emcc june meeting membership news camaro memorium emcc
emcc june meeting membership news camaro memorium emcc
JUNE 2014 June! What in the world happened to SPRING? We go from WINTER to a few days of Spring and then we are into Summer? Gotta love Mother Nature, lol. Camaro Superfest is FAST approaching so it may be a good idea to contact Barry to get your name on the volunteer sheet to help out. THIS is OUR event and we need ALL the help we can get for it! The more help we have the less it is for everyone that works! This year the 4th of July falls on a Friday so I am closing my store for the weekend to be able to be there ALL weekend! Can't wait! Sorry I missed the last meeting, was looking forward to seeing Rob's NEW shop but will catch up to you all at June’s meeting, see you there! Sincerely, Randy "Doc" Martin EMCC JUNE MEETING Our next regular meeting will on MONDAY, JUNE 16, 2014. The meeting will be at SONIC in Commerce Twnshp. This is located at 3270 N Pontiac Trail, Commerce Township, MI 48390. It is between M-5 and Haggerty Rd on Pontiac Trail. We can arrive at 6pm and are using the back lot, NOT the one’s with the call-in menu’s. Bring a chair! The meeting starts at 7:30pm. See you there!! MEMBERSHIP NEWS We have two new members and a few more renewals! Please welcome Jim Linfield/Sue Wilks and Larry & Kathleen Walker! THANKS to the many that have renewed your EMCC membership! 2014 EMCC membership stands at 62 members! Thanks for being an EMCC member!! CAMARO MEMORIUM You are no longer with us, but you are not forgotten! Tom Hawke EMCC Karen Lewis EMCC/WMCC Doug Warren WMCC John Glister WMCC John VanOrsdal EMCC Russ Sarns EMCC John Hancock EMCC Joan Turon EMCC Rich Worcester EMCC They are at peace with our Lord. EMCC-TONY SACCO’S A huge THANKS to EMCC member John Wrobel for making all of the arrangements with our new friend, Tony Sacco’s Pizza! We had our first CLUB DAY in May and another one in a few weeks. You get friends and family to eat there and we get 20% to give to our charity at CSF! Our next day isSUNDAY, JUNE 22 all day 12pm-10pm See the page coupon that must be presented for us to get our donation. We did GOOD at the first day – just under $95 donation!! 23rd Annual CAMARO SUPERFEST 2014 July 4-5-6, 2014 Riverside Park, Ypsilanti, MI, USA WE ARE ONE MONTH AWAY!!! THANK-YOU to our 2014 sponsors Diamond Sponsor Bill Crispin Chevrolet Gold Sponsor Canton Waste Recycling; Monster Clutch; SNL Performance Silver sponsor National Parts Depot; Lingenfelter Collection; SLP Performance; VisitYpsiNow Bronze sponsor Rick’s Camaro Parts; Cruis’News magazine; The Bicycle Doctor; Livernois Motorsports; Cuda Automotive REGISTRATION is at 180+!! Our CHARITY is the MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS FOUNDATION OF MICHIGAN. Like last year, this is an EMCC member request from Chuck and Roxanne England. Our 2014 theme is Camaro Unsung Heros, the 4 and 6 cyl powered Camaros! We’ll have special judging classes for these cars. NEW! –for EMCC members only... those that sign-up and work the event get in for free plus free judging. We have also added FREE cruise to Lingenfelter on Saturday night – no $10 fee for EMCC members working the event!! You are still on your own for food. (those that paid will be refunded) Hope that helps in getting you to sign-on for a few jobs. REMEMBER – none of the jobs are difficult!! We can all do any of them with about 2 minutes of training! WE NEED YOU PLEASE!!! SPECIAL NEED – we have one EMCC member to be at Riverside Park on Friday, during the day to assist in the set-up of our vendors, tents, port-a-jons. We could maybe use another!? Here is the event scheduleThursday, July 3, goodie bag stuffing at the HQ hotel starting at 4pm, registration at hotel 6pm-10pm. Friday, July 4, registration at hotel from 7am-9am; leaving for MIS at 9:15am, Depot Town Meet & Greet 6pm-9pm. Saturday, July 5, show opens at 8am, ALL available EMCC members need to be on site for set-up at 6AM! Judging from 9-12, 1-3pm, silent auctions at 9am-12 noon and 1pm3pm; Cruise starts at HQ hotel at 5:30pm to Lingenfelter Collection Motorsports. Sunday, July 6, show open at 8am, EMCC members need to be on site for set-up at 7AM!! Judging from 9-12 only, silent auction from 10am-1pm, Awards at 2pm. The WORK SHEET!! Barry has the official work sheet and it needs to start filling up FAST! If you can’t make a meeting, CALL or email Barry to volunteer for a job or two. EMCC members need to work at least 8 hours to qualify for FREE entry into the show. Otherwise, you must PAY the regular admission price! None of the jobs are hard!! The more the merrier and the more that do, the less work for all! Please make a note of what you have signed on for. Please be early to your assignment and shift! An email will be sent (we’ll try to remember to do this) which will remind you of your assignment. Thanks for your help! Let’s look at the jobs and their duties- what each entailsGOODIE BAG STUFFING- this is done at the HQ hotel on Thursday afternoon-evening. We start at Barry’s at 2pm to load-up all the donations, then head to the Marriott. There we set everything out on tables and stuff the bags assembly line fashion. We’ll be doing 550 bags, which should take about 4-5 hours. If you are not available at 2pm, meet at the hotel at 4pm, or as soon as possible. REGISTRATION, is where car owners come to enter their cars. This is at HQ hotel on Thursday-Friday, moves to park Saturday/Sunday. Paperwork job, handing out goodie bags and answering questions. SPECTATOR GATE (at lower park entrance), is where people come in to view our event. We need to keep track of numbers and spectators are FREE, but we are requesting donations for our charity – whatever they wish to give! TRAFFIC-GATE (at street level), The park has limited parking outside of the official entry gate, so traffic direction is necessary. Also directing participants, vendors, etc. PARKING-TRUCKS-TRAILERS, This is toward the back (south) end of the park, trying to keep truckstrailers from getting into soft grass and directing them to good spots. May also watch south park entrance and collect donations from anyone entering that way. EVENT HQ, this is big on answering questions, selling event t-shirts and helping with Silent Auctions. SILENT AUCTIONS, Tom is heading these up, but needs help putting items out and collecting money when finished. WE NEED DONATIONS! SECURITY, everyone is on security detail at all times! There is NO alcohol and NO PETS allowed on the Park property. This is the biggest items to watch for. Basically, security is making sure that someone is not doing something stupid and causing problems for others. JUDGING SHEETS, this is addingup the judging sheets from the judges, recording the results on the proper class page and filing the sheets in a folder. I think that covers everything we can think of concerning jobs. See, nothing so awful hard about any of it. PLEASE volunteer NOW for your share of the work schedule! Without YOU, the EMCC membership, this event is not possible. The Planning Team can plan all year long, but when it comes right down to it, it is YOU the membership that makes the event happen. WE NEED YOU!!! WE WANT YOU!!! This is our biggest event of the year & we have a great reputation of having the BEST organized event in the USA! We need to continue to work on keeping that reputation and improving on it where ever and whenever possible. PLEASE help us make CSF 2014 another great event and our best yet! MORE IMPORTANT INFO- As an EMCC member, if you have not registered for the show yet, please do so ASAP. Bring your application to a meeting or mail it in. If you want an event t-shirt, you must buy them like everyone else. You can order them at a discount like everyone else, when you preregister your Camaro. You must pay for your t-shirt & MIS in advance. JUDGING- EMCC members are encouraged to NOT have their Camaro judged during our event. This is a request, not a rule, so you can be judged if you want to. Reason for not doing judging is several- giving others the chance to win, time and even though we hire out the judges, it looks “bad” when we win at our own event. You can still get an award – simply purchase one for $10. This offer is only good to EMCC members. If you want to purchase an award, let Barry know ASAP! AUCTIONS- Tom needs donations for the silent auctions. Sports stuff, car stuff, even household stuff. All items MUST be in NEWnever used condition! Tom is also looking for donations of Canadian coins. He wants to do a bowl of coins for guessing! Please bring these items to any EMCC event or meeting or to the show. Other general updates, check out the CSF website NEWS items. We’ve also been posting these on the 3 main Camaro forums. Here’s a SHOUT-OUT to Pete for keeping our presence on FaceBook high, with over 1000 likes! Thanks to Kristen Lingenfelter for donating a hoodie as a prize for a recent online contest. GREAT job getting our event out there! ONE last item – who is good with numbers? Mark, our Treasurer, will need some help this year. If you have such a talent, please let us know!! If you have any questions, contact Barry or Randy! And don’t forget – PRAY for good weather! Remember- Camaro Superfest 2014 is only FIVE WEEKS away!! ROGERS CAMARO SHOW The first car show that EMCC members attended as a group, was the Camaro Show at Rogers Chevrolet. We had 8 Camaros and/or members attend the show. It was great weather and the show was very nice. I don’t know if anyone took an award, as it seems that most of us left early due to other commitments. Thanks for attending, hopefully we get more next year. EMCC MEETING REPORT We had a VERY good group for the May meeting, at Rob’s shop Cuda Automotive! Rob had invited a few other clients and we had about 30 cars parked by his place. Of course, most were Camaros and some that were new to us. We passed out flyers and newsletters to hopefully get some new members. We had a good meeting, lots of info and prizes! OH, plus the food!! BIG Thanks to Rob and his NAPA rep for providing those items! We hope to see you at the next EMCC meeting on June 16! EMCC MEMBER CAR LIST Please register your Camaro on our web-based database … log on towww.harpoweb.com/camarostuff/camar os.asp If you have questions or problems with the database, email Mark at- mark@majormicro.com This isn’t mandatory, just for fun! NOTE- we have a lot of members listed with NO picture!! Please email Mark a picture! EMCC BIRTHDAYS! Happy Birthday to all our May birthday members... David Emerling........ June 4 Scott Bowker.......... June 7 Randy Martin.......... June 19 Joe Rawls............. June 20 Hope all your birthdays are great! If we have missed your birthday, we’re sorry! Please email your birthdays to Randy!! FROM THE Vice-Pres… OK... one month (or less) to go until OUR BIG event – Camaro Superfest 2014!! Are you ready? Please send me an email, or call me between 5pm-10pm to get on the work list. WE NEED YOU!! We have a GREAT club and GREAT members and now is the time to show everyone by helping run our event. I hope you will be able to attend and help!! Thanks in advance! As you will see in the calendar of events, there are LOTS of car events in our area. We are blessed and cursed at the same time. If you look in Cruis’News magazine, there are at least 5-8 car shows on every weekend day – that’s up to 16 events on any given weekend. We always list some of the better ones and I’m sure you may have some favorites. Attend what you can, represent EMCC well and have fun! We do hope you will make a special effort to attend our “club choice” events. Keep praying for good weather for CSF!! I hope to see you at some of our meetings and activities. Barry CAMARO NATS CANADA The annual Camaro Nats in Canada is just over a month away! This is an event that EMCC members have attended for many years, but we seem to have fallen off of attending. If you can’t go for the entire weekend, we could go for a day and a half... leaving very early Saturday, spend the day at the show, spend one night and return home Sunday. Of course, you need a passport or enhanced drivers license to get into and out of Canada. Let BARRY know if you are interested in attending. See flyer in this HUGGER. CALENDAR OF EVENTS JUNE 2014 SUN MON TUE WED THR FRI SAT July 11- Rolling Sculptures Show Ann Arbor Eastern Michigan Camaro Club BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 President-Randy Martin734-368-8726 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 V Pres.- Barry Hensel 734-649-3056 Barry76lt@wowway.com Treasurer- Mark Harpootlian 248-355-1117 mark@majormicro.com Member Sec-Ernie Honke734-728-2841 Ernie84Z@sbcglobal.net OTHER PEOPLE WHO DO STUFF Newslet’r- Barry Hensel 397-5182 WebsiteMatt Hendrickson hendricm@gmail.com and Samamatha Mooresbmoore22@gmail.com EMCC Official events..... JUNE 16 … EMCC MTG – SONIC Drive-in Commerce Twnshp start 7:30pm JUNE 22 ... Tony Sacco’s Pizza Day JULY 4-5-6 ... CAMARO SUPERFEST 2014 OTHER EVENTSJune 7.. CARS INC open house show Rochester Hills, MI 8:30-3 June 7.. USMA-Loaf & Pound Deli Ford Rd. Westland 10am-4pm June 8.. Livonia Barn Show Middle Belt/W Chicago June 8.. USMA/Shriner Car Show Gibraltar Trd Ctr, Mt Clemens June 14.. Cruising Gratiot June 14.. Detroit Tigers Car Show Comerica Park 12noon-4pm June 14.. Canton Liberty-fest Heritage Park, Canton 8am-3:30pm June 14-15.. Motor Muster Greenfield Village June 15.. HAPPY FATHERS DAY!! June 15.. Eyes on Design Ford House, Grosse Pointe June 20-22.. Trains, cars, planes Owosso, MI June 21.. USMA/Blackwell Ford Plymouth, Mi 8am-2pm June 26-28.. St Ignace Car Show June 28.. Downriver Cruise June 29.. USMA-Centerlines Lions ABC Warhse Centerline, MI 8-4pm For more events, times, locationssubscribe to and check out Cruis'News Magazine!! FUTURE EVENTSJuly 20 – USMA Nats & EMCC corral Gibraltar Taylor JULY 21 - EMCC meeting bicycledoctor@continentalbikeshop.com EMCC OFFICIAL STUFF The Eastern Michigan Camaro Club is a registered non-profit club in the State of Michigan, with the purpose of promoting fun and fellowship between its members and other Camaro owners, and promoting the Chevrolet Camaro. Our meetings are on the THIRD MONDAYS of each month and are held at various locations. Meeting locations are in our monthly newsletter and website. Meetings start at 7:30pm. The EMCC sponsor is BILL CRISPIN CHEVROLET, located on US-12 and State St. in Saline, MI. Dues are only $20 per year with pro-ration at $5 per quarter. Membership renewals are $15 per year. Membership and dues are renewed every January. Club web sitewww.emcamaro.org Club Address15681 Arnold Gregory, MI 48137 EMCC-USMA NATS NEW NEWS!! – Gibraltar Trade Center in Taylor, will close!!! This will be after the USMA Nationals, so we are still ON for helping at that event! EMCC WILL help with a long standing car event – the USMA Nationals South at the Gibraltar Trade Center in Taylor on July 20. We will be doing one of the “car corrals”, Camaro of course. EMCC MAIN EVENTS Here is a summer long list of what we consider near “must attend” events. With this listing, we hope you will be able to plan your summer better and join us in many of these events. We know you will not attend them all... but please try to attend some! June 13-15- 26th Camaro Nationals Ontario Camaro Club St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada June 14- Canton Liberty-Fest Heritage Park, Canton July 4-5-6- 23RD CAMARO SUPERFEST Riverside Park, Ypsilanti, MI July 11- Rolling Sculptures Show Ann Arbor July 20- USMA Nats in Taylor EMCC sponsoring Camaro Corral! Aug 16- Woodward Dream Cruise Aug 23- Berger all Chevy Show Grand Rapids, MI (WMCC event) Sept 6-7- 21st Fall Classic Summit Racing, Tallmadge, Ohio Sept 6-7- Plymouth Fall Festival Sept 26-28- EMCC Tour DeMichigan EMCC WEARABLES TO ORDER- Payment is when you receive your item(s)! CALL or EMAIL BARRY to place an order!! OFFICIAL color charts ARE on the EMCC website. EMCC Polo shirts- S-XL $30, XXL $32, XXL $34 many colors available EMCC t-shirt- S-XL $19, XXL $20 XXL $21 in royal blue color only EMCC sweatshirt- S-XL $22, XXL $23, XXXL 25 in royal blue only EMCC hats- $10 red, blue, black EMCC windbreakers- still working on this – changes coming! EMCC jackets- S-XL $80, XXL $85, XXXL $90 fleece lined, EMCC logo on back, colors are same as polo shirts. Two styles availableSTYLE A- snap front with crew collar. STYLE B- zip front with folding collar. Add name on front $5 Add logo on front chest add $10 EMCC WEBSITE The EMCC Club website address iswww.emcamaro.org Check it out! EMCC SWAP AND SELL The SWAP AND SELL ONLINE is up and active! Email Sam with your item(s) the week of our EMCC meeting ONLY! Your ad will be good for TWO months, then removed. Sam’s email is-sbmoore22@gmail.com Swap and Sell items are FREE to EMCC members and friends. FOR SALE- Camaro Superfest diecast collection!! This is a 10 car, 1:18 scale collection of the diecast cars that were made special for CSF from 2000-2009. All cars have never been out of the box and Certificates of Authenticity are included for all cars. These are the LAST of each numbered series – 150/150 and 75/75 for ALL cars, making this collection special!! To my knowledge, less than 6 complete sets ever existed! WILL NOT sell separately – all 10 plus a bonus car REDUCED to $700 EMCC VP Barry 734-649-3056 barry76Lt@wowway.com FOR SALE- 1992 Camaro RS in excellent condition! Only 39K miles; 305 V8, auto, ps-pb, am/fm/cd, interior excellent condition, new alt and fuel pump, tinted windows, stored winters, red ext color – gray int color Asking $8,000 Call Mike Hensel at 734-890-1656 ALL CAMARO EVENTS June 13-15, 2014 26th Camaro Nationals Ontario Camaro Club St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada June 20-21, 2014 16th Annual Camaro Nationals Maryland Camaro Club Frederick Fairgrounds, MD June 26-29, 2014 4th Annual Sturgis Camaro Rally Black Hills Camaro Club Sturgis, SD July 4-5-6, 2014 23RD CAMARO SUPERFEST Eastern MI Camaro Club Riverside Park, Ypsilanti, MI Sept 6-7, 2014 21st Fall Classic NEOCC – Ohio Summit Racing, Tallmadge, Ohio More events to come...... Sunday, June 22nd, 2014 Eastern Michigan Camaro Club 12 noon- 10pm SELLING – SERVICING CHEVROLET’S SINCE 1975 7112 East Michigan Ave Saline, Michigan 48176 734-429-9481 www.billcrispinchevrolet.com EMCC is Co-Sponsored by – Saturn Printing, Harlow Tire, Gardner-Westcott, International Paint Stripping, Advertising Accents, Loyalty Insurance, Livernois Motorsports, Canton Waste Recycling, ND Transmission & Axles, National Parts Depot, Continental Bike Shop, IVS Automotive EMCC is associated with – WWC- Worldwide Camaro Club, ICC- International Camaro Club, ACAAmerican Camaro Association, USMA- United Street Machine Association
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