2014 Pride Guide - Brooklyn Pride 2016


2014 Pride Guide - Brooklyn Pride 2016
Brooklyn Pride Mission Statement
The mission of Brooklyn Pride, Inc. is to produce
Pride and community events that commemorate,
educate, promote and celebrate the spirit of the
Stonewall Riots.This is a year round endeavor, culminating with an Annual 5K Run, Multicultural Festival; Parade and After-Pride Parties.
Brooklyn Pride
PO Box 150508 • Brooklyn, NY 11215
A significant percentage of the net proceeds from
these events are invested to support other organizations and events that celebrate the strength, diversity and reaffirm the value of all LGBT
Brooklynites; groups and all others who support
the struggle for equal rights.
Connect With Us!
Facebook: BrooklynPrideInc
Twitter: www.twitter.com/brooklynpride
Brooklyn Pride is the premier LGBT community
based-service organization in Brooklyn, serving
the neighborhood communities, from Bath Beach
to Wingate.
Board of Directors
Mickey Heller
Jerry Allred
as of print time...more to come!
Tyler Evertsen
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Ali Forney Center
Borough President Eric Adams
5th Brooklyn Scouts
B Productions presents Branded Saloon
Brooklyn Boys on Bikes
Brooklyn Community Pride Center
Cheer NY
Chip Shop
Dykes On Bikes
FDNY – Fire Engine + EMT Ambulance
Gay Men’s Health Crisis
GLOBE Make the Road NY
GMAD - Gay Men of African Descent
Lambda Independent Democrats
Lesbian Herstory Archives
92.3 NOW
Queens Pride
Sirens Women’s Motorcycle Club
South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association
South Brooklyn Democrats
The Stonewall Democratic Club of NYC
Volunteer Coordinator
Todd Fliedner
Media / Communications
Pride Guide
Editors: Mickey Heller & Jerry Allred
Design and Production: Rori Baldari
Cover Design: Julio Castro
Logo Design: Charles Hervich
Graphics: Rori Baldari, Julio Castro,
Rowan Foley, Charles Hervich
The Brooklyn Pride Guide is published by Brooklyn Pride,
Inc. Reproduction or use of editorial or advertising contents in any manner without the permission of Brooklyn
Pride, Inc. is strictly prohibited. Publication in the
Newsletter or Guide of the name or photograph of any
person or organization is not to be construed as any indication of sexual orientation or opinions of said person
or organization. Brooklyn Pride, Inc. shall not be held responsible for any typographical or reproduction errors
provided by the advertisers.
© 2014 Brooklyn Pride, Inc., Brooklyn, New York
Printed by Signature Litho Inc.
Tyler Evertsen
Mickey Heller
Tyler Evertsen is a native New
Jerseyan who presently resides
in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Having
obtained an MSW from NYU,
an MBA from AIU and currently
working on his PhD. in Education from Walden University, he is also a college professor teaching social science courses. His limited
spare time is spent advocating for HIV/AIDS causes as
well as other LGBT non-profits. As his alter-ego,Tyler
Alyxander, he is kept quite busy.
To many people, turning 18
had special meaning. It is
the same with Brooklyn
Pride, which is why the
theme this year is “Coming
of Age”. Like so many at 18,
Brooklyn Pride has gone through many changes,
learning experiences and even growing pains, but
we look to this year and the years to come with
excitement, optimism and gratitude.
Approaching this new phase in our journey, we
introduce our new logo to symbolize Brooklyn
Pride’s “Coming of Age”. Many thanks go to
Charles Hervish and Rowan Foley for the design
and polishing of our new brand. Also new this year,
our monthly “Dine With Pride” events continue to
take us to different restaurants to meet, eat and
support local businesses that support Brooklyn
Acknowledging the importance of our relationships, much gratitude goes to our sponsors as their
support makes Brooklyn Pride happen. We hope
and encourage you will support them as well as all
the businesses that place ads in this publication.
As we continue to grow our board, thanks go
to those who have served this year. Welcome to
our new board members Tyler Evertsen, Todd
Fliedner and Hutch. And of course our current
treasurer and a founder of Brooklyn Pride, Jerry
Allred; you are a great mentor and friend. Much
gratitude and welcome to Jaime Farnam for coordinating the Kids’ Space this year, and Rori Baldari
for another incredible Pride Guide. A special thank
you to David for your support, encouragement and
help; you are incredible!
Finally, many thanks go to all of the volunteers,
supporters, donors, and everyone reading this. You
are the reason why Brooklyn Pride has been able
to continue for these 18 years and hopefully for
many more. Please continue to show your support.
Todd Fliedner
Todd W. Fliedner was Development Director for Brooklyn Community Pride Center
from 2011 through 2013
where he helped transition
the organization through its formative years of growth
including two location moves necessary to accommodate its growing constituency and programming initiatives. He has served as Marketing and Development
Director for numerous Off-Broadway theaters including WPA, the Pearl and Primary Stages.As an entrepreneur he was the founder and CEO of NYC Navigators
and OUTboundNY, Inc.
Media /
Born and raised in Queens,
Hutch jumped ship and
joined the board of Brooklyn
Pride upon returning to their
hometown after studying statistics and education at Cornell University. An active
community member, they participate in community
events and endeavors year round, including everything
and anything from the borough's hefty social scene to
supporting and advocating for local LGBTQ+ organizations to playing in the Big Apple Softball League.
Hutch is looking forward to becoming more involved
in Brooklyn Pride, pulling for more inclusion of all
neighborhoods in the yearly celebration, heightening
awareness surrounding local artists and businesses in
our borough, increasing trans* and queer awareness
and education in the community and improving the social media and communication capabilities of the board.
Jerry Allred
Many thanks to my fellow
Brooklynites who made
this possible.Thanks to the
sponsors, and businesses
that have supported us,
and all of the many volunteers and others who
have worked tirelessly, to make Brooklyn Pride
2014 possible.
Public Advocate
Letitia “Tish”
Mayjor Bill
de Blasio
Together with his wife
Chirlane, Bill is the proud
parent of Chiara, a college
sophomore, and Dante, a
high school junior. Having
raised their children in
Brooklyn and sent them to
New York City public schools, Bill and Chirlane understand firsthand the fundamental role parents and
teachers share in educating the next generation.
After graduating from NYU, Bill studied at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs. He began his career in public service as a junior
staffer for New York City's first African-American
mayor, David N. Dinkins, and later became an assistant
for community affairs at City Hall.
In 1997, Bill moved to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, working as Regional Director under then-Housing Secretary Andrew
In 1999, Bill joined District 15's School Board in
Brooklyn, where he championed early childhood education and parental involvement and expanded preK programs, helping his district become the first to
cap first grade class sizes.
In 2000, Hillary Clinton asked Bill to manage her historic campaign for the U.S. Senate. He helped re-introduce Mrs. Clinton to New Yorkers and deliver her
message about prioritizing children and families, securing her a decisive victory in a highly competitive
Two years later, Bill started his service on the New
York City Council, representing diverse Brooklyn
neighborhoods. Bill focused his efforts on improving
public education, engaging parents, expanding affordable housing, and protecting New York's middle-class
and working poor. Bill also was a vocal advocate for
services designed to support fragile families and vulnerable children. After the tragic death of seven-yearold Nixzmary Brown in 2006, he investigated the case
as Chair of the Council's General Welfare Committee, holding four hearings examining the City's role in
fighting child abuse.
In 2010, Bill was sworn in as New York City Public
Advocate, the second-highest citywide elected office.
As mayor, Bill is committed to making sure every
child gets a great education, protecting our streets
and our communities, and building a city where New
Yorkers from all five boroughs can start businesses,
raise their families, and afford to live in their own
As an attorney working with
elected officials, and as a
public defender, Public Advocate Letitia James is wellknown for her tenacity and
support of fair and affordable
housing and development, contract oversight, and social justice.
As a member of the New York City Council, James
introduced the Safe Housing Act, which became City
law in 2007. This ground-breaking bill ensured that
thousands of families in rental buildings receive
prompt and full repairs to their apartments. This bill
represented a $50 million investment in housing code
reform and is a major victory for all New Yorkers living in substandard buildings. She is considered an early
whistleblower of the Office of Payroll Administration’s
CityTime contract, a payroll system that she criticized
as being overly costly and difficult to manage in numerous committee hearings. Poor management of the
project led to hundreds of thousands of dollars stolen
by corrupt consultants. In 2012, her legislation addressing oversight of high-cost service contracts with
the City of New York was passed into law.
James applied the same fervor to social justice as
she did to fair housing and operational transparency,
sponsoring a law that addressed the Department of
Corrections reporting to the Council violent incidents involving adolescents in 2009.
In the City Council, James became a strong proponent
of environmental justice and green job development,
serving as Chair to the Council’s Sanitation Committee. In 2010, James pushed-through a revolutionary
recycling package that included expanding plastic recycling, a new clothing and textile recycling program,
and improved public space recycling. This legislative
package represented the first significant expansion of
the City’s residential recycling program since it was
created in 1989.
On January 1, 2014, Letitia James was sworn in as
the Public Advocate for the City of New York, the first
woman of color to hold a citywide position in the
city’s history. Her ongoing priorities include housing
advocacy, women’s rights, job development, environmental issues, and healthcare access.
James is a graduate of CUNY's Lehman College and
Howard University Law School, and can be seen in
the Atlantic Yards documentary, “Battle for Brooklyn”.
She is a lifelong Brooklyn resident.
Brooklyn Borough
Eric L. Adams
Borough President Eric
Adams has spent the last 30
years serving the city he
grew up in, improving and
protecting the lives of New
Yorkers as a police officer,
legislator and builder of successful coalitions. As
Brooklyn Borough President, he will utilize that diverse experience to ensure a bright future for his
beloved Brooklyn.
Throughout his career, Eric has proven again and
again to be an effective advocate for Brooklyn, bringing communities and individuals together to create
progressive change. Eric has also been at the forefront
of improving Brooklyn’s economy, working with business and government to bring jobs, resources and investment to our neighborhoods.
Eric has always looked out for Brooklyn’s working
families and sought to protect its most vulnerable citizens – whether his beat was on the street or in the
Born in Brooklyn, raised in New York and educated
in the City’s public schools, Eric knows this city works
best when all voices are heard and groups work together to find common goals. But he’s also not afraid
to stand up and fight in the face of injustice.
City Councilman
Carlos Menchaca
New York City Council
Member Carlos Menchaca is
an experienced advocate and
public servant who knows
what it takes to deliver resources to neighborhoods in
need. Carlos is a member of
the LGBT Caucus, Co-Chair of the Brooklyn Delegation and Chair of the Committee on Immigration. He
worked alongside Council Member Daniel Dromm to
introduce legislation to create the first municipal
identification card program in New York City. After
working for Brooklyn Borough President Marty
Markowitz and the City Council Speaker as LGBT Liaison, Carlos knows the impact that development and
community organizing can have on neighborhood
growth. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Carlos
worked tirelessly to bring together local leaders, businesses and residents to coordinate response efforts
and hold our elected officials accountable.
In 1986, Gay Men of African Descent (GMAD)
was conceptualized in New York City, a result
of the vision of founder, The Reverend Charles
Angel who, together with a few of his closest
friends, embarked on a mission to empower
black gay men.
Historically, black gay men had been forced
to prioritize their battles as if each was mutually exclusive: they were simply not just black
or not just men or not just gay. They were all
three of these things. Rev. Angel's goal was to
create an environment in which black gay
men embraced each aspect of their lives publicly and without shame. Thus was born the
first serious attempt to mobilize this group of
men, who, up till that point, had lived their
lives in the shadows, often in fear, shame and
alone. In starting GMAD, a platform was created to help fill the void in these men's lives,
by providing the opportunity for fellowship,
group support and family.
GMAD has begun two Young Men of Color
who have sex with Men (YMCSM) coalitions:
LICKS – (Leader and Influencers of the KiKi
Scene) is a nascent group of up and coming
community leaders. Their bi-monthly meetings are held at GMAD. This group is setting
up structural guidelines for House and their
respective leaders.
UHKS (United Houses of the Kiki Scene) is
a smaller version of the Federation of Houses
and serves much of the same functions. The
Federation provides unity within the House
Ball community and its leadership to streamline communication and standardize operation and activities such as collaborations with
community based organizations. Often the
House Ball leaders receive standard minimal
training on health promotion and health education. These leaders are often charismatic
and seen as influencers of social norms within
this particular sub-culture of the LGBT community.
These young adult MCSM coalitions are comprised of youth at high risk for many social ills.
GMAD promotes positive outcomes through
developing assets that will provide the opportunities and supports necessary for
youth/young adults to lead healthy and productive lives.
Note: GMAD Youth are the recipients of the
2014 Brooklyn Pride Run Grant.
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• Nancy J. Melissas, City of New
York Parks and & Recreation
Litchfield Villa
95 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215
(718) 965-6993
Brooklyn Pride offers our deepest gratitude
and appreciation to the individuals, groups
and organizations that provided us unwavering support and assistance in bringing this
year’s pride event to Brooklyn.
Without your support, encouragement and
belief Pride 2014 would not have been
• Daniel Ferguson, Steven
Waldron & David Lin
Front Runners New York
PO Box 230087
Ansonia Station
New York, NY 10023
Brooklyn, NY 11201
• The dedicated volunteers of
Brooklyn Pride, Inc. and
• Craig Hammerman, District
Community Board #6
260 Baltic Street
Brooklyn NY 11201
(718) 643-3027
• PO Jerry Gallante
78th Pct. Community Affairs Office
65 6th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
(718) 636-6410
• Michael Cairl, President
The Park Slope Civic Council
357 Ninth Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
(718) 783-1723
• Kimberly Maier, Exe. Dir.
The Old Stone House
Washington Park
336 Third Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
• Mark Caserta Executive Director
5th Avenue BID
172 Fifth Avenue, Box 124
Brooklyn, NY 11217
• Louis Greco &
The Park Slope Volunteer
Ambulance Corp
453 Bergen Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
(718) 398-4500
• Eric Thompson, Dept. of
Transportation Special Events,
Banner Unit
Email: ethompson@dot.nyc.gov
Phone: (212) 839-6641 Fax: (212) 839-4254
Address: 55 WATER ST 9th Floor
New York City, New York 10041
PLEASE patronize and support the various
businesses and organizations that placed
ads in this Pride Guide. They support
Brooklyn Pride and help us continue to
get better every year.
• The Prospect Park Alliance
NYC Parks & Recreation
95 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215
(718) 965-8974
There are SO many people to thank, and
if we accidently omitted anyone, we
apologize greatly, but appreciate all of your
About AHF
We also advocate for the rights of PLWHA
and mobilize communities around the
world to address issues of ARV drug pricing,
access to life saving treatment, and HIV
stigma. Most recently, AHF launched its
awareness campaign titled ‘AIDS is a Civil
Rights Issue’ with faith-based leadership in
several cities across the US. The goal of the
campaign is to address the disproportionate
impact of HIV/AIDS in the Black and Latino
In 2012, AHF expanded its services into
New York City and now operates the Out
Of The Closet thrift store, AHF Pharmacy,
and HIV testing program at 475 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. We’ve also partnered
with AJS Brooklyn Medical in Park Slope to
provide medical services to individuals
seeking HIV or Hep C treatment. Ninetysix cents of every dollar earned at the thrift
store and pharmacy goes back into helping
fund HIV/AIDS programs domestically and
abroad. At Brooklyn Pride, AHF will be
providing free one-minute HIV tests—look
for the mobile testing van and also do a little shopping at the Out of The Closet pop
up shop. For more information on AIDS
Healthcare Foundation, check out their
AHF is proud to support this year’s
Brooklyn Pride event and wish everyone a
safe, joyous Pride season.
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is
a global organization with more than 27
years of experience delivering HIV prevention and treatment services to nearly
300,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in 13
US states and 31 countries worldwide.
AHF’s primary source of revenue comes
from its own self-created business model.
AHF pharmacies, thrift stores, healthcare
centers and strategic partnerships generate
funding that helps AHF provide medical and
advocacy services across the globe. AHF is
currently leading a global testing initiative
to identify and treat the 25 million people
who don’t know they are infected with the
goal of getting one million people into AHF
care by 2020.
Saturday, June 14th
The 2014 FESTIVAL starts at 11am ON 5th Avenue, between 3rd & 9th Streets.
The PARADE will kick off at 7:30 pm at its starting point:
5th Avenue and Lincoln Place
Facebook: Brooklyn Pride, Inc.
Brooklyn Pride’s 18th Annual Pride Celebration
“Coming of Age” June 9th – 14th, 2014 - SCHEDULE
MONDAY JUNE 9th • 12:00pm - Flag Raising Ceremony
Brooklyn Borough Hall 209 Joralemon Street
Co-sponsored by Borough President Eric Adams
Bringing together Brooklyn LGBTQ+ Organizations as we raise the flag on Pride Week.
Speakers include District Attorney Kenneth Thompson & City Councilman Carlos Menchaca
MONDAY JUNE 9th • 7:00pm - Interfaith Service
St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church – 157 Montague St. (enter on Clinton Street)
A spiritual group comprised of many faiths, comes together at a worship service for the LGBTQ+ Community and friends. Co-sponsored with the Brooklyn Community Pride Center.
TUESDAY, JUNE 10TH • 6:00pm – 9:00pm Open House & LGBTQ Art Exhibit
Brooklyn Community Pride Center - 4 Metrotech (Willoughby & Gold Streets)
Refreshments, Community and Art
THURSDAY, JUNE 12TH • 6:00pm - Pride Reception
Brooklyn Borough Hall - 209 Joralemon Street
An evening reception co-hosted with Borough Pres. Eric Adams honoring the local LGBTQ+ community.
Also Local Queer Brooklyn-Based Artists’ exhibition - Time and Location TBA
FRIDAY, JUNE 13TH • 6:30pm – “Revolutionary” a discussion with the novel’s author Alex Myers
Old Stone House – 336 3rd Street (off 5th Avenue)
When Deborah Samson disguised herself as a man and joined the Continental Army, she wasn’t just
fighting for America’s independence – she was fighting for her own. (see announcement page on 18)
SATURDAY, JUNE 14TH • Pride Day 2014
Pride 5K Run - 10:00am (Check-in begins at 8:00 AM registration if not sold out)
Prospect Park Loop – Enter at 15th Street Bartel Pritchard Circle
An event for the LGBTQ+ community & friends in a festive and inclusive environment. A portion of the
proceeds will go to the LGBTQ+ Youth Program at GMAD. Co-Sponsored with Front Runners – New
Medals, New Tech-Shirts!
Register at: https://nycruns.com/races/?race=2014-brooklyn-pride-lgbt-5k-run
Multicultural Festival / Stage Entertainment (11:00am – 5:00 PM)
Join us at 5th Avenue from 3rd to 9th Streets. It’s more than your usual street fair! TWO Stages, Shopping, Great Food, Beer Gardens and More! Opportunities to learn about community organizations, issues
and local merchants.
Kids Space (11:00 PM – 5:00 PM)
Join your kids for fun at the playground at the Old Stone House/Washington Park on 5th Ave btw 3rd and
4th St. Face Painting, Balloon Animals, Puppetry Arts, Bend & Bloom Yoga, Taro’s Origami Studio, Music
Together and more!
Twilight Pride Parade (7:30 PM Start)
5th Avenue - From Lincoln Place to 9th Street. – MC: RonB as Tina Turner
Join the fun with the ONLY “Twilight Parade in the Northeast; a celebration of our Pride and Heritage
Go to www.brooklynpride.org or BrooklynPrideInc. on Facebook for updates.
Many thanks to our
various Special Event
Bogotá Latin Bistro
Chip Shop
Mo's Fort Greene
A Taste Of Fifth Avenue
Chip Shop
Taco Santo
200 Fifth
Ginger’s Bar
Anthony Dixon
Anthony Dixon is a
singer/songwriter who
has worked with Tyler
Perry, Diana Ross, Jennifer Holliday, Cissy
Houston, and Melba
Moor. He recently
performed at Phoenix
PRIDE 2014. You can see Anthony’s Debut video
on youtube for the dance tune “But I’m Just
Sayin’ He has appeared on the morning show,
Good Day Atlanta. He was also part of the revival
of the musical "Purlie" with Melba Moore, Sherman Hemsley, and Robert Giluame and has written songs for the Barrio Boyzz on the Latin
Record Label, Fonovisa
Aaron Paul
Aaron Paul came to the attention of Arista Records executive Simon Cowell (American
Idol, Britain’s Got Talent and
X-Factor) impressed by his incredible pure voice, natural
performance skills and fun
personality he positioned Aaron as lead
vocalist/front man and lead the group to their
chart success. Aaron’s debut solo album is expected to be released in 2014.
aKeith [pronounced ay-keith]
is an Singer and Songwriter
from Baltimore, MD. Raised in
a family where music and entertainment was (and still is)
running through everyone's
veins, aKeith quietly enjoyed it
himself. After years of standing in the shadows, he
finally stepped out in center stage. He's now embarking on a journey to heal through music with
his own artistic twist.
BatalaNYC is
All Women
Band. We are
part of a bigger
Arts project
of the name Batala. We play rhythms of Northeast Brazil, the state of Bahia with roots in West
African Rhythms. We take all women regardless
of musical ability and teach them to drum! It's a
Samba-lanche of sound and color!
Alison Angrim
Born New York City, Alison
Arngrim has been performing stand-up since
age 15 at such notable comedy clubs as Laugh Factory,
The Improvisation and
Comedy Store. In addition
to seven years as meanie
Nellie Oleson on "Little House on the Prairie,"
Alison has guest starred on "Love Boat" and "Fantasy Island," among others. After her good friend
and "Little House" co-star Steve Tracy died of
AIDS in 1986,
Alison became a prominent AIDS activist with
AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA). In 1988 Alison
spoke before the Presidential Commission on
AIDS and was the first woman to receive the
"Friend in Deed" award at APLA. In 1992 Alison
was presented with a resolution by the Los Angeles City Council commending her on her work
on behalf of people living with HIV and AIDS. In
June she will present her annual Gay Pride edition
of her solo comedy "Confessions of A Prairie
Bitch" at the Laurie Beechman Theatre in Times
Cary Nokey
Cary Nokey is a
hybrid of grit and
glam, where high
intensity electronic
dance music intersects with emotionally-charged
rock. Think retrofuture, New York's
1980's meets radio star. The group will be performing their new single "B Who U R" which is
an empowering anthem that inspires listeners to
embrace their true selves. CARY NOKEY is the
new artist project from Grammy award winning,
multi-platinum, record producer Rob Fusari,
whose credits include Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and
Britney Spears.
Crisean is an independent artist with an infusion of Pop, Dance and
Soul/R&B. Now Crisean
is ready and willing to do
what it takes to make it
big. At 26yrs of age my goals are to inspiration
young LGBT people and people who have been
oppressed and ostracized.Having written and
produced every song "Sound Approved" - EP the
1st project by Crisean touches on topics of love,
self empowerment, acceptance and wanting to
find love. "From me to my fans and future fans"
says Crisean.
ton Post, selected as a model for NYC fashion
week and chosen to participate in 4 different
artist residencies across the country. In NYC,
Goldie frequently appears at Boxers Off Butch
Burlesque at Stonewall and Switch N' Play's Drag
Night at Outpost Lounge. Stay in the fruit loop
by visiting www.goldiepeacock.com.
Haus of Sweat
The Haus of Sweat are a
proFRESH party startin’ flygirl
dance crew that encourages
audiences to dominate the
dance floor! Inspired by the
90s, fitness fads, dance teams
and drag culture the group
was founded by Artistic Director VIVA in 2011 and includes the infamous queer
of the night Boy Georgia, ever-so talented
house/b-girl Eva Bust’a Move & the NYC’s rising
drag superstar, Miz Jade the Queen of Shade.
Cyndi Woods
Cyndi Woods was born and
and raised in the Lone Star
State and moved to the Big
Apple in 1998 where she
started her New York career
working at "Two Potato" in the
West Village and from there
she went and worked for John
LaFlure at "LaFure's" in Hell's Kitchen to then to
move on to "Esculita" and "The Monster" in the
west Villiage. Cyndi has also made appearances in
numerous Bars and Night Clubs in the Tri-State
Josh Zuckerman
singer songwriter musician
expanding his musical horizons with each original song
records. Josh's lyrics are said
to be truthful, surrounding
life's challenges and quest for
spiritual growth. His musical
conviction and well articulated melodies are spirited and intriguing. Josh released a new single in
2013 with "The Turn Around" and is in studio
recording his soon to be released album, "Background Static of Perpetual Discontent". Dez Gutierrez
Desiree is a singersongwriter, guitarist
Born in Brooklyn she
moved to Florida at
the age of 10 where
in her 20's she began jamming out in drum circles
at parties, picking up others guitars and discovering her love of music and how it brings people
together as one.
Julia Weldon
Light Is a Ghost is the
follow up to Brooklyn
Julia Weldon’s 2008 selftitled debut. Produced
by Saul MacWilliams
(Ingrid Michaelson, Dan
Romer) and featuring Adam Christgau (Sia, Tegan
and Sara) on drums, the album showcases Weldon’s storytelling, voice, and unmistakable
charisma. Defined by its brash honesty, Light Is a
Ghost is an American album in the truest
Goldie Peacock
Brooklyn-based genderblending drag king Goldie Peacock
is "the most flamboyant, regal
bird in the menagerie". Goldie
performs, teaches workshops,
emcees and models worldwide. In the past year, Goldie
was featured by the Huffing-
Karen Bernnod
Karen Bernod is a
singer/songwriter who
was born and raised in
Brooklyn. She has performed lead and background vocals with
Chaka Khan, Mary J. Blige, Erykah Badu, and D'Angelo, among others. She independently released
two albums, “Some Othaness For U” and “Life
@ 360 Degrees”. Karen’s new album “#PlantingSeeds” will be released in October. (reverbnation.com/karenbernod)
dustry people a surefire way to see women of
color perform. “You can go all over NYC and
maybe see two or three women of color performing on any given night. I figured, screw it, I’m
gonna do something about that!” Lois says, “Remember, gay is a color too!” In addition to producing BGCS, Lois has appeared on Sirius FM
Radio’s, Abby Z +1, WBAI’s Too Raw For Radio,
and performed in NYC’s Gotham Comedy Club,
Comix, StandUp NY and The Laurie Beechman
Theater. Lois is also a founding member of
Comic Diversity, a multi-racial comedy troupe
that performs all over NYC.
Facebook: Brown Girl Comedy Show
Katja Gileson
Katja Glieson is an award
winning pop recording
artist from Australia. Her
debut EP was released at
the start of 2014 along with
an original ‘pop series’ she
calls “Terminium City”,
which incorporates an ongoing storyline of 12 episodes inspired by her life
experiences and struggles with obesity, bullying,
abuse and low self-confidence.
Mark-Alan has been a NYC
Cabaret/Piano Bar staple
for over 25 years. He is the
recipient of 2 Bistro Awards
and 5 MAC (Manhattan
Assoc of Cabarets) awards.
He is an accomplished stage actor, singer and
vocal impressionist and has played such venues as
the Kennedy Center (DC), Surflight Theatre (NJ),
The Taj-Mahal (Atlantic City) the Debbie
Reynolds Theatre (LV) and a few Off-Broadway
houses, street corners and men's rooms across
the country. In addition, he occasionally teaches
theatre arts and improvisation. He is currently
residing in Brooklyn under the Verrezanno
Bridge. He is too young for a comeback so call
this an extension. He is currently single...but not
bitter. (Yeah, right)
Lady Clover Honey
From being a correspondent
on NYC TV to hosting nightclubs and comedy clubs to curating art shows, the Lady
Clover Honey is one of the
most versatile multimedia
Divas in the City. She hosted
the main-stage at the GLBT
Expo and the Javitz Center
and the Fresh Fruit Festival and Get Out! magazine Awards and was a guest maestro conductor
at the Gay Men's Chorus at Carnegie Hall. Seen
in the hit Casper Andreas film "A Four Letter
Word" and will appear in the upcoming movie
"My Dead Boyfriend" with Heather Graham and
Lady Bunny.
Tyler Alyxander
Tyler Alyxander, the current
Miss New York Continental
Elite, has traveled extensively
and brought entertainment and
laughter to many an audience. Whereas there is a renaissance regarimale impersonation, it's th "seasoned"
entertainer that can bring it and bring it good! Tyler
has also won the titles of Miss Gay New Jersey
1990 as well as Miss New York City FI 2003. Tyler's
alter ego, Bill Evertsen, has a Masters Degree in Social Work from NYU and an MBA from AIU and is
currently working on a PhD in Education from
Walden University. Keep updated with Tyler's antics
and performances by friending on Facebook at
Lois Thompson
Lois Thompson (Comedian/Writer/Producer)
started Brown Girl Comedy Show in 2013 as a way
to give comedy fans and in-
To find directory on line go to:
Indie singer/songwriter and
three time OutMusic Award
winner, Nhojj is the first gay
black male to reach #1 on
the MTV charts for his music video, "Love" Nhojj has also
dedicated his Amazing Grace music video, which
depicts a same-sex wedding ceremony, to Marriage Equality. Nhojj works for the LGBT community by donating his time and talent to
Lifebeat’s Hearts & Voices Program, an on-going
live performance series for people living with
HIV/AIDS, and by working for the LGBT organization SASOD in his native Guyana.
hands on. First is the rhythm: a tessellated electronica heartbeat [DJ Natural State/Gill]. Then
the voice: a honey-colored, R&B-inflected baritone [(Sa)Moncé]. Last, the performance: all
ratchet ballet and Afrik vogue, twerking and
pirouettes. This is Shirley House.
Stefon Royce
Stefon Royce is a native of
New York born and raised in
Jamaica Queens. Stefon
started his drag at an amateur drag king contest in
Brooklyn at club called Catty
Shack. He has also been a
fierce competitor in the highly competitive ballroom and pageant scene. Currently, Stefon is Mr.
Empire City MI Emeritus and has carried many
other titles over the years. Stefon thoroughly enjoys what he does and can be seen in a New York
Film Academy documentary entitled “Fake It until
You Make It” and in a soon to be released book
by Jeanetta Baines which features the top Entertainers across America aptly titled “Top 100 Influential Gay Entertainers.
Ron B
Brooklyn Pride Parade MC,
Executive Producer Of the
show No Boundaries Up
Close and Personal on the
Network ,appointed to the Photo:Cecilia Boschelli
national LGBT Committee for
SAG-AFTRA as a professional actor for motion
pictures and Television and celebrity Impersonator whom impersonates Tina Turner.
Safiel Vonay
I am Safiel, an angel sent so I
can tell, all these Earthlings
that keep cursing, they've
been living in a hell" Safiel
Vonay is a Rapper and Spoken Word artist from
Queens NYC. Witness her
as she wakes up crowds with
her ambitious, passionate
and mind blowing performances. Switch N' Play
Established in 2006,
Switch N' Play
(SNP) is a Brooklyn-born, New YorkElisabeth Fuchsia Photography
based drag alliance
that spans the gender spectrum in life and
on stage. SNP is committed to fostering the drag
community through hosting of an Open
Drag Night at Outpost Lounge in
Brooklyn. Visit www.switchnplay.com for more
(facebook.com/switchnplay) and Instagram
Shirely House
Shirley House is more than a
band; it's an experience. Fusing electropop with house,
r&b, and world music, this
NYC based group pulls their
inspiration—hybrid, heterogeneous, diasporic—from
whatever they can get their
The Paisley
The Paisley Fields
is a Brooklynbased alt-country
band, playing a
mix of country,
rock and blues. Since their formation last year
they were named a top-10 country band in NYC
by multiple media outlets, receiving praise in the
press both at home and internationally. Their
music is available for download via their
website; thepaisleyfields.com XELLE
You’ve heard of XELLE.
They’re that girl group
that threw an illegal
dance party on a moving
NYC subway train for
their debut video, Party
Girl. They’re the indie
band whose songs and
videos are lighting up TV
shows, radio stations
and dance floors around
the world. They’re those sexy girls with huge
voices who rocked the stage at your favorite club
last night. They are XELLE, and you’ve been waiting for them to come along.
Long gone are the
days of an artist
being chained to a
certain genre of
music. Johnniemae
has a style that is undefined with a message intent to blur the lines.
Equally deep and witty, Johnniemae tells a story
all her own through her lyrics. As she simply puts
it, " If them boys go hard, I go harder....
Congratulates Brooklyn Pride on their 18th year
and congratulations to this year’s Grand Marshals
Mayor Bill de Blasio
Public Advocate Letitia “Tish James”
Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams
Councilman Carlos Menchaca
Antique Automobile Association of Brooklyn is the proud provider of the antique
vehicles used in the Brooklyn Pride Parade.
At TD Bank, we’re proud to celebrate
the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender community.
Proud Sponsor of
Brooklyn Pride