IS YOURS - Toronto
IS YOURS - Toronto
For almost 100 years Eitz Chaim has provided the finest Torah and general OU R LEGACY education to generations of children. To date over 6000 children have graduated Eitz Chaim and become leaders of the Toronto community and Jewish communities around the world. We thank you for being part of the Eitz Chaim success story. But our work is not done. IS YOURS ANNUAL FUND Excellence in Education At Eitz Chaim, our Rebbeyim, Morahs and Teachers provide dedicated instruction in Limudei Kodesh and General Studies to almost 1000 children. Imbued with a love of Torah and a passion for teaching, we nurture the soul and develop the character of each student. Meeting the multi faceted needs of each child with “Slowly, the child blossoms a program that is rich and into a child possessing fine diverse is our sacred duty. character traits, love of Torah, respect for teachers and Rabbeim, and Yiras Shamayim. This all begins at Eitz Chaim.” Our Work is Not Done At Eitz Chaim tuition revenue covers 75% of the cost of educating students. Even the extreme burden of full tuition does not cover the actual cost. To address this shortfall we turn to our alumni, parents, faculty and friends. It is the vision and generosity of people like you that provides the funds to make the difference between “getting by” and providing excellence. A gift to the Annual Fund guarantees that together we can secure the future of Jewish learning and education at Eitz Chaim for the next generation. Every gift to Eitz Chaim, regardless of the amount, is greatly needed, sincerely appreciated, and wisely used. We need your help ANNUAL FUND FACULTY FUND Gifts can be directed to six funds: Enables the school to invest in our most important asset, our Rebbeyim, Moros and Teachers, by providing top quality professional development. LIMUDEI KODESH FUND Enables the school to continue to maintain and expand the quality of “Never compromising OUR GREATEST NEEDS FUND our Enables the school to support major as priorities not covered by the operating co-curricular and incentive programs budget and to embrace timely and such as Shabbos Eitz Chaim, the means of learning and Masmidim program, the Philip Alter pedagogy that help the innovative opportunities as they arise. Limudei Donations Kodesh help us Department. pay salaries, purchase classroom materials such Smart Boards and fund a”h Motzai Shabbos Father and Son its fealty to Torah ideals the school has been open to new ways and Learning program and the Zechor students and teachers Yemos Olam Holocaust education achieve success.” course. GENERAL STUDIES FUND FIRST STEPS FUND Enables the school to maintain and Enables our preschool program at expand our core General Studies Spring Farm and Viewmount campus offerings such as math, language arts, to provide a warm and nurturing social studies and science as well as atmosphere where each child feels support other curriculum programs such loved, safe and welcome, thereby as computer literacy, French language building confidence and a healthy self- instruction, physical education, music image. Funds will support staff salaries and home economics. including head teachers, assistants and specialists in music and reading as well REACH EACH CHILD FUND as classroom materials and resources. Enables the school to offer remedial assistance through our comprehensive special education department, our kriyah and reading specialists and through our support services such as math and language arts clinics. Count Me In AN N UAL F U N D to OUR Legacy VISIONARY10000 LEADER5000 PILLAR3600 PARTNER1800 DONOR1000 FRIEND360 “Thanks to generations of great leadership, mechanchim and teachers, Eitz Chaim continues to deliver a high level of Torah and secular education to Jewish children of diverse backgrounds and traditions.” Our Appreciation DONOR RECOGNITION All gifts over $360 and over will be recognized in the Happenings and the semi-annual newsletter. Gifts over $5,000 will be given plaque recognition on our donor board in the Patricia campus. “… a rich history that reflects a combination of striving toward overall academic excellence and uncompromising emphasis on Derech Eretz and Midos Tovos.” ANNUAL FUND I would like to be a — Eitz Chaim Schools Apply my donation to — FRIEND $360 OUR GREATEST NEEDS FUND DONOR 1000 LIMUDEI KODESH FUND Viewmount Campus 1 Viewmount Ave. Toronto, Ontario M5B 1T2 Tel. (416) 789-4366 Fax (416) 785-1384 PARTNER1800 FACULTY FUND Patricia Campus and Business Office 475 Patricia Ave. Toronto, Ontario M2R 2N1 Tel. (416) 225-1187 Fax 416.225.3732 PILLAR3600 GENERAL STUDIES FUND LEADER5000 REACH EACH CHILD FUND VISIONARY10,000 FIRST STEPS FUND Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________ Province_______________ Postal Code ______________ Email _____________________________________ Phone _________________________________ In memory/ honour of ____________________________ Hebrew yahrtzeit date _____________ Cheques payable to: Eitz Chaim Schools Cheque MasterCard Visa Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Card No. Exp Date _____/______ Spring Farm Campus 80 York Hill Blvd. Thornhill, Ontario L4J 2P6 Tel. (905) 764-6633 Fax (905) 764-9577 Rabbi Isser Pliner Dean Rabbi Dan Rand Executive Vice President
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