Guide 2011 - Brooklyn Pride 2016
Guide 2011 - Brooklyn Pride 2016
BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:19 PM Page 1 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:19 PM Page 2 nc [^gh i e d[Wgdd ] `a gZhWniZ g^ Vc X]jg X 2 0 ; ? cdaP[[h [ d 0 R h A [ [ P > X aPR >:8=65 ]cX^]P[[h cTS ;> . 4 < > 7 ; 4C>20; PcXbX]cT R^\\Xc W h c [ [ h P c R X X c ] T d V a \\ ]SXbT]T P 0UPXcWR^ T b a T e _[PRTb X Z S a ^ h [ [ f P R b X T V X ^ RWUP\X[ a P]ScWT^[ d W R a d ^ 6^SX] V ] X e a T b ^ c f^a[S S ] P h c X R^\\d] <0=H5024B>5?A8340=3508C7 9^X]dbBd]SPhbPc )P\ !#7T]ahBcaTTc1a^^Z[h] 5^a\^aTX]U^a\PcX^]V^c^fffU_RQa^^Z[h]^aV T\PX[X]U^/ÄabcRWdaRWQa^^Z[h]^aV^aRP[[& '%!#"&& BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:19 PM Page 3 Brooklyn Pride 2011 3 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:29 PM Page 4 Brooklyn Pride Mission Statement Brooklyn Pride PO Box 150508 Brooklyn, NY 11215 718-928-3320 Connect With Us! Facebook: Twitter: MySpace: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Officers: Chair The mission of Brooklyn Pride, Inc. is to produce Pride and community events that commemorate, educate, promote and celebrate the spirit of the Stonewall Riots. This is a year round endeavor, culminating with an Annual 5K Run, Multicultural Festival; Parade and After-Pride Parties. A significant percentage of the net proceeds from these events are invested to support other organizations and events that celebrate the strength, diversity and reaffirm the value of all LGBT Brooklynites; groups and all others who support the struggle for equal rights. Brooklyn Pride is the premier LGBT community based-service organization in Brooklyn, serving the neighborhood communities, from Bath Beach to Wingate. Zully Rolan Treasurer Director Doreen DeJesus Executive Secretary Nadine Boston Committe Members: Festival Coordinator Gina Osnovich Parade Coordinator Mickey Heller Entertainment Coordinator Nakeshia Jones Security Manager Carmen Rosado Design & Production Rori Baldari Kids Space Manager Mindi & Stephanie The Brooklyn Pride Guide is published by Brooklyn Pride, Inc. Reproduction or use of editorial or advertising contents in any manner without the permission of Brooklyn Pride, Inc. is strictly prohibited. Publication in the Newsletter or Guide of the name or photograph of any person or organization is not to be construed as any indication of sexual orientation or opinions of said person or organization. Brooklyn Pride, Inc. shall not be held responsible for any typographical or reproduction errors provided by the advertisers. © 2011 Brooklyn Pride, Inc., Brooklyn, New York Printed by Signature Litho Inc., Woodside, NY 4 MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD Welcome to the 15th annual Brooklyn Pride Celebration. We hope you enjoy the Festival, Entertainment, Kids Space, the Run, Drag RUGBY and the Parade. We extend our appreciation and gratitude to the volunteers, entertainers, Front Runners NY and our sponsors for their unwavering support, time talent and energy to produce this year’s event. Brooklyn’s Annual Pride Celebration commemorates the spirit of the Stonewall riots and Builds a Bridge to Pride for Brooklynites in their own backyard. We strive to bring together the diverse community of Brooklyn through positive images of our own diverse community. We celebrate family, youth, and the talent of our community as well as the heart of our activist. As you peruse the pages of this year’s Pride Guide, note the businesses gay or straight owned, friends and sponsors who support our community, often in the face of opposition. Find a way to show your appreciation of their support. Join Brooklyn Pride and other LGBTQ organizations’, clubs or groups working to advance and empower our community. Many are listed in the resource directory in the Guide. Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 5 Brooklyn Pride 2011 5 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 6 6 Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 7 The Rainbow And Real Fun 2011 GUIDE CONTENTS by Jisnu Dunlop The weave of romance, friendship and love Always alive, moving with the two Their hopes and sharing The strength and warmth Each can give Each can be free And then the play unfolds When each can Live for the other Nurturing and inspiring Only the problems unforgiven Could end . . . The rainbows and real fun The times outdoor and flush With each other and breezes The light fills both lives A beach is the edge of their one heart The sky the cover of the naked Excitement and delight In giving Giving Giving If it isn't giving It isn't living 2011 Grand Marshals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Official After Party Hosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Parade Route, Festival Map & Schedule of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Brooklyn Pride Thanks You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Sponsors, Street Banners, Rainbow Arch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Festival Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-31 On behalf of the Board of Directors of Brooklyn Pride, Inc., we are honored and proud to have you as a Friend. You are a constant source of encouragement, guidance, and unwavering support. You give us the strength, courage, grit and determination to bring Pride to Brooklyn. Community Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-34 Advertisers Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Irene & Pat, Aunt Suzie Italian Restaurant Mark & Richard, Excelsior Board of Directors, General Membership of NERP Sheila & Margarette Gingers Bar Michelle de la Uz Fifth Avenue Committee Inc (FAC) Our Families, Partners, Children and Pets Brooklyn Pride 2011 7 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 8 Grand Marshals 2011 Ann Kansfield and Jennifer Aull Ann Kansfield and Jennfer Aull serve as the co-pastors of the Greenpoint Reformed Church (, a welcoming and inclusive congregation in North Brooklyn. A natural “people person”, Ann’s first foray into building a welcoming church occurred at the age of four when, without asking permission, she rode her tricked-out 1980 Big Wheel around the neighborhood inviting everyone she met to Easter worship followed by dinner at her parents’ house. Ann may hold degrees from Columbia University (BA, with honors) and New Brunswick Theological Seminary (MDiv, summa cum laude), but the most useful skills acquired during her educational years may have come from a four-week course in bartending. Ann joined Middle Collegiate Church in 1994, where she met her partner, Jennifer, while teaching church school. In 2004, Ann’s father, Norman, officiated at their wedding in Massachusetts which led to his being fired from his job as President of New Brunswick Theological Seminary and suspended as a minister in the Reformed Church in America. In 2006, the New York Classis of the RCA refused to ordain Ann as a minister because of her same-sex marriage. After many years of perseverance, she will be ordained on June 12, 2011 by the United Church of Christ. Jennifer spent her childhood in the Southern Baptist church and her adolescence making up for lost time. Eventually, she discovered that it is possible to be both Christian and queer. She graduated from San Francisco State University and Union Theological Seminary, and is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. Along with caring for her congregation, Jen is pursuing a degree in Marriage and Family therapy. Ann and Jen are both active with the Empire State Pride Agenda’s Pride in the Pulpit program, and have worked to organize clergy in support of marriage equality in New York State. This past fall, the Greenpoint Reformed Church started “Somewhere,” a youth group with a specific welcome for LGBT young people. Much of Ann and Jen's time is spent feeding hungry people. In response to having an increasing number of people come to the church asking for food, the congregation began a soup kitchen and food pantry in October 2007. These programs currently serve over 4500 people per month. She credits caring volunteers, colleagues and donors for enabling the soup kitchen and food pantry to keep up with this unprecedented demand. Ann lives in the manse above the church with her partner Jennifer, their son John (age two) and daughter Grace (four months). t A Salute to Past Grand Marshals We salute you, our past Grand Marshalls, for your contributions, service and dedication to end discrimination and to preserve the civil rights of every citizen in our society. 1997 Jill Harris Dr. Marjorie Hill Chris Rodriguez 1998 Rev. Zachary G. Jones Debra Silber Carmen Vazquez 1999 Alan Fleishman Regina Shavers Joo-Hyun Kang 2000 Rosalyne Blumenstein Daisy De Jesus Colin M. Robinson Paul Schindler 8 2001 Ralph “Chaz” Crowder Dorothy Deringer Terry Maroney Leona Williams 2002 Hon. Marty Markowitz Stonewall Veterans Association GOAL – Gay Officers Action League FireFLAG – Fire Friends of Lesbians and Gays 2003 Dr. Dan Sendzik Griot Circle Irene Lo Re 2004 Marriage Equality NY Lesbian Herstory Archives 2005 Katherine Acey Park Slope Geriatric Day Center Clarence Patton 2006 Craig Hammerman Ivy Botini Caribbean People International Collective (CPIC) Lambda Independent Democrats (LID) 2007 Christine Quinn Dee Paris Perez NYC Gay Men’s Chorus Rori Baldari 2008 Brooklyn Pride Center The LGBT Center Regina Shavers 2009 District Attornery Charles Hynes Marrige Equality New York 2010 Jerry Allred OUTBrooklyn Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 9 Brooklyn Pride Parade Carl Siciliano Carl Siciliano is a nationally recognized advocate and provider for homeless LGBT youth who has been dedicated to this population since 1994. His programs have been widely recognized for their quality and innovation. From 1983 through 1988, Siciliano worked with the Catholic Worker Movement, where he assisted in the management of shelters, soup kitchens and residential programs for the homeless in New York City, Washington D.C. and Norwalk, CT. From 1988 through 1994, he helped the Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter operate a residential program for homeless adults in New York City. Brooklyn Pride 2011 From 1994 to 2001, Siciliano worked as the Director of Homeless Youth Services for Safe Space NYC Inc. During that time, he created an innovative continuum of services for homeless teens including: a 24 hour drop-in center, a citywide street outreach program, a scattered site emergency housing program, and a residential program for HIV+ teens. The federal government officially designated Siciliano’s program a "Special Project of National Significance." In 2002, Siciliano founded the Ali Forney Center (AFC), which has grown to become the nation’s largest and most comprehensive housing program for homeless LGBT youth. The Ali Forney Center offers emergency housing, transitional housing, a drop-in center, a vocational/educational center and a mix of supportive services that help LGBT youth become successful, independent adults. AFC has been recognized for its exceptional work by various organizations including Gay Men’s Health Crisis (Humanitarian Award; 2004), the Anti Violence Project (Courage Award; 2006), the Empire State Pride Agenda (Community Service Award; 2006) and the Brooklyn Lambda Independent Democrats (LID Award, 2007). Siciliano's work has also received extensive coverage in local and national print and broadcast media. In 2002, he was named by OUT Magazine as one of the 100 Outstanding Gay Achievers. His work has also been recognized by the Stonewall Democrats of NYC in 2006, and in 2007 he was awarded the Brooke Astor Service Award which is given to someone who is relentless in his or her dedication to the city of New York and who has contributed substantially to its enrichment. Today Siciliano continues to fight for the rights and empowerment of homeless LGBT youth through the growth and outreach of the Ali Forney Center. t 9 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 10 B O A R D O F D I R E C TO R S Doreen DeJesus Nakeshia Jones Entertainment Coordinator Treasurer Being a part of the Board of Directors of Brooklyn Pride, is an honor and a privilege. I have been on the Brooklyn Pride board since 2007 and continue to learn a lot from my fellow board members. I am very proud to be sitting on a board with individuals who know how to face a challenge head on and get what needs to be done accomplished. As you enjoy the festivities we have planned for everyone, I ask that you keep in mind that Brooklyn Pride works hard year round to not only give the LGBT community Pride Day but we strive to make a difference in the LGBT community. If you have the heart, the willingness to commit and the time I encourage you to come join us in our work. Here’s wishing you and yours a happy and healthy PRIDE! t I also want to thank my parents Doreen and Carmen for accept- Festival Coordinators Executive Secretary Planning Committee and Board Members I thank you so much for your support and this year's theme: The Many Faces of Pride. t This is Robyn and Gina’s fourth year volunteering with Brooklyn Pride. In their regular lives, Robyn works as an account manager for a plumbing company in Bayside, Queens and Gina is the editor of OUTBrooklyn, the LGBT column for the Brooklyn Eagle. Last year, at Brooklyn Pride, the couple got engaged. They were married earlier this year in Boston. Gina and Robyn have spent a lot of time planning this year: from engagement party to wedding, to Brooklyn Pride, to family planning, to where to hang photos in their new home, to planning how to get rich quick 10 ing me for who I am and for always being my support team. I love doing the Entertainment Coordinating for BP and plan to continue my work with them. Hope to see you all at the stage, we have an awesome show for you! t Gina Osnovich & Robyn Ong Nadine Boston Welcome to Brooklyn Pride's 15th Annual Multicultural Festival and Night Parade! I have been on the board as Executive Secretary for the past 4 years and work with a group of people that I've learned so much from along the way and hope to keep learning. Please join us for the 5K Run, Festival, Kid Space, Stage Entertainment and the Night Parade that's going down 5th Avenue this year. To all the Five years ago, when I met this group of ladies, I would have never guessed they would become my family. As the baby of the group they have guided me and watched me grow up. Brooklyn Pride represents a wonderful cause and this team works thier butts off, donating countless hours of their time and energy and I feel honored to be apart of it all. I want to thank my partner Michelle for dealing with my busy work schedule and late nights on the computer trying to meet deadlines. and pay off some debt. Next year they plan on doing. They live on Long Island with their son. t Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 11 AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS Zully Rolan Mickey Heller Chair Parade Coordinator Pride 2011! The Many Faces of Pride! “Celebrate our diversity every day, teach, raise awareness and walk tall but with humility, Equality IS on the horizon.” I extend my appreciation to the residents, businesses, elected officials, and civic organizations of Park Slope, Especially Irene Lo Re, the Executive Director of the Park Slope 5th Avenue BID. I want to thank the American Cancer Society, the Brooklyn Women’s Rugby & Gotham Knights RFC, the entertainers, the Parade groups, the BCPC Family group and Front Runners NY. Without your support Brooklyn Pride could not produce the Annual Festival, Run or Parade. We are in your debt and work hard to make you Proud to host Pride in Brooklyn. This year theme the Many Faces of Pride reflects who we are and are becoming. Show us the rainbow of us. Finally I urge you to give support to those businesses that support us everyday not just during Pride Month. They need us as much as we need them. Take Notice of the businesses gay or gay friendly, friends and sponsors who support our community throughout Brooklyn. Find a way to show your appreciation of their support. Work to Build A Bride to Pride for our community. Join Brooklyn Pride and other LGBTQ organizations’ clubs or groups working to advance and empower our community. Happy Pride Brooklyn! t A Salute to Past Co-Chairs It is with our deepest appreciation that we thank our Founder and past Co-Chairs for all their contributions, vision, leadership and service to Brooklyn Pride and our community over the years. Founder Dale Gates Co-Chairs Jerry Allred Sonia Galarza Fran Rolan Brooklyn Pride 2011 Since this is probably the closest I will get to give an Academy Award thank you speech, let me first thank the Lord for allowing me to work with such a wonderful and talented group of people. We may not have always been in agreement, but we all worked tirelessly and gave of our time, talent and treasury to make this a reality. Until you are behind the scenes, you cannot imagine the amount of work involved. To paraphrase Hillary, it takes a village to put on Pride Week! Zully, Doreen, Nadine, Gina, Nakeshia and everyone else working on the organizing team; job well done. My gratitude and respect goes out to everyone on the parade committee who worked tirelessly folding, stuffing, sealing and stamping. Your input was so valuable and your help so appreciated. Many thanks and much love and respect to Calvin & Erik of Club Langston. Your faith, friendship and support mean so very much. My friends and family at GMAD, BATF and The Brotherhood: continue the terrific work you are doing and thank you for your support and encouragement. Carlton Brown, you are an incredible Graphic Artist and your help was invaluable. A very special thank you Jerry; you stepped in with your experience, wisdom and friendship. Anything accomplished could not have been done without your help. Finally, to everyone reading this Pride Guide; thank you so very much. We hope you enjoy all of the events during Pride Week and continue to strive to improve. Please continue to support Brooklyn Pride consider volunteering your time and talent as we begin to look to next year’s “Sweet Sixteen”. t Steve Gradman Donna Guzzardi Curt W. Taylor Ira Ortiz Jean Ambroise Zully Rolan Millie Ramos 11 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 12 12 Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 13 35263(&7 WINE SHOP ASSEMBLYMEMBER JAMES F. BRENNAN CELEBRATES WITH 6HYHQWK$YHQXH%HWZHHQWKWK6WUHHWV %URRNO\Q1< ZZZSURVSHFWZLQHFRP 3URVSHFW:LQH6KRS,V3URXG 7R6XSSRUW %522./<135,'( DQGWRSURYLGHRXUGLYHUVH FRPPXQLW\ZLWKDZLGHYDULHW\ RILQGLYLGXDOLVWLFDUWLVDQDO RUJDQLFZLQHV Brooklyn Pride 2011 BROOKLYN PRIDE FOR FIFTEEN YEARS OF SERVICE TO BROOKLYN’S LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER COMMUNITIES AND APPLAUDS THIS YEAR’S PARTICIPANTS. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 416 7th Ave., Brooklyn 11215 • 718-788-7221 Rm. 422, LOB, Albany 12248 • 518-455-5377 1414 Cortelyou Rd., Brooklyn 11226 718-940-0641 13 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 14 14 Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 15 Brooklyn Pride 2011 15 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 16 In honor of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) History Month, The White House launched our first ever LGBT specific constituency webpage: This webpage is designed to keep you updated on how the President and the Administration are Winning the Future for LGBT Americans. Please take a look at our Winning the Future for LGBT Americans factsheet and sign up for our e-mail updates that will keep you up to speed with what is going on in the Administration. We encourage you to spread the word about this site to your friends, families, and the communities you work with. 16 Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 17 Brooklyn Pride 2011 17 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 18 Night Parade Route 15th Annual Brooklyn Pride Multicultural Festival Saturday, June 11th, 2011 Prospect Park at Bartel-Pritchard Circle (F train to 15th Street/Prospect Park) For more information, to volunteer, to march or perform, call the Brooklyn Pride Hotline, 718-928-3320 ext. 3. All events are free & open to everyone! • Pride Fun Run: A fun charity, sporting event held each year in a festive, healthy and inclusive environment. This year, 50% of the proceeds will go to benefit Ali Forney Center, which houses homeless LGBT youth in Brooklyn. • Registration at 8 a.m. • Run begins at 9 a.m. • Multi-cultural Festival: It’s more than your usual street fair. Sure, you can walk up and down Prospect Park West and visit our fantastic vendors. Stay for all-day entertainment on the main stage inside the Park. • Street fair from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Entertainment begins at 1 p.m. • Kids Space: activities, projects and crafts. 12 to 4 p.m. • Night Pride Parade kicks off at 7:30 p.m. Come cheer on the amazing floats and marchers as they make their way up our new route: Fifth Avenue, from 14th Street to Union Street. Stick around afterwards to patronize the many gay owned and gay friendly businesses along Fifth Avenue that are hosting after pride events! • After-Parties: Why limit yourself with one event when you can hop from Ginger’s or Excelsior on Fifth Avenue. 18 Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 19 Brooklyn Pride Thanks You… Brooklyn Pride offers our deepest gratitude and appreciation to the individuals, groups and organizations that provided us unwavering support and assistance in bringing this yearís pride event to Brooklyn. Without your support, encouragement and belief Pride 2011 would not have been possible. The 5th Avenue BID PO Jerry Gallante 78th Pct. Community Affairs Office 65 6th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217 (718) 636-6410 Craig Hammerman, District Manger Community Board #6 260 Baltic Street Brooklyn NY 11201 (718) 643-3027 Jerry Allred, Office of Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz Brooklyn Borough Hall 209 Joralemon Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Michael Cairl, President The Park Slope Civic Council 357 Ninth Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 (718) 783-1723 Todd Berman, Clearview Festival Productions Rob Ashe 80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 415 New York, NY 10011 (646) 230-0713 Irene Lo Re Executive Director 5th Avenue BID 172 Fifth Avenue, Box 124 Brooklyn, NY 11217 Dori Sheilds, Casswood Insurance Agency, LTD Five Halfmoon Executive Park Clifton Park, NY 12065 (516) 373-8700 The dedicated volunteers of Brooklyn Pride, Inc. The Residents and Businesses of Park Slope Michelle de la Uz Executive Director Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc 621 Degraw Street Brooklyn, NY 11217 (718) 237-2017 Eric Thompson, Dept. of Transportation Special Events, Banner Unit 40 Worth Street, Room 1215 New York, NY 10013 (212) 788-2109 Lynda & Jasmine and The Prospect Park Alliance NYC Parks & Recreation 95 Prospect Park West Brooklyn, NY 11215 (718) 965-8974 Nancy J. Melissas, City of New York Parks and & Recreation Litchfield Villa 95 Prospect Park West Brooklyn, NY 11215 (718) 965-6993 Brooklyn Pride 2011 Matt Pintchik & Dale Garcia & The Park Slope Volunteer Ambulance Corp 453 Bergen Street Brooklyn, NY 11217 (718) 398-4500 Volunteer Opportunities Is this the Job for You? Volunteer opportunities with Brooklyn Pride can be just for fun, or they can look good on your resume. FUNDRAISING Plan & staff events Merchandising Corporate Sponsorship Grant writing Obtain raffle prizes COMMUNICATIONS Work on our newsletter & Pride Guide Write press releases Produce graphic art for flyers, posters Develop media contacts Maintain our web page Ad sales VOLUNTEER/OUTREACH PARADE & FESTIVAL Phone tree (expenses reimbursed) Staff BP table at events Recruit & place volunteers Lick-n-Stick bulk mailings (refreshments!) Distribute newsletters Update Mailing List This is the biggest event of our year. There is plenty of work to do in the coming months to ensure a happy event. And there are unlimited ways to contribute on the date of the festival and night parade. We need you! 19 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 20 2011 SPONSORS STREET B ANNERS Park Slope 5th Avenue Bid Bogota Latin Bistro Gingers Brenton Realty Excelsior Ambicionz Aunt Suzie American Cancer Society PARADE PARTICIPANTS as of June 5, 2011 Audre Lorde Project Babeland Brooklyn Brooklyn Community Pride Center Metropolitan Community Church of New York Brooklyn Women's Rugby Cheer NY Dykes on Bicycles FDNY - Fire Engine & EMT Ambulance Gay Men's Health Crisis Gay Men of African Decent Gotham Girls Roller Derby Hetrick Martin Institute Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn Lesbian Herstory Archives Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Alliance (Brooklyn College) 20 Make the Road New York New Alternatives for Homeless LGBT Youth PSbklyn Queens Pride House Queers Against Israeli Apartheid SAG LGBT Committee Screen Actors Guild Sirens Women's Motorcycle Club of NYC South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association of New York City The Ali Forney Center The Brotherhood of NY, Inc. Unity Fellowship Church Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 21 Join Us. Get Involved. Be Part of the Progressive and Pro-Equality Change We’re Creating - right here in Brooklyn! LAMBDA INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATS the Political Voice of Brooklyn’s LGBT Community. Learn more at Brooklyn Pride 2011 21 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 22 F E S T I V A L Aron Prince 2011 Entertainment: (subject to change) Aaron Prince Aiden Leslie CaLii Cheryl and JaVonne Christine Martucci India M Kid Akimbo Kylie Edmond Lady M Lex Z London Bridgez Luscious Lola oh my josh Rhythm Locura Shiragirl Stefon Royce Switch n Play Aron Prince is an openly gay, independent recording artist/record label owner and house music dancer from Brooklyn, NY. He has released two fulllength CDs since starting his record label Aron Prince Entertainment in January 2004. He is currently writing and producing new material for his upcoming third full-length CD. He is very active in the LGBT community concentrating on mentoring gay youth. n S TA G E mesmerized by Elvis as a child,” he remembers. “My parents were huge fans and would always play his records. One morning I told my parents I wanted to be a singer like Elvis and they said I could do anything I wanted. Their belief encouraged me.” In New York, Aiden was cast in an Off-Broadway play. In between rehearsals, he would tag along with the show’s sound engineer and scour the shelves of Eightball Records, a vinyl record shop that was popular with DJs in the midnineties. There, Aiden was introduced to an underground music world he didn’t know existed. It wasn’t long before he became a fixture in the New York nightlife circuit, frequenting clubs like Palladium, Tunnel, Twilo, Roxy, and Jackie 60 to listen and dance to after-hour DJs Junior Vasquez and Danny Tenaglia. “I saw dance and the underground club scene as another form of theatre”, he explains. “Unscripted and selfexpressive; an art form in stark contrast to the strict structure of the traditional plays I was performing in.” The one element he found to be lacking in dance was the presence of strong male vocalists. “A lot of DJs are simply not open to playing male artists on their dance floors. I think it’s time that has changed. I want to be a part of the movement to bring more guys to the floor.” And he has. The Junior Vasquez remix of Aiden’s “Love to Hate You”, a remake of the Erasure hit, ignited floors around the world and introduced Aiden Leslie as a formidable talent. Leslie describes his sound as Hip-Pop with a strong dance influence. It is a true reflection of his life, he says, but admits it wasn’t always. In fact, the followup song to his successful debut was a song that Aiden describes as “unauthentic to his true self”. It is part of the reason for his two year absence from music. n CaLii Aiden Leslie My ultimate mission as a performer is to share my story and experiences,” says emerging pop artist Aiden Leslie whose first single in two years, “Worlds Away”, releases this month from VicTim Music Group. “I aim to inspire people to look closer at their lives and strive to be better. Oh, I also hope they’ll dance their asses off.” Six days after graduating high school in Ohio, Aiden Leslie moved to New York City to pursue his music dreams. “I was 22 CaLii a.k.a. the Tri-State beast brings the Club to the streets, with a sound that attracts everyone from your club hopper to your local dope boy. The music lover turned femcee discovered her love and appreciation for music at a young age, and credits music as being an epic part of her life. She began rapping and writing rhymes at the tender age of 10. However, CaLii did not begin to fulfill her potential as an artist until upon graduating from Waterbury Arts Magnet School in Waterbury Ct., this is when she became serious about her gift and blossomed into the rapper we all Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 23 F E S T I VA L S TA G E love today. School is very important to CaLii. She realizes that not only should you do what you want to do, but you also do what you have to do. With that being said Education is surely her first priority. Where can you find CaLii in 5 years? You’ll find her achieving her goal as an established artist working with those who she admirers the most, while living where warm weather never subsides, drinking Daiquiri’s and polishing Platinum Plaques, as well as Master’s Degree. She attends New Jersey City University as a full time student. As far as influences, “My family has always made me strive for more; and to do better” says the young femcee. Musically; Eminem, Pink, 50 Cent, Nas, TI and Joe Budden are some of the artists she admirers, and have been influences in her artist development. CaLii has worked with notable artist such as Droop Pop (Cocaine City), Ryan Mayberry (winner of the 50 cent show), Elizabeth Sol, and a host of other fresh new talents. Her hit singles include, "Just you & me" feat Purple Chrome and "Air Out Season". She has also appeared in LOTL magazine, an international Lesbian publication. During the interview CaLii freely discussed her sexuality, as well as her humble thanks to her continuously growing male and female fan base. CaLii is currently in the studio working on brand new material for the release of her new mix tape “Welcome 2 CaLii” which is scheduled to drop Spring 2011. <---VIDEO REEL MAIN PAGE -FAN PAGE Contact info: n Cheryl and JaVonne Cheryl and JaVonne are a lesbian couple who sing together along with a few of their closest friends. The group currently is promoting songs from their upcoming album which will feature the Marriage Equality Song "Waiting All My Life" which has been getting quite a lot of attention on the internet due to the music video attached to it(YouTube). This is an all female act, Cheryl and JaVonne and three background singers. All songs are written by JaVonne, some sexy, sultry, neo-soul, r&b, Brooklyn Pride 2011 and even urban gospel house. Yes, Cheryl and JaVonne believes that God loves us all and made as queer as the day is long. n Christine Martucci Rock/Pop music - solo acoustic or full band possible Christine Martucci just released her 3rd cd, 'Sin & Redemption', in March 2011. Her cd release party at the Stone Pony last month was a sell out. Last year she headlined the 'Pride at the Pony' concert at the Stone Pony Pride on Pride Weekend in Asbury Park, NJ. She returns this year to co-headline the 2nd Annual Pride at the Pony' with award winning country recording artist, Chely Wright. See her new video for her new song, 'Ocean Avenue': n India M Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY India M started singing at the age of 5 and a year later, she was already formally training her young pipes with a vocal coach. At 14, India M had joined her first band as a singer and was quickly gaining attention and recognition in the industry. With her determination and perseverance, two years later they were asked to open for B.T. Express in Virginia Beach. India M has toured the US, performed at many venues and events including Brooklyn Pride 2008, “Out Music”, “The Fresh Fruit Play House”, “The Root Hill”, “S.P.I.T.”, “Nuyorican Café” and has also performed with singer Lovari at the LGBT Expo 2009. Additionally, India M managed the stage for the 2009 Fresh Fruit Festival Awards and she is CEO of Just Me Productions Entertainment. A multifaceted entertainer, India M is currently working on “From the Soul,” a compilation of all her songs, scheduled to be released in late 2011. She is also producing "My Mother’s Wishes," an R&B/Gospel album of covers which she dedicated to her mother and will feature some very special voices which will be revealed in the near future. Simultaneously, she is working on two books and preparing several shows. Whether on stage, in the studio, or behind the scenes, India M has proven to be a true artist and hard-working 23 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 24 F E S T I VA L S TA G E entertainer whose unconditional love for music will continue to take her to new heights. For more on India M, visit n KID AKIMBO Double-nominated for Best International Artist and Best Producer for the 2011 OUTMusic Awards, KID AKIMBO’s ultra-sexy music video, Fun Boyz, had it’s broadcast debut on LOGO Television and has been featured on MTV and Originally from Brazil, currently based in New York, AKIMBO’s genre-crossing urban-pop music has been featured on stages from San Francisco to Vienna to Miami, sharing the spotlight with such acts as Tiffany, Ledisi, and Amanda Lepore. His latest EP is set to release this summer. n Kylie Edmond Sunshine smitten rocker Kylie Edmond dated 3 guys who turned out to be gay. Well, one is regular gay, one is bi, and one is a drag queen in Sydney doing a Marilyn Monroe show. This NYC based Aussie writes songs about lost iphones, the gay ex’s, mean boys and pickup lines. n Lady M As a beginner in the hip hop music industry Marlene Rojas, better known as Lady M brings force behind her flow, a free spirit on the mic. With the power to blend her lyrical skills from Hip Hop to reggae ton its a guarantee to catch your ear, A very strong appeal!! This Miami-bred emcee has locally earned a name for herself with multiple collaborations wit upcoming artist & open mic performances. In 2006/2007 she collaborated with artist such as Bulldog, a former member of Iconz, Crimzen Kingpinz, an upcoming hip hop group out of Miami , and Murdah Mami, another upcoming Miami MC. With open mic performances at numerous location around Miami fl, Lady M’z natural pas24 sion for the mic works the crowd. Her performance on stage is true entertainment. With hard work and dedication she is bound to shine. Lady M is definitely needed on the scene to bring that extra flavor to hip hop. Her love and passion for the music business is unbelievable. She is constantly in the booth and hard at work, making music for those who long for original beats, original flow and musical integrity Hip Hop, the way it was meant to be. Miamiz Finest, as the name suggest, finest in music, lyrics, beats, originality, and style. Lady m seeks to change the industry by focusing on quality music, NOT just to make a fast buck but to open a new door to the Hip Hop generation! n LexZ Lexz Pryde represents the past, present and future of music… In a tale as old as time, a small town girl comes to the city to make it big. Discovered by a modeling scout in her native Pennsylvania, she packed up, left country life in the Pocono Mountains and headed for New York City. After a year of flashbulbs and fashion shows, she finally got the opportunity to touch her real dream of music. A chance meeting with producer Nick Price would change the course of her life. At Legends Recording Studios this magic musical addiction began. Lexz’s life in fashion inspired her to push the music in a direction that would innovate rather than imitate. Her soothing melodic vocals matched with uptempo trance-like beats form a musical hybrid that is truly something special. Fueled by fresh lyrics and creative concepts, her music is undeniable. Artistically inspired by Andy Warhol, Walt Disney and Tim Burton she stays at the forefront of the movement with a wide variety of musical influences from The Notorious B.I.G. to Shania Twain. Lexz, like Warhol, calls it Pop Art. Now, with beauty, brains and focus, this singer/song writer is on a mission to seduce the world one fan at a time. n London Bridgez The writer and performer London Bridgez pushes the expectations of spoken word. "London" is her name. "Bridgez" represents what she does. She builds creative bridges between spoken word and music. Her stage performance is interactive truly Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 25 F E S T I VA L S TA G E building a bridge between her words, the music and the audience. London is a self proclaimed a Afro Punk Poet & Soul Word Artist. Artist London made her spoken word debut with her first single “Crushing You” produced by Daniel “Oph Kiltah” Watson from Deskbangahz production is a story of a secret crush told with a smooth blend of r&b vocals, London’s hypnotic lyrics and a sultry instrumental. London has performed her spoken word on the radio airwaves in Boston, New Hampshire, Chicago, and Nashville & Canada. n Luscious Lola After 15 years away from Brooklyn she’s back this year to help us celebrate 15 years of Pride! Luscious Lola is participating in this years Brooklyn Pride, she’s been given the go to be one of the host’s in celebrating our 15 years of PRIDE in Prospect Park along with celebrating her 15 year’s in entertaining. Luscious Lola is a female drag illusionist at the age of 43 and has been entertain audiences for 15 years. Her life as a performer started with Brooklyn Pride 15 years ago this June 2011. She was involved with various benefits for the organization and worked with the entertainment coordinator for the first two years performing and recruiting acts for the stage show. She had the privilege of winning the title of “Miss Brooklyn Pride 1997″ and rode in the parade with the Pride for her people representing all of the beauty that Brooklyn has to offer. From there her drag career took off. She has worked all over New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. She hosts “BINGO” at “THE CAGE” in Hoboken, NJ every Sunday from 6pm-8pm for the last three years. She’s also one of the many regular guest’s for SABOR LATINO with the legendary host Barbara Herr@ The Monster in the Village (NYC). The various titles she hold’s are “Miss Gay Hudson County 2006″ and 1st “Miss Bayside 2006″ and 1st “Miss Secrets 2007″. Thank you Brooklyn Pride for the opportunity to give back to the organization that made me Luscious Lola. Congratulations on celebrating 15 years of pride! I would also like to thank all my family and friends for the love and support and most of all the love of my life after 16 years Freddie you have always believed in me, for all your love, support and all you do. I love you , I love you! Hugs and kisses ~Luscious Lola~ n Brooklyn Pride 2011 oh my josh (also known as Joshuah Michael) laughs in the face of bubble gum pop music and dime-a-dozen "one hit wonders." OMJ takes pride in a sound that bridges the gap between mainstream top 40 and NYC dance music, while performing commercial pop and underground dance styles such as Voguing and Waacking. As a true exhibitionist, multi-talented singer-songwriter, acclaimed celebrity choreographer, and now internationally recognized, award winning pop/club recording artist, it’s no wonder that in only two years, this boy from a small town in “dirty Jersey” has already rocked the country with such an unforgettable experience all his own. While touring the US with a teen oldies band, Josh had the opportunity to impress such legends as Little Richard, Chuck Berry and Connie Francis with a talent that far surpassed his 14 years! Becoming a widely successful performer at such an early age, Joshuah allowed his talent to lead him to his passion to teach dance to students ranging in ages 3 to 30 years old. In the summer of 2008, Josh was approached by industry executives with an offer to begin recording pop music, with hopes of releasing an album with some of the world’s most famous producers and musicians. Since his debut at the world famous SPLASH BAR in NYC, his career sky rocketed to a hype far beyond expectation. Performing in clubs all around the United States, and opening shows for RuPaul, Nadia Oh, Kristina Debarge, Ida Corr, Jordin Sparks and Lady Gaga (to name a few), the initial concept of OH MY JOSH was taking full form into a dream come true. From pride festivals to television appearances, OH MY JOSH has a confident message of equality and a passionate determination to prove that no matter your sexual orientation, race, gender or religion: music is love, and love is a universal language. n Rhythm Locura RHYTHM LOCURA is New York’s Premier LGBT Latin Dance Troupe. RHYTHM LOCURA has been performing for over five years at some of NY’s best known LGBT events and venues including the NYC Gay Expo, SAGE dances at the China Club, and the Brooklyn 25 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 26 F E S T I VA L S TA G E and Queens Pride, as well as Heritage of Pride events. The group’s artistic Director is Simone Assboeck, from Stepping Out Studios in Manhattan. Their repertoire includes Salsa, Rumba/cha-cha, hustle, and tango. They are currently looking to expand their ranks for their upcoming pieces, so feel free to approach any member of the group later on if you might be interested. n Shiragirl Shiragirl is releasing Scream! Spit! Sing! on June 5 on Conquer Entertainment. At first listen, Shiragirl comes off as in your face, fearless, true to her art. Shira is all those things...what do you expect from a protégé of Tim Armstrong (Rancid), Joan Jett and other punk rock luminaries? Yet Shira is smart...scary smart...and her honest, hard-hitting brand of pure punk rock music is only one of the many layers to Shira. Shirqagirl has shared a stage with Rancid, Joan Jett, NOFX and Donita Sparks, among many others. Shiragirl is perhaps best known for literally crashing the Warped Tour in '04. "We drove our pink RV into the gates of Warped Tour and set up right opposite the skate ramp. Doors opened and everyone came running over to see what all the pink was about.We played a fun and raucous set with our lo-fi sound system. Then Kevin Lyman walked by and we figured we were done for. So I walked up to him to say hello, and he smiled and said, 'Shira! So you on for the whole tour now?' He was impressed with our chutzpah. From there I put together a proposal for a whole all-girl Shiragirl Stage. I wanted to provide a platform for girls to play on the tour, since there weren't any at the time. The next summer we hosted over 200 bands all over US and Canada, including Paramore.The following year is when Joan Jett graced our stage. Running the stage was a LOT of work, but it was for a good cause." n Stefan Royce Stefon Royce is a native of New York born and raised in Jamaica Queens. Stefon started his drag king career at amateur drag king contest in Brooklyn at club called Catty Shack. Shortly after, he begin to take New York City by storm, 26 appearing at noted clubs and bars such as Escuelita, The Monster, Alibi Lounge , Suite Lounge, Club Atlantis, Lover Girl and the Starlite Lounge just to name a few. No stranger to broadening his horizons, Stefon moved on to clubs in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, Atlanta and Virginia where he delighted gay and straight audiences alike. Stefon has also been a fierce competitor in the highly competitive ballroom and pageant scene. He currently walks Butch Body and Sex Siren for the House of Legacy International. His pageant conquests include being the reigning Mr. Hampton Roads Nubian King for Virginia as well as the emeritus for the Mr. Bold and Beautiful International Studd Pageant in New Orleans and the Mr. Illusions New Jersey International Male Pageant. Stefon thoroughly enjoys what he does and can be seen in a New York Film Academy documentary entitled “Fake It until You Make It” and in an soon to be released book by Jeanetta Baines which features the top 100 drag kings and queens across America aptly titled “ We Will Always Be Our Mother and Father’s Children”. If you are still not convinced of this young man’s quest for stardom, read more about him in the January 2009 edition of Studs Magazine or catch in the upcoming independent movie “After Party Babies” about the club scene in NYC. In closing, Stefon is just an email away from performing you. Stay in contact and he may be in a town near you real soon. You can reach him on myspace at n Switch N’ Play Switch N’ Play (SNP) is a Brooklynborn, New York-based drag alliance committed to entertaining its audiences with an eclectic repertoire of dance and theatrical numbers. Queer in every sense of the word, SNP spans the gender spectrum in life and on stage. Established in January 2006, SNP hopes to enliven the drag community of New York by performing with a diverse group of queer performance artists: drag kings and queens, burlesque performers, poets, musicians, and visual artists. We have had the pleasure of participating in an array of events, including Brooklyn Pride, IDKE 8 and 9, the Trans/Art Festival at Wow Cafe Theater, Welfare Warriors Speak Out, NY School of Visual Arts Out Week and LIGALY’s Gender Outreach Festival. In 2008, SNP was awarded “Best Performance” at the Heritage of Pride Fest and and they were voted “Best Drag Kings” by GO magazine readers in both 2009 and 2010. Every other month, SNP hosts an Open Drag Night at Outpost Lounge in Brooklyn. The Open Drag Nights were created to encourage a safe space for drag, burlesque and other gender-based performance by people of all levels of experience. In the past, SNP has used their Open Drag Nights to raise money for local nonprofits such as Right Rides, Hope Veterinary Clinic and FIERCE. SNP is: Bianca Dagga, Jack Kelly, Jonathan Bitchman, K.James, Manny Mango, Maximum Satisfaction and Peter Bigs. n Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 27 Brooklyn Pride 2011 27 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 28 COMMUNITY RESOURCES COLLEGE ORGANIZATIONS Gay & Lesbian Alliance of Brooklyn College 718-951-4234 Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Alliance of Kingsborough Community College GLBs at Pratt 718-636-3422 LEGALS (Brooklyn Law School Lesbian & Gay Alliance for Law Students) Greek Gay & Lesbian Association 212-255-6860 Las Buenas Amigas Lesbianas Latinas en NY 212-614-2948 Latino Gay Men of New York U-MEN Entertainment 718-346-3589 Latinos & Latinas de Ambiente — NY (LLANY) 212-614-2945 Women of Color Group of Brooklyn’s Women’s Martial Arts 718-788-1775 Lavender & Green Alliance 718-436-5756 GOVERNMENT SERVICES Women’s Center of Brooklyn College 718-951-5777 Lesbian & Gay Natural History Group of NY 718-965-0013 CULTURAL / ETHNIC / SOCIAL Lesbian & Gay Big Apple Corps 800 222-2786 The Audre Lorde Project 718-596-0342 Bi Perspective-NY Area Bisexual Network 212-459-4784 Brooklyn Arts Exchange (BAX) 718-832-0018 The Brooklyn Historical Society 718-222-4111 Caribbean Lesbian & Gay Alliance The Gay & Lesbian Arab Society 212-620-7310 Gay Asian Pacific Islander Men of NY 212-802-RICE (7423) Gays & Lesbians of Bushwick Empowered (GLOBE) 718-418-7690 Gays & Lesbians of Williamsburg (GLOW) 718-782-3105 28 Sirens Motorcycle Club 212-749-6177 Twenty Something 212-620-7310 Lesbian Herstory Education Foundation Lesbian Herstory Archives 718-768-3953 The Lesbian, Gay, Bisextual, Transgender Community Center 212-620 7310 Men of All Colors Together–NY (MACT/NY) 212-330-7678 People of Color in Crisis, Inc. 718-230-0770 South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association (SALGA) 212-358-5132 Shades of Lavender 718-783-0883 Sing Out! Brooklyn 718-783-0883 Sistahs in Search of Truth, Alliance, Harmony (SISTAH) 212-479-7886 NYC Office of Labor Relations Domestic Partner Health Benefits 212-306-7736 NYC Domestic Partner Registry Gay & Lesbian Health Office 212-442-6944 HEALTH / COUNSELING / SUPPORT SERVICES The Answer is Loving Counseling Center 718-998-2305 Black Women's Health Project The Bright Back Center, NSA Chiropractic 718-832-1830 Brooklyn’s Women Anti-Rape Exchange 718-330-0310 Brooklyn Aids Task Force 718-622-2910 Callen-Lorde Health Center 212-271-7200 CCM 718-230-5100 Center for Anti-Violence Education (CAE) 718-788-1775 Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 29 COMMUNITY RESOURCES Gay & Lesbian National Hotline 800-THE-GLNH (843-4564 212-989-0999 Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) 212-807-6655 (Hotline) God’s Love We Deliver 212-294-8100 IAPI-International AIDS Prevention Initiative (AIDS Memorial Quilt) 212-226-2292 Lesbian Cancer Support Group 212-673-7699 LG Immigration Rights Task Force 212-714-2904 Life Force Women Fighting Aids 718-797-0937 PFLAG (Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays) Queens: 718-271-6663 NYC: 212-463-0629 Park Slope Center for Mental Health 718-788-2461 Park Slope Safe Homes Project 718-788-6947 Rainbow Heights Club 718-852-2584 Brooklyn Rainbows 718-499-1132 Dr. Siegel & Dr. Levy, Podiatrists 78-788-2290 Touch Community Dinners, Inc 718-518-2806 Village Center for Care at Red Hook 718-596-8144 Brooklyn Pride 2011 LEGAL SERVICES South Brooklyn Legal Services HIV Project 718-237-5500 MEDIA Dyke TV 718-230-4770 Gay City News Gay Wired GO NYC HX Magazine Metrosource Magazine NEXT Magazine The NY Blade POLITICAL / ACTIVISM ACT-UP New York 212-966-4873 American Civil Liberties Union Lesbian & Gay Rights Project 212-549-2627 Amnesty International USA — Amnesty Members for Lesbian & Gay Concerns 212-807-8400 Lambda Independent Democrats (LID) 718-361-3322 Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund 212-809-8585 Log Cabin Republicans of New York 212-886-1893 Marriage Equality of New York 212-627-0305 New York City Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project (AVP) 212-714-1141 STONEWALL Veterans Association 212-627-1969 PROFESSIONAL Gay Officers Action League (GOAL) 212-NY1-GOAL (212-691-4625) GLBT Vets NY (Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans of Greater New York) Gay, Lesbian & Straight Educators Network 212-749-6866 Globe of Bell Atlantic 800-232-0069 ext. 6887 Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press Empire State Pride Agenda (ESPA) Out Professionals 212-462-9255 www.outprofessionals,org GLBT Political Coalition New York Cyberqueers (NYCQ) 212-889-4262 718-522-6553 29 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 30 COMMUNITY RESOURCES Outmusic 212-330-9197 First Unitarian Church Of Brooklyn Gay Straight Alliance 718-624-5466 Pride At Work New York 718-596-5372 1st Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn 718-624-3770 Stonewall Business Association 212-439-1010 Village Playwrights 718-522-0591 RECREATION / SPORTS Front Runners New York 212-724-9700 On The Move / Women In Biking 718-768-4998 SENIORS GRIOT Circle 718-246-2775 Integrity / New York (Episcopalian) 212-691-7181 Lutherans Concerned 718-768-0528 Metropolitan Community Church 212-629-7440 Park Slope United Methodist Church 718-768-3093 Unity Fellowship Church Of Christ 718-385-2406 Union Temple 718-638-7600 TRANSGENDER Imperial Court of New York 212-475-0838 Transgender Rights 212-979-8547 YOUTH Bisexual Gay Lesbian Transgender Youth of NY (BIGLTNY) 212-620-7310 Hetrick-Martin Institute 212-674-2400, 212-674-8695 TTY Youth Enrichment Services (YES) 212-620-7310 www.gaycenter.or Radical Faeries 212-679-2729 Pride Senior Network 212-271-7288 ADVERTISERS INDEX Senior Action in a Gay Environment (SAGE) 212-741-2247 activism / pride clubs / bars products organizations Excelsior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jack Daniel’s . . . . . . . . . . . Brooklyn Committee Ginger's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chambord . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPIRITUAL attorneys Ambicionz . . . . . . . . . . . . . sports organizations Mickey Z. Heller . . . . . . . . Rori Baldari . . . . . . . . . . . . Brooklyn Women’s Rugby dignitaries religious Marty Markowitz, organizations Bkln Boro Pres . . . . . . . . . Union Temple . . . . . . . . . . Affirmation NYC (Mormon) (212) 853 9434 All Souls Bethlehem Church Brooklyn Brownstone Jewish Coalition 718-832-6230 Brooklyn Heights Synagogue Dignity 212-627-6488, ext. 4 30 Pride Center (BPCP) . . Dist. Attorney Hynes . . . . LAMDA Independent Democrats . . . . . . . . . . business improvement Business Improvement District . . . . . . . . . . . . . design services food 200 5th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prospect Wine Shop . . . . . 1st Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . Aunt Suzie . . . . . . . . . . . . politicians Brad Lander . . . . . . . . . . . James F. Brennan . . . . . . . . Brooklyn Pride 2011 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 31 Congratulations to the Brooklyn Pride Committee on the 15th Annual Brooklyn Pride Celebration and best wishes for many more successful years of pride and progress for the Brooklyn LGBT community Brooklyn Pride 2011 31 BPGuide 2011:BP_2010 6/5/11 7:20 PM Page 32
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