July 3, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church


July 3, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
JULY 3, 2016
Religious Liberty Is More Than Freedom of Worship
Religious liberty is not only about our
ability to go to Mass on Sunday or pray
the Rosary at home. It is about whether
we can make our contribution to the
common good of all Americans. Can we
do the good works our faith calls us to
do, without having to compromise that
very same faith? Without religious liberty properly understood, all Americans
suffer, deprived of the essential contribution in education, health care, feeding
the hungry, civil rights, and social services that religious Americans make every day, both here at home and overseas.
Our nation's founders embraced freedom of religion as an essential condition
of a free and democratic society.
It is therefore fitting that when the Bill of
Rights was ratified, religious freedom
had the distinction of being the First
Religious liberty is indeed the first liberty. The First Amendment guarantees
that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
As Catholics, the teaching of the Church
is absolutely clear about religious liberty:
A Prayer for Religious Liberty.
Almighty God, Father of all nations,
For freedom you have set us free
in Christ Jesus (Gal 5:1).
We praise and bless you for the gift
of religious liberty,
the foundation of human rights,
justice, and the common good.
Grant to our leaders the wisdom to
protect and promote our liberties;
By your grace may we have the
courage to defend them, for ourselves and for all those who live in
this blessed land.
We ask this through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, our patroness,
and in the name of your Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ, in the unity of
the Holy Spirit,
with whom you live and reign, one
God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The human person has a right to religious freedom. This freedom means
that all men are to be immune from
coercion on the part of individuals or of
social groups and of any human power,
in such wise that in matters religious no
one is to be forced to act in a manner
contrary to his own beliefs … whether
privately or publicly, whether alone or
in association with others, within due
limits. . . . This right of the human person to religious freedom is to be recognized in the constitutional law whereby
society is governed. Thus it is to become a civil right.
As Catholics, we are obliged to defend
the right to religious liberty for ourselves and for others. We are happily
joined in this by our fellow Christians
and believers of other faiths.
To learn more, See the US Conference
of Catholic Bishop website, http://
On behalf of the clergy, staff, and our whole
De parte del Clero y toda nuestra
community, I welcome you to St. Joseph Catholic Church.
comuniddad, la Iglesia San José les da la bienvenida
To our visitors, it is a blessing to have you here and thank
you for worshiping with us. We hope you will come again.
a nuestros visitantes, es una bendición que compartan con
nosotros. Esperamos verlos nuevamente.
A aquellos que regresan a practicar nuestra fe Católica, esperFor those returning to the practice of our Catholic faith,
amos que se registren o estén interesados en saber más de la
wanting to register or are interesting in finding out more
Iglesia Católica, por favor contacténse con nuestra Oficina
about the Catholic Church, please contact our Parish OfParroquial para más información.
fice .for more information.
Blessings, Rev. David McGuinness, Pastor
Mass and
Every day is a gift of God. Am I a good Steward
of the life and time with which I have been blessed?
*All at Epps Bridge location
unless otherwise noted
Saturday Vigil/Sábado de
5:30 PM
7:30 PM (Español)
Sunday/Misas Dominicales
8:15 AM (Prince Ave)
10:00 AM (Nursery provided)
11:45 AM (Nursery provided)
1:30 PM (Español)
6:00 PM
Daily Masses/ Misa Diaria
Monday –Saturday/
Lunes - Sábado
8:30 AM (Prince Ave)
Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament/Adoración al
Fridays: 9:00 AM -6:00 PM
(Prince Ave)
Our Time…
Knights of Columbus
We see them in their pageantry, but the
Knights are much more than capes and
fancy hats! Since its founding, charity has
been the first principle of the Knights of
Columbus. Here at St. Joseph, they can be
seen raising funds from various activities
like the Vidalia Onion sale and annual
Golf Tournament. They also are visible to
our Athens community participating in
the Right to Life Rosary and high school
essay contests. As active participants in
our parish, they even helped install the
new gate to our church campus.
For more information, call Bill Bast, Grand
Knight 404-579-2318.
Our Talent…
Needing a ladies organization that would
work with the Knights, the Columbiettes were
formed. Focused on using their talents and
creativity, they foster charitable giving as well
as spiritual growth. Here at St. Joseph, their
activities include a Ladies Tea which helps St
Joseph Charities with their Christmas Giving
Tree. Monies collected from Bingo and Books
Chili event have gone to our Capital Campaign. They are instrumental in planning our
St. Joseph Feast Day Mass and work in concert with the Knights on many other causes.
For more information, see Sue Lawrence,
Hora Santa 7:30 PM (Prince
Saturday: 9:00 AM(Prince Ave) or by appointment
Our Treasure...
June 23. 2016
Improvement Fund:
$6, 944.94
Rev. David McGuinness,
5:30 PM
$1, 323.00
Spanish Capital Campaign $925.39
Rev. Paul Moreau,
Parochial Vicar
7:30 PM
$5, 420.25
Rev. Mr. Jim Gaudin, Deacon
8:15 AM
Grand Total
Rev. Mr. Scott Medine,
10:00 AM
11:45 AM
1:30 PM
For those who prefer online giving, go to our
website at www.stjosephathens.com and follow the links to “Donate Online.” You may securely pay using a credit card or a Pay Pal account.
6:00 PM
Total Offertory
Weekly Budget
-$2, 528.74
Parish Office
Hours: 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM
958 Epps Bridge Parkway
Athens GA 30606
Phone: 706-548-6332
Fax: 706-354-1783
Sacramental Emergencies
Coming Soon:
“Our Sunday Visitor” is a program that the
Archdiocese is implementing that will allow you
to donate online, as well as view your total
tithe history. We are looking forward to having
this up and running by year end!
Parish News
Capital Campaign III Update
Altar Flowers
The third phase of the St. Joseph Parish
Capital Campaign continues to make
great progress.
This week’s altar flowers from Petals on Prince
were given by Marty and Burt Ledenham in
loving memory of Marty’s father, John R. Wilson.
A big “thank you” to those that made
contributions to our first and second
campaign. Remember, the goal of the
third campaign is $3 Million to use in
the building of our new church home.
We are still not where we want to be,
but we have made great strides and
God’s blessings and the charity of the
people of St. Joseph, we will meet our
Pledge cards are available at both
Prince Ave. and Epps Bridge in the vestibule and hallway, respectively. The
cards and contributions can be put into
the collection basket at Mass or they
can be mailed to the Epps Bridge office.
It is also possible to contribute online
at www.stjosephathens.org
We are called to be Jesus’ witnesses in
the world; what a great way to witness
to our Catholic faith by contributing to
the building of a new Catholic Church
where many more people will come to
know the love of our Lord and His people
Pledges to Date $2,4089,727.42
Pledges Paid
Balance Due
Call the Parish Office for
more information.
First ReconciliationFirst Eucharist
Preparation is a two-year
process, typically begun in 1st
grade. Call the Religious Ed
office for more information.
Musician and Singers Needed!
If you like to sing or play an instrument, the
6:00 PM Praise Band would love to have you
join us. It’s a great way to serve the Church
and give thanks to God for all he has given us.
Contact Chris Henderson at cwhenderson@charter.net for more information.
Fortnight for Freedom 2016:
Each year dioceses around the country arrange
special events to highlight the importance of
defending religious freedom. The Fortnight for
Freedom is from June 21—the vigil of the Feasts
of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More—to July
4, Independence Day.
This year’s theme, “Witnesses to Freedom” emphasizes the need for religious liberty in all aspects of our faith. This occurs at a time in
which our liturgical calendar celebrates a series
of great martyrs who remained faithful in spite
of great persecution.
Campaign Goal
Please join us as we conclude the week with a
Fourth of July Mass and Rosary, sponsored by
the The Religious Freedom Committee . All parishioners are invited to attend the 8:30 AM
Mass at Prince Ave on Monday, July 4 to pray
for religious liberty and recite the Rosary for
persecuted Christians. Refreshments will follow.
Preparation is a two-year
process beginning freshman
year in high school. Call the
Religious Ed office for more
A minimum of six-month
preparation is required before the anticipated date of
marriage . Call the Parish
Office for more information.
Anointing of the Sick/
Last Rites
Call the Parish Office to arrange to have a Priest visit.
For sacramental emergencies
after regular office hours,
phone the Sacramental Emergency Line at 706-461-6331
After a funeral director has
been contacted and before
any arrangements have been
made, call the parish office to
coordinate a day and time for
the service or Funeral Mass
and liturgy planning.
Ministerio Hispano Parroquia de San José
Favor de ponerise en contacto con la oficina parroquial.
Bienaventurados los fieles, que son como
anclas en un mundo corrupto.
Primera ReconcilliaciónPrimera Eucaristía
La preparación es un proceso
de dos años. Póngase en contacto con la oficina de Educación Religiosa.
La preparación es un proceso
de dos años. Póngase en contacto con la oficina d eEducation Religiosa.
Bienadventurados son las justos, que son
para la sociedad como la levandura es para
el pan.
Bienaventurados los generosos, porqu mantienen viva nuestra fe n la bondad escencial
de las personas.
Bienadventurados los que nos cuidan,
porque brillan como foros en un mundo oscurecido por la indiferencia.
Bienaventurados los genuinos, que brillan
como joyas en un mundo de falsedad.
Y benditos son aquellos que habien do
puesto su mano en el arado, se niegan a
mirar hacia atrás; ellos serán considerados
dignos en el reino.
Por favor, notifique a la oficina de la inglesia
706-548-6332 o secretary@stjosephathens.com si tienen conocimiento de algún feligrés enfermo, estancia en
el hospital, fallecimientos, etc. De manera que
podamos incluirlos en nuestra lista de oraciones.
Misa del 4 de Julio
El Comité de Libertad Religiosa les invita a todos
los feligreses a la Misa de las 8:30 AM el 4 de
Julio para rezar por la libertad religiosa, rezar el
Rosario por los cristianos perseguidos y
, compartir con nosotros algo de comer.
Flores del Altar
Estas flores de esta semana de los Pétalos de
Prince son ofrecidos por Marty y Burt Ledenham en memoria del padre de Marty, John R.
Favor de llamar a la oficina
parroquial con seis meses
(más) de anticipación.
Unción de los Enfermos
Favor de llamar a la oficina
parroquial ( 9:00-4:00 pm)
Fuera de esas horas, llame a la
línea de Emergencia Sacramental 706-461-6330
Desputés de contactar al director de la funeraria y antes
de hacer los arreglos, llame a
la oficina parroquial para programa un dia y hora para la
Misa y la planificación de la
Educación Religiosa
La inscripción está abierta para el año escolar 2016-2017. Por favor pase por la oficina
de la Educación Religiosa y regístrese
El departmento de la Educación Religiosa
necesita su ayuda. Si sientes el llamado a
difundire la Buena Nueva de Nuestro Señor, por favor sea voluntario en las clases
del catecismo.
Cualquier adolescente que necesite horas
de servicio communitario puede ponerse
en contacto con la oficiona de la Educación
Religiosa para oportunidades de servir como voluntario.
Lynn Langston, Director
Dorota Rzucidlo, Coordinador
Gloria Valencia-Martin, Gerente de
Justin & Megan Estes, Minisitros de
Horario de Verano
Martes, Miércoles y Jueves: 10:00 am3:00 PM
Viernes: CERRADA
Teléfono: 706-548-6332
Week at a Glance
Monday, July 4/Lunes por, 4 de julio
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary
*8:30 AM Mass-Protection of Religious Freedom
* Special Mass Intention
Tuesday, July 5/Martes, 5 de julio
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary
*8:30 AM Mass– All the Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday, July 6/Miércoles, 6 de julio
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary
*8:30 AM Mass-José Migueal and Maria Ascensio (D)
Thursday, July 7/Jueves, 7 de julio
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary
*8:30 AM Mass- Fr. Miguel Laguna (I)
9:00 AM Altar Society-Prince Sanctuary
Friday, July 8/Viernes, 8 de julio
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary
*8:30 AM Mass– All the Souls in Purgatory
9:00 AM Exposition of Blessed Sacrament-Prince Sanctuary
7:30 PM Hora Santa-Prince Sanctuary
Saturday, July 9/Sábado, 9 de julio
8:10 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary
*8:30 AM Mass– Maunie Lennon (D)
9:00 AM Rosary- Prince Sanctuary
9:00 AM Confessions– Prince Conference Room
9:30 AM Altar Society Espanõl Epps Chapel/Altar
1:00 PM Wedding
*5:30 PM Mass-David Strickland (D)
*7:30 PM Mass- Alberto, José Manuel y Eloy Alarcon (D)
Sunday, July 10 /Domingo, 10 de julio de
7:50 AM Liturgy of the Hours-Prince Sanctuary
*8:15 AM Mass- Emma Boroski (I)
*10:00 AM Mass- Annie Edwards (I)
*11:45 AM Mass– St Joseph Parish
*1:30 PM Mass- Famila Saez Fernandez (D)
*6:00 PM Mass- Lee Baumeister (D)
During the month of July, the Church (Prince Ave and Epps Bride) will be closed to all meetings
and activities except for the celebration of Mass and other Sacraments
La iglesia (Prince Ave y Epps Bridge) estará cerrada a todo tipo de reuniones y actividades
menos por la celebración de la Misa y otros Sacramentos.
Daily Feast Days and
Mass Readings
Monday, July 4/
Lunes , 4 de julio
US Independence Day
Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22/Mt
9:18-26 (383)
Tuesday, July 5/
Martes, 5 de julio
Feast of Saint Anthony Zaccaria, Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
Hos 8:4-7, 11-13/Mt 9:32-38
Wednesday, July 6/
Miércoles, 6 de julio
Feast of Saint Maria Goretti
Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12/Mt 10:17 (385)
Thursday, July 7/
Jueves, 7 de julio
Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9/Mt 10:7-15
Friday, July 8/
Viernes, 8 de julio
Hos 14:2-10/Mt 10:16-23
(387) 30
Saturday, July 9/
Sábado, 9 de julio
Feast of Saint Augustine
Zhao Rong
Is 6:1-8/Mt 10:24-33 (388)
Sunday, July 10 /
Domingo, 10 de julio de
Dt 30:10-14/Col 1:15-20/Lk
10:25-37 (105) Pss III
More news
St. Joseph Charities/
Caridades de San José
Call only Monday -Wednesday ,10:00 AM
- 12:00 PM
Llamar solo Lunes y Miércoles entre las
10:00 AM-12:00PM
Sick Shut In
Please notify the Parish Office of any
Catholic unable to attend Sunday Mass
because of illness or advanced years. The
pastor will be happy to visit and arrange
for subsequent visits by a deacon or Extraordinary Minister.
Religious Education
Registration is open for the 20162017 school year. Please stop by the
RE office and register now.
Blessed are the faithful: they are like
The RE department needs YOUR help.
If you feel called to spread the Good
News of our Lord, please volunteer to
help in RE classes.
Blessed are the just: They are to socie-
Any teens in need of service hours
can contact the RE office for volunteer opportunities.
safe anchors in a world of broken
ty what leaven is to bread.
Blessed are the generous: they keep
alive our faith in the essential goodness
of people. Blessed are the caring: they
shine like beacons in a world darkened
by indifference.
Blessed are the genuine: they glow like
gens in a world of falseness.
And blessed are those who, having put
their hand to the plough, refuse to look
back: they will be found worthy of the
RE Administration
Golf Tournament
15th Annual Vince & Barbara Dooley
Catholic Center Golf Tournament is
scheduled for Saturday, August 27 at the
UGA Golf Course. Cost is $125/player
and includes green fees, cart, range balls
and tournament golf shirt. T-Box sponsorship is available at $125. This year’s
event includes a raffle, door prizes,
putting contest plus complimentary
breakfast and after-play meal. For more
information, contact Don Ragogna at
Lynn Langston, RE Director
Dorota Rzucidlo, RE Coordinator
Gloria Valencia-Martin, Office Manager
Justin & Megan Estes, Youth Ministers
Summer Office Hours
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00 am-3:00
Friday: CLOSED
St. Joseph Parish School
Achieving excellence through
implementing the highest
academic standards rooted in the values
and teachings of our Catholic Faith.
Archdiocese of Atlanta
24-Hour Abuse Reporting Hotline
888-437-0764 or 404-920-7550/ 7315
Am I an “Active Parishioner?”
The question of parishioner status is
quite important and often comes as a
surprise to many seeking parish services. These may include the use of our
facilities for liturgical services ( Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals), reduced tuition rates in our Catholic
schools and certification as sponsors at
Sacramental celebrations. To be considered an Active Parishioner, you must be
registered in the Parish for a sufficient
period of time, attend Mass faithfully,
and support the Parish using the envelope system.
The use of envelopes provides a record
of Mass attendance which is the most
important consideration in these criteria and a serious obligation. It also records your financial support of the Parish. Parishioners who have difficulty
meeting a minimum tithe, should simply
drop a note to the Pastor making this
known. Your stewardship should also
extend to non-monetary methods of
participation in our ministries and service areas.
This is the ordinary expectation of all
Active Parishioners as outlined by the
Archdiocese ; to follow God’s law and
the Law of the Catholic Church. Hopefully, we live beyond the minimal dictates of the Law.
Kid’s Page
2. Name of what you kneel
on at church.
3. As we walk down the aisle
to sit, be mindful of the Presence of _____.
4. Name of the wooden
bench you sit on at church.
6. The other name for the
water fonts.
Part of the fingers
dipped into the water
3. What you do before you
sit down in your row.
5. The first thing you do
when you come into the
church is _____ yourself.
7. What we do at the same
time when we lower ourselves on one knee.
8. The knee you lower
yourself to the floor on.
Across 2. kneeler 3. God 4. Pew 6. Stoup 7. Sign
of the Cross 8. right
Down 1. forefingers 3. Genuflect 5. bless
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