dokumen sebutharga - Arkib Negara Malaysia
dokumen sebutharga - Arkib Negara Malaysia
ARKIB NEGARA MALAYSIA (KEMENTERIAN PELANCONGAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN) JALAN DUTA 50568 PUTRAJAYA DOKUMEN SEBUTHARGA NO SEBUTHARGA : SH/ANM/P/11/2014 TAJUK KERJA: KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN TINGKAP SEDIA ADA KEPADA TINGKAP BINGKAI ALUMINIUM DI BANGUNAN WISMA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR 9 Oktober 2014 TARIKH TUTUP: ________________________ Nama Kontraktor:………………………………… Alamat:…………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Kelas:…………. Tempoh Daftar:……………….. ……………….. Taraf: BP / BBP Tempoh Daftar:……………….. ……………….. No Sebutharga: SH/ANM/P/11/2014 SENARAI SEMAKAN (BEKALAN/PERKHIDMATAN/KERJA) Sila tandakan / Bagi Dokumen-dokumen Yang Disertakan. Bil. Perkara/Dokumen 1. Salinan Sijil Akuan Pendaftaran Dari Kementerian Kewangan (Bekalan/Perkhidmatan) 2. Salinan Sijil Akuan Bumiputera Dari Kementerian Kewangan (Bekalan/Perkhidmatan) 3. Salinan Sijil Akuan Pembuat Dari Kementerian Kewangan (Bekalan/Perkhidmatan) 4. Salinan Sijil Pendaftaran Dari Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (Kerja) 5. Salinan Sijil Taraf Bumiputera Dari Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (Kerja) 6. Salinan Sijil Pendaftaran Dari CIDB 7. Borang Sebut Harga Telah Diisi Dengan Lengkap (termasuk nilai tawaran dan tempoh siap) dan Ditandatangani 8. Borang Maklumat Penyebut Harga 9. Pematuhan Kepada Spesifikasi 10. Borang Penyerahan Contoh Dan Katalog (jika berkaitan) 11. Cadangan Penyelenggaraan/Penyenggaraan (jika perlu) 12. Senarai Kakitangan Teknikal (jika berkaitan) Untuk Di tanda Oleh Syarikat Untuk Di tanda Oleh Jawatankuasa Pembuka Sebut Harga Bil. Untuk Di tanda Oleh Syarikat Perkara/Dokumen 13. Salinan Penyata Bulanan Akaun Bank bagi Tiga (3) Bulan Terakhir 14. Lain-lain Sekiranya Ada Untuk Di tanda Oleh Jawatankuasa Pembuka Sebut Harga PENGESAHAN OLEH SYARIKAT UNTUK KEGUNAAN JABATAN Dengan ini saya mengesahkan bahawa saya telah membaca dan memahami semua syarat-syarat dan terma yang dinyatakan di dalam dokumen sebut harga. Semua maklumat yang dikemukakan adalah benar. Jawatankuasa Pembuka Sebut Harga mengesahkan penerimaan dokumen bertanda kecuali bagi perkara bil. ................... (jika ada). Tandatangan: Tandatangan: Nama: Nama: Jawatan: Jawatan: Tarikh: Tarikh: Tandatangan: Nama: Jawatan: Tarikh: KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN TINGKAP SEDIA ADA KEPADA TINGKAP BINGKAI ALUMINIUM DI BANGUNAN WISMA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR KANDUNGAN: 1.0 Notis Sebutharga. 2.0 Arahan Kepada Penyebut Harga 3.0 Syarat-syarat Sebut Harga Untuk Kerja. 4.0 Syarat-syarat Am Sebutharga. 5.0 Specifications. 5.1 Specification for Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works 5.2 Specification for Structural Steel and Metal Works 6.0 Borang Sebut Harga Kerja. 7.0 Ringkasan Sebut Harga (Pukal). 8.0 Jadual Harga. 9.0 Lampiran, A. Latar Belakang Kontraktor B. Borang Performance Bond C. Borang Perjanjian Inden Kerja D. Surat Akuan Pembida & Surat Akuan Pembida Berjaya 1.0 NOTIS SEBUTHARGA ARKIB NEGARA MALAYSIA (KEMENTERIAN PELANCONGAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN) SEBUTHARGA SH/ANM/P/11/2014 TAJUK KERJA : KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN TINGKAP SEDIA ADA KEPADA TINGKAP BINGKAI ALUMINIUM DI BANGUNAN WISMA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR 1. Sebutharga adalah dipelawa daripada kontraktor-kontraktor yang berdaftar dengan Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia (CIDB) dalam Kelas G2 di bawah Kategori B Pembinaan Bangunan, Pengkhususan B12, bertaraf bumiputera dari PKK dibenarkan menyertai kerja-kerja Sebutharga ini. 2. Borang-borang Sebutharga boleh didapati pada 1/10/2014 (Rabu) dengan memuat turun melalui portal rasmi Arkib Negara Malaysia ( sepanjang tempoh iklan tawaran. Kontraktor-kontraktor yang ingin menyertai Sebutharga di atas hendaklah membawa Surat Pendaftaran Asal CIDB dan Sijil Taraf Bumiputera dari PKK. 3. Semua borang Sebutharga yang telah lengkap diisikan hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam Peti Sebutharga di Arkib Negara Malaysia, Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan, Seksyen Pembangunan dan Pengurusan Aset, Tingkat 2, Wisma Warisan, Jalan Duta, 50568 Kuala Lumpur tidak lewat dari jam 12.00 tengahari pada hari Khamis (9/10/2014). 4. ‘LAWATAN TAPAK’ adalah diwajibkan kepada semua penyebutharga dan akan di adakan pada 2/10/2014 (Khamis) jam 2.30 petang. Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa taklimat akan hanya diadakan sekali sahaja. Penyebutharga dikehendaki berkumpul di Auditorium, Wisma Warisan, Jalan Duta, 50568 Kuala Lumpur pada masa dan tarikh yang telah ditetapkan di atas. Penyebutharga yang gagal hadir sesi taklimat pada tarikh dan masa yang telah ditetapkan adalah dianggap tidak berminat dengan kerja Sebutharga ini. 5. Arkib Negara Malaysia, Kementerian Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan Malaysia tidak terikat untuk menerima tawaran terendah atau mana-mana tawaran. Sebarang pertanyaan berkenaan sebutharga boleh hubungi Encik Mohd Faridzul bin Ab Rahman di talian 03-6209 0666 atau Puan Zarina binti Aziz di talian 03-6209 0636. 2.0 ARAHAN KEPADA PENYEBUT HARGA ARAHAN KEPADA PENYEBUT HARGA 1. HAK KERAJAAN UNTUK MENERIMA / MENOLAK SEBUTHARGA. Kerajaan adalah tidak terikat untuk menerima Sebut harga yang terendah atau manamana Sebut harga atau memberi apa-apa sebab di atas penolakan sesuatu Sebutharga. Keputusan Jawatankuasa Sebutharga adalah muktamad. 2. CARA-CARA MELENGKAPKAN DOKUMEN SEBUTHARGA. 2.1. Penyediaan Sebutharga. Kontraktor adalah dikehendaki mengisi dengan dakwat segala maklumat berikut dengan sepenuhnya :(a) Harga dan tandatangan Kontraktor di Ringkasan Sebut Harga. (b) Harga, tempoh dan tandatangan dalam Borang Sebut Harga. (c) Senarai Kerja Dalam Tangan. (d) Maklumat Kontraktor di Bahagian Details of Contractor dan Details of Sub-Contractor. (e) Jadual Kadar Harga (Jika ada) (f) Butir – butir Spesifikasi (Jika ada) Jika berlaku kesilapan dalam mengisi maklumat-maklumat di atas Kontraktor hendaklah menandatangani ringkas semua pembetulan. 2.2. 2.3. Penyerahan Dokumen Sebutharga. (a) Dokumen Sebutharga yang telah diisi dengan lengkap hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam sampul surat berlakri yang dicatatkan dengan bilangan sebutharga SH/ANM/P/11/2014 serta tajuk sebut harga dan hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam peti sebut harga pada masa dan tempat yang ditetapkan dalam Notis Sebut Harga. (b) Jika Dokumen Sebut Harga tidak diserahkan dengan tangan, Pentender hendaklah menghantar Dokumen tersebut dengan pos supaya tiba pada atau sebelum masa dan di tempat yang ditetapkan. (c) Sebutharga yang diserahkan selepas masa yang ditetapkan, berbangkit dari sebarang sebab, tidak akan dipertimbangkan. Penjelasan Lanjut. Sekiranya terdapat maklumat dalam Dokumen Sebut Harga yang tidak jelas atau bercanggah, Kontraktor boleh menghubungi pejabat ini untuk penjelasan lanjut. Arkib Negara Malaysia, Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan Seksyen Pembangunan dan Pengurusan Aset, Tingkat 2, Wisma Warisan, Jalan Duta, 50568 Kuala Lumpur. (u.p.: Pn.Zarina Binti Aziz) Tel : 03-6209 0636 Faks : 03-6201 5679 3. TEMPOH SIAP KERJA Kerja ini hendaklah disiapkan dalam tempoh masa tidak melebihi 2 bulan. 4. PERBELANJAAN PENYEDIAAN DOKUMEN SEBUTHARGA. Semua perbelanjaan bagi penyediaan sebut harga ini hendaklah ditanggung oleh Penyebutharga sendiri. 5. TEMPOH SAH SEBUTHARGA. Sebutharga ini sah selama 90 hari dari tarikh tutup Sebutharga. Kontraktor tidak boleh menarik balik sebut harganya sebelum tamat tempoh sah sebut harga. Tindakan tatatertib akan diambil sekiranya Kontraktor menarik balik sebut harganya sebelum tamat tempoh sah Sebutharga. 6. LAWATAN TAPAK. Lawatan Tapak akan diadakan seperti yang diiklankan dalam borang sebutharga dan kehadiran pentender adalah Wajib. 7. BARANGAN IMPORT DAN PERKHIDMATAN ASING. Pentender hendaklah mengambilkira di dalam tawarannya ke atas masa dan perbelanjaan yang diperlukan bagi mematuhi syarat-syarat penggunaan barangan import. Pentender tidak dibenarkan mengimport sebarang bahan, loji, peralatan, kenderaan atau lain-lain barangan berkaitan dengan kerja-kerja sebutharga ini kecuali yang telah diluluskan oleh MITI (Ministry International Trade & Industry). Sekiranya barangan tempatan tiada di dalam pasaran, pentender hendaklah memohon kebenaran daripada MITI dan Jabatan Perbendaharaan Negara bagi menggunakan barangan import. 3.0 SYARAT-SYARAT SEBUTHARGA UNTUK KERJA SYARAT-SYARAT SEBUTHARGA UNTUK KERJA 1. PEMERIKSAAN TAPAKBINA. Kontraktor disifatkan telah memeriksa dan meneliti tapak bina dan sekitarnya, bentuk dan jenis tapak bina, takat dan jenis kerja, bahan dan barang yang perlu bagi menyiapkan Kerja, cara-cara perhubungan dan laluan masuk ke tapak bina dan hendaklah mendapatkan sendiri segala maklumat yang perlu tentang risiko, luar jangkaan dan segala hal-keadaan yang mempengaruhi dan menjejas sebut harganya. Sebarang tuntutan yang timbul akibat daripada kegagalan Kontraktor mematuhi kehendak ini tidak akan dipertimbangkan. 2. INSURANS. Kontraktor hendaklah atas nama bersama Kerajaan dan Kontraktor mengambil insurans seperti berikut :a) Insurans Pampasan Pekerja (Workmen Compensation) dan / atau Nombor Pendaftaran dengan PERKESO bagi kesemua pekerjanya. b) * Insurans Liabiliti Awam dan / atau Insurans Kerja (sekiranya dinyatakan di dalam Butir-Butir Ringkasan Sebut harga). bagi tempoh perlaksanaan Kerja ini. Kontraktor hendaklah mengemukakan kepada Pegawai Inden semua polisi insurans dan Nombor Kod Pendaftaran dengan PERKESO yang tersebut di atas sebelum memulakan kerja. Bagaimanapun untuk tujuan memulakan kerja sahaja Nota-nota Perlindungan dan resit-resit bayaran premium adalah mencukupi. Sekiranya Kontraktor gagal mengemukakan semua polisi Insurans selepas tempoh sah Notanota Perlindungan, tanpa sebarang sebab yang munasabah, Pegawai Inden berhak mengambil tindakan seperti di bawah fasal 11(d). 3. BON PERLAKSANAAN Kontraktor hendaklah mengemukakan Bon Perlaksanaan sebanyak 5.0% daripada jumlah Harga Kontrak (Kontraktor dibenarkan membuat pilihan untuk mengemukakan sama ada Jaminan Bank/ Jaminan Insurans atau Kaedah Wang Jaminan Perlaksanaan) 4. BAYARAN PENDAHULUAN Bagi kontrak kerja, bayaran pendahuluan boleh diberi sehingga 25% daripada jumlah nilai kerja pembina ( Builder,s Works ) atau maksimum RM 100,000 mengikut mana yang lebih rendah. 4.1 Bagi mendapat kemudahan bayaran pendahuluan tersebut,syarat-syarat berikut handaklah dipatuhi: a) Dibenarkan bagi kontrak yang bernilai melebihi RM 200,000.00 hingga RM 500,000.00 b) Inden Kerja/Pesanan Kerajaan telah ditandatangani dan di keluarkan. 4.2 5. c) Polisi-Polisi insuran yang dinyatakan dalam syarat-syarat kontrak telah dikemukakan. d) Jaminan bagi bayaran pendahuluan bagi bekalan/perkhidmatan/kerja hendaklah dikemukakan seperti yang ditetapkan dalam AP200.2(b). Jaminan hendaklah dama nilainya dengan bayaran pendahuluan. e) Bayaran pendahuluan hendaklah dipohon pada peringkat awal kontrak dan tidak melebihi satu(1) bulan dari tarikh inden Keja/Pesanan kerajaan dimana berkaitan; dan f) Bayaran pendahuluan tidak dibenarkan bagi perolehan bekalan/Perkhidmatan/siap jika tempoh penghantaran/ Perkhidmatan/siap kerja tidak melebihi tiga (3) bulan. Bayaran Balik pendahuluan hendaklah dibuat melalui potongan ke atas bayaran kemajuan mengikut peringkat atau mengikut peringkat bekalan yang disempurnakan. Bagi kontrak kerja, potongan hendaklah sesesai selawatlewatnya semasa projek siap pada tahap 75% bekalan atau perkhidmatan disempurnakan. PERATURAN PERLAKSANAAN KERJA. 5.1 Kerja-kerja yang dilaksanakan hendaklah mematuhi Spesifikasi, Pelan-pelan, Butir-butir kerja dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga dan Syarat-Syarat yang dinyatakan dalam Dokumen Sebut Harga ini dan arahan Pegawai Inden atau Wakilnya. *5.2 Kerja-kerja elektrik yang dilaksanakan disamping mematuhi kehendak di perenggan 5.1 di atas, hendaklah juga mematuhi semua peraturan dan pekeliling, undangundang dan undang-undang kecil yang diluluskan oleh: (i) Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ii) Jabatan Keselamatan Pekerjaan dan Kesihatan (iii) Pemegang Lesen dan Pihak Berkuasa Bekalan Elektrik (iv) Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat (v) Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan 6. KEGAGALAN KONTRAKTOR MEMULAKAN KERJA. Sekiranya Kontraktor gagal memulakan kerja selepas tujuh (7) hari dari tarikh akhir tempoh mula kerja yang dinyatakan dalam Inden, tanpa sebab-sebab yang munasabah, Inden akan dibatalkan oleh Pegawai Inden dan tindakan tatatertib akan diambil terhadap Kontraktor. 7. SUB-SEWA DAN MENYERAHHAK KERJA. Kontraktor tidak dibenarkan mengsub-sewakan Kerja kepada kontraktor-kontraktor lain. Kontraktor tidak boleh menyerahhak apa-apa faedah di bawah Inden Kerja ini tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapatkan persetujuan bertulis daripada Pegawai Inden. 8. 9. 10. PENOLAKAN BAHAN, BARANG DAN KERJA OLEH PEGAWAI INDEN. 8.1 Pegawai Inden atau Wakilnya berhak menolak bahan, barang dan mutu hasil kerja dari jenis piawaian yang tidak menepati seperti diperihalkan dalam spesifikasi. Kontraktor hendaklah, apabila diminta oleh Pegawai Inden, memberi kepadanya baucar-baucar dan/atau perakuan ujian pengilang untuk membuktikan bahawa bahan-bahan dan barang-barang itu mematuhi Spesifikasi. Bahan, barang dan kerjakerja yang ditolak hendaklah diganti dan sebarang kos tambahan yang terlibat hendaklah ditanggung oleh Kontraktor sendiri. 8.2 Kontraktor hendaklah dengan sepenuhnya atas perbelanjaan sendiri menyediakan sampel bahan dan barang-barang untuk ujian. 8.3 Tiada penggantian untuk peralatan, bahan dan cara kerja yang telah ditentukan di dalam spesifikasi atau ditawarkan dan telah diterima, dibenarkan kecuali mendapat persetujuan daripada Pegawai Inden secara bertulis. RINGKASAN SEBUTHARGA. (i) Ringkasan Sebutharga hendaklah menjadi sebahagian daripada Borang Sebut Harga ini dan hendaklah menjadi asas jumlah Harga Sebut Harga. (ii) Harga-harga dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga hendaklah mengambil kira semua kos termasuk kos pengangkutan, cukai, duti, bayaran dan caj-caj lain yang perlu dan berkaitan bagi penyiapan Kerja dengan sempurnanya. (iii) Tiada sebarang tuntutan akan dilayan bagi pelarasan harga akibat daripada perubahan kos buruh, bahan-bahan dan semua duti dan cukai Kerajaan, samada dalam tempoh sah Sebutharga atau dalam tempoh Kerja. (iv) Harga-harga dalam Ringkasan Sebutharga yang dikemukakan oleh Kontraktor hendaklah tertakluk kepada persetujuan sebelumnya daripada Pegawai Inden tentang kemunasabahannya. Persetujuan sebelumnya itu dan apa-apa pelarasan kemudiannya kepada harga-harga dalam Ringkasan Sebutharga hendaklah dibuat sebelum Inden Kerja dikeluarkan. (v) Apa-apa pelarasan harga dalam Ringkasan Sebutharga menurut perenggan (iv) tersebut di atas dan apa-apa kesilapan hisab dalam Ringkasan Sebutharga hendaklah dilaras dan diperbetulkan sebelum Inden Kerja dikeluarkan. Jumlah amaun yang dilaraskan hendaklah sama dengan amaun jumlah harga pukal dalam Borang Sebutharga. Amaun jumlah harga pukal dalam Borang Sebutharga hendaklah tetap tidak berubah. PERCANGGAHAN DALAM DOKUMEN SEBUTHARGA. (i) Dokumen Sebut Harga adalah dikira sebagai saling jelas-menjelas antara satu sama lain. Kontraktor hendaklah mengadakan segala yang perlu untuk melaksanakan kerja dengan sewajarnya sehinggalah siap mengikut tujuan dan maksud sebenar. Dokumen Sebut Harga pada keseluruhannya sama ada atau tidak tujuan dan maksud itu ada ditunjuk atau diperihalkan secara khusus, dengan syarat bahawa tujuan, maksud itu hendaklah difahamkan dengan munasabahnya dari Dokumen Sebut Harga itu. (ii) 11. Jika Kontraktor mendapati apa-apa percanggahan dalam Dokumen Sebutharga dia hendaklah merujuk kepada Pegawai Inden untuk mendapatkan keputusan. BAYARAN KEMAJUAN. Pegawai Inden dibenarkan membuat bayaran interim sehingga kerja-kerja siap dilaksanakan. 12. KEGAGALAN KONTRAKTOR PERLANTIKAN KONTRAKTOR. MENYIAPKAN KERJA DAN PENAMATAN Pegawai Inden berhak membatalkan Inden Kerja sekiranya Kontraktor berada dalam keadaan berikut dan setelah menerima surat amaran daripada Pegawai Inden: 13. (i) Sekiranya Kontraktor masih gagal menyiapkan Kerja dalam tempoh masa yang telah ditetapkan; (ii) Kemajuan Kerja terlalu lembab tanpa apa-apa sebab yang munasabah; (iii) Penggantungan perlaksanaan seluruh atau sebahagian Kerja, tanpa apaapa sebab yang munasabah; (iv) Tidak mematuhi arahan Pegawai Inden tanpa apa-apa alasan yang munasabah; dan (v) Apabila Kontraktor diisytiharkan bankrap oleh pihak yang sah. KERJA PERUBAHAN. (i) Pegawai Inden boleh menurut budi bicaranya mengeluarkan arahan-arahan yang berkehendakkan sesuatu perubahan kerja dengan secara bertulis. Tiada apa-apa perubahan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pegawai Inden atau yang disahkan kemudian oleh Pegawai Inden boleh membatalkan Sebutharga ini. (ii) Semua kerja perubahan dan / atau tambahan yang diluluskan oleh Pegawai Inden akan diukur atau dinilai dengan menggunakan kadar harga yang ada dalam Senarai Kuantiti / Ringkasan Sebutharga. Jika tidak terdapat sebarang kadar harga yang bersesuaian kadar harga yang dipersetujui oleh Pegawai Inden dan kontraktor hendaklah digunakan. 14. TEMPOH TANGGUNGAN KECACATAN (DLP) 14.1 Tempoh Tanggungan Kecacatan bagi sebut harga hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya enam (6) bulan dari tarikh kerja diperakukan siap. Bagi kerja-kerja mekanikal dan elektrikal dimana tempoh waranti ke atas alat-alat dan loji-loji adalah dua belas (12) bulan dan dalam kes-kes tertentu oleh kerana jenis dan kerumitan kerja, tempoh tanggungan kecacatan yang lebih lama daripada enam (6) bulan boleh dikenakan. 14.2 Kontraktor dipertanggungjawabkan untuk membaiki kecacatan, ketidaksempurnaan, kekecutan atau apa-apa jua kerosakan lain yang mungkin kelihatan dan yang disebabkan oleh bahan atau barang atau mutu hasil kerja yang tidak menepati sebut harga ini apabila diarahkan oleh Pegawai Inden dan dalam masa yang berpatutan. Kontraktor hendaklah membaiki kecacatan, ketidaksempurnaan, kekecutan atau apaapa jua kerosakan lain atas kos Kontraktor sendiri. 14.3 Sekiranya Kontraktor gagal membaiki kecacatan, ketidaksempurnaan, kekecutan atau apa-apa jua kerosakan lain seperti yang diarahkan, Pegawai Inden berhak memotong kos membaiki dari baki wang yang akan dibayar kepada kontraktor atau, jika baki itu tiada tidak mencukupi, mengeluarkan surat pengesyoran kepada Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor untuk menggantungkan pendaftaran Kontraktor, dan menghantar salinansalinan surat tersebut kepada Pengarah Kerja Raya Negeri/Ketua Jabatan, Bahagian Pembangunan Bumiputera, Kementerian Kerja Raya dan Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan. Bagi kerja-kerja elektrik/mekanikal, salinan surat hendaklah dihantar kepada Pengarah Cawangan Kerja Elektrikal/Pengarah Cawangan Kerja Mekanikal. 15. PERATURAN MEMBAYAR SELEPAS SIAP. Bayaran sepenuhnya hanya akan dibayar setelah Kontraktor menyiapkan Kerja dengan sempurnanya dan mengembalikan Inden Kerja Asal berserta dengan Invois dan dokumen sokongan. 16. PERAKUAN SIAP KERJA Pegawai Inden hendaklah mengeluarkan Perakuan Siap Kerja sebaik sahaja kerja disiapkan dengan sempurna dan memuaskan. Tarikh siap kerja ini bermulanya Tempoh Tanggungan Kecacatan. 17. PERAKUAN SIAP MEMPERBAIKI KECACATAN Pegawai Inden hendaklah mengeluarkan Perakuan Siap Membaiki Kecacatan sebaik sahaja kontraktor telah membaiki kecacatan, ketidaksempurnaan, kekecutan atau apaapa jua kerosakan lain. 18. PEMATUHAN KEPADA UNDANG-UNDANG OLEH KONTRAKTOR. Kontraktor hendaklah mematuhi segala kehendak Undang-undang Kecil dan Undangundang Berkanun dalam Malaysia semasa pelaksanaan Kerja. Kontraktor tidak berhak menuntut sebarang kos dan bayaran tambahan kerana pematuhannya dengan Syaratsyarat ini. 4.0 SYARAT-SYARAT AM SEBUTHARGA SYARAT – SYARAT AM SEBUT HARGA Tajuk : KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN TINGKAP SEDIA ADA KEPADA TINGKAP BINGKAI ALUMINIUM DI BANGUNAN WISMA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR. Tertakluk kepada apa-apa syarat khas yang ditetapkan di tempat lain dalam pelawaan ini, syarat-syarat am yang berikut hendaklah dipakai, melainkan setakat mana syarat-syarat am itu ditolak atau diubah dengan khususnya oleh penyebut harga. 1. Kehendak Am Spesifikasi kerja ini hendaklah dibaca dan difahami supaya kerja-kerja dapat dijalankan dengan sempurna dan mengikut sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh Pegawai Inden. Jika sekiranya Kontraktor menganggap mana-mana fasa Sebut Harga ini akan melibatkan perbelanjaan, dia hendaklah memberi nilai wang terhadap fasa-fasa tersebut. 2. Lokasi Tapak Kerja/Pemeriksaan Tapak. Kerja-kerja yang hendak dilaksanakan adalah di BANGUNAN WISMA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR. Semua penyebut harga adalah diwajibkan melawat tapak untuk memastikan sendiri skop dan keadaan kerja-kerja yang terlibat kerana tuntutan tambahan tidak akan dibayar atas alasan kekurangan maklumat mengenai keadaan tapak oleh pihak kontraktor. 3. Akta Keselamatan Sosial Pekerja 1969 Pihak Kontraktor dikehendaki mematuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan oleh Akta Keselamatan Sosial Pekerja 1969. 4. Skop Kerja Kontraktor hendaklah menyediakan pekerja dan semua peralatan yang diperlukan dalam melaksanakan semua skop kerja yang dinyatakan di Ringkasan Sebut Harga (Pukal) dimana kosnya telah diambil kira dalam menghargakan. Semua kerja hendaklah mengikut arahan Pegawai Inden dan spesifikasi serta hendaklah berkualiti. Kontraktor adalah bertanggungjawab dengan perbelanjaan sendiri ke atas risiko pada semua kerja, bahan, buruh, peralatan, mesin-mesin, jentera pengangkutan dan lain-lain perkara yang perlu untuk kerja-kerja senggaraan ini serta kerja-kerja yang berkaitan di kawasan BANGUNAN WISMA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR. 5. Kerosakan Kepada Harta Benda Kontraktor hendaklah bertanggungjawab di atas sebarang kerosakan yang disebabkan oleh alat-alat, mesin-mesin, lori-lori atau pekerja-pekerja ke atas mana–mana harta, tumbuh-tumbuhan atau pokok kepunyaan Bangunan Arkib Negara Malaysia, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur atau pengguna dan sebagainya dan hendaklah menyelenggara dan membaiki kerosakan-kerosakan itu mengikut sepertimana yang diluluskan oleh Pegawai Inden atau sebaliknya dan hendaklah menanggung kos pembaikan tersebut. 6. Alat-alat Dan Mesin-mesin Kontraktor. Semua alat-alat dan mesin-mesin kontraktor yang digunakan hendaklah dari jenis, saiz dan corak bekerja yang bersesuaian dengan jenis, corak dan keadaan tapak di mana kerja-kerja akan dijalankan. Kontraktor hendaklah bertanggungjawab ke atas keselamatan semua mesin dan lainlain kelengkapan kepunyaan kontraktor yang perlu untuk kerja dalam kontrak ini. 7. Penyelia/Pengawas Kerja Pemborong hendaklah mengadakan seorang penyelia kerja di tapak kerja setiap masa bekerja. Ini adalah bagi memudahkan Pegawai Inden memberi arahan atau pun teguran berhubung dengan mutu kerja berkenaan. 8. Kebersihan Dan Keselamatan Tapak Kerja Tapak kerja hendaklah sentiasa berada di dalam keadaan bersih pada setiap masa. Langkah-langkah keselamatan termasuk menyediakan papan tanda petunjuk/amaran hendaklah sentiasa diadakan bagi mencegah apaapa kemalangan yang mungkin berlaku dan membahayakan orang awam dan pekerja pejabat. 9. Bersedia Untuk Dihubungi Alamat, Nombor Telefon. Kontraktor adalah dikehendaki memberi alamat, nombor telefon atau apaapa jenis perhubungan yang boleh dihubungi pada bila-bila masa. Oleh yang demikian kontraktor hendaklah sentiasa bersedia untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja apabila dihubungi. Kontraktor hendaklah mengisi butir-butir seperti berikut: Nama Syarikat : ................................................................ Alamat : ................................................................ ................................................................ No. Telefon Rumah : ................................................................ No. Telefon Bimbit : ................................................................ No. Telefon Pejabat : ................................................................ 10. 11. Kawalan Dan Papan Tanda Lalulintas / Amaran a) Kawalan dan papan tanda lalulintas/amaran yang bersesuaian hendaklah disediakan oleh kontraktor semasa menjalankan kerjakerja yang memerlukan penutupan jalan sebahagian atau sepenuhnya demi untuk keselamatan awam. b) Segala urusan memohon kebenaran penutupan jalan dari pihak yang berkenaan adalah tanggungjawab kontraktor. Pengawalan Dan Pendaftaran Pekerja Di Tapak Kontraktor adalah bertanggungjawab mengawal semua pekerjanya di dalam kawasan tapak kerja dan sekitarnya bagi mengelak dari sebarang perkara yang boleh menyalahi Undang-Undang Kerajaan. Kontraktor perlu menyenaraikan semua butiran pekerja di tapak dan diserahkan kepada pihak pelanggan dan Arkib Negara Malaysia bagi tujuan rekod keselamatan. 12. Kerja-kerja Yang Tidak Disiapkan Jika kontraktor tidak menyiapkan kerja mengikut penentuan kerja atau mengikut jadual, tindakan-tindakan seperti berikut akan diambil ke atas kontraktor mengikut syarat-syarat berikut: a) 13. Arahan secara bertulis akan dikeluarkan oleh Pegawai Inden supaya kontraktor menyiapkan kerja-kerja tersebut dalam tempoh empat belas (14) hari dari tarikh surat arahan. Pegawai Inden Perkataan Pegawai Penguasa (P.P) yang tercatat pada mana-mana bahagian dalam Dokumen Sebutharga ini adalah bermaksud Pegawai Inden. 14. Keadaan Barang Semua barang yang dibekalkan hendaklah tulen, baru dan belum digunakan. 15. Harga Harga yang ditawarkan hendaklah harga bersih termasuk semua diskaun dan kos tambahan yang berkaitan. 16. Sebut Harga Sebahagian Sebut Harga boleh ditawarkan bagi semua bilangan item atau sebahagian bilangan item. 17. Barang Setara Sebut Harga boleh ditawarkan bagi barang setara yang sesuai dengan syarat butir- butir penuh diberi. 18. 19. 20. Persetujuan (i) Kerajaan tidak terikat untuk setuju terima sebut harga yang terendah atau mana-mana sebut harga; dan (ii) Setiap butiran akan ditimbangkan sebagai satu sebut harga yang berasingan. Pemeriksaan (i) Kerajaan sentiasa berhak melantik seseorang pegawai untuk memeriksa dan menguji bekalan itu semasa tempoh pembuatan atau pada bila-bila masa lain sebelum penyerahan bekalan tersebut; dan (ii) Penyebut harga hendaklah memberi kemudahan pemeriksaan atau pengujian apabila dikehendaki. Perakuan Menyatakan Spesifikasi Telah Dipatuhi Penyebut harga dikehendaki memperakui bahawa bekalan perkhidmatan yang dibekalkan oleh mereka adalah mengikut spesifikasi atau piawai (jika ada) yang dinyatakan di dalam pelawaan ini. 21. 22. Penolakan (i) Barang yang rendah mutunya atau yang berlainan daripada bekalan yang telah dipersetujui sebut harganya boleh ditolak; (ii) Apabila diminta, penyebut harga hendaklah menyebabkan barang yang ditolak itu dipindahkan atas tanggungan dan perbelanjaannya sendiri, dan ia hendaklah membayar balik kepada Kerajaan segala perbelanjaan yang telah dilakukan mengenai bekalan yang ditolak itu; dan (iii) Fasal kecil (i) dan (ii) di atas ini tidaklah memudaratkan apa-apa hak Kerajaan untuk mendapatkan ganti rugi kerana kegagalan memenuhi obligasi kontrak. Pengiklanan Tiada apa-apa iklan mengenai persetujuan terhadap mana-mana Sebut Harga boleh disiarkan dalam mana-mana akhbar, majalah, atau lain-lain saluran iklan tanpa kelulusan Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan atau Pegawai Kewangan Negeri terlebih dahulu. 23. Tafsiran Sebut Harga ini dan apa-apa kontrak yang timbul daripadanya hendaklah diertikan mengikut dan dikawal oleh undang-undang Malaysia, dan penyebut harga bersetuju tertakluk hanya kepada bidang kuasa Mahkamah Malaysia sahaja dalam apa-apa pertikaian atau perselisihan jua pun yang mungkin timbul mengenai sebut harga ini atau apa-apa kontrak yang timbul daripadanya. 24. Insurans Tiada apa-apa insurans atau barang dalam perjalanan daripada negeri pembekal atau dalam Malaysia dikehendaki dimasukkan ke dalam sebut harga. 5.0 SPECIFICATION 5.1 SPECIFICATION FOR CARPENTRY, JOINERY AND IRONMONGERY WORKS SECTION H - CARPENTRY, JOINERY AND IRONMONGERY WORKS 1. 2. General 1.1 Unless otherwise specified or shown in the Drawings, the timber species used for the Works shall be as stated hereinafter in the Schedule of Timber Species /Grouping and Usage. The strength grouping for timber shall be in accordance with Malaysian Standard MS 544-Table 2.3 as shown hereinafter in the Schedule of Strength Grouping. 1.2 All carpentry and joinery work shall include all necessary notching, halving, morticing and tenoning, wedging, scarfing, dovetailing, sinking for heads of bolts and nuts and trimming for opening. 1.3 All carpentry work shall be left with a sawn surface except where particularly described to be wrot. All joinery shall be wrot and finished with sand paper as required and all sizes stated are the finished sizes. Sizes for carpentry shall be within the tolerances stated in clause 3.1 and sizes for joinery shall be within the tolerances stated in clause 3.2. Treatment of timber 2.1 All timber except the heartwood of the naturally durable timbers as schedule hereinafter and timber for formwork, scaffolding, and other temporary works shall be impregnated by means of vacuum pressure processes in accordance with MS 360 using copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) wood preservatives conforming to MS 733 in the treatment plant registered with the Malaysian Timber Industry Board. The minimum nett dry salt retention for CCA shall be as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 3. Use Minimum nett dry salt retention for CCA Interior and above the ground Exterior and above the ground Exterior and in contact with the ground (other than foundation piles) Foundation piles 5.6 kg/m3 8.0 kg/m3 12.0 kg/m3 16.0 kg/m3 2.2 The timber shall, as far as is practicable, be cut to its final dimensions before treatment, and timber for joinery shall be wrot and fully worked and ready for framing before treatment. Where crosscutting cannot be avoided or where further dressing is necessary, all surfaces exposed by such work shall be liberally swabbed with the approved preservatives. 2.3 The Contractor, when required by the S.O. shall produce a certificate from a preservative treatment plant which certifies that timber required to be impregnated by means of vacuum pressure processes has been impregnated and has achieved the necessary nett dry salt retention. Notwithstanding the certificate, the S.O. reserves the right to carry out independent tests to determine the nett dry salt retention and the result so obtained shall be conclusive. 2.4 All sapwood shall be fully penetrated by the preservative and for heartwood, the depth of penetration shall be 12mm for uses in clause 2.1 (i), (ii) and (iii). Timber Grades and Size Tolerances 3.1 Unless otherwise specified, sawn timber for carpentry work shall be as stated hereunder: (i) Select Grade – for roof truss H/1 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works (ii) (iii) (iv) Standard Structural Grade - for structural work Sound Grade - for General Market Specification (GMS) and strips Serviceable Grade - for scantling. Grading shall be carried in accordance with the Malaysian Grading Rules (MGR) by timber graders registered with the Malaysian Timber Industry Board. Every timber consignment shall be accompanied by the Grading Summary certified by the registered timber grader. The sizes of sawn timber, except where otherwise specified, shall be within the margin of permissible variations stated hereunder: (i) (ii) For widths, depths or thicknesses not exceeding 75mm - within 3mm of the specified size For widths, depths or thicknesses exceeding 75mm - within 5mm of the specified size. The Contractor shall provide any necessary blocks, wedges or battens to compensate for irregular surfaces caused by any variations in size of timbers hereby permitted. 3.2 Unless otherwise specified, sawn timber for joinery work shall be of Sound Grade (General Market Specification (GMS) and Strips) and Serviceable Grade (Scantlings). The finished size for joinery, unless otherwise specified, shall be within the margin of permissible variation stated hereunder: (i) (ii) 4. 5. For widths, within 3mm of the specified finished size. For thicknesses, within 2mm of the specified finished size. Moisture Content & Storage 4.1 On delivery to the site, all timber other than timber for foundation piles, formworks and temporary works shall be properly open-stacked, under cover. Kiln dried timber shall be properly wrapped and stored under cover if it is not used immediately. At the time of installation, the moisture content of the timber for the various applications shall not exceed that as specified in the Schedule of Moisture Content as shown hereafter. 4.2 Moisture content for foundation piles, formworks and temporary works is not critical for these applications and therefore is not specified. 4.3 Moisture content of timber shall be determined in accordance with MS 837. Prefabricated Timber Roof Truss System 5.1 All prefabricated components shall be manufactured only by reputable licensed truss fabricators producing quality assured products and services, to the approval of the S.O. The design, supply, delivery and erection of the trusses shall be in accordance with JKR’s Standard Specifications for Timber Roof Trusses No.JKR 20600-0020-99. 5.2 Prior to the fabrication of the roof truss system, the Contractor shall submit to the S.O. two (2) copies of the Drawings, certified by an independent Professional Engineer as required in clause 2 of the JKR Standard Specification for Timber Roof Trusses, to be used in the construction and installation of the roof truss system. 5.3 As soon as practicable after the completion of the installation of the roof truss system and prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion, the Contractor shall submit the following documents to the S.O. for information and record: i) System Provider’s Guarantee against any defects or damages which may arise during a period of five(5) years from the Date of Practical Completion of Works due to any defect, fault or insufficiency in design, materials or workmanship or H/2 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works against any other failure which an experienced Contractor may reasonably contemplate but shall not include normal replacement and maintenance. The terms of the Guarantee shall be such as shall be approved by the S.O. 6. 7. Certification that the connector plates conform to the relevant standards and are protected against corrosion, together with proof that such certification have been verified by tests carried out by SIRIM for the current year or the previous year. iii) Certification that the correct timber grades were used in the fabrication of the trusses and roof structure by including of a copy of the grading summary for the timber used in the truss system, certified by a timber grader registered with the Malaysian Timber Industry Board. iv) Certification that the timber used in the fabrication of the trusses and roof structure has been adequately treated by including a copy of the treatment certificate for preservation on the batch of timber that was treated in the preservation process. v) Two (2) sets of as built Drawings of the roof truss system signed by the system provider and certified by a Professional Engineer. Plywoods 6.1 Unless otherwise specified, plywood used for interior and exterior purposes other than for formworks and temporary works shall be manufactured with Moisture Resistant (MR) bond and Weather and Boil Proof (WBP) bond respectively in compliance with MS 228. Boards which are to be painted or varnished shall be properly sanded down and holes and crevices filled with approved wood putty or filler. 6.2 Plywood intended for use as shuttering board shall be of the Weather and Boil Proof (WBP) type. 6.3 Plywood intended for structural use, shall be of Malaysian Basic Structural Grade (MBSG) rated or equivalent or better and shall comply with MS 544:Part4:Section1. 6.4 Plywood to be used in marine or severe wet conditions shall be in accordance with MS 544: Part 4: Section 2. Blockboard 7.1 8. ii) Blockboard shall comply with MS 1123. Fixing of blockboards shall generally be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Boards which are to be painted or varnished shall be properly sanded down and holes and crevices filled with approved wood putty or filler to the satisfaction of the S.O. Chipboards 8.1 Chipboards shall be of the type manufactured from wood chips or shavings combined with a thermosetting synthetic resin glue binder bonded and hot-pressed together and complying with MS 1036 for medium density chipboard. The type and quality of boards shall be as approved by the S.O. The boards shall be fixed as detailed in the Drawings with a minimum edge distance for nailing of 12mm. Boards which are to be painted or varnished shall be properly sanded down and holes and crevices filled with approved wood putty or filler. H/3 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works 9. 10. Fibre Building Boards 9.1 All fibre building boards namely, Hard Board, Medium Board and Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF) shall comply with BS 1142. The type and quality of fibre building boards shall be as approved by the S.O. Perforated hardboards shall be not less than 3.2mm thick with maximum of 4.8mm perforation at 19mm centers unless otherwise stated in the Drawings. 9.2 All fibre building boards shall be fixed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction. Unless otherwise detailed in the Drawings, the ceiling boards shall be butt and ‘v’ jointed. Gypsum Plasterboards 10.1 11. Composite Boards 11.1 12. Woodwool slabs shall comply with MS 1036 and shall be of the type and quality as approved by the S.O. Unless otherwise detailed in the Drawings, the slab shall be laid with its length at right angles to support, fixed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction. Wood Cement Boards 13.1 14. The type and quality of composite boards shall be as approved by the S.O. and shall be fixed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Woodwool Slabs 12.1 13. Gypsum plasterboards shall comply with BS 1230 Pt.1 and shall be of the type and quality approved by the S.O. They shall be fixed/ installed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction. Wood cement boards shall be manufactured from wood fibres chemically treated and mixed with Portland Cement, compressed and cured in temperature controlled conditions. These boards shall complying with the requirement of MS 934 or MS 544: Part 4: Section 3. In fixing, the board must be supported on all four edges and at intermediate positions at centres not exceeding 610mm. Joints between boards shall occur on centers of supports. Minimum edge distance shall be 20mm. Boards which are to be painted shall be lightly sanded and any dust shall be removed from the surface with a piece of clean coarse cloth. Any filling compounds used shall be alkali-resistant. Fixing of the board shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Structural Assemblies of Timber 14.1 The workmanship and method of assembly of structural timber shall generally be in accordance with MS 544 and in particular, the following requirements. 14.1.1 The quality of the surface, as finished, shall be appropriate to the position and use of the timber. When grade or other necessary marks are removed, provisions shall be made for remarking in accordance with Malaysian Grading Rules. Surfaces at any joint in an assembly shall be such that the parts may be brought into contact over the whole area of the joint before connectors are inserted or any pressure or restraint H/4 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works from the fastening is applied. These surfaces shall have a good sawn or planed finish. Bearing surfaces of notches and other cuttings shall be true and smooth and in appropriate relation to the other surfaces of the piece. 14.1.2 Notches other than at the ends of beams shall be U-shaped formed by parallel cuts to previously drilled holes. The diameter of the hole shall be equal to the width of the required notch. 14.1.3 Where splitting is likely to have a deleterious effect, end sealing is recommended. For timbers known to split and check especially after installation, the ends of the boards and scantlings shall be protected with a coating designed to minimise end checking and checking and splitting. In severe cases where the ends and sides of heavy joists of timbers are liable to excessive split and check due to exposure to windward slanting sunlight, appropriate skirting or cover with a thin timber board shall be necessary. 14.1.4 Where necessary to avoid splitting, nails shall be driven into pre-drilled holes or diameter not greater than four-fifths of the diameter of the nails. Care shall be taken to avoid placing nails in any end split. 14.1.5 Lead holes shall be used to ensure good workmanship in making screwed joints. The diameter of the hole for the shank shall be equal to the diameter of the shank, and for the threaded portion, the diameter of the hole shall not be greater than seven-eights of the diameter of the root diameter of the screw thread adjacent to the shank. Care shall be taken to avoid placing screws in any end split. 14.1.6 Bolt holes shall be drilled to diameters as close as possible to the nominal diameter of the bolt and in no case more than 2mm larger than the bolt diameter. Care shall be taken to avoid placing a bolt in any end split. A minimum of one complete thread shall protrude from the nut. A washer shall be fitted under the head of each bolt and under each nut. The minimum sizes of washers are as given in Part 6 of MS 544. Where joints using split-rings are to be used, as shown in the Drawings, the members of the joints shall be fitted together in their appropriate positions and clamped or spiked together before drilling. Alternatively, drilling jigs or multiple head boring machines may be used, or individual members may be marked out from the setting-out or by use of prepared templates. If either of the latter methods is employed, sample members (usually the first ones produced) shall be carefully checked against the setting-out. In all instances bolt hole positions shall be accurately determined by reference to the point intersection of the center lines of the member. Great care is necessary if the first set members marked out is to be used subsequently as drilling templates. Greater accuracy can usually be obtained by the use of special marking or drilling templates located by a pin at the intersection of the center lines. Bolts holes shall be drilled at right angles to the surface of the joint. The contact surfaces of the members should be grooved to the appropriate dimensions as given in Part 6 of MS 544. Drilling and grooving may be done in a single operation; alternatively, if the hole is predrilled the pilot of the grooving tool shall fit in the bolt hole, thus centering the groove about the hole. Care shall be taken to ensure that all chips and shavings are removed, and rings H/5 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works shall be expanded before being placed in the grooves. The joint shall be finally assembled and bolts inserted. Washers of the correct dimension shall be placed under the head of the bolt and the nut, and the nut tightened to hold the members together. 14.1.7 Recess for shear-plate connectors shall be accurately cut by means of a suitable tool to be appropriate dimensions as given in Part 6 of MS 544. 14.1.8 Assembly of units shall be done on a level bed and in such a way as to avoid damage to any of the members and so that the finished structural units conform to detailed Drawings and specification supplied. When assembly is to be performed on the site, one set of component parts shall be fitted together and dismantled prior to dispatch to the site, in order to ensure that the assembled structural units conform to the detailed Drawings and Specifications. Twisted or damaged members shall be replaced before erection on the site. Before proceeding with bulk production, a complete assembly of one of each framed truss or other structural unit shall be checked to prove the accuracy of the templates, etc. A similar check shall be carried out from time to time to control the wear and tear on templates and gauges. Timber members and built-up units shall be marked in accordance with a marking diagram. 15. 16. Carpentry Works 15.1 All carpentry shall be accurately set out in strict accordance with the Drawings and shall be framed together and securely fixed to the satisfaction of the S.O. Timber framing shall be properly braced and checked, halved, screwed or bolted together as required. Longitudinal joints in plates, ridge, fascias, etc. shall be formed over supports. Those timber members with lapped joints shall lap at least 150mm or twice the depth of the timber whichever is the greater. The brads, nails, screws, spikes, plugs, bolts, framing anchors and timber connectors shall be provided wherever necessary and as detailed. Other than those detailed, no joints are permitted in structural work unless prior permission is obtained from the S.O. No structural member shall be notched unless instructed by the S.O. 15.2 For other carpentry works, timbers shall, as far as possible be in one piece between continuing lengths. At corners, timbers shall be halved for materials of the same thickness, and sufficiently lapped for materials of different thicknesses. Joinery Works 16.1 All doors, windows, louvres, screens and the like shall be constructed as shown in the Drawings. Frames shall be assembled at the commencement of the work and all members shall be carefully morticed and tenoned together but no wedging, pinning or gluing shall be done until the framing is prepared in readiness for immediate fixing. All doors, windows, louvres, screens and the like shall be properly stored on site. Immediately before fixing in its final position, joinery shall be wedged and pinned by drawn hole pinning with 10mm diameter Strength Group 1 and 2 timber dowels pins. The pins shall be left projecting until permission is given for flushing off. The methods of framing and putting together of all Works shall be approved by the S.O. before being executed. Any portions that warp, twist or develop any other defects shall be replaced before wedging up. All framed work shall be pinned before being framed together. H/6 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works 17. 18. Flooring 17.1 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, timber floors shall be constructed using 100mm x 38mm wrot, tongued and grooved boardings, well cramped up and secret nailed to each joist or batten with 62mm wire nails. Floor boardings shall be in long lengths with splayed heading joints and no two adjacent joints shall occur over the same joist. On completion, the flooring shall be planed, sanded and all gaps sealed with an approved sealer. The floor shall then be cleaned off and unless otherwise specified, it shall be finished with three coats of approved polyurethane paint applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 17.2 Wrot timber skirtings shall be provided where shown and as detailed in Drawings. Skirtings shall be in long lengths with splayed heading joints and with mitres, returns and ends neatly cut and fitted and fixed to grounds. Ceilings 18.1 19. 20. Partitions 19.1 Partitions, screens and vent panels, shall be constructed as detailed in the Drawings. Where shown, galvanised welded wire mesh or expanded metal of the required sizes and patterns shall be fixed to vent panels and window openings. The mesh shall be secured in position using rebated and mitred timber battens and screws. 19.2 Where proprietary partitions are used, they shall be constructed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Fascia and Barge Boards 20.1 21. Chipboard for ceilings shall be fixed to the frames with butt `V' joint using nails or screws as described hereinbefore. Asbestos-free cement flat sheets for ceiling shall be 5mm thick fixed to frames using mitred timber cover battens and brass screws. Ceiling panels shall be set out symmetrically from the centre line of the ceiling. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, fascia and barge boards shall be 25mm thick wrot timber and supplied in long lengths. The boards shall be fixed in whole lengths and where joints are necessary, they shall be scarfed jointed and the joints shall occur only over the ends of roof framing members and mitred corners. Boards, 250mm wide and less shall be in one width and those deeper shall be formed by multiple of boards jointed together by tongue and groove and `V' joint. Doors 21.1 All fire doors to be provided shall be of the appropriate Fire Resistance Period (FRP) in accordance with the Ninth Schedule of the Uniform Building By-Laws. 21.2 All fire doors including frames shall be constructed to a specification of the relevant FRP in accordance with MS1073 Pt.1 and shall be tested by a laboratory, approved and certified by Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat and have obtained a Product Certification Scheme from an accredited certification body. 21.3 All double leaf fire doors with rebated meeting stiles shall be provided with coordinating device so as to fit fully within the door openings with a gap of not more than 3mm between the frame and the edge of the door when closed. H/7 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works 21.4 21.5 22. Where shown in the Drawings, vision panel of size not exceeding 25mm x 25mm per leaf shall be incorporated in the Fire Rated Door. Flush doors shall generally comply with MS 1506 with plywood facing and strength group 1 and strength group 2 timber lipping, mitred around all edges. The plywood and strength group 1-4 timber shall comply in all respects with the Specifications mentioned hereinbefore. PVC Toilet Doors PVC toilet doors shall be of full single panel of flush type. It shall be 100% waterproof, strong impact resistance and not be discoloured easily. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the door shall be 38mm thick. PVC door shall be delivered to Site complete with ironmongery as listed in ‘SCHEDULE OF IRONMONGERY’. 23. Built-in Fittings 23.1 24. Staircase and Balustrades 24.1 25. Staircases and balustrades shall be constructed as detailed in the Drawings. External Boarding 25.1 26. Built-in fittings shall be constructed and properly framed in wrot timber as detailed in the Drawings. Where fittings are not to be painted, unless otherwise specified, they shall be stained and varnished as hereinafter described under SECTION M: PAINTING WORK. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, all external boarding shall be formed with 150mm x 19mm horizontal, vertical or diagonal boarding in wrot pressure-treated timber in long lengths and to the sectional profile as detailed in the Drawings. Unless otherwise shown, lapping for plain weather boarding shall be 38mm. Boardings shall be secured to the frames using 75mm galvanised steel nails and in the case of plain weather boarding, nails shall not be driven through the lapped portions. The exposed bottom ends of all external vertical boarding shall be splayed inward at an angle of 30 degrees and treated with preservatives. Ironmongery 26.1 Unless otherwise shown and/or scheduled in the Drawings, the Contractor shall supply and fix all ironmongery as listed in the Schedule of Ironmongery attached hereinafter, complete with fixing screws of the same material and finish. 26.2 Proper sockets shall be provided for all bolts to fix flush in floors, cills and door and window frames. Each lock shall be provided with two keys and no two locks shall have identical keys, unless specifically required by the S.O. H/8 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works SCHEDULE OF STRENGTH GROUPING ( Schedule Of Timber Species In Accordance With Strength Grouping (MS 544- Table 2.3) S.G 1 S.G 2 A) Naturally Durable S.G 3 S.G 4 S.G 5 Balau Belian Bekak Giam Jati Bitis Mata Ulat Delek Malabera Tembusu Cengal Kekatong Keranji Merbau Penaga B) Requiring Treatment S.G 6 S.G 7 Resak Dedaru Agoho Berangan Alan Bunga Bayur Ara Kempas Balau Merah Dedali Babai Damar Minyak Batai Merbatu Kelat Derum Balik Angin Bopeng Durian Geronggang Mertas Kembang Semangkuk Kapur Bintangor Jelutung Laran Kulim Kasai Brazil Nut Jenitri Pelajau Pauh Kijang Keruntum Gerutu Jongkong Pulai Penyau Mempening Kundur Kasah Sesenduk Perah Meransi Kedondong Macang Terentang Petaling Meranti Bakau Keledang Medang Ranggu Merawan Keruing Melantai/ Kawang Ru Merpauh Ketapang Meranti Merah Muda Surian Batu Nyalin Kungkur Meranti kuning Tualang Perupuk Melunak Mersawa Punah Mempisang Sengkurat Rengas Mengkulang Terap Simpoh Meranti Merah Tua Meranti Putih Nyatuh Penarahan Petai Ramin Kayu Getah Sengkuang Sepetir Tetebu Notes : 1. For naturally durable timbers, sapwood should be excluded. If sapwood is included, preservative treatment is necessary. (Source: MS 360:1986) 2. For timber requiring treatment, they should be amenable to preservative treatment. H/9 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works SCHEDULE OF TIMBER SPECIES / GROUPING AND USAGE ( ) AP P L I C AT I O N Foundation Piles STRENGTH GROUP SG 1 – Balau, Bitis, Chengal SG 2 – Belian, Mata ulat, Kempas, Merbatu, Mertas SG 3 – Keranji, Kulim, Pauh kijang, Petaling SG 4 – Giam, Merbau, Resak, Merpauh, Punah, Simpoh SG 5 – Keruing, Mengkulang Structural Components x Columns, beams, bearer, studs, joists, ties and struts SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4 x SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4 and SG 5 Formwork Roofing x Rafters, ties, struts, purlins and bracing x battens Staircase x stringers, treads, trimmer beam and handrail x balustrades Flooring x floor boarding and parquetry x skirtings SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4 SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4 and SG 5 SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4 SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6 SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4 and SG 5 SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6 Walling x wall, partition framing and external wall boardings SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6 x internal wall boardings SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5, SG 6 and SG 7 fascia boards SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4 x Ceiling Frames x cover battens to joints of ceiling sheets x ceiling strips and soffit battens SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4 SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6 Door & Window Frames x door, window and vent frames including their stops and grounds SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4 x SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6 door leaves, window and vent sashes Furniture x built in fittings, furniture generally and workshop furniture SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6 x SG 1, SG 2, SG 3 and SG 4 science laboratory tops Beading fillets and edgings generally SG 1, SG 2, SG 3, SG 4, SG 5 and SG 6 H/10 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works SCHEDULE OF MOISTURE CONTENTS (M.C) OF TIMBER FOR VARIOUS POSITIONS IN BUILDING (MS 544) – (Ref. Cl. 4.1) APPLICATION Structural Components x columns, beams, bearer, studs, joists, ties and struts MAXIMUM M.C. AT TIME OF INSTALLATION FOR NON AIR-CONDITIONED APPLICATION MAXIMUM M.C. AT TIME OF INSTALLATION FOR AIRCONDITIONED APPLICATION (KILN-DRIED TIMBER) 30% (Thickness >100mm) 25% (Thickness <100mm) Not applicable 25% Not applicable 25% Not applicable 19% 12% 19% 12% 19% 12% 19% 12% 19% 12% external wall boardings 19% Not applicable internal wall boardings 19% 12% fascia boards 19% Not applicable Ceiling Frames x cover battens to joints of ceiling sheets 25% Not applicable ceiling strips and soffit battens 19% 12% 19% 12% 19% 12% 19% 12% workshop furniture 19% 12% science laboratory tops 19% 12% 19% 12% Roofing x rafters, ties, struts, purlins and bracing x battens Staircase x stringers, treads, trimmer beam and handrail x balustrades Flooring x floor boarding and parquetry x skirtings Walling x wall, partition framing x x x x Door & Window Frames x door, window and vent frames including their stops and grounds x door leaves, window and vent sashes Furniture x built in fittings, furniture generally x x Beading fillets and edgings generally Not applicable H/11 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works SCHEDULE OF IRONMONGERY (Ref. Cl. 24.1) No 1. Type of Doors, Windows etc. Ironmongery for each type of doors, windows etc. Single Leaf Door 1.1 Plywood Flush Door a. b. c. 1.2 Timber Panelled Door a. b. c. 2. a. b. c. d. 2.2 Timber Panelled Door a. b. c. d. PVC Door To Toilet/Bathroom Cubicles a. b. c. 4. 3 nos. of 100mm x 69mm stainless steel butt hinges with nylon ring. 1 no.medium duty cylindrical lockset, 5 pin tumbler with knob and rose of stainless steel with hairline finish complete with 2 nos. nickle-plated brass keys of different serial number for each building. 1 no. rubber door stopper. Double Leaf Door 2.1 Plywood Flush Door 3. 3 nos.of 100mm x 69mm galvanised steel butt hinges with nylon ring. 1 no.upright 3 lever mortice lockset with satin chrome lever handle furniture of approved manufacture with 2 nos chrome plated keys of different serial number for each building. 1 no. rubber door stopper. 6 nos. of 100mm x 69mm galvanised steel butt hinges with nylon rings. 1 no. upright 3 lever rebated mortice lockset with satin chrome lever handle furniture of approved manufacture with 2 nos. chrome plated keys of different serial number for each building. 1 set of 150mm anodised aluminium barrel and 250mm anodised aluminium bolt. 2 nos. rubber door stopper. 6 nos. of 100mm x 69mm stainless steel butt hinges with nylon rings. 1 no.medium duty cylindrical lockset, 5 pin tumbler with knob and rose of stainless steel with hairline finish complete with 2 nos. nickle-plated brass keys of different serial number for each building. 1 set of 150mm anodised aluminium barrel and 250mm anodised aluminium bolt 2 no. rubber door stopper. 3 Nos. 100mm x 69mm galvanised steel butt hinges with nylon ring. (i) For residential Quarters 1 no. cylindrical mortice bathroom lockset complete with locking device operated by turn from inside and knob handle furniture in satin chrome finish. (ii) For non-residential buildings 1 no. indicating bolt Anodised aluminium hook with rubber buffer. Single Leaf Fire Rated Door 4.1 For standard size of 800mm x 2100mm ½ hr & 1 hr fire rated door a. b. c. d. e. 3 nos of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless steel butt hinges. 1 no upright 3 lever mortice lockset with satin chrome lever handle furniture of approved manufacture with 2 nos. Chrome plated keys of different serial no. for each building. 1 no rubber door stop. 1 no hydraulic floor springs for double swing door. 1 no automatic door closer of hydraulically spring operated type (for swing doors) or of wire rope and weight type (for sliding doors). H/12 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works SCHEDULE OF IRONMONGERY (cont.) No 5. Type of Doors, Windows etc Ironmongery for each type of doors, windows etc. 4.2 For standard size of 900mm x 2100mm ½ hr & 1 hr fire rated door a. b. c. d. e. As per item 4.1a As per item 4.1b As per item 4.1c As per item 4.1d As per item 4.1e 4.3 For standard size of 900mm x 2100mm 2 hr fire rated door a. 4 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless steel butt hinges. As per item 4.1b As per item 4.1c As per item 4.1d As per item 4.1e 2 nos. of ball bearings 1 no of heavy duty stainless steel latch with 75mm long backset b. c. d. e. f. g. Double Leaf Fire Rated Door 5.1 For standard size of 1200mm x 2100mm a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 5.2 For standard size of 1800mm x 2100mm a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 5.3 For standard size of 2400mm x 2100mm a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 6. Single Leaf Fire Escape Door a. b. 7. Double Leaf Fire Escape Door a. b. 4 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless steel butt hinges. 1 no. 3 lever rebated mortice lockset with satin chrome lever handle furniture of approved manufacture with 2 nos. chrome plated keys of different serial number for each building. 1 no. 150mm stainless steel barrel bolt. 1 no. 200mm ditto. 2 nos. rubber door stop 2 nos. hydraulic floor springs for double swing door. 2 nos. automatic door closer of the hydraulically spring operated type (for swing doors) or of wire rope and weight type (for sliding doors). 6 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless steel butt hinges. As per item 5.1b As per item 5.1c As per item 5.1d As per item 5.1e As per item 5.1f As per item 5.1g 8 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless steel butt hinges. As per item 5.1b As per item 5.1c As per item 5.1d As per item 5.1e As per item 5.1f As per item 5.1g 3 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x2mm thick heavy duty stainless steel butt hinges. 1 complete set of approved make fire rated panic bolts. 6 nos. of 125mm x 87mm x 2mm thick heavy duty stainless steel butt hinges. 1 complete set of approved make fire rated panic bolts. H/13 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works SCHEDULE OF IRONMONGERY (cont.) No. Type of Doors, Windows etc Ironmongery for each type of doors, windows etc. 8. Kitchen Cabinet Door/ Workbench a. b. c. d. Galvanised steel continuous ‘piano’ butt hinges. 1 no 100mm aluminium ‘D’ handle. 1 no.bales catch. 1 no galvanised steel cupboard lock in satin chrome finish. 9. Wardrobe a. b. c. d. e. 3 nos. of 75mm brass butt hinges (per door leaf). 2 nos.100mm anodised aluminium barrel bolt (for double leaf doors) 1 no 100mm aluminium ‘D’ handle. Chromium plated steel clothes hanger rail. Steel cylinder cupboard lock in satin chrome finish. 10. Drawer a. b. 1 no. steel cylinder drawer lock in satin chrome finish. 1 no.100mm aluminium ‘D’ handle. 11. Sliding and Folding Door/ Partition a. Top or bottom running set sliding and folding door gear, complete with tracks, channel, brackets, roller guides, hangers and all necessary butt hinges, flush bolts and flush door pulls, etc. as recommended by the manufacturer. 1 no.upright 3 lever rebated mortice lockset for sliding and folding door with satin chrome lever handle furniture with 2 nos. keys of different serial number for each building. b. 12. Straight Sliding Door a. b. 13. Timber Casement Window a. b. 14. Top Hung Casement Timber Window. a. b. 15. Top Hung Vent/Sashes a. b. Top or bottom running set straight sliding door gear complete with tracks, brackets, hangers, roller guides, channels, door stops, flush brass bolts, brass flush pull etc. as recommended by the manufacturer. 1 no. upright 3 lever mortice lockset with satin chrome finish for straight sliding door with 2 nos. keys of different serial number for each building. 2 nos. 400mm long approved electro-galvanised steel friction hinges. 1 no. approved brass with satin chrome finish combination handle and fastener. 2 nos. 750mm long approved electro-galvanised steel friction hinges. 1 no. approved brass with satin chrome finish automatic locking fastener. 2 nos. 400mm long approved electro-galvanised steel friction hinges. 1 no. approved brass with satin chrome finish automatic locking fastener H/14 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery Works 5.2 SPECIFICATION FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL AND METAL WORKS SECTION I – STRUCTURAL STEEL AND METAL WORKS 1. General All materials shall conform to the relevant Malaysian or British Standards. Other equivalent standard may be accepted with the approval of the S.O. 2. Hot Rolled Structural Steel Works 2.1 All hot rolled structural steelwork design, materials and workmanship shall comply with the JKR Standard Specification For Structural Steelwork No. 20600-0019-99 and shall be in accordance with the latest version of BS 5950. 2.2 Materials Unless otherwise approved by the S.O, all structural steel components shall conform to the standard as shown in Table A. The Contractor may with the approval of the S.O propose other equivalent structural steel components at no extra cost. The Contractor shall submit with his proposal his design calculations, sketches, detailings and Specifications which shall be certified by a Professional Engineer. In addition, the Contractor shall submit documents and details as listed in Clause 2.3 hereof, if required by the S.O. Proprietary products may only be used with the approval of the S.O and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification and recommendation. TABLE A - MATERIAL & DIMENSION STANDARDS Form Material Quality Dimension H - Sections Dimension Tolerances JIS G3192 JIS G3192 JIS G3192 JIS G3192 Channels JIS G3192 JIS G3192 Angles JIS G3192 JIS G3192 Plates & Flats Not Applicable BS EN 10029 Joists BS EN 10025 1 2 3 Structural Hollow Sections Hot Finished BS EN 10210-1 BS 4848:Pt.2 BS 4848:Part 2 Hollow Sections Cold Formed BS 6363 BS 6363 BS 6363 Galvanised Open Sections & Strips BS EN 10147 Not Applicable BS 2989 Notes: 1 Material quality requirements for Fine Grain Steels are given in EN 10113 Material quality requirements for Weather Resistant Grades are given in EN10155 2 BS EN 10210 -1 contains material quality requirements for non alloy and fine grain steels 3 Tolerances for plates cut from wide strip produced on continuous mill are given in BS EN 10051 I/1 Structural Steel and Metal Works Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the equivalent steel grades are as in Table B below: TABLE B - STEEL GRADE BS 5950: Part 1 BS 4360 BS EN’s Design Grade 43 43 S275 Design Grade 50 50 S355 All materials testing and verification shall comply with BS 4360 and not limited to the requirements as specified in the JKR Standard Specification for Structural Steelwork. The manufacturer’s mill certificates shall be produced to the S.O before any structural steel can be accepted. All test certificates shall contain embossed seal and/or watermarked logo of the manufacturer. 2.3 Contractor’s Design Unless connections and other details are provided or where the Contractor is required to design any structural member/ truss or temporary support system, the Contractor shall engage an approved structural steelwork fabricator to design such details and prepare fabrication Drawings in accordance with Section 2.4 hereof. Prior to fabrication, the Contractor shall submit the following documents and details for the S.Os’ approval: a. b. c. d. e. 2.4 The design plan defining the principal design activities in a logical sequence, type of design output, target dates to meet the programmed requirements and allocation of design responsibilities. Design documentation, production and checking procedures (verification). Fabricator’s certification that the software used has been validated. Method Statement for handling and transportation requirements for unusually shaped or large components to ensure stability during movement. A report of the design review before the issuance of detailed Drawings. Drawings The Contractor shall prepare Drawings with details in accordance with BS 5950 or other relevant standards. The Drawings shall be certified by a Professional Engineer. He shall also prepare Drawings and arrangements of temporary steelworks for the different stages of construction in compliance with the requirements specified in the JKR Standard Specification for Structural Steelwork. 2.5 Workmanship The workmanship for all aspects of fabrication and erection shall comply with the JKR Standard Specification for Structural Steelwork. All permissible deviations and tolerances for accuracy of erection work shall strictly adhere to the values specified therein. All welding shall be of metal arc process in accordance with BS 5135 and BS 4570. I/2 Structural Steel and Metal Works All welding works shall be executed by qualified welders with valid certificate issued by approved Authorities such as Pusat Latihan Pengajar & Kemahiran Lanjutan (CIAST) and Malaysian Oxygen Bhd. MOX). Visual inspection of welds shall be carried out by a suitably qualified welding supervisor or welder who can provide evidence of having been trained and competent in visual inspection of the relevant types of welds. Prior to erection work, the Contractor shall submit for the S.O’s approval, the Method Statement for erection which among others shall include the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. Pre- erection survey and formal acceptance of foundations. Phased component delivery. Safety and environmental controls. Operative certification. Plant and equipment certification. Inspection of each phase of construction. Whenever bolts and nuts are tightened by part turn method as in accordance with BS 4604 part 1, each nut shall be tightened, preferably with power operated wrench, by the amount given in Table C below: TABLE C - ROTATION OF BOLT AND NUT Nominal size & thread dia.of bolt Grip of bolt for rotation of the nut (relative to the bolt shank) Not less than ½ turn Not less than ¾ turn M 16 M 20 M 22 Up to 115 mm Up to 115 mm Up to 115 mm Over 115 to 225 mm Over 115 to 275 mm M 24 M 27 M 30 M 36 Up to 160 mm Up to 160 mm Up to 160 mm Up to 160 mm Over 160 Over 160 Over 160 Over 160 to 350 mm to 350 mm to 350 mm to 350 mm If after final tightening, a bolt or nut is slackened off for any reason, the bolt, nut and washer or washers shall be discarded and not re-used. Whenever bolts and nuts are tightened by the torque – control method, in accordance with BS 4604 part 1, such tightening shall be carried out with a calibrated tightening device, either a power-operated or a hand-operated torque wrench. The wrench shall be calibrated regularly at least once per shift or more frequently as instructed by the S.O. The equipment shall be re-calibrated if there is a change in the diameter of bolt used or a change in grip length exceeding one fifth of that used for calibration. For inspection purposes, a sample of at least 32 bolts, shall be selected at random from a batch such as that comprised in the daily work of one gang. If the torque for any bolt is less than that found in the calibration required to induce the correct shank tension, every bolt in the batch shall then be examined and tightened further. Bolts and nuts found to be in any way defective shall be discarded and replaced by new ones. I/3 Structural Steel and Metal Works 2.6 Surface Preparation And Protective Treatment All procedures and precautions mentioned in JKR Standard Structural Steelwork Specification Section 10 shall be adhered to strictly for the cleaning and coating process of structural elements. The Contractor shall submit the Method Statement for the surface preparation and protective treatment to the S.O for his approval before commencement of fabrication works, giving details of the protective treatment specification and shall indicate quality control and inspection to ensure conformity with the JKR Standard Specification for Structural Steelwork. 2.7 Welding Inspection And Testing By Independent Authority The Contractor shall appoint an independent Inspection Authority to endorse the welder’s certification and also to approve the welding procedures and test procedures for welding works. Welding inspection and testing shall be carried out by an independent Welding Inspector who holds a valid certificate of competence from a nationally recognised body such as SIRIM and CIDB or other established recognised private organisation. Not withstanding such inspection by the independent Welding Inspector, the S.O may at his absolute discretion carry out any test to verify the integrity of the weld. 2.8 Fire Protection Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, all fire protection materials and systems, shall show evidence that they have been subjected to the fire resistance test in accordance with BS 476 and shall be endorsed by the local Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia. The Contractor shall provide the manufacturer’s Data Sheet of the material proposed which shall contain important information such as the characteristic and application techniques of the proposed material as formatted in Appendix I/1. The materials proposed shall be suitable and appropriate for the protection of the structural steel element, wherever they are located whether internally or externally. The materials supplied shall be free from defect and of equivalent quality to that supplied for testing and approval purposes. The materials shall be designed specifically for the fire protection of structural elements and shall be suitable for this purpose when applied/installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s comprehensive instructions. The materials shall be handled and stored as directed by the manufacturer and shall be applied/installed by a recognised trained applicator/installer. All fire protection works in progress shall be regularly monitored in order to eliminate the risk of defective workmanship or failures. The use of intumescent coating systems to metallic substrates for providing fire resistance shall comprise a primer, an intumescent coating, a top sealer coat and/or a decorative coat. The minimum thickness of any sprayed mineral coating type of fire protection materials applied shall be as in Table D below: I/4 Structural Steel and Metal Works TABLE D - MINIMUM SPRAY THICKNESS Hp / A Thickness in mm to provide fire resistance of :½ hour 1 hour 1½ hour 2 hour 3 hour 4 hour 150 10 12 25 36 57 79 170 10 13 26 38 60 83 190 10 13 27 40 63 87 210 10 14 28 41 65 90 Note : Hp - Perimeter of section exposed to fire (m) A - Cross sectional area of the steel member (m²) However, for any type of fire protection applied, the minimum thickness of protection to be applied and the minimum dry film thickness required shall strictly adhere to the requirement stated in the Data Sheet of the relevant proposed material. 2.9 Records The Contractor shall submit to the S.O, document and records which shall include but not limited to: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 2.10 Document register Drawings and design calculations and documentation registers. Certificates for materials and consumables. Calibration of equipment. Weld procedures, concessions etc. Inspection and test reports. Delivery schedules and method statements. Surveys and final inspection results. Completion of erection and hand over certification. Quality Assurance The Contractor shall submit a Quality Assurance program as specified in the JKR Standard Specification for Structural Steelwork. 3. Prefabricated Cold Formed Steel Roof Trusses 3.1 All prefabricated cold formed structural steel roof truss components shall be manufactured and assembled only by truss fabricators accredited by system provider. The design, supply, delivery and erection of the trusses shall be in accordance with JKR’s Standard Specifications for Prefabricated Cold Formed Steel Roof Trusses No.JKR 20600-0022-2001. 3.2 Prior to any work on a roof structure, the Contractor shall seek the S.O’s approval by filling in the application form to use the intended proprietary prefabricated cold formed steel roof truss system for the roofing works. The roof truss system shall be selected from the most current I/5 Structural Steel and Metal Works list of approved Cold Formed Roof Truss System Providers issued by Pengarah Cawangan Pakar dan Kejuruteraan Awam, Ibu Pejabat JKR Malaysia. 4. 3.3 The Contractor shall enclose with his application all other documentation as mentioned in the JKR Standard Specifications for Prefabricated Cold Formed Steel Roof Trusses No.JKR 20600-0022-2001. 3.4 The S.O shall have the absolute discretion to reject any system provider or their accredited truss fabricators regardless of their status in the approved list, if in the opinion the S.O their track record has been unsatisfactory. 3.5 Notwithstanding the requirement above, the Contractor shall be held responsible to supervise the supply, fabrication and installation work carried out by the system provider or their accredited fabricator. In addition the Contractor shall ensure that all works are carried out with due regards to public safety. 3.6 As soon as practicable after the completion of the installation of the roof truss system and prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion, the Contractor shall submit to the S.O all relevant documents as mentioned in the JKR Standard Specifications for Prefabricated Cold Formed Steel Roof Trusses No.JKR 20600-0022-2001 for information and record. Metal Frames For Doors And Windows 4.1 4.2 Steel Frames 4.1.1 The Contractor shall supply, assemble and fix steel frames for doors and windows as shown in the Drawings. The steel frames shall comply with BS 6510, and shall be from an approved source and shop-primed with two coats of red lead oxide or other approved rust resisting primer. 4.1.2 The steel frames shall be manufactured from sections rolled from good commercial grade galvanised mild steel in single sections, mechanically straightened with all corners pre-cut with a 45 degrees mitre joint giving a snug and accurate fit, fully electrically welded, and carefully ground and cleaned, or shall be mechanically jointed by an approved method. 4.1.3 All screws, nuts, bolts and washers shall be of stainless steel. 4.1.4 Steel frames shall be painted as specified in SECTION M - PAINTING WORK. Aluminium Frames 4.2.1 The Contractor shall supply, assemble and fix aluminium frames for doors and windows as shown in the Drawings. Unless otherwise specified, all aluminium frames shall be fabricated from sections extruded from aluminium alloy conforming to MS 832. 4.2.2 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or described in the Bills of Quantities, aluminium surfaces shall be natural anodised finish, free from alloy defects, dye marks, scratches and other surface blemishes in accordance with BS 3987 with an anodic coating of 25 microns average thickness. 4.2.3 All coloured anodised finish to aluminium exposed surfaces shall be subject to the I/6 Structural Steel and Metal Works S.O.’s approval. 4.3 4.4 4.2.4 All aluminium extrusion or sheet exposed surfaces after anodising and after colouring, if required by the S.O., shall be sealed, and the adequacy of the sealing shall be determined by method specified in BS 1615. 4.2.5 All screws, nuts, bolts, rivets, washers and other fastenings shall be of stainless steel or aluminium. 4.2.6 Ancillary members such as sills, couplings and the like formed from sheet materials, shall be fabricated from designated aluminium alloys complying with BS 1470 or equivalent. Frames For Adjustable Louvre Windows 4.3.1 The Contractor shall supply, assemble and fix frames for adjustable louvre windows as shown in the Drawings. 4.3.2 Unless otherwise specified, the frames shall be of approved manufacture.The frames shall be supplied complete with weather seal and non-ferrous bearings, spring clips, locking device and weather stripping with all necessary spacing pieces. The frames, coupling mullions and spacer brackets shall be minimum 1.219 mm thick (18 SWG) or otherwise specified cold-rolled steel strip galvanised with hot-dipped process. The clips to receive the louvres shall be minimum 0.711 mm thick (22 SWG) rolled steel strip galvanised with hot dipped process. 4.3.3 The operating rods shall be 2.132 mm thick (14 SWG). The handle and lock shall be 2.642 mm thick (12 SWG) steel. 4.3.4 Bolts, nuts and screws shall be of stainless steel. 4.3.5 Unless otherwise specified, the finish shall be of aluminium lacquer. Accessories Each steel or aluminium frame for doors and windows shall be supplied complete with:- 4.5 i. Sufficient number of built-in stainless steel hinges as per Schedule of Ironmongery under SECTION H - CARPENTRY, JOINERY AND IRONMONGERY WORKS; ii. Two (2) rubber buffers per closing jamb, to reduce noise and vibration; iii. Welded mortar guard; iv. Adjustable stainless steel striker plate with a gently curved lead-in edge; v. Removable spreader bars, to ensure a perfect square during transportation and installation; and vi. Minimum of eight (8) pieces of 4mm brick ties, to ensure a tight permanent fit. Samples Samples of steel or aluminium sections for the doors and windows frames, together with completed shop Drawings of all works shall be submitted for the S.O’s approval prior to the I/7 Structural Steel and Metal Works commencement of any work. 4.6 5. Installation 4.6.1 Unless otherwise specified or shown in the Drawings, fixing and installation of all types of frames shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and procedures. 4.6.2 Frames for adjustable louvre windows to be fixed to brick or concrete jambs shall be screwed to patent wall plugs in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions; otherwise the frame shall be screwed to timber surround. Ceiling Suspension System 5.1 5.2 5.3 General 5.1.1 Where shown in the Drawings, ceiling suspension system shall consist of metal members comprising main tees, cross tees, wall angles and hanger wires complete with hanger jackets and clips, designed to support the suspended ceiling, light fixtures and/or air diffusers with a maximum deflection of 1/360 span. 5.1.2 Unless otherwise specified, all exposed members of the suspension system shall be of colour to match that of ceiling tiles, to the approval of the S.O. Design Considerations 5.2.1 The width of all main tees and cross tees with double-web design shall be 24mm. Wall angles shall be of the same width as the exposed tees. 5.2.2 Hanger wires shall be galvanised carbon steel, soft tempered, pre-stretched with a yield stress load of at least three (3) times the design load, but in any case shall not be less than 12 gauge (12.6 mm) diameter. Thicker gauge wire shall be used for heavier load carrying installation or in situations where the hanger wires spacing exceeds 1200mm centre to centre. 5.2.3 The system shall be designed with double locking system to ensure safety, as well as to allow easy and speedy installation. 5.2.4 Stainless steel wire or nickle-copper alloy wire shall be used in corrosive environment. 5.2.5 Supplementary bracing or substantial hanger devices such as metal straps, rods, or structural angles shall be installed for installations subject to wind uplift. Installation 5.3.1 Installation shall not be carried out until all wet work such as concreting, laying of floor finish, plastering or painting has been completed and thoroughly dried. 5.3.2 All suspension systems shall be installed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations. I/8 Structural Steel and Metal Works 5.4 Warranty 5.4.1 6. Collapsible Gates, Roller Shutters etc. 6.1 7. The Contractor shall submit to the S.O., a manufacturer’s warranty against any defect or damage which may arise during the period of 10 years from the date of the issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion. Terms of the warranty shall be such as shall be approved by the S. O. The Contractor shall provide and fix approved collapsible steel gates, folding shutters, roller shutters, etc. complete with all necessary accessories as approved by the S.O. to the sizes and positions as shown in the Drawings. Unless otherwise specified, they shall be galvanised and fixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Sundries 7.1 Mild steel balustrading to staircases, verandahs, balconies, etc. shall be fixed as shown in the Drawings. 7.2 All iron and steel for the sundries shall be of the quality approved by the S.O. Screws and bolts shall have washers where appropriate. Hooks for carrying ceiling fans shall be formed from 13mm diameter mild steel rods bolted to timber ceiling members or ragged into concrete. 7.3 Welded mesh, expanded metal, aluminium sheets etc. shall be provided and fixed as shown in the Drawings. 7.4 Mild steel grilles, drain cover gratings shall be provided and fixed as shown in the Drawings. Unless otherwise stated, all steelwork shall be jointed by continuous welding. 7.5 Ant caps shall be of 16 gauge galvanised iron sheets formed to shape as shown in the drawing. The caps shall be fixed between concrete stumps/brick piers or walls and timber posts or plates as required. The caps shall project 60mm and inclined at 45 degrees from the surface. I/9 Structural Steel and Metal Works APPENDIX I/1 Data Sheet of Proposed Fire Protection Material PRODUCT NAME : 1. Product Description 2. Name of Manufacturer 3. Name of Supplier 4. Protection Technique 5. Application Technique 6. Steel Preparation Requirements 7. Additional Mechanical Fixing or Reinforcement 8. Nominal Density 9. Thickness Range 10. Fire Resistance Range 11. Constraints For Fire Resistance 12. Appearance 13. On Site Use 14. Durability 15. Other Application I/10 Structural Steel and Metal Works 6.0 BORANG SEBUTHARGA KERJA BORANG SEBUTHARGA KERJA Untuk NO SEBUTHARGA : SH/ANM/P/11/2014 Ketua Pengarah, Arkib Negara Malaysia, Jalan Duta, 50568 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuan, Sebutharga untuk : KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN TINGKAP SEDIA ADA KEPADA TINGKAP BINGKAI ALUMINIUM DI BANGUNAN WISMA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR Di bawah dan tertakluk kepada Arahan Kepada Pentender, Syarat-syarat Sebutharga, Spesifikasi Kerja dan Pelan-pelan, saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini adalah dengan ini menawarkan untuk melaksanakan dan menyiapkan kerja-kerja tersebut bagi jumlah wang pukal sebanyak (Ringgit Malaysia: ……………………….………………………………………..... (RM ……………………………………) 2. Saya bersetuju menyiapkan kerja-kerja ini dalam tempoh masa 2 bulan dari tarikh akhir tempoh mula kerja seperti yang ditetapkan seperti yang diarahkan oleh Pegawai Inden. Bertarikh pada ………………………… Haribulan ………………………20……. ……………………………….…………..…. (Tandatangan Kontraktor) …………………………………………….. (Tandatangan Saksi) Nama Penuh:…………………….………… Nama Penuh: ……………………………... No. KP:……………………………………… No. KP:……………………………………... Alamat:……………………………………… Alamat:……………………………………... …………………………………….. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. Atas Sifat:…………………………………... ______________________________ METERI ATAU COP KONTRAKTOR 7.0 RINGKASAN SEBUT HARGA (PUKAL) RINGKASAN SEBUT HARGA (PUKAL) NO. SEBUTHARGA : SH/ANM/P/11/2014 TAJUK KERJA : KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN TINGKAP SEDIA ADA KEPADA TINGKAP BINGKAI ALUMINIUM DI BANGUNAN WISMA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR Bil Butir-butir kerja Jumlah Harga (RM) A. Kehendak Permulaan dan Syarat-Syarat Am ………………. B. Kerja-kerja Penggantian Tingkap ………………. Jumlah dibawa ke Borang Sebut Harga (RM) ……………….. Catatan: Jika ada butiran yang dikehendaki dalam Spesifikasi dan Skop Kerja tidak termasuk di dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga ini, harga butiran tersebut hendaklah disifatkan telah dimasukkan ke dalam salah satu butiran dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga. ____________________ Tandangan Kontraktor Nama : _______________________________________ Tarikh : ______________________________________ _____________________ Cop Kontraktor 8.0 JADUAL HARGA KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN TINGKAP SEDIA ADA KEPADA TINGKAP BINGKAI ALUMINIUM DI BANGUNAN WISMA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR Bil A 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Huraian Kerja Unit Kuantiti Kadar Harga (RM) Jumlah Harga (RM) ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… Kehendak permulaan dan syarat-syarat am: Insuran i. Insuran kerja ii. Insuran untuk kemalangan dan kerosakan harta benda l/s l/s Menyediakan laporan bergambar yang lengkap berserta gambar bertarikh untuk kerja sebelum, semasa dan selepas kerja siap dilaksanakan. (Laporan setiap 2 minggu) No. Menyediakan peralatan, mesin dan kenderaan yang sesuai untuk melaksanakan kerja-kerja sepanjang tempoh kerja l/s ……………… ……………… Membuang sisa binaan yang telah ditanggal termasuk sisa berkaitan dari tapak kerja ke tapak pelupusan yang dibenarkan pihak berkuasa tempatan. l/s ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… Menutup rak-rak dan bahan arkib dengan kanvas bagi memelihara bahan dan mengelak habuk semasa kerja dilaksanakan. 4 l/s Jumlah dibawa ke Ringkasan Sebut Harga Pukal (RM) ……………….. KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN TINGKAP SEDIA ADA KEPADA TINGKAP BINGKAI ALUMINIUM DI BANGUNAN MENARA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR Bil B Huraian Kerja Unit Kuantiti 4 2 Kadar Harga (RM) Jumlah Harga (RM) Kerja-kerja Penggantian Tingkap Nota : Kadar harga perlu mengambil kira segala keperluan termasuk menyediakan pekerja, peralatan, pengangkutan, pembuangan sisa lama dari tapak dan lain-lain. 1.0 Membuka tingkap yang lama termasuk bingkai, membekal dan memasang bingkai dan tingkap aluminium jenis ram (louvred) kemasan warna perak termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan. 1.1 Tingkap sebelah tangga utama i. Saiz 2.58m tinggi x 1.15m lebar ii. Saiz 3.29m tinggi x 1.15m lebar iii. Saiz 0.72m tinggi x 1.15m lebar No. No. No. 1 ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. Tingkap bilik elektrik di tangga utama i. Saiz 3.29m tinggi x 0.60m lebar ii. Saiz 2.58m tinggi x 0.60m lebar No. No. 1 2 ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. No. 1 ……………….. ……………….. No. No. No. 7 1 1 ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ii. Saiz 1.20m tinggi x 1.15m lebar No. No. 4 1 ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. Tingkap tangga di sebelah ruang pejabat seksyen kewangan i. Saiz 1.90m tinggi x 1.00m lebar ii. Saiz 2.28m tinggi x 1.00m lebar iii. Saiz 2.35m tinggi x 1.00m lebar No. No. No. 1 1 1 ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. Tingkap tandas di sebelah ruang pejabat seksyen kewangan i. Saiz 2.30m tinggi x 1.15m lebar ii. Saiz 1.22m tinggi x 1.00m lebar iii. Saiz 1.50m tinggi x 1.00m lebar No. No. No. 1 1 1 ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. Tingkap tangga di belakang gedung i. Saiz 2.58m tinggi x 1.20m lebar ii. Saiz 2.40m tinggi x 1.20m lebar No. No. 2 18 ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. 1.2 1.3 Bilik Tangki Air i. Saiz 2.22m tinggi x 1.15m lebar 1.4 Tingkap tangga di sebelah surau i. Saiz 2.25m tinggi x 1.15m lebar ii. Saiz 2.30m tinggi x 1.15m lebar iii. Saiz 1.20m tinggi x 1.15m lebar 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Tingkap tandas di sebelah surau i. Saiz 2.37m tinggi x 1.15m lebar Jumlah harga dibawa ke muka sebelah (RM) ………………. KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN TINGKAP SEDIA ADA KEPADA TINGKAP BINGKAI ALUMINIUM DI BANGUNAN MENARA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR Bil Huraian Kerja Unit Kuantiti Jumlah harga dari muka sebelum (RM) 2.0 2.1 2.2 Kadar Harga (RM) Jumlah Harga (RM) ……………….. Membuka tingkap yang lama termasuk bingkai, membekal dan memasang bingkai aluminium dan tingkap kaca berbingkai aluminium kemasan warna perak (kaca gelap 6mm tebal) termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan. Tingkap tangga di sebelah surau (Dengan pelekat logo Arkib Negara dan setiap tingkap perlu dipasang 1 unit tingkap jenis top hung) (Rujuk lampiran) i. Saiz 3.20m tinggi x 1.15m lebar ii. Saiz 2.35m tinggi x 1.15m lebar No. No. 2 2 ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. Tingkap di gedung aras 2 hingga 9 (setiap gedung perlu dipasang 2 unit tingkap jenis top hung) i. Saiz 4.40m lebar x 0.60m tinggi ii. Saiz 4.60m lebar x 0.60m tinggi iii. Saiz 0.90m lebar x 0.60m tinggi No. No. No. 48 32 32 ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. Jumlah dibawa ke Ringkasan Sebut Harga Pukal (RM) ………………. 9.0 LAMPIRAN (A) (B) (C) (D) LATAR BELAKANG KONTRAKTOR BORANG PERFORMANCE BOND BORANG PERJANJIAN INDEN KERJA SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDAN & SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA BERJAYA (E) LUKISAN-LUKISAN (A) LATAR BELAKANG KONTRAKTOR LATAR BELAKANG KONTRAKTOR (BAHAGIAN A – D) Semua butir latar belakang Kontraktor (Bahagian A – D) yang dilampirkan ini hendaklah diisi oleh Kontraktor dengan betul dan lengkap dan dikembalikan bersama – sama dengan Sebut Harganya. ……………………………………… ……………………………………… Tandatangan Kontraktor Tandatangan Saksi Nama Penuh: ……………………………....… Nama Penuh: ………………………….…....… Jawatan: …………………………………….... Jawatan: ………………………………….….... Alamat: …………………….……………....…. Alamat:…………………….…………….....….. ……………………………………...... ……………………………………....... …………………………………...…… ………………………………….…...... yang diberi kuasa dengan sempurna untuk menandatangani untuk dan bagi pihak ………………………………………………. Meterai atau cap Kontraktor Tarikh:…………................. LATAR BELAKANG KONTRAKTOR Bahagian A 1. Nama : 2. Alamat : 3. Kelas : 4. Tarikh Didaftarkan : 5. Jika Bertaraf Bumiputera, nyatakan : Tarikh berkuatkuasa : Tarikh tamat : 6. Bagi Syarikat Sdn. Bhd., nyatakan : Modal dibenarkan : Modal dibayar : Tajuk/Tajuk Kecil : Bahagian B Senarai Sepuluh (10) Kerja – Kerja Yang TELAH Disiapkan Jabatan/Agensi / Perunding Nama Projek Yang Harga Tempoh Mengawas Projek Tarikh Siap Sebenar Bahagian C Senarai Kerja Yang SEDANG Dijalankan Nama Projek Jabatan/Agensi/ Perunding Yang Mengawas Projek Harga Kontrak Tempoh Kontrak Peratusa n Kemajua n Ulasan Pegawai Yang Menilai Sebut Harga* Bahagian D Ahli – Ahli Syarikat 1. Ahli – Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Nama 2. Jawatan Saham Modal Dipegang Jawatan Saham Modal Dipegang Ahli – Ahli Pengurusan Nama (B) BORANG PERFORMANCE BOND (C) BORANG PERJANJIAN INDEN KERJA (D) SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA & SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA BERJAYA LAMPIRAN 1A (SAP bertarikh 1 April 2010) SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA Bagi KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN TINGKAP SEDIA ADA KEPADA TINGKAP BINGKAI ALUMINIUM DI BANGUNAN WISMA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR Saya .................................................................... nombor K.P. ........................................... yang mewakili ..................................................................................... nombor pendaftaran .......................................... dengan ini mengisytiharkan bahawa saya atau mana – mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini tidak akan menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana – mana individu dalam Arkib Negara Malaysia atau mana – mana individu lain, sebagai sogokan untuk dipilh dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas. Bersama – sama ini dilampirkan Surat Perwakilan Kuasa bagi saya mewakili syarikat seperti tercatat di atas untuk membuat pengisytiharan ini. 2. Sekiranya saya atau mana – mana individu lain yang mewakili syarikat ini didapati bersalah menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana – mana individu dalam Arkib Negara Malaysia atau mana – mana individu lain sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya sebagai wakil syarikat bersetuju tindakan – tindakan berikut diambil: 2.1 atas; atau 2.2 2.3 Kerajaan. penarikan balik tawaran kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di penamatan kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di atas; dan lain – lain tindakan tatatertib mengikut peraturan perolehan 3. Sekiranya terdapat mana – mana individu cuba meminta rasuah daripada saya atau mana – mana individu yang berkaitan dengan syarikat ini sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, makan saya berjanji akan segera melaporkan perbuatan tersebut kepada pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atau balai polis yang berhampiran. Yang Benar, ............................................... Nama dan No. K.P. : Cop Syarikat : Catatan: * Potong mana yang tidak berkaitan LAMPIRAN 1B (SAP bertarikh 1 April 2010) SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA BERJAYA Bagi KERJA-KERJA PENGGANTIAN TINGKAP SEDIA ADA KEPADA TINGKAP BINGKAI ALUMINIUM DI BANGUNAN WISMA WARISAN, JABATAN ARKIB NEGARA, JALAN DUTA, KUALA LUMPUR Saya .................................................................... nombor K.P. ........................................... yang mewakili ..................................................................................... nombor pendaftaran .......................................... dengan ini mengisytiharkan bahawa saya atau mana – mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini tidak akan menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana – mana individu dalam Arkib Negara Malaysia atau mana – mana individu lain, sebagai ganjaran mendapatkan tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas. Bersama – sama ini dilampirkan Surat Perwakilan Kuasa bagi saya mewakili syarikat seperti tercatat di atas untuk membuat pengisytiharan ini. 2. Sekiranya saya atau mana – mana individu lain yang mewakili syarikat ini didapati bersalah menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana – mana individu dalam Arkib Negara Malaysia atau mana – mana individu lain sebagai ganjaran mendapatkan tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya sebagai wakil syarikat bersetuju tindakan – tindakan berikut diambil: 2.1 atas; atau 2.2 2.3 Kerajaan. penarikan balik tawaran kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di penamatan kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di atas; dan lain – lain tindakan tatatertib mengikut peraturan perolehan 3. Sekiranya terdapat mana – mana individu cuba meminta rasuah daripada saya atau mana – mana individu yang berkaitan dengan syarikat ini sebagai ganjaran mendapatkan tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, makan saya berjanji akan segera melaporkan perbuatan tersebut kepada pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atau balai polis yang berhampiran. Yang Benar, ............................................... Nama dan No. K.P. : Cop Syarikat : Catatan: * Potong mana yang tidak berkaita