October 25, 2015 - Holy Name of Jesus
OF JESUS CHURCH HOLY NAME WINDSOR TERRACE BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Fr. Lawrence D. Ryan, Pastor Deacon Abel Torres Mr. Michael Saez, Deacon Candidate Most Rev. James Massa, In Residence Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Nagle, In Residence Rev. Austin Emeh, In Residence REV. Msgr. Michael J. Curran, Weekend Assistant Mrs. Louise O’Connor, Office Manager Mrs. Ann Dolan, Parish Trustee Mr. Philip Lehpamer, Parish Trustee Mrs. Kathryn Sisto, Religious Education Coordinator Ms. Ivonne Rojas, Director of Music St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy Mr. Robert DiNardo, Principal Ms. Jennifer Gallina, Assistant Principal Mrs. Louise Witthohn, Academy Secretary Website: www.holynamebrooklyn.com We are also on Facebook and Twitter SUNDAY EUCHARIST - MISA DOMINICALES Saturday: 5:30pm. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 (Spanish), 10:30am &12:00 Noon THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - PENITENCIA Saturday: 4:00 to 5:00 pm. WEEKDAY EUCHARIST - MISAS DE LA SEMANA Monday thru Friday: 9:00am. Saturday: 9:00am. Holidays: as announced in this bulletin. BAPTISM OF INFANTS Is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm. Spanish baptisms are celebrated on the second Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm. Please call the Rectory to make an appointment to meet with one of the clergy and bring the child’s birth certificate to the appointment. CHRISTIAN INITIATION For school age children, teens or adults follows the RCIA process, also called the Catechumenate, for those thinking and joining the Roman Catholic Church by celebrating Baptism, Confirmation and/or first Eucharist: inquiries may be made by calling the Religious Education Office. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Call the Rectory to arrange for a minister to bring the Eucharist to someone homebound or in the hospital. In cases with those of the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age, please contact one of the priests to celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE Engaged couples call the Rectory for an appointment with one of the priests or deacons at least six months in advance of the sacramental celebration. CATHOLIC CEMETERIES For information, call 718-894-4888. CHURCH ILLUSTRATION AND DESIGN BY: FRANKLYN PELAÉZ HORAS DE OFICINA DEL DIACONO FELIPE ALMENDAREZ EN ESPANOL DE 6:30PM – 8PM. (MIERCOLES) DEVOTIONS - DEVOCIONES Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after the 9:00am mass. Sacred Heart: Fridays after the 9:00am mass. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:Thursdays 9:30am to 11:45 am followed by Benediction. LOS BAUTISMOS DE INFANTES. Seran celebrados en Espanol el Segundo Domingo del mes a la 1:30 pm y en ingles, el primer Domingo del mes a la 1:30 pm. Por favor de, llamar a la rectoría para hacer una cita con un miembro del clero y, de traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño a la cita. INICIACION EN LA VIDA CRISTIANA Niños de edad escolar, jovenes y adultos que esten interesados en sequir el proceso de RICA, aquellos que quieren pensar en envolverse en la iglesia Catholica Romana, en clases sobre celebracion del bautismo, confirmacion, primera comunion y continuar activos en nuestra parroquia, llame a las Oficinas de Educacion Religiosa. CIUDADO PASTORAL A LOS ENFERMOS Llame a la Casa Parroquial para los arreglos, que unos de los ministros de eucaristia brindara la Comunion a quien la necesite en el hogar o en el hospital. En casos particulares de ancianos o enfermedad de condicion seria, por favor pongase en contacto con los sacerdotes para los sacramentos de uncion. MATRIMONIOS Los preparativos de matrimonios deben hacerse con seis meses de anticpacion. Deben llamar con anticipacion para hacer una cita con los sacerdotes. HOLY NAME RECTORY 245 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn New York 11215-5807 • (718) 768-3071 • www.holynamebrooklyn.com Fax (718) 369-2039 SAINT JOSEPH THE WORKER CATHOLIC ACADEMY 241 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215-5807 • (718) 768-7629 School Website: WWW.SJWCA.ORG • School Fax: (718) 768-3007 CCD OFFICE HOURS IN SCHOOL: Sunday 8 – 12Noon Monday 10-2PM Tuesday 10-2PM Wednesday 10-2PM Thursday 1:30-5:30PM Friday No Office Hours COLLECTION RESULTS October 25, 2015 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY, October 25th 12:00-7PM OLG Rehearsal, St. Joseph’s Conf. Rm th MONDAY, October 26 3:30-5:30PM TACH Class, Rectory Basement 7 PM Bible Study, Rectory Base. TUESDAY, October 27th 6-8PM Memorial Meeting, Rectory Base. 7PM Weight Watchers, School Mtg. Room 7PM Book Club, Boardman Room WEDNESDAY, October 28th 9:30AM Bible Study, Boardman Rm 1-4PM Seniors, Shepherds Hall 7PM Baptism Class, Boardman Room 6-7:30 PM Girl Scouts Jr., Old Kindergarten Rm. 6:30PM Al-Anon, Rectory Base. 8:30PM AA Open Mtg., Rectory Base. THURSDAY, October 29th 9:30 – 11:45AM Adoration, Church 12:00PM Al-Anon, St. Joseph’s Rm. 1PM Cancer Guild, Rectory Base 6-8PM Memorial Meeting, Boardman Room. 6:00-8:30PM Girl Scouts, Shepherds Hall. Girl Scouts, School Meeting Rm. 6:00-7PM Memorial Meeting, Boardman Room 6:30-8PM Dance Class, Shepherds Hall FRIDAY, October 30th 3:30-5:30PM SHSAT Classes, Rectory Base. 5:00-9PM Irish Step Dancing, Shepherds Hall 7-8:30PM Cub Scouts, School Base. 7PM Spanish Prayer Group, Rectory Base. SATURDAY, October 31st 2:00-5PM Memorial Meeting, Boardman Rm. 6:00PM AA Closed Mtg. Rectory Base. 7:00-9:00PM Crew, School Meeting Rm & School Base. SUNDAY, November 1st 12:00-7PM OLG Rehearsal, St. Joseph’s Conf. Rm. 5PM Swim Team Meeting, Shepherd’s Hall FOOD PANTRY The Food Pantry will distribute food 23 pm on Nov. 7 & 21. At this time, tuna, pasta sauce and vegetables are needed. Thank you for your many years of support. We also give a special thank you to the residents of the Vanderbilt building who recently conducted a food drive for us. Perhaps parishioners who live in other large residential buildings would consider coordinating a food drive in their building. Please call 718-499-8681 if you need information on how to do this. October 18, 2015 PARISH: Regular Collection $3,934.00 FAITH DIRECT Regular Renovation & Repair $980.00 per week $156.50 monthly DIOCESAN COLLECTION Mission Sunday $1,470.00 Faith Direct $ 265.00 The St. Vincent de Paul Society will have a truck in front of the church on Sunday, November 1st from 9 am - noon, to pick up clothing. Please bring your donation directly to the truck and do not leave it in the church. Thank You. 11/6 11/8 11/13 11/21 11/22 Night at the Races, Shepherds Hall Rosary Society Baby Shower Foundation Dinner, Gargulio’s Bus Trip to Jersey Shore Outlets Bobby Byrnes Concert, Shepherds Hall St. Anne’s Night at Holy Name -October 28th 7PM Fr. Bernard Gauthier, Rector of St. Anne de Beaupre, Quebec Canada will celebrate Mass and bless you with the Relic of St. Anne. Bring a friend and come be a part of this beautiful celebration. REMINDER: Come join us on Sunday, November 1st in Green-Wood Cemetery as Father Larry celebrates Mass to commemorate all the faithful departed. Mass starts at 3:30PM in the Chapel. Entrance and parking is on 25th Street and 5th Avenue. All are welcomed to attend. A Note from Fr. Larry This week’s note will be brief. My retreat at Huntington last week was a great time for rest and renewal and I thank Fr. Danny Murphy (recently retired former pastor of St. Savior’s), Msgrs. Nagle and Curran, and Fr. Austin for making it possible for me to be away. We’re all looking forward to Bishop Massa presiding at Confirmation at the 12 Noon Mass this Sunday. It’s hard to believe that November is almost here. We will be remembering the deceased listed on your All Souls envelopes at our Masses during November. Confirmation Candidates Congratulations to the following students who will be receiving Confirmation today: Amanda Catherine Addusti Nicholas Carlos Andrade Mia Veronica Del Hoyo Maureen Bridget Heaney Jennifer Faith Lara Aisha Cecilia Micourt Melissa Mary Rendon Maeve Bernadette Shanks Nicholas Nicholas Useche Votive Candles It is time to renew our memorialized candles in the back of church. For a donation of $75.00 you can have the name of your loved one placed on a candle for one year. Stop by the Rectory if you are interested in having a candle memorialized. Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Can you help us out? It cost $10 to feed one person at the Holy Name Thanksgiving Dinner, you can sponsor a table/for $100 or ½ a table for $50. Checks can be made out to Holy Name Church. Signs will be placed on the table announcing who sponsored the table. Thanking you in advance for all your support. Thanksgiving Dinner will be served on November 26h from 11 – 2PM in Shepherds Hall. All are welcome. 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time The First Reading is about God’s promise to console and deliver His people. They were a remnant in the land of the north, looking for direction. “I will gather the blind and the lame … the mothers and those with child; they shall return as an immense throng. They departed in tears, but I will console them and guide them; I will lead them to brooks of water, on a level road, so that none shall stumble.” Pope Francis reminded us of the same need for deliverance today when he spoke to the US Congress in September: How much progress has been made in this area in so many parts of the world! How much has been done in these first years of the third millennium to raise people out of extreme poverty! I know that you share my conviction that much more still needs to be done, and that in times of crisis and economic hardship a spirit of global solidarity must not be lost. At the same time I would encourage you to keep in mind all those people around us who are trapped in a cycle of poverty. Is there anyone in our lives who just needs the road “leveled out” a little or who needs a bright moment in his/her day? How can we help someone from stumbling? The Responsorial Psalm tells us that mouths will be filled with laughter! “Every tear will be wiped away”! We too can be captives, held by sorrow, loneliness, addiction, sickness, hunger, but we will be released and filled with joy. The Second Reading from Hebrews tells us that Jesus, as our high priest, offering Himself as the best sacrifice, “ is able to deal patiently with the ignorant and erring, for He Himself is beset by weakness.” How can the experience of weakness help us serve others? Did Jesus’ human experience and suffering draw people to Him? All of us trying to do God’s will experience weaknesses at times. This is what can help to make us good ministers of God. How does our suffering help us to extend our hand to others? Can we share the good news with a smile? Blind Bartimaeus in today’s Gospel couldn’t stop calling out to Jesus. “Son of David, have pity on me!” Many tried to shush him, but over and over, he pleaded. Jesus asked him “What do you want?” In this case it was obvious. Did Jesus miss it? Bartimaeus was blind! “Master, I want to see.” Just getting his sight back would not have done it. He already had the incarnate God standing before him, and maybe this was the fullness of what he wanted to “see.” “Your faith has saved you,” Jesus said. This son of Timaeus saw and followed Jesus. In history, many wise and faith-filled people have been silenced. But, they kept seeking, just like this blind man. What is it that we want to “see” that will change our life as radically as Bartimaeus changed his? Do we persist in prayer by hearing Jesus, crying out to Him, approaching Jesus, speaking boldly of our needs and believing that Jesus can help us? Let us persevere in o u r prayer and begin to see what God wants us to do in our lives. Cancer Guild of Holy Name of Jesus For our departed loved ones… We extend This organization meets every Thursday at 1PM in the Rectory basement for two hours to provide a little comfort for the residents of Rosary Hill Home. We baste a precut lining and precut sheet to make a pad which is used once. The pads are sent to the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne who provide special care for resident cancer patients at Rosary Hill Home. New members are welcome to join the Guild at any meeting, no fancy sewing needed. To continue this service we are in need of used sheets, thin summer blankets and light-weight quilts. Donations may be dropped off at a meeting or at the Rectory. Thank you for your support. our prayers and deepest sympathies to the families and friends of our parish who have lost a loved one, especially George Clarke and Roger Riches. Considering the Priesthood? Here is a free event where you can learn more: Project Andrew: Prayer, dinner & conversation. Sunday, October 25, 4:00 – 6:00 P.M. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church, 110-06 Queens Blvd., Forest Hills, N.Y. – Special Guest - Bishop Paul Sanchez For more information or R.S.V.P contact the Vocation Office at 718-827-2454 AND… Are you a woman interested in Religious Life? Here is a free event where you can learn more: God’s Holy Family: A weekend with the Saints, sponsored by the Little Sisters of the Poor. Saturday, October 31, 10:00 A.M. to Sunday, November 1, 3 P.M. 110-39 Springfield Blvd. Queens Village, NY 11429. For more information contact Sister Mary Richard @ 718-464-4920 The Sanctuary Lamp and Altar Candles are being donated this week in memory of Muriel Sheehan by Jim and Ronnie Sheehan. Remembering those who are ill…. We pray for the sick in our church and community especially, Marilyn Bloom, Joan O’Malley, Catherine Flanagan, William Diagastino, William Rogers, Maryann Fitzgerald, Margaret Horn, Baby Eleanor Cox, Arnold Paul, Emma Brennan, Mary E. Blacie, Carmella Agnese, Margaret Kreutzberg, Sylvester Dicindio, Jeannie, Margaret Horn, Jack & Louise Miller, Wendylee Julian, Regina Hall, Richard Jordan, Stephanie Merenda, Don Kent, Victoria Godkin, Karry Fantasia, Motayam Shatik, Allan Sheinbrot, Frinett Simon, Edmund O’Shea, Yvonne Hajjar, Richard Day, Anne Brown, Yvonne & Carolyn Smolin, Patricia Walsh, Norma Gonzalez, Michael Purdy, Patrick Cregg, Kathleen Neville, Jean Thomas, Eugene DeFranco, Clara Rodriguez, Eleanor Davenport, Kathleen Nolan, Vivian Blum, Phyllis Rago, Maria Martin, Patricia Molloy, Jack Hickey, Juanita F., Ann Mc Cabe, Gertrude Gilligan, Liam Budgell, Dennis Healey, Michael Turelli, Richard Grogan, Sr., John Marsillo and Carolyn Hoffman. May God give them renewed health and strength Memorials Week of October 25, 2015 The Hosts are being donated this week in memory of John Gallahue by Ann Dolan. Please remember those enrolled in our Purgatorial Society on Sundays at 7:30am including John Gallahue and Peter G. Heaney. LET US PRAY……For these Mass intentions during the Week of …October 25, 2015 Sunday, October 25th 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM 9:00AM Rose L Lang Rosa Ortiz, Arcenio Oriz, Anna Acota, and Eliezer Ortiz 10:30AM Mary, Anthony, Rosemarie, and Peter Camastro 12 Noon Matthew Hennessy Monday, October 26th 9:00AM Marie and Frank Constantino Tuesday, October 27th 9:00AM Louise Baldo Wednesday, October 28th Saints Simon and Jude 9:00AM Muriel Sheehan Thursday, October 29th 9:00AM John McNerney Friday, October 30th 9:00AM Therese Hough Saturday, October 31st 9:00AM Theresa Cirillo 5:30PM Edward McHale Hazel and William Valent Nicola Sisto, Sr. Jerome Flynn Jennifer Milne Sunday, November 1st – 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12 Noon Irene Cain Mass for the People Mary, Anthony, Rosemarie & Peter Camastro Joanne Devine Dunn Holy Name Foundation 9th Annual Dinner Dance Gargiulo’s Restaurant Friday, November 13, 2015 @ 6:30pm Honoring Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Nagle Teena Caccamo Nick Sisto Contact Name: ________________________________________________________________ Company: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone: (___) __________________ Email: _______________________________ SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY Deadline: Monday, November 2, 2015 Corporate Sponsorship: $3,000 – Preferred seating for 10, Gold Page Journal Ad and Event Recognition Sponsorship: _______________ @ $_______________ COMMEMORATIVE JOURNAL Journal Ad Specification: Camera-ready artwork in laser copy format or reproduction art format 8.5 x 11. Printed messages without artwork can be submitted by email to KPC326@aol.com, or mail to Holy Name Foundation, 584 Prospect Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215. Back Cover $1,500 Inside Front Cover $1,000 Gold Page $500 Silver Page $350 Half Page $100 Quarter Page $50 Inside Back Cover $750 White Page $200 Journal: _________________Cover/Page @ $ ___________ TICKET RESERVATIONS Number of Tickets: _____ @ $150 Table of 10 @ $1,500 Ticket Total $_________ Total Payment Due: $_______________ (include all sponsorships, ad costs and tickets) Please make checks payable to Holy Name. Please mail completed form with payment, names of guests, and journal material to: Holy Name Foundation, 584 Prospect Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11215 (917) 974-8782. Dr. Mitchell Benson Terrace DENTIST Bagels & Cafe One Prospect Park Southwest Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215 718-768-1666 General, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry Warm & Cozy Atmosphere All Baking Done on Premises Daily BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER More than Cappuccino • Full Deli just a bagel... Homemade Salads & Cream Cheeses Hand-Rolled Bagels STEVE BELSITO SONS, INC. Lic. 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Smith Sons Funeral Home 718-788-2255 "Serving Brooklyn Since 1875" ~ VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION ~ 255 Ninth Street · Brooklyn, NY Owned by a subsidiary of Service Corp. International 1929 Allen Pkwy Houston, TX 77019 7135225141 FARRELL’S Leopoldi's Hardware & Paints YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REALTOR mary larosa lederer - broker brooklyn-real BAR GRILL 415 5th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 get real 718-369-7325 · cell 917-517-3260 473 16th Street 11215 www.brooklyn-real.com marybrooklynreal@aol.com 215 Prospect Park West 718-788-8779 (Bet. 7th - 8th Sts.) 499-6563 Please Continue To Pray For We carry a wide variety of styles and brands for everyone in the family! 10% OFF WITH THIS AD Gift Certificates Available 419 7th Ave. @ 14th St., Brooklyn 718-832-1400 www.ashoegrows.com World Peace A store with roots in the community LEONE FUNERAL HOME, INC. 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