Spring 2013 Volume 24 Issue 1 IN T HI S I S S UE Volunteer Opportunities Page 3 McLuhan Residence Update Page 3 Renovation Raconteur Page 6 What Do Our Homes Say About Our Society Page 8 The Highlands Historical Society Edmonton is an non-profit society dedicated to promoting the awareness and preservation of the Highlands community history and architectural resources. Before The Highlands Gullion Homesteads circa 1870 By Carol Snyder B rothers George (GG) and James Ingram Gullion(JIG) were among many Scots who came to Western Canada in the early fur-trading days to work for the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC). HBC sought men from the Orkney Islands as they had experience with boats and water, and reputations as hard workers. HBC work records show the Gullions’ years of service, with JIG beginning in 1855 as a labourer, in 1859 as a middleman, in 1861 as a sawyer and, finally, from 18631874 as a York boat builder. GG worked as a labourer from 1849 until 1853, then held various positions on the York boats until 1860 when he is first listed as a boatbuilder. He retired from HBC in 1874, although he continued to work on contract for the company. After years of plying the northern rivers as boatmen for HBC, GG and JIG were among a small population of 120 people, tradesmen and their families, to live within Fort Edmonton. During the 1840s the fur trade ran its course due to a change in men’s fashions in Europe as silk hats became the new fashion, replacing the beaver hats upon which the trade was based. This coincided with the decline of fur-bearing animals in the area due to over-hunting. In 1870, HBC land became the Dominion of Canada and, for the first time, private ownership of the land was possible. Ex- HBC employees needed land and homes if they were to stay in this area. Land in the vicinity of Fort Edmonton was divided into River Lots (RL) on the north and south sides of the North Saskatchewan River. This was based on the FrenchMetis “cadastral” system used in eastern Canada. These lots were long and narrow, approximately 1 mile deep by 220 yards wide, and ran perpendicular to a river. Each landowner had access to the river, a common mode of transport in those days, and also a source of water. HBC employees moving out of the Fort were able to claim Caroline Gullion Flynn, (the daughter of James Ingram G.) with her children Howard and Sidney. Taken in 1906 by famous Edmonton photographer (and Highland`s resident), Ernest Brown. river lots. In most cases the claimants surveyed the lots themselves, with adjustments made after the first Dominion Land Survey in 1878. According to Edmonton, a History by J.G. MacGregor, Kenneth McDonald, (known as Pig Kenny, tender of pigs at Fort Edmonton) homesteaded in 1861 and built a house near Rat Creek on RL 20, near present day 112th Ave. and 92nd St. It was the first house built east of 101 Street. McDonald and his brother-in-law William Rowland were the first HBC employees to live outside the fort. Continued on Page 4 1 ________________________________________________________ HOW TO REACH US email: web:!/highlandshistoricalsociety _______________________________________________________ 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laurel Erickson ..………………………….................................President Johanne Yakula ........………………….…...……................Vice President Cathy Chalmers.......................................................................Treasurer Gail Rydman ............................................................................Secretary Subcomittees: .................................................................................................... Events ........................................................................... Highlands Book Project ......................................................................... Research & Publications ________________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION One Year Memberships: Single $15.00, Family $20.00 Two Year Memberships: Single $25.00, Family $35.00 Membership can be purchased at any time of year Mail cheque made out to Highlands Historical Society Edmonton to: PO Box 51066 , Highlands Post Office Edmonton, AB, T5W5G5 Contact to become a member ________________________________________________________ ADVERTISING INFORMATION Business card size: $35 Quarter page (no more than 3 ¾” wide, 5” long): $50 Half page (no more than 8” wide, 5” long): $85. Contact if you would like to advertise in our newsletters ________________________________________________________ 2 President’s Message by Laurel Erickson e have now welcomed 2013. But, 2012 was a very special year — our 100th anniversary as the Highlands community. Many buildings and homes are celebrating their 100th birthday: the Gibbard Block, the Buttercup farm house, the residences of Magrath, Holgate, Field and MANY more. The Highlands Historical Society’s main centennial project was the book launch held on April 22nd at the Holgate House. My Heart’s in the Highlands by Ken Tingley has been written about the first 50 years of the Highlands. Interest in the book has been enormous , we are now into our 3rd printing. The Edmonton Journal has also repeatedly included it on its best seller list. The Highlands Historical Society was invlolved with the Community League at their Open House on April 28th and for Community League Day on September 15th. We also participated in the Highlands Street Festival on June 3rd with display table and hosted a walking tour in the neighbourhood. As part of the Historic Festival Doors Open Edmonton 2012, we assisted with the Doors Open at the Highlands United Church on July 7 as well as hosted another neighbougood walking tour. Wanting to try something different, we also hosted our first bus tour of the Highlands on July 3rd! All of these events were well attended. The Highlands neighbourhood was awarded a commemorative plaque by the Edmonton Historical Board back in November, 2009, and we’re happy to report that, finally this summer, it was installed at the Highlands Park as part of our centennial celebrations. Our Decorattive Historic Plaque program continues to be successful. Additional decorative historic plaques have appeared over a wider area, both in the Highlands and in Bellevue. Lastly, this year was also marked by the McLuhan home changing hands. This important cultural and historical landmark is now becoming a residence for writers and thinkers. The home will definitely attract individuals attracted to the childhood home of an inspiring media guru but these individuals will also leave having developed an appreciation for our wonderful neighbourhood. The Highlands continues to be recognized locally and across Canada for it’s unique combination of diverse built heritage, beautiful century homes, overal walkability and access, abundance of green space and general character. Our neighbourhood was listed by This Old House Magazine as one of Canada’s “Best Old House Neighbourhoods in 2012”. Locally, our neighbourhood also continues its appeal. The Highlands was recognized in Avenue magazine’s fist annual research survey as one of “Edmonton’s 10 Best Neighbourhoods” as voted by Edmontonians. The Highlands Historical Society is extremely proud to be a part of such an awesome community where amazing things happen and a neighbourghood that still remains as one of Edmonton’s best kept secrets! W Interested in Volunteering with the HHS? Contact McLuhan Residence Update by Helen Gillespie t all began when a neighbour of the previous owners of the McLuhan house stopped by to look at the house in the spring of 2010. Her house was also 100 years old, so she was interested in looking at the house as she knew that Marshall McLuhan had lived there. The owners showed her through the house and mentioned they would be selling it in the next couple of years but only wanted to sell it to someone who would appreciate it for the heritage building it was and would not tear it down. This neighbour happened to be Julie Rak, a professor at the University of Alberta who said that the University would probably be interested in buying the house for a visiting professor or some such reason. The University claimed it didn`t have the money, but Kevin Taft got wind of this and that`s when John Mahon and the Arts Council became involved. The Arts Council went to the house for tea on Sunday, May 28th, 2011. This chain of events got the process underway and was followed by back and forth discussions between the Arts Council and the City of Edmonton. The goal of the previous owners was that the house be preserved for a heritage site, and with the help of the City and the Arts Council, this is what has happened. The house is at present being used by Arts Habitat Edmonton, the caretaker tenant. The executive Director, Linda Huffman, and the Project Coordinator, Katherine Kerr, are working with the city on having the house designated as a historic resource. They are also working on changing the zoning of the house. There are plans to have an interpretive display in the front hall and living room. Arts Habitat contacted the McLuhan estate and was fortunate in contacting McLuhan's youngest son, who is a photographer interested in the project and keen to donate many personal pictures. There is a possibility that the house will be used by visiting scholars or for organizational activities associated with the arts in the city, Artists in Residence, or poetry festivals. Any renovations that need to be done to the house will be fashioned in the style of the time when the house was built. The plan is for the house to look the same as it does today with parking as is, but if there is need for more parking, there may have to be an extra stall and perhaps a ramp at the back of the house. Arts Habitat had an open house at the McLuhan house on November 8th from 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm to discuss the plans for the house with the neighbours and receive feedback from them. I . 2013 Volunteer Opportunities with the Highlands Historical Society > Are you passionate about history? > Are you interested in research, writing? > Are you outgoing, enjoy hosting? > Do you enjoy marketing, fundraising? > Do you have strong technical skills? If you answered an enthusiastic “Yes!” to any or all of the above questions, please consider volunteering with the HHS! For more details, please contact: My Heart’s In the Highlands Book Update by Johanne Yakula My Heart's in the Highlands was launched this April at a wonderful event hosted by the Highlands Historical Society and the owners of Holgate Mansion, the Fowlers. It was indeed fitting that this book on the Highlands community should be launched one hundred years after its first phase of development - and at the home of Bidwell Holgate, one of the founders. The event was well attended with approximately 250 people attending the event throughout the day. Dignitaries from the City of Edmonton and the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation were present as well as representatives of our corporate donors. Book sales have been brisk. This activity has led to the book being on the Edmonton Journal's best-sellers list of non-fiction books for more than four months! The books are priced at $29.95 and are available at Highlands Historical Society events, at Mandolin Books , Audrey's Books and Tix On the Square. It is a tangible souvenir of our community's 100th anniversary, so why not get several copies to give away as Christmas gifts? 3 Gullion - Continued From Page 1 The area formed by the adjacent river lot owners on the south and north side of the river and east of the Fort, became known as the Lower Settlement, that is, downstream of Fort Edmonton. The north side settlers formed an inter-related group of kin with growing families. Census records for this small group on the north side, east of the Edmonton Settlement, were included in an 1874 census for Long Lake. Two Long Lakes are shown on the 1882 Township Maps. One is west of Fort Edmonton, Township 53, Range 25, W4. The other is east of the Fort, Township 54, Range 24, W4, one township north of the Lower Settlement River Lots. RL owners east from Kinnaird Ravine (Rat Creek) were James Kirkness, RL 26, John Fraser 28, William Borwick 30, James Ingram Gullion 32 and George Gullion 34. History notes for John Fraser placed his family at Long Lake west of Edmonton before claiming RL 28. As all the known River Lot owners are listed in this eastern Long Lake census, Fraser relocated to the Lower Settlement that later became The Highlands. Both GG and JIG married local women in 1867. James married Flora Fraser whose brother John Fraser claimed RL 28. John and Flora and their brother Colin Jr., RL 10, were children of Colin Fraser who came to Canada in 1821 as personal Highland piper for early explorer George Simpson. It is possible both Gullion families already had some children as they made their claims on River Lots 32 and 34. Perhaps the earliest document in support of James Gullion’s ownership of RL32 is dated 1884 when other sources, including his obituary from the Edmonton Bulletin, placed him on this land as early as 1873. Three daughters, Janet, born 1869, Nancy, born 1871, and Elizabeth, born 1873, are listed in the 1874 census as born at Long Lake. After 1875 the other seven children are listed as born on RL 32. A 1961 Edmonton Journal article about JIG’s son William E. Gullion says he was born in 1881 in The Highlands. George Gullion began cultivation on RL34 in 1870. A school and church were soon needed in the Lower Settlement to support the growing population. The December 16, 1882 Edmonton Bulletin had notice of a meeting at JIG’s home: “The entire neighbourhood was represented and it was decided to build a Methodist Church 18 x 26 to be fitted up inside and used as a schoolhouse also, as long as required. A nice site facing the Sask. River was given by Mr. Borwidk.” Later, Belmont School, a mile or so north of the settlement, became the school for the Gullion children. They produced a school newspaper and Caroline, Isabelle, and James Gullion, children of JIG, submitted articles. Other Lower Settlement children were also involved with the paper. At least half of the students were related – Gullions, Frasers, Borwicks and Lennys. The site of Belmont School later became the land where Swift’s packing plant was built, 124th Avenue at 66th St. (Swift’s was placed on the Historic Resource List for the City of Edmonton, but has been demolished.) River lots were long and narrow so the homes were in fairly close proximity for easy contact between the families. A map of 1882 shows the original owners and approximate boundaries of these river lots. GG’s lot was the largest at 164 acres, with JIG’s at 116 acres. John Fraser’s homestead home existed on #28, for many years even after the land was sold and developed as Concordia College. Unfortunately, the home was sold by the college in 1982 on condition that the new owners move it, 4 improve it, and live in it. It continues today on an acreage at Lindbrook, east of Edmonton. The Edmonton Directory for 1895 shows the listing for the Lower Settlement, placing all of the original RL owners in the area at that time. Their homes were built along the crest of the hill overlooking the river valley. An aerial photo of 1924 shows several buildings, likely a house and barn on the JIG site, located on the southwest boundary of his lot. A 1934 photo of the home at 6403 Ada Blvd. shows a side view of what could be the JIG home. As the JIG home was built at approximately the same time as the Fraser home, it is possible the 2 homes were similar, since both were 24 ft x 18 ft. Henderson’s Directories lists a home at 6403 Ada Blvd as far back as 1914. In 1960 it was one of the last three homes existing on the south side of Ada Blvd. It was removed in 1976 to clear a narrow swath of city-owned parkland along this scenic upper ridge overlooking the North Saskatchewan River Valley in The Highlands of east Edmonton. A title search in 1983 for the home located at 11108 64th Street, currently owned by Robert and Carol Snyder, found documents dating back to 1884 for the transaction of legal ownership by JIG of RL 32. RL 32 later became The Highlands, with the western boundary on the back alley between 64th and 65th Street. John A. MacDougall acquired the land in 1888 and filed the first subdivision plan in 1911. He then sold to Magrath and Holgate in 1913. The 1901 census states that JIG was leasing 153 acres, with one house and 4 barns. Magrath and Holgate were early land speculators and developers of many properties in Edmonton, the best known being The Highlands. As most of our readers know, Magrath named the trail along the crest of the hill Ada Blvd after his wife. Magrath and Holgate began construction of their stately homes along Ada Blvd in 1912. George Gullion moved on to the Athabasca area within a few years of claiming ownership of RL34, possibly as soon as he was legally able to sell the land. Requirements for ownership of River Lots were the same as claiming ownership for a homestead. The land had to be cleared and crops planted, and the owner had to live on the land for 6 months each of 3 years before title could be claimed. After he married Margaret Brazeau in 1867, 8 children were born during their years in the Lower Settlement, with a 9th child born after the move north. Some descendants continue in the Athabasca area, and others live in Edmonton. George Gullion continued as a boatbuilder with sons and sons-in-law in Athabasca Landing. References to him include an Edmonton Bulletin item in 1884 stating that George had gone to Lac La Biche to build a York boat for the Roman Catholic Mission. Another clue as to his activities is an ad in the Edmonton Bulletin which reads, “Boats at Athabasca Landing.” One of his sons, Johnny Gullion, became well known as a river boat captain and also ran a stopping place along the Athabasca Landing Trail. George died in Athabasca, aged 72. An obituary notice has not been found. Not much is known of another brother, William Young Gullion, except that he moved to the State of Washington. The Glenbow Archives has photos of George Gullion’s branch of the family, and a history written by his daughter Alice Gullion Gilliland. There is a photo of George, possibly with William’s wife, in Washington, when George traveled to visit William on his deathbed, and/ or attend his funeral. . William was always listed as unmarried though he did have a daughter. These photos and George Gullion’s family history are told in local history books Peace River Remembers, and Colinton & District. James Ingram Gullion remained on his river lot for some thirty years until his death in 1902, age 65. His wife Flora (Fraser) Gullion predeceased him on April 21 1899. Likely all of their 10 children were born at this river lot home. References are made to the Gullions in many early books written about Edmonton. According to J.G. MacGregor in the Edmonton Trader, The Gullions were “part of the aristocracy of early Edmonton – an aristocracy of accomplishment.” In November 2011, I proposed recognition for the contributions made by James Ingram Gullion, and his 30 years on his homestead, River Lot 32, with the naming of a park where his home was located. The City of Edmonton naming committee has approved the naming of James Ingram Gullion Park, and hopefully signage will be in place in 2013. Wouldn’t it be nice for Highlanders and those interested in local history to see this location so honoured? Elizabeth Gullion Linklater and her husband Peter Linklater. They were married April 28, 1894. Above: Flora Fraser Gullion, wife of James Ingram Gullion, with her 2 daughters, Elizabeth and Janet. The two young children are John and Sarah, Flora’s two youngest children, or Elizabeth’s children Peter and James, taken 1898. Special thanks to Carole Tyson-Flyn for sharing Gullion family photos Above: 1887 Belmont School with Gulllion and the other river lot children. Teacher James Bond Steele 67/299/5 Left: Caroline Gullion Flynn, the daughter of James Ingram G. with her sons Sidney (left), Howard (middle), and Arnold 5 Renovation Raconteur by Robyn Fowler f you only glimpse the charm and efficiency of Stuart Drozd and Shelli Carder Drozd's two-storey, clapboard and shingle house on 66th street, you would be hard pressed to believe that friends, neighbours, and even close family said "it wasn't worth it" to renovate. By all accounts (and even the couple themselves thought this at one point), it should be demolished. Stuart's own father, a retired contractor said, "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear," but I hasten to add that he now loves the house and appreciates its artistry. In fact, much of the expertise and sweat equity can be credited to him. What does it take to bring a house from a state of decay and disrepair to its present delightful demeanor? Plenty of pluck, perseverance, and a prodigious amount of work! Stuart and Shelli bought the house in 1998, after looking in several of Edmonton's old neighbourhoods. They knew they wanted a house from the 1910s that was central and had access to the river valley, but being on a budget of most recent university graduates, they couldn't opt for something already done up. In many respects, they didn't want that anyway: while this house was poorly neglected, it hadn't been upgraded or modernized. There it was, very close to their rental house down the road; the windows and the bare bones of it must have called to them in some way. Good thing, because, as Shelli remembers, the early photos for the sale of the house should have been of the "scratch and sniff" variety. The house "wasn't livable" at first: stains, stucco, fake wood panelling to cover up holes, original knob and tube wiring were only a few of the immediate concerns. Stuart recalls how their full "haz mat" suits scared away the Hallowe'en children! Phase one of their renovation was simply to make it livable after it had been for many years a rental house in which the previous owners had never lived. Wisely and with foresight, they preserved windows and saved all the casings, hung onto the clawfoot tub, and ultimately repurposed beautiful old windows, floor boards, and doors. To preserve the integrity of the house, they opted to stay within the footprint with the exception of a beautiful new back entrance and basement stairway, even though they have a half lot on the north side that they could have encompassed into a larger structure. After considerable research on craftsman architecture and style, it just felt right for them to work within the bones of the house. Speaking of bones, one feature that had been changed in the early days of first ownership by the family of George and Alice Green was the porch enclosure, when in the late 1920s, it was made into a sick room for one of their children suffering from pleurisy. As it turns out, this was a welcome change, because now this additional room serves as a bright but cozy office, with built-in cabinets and seating. George Green, a carpenter, built the house himself in 1913 and his family lived there into the 1960s, after which it went into steep decline. The Green’s daughter, Laura, who visited Stuart and Shelli during their open house following their big renovation, had been appalled at the state of the house during the rental period, but said that it was now much closer to its original condition when her family had enjoyed so many years there. Stuart and Shelli decided to stay for the long haul, and after three I 6 phases of renovation, it's no wonder they are proud and quite settled. Phase one entailed making the place clean and livable as I described; phase two involved restoration and small decorative projects; phase three, the one that comprised the least of their own labour because of the size and specialization of the job, was the big reno, including the brandnew basement, upstairs configuration and bathroom, the kitchen nook, extensive exterior work (including heritage paint consultation), and the back mudroom, entrance and stairway. At the time of my interview, they were in the throes of a landscaping overhaul which I can't wait to see! When I say big reno, picture this: your house is rolled back off its foundation using hydraulic jacks to lift up the beams and moved using cylinders covered in Palmolive soap! Since this was achieved after most of the interior renos, it's no wonder that Shelli's stomach was "in the pit"--and the same thing on the roll back. A nerve-wracking procedure to be sure. After having taken 3 months in one of their first phases, painstakingly removing the main floor, board by board, re-doing the sub-floor, and fixing the refinished boards back into place, you'd think Stuart and Shelli would be used to the endurance test that is involved in a major reno, but spending 13 months out of the house would retest anyone's patience. While the original basement was pretty solid, remarks Stuart, they now have all this extra space with great height, a big recreation room, a beautiful big bathroom and even room for Stuart's musical instruments. Besides, having a house on a new, solid foundation is psychologically comforting, he adds. What about when things went wrong? (They, inevitably do, don't they?) Sometimes creative liberties were taken against instructions, and Stuart had to remove casings himself so as not to lose them in a rubble pile (which happened once, before he rescued them!). The results of their vigilance are easy to see: the house has many lovely craftsman details in the form of cabinetry and doors. Indeed, every available space has been used creatively. For example, there's an extra linen closet upstairs and wooden cabinets in the butler's pantry are cleverly reproduced where the old basement stairs used to be. When I asked them about favourite spaces in the house, understandably the answers varied, depending on the season and purpose. The front office (former porch) in winter is bright but warm, and Shelli loves the way the dining room is "bathed in warm yellow light" in the evening. The clawfoot tub upstairs is a welcome retreat and, as in most homes, the kitchen is the "heartbeat of the house." That new nook has added so much space and life (not to mention efficient under cabinets). While the kitchen is small, the first thing I noticed was the compact efficiency and the period details. They must have looked long and hard for their solid front door; it has a stately air and a beautiful patina matching the house. If Stuart and Shelli ever had to do it over again? They would choose the best old house with the "scariest" basement. Once you've been through a basement reno like they have, you would know what to expect and get all the extra space you need. The pair still have plans for decorative details like a coffered ceiling, arts and crafts wallpaper in the living room, wainscoting up the stairs, a front banister and a coat closet (where and how? queries Shelli), but take it from me, the house stands proudly on its own merits and really welcomes with its attractive, solid, period character. Before Photos Left:”Scary” basement Right: “Unsalvagable” floors Below:House on the rise After Photos Above left:Office Above Right: Kitchen Nook Left: Basement and Built Ins Right:Dining Room 7 Snuggle Up With A Book by Shelli Carder Drozd What Do Our Homes Say About Our Society by Johanne Yakula ne of the most interesting things about visiting a heritage home is seeing how the house is laid out. Its layout is a direct reflection of society’s priorities and values at the time it was built. As long as it has not been altered to the point of no recognition, the house speaks volumes about what was important to homeowners in that era. Let’s use the entrance to the home as an example. In the late 1800’s privacy was extremely important. Victorians believed in facades – private and public- and this influenced how a house was laid out. Certain rooms were meant to be seen by the public and others were not. As a public room, the entrance was decorated to impress the visitor but not to allow them to see into the rest of the house. This is why there are often many doors leading to other rooms but the doors were typically closed to protect the family’s privacy. In the early decade of the 20th century this separation of rooms was relaxed. The entrance was still a separate room but the separation was often more visual (or suggested) than actual. Living rooms or parlours were separated by French doors, decorative fretwork or fabric “portieres”. Part of the reason for this was due to the more widespread use of central heating as well as a shift away from the strict Victorian concepts of what was appropriate. The 1920’s saw a further shift away from having rooms for show as smaller homes became the norm. Efficiency was society’s mantra and separate entrances, although still in evidence in many homes, became smaller and were often separated from the living room only by means of a room divider known as a “colonnade”. The 1930’s saw the entrance all but disappear as the front door often, but not always, opened directly into the living room. The Depression and society’s preoccupation with thriftiness eschewed having a separate room for a space that was often only delineated by a change of flooring. This new openness and embracing of modernism was reflected in all aspects of society at the time. What do our homes say about us today? With our high fences and front street garage doors that swallow us at the end of each day never to be seen until the next morning when leaving for work? They speak of our society. Understanding how houses evolved in the past will help you make good decisions when trying to restore your heritage home. Let its original layout be your guide. O O ne of my favourite personal indulgences when I have time and want to relax is snuggling up with a cup of tea and the latest interior design book or magazine, leisurely leafing through pages looking for inspiration. As it is truw with most heritage home owners, our renovating projects never end but also, I’m always looking for ways to enhance the decor and decorating of the spaces in my home to make it more inviting. I’ve really been enjoying my latest read, Historical Interiors of AlbertaA Guide to Restoring and Decorating Your Heritage Home. This new release is locally penned by interior designer, heritage home consultant and Highlander Johanne Yakula. Organized into eras and styles, the book covers Victorian, Edwardian, Arts and Crafts and Modernism and is further categorized according to rooms and style elements. As a result, it is very easy to choose a specific era, area of interest or a room to focus in on. The book has many beautiful photos featuring elements of 13 different heritage homes in Alberta making this book a very relevant regional resource. It also has many hints and tips on restoration and preserving homes, including decorating choices, planning a restoration, and obtaining historic designation. This book is a great tool to consult when considering decorating projects in your heriage home and or just for your reading pleasure. It is available for puchase at both Mandolin Books and Audrey`s Books for $69.95. My Heart’s in the Highlands by Ken Tingley $29.95 Available for purchase at Mandolin Books, Audrey’s Books, & Tix on the Square 8