universiti utara malaysia
universiti utara malaysia
UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA 06010 UUM Sintok, Kedah Darul Arnan, Malaysia. Tel: 604 - 928 4000 Pusat Pengajaran Pembelajaran Universiti IUTLC) "KEDAH SEJAHTERA" UTlC20090514-KB0205 14Mei 2009 Pendaftar Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Minden Pulau Pinang (USM) Tuan/ Puan BENGKEL ANJURAN UTLC, UUM BAGI BULAN JUN 2009 Dengan hormatnya saya merujuk kepada perkara di atas. Sukacito dimaklumkan bahawa Pusat Pengajman Pembelajaran Universiti (.UTLe), Universiti Utara Malaysia akan mengadakan bengkel bagi bulan Jun 2009 seperti berikut: 1) Workshop on Literature Review - The Backbone of YourPhD Simple Guide To Do Literatuter Review For Beginners: 2) Professional Lecture PBLWorkshop (A Step-by Step Sehubungan itu, UTlC menjemput semua stof daripada organisasi tuan/puan yang berminat untuk menghadiri bengkel-bengkel ini. Bersama-sama ini disertakan brosur dan borang permohonan mengikuti kursusuntuk tindakan tuan/puan selanjutnya. Maklumat berkenaan juga boleh dicopai melalui http://www.utlc.uum.edu.my.Sila kembalikan borong yang telah dilengkapkan ke Jabatan melalui pos atau faks di 04-9284054. Sekiranya terdapat sebarang pertanyaan, pihak tuan/puan boleh menghubungi Puan Nor Shafinaz Atil (urusetia Bengkel Literature Review) di talian 04-9284058atau En.Othman Mustafa (urusetia Bengkel PBL)di talian 04-9284055. Sekicn. terima kosih. 'ILMU BUDI BAKTI' Yang benor .~ (PROF. MADY ~JH. NURAHIMAH MOHO YUSOFF) Pengarah Pusat Pengajaran Pembelajaran Universiti(UTlC) UniversitiUtara Malaysia 51RIM AZMAN ABD{ ILLAH Pendaftar Universiti [!], 074 MS ISO 9001: 2000 REG. NO. AR 2471 l...........:..c:.:..:.:=~=::.:.J m4 -- _ ••••• Sains Mal aysla. Venue Executive Development Date of Workshop 29-30 June 2009 Facilitator Dr. Berhannuddin •, M9hd. Salleh (Universiti Centre, UUM Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) .>:":" Fees --ft"0Jr-U~~--L_---r"ees Time 8.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. UUM staff - RM200 will cover conference materials as well as refreshments Registration: Please contact Mr. Othman Mustafa Tel: 604 928 4055 Fax: 604 928 4054 Email:othman@uum.edu.my As seats are limited, please fax or email your registration Non UUM Staff (RM2S0) D UUMStaff (RM200) and lunch during the workshop. Accommodation: Please browse http://edc.uum.edu.my details on or before 15 June 2009. D D ,(Prof I Assoc. Prof. ___________________ Name: Designation: I --'- Dr. I Mr. I MS.) _ Organisation: _ Address: Tel: _ (Office) _ (Mobile phone) fax: Email address: _ Payment is due at the time of registration. Payment may be made by Bank Draft I Cheque I Purchase Order and be made payable to BENDAHARI UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Acc. Num.(Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad UUM Branch: 02093010סס0010) Please select the payment method: """","""""~=I="',,,,",+=eheqtle* B-Baflk-Br-aftJb..&rChase Please indica~e~raft *Payment I Purchase Registration Applicant I-Cheque Order* B -eth~~ ~'-""'.-...-.~-~= number: _ Order should accompany registration fee will not be refunded if cancellation signature: _ .Please mail/fax your registration with payment to: Secretariat Workshop Secretariat University Teaching and Learning Centre (UTLC) Universiti Utara Malaysia 06010 UUM Sintok Kedah Darul Aman Tel.No: 04-9284053/55/58 Fax: 04-9284054 " is made after 15 June 2009 . Date: _ " o CURRlCULUM BERHANNUDIN VITAE MOHD SALLEH Doctor of Philosophy (TESL) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia =~--------"'~~~~~~=~. -~- -Master ofEClucation (T"bSL) -- Universit Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Bachelor of Education (HONS.) TESOL, University of Manchester, United Kingdom Advanced Certificate (TESL) Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris, Malaysia Teacher Certificate (TESOL) Institut Perguruan Raja Melewar, Malaysia Having 25 years of expertise in the fields of education specifically Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) and Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at school, college and university levels. Main research interests include Problem-Based Learning, TESLITESOL, creative pedagogy, creativity and innovation as well as e-learning. Berhan is also head of the university PBL Task Force and consultant in PBL for many universities and colleges assisting them in use and promotion of PBL in teaching and learning. To date he has supervised more than 45 under-graduate and post-graduate research thesis for students coming from different universities. Currently, he is supervising several Ph.D students in linguistics and PBL. Berhan has also written and presented in numerous local and international accredited journals and conferences on main areas of expertise. He is also the founder and Chief Editor of the university's Journal on Problem Based J:;earillng. At the international arena Berhan is an institutional member of the UNESCO Chair for Problem Based Learning (UCPBL) based at Aalborg University, Denmark and program committee as well as reviewer for several international PBL conferences and journals. Prior to his new posting, he was head of the teaching and learning centre of the university and sits in the National IPTA Council for Heads of Teaching and Learning Centers and Malaysia IPTA E-Learning Committee. Presently, Berhan is the Director of the Centre for Humanities and Communication Studies, UTHM. -" ~~- SYNOPSIS OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING "How do I get my students to think?". Conventional teaching can only do that much but not so much more that is required of a competently holistic graduate. Stakeholders including employers and the community want graduates who are not only knowledgeable in the content area but generic skills that includes thinking skills, endurance, proseffional ethics, communication skills and problem solving, which problem-based learning (PBL) can deliver best. So, what is PBL and how " is it unique as compared to the other approaches. Basically, PBL is an active-learning and learner-centred approach where unstructured problems are used as the starting point and anchor for the inquiry and learning process. It is not just about problem-solving processes but a pedagogy based on constructivism in which realistic problems are used in conjunction with l---------the-desigrr-of-a )ea~ronmen~ere inquiry activities, self-directed learning, information mining, dialogue and collaborative problem-solving are incorporated. This form of education was mainly developed for the sciences but is now used in other areas of education including the humanities, law and engineering among others at Aalborg University, Denmark, Universiti Tun Hussein Om! Malaysia, Malaysia, University of Delaware, United States, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore, McMaster University, Canada and Victoria University, Australia. Outcomes of the Workshop • Participants should be able to find effective solutions to daily problems using PBL • Participants should be able to develop and apply more systematic, creative and innovative approaches of doing things for whatever purposes in life • Participants should be able to use high critical and analytical thinking skills for use in confronting daily problems Who should attend? Anybody - because everybody is a problem solver and PBL is applicable in all disciplines - includes lecturers and teachers, students, community leaders including politicians, heads of office, business persons including managers and just about everybody else. Course Content This workshop is activity-based that requires participants to pay attention to lectures and apply practical skills including the use of technology for deep understanding. The main components of the workshop are as follows: • Ground Rules • -Concept 0 EQucanon • PBL as both content and process • PBL activities • Global PBL models --- - Literature Review ..The~BackboneofYourt>hD Researcn (A Step-by Step Simple Guide to do Literature Review for Beginners) DATE VENUE PARTICIPANTS 03JUNE 2009 WORKSHOP ROOM C 20 ONLY 04JUNE 2009 WORKSHOP ROOM C 20 ONLY 11 JUNE 2009 WORKSHOP ROOM A 30 ONLY 14JUNE 2009 WORKSHOP ROOM A 30 ONLY TIME 8.30 A.M. - 5.00 P.M. FEES: RM 100.00 (UUM Staff members & UUM Students) and RM 150.00 (Others) With 2x meals, workshop materials and certificate of participation INTRODUCTION The aim of this workshop is to assist researchers, academicians and students with the review of the _ .Ilterature.ln.terms.of the specific requirements writing-researctt-assignment-. WHO SHOULD ATTEND People interested to do research, PhD/Masters Students (any background) FOCUSOF WORKSHOP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ What is Research? What is Literature Review? What are the common mistakes of doing Literature Review? How to conduct Literature Review - the smart way? How to improve your Literature Review skills (analytical skill, reading skill and writing skill)? How to write correct English (even if you are weak in English) The 4 Ws and 1 Hs of writing Simple and Easy techniques to organize your literature Easy Guide to Report preparation (Proposal, Thesis) FACILITATOR: Dr. Mohd Syazwan bin Abdullah Information Systems Department College of Arts and Sciences Uniuersiti Utara Malaysia 06010 Sintob, Kedah Malaysia 604-9284677 (oH) syazwan@uum.edu.my Reslltll'Ch Areas Information Systems, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Engineering, Software Engineering, Unified Modeling Language (UML), Requirements Engineering, Ethical Use Of Information , ) REGISTRATIONFORWt Please tick hi) the date of workshop 0 03 JUNE 2009 0 04 JUNE 2009 11 JUNE 2009 0 0 14 JUNE 2009 Fees UUM staff/student - RM100 Others - RM150 Fees will cover conference materials as well as refreshments and lunch during the workshop. Registration Contact Mdm. Nor Shafinaz Atil Tel: 604 928 4058 Fax: 604 928 4054 Email:shafinaz@uum.edu.my As seats are limited, please fax or post your registration details on or before 28 May 2009. D Others (RM150) Name: Designation: ,(Prof / Assoc. Prof./ Organisation: Address: Tel: (Office) Dr./ Mr./Ms.) _ _ _ _ (Mobile phone) _ Fax: Email address: _ Payment is due at the time of registration. Payment may be made by Bank Draft / Cheque / Purchase Order and be made payable to BENDAHARI UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Acc. Num.(Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad UUM Branch: 02093010000010) Please select the payment method: 1""""'=-="""'~-cheque~Bank.c()l'aft,1L~B~purchaseorder.:"-Q-Otber Please indicate Bank Draft / Cheque number: --,- _ *Payment / Purchase Order should accompany registration Registration fee will not be refunded if cancellation is made after 28 May 2009 Applicant signature: _ Date: Please mail/fax your registration with payment to: Secretariat of Literature Review - The Backbone of Your PhD Research University Teaching and learning Centre (UTlC) Universiti Utara Malaysia 06010 UUM Sintok Kedah Darul Aman Tel.No: 04-9284053/58 Fax: 04-9284054 _