R4H Berichtserstattung - Paralympics 2004-2008


R4H Berichtserstattung - Paralympics 2004-2008
berichtet live weltweit von den Paralympics
Als einziger Internetradiosender Europas berichtet Radio4Handicaps seit 2004 alle 2 Jahre
von den Paralympics - täglich mehrere Stunden lang - LIVE !
In Deutsch, Englisch und der jeweiligen Landessprache - via Internet weltweit zu empfangen!
Die Sendungen werden zur Abendzeit nochmals wiederholt, sodass sich die Hörer insgesamt 8
Stunden pro Tag über die Paralympics informieren können.
2 Wochen nach Abschluss der Wettkämpfe werden sämtliche Sendungen noch einmal
ausgestrahlt, damit auch die teilnehmenden Sportler und Ihre Familien in den Hörgenuss
kommen können.
Sämtliche Interviews und moderierte Berichte werden zum allzeitlich möglichen Abrufen als
podcast-Beiträge auf der Homepage von Radio4Handicaps abgelegt.
Es wird mit Behindertensportvereinen des ausrichtenden Landes kooperiert, sodass
umfangreiche Informationen direkt aus dem Zentrum des Geschehenes einfließen.
Radio für Gehörlose...- keine Ausgrenzungen ...!!
Die Zusammenfassungen des Tages werden von einem Gebärdendolmetscher übersetzt,
gefilmt und mit in die R4H-Webseiten gestellt.
Radio4Handicaps - für barrierefreie Köpfe !
Denke und höre barrierefrei !
Radio4Handicaps Berichtserstattung über die Paralympics
2004 in Greece (Athen)
2006 in Italy (Turin)
2008 in China (Beijing)
(Empfang des Deutschen Botschafters)
Paralympics 2004 in Griechenland (Athen)
Paralympics 2004 in Griechenland (Athen)
Paralympics 2006 in Italien (Turin)
Paralympics 2008 in China (Beijing)
INTRODUCTION of Radio4Handicaps
What is Radio4Handicaps (R4H) ?
* The only informative radio channel tailored to the needs of people with disabilities in europe
* A non-profit organisation
What do we do at R4H?
* We analyze the wishes and need for information of our listeners, and service these through
our unique webpages and radio programmes
* We analyze by interaction
Why do we do this:
* To provide our listeners with the opportunity to obtain information tailored to their needs
* To reach out to 7.6 million Germanspeaking people with handicaps wherever they are in the
world, on a platform with no boundaries
Why are we unique?
* We deliver topics catered to the needs of people with disabilities
* We are the first daily webradio for people with handicaps in europe
* More than 2.5 million people accessed our website in March (Paralympics in Turin) and July
Who are our listeners?
1. People with handicaps and their familie and friends
2. People who help handicapped people
3. People who work in the field of caring for people with disabilities
4. Managers and staff of hospitals, rehabilitation centers, care centers, nursing homes and
parents of disabled children
What are our topics?
* Live coverage of mega-events in handicapped sports, e.g. paralympics in Athens and Turin
* We organize events for handicapped people in rehabilitation centers and hospitals
* We inform about new developments and themes, which support the daily life of people with
* We talk about: Travel, Automobiles, Jobs and New Products
* How can your company benefit?
* We can provide you with a platform through which you can target your clientele directly:
People with handicaps
Managers and staff of homes for the disabled
Officials of Organisations
Resellers, etc.
* You can target your future customers through our webpages
* You can secure yourself premium advertising space during our live coverage of the Beijing
Paralympics 2008
* You can become one of our selected sponsors
What do we offer specifically?
1. Space for your banner-ads on our webradio pages
2. Sponsorships
3. Special banner-ads during our live-coverage of mega-events in sports
4. Exposure during the upcoming Paralympics 2008 in Beijing
5. Airtime for our main customers on our webradio programmes
How can you achieve this?
1. Place a banner on our radio-webpage
2. Secure advertising space for our unique Beijing Paralympic 2008 webpage
3. Become a sponsor of R4H
4. Become a premium sponsor of R4H during the Paralympics 2008 in Beijing
Why should you do this?
1. To gain market share in the German speaking part of Europe. (i.e. Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Greece)
2. To find resellers and distributors of your products
3. To establish your branding in Europe
Our consultant:
Marketing: Mr. Karl Grandt
D-25899 Niebüll
Schützenring 29
Tel.: +49 (4661) - 675 773
E-mail: info@paralympics-2008.de