Shomrei Torah - Wayne Conservative Congregation 30 Hinchman Ave. Wayne, NJ 07470 973-696-2500 September/October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 Candle Lighting Times Selichot at Beth Tikvah: September 3 8 9 10 17 22 23 24 29 30 7:10 pm 7:01 pm 8:00 pm 6:58 pm 6:46 pm 6:38 pm 7:36 pm 6:34 pm 6:26 pm 7:25 pm October 1 8 15 22 29 6:23 pm 6:11 pm 6:00 pm 5:49 pm 5:40 pm Saturday, September 4: Program Service 8:30 pm 10:00 pm Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, September 8: Ma‟ariv Thursday & Friday, September 9, 10: Shacharit Jr. Congr. Thursday, September 9: Tashlich/Mincha Friday, September 10: Kabbalat Shabbat 8:00 pm 8:30 am 10:30 am 6:30 pm 8:00 pm Yom Kippur: Contents President‟s Message….3 Volunteer of Month….4 Friday, September 17: Saturday, September 18: Sisterhood News…..…6 Golden Cards…….....10 Mincha Kol Nidre Shaharit Jr. Congr. Mincha Ne‟ilah 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 9:00 am 10:30 am 5:00 pm 6:30 pm Parking High Holiday Greetings In the centerfold. 1 September/ October, 2010 The parking lots of Shomrei Torah, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, the Elk’s Club and the surrounding streets are available for parking during the High Holidays. No parking atthSt. Michael’s on Friday evening, September 17 (Kol Nidre). Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim Executive Board 2010-12 From the Bima As we begin the New Year, it is a time of excitement here at Shomrei Torah! Everyone returns for High Holy Day services, for the opportunity to reconnect with God, traditions, as well as other members of our community; the students return to the classroom with the promise of Torah study before them. Our quiet halls and empty sanctuary become filled once again with Jews, fresh and renewed. It is a time of promise. Allow yourself to be swept up in the positive feelings flowing forth. And if you are not feeling it, open yourself to the possibility, free your soul to fly. We will be inaugurating our new Mahzor Lev Shalem and it is a magnificent work. Besides the layout being aesthetically appealing, it is filled with commentary, explanations, instructions, transliterations, poems and pieces for contemplation known as kavvanot. Prepare for an amazing davening experience, unlike anything you‟ve experienced here before. We thank our underwriters through whose generosity we are able to use this book and we hope that everyone will afford themselves of the opportunity to dedicate a mahzor or two as well. Now the books belong to us, let us bring them into our hearts as well. Be sure not to use all your Jewish capital and energy on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, since Sukkot and Simchat Torah will be following closely on their heels. Order yourself a lulav & etrog. Spend time in a Sukkah, if not your own, then our communal Sukkah here at the synagogue. And be sure to come and dance with the Torah on the night of Simchat Torah as we celebrate our ongoing relationship. From my family to yours, wishing you a Shana Tova u‟Mituka – A Happy & Sweet New Year! Rabbi Mark Sheryl Sarin President Jeff Appel Executive Vice President Roberta Ort Vice President Education, Ritual & Youth Randy Reiser Vice President Membership/ Programming Ed Seradzky Vice President, Finance/Fundraising Jamie Burr Treasurer Phil Nuccetelli Financial Secretary Andy Simon Communications Secretary Fern Taylor Recording Secretary Karen Weiss Janet Simon Sisterhood Co-Presidents Stuart Millstein Michael Green Men‟s Club Co-Presidents Andy Lieb Immediate Past President Randall Mark Rabbi Nadia Massuda Administrator Karen Weiss Principal Dassy Mark Youth Advisor Donna Davis Secretary Kathy Todd School Secretary 2 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim President’s Message “Nature is the art of God” Ralph Waldo Emerson On Friday, August 13th we held our 4th Annual Shabbat Under the Stars. This was a magical evening. There were over 100 people in attendance, from a 5 week old baby girl waiting to be named to our senior members and everyone in between. We all gathered around the big tree with blankets and lawn chairs. The weather was perfect and the mood was relaxed and happy. Many prospective members were in attendance and had a good time. So why was this night different from all other nights? There was a vibrancy that was palpable. Socializing and praying outside gave us the opportunity to see and feel the miracles of God in nature. One congregant stated she never realized how big and beautiful our big tree is. A guest mentioned that we are so lucky to have such beautiful grounds in order to be able to hold an outside prayer service. There is beauty in the nature all around us and we just have to take the time to see it. Our lives are filled with running around and looking but not seeing. When I drive into the synagogue parking lot I hardly ever look around to see the beauty that surrounds the synagogue. I hardly notice the tree and benches anymore. I hope to change that this year. At this time of year, when we take time to reflect on our past year, and we are hopeful for next year, let‟s take the time to really look around us, to really see and appreciate all that we have in our lives. I would like to thank Andy Simon, Ken Feldman and Danny Schlossberg for their hard work in the preparation and grilling of the food for Shabbat Under the Stars. I would like to thank Randy Reiser, our Membership VP, for taking the time to write special notes on prospective members‟ invitations and providing the glow stick necklaces for the children. I would also like to thank Sue Feldman, Elaine Schlossberg, Diane Albalah, Ronnie and Steve Brass for helping with anything that needed to be done. Your hard work made this a night to remember. Thank you! From my family to yours, I wish you a happy and healthy New Year……..L‟shana Tova Tikatavu. I am looking forward to seeing you over the Holidays. With gratitude, Sheryl 3 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim Exercise for A Cause at the Y’s Open House Sunday, October 3, 8am – 3pm Y members and non-members can help their favorite charity just by working out! Take an group exercise class or work out at the Y for a suggested donation of $15 per class and your gift will go directly to our participating community partners, such as Brian‟s Run, FOWA (Friends of Wayne Animals), WIN (Wayne Interfaith Network), the Wayne First Aid Squad, as well as the Y‟s very own Abram B. Cohen Nursery School and “Y” Youth Programs. Help us to make a difference! During our Open House, new members can also save $100 on a full, annual membership! Give back while saving big! For more information or for our group exercise class schedule, call the Y Membership Office at 973-5950100 ext. 242 or 284. Sandy Cooper Membership YM-YWHA of North Jersey 973-595-0100 X242 973-689-2209 Fax Save the date Sunday , November 14, 10:30 am “How do we talk about it?” The wedding is over. The kids are married. But one of them is not Jewish. Join us for discussion and learning skills to keep communication open in the extended interfaith family. Volunteers of the Month for September Carol and Henry Ramer Volunteering and Shomrei Torah both play an important part in the lives of Carol & Henry Ramer. When they moved from Paterson to Wayne in 1981, the Ramers wanted to affiliate with the same kind of conservative synagogues they had been raised in, Carol at the Fair Lawn Jewish Center, Henry at Temple Emanuel in Paterson. Shomrei Torah was a perfect fit. Since then the Ramers have marked important family milestones here: the Bat Mitzvahs of their daughters Paula, and Sarah, and the deaths of Carol‟s mother Shirley Rosenthal and Henry‟s father David. Rabbi Mark officiated at the wedding of Paula and Jordan Brenner, who live in Chappaqua, NY. Both daughters also studied at our Hebrew School. Fast forward to now. Paula is an associate lawyer with the New York firm of Kaye Scholer. Sarah completed her third year of medical school at the University of Pittsburgh, where she also will get a Master‟s degree along with her MD degree. A doctor and a lawyer - wow a Jewish parent‟s dream. Since the early „80‟s Carol has pursued diverse activities at the Synagogue. A former member of the Sisterhood Board and now the Synagogue‟s Board of Trustees, Carol manages ad sales for L‟Chaim and was chairperson of the Hazak Committee, working specifically with seniors. Henry is a regular at morning minyan and is co-chair (along with Diane Seltzer) of the newly reorganized Social Action Committee. Most recently Carol and Henry co-chaired the successful Mahzor fund raising drive, the most tangible results of which are the brand new mahzorim first being used this Rosh Hashanah. From a small group of generous donors they raised more than enough to cover the purchase of the books. Now each individual volume can be dedicated by 4 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim Synagogue members to their families or in honor or memory of loved ones. Not only did the Synagogue obtain much needed new books without depleting general funds, but future dedications will produce an income stream for years to come. Ideally this could be a model for future fundraisers: show contributors a tangible return for their donation and try to link it to some aspect of Jewish observance or tradition. Henry and Carol are native New Jerseyans, both having attended college here - Carol at Douglass and Henry at Rutgers. Both got graduate degrees at Columbia University, Henry at the Law School and Carol at the School of Social Work. Carol also has a Certificate in Gerontological Studies from Wurzweiler School of Social Work. Both also attended Camp Wasigan and Camp Ramah. Their parallel lives came together when they were “fixed up” by a mutual friend who worked at the Legal Aid Society. Carol currently works as a reverse mortgage consultant for MetLife Bank in Cedar Knolls, Henry as an attorney at Williams Caliri Miller & Otley in Wayne. Henry‟s volunteering began as a Peace Corps volunteer in Brazil in the 1960‟s. He also was chairman of the Board of Passaic County United Way, on the Board of the American Red Cross and legal chairman for New Jersey Common Cause. Now he wants to spend more time working with the Jewish community and specifically Shomrei Torah. Earlier in Carol‟s career she was a social worker at Roosevelt Hospital in NYC and Jewish Family Service in Teaneck. Her current job in reverse mortgages keeps her in touch with issues concerning the elderly. “We get a warm feeling from the broader Shomrei Torah community, it‟s like an extended family,” says Carol. “The familiarity of the prayers and friendliness of the people make us very comfortable here,” she said. Henry says, “Here at Shomrei Torah we got our daughters off to a good start on their lives as Jews. We are confident they will build on that foundation and continue on that path.” When not involved with the Synagogue, Carol designs and makes her own beaded jewelry. Henry is an avid gardener, exercise enthusiast and student of foreign languages, including Hebrew. 5 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim It‟s so hard to believe that the summer has come to an end and that the “very early” high holidays are upon us. This summer has flown by, but we would like to extend our thanks to Terri Reicher. She opened her beautiful home to Sisterhood on a beautiful night in July. We all got to sit around her pool, take in the panoramic vista in her backyard and relish each other's company. Thanks, too, to Sue Feldman, Sue Mirsky, Sue Gordon, Phyllis Staloff and Jackie Helfand for helping to coordinate this bonding event. And more thanks to all the Sisterhood members who attended and contributed food and drink and paper goods. Sisterhood will be saluting our veterans for the month of November. We will display photos of you, a family member, friend or loved one who as served ANY Armed Force (US, Israel, Canada). Simply submit a COPY of a photo (originals cannot be returned) no larger than 4" x 6" and an optional brief summary, if known, of their military experience. Look for the flyer in this month's L'Chaim for the details. We hope you participate in this program. All submissions are due in the synagogue office by Wednesday, October 20. It's our small way of expressing to our veterans, "Thanks for your service." We are still busy fine tuning the new year so please watch your emails and L‟Chaim for what‟s ahead. Paid-Up Membership is October 4th….we‟re still working on it, watch your mail for the invitation. We wish for each of you and your families a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. L’Shanah Tovah! Janet and Karen Sisterhood Co-Presidents SAVE THE DATE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, 2010 SISTERHOOD IS SO EXCITED TO BE HOSTING A FASHION SHOW THIS FALL! DETAILS TO FOLLOW! Sisterhood will be selling gift cards in the Lobby on Sunday, Sept. 12th and 26th 6 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim 7 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim Adwar Family Albalah Family Aschner Family Linda, Craig, Jeremy, Alex and Dana Bacon Seth & Margo Bader and Family The Beck Family Ellen & Stanley Bernstein and Family Jill , Jay and Alan Bernstein Len, Janice, Zachary, Michael andJeremy Blaifeder Sarah, Barry, Kayla, Josh, Mira and Shayna Blecherman Caroline & Sid Blecherman Milt & Dot Brodkowitz and Family Alice, Cliff, Jake and Lauren Broser Dan, Karen, Becky and Alex Chilowicz, Joy & Dan Robins Sandy, Steve, Brian and Evan Cooper Fred & Susan Decter Gail & Dave Dodds and Family Harryet & Stuart Ehrlich, Rebecca, Sarah & Deserae Marcie & Elliot Eisenstein Mady & Larry Fechner, Andrew & Anna and Dana Sue, Ken and Peter Feldman Carol & Howard, Spencer and Jacob Fertig Ray & Rhoda Fishler Zev & Tova Friede and Family Rhita, Steve, Shara and David Gastwirth Susan, Robert, Meredith & Tom Spilker, Geoffrey & Jessica and Cory Gordon Marsha, Paul and Noreen Greenberg Warren, Jane, Carrie and Matt Greenfield Linda, Bernie and Andrew Gutman Beth, Ed, Cory, Jackie and Ben Julie Jodi, Bernie, Alex and Josh Kashmann Aleen, Robert, Meredith and Jonathan Klein Deborah, Marc, Cassie and DJ Kornblau Neil, Dorit, Sam, Hannah, Noah and Leah Kressel Jill & Steve Landau Rina & Burt Lerner Rabbi Randy & Dassy Mark, Avi, Penina, Raffi and Danit Harvey, Naomi, Philip, Heather, Brandon, Chloe, Josh and Becky Miller 8 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim Susan & Barry Mirsky The Nagler & Cook Families: Susan & Harvey, David & Therese, Michelle, Daniel & Jonathan Dr. Lawrence & Leslie Nessman Dennis & Avia Orland Beth, Alex, Hannah and David Paley The Podells - Adrienne, Scott, Aaron, Laine and Jake Carol & Jack Pomeranc and Family The Ramer Family The Reicher Family: Terri, Oscar, Michelle, Larry, Ilene, Eric and Rachel Leslie & Steven Reisman and Family Marv & Marilyn Rogers and Family The Rolnik Family Lee & Sy Rothenberg Michael, Marilyn, David, Ellen, Frankie, Jessica and Sydney Rubin, Jennifer & Allan Tannenbaum Dr. Abbie F. Salny Sheryl & Barry Sarin and Family Mark & Marcia Schiffer and Family Dr. Seymour & Elaine Schlossberg and Family Sonia & Larry Seidman and Family Roz & Edward Seradzky, Jessica & Matthew Chervin, Michelle & Sam Braunstein Lee & Paula Shaiman and Family Mary, Frank and Eric Sheydwasser , Heather, Adam and Maya Lutz Laura, Marty and Philip Siegel , Stephanie & Mike Edelman Barbara & Lenny Simon Nathanya, Jeff, Matt and Margo Simon Anita & Stuart Skolnick, Deena & Michael Weisberg, Eliot Skolnick, Joshua Skolnick The Solomon, Singer, Levitt and Brandman Families Sheri, Ivan, Evan, Sarah and Brook Taback The Taffet Family Monique & Bennett Wasserstrum, Alyssa & Brian Kolber , Jessica, Jason and Shawn Gertler Judy & Jay Weil , Matthew, Allison and Gregory Fern, Eric, Sarah and Joshua Weis Karen, Rich, Sarah and Julie Weiss Ben & Gerda Weltman Richard & Stephanie Whitman , Roee, Melissa, Sophia and Olivia Wiczyk Wolk Family 9 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim SISTERHOOD GOLDEN CARDS IN HONOR OF JUDY & ALAN FELDMAN BIRTH OF GRANDDAUGHTER Ruth & Steve Langfelder Susan & Bob Gordon Sue & Harvey Nagler Elaine & Sy Schlossberg MR. & MRS. GARY DICKMAN MELISSA‟S MARRIAGE Rhita & Steve Gastwirth MAXINE & BARRY BERGER NEW GRANDDAUGHTER Gerda & Ben Weltman ROZ & ED SERADZKY DAUGHTER‟S MARRIAGECindy & Perry Wolkowitz ELAINE & SY SCHLOSSBERG DANNY‟S LAW SCHOOL GRADUATION Cindy & Perry Wolkowitz IN MEMORY OF KATHE FRIEDMAN WIFE OF DAVID Synagogue Board & Affiliates Sue & Barry Mirsky MOTHER OF ARLENE GOLDBERG Mike Greenblatt 10 September/ October, 2010 HUSBAND OF PHYLLIS KUSINTZ Sue & Bob Gordon CHARLES MARINO FATHER OF MARIA NUCCETELLI Annette & Andy Lieb Sue & Bob Gordon Michael & Eric Greenblatt Edith & Ivan Voyticki Sue & Barry Mirsky Sue & Harvey Nagler EUGENE HERMAN FATHER OF STEPHANIE WHITMAN Carol & Jack Pomeranc BERNIE CHOSNEK HUSBAND OF ILSE CHOSNEK Marlene & Bruce Seidman SPEEDY RECOVERY ARTHUR ADLER Maxine & Barry Berger BUD LAZERWITZ Susan & Fred Decter KEN RAZEN Maxine & Barry Berger IN HONOR OF MAXINE & BARRY BERGER NEW GRANDDAUGHTERMartha Young SISTERHOOD GIFT CARD IN MEMORY OF KATHE FRIEDMAN Mary & Frank Sheydwasser LANDSCAPING FUND IN HONOR OF ALAN & JUDY FELDMAN NEW GRANDDAUGHTER Marty & Diane Albalah ROGER & MADELINE LIPKIN Harvey & Naomi Miller ELLEN & STEVE BERNHARDT NEW GRANDSON Harvey & Naomi Miller IN MEMORY OF SISTERHOOD CERT. IN MEMORY OF KATHE FRIEDMAN Carole Rittenberg CHARLES MARINOCarole Rittenberg Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim KATHE FRIEDMAN WIFE OF DAVID Harvey & Naomi Miller YAHRZEIT FUND Leon & Estelle Solomon Barry & Lois Ramer Harvey & Sue Nagler IN MEMORY OF FLORENCE & DAVID FELDMAN Laura & Marty Siegel CHARLES KRAUT Dr. Larry Nessman NATHAN R. SCHUSSEL Ann & Martin Kaufman ABRAHAM DYTCHEL David & Gail Dodds HELEN DECTER Fred & Susan Decter BESSIE GLAZER Stanley & Doris Berenzweig YOSEPH MENDES Lydia & Alberto Mendes SAMUEL GERSHON Selma Gershon JULIUS SCHRANK Peter Whitmore MARTHA GOLUBOOK Steve & Anita Kaplan GILDA STAVE GELFANDSally Waxman BETTY KWIAT Steve & Gail Kwiat JOHN BODNAR Anita & Stuart Skolnick IRVING & SOPHIA STEINBERG Stuart Steinberg ANNA RUBIN Michael & Marilyn Rubin 11 September/ October, 2010 OSCAR FRIEDMAN Jerry Friedman MORT RITTENBERG Carole Rittenberg CLARA FELDMAN Alan & Judy Feldman NATHAN SHIELDS Mady Fechner ROSE MILLER Harvey & Naomi Miller ANN LIPPMANN Arthur & Carol Greenberg SAUL BRAUNSTEIN Lee & Sy Rothenberg MIRIAM MILICH Irwin & Marie Nijaki MARILYN GABA Linda & Jack Gaba FAYE CARROLL Cindy & Bob Brazer PAULINE RAMER Henry & Carol Ramer FRANK TOBIN MITZVAH FUND CAPITAL CAMPAIGN IN HONOR OF JUDY & ALAN FELDMAN NEW GRANDDAUGHTER Michael & Marilyn Rubin THE SCHLOSSBERG FAMILY DANNY‟S LAW SCHOOL GRADUATION Sheryl & Barry Sarin IN MEMORY OF KATHE FRIEDMAN WIFE OF DAVID Ray & Rhoda Fishler Marvin & Marilyn Rogers CHARLES MARINO FATHER OF MARIA NUCCETELLI Ray & Rhoda Fishler Evelyn Lieblich HOLOCAUST FUND IN MEMORY OF IN MEMORY OF WIFE OF DR. BERT KESTLER Elaine & Ken Tobin MOTHER OF CHERI POLAY Elaine & Ken Tobin JACK FEINGOLD Roz & Ed Seradzky NETTIE FRIEDMAN GRANDMOTHER OF ROBYN WEISS Elaine & Ken Tobin Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim KATHE FRIEDMAN WIFE OF DAVID Ben & Gerda Weltman RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Irwin & Marie Nijaki KATHE FRIEDMAN WIFE OF DAVID Elaine & Sy Schlossberg SHOMREI TORAH FUNDS AND DONATIONS Sisterhood Golden Cards Shomrei Torah General Operating For the operation of the synagogue Frank Tobin Mitzvah Fund For acts of “Gemilut Hesed,” acts of loving kindness Capital Campaign Fund For capital improvements to our synagogue Carol S. Jacobs Fisher Memorial Fund Scholarships for Jewish youth to Yahrzeit Fund attend Jewish affiliated overnight To honor the memory of loved ones camps/programs or study in IsYouth rael For operation of Youth groups Sam Gershon Torah Fund For care and restoration $10 per card donation is required for these funds of our Torah scrolls Hazak Fund For programming and information for our seniors Holocaust Fund Tree of Life For speakers, films and programs to further our Holocaust $200.00 per leaf education $1800.00 per rock Marcia Kent Book Fund call: Sue Feldman 973-628-9229 For Siddurim, Humashim and other holy books Kitchen Fund To upgrade and repair the kitchen as needed Library Fund To purchase books and materials for our library P.T.O. For programming and gifts sponsored by our Parent Teacher Organization Ben Pittel Youth Scholarship Fund To help our youth to attend Jewish camps, conventions and other Memorial Plaques youth activities $300.00 per plaque Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund call: Temple Donna Used by the Rabbi to assist indiSynagogue office viduals and to worthy charities 973-696-2500 Religious School Fund For programming, equipment and other needs of the Religious School 12 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim A-L call: Gail Dodds 973-595-0764 M-Z Call: Laura Seigel 973-831-6350 First day of Religious School Sunday, Sept. 12th 2010 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Gan (Kindergarten) Aleph (First grade) Bet (Second grade) Sunday 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Gimel Dalet Hey Vav Sunday 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tuesdays 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Zayin Sundays 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Ha’Kesher (Hebrew High) Tuesdays 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (includes Ma’Ariv Services) 13 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim Your ad can be here! All you have to do is call Carol Ramer 201 396-5466 14 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim 15 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim Shomrei Torah Wayne Conservative Congregation 30 Hinchman Ave. Wayne, NJ 07470 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 115 Address Service Requested 16 September/ October, 2010 Elul/ Tishri 5771 L‟Chaim
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