Shalom - Congregation Eitz Chaim


Shalom - Congregation Eitz Chaim
Congregation Eitz Chaim
Monroe Woodbury Jewish Community Center
1465 Orange Turnpike/P.O. Box 183
Monroe, NY 10949
(845) 783 - 7424
Rabbi Alex Salzberg
Tevet—Shevat 5775
January 2015
Women’s League
Parashat “Va’eira”
January 17, 2015
May You Go From Strength to Strength!
Sisterhood invites all Eitz Chaim women to participate in this wonderful Shabbat!
Have you ever wished that you could learn a little more and be a part of our service?
Now’s your chance to chant from the Torah, try the Haftarah, present a D’var Torah, lead Shacharit or Musaf services or have an Aliyah!
If you don’t want a speaking part, we also need volunteers to open the ark and help
prepare the kiddush!
For more info, contact Karen Celidonio, our Women’s League Liaison, at
Healthy Snack Program Update
Yahrzeit Announcements
After much delay this year’s Healthy Afterschool
Backpack Program is underway again. The first
week, only 4 students had signed up to participate by
by the second week, 3 more students had signed up
bringing the total to 7 students. At this time there
are 27 students participating. For those of our
members who have not participated in the two years
since the inception of this program, here is a summary of our activity. The program provides healthy
after school snacks for qualifying students in the
Kindergarten and First Grade of the Sapphire Elementary School in Monroe. Qualifying students are
the same as those who are in the free lunch program.
We provide snacks for the whole week, seven days,
and try to make those snacks healthy, avoiding sugar if possible. We rotate families responsible for purchasing and packing the bags each week. Generally
we deliver the packed bags on Monday morning and
the children are asked to return them the following
day. The school returns the empty bags to us on Friday and the responsible families have to pack the
bags by Monday morning.
Candle lighting is the evening before the listed date.
We welcome new and old participants. Contact Jerome and Paula Spector for a sign-up calendar. You
can reach them by email:
or by phone: 845.610.3548.
Thanks, Jerome and Paula.
Hebrew School
Check out our Hebrew School’s amazing website:
January 1 - Diane Soss observes the yahrzeit of her mother, Rhoda Kowal (10 Tevet)
January 4 - Sally Levine observes the yahrzeit of her father, Albert Levine (13 Tevet)
January 5 - Beth Marks observes the yahrzeit of her
mother, Teresa Marks (14 Tevet)
January 6 - Ben Ostrer observes the yahrzeit of his mother, Rita Ostrer (15 Tevet)
January 8 - Carlton Levine observes the yahrzeit of his
father, Alfred Levine (17 Tevet)
January 9 - Kiki Nelson observes the yahrzeit of her
mother, Beatrice Goldstein Nelson (18 Tevet)
January 10 - Paula Spector observes the yahrzeit of her
mother, Jean Lazerson (19 Tevet)
January 13 - Jack Berman observes the yahrzeit of his
mother, Dorothy Berman (22 Tevet)
January 15 - Joan Hecht observes the yahrzeit of her
mother, Evelyn Levine (24 Tevet)
January 18 - Sheldon Cohen observes the yahrzeit of his
father, Joseph Cohen (27 Tevet)
January 19 - Samira Galler observes the yahrzeit of her
mother, Semha Balass (28 Tevet)
January 20 - Warren Miller observes the yahrzeit of his
wife, Beth Miller (29 Tevet)
January 22 - Bruce Fischer observes the yahrzeit of his
mother, Beverly Fischer (2 Shevat)
January 24 - Carlton Levine observes the yahrzeit of his
mother, Gladys Levine (4 Shevat)
January 29 - Rodger Friedman observes the yahrzeit of
his mother, Miriam Friedman (9 Shevat)
January 29 - Bruce Fischer observes the yahrzeit of his
grandfather, Azriel Fischer (9 Shevat)
January 31 - Samira Galler observes the yahrzeit of her
aunt, Sabiha Ezra Balass (11 Shevat)
January 31 - Bruce Fischer observes the yahrzeit of his
grandfather, Max Root (11 Shevat)
If you have any Yahrzeit dates that you would like
announced, please send the information to Steve
Moses or call him at 427-2704.
Eitz Chaim Community Shabbat Dinner
Join the Kosher Empty Nesters and
Rabbi Salzberg for a delicious Shabbat
dinner after services on:
Friday, January 9th
$20 /adult
Please RSVP in advance.
(Unfortunately we cannot accommodate walk-ins.)
Send your check made out to:
MWJCC Sisterhood
To: Sisterhood MWJCC
PO Box 183
Monroe, NY 10949
For a $36 donation to Sisterhood your name will
appear on every synagogue member’s birthday
card (both men and women) during the upcoming
year 2015!
Don’t worry if you can’t remember the dates because Sisterhood will do it for you! We will also
announce the birthdays in the Shalom to remind
you when cards were sent out.
To be included, hurry and make checks payable to
MWJCC Sisterhood
Send checks to the office with a notation for
Eitz Chaim Sisterhood PO Box 183 Monroe, NY
Sisterhood is looking for Kiddush sponsors
for the weekends Rabbi Salzberg is at Eitz
Chaim. Sponsor for a special occasion or just
because. Do it with another family or friend
or two from the congregation. We really
need your support in order to continue our
beautiful tradition of sitting down together
to enjoy lunch with the congregation after
Saturday morning services. Please contact
Paula Spector to reserve your date.
Thank you for sponsoring the Kiddush:
Dec 27th—Stilton Family
Jan 3rd: Karen and Bruce Fischer in
memory of Bruce's mother Beverly.
Jan 10th—The Sasson Family
Jan 24th—The Schack Family
Feb 7th—Hebrew School
November & December Donations :
Mazel Tov’s / In honor of:
John & Karen Celidonio – In honor of Rebecca Pomerantz' Bat Mitzvah
In honor of Barbara Fromowitz
Aliyahs and Mishaberach
Barbara & Robert Fromowitz – Recitation of Mishaberach
In honor of the cookbook committee: Judi Berman,
Bonnie Brunner, Ronnee MacDonald & Celia Goodman for
a job well done!
David & Bonnie Brunner - Get well wishes for Karen Celidonio's mother, Barbara
In honor of Ben Ostrer
Rita & Gerry Wincott - Aliyahs & Mishaberachsh
Yasmine & Adam Kalkstein - In honor of birthday of
Art Finkel
Doris & Steve Rubinsky - In honor of Ben Ostrer
Ida & Rochelle Marshall - Good health for Michael
Yizkor / Yahrzeit / In memory of:
Jack & Arlyne Berman - Ava Kravitz' father
Bonnie & David Brunner - In memory of Ava Kravitz' father, Edward Rosen
In memory of Jacques Levine
In memory of Nancy Levine's mother, Arlene
Jerome & Paula Spector - Yahrzeit in memory of
Paula's father, Barnet Lazerson
Yahrzeit in memory of Jerome's father, Henry Spector
John & Ronnie MacDonald - In memory of Edward
Rosen, father of Ava Kravitz
Brenda Winkler Goldfarb - Irene Winkler, mommy's
Shari Bakst - In memory of Ava Kravitz' father
Alan Witrock - Yahrzeit in memory of my beloved
brother, Gerald Witrock
Richard & Sherry Teller - Selma Teller Yahrzeit
Rita & Gerry Wincott - Yahrzeit of brother George
Dr. Bruce & Karen Fischer – Yahrzeit – Celia Root
Leonard Schwartz - Yahrzeit for my beloved father,
Martin Schwartz
Jack & Arlyne Berman - In memory of Judy Ronay's
mother, Susan Ronay
Stuart & Harriet Greenberg - Yahrzeit - Sandra
Goldberg & Nettie Greenberg Convertine
Rochelle & Ida Marshall - In memory of Harley
Matsil's brother, Gary Matsil
Jerome & Paula Spector - In memory of Ava Kravitz's father, Edward Rosen
In memory of Judy Ronay's mother, Susan Ronay
In memory of Judy Ronay's mother, Susan Ronay
In memory of Shirley Pinkus' sister
In memory of Jaques Levine
Ida & Rochelle Marshall - In memory of Ava Kravitz'  Jack & Arlyne Berman - In memory of Harley
Matsil's brother, Gary Matsil
father, Edward Rosen
Barbara & Robert Fromowitz - In memory of Ava
Kravitz' father, Edward Rosen
In memory of my mother, Ida Feldman
To Judy Ronay in memory of your mother, Susan
In memory of my brother, Joel Fromowitz
In memory of Gary Matsil
-In memory of Annette Sokoloff
Harley & Alyse Matsil - In memory of Ava Kravitz'
father, Edward Rosen
Robin & Stan Alterman - In memory of Gary Matsil,
brother of Alyse & Harley
Marty & Diane Soss – Yarhzeit donation
Sharon Jennings - In memory of Susan Ronay
In memory of Gary Matsil
In memory of Annette Sokoloff
Continued on next page —->
Vicki Fuller - In memory of Gary Matsil
Jack & Arlyne Berman - Yahrzeit Dorothy Berman
& Irving Gottlieb
Stanley & Joan Hecht - Yahrzeit Donation
Shari & Frank Palermo - In memory of Harley
Matsil's brother, Gary
In memory of Ava Kravitz's father
Lola & Efraim Jaronowski - Yahrzeit Henryk Jaron,
Efrain's father
Sisterhood’s Women With Wool Knitting
Club is sponsoring an afternoon of knitting, movies and refreshments.
We have a lot of donated wool (special
thanks to Henry and Samira Galler!), needles you can borrow or buy and plenty of
easy patterns.
We are knitting baby blankets and hats to
donate to WIC (Women, Infants and Children). You can start your project with us
and finish at home. Completed work
should go to Sheila Ornstein.
Please try to come:
Sunday, January 11th , 2:00 pm
RSVP to: Sheila Ornstein (928-6244) or
The next Shalom Deadline is
January 10th 5th for the February Issue
Please send articles as a MS word file to Sheila
Please donate your unused toiletries to
the battered women’s shelter. There is a
basket set up in the rear lobby.
Sponsored by Jewish Family
Thank You!!
MWJCC Sisterhood invites you to:
Books to Birds’
A Tu B’Shevat Program
Sunday, February 1, 2015
2 PM @ Eitz Chaim
Recycle a hard covered book (new or old – not too thick
– at least 250 pages) and bring along holiday fruits (figs,
dates, raisins, grapes etc.). We’ll supply the drinks and
instructions. Enjoy an afternoon of friendship while we
save a tree and make homes for baby birds.
RSVP by 01.16 to Jane Kleiman @ 845 783 3110
Send Eitz Chaim members your wishes for a Happy Purim by
supporting Sisterhood’s Mishloach Manot gift bags (your family name included in the enclosed greeting card).
Send your $36. Donation, (made out to Sisterhood MWJCC),
to Karen Fischer by February 23rd.
------------- ----------------cut here -------------------------Name for card listing: _______________________________________________
Amount included:
Mail to:
Purim Fundraiser, c/o Karen Fischer
14 Midland Avenue, Central Valley, NY 10917
Questions … contact Karen @ 845 928 8115 or
Eitz Chaim USY
is kicking off the New Year with…
Cupcake Wars
January 10, 2015
7-9 pm.
Congregation Eitz Chaim
1465 Orange Turnpike
Monroe, NY 10949
Cost: 1 Non-Perishable Food Item
RSVP to Heidi Cowen
(845) 891-6298
Let’s Celebrate!
Ida is 100 years young!
Join us for an afternoon of
food, frolic, dancing and fun as
we honor our wonderful, Ida.
February 15, 2015
2:30 PM Congregation Eitz Chaim
In lieu of gifts, Ida requests that you make a
donation to Sisterhood MWJCC.
Please RSVP by Feb 1st to:
Rochelle Marshall 845.783.2495 or
“Ida is 100” Poster Board items are needed.
Send photos, greetings to Rochelle at:
298 Cromwell Hill Rd, Monroe, NY 10950
this trail of tears.
At almost every stage of the emotional encounters between Joseph and his family in Egypt, Joseph weeps.
The Hebrew School and Gan Shalom have been reThere are seven scenes of tears:
enrolled in the Box Tops For Education program. It
The first occasion is when the brothers came before
started in December 2012. At that time our school ID,
him in Egypt for the first time:
which is 961171, became active. There are three proThe second occasion is when Joseph weeps on the
grams that can add up to $60,000 per year for the
when they brought Benjamin with them:
school. One is the regular Box Top collection, two is
The third occasion is when, after Judah’s impassioned
speech, Joseph is about to disclose his identity:
Bonus Box Tops, and the third is shopping online. An
The fourth occasion is immediately after he discloses
explanation of all there is found at Imhis identity:
mediately, we are collecting box tops, which equal 10
The fifth occasion is when he meets his father again
after their long separation:
The sixth occasion is on the death of his father:
Sisterhood Book Club
—next meeting in Jan.
The seventh occasion was some time after his father’s
death when his brothers were afraid of Joseph’s revenge.
Our next selection is: Enchantress
No one weeps as much as Joseph.
Fantastic tales of demons and the Evil Eye, magiThe seven acts of Joseph’s weeping have no parallel.
cal incantations, and powerful attractions abound They span the full spectrum of emotion, from painful
in Enchantress, a novel that
memory to the joy of being reunited, first with his brothweaves together Talmudic
er Benjamin, then with his father Jacob. There are the
lore, ancient Jewish magic,
complex tears immediately before and after he discloses
and a timeless love story set
his identity to his brothers, and there are the tears of
in fourth-century Babylonia.
bereavement at Jacob’s deathbed. But the most intriguing are the last, the tears he sheds when he hears
The author of the acthat his brothers fear that he will take revenge on them
claimed Rashi’s Daughters series
now that their father is no longer alive.
and the award-winning Rav HisMidrash deals with this issue, suggesting two reada’s Daughter: Apprentice has
sons for the brothers’ fears. First of all, on the journey
conjured literary magic in the
back from the burial of their father, Joseph decided to
land where “abracadabra” origitake a side trip to the pit where he’d been left to die in,
nated. Based on five years of rewhich happened to be in the exact opposite direction of
search and populated with charthe Grand Vizier’s palace back in Egypt. The suspicions
acters from the Talmud, Enchantress brings a pivotal
raised by Joseph’s foray to Shechem were substantiated
era of Jewish and Christian history to life from the per- when the brothers soon discovered – explained by Midspective of a courageous and passionate woman
rash – that Joseph’s previous generosity as a host had
changed drastically. When Jacob was still alive, Joseph’s
Our next meeting is Tuesday, January
table had been the center of many family get-togethers.
13th at 7 pm at Alyse Matsil’s house: 3
Since father Jacob’s death, Joseph has not invited the
brothers even once! And so the brothers understandably
Camelback Rd, Chester.
raise their concern – and Joseph weeps.
The late Rav Joseph D Soloveitchik suggested that
tears are often triggered by one’s deepest emotions, emoParshat Vayechi
tions that the individual him/herself did not believe that
he/she harbored. The staccato truah sound of the shofar
Various figures in the Torah weep – Hagar, Abraham, Esau, Jacob. But by far the figure who weeps most is described by our sages as wailing and sobbing, and
the Talmud suggests that this weeping shofar expresses
often is Joseph, and although one could speculate that
the innermost feelings of the individual. Indeed, the Hothe loss of his mother at an early age left him scarred
ly Zohar maintains that weeping is a manifestation of
and prone to tears, nonetheless the extent of his crying
umka d’umka, the depth of the depths, the person’s most
is unmatched by anyone in the Torah. His life is certainly not an easy one, and if he slept and wept, or wept profound sensitivities.
Joseph has spent the last twenty-two years in Egypt. He
and slept during his years in jail, we don’t know. But
admittedly has mixed and even negative feelings about
once his brothers arrive in Egypt in search of food, and
his father’s house: after all, his brothers almost killed
the plot unfolds of how the invisible Joseph garbed in
the robe of a Grand Vizier gradually reveals to them his him and then sold him as a slave into Egypt, and his
true identity, we continuously find him weeping, almost father certainly has to take a large share of the responas if the thread of Joseph’s identity is somehow linked to sibility for the tragic family dynamic. (Cont. on p.13)
Dial - A - Card
Order a special, beautiful card for any occasion simply by calling Samira Galler at
783-3930 Cards are available for any occasion including birthdays, graduations, in
honor of, in. Mail your donation (min. $8.00)
check (made out to Sisterhood MWJCC) to
her at: 5 Mercury Avenue, Monroe, NY
Donations have been received from:
Ida Marshall -In memory of Susan Ronay Z"L
Rochelle Marshall: In memory of Susan
Ronay Z"L
Shirley Pinkus : In memory of Susan Ronay
In Memory of Gary Matsil Z"L
Henry & Samir Galler : In memory of Annette Sokoloff Z"L
Paula and Jerome Spector : In memory of
Annette Sokoloff Z”L
Larry & Ava Kravitz : In memory of Annette
Sokoloff Z"L
Eitz chaim is a caring community. A B'kor Cholim
committee has been formed to offer support to our
Eitz Chaim family. If you or anyone you know in
our congregation needs a call, a card, or a contact,
please et one of us on the committee know.
Beth Marks Moses 845427-2704
Paula Spector
Nancy Rothstein
Rita & Gerry Wincott : in memory of Susan
Ronay Z"L
Sending prayers for a Refouah Schlemah to
Michael Schulman
In memory of Gary Isaac Matsil, Z"L
Sending Mazel Tov to Shirley Pinkus on her
80th Birthday and wishing her lots of good health,
joy and nachas
In memory of Annette Sokoloff Z"L
Sheila Ornstein : Donation in memory of Susan Ronay Z"L
Margaret & Warren Meth : Sending condolences to Judy Ronay on the passing of Mom ,
Susan Ronay Z"L
In memory of Gary Isaac Matsil, Z”L
Harley's brother
In memory of Annette Sokoloff Z"L
Special Thank You
Dear Sisterhood and Eitz Chaim Family,
We were so grateful for the outpouring of support to our family during the recent Shiva for
my beloved Mother, Susan Ronay, of blessed
Kindness and warmth were demonstrated
through: donations, cards, visits, food and evening prayers of consolation.
My dear Mother spoke of how happy she was
that we belong to our caring Eitz Chaim family.
Todah Rabah,
Judy Ronay, Jeremy & Arielle Aronoff
Gary Ronay & Family
Parshat Vayechi—Continued from p. 11
Joseph tried to distance himself psychologically and emotionally from his past. He even gives his first-born
son the name “Menashe” “for the Almighty enabled me to forget all of my toil and of my father’s house”. And
so, Joseph believes that he has succeeded in cutting himself from what he now views as a dysfunctional familial situation.
But this is not the real Joseph, the Joseph whose most formative years had been spent in the warm embrace
of his father, Jacob, learning the family traditions and dreams, basking in the family celebrations and prophesies. And so when he is confronted by his brothers, and reminded of his father – he weeps, and his weeping
teaches him that one never completely distances oneself from one’s “bet abba”, one’s parental home. His tears
remind him who he really is – and so they prompt him to reveal himself to his brothers and to all of Egypt as a
Hebrew and as the son of Jacob.
After his father’s death, however, Joseph believes (at least according to the midrash) that despite his feelings for his father, he still has great resentment toward his brothers. G-d’s divine plan cannot exempt his siblings from the responsibility of their evil plot, and he rationally believes that he can now sever all connection
with them. Once again his tears teach him that he has deep emotional ties not only to his father but to his
brothers as well – and continues to live his life not only as Jacob’s son but also as one of his brothers tribes.
We learn from all of this how we can never completely cut ourselves off from our earliest and deepest blood
relationships – and how important it is to listen to the message of our tears.
An Eitz Chaim Sisterhood Cookbook
Copies are still available.
$18.00 per Cookbook **** A great gift for all occasions
Checks should be made out to Sisterhood MWJCC.
Call or visit the office to get your copy.
Birthday Cards: Kathy Falber – 782-0608
Sisterhood Co-Presidents:
Historian: Judy Ronay – 492-2074
Linda Siegel – 782-5292
High Holiday Babysitting:
Fran Gordon – 496-6114
Elaine Osterhaut – 928-6466
Vice President of Fundraising
Aviva Zucker – 928-6906
Rochelle Marshall – 783-2495
Arlyne Berman – 783-2773
Rebekah Linkowski—917-204-9401
Israeli Affairs:
Treasurer: Rita Wincott – 783-6572
Rochelle Marshall – 783-2495
Bonnie Brunner – 497-8321
Gail Sullivan – 774-2635
Ellen McNally—294-9047
Recording Secretary: Gail Sullivan—774-2635
Corresponding Sec’y: Isabelle Laufer – 783-5190
Yom Huledet to our
Kiddush Committee:
January Birthdays
Paula Spector – 610-3548
Ronnee MacDonald – 782-0453
Diane Soss – 782-7018
Shalom Newsletter:
Sheila Ornstein – 928-6244
Linda Siegel – 782-5292
Bonnie Brunner – 497-8321
Judaica Shop:
Jane Kleiman – 783-3110
Karen Fischer – 928-8115t
Sunshine: Adria Gross – 782-7132
Women’s League Liaison:
Karen Celidonio – 928-2701
Education Liaison: Ilyse Grunes – 774-0816
Book Club: Alyse Matsil—238-3494
Rosh Chodesh Group: Beth Marks—427-2704
Jennie Ossentjuk—496-1892
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Gifts: Barbara Vitelli -783-7275
Dial-a-Card: Samira Galler – 783-3930
Paula Neyman 1/4
Lea Morganstern 1/5
Judi Berman 1/6
Rebekah Linkowski 1/7
Eric Ossentjuk 1/9
Karen Pomerantz 1/9
Carlton Levine 1/10
Nancy Levine 1/11
Jason Steiker 1/13
Jerry Norman 1/17
Elaine Osterhout Schulman 1/28
Benjamin Osterer1/29
Sisterhood Bereavement/Refouah Schlemah Fund
Sisterhood has a bereavement fund that is used to
provide meals for families during their time of shiva or recovery from illness. Donations to this fund
are welcome. Please make your check out to:
Sisterhood MWJCC
and put “Bereavement/Refouch Schlemah Donation” on the memo line and send it to:
Sisterhood MWJCC
c/o Sheila Ornstein
19 Scaglione Court
Highland Mills, NY 10930
A donation has been made by
Shirley Pinkus in memory of
Judy Ronay’s mother , Susan Ronay Z”L
Women with Wool
Tuesday's at 10:00 AM—12 noon
In the synagogue library.
One old friend is better than two
new ones.
Yiddish Proverb
Needlework, knitting or crocheting.
Free coffee will be served.
For more information, contact
Sheila Ornstein 845.928.6244
(We do not meet if MW schools are
delayed or closed.)
Monroe Woodbury Jewish Community Center
PO Box 183
Monroe, New York 10949
Please Do Not Hold
Dated Material
April 2013
January 2015
Light candles………..……..Ends
May 3 — 7:37 pm
May 4 — 8:42 pm
3 —11
pm pm
10 —
9 — 4:25
Jan 10 — 5:30 pm
Light candles………..……..Ends
Jan 16— 4:33 pm
Jan 17 — 5:37 pm
Jan 23— 4:41 pm
Jan 24 — 5:45 pm
May 14 — 7:49 pm
May 15 — 8:55 pm
May 16 —8:56 pm
Jan 30— 4:50 pm
Jan 31 — 5:53 pm
Shabbat Light candles………..……..Ends
May 17 — 7:52 pm
May 18 — 8:59 pm
May 24 — 7:58 pm
May 25 —9:06 pm
Friday Night
6:00 PM
Shabbat Morning
9:00 AM
Sunday Morning
8:30 AM
If you would like to arrange a morning or evening
minyan for a yahrzeit call Mark Schulberg.