the business segments of the raiffeisen
the business segments of the raiffeisen
THE BUSINESS SEGMENTS OF THE RAIFFEISEN-L ANDESBANK STEIERMARK AG The Raiffeisen-Landesbank is a regional universal OUR PRIVATE CUSTOMERS bank. This means it is closely rooted in and to its 26 region, Styria. We consider Styria and neighbouring 2008 was a difficult year for the economy and espe- countries to be our home market, but, of course, we cially for the banking sector. The US subprime crisis also accompany our customers to every place and turned into a world economic crisis, at the height of market in the world. The Raiffeisen-Landesbank, as a which banks were given a great deal of media at- universal bank, is involved in every segment of bank- tention. In this regard, the safety of deposits was a ing. From private customers and private banking to big topic. Our customers showed a lot of interest in commercial and corporate banking to trading securi- information on this. During this phase, our staff was ties and the insurance and building society business really challenged. Raiffeisen really cares about the up to leasing as well as the investment business. We topic of safety. We stretched several safety nets a have acquired the know-how to manage every seg- long time ago to guarantee our customers’ deposits ment to our customers’ satisfaction in the 82 years of and to help protect the Raiffeisen banks from eco- our bank’s history and we are expanding it daily. nomic problems. Despite a difficult economic environment in the financial sector, the Raiffeisen-Landesbank managed to achieve very good results with its twelve bank branches, the “Bauen & Wohnen” (Building & Living), “Musterhauspark” (Model Home Park) and “Raiffeisen UniCenter” (Raiffeisen University Center) competence centres and the new “Private Banking”. 2008 in m eur (+/–) % Savings deposits 499.1 + 8.43 Demand deposits (incl. investment and online savings) 145.2 + 10.72 1,007.9 + 2.18 Total money under management ECONOMIC PARTNER OF ST YRIA interest showed us that we are up on the latest trends with our events. The Raiffeisen-Landesbank has been a reliable and competent partner of the Styrian economy for a long Of course, we saw to it that the corporate bankers time. As a commercial customer bank, its strategic of Styrian Raiffeisen banks were also trained and orientation is mainly focused on the business seg- made fit for commercial business in Austria and ments of industry, institutional customers and the abroad in professional seminars in 2008. We thus public sector. reacted promptly to the increased demands of the market. The total volume of financing for our customers increased by around 11% to EUR 3.2 bn in the 2008 financial year. Total volume of gross cash loans Total volume of investments 2008 in m eur (+/-) % 3,272 + 10.69 619 + 14.20 These volume results were supplemented by comprehensive and intensive cross-selling in payment transactions, treasury and other services. The export business is a vital economic and growth driver of Styria. It goes without saying that we accompany Styrian companies in their export involvement in foreign markets. Our customers can fall back on our dense Raiffeisen network of more than 3,000 branch offices. Our marketing once again focused on funding and organising numerous well-attended customer events. We were involved in “renewable energies”, “export” and “pension funds”. The audience’s brisk 2008 ANNUAL REPORT PRIVATE CUSTOMERS 27 PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS 2008 (+/-) % Total transactions in m 107.8 + 4.4 ELBA customers in thousands 182.1 + 11.9 ELBA transactions in m 16.0 + 14.4 POS payments in m 13.9 + 7.4 THE R AIFFEISEN-L ANDESBANK PRO- sational concepts up to launching state-of-the-art VIDES MUCH MORE THAN JUST BANK- management systems. ING SERVICES The development and implementation of “KREDIT 28 The Raiffeisen-Landesbank is a bank, but it is also 2GO”, a process-based advising and processing a service provider in many segments besides bank- tool, was another focus in 2008. This application ing. One of its main tasks in this regard is to assist offers a standardised loan process, which makes it the Styrian Raiffeisen banks. This includes carrying possible to quickly satisfy the loan requests of our out payment transactions, assisting in foreign trans- customers up to a certain amount. actions, services in special loan management, the advising of banks in the areas of marketing, sales and corporate management as well as providing and operating innovative and secure information technologies by the computing centre. In terms of payment transactions, 2008 was characterised by the implementation of a standardised payment system in the European area, the Single Euro RAIFFEISEN REAL ESTATE SERVICE The message is short and sweet: 2008 was a good year. We could achieve a new sales record. The previous year’s result was surpassed by + 11.2%. More than EUR 50 m worth of real estate was brokered. RAIFFEISEN LEASING Payment Area, or SEPA, for short. All of the necessa- Despite the difficult economic conditions, 2008 was ry changes were finished by the end of 2008. Since definitely a good year for our leasing business. A to- then, customers of the Raiffeisen Banking Group Sty- tal of around 2,300 contracts could be closed with a ria have been able to fully use SEPA. new business volume of EUR 93 m. The product leasing sector deserves special mention. The previous As in past years, our computing centre was once again characterised by its high degree of online availability in 2008. The main factors for the success of the Raiffeisen Banking Group Styria are professional corporate management as well as optimal marketing, sales and organisational management. The range of services of the Raiffeisen-Landesbank in this regard extend from active assistance in designing and implementing sales emphases to developing new strategic and organi- year’s volume could be surpassed by around 12%. CAPITAL MARKET BUSINESS AND TREASURY An outstanding result could be achieved once again 2008 was characterised by upheavals on the finan- in 2008. We managed to produce over EUR 245 m cial markets, decreasing worldwide economic output in the special bonus life insurance sector. The one- and falling inflation rates. Starting in the third quarter, time premium products like the Raiffeisen-Best-Zins- this development led to substantial downturns on the RZB-Garant (Raiffeisen Best Interest Raiffeisen Cen- stock markets and declining interest on the gold and tral Bank Guarantee) contributed significantly to this. capital market. Therefore, there were great challeng- In accident insurance, the portfolio growth in Styria es to be overcome in the activities on the capital mar- increased by 8.9% and was thus significantly higher ket as well as in the customer business. However, than the national average of 7%. good results could be achieved in the investment banking business: RAIFFEISEN BUILDING SOCIET Y SAVINGS In 2008, the Raiffeisen building society savings bank was responsible for a third of the building loan contracts concluded in Austria and it can thus look back on its most successful year. A total of 324,782 building loan contracts were closed in Austria and 58,101 in Styria alone. • Issue volume in circulation: EUR 2.8 bn • Increase in the number of custodian accounts by 3% up to 101,000 • Increase in volume up to EUR 4.2 bn RISK MANAGEMENT In times of crisis, well-functioning risk management SHAREHOLDINGS In 2008, the portfolio of shareholdings recorded in our books of account increased by around EUR 349 m to around EUR 1.1 bn. That is a 45.7% increase. The main changes in shareholdings concern recapitalisations of the Raiffeisen-Zentralbank Österreich AG, the Landes-Hypothekenbank Steiermark AG as well as our foreign banks in Slovenia, Croatia and BosniaHerzegovina. A finance company, which will start doing business in 2009, was founded to assist small and medium-sized businesses with their equity. is extremely important for a bank. Risk evaluations, market changes and impacts on the result of the bank are analysed by a risk management committee that meets once a month and appropriate measures are taken. Another focus of our work in 2008 was the creation of standardised groupwide loan processes. 2008 ANNUAL REPORT RAIFFEISEN INSURANCE 29 A BANK OFFERS A LOT OF INTERESTING PRODUCTS. FOR SOME, MAYBE EVEN TOO MANY. OUR BANKERS FIND THE RIGHT PRODUCT FOR YOUR PARTICUL AR SITUATION IN LIFE. arndt hallmann 30 There are not many things you can count on your bank is also open 24 hours a day. When you start whole life long. Your parents’ love, the change of wanting to have a family, your needs change once seasons and the finality of death are three examples. again. Where will we live? How will we finance our Another one comes to our mind: the dependability house? A building society loan or a “normal” loan? and reliability of the Raiffeisen-Landesbank. It lasts You need a new car. Leasing or a loan? Doesn’t mat- your whole life long. ter, Raiffeisen always has both of them! And the insurance to boot. Your one-stop bank. Life is wonderful! It is full of surprises and experiences day after day that shape and influence our And what should I do with all the money I’ve saved life. Every day we grow a little bit wiser. We broa- over the years? Couldn’t I get a little more out of it? den our horizons and thus our needs increase, in- The financial investment should be safe, but still yield cluding those to do with money. In the beginning, something. Funds are an option. Maybe I should there is Sumsi the bee. “Mom, grandpa gave me 2 try shares sometime? And if so, what kind? Private Euros. Where is Sumsi?” Sumsi has been buzzing Banking knows about this. That’s where the shares around Austrian children’s rooms since 1970. Sumsi experts are. And in business? A new building would is taken for a walk during World Savings Week every be nice, the fleet needs expanding, and the comput- year. This is when young savers proudly see what ers are getting out of date. It’s a good thing that I has accumulated in the belly of the bee over the year. can count on my Raiffeisen account manager. He or “That much!” And right into the savings book. Years she has customized financing for my business. And later there are other wishes and dreams. You need they accompany me and my company abroad, too. a moped or a car, or the semester abroad in France Oh, yeah! Before I forget, I need to plan my holidays. needs to be financed. Whether you can really afford Right, Raiffeisen can help me there, too. In the Raiff- those holidays in Greece? It’s a good thing you have eisen travel agency, they know where you can relax. something in your savings book. It’s a good thing that your grandma paid into the building society The children grow up and move out. “Dad, you are account over the years. “I closed the building society going to be a grandpa!” And thus, it’s time again for savings contract right after you were born. That way Sumsi the bee. And I might as well go ahead and clo- there is something there when you need it.” Thanks, se a building society savings contract today. grandma! But now it is time for my account at my bank. It should be convenient and reliable. The Raiffeisen banker knows what he or she is doing. Thanks to ELBA my 2008 ANNUAL REPORT RAIFFEISEN-L ANDESBANK: A RELIABLE LIFELONG PARTNER 31 AND? HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU TRUST? Helmut ABERL Birgit ABL ASSER Got t fried ADAM Gerald ADLER Irmgard ADLER Rosemarie ADLER Thomas ARNDT Peter AUER Karin AUER -TARVAINEN Ingrid AUGUSTIN Gebhard AUNER Sabine BACHER A rmin BA BAUMGARTNER Thorsten BAUMGARTNER Veronika BAUMGARTNER Gerhard BAUMHAK L Friederike BEC Hans Jörg BORSTNAR Heinz BR ANDL Christa BR ANDSTÄT TER Gerhard BR ANDSTÄT TER Maria BREINE Claudia BURITSCH Barbara CAPELL ARI Markus CRESNAR Elisabeth CSUK Rober t CSUK Silvo CVETKO Fra Franz DOBLER Theresia DOBLER Karin DÖRFFEL Thomas DOK TER Mar tin DOLINAR Dorothea DOPPELH Mar tin EDLER Stefanie EDLER Michael EFFERL Birgit EGGER Günther EHRENREICH A nton EIBEL Markus L adislaus ERDELY Reinhard ERKINGER Claudia ERNST Elisabeth ERTL Ot to ESTERL Tina FALESCHINI Jos FIGER Marina FILIPP Doris FINK Christian FLECHL Cornelia FLECHL Gerhard FLECK Christine FLEISCHHA Franz FUCHS Marion FUCHS Sabine FUCHS Cornelia FUNK Christine FÜRST Isabella FURTLEHNER Franz Eva GFRERRER Michaela GIMPEL Helmut GL AUNINGER Karl GLEHR Tanja GLEICHWEIT A ndreas GLET TLE Bernhard GOLLNER Danilda GONZ ALES PENA Josef GOSCH Edith GR ABENHOFER Judith GR ABNER Ha Maria GRIMM A lexandra GRINSCHGL Verena GRINSCHGL Cornelia GROICHER Ewald GROSS Richard GRO Helmut GUNGL A riane GUNHOLD Hermine GUTJAHR Theresia GUTMANN Klaus GUT TMANN Vik tor HA AR HAMM Franz HAMMER Maria HAMMER Elisabeth HANFSTINGL Rudolf HANSELMAY ER Eva- Maria HARING HAUSLEITNER Tanja HAUSMANN A ndrea HA Z ELMAY ER Thomas HA Z R ATI Markus HEFLER Vinzenz HEHE Katrin HINTEREGGER Elisabeth HIPPACHER Ernst HIPPACHER Josef HIRSCHMANN Gerhard HOCHSTR A HOLL Johann HOL Z APFEL Eva HOL Z MANN Margit HORBATH Marianne HORNER Brigit ta HUBER Hermann JANSK Y A lbine JANTSCHER A lexander JAUK Johann JAUK Margit JAUK Sonja JAUK A lois JAUNEGG Ma Hildegard K AISERFELD Gerhard K ALCHER Lisbeth K ALCHER Peter K ALCHER A ndreas K AMPER Rosmarie Gerhard K AUFMANN Marion K AUFMANN Ewald K ERN Michael K ERN Renate K ERN Beate K ESSLER Dieter K L ASS Günter K LEINDL Renate K LEINDL- POSCH Maria K LET Z MAY R Brigit te K LINGSBIGEL Dagmar K LÖ KÖSTL Sigiber t KÖTSCHLER Daniela KOFLER Renate KOFLER Brigit te KOGLER Enrico KOGLER Gerald K A lfred KONR AD Josef KONR AD Thomas KORMANN Melanie KORNBERGER Ernestine KORP Harald KORS K RENN Rainer K RENN Walter K RESBACH Josef K RIEGL Irene K RISPEL Nicole K ROBATH Marlies K ROIS L ACK NER Stefan L ADLER Susanne L AFER Franz L AGNOL Michael L ALLER Nikolaus L ALLITSCH Dietmar Bet tina LEDERER Helmut LEINDL A ndrea LEINER Eleonore LEITGEB Rene LEITNER A lfred LELLECK Irmg LIND Gerhard LINDNER A nita LIPP Franz L JUBI Johann LOH Wolfgang LOIPNER Barbara LOIT Z L Roland MAIERHOFER Günter MAIER - PA AR Markus MAIR Ger trude MAIT Z Roswitha MAIT Z Sabine Mar tina MA JCA MAT Z HOLD Peter MAT Z HOLD A ndreas MAURER Gerlinde MAURER Ingrid MAURER Walter MAURER Gerd Mick MEIXNER Bernhard MELLIT Z ER Maria MENAPACE Heimo MESSNER A ndreas MICHITSCH Gordana M Heide MOSDORFER Doris MOSER Heike MOSER Marianne MOSER Mar tin Urban MOSER Herber t MOT TER Kur t NEUHOLD Eva NEUR ATHNER Katharina NIESNER Christa NIGIT Z Daniel NIKITSER Roswitha NINAU A nneliese PABI Wolfgang PACHER Mat thias PACK Ulfried PAIER A nnelies PAIERL Gabriele PANZ ER Josef P Iris PFANNER Klaus PFEIFER Gregor PFNISS Maria Gioia PICCOLROVA Z Z I HL ATK Y Christian PICHLER E Her ta PIRSTINGER Catherine PISTRICH Monika PL ANINSCHITSCH Maria PL ANKO Stefan PL ASCHK A Eli PÖLTL Sandra PÖT TINGER Rober t PÖT TLER Dietmar PONGR AT Z Michael PONTASCH - HÖRZ ER Irena POP Mar tin PRESSLER Christina PRET TERHOFER A lexander PRÜLL Klaus PUCHAS Bet tina PUCHER Ingrid PUR Regina R AUSCH Petra R AUSCHENBERG Klaudia RECHL Waltraud RECHLING Gerald REDER Rolf A rno REG Franz REITER Manfred REITER Christa REMLER Marianne RENHART Erich RENZ L Barbara RESCH Hein ROHLFING Peter ROHRER Edeltraud ROM - BUCHBERGER Franz ROSENBERGER Mar tin ROUBAL Gerald SAMEC - G AT TER Gerhard SAMER A nton SAMMER Peter SAT TLER Gerald SAURER Christiane SAUSENG SCHEER Mar tina SCHENK Brigit ta SCHERDONER Karin SCHERF Erna SCHER Z ER Renate SCHE T T Elisa SCHL AR Christian SCHL AT Z ER Melanie SCHL AT Z ER Mar tina SCHLEGL Manfred SCHLIBER Herber t SCHL Christina SCHNEIDER Waltraud SCHNEIDER Waltraud SCHNEIDER Wolfgang SCHNIDER Ernestine SCH SCHRÖT TNER Joachim SCHULLER Daniela SCHUL Z Helga SCHUSTER Christian SCHWAB Margit SCHWA Ernest SCHWINDSACK L Johann SEEBACHER Monika SEIDLER Heidi SEINER Markus SEISZ Roderich SEU Adela SMA JIC A nton SONNLEITNER Ursula SORGER Sandra SORIT Z Rene SPATH Harald SPITALER Eva STEINWENDER Bernd STEINWIDDER Evelyn STEIRER Rudolf STEL Z ER Wolfgang STENGG Mat thias STER STROBEL Christoph STROBL Erich STROBL Markus STROBL Sigrid STROHMEIER Veronika STROHRIEGL SWATEK Monika SWATON Astrid S Z L AMAR A nton TACK NER Gudrun TÄUBEL Tamara TANFAR A - R AK AR Herber t THOMANN Dietmar THOSOLD Klaudius THURMAIER Walter TIEFENGRUBER Julius TOTH Thoma Harald T SCHICK Stefan T SCHIKOF Ingrid UIT Z Priska UMFER A nton UNGER Gerhard UNGER Doris UNTER Irmgard WAIDACHER A nita WALCH Werner WALCHER Daniela WALLNER Marja Liisa WALLNER Karin WA WEINHANDL- RÖCK Werner WEINHOFER Elke WEISS Heriber t WEISS Walter WEISSENSTEINER Karin W WINK LER Sandra WINK LER Beate WINK LER - KOLBL Bernd WINTERLEITNER Bernd WINTERLEITNER Z AUNSCHIRM Gabriele Z ECHNER Jasmine Z ECHNER Thomas Z EHE TLEITNER Mar tin Z EHE TNER s AGL ASSINGER Daniela ALBRECHER Wolfgang ALBRECHER Karl ALLMER Manfred ALTENSTR ASSER Sabi ACHLER A nton BAIER Karoline BARMÜLLER Ulrike BARTH Helmut BAUDENDISTEL Sabine BAUER Veronika CK ER Elisabeth BERGHOLD Sigrid BERGMANN Sigrid BILEK Karl Thomas BINDER Franziska BIRK ER Reinho ER Irmgard BREITHUBER Karin BRET TENTHALER Dzejn BRKIC Franz BRUNADER A lexander BRUNNER C anz CZ ENE Stefan DAHM Birgit DAMPFHOFER Johann DAMPFHOFER Tamara DANI Elisabeth DERLER Johan HOFER Elvira DOPPELREITER Rosemarie DOPPLER Hannes DORNER Helga DORNER Katharina DR AGSCH s EIBISBERGER Stef fen EIBÖCK Barbara EISENBERGER Markus EISENHUT Gerald EISNER Gerhard EISN sef FAST Gerhard FEICHTER Dunja FEIGL Petra Johanna FELBER Wolfgang FELBER Markus FELDGITSCHER ACK ER Günther FLEISCHHACK ER Thomas FORCHE Monika FORMANEK Birgit FR ANK Wolfgang FREIBERGE z GAISCH Mar tin GALLI Marianne GAMPERL Karin GANGL Daniela GANGOLY A rnold A . GASSNER Elmar GA ER A ndreas GLET TLER Mathilde GNEIST Hans GOBLIRSCH Gabriele GOBOLD - SCHÖPFER Karl GÖTSCHL Ev rald GR ADWOHL Werner GR AF Mathilde GR AFONER David GR ASSMUGG Dietmar GR AT Z Joachim GR AT Z E OSS Karl GROSSMANN Birgit GROSZSCHEDL Franz GROSZSCHEDL Sabine GRUBBAUER A ndreas GRUBER R Christoph HA AS Peter HABERER Herber t HACK L A ndrea HADOLT Gabriela HAID Hermann HAIDACHER G Gerlinde HARR ANT A ndreas HARRER Barbara HARTINGER Gerhard HARTINGER S ylvia HASENHÜNDL Dor ER Heiko HELD Claire HEMERY Renate HERLER - ACHMÜLLER Michael HERMANN Stefan HERMANN Wilhelm ASSER Walter HÖFER Barbara HÖFLECHNER Christian HÖFLER Herber t HÖFLER Siegfried HÖGL Brigit te H n HUBER Johann HUBER Meike HUDA Daniel HUDL Herber t H Y DEN Thomas IMENSEK Sandra INTHALER Ga argit JAUT Z Mar tin JEINDL Kjeld Seneca JENSEN Barbara JONACHER Daniela K AGER Monika K AHLBACHE e K AMPER Markus K AMR AT Heidelinde K ANIK A ndrea K APFENSTEINER Renate K AR ABEL AS Huber ta K ARN K ET TL Michael KIEFER Walter KIEFER Sandra KIELHAUSER A rmin KIENREICH Elisabeth KINDLHOFER Chr ÖCK L Karin K LÖCK L Siegfried K LOPF Uwe K LOSA Maria K NAPP Maria K NAUHS Elke K NEISSL Edwin K NOL KOGLER Werner KOGLER Helmut KOHL Johann KOHL Maria KOHL A kim KOHLMAY R Sabine KOINEGG Kar SCHELT Klaus KOT Z BECK Elfriede KOWALD Gisela K R ACH Eva K R AINZ Manfred K R ANK ENEDL Christian K Walter K ROIS Harald K ROPIK Franz KUHELNIK Johannes KUMPITSCH Petra KUMPITSCH Mar tin KUNDEG r L AMBAUER Johannes L AMMER Christian L ANG Rosa L ANG Thomas L ANG Detlev L ANGREITER Josef L A gard LENGER Friedrich LENGGER Elfriede LENHARD Josef LENHARDT Bernd LEODOLTER Hans- Jürgen LER LUBEJ Heidemarie LUBER Christoph LUBI Claudia LÜF TENEGGER Bet tina LUT TENBERGER Gerald LUT TE AN Sabine MALY Brigit te MANDL Gerhard MANN Eva MARCHEL Kur t MAROLD Tanja MARTERER Inge MAR X d MAUTHNER Doris MA XONES Gerhard MAY ER Horst MAY ER Ursula MAY ER Walter MAY ER Ute MAY ERDOR MIHAL JE VIC Manfred MINAUF Daniela MISCHINGER Josef MÖSTL Roswitha MOISES Mario MONSCHEIN Ma A lexandra MÜHLBAUER A aron MÜLLER Gerald MÜLLNER Christian MÜNZ ER Thomas MURG Bernd MURTIN US Gabriele NOÉ Michaela NOVAK Gabriele OBERER Maria OBERHUBER Roswitha OBERTHALER Petra OF PASSEIL Judith PAT TERER Josef PAULITSCH Sonja PAVLICEK Veronika PEIER Thomas PEINSITH Dorothea P Elisabeth PICHLER Margarete PICHLER Marian PICHLER Elisabeth PIERER Eva PILGER - BUCHEGGER Johan sabeth PLEDL Thomas PLETERSEK Gerald PLE WA Thomas PLODER Bet tina POBASCHNIG Rudolf POCK C PIC Siegfried POSCH Barbara POSTRUZ NIK Daniela POTOCNIK Helmut POT Z INGER Margareta PR ANGL Eve RRER Wilhelmine PUSTER Hannes QUAISER Mar tin R ADASCHIT Z Christina R ADL Gerhard R AHBERGER Mich GUL A Sandra REHAGEN Irmgard REINGRUBER Dieter Manfred REINISCH Karl REINISCH Maria REINISCH Jü nz REUMÜLLER Eva RICHTER - K ERNREICH Sabina RIECK- DIL SK Y Franz RIEDRICH Elisabeth RIEGER He d RUCK ENSTUHL Hans Peter RUCK ER Petra RUDERER - K NOLLMAY R Johann SACHS Harald SACK L Eva- M G Elisabeth SCHADENBAUER Kuniber t SCHAFFER Daniel SCHAFLER Johannes SCHÄFMANN Herber t S beth SCHEUCHER Werner SCHEUCHER Bernhard SCHEUERMANN Elisabeth SCHIFFER Marie -Theres SCH LÖGL Margit SCHLÖGL Ursula SCHMER Sandra SCHMID Johannes SCHMIDBAUER Hermann SCHMIED Ute S HOBER Rober t SCHOBER Johann A lois SCHOLLER Thomas SCHORS Helmut SCHOT TER Josef SCHR AMM AB Thomas SCHWABL Elisabeth SCHWAIGER Ger fried SCHWAR Z Günter SCHWAR Z Iris SCHWAR Z Kerstin UF Z ER Gerald SIDAK Brigit te SIEBENBÄCK Heidrun SILBERSCHNEIDER Jürgen SIMBÜRGER Klemens SIME a- Christine SPIT Z ER - G ABRIEL A nna- Maria SPREIT Z HOFER Verena SPULLER Beatrix STACHERL Roswitha RN Doris STOISER - NESTL Jasmine STONI Silvia STÖRI Mar tin STOT TER Siegmund STR ACHWIT Z Herber t S Brigit te STROMBERGER Florian STRY ECK Silke STUBEN VOLL- PUFF Sieglinde STURMER - KONR AD Gerhar Rober t TANT SCHER Elke TARMANN Bernhard TARTLER Brigit te TA X Maria TEMMEL Franz TENGG Susann as TR ANTUR A Jenny TR APPL Sandro TR AUSSNIG Richard TRIEB Siegfried TRÖSTER Elisabeth TROHA A lo RSTEINER Florian UNTERWEGER Manfred VALL ANT Goran VASIL JE VIC - LOCH Manuela VATERL Christian V ALTERSDORFER Astrid WEBER Johannes WEBER Mar tin WEBER Wilfried WEBERN Johannes WEIDACHER WENDLER Thomas WENZ EL Bernhard WESENER Peter WESIAN Gabriele WIENER Rudolf WIENER Edith WIE Helga WIPPEL Johann WOHLESSER Ingrid WOLF Her wig WONKO Mat thias WÜNSCHER Ursula WUNDE R A lexander Z ERKOWIT Z Waltraud Z IERSCH Astrid Z IMMERMANN Bianca Z ITNIK Wolfgang Z NIVA ine AMERSTORFER A lois AMSCHL Christine ANDERS Dorothea ANDRIT Z Claudia ARMBRUSTER Hansjörg BAUER Christian BAUERNHOFER Johann BAUERNHOFER A lois BAUMANN A nton BAUMGARTNER Ewald old BISCHOF Siegfried BISCHOF Eveline BL AINDORFER A ndrea BLODER A ndrea BODNER Daniela BÖHM Christian BRUNNER Ingrid BRUNNER A nton BUCHBERGER Ger t BUCHEGGER Johannes BURGSTEINER nnes DERLER Elisabeth DEUTSCH Marion DEUTSCH Josef DIEBALD Dimitrios DIMITRIOU Mario DJUZ ELIC HITS - HAL A J Eva Maria DREISIEBNER Karl ECK HART Maria EDEL SBRUNNER Reinhold EDEL SBRUNNER NER Ingrid EISNER Irmgard EISSNER A nna EL SNEG Günter ENDERLE Josef ENGELBOGEN Eva ENGLER R Josef FELDHOFER Gerlinde FELGITSCHER Roland FELGITSCHER Adolf FERSTL Aoisia FERSTL Norber t ER Stefan FREIDL Florian FREISSMUTH Bernhard FREUDENTHALER Christina FRIT Z Elisabeth FRÖHLICH ASSNER Erna GASSNER Karin GAUSTER Günther GEIEREGGER Ger t GENSER A lessandro GEROMELL A a GÖTSCHMAIER Marlies GÖT Z L Walter GÖT Z L Roswitha GOGG Elfriede GOISER Patricia GOL AUTSCHNIG E Johannes GR AT Z ER Franz GREIMEL Ewald GREINIX Mar tin GREINIX Mar tina GRIESSLER Bet tina GRILL R A nita GRUBER Walter GRUBER Charlot te GRUNDNER Franz GSCHWEITL Ilse GSPURNING Elmira GULO Sieglinde HAIDACHER Walter HAIDACHER Astrid HAIDEN Jörg HALLEUX A rndt M. HALLMANN Roswitha ris HASEWEND Christina HASIBA Mario HAT Z Walter HAT Z A nnemarie HAT Z L Markus HAUP TMANN Florian m HER Z ER Gabriele HET Z ENDORF- ORESNIK Markus HIEBLER Mar tina HIERZ ENHOFER Ingrid HIERZ ER HOFER Josef HOFER A ndrea HOFMAIR Susanne HOFMANN Heriber t HOFMEISTER Ger fried HOLD Monika abriele JAINDL A ngela JAMBREC Wolfgang JAMBREC Wolfgang JAMMERNEGG Mar tina JANISCH Manfred ER A ndreas K AHR Manfred K AHR Renate K AHR Eva K AHR - FRÖHLICH Margareta K AINDL Maria K AINER NER Rudolf K ARNETSCHNIGG Karin K ASCHNIGG Karin K ATSCHNIG Helmut K AUDEL Gerhard K AUFMANN ristina KIRCHENGAST Doris KIT TINGER Manfred K L AMPFER A nton K L APSCH Marianne K L ASNIC Kordula LL Evelyn KOCH Gernot KOCH A lber t KÖCK Ernestine KÖCK Johann KÖCK Stephan Michael KÖCK Johann rin- Gabriela KOLB Maria KOLB Renate KOLLEGGER Michaela KOLLER Philipp KOLLER Winfried KOLLER K R ANZ Marco K R AUTNER A nna K R A XNER Astrid K R A XNER Isabella K R A XNER Thomas K R A XNER Franz GR ABER Rober t KUNTNER Christian KUPFER Heinz- Jürgen KUPSCH Brigit te KURZ A lfred L ACK NER Josef ANZ Har tmut L AUFK E Michaela LEBITSCH Gabriele LECHNER Johann LECHNER Michaela LECHPAMMER RCHBACHER Sabrina LESK Y Katrin LESNIK Christiane LET TMAY ER Uwe LE XNER Elisabeth LIND Susanne NBERGER Heidemarie MACHER Karl MACHER Helene MADNER Daniel MAIER Claudia MAIERHOFER Ina Peter MAR X Ernst MASTNAK Harald MATL Margret MATL SCHWEIGER A nneliese MATSCHINEGG Marianne RFER Paulus MAY R Franz MEIREGGER Iris MEISENBICHLER Helmut MEISTER Markus MEISTER Hannes arin MOR ARU Veronica MOR ARU Verena MORO Johannes MÖRTH Marie -Therese MÖRTH Waltraud MÖRTH NGER Maria NAGER Beatrix NAR ATH Christian NEBEL Heinz NEBEL Daniela NEMECEK Sandra NEUBAUER FNER Josef Gerhard ORNIG Wilhelm ORTNER A ndreas OSL AJ Ulrike OSWALD - K R AINER Gabriele PA AR PEINSIT T A lois PEL Z MANN Meike PERL Sabrina PERSCHLER Mar tina PESSENHOFER Werner PETSCHNIK nnes PINEGGER Mia-Ileana PINEGGER Thomas PINTHER Michael PINTSCHER Ingrid PIRER Ger t PIRK ER hristine PODMENIK Gerhard PODMENIK Gundula PODREPSEK- SCHWARZ Richard PÖLLINGER Elisabeth elyn PR ANTER Ulrike PR ATH Harald PR ATSCH Irmgard PREDOTA Franz PREITLER Johannes PREM Werner hael R AHM Christine R AINBACHER Randolf R AINER Konrad R ANNAK Franz R APPOLD Christa R AT TINGER ürgen REINTHALER Gerhard REISCHER Her wig REISENHOFER Manfred REISINGER Doris REISSMÜLLER ermann RIEGLER Regina RIEGLER Theresia RIT TER Mar tina RIT Z Susanne RÖGER Franz ROGI Günther Maria SAFR AN Manuela SAFR AN Ulrike SAGMEISTER S ylvia SAILER Chris SAL A Monika SAL AWA A riane CHAGER Stefan SCHANDOR Gabriele SCHANES -WALENTA Daniela SCHANTL Petra SCHEER Reinhold HIG AN Petra SCHINTLER -T SCHRIE TER Harald SCHISTER Theresia SCHISTER Manuela SCHL AG Dietmar SCHMIED Mar tin SCHMIERDORFER Ferdinand W. SCHNABL Gerhard SCHNEDLIT Z Karl SCHNEEBACHER MEL Markus SCHR ANGL Rosemarie SCHREIBMAY ER Renate SCHREINER Michael SCHRÖT TNER Peter SCHWAR Z Renate SCHWAR Z ENEGGER Er win SCHWEINZ ER Margit SCHWEINZGER Sonja SCHWIMMER ENKO Markus SIMMERSTAT TER Petra SIMO A nton SINGER Wolfgang SIX T Tatjana SK ALE A nita SK EDEL J a STADLER Monika STANGL Helga STEGER Peter STEGER Peter STEINBERGER Mario STEINER Daniela STR ALLHOFER Cornelia STR ANZ Elfriede STR AUSSBERGER Peter STREIBL Christina STREICHER Rudolf rd SUDI Isabel SUPPAN O t to SUPPANSCHIT Z Klaus SUSCHNIGG Elisabeth SUT TNIGG - GRUBER Marianne ne TERSANSK I Liselot te TEUSCHLER Edith THALER Christian THEISSL Michael THIER Rosalinde THIER ois TRUMMER Bet tina TRUMMER Claudia TRUMMER Siegfried TRUMMER Johannes T SCHEMMERNEGG V EIT SBERGER Bernd V ERONIG Wilhelm VOLLER Bernhard WAGNER Gunther WAGNER Mar tina WAGNER R A lexander WEIGL Beate WEIGL Werner WEINGR ABER Michael WEINGRILL Gerhard WEINHANDL Maria ESER Rosa- Maria WIESER Sabine WIESER Ulrike WIESER Evelyn WILDBACHER Doris WINK LER Gerhard ER Renate WUNDERL Norber t WUR Z INGER Bet tina Z ACH Josef Z ACHENEGGER Birgit Z AUHAR Ingrid Mar tin ZÖCH A nna ZÖHRER Michael ZÖL Z ER Peter ZÖRNER Daniela ZOT TER Ingrid ZÜGNER 956 PEOPLE IN THE RAIFFEISENL ANDESBANK STEIERMARK AG STRIVE TO EARN YOUR TRUST EVERY DAY. CONTRIBUTING TO THE SUCCESS As of 31 December 2008, our staff is comprised of DEVELOPING EXECUTIVES 888 men and women. That means 888 times the competence and commitment for the Raiffeisen-Landes- The development of executives was once again a fo- bank. cus in 2008. In the last two years, initial steps were taken in workshops with all executives to further de- 38 Every business is a living organism. One feels this velop the leadership in the group on a wide scale. quite strongly in human resources management. 68 A significant focus of this work was communicating staff members were transferred to us from our sub- our strategy and implementing central management sidiary company, the Landes-Hypothekenbank Stei- tools, such as appraisal interviews. The new work- ermark AG. Thus besides hirings, retirements and shop series in 2008 was connected to previous reorientations, there was a lot going on in the Raiffei- workshops. Around 170 executives of the Raiffeisen- sen-Landesbank once again. Landesbank and the Landes-Hypothekenbank Steiermark AG took part in it. The aim was to make our executives fit for the common challenges and to sensitize and train them for them. NEW COMPANY PHYSICIANS TEAM MOVE YOUR MIND Our health management was also restructured in Our first ideas competition, “Move your mind”, took 2008 by forming a new team of company physicians. place in 2008. Staff members were invited to pro- Two women physicians and a male physician will take pose ideas and suggestions for improvement. The care of our staff from now on. It is not an easy task staff often knows exactly what could be done better for our three physicians, since they have to provide and where potentials could be raised. However, they the best possible care to our Graz and Graz-Raaba often don’t get the chance to propose ideas and sug- locations. One important task will be to stay in touch gestions. They could take part in “Move your mind” with our staff members, not only during consultation in teams of two to five people. The success of this times, but also right at the workplace. initiative exceeded all expectations. 46 proposals were submitted. Then a jury of eight experts judged the proposals. In the end, the winning idea was “the photo of my choice on my savings book”. All of the other ideas will be examined for their feasibility and implemented if applicable. 2008 ANNUAL REPORT IDEAS OF THE RAIFFEISEN-L ANDESBANK: 39 From the left: Mathis HUBER, Michael HÖLLWARTH, Mario HA AS Raiffeisen is a bank and, at the same time, much “FESTIVALS NEED SPONSORS AND more than a bank. Raiffeisen is also one of the big- ST YRIARTE IS NO EXCEPTION. WE PL AN gest sponsors in Styria. Whether it is sports, art or FOR THE LONG-TERM AND HAVE TO BE social programs, we are aware of our responsibility ABLE TO TRUST OUR PARTNERS.” and give a part of our profits back to society in the Mathis Huber, styriarte form of sponsoring. In this way, what at first glance seems impossible is possible. A lot of things are Since then, we have helped to make many things easier with our help. Young athletes can train. The possible. 2008 was the year of Mozart’s “Idomeneo”. first team turns into a winning team with our help and Of course, we were also a part of this. storms from win to win or smoothly sinks the basket In 1973, we founded the “Kinder ins Theater” (Child- like a panther. ren into the Theatre) program so there would be an audience for concerts, plays, musicals and operas “A WELL-OILED TEAM IS JUST AS IMPORTANT in the future. This is where children from all over Sty- IN FOOTBALL AS IN BUSINESS. YOU CAN ria are invited to the opera. Around 450,000 Styrian ONLY SUCCEED IF YOU CAN COUNT ON EACH children have taken part in this program so far. 2008 OTHER AND TRUST YOUR TEAMMATES.” was no different. And finally we organise our own Mario Haas, SK Puntigamer Sturm Graz events. The Raiffeisen bank at Tummelplatz is turned into the Raiffeisen Gallery four or five times a year. The competition can take place and Styria can Since the gallery opened its doors in 2002, many out- show itself to be a good host. The opera attracts its standing artists have been our guests. Ernst Fuchs, audience, the music class can hold its concert and Hans Staudacher, Arik Brauer and Gerald Brettschuh the pictures find an exhibition in which they can be are just a few of many. In 2008, Wolfgang Garofalo, presented. The historic building structure is protect- Beate Rüsch, Markus Szyszkowitz and Peter Pon- ed, the books are published and exhibitions and gratz had exhibitions in our gallery. museums are promoted with our help. One of our most outstanding sponsorships is our commitment But we don’t only care about art and sports. We are to styriarte. We have been the main sponsor of this also deeply committed to social programs. This is in Styrian cultural festival since 2001. our nature. In the beginning, we were an emergency association in which the cooperative members supported, protected and helped each other. The times have improved. A successful banking group grew out of an emergency association. Today we gladly assist those who are still dependent on help. Once again 2008 ANNUAL REPORT THE BASIS OF TRUST IS LIVED SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. 41 we supported many social projects in 2008. For example, we co-financed dolphin therapy for a girl and donated the proceeds of the tombola of the Raiffeisen-Landesbank Summer Festival to two young people, who have not had an easy fate. In 2008, we installed our first blind-friendly cash machine so that visually impaired people can safely withdraw money. 42 An example that many others are now following. We arrived at the opening of the Bärenburg (Bear Castle), the children’s safety house on the grounds of the Graz Provincial Hospital, with a generous cheque. “CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE. PROTECTING THEM AND INVESTING IN THEIR SAFET Y MEANS STABILIT Y AND SUSTAINABILIT Y FOR US.” Michael Höllwarth, University Clinic for Pediatric Surgery For we have always cared a great deal about the safety and well-being of children. Therefore, we took our info event “mobil und sicher” (mobile and safe) on the road again in 2008 for the third time to a total of 30 Styrian schools. This event educates 14 and 15-year olds about alcohol and drugs, traffic safety as well as money. The provincial school board, the “drug judge” Helmut Wlasak, the ARBÖ Austrian Automobile Association, the ÖAMTC Austrian Automobile, Motorbike and Touring Club and the Austrian Road Safety Board were once again on board in 2008. WHOEVER HAS DEEP ROOTS CAN WEATHER ANY STORM. WE HAVE THE DEEPEST ROOTS OF ANY AUSTRIAN BANK. martin jeindl RAIFFEISENL ANDESBANK STEIERMARK Kaiserfeldgasse Annenstraße Herrgottwiesgasse Mandellstraße Moserhofgasse Ragnitz St. Leonhard-LKH Steirerhof Theodor-Körner-Straße Tummelplatz Zinzendorfgasse Frohnleiten ADMONT Admont Altenmarkt bei St. Gallen Ardning Landl St. Gallen ANGER-PUCHKOGLHOF Anger Koglhof Lebing Puch bei Weiz BAD RADKERS BURG-KLÖCH Bad Radkersburg Klöch BAD WALTERSDORFSEBERSDORFNEUDAU Bad Waltersdorf Sebersdorf Neudau BIRKFELD - OBERES FEISTRITZ TAL Birkfeld Fischbach Gasen Miesenbach Ratten Rettenegg St. Kathrein am Hauenstein Strallegg BREITENAU Breitenau DECHANTSKIRCHEN-PINGGAU Dechantskirchen Pinggau St. Lorenzen am Wechsel Schäffern DEUTSCHL ANDS BERG DeutschlandsbergRaiffeisenstr. DeutschlandsbergHauptplatz Frauental St. Martin im Sulmtal EDELSCHROT T Edelschrott Hirschegg EGGERSDORF BEI GRA Z Eggersdorf bei Graz Kumberg St. Radegund EIBISWALD ST. OSWALD Eibiswald Aibl St. Oswald ob Eibiswald FEHRING-ST. ANNA AM AIGEN Fehring Kapfenstein Lödersdorf St. Anna am Aigen FELDBACH-BAD GLEICHENBERG Feldbach Bad Gleichenberg Mühldorf FELDKIRCHENK ALSDORF Feldkirchen Kalsdorf FÜRSTENFELD Fürstenfeld Altenmarkt bei Fürstenfeld Bad Blumau Burgau Loipersdorf bei Fürstenfeld Therme Loipersdorf Übersbach GAMLITZ Gamlitz Ehrenhausen GLEINSTÄT TEN Gleinstätten Großklein Heimschuh Kitzeck im Sausal St. Andrä im Sausal GLEISDORF Gleisdorf-Florianiplatz Gleisdorf-LudwigBinder-Straße Gleisdorf-Neugasse St. Margarethen an der Raab Sinabelkirchen GNAS Gnas GRATKORN Gratkorn Deutschfeistritz Peggau GRAT WEIN Gratwein Judendorf-Straßengel St. Oswald bei Plankenwarth GRA Z-ANDRITZ Graz-Andritz Graz-Augasse Graz-St.-Veiter-Straße Thal GRA Z-MARIATROST Graz-Mariatrost Graz-Geidorf Graz-Mariagrün GRA Z-ST. PETER Graz-St. Peter Graz-Liebenau Graz-Schillerplatz Hart bei Graz Raaba GRA Z-STRASSGANG Graz-Straßgang Graz-Alte Poststraße Graz-Eggenberg Graz-Puntigam Graz-Wetzelsdorf Seiersberg SCS Seiersberg GRÖBMING Gröbming Aigen im Ennstal Irdning Kleinsölk Pruggern Stainach Stein an der Enns Trautenfels GROSS ST. FLORIANWET TMANNSTÄT TEN Groß St. Florian Wettmannstätten GROSSSTEINBACH Großsteinbach Großhartmannsdorf GROSSWILFERS DORF Großwilfersdorf Hainersdorf Söchau Nestelbach im Ilztal Ottendorf JUDENBURG Judenburg-Hauptplatz Judenburg-Burggasse Möderbrugg Oberzeiring St. Georgen ob Judenburg Unzmarkt K AINDORF Kaindorf KIRCHBERGEDELSBACH Kirchberg an der Raab Edelsbach bei Feldbach HALBENRAINTIESCHEN Halbenrain Tieschen KNIT TELFELD Knittelfeld Gaal Großlobming Kobenz St. Lorenzen St. Marein Spielberg HARTBERG Hartberg St. Johann in der Haide Schildbach LEIBNITZ Leibnitz Neutillmitsch Wagna HATZENDORFUNTERL AMM Hatzendorf Unterlamm LEOBEN-BRUCK Kompetenzzentrum Kapfenberg Bruck a. d. Mur Eisenerz Hieflau Kompetenzzentrum Leoben Niklasdorf Pernegg Proleb Radmer St. Katharein/Laming St. Peter/Freienstein Tragöß Kompetenzzentrum Trofaiach Vordernberg HAUSMANNSTÄT TEN Hausmannstätten Fernitz Graz-Thondorf Vasoldsberg HEILIGENKREUZKIRCHBACH Kirchbach in der Steiermark Heiligenkreuz a. Waasen HITZENDORF Bankstelle Hitzendorf Beratungscenter Hitzendorf ILZ Ilz LEUTSCHACHOBERHA AGST. JOHANN I. S. Oberhaag Arnfels Leutschach St. Johann im Saggautal LIEBOCH-STAINZ Stainz Lannach Lieboch Tobelbad LIESINGTAL Mautern Kalwang Kammern im Liesingtal St. Michael ob Leoben Wald am Schoberpaß LIEZEN Liezen Lassing Selzthal Weißenbach bei Liezen Wörschach LIGIST-ST. JOHANN Ligist KrottendorfGaisfeld St. Johann ob Hohenburg MARIA ZELLERL AND Mariazell Gußwerk Mitterbach am See Wildalpen MARKT HARTMANNSDORF Markt Hartmannsdorf MIT TLERES MÜRZ TAL Krieglach Allerheiligen-Mürzhofen Kindberg Mitterdorf im Mürztal Stanz im Mürztal Veitsch Wartberg MOOSKIRCHENSÖDING Mooskirchen Söding MURAU Murau Krakaudorf Murau-St. Egidi Ranten St. Georgen ob Murau St. Lambrecht Schöder Stadl an der Mur MURECK Mureck Deutsch Goritz Gosdorf Lichendorf Mettersdorf am Saßbach St. Peter am Ottersbach NESTELBACH-ST. MAREIN-L ASSNITZHÖHE Nestelbach/ Schemmerlhöhe Laßnitzhöhe St. Marein bei Graz NEUMARKTSCHEIFLING Neumarkt Mühlen Scheifling NÖRDLICHE OSTSTEIERMARK Grafendorf Eichberg Lafnitz Mönichwald St. Jakob im Walde Waldbach Wenigzell OBDACHWEISSKIRCHEN Obdach Weißkirchen OBERES MÜRZ TAL MürzzuschlagGrazer Straße MürzzuschlagStadtplatz Kapellen an der Mürz Langenwang Neuberg an der Mürz Spital am Semmering ÖBL ARN Öblarn Donnersbach St. Martin am Grimming PALDAU-STUDENZEN- EICHKÖGL Studenzen Paldau PASSAIL Passail Fladnitz-Teichalm Gutenberg a. d. Raabklamm St. Kathrein am Offenegg Semriach PISCHELSDORFSTUBENBERG Pischelsdorf Hirnsdorf Stubenberg PÖLL AUVORAU Pöllau Vorau PÖLSTAL Fohnsdorf Hohentauern Pöls St. Johann a. T. Zeltweg PREDINGHENGSBERGST. NIKOL AI/S. Preding Hengsberg St. Nikolai im Sausal ST. MARGARETHENSECK AU St. Margarethen bei Knittelfeld Seckau ST. RUPRECHT AN DER RA AB St. Ruprecht an der Raab ST. STEFAN- JAGERBERG-WOLFSBERG St. Stefan im Rosental Jagerberg Wolfsberg im Schwarzautal ST. STEFANKRAUBATH St. Stefan ob Leoben Kraubath SCHILCHERL AND St. Stefan ob Stainz Bad Gams St. Josef Wildbach SCHL ADMINGRAMSAU-HAUS Schladming Aich-Assach Ramsau am Dachstein Haus im Ennstal SCHWANBERG Schwanberg REIN-ST. BARTHO LOMÄ-STIWOLL St. Bartholomä Rein Stiwoll STALLHOFEN Stallhofen Södingberg RIEGERSBURGBREITENFELD Riegersburg Breitenfeld STEIRISCHES SALZK AMMERGUT Bad Mitterndorf Bad Aussee Pichl-Kainisch Tauplitz ST. GEORGEN A. D. STIEFING St. Georgen an der Stiefing Ragnitz ST. LORENZEN IM MÜRZ TAL St. Lorenzen im Mürztal St. Marein im Mürztal STRADEN Straden STRASS -SPIELFELD Straß Gabersdorf St. Nikolai ob Draßling St. Veit am Vogau Spielfeld TEUFENBACH- OBERWÖLZ-ST.PETER Teufenbach Mariahof Nieder wölz Ober wölz St. Peter am Kammersberg Schönberg-Lachtal TRIEBEN Trieben Gaishorn Rottenmann TURNAU-AFLENZETMISSL Turnau Aflenz Kurort Etmißl ÜBELBACH Übelbach UNTERPREMSTÄT TEN Unterpremstätten Dobl Wundschuh VOITSBERG Voitsberg Bärnbach Geistthal Kainach bei Voitsberg Köflach Krems Modriach Rosental a. d. Kainach St. Martin/ Wöllmißberg WEIZ Weiz Heilbrunn Weiz-Center Süd WIES Wies Pölfing-Brunn WILDON-LEBRING Wildon Allerheiligen bei Wildon Lebring Weitendorf RAIFFEISEN IS ALWAYS NEARBY A sign can be seen across Styria: the Raiffeisen ga- Our advantage in this respect is that you can always ble cross. It is an old protection symbol that should find a Raiffeisen bank nearby in foreign markets. For ward away harm and danger. And the gable cross the Raiffeisen idea has spread to other countries, is our trademark because we also want to protect too. In the meantime, Raiffeisen is in 15 Central and against financial harm. Eastern European countries. We offer Styrian companies Austrian banking know-how so they can do There are 336 Raiffeisen bank branches in Styria, business there. more than any other bank. In places where there hasn’t been a general store, a priest, a court, a post SECURIT Y is written in capital letters at Raiffeisen. office and the police for a long time, there is still a We have put together a long-standing network of se- Raiffeisen branch. We offer the people and the econ- curity features, whose top priority is to protect our omy of Styria 336 times the competent advising and customer’s deposits. We have a solidarity associati- best service. Thus, it is with good reason that we are on that recognizes early on if economic difficulties th- the number 1 local financial provider of Styria. And reaten a Raiffeisen bank and promptly counters them. this for the last 115 years. The Raiffeisen-Geldorganisation Steiermark (Raiffeisen Money Organisation Styria) has founded its own No one knows the Styrian market as well as us be- customer guarantee association. It guarantees all cause we are firmly anchored in the region. Our private and corporate customer deposits in full. This decisions are made locally and not in neighbour- is more than the legal deposit insurance guarantees. ing countries or any where else. We are at home in In addition, there is still the Raiffeisen-Kundengaran- Styria, there where our customers are at home. And tiegemeinschaft Österreich (Austria Raiffeisen Cus- our customers are also our owners. Not anonymous tomer Guarantee Association), of which we are, of hedge funds or foreign investors, but Styrians. There course, a member. Thus, our customers’ money is are around 500,000 in Styria alone. Thus, Raiffeisen safe with us. can be called a Styrian company with good reason. We accompany our customers around the world from Styria, because Styrian companies are active worldwide and, therefore, so are we. RAIFFEISEN BANKING GROUP STYRIA FACTS AND FIGURES AS OF 31 DECEMBER Number of Raiffeisen banks Number of Raiffeisen bank branches Members 2007 89 90 336 338 501,031 501,015 Functionaries 1,144 1,178 Staff members 3,088 3,058 DEPOSITS 48 2008 Initial deposits 103,2 107,8 11,501 m 10,533 m Savings deposits 8,642 m 8,174 m Demand, time and foreign currency deposits 2,859 m 2,359 m 162,6 182,1 Number of savings accounts 1,127,973 1,148,193 Number of current accounts 576,238 552,305 ACCOUNTS BUILDING SOCIETY SAVINGS 13,9 16,0 Balance of building society deposits 822 m 827 m Balance of building society loans 609 m 603 m 305,712 304,697 Number of securities deposits 101,169 98,050 Securities holdings 4,179 m 3,675 m 257,380 236,436 382 m 341 m Assessed sum insured 4,845 m 4,772 m Total volume of surrender values 1,182 m 1,095 m 11,081 m 10,065 m Number of building loan contracts CUSTOMER SECURITIES LIFE INSURANCE Number of contracts Calculated annual premiums LOANS Not incl. building society loans 50 EVEN GOOD SHIPS SOMETIMES SAIL ON STORMY SEAS. A WELL-OILED TEAM HELPS YOU STAY ON COURSE. THIS IS ALSO TRUE FOR BUSINESS. markus mair
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