5 - Equipment Mart Ads
5 - Equipment Mart Ads
open Mon-Sat 541-770-6832 Sales • Service • Parts TYM T273/LT200 Loader/ BT200 Backhoe • 43hp CAT Diesel Engine • 4x4 • 16 Speed F/R • Aux. Hydraulics TYM T433 w/ LT500 Loader $23,cash945 • Kubota K-650 Backhoe ................$2,900 • Gravely Pro 21XD Mower................$895 • 66” Lorenz 530 Snow Blower ......$1,495 Interstate • 7x16 • Wide Trac 10,000lbs Axles • Double 3/4” Floor • Rhino Lined Inside • 29’ E-Trac Insulated Ceiling TYM• T233 w/ LT200 Loader • TYTAN 6” Wood Chipper ..............$2,300 • Danuser 8300 Hyd. Post Hole Digger ...$1,475 • Rankin Scarifier, 54” .......................$475 USED EQUIPMENT • 23hp • 4x4 • Hydrostatic Transmission • Loader Lifts Over 1100 lbs 3 Point Lifts Over 1500 Lbs • 5 Yr. Warranty TYM T233 w/ LT200 Loader $4,800 0% Financing Up to 84 Months O.A.C. On TYM Models! $12,cash995 • 27hp • 4x4 • Hydrostatic Trans. • Mid & Rear PTO • 5 Year Warranty $19,cash865 - Fastest growing tractor company in North America! 3366 Crater Lake Ave. Medford, OR 97504 www.jancoproductsinc.com Janco Products Inc. 503-760-0499 SEE PAGE 18 FOR EARLY CONSIGNMENT LIST CALL RAY, ROB OR TYLER BEAL FOR MORE INFORMATION WWW.COMMERCIALINDUSTRIALAUCTIONS.COM THE CIA YOU CAN TRUST COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS 13231 SE Division St. Portland, OR Preview February 12th • 10AM - 5PM SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13TH • 9AM CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT / TRUCKS VEHICLES / TOOLS / PLUS MORE!! For Ad Information CALL: 800-822-9932 or 541-582-0300 FAX: 541-582-1273 • E-Mail: info@equipmentmartads.com PUBLIC AUCTION V O L U M E 1 8 • N U M B E R 2 • J A N U A RY 2 9 - F E B R U A RY 1 1 , 2 0 1 0 @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM DOWNLOAD THE PAPER ON-LINE Affordable Advertising That Works! At O Loc ver 85 0 at 6 W ions In este Stat rn es FREE NEW & USED TRUCKS, TRAILERS, HEAVY EQUIPMENT & MORE!!! CONTACT INFORMATION: FIND US AT: www.wilsonequipment.net FOR RENT DOZERS: Cat D8T with rippers Cat D6RIIXL with rippers Cat D6NXL with rippers Cat D5NXL with rippers Cat D5GXL with rippers GRADERS: Cat 140H with rippers Blade Pro Laser available EXCAVATORS: Cat 345BL II 100,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer Cat 330CL 80,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer Cat 325CL 65,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer Cat 321C LCR 58,000 Lbs w/ thumb Cat 320CL 45-50,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer Deere 120C 28,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer Deere 50C 11,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer 35D 8,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer BACKHOE: Cat 420E A/C & heat cab, 4 in 1 bucket, 2005 Deere 700JXLT 2004 Cat D8RII Erops A/C and heated cab, diff steer, U/blade, M/S ripper, New U/C, 5,100hrs, well maintained, very clean and tight machine • $229,500 Erops A/C and heated, Forestry package, seeps, screens and tank guards, 6-way blade, free spool winch and fairlead, 80% U/C, well maintained, very tight, clean machine Attachments $59,500 $89,500 DOZER- PARTS & ATTACHMENTS 4x4, E-stick HAMMER: Kent 40GII 8,000 Lbs NPK 5,500 Lbs Kent KF22 4,000 Lbs Kent KF12 2,000 Lbs 1000 Lbs 500 Lbs OFF ROAD TRUCKS: Deere 400D 40 ton Cat 730 30 ton LOADERS: Cat 930G 3 yd bucket & pallet forks Cat IT 38G 3.75 yd bucket & pallet forks Cat 950G 4 yd bucket & pallet forks SKIDSTEERS Cat 257B 7,500 Lbs COMPACTORS: Cat 815F Cat Cs 563E 84” drum, pad feet available Cat Cs 433E 66” drum, pad feet available 50 Ton Pneumatic Roller Bomag Hand Jumping Jacks LIGHT PLANTS Boom Lifts/Scissors Lifts 40’ Boom 4x4 diesel 60’ Boom 4x4 diesel 1930 Scissor Lift 2632 Scissor Lift 2646 Scissor Lift 3246 Scissor Lift 2005 Deere 160CLC A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb and coupler, very good U/C, nice tight and clean machine 2006 Cat 321CLCR 2002 IR SD100D TF Erops A/C & heated cab, hyd thumb & coupler, aux hydraulics, Trimble lasor system, very well maintained machine smooth drum, drum drive, good rubber, low hrs. $87,500 (Pad shells available) 2005 Cat 320CLLR Brush Rake- Width= 10' 1" Brush Rake- Width= 8' Brush Rake- Width= 7' 4" Brush Rake- Width= 10' 9" Brush Rake- Width= 11' 5" Brush Rake- Width= 7' 8" Brush Rake- Width= 7' 3" Brush Rake- Width= 9' 9" Brush Rake- Width= 9' 10" Cat D8R Multi shank ripper Mann Mann Mann Fleeco LOADER PARTS & ATTACHMENTS $37,500 2007 Deere CT322 55’ reach, A/C and heated cab, good U/C, well maintained and very tight. Erops A/C and heated cab, q-tach GP bucket, aux hyd, new tracks, 1,100hrs. (Rental Only) $22,500 Case 621- 2.75 yard 4-n-1 bucket Cat 980C- Bonus Bucket 5-6 yard bucket Cat 928G 2.25 yard bucket 1 yard misc. bucket Skidsteer tooth bucket Ford 9030- 1 yard bucket Log Forks- 2-3 yard Log forks- 5-6 yard, Komatsu WA-450 Log Forks- 6 yard 3 yard JRB coupler front sweeper w/tank WINCHES, ARCHES, & FAIRLEADS Hyster D6E & D6C Winches Gearamatic 22 hydraulic winch Young Arch w/ 4 rollers CAT D8 size Fairlead w/ 4 rollers Scraper Can Puller Winch For D7F CAT Misc. Winch with Fairlead Misc. Arch w/ 3 rollers GRADER PARTS & ATTACHMENTS 2005 Deere 824J 2004 Komatsu Wa 250PT-5L 2001 Deere 6410 Brush Cutter Erops A/C and heated cab, 6 yd bucket, 80% rubber, ride control, well maintained, very clean machine, job ready condition • $96,500 Erops A/C and heated cab, JRB Q-tach bucket and pallet forks, third valve, good rubber, 3,300hrs, very clean and tight 100HP, 4x4, Erops A/C and heated cab, side boom 5ft rotary mower, joy stick control, new rubber, 2,100hrs, well maintained machine • $49,500 $69,500 Ex-Government 2000 Deere 772CH Ex-County 1987 Dresser 850 Brush Cutter Erops A/C and heated cab, side boom 6ft rotary mower, joy stick control, articulating, good rubber, runs very good • $37,500 Trades Accepted • 1998 Fiat Allis FG65C 10’ blade, scrarifire, articulation, good rubber, low hrs, well maintained machine • Call 100% financing OAC 6x6 All wheel drive, Erops A/C & heated cab, 14’ blade, rear ripper, push block, 5,200 orig. hrs., new rubber, tight & clean, well maintained machine • $84,500 Cat 140G Front Scarifier JD 770B Front Scarifiers(5) Champion 730A-740A Front Scarifier Cat 140G Front Lift Groups(3) JD 770B Front Lift Group JD 770B Front Blade Attachment(3) Cat 140G Front Blade Attachment(2) JD 772CH Snow blade Attachement(2) Champion 730A Snow side wing attach. Cat 140G Snow side wing attach.(4) JD 772CH Front Push block(2) JD 772CH Complete Ripper Assembly JD 770B Quick Blade Ripper attach. Cat 140G- 13 wheel Follow-Me-Wobblies.(2) JD 770B Mold board blade Rear Ashpalt pulverizer TRACTOR PARTS & ATTACHMENTS Ford/N.H.9030 Double wing mower attach.(2) 1999 Cat 140H Ford/N.H. 9030-Front loader attach. Erops A/C & heated cab, 14’ blade, Ford/N.H. 9030Sweeper attach. ripper, 17.5x25 rubber, push block, circle slip clutch, lock, very tight EXCAVATOR PARTSdiff & ATTACHMENTS and cleanQuick • $109,500 Cat 322- JB Hendrix Connect (Trimble laser system available) Cat 320Excavator Cab w/ door Flail Brush cutter attachment Cat 320Bl- Main Boom section 6731 Crater Lake Hwy. • Medford OR 97504 COMPACTION PARTS & ATTACHMENTS Cat 816- Landfill compactor blade IR SD100-115- Front blade for roller Cat- Front push blade TOLL FREE: 866-205-7113 OFFICE: 541-830-3966 MISC. JD Buckets-12", 30", 36" Misc. Ripper attachment Truck Rear-End Differential Truck Lift Axle Champion Gearco Grader Trans (9150) JD-Engine, Turboed 4Cyl (4039TF001)(2) CAT 4cyl Turbo engine Mod.-7JK26849 Tires for all different types of equipment FAX: 541-830-0157 RANDY: 541-944-5067 Page 2 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 (541)610-3900 Equipment Co. VIEW~ www.pmjohnsonequipment.com Bend, OR 10x34 Yard Trailer. Bridge? $5,000 Hyster Carry Crane 8,000 lb., diesel pwr. $4,500 Dryer Rollers. 14 1/2’ long. 3 3/4” diameter. 4” Galvanized, Schedule 40 Pipe. Call for pricing. Call for price. 1988 IH S 2500 Dump Truck 1995 John Deere 410D Backhoe Cummins L10, 9 speed, spring, 10' box, & 1997 Zieman 26,000 LB. trailer. All in VG shape. $14,500 cab, 4x4, standard backhoe, good runner Load King 3-axle Belly Dump Trailer 20 yard • $18,500 541-826-3242 1998 Kobelco SK220 Excavator 42" & 60" bkts., thumb, Q/C, guarded, nice $45,500 1991 John Deere 590D White City Metals Steel • Aluminum • Stainless • Brass • Copper New & Surplus • We Buy Scrap Metals • Concrete Mesh & Rebar $21,500 1999 Freightliner FL 70 5 yard Dump Truck with Allied Hammer, ready to work Cat 2136 rated @ 190 HP, 6-speed, spring suspension, good tires • $19,500 $22,500 D8H (K) Ripper Shank 7130 Crater Lake Hwy. • White City (Medford) M-F 8-5, Sat 8-3 • www.whitecitymetals.com 63" X 13", comes with pin, good condition 1995 Case 580L Backhoe $2,350 $ 18,750 Also in Klamath Falls at 2825 Broadmore • 541-883-3583 4 x 4, OROPS, 4/1, E-stick, 3 bkts, VG tires , (2) Champ 8,000# Forklift. Rough Terrain, 30-Foot Reach. Sideshift. $9,500 each Liftall. Excellent condition, sideshift, JD diesel, new tires. $12,000 30’ Haulmark Toy Hauler. 4 doors, interior power, lites and more. Like new. $8,750 2004 Bobcat S130 Skid Steer. Hi-Flow Aux. Hydraulics, ONLY 800 HOURS Foam Tires, Exc. Shape. $14,500 Hyster C350B Tandem Roller w/ 54” drums. Good condition. $3,500 Diesel Sweeper. All remote controls. $2,500 Hyster XL110. LP gas, side shift, great shape. $8,500 Hyster 10,000 Lb. Forklift. LP gas, sideshift, good condition. $7,500 541-821-3329 • JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 Cat V180-B Forklift. 18,000 lb., diesel, sideshift, 3 speed, auto, great shape. $14,500 541-776-4060 (messag e) JD Challenger 7020 4x4 Tractor. Enclosed cab, heat and air, new tires, low hours, excellent shape. 19,500. Drott 4-Ton Deck Crane. Good shape. $8,500 Gradall G-660-C. Pilot controls, 1-man operation, excellent condition, will consider trades. $12,900 Visit C&L Western For Photos Of All Our Equipment @ www.equipmentmartads.com EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM PAGE 3 REDMOND EQUIPMENT COMPANY Call Mike Mitchell Redmond, Oregon (541) 480-0942 www.redmondequipmentco.com Financing OAC • We BUY Heavy Equipment 2007 Bobcat 435 ZHS Excavator 1996 Cat 312B Excavator hydraulic thumb, 30" bucket, clean cab, 7,880 hours, runs and operates great. Priced to move at ONLY $23,900 hydraulic thumb, Bobcat quick coupler, 2 buckets, Kubota Tier 2 diesel, good rubber, 2-speed, blade, keyless start, low 1,580 hours. CLEAN late model unit www.equipmentmartads.com ers pp i R Case/Cummins diesel, aux. hydraulics, Bobcat style foot controls, 2,800 hours. Great running machine and priced TO MOVE AT ONLY $6,990 A lot of people sell shipping containers in this paper!!!! But we have nice, clean,water tight cans. All our cans have been run through the shop and have been fixed and cleaned. We have the best Please call me. You will be glad!! containers in town!!!! 1-888-711-1987 ONLY $25,990 t In s Ju 1994 Case 1845C Skidsteer STORAGE CONTAINERS FOR SALE 1986 Case 450C Dozer 6-way blade with NEW edges, rippers, Case/Cummins 4-390 turbo diesel, 4250 hrs Good undercarriage, ready for work. A new and powerful website working to sell your equipment ONLY $16,990 20KW KUBOTA POWERED WRICO PLATINUM DIESEL GENERATOR SET NEW New Undercarriage 1996 Case 850G Dozer with NEW U/C and RIPPERS, 6-way blade with new edges and recent pins/bushings, rear/side screens & sweeps, heavy duty grille guard, dual batteries, recent service and hydraulic pump, Case/Cumins 6-590 turbo diesel. 6,450 hours with new paint Very clean and tight • ONLY $22,990 1991 Case 580 Super K Backhoe cab/heat/stereo, 4x4, extendahoe, Case/Cummins diesel that was recently serviced, 5,920 hours, work ready ONLY $19,250 $18,750 317 Hours Other sizes available Buy Factory Direct & Save!! Eugene 541-744-4333 2007 Bobcat S185 COMPARE TO NEW, low 317 hours. Tier 2 Kubota turbo diesel, aux. hydraulics, keyless start, Holgen headlights, Power Trax Monster flat proof pneumatic/solid tires. New condition • ONLY $17,990 • Water cooled • 1800 rpm • safety shutdown system • 120/240 volt • Remote Start/Stop • very fuel efficient • long life Kubota Diesel Engine $8,230 2003 Bobcat S220 Turbo Kubota 75HP V3300 diesel, NEW tires, newer hyd pump, NEW loader pins/bushings and muffler, aux. hydraulics, 72" bucket, 3,625 hours, well maintained • ONLY $12,750 9129 Hwy 234 Sams Valley, OR 541-855-0400 or Toll Free 888-239-DOGS (3647) WWW.BIGDOGTRAILERS.COM N e w Ye a r D e a l s FINANCING AVAILABLE OAC 2004 Takeuchi TL150 Compact Track Loader cab/heat/stereo, 4x4, standard backhoe cab/heat/AC, LOW 1,625 hours, with quick coupler & aux. hydraulics, near new rubber, NEW sprockets, two owner fleet maintained unit, and cutting edge on 82" bucket good tires, 6,995 hrs. and is tight & dry Exceptional unit priced at ONLY $24,950 BEST price out there at ONLY $18,990 O T H E R E Q U I P M E N T AVA I L A B L E 2006 Kubota KX91-3SS 8,000 lb mini-ex, low 1,095 hours, NICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,900 1999 Bobcat 325 mini ex, cab/heat, good rubber, 2,205 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,990 1988 Cat D4H dozer, cab, 6-way, rippers, good uundercarriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,900 1990 Kenworth T800 dump truck, Cummins, Ranco 12 yd box, drop axle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,490 1999 Gradall 534C6 reach fork, Cummins, super clean, 3,470 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,490 2004 Case 570MXT, ROPS, 4/1, 4x4, grade box, LOW 1,970 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,500 1998 Case 550G dozer, rippers, 60% u/c, 6-way, 4,200 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,450 1994 Case 580SK, cab, 4/1, 4x4, xhoe, ex-muni, 4,775 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,500 1983 Case 580D backhoe, ROPS, recent engine rebuild, hyd thumb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,950 2004 Bobcat S185 skidsteer, aux. hyd, low 1,500 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMING Stanley HS6000 backhoe compactor, works good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 950 Bobcat drop hammer attachment for skidsteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,800 Sweepster 72” skidsteer sweeper attachment, fits most skidsteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,500 REZLOH cutting edge to fit Case 1840/40XT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 150 30” pin on bucket to fit Case 9010 excavator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 550 18” to 24” buckets to fit Deere backhoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL 12” to 36” buckets to fit Case backhoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL Front wheel to fit 4x4 Case 580K,L,M backhoes, 1 remaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 125 Rear wheels and tires to fit Case 580L series backhoes, set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 550 NEW skidsteer pallet forks to fit all brands, 3,000# rated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 950 NEW UNDERCARRIAGE FOR MOST MAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL NEW INDECO HAMMERS & PARTS AVAILABLE • NEW & USED BUCKETS AVAILABLE CALL TODAY FOR PRICING • DELIVERY AVAILABLE. Page 4 Bui lt the W ay You Lik e It 1997 Deere 310SE Backhoe NEW 5x8 Utility with Gate WAS: $1,062 $962 Save $100 3.5K GVWR, wood deck NEW 7x18 Equipment Hauler with Ramps 10K GVWR NEW 7x16 Car Hauler with Ramps 7K GVWR WAS: $3,295 $3,095 Save $200 WAS: $2,215 $2,095 Save $120 Trade in your old trailer towards a new trailer! EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 CENTRAL EQUIPMENT CO., INC. New Construction Equipment @ Ask About 0% Down 0% Financing 60 Mo. New Kubota L3400 Like New 34hp, 12 spd. trans. $14,695 $26,995 Free Delivery Josephine & Jackson Counties Free Delivery Josephine & Jackson Counties Case 420 CTL Track Loader Skid Steer $29,700 ASV RC 60 DEALER COST!!! 13 hrs., quick attach bucket, 2 remotes 24hp, under 300 hrs. $18,420 Free Delivery Josephine & Jackson Counties Used-Like New 2007 Grand L 5740 Hydro w/ Loader 2006 BX24 Tractor LoaderBackhoe Demo unit, low hours. $27,900 Used Rental 2005 650K Dozer fully guarded, vail ripper, 542 hrs. $71,500 W/ Factory Warranty & Low Rate Financing Kubota KX 121-3 Excavator Angle blade, new Rockhound brush cutter. Used. New Erskine ES2400 High Flow Snow Blower $29,900 ready to go! Free Delivery Josephine & Jackson Counties $5,995 Case CX 130 Excavator $110,500 W/ Factory Warranty & Low Rate Financing 3008 Biddle Road • Medford, Oregon 97504 www.central-equip.com CALL GEORGE OR STEWART TOLL FREE: 1-888-779-7444 or 541-779-7443 www.kubota.com www.central-equip.com • www.kubota.com 1-888-779-7444 or 541-779-7443 C A S E C O N S T R U C T I O N E Q U I P M E N T & PA R T S D E A L E R • ASV • ZIEMAN TRAILERS Vibratory Plate Compactors for backhoes & excavators ................POR Multiquip 4KW Honda Generators 60 cycle, 110/240 ..............................POR Rud-O-Matic Tag Drum Model 1248.......................POR 3” Multiquip Diaphram Honda Trash Pumps .....................................POR 980B Size - Log Forks LS 98 Linkbelt Booms 3 - Boosters w/ quick change & Medford Pipe/Peeler Core Forks, excellent condition........POR various lengths, 15” sheaves also: cable brush grapples good condition..................POR (1) air bag - Turner, (2) spring type - Madill 10:00-20 rubber, good condition....POR Several used Rotex Bearings ............POR D8 Brush Blade & Angle Blade..........POR D6 & D7 Winch Fairlead .....................POR TEREX 8220 Angle Blade w/ C Frame ........................................POR LS 98 Linkbelt parts & undercarriages ......................POR 980B & 966C log grapples .......................................POR Cable Brush Grapples........................POR 300 KW Cummins Generator Danebo & Thunderbird Skycar Cummins 1710 engine w/ only 1278 hrs. Or Buy It For Just The Engine like new.....$15,500.....$13,500 w/ (2) radios, Tommymore sheaves, (1) w/ Cummins engine w/ 1880 hrs., (1) w/ Deutz engine Danebo...$12,500 • Thunderbird...$15,000 Ripper Shanks 2 & 3 pinholes....................................POR HUFFMAN-WRIGHT PO Box 910 • Canyonville, OR 97417 (2) Gt4 3-Drum Swing Yarders Bobcat Skid Steer - Model 743 50KW Genset, Enclosed Container 1680 hrs., new tires, new paint, aux. hyd., excellent condition......$9,750......$7,900 diesel engine w/ lots of electrical panels, good working order.......$8,900......$7,500 JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 Interlocked in & out. (2) main drums - holds 1,650’ & 1,750’ of 7/8” line, 3,000’ 7/8” haulback, High HP Cummins & lots of modifications, make great rock dredging machines. $45,000 $29,500 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Roger Wright Phone: 541-839-4251 See more photos and equipment details at: http://www.huffman-wright.com email: equipment@huffman-wright.com PAGE 5 Contractors… NOT USING IT – DON’T PARK IT SELL IT Put EQUIPMENT MART To Work Today. Affordable Advertising & Great Coverage = $ALE$ 1-800-822-9932 or visit www.equipmentmartads.com Page 6 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 GOSHEN EQUIPMENT I-5 and Hwy. 58 (Exit 188) • 34024 Old Willamette Hwy., Eugene, OR 97405 Phone 541-741-2025 • www.goshenequipment.com EVES: Homer @ 541-895-2787 • Fax 541-741-0297 e-mail: gshneqip@televar.com Broderson Baby Crane IC-70-1B gas, 20' slide boom w/10' extension & basket, clean unit w/ extras w/spray bars & pump $13,500 $4,850 TOPKICK 3500 Gal. Tank Gearmatic winch, hyd. blade, rear tires like new, front tires good Price F.O.B our yard Excellent! • $13,950 $12,950 $8,950 $7,980 MACKI TEXTRON CUSHMAN Utility Dump 4 spd, excellent rubber $3,500 KOEHRING Fellerhead Sawhead $1,500 1989 VOLVO Tractor wet kit, powered with 350 Cummins, driving through 13 spd. trans. $1,750 each NICE! • $9,950 $7,950 CLARK 666 Skidder 10x12 dump box Hendrickson susp, 3208T CAT, ALLISON trans, 100,114 miles. radio controlled carriage, Lamborghini diesel Log Trailers air scales, good rubber $5,650 $4,950 FMC 220 SKIDDER GMC power, grapple machine $13,500 $11,500 KOMATSU D39E 6 way Dozer $24,500 SKAGIT SJ3 3 drum & haywire $8,950 $7,950 1997 THUNDERBIRD Model 1238 with Model 385 VALMET Dangle Head good tracks, 8.3 CUMMINS power, WGT. 86,000# • $46,500 $29,500 1987 KENWORTH CUMMINS powered, air scales, long wheel base w/trailer $11,500 CASE 580E Backhoe/Loader PRENTICE 600B 4x2 drive, nice unit with PULLMASTER winch $12,500 $9,950 $8,950 KENWORTH T800 1992 GMC Topkick 366 60 Series & TRAIL KING belly dump, reversible gate, ex-county, clean, low miles V8, auto CAT 518 Line Skidder CHEV Brigadier Van $3,250 extra wide blade w/compressor, vise & tool bins, V8, auto $27,500 $24,500 JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 $12,500 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM $2,550 PAGE 7 5415821552 New-Used-Reman Ag & Ind. Parts Hitch Parts 1998 International 5 Ton Dump Truck 7.3 diesel, 6 spd. trans., 15 1/2' steel bed w/ 48" solid side boards. Truck is clean & runs well. $7,500 Hydraulic Pumps, Coolers, Valves Engine Kits Turbochargers Suspension Seat MFWD Wheels Front Wheels Classic John Deere Mower Garden Tractor new seat, tires & tubes, battery & belts, 38” mower attachment $550 Reman Engines Radiators Water Pumps Clutches Starters We want to buy ag and industrial equipment for parts Hotsey Construction Heater Steam Cleaner/Power Washer for larger areas, 230,000 btu, 120 volts, kerosene fired stationary, 3000+ lbs. pressure, 230 volt, propane fired - Click model $1,500 $2,000 Farmland Tractor Supply 32427 Old Hwy 34 Tangent, OR 97389 1-877-928-1646 toll free Financing Available O.A.C. thru Premier Finance Co. PLEASE VISIT US AT OUR . advancedtruck .com NEW AND IMPROVED WEBSITE www Factory Authorized Distributor For Page 8 SERVICE BODIES SNOW PLOWS STEEL FLATBEDS LIFTGATES DUMP BODIES ALUMINUM FLATBEDS PHONE: (541) 664-2822 ADVANCED - AG BODY - AMCO-VEBA - ARROW - AUTOCRANE - BUYERS CODE 3 - DUMPER DOGG - HARBOR - HEIL HENDERSON - HENKE - INTERLIFT - KINEDYNE - KNAPHEIDE - LIFTMORE - MAXON - PCC - PHT PRECO - PRO TECH PULLTARP - RACKIT - RUGBY - SWAPLOADER SUPREME - SWENSON - TODCO - THS - TOMMYGATE TRANSFER FLOW - TRUCKLITE - WALTCO - WESTERN - WHITING EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 www.HuntHeavyEquipment.com Hunt Tractor 888-791-7815 5200 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point 97502 (541) 779-3587 evenings & weekends Heavy Equipment • Heavy Equipment Attachments • Rentals VIEW OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY ON-LINE 2004 Bomag BW177D-3 66" smooth drum, vib., 921hrs $32,500 1998 Case 590SL 4x4, ext-Hoe, 4-1, Q/C, Aux. Hyd. $17,000 2000 Dynapac CA152D-2 66" smooth drum, vib., 1364hrs $32,500 1979 Ford A64 2.5yd 4-1 bucket, cab $11,500 IR SD100D 84" smooth drum, vib., 1200hrs $39,500 or $54,500 with Elliot Grid 1997 JD 310SE 4x4, ext-hoe, GP loader bucket $18,500 2004 JD 650HXLT ripper, 6-way blade, sweeps, low hours $59,500 2004 JD 310G 4x4, ext-hoe, 4-1, Q/C, aux. hyd. $28,000 Hitachi ZX225USR A/C, thumb, Q/C, Nice! $59,500 2004 Vibromax W1105PD 84" smooth drum, vib., 940hrs $39,500 2003 JD 310SG 4x4, ext-hoe, Q/C $29,500 2003 JD 120CLC A/C, Q/C, thumb, aux. hyd. $49,500 ALL IN-STOCK ATTACHMENTS 20% OFF! We have over 1,000 attachments in stock. We carry new and used attachments for all makes and models of heavy equipment! • New and Used Excavator & Backhoe Buckets • New and Used Thumbs for Excavators & Backhoes • New and Used Quick Couplers for Excavators & Backhoes • New and Used Hydralic Breakers and Compactors • New and Used Skid Steer Attachments and Buckets If we don’t have exactly what you need we can find it for you. Call Dave Bishop for details or visit our website for a complete inventory list, including pictures and prices. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE All Equipment Located Near Medford, OR 1988 379 Pete. 3406 Cat, 13 speed, 64 inch flattop sleeper, 260" wheel base. (2) 150 gallon tanks, CPU, 300,000 miles on in-frame, aluminum wheels. 1996 Featherlight 48102 step deck trailer. Tarps, load levelers, 2 set ramps, chains, binder, straps all included. 75% rubber on both truck and trailer. $13,500 each. 42' trailer. Great for bridge. 8' wide. $1,000 LIMB SWEEP for JD 650G. All hardware included. $1,000 Truck Scale. Concrete deck, 2 sections, 10’ x 35 feet. Would make a great bridge. $2,500 Hood for 379. Damage to right side. $1,000 50x50 Metal Building (open sides). Great for hay or equipment storage. $4,995 Truck tarps 48' x 102" x 8' drop $500 pair 2006 Reinke 48102 Trailer. Aluminum wheels, 1 tarp box, load levelers, chains, binders, straps, 6' short ramps, 80% tires. $21,950 Tie down chains 5/16 x 20' $20.00 each Snap binders $15. Ratchet binders $20. Single rail truck tire chains 22.5 & 24.5 $50. pair Straps 4" x 30' $5. Call Denis Today! 1-541-601-3808 JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 9 6700 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 Medford Area phone: 541-826-6580 fax: 541-826-6672 www.oregon-trucksales.com Three Left! 1993 GMC TOPKICK 4x4 2004 FORD F-450 4X4 2001 FORD F-550 Aerial 4X4 12' Flat bed w/ removable side racks and under-body tool boxes. 2,000lb rail lift gate. 112k miles on Power Stroke Diesel. LOW KELLEY BLUE BOOK!! #8741 9' utility bed w/ Altec TA35 Aerial Lift, 35' platform height, upper & lower controls w/ emergency start & stop, hydraulic tool circuit. (file photo) $16,900 $19,900 1997 FORD F-350 4X4 1997 FORD F-450 4x4 12' Utility bed w/ 24" rear work bench. Altec D845 digger. 27,150lb lift capacity w/ 45' max height. Dual lower control stations and upper controls for optional man bucket. 20" auger, hydraulic tool circuit and (4) hydraulic outriggers. PTO powered. Marmon-Herrington running gear w/ 4.92 gear ratio. 101k miles on 3116 CAT Diesel and Allison Automatic. #2904 11' Utility bed w/ electric-over-hydraulic pipe rack. Behind cab Ingersoll Rand P160WJDU air compressor. 160 CFM @ 100 psi & power hose reel. Powered by John Deere diesel. Only 94k miles on a 3116 CAT Diesel. #8859 HUGE SALE! $19,900 $8,900 1997 GMC C7500 2006 FORD F-450 BUCKET TRUCK 9' enclosed utility with Bobcat 225D diesel welder with only 92 hrs! Ask about flatbeds and other bed options. 133k miles on a 7.3L Power Stroke Diesel. #3926 9' utility box with 29" rear work bench. Altec AT200A aerial lift with 31' platform height and 300 lb bucket capacity. Power inverter to give 110V power to bucket and lower compartment. 56k miles on a Power Stroke Diesel. VERY NICE TRUCK #1914 9' Utility bed w/ 3,500lb Liftmoore crane. 114k miles on 7.3L Power Stroke Diesel. Newer tires, Ready to work! #3277 $9,900 $12,900 $29,900 $12,900 2004 CHEVROLET C-6500 12' Dump box w/ fold down sides & rear swing door. Exhaust brake. 6.6L Duramax Diesel with 56k miles. NO CDL REQUIRED! Ready to work! #4411 5 yard dump bed w/ air lock tail gate, pull-over tarp, under-body tool box and ditch gates. PB Loader 65-CS emulsion spray unit. 65 gallon capacity w/ electric pressure pump. 115k miles on 8.3L Cummins. (Not available for California Sale) #6099 9' Utility with 29" rear work bench. Altec AT-35 with 35' platform height and 300lb bucket capacity. Newer tires! 3 available! #9073 11' chip dump/utility combo, only 29K miles on an International diesel. Very clean and utility boxes make this the most versatile chip dump out there! #6070 $19,900 $8,900 $12,900 $10,900 Crew cab w/ 8' aluminum flatbed and utility boxes. Hydraulic front mount Warn winch w/ 12,000lb capacity. Right side capstan. 135k miles on 7.3L Power Stroke Diesel. Will separate, call or email for more info. #7039 1997 INTERNATIONAL 4700 Chip Dump 1995 FORD F-800 DUMP 1997 FORD F-450 2000 STERLING ACTERRA Roll Back Jerr-Dann equipment roll back w/ 28'X100" deck. 20K lb hydraulic winch. Under-body tool boxes, tie-down ratchets, stake pockets, jump lugs and much more! 10Klb air-drop cheater axle. Call for more details. #5671 1999 FORD F-350 4X4 9' Utility bed with interior lighting. New Ford Factory transmission w/ 3 year, 75,000 mile warranty! Triton V-10 with 102k miles. #9183 $11,900 $35,900 2004 FORD F-550 3 Yard dump body. Ready to work! Expandable to 7 year/200K mile warranty from Ford! Call or email for more info. 72k miles on a Power Stroke Diesel. #5700 $19,900 1995 FORD F-SERIES AERIAL 11' utility with integrated locking system. Altec AS336P, 36' platform height aerial lift with upper and lower controls. Plumbed for air to trailer. 51K miles on a 5.9L Cummins. UNDER CDL! #6915 • $9,750 1995 FORD Aerial VST3600I Versalift with 36' platform height. 11' utility box with 20" rear work bench. PTO powered. 5.9L Cummins with 48k miles, very clean truck. #7792 $12,900 1995 FORD F-450 w/ front, rear and left side air-valve sprayers. Top mount remote water cannon and rear step spray bar. Hose & reel. PTO powered. #0267 3 Yard dump box w/ fold-down sides and roll-over tarp. Cross-over tool box w/ pull-out tool trays. Autocrane Econo-Ton II crane w/ 2,000lb lift capacity. Lighted arrow board. HUGE CLEARANCE SALE! #3143 Elgin sweeper unit. Big Bear model with gutter brooms on the right and left. Roll sweeper in the rear. 64k miles on a 3126 CAT. #1910 $24,900 $5,900 $29,500 4,000 Gallon Water Truck Get A Kick Page 10 1999 FORD F-450 2001 FREIGHTLINER FL70 Deal At Oregon Truck Sales! EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 ENVIRO “CHIPPER” INDUSTRIES, INC. Serving The Pacific Northwest 1-800-287-2048 Rentals Available • Used Chippers www.envirochipper.com AUCTIONS Sat., Feb 6 th 9:50 am Sharp! 23rd ANNUAL COMMUNITY EQUIPMENT ROUND-UP 2009 Morbark M12 R 2009 Morbark M12 D Brush Chipper 12” wood chipper with 86hp Caterpillar diesel engine, auto feed, hydraulic lift and down pressure, dual hydraulic feed rollers and more. 12” chipping capacity, Kubota 99 hp. diesel engine, hydraulic lift assist & reversing automatic feed system package. This is the newest machine on the market. Call For Prices Call For Prices Gary Whipple Parts & Equipment 2101 Ave. F • White City, Oregon 97503 (541) 826-8288 Cargo Containers 20’ & 40’ Available Wind & Water Tight Rentals Also Available GULLY EQUIPMENT REPAIR & SALES 530-365-6343 • Anderson, CA Jack Tone Road & River Road, Ripon, CA (1/2 mile north of Hwy 99) To Include Equipment From: Farmers - Ranchers - Contractors - Rental Returns Municipalities - Finance & Leasing Companies Trucking Companies - And Others! Partial List Only! See our website for full listing & photos www.mulrooneyauction.com Over 50 Wheel & Crawler Tractors - Loaders - Backhoes Forklifts - Dozers - Graders - Implements - Discs Cultivators - Mowers - Sprayers - Planters - Rippers Plows - Harvesting Equipment - Hay Equipment Vineyard & Orchard Equipment - Trucks - Pickups Trailers - Livestock Equipment - Building Supplies Shop Tools & Equipment Plus Much More by Auction Day! Auctioneer’s Note: Due to the size of this large auction we will be running 3 auctions simultaneously. Consignment Check-In: The auction site will be open starting Sat., Jan. 30th thru Thurs., Feb. 4th, 8am - 5pm Inspection: Friday, Feb. 5th, 8am - 5pm Deposit: A $100 refundable cash deposit is required to obtain a bidders number Sat., Feb 13 th 10:05 am Sharp! Farm Equipment Reduction Auction Plus Additions From Others 25491 N Staten Island Rd., Walnut Grove, CA (Near Walnut Grove Rd. & Staten Island Rd.) 2000 Daewoo GC30E Hyster H200HS 6,000 lb. cap., 83"/186" lift height, side-shift, 4-way hydraulic, automatic, propane 20,000lb. cap., 156"/212" lift height, side shift, 3-speed auto, diesel, new paint $5,500 $10,900 Partial List Only! See our website for full listing & photos www.mulrooneyauction.com Tractors - Harvesting Equipment - Hay Equipment Trucks - Pickups - Trailers - Implements & Tractor Parts Shop Equipment - Plus Much More by Auction Day! Inspection: Friday, Feb. 12th, 8am - 5pm Deposit: A $100 refundable cash deposit is required to obtain a bidders number For more information on buying or selling contact: Clark GPS30I Clark C500-YS60 6,000lb. cap., 84"/123" lift height, side shift, 2-speed auto, propane 6,000lb. cap., 76"/157"mast height, side shift, propane $5,100 $5,500 Clark Y160, 16,000lb. cap., side shift, 3-speed auto, power steering, diesel, new seat, new paint...................................................................$8,500 PO Box 748 • Galt, CA 95632 209-366-0600 (office) www.mulrooneyauction.com FREE LOCAL DELIVERY JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 CA Bond #146637300176 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 11 Galion 503 Grader 1969 Allis Chalmers HD-16 with 10 foot blade, new tires, rebuilt engine with receipts, good running condition, ready for work Hyster D-7 winch, all hydraulic and electric start, 50% undercarriage, with service manuals $8,000 541-290-5611 $9,000 obo 541-430-7294 • 541-580-3425 Coos Bay, OR Next 2 Ad Deadlines: Dillard, OR 1979 Case 450B 6-Way Blade, 5500 hours, 80% track, new rollers on bottom of tracks $14,000 obo 541-347-7867 Feb. 8 & Feb. 22 Place Your Ad Today ~ Bandon, OR 6731 CRATER LAKE HWY. Truck and Trailers MEDFORD, OR 97504 Days: (541) 830-3966 Fax: (541) 830-5966 1979 Kenworth 3406B engine, 13 spd. transmission, R170 rearend Haul Up To 139,000 Lb. on Deck Belly Dump Trailers 1989 Alcos, virgin rubber $17,000 obo • 530-209-2324 Redding, CA www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com Oh, By The Way… www.equipmentmartads.com We Have A New WEBSITE www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com is the result of a collaboration with search engine experts who have not only improved the former site’s functionality but the end search results. The new, improved site has been submitted to over 600,000 search engines and directories, not the least of which is Google. In other words, Equipment Mart truly has gone world wide. And as time goes on, your ads will see more and more exposure electronically. For more information about running your ads in print and on the web call us at 800-822-9932. Or visit that new site. We think you already know the address! www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com Page 12 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL TRUCK & EQUIPMENT FINANCING (800) 863-6726 • • • • • • N E W O R U S E D O. K . S TA R T U P B U S I N E S S E S O. K . C H A L L E N G E D C R E D I T O. K . D E A L E R & P R I VAT E PA R T Y S A L E S O. K . S A M E DAY A P P R OVA L 1 0 0 % TA X D E D U C T I B L E CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR FINANCING NEEDS Trigg Bus Sales, Inc. 2980 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, OR 97045 Cell: (503) 803-9835 • www.triggbussales.com Phone: (503) 742-2113 • Fax: (503) 742-2116 Used Buses, All Kinds We Service All Makes & Models Of Buses, Including Roadside Assistance New and Used Shipping Containers Large Inventory of 20’, 40’, & 45’ Containers Bill’s Backhoe Service 541-773-3995 • 541-821-3492 Phoenix, OR All equipment has been well maintained records are available upon request Serving: Oregon, Washington, & Idaho Wholesale or Retail www.dryboxusa.com CX225 Case Excavator Public Auction • 888-379-2699 CX240 Case Excavator thumb and 2 buckets, 2700 hrs. thumb and 2 buckets, 6070 hrs. $62,000 obo $48,000 obo February 13, 2010 @ 9am Preview February 12 13231 SE DIVISION ST • PORTLAND, OREGON See Page 18 For A List Of Early Consignments For This Auction Opportunity!!! COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS THE CIA YOU CAN TRUST WWW.COMMERCIALINDUSTRIALAUCTIONS.COM CALL RAY, ROB OR TYLER BEAL FOR MORE INFORMATION 503-467-4845 JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 13 Used Shipping rs e n i a t Con Run An Ad In Equipment Mart & Get Ready For Results!!! 1000 Gallon Fuel Tank on Trailer Perfect for storage (17qty) 20ft cans (31qty) 40ft cans. Clean and water tight containers look nice. Must sell. Down sizing yard space. Call and make offers. pump, filters, hose D L O S $1,250 or make offer IT'S GOT TO GO Toll free 1-877-861-0377 541-572-4413 Coquille, OR liquidation Auction only 97,000 orig.miles Saturday February 6 • 10 AM B & R Garden & Landscaping SE Bridgeford Blvd. (under the cell tower) Bend, OR Rolling Stock and Equipment • 2003 Bobcat Workmate 2100 utility vehicle, extra clean • 2003 Bobcat S175 skidsteer loader w/ 60" bucket, well maintained • 1994 Bobcat 753 skidsteer w/ 60" bucket,runs great • Bobcat attachments: LT-204 trenching attachment, 60" combo 4 in 1 bucket, pallet forks • 1998 John Deere 850 4wd tractor w/ JD 80 front loader, only 1230 hours • Rankin 3 pt 6' blade • Ingersoll Rand 100 CFM air compressor, sn 170625U88125 • Bobcat S175, 740 hours • Bobcat 753, 3012 hours 1991 International Eagle 9300 Dump Truck D L O S 4 axle, 56,000 GVWR, built as dump truck, only 97,000 orig. miles on entire truck, Cummins 400, 13 spd. Fuller, Hendrickson 52” walking beam, orig. build spec sheet with truck $24,000 • 541-554-7502 Springfield, OR Tushogg 4800 Forestry Mulcher fits most high flow skid steers. Great for landclearing, fire breaks, brush & tree removal. This will take down and mulch a 30' X 10" fir tree in minutes. It loves manzanita and oaks, US Forest Service pays $1,800 per day for masticators during fires. D L O S Vehicles • 2003 Ford F250 Lariat Super Duty, V10, auto, 4x4, crew, short bed • 2000 Ford Expedition XLT, V8, auto • 1997 GMC C6500 truck, V8, 2/5 speed, 18' steel dump bed w/ 3' steel sides, great shape • 1995 Ford F150 Super Cab, 4x4, V8, auto • 1991 Chevy 3500HD, V8, auto, 12' wood dump bed w/ 3' steel sides, w/ mounted Northman Great American 220/2300 snow plow (sold separately) • 1974 Ford F600, 2/4 spd., V8, 18' wood bed $17,500 • 707-529-5690 Windsor, CA 1989 Case 455C Crawler Loader D L O S 4 in 1 bucket, new undercarriage stock #60A0199 Trailers $12,500 503-658-5545 • 2003 Wells Cargo Road Force 7' x 14' cargo trailer • 1996 Wells Cargo 7' x 12' cargo trailer • 2003 equipment hauler, 6'8" x 16' tilt bed tandem axle trailer • Maintenance trailer, 6'6" x 14' w/ expanded steel sides, drop ramp • 5' x 10' utility trailer w/ drop ramp • 4' x 8' tilt bed trencher trailer 1997 Fruehauf End Dump Trailer D L O S Plus 34’ with high lift gate, alum. wheels, good condition • Power Equipment • Some PVC Pipe & Fittings • Yard Hand Tools • Miscellaneous $13,000 obo 707-218-8300 Dennis Turmon Enterprises L.L.C Crescent City, CA Professional Auctioneer 1515 SE Bent Loop • Powell Butte, OR 97753 Office: 541-923-6261 • Cell: 541-480-0795 • Fax: 541-923-6316 check for photos @ www.dennisturmon.com TERMS: Cash or checks. 10% buyer's premium. Full payment made day of auction. REMOVAL: Nothing will be removed until full payment is made. Turmon Enterprises and property owner are not responsible for accidents. DRIVING DIRECTIONS: south end of Bend, turn east on SE Wilson Ave., go to SE Brideford Blvd., sale under sell tower Page 14 Combine The Power Of Our Time-Tested Print Publication With Our Growing New Website & Get Value For Your Advertising. Oh Yeh, You’ll Also Get Results! EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 541-459-2214 Tractor & Equipment Sales • Service • Parts • Rentals IN SERVICE FOR 15 YEARS Formerly known as Robinson’s Trading Company www.haleytractor.com • haleytractor@yahoo.com 1999 Yanmar B7-3 1999 Mitsubishi BD2J Dozer 17000lbs, cab, blade, A/C w/6-way blade $25,000 $14,000 B7-2 w/thumb $19,500 B7 w/thumb canopy $16,500 Komatsu D21's and D31's also available $10,000 More loaders in various sizes also available “Our strength is your satisfaction” MACHINERY New Construction Equipment DEALER Komatsu WA100 Wheel Loader $13,500 (541) 343-3164 Exit 136 on I-5 Sutherlin, OR 1999 Yanmar B2-5 Excavator blade, rubber tracks, 4400lbs 20+ excavators of various sizes to choose from 1977 Galion T500A Volvo BL60 12ft blade, scarifier, 4-71 4-1, 4x4, e-tend $11,900 $45,000 Komatsu PC27R-8 Hitachi UH045-7 blade, rubber tracks, 14” bucket thumb, valve for grapple $11,500 $13,900 John Deere JD550G, winch, arch, 6way, pin-on brush. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POR Takeuchi TL130 Track Loader, very clean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,900 Cat D5G, ripper, cab, laser plug in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89,500 Cat D6D logger, arch, winch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,500 Cat D6H, semi U, Esco grapple, Hyster winch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,500 Cat D7F, angle blade, Esco fixed grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,500 Cat D7G logger, fixed grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $52,500 Cat 528, winch, grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,500 Cat 140G grader, scarifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $52,500 Cat 966C w/ roll out or GP bucket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,000 Mitsubishi BD2J, rubber tracks, 6 way blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,500 Komatsu PC220LC-5 logger, PSM build . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $72,500 Komatsu PC220LC-5 w/ DM3000 mono boom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,500 Komatsu PC300HD-5 logger, PSM build . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,500 Komatsu D41P-6, ripper, 6 way, RG, 3,600 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45,000 John Deere 120C, (2) bkts, thumb & QA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $62,500 Thunderbird TMY50, self propelled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175,000 Timberjack 2618, 22 Koehring saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,500 Timberjack 2628, 22” Koehring saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,500 Spencer 10,000 lb duel wheel heavy duty trailer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,950 Dump, log, water, lube, service trucks, chip trailers, tractors . . . . . . . . . . Call New Cross Fire 60”&90” side discharge conveyor buckets . . . . . . . . . . . . Call Supplier for parts, components, attachments, undercarriages See the Cross-Fire side discharge conveyor bucket video at www.IronmanMachinery.com 1041 Hwy. 99 N Eugene, OR • complete inventory at www.IronmanMachinery.com TIME TO GET FIRED UP FOR THE NEW SEASON!! Rogue Fire Support Has All Your Needs CALL MATT TODAY!!! Fire Fighting Foams/Extinguishing Agents • Foam Proportioning Equipment Fire Truck Foam/Dry Chemical Systems • Tanks • Monitors Custom Fire Extinguishing Equipment • Pumps/Monitors Lighting • PPE • Hose • Nozzles • Fire Trucks Skid Units To Spec 541-210-1468 Meet or Beat Anyone’s Prices JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 Roguefiresupport.com EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 15 Graddy’s Equipment Sales & Rental VISIT US 24/7 @ WWW.GRADDYSEQUIPMENT.COM TRUCKS • FLATBEDS • DUMPS • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 779 VILAS ROAD • CENTRAL POINT ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM THE MEDFORD AIRPORT – WE WILL PICK YOU UP! 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 1979 Bomag K300 4x4 Compaction Roller. Cat 3208 diesel, automatic Hi-Low, 4x4. #9532. $8,950. CALL 1984 Champ 530-70 Forklift. Duetz diesel, hyd. brakes, 4 spd w/ shuttle forward/reverse, 7000 lb lift, 30' mast, side shift, towable. #0114. $8,900 FOR PHONE: 541-772-4020 PRICING & AVAILABILITY OF RENTAL EQUIPMENT 1997 Ford F700 Manlift Line Truck or Cable Truck. 7.0 gas engine, air brakes, 4 spd auto, Telsta T40C boom, intercom system, reel carrier, ex-muni. #8896. $19,500 (3) 1994 Ford F700 Service/Utility Trucks w/ backhoe attachment. 160 CFM compressor, PTO driven Bradco backhoe attachment, jack hammer lift, 110 converter, hose reels, 14' utility bed, boxes. 5.9 Cummins diesel. #4341. $4,500 Calif. OK Calif. OK 1995 Ford F800 Flatbed Dump Truck. Cummins 5.9L, 16’ bed, stake sides, PTO. #6575. $8,950 1998 International 4700 Flatbed Dump Truck. Removable side racks, tow package, cruise, stereo, ex-city, bed in excellent condition. #9779. $12,500 1984 John Deere 544C Wheel Loader. Diesel, hyd. brakes, automatic Hi-Lo, full cab, 4-1 bucket, 3rd valve. #4475. $18,900 1996 Ford C8000 20 Yard Refuse Truck. Diesel, 6 cyc., auto. 5 speed, ex-city. #1489. $18,500 Calif. OK 2004 John Deere 450H LT Dozer. Diesel, 6-way blade with slope board, multi-shank rippers, steel tracks. #3489. $32,500 1999 GMC 3500HD Dump Truck. AM/FM radio, tow package, hyd. brakes, auto trans., AC, 454 gas, ex-county. #5037 $8,950 1995 International 8100 Boat Toter Flatbed Truck. Cummins M11 375 hp diesel, AC, air brakes, 10 speed, sleeper, tag axels, air lift, 18' flatbed, fifth wheel. #9815. $6,950 1987 Champ 538 Unilift Towable Manlift. 4 outriggers, 38', ex-city, electric. #0932. $4,950 Calif. OK 2003 Chevy Silverado 3500 Flatbed. 6.0 gas, AC, hyd. brakes, auto trans, 12' bed, stereo, two tanks. #2033. $7,950 Ingersoll-Rand Club Car Carry-All Golf Cart. Electric, comes with new charger, manual dump bed, 36 volt. #5309. $1,800 1990 Caterpillar D6D LGP Track Dozer. Cat 3306 diesel, AC, U Blade, low hours, full cab, ex-city, power shift. LGP tracks. #31X04146. $39,500 1990 Dresser Galion Vibratory Compaction Towable Roller. Model Vost 242A. Diesel, hyd. brakes. #0283. $9,500 1993 Ford C8000 Water Truck. 2000 gallon truck, 7.8 Ford diesel, air brakes, F.R.S. sprays. #4527. $9,900 (2) 1994 LeROI 185 CFM Towable Compressors. JD diesel, all ex-city, all 3 under 800 hours. #1920. $5,900 each 2002 Bobcat Mini Excavator. Kubota diesel, rubber tracks, 80% UC. #4458. $9,500 (7) 1997 Altec WC612 Chippers. 12' drum, side shoot, good rubber, gas. #9494. $5,950 each. E - Mail: gra dd yssal es@charter.net • www.gradd y s e q u i p m e n t. c om Page 16 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 Graddy’s Equipment Sales & Rental VISIT US 24/7 @ WWW.GRADDYSEQUIPMENT.COM TRUCKS • FLATBEDS • DUMPS • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 779 VILAS ROAD • CENTRAL POINT ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM THE MEDFORD AIRPORT – WE WILL PICK YOU UP! 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 CALL FOR PHONE: 541-772-4020 PRICING & AVAILABILITY OF RENTAL EQUIPMENT SALE 1993 Ford F700 2000 Gallon Water Truck. 6 cyc diesel, hyd. brakes, 6 spd, PTO pump, F.R.S. sprays, rebuilt tank, new pump, new paint. #2878. $12,900 1997 John Deere 624G 4x4 Wheel Loader. Diesel, GP bucket, cab w/air, 20.5x25 tires, 4x4. #624G. $35,000 1999 International 4700 6-Yard Dump Truck. Tub box, air ride seat, PTO, AM/FM, AC, pwr. steering, two pck, stereo, cruise, air ride, service to rear, ex-city. #6321. $15,000 1993 Freightliner Cement Truck. FL80, 8.3 Cummins diesel, air brakes, 6 speed, 4.5 yd. mixer, ex-city. #8465. $14,900 Calif. OK 1989 Athey Mobile Sweeper. 6 Cyc. Ford, gas, air conditioning, 2 speed rearend, dual controls, ex-city. #9007. $4,900 1995 Ford F700 Flatbed Dump Truck. 5.9 Cummins diesel, 4 speed automatic, 16 foot dump bed, AM/FM radio. #8735. $5,950 1996 Athey Patriot M8A Mobile Sweeper. 444E in front motor, Isuzu motor in back, hyd. brakes, bottom dump, ex-city. #9004. $12,900 1996 Ford 545D Skiploader. Diesel, 4-n-1 bucket, 6-way Gannon, PTO, ex-city, hyd. brakes, standard trans. #0280. $10,900 GRADDY’S 1995 Chevrolet 3500 1 Ton Dump Truck. 350 gas engine, standard 5 speed, dump box, AM/FM, ex-city. #1171. $7,200 Equipment For Ren t 2001 JLG 4x4 Rough Terrain Scissorlift. Model 260MRT, gas and propane, 25' lift height. #7980. $9,500 Altec MG 747 Grader. 10' blade, ripper for small work, finish grader. $300 day. (1) 1999 Genie Self Propelled 4x4 Manlifts. Gas and propane, 60' boom, 4x4. #3869. $12,500 each. (2) 2000 Caterpillar HT63 4x4 Forklift or Telehandler. Cat diesel, auto trans., 6000 lb, 40 feet. #4677. $22,500 each. Vac Star 800. Vacuum or Pressure. 800 Gallon Spoil Tank, High-Pressure Washer, 250 Gallon Water Tanks. $50 Per Hour, $300 Day, $1,100 Week, $3,300 Month. RUBBER TIRE ROLLER BOMAG BW 124AD CAT 950F LOADER570 XTL SKIPLOADER WITH FORKS RD40 SCREEN ALL. $500 A DAY; $2,000 A WEEK; $6,000 A MONTH Thomas 400 Portable Screen & Cat I18B Loader 2001 Ditchwitch 1230 Trencher. Honda GX390 13hp. #1840. $2,900 2000 Hyster Forklift. 2600 hrs, gas and propane, auto trans., 240 inches of lift height, 6000 lb. lift. #788X. $4,950 Case Forklift $500 day; $2000 weekly; $6,000 monthly. Screen Only $300 day Pull with 1 ton truck. Skytrack, 8000 lb, 42’ HITACHI EX-450 EXCAVATOR • CAT 130 G GRADER • CASE 550E DOZER • WATER TRUCK E - Mail: grad d yssale s@char ter.n et • w ww.g rad d y s e qu ip m en t . c om JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 17 Public Auction February 13, 2010 @ 9am Preview February 12 • 10am - 5pm 13231 SE DIVISION ST • PORTLAND, OREGON Consign now to be included in color brochure and other advertising at no additional costs to you!! EARLY CONSIGNMENTS ASPHALT PATCH HOT TRAILER WITH DIESEL POWER KOMATSU PC30MR EXCAVATOR W/CABIN HITACHI EX33UR EXCAVATOR W/THUMB KOMATSU PC50UU-2 EXCAVATOR W/THUMB KOMATSU PC75UU-3 W/CABIN JOHN DEERE 992 EXCAVATOR 2008 KAYLN 3 AXLE LOW BOY 32’ DRY VAN WITH LIFT GATES 2005 CHEV 4500 CREW CAB DUMP DURAMAX 2004 GMC W4500 STAKE BED 2005 GMC 4500 DURAMAX UTILITY 2003 FREIGHTLINER VAN 1999 STERLING CONV 24’ VAN TRUCK 1997 KW T2000 T/A TRACTOR 1995 FORD F800 FLATBED 1995 GMC KODIAK FLATBED 1992 INTERNATIONAL DUMP TRUCK (REPO) MORE STEP VANS FMC SWEEPER HYDRASTATIC DRIVE BANDIT BRUSH CHIPPER SEVERAL UTILITY TRAILERS GO FOR METER CAR 1938 CHEV 2DOOR HONDA & YAMAHA QUADS HARLEY DAVIDSON OVER 15 VEHICLES FROM SEVERAL BANKRUPTCY CASES MISC TOOLS, SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS THE CIA YOU CAN TRUST WWW.COMMERCIALINDUSTRIALAUCTIONS.COM CALL RAY, ROB OR TYLER BEAL FOR MORE INFORMATION 503-706-0499 Page 18 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 1993 Kenworth W900 Strato-Lift C12, 425hp, Cat 3406,13 spd., air ride susp. 10’ x 4’ platform, 25’ platform height $3,250 obo 530-842-2806 1981 Reliance Trailer 21 cu. yd. tubs, all alum. wheels $29,000 Kevin @ 530-227-6514 Yreka, CA 1974 Mack Water Truck John Deere 2010 Extendahoe 3800 gallons, excellent tank, PTO, 10 speed, needs a few tires, and TLC. Used as forestry, off road truck 2 buckets & snow blade, very good working condition $5,500 obo 530-623-0253 530-623-0276 $6,200 530-367-5629 • Call before 8:30 pm or e-mail volcanocrk@ftcnet.net Douglas City, CA 1991 Ford F600 12ft Chip Dump Truck 1995 Nuvan 48' Curtain Van spring ride, good tires and curtains 370 gas, 5 speed, new motor 35,000 miles ago, 26,000 GVWR, 12’ dump box, newer interior, 4 storage boxes, man cab with shelves & racks, good runner $8,500 Todd @ 707-599-6400 Eureka, CA $6,500 obo • 707-725-2609 Prentice 610C Loader on Lanco Carrier 1993 Nissan UD 2000 turbo diesel, 6 speed, 18 ft. flat bed, tires 90%, excellent mechanical new brakes, main lift cylinders and heel cylinders completely rebuilt, 3500 AC upper, 692 lower, in great working condition $6,500 541-679-2486 $14,500 obo 530-623-0253 • 530-623-0276 Roseburg, OR Douglas City, CA 1988 Fiat-Allis 14C 1988 Grumman Step Van excellent, tight, #46,000 machine, winch & comes with pin-on brush/rake $27,500 obo 541-290-8780 Port Orford, OR 1992 International Self-Loading Log Truck Cat 3406B, 425hp, Eaton 15 speed, 2 speed Eaton diffs., 1996 trailer, 10 ton Olympic loader unit, all well maintained. Call for Details. $39,500 obo • 541-643-9550 Roseburg, OR Fred @ 541-505-0080 or Sandee @ 541-505-0913 eve/wknd @ 800-909-5120 Chevy 350 fuel inj. engine, TH 400 trans., 20’ body, good tires, old bread truck, still has racks, runs great, ready to work $3,295 obo DLR 7 .5 KW PE RK IN S D I E S E L P OW E R E D GE NS ET 1996 D4H TSK Series III ser # 7PK 00192, 8-9000 hrs. total time, tight, dry, well maintained tractor, new U/C in '07, used sparing since (less than 1000), winch & grapple $42,500 Steve @ 707-822-8537 (office) • 707-498-2101 (cell) Northern CA JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 NEW!! Buy Factory Direct and Save! Eugene, Oregon 541-744-4333 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • 1800 rpm • safety shutdowns • watercooled • 120/240 volt • skid mounted • air cleaner • fuel pump • electric start • remote start included $5,288 Page 19 2005 John Deere 310G Backhoe Loader 2002 Terex 4x4 Skip Loader 4/1 front bucket, rear Gannon box w/rippers, PTO, lights, 2138 hours 4x4, cab w/ heat, 4/1 front bucket, QC, extendahoe, aux. hyd., 1810 hrs. $13,500 530-925-1729 • 530-926-3691 $34,500 530-925-1729 • 530-926-3691 also Rammax Diesel Double Drum Roller also 2000 John Deere 310E 4x4 Backhoe Mt. Shasta, CA Mt. Shasta, CA 1985 Peterbilt 359 4000 Gallon Water Truck 1986 Mack R-Model 18yd / 18ft Dump Flat Combo 400 Cummins, LL8 trans, 2 spd Eaton drivers on Hendrickson Ext. leaf, great off road truck 300hp Econodyne, spring over walking beam susp., 10 spd. trans. & deep under, 10 alum. wheels, low miles $14,000 • 503-789-3726 $11,000 707-529-5690 Gaston, OR Windsor, CA Komatsu D41A-3 1984 Penn Step Van s/n 7270, 8,335 hrs., 75% U/C, rippers, 2 shanks, 6-way blade, screens, rock guards, clean, delivery available $19,500 503-789-3726 Chevy 292 6 cyl., 4 spd. trans., 20’ body, good tires, runs great, ready to work Gaston, OR 1998 Bandit Beast 3680 Horizontal Grinder 300 HP, magnetic head, pintle hitch, air brakes, CA permits for sale $94,900 707-496-0175 Arcata, CA Fred @ 541-505-0080 or Sandee @ 541-505-0913 eve/wknd @ 800-909-5120 $2,500 obo DLR Submitted to over 600,000 search engines and directories, including Google. GROWING EVERY DAY!!! Featuring the complete inventories of Affordable Equipment, Cash Equipment, C&L Western, Graddy’s Equipment, Haley Tractor & Valley Auto Brokers...Plus All Private Party & Commercial Ads You See In The Print Edition Of Equipment Mart. And adding more pieces of equipment EVERY DAY! To Add Your Inventory To Our Site, Call Equipment Mart @ 1-800-822-9932 or email info@equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com www.equipmentmartads.com Page 20 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 D6H regroused pads included excellent condition $50,000 530-885-5029 Auburn, CA 1981 Ford L9000 & 1980 End Dump Trailer L9000 has a Big Cam & 15 spd. Truck has a wet kit, good brakes, good tires, & no leaks $12,000 for both will consider separating 541-530-7047 Roseburg, OR 2003 Terex TH844C 8K cap., s/n 034993, 2800 hrs., swing carriage, 44’ ht., 4x4x4 telescopic, John Deere diesel, foam filled tires $22,500 FOB Forest Grove, OR Can Deliver 503-789-3726 Cat V300B Forklift 30K cap., Cat 3208 engine, auto trans., 2 spd., hyd. fork positioners, 8’ forks, 212” upright, ex-Port of Portland machine, new paint, excellent condition $29,000 FOB Forest Grove, OR • Can Deliver 503-789-3726 1987 Kenworth Dump Truck Cat 3406B very low miles, rebuilt 15 speed trans, new power divider, ready for work $17,000 $13,000 MUST SELL Dwayne @ 530-227-8426 Redding, CA 1974 Pete Dump Truck alum. box, rebuilt rear ends, runs great $9,000 707-445-1797 Eureka, CA MIT M Steam Cleaner/ Pressure Washer 20hp motor, 5.6 gpm, 3000 PSI, generator, excellent condition, always maintained Price new is $7,200 Asking $3,900 obo 541-601-7392 or e-mail epw@q.com Central Point, OR 2000 Case 580SL Series II 4x4, cab, A/C, 4/1 front bucket, extendahoe, ride control, 5112 hrs. $28,500 530-925-1729 • 530-926-3691 also 2007 Terramite Compact Backhoe Loader Mt. Shasta, CA JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 21 1987 Holiday Rambler 32' Class A JLG Model 40H 40 ' Basket Lift 2800 hours, fresh service and tune up, good shape with dual fuel, service manual included Chevy 454, Onan generator, 54,000 miles, good tires, new trans., queen bed $6,950 530-459-5698 $8,500 Kevin @ 530-227-6514 Montague, CA Used 2007 Morbark Model D52SP Stump Grinder 1996 GMC Boom Truck with brand new Top Kick gas engine and 100k warranty, 5 speed, 29GVW, 55’ Altec boom with 300lb/ one person bucket. Excellent condition. 34hp Cat diesel, wireless remote control, dual wheels, hydraulic scrape blade Like New With Only 103 Orig. Hours! $24,500 A STEAL @ $19,000 Call Dan for a demo Enviro “Chipper” Ind., Inc. 541-855-2048 • 541-601-4266 541-855-2048 • 541-601-4266 2004 Freightliner M2 Class Cat DW21 Sheeps Foot Compactor Cat 3126, 6 spd. manual trans., 180k miles, 24' reefer body, electric standby, excellent condition s/n 8W001076OBL $7,950 FOB Gaston, OR $25,000 Kevin @ 530-227-6514 503-789-3726 Hitachi UH10 Excavator 600 Gallon Fire Unit 60,000 LB class, has thumb, guarding, and new starter, great ranch rig, runs great like new, excellent components over $12,000 invested! $8,500 or offer Steve @ 541-953-3951 $16,500 707-445-1797 Eugene, OR Eureka, CA Morgan Mustang MU-95 Concrete Line Pump On Trailer 2005 JCB 214S 4x4 Backhoe/Loader all wheel steering, Servo controls, 3 bckets w/ mech. thumb, quick change 4in1 w/forks, custom brush cage & guards, 1000hrs., serviced, winch avail., extras all hoses, clamps & fittings, wireless remote control, needs maintenance, ie: fluid & filter change $10,000 obo 541-267-5315 • 541-290-0824 CALL FOR PRICING! OPEN TO OFFERS! 707-272-0583 Coos Bay, OR 1985 Kenworth 900B Allis Chalmers 615 Backhoe Cat 3406, 15 speed, 46 Eaton 2 speeds, has brand new drivers all in good condition late 1970 series, completely restored, runs better than new $27,000 541-251-2956 • 541-469-6142 $8,000 obo Clyde @ 541-592-5355 1989 Renco 40’ Belly Dump Cave Junction, OR Brookings, OR 1979 KW W-900 Fire Truck Cummins Big Cam 400 4000 gal lined water tank $20,000 obo 541-294-1989 Coos Bay, OR 1980 D6D power shift, w/ straight blade, pin on brush rake, F.S. winch & arch, good U/C, recent repairs, good condition $37,500 503-859-2063 1999 International Eagle 410 500hp Cat, 18sp, drive it or part it $11,000 • 530-310-2007 Susanville, CA Stayton, OR Page 22 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 Check out our web catalog! www.oregontractor.com We Also Rent! 1995 Dodge Diesel Dually 4x4, automatic, tool box, fuel tank with transfer pump $6,750 541-479-5855 CONSTRUCTION Branch Office 4373 HWY 99 South, Roseburg OR 97470 Grants Pass, OR 541-679-6211 • Evenings: Rick Smith 541-679-6211 6455 N.E. Columbia, Portland OR 97218 1998 Dodge 3500 Ram 800-338-5495 • 503-282-7211 • Evenings: Dave Simonson 503-760-5416 4x4, 5.9 V8, 12' flatbed, 97000 miles, safety check and serviced, clean title $6,950 503-888-7055 Oregon Dealer • Gladstone, OR Bobcat 4 cyl 1600 engine, propane powered, with trailer, everything works $3,000 Call Fred @ 541-505-0080 DLR CAT D7F 1997 CAT D5M XL w/winch w/ripper, new U/C $39,500 $69,500 $59,500 MORE GREAT BUYS FROM OREGON TRACTOR ECO CRUSHER buckets to fit excavators, many sizes ......POR 2005 New Holland EH35 Excavator w/cab, hydr. thumb, manual coupler, 2 buckets ......$29,500 ECONOLINE 24,000 lb Ramp Trailer, air brakes...............................................................$6,000 CAT 225B Excavator w/thumb & 2 buckets .....................................................................$29,500 2006 New Holland E35 Excavator, cab, hyd. thumb, coupler, 2 buckets .........................$34,500 1997 CAT 325B Excavator thumb, quick coupler & 3 buckets, guarded........................$75,000 Takeuchi TL130 Track Skid Steer......................................................................$28,000 $24,000 NEW HOLLAND EH70 w/rubber tracks, hydr. coupler, 2 buckets & a thumb..................$49,500 John Deere 750B Dozer, 6-way blade & ripper ................................................$32,500 $29,500 HYUNDAI 160 LC-3 Excavator w/thumb, quick change, 2 buckets ...............................$49,500 NEW HOLLAND LW50 Wheeloader w/bucket & forks ....................................................$47,500 2007 New Holland L170 Skid Steer..................................................................$28,000 $24,500 Crushing Equipment & Supplies Available! Too many to list ......................................Please call 2006 Laymor 6HC Broom 525 hours, work lights, beacon, ready to work $11,000 2007 Komatsu PC35 Mini Excavator 1200 hours, quick coupler & hyd. thumb, 12” & 24” buckets, great condition • $23,000 2007 Wanco Arrow Board 1991 CAT 416 Backhoe 4x4, extend-a-hoe, 4-in1 bucket, 9000 hours, quick coupler, 12” & 24” buckets, runs great solar powered, towable $2,800 $15,000 obo Skid Steer Attachments: 74" 4-in-1 Combo Bucket.......................................................$1,800 72" Tooth Bucket .......................................................................$500 Bobcat 30 High-flow Auger....................................................$1,300 JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 23 2001 Dodge Ram 3/4 Ton Utility Box 5.9 V8, one owner, 39000 orig. miles, new tires, safety checked and serviced, clean title too $7,950 503-888-7055 Oregon Dealer • Gladstone, OR 2006 ASV RC-100 1500hrs with Loftness Timber Ax brush cutter Model 73 AXH. Filtered & pressurized cab with heat & AC, cab pressurization & engine air cleaner both have dust ejectors. Has back-up camera, clean fix fan, hood guard and tree bumper. Engine oil & filter changed every 100 hrs, hydraulic oil and filter every 200 hrs, used only CAT oil and filters. All maintenance and repair records, stored inside, waxed with Meguairs. Includes extra blades and all manuals for brush cutter. $59,000 I want to retire 707-987-3336 • Middletown, CA 2005 GMC 3500 SLE CA$H PAID F orkli fts & t Heavy E quipmen R unning or Not Servin g All A reas rov ided Tran sportati on P 503-320-1499 email pics to: pdxservice@gmail.com Locally Owned And Operated Since 1998 crew cab, 4x4, all steel utility box, 8.1 V8, full power, tow package, one owner, 31000 original miles, just safety checked and serviced $19,450 503-888-7055 Oregon Dealer • Gladstone, OR 1969 Ford Bronco power steering, power brakes, 3 speed on floor, winch, 135,000 orig. miles, excellent condition $11,000 firm 530-598-5823 Montague, CA Galion 12 Ft. Hydraulic Road Grader $5,500 530-273-9005 Grass Valley, CA 135 hrs Grizzly Self Loader - $4,500 With Truck - $5,500 2008 Case 580SM Ser-III EROPS, a/c, GP bucket, 4x4, ex-hoe with 3 buckets, pilot controls, aux. lines, 135 hrs. 1994 Case 580SK Dolly and Log Gear - $3,000 EROPS, 4x4, 4 in 1, ex-hoe with a 24” bucket, hyd. amulet thumb 530-273-9005 $74,900 $17,900 Grass Valley, CA 1,300 hrs 1969 Kenworth Narrow Hood 2007 Takeuchi TL150 clean, old truck, 8v71 with a 5/4, steel frame, 240” wb, fresh paint, good rubber, 17 1/2 ft flatbed, runs good 2004 Case 650K LT Dozer EROPS with a/c & heat, good tracks, 70% U/C, GP bucket & forks, 1200 hrs. OROPS, 6-way blade, slope blade, ripper, sweeps, screens, 75% U/C $28,900 $37,900 CA Permits 1998 Morbark PT618 Trommell Screen 3/8 mesh, one side discharge, single axle with 5th wheel hitch, air brakes • $29,900 Cat V60 1997 Case 580SL Backhoe EROPS w/ heat & a/c, 4 in 1, 4wd, extendahoe, rear bucket $19,900 (707) 839-0170 McKinleyville, CA FINANCING AVAILABLE For Mor e E quipm ent V isit Our Website www.altoequipm ent.com Page 24 $4,500 or trade for ??? 541-912-2549 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM diesel powered, pneumatic tires, 6000 lb - 12 foot lift, gauges, ignition, engine are padlocked, ready to work $5,800 Call Fred @ 541-505-0080 JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 • New and Used Quick Couplers for Excavators & Backhoes • New and Used Hydraulic Breakers and Compactors • New and Used Skidsteer Attachments and Buckets If we don’t have exactly what you need we can find it for you. Call Dave Bishop for details or visit our website for a complete inventory list, including pictures and prices. www.attachmentzone.com • Easily search through thousands of used and new attachments by machine make and model. • Create your own user account to receive automatic inventory updates for attachments that fit your machine. BACKHOE BUCKETS • EXCAVATOR BUCKETS • MINI-EXCAVATOR BUCKETS THUMBS • QUICK COUPLERS • HYDRAULIC BREAKERS & COMPACTORS SKIDSTEER ATTACHMENTS • AND MUCH MORE J H SCHLESINGER ENTERPRISES Val 6 Infrared Radiant Diesel Heaters Efficient and Quiet No Smoke or Smell Warmth of the Sun Burns #1 & 2 & off Road Several models available for all of your heating needs Dealers Wanted 541-621-0496 www.val6heatme.com 1800 OLIVE DRIVE • DAVIS, CA 95616 Office: (530) 758-9999 Cell: (916) 873-4444 • Fax (888) 842-9599 www.trucksite.com Over 140 Units Available 1985 E-ONE INTERNATIONAL WILDLAND/BRUSH TRUCK, Interna- (2) 1992 PETERBILT 320 HEIL 7000 AUTOMATED SIDE LOADER, 26 tional DT466, Allison auto, only 51k miles, 3,493 hrs, Deutz diesel aux. engine, very clean, ex-county unit. *(2) identical units available, stk# 10955.................$19,500 yard body, Cummins 8.3L, Allison MT643 auto - recently rebuilt, 51,000 GVW, difflockout, NO RUST, former local municipality truck. stk# 10943...............$6,500 ea. 1998 BANDIT 250XP DISC CHIPPER, Perkins diesel, 2919hrs, 12" capacity, lift cylinder, ex-city unit, well maintained, stk# 10840 ........$9,900 1998 INTERNATIONAL 4700 12' CHIP DUMP TRUCK, DT444E turbo diesel, Allison auto, only 56k miles, A/C, pintle hitch, clean body, strobe lights, arrow board, no CDL required, ex-city unit, well maintained, stk# 11020 ..$15,900 1999 GMC 3500HD ALTEC AT200A BUCKET TRUCK, 152K miles, 36' working height, 350lb cap., non-Insulated single-man bucket, engine start & stop at upper and lower controls, strobe lights, Vortec GAS V8, auto, A/C, hitch, well maintained. stk# 10998 .....................$13,500 1998 INTERNATIONAL 4700 DUMP TRUCK, DT466E, Allison MD653P auto, 1998 SCHWARZE A7000 REGENERATIVE AIR SWEEPER, JD aux. en- only 67k miles, 34,000 GVW, pup ready, heavy spec truck, great for pulling a backhoe, well maintained, ex-municipal unit. stk# 10926 ................................$14,900 gine, 113K miles, water system, dual drive, A/C, mounted on a 1998 Mack, Allison auto, Mack diesel, well maintained ex-municipal unit, stk#11009 .............$22,900 1999 FORD E-350 QUIGLEY VAN 6.8L V10, Quigley 4x4, pop top, A/C, 9,000lb front winch, tow package, 9,400 GVW, 94k miles, well maintained ex-city vehicle, stk#10802 .... ...........................................$12,900 1999 FORD E-350 EXTENDED CARGO VAN, extended van, 77K miles, 5.4 Triton V8, auto, sliding side door (no window), tow package, excity unit, well maintained, stk# 10744 .............................................$5,900 1996 FORD F800 16' BOX TRUCK 16' aluminum box, Cummins 5.9L (230hp) 6-speed manual, cold A/C, Telma brake retarder, Maxon 3,000lb liftgate, only 42k miles, very clean, ex-gov't vehicle, stk# 10752 .$9,900 Will deliver for only $500 ANYWHERE in the Pacific Northwest JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 25 Towmotor 4000 lb pneumatic tires, propane powered, 12 foot lift, great operating shape $3,500 1994 Kenworth 900B Call Fred @ 541-505-0080 425 Cat 3406C, 13 speed, Chalmers suspension, 2006 Columbia box (15 ft.), includes a 2 axle pup trailer $45,000 obo Kelly @ 503-428-7817 or 503-859-2619 Lyons, OR DLR A Division of Direct Surplus Sales, Inc. 4514 Pacific Heights Rd. Oroville, CA 95965 541-944-9243 • 541-826-8243 White City, OR 530-534-9956 www.surpluscity.com Quantity Discounts! 1982 PETERBILT TRANSFER 1969 Mack RS700L $11,250 Cat 3406, fresh in frame overhaul, new truck box, 80% rubber, super nice truck, ready to work DP w/ Roll-off, 3 axle, 1989 Cummins diesel 6 cyl., Eaton Fuller Roadranger, 9spd. w/low, 80,000 GVW, runs great 20’ Container Chassis ex-military units, good condition $1,650 ea. $27,000 North State Constructors 530-524-0371 1992 Cat 416II Hoe 1990 Cat 215 D LC Cat 215 LC Excavator recent eng., trans., brake rebuilds Q/C w/ short & med. stick, recent eng. & U/C rebuilds w/ 20 years of repair records $14,500 $19,000 $10,500 NEW TIER 1 ENGINE in 1985 Cat 615 Scraper 1987 TS14B Double Engine Recent trans. rebuild. Add DPF for Tier 3 PM reduction calculations strong machine recent trans. rebuild, new chains, idlers $44,000 $19,500 $10,900 Redding, CA 1992 Kodiak 2 Ton w/ 366 gas, 5 speed & 2 speed diff., 23,100# GVD w/ 107K miles $4,200 Page 26 Ford 2 Ton Fuel Truck w/ 4 – 115 ga. tanks w/ air pump, legal w/o trans. regs., Cat 3208 engine • $3,500 Cat 215/315 Buckets 20” to 96” & compaction wheel $1,500 to $2,800 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JD 860A Scraper Forks for Cat 950 11’2” wide, 5’ deep, built of 2” steel, great for clearing $2,600 JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 1982 Bombardier Snow Cat w/ 1982 Utility Tilt Deck Trailer 2004 Pete 379 extended hood, Cat 475E, 18 speed, 402 Eaton 150 original hrs., 300, 6 cylinder, Ford top loader, immaculate condition. Came from Bonneville. Call for Details. $35,000 541-441-1911 $19,500 obo • 541-643-9550 Grants Pass, OR Roseburg, OR Cat V150 Forklift 2008 Yamaha Rhino 700 auto trans., 2 spd., Perkins diesel, side shift, fork positioners, 6’ forks, 218” upright, 2 stage, pneumatic tires, 12’ tall lowered, excellent condition with snow tracks, winch, heated cab Forest Grove, OR $11,500 530-598-5823 Can Deliver Montague, CA $12,000 FOB 503-789-3726 1987 Superior Air Transfer w/ High Lift Gate truck box & trailer, good condition, tires 80%, brakes 80% $15,000 obo 541-251-2956 • 541-469-6142 Brookings, OR Kubota L39 TLB quick attach 6' HD bucket, quick attach hoe 18' bucket, hyd. shuttle, 3 pt, PTO, 525 hrs. $23,000 1977 Cat 966-C Can Deliver SR #76J11850, 3306T, GP bucket, 90% tires, tilt wheel, very good brakes, recent repairs 503-550-0094 • 541-390-0567 $30,000 obo • 530-310-2007 Bend, OR Susanville, CA Commercial Hot Water Pressure Washer made by Landa 16hp motor, 5 gpm, 3500 PSI, generator, wheel kit optional for mobility, machine in excellent condition, motors and pumps have always been well maintained. Price to purchase a new model is $7,200 Asking $2,900 obo 541-601-7392 or e-mail epw@q.com Cental Point, OR DR Pro Power Wagon electric start, extra attachments, like new $1,000 541-479-5855 Grants Pass, OR 1997 Ford Super Duty Powerstroke diesel, 5 spd., 225K miles, Century 8 ton wrecker, underlift, complete with dollies, jack, shovel & broom, ready to go to work • $7,800 541-210-0907 • Eagle Point, OR 1986 Pete 359 30hp IR Rotary Shop Air Compressor $1,500 530-310-2007 3406-B, air to air, 425hp, 18sp, new paint, new tires, very nice, no rust, clean truck Susanville, CA Susanville, CA JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 $25,000 obo • 530-310-2007 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 27 Next 2 Deadlines: February 8 & February 22 MAIL IN YOUR AD TODAY! TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Advertise your equipment in the next issue of Equipment Mart I t W o r k s ! Deadline for next issue: Monday, February 8 @ 6 P.M. for private ads; Call for 1/4, 1/2, or full page ad rates. H OW TO P L AC E YO U R A D ! Standard Photo Ad (1 1/2” x 4 3/4”) Super Photo Ad (3” x 4 3/4”) 1 Photo & Description 1 Photo & Description BLACK & WHITE AD - 1 ISSUE . . $30 ONE PHOTO PER AD ~ ONE ITEM PER AD Not responsible for poorly written ad copy or typographical errors. IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE A TEAR SHEET OF AD, SEND SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. BLACK & WHITE AD - 1 ISSUE . . $50 CLASSIFIED: $10 PER ITEM Up TO 20 WORDS PER ITEM COLOR AD - 1 ISSUE . . . . . . . . . . $40 COLOR AD - 1 ISSUE . . . . . . . . . . $60 BLACK & WHITE AD - 2 ISSUES . $50 BLACK & WHITE AD - 2 ISSUES . $90 COLOR AD - 2 ISSUES . . . . . . . . . $70 COLOR AD - 2 ISSUES . . . . . . . . $110 No Refunds If Sold B4 Ad Runs Out PAYMENT MUST BE INCLUDED IN ALL ORDERS: WE ACCEPT CHECK / MONEY ORDER / VISA / MASTERCARD FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. No Refunds If Sold B4 Ad Runs Out All Standard, Super Ads & Classifieds Are Part Of Our Web Site – No Extra Charge! www.equipmentmartads.com NAME PHONE MAILING ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP_______________________________________________________________ AD COPY ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ PRICE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION FORM $30 FOR 24 ISSUES SENT 1ST CLASS MAIL DELIVERY (STARTS NEXT ISSUE) Fill Out Form & Return With Payment To EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING P.O BOX 1996 • ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 MAKE A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO EQUIPMENT MART NAME _____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE/ZIP ____________________________________________________ PHONE ____________________________________________________________ Subscribe To The Print Version Of Equipment Mart & We’ll Run Your Business Card – For Free!!!* *Card runs 1 time, space available basis. Include card when mailing subscription & payment. Send It To A Friend Know someone who might like a copy of Equipment Mart? Send us their address & we’ll send them a complimentary issue of the paper. Mail check or Money Order for Ads, or E-Mail/Fax your ad and call with MasterCard/Visa Equipment Mart P.O. Box 1996 Rogue River, Oregon 97537 1-800-822-9932 Visit our office at 211 Pine Street , call locally 541-582-0300, FAX 541-582-1273, Email info@equipmentmartads.com Page 28 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 Equipment Mart Classifieds l a s s i f i e d S C FOR SALE Used Detroit Engines and Parts For Sale Diesel and Allison transmission repairs Over 40 years experience Leave Msg. 541-944-2576 • Medford, OR PARTING OUT: • Prentice 600B on Lanco Carrier • Terex 8230 877-598-2111 Grand Ronde, OR 1) 404 Eatons 4:10 ratio on air trac double lockers. $3,000 2) 404 Eatons 3:70 or 3:90 ratio on air trac. $2,500 3) 404 Eatons 3:70 ratio on air leaf. $2,000 4) Pete 379 Short Hood, needs fenders. $2,250 Frank @ 530-310-2007 1) 1992 3400 CII Link-Belt Delimber DM 3000. $30,000 obo 2) D-7G Grapple Cat, ser # 92 V w/Ublade w/control valve. $50,000 obo 3) Straddle Grapple, D-7 size Cat. $3,000 obo 4) Twin Disk 5 speed transmission, will fit 255 swing yarder, comes with shifter. $8,000 Firm 541-294-1989 Coos Bay, OR 1) Set of Mack Rearend Cutoffs. $1,200 2) New 42” Rock Bucket for Cat Excavator. $2,400 3) 36” Cat Excavator Bucket & Thumb. $2,000 541-784-8680 Winston, OR METAL ROOFING Portable Cool Room Rentals! Metal Building Products Hi-Rib, 3’ Panel Snaplock Panel Standard and Custom Flashing Parrott’s Metal, Inc. 541-955-8077 • www.parrottsmetal.com Low Rates Fast Approvals Easy Credit Applicaiton 8’x13’ Steel Plate: 1/4”, 1/2”, 5/8” and other sizes available. 20¢ / lb. 541-784-8680 • Winston, OR 1) Cat 518 Winch. $2,500 2) 1978 CJ5 Jeep. SHARP! $6,000 3) New 25’ 40 Ton Truck Scales. $4,500 4) 1969 Pierce Pacific Belly Dump, 18 yd, 27’, 2 axle, single gate. $5,500 5) Rippers for D8 46A, 2 barrel with shanks. $4,500 541-479-4304 or 541-660-2412 Grants Pass, OR Hitachi track processor, Hitachi rubber tired shovel, Bantam 266 rubber tired shovel, 1100 gal. Forest Service approved fire truck, 1984 Ford crew cab, Lima Thinning Yarder w/ 1500’ line capacity and 4 drums, misc. logging equipment 541-643-4939 Myrtle Creek, OR 1967 Pete, 290 Fuel Squeezer Cummins Big Cam, 5000 miles on overhaul, 15 speed tans., 2 speed rearend. $3,000 541-643-4939 Myrtle Creek, OR Monday, February 8 is the next advertising deadline for Equipment Mart. JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 YOU FIND THE EQUIPMENT W E P AY F O R I T ! CALL HERMAN FLEISHMAN (800) 644-1182 • HERMAN@AMERICANLF.COM EQUIPMENT DECALS Replacement Decal Sets for your Excavation, Paving, Logging, Mining, and Lifting Equipment. SAVE MONEY & TIME. One AFFORDABLE source for all your equipment decals. Prompt, Knowledgeable, Reliable Service DEALER AND CONTRACTOR DECALS. DECALS AND LETTERING FOR YOUR TRUCKS TOO! Call 215-536-5339 www.QuipCal.com · csci@netcarrier.com www.equipmentmartads.com Feel The Power Portable Cooler Division: “Instant” Walk-in Coolers. Delivered to your suitable site! Sizes from 200 cu.ft. to 1200 cu.ft. Reunions, Florists, Caterers, Weddings, Company Parties. Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB #102938 Sid Layton 541-601-3336 or 541-826-2080 THE CHAINSAW GUY Buying Large Chainsaws, Bars, and Parts 541-863-5387 days • 541-839-6749 eves WANTED Want to Buy: Caterpillar 920's, 930's, 950's, 966's In good used condition or for parts. Caterpillar 518's or 528's In good used condition or for parts. 503-658-5545 HERE’S MY CARD Save Up To 50% on new parts for your CAT equipment Free Shipping on orders over $200 541-747-5517 or email your list to cparts@q.com Visa/MC accepted SERVICES EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 29 CARGO CONTAINERS 1969 CAT D6C 20, 40 & 45’s Available Great Prices -- Prompt Delivery Serving Eastern OR & Southern ID winch, ropes, tilt dozer, all oils changed a year ago except final drive, good condition $28,000 obo Bill @ 541-589-2360 541-493-2087 (evenings) 1-800-584-8858 2660 NW VINE ST. Grants Pass, OR 97526 Burns, OR C A $ H EQUIPMENT SALES 541-955-1661 (fax) 541-659-9080 (Rob’s Cell) 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. • Sierra Pacific Capital • 800-863-6726 1990 Freightliner Dump 1995 Ford 16’ Flatbed Dump Cummins 5.9, auto, 124K miles, 26,000GVW 10-12 yd dump, 16’ newer box, air, series 60, 10 speed, needs front right hood fixed $6,500 $6,500 2002 Trailking TK40 air brakes, 48,000 GVW, 10 hole bud wheels 2000 Eager Beaver $6,900 $5,000 Haulin 20’ Roll-off Trailer 2’ beavertail, spring suspension 12 ton, 18’ x 6’6” deck 2006 28’ Tandem Axle Flatbed Trailer extenda-tongue, 34 - 40 ft. 2002 Millennium M10D25P 2006 Zieman 30’ Tilt Trailer 20’ x 8’6” 44,000 GVW, 17.5 tires, air brakes, 4’ stationary deck $5,500 $11,500 2006 Precision 53’ Roll-off Truss Trailer 2’ beavertail, spring susp., sliding axles $19,500 $9,500 $5,900 1998 Bandit 250X Leeboy 8000B Paver John Deere diesel, 2400 hrs., power down, ex-city diesel, 8 - 13 foot screed, 1550 hrs., works good Morbark Model 17 Chipper $8,500 $12,000 $8,900 Page 30 780 hrs., ex-city EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Custom Built 10x14 Grizzly Screen 5 to choose from, like new $5,500 and under 2006 Olympic 30TDT Fifth Wheel 3 Axle Tiltbed Equipment Trailer 40’ x 8’6” deck, 66,000 GVW $18,500 JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 2660 NW VINE ST. Grants Pass, OR 97526 CA$H EQUIPMENT SALES 541-955-1661 (fax) 541-659-9080 (Rob’s Cell) 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. • Sierra Pacific Capital • 800-863-6726 1990 International 2554 T/A 3,000 Gal Water Truck Stainless steel tank, A/C, 16,000lb front axle, 19,000lb rear axles, F/S/R pressure spray, Westmark pump, front power operated Cannon, side mounted power hose reel, rear mounted pony sprayer 2002 Trail Boss 56,000 GVW 3-Axle Equipment Trailer 27' load deck, 5' beaver tail, pintle hitch, air brakes, fold up ramps, 215/75R-17.5 tires $14,500 $12,500 1992 Int. 4900 5 Yard Dump DT466, auto, a/c, great rubber, 125K miles $8,500 1987 Chevy Custom Deluxe 20 350 V8, auto trans., with 2000 Crafco Bax 250 Crack Sealer unit in bed, 435 hrs. 1993 GMC Topkick Truck 1,034 hrs., diesel, ball hitch Cat 3116, auto trans., 58K miles, 15’ swap loader $7,500 2006 850K 6-Way Dozer crew cab, 4 cyl., 5 speed, air, stereo ripper, long wear U/C, 1000 hrs., like new $22,000 $6,900 $23,500 1993 International 18’ Flatbed 1995 Aromax L9000 Roll-Off Truck 1988 12’ Flatbed Dump auto trans., a/c, DT motor, lift gate Mll, 10 spd. 5 & 2, diesel, ex-state $6,500 $7,500 $3,900 Ford 9000 Roll Off Truck 1991 Pete 378 Dump Truck 16’ rock box, Cummins NTC400, 9 speed, air ride $12,500 6 way, sweeps, ROPS, ripper, 90% U/C, nice Cat 51K miles, bucket attachment, 13 spd. trans., 3126 Cat motor 1997 Chevy 30 Flatbed Dump diesel, auto, 50K miles, ex-state 26’ bed, diesel, 5 spd. w/ splitter, winch $18,500 $6,900 $5,500 1998 John Deere 244E Loader Q/C, cab, 1500 hrs., 4 in 1 bucket $18,000 $2,500 New 2008 Shando 1997 John Deere 550G $4,500 1998 Chevy C8500 with 105’ Skyhook Crane 2004 Olin 525 Concrete Pump 2002 Takeuchi TB016 Mini Excavator Q/C bkt., 45 in. stick, aux hyd., swing away boom, dozer, canopy, expandable rubber tracks. $7,500 JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010 1995 Zieman 26,000 GVW Split Deck Tilt Trailer w/ rails, air brakes, ex-city $6,200 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM 1990 Cat 200KW Genset 3306 motor, 3300 orig. hrs., ex-city $8,900 Page 31 Page 32 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM JANUARY 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 11, 2010
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