ADSADS - Equipment Mart Ads
Also Located In Harbor, OR KLB Enterprises 97960 Lively Ln. • Harbor, OR • (541) 469-8096 Check Out All Of Our Inventory @ (541) 474-1948 • (877) 852-5436 3480 Lower River Rd. • Grants Pass RUNAWAY TRACTOR Merry Christmas John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” is the reason for the season Jesus For Ad Information CALL: 800-822-9932 or 541-582-0300 FAX: 541-582-1273 • E-Mail: ..cco om m @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM We wish everyone the Merriest of Christmas’ And the Happiest of New Years, Thank you for being part of our community and our success. We would like to take a moment to thank God for this year and all of his wonderful blessings of Family & Friends, And for His greatest Gift – Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ONLINE VOLUME 21 • NUMBER 24 • DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 750 ver In At O tions a n Loc ester 7 W ates St FREE ADS NEW & USED TRUCKS, TRAILERS, HEAVY EQUIPMENT & MORE!!! w w w. CONTACT INFORMATION: FIND US AT: FOR RENT DOZERS: Cat D10R with rippers Cat D9T with rippers Cat D8T with rippers Cat D6RIIXL with rippers Cat D6NXL with rippers Cat D5NXL with rippers Cat D5GXL with rippers Cat D3KXL with rippers GRADERS: Cat 140H with rippers EXCAVATORS: Cat 345CL 100,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 330DL 80,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 325DL 65,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 320C CLU 58,000 lbs w/thumb Cat 320DL 45-50,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 314CLCR 30,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 305C CR 11,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer Cat 304C CR 10,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer 35D 8,000 lbs w/thumb & hammer BACKHOE: Cat 420E A/C & heat cab, 4 in 1 bucket, 2005 Deere 35D 2006 Cat 320CL 2006 Cat 320CLU A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb, coupler, aux hyd, blade, good U/C A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb & coupler, aux hyd, good U/C, 4,000 hrs. A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb and coupler, aux hyd, good U/C, 4,500 hrs. Call $104,500 $107,500 Arriving Soon Arriving Soon 2010 Link-Belt 225 Spin Ace 2007 Hitachi ZX 225 A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb and coupler, aux hyd, good U/C, 2,500 hrs. A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb and coupler, aux hyd, good U/C, 3,500 hrs Call Call 4x4, E-stick HAMMER: Cat H160 8,000 lbs NPK 5,500 lbs Kent KF22 4,000 lbs Kent KF12 2,000 lbs 1000 lbs 500 lbs OFF ROAD TRUCKS: Cat 735 35 ton Cat 730 30 ton LOADERS: Cat 930G 3 yd bucket & pallet forks Cat IT 38G 3.75 yd bucket & pallet forks Cat 950G 4 yd bucket & pallet forks Cat 980H 6 yd bucket SKIDSTEERS Cat 287B cab a/c, 11,000 lbs Cat 257B III cab a/c, 7,500 lbs Cat 247B cab a/c, 6,500 lbs COMPACTORS: Cat 815F Cat Cs 563E 84” drum, pad feet available Cat Cs 433E 66” drum, pad feet available 50 Ton Pneumatic Roller LIGHT PLANTS: BOOM LIFTS/SCISSORS LIFTS 40’ Boom 4x4 diesel 60’ Boom 4x4 diesel 1930 Scissor Lift 2632 Scissor Lift 2646 Scissor Lift 3246 Scissor Lift 2006 Deere 850D A/C and heated cab, 84" tooth bucket, good U/C, very well maintained, 186,000 Lbs. Call 2007 Case 621D 2007 Deere 544J A/C cab, Q-tach bucket, third valve, good 20.5x25 tires, 2,050 hrs, Cummins power, job ready condition A/C and heated cab, 3 yd GP bucket, JRB coupler, third valve, good tires, well maintained Call $89,500 2006 Deere 644J A/C and heated, JRB coupler, third valve, good 23.5 tires,nice machine Call Arriving Soon 2005 Cat 815F 2008 Cat 950H A/C and heated cab, Q-tach, 3.75 GP bucket, aux hyd, good 23.5 radial tires, 8,000hrs, tight and very clean Call A/C and heated cab, tilt blade, good feet, well maintained machine Call 2007 Cat 420E A/C and heated cab, MP bucket, E-stick, aux hyd, coupler, 4x4, joy stick control, 3,800 hrs, well maintained, tight 2008 Cat D4KXL A/C and heated cab, 6-way blade, ripper, good U/C, 1,800 hrs. (Pallet Forks Available) Call $87,500 Ex-Government 2002 Deere 772CHII 2007 Cat D6NXL 2004 Cat D8RII 2006 Cat D9T A/C and heated cab, 6-way blade, free spool winch, rock guards, good U/C, 4,900 hrs. A/C cab, S/U blade, M/S ripper, good Cat U/C, 12,000 hrs, GPS laser equipped, very well maintained Erops A/C and heated cab, S/U blade, SS ripper, good U/C, 10,800 hrs, well maintained and very nice 6x6 all wheel drive, Low Pro cab with A/C, 14’ blade, ripper, push block, 5,500 hrs, well maintained, tight, job ready condition Call Call (Rental Only) $103,500 Trades Accepted • 100% financing OAC 6731 Crater Lake Hwy. • Medford OR 97504 TOLL FREE: 866-205-7113 OFFICE: 541-830-3966 FAX: 541-830-0157 RANDY: 541-944-5067 Page 2 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 CENTRAL EQUIPMENT CO., INC. New & Used Construction Equipment That’s Priced To Sel ‘84 Ford Dump Truck Yanmar B3U Excavator 8.3 liter Detroit, air brakes, Workman 5 yd. box, under 26,000 GVW Open canopy, thumb, quick cplr. 4781 hrs. $8,995 $12,900 1992 Kubota B2150 75 & 90 HP. Open ROPS & Deluxe Cabs Available 2009 Kubota KX121-3 Cab, heat, quick coupler thumb, 36” bucket. 3005 hrs. $28,995 $36,900 $7,995 Mustang ME3503 Excavator NEW Erskine 2005 KX121 6-Way Blade, new rubber tracks, 2114 hrs. Nice 4x4, loader. manual trans. 1505 hours. snowblower for skid steer loader. Model ES2400XL. High flow hydraulics. 2007 Kubota KX080 Blade, cab, air, rubber tracks, quick coupler, thumb, nice cond. 18,000lb. 1,300 hrs. 8000Lb, thumb, quick cplr, 3 buckets, 3205 hrs, nice condition $19,995 $5,050 CALL GEORGE OR STEWART TOLL FREE: 1-888-779-7444 or 541-779-7443 New Kubota Track Loaders. $69,995 3008 Biddle Road • Medford, Oregon 97504 • 1-888-779-7444 or 541-779-7443 C A S E C O N S T R U C T I O N E Q U I P M E N T & PA R T S D E A L E R • A S V • G R E AT N O R T H E R N T R A I L E R S R A D I ATO R 877-615-3002 SUPPLY HOUSE, INC see our ad on page 86 www John J ohn Deere Deere Charge Charge Air Coolers Coolers Tier 4 Custom Cooling P ackages Packages Radia tor/Charge Air Radiator/Charge Cooler/Oil Cooler Big Bud PTO PTO Ag Core Core 10,000 Units In Stock Stoc k .,5:,;: .,5:,;: >05+4033 : >05+4033: :; :;( (;065(9@7<47: :;(;065(9@7<47: ;9<*2: ;9<*2: ;9(*;69: ;9(*;69: Ca ter pillar F olded/ Caterpillar Folded/ Modular Cor e Core Con version Conversion Samsung 210 Oil Cooler OVER O VER VE R WHAT W HAT AT ®7® 7® 1® 1® ",®9"1 ",®9"1 K olbelco 250 Kolbelco Oil Cooler /,(=@ /,( =@,8<074,5; /,(=@,8<074,5; : 7,*0(3 ,*0(3;@/(9 ;@/(9=,:; 7,*0(3;@/(9=,:; ,8<074,5; ,8<074,5; +(09@-,,+;9<*2: +(09@-,,+;9<*2: All Metal R eplacements Replacements /" 7®-** hh®®O®®7 /" hh®®O®®7" hh®®O®®7"-® "- " - - ®* *, *, , hh hh CAT | JOHN DEERE | JCB | CASE | PETERBILT | KENWORTH DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR PAGE 3 (541)937-8882 “Our strength is your satisfaction” 39116 DEXTER RD • DEXTER, OR Secondary Steel Pipe Assorted Sizes. 60¢ lb 2007 Frtl FLD12064T 1986 Kenworth W900 3406B, drop axle, wet kit Tree Grates $200 Pair Price break on large orders Det 60, 13spd, 16,789 mls, will sell as cab & chassis $17,500 POR D L O S 1980 Drott 50D 1999 Peterbilt 378 Pierce front, Young grapple Cummins N14, 17ft box, high lift gate $18,500 $35,000 2013 CPS Tri-Axle, new tarp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,500 1969 Cat D8H 46A, winch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,500 1979 JD550, winch, 6 way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call Bomag model BW118AD Vibratory Roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,250 Komatsu PC200LC-6LE, q/c, thumb, (3)buckets. . . . . . . . . . . . $46,500 Dynapac 2100V Vibratory Roller, 38" drum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000 Kubota RTV1100, diesel, heat & a/c, dump box . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 1990 Komatsu WA380-1L Wheel Loader, scales . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,500 2008 Kello-Bilt 155-2524B 9ft disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOLD Prentince 400D, new cab, joysticks on 73KW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,500 Cat 633C Elevating Scraper, fresh engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,500 Cat D6D Logger, arch, winch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,500 Timberjack 2628, 22” Koehring saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,500 Dump, log, water, lube, service trucks, tractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call New Cross Fire 60” buckets . . . . . . . . . CLOSE OUT PRICE!!! $3,995 39116 Dexter Rd, Dexter OR • complete inventory at Delta Ban Saw $600 Pexto Squaring Shear $1,200 White City Metals Steel • Aluminum • Stainless • Brass • Copper New & Surplus • We Buy Scrap Metals • Concrete Mesh & Rebar 541-826-3242 7130 Crater Lake Hwy. • White City (Medford) M-F 8-5, Sat 8-3 • Also in Klamath Falls at 2825 Broadmore • 541-883-3583 FOR SALE 541-821-3329 9 Foot Tandem Disc #760 • $3,500 Priefert Calf Table • $375 For all of our inventory, visit C&L Western @ JD 855 with mower. 4WD #568 • $7,450 Gradall G-660-C pilot controls, 1-man operation,excellent condition. $10,500 Komatsu D20P Crawler 6 way blade, 9,000 lb. machine. $12,500 10,000 lb. Hard tires, propane. $4,500 Champ 8,000# Rough Terrain Forklift 30‘ reach, 6 Foot 3 Point Disc $650 sideshift. $8,900 541-826-8500 3 Point Side Delivery Rake Call For Pricing 6002 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 ALSO FOR SALE Sales • Service • Parts More Inventory @ Drott Crane, max 8,500LB lift, hyd. stabilizers......................$8,500 Ameramax Vibratory Roller .................................................. $1,650 New 68” Skidsteer Bucket..........................................................$595 Page 4 6 Foot Pull Disc #761 • $600 For All Your Farm, Ranch, Vineyard & Orchard Needs! EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 6700 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 Medford Area phone: 541-826-6580 fax: 541-826-6672 Winter Special 1997 Volvo 2001 Chevrolet 3500HD 18' flatbed w/D-Ring and ratchet tie-downs, Manitex M1461 crane, 14 ton lift capacity w/ 61' height, dual side controls, CAL-OSHA certification included #6224 4x4, 5 spd. trans. 5.7L gas engine, AM/FM, power brakes, power steering, tow pkg, 4-way snow plow.This truck is ready to work #2132 Listed at $8,995 auto, 110,952 miles, 6.5L turbo diesel, conveyor cone truck body w/ dual side reversible seating and controls, adjustable height seat buckets, lighted arrow traffic control board #8184 $54,900 SALE PRICED at $5,995! $17,900 1994 Chevy 2500 Cheyenne 1993 International 4800 2003 Sweepster Towable Sweeper 1994 Chevrolet 3500 HD Cheyenne 2006 International 4200 SBA w/7' wide broom, hydraulic adjusting tilt and lift. 150 gallon water tank w/pump and sprayers. Pendant remote controls #4024 9' utility body w/Stahlwart 3200lb crane, 22' height, mechanical outriggers, ladder rack, stobe light #9654 20' flatbed w/National 500E crane, series 571 15 ton crane, with no jib. 71' reach, hydraulic outriggers, low mileage #2622 Allison auto, 166,397 miles, DT466 diesel, 4x4, Altec lift w/ 55’ lifting height, 350lb max weight, hydraulic outriggers, hydraulic capstan, reel mount, fiberglass tool boxes #0781 $4,995 $15,900 $79,900 $18,900 2002 Ford F450 XL 1995 Ford F-SuperDuty 9' utility body w/Liftmoore 3200 crane, 22' reach, manual outriggers, rack for tanks, strobe light #6771 • $16,900 9' fully enclosed utility box w/sliding top, lumber rack and open tool storage rack. Back up camera 4X4. 7.3L engine & automatic! Can remove box. #8543 $17,900 1998 Ford F-800 Custom 1987 Ford F-700 Forestry package w/ 11' chip dump body, Altec B650 aerial lift, 50' platform height w/ 56' working height, upper and lower controls w/ emergency start, stop and power, hydraulic tool circuit #9106 18' flatbed, propane powered V-8, set up for propane delivery, w/ AutoCrane 8005H crane, hose, reel, placards and meter. Crane has 28' reach. Behind cab and under bed boxes. 2 speed rear end. #1824 $24,900 $12,900 1998 International 4700 2001 Ford F550 12' flatbed w/tool boxes, corner mount 3203 AutoCrane, 3200lb lift cap. w/22' max height, manual outriggers #9557 11' utility body w /reinforced box for crane mount, behind cab Ingersoll Rand 185 air compressor powered by John Deere diesel, mounts for air hammer and bit storage, automatic transmission. NON-CDL! #5311 9' utility body with 30" work platform, Altec AT35G aerial lift w/35ft platform height and 350lb bucket capacity, upper and lower controls w/emergency stop, front mounted 12,000 Warn winch and 4x4. #4535 15’ flatbed w/ various tool boxes and racks, liftgate, knuckle boom, Eaton 10 spd., 5.9L diesel, 33000 GVW, 75,527 miles #7429 $17,900 $19,900 $24,900 $24,900 2005 John Deere 310G Backhoe 12' utility body w/ Versalift aerial, 39.9' platform height, 45' working height, 350lb cap., hydraulic outriggers, utility boxes have shelving & interior lights, strobe lights, 110 volt inverter, DT466 E newly rebuilt engine, 766 hours on PTO, NON-CDL!!! #7260 2000 Ford F-450 XL 1993 Ford F700 Custom 2004 Ford F450 XL 2005 Ford F-450 XL 9' hi-profile enclosed utility body w/ rear barn doors, new tires, 56,097 miles, auto trans, 6.0L powerstroke diesel #3232 9' Utility bed w/ top trays & sliding top cover. Miller 250D diesel powered welder w/American Eagle integrated air compressor w/33 cfm@100 psi. Only 17 hours! Air hose & reel. 6 speed manual transmission! 4x4. Only 21K actual miles! Unit is in tip-top shapeand ready to go to work! #3642 • $29,900 Get A Kick $15,900 DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 w/OROPS, extend-a-hoe and GP front bucket, quick change 36" hoe bucket, auxilliary hydraulics for thumb or breaker, 19.5L-24 rear tires, 12-16.5 fronts #4247 1999 International 4700 Deal At Oregon Truck Sales! $34,900 $24,900 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR PAGE 5 2000 Extec 6000 1997 Freightliner self dumping Grizzly, 8-1/2’x12’ screen, hyd. levelers, 2,245 hrs, air cooled Deutz, Tier 1 motor, ready to work Cummins M11, 10 spd., jakes, ready for 15’ dump box $5,500 $34,500 1990 Ford F450 Service Truck 1992 Freightliner FLD120 460, auto, lift gate, compressor 525hp Cat, 15 spd, 46,000lb rears, air ride, 22.5 rubber $3,900 1981 Pete 359 Big Cam 450hp, 6+4 airshift trans, heavy rears, Hendrickson susp., tilt steering, wet kit, Cozad ramps, LED lights, new rubber, this truck is nice! Cat 950 Loader new motor & tires CALL $4,500 1979 Mack Roll-Off Truck $10,500 $9,900 $16,500 $15,500 Bobcat 453 4/1 bucket, cab heat, good rubber, one owner, like new 2 available 1994 Volvo Roll Off Trucks M11 Select Plus, Allison, auto tarper, Amrep back end, low miles $19,500 each Boxes Available Other Trucks Available 2002 Pete 379 1988 International Roll-Off Boxes truck only-no boxes, 377,000 mi., C15, 18 spd. air track, 4:11 ratio, wet kit, American Class interior transfer ready • $44,000 DT466, 5&2 speed, 90% tires, dump box has divider for 2 different materials (can be removed) 15, 20, & 30 yard capacities $8,500 $7,900 WILL MAKE SUPER DEAL FOR QUANTITIES universal receiving rails, runs good, ready to work $8,500 $7,900 100% Lease Financing on used equipment provided by AmeriCapital, O.A.C.. All credit scores considered. Call 206-427-3973 to apply over the phone or visit to apply online. 11 In Stock! John Deere Quick Change Buckets for Mini-Excavators 12" to 36" Over 2,000 used attachments in stock. 21 to choose from Ford Backhoe Buckets 16" to 36" 5 In Stock! 6 available See our complete inventory at • Excavator Buckets • Backhoe Buckets • Brush Rakes • Grapples • Thumbs • Quick Couplers • Hydraulic Breakers • Hydraulic Compactors • Compaction Wheels • Skid Steer Attachments Hydraulic Thumbs for Mini-Excavators Single Shank Rippers for Excavators 71 to choose from 75 available And More!! Hydraulic Plate Compactors for Backhoes & Excavators Hydraulic Hammers for Backhoes & Excavators 2 In Stock! Erskine Snowblowers for Skidsteers Page 6 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING 14' Ex-DOT Hydraulic Snow Plow Blade for Dump Truck $1,500 DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 Consign your unused equipment here for quick turnaround! GOSHEN EQUIPMENT 541-741-2025 I-5 and Hwy. 58 (Exit 188) • 34024 Old Willamette Hwy. Eugene, OR 97405 The Ballenger Co. On Site at Goshen Equipment (541) 747-5517 TEREX 72-51 Loader JOHN DEERE 450G six-way, 4,000 series JD winch bucket, new motor & trans., spare tire & wheel included $34,500 $9,500 Grapples & Blocks $2,650 Cat 14C Grader $11,500 WW II WINDOLPH Tractor totally restored, new UC Heavy Equipment ~ Maintenance & Repair ~ Pressure Washing & Painting $44,500 air brakes, GVWR 47,350, (8) new 215 x 17.5 tires $11,950 Metal Type Forms stakes, tie downs, etc. Used once, like new • $18,500 QUINCY Compressor Bobcat SB200 Snow Blower Attachment Bobcat 72 Sweeper Attachment 78” wide 6' wide broom Cummins power, excellent U/C (2) 988B Log Loaders w/ Medford forks 6-way blade, winch, excellent condition $34,500 POR $12,500 3-Axle Utility Trailer $4,000 also: Bobcat 5’ Grapple $1,500 $5,500 ALLIS-CHALMERS 653 SKAGIT SJ4R with yarding boom, CAT pwrd • $26,500 $4,700 each Northwest series, rotary screw $5,500 BARKO 475 Log Loader CATERPILLAR D8H sn 46A30001, straight, high horse motor, serviced, excellent runner 1997 INTERSTATE Ramp Trailer 1993 KOMATSU WA380 Wheel Loader w/ forks $32,500 ELKIN Concrete Mix Plant JD powered, 220 total hrs., new condition $52,000 SKYLEAD Yarder mounted on TIMBERJACK skidder, CUMMINS powered, lines & rigging GENESIS AXP GPX 200 Metal Shear VOLVO 270 Shovel Logger low hours, original blade Jewell pkg, new Rotex $69,500 $49,500 $49,500 2008 KOBELO 170 Excavator LOG MAX 750 28” Delimber Head heavy duty thumb, quick change, fully guarded, low hrs. low hrs., extra parts & electronics $79,500 $26,500 OTHER EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE CAT 3208T .........................................................................$2,000 Some FNC Skidder Parts ....................................................POR Lots of 988B parts ...............................................................POR EATON 2 spd rearends, 40,000 SD, Hendrickson susp..................................................................$3,500 2004 JD 6 Cyl Diesel Turbo Engine, 190hp, low hrs ......$3,000 966D Log Forks, rebuilt....................................................$5,999 CAT 1574 Engine, turbo aftercool, complete .................$1,000 DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 D6C Winch $1,000 MADILL 071 Yarder 3 guylines, DETROIT pwr, lines, rigging, talkie tooters Compactors/Containers (6) containers 22' long and 2 hydraulic units $75,000 $20,000 for all Will consider separating Commercial Radial Arm Saw 2 extensions, stands • $1,595 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR PAGE 7 Mittry Construction CALL DEMO AT 530-941-3366 Located in Redding CA Sales • Service • Parts • Rentals IN SERVICE FOR 15 YEARS Tractor & Equipment 541-459-2214 • 1995 Ford L9000 4000 Gallon AGM W/T Komatsu engine, good U/C, tilt/angle blade, Hyster W5A winch, sweeps Cummins, 10 spd trans, Hendrickson A/R, 11rx22.5 tires, F-S-R air sprays, remote water cannon, hose reel, dribble bar, self drafting Berkley pump $16,500 $24,000 1977 Komatsu D45-1 Dozer 1997 Int. 4700 Mechanics Truck Imt crane, hyd air compressor, T444E diesel , 5 spd trans, non cdl $17,500 2006 Lay-Mor 6HC 6' Ride On Broom 474 original hrs, Kubota diesel, water system, tow bar, excellent cond. $9,500 Mitsubishi BD2J Dozer $4,500 Unused Skid Steer Fork Attachment $550 2005 Volvo ECR38 Mini Excavator w/6 way blade, std tracks, power shift, 1898 hours quick coupler, joy stick controls, blade $14,500 $17,500 Hyster H40XM Forklifts 4000lbs cap, side shift • $7,500 Kioti CK35 w/ Loader 1979 Wilson Pup Trailer 12' aluminum box, Reyco spring susp., 11r x 24.5 rubber, brakes @ 85%, recent cylinder, very clean, no cracks Exit 136 on I-5 Sutherlin, OR more forklifts available various sizes and brands Mitsubishi MM30SR swing boom, blade, rubber tracks $13,500 manual, 35hp, 130hrs (implement not included) $14,900 Ocean Freight Containers 20ft • $2,400 (average price) 40ft • $3,000 (average price) 210,000 Gallon Tanks Unused Can be used for diesel, water, etc. Has hoses, liner, valves. 70’x70’x6.5’ when filled. 105’x105’ protective & containment liner, tarp. 1984 Ford F8000 Mechanic Truck auto crane, Lincoln welder, I/R air compressor, fuel tank, grease reel, air hose reel, reman Cat 3208, 5x2 trans, 10' box, hyd lift hitch w/ side shift & extension, very clean & tight truck $11,000 1998 Samsung SE130 LCM-2 10’ stick, 28” pads, aux hyd, grapple attachment w/ 10’ ext. also available $21,000 Hitachi EX130K-5 Excavator hyd. thumb, a/c, 4325 hrs $32,500 SALE $7,500 1988 Peterbilt 378 1988 LMC 3700C Snowcat Cat 3208 turbo diesel, 192" hyd 6-way plow, hydrostatic drive, aux hyd plumbing for rear attachments $13,500 1998 Hyundai 290LC-3 rebuilt Cummins eng, 10' stick, hyd thumb & Q/C, U/C @ 95%, A/C $36,500 Cat engine, 18-spd trans, 46k 2 spd rears, jake & retarder, wet kit, 60" spread, air ride, alum 11r 24.5, 8 new tires, Cozad ramps, long slider, dual frame , dual SS cleaners, exhaust & 1/2 fenders, A/C, air ride cab, new air compressor, new clutch, upgraded interior, full light package, very clean $29,000 Hitachi ZX55UR Excavator w/ripper, 6-way blade, power shift offset boom, 0 clearance, blade, cab $21,500 $24,900 2006 Mustang MTL16 Tracksteer 2007 Bobcat S175 Skidsteer 1992 Case 821 Cummins engine, 26.5x25 rubber, enclosed cab, 4yd bucket $26,500 Page 8 1993 Caterpillar D3C Series II Crawler Tractor high flow, 714 hrs $25,900 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING 1326 hrs., aux. hyd. $19,500 DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 HILTON FUEL & SUPPLY CO 8087 Blackwell Road Central Point, OR 97502 (541) 664-3374 1 (800) 664-1510 REDMOND EQUIPMENT COMPANY • Redmond, OR Mike - 541-480-0942 • Dean - 503-956-1838 QUALITY, LATE MODEL CATERPILLAR EQUIPMENT JUST IN We BUY Heavy Equipment • Financing OAC 2 available 1978 966G Cat front end loader $35,000 Cat 621 scraper $25,000 Just In 2010 Cat 303C CR Excavators Cat 623 scraper $35,000 Just In Low Hours 2008 Cat 924H Loader LOW 1,885 hours, 2.2 yard bucket, quick coupler AND forks. Cab/heat/AC/stereo, ride control, air seat, good matching rubber. Cat dealer owned unit; JUST serviced. Tight, solid machine with no issues • ONLY $92,500 W E N Buy Factory Direct and Save! 1KW - 100KW Available Eugene, OR • 541-744-4333 $9,830 Mfg. in the USA LIKE NEW UNIT, ONLY • $16,900 BOBCAT MINI-EXCAVATORS BOBCAT SKIDSTEERS • 1800RPM • Water-cooled • Safety Shutdowns • 120/240 Volt • Electric Start • Remote Start Panel • Very Fuel Efficient • Long Life Kubota Diesel Engine 2008 Cat 216B2 Skidsteer LOW 427 hours! Cat dealer owned & maintained, Cat 4cyl diesel, aux. hydraulics, self-leveling, 1,400lb lift rating, GP bucket w/ good edge 3 available 1995 950F $45,000 24KW KUBOTA POWERED WRICO PLATINUM DIESEL GENERATOR SET 2012 Cat 305E Excavator LOADED with cab/heat/AC, blade, hydraulic thumb, coupler. Cat dealer owned units with 950 +or- hours. Just serviced and good rubber. Super clean and work ready 2 available 42' belly dump $17,500 Like New LOADED with cab/heat/AC, hydraulic thumb, coupler, blade, good rubber tracks. LOW 897 hours. Quality Cat dealer owned unit with factory powertrain WARRANTY to 4/16/2015. Just Cat dealer serviced. COMPARE TO NEW at ONLY $49,900 ONLY $31,900 each 5500 gal. tanker trailer $4,500 Just In 2005 Bobcat S185, 3,000 hours...$15,900 2000 Bobcat 753G, 2,450 hours ..$ 9,400 All ready to work, call for details. O T H E R 2008 335G, 9,200 lbs, 2,244 hrs....$25,900 2007 335G, 1,750 hrs.....................$24,500 2006 331G, 8,500 lbs, 1,780 hrs....$19,900 Both have hydraulic thumbs, couplers, Kubota diesels, and good rubber tracks READY FOR YOUR JOB! E Q U I P M E N T AVA I L A B L E 2007 Cat 303CCR, open ROPS, NEW hyd thumb, NEW rubber, 2,290 hrs . . . . . . . . . $25,900 2007 Cat 303.5CCR, open ROPS, blade, hyd thumb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMING 1998 Cat 416C backhoe, 4wd, cab, good tires, 4,395 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,500 2008 Takeuchi TL130 compact track loader, CALL DEAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23,900 2003 JLG/Gradall G6-42A forklift, 4x4, foam tires, Deere diesel, 3,400 hrs . . . . . . . . $26,500 2008 Volvo EC35C mini-excavator, 8,000 lbs, LOW 950 hrs, DEAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,500 2012 Kubota BX2660 4x4 tractor, loader, 60” belly mower, ONLY 70 hrs . . . . . . . . . . $12,900 1997 Deere 550G dozer, good u/c, rippers, 6-way, 5,480 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PENDING 1992 Deere 570B grader, cab, new edges, front scarfier, 7,850 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,900 2003 Vermeer RT100 trencher with trailer. Work ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,450 U Haul trucks, various sizes available. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL Indeco HP5500 hydra-hammer, 5,500 ft lb, 120 day factory warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36,900 Indeco MES1200 backhoe hydra-hammer, set up to fit Case backhoes. . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,200 REZLOH cutting edge to fit Case 1840/40XT- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100 60” and 62” skidsteer buckets, fits Bobcat, Case & others, 2 available- . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL 82” 4/1 bucket to fit Case 580K series backhoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,100 Various size backhoe buckets to fit Case & Deere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL NEW skidsteer pallet forks to fit all brands, 4,000# rated- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 850 NEW UNDERCARRIAGE FOR MOST MAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL CALL FOR PRICING ON NEW TAKEUCHI MACHINERY!! NEW INDECO HAMMERS & PARTS AVAILABLE • NEW & USED BUCKETS AVAILABLE CALL TODAY FOR PRICING • DELIVERY AVAILABLE 6731 CRATER LAKE HWY. New and Used Shipping Containers MEDFORD, OR 97504 Days: (541) 830-3966 Fax: (541) 830-5966 Large Inventory of 20’, 40’, & 45’ Containers Serving: Oregon, Washington, & Idaho Wholesale or Retail • 888-379-2699 DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 Haul Up To 139,000 Lb. on Deck EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 9 Graddy’s Equipment Rental VISIT US 24/7 @ WWW.GRADDYSEQUIPMENT.COM TRUCKS • FLATBEDS • DUMPS • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 779 VILAS ROAD • CENTRAL POINT ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM THE MEDFORD AIRPORT – WE WILL PICK YOU UP! 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 Altec MG 747 Grader 10' blade, ripper for small work, finish grader $300 day Thomas 400 Portable Screen $300 day • $1,200 weekly $3,600 monthly Pull with 1 ton truck. CALL FOR Power Screen/Power Grid 800 Portable screen w/ conveyor. $500 day • $2,000 weekly $6,000 monthly PHONE: 541-944-0774 AVAILABILITY OF RENTAL EQUIPMENT Grizzly Screen 8x12 w/ removable screens $100 day • $400 weekly $1,200 monthly Vac Star 800 vacuum or pressure, 800 gallon spoil tank, high-pressure washer, 250 gallon water tanks $50 per hour • $300 day $1,100 weekly • $3,300 monthly Lay-Mor Sweeper $150 day • $600 weekly $1,600 monthly 2006 IR SD45D Roller With Sheepsfoot Shell $250 day 2001 Terex TX51-19S Telehandler. 4x4, Perkins diesel, Quick-Disconnect Forks. $200 Day • $800 Week $2,400 Month 6x10 Dump Trailer $10 hour (min. 2 hours) $50 day E- Mail: g rad dyssal • w ww.grad d y s e q u i pm e n t . c o m 1987 COE Lube Truck 24' van with 2500 gallon fuel tank, six product tanks with six pneumatic Lincoln pumps 10hp air compressor, live reels and generator, 100% drive tires good front tires Price Reduced $29,500 Prospect, OR 541-560-3242 or 541-944-3070 1992 Caterpillar 245B II ME 10'6" stick, choice of buckets, double grouser pads, very clean, work ready $45,000 530-368-1588 Newcastle, CA 2007 Kaufman Trailer 26' deck, 700 ax - 14,000 load carry, pull out ramps $5,500 Glen @ 800-647-7040 or 541-425-1942 Gold Beach, OR 2003 Kenworth T300 Flatbed Cat C7, 6 spd trans, new tires, 20 ft flatbed, 310,000 miles $20,000 obo 530-957-0589 Placerville, CA Page 10 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 PM JOHNSON (541)610-3900 Equipment Co. For Complete Inventory Bend, OR VIEW ~ 1994 New Holland L785 Skid Steer Loader bucket, auxiliary hydraulics New Rollers for a 320 size excavator $POR $5,500 2005 Cat 320 CLU Other Equipment Available 1993 Freightliner 5th Wheel Truck, Cat 3406C, 10 seed, jake, 182" wheelbase, tires @ 35% .............................................................................................$7,500 1992 Caterpillar 950F II Wheel Loader, S/N 4DJ00720, 14.250 hrs, GP bucket w/ cutting edge, 23.5 x 25 tires @ 40%, good operating machine..................$46,500 1969 Kenworth W-900 Dump Truck ....................................................................................$5,500 1974 Kenworth W-900 Dump Truck, Cummins 350, 10 speed............................................$6,500 1996 Ford LTL 9000 Water Truck, 3000 gallon stainless steel tank, food grade................$34,000 1967 Cat D8H Crawler Tractor, OROPS, U-dozer, 2 BBL. ripper, U/C @ 25%..................$15,500 2005 Caterpillar 320CLU ("0" clearance) Excavator, thumb, 3730 hrs, excellent .........$125,000 320 Size Hydraulic Thumb, complete..................................................................................$3,500 1993 Hitachi 300LC Excavator, bucket, thumb, good U/C, 9,150 hrs................................$29,500 1975 John Deere 570A Motor Grader, cab, 12’ blade, front scarifiers, 4x4, 2418 hrs., very nice ..................................................................................................$15,500 Caterpillar D7F, OROPS, straight tilt dozer, rippers, U/C @ 75%. real nice.......................$35,000 1975 Caterpillar D6C, OROPS, U-Dozer, rippers, U/C @ 35% .........................................$22,500 1988 John Deere 310C Backhoe, cab, 4x4, standard loader & hoe, 6677 hrs..................$14,500 1997 IR model SD40D 54" Roller, OROPS, comes w/ bolt on Sheepsfoot, 2270 hrs .......$24,000 1979 Kenworth W900 Dump Truck, Detroit 8V71, 15 speed...............................................$6,500 1984 Kenworth Transfer Set, w/ Reliance trailer, Cat 3406, 15 speed..............................$16,500 1981 Hobbs End Dump Trailer, 29' ..............................................................................$6,500 obo New (2002) ISC Impact Service Corp. Model 66 Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher up to 250 tons/hour, never set up. It is new. Great Deal! ..................................................$98,500 2004 Caterpillar 287B Track Skid Steer Loader "0" clearance, thumb, bucket Nice! 1993 Feightliner 5th Wheel Truck Cat 3406C, 10 speed, jake brake EROPS, cab, heater, A/C, newer bottom rollers, 1500 hours $125,000 $7,500 $28,500 Caterpillar D7F Crawler Tractor 15' Aluminum Dump Box OROPS, straight tilt dozer, rippers, U/C @ 70% complete with hoist, tailgate, good shape $35,000 obo $6,500 Cummins power, 9 spd trans, air brakes, has exhaust brake, 11' flatbed, top rack, Pro Tech service boxes, 100 + gallon fuel tank, wheelbase: 12'8", Mileage: 101,000 Super Nice! • $POR Cat 619C Elevating Motor Grader 1995 IH 9400 5th Wheel Truck 2000 JLG Scissor Lift $5,500 1998 IH FL80 Mechanics Truck 1977 Cat 988B Wheel Loader EROPS, cab, 10 yd. GP bucket, new hyd. pump, 3rd valve, 35/65R 33 tires @ 25% $44,000 2005 Cat 988G Wheel Loader 1991 Case 821 Wheel Loader tires: 26.5 x 29, front @ 30%, rear @ 50% Cat 3176, rated @ 385 HP, 10 speed trans., 40,000 LB. rear ends, air bag, dual 150 gal. fuel tanks, brakes @ 70% EROPS, cab, 2- spade nose buckets, 35/65R 33 tires: front 80%, rear 40% cab, 5 yard GP smooth edge bucket, 3rd valve, 13,900 hours, tires @ 20% $9,500 $7,500 $142,500 $38,500 Matt @ 541-846-7750 Grants Pass, OR 2006 Ranco Anvil 32’ End Dump Trailer 1979 KW W900 Truck/Tractor $5,500 1978 KW W900 Truck/Tractor $5,500 good tires & brakes, LED lighting, highlift gate, great condition, nice trailer $30,000 obo 707-218-8300 Crescent City, CA DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 11 Graddy’s Equipment Sales & Rental VISIT US 24/7 @ WWW.GRADDYSEQUIPMENT.COM TRUCKS • FLATBEDS • DUMPS • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 779 VILAS ROAD • CENTRAL POINT ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM THE MEDFORD AIRPORT – WE WILL PICK YOU UP! 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 1990 Bobcat 843 Skid Steer w/ Backhoe Wheel Loader. Isuzu diesel. 911 backhoe includes bucket. #3478. $11,500 1996 Ford F800 Cable Placer Truck. T40C manlift, 5.9 Cummins diesel, automatic trans, intercom, reel carrier, air brakes. #2813. $16,500 CALL 2003 Ford F550 Bucket Truck. Altec AT35G boom, 6.0 diesel, AC, hydraulic brakes. 42' working height. #5454. $18,900 2003 New Holland EC35 Mini Excavator. Yanmar diesel, 1' bucket, backfill blade. #2768. $15,900 1995 Ford F700 4x4 Chipper Dump. 4x4, hydraulic front winch, V8 gas, hydraulic brakes. 10' chip body. #0136. $13,900 1995 GMC C6500 5 Yard Dump Truck. V8 gas, hyd. brakes, automatic 4 speed. #0153. $8,950 1996 Peterbilt 330 Crane Truck. With National 400 crane. Cat 3126 diesel, AC, air brakes, standard 9 speed. 18' flatbed with crane. 65' of stick. Tow package. #3156. $24,900 1998 Tennant 830 Sweeper Truck. Perkins diesel, AC, hyd. brakes, right hand drive, dual gutter brooms. #2499. $9,500 2009 Vermeer SC130 Stump Grinder. Honda gas engine. #1728. $2,750 2008 Sweepster TBCP7B3RCALTR Towable Sweeper. Ex-county, Honda gas engine. #1088. $10,900 FOR PHONE: 541-944-0774 PRICING & AVAILABILITY OF RENTAL EQUIPMENT 2004 Ingersoll Rand DD24 Double Drum Compaction Roller. Vibratory, water system. Kubota diesel. #5992. $15,000 2001 International 4900 Dump Truck. 5 yard, DT466E diesel, stereo, two package, air brakes, automatic 5 speed. Ex-city unit. #8599. $17,500 1999 International 4700 Bucket Truck. Altec Over Center boom with 55' working height, 444E diesel, hyd. breaks, standard 7 speed, 11' chip body. #9600. $22,500 1997 Volvo FE42 Self-Loading Dump Truck. 8 yd. box, with or without loader. 6 cyc. diesel, air brakes, automatic trans. #6933. $13,900 1997 Ford F800 Bucket Truck. With Altec LB650 boom, 5.9 Cummins diesel, hyd. brakes. Standard 6 speed. 11' dump. Boom is 55' working height. #7856. $18,900 1996 International 4700 Water Truck. 2000 gallons. 444T diesel, air brakes, standard 7 speed. Cruise control, F.R.S. sprays, PTO pump. #2299. $16,900 2004 John Deere 210LE Skip Loader. 4x4, 6-way Gannon, shuttle shift. Diesel. Zero hours on rebuilt motor. #2598. $17,500 2000 Ford F450 Bucket Truck. V10 gas, hyd. brakes, automatic trans. Altec boom. #7055. $6,950 2005 Gehl G2203 Mini Excavator. Tilt cab, 1' bucket, in-out tracks, Kubota diesel. #3160. $14,900 1999 Stewart & Stevenson CE93 Cable/Reel Trailer. Figure 8 cable, 40 revolutions per minute, single reel carrier, electric brakes, Pentle hitch, cable extractor. Gas engine. #1962. $15,900 E - Mail: g rad dyssal • www.gradd y s e q u ip m en t . c om Page 12 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 Graddy’s Equipment Sales & Rental VISIT US 24/7 @ WWW.GRADDYSEQUIPMENT.COM TRUCKS • FLATBEDS • DUMPS • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 779 VILAS ROAD • CENTRAL POINT ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM THE MEDFORD AIRPORT – WE WILL PICK YOU UP! 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 1998 Ford F800 Bucket Truck. With Altec boom. 5.9 Cummins diesel, hydraulic brakes, 11 chip body. 55' working height on boom. #3451. $18,900 CALL 2005 Chevrolet C6500 5 Yard Dump Truck. V-8 gas, AC, hyd. brakes. Standard 6 speed. #4609. CALL FOR PRICING FOR PHONE: 541-944-0774 PRICING & AVAILABILITY OF RENTAL EQUIPMENT 1990 Vermeer 665A Towable Stump Grinder. V4 Wisconsin gas, electric brakes, 28" cutting wheel, all hydraulic, ex-city. #2521. $6,950 1978 Caterpillar 120G Motor Grader. Multiple shank rippers, full cab, mold board, CAT diesel, hydraulic brakes. #V841. $38,500 1998 Ford F800 Bucket Truck. 6 speed standard trans., 5.9 Cummins diesel, hyd. brakes. 11' chip body, Liftall LAOC-51 with 56' working height. #9097. $18,900 1998 Ford F800 Bucket Truck. Cummins 5.9 diesel, hyd. brakes. Liftall LAOC-51. 55 feet of working height. #9099. $18,900 2004 Bobcat T190 Track Skid Steer. High flow, Kubota diesel, forks and bucket. #5119. $15,900 2000 Laymor 8C Sweepmaster Towable Sweeper. Hyd. steering, back up alarm, 8' broom, hydrostatic drive. #4011. $12,500 1990 Ingersoll Rand DD65 Double Drum Compaction Roller. Deutz diesel, ex-city, runs good, ready for work. #5423. $12,900 2007 Bobcat 463 Skidsteer Loader. Kubota diesel. #3952. $9,800 1974 Chipmore TM-120-T2 Wood Chipper. 12" chipper, Deutz diesel, clean machine, ready for work. #T281. $6,950 1999 Athey M8A Patriot Mobil Sweeper. IHC 444E in front, Isuzu in back, diesel, AC, automatic 4 speed, ex-city unit. Cannot be registered in CA. #9002S. $18,500 1994 Ford F700 Bucket Truck. Altec AA600 boom, 55' working height, double bucket, 5.9 Cummins diesel, hyd. brakes. #8735. $13,500 1996 Freightliner FL70 Water Truck. 2500 gallon. 8.3 Cummins diesel. F.R.S. sprays, air valve, P.T.O. pump. #8249. $18,900 2004 Bobcat T180 Crawler Skid Steer. Kubota diesel, G.P. bucket. #3727. $17,900 1998 Athey RA 730 Air Boss Mobile Sweeper Truck. Dual controls, 7.3 diesel engine, automatic 4 speed, ex-county. #9002. $12,900 (2) Vermeer RT 100 Trenchers with Trailer. 15HP Kohler gas engine. Both come with trailers. Bill of Sale only. $3,950 each. 1997 Genie Z20/8N Aerial Manlift. Electric engine, non-skid tires. 20' height. #0162. $9,500 1983 Freightliner FLA9664 Cabover Log Loader. Cummins 350, 18' flatbed, Serco boom log loader, 13 spd. fold up log bunks. SOLD BILL OF SALE ONLY. #2282. $10,900 2006 Ditchwitch SK500 Walk-Behind Skid Steer. External hydraulics, 2-cycle gas engine. #0216. $8,950 E - Mail: g rad dyssal • www.grad d y s e q u i pm en t . c o m DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 13 TNT Equipment Mobile Repair on Heavy Equipment: Engines, Transmissions, Hydraulics, Carriages & More Trent Foglio • 541-991-5519 For complete inventory and pictures visit • $4,500 Linkbelt 3400 Quantum Shovel working daily 2003 Linkbelt 290 Shovel 52” Pierce grapples, ready to work $105,000 Jones Hydraulic Thumb off 160 excavator $2,500 1983 Spartan Fire Truck 50 ft. ladder, 500 gal. tank $5,000 2003 Ford F350 4x4, 5.4 gas, 6 speed $9,500 for all will separate Timberjack 1270 Motor Timberjack 1270 Parts Perkins motor w/ complete Perkins hyd. pumps, front & rear Fiat Allis 20 Cat with drum & grapple $32,500 1965 Peerless 50 Ton Lowboy 8’ wide, detachable neck $7,000 Cat 325 Boom & Cylinders $4,000 for all 1995 GMC Topkick Asphalt Slurry Truck Cat 3126 motor, 6 spd., air brakes $7,500 1987 Alloy 20’ Pup Trailer $7,000 $6,000 2005 John Deere 724J with chip bucket, 4600 hours $150,000 2004 Linkbelt 240LX Delimber Pierce 3348, 14,300 hrs. $100,000 2008 John Deere 648H 4200 hours $105,000 2000 Ford F450 Bucket Truck V10 gas, auto, 6500 watt Onan generator • $8,500 Komatsu 300 Boom and Cylinders $3,000 Cardboard Compactor $2,500 2009 Komatsu D39EX 6-way blade, rippers, brush rake, a/c & heat, stereo, under 500 hrs., like new • $95,000 $45,000 differentials, cab, radiator D9H 3800 hrs. on 1991 Cat New Life, 14’ wide blade, 4 barrel rippers, excellent shape • $65,000 16’ wide U-blade also available 1977 Ford Fire Truck 750 gallon stainless steel tank, 2 hose reels, Cat motor, Allison trans. Check out our web catalog! We Also Rent! R & G MACHINING AND ENGINE PARTS GAS E NGINE S CHEVROLET FORD cont. 4.3 V6 ‘85-91 ........$1,195 350 ‘69-‘85 ...........$1,195 454 ‘75-‘87 ...........$1,450 300 .......................$1,395 302-351W-400M ..$1,395 360-390................$1,550 460 ‘72-‘92 ...........$1,550 415-V10 ...............$2,950 CHRYSLER & JEEP 4.0-4.2..................$1,495 318-360................$1,550 488-V10 ...............$2,895 FORD 4.0 ........................$1,450 4.6-5.4..................$2,150 FOREIGN Toyota 22RE.........$1,395 Toyota 3.0L V6 .....$1,995 NEW HOLLAND Gas & Diesel Engines O u r Reb u i lt En g i n es In c l u de : • New Bore, Pistons & Rings Or Piston And Liners, Cam Shaft, Lifters & Cam Bearings • Crankshaft Ground, New Rod & Main Bearings, All Connecting Rods Reconditioned, Complete Gasket Set & Remanufactured Cyl. Heads • Complete Replacement And Rebuilding: Engines & Transmissions, Turbos, Injections, Pumps And Injectors • Cylinder Head & Block Welding Available • All Engines We Install Have 100,000 Mile Warranties Depending On The Application • All Engines Exchange & Must Be Rebuildable Core THIS MONTH’S SPECIALS! New & Rebuilt Injectors, Injection Pumps, Turbos & Upgrade Performance Parts FORD 6.0L P/S FORD 7.3L P/S Dodge 5.9L CR Injector Injector ‘03-‘08 Injector $198.50 Ea Exch $164.55 Ea Exch $234.95 Ea Exch DI ES EL E NG I NES CAT FORD 3204 ....................$5,150 3208 ....................$5,850 3304 ....................$5,200 3306 ....................$5,600 6.0 P/S ................$4,550 6.4 P/S ................$5,550 6.9 .......................$3,395 7.3 .......................$3,395 7.3 P/S ................$3,695 3.9-4B..................$2,895 5.9 12V Early.......$3,295 5.9 12V Late........$3,395 5.9 24V................$3,595 5.9 24V, HD .........$3,895 5.9 24V C/R, ‘03 & up $5,295 8.3 12V................$5,395 6.2 .......................$2,895 6.5 .......................$3,395 6.6 Duramax........$4,595 541-679-6211 • Evenings: Rick Smith 541-679-6211 4BD2 ...................$5,395 800-338-5495 • 503-282-7211 • Evenings: Dave Simonson 503-760-5416 CUMMINS INDUSTRIAL DODGE CUMMINS 5.9 12V Early.......$2,995 5.9 12V Late........$3,195 5.9 24V................$3,495 5.9 24V HD..........$3,695 5.9 24V C/R, ‘04-‘10...$4,950 6.7 C/R ................$6,195 GM ISUZU JOHN DEERE 6455 N.E. Columbia, Portland OR 97218 2010 - 165 ...........$3,950 404 ......................$5,500 466 ......................$6,200 KUBOTA 3 cyl...Starting @ $3,595 4 cyl...Starting @ $4,695 6 cyl...Starting @ $5,795 NAVISTAR DT466 .................$4,995 PROFESSIONAL REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION AVAILABLE Problem with your Diesel Not Running Well, Bad Fuel Economy, or Not Running at ALL? GIVE US A CALL, WE CAN FIX IT! CALL FOR APPLICATION NOT SHOWN FOR PRICE AND AVAILABILITY! ASE CERTIFIED AND IN BUSINESS SINCE 1975 OVER 200 ENGINES AND 400 CYLINDER HEADS IN STOCK! R & G MACHINING AND ENGINE PARTS ALL MAKES AND MODELS - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC AGRICULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND MOTOR HOMES GRUMPY’S DIESELS AND TRUCK REPAIR WE WORK ON TRUCKS, TRACTORS AND LOADERS MULINO, OREGON: 800-823-6038 SHOP: 503-829-6038 Page 14 Branch Office 4373 HWY 99 South, Roseburg OR 97470 CAT D5H TSK HYUNDAI R35Z-9 Mini Excavator POR enclosed cab, manual QC, thumb, 2 buckets • $43,500 MORE GREAT BUYS FROM OREGON TRACTOR ECO CRUSHER jaw buckets to fit excavators ..................for Rent or Sale 2004 Hyundai HL760-7 wheel loader with rollout bucket, new tires.............................$87,500 Cat 527 TSK ......................................................................................................................POR Cat 525B ...........................................................................................................................POR 1987 KW T800 .............................................................................................................$14,500 2006 HYUNDAI R55-7 Ex, 2 buckets, thumb & QC .....................................................$39,500 CAT 825B Compactor ..................................................................................................$22,500 CAT 257B skid steer.....................................................................................................$25,000 CAT 966C 76J8670 fork or bucket ...............................................................................$29,500 1997 TRAIL KING 30 ton Tilt Trailer .............................................................................$17,500 CAT D7G, winch and U-blade ......................................................................................$57,500 2005 TAKEUCHI TL130 Track Skid Steer, 880 hrs.......................................................$28,500 2000 HYUNDAI H70 Dozer, w/ ripper ..........................................................................$22,500 CAT D8K, s/n77V8146, U-blade, winch .......................................................................$67,500 NEW 2013 HYUNDAI R60CR-9 Excavator, cab, hyd QC & thumb, 2 buckets.............$74,500 Crushing Equipment & Supplies Available! Too many to list...................................Please call EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 DON’T D ON’T M MISS ISS YEAR-END YEAR-END TAX TAX SAVINGS SAVINGS AND A ND 3 G GREAT REAT OFFERS OFFERS 0 IN INTEREST TEREST FOR F OR UP UP TO TO 84 8 4 MON MONTHS* MONTHS THS* HS* UP TO TO $35 3500 350 00 00 CASH C ASH BAC BACK K*** 0 IN INTEREST TEREST 0 PAY PAYMENTS P AYMENTS AY MENTS TILL T ILL MAY MAY AY 2 2014 2014** 014 4** ** Save S on 5010 Save avModel e on on M Model odel XX XX $ $285 month 000per PER P ER MONTH MONTH* Power Pow P ow wer er Package Pac P ackage ac kaFront ge iinclude includes nLoader cludes des Tractor Includes implement mplemen mpl emen ent t X &Deals implement iimpl mplemen mpl ement ent Z. Z. Power Package Available SMITH S MIT H TRACTOR TRACTOR 541-826-8500 0000 Street Stree S t r ee ett Name Nam N ame .To Town wn Name Nam N ame me 000.000.0000 000 ..000 000.000 000 .000 0000 0 .d dea ealersi ea ler si t om Sales • Service • Parts 6002 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 For All Your Farm, Ranch, Vineyard & Orchard Needs! *W With i th a approved pproved c credit. redit. Program Program restrictions restrictions may may a apply. pply. See See d dealer ealer for for details. details. * *No interest interest a nd n op ayments u ntil M ay 1 o 15, 2 014. IInterest nterest a nd p ayments b egin M ay 1 or or 15, 15, 2014 2014 **No and no payments until May orr 15, 2014. and payments begin May ((based based o nc ontract d ate). Interest/payment-free Interest/payment-free p eriod iis s not not in in a ddition to to c ontract tterm. erm. on contract date). period addition contract * ** N ote: L oader, m id-mower and and b ackhoe d on ot q ualif y for for the the Power Power Package. Package. *** Note: Loader, mid-mower backhoe do not qualify †A of fers expire expire January January 31, 31, 2014. 2014. Allll offers DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 15 8KW KUBOTA POWERED WRICO PLATINUM DIESEL GENERATOR SET W E N Buy Factory Direct and Save! 1KW - 100KW Available Eugene, OR • 541-744-4333 2005 Dragon End Dump 28', AR400, dumps on 1 or 2 axles, asphalt package, high lift gate, tarp • 1800RPM • Water-cooled • Safety Shutdowns • 120/240 Volt • Skid Mounted • Electric Start • Remote Start Panel • Industrial Muffler • Very Fuel Efficient $5,880 $20,500 Gary @ 707-499-7228 Hoopa, CA 1991 Ford F700 Welder/Mechanic Truck 6.6 diesel, 5 spd trans, 2 spd rear end, 400 amp welder, 6000 lb crane, 13 hp air compressor, 106,000 orig mls e Tim d l ite cia Li m S p e $15,000 obo 530-957-0589 Mfg. in the USA Placerville, CA 2008 Cat 904B Articulating 4x4 Wheel Loader 2750 hours, cab $30,500 also: Bobcat forks and 4/1 front bucket 530-926-3691 • 530-925-1729 Mt. Shasta, CA 1980 Case 980B 4607 total hours, new batteries, complete service done. Spare Parts: complete spare engine, low hours, main hyd pump, complete circle gear & pump, 2 complete final drives w/sprockets, 1 complete front idler, 4 buckets 2000 CPS 28’ End Dump Trailer good tires, good brakes, good condition $15,000 obo 707-218-8300 $28,000 Glen @ 800-647-7040 Crescent City, CA Gold Beach, OR 1995 GMC 2500 King Cab 4 wheel drive, nice straight pick-up inside and out $5,500 obo 530-623-0253 Douglas City, CA Flatbed Military Trailer 15,000# GVW, 12-16.6 tires, brakes are either air and/or electric, excellent condition, comes w/ special converter hitch for pickups $7,995 or reasonable offer 1987 International 4700 Gary - 541-944-6341 James - 541-944-6273 14’ Powers utility box w/ 14 ton crane, hyd outriggers, utility box has shelving, interior lights, and strobe lights, Lincoln G8000 welder/generator, 12hp gas compressor, Journeyman Oxy/Act torches, 466 diesel engine, 5 spd trans w/ hi low splitter, 11x22.5 tires w/ alum wheels, air brakes, some big wrenches & sockets, top half of roll-away $17,000 • will consider pick-up for partial trade 541-507-7394 • 541-479-7752 Medford, OR Grants Pass, OR Thank You For A Wonderful 2013. We Look Forward To Serving You In The Year Ahead The Staff of Equipment Mart Page 16 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 Mer ry Chri stm a s a n d H a p p y Ne w Ye a r INC. ALTO EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION, FARM & LOGGING 707-839-0170 We Take Trade-Ins Financing Available ly on rs! 4h 2002 Case 580SM 2012 Case 580SN Hunt Tractor, Inc. Heavy Equipment • Heavy Equipment Attachments EROPS a/c & heat, 4x4, 4/1 bucket, ex-hoe, Case controls, hyd. QC $98,000 $29,900 888-791-7813 (541) 779-3587 eves/weekends • Medford, OR ALL IN-STOCK ATTACHMENTS UP TO 20% OFF VIEW OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY ONLINE! 2003 JD 650HLT, 6-way blade, ripper, 1,761 hrs............................$43,500. Tier 4, 4x4, RC, rear hyd coupler, EROPS, 4/1, ex-hoe w/24” bucket 2004 BOMAG BW177D-3, 66" smooth drum, vibratory, drum drive, 921 hrs...$32,500. 2003 JD 120CLC, AC, hyd. thumb, QC, aux. hyd., 3,136 hrs.....................$49,500. 2008 Cat 232B-2 Skid Steer 2009 New Holland T1510 650 hours, GP bucket w/ forks 180 hours, 4x4, 540 PTO, 3 pt hitch $21,900 $8,999 We have over a thousand attachments in stock. We carry new and used attachments for all makes and models of heavy equipment. • New and Used Excavator and Backhoe Buckets • New and Used Thumbs for Excavators and Backhoes • New and Used Quick Couplers for Excavators & Backhoes • New and Used Hydraulic Breakers and Compactors • New and Used Skidsteer Attachments and Buckets If we don’t have exactly what you need we can find it for you. Call Dave Bishop for details or visit our website for a complete inventory list, including pictures and prices. 1999 John Deere 550H LT 1991 John Deere 3155 4x4, 107hp, PTO 540 & 1000, 3 pt hitch, 2 sets of outlets OROPS, 6-way blade, rear ripper, set up for slope board, runs great $19,900 $34,900 | LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1998 McKinleyville, CA 95519 FINANCING AVAILABLE • Easily search through thousands of used and new attachments by machine make and model. • Create your own user account to receive automatic inventory updates for attachments that fit your machine. BACKHOE BUCKETS • EXCAVATOR BUCKETS • MINI-EXCAVATOR BUCKETS THUMBS • QUICK COUPLERS • HYDRAULIC BREAKERS & COMPACTORS SKIDSTEER ATTACHMENTS • AND MUCH MORE 1983 CASE 1450B Dozer 6346 hours, straight blade, winch, brush rake, service records, clean straight machine $28,000 Randy @ 707-407-5986 2000 Pete 379 EX Cat C16, 18 sp, 46K rears, 390 ratio, lockers Arcata, CA $45,000 Frank @ 530-310-2007 28’ Twin Engine Jet Boat 2004 Ford F-350 XLT w/ Flatbed 150 hours, SD 309 jet units, fuel injected Chevys, center stick steering, custom tri-axle trailer, 1/2 price of new 6 spd. man., 4x4, Power Stroke diesel, hidden gooseneck hitch, under-body tool boxes, dual rear wheels, newer tires, 160k miles, runs flawlessly, has altered exhaust, comes with original equipment $69,900 707-407-5986 $14,900 Travis @ 916-384-6406 Arcata, CA DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 located in Susanville CA, will deliver to Southern Oregon EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 17 5200 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 Deere 450G Dozer, Limbrisers, Rippers, New U/C, $26,000 Deere 490 Excavator, Q/C, 2 Buckets, Stiff Thumb $16,500 ★ merican Tractor A Visit us @ Office: 541-423-1200 Quality Used Equipment & Attachments, Sales & Consignments 2 Available 2005 John Deere 320 Skidsteer, Q/C, 72" GP Bucket $16,500 Cat 304 Excavators, Thumbs, Q/C’s $28,000$31,000 Cat D4H, Sweeps, Screens, Winch, Ex-Gov’t $32,500 Toll Free: 855-423-1200 Fax: 541-423-1203 Eric’s Cell: 541-944-3633 Cameron’s Cell: 541-944-8491 2000 LeeBoy 685 Grader, Cab, 10’ Moldboard, Low Hours $42,000 Dynapac CA152D 66” Smooth Drum Roller, Low Hours $34,000 Also Available For Rent 2 Available Deere 310E, 4X4, 4-1 Ldr Bkt, E-Hoe, Q/C $22,000 Case 460 Trencher, 4X4,Low Hours, Good Chain, Blade $5,900 JRB 544 Size Sweeper with JRB coupler. $3,500 Kent KCX 750 Demolition Concrete Crusher. $28,000 Onan 60KW Gen Set, Cummins Diesel, Low-Low Hrs, $8,500 Esco Grapple For Deere 550G or 650G Dozer, With Control Valve $11,500 2006 Takeuchi TB135’s, Thumbs, 18” Buckets $21,500$22,500 IR DD24 Double Drum Roller, Water System, Deutz Diesel $7,000 Loftness Timber Axe, Skidsteer Brush Cutter, 80” Wide cuts up to 6” Trees $9,500 Zieman 2650, 12 Ton, Beaver Tail, New Rubber $5,500 Coleman 50KW Gen Set, Skid Mount, Cummins Diesel $7,000 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 Please call if you don’t see what you need here V I S I T O U R N E W W E B S I T E @ W W W. A M T R A C T O R . C O M Page 18 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 5200 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 American Tractor ★ Visit us @ Office: 541-423-1200 Quality Used Equipment & Attachments, Sales & Consignments Toll Free: 855-423-1200 Fax: 541-423-1203 Eric’s Cell: 541-944-3633 Cameron’s Cell: 541-944-8491 2 Available 2008 Cat 301.8C, Q/C, Aux Hyd’s, Ext-Tracks, 500 Hrs, $22,500 Case 580E Skip Loader 4X4, Gannon Box $9,900 Hyster H100XL Forklift, 10,000L b Cap, Cab w/ heater, Side Shift $11,800 2006 MultiQuip LT-12 Light Tower, 4X1000W, 6KW Gen Set, $4,100 Also For Rent Trail-EZE D10T, Tilt Trailer, Air Brakes $5,995 2003 Cat 430D 4X4,E-Hoe, Grapple Bucket, Pilot Controls $35,000 2006 Deere 310G, 4X4,EHoe,4-1 Ldr Bkt, Aux Hyd’s $31,000 1999 John Deere 310SE, 4X4, 4-1 Ldr Bkt, E-Hoe $25,500 2004 Hitachi ZX35U, Thumb, Q/C, Blade $22,500 Cat D6C, S/N 10K, Winch/Arch, Sweeps/Screens, New U/C $29,500 Deere 450G Crawler Tractor, 3 Point Hitch w/PTO. $19,900 Godwin 45KW Gen Set, Trailer, Deere Diesel $5,000 Hitachi/Deere 200 Stanley 50EX Hammer.5,000 FT/LB Class $13,500 Yale 2,000Lb Shop Forklift, Side Shift, LPG $2,250 Bandit 150XP Chipper, Diesel, 12” Capacity, Power Feed $10,500 Deere 650G Dozer, Full Logging Package, Winch, Arch $32,000 Datsun H5000 Forklift, Short Mast, 5,000Lb Cap $3,800 2008 Genie TML4000 Light Tower, Diesel, 6KW Gen $4,450 2005 Towmaster T24LP Trailers, 12 Ton Beaver Tail, Air Brakes, Ext Gov't $6,500 Onan Skid Mount, 47KW, Natural Gas, Ford V6, 146 Orig Hrs, $9,500 GREAT SELECTION Of ATTACHMENTS IN STOCK • New/Used Wheel Loader & Dozer Attachments • New/Used Skidsteer Attachments • New/Used Excavator & Backhoe Attachments • New/Used Thumbs for Excavators & Backhoes • New/Used Quick Couplers for Excavators & Backhoes • Reman Hydraulic Breakers & Compactors V I S I T O U R N E W W E B S I T E @ W W W. A M T R AC TO R . C O M DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 19 RMF R.M. FOGLE 541-580-6427 (Ron) 541-915-2784 (Dave) Company see all of our inventory at 2006 John Deere 850J open ROPS, Semi-U dozer, Esco bunching grapple, Allied winch, approx. 2,400 hours, excellent condition $210,000 1996 Cat D-4H open ROPS, PAT dozer, Esco sorting grapple, winch, 60% u/c, 1-season on remanned engine, recent grapple rebuild, turbo & oil cooler $55,000 2003 John Deere 2554 1986 Dyna Pac CA-15PD 60” grapple, approx. 2,400 hrs on new u/c, 28”, 2-bar pads, near new engine, approx. 12,400 hours open ROPS, 66” padfoot drum, John Deere engine, front dozer, pads rebuilt, good condition $169,500 $21,500 2005 Tiger Cat L870 Buncher 2007 Komatsu PC200LC-7 Excavator OTHER EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE El-Jay 5x14, 3-deck portable screen plant, 2-belts, 3-chutes, 35 HP motor................$29,500 Lippman 30x42 Portable Jaw Plant, hyd. screen, 200 HP motor, new elec. panel, includes Texas style dozer trap portable feeder, w/ operator’s enc. control station. Very good condition............................................$125,000 1978 Cat D-6C (10K), ROPS, S-dozer, free-spool winch, arch, approx. 3,600 hours on engine, finals & undercarriage.............................................$27,500 1990 Cat 140G (AWD), approx. 9,100 hours...........................Please call for details & price Cat D-8K, open ROPS, U-dozer, winch, stump splitter, engine in process of rebuild..................................................Please call for details & price John Deere 770 Motor Grader, 14’ M/B, scarifier ..................Please call for details & price Diamond D210 Yarder, track mount, all lines inc., recent repairs completed, good operating condition .........................................................................................$259,500 1985 Cat 140G Grader, enc. ROPS cab, 12’ moldboard, 14:00-24 tires, 80% rears, approx. 6,200 hrs ....................................................................................$54,500 1985 Cat 225B Hyd. Log Loader mtd. on Pierce 3-Axle Carrier, 3208 in upper, 6V-92A in lower, good running machine ............................................$24,500 2004 Cat 330C Log Loader, Cat 44’ boom, Cat 60” grapple, Hi-Wide, 2-bar pads, approx. 1-full season on engine & undercarriage.................................$152,500 1998 Timberjack 2628 Feller-Buncher, Koehring hot saw, air cond., 50% u/c...........$47,500 1982 JD 550, ROPS, PAT dozer, free spool winch, arch, includes brush blade...........$21,750 2004 Terex TA40 40 Ton Articulated Off-Highway Truck, 6x6 drive, approx. 5000 hrs ..$129,500 El-Jay “54” Cone Crusher, portable, tandem axle chassis, El-Jay 5x14, 2-deck screen, 42” under belts, front & back, 200 HP TEFC motor, new Series II wedge plate, new seals .....................................................................$112,500 1983 P&H Omega Hyd. Crane, 20-ton, 2-axle RT carrier, 17.5-25 tires, 62’ boom plus jib, GM 3-53 engine ........................................................REDUCED $19,500 1997 Cat 950F, EROPS, a/c, 3-yd. bucket, 3rd valve, approx. 14,000hrs, new tires ....$58,500 1979 Cat D-7G Dozer, ROPS, U-Blade, Esco straddle log grapple, Hyster winch, 40% undercarriage .............................................................................$49,500 1992 John Deere 690E-LC Log Loader, standard lower, elevated cab, Pierce log boom & grapple. Good engine & hyds......................................................$29,500 Thunderbird PSY-200 Swing Yarder, mtd. on Pierce 4-axle carrier, 12V-71 in upper & 8V-71 in carrier. Good running unit ..............................................$37,500 1999 Kobelco 135-SRLC leveler, head has been replaced with 2470 Madill w/ 360 degree rotation, approx. 10,500 hours $145,000 2-buckets, thumb, 32” pads, only 1,560 hours $107,500 1997 Kobelco SK220LC with Denharco DM-3500 Mono-boom Stroker 1989 John Deere 444E enc. cab, 3-cu. yd. bucket $18,500 (2) saws, butt plate, good undercarriage, low-hour engine & hyd. pumps, new power cord, travel good $52,500 24”, 36” bucket & muck bucket, thumb, Q-change, 3-bar 28” pads, includes pin-wheel compactor, recent rails & swing box, 9,201 hours $37,500 2004 John Deere 544J EROPS, a/c, 3-yd. bucket, 20.5-R25 tires, quick coupler, ride control, diff. lock, 5,578 hours REDUCED $75,000 2002 Komatsu D-155X-5 enclosed cab, sweeps, screens, a/c,Semi-U dozer, 4-Bbl. ripper, 40-50% undercarriage, 9,100 hours $140,000 REDUCED $119,000 1998 Champion 736A Grader 14’ M/B, 6-wheel drive, a/c, 17.5-25 tires, ripper/scarifier, 4,998 hours $89,500 REDUCED $79,500 1996 Ford F-800 Bucket Truck 48k miles on a 5.9L Cummins and Allison automatic, VST3600I Versalift boom, 42' working height, good rubber, truck runs flawlessly $12,500 Travis @ 916-384-6406 located in Susanville CA, will deliver to Southern Oregon Beautiful Grove AT700B 8x8 50 Ton Crane ISX 550, 18 sp, 46K lockers, 373 ratio, 430K miles mfg date 12/1990, only 13,155 miles on lower, certified, vin: 476AT700BLS073424 $82,500 Frank @ 530-310-2007 $128,500 Jerry @ 541-501-7608 2008 Pete 389 Page 20 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 5200 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 Qua American Tractor ★ Visit us @ Office: 541-423-1200 Quality Used Equipment & Attachments, Sales & Consignments Toll Free: 855-423-1200 Fax: 541-423-1203 Eric’s Cell: 541-944-3633 Cameron’s Cell: 541-944-8491 2 Available 2010 Ditch Witch FX60 Vac Trailer, Like New $49,000 2008 Cat 303C CR, Q/C, Thumb, Low Hrs, $29,000 Dresser 518, Cab,4-1 Ldr Bucket, ACS Q/C, Cummins, EX-Gov’t $33,000 Case 450C Dozer, Rippers, Cab, Limbrisers, Good U/C $14,500 John Deere 544H Loader, JRB Q/C, 3rd Valve, GP Bkt $29,000 Terex 33-03B Off Highway Dump Truck, 27 Ton, Rebuilt Trans, Detroit $17,500 2 Available Liftall L60 Rough Terrain Forklift, 21’ Mast, Deere Diesel $9,950 Takeuchi TB125, Hyd Thumb, Q/C, Blade $16,000 Cat H90 Hammer set up for 420/430D Backhoe $6,500 300 Gal Water Wagon, Honda Pump, Front/Rear outlets $2,995 International 4900 Dump Trucks, Snow Plows, EX- Gov’t, Clean $10,950 ea Ingersoll Rand RT708G, 8,000Lb Rough Terrain Forklift $12,500 Mustang 2060, Isuzu Diesel, GP Bkt $9,500 Deere 450B/C or 550A/B Rippers $3,100 Okada Top 60 Backhoe Hammer w/Wain Roy Top Cap $5,800 Multiquip Whisper Watt 85KVA/49KW Gen Set, Trailer Mounted $7,900 Grove SM2232E Scissor Lift, 16’ Lift, 32” Wide Deck $2,800 Bandit 250XP Chipper, Deere Diesel, Power Feed $10,000 2006 Cat XQ45-2, 45KW Gen Set, Skid Mount, 5,800 Hrs. $14,000 Towmaster 10 Ton Tilt Trailer, Air Brakes, Ex Gov't, $6,500 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 Please call if you don’t see what you need here V I S I T O U R N E W W E B S I T E @ W W W. A M T R A C T O R . C O M DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 21 Broderson IC-80-3F Carry Deck 1,897 hours, 4 wheel steer, 30’ boom, 4 cyl. diesel, good tires, anti two block, ser# 364554, well maintained, work ready $21,000 541-954-1202 Springfield, OR INGERSOLL-RAND VR90C Forklift s/n 15482S, 1,681 hours, Perkins 108 hp turbo diesel, 3 spd. shuttle trans, 4 wheel steer $21,000 Jerry or Jade @ 541-501-7608 Equipment Mart Classifieds C lassified S FOR SALE SERVICES Used Detroit Engines and Parts For Sale HEAVY EQUIPMENT SEAT COVERS Diesel and Allison Transmission Repairs Over 40 years experience Leave Msg. 541-944-2576 Fits: • BACKHOES • SKIDSTEERS • EXCAVATORS • FORKLIFTS • LOADERS • TRUCKS • DOZERS • TRACTORS and MORE!! order online at Medford, OR Shale For Sale Portable Cool Room Rentals! 1987 MACK mid range, 172,000 miles, 20' x 8' hyd. bed Excellent Top Soil Delivery Truck $12,500 Jerry or Jade 541-501-7608 1977 GMC General Dump Truck 10yd box plumbed for pup, Cummins 400 BC w/ 77,000 miles, motor majored by Myrmo & Sons, Hendrickson extended leaf, 13 spd., cracked aluminum frame $10,000 obo • 541-536-1543 LaPine, OR $10/yard - delivered within 20 miles of pit $4/yard - you pick up at pit Open Saturdays Specializing in small jobs LANDSCAPE ROCK AVAILABLE Cairn Timber & Shale, LLC 541-826-9026 METAL ROOFING Metal Building Products Hi-Rib, 3’ Panel Snaplock Panel Standard and Custom Flashing Parrott’s Metal, Inc. 541-955-8077 • WANTED CASE 580 SL 4wd Standard Loader standard 14' backhoe w/bucket, s/n JJG0196780, 5557 hrs. $21,500 Jerry or Jade @ 541-501-7608 1995 Case 580SL 4x4, cab, 4/1 front bkt, extendahoe, 6800 hours $23,500 also: Case 480F Skip Loader, rear gannon box, 2 wheel drive 530-926-3691 • 530-925-1729 Mt. Shasta, CA 2004 Ford F350 4 wheel drive, 6 speed, good condition, ready to go to work $10,500 obo 530-623-0253 Douglas City, CA 2000 PUTZMEISTER 36X Meter Concrete Pumper Truck model BSF 36.16P, recent updates, s/n 2199060877, work ready, cord and cordless remote $125,000 Jerry or Jade @ 541-501-7608 Page 22 Allis Chalmers – Fiat Allis International (etc) Rubber Tired & Track Equipment Running or Not • 541-210-6034 Portable Cooler Division: “Instant” Walk-in Coolers. Delivered to your suitable site! Sizes from 200 cu.ft. to 1200 cu.ft. Reunions, Florists, Caterers, Weddings, Company Parties. Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB #102938 Sid Layton 541-601-3336 or 541-826-2080 EQUIPMENT DECALS Replacement Decal Sets for your Excavation, Paving, Logging, Mining, and Lifting Equipment. SAVE MONEY & TIME. One AFFORDABLE source for all your equipment decals. Prompt, Knowledgeable, Reliable Service DEALER AND CONTRACTOR DECALS. DECALS AND LETTERING FOR YOUR TRUCKS TOO! Call 215-536-5339 · NEED CASH NOW? Hunt Tractor buys and consigns all types of heavy equipment attachments. Don't scrap it! Bring it in to us and put more cash in your pocket! Call Dave Ricks at 877-423-9747 or e-mail pictures and details to Located in Medford, OR merican Tractor Am is in need of Equipment and Attachments for Buying, Selling or Consignments. Please Call Eric or Cameron Toll Free 855-423-1200 Located in Medford, OR MONDAY, JANUARY 6 @ 6 PM Is The Next Advertising Deadline For Equipment Mart. Place Your Ad Today @ EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING Low Rates • Low Rates • Fast Approvals Approvals • EasyFast Credit Application Easy Credit Applicaiton YOU FIND THE EQUIPMENT YOU FIND THE EQUIPMENT W WE E P PAY A Y FFOR O R IT! IT! 800-644-1182 CALL HERMAN FLEISHMAN (800) 644-1182 • HERMAN@AMERICANLF.COM For As Little As $10, You Can Run An Ad In Equipment Mart. DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 2851 Highland Ave. Grants Pass, OR, 97526 Dealer #6323 CA$H 541-955-1661 (fax) EQUIPMENT / TRADERS 541-659-9080 (Rob’s Cell) 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. • Sierra Pacific Capital • 800-863-6726 Kenworth 4,000 Gallon Fuel Truck 1997 Ford Super Duty Cummins 6cyl, 10spd, Chalmers suspension, 206” wheel base, pumps, hoses, and hose reels 62,000 original miles, 1 ton dually, 7.3 diesel auto, 4x4, brand new rubber, 10ft flat bed $22,000 1996 Ford F800 Flatbed Dump 1997 Walton Trailer 3,200lb Truck Crane 40,000 gvw, 30’ split deck, tilt deck, 17.5 rubber, air brakes remote control, ex-county $8,750 $10,500 $2,700 1979 Zieman 2004 Wanderer 24' Trailer 1980 International 1900 Asphalt Truck 26,000 GVW, 6 spd., 45,000 miles 15 ton awning, sleeps 8 DT, 5 & 2, 1,000 gallon seal coat tank $9,500 $3,200 $6,500 $3,900 File Photo 1999 Cadillac Stretch Limo 1996 Chevy 3500 1 Ton Dually 108,000 miles, auto, ac $3,800 180” WB, 32 valve Northstar, V8, A/T, A/C, 4C, 42,000 miles, TV, VCR, CD, wet bar 2-Axle Pole Trailer 1993 International w/ extendable tongue, 8-lug wheels, to haul telephone poles DT, auto, 12’ dump, 140,000 miles, ex-county $5,500 $1,800 $7,500 48" 8000lb Backhoe Forks 1989 Trail King 8’6” x 19’ deck $3,200 1992 22-1/2 Ton Trailer air brakes, 17.5 tires $7,000 2000 Morbark 13 $700 $7,500 2000 Chevy 6500 Low Pro Flatbed Dump 1990 Ford 8000 Auger-Pole Setting Truck 18’ bed w/ side boards, 123,000 miles, excellent rubber, Cat 3126 motor w/ automatic 4wd, 92k miles, Cat 3208, bucket controls on boom, cabover, ready to work $13,500 $14,900 DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 1997 GMC 7500T Cat diesel, automatic, 50,000 miles, excellent tires, ex-city, cab & chassis only • $12,500 diesel motor, one owner, runs good, ready to work 1993 Top Kick Crew Cab 5x2, Cat 3116, air brakes, 16' bed, 74,000 miles $6,500 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT US ONLINE @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • TOLL FREE 1-800-822-9932 • 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER, OR Page 23 Page 24 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DECEMBER 20, 2013-JANUARY 9, 2014 E-MAIL US AT INFO@EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537
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