Mar`14 - Prairie Valley School Division


Mar`14 - Prairie Valley School Division
March 2014
L i p t o n S ch o o l
Administrator’s Message
It’s March. I hope this means we will be seeing the tail end of old-man winter! I for one have
had enough. We have had a number of challenges with the extreme cold weather. We are
grateful that everyone has been safe and sound.
This month, all grade 4 to 12 students and teachers will be participating in the “Tell Them From
Me” online survey that allows them to provide their input into school improvement initiatives.
Anonymous student and teacher responses to survey questions provide valuable perceptual data
to inform schools, school divisions and the ministry as they support students and plan for improved student achievement. Students and teachers respond to questions designed to capture
information related to school climate, student voice, safe schools, student engagement, mental
well-being, and physical health.
As always, parents are welcome to contact the school with questions or concerns at anytime.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Patty Brady
Important Dates to Remember:
March 17– High School Course Selection Meeting 6pm
 March 20– Field Trip Grade Pre-K-4
Drama Practices:
March 6—Both Plays 3:30-5:00
March 10—The Boy Who Cried Wolf @ Lunch
March 13—Both Plays 3:30-5:00
March 17—The Boy Who Cried Wolf @ Lunch
March 18—The Boy Who Cried Wolf 3:30-4:30
March 19—Both Plays 3:30-4:30
March 20—Both Plays 3:30-5:00
March 24—The Boy Who Cried Wolf 3:30-4:30
March 26—Both Plays 3:30-4:30
March 27—Both Plays 3:30-5:00
Prairie Valley North Bands
March will be an exciting month full of great opportunities for our band students in Prairie Valley North! First up, we have the Honour Band for grade 9 students in Regina put on by the Saskatchewan Band Association. Students from Kelliher will be representing
our bands there this weekend and will perform at the U of R on March 8th with students from across the province. Best of luck to
our grade nine Honour Band participants: Emily Cooper, Samantha Cooper, and Austin Moore!
Also in March is the Intermediate Band Trip. This year we will be going to Regina for the Optimist Band Festival on March 19th
where the students get to perform on the big stage at the Conexus Arts Centre and participate in other fun activities, returning on the
20th. If your child does not already have their permission slip handed in, please make sure they do so as soon as possible!
Coming up soon in April is Music Festival. Students in the Prairie Valley North Bands have a chance to participate in both the Last
Mountain Music Festival held in Earl Grey and the Qu’appelle Music Festival in Balcarres. The deadline for entry to both these
festivals has already passed though late entries are accepted at additional cost so please contact Mr. Folnovic if you missed the
April will be very exciting for our jazz band students,
too, with Sammy K, Grammy nominated drummer, coming to the Prairie Valley School Division to teach clinics
and perform with the Greenall R&B Band. Look for further information about this exciting opportunity soon!
Upcoming Dates:
March 25th – Jazz Band Rehearsal
March 11th – Jazz Band Rehearsal
April 2nd-3rd – Sammy K events (further details coming soon)
March 17 – Intermediate Full Band Rehearsal
March 19 -20 – Optimist Band Festival (Intermediate Band Trip) April 7th – Last Mountain Music Festival (Robert Southey students
Lipton students grades 1-12 are putting on a Drama Production for the community. April 30th will be a
Dinner Theatre and May 1st will be a Dessert Theatre. “The Wizard of Oz” and “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”
are the plays that you can look forward to. Watch for posters!
**See Drama Practice Schedule on front**
Students enrolled in PAA 20 have completed their food Safety course through the Qu’Appelle Health region. They are currently preparing food for the snack program and to be sold in the canteen in hopes of increasing the variety of items students can pick from at recess and lunch. They will also be helping prepare the monthly Hot Lunch in the canteen. You can
look forward to their cooking and baking skills at the Dinner/Dessert Theatre that will be on April 30th and May 1st.
The Lipton Cheer team is attending the University of Regina Cheerleading
Competition on March 15th 2014 – Regina,SK. Good Luck Girls!
Forum for Young Canadians
Forum for Young Canadians has been recognized for 35 years as Canada’s premier youth educational program.
My experience at Forum was amazing! I spent a week in Ottawa touring Parliament Hill, and experiencing firsthand how the Canadian government works. I had the honour to meet Members of Parliament, Senators, as well
as The Honourable Andrew Scheer. I also had the privilege to sit in both the House of Commons and the Senate,
with the speakers of both chambers answering our questions. I had the opportunity to watch Question Period
from the Visitor’s Gallery, and tour Rideau Hall, which were my favourite moments at Forum. Other times during
my week at Forum we did simulations such as Cabinet, Elections, and trading/contracts simulations. On this trip
I gained new friendships meeting students from across our country. I also gained an appreciation of how our
government runs and the country we live in. I highly recommend this program to every high school student, even
to those who do not have much knowledge of politics. You learn and gain so much from this trip, and appreciate
this great country we live in. Go to and learn more about this program. It was such an amazing
time that I will never forget.
Thanks, Vera Slywka
Pre-K-Grade 4 Field Trip March 20th
On Thursday, March 20th we will be taking the Pre-K-Grade 4’s to Regina for a morning
of swimming at the Sandra Schmirler Leisure Centre and then to Gymnastics Adventure
for the afternoon.
Things to Remember:
-Each student will need a bagged lunch (nothing microwavable)
-Students will be back by 3:15
-Permission forms (watch for them shortly) will be due no later than March 14th
-5 Pre-K students will need transportation (if available please contact the school)
Monday March 17/14 at 6 p.m. Lipton School Science Lab– All parents of students who will be registering in
grades 10 through12 next year are invited to attend a High School Course Selection meeting. The information
will serve to help parents guide their child’s high school programming selection experience. If you have any
questions please feel free to call the school at 306-336-2200.
Author Visit
Saskatchewan Author and storyteller, Peter Eyvindson will be coming on March 11th for a visit to our
school. Mr. Eyvindson always had a love of books and children so it was not surprising when he became
a teacher-librarian. After many years of teaching, Mr. Eyvindson decided to start writing full time. His
children’s books were and are very popular. Some titles include Chester Bear, Where are You?, The
Wish Wind and The Missing Sun.
Mr. Eyvindson is also an amazing storyteller, giving a number of readings yearly. He is dynamic and
passionate while sharing his many stories to students. His love of stories is contagious and inspires children across Canada
and the world. Mr. Eyvindson is also very passionate about the Broken Wings Mission and the Children of Haiti. Broken
Wings Mission is a non-profit organization. Its purpose is to provide relief from the difficulties experienced by impoverished
children in Haiti through proving housing, food, education and health care. Mr. Eyvindson continues to write and share his
new stories, old stories, and worldly experiences with children all over Saskatchewan.
Mr. Eyvindson will also have some books available for purchase at this time.
The winner of our Family Literacy Day photo submission contest receiving a $25 Chapters gift card is Jasper
and Piper Ross’ Family. Also the 3 literacy loot bag winners are Brooke and Brady Lutz, Shelby Sabiston, and Dreyden
Pletz. Congratulations!
Teacher Librarian
Mrs. Jennifer Huber
Respect - Responsibility - Honesty - Effort - Learning
Lipton School
P.O. Box 160
Lipton, SK
S0G 3B0
Phone: 306-336-2200
Fax: 306-336-2222
We’re on the Web!
The canteen will be open for breakfast from 8:45 - 8:55, the morning
recess from 10:55 - 11:10 and then during lunch from 12:10 - 12:30.
Below is a list of items that are sold at the canteen.
Subs – all kinds Wraps
Veggie/Berry Bags
Hot Rods
Milk - small
TCBY Frozen Yogurt
Milk – large
Cheese Strings
Jellied Fruit Snacks
Flavoured Water
Fruit Sensation, Fruit to go,
Juice Boxes
Muffins LARGE
Crispers, Snack Mix (Cheerio)
Bagels (blueberry, raisin or plain)
Ritz Chips, Ritz Bits, Bits & Bites
Cream cheese for Bagels
Crackers & Cheese
Kraft Dinner
TCBY’s are back and the kids couldn’t be happier with the new flavours! We will be doing a Hot Lunch
this month so watch for notices!
HomeLogic is a tool for parents to keep up to date on students’ marks, attendance records, fees,
etc. You will find the HomeLogic link as well as a Parent/Student User Guide on the Prairie Valley
School Division Website . Click on the Parents link on the right of the webpage and
click on link View my child’s attendance and/or marks – HomeLogic. You will see the Login to
HomeLogic link as well as the document HomeLogic Parent-Student Guide. This document will help
you navigate through HomeLogic and answer most questions that you might have about how the
website works. If you have additional questions and/or have forgotten your login information,
please contact the school office at 336-2200
Lipton School is a Nut Restricted School
We appreciate your assistance in keeping our school free from any types of nuts or food products containing nuts. Some ingredients you need to avoid sending in school lunches include:
peanut butter, marzipan , mandelonas, peanut protein, goober nuts, mixed nuts, peanut oil, nougat, artificial nuts, peanut flour, goober peas, and ground nuts. Chinese food, chocolate bars,
baked goods, salad dressings, macaroons, potato chips, vegetable oil shortening and margarine
may contain peanut. Please read labels to ensure food is nut-free.