 2465 Stump Grinder 3-axle, 10 ton, ext. tongue Line Puller 1995 International 4700 Detroit Series 60, A/T, Henderson Spring over beam susp., 217” WB 20000 lb. frt., 54000 lb. rear end, 18’ box, 20 yard box, runs like new DT408, 4 door, 6 spd., ex-city, 72,000 orig. miles, 9’ utility box, 3,500lb crane, 175IR compressor $12,500 $16,500 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 31 Page 32 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING MARCH 8-MARCH 21, 2013 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537
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