July 31, 2016 - Holy Name of Jesus
OF JESUS CHURCH HOLY NAME WINDSOR TERRACE BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Fr. Lawrence D. Ryan, Pastor Deacon Abel Torres Mr. Michael Saez, Deacon Candidate Most Rev. James Massa, In Residence Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Nagle, In Residence Rev. Austin Emeh, In Residence REV. Msgr. Michael J. Curran, Weekend Assistant Mrs. Louise O’Connor, Office Manager Mrs. Ann Dolan, Parish Trustee Mr. Philip Lehpamer, Parish Trustee Mrs. Kathryn Sisto, Religious Education Coordinator Ms. Ivonne Rojas, Director of Music St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy Mr. Robert DiNardo, Principal Ms. Jennifer Gallina, Assistant Principal Mrs. Louise Witthohn, Academy Secretary Website: www.holynamebrooklyn.com We are also on Facebook and Twitter SUNDAY EUCHARIST - MISA DOMINICALES Saturday: 5:30pm. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 (Spanish), 10:30am &12:00 Noon THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - PENITENCIA Saturday: 4:00 to 5:00 pm. WEEKDAY EUCHARIST - MISAS DE LA SEMANA Monday thru Friday: 9:00am. Saturday: 9:00am. Holidays: as announced in this bulletin. BAPTISM OF INFANTS Is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm. Spanish baptisms are celebrated on the second Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm. Please call the Rectory to make an appointment to meet with one of the clergy and bring the child’s birth certificate to the appointment. CHRISTIAN INITIATION For school age children, teens or adults follows the RCIA process, also called the Catechumenate, for those thinking and joining the Roman Catholic Church by celebrating Baptism, Confirmation and/or first Eucharist: inquiries may be made by calling the Religious Education Office. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Call the Rectory to arrange for a minister to bring the Eucharist to someone homebound or in the hospital. In cases with those of the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age, please contact one of the priests to celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE Engaged couples call the Rectory for an appointment with one of the priests or deacons at least six months in advance of the sacramental celebration. CATHOLIC CEMETERIES For information, call 718-894-4888. CHURCH ILLUSTRATION AND DESIGN BY: FRANKLYN PELAÉZ HORAS DE OFICINA DEL DIACONO FELIPE ALMENDAREZ EN ESPANOL DE 6:30PM – 8PM. (MIERCOLES) DEVOTIONS - DEVOCIONES Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after the 9:00am mass. Sacred Heart: Fridays after the 9:00am mass. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:Thursdays 9:30am to 11:45 am followed by Benediction. LOS BAUTISMOS DE INFANTES. Seran celebrados en Espanol el Segundo Domingo del mes a la 1:30 pm y en ingles, el primer Domingo del mes a la 1:30 pm. Por favor de, llamar a la rectoría para hacer una cita con un miembro del clero y, de traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño a la cita. INICIACION EN LA VIDA CRISTIANA Niños de edad escolar, jovenes y adultos que esten interesados en sequir el proceso de RICA, aquellos que quieren pensar en envolverse en la iglesia Catholica Romana, en clases sobre celebracion del bautismo, confirmacion, primera comunion y continuar activos en nuestra parroquia, llame a las Oficinas de Educacion Religiosa. CIUDADO PASTORAL A LOS ENFERMOS Llame a la Casa Parroquial para los arreglos, que unos de los ministros de eucaristia brindara la Comunion a quien la necesite en el hogar o en el hospital. En casos particulares de ancianos o enfermedad de condicion seria, por favor pongase en contacto con los sacerdotes para los sacramentos de uncion. MATRIMONIOS Los preparativos de matrimonios deben hacerse con seis meses de anticpacion. Deben llamar con anticipacion para hacer una cita con los sacerdotes. HOLY NAME RECTORY 245 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn New York 11215-5807 • (718) 768-3071 • www.holynamebrooklyn.com Fax (718) 369-2039 SAINT JOSEPH THE WORKER CATHOLIC ACADEMY 241 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215-5807 • (718) 768-7629 School Website: WWW.SJWCA.ORG • School Fax: (718) 768-3007 CCD OFFICE HOURS IN SCHOOL: Sunday 8 – 12Noon Monday 10-2PM Tuesday 10-2PM Wednesday 10-2PM Thursday 1:30-5:30PM Friday No Office Hours COLLECTION RESULTS July 31, 2016 18 Sunday in Ordinary Time th WELCOME! To register as a member of the parish, please use the form on the table in the back of the church OR stop in the Rectory during office hours. WEDNESDAY, 6:30PM 8:30PM Al-Anon, Rectory Base. AA Open Mtg., Rectory Base. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 7:00PM Spanish Prayer Group, Rectory Base. SATURDAY, 6:00PM AA Closed Mtg. Rectory Base. ROOM REQUESTS 2016-17 If you haven’t submitted your room requests, please do so immediately. FOOD PANTRY The parable in today's gospel is about the man who stored his grain and goods only to die and not use his abundance for good. The Food Pantry will distribute food on Aug. 6 & 20 and Sept. 3 & 17 out of the rectory basement between 2 and 3 pm. At this time soup, tuna and cereal are needed. Thank you for your many years of support. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL Sunday, July 24, 2016 TOTAL TO PARISH: $5,777.50 (Includes: $3,556.00 Regular First Collection and $909.50 Faith Direct); Renovation and Repair Second Collection $1,275.00, Faith Direct $37.00) E-GIVING THROUGH FAITH DIRECT The services we provide within the parish and for the larger community continue year around, as do their associated expenses. Your consistent financial support of our parish is vital to achieving our stewardship mission. The easiest way to be sure that your gift of treasure reaches us, even when you can’t be here, is through enrollment in our electronic offertory program. If you have not yet enrolled we encourage you do so this month. Once you have enrolled, you can relax knowing that Holy Name will receive your gifts throughout the summer. You can enroll three ways – forms are available in the back of the church and on the last page of this bulletin or you can visit Faith Direct’s secure web site at www.faithdirect.net to enroll online, or you can call a customer service representative at Faith Direct. Our parish code is NY349 and their number is 866-507-8757. As always, know that your generosity is truly a gift from God and we always appreciate your constant support of Holy Name parish. APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE FOR PIERREPONT HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY If you have picked up an application for this housing, please remember there is a deadline for sending in applications. All applications must be postmarked by August 13th in order to receive consideration for an apartment. Pro-Life Quote Help Holy Name share in the profits! If you donate a car, truck or van, running or not, to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, they will donate back to our church $50/$100 per vehicle. Please pass the word to your friends and neighbors. You may call up St. Vincent de Paul at 718-491-2525. Thank you for your participation in this program. “Subsidized by over $500 million taxpayer dollars each year, Planned Parenthood dismembers or chemically poisons a baby to death every two minutes- killing over seven million innocent children since 1973,” said Congressman Chris Smith, following President Obama’s veto of defunding Planned Parenthood. NRL News 1/9/16 A Note from Fr. Larry The following “Message of the Week” from Liturgical Publications’ Connect! for July 31, 2016 is offered in place of Fr. Larry’s note: “Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.” (Luke 12:15) This isn’t a message that gets much advertising. On the contrary, just about every advertised message we hear comes from someone who wants to make money by selling us possessions. In today’s culture, it’s hard to remember that life isn’t about possessions. But in this Gospel, Jesus reminds us that there is more to life. Unlike the fool who spends all of his time, energy, and money building larger barns, we should focus our resources on becoming “rich in what matters to God.” This means cultivating virtue instead of vice. It means sharing our money with those in need instead of hoarding it out of selfish greed. The call is a challenging one, and countercultural too. But Jesus never said that the Christian way was the way of the world. Instead of falling for the marketers’ messages, may we have the wisdom to store up our treasure in heaven. EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The readings for this Sunday force us to take a closer look at the whole concept of success. They begin with Ecclesiastes’ diatribe against those whose lives revolve around meaningless goals. “Vanity of Vanities,” the Preacher, Qoheleth, the presumed author of Ecclesiastes, says, “All things are vanity.” People work hard for things that pass away. The original meaning of the word “vanity” in the First Reading, was that which is “empty or valueless.” Qoheleth’s statement is really a striking wake-up call, not a depressing one. The transience of earthly goods should be a constant reality to us. Barns, garages, closets or storage units may be helpful, but, in the long run, getting them—or losing them—is not of overwhelming importance. We need to work, provide for ourselves and our families, and share with those in need. But, when our concept of success is measured mainly by what we own and can show off, then, our lives are in vain. None of these things last. Love lasts. Work done in love lasts. The Responsorial Psalm asks “Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain wisdom of heart.” Our days and our goods are fleeting, but we may become wiser in our approach to how we spend our days. “Seek that which is above,” Paul tells the Colossians and us, in the Second Reading. Then, he lists some of the things that hold us back from seeking God: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, greed and lying. “Here there is no Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, etc. … ” St. Paul asks us to put aside all that divides us, to stop seeing people as the “other”. “Christ is all and in all.” Is there any room for discrimination against others when we are all one in Christ? Can we call ourselves Christians if we shut out other members of God’s family? If we wish to be sensitive to the presence of God in our lives, we have to recall His presence frequently, to give ourselves moments of stillness and reflection in the midst of our work and our lives. We can become more aware that it is in God that we live and move and have our being. As we celebrate the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola today, founder of the Jesuits, we can learn from his spirituality of being conscious of God at all times of the day and from his belief that we need to be people of service in order to have meaning in our lives. When we look at the Gospel today, Jesus says, succinctly, that “One’s life does not consist of possessions”. He tells the famous parable about a very rich man who produces a huge harvest one year and is busy tearing down his barns to build still larger ones. He wants to hoard more. This particular rich man got a surprise as he decided to eat, drink and be merry. God said to him, “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?...Thus will it be for all who store up treasure for themselves but are not rich in what matters to God.” This does not mean that we should not have good times. But, the story shows that the basis of this man’s success is his grain. When he suddenly dies, his success remains behind, and he goes to God empty handed. St. Francis recognized that wealth, family, and social position confined him in a web of relationships that made it impossible to be a fully human being in the image of Christ. His prophetic action of stripping off his rich clothes in the square in Assisi was a sign that the inner person had to be exposed rather than cloaked in silk and velvet. Francis’ behavior helps us to recognize the shallowness of what the world calls success. We do not need to take such dramatic action, but it helps now and then to simplify our lives. This is what all the great holy ones, in every religion, realized. Let’s listen to today’s readings and focus on what is truly important in life: a loving relationship with God and with others. Why not be part of something that promises to have a positive effect on the renewal of the Catholic Church in our diocese? ARISE Together in Christ Season one will start in October 2016! It is an opportunity to develop a closer relationship with Christ, grow in community and reach out in service to others. ARISE small groups will meet regularly for six week sessions primarily in homes and other locations around the parish. Facilitators will be provided with seasonal information to prepare for each session utilizing the well-organized materials and training provided by RENEW International (a Catholic ministry organization). In addition to ongoing support and online resources, RENEW will provide specific training workshops for parish leaders and facilitators each season. If you are interested in becoming a parish leader or facilitator, please contact Alayne Cox at acox42@nyc.rr.com. ACADEMIC NEWS FROM OUR STUDENTS WHO ARE IN HIGH SCHOOL Bishop Kearney has informed us that Kelly Acosta has received 2nd Honors at the end of this academic year and… Cathedral Prep has announced that Anthony Camastro has received 2nd Honors. 2nd Honors consists of having an overall average of 85% and no grade less than 80% in a major subject. Congratulations to both students for their hard work. FLEA MARKET Organizara un “Flea Market” el Domingo 7 de Agosto. De 9:00AM a las 5:00PM. Aparte su lugar si gusta participar, $25 por mesa. Para más información llamar a los teléfonos: Ana Acosta, 341245-4288; Cristóbal Acosta, 347-234-8515 o Ana y Cris Acosta, 718-499-0139. For Those Who Are Ill: We pray for the sick in our church and community. May God give them renewed health and strength. We pray especially for Joyce Ballestero, Virginia Regis, Jean Thomas, Bob Glynn, Edmund O’Shea, Carmen Rodriguez, Margaret Horn, Dennis Healy, Peggy Casey, John Brennan, Emma Brennan, Victoria Godkin, Jack & Louise Miller, Mary Ann Fitzgerald, Kathy Nolan, Yvonne Hajjar, Jimmy Cunningham, Eugene De Franco, E. Cymbala, and Marilyn Bloom. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT NAMES WILL STAY ON THE SICK LIST FOR A FOUR-WEEK PERIOD AND THEN BE REMOVED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THE NAME PLACED BACK ON THE SICK LIST, YOU MUST CALL THE RECTORY. For our departed loved ones… We extend our prayers and deepest sympathies to the families and friends of our parish who have lost a loved one, especially William Phelan. Please remember those enrolled in our Purgatorial Society on Sundays at 7:30am, especially, Sean Ryan Efigenio Cabrera, Severino Bitang, and Jiovanni Mormile. LET US PRAY……For these Mass intentions during the Week of …July 31, 2016: Sunday, July 31st 7th There will be a flea market on August from 9AM to 5PM in Holy Name Schoolyard. If you are interested in buying a table for $25.00, please contact one of the following persons to reserve your spot: Ana Acosta, 347-245-4288; Cristobal Acosta, 347-234-8515 or Ana and Cris Acosta, 718-499-0139. Please come to shop for bargains. There will be food, a “bounce house” for the children, and fun for all. 7:30 AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12 Noon Monday, August 1st St. Alphonsus Liguori 9:00AM Week of July 31, 2016 The Hosts have been donated in memory of William O’Connor (38th Anniversary) by Louise OConnor and children. The Wine has been donated in memory of Katherine and Charles Boutin by Louise OConnor. Gina Ospina Tuesday, August 2nd 9:00AM Memorials 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Purgatorial Society & Marie Cummins Mass for the People Bishop Ignatius Catanello Francesco Pira Claire and Robert Backner Wednesday, August 3rd 9:00AM Brennan and Farrell Families Thursday, August 4th St. John Vianney 9:00AM Bridgid Halloran Friday, August 5th 9:00AM Ruth McCarthy Saturday, August 6th The Transfiguration of the Lord 9:00AM 5:30PM James G Rail Margaret Sullivan Susan Deneff Barbara Cain Saverio and Celeste Cataldo (Ann.) Sunday, August 7th 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12 Noon Purgatorial Society & Dan Sullivan Mass for the People Bishop Ignatius Catanello Maryann and Bill Purdy St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy Welcomes New Faculty Members St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy is pleased to announce the hiring of the following new faculty members: Mr. Raffaele Malafronte - Grades 6 – 8 ELA Mr. Malafronte has many years of experience at St. Edmund’s High School teaching English. He was also the school’s first Academic Dean and worked in a variety of other academic capacities such as curriculum development and advanced placement. Ms. Michelle Podd – Grades 6 – 8 Social Studies A graduate of Brooklyn College, Ms. Podd comes to us most recently from Leif Ericson Day School where she taught 6th, 7th and 8th grade Social Studies. Ms. Dessa Shepherd – 5th Grade A recipient of the Zankel Fellowship from Columbia Teacher’s College, Ms. Shepherd worked at the Harriet Tubman School in New York City. For the past 2 years, she has been working at Barnard College in curriculum development. She has also worked with students at The Brooklyn Children’s Museum and the Wyckoff Museum. A graduate of Chatham College, Ms. Shepherd worked as a research assistant at the University of Pittsburgh before coming to New York. Ms. Maria Suarez – Spanish Language Ms. Suarez is a veteran Spanish language teacher in the Brooklyn Diocese, having taught Spanish at a number of other schools on a part-time basis. Ms. Suarez will be joining us 3 days a week. Mr. Keith O’Hare – Physical Education Mr. O’Hare is a graduate of Queens College. He has previously worked at Stepping Stone Day School in Queens. He has also been a counselor at the Marist Brothers Esopus Camp for the past 10 years. 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