2015 Spring Cadora Ontario Newsletter


2015 Spring Cadora Ontario Newsletter
President &
Newsletter Editor
Vice-President &
Director to OEF
Don Barnes
(905) 387-2031
Elizabeth Quigg
(905) 862-0588
David Rosensweig
(514) 433-8560
…that about 20/30 years ago, Cadora-Ontario was the recipient of approximately $20,000./year
(which came from some Ontario ministry via the OEF?
…that over the years, the process via which these funds were accessed became more
convoluted, difficult…and…changed almost every year?
…that, as the difficulty of the process to get funding INcreased, the amount of the funding
dramatically DEcreased?
…that, in order for Cadora-Ontario to be eligible for any funding at all, the organization has to
be a ”member organization” of the OEF…which costs $275.00/year + applicable taxes (which is
guaranteed to be returned to all those organizations that apply)?
…the allotment of funds is all done on a “points” system (i.e. the more points you accrue, the
more funding you get)?
…that you get a whole lot of points if your funding submission includes programmes that
emphasize “youth, legacy and/or education”?
…that points go way up for large groups (and Cadora-Ontario is a “large” group)?
…that two years ago, Cadora-Ontario received a grant of about $2000.00 after dutifully
surviving all the submission pitfalls?
…that last year – with the submission requirements having done a 180 degree about-face, and
Cadora-Ontario completing them all by the due date – this organization got $0000.00?
[Yes…you read it right…zero…!!!] But then – no member organization got anything. We were
not alone…
…that this year, the $275.00 fee to become a member association of the OEF has been waived
(“Complimentary for 2015” it said…)
…that funding for this year looks as bleak as it was for last year, and that there seems little
value in becoming a “member association” of the OEF?
…that we joined anyway…basically to see what happens?
Any questions?
Greetings from Florida everyone!! I hope you’re all weathering winter well in Ontario which I
hear is no real problem this year because it’s so mild…WAIT…that was a weather report I heard
from Hawaii!! I guess winter is dealing Ontario a bad hand again this year. Being here in Florida
(amid the waving palm trees and spending countless hours at the beach and driving around
with the car windows down), I can only imagine how bad it is at home!! I made a vow to myself
a few years ago: NO MORE SNOW…EVER!!! The upside of this is that I’m able to keep this vow.
The downside is…well…I guess I’m just too old to get through a typical Ontario winter any
longer. I’ll take age (I guess). BUT…on with things Cadora-Ontarioan…
If you were one of the attendees at our AGM / Awards Brunch late last November, you’ll know
how successful it was. With just over 70 people in attendance, we broke our old record for
numbers! In addition to handing out a plethora of awards – and it was very rewarding to have
so many recipients there in person to accept said awards – Canadian Olympian, Lorraine
Stubbs, was there to give a brief talk on the history of Cadora (Lorraine being a founding
member of the organization!) and to encourage the youth of Ontario to get involved in our
sport. Please see other pages of this newsletter for the names of our many award winners, the
minutes of the AGM, as well as the treasurer’s report.
The 2014 Ontario Silver Dressage Championships were resounding successes in both areas of
the province. Many thanks to Joan Allum and her crew at Oakhurst Farm (Acton) and Lynn
Young and her LDA members at Eastwood (London). Plans are well under way for this year’s
edition of the Championships. The venues and the personnel are the same as last year
(Oakhurst in the East and Eastwood in the West. Many thanks for doing repeat performances
this year. Our judges for this event are Dorita Peer and Anne Galt. Please watch our web site
www.cadora.ca/cadora-ontario/ for the prize list which should be available in early summer.
And…a final word on joining Cadora-Ontario: If you look ahead in this newsletter, you’ll see that
Cadora-Ontario is pleased to give to its winners not only product prizes (sheets, saddle pads,
wraps, etc.), but we also give out a number of cash awards…BUT…all of these awards are given
ONLY to our members. How do you actually become a member? It’s easy…just join (either
through your local group or directly via the membership form found in this newsletter or on our
web site www.cadora.ca/cadora-ontario/ NO LATER THAN JUNE 1ST!! If you take a close look at
our winners, you’ll notice that (due to the manner in which our awards criteria are structured),
there are many repeat winners. You have no idea how many times riders do really well and are
in line for some significant prizes…only to learn that they are NOT members and, hence, are
ineligible for awards. And remember: we now award BOTH Bronze and Silver competitors who
are Cadora-Ontario members. And the cost to become a member of Cadora-Ontario? A very
reasonable $10. / person (junior or senior) And…one more final word on joining CadoraOntario (and to answer a question I’ve been asked a few times lately): the Cadora Inc Omnibus
is not included as part of a Cadora-Ontario membership. If you’d like an Omnibus, then you’ll
have to join Cadora INC, our national organization (but…more on that later…)!
And finally (REALLY!!) thanks for joining Cad-Ont in 2014! I look forward to getting your
membership for this year as well
Below, please find a tentative event schedule for the ensuing months. PLEASE NOTE: Many
things are carved in stone…many are not. Cadora-Ontario has included this schedule as a
service to its members and is not responsible for any alterations to it made by individual
farms, organizations, etc.
May 3
May 3
May 8-10
May 21-24
May 23
May 24
May 28-31
May 31
June 4/5/6
June 7
June 7
June 13/14
June 13/14
June 14
June 19-22
June 27
Windsor-Essex Cadora Bronze @ WETRA
Centaur Spring Gold @ Centaur
Cornerstone CDI / Bronze @ Palgrave
Equivents CDI @ RCRA
Mountain Star Farm Silver
LDA Bronze / Silver @ Eastwood
Ottawa Dressage Festival Gold / Platinum
Conestoga Bronze
Glanbrook Cadora Bronze / Silver @ Morning Star
Windsor-Essex Bronze @ WETRA
Caledon Silver @ Orangeville Fairgrounds
Rainbow Ridge Gold
LDA Bronze / Silver @ Eastwood
Equivents Gold / CDI @ RCRA
QSLB Bronze @ Glamorgan
June 27/28
June 28
June 28
June 28
July 4/5
July 5
July 5
July 19
July 19
July 19
July 26
August 2
August 8
August 9
August 9
August 16
August 22/23
August 22/23
August 23
August 28-30
August 30
Sept 4-6
September 13
September 13
NOV 11
Dewmont Dressage Silver/Gold
Conestoga Bronze
Pink Ribbon Ride @ Morning Star
QSLB Silver / Gold @ Glamorgan
Caledon Silver @ Orangeville Fairgrounds
Glanbrook Bronze / Silver @ Irish Creek
Windsor-Essex Bronze @ WETRA
Rainbow Ridge Gold
LDA Bronze / Silver @ Eastwood
QSLB Bronze @ Hadherway
Numech Equestrian Silver
Conestoga Bronze
Centaur Summer Gold
QSLB Silver / Gold @ Doornekamps’
LDA Bronze / Silver @ Eastwood
Graystone Equestrian Silver
QSLB Bronze @ Aragon
Caledon Silver @ Orangeville Fairgrounds
Numech Equestrian Silver / Gold
Windsor-Essex Bronze @ WETRA
Cornerstone Summer Classic @ Palgrave
Conestoga Bronze
Ontario Dressage Championships @ Saddlewood
QSLB Silver / Gold @ Winters End
Windsor-Essex Bronze @ WETRA
Glabrook Bronze / Silver @ Center Line
@ SOUTH LANE FARM (Vankleek Hill, ON)
…unless you renew your membership for 2015. All it takes is a scant $10.00 (Junior
or Senior) for you to continue getting your very informative Cadora-Ontario
newsletter and also be in the running for our wonderful year-end awards (available
to only members!!) So…do not delay…do not forget…do it while it’s fresh in your
mind...You won’t regret it!!!
Herewith listed are those riders who distinguished themselves in the dressage arena last year
and were honoured at our Annual General Meeting & Awards Reception last November. Their
continuing support of Cadora-Ontario is appreciated and contributes to making us the
organization that we are! Congratulations one and all!!
Walk/Trot Amateur: 1st – Kelly Barratt, 2nd – Elyse Graston
Walk/Trot Junior: 1st – Jasmine Whitaker
Walk/Trot Open: 1st – Shelley Higgins, 2nd – Derrick Moran
Training Level Amateur: 1st – Lydia Ludlow, 2nd – Caresse Johnston, 3rd – Nadia Brown
Training Level Junior: 1st – Michelle Pyper, 2nd – Caroline Lanthier
Training Level Open: 1st – Shelley Higgins, 2nd – MH Lessard, 3rd – Marcy Laframboise
Training Level Freestyle: 1st – Jennifer Moore
First Level Amateur: 1st- Jane Southgate, 2nd – Deanna Russell, 3rd – Nicole Spence
First Level Junior: 1st – Emily Cruchley
First Level Open: 1st – Tamsyn Kouwenberg, 2nd – Kendra Taylor, 3rd – Shelley Higgins
First Level Freestyle: 1st – Jennifer Moore
Second Level Amateur: 1st – Deanna Russell, 2nd – Emily Warren, 3rd – Kim Sachau
Second Level junior: 1st – Rachael Eickholt, 2nd – Allison Bowes
Second level Open: 1st – Tori Pittman, 2bd – Jenn Rafaletos
Third Level Amateur: 1st – Tara Young
Third Level Open: 1st – Tamsyn Kouwenberg, 2nd - Marcy Laframboise
Fourth Level Amateur: 1st – Carly Telfer
Fourth Level Open: 1st – Isabelle Paquette
FEI Advanced Level: 1st – Isabelle Paquette, 2nd – Bill Challis
Walk/trot Level – Derrick Moran, Training Level – MH Lessard, First Level – Michelle Pyper,
Second Level – Rachael Eickholt, Third Level – Tamsyn Kouwenberg, Fourth Level – Isabelle
Walk/Trot Level – Derrick Moran, Training Level – MH Lessard, First Level – Jane Southgate,
Second Level - Emily Warren, Third Level – Tamsyn Kouwenberg, Fourth Level – Isabelle
First Place Teams (East & West, Each Team Member: $100., Fly Sheet, Certificate)
First Place Team East – Centaur Silver: Morgan Bordillon, Caroline Lanthier, Michelle Pyper
First Place Team West – Equus 3-D: Elyse Graston, Marcy Laframboise, MH Lessard
Second Place Teams (East & West, Each Member: $75.00, Saddle Pad, Certificate)
Second Place East – The Popsicles: Nicole Allen-Dings, Catherine Maguire, Isabelle Paquette
Second Place Team West – JAK Equestrian: Kaitlyn Holbein, Jennifer Moore, Raven Morris
Third Place Teams (East & West. Each Team Member: $50., Wraps, Certificate)
Third Place Team East – Shaken Not Spurred: Gail Armstrong, Jenn Rafaletos, Sandra St. Pierre
Third Place Team West – This One Is for Michela: Devon Jamieson, Kristen Wight, Tara Young
Walk/Trot Level Amateur: 1st – Sherry Beaudry, 2nd – Rosemarie greer
Walk/Trot Leve Junior: 1st – Whitney Scott, 2nd – Callaghan McCarthy
Walk/trot Level Open: 1st – Derrick Moran, 2nd – Anna Pietrzuskiewicz
Training Level Amateur: 1st – Kim Sachau, 2nd – Ella Crozier
Training Level Junior: 1st – Amanda Eickholt, 2nd – 2nd – Kara Kopaz
Training level Open: 1st – Susan Seymour, 2nd – Charlotte Elliott
First Level Amateur: 1st – Sue Baxter, 2nd – Penny Eggar
First Level Junior: 1st – Amy Ryan, 2nd – Mackenzie Murphy
First Level Open: 1st – Derrick Moran, 2nd – Tamsyn Kouwenberg
Second level Open: 1st – Meagan Maloney
…will NOT be making an appearance under the auspices of Cadora-Ontario this year!! I tried…I
REALLY did…but…he had some judges’ clinic thing in Austria the weekend we could
accommodate him here. Imagine!!???! Choosing Austria over us!!???!!? Stephen WILL be in
Ontario (Vankleek Hill, near the Quebec border) the first weekend in October.
I’ve been involved with “Cadora” for a whole lot of years and, while its operation and
ramifications seem second nature to me, it continually mystifies a lot of people out there. I get
many questions about “Cadora”, and it all comes down to a basic misunderstanding of how it all
works. With misunderstanding come confusion and frustration and then…maybe even mistrust!
I’d like to unravel the “mystery known as Cadora” and (hopefully!) I don’t/won’t confuse anyone
in the process .
To begin with, Cadora exists on three levels: national (Cadora INC), provincial (Cadora-Ontario)
and local (Conestoga Cadora, Windsor-Essex Cadora, etc). You can join one, two or all three of
these levels depending on what you want from us. Many local groups collect fees for all three
levels. Many people join directly (independently) by using the membership forms on line.
Let’s look at Cadora INC. Cadora INC’s membership fees are set by the Inc Board of Directors and
are currently $30./senior and $20./junior (and these rates haven’t changed in 20 years!!) With a
Cadora INC membership you get one copy of the Cadora INC Omnibus which most people want
(and well they should!) It’s a classy little publication with all kinds of information; however, its
main attraction are the dressage tests (EC, FEI, and Cadora. Yes…Cadora has its own tests for
use at those non-EC, in-house, schooling local only competitions. BUT…you can get an Omnibus
ONLY if you are a member of the national organization, Cadora INC. It’s a “membership benefit”
and cannot be purchased as an entity unto itself. Cadora INC has its own web site
www.cadora.ca where you can find everything it does, a membership form, and all kinds of
information about out nationally famous “Build a Better Dressage Horse” Symposia led by FEI 5*
Dressage Judge, Stephen Clarke. And…this is where a lot of confusion occurs. Many times in the
past, people apply to either ride in or audit a Stephen Clarke symposia not realizing that a “local
only” Cadora membership doesn’t allow for this. In order to ride for Stephen, you have to be a
member of Cadora INC (the national Cadora organization). In order to audit at a reduced Cadora
fee, you have to be a member of Cadora INC I guess the bottom line here is “membership has its
As for Cadora-Ontario: this organization was initiated a couple of years after Cadora INC was
formed and has thrived ever since. Currently, junior and senior rates are the same at
$10./person. The business of Cadora-Ontario is managed by an Executive which consists of one
individual from each of the Cadora groups in Ontario. It is their responsibility to act as conduits
between the Cadora-Ontario Board and their local groups. The Cadora-Ontario Executive usually
meets face-to-face once a year and has at least one teleconference call as well. CadoraOntario’s major contribution to dressage in the province is the management of the Silver
dressage circuit and the coordination of the two-divisional Ontario Silver Dressage
Championships. With a Cadora-Ontario membership, you acquire eligibility to all of our year-end
awards (see pr3evious pages of this newsletter) as well as preferred auditing rates and the
opportunity to ride in a Stephen Clarke clinic. [Stephen was able to do clinics under the auspices
of Cadora-Ontario for three consecutive years; we welcome the chance to do this again pending
his availability in the future.] Cadora-Ontario members do not receive an Omnibus (since this is
a national initiative) and, unlike Cadora INC, Cadora-Ontario does not issue membership cards.
For Cadora-Ontario’s full range of benefits, please go to www.cadora.ca/cadora-ontario/
Locally, there are eight Cadora groups in the province of Ontario that send representatives to sit
on the Board of Cadora-Ontario. Each local club sets its own membership rates and offers
programmes that the local members want and/or need. Such endeavours can include
competitions (and most groups offer a series of competitions with their own local awards),
riding and/or judging clinics, film/video evenings, tack sales, purely social gatherings, lectures,
etc. Local groups usually offer their services at discounted prices to members in order to
encourage membership, thereby sustaining their numbers.
Since its inception, Cadora has been viewed as a “grass roots” organization (a designation it
carries to this day). Hopefully, this brief overview of the organization has provided some insight
into what we do and why we do it. Should ou have any comments and/or questions, do not
hesitate to contact me at dressagegames@aol.com
If you are organizing and/or reporting results for either an EC Bronze and/or EC
Silver dressage competition, Cadora-Ontario respectfully requests that you
forward your scores to us so that those competitors who are Cadora-Ontario
members can be included in our calculation for our year-end awards. Also, if
you know of any competitions that are new to either the Bronze or Silver circuit,
please tell them we want their scores!
BRONZE scores should be sent to Marlene Ryan at:
SILVER scores go to Sheila Dunbar at:
The OEF and Ontario Has Talent are excited to announce the following upcoming Dressage clinics in
2015. We are pleased to have Gina Smith, Megan Lane and Belinda Trussell as the clinicians of these
clinics to offer their expertise to the riders and auditors of each clinic.
MEGAN LANE – Hop Hill Stables, Uxbridge, ON
Saturday April 25th, 2015 – Jr. and Adult Level 2 – Level 4 and Declared Eventing Riders
Sunday April 26th, 2015 – Declared NAJYRC Dressage Riders – Grand Prix Riders
BELINDA TRUSSELL - Oakcrest Farm, Stouffville, ON
Saturday May 2nd, 2015 – Jr. and Adult Level 2 – Level 4 and Declared Eventing Riders
Sunday May 3rd, 2015 – Declared NAJYRC Dressage Riders – Grand Prix Riders
AUDITING: Auditors are welcome and encouraged to attend. All proceeds from the OHT clinics
go to fund the Ontario NAJYRC team.
CLINIC FEES *Lunch is included in all fees
Declared NAJYRC Dressage Riders – $100.00 + HST per clinic
Declared NAJYRC Eventing Riders – $100.00 + HST per clinic
Level 2 or Higher Junior Riders – $125.00 + HST per clinic
Level 2 or Higher Adult Riders – $150.00 + HST per clinic
Auditing Fee/Day – $30.00 + HST per day or $50 + HST to attend both days/per clinic
* Coggins tests and vaccination records for all horses participating to be provided to the OEF, attached
with OHT clinic application.
Day Stall -$50 + HST
Overnight Stall – $75 + HST
PARTICIPATION CRITERIA, please go to www.horse.on.ca
[Editor’s Note: Each year, the Ontario Equestrian Federation solicits nominations from
its member associations for its “People Make a Difference” Award. In 2014, CadoraOntario nominated Glanbrook Cadora member, Crystal Ripa, for this award; we hope to
be able to make this presentation to Crystal this year. I think you’ll agree with me that
our nominee is worthy of the award!]
About 10 years ago, a close friend of Crystal Ripa was diagnosed with breast
cancer. Without pause, Crystal (together with her sister, Amber) made a decision
to make a difference to raise breast cancer awareness (as well as funds to support
research) by organizing the “Pink Ribbon Ride” which has, as of 2014, been held
for eight consecutive years. Crystal is a powerhouse when it comes to acquiring
donated facilities, dressage rings and silent auction items as well as the services of
a host of volunteers and officials, and she does it all with gentle persuasion and
gracious acceptance. All participants are encouraged to wear pink, and a fun
relaxed atmosphere prevails from beginning to end as everyone gets a ribbon.
Over the years, these Pink Ribbon Rides have raised thousands of dollars for
breast cancer research and have been donated to the Juravinski Cancer Centre
(Hamilton, ON). None of this would be possible without the commitment and
dedication of Crystal Ripa.
November 30, 2014
The Mohawk Inn and Conference Centre
Guelph Line & Hwy 401, Campbellville Ontario
1. Call to Order: 1:09 pm by Don Barnes.
2. Notice of Meeting: David Rosensweig
3. Filing of Proxies: none filed.
4. Minutes of 2013 AGM: Motion to approve: Micky Colton. Seconded by Jane Southgate. Carried.
5. President’s Report: [Prefaced by a brief moment of silence for MH Lessard] Presented by Don
Barnes. After welcoming everyone, Don indicated that this was Cadora-Ontario's most succsssful event
held (with approximately 70 in attendance as well as many award winners present0. He gave a brief
overview of the success of this year's Silver Dressage Championships and said that both the Silver and
Bronze Year-End award programmes were well-supported. Motion to approve President’s Report: Don
Barnes. Seconded by Tara Young. Carried.
6. Financial Report: Presented by David Rosensweig who indicated a 2013 deficit of $3298.99
due to holding two AGMs the previous year and handing out double the awards; this will not reoccur
now that the AGM is held at the end of each calendar year. Motion to approve Financial Report: David
Rosensweig. Seconded by: Shelley Higgins. Carried.
7. Ratification of 2015 Board of Directors: No change to list of 2014 directors and appointments.
Moved by Don Barnes. Seconded by Lynn Young. Carried.
8. OEF Report: Presented by Elizabeth Quigg who summarized that Cadora-Ontario has always
been a part of the OEF and has always received an annual grant from the OEF of approximately
$2000. We were informed by the OEF on October 6th that there would be no funding this year,
and that the OEF is undergoing a reorganization of its criteria and operations; if there is funding
next year it will be connected to specific OEF / EC programs. “People Make a Difference
Award” recipient nominated by Cadora-Ontario is Crystal Ripa, co-founder and director of the
annual Pink Ribbon Ride. Motion to approve OEF report: Elizabeth Quigg. Seconded by Susan
Anderson. Carried.
DRESSAGE JUDGE: Lorraine gave a brief history of Cadora (since she was a founding member of the
organization) and then outlined some steps that Cadora - as well as other dressage organizations - could
take to ensure that the youth of the country are supported and engaged in dressage.
9. Cadora-Ontario Awards Presentation: All awards presented to those winners present (or their
representatives). Most winners in attendance this year, along with a record number of attendees
(approximately 75 people present!).
10. Other Business: None.
11. Adjournment of Meeting: Motion to adjourn by: Jane Southgate. Meeting adjourned at 2:25
pm. Refreshments served.
Minutes submitted by: David Rosensweig
NAME: ______________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________
CITY: ____________________________ PHONE (___)________________________
PROVINCE: _______POSTAL CODE: _________ GROUP ________________________
(if applicable)
EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________
Are you a current member of the Ontario Equestrian Federation? Yes_____ No_____
[If "Yes", NO membership # is required here!]
Please complete this form and forward it together with fee to your
D.J. Barnes, 13 - 1475 Upper Gage Avenue
Hamilton, Ontario L8W 1E6
[PLEASE NOTE: if your local group collects Cadora-Ontario fees on your behalf, then please feel free to
continue to use that method of joining Cadora-Ontario and disregard this form altogether.
Fees for 2015
$10.00 / person (Junior or Senior)
[Cheques payable to "Cadora-Ontario"]
[PLEASE NOTE: To be eligible for ALL Cadora-Ontario awards (including the Cadora-Ontario
Team Championships), membership in Cadora-Ontario must be obtained no later than June 1st
of the current year.]