

About Castles and Ruins
Like brothers the Castles of Bosselstein
The Castle Bosselstein ruins, situated on the church rock, remind of its foundation in the
and Oberstein reside above the city of
year 1196 by the Lords of Stein (Oberstein). Destroyed in war times, the castle was not built
Oberstein. It is a worthwhile experi-
up again. Instead, the Lords of the Castle moved to Castle Oberstein, which had been built
In the year 1705 Count Everardus de Steyna was mentioned for the first time. He went into feudal service for the
ence indeed to climb up to them from
in the year 1320. In the Middle Ages, a fall shaft construction was the only access possibili-
more powerful rulers of Kurtrier and Lorraine. In 1197 the brothers Eberhard and Werner offered their ”castrum
the Marketplace downtown. On your
ty to get inside. Quite striking and rather atypical for the region is a Gothic bay window on
depetra” (Castle of the Stone) as vassals to the Archbishop of Trier. The originally independent cities Idar and Ober-
way up you will stroll through a roman-
the south-western façade of the castle. Not having been subjected to destruction in seve-
stein were joined in the year 1933 and, together with the formerly independent villages of Algenrodt and Tiefen-
tic beech wood past the Chapel-in-the-
ral skirmishes and battles, Castle Oberstein nevertheless fell prey to flames in 1855. Since
stein, made up the city of Idar-Oberstein.
Rocks. The spectacular view of all the
then, dedicated citizens have taken care of rebuilding the impressive construction. When
city and its surroundings will more than
you have reached the ruin or the new castle, the view will offer you a spectacular impres-
In 1969, nine more city districts were incorporated in the course of a regional re-structuring process. The
make up for the climb. And around the
sion of the scenery from the Nahe valley far into the picturesque and sometimes bizarre
results of this unification are remarkable indeed. Since the completion of the bridge on top of the Nahe
idyll of the Castle pond there are a mul-
landscape of the Hunsrück mountains.
river in 1986, the city has become a vivid centre between the Rhine-Main region and the Saar-Lorraine-
titude of interesting opportunities for
From the railway station you may walk right through the pedestrian precinct of Oberstein
Luxemburg triangle. Many cultural and architectural landmarks indicate a varied city history. The
walking or hiking.
up the castle hill. There is no possibility of direct access to the Castles by coach or bus, and
”true” history of the city, however, will be revealed only when you chat to the inhabitants, who will tell
for people arriving in their own cars there is only limited parking space available near the
interesting anecdotes and thus give you a better impression than might be achieved by mere facts and figures.
History and Presence
The Gemstone Mines
The only European gemstone mines
The existence of these mines is in fact the reason for the foundation of the Idar-Oberstein
The numerous tunnels and galleries are situated right in the middle of a nature reserve. The walk from the car park
which are open for visitors, the gem-
gemstone manufacturing in this spot. With commercial mining having come to a standstill
to the mines along a newly installed geological experience trail provides ten minutes of interesting information.
stone mines of Steinkaulenberg, wel-
in 1870, the mine has been completely dedicated to hobby mineralogists and gemstone
The way to the mines as well as the mines themselves have been adapted to the needs of handicapped people.
come you for a journey through the
lovers from all over the world. Besides the visitors’ gallery there is also a mining gallery.
fascinating realm of sparkling and pre-
Here treasure hunters and collectors are free to experience the adventure of mining agates,
The mines are opened from March 15th till November 15th daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (phone: ++49 6781/47400;
cious stones.
amethysts, jasper and other quartzes, supervised by experts. For visits to the mining gallery
fax: ++49 6781/980030,
it is only necessary to register in advance.
In order to get to the gemstone mines from the railway station take the city bus no. 303 and get off at the “Straßburgkaserne“ bus stop. There is a sufficiently dimensioned car park available for those guests arriving by car or
The historical ”Weiherschleife” Cutting Mill
The next station on the gemstone jour-
Situated in a beautiful scenery, the park around the cutting mill with the idyllic Kallwies-
ney will take you to the place where
weiher-pond and a pleasant restaurant invites you to stay and relax.
gemstones are worked on. At the historical cutting mill ”Weiherschleife”
The Weiherschleife cutting mill is opened from March 15th till November 15th daily from
from 1634, the last water-driven cut-
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (phone ++49 6781 901918, Fax ++49 6781 901919, www.edelsteinminen-
ting mill on the Idarbach creek, expe-
rienced cutters will demonstrate you
the methods applied in earlier centu-
In order to get to the Weiherschleife from the station take the city bus no. 301 to the Wei-
ries. The major part of their exhausting
herschleife bus stop. The Weiherschleife has been adapted to the needs of handicapped
job was done while lying belly-down
people. There is a sufficiently dimensioned car park available for cars or coaches.
on so-called ”tilting cutting chairs”.
The Museums
When the rough stones have been
German Gemstone Museum
Museum Idar-Oberstein
given their basic shape it is time to visit
All of the world-wide existing gemstones may be admired here in the shape of no less than
Below the Chapel-in-the-Rocks, right on the Oberstein marketplace the Museum Idar-Oberstein shows its exhibits.
the colourful and splendid precious
9,000 exhibits. Besides rough and cut stones, artfully crafted sculptures and engravings pre-
Here the visitor will find anything which made Idar-Oberstein well-known and famous. Here you can admire an
stones shown in the probably largest
sent themselves to the visitor. Even experts are usually quite overwhelmed at the splendid
important and unique collection of minerals, as well as samples showing the craftsmanship of local engravers, gold-
exhibition of precious stones in the
multitude displayed here. The historical mansion housing the gemstone Museum is in itself
and silversmiths. In the most beautiful German crystal hall there are displayed the largest overseas minerals ever to
world. The German Gemstone Museum
an interesting landmark from the German ”Gründerzeit” period at the end of the 19th cen-
be imported by European countries. And you really should not miss taking a glance into the fascinating fluorescence
and the Museum Idar-Oberstein both
cabinet. Besides these highlights, there is also a quaint collection related to the city’s history which offers historical
offer the visitor a perfect insight into
the world of gemstones.
impressions of the city of gemstones.
The museum is situated in the part of the city “Idar” and is opened from February 15th to
April 30th daily and from november 1st to January 7th daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. From
The museum is opened daily from 9 a.m. till 5.30 p.m., in the months November till March only from 11 a.m. till
May 1st to October 31th it’s opened daily from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30. pm, November until Jan-
4.30 p.m. (phone: ++49 6781/24619, It is only a short walk to the Museum from
uary it’s closed on Mondays (Tel. ++49 6781/900980, Fax 944266,
the railway station through the Oberstein shopping precinct. There are plenty of car parks for coaches and cars
In oder to get to the museum – which has been adapted to the needs of handicapped per-
sons – from the railway station, take the city bus no 301 and get off at the “Börse” bus stop.
There are plenty of car parks for coaches and cars nearby.
Heritage Monument
Gemstone Adventureworld
The Gemstone Adventureworld
The Industrial Heritage Monument Jakob Bengel
The Gemstone Adventureworld offers you a unique opportunity to get to know the enchanted world of gemstones. The
The industrial heritage monument Jakob Bengel is the only authentic manufacturing plant with company flats and an industrialist
remarkable, modern, presentation fascinates visitors of all ages. In a surprisingly impressive production, you experience the
mansion, which embodies the over 130 year industrial history of the city of Idar-Oberstein. In the district of Oberstein, situated below
enchanted beauty of precious gemstones, crystals and minerals in the caves and grottos of the Gemstone Adventureworld.
the city theatre, the Bengel company, which employed 100 people during the golden age, offers guided tours through the factory.
With magical light- and colour effects, gurgling springs, surging fog, small ponds and a fairy tale forest - even a wishing
Insights are given into the chain-, jewellery-, and accessory production with diverse technologies and numerous self developed tools.
well. Take a seat on a throne made of amethyst and collect inspiring impressions of a mystic adventure world
The partly antique machinery and old production processes indicate the creative power of the trade (jewellery design, engraving and
the building of tools), which in the era of controlled mechanics set the prerequisites for a successful jewellery production.
The Gemstone Adventureworld is located just a minutes walk from the Idar-Oberstein railway station. All year round
opened from Monday to Friday 9. a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m to 6 p.m. (phone. ++49 6781 - 2050,
Since 2003 the Art Deco jewellery of Jakob Bengel of the 20’s and 30’s, is reproduced according to their own pattern books with the
Fax 0049 6781 - 205205,
original tools and in the same production method in limited editions for special customers. The jewellery of this style is experiencing
Parking for coaches and cars is available free of charge directly in front of the Gemstone Adventureworld.
a renaissance.
Open year round: Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Guided individual tours as well as group tours during the weekend
with prior arrangement. Closed on public holidays.
Tel.: ++49 6781 - 2 70 30
Fax.: ++49 6781 - 2 35 49
Road and Rail Links
Welcome to the multi-faceted city with
There are plenty of road signs making it easy for visitors to find their way around to all the
From the international airports of Frankfurt, Luxembourg and Saarbruck, Idar-Oberstein is only about an hours drive
a heart for tourists.
sights, public institutions and the Tourist Information. Just follow the symbols explained
away. The newly developing Hahn Airport, is also only 20km away, providing all requirements needed for schedu-
below. As the city extends over a distance of almost 20 km from east to west, and as the
led, chartered or private flights. The Idar-Oberstein airfield located in the Göttschied part of the city also offers
The central location right in the heart
interesting sights are distributed throughout different parts of the city, we recommend that
comfortable facilities for private and taxi aircraft. We would be pleased to organize a personal transportation ser-
of Europe, in the very middle between
you purchase a good city map.
vice for you to make your journey here as pleasant as possible.
Luxembourg respectively makes it easy
From the Arnheim direction, from Cologne - Koblenz or Mainz - Ludwigshafen you can get
Frankfurt, the international pivot point for rail travel, provides a direct connection to Idar-Oberstein every two
to get here via the European network
here via the motorway A 61 and the Route B 41;
hours. Trains on the Mainz / Saarbruck stretch even operate on an hourly schedule. Modern express trains make it
of routes.
From Mannheim and Kaiserslautern via A6 and A 62;
easy to come here from all major European cities.
the Rhine/ Main area and Lorraine or
From Paris and Saarbruck via A1 and B41;
From Luxembourg and Trier via A 602 and A 1.
From the centrally located Idar- Oberstein railway station, inner-city bus lines operated by VIO and the ORN line
Idar-Oberstein is always quick and easy to reach by means of a well developed network of
will be able to take you to the surrounding areas. Schedules are available from VIO, phone 0049 6781 - 5500 and
routes and roads.
from the ORN office, phone 0049 6781 - 208122. Taxis: 0049 6781-25020 and Taxi Allmang 0049 6781 219121.
Jakob Bengel
Industrial Heritage
City Theatre
Gemstone Museum
Gemstone Mines
Historical Cutting Mill
Castle Bosselstein and
Castle Oberstein
The Chapel-in-the-Rocks
Reue für einen Brudermord des Ritters
Eine rieselnde Quelle, die heute noch in der Kirche zu bestaunen ist, erklärt die Entstehung
for aStein,
vom Oberen
so die
Sage, war
is a vividly
the Chapel,
which hints
at thewurde.
real origin
der Felsnische,
in bubbling
der die Kirche
60 Meter
dem Erdboden
You may get to the Chapel-in-the-Rocks via the 230 steps leading up from the Oberstein market place. It is opened
of Bau
the der
Stein – this
the rocks
which later
Chapel erlangt.
at about 60m above ground level.
Stadt the
from march 15th to october 31th daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and from november 1st to November 15th daily from
by legend
in den offered
Jahren 1482
bis 1484.
Ever since its construction, the sacral landmark of the city has gained fame all over the world.
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (provided there is no wedding or church service). Phone: ++49 6781/22840, www.felsenkirche-
the construction of the unique Chapel-
Im Innern des Gotteshauses befindet sich ein außergewöhnliches Altarbild eines unbe-
in-the-Rocks in the years 1482 to 1484.
church building
there isSchule“.
an unusual
altar painting
by an anonymous
der „Mainzer
the ”School
of Mainz”. Valuable
table paintings,
ein naturgewachsenes
und eineartfully
From the railway station or from any of the large car parks Altstadt, Stadttheater or Hertie you may walk to the
a naturally
agate hinaus
and a historical
organ from
off the
ab. Darüber
viele kunstvolle
der gotische
Chapel-in-the-Rocks through the Oberstein pedestrian precinct.
There are many interesting
details waiting
to be
besides these,
Taufstein, das
von Graf Sebastian
oder die
for example ades
baptism stone, paintings of the apostles from the era of baroque,
and a Renaissance painting portraying the Count Sebastian von Daun-Oberstein-Falkenstein.
Die Felsenkirche ist vom Marktplatz aus über ca. 230 Treppenstufen zu Fuß zu erreichen und
”Heimat” – Our region – Leisure and Sports
The Nahe river and the Hunsrück moun-
There is a strong sense of tradition as well as an open mind for the world in general, which
tains dominate the scenery. Steep rok-
is due to the global trade relations. Thus the people from this region are very special indeed.
Leisure time and sports
ky slopes and idyllic valleys combine
In spite of administrative restructuring, the original villages have kept their identities. Every-
A large offer for leisure time activities is important for the quality of life offered by a city. Idar-Oberstein and its
to a special effect. The people enjoy
day life is characterised by friendly neighbourhood activities, a sense of belonging, and a
surroundings are just as multi-faceted in this respect as a well-cut gemstone. There are two open-air swimming
living here in an attractive landscape,
general joy of life. People do not live in the anonymity usually found in cities, but rather
pools, one indoor swimming pool, and waterworld activity centres and a real lake nearby inviting visitors to come
in a unique scenery.
within the community network of Hammerstein, Enzweiler, in the Bollenbach valley, in
and stay. Hikers will find 1,500 km of mapped routes, cyclists may enjoy the route systems of Naheland and the Saar-
Weierbach, Regulshausen, or other communities.
Hunsrück nature reserve which offer trails of varying difficulty and for any age group. Tennis, horseback-riding,
golf, squash, badminton, all demonstrated by excellent instructors – you name it, we’ve got it. If you prefer to have
your head in the clouds, there is Göttschied airfield to welcome you. The general friendliness and open-mindedness of the population will make it easy for you to join in the sports activities.
For more detailed information, dates, prices and booking details please do not hesitate to contact the friendly team
at the Tourist Information.
Culinary Specialities
Once upon a time gemstone cutters
No matter whether the meat is neck of pork, pork loin, roast beef, T-bone (locally termed
But possibilities for eating out are as international as the gemstone trade. Besides the regional Hunsrück cuisine,
brought back from Brazil something
”Hohe Rippe”) or even lamb – there is one characteristic which all these share: the raw
there are restaurants offering home-cooked standard German meals, and international dishes from all continents
very special – the original Idar-Ober-
weight should be no less than 350 g per portion. The meat is then prepared on an open
are also available, so that everybody will find something to suit their tastes. Even highly sophisticated gourmets will
stein ”Spießbraten”. And just as varied
beech log fire. The tannic acid of the beech logs in combination with the marinade lends
find a suitable choice.
as the world of gemstones are the vari-
the Spießbraten-grill its uniquely delicious flavour. So the smell of fire and sizzling meat are
ations in preparing this delicious and
as characteristic of Idar-Oberstein as its gemstones. The preparation of the grill over an open
special Idar-Oberstein dish. Basically
fire is an experience by itself until anticipation is finally fulfilled. The traditional way to
the rules and ingredients for preparing
enjoy it is in combination with a radish salad and brown Hunsrück farmers’ bread or baked
this grill are clearly defined: the raw
potatoes. Add a cool beer brewed in the region, or a nicely dry Riesling wine from the Nahe,
meat is marinated in a mixture of
or a tasty mineral water from the nearby Hochwald-wells, and you will get a unique gour-
onions, pepper and salt, sometimes
met experience which is typical for the region. Some of the restaurants at Idar-Oberstein
with a whiff of garlic, for several hours
have even exclusively concentrated on preparing this dish.
before its preparation.
We hope that you will enjoy a delicious meal and have a nice stay.
Culture. Festivals. People.
Festivals and events are an integral
But there are also smaller events and festivals celebrated in the 13 parts of the city, and
part of Idar-Oberstein just like gem-
each of these is unique and special, because the people are proud of keeping their indivi-
stones. The largest and best-known
dual local differences.
fun-fair of the region, the ”Spießbratenfest” is the highlight of the year.
People and City
There is nothing like the people living in it for making a city come alive. The main influences in history came from
the region of Hunsrück, Nahe, and Northern Palatinate mountains, there has always been a strong influence from
There is always something going on, and this makes cultural life in the multi-faceted city
the neighbours France and Luxembourg, and there are the centuries of experience in world-wide trading. All this
with a heart for tourists a varied and vivid experience. There is the Idar-Oberstein Castle
resulted in a mixture of tradition and open-mindedness for innovations, which is fascinating to experience. Colour-
festival, the Jazz Festival, a City festival and Christmas markets, performances of classical
ful markets held at Idar and Oberstein, pedestrian zones created with an eye to children and a healthy mixture of
music, Rock, theatre plays, exhibitions, literary events – there is something to suit each pre-
offers: all this makes shopping at Idar-Oberstein a pleasant thing.
ference. Experiencing Idar-Oberstein means getting immersed in cultural variety, and getting involved in arts and culture together with other happy and friendly people.
The latest addition in the field of cultural facets is the Idar-Oberstein city theatre. It is a good address not only for
cultural events, but also for meetings and congresses.
The Nahe Region
There is hardly any region which
There are wide planes covered by vines, steep and rough rocks, and narrow valleys. The mild
Have you ever heard about the famous Stumm-organs, have you ever walked the only barefoot-path in Germany,
displays more facets than the Nahe
climate guarantees fresh and healthy air. One of the best German wines is grown here.
have you ever pursued the traces left by Celts and Romans? Treat yourself to a boat trip on the rivers Mosel or
region. Wine, wellness, gemstones, and
There are four mines where visitors are welcome to admire the treasures hidden in the
Rhine, or visit the Hunsrück-, Castle- or Slate Route. There is a variety of possibilities to choose from.
other resources such as slate or copper
ground of the region. The spas of Bad Kreuznach, Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg and
and the wild and untamed romantic
Bad Sobernheim care for any aspect of health and wellness. The unique sights related to
In order to experience all this, you never need to travel more than an hour’s distance from Idar-Oberstein
beauty of the scenery and nature are
gemstones or a tour of the German Gemstone route will be memorable indeed. There are
by car – or take the train which offers a special Rhineland-Palatine programme.
difficult to compare.
some passages of the Nahe-cycle-trail which seem to have been taken right out of a fairytale book, and walking or hiking through the beautiful forests along the summits of the
Hunsrück will be a very special experience, too. Saunas, water activity centres, golf courses,
riding stables and tennis courts: relaxing is an important issue here.
Economy and Education
When talking about the Idar-Oberstein
Originally the mining of gemstones, bringing agates, rock crystals, amethysts and other
The Special College Trier with its Idar-Oberstein Department of Gemstone and Jewellery Design and the nearby uni-
economy, the gemstone sector of
splendid stones to the daylight, was an important economic factor. For 150 years, however,
versities at Mainz, Trier, Kaiserslautern and Saarbruck offer a wide range of education, which is completed by the
course comes to mind immediately.
cutting these stones and trading jewellery and gemstones has become the most important
Environmental Campus College at Birkenfeld.
field in gemstone manufacturing.
But it is not only the gemstones which contributed to the city’s reputation as an economic
Idar-Oberstein and Europe
site. Internationally renowned firms from the metal manufacturing industry, such as the
Building the European house – this has almost become a cliché. In the multi-faceted city with a heart for tourists,
firm of Fissler, have been at home in the city for generations. The favourable background
however, this house is constructed on a strong foundation. For centuries, the citizens have lived and interacted in
and infrastructure encouraged also firms from the plastics industry and high-tech firms to
dimensions reaching far beyond the frontiers of the country. For generations Idar-Oberstein has been enjoy-
move to the city. And for a long time Idar-Oberstein offered schools of all kind, from pri-
ing excellent international contacts. The friendships resulting from this provide the basis for a better under-
mary schools to colleges with special emphasis on sciences, modern languages or techno-
standing of nations and other cultures. This is documented by several twinning relationships: Les Mu-
reaux, Margate, Achicourt and many private contacts and friendships clearly demonstrate this.
Tourist-Information Idar-Oberstein
Hauptstr. 419, D-55743 Idar-Oberstein, Phone ++49 6781 / 5639-0, Fax ++49 6781 / 5639-10
e-mail:, Internet:
Opening hours:
March 15th - October 31th Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturdays, Sundays, Labourdays 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
November 1st - March 14th Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Advent Saturdays 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.