July 10, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
July 10, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC PARISH JULY 10, 2016 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME How Was Your Day? St. Ignatius Helps You Reflect The B.A.K.E.R method of the Examen. An “Examen” is a spiritual exercise from “Think of it as a movie playing in your St. Ignatius, where you reflect on your head," writes James Martin, S.J., in The day and how God is in it. This tool helps Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything. B- Blessings Recount your day plant the seeds for a more purposeful "Push the play button and run through and be thankful for all the bless- life. There are many versions of it, all your day, from start to finish, from ings, both in the good that oc- involving 5 steps. (See the BAKER meth- your rising in the morning to preparing curred and the bad that was avoid- od) to go to bed at night. Notice what ed or overcome. made you happy, what made you A-Ask Ask the Holy Spirit to be 1. Place yourself in God's presence. Give stressed, what confused you, what guide and enlighten you in the thanks for God's great love for you. helped you be more loving. Recall eve- next steps. rything: sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, K- Kill Think about all of the 2.Pray for the grace to understand how textures, conversations. Thoughts, things you did today that "killed" God is acting in your life. words, and deeds, as Ignatius says. God's love, all of the things you did that rejected God's love and plan 3. Review your day — recall specific mo- for you. ments and your feelings at the time. E- Embrace Allow God to embrace you. Just sit quietly while 4. Reflect on what you did, said, or God holds you and loves you. He thought in those instances. Were you loves you very much, this step was drawing closer to God, or further away? intended to foster this love moving forward, NOT to fill you with 5. Look toward tomorrow — think of how shame or guilt. you might collaborate more effectively R- Resolution Resolve to love with God's plan. God tomorrow. Think of one practical way in which you can do God's will more tomorrow. Be specific, and conclude with the "Our Father."... Welcome! Bienvenidos! On behalf of the clergy, staff, and our whole community, I welcome you to St. Joseph Catholic Church. De parte del Clero y toda nuestra comunidad, la Iglesia San José les da la bienvenida To our visitors, it is a blessing to have you here and thank you for worshiping with us. We hope you will come again. A nuestros visitantes, es una bendición que compartan con nosotros. Esperamos verlos nuevamente. For those returning to the practice of our Catholic faith, wanting to register or are interesting in finding out more about the Catholic Church, please contact our Parish Office .for more information. A aquellos que regresan a practicar nuestra fe Católica, esperamos que se registren o estén interesados en saber más de la Iglesia Católica, por favor contacténse con nuestra Oficina Parroquial para más información. Blessings, Rev. David McGuinness, Pastor Mass and Reconciliation Stewardship Every day is a gift of God. Am I a good Steward of the life and time with which I have been blessed? *All at Epps Bridge location unless otherwise noted Saturday Vigil/Sábado de Vigilia 5:30 PM 7:30 PM (Español) Sunday/Misas Dominicales 8:15 AM (Prince Ave) 10:00 AM (Nursery provided) 11:45 AM (Nursery provided) 1:30 PM (Español) 6:00 PM OUR TIME... Office Staff Did you know that most of our office staff are part-time employees? That means many only get paid for 20 hours a week, with no additional benefits. The many hours you see them working is often above and beyond their scheduled hours. How blessed we are by their gift of time ! Daily Masses/ Misa Diaria July 3. 2016 8:30 AM (Prince Ave) 5:30 PM $2,203.00 7:30 PM $691.00 8:15 AM $2,869.00 10:00 AM $2,524.00 Saturday: 9:00 AM(Prince Ave) or by appointment 11:45 AM $1,443.26 1:30 PM $1,384.00 Clergy 6:00 PM $824.00 Miscellaneous $1,295.00 Total Offertory $13,233.26 Weekly Budget $14,300.00 Difference -$1,066.74 Fridays: 9:00 AM -6:00 PM (Prince Ave) Hora Santa 7:30 PM (Prince Ave) Reconciliation/Confesiones Rev. David McGuinness, Pastor Rev. Paul Moreau, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Jim Gaudin, Deacon Rev. Mr. Scott Medine, Deacon Parish Office Hours: 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM Monday-Friday 958 Epps Bridge Parkway Athens GA 30606 Phone: 706-548-6332 Fax: 706-354-1783 Sacramental Emergencies 706-461-6331 To assist the staff, we rely on many volunteers to help us run the Parish each day. You will see them answering the phones, running errands, handling sacramental registrations, setting up for daily Mass and helping count our collection each week. Their talents are a true gift! OUR TREASURE... Monday –Saturday/ Lunes - Sábado Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/ Adoración al Santísimo OUR TALENT...Volunteers Our collection each week is in thanksgiving of all that God has given us. It should represent our “first fruits” or the top priority of our own personal budgets. We depend on your generosity to cover the cost of our running our Parish. Just like you do at home, our budget covers the cost of things like utility bills, administrative materials, RE supplies and liturgical expenses. For those who prefer online giving, go to our website at www.stjosephathens.com and follow the links to “Donate Online.” You may securely pay using a credit card or a Pay Pal account. Improvement Fund: $5,940.70 Coming Soon: Spanish Capital Campaign $964.26 “Our Sunday Visitor” is a program that the Archdiocese is implementing that will allow you to donate online, as well as view your total tithe history. We are looking forward to having this up and running by year end! Grand Total $19,173.96 Parish News Altar Flowers A Note from Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory This week’s altar flowers from Petals on Prince were given by Betty Ann and Ed Please permit me to express my sincere Dyer in Thanksgiving for their son John gratitude to you, your staff and the peo- and in memory of their daughter Eliza- ple of God of St. Joseph Catholic Parish beth (Muffin). for your generous gift of $1200 to the 2016 Eucharistic Congress. I profoundly and genuinely appreciate the many ways in which St Joseph supports the Archdiocese of Atlanta year after year. Be assured of my prayers for you and for all those in your extraordinary pastoral care! Summer Bible Institute The Oratory: Center for Spirituality is offering a week long study of the Old Why Advertise on the Weekly Bulletin? and New Testaments, Sunday July 17 - Friday July 22 at 434 Charlotte Ave, the most cost effective forms of print Rock Hill, SC. Topics are “A Walk promotion. through Genesis” with Dr. Lawrence DiPaolo, Jr. and “Eat This Book-A Catholic Approach to the Bible as God’s Word” with Fr. Ronald With- Value. Bulletin advertising is one Exposure. You will receive repeat- ed exposure to a targeted audience every single week throughout the year. erup, P.S.S. For more information on fees, scheduling and overnight accom- confident working with a business who modation options, please call 803-327 supports the Church. -2097 or email the center at orato- rycenter@gmail.com Musician and Singers Needed! If you like to sing or play an instrument, the 6:00 PM Praise Band would love to have you join us. It’s a great way to serve the Church and give thanks to God for all he has given us. Contact Chris Henderson at cwhenderson@charter.net for more information. St. Joseph Charities/ Caridades de San José Call only Monday -Wednesday 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM Llamar solo Lunes y Miércoles entre las 10:00 AM-12:00PM Capital Campaign Many thanks for those who have submitted a pledge card for our third campaign. We continue to make great strides in reaching our goal of $3 Million to help build our new church home. With God’s blessings and the charity of the people of St. Joseph, we will meet our goal! Pledge cards are available at both Prince Ave. and Epps Bridge in the narthex and hallway, respectively. The cards and contributions can be put into the collection basket at Mass or they can be mailed to the Epps Bridge office. It is also possible to contribute online at www.stjosephathens.org We are called to be Jesus’ witnesses in the world; what a great way to witness to our Catholic faith by contributing to the building of a new Catholic Church where many more people will come to know the love of our Lord and His people. Credibility. Parishioners are more Community. Supporting your local parish is a great way to participate and be active within your local community. If you have a business you would like to advertise, contact the Parish Office for details. SJS Athletics St. Joseph Catholic School is looking for a middle school girl’s volleyball assistant coach. Experience preferred, but not required. Please contact Chris Moore at chris.moore@sjsathens.org for more information. GO KNIGHTS! Campaign Goal III $3,000,000.00 Pledges to Date $2,405,131.44 Pledges Paid $1,678,967.48 ______________________ Balance Due $726,163.96 Educación Religiosa La inscripción está abierta para el año escolar 2016-2017. Por favor pase por la oficina de la Educación Religiosa y regístrese ahora. El departmento de la Educación Religiosa necesita su ayuda. Si siente el llamado a difundir la Buena Nueva de Nuestro Señor, por favor sea voluntario en las clases del catecismo. Cualquier adolescente que necesite horas de servicio communitario puede ponerse en contacto con la oficina de Educación Religiosa para oportunidades de servir como voluntario. RE Oficina Lynn Langston, Director Dorota Rzucidlo, Coordinador Gloria Valencia-Martin, Gerente de Oficina Justin & Megan Estes, Ministros de Juventud Horario de Verano Lunes CERRADA Martes, Miércoles y Jueves: 10:00 am3:00 PM Viernes: CERRADA Teléfono: 706-548-6332 Ministerio Hispano Parroquia de San José Reflexión Señor, hazme un instrument de tu paz. Que donde haya odio, pongo yo amor. Que donde haya ofensa, ponga yo perdón. Que donde haya duda, ponga yo la fe. Que donde haya tinienblas, ponga yo luz. Que donde haya tristeza, ponga yo la alegría. Por favor, notifique a la oficina de la inglesia 706-548-6332 o secretary@stjosephathens.com si tienen conocimiento de algún feligrés enfermo, estancia en el hospital, fallecimientos, etc. De manera que podamos incluirlos en nuestra lista de oraciones. Sacramentos Información Favor de pouerse en contacto con la oficina parroquial. Oh divino maestro, que no me empeñe tanto en ser consolado, como en consolar; en ser comprendido, como en comprender: en ser Parish Prayer List In Memoriam Please remember the following parishioners in your prayers: Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. Deacon Scott Medine Joan Pipitone Vaughn Luther Oliphant Theresa Matt Doris Dibling Week at a Glance Monday, July 11/Lunes por, 11 de julio * Special Mass Intentions 8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary *8:30 AM Mass-John “Jeep” Frey (D) 9:00 AM St Joseph Charities-Prince Conference Rm Monday, July 11/ Lunes por, 11 de julio Feast of Saint Benedict, Abbot Is 1:10-17/Mt 10:34—11:1 (389) Tuesday, July 12/Martes, 12 de julio 8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary *8:30 AM Mass-All Souls in Purgatory 9:00 AM St Joseph Charities-Prince Conference Rm Wednesday, July 13/Miércoles, 13 de julio 8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary *8:30 AM Mass- A Special Intention 9:00 AM St Joseph Charities-Prince Conference Room Thursday, July 14/Jueves, 14 de julio 8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary *8:30 AM Mass- The Medley Family (I) 9:00 AM Altar Society-Prince Sanctuary Daily Feast Days and Mass Readings NOTICE: CLOSED FOR JULY During the month of July, the Church (Prince Ave and Epps Bride) will be closed to all meetings and activities except for the celebration of Mass and other Sacraments La iglesia (Prince Ave y Epps Bridge) estará cerrada a todo tipo de reuniones y actividades menos por la celebración de la Misa y otros Sacramentos. Tuesday, July 12/ Martes, 12 de julio Is 7:1-9/Mt 11:20-24 (390) Wednesday, July 13/Miércoles, 13 de julio Feast of Saint Henry Is 10:5-7, 13b-16/Mt 11:25-27 (391) Thursday, July 14/ Jueves, 14 de julio Feast of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19/Mt 11:28-30 (392) Friday, July 15/Viernes, 15 de julio 8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary 8:30 AM Mass- For the Intentions of the Dumas-Pierre Family 9:00 AM Exposition of Blessed Sacrament-Prince Sanctuary 7:30 PM Hora Santa-Prince Sanctuary Friday, July 15/ Viernes, 15 de julio Feast of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8/Mt 12:1-8 (393) Saturday, July 16/Sábado, 16 de julio 8:00 AM Boy Scout Clean Up Day– Epps Campus 8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary *8:30 AM Mass-For all Victims of Religious Persecution 9:00 AM Rosary- Prince Sanctuary 9:00 AM Confessions– Prince Conference Room 9:30 AM Altar Society Español- Epps Chapel/Altar *5:30 PM Mass- St. Joseph Parish *7:30 PM Mass- Elvia, Ramiro y Armando Bueno (D) Saturday, July 16/ Sábado, 16 de julio Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; BVM] Mi 2:1-5/Mt 12:14-21 (394) Sunday, July 17 /Domingo, 17 de julio de 7:50 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary *8:15 AM Mass- Ann Dimino (D) *10:00 AM Mass- Ben Kuehler (I) *11:45 AM Mass-Steve Wilming (D) *1:30 PM Mass- Carlos Tejada (I) *6:00 PM Mass-Callie Whitesell (I) Sunday, July 17 / Domingo, 17 de julio de 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Gn 18:1-10a/Col 1:24-28/Lk 10:38-42 (108) Pss IV Religious Education Registration is open for the 2016-2017 school year. Please stop by the RE office and register now. More news Reflection Sick Shut In Make me an instrument of your peace. Please notify the Parish Office of any Catholic unable to attend Sunday Mass because of illness or advanced years. The pastor will be happy to visit and arrange for subsequent visits by a deacon or Extraordinary Minister. Where there is hatred, let me sow love Where there is injury, pardon Where there is doubt, faith The RE department needs YOUR help. If you feel called to spread the Good News of our Lord, please volunteer to help in Where there is darkness, light Where there is sadness, joy. RE classes. Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not so much Any teens in need of service hours can seek to be consoled as to console; contact the RE office for volunteer op- To be understood as to understand; portunities. To be loved as to love. Golf Tournament For it is in giving that we receive; 15th Annual Vince & Barbara Dooley Catholic Center Golf Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, August 27 at the UGA Golf Course. Cost is $125/player and includes green fees, cart, range balls and tournament golf shirt. T-Box sponsorship is available at $125. This year’s event includes a raffle, door prizes, putting contest plus complimentary breakfast and after-play meal. For more information, contact Don Ragogna at 706-548-2812 It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; It is in dying that we are born to eternal life. St. Joseph Parish School Achieving excellence through implementing the highest academic standards rooted in the values and teachings of our Catholic Faith. Call 706-543-1621 for information on the upcoming school year RE Administration Lynn Langston, RE Director Archdiocese of Atlanta 24-Hour Abuse Reporting Hotline 888-437-0764 or 404-920-7550/ 7315 Dorota Rzucidlo, RE Coordinator Gloria Valencia-Martin, Office Manager Justin & Megan Estes, Youth Ministers Summer Office Hours Monday: CLOSED Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00 am-3:00 PM At a Catholic church in Louisiana... There were two lines of parishioners waiting to see a priest in one of the two confessionals. Then from one of the confessionals came a voice yelling, “You did WHAT?” Friday: CLOSED The two lines became one long line in front of the other confessional. Phone: 706-548-6332 —Columnist Smiley Anders Baton Rouge (LA) Advocate Mass Confusion? Answers to Questions About the Mass Ever wonder why we go from sitting to Bowing for a blessing has been practiced standing to kneeling throughout the for many years in the Church . Mass? We also bow at designated times in pray- During the Mass , we stand as a sign of er, for example when we recite the Ni- reverence. Just as you might stand in cene Creed at the line, “was incarnate of respect when introduced to an im- the Virgin Mary”. portant person, you also stand when Kneeling came later in the Western Rite meeting Christ in the gospel, when re- and is most often done as we pray upon ceiving the Eucharist, and at other entering the church prior to Mass and times when we are in an important before and after Communion. conversation with God. Standing at prayer is a traditional posture. It was used in the time of Jesus. What do you do when there are no kneeling pads or benches available? You may always kneel on the ground or if you A time for sitting is usually a time for have issues with your knees, you should listening and reflecting. We sit as we simply stand. You will often see people hear the readings and responsorial standing during the consecration for this psalm. reason.
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