Neutrinos masses and ordering from Multi
Neutrinos masses and ordering from Multi
Neutrinos masses and ordering from Multi-messenger Astronomy Kasper Langæble In collaboration with A. Meroni and F. Sannino MASS 2016 Gravita'onalWaves AL REVIEW gnal-to- time of graded, o detect vational ition is me and 2 (90% t being es—i.e., al black equency z, where lausible orbiting sion. At ized by =5 this event, was operating but was not operating in observational this event, but not in ob mode. With only twomode. detectors positionthe is source p With the onlysource two detectors primarily determined primarily by the relative arrival timerelative and arrival determined by the P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S 2 PRL 116, 061102 (2016) localized to an area localized of approximately (90% to an area600 of deg approximately 600 d credible region) [39,46]. Observation ofevents Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger credible region) [39,46]. propagation time, the have a combined signal-toLIGO Scientific and Virgo Collaborations (B.P. Abbott (Caltech) et al.). The basic features ofThe GW150914 pointof toGW150914 it being point t basic features 116 no.6, 061102 (SNR) of 24(2016) [45]. week ending L E T noise T E R SratioPhys.Rev.Lett. 12 FEBRUARY 2016 produced by coalescence of black holes—i.e., Only the LIGO detectors werethe observing at the time produced byoftwo the coalescence of two black h GW150914. The Virgo detector wasand being upgraded, their orbital inspiral and merger, subsequent their orbital inspiral merger, and subsequent final and black and GEO 600, hole though not sufficiently to signal detect increases hole ringdown. Over 0.2 s,inthe signal increases in ringdown. Oversensitive 0.2 s, the frequency this event, was operating but not inand observational amplitude in35 about 8 cycles from 35 to 150 and amplitude in about 8 cycles from to 150 Hz, where mode. With only two detectors the source position is thea amplitude reaches a maximum. The mos the amplitude reaches maximum. primarily determined by the relative arrival time and The most plausible explanation this evolution the inspiral of tw for this evolution theforinspiral of two is orbiting localized to anexplanation area of approximately 600 deg2is(90% masses, m1 and m2 , due to gravitational-wave em credible region)masses, [39,46]. m1 and m2 , due to gravitational-wave emission. At the lower frequencies, such evolution The basic features of GW150914 point to itevolution being the lower frequencies, such is characterized by is charac produced by the coalescence of two black holes—i.e., the chirp mass [11] the chirp mass [11] their orbital inspiral and merger, and subsequent final black ; its time ant and n Fig. 1, ! 3=5 3 hole ringdown. Over 0.2 s, the signal increases in frequency ! " ðm m Þ c 5 −8=3 −11=3 1 2 FIG.f_ 3=5 3 3=5 m Þ c 5 π ¼ f M ¼ and amplitude in about 8 cyclesðm from 35 to 150 Hz, where 1 2 −8=3 f −11=3 1=5 f _ G ;96 from π ¼ M ¼ ðm þ m Þ 1 2 the amplitude reaches a maximum. The most plausible 1=5 G 96 ðm1 þ m2 Þ band explanation for this evolution is the inspiral of two orbiting Theani where f and masses, m1 and m2 , due to gravitational-wave emission. At f_ are the observed frequency where such f and f_ areisthe observed andtheitsgravitational time hole observed the lower frequencies, evolution characterized byfrequency derivative and G and c are co frequency the chirp mass [11] derivative and G and cspeed are the gravitational constant Top: Estimated gravitational-wave strain amplitude of light. Estimating f and f_ and from theeffec dat FIG. 2. (RS ¼ from GW150914 projected onto H1. This shows the full chirpmass totalmass ! " we obtain a chirp mass of M ≃ 30M , implyi FIG. 2. Top: Estimated ⊙ gravitatio bandwidth of the waveforms, without ðm1the m2filtering Þ3=5 used cfor3 Fig.5 1. −8=3 −11=3 _ 3=5 postThe inset images showM numerical of the blackπ from GW150914 projected onto ¼ f ; ¼ relativity models f total mass M ¼ m þ m is ≳70M in the dete ⊙1 2 ⊙ 1=5 96 hole horizons as the black holesðm coalesce. Bottom: The G Keplerian gravi 1þm 2Þ bandwidth of theSchwarzschild waveforms, without This bounds the sum of the ra effective black hole separation in units of Schwarzschild radii 1 2 ⊙ The inset images 2show numerical andrelM (RS ¼ 2GM=c2 ) and the effective relative velocity given by the speed of light. Estimating f and f_ from the data in Fig. 1, we obtain a chirp mass of M ≃ 30M , implying that the total mass M ¼ m þ m is ≳70M in the detector frame. to 2GM=c 210 km. To of thecomponents Schwarzschild radii of≳the _ This bounds the sumbinary Mul'-MessengerAstronomy Photons,neutrinosandgravita'onalwaves Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope LISA Gravitational waves Observatories Borexino Super-Kamiokande Antares IceCube SNEWS:SuperNovaEarlyWarningSystem Days Bay In theoffollowing the conditions th etection GWs we is explore a crucial test of under like the merging of a neutronbfpstar ±1 binary3 orran constrain the neutrino mass ordering and of or aabsoGW. Typically the emission time ofWe the t are believed to follow this pattern. wi 2 which multi-messenger astronomy can reveal +0.013 core bounce of a core-collapsed supernova (SN sin ✓ 0.304 0.270 ! 12 lativitylute and, as already discussed in 0.012 1 . Fo mass. and extend the of [14]. The di signals and ⌫)2 notation do coincide constrain the neutrino mass ordering and absoare(GW, believed to follow thisnot pattern. We will ado +0.052 sin ✓23 0.452 0.028 0.382 ! ure (see e.g. [14]), it is also important of the arrival times between the GWs an lute mass. extend the notation of [14]. The di↵eren stanceand in the supernova explosion SN1987A 2 +0.0010 e other relevant physical properties. sin ✓ 0.0218 0.0186 ! 13 trinos, ⌧ ⌘ t t , or the GW and ah 0.0010 of the arrival times between the GWs ne ⌫ g obs the neutrinos arrived approximately 2 – 3 II. MULTI-MESSENGER ASTRONOMY 2 observables, information can be derived when ⌧obs⌧⌘ which trinos, t g , 5both or GW+0.19 and a 7.02 photo [10 eVthe ] 7.50 ! g ,221are obst ⌘ t⌫tm 0.17 before the associated photons. II.Neutrino MULTI-MESSENGER ASTRONOMY masses and ordering via gravitational waves, photon and neutrino detections ⌧ ⌘ t t , areDenmark, observables, which b positive or negative an +0.047 early or can late g g, for example, their propagation 2 for 2both3Odense, obs Kasper Langaeble, Aurora Meroni, Francesco Sannino (Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins & U. Southernm DIAS). [10 eV ] +2.457 +2.317 ! 2 The detection of GWs is a crucialLet testusofassume now 3`that a neutrino 0.047 is emitte CP3-ORIGINS-2016-010-DNRF90, DIAS-2016-10 positive or negative for an early or time late arriv of a GW. Typically the emission of th with those of photons and neutrinos e-Print: arXiv:1603.00230 The detection of and, GWs as is already a crucialdiscussed testE of Ein ⌫ general relativity 1. t⌫ = t gof+a ⌧signals and detected at time t . A relativ GW. Typically the emission time of the thr ⌫ (GW, and ⌫) do not coincide the fit to general relativity and, already in Table I.intThree-flavor oscillation parameters from th from the same astrophysical source. the literature (see [14]), it isdiscussed also important 1 scale 2 ⌧ signals (GW, and ⌫) do not coincide .SN1987 For i mass eigenstate neutrino with mass m c stance in the supernova explosion by the NuFIT group [17]. The numbers in the 1st (2nd i We can get information of the e.g.relevant [14]), it is also important deduce (see other physical properties. LIGO thetoliterature 2 2 2 2 stance [16 m3`the ⌘ inneutrinos mthe > supernova 0 for NO andexplosion mapproximately ⌘ m32SN1987A < 0 for IO. 31 3`group arrived 2 – i = 1, 2, 3 ) propagates with a velocity: to deduce other relevant physical properties. GW masses: have Mul'-MessengerAstronomy This new information can be derived when the neutrinos arrived approximately 2 – 3 hou Tg before the associated photons. new information can be their derived when 0 4 8emitted 1 my. This comparing, for example, propagation before the associated photons. 2 4 t with respect to a massless particle, i Let us assume now thatBamneutrino isbyem m c c comparing, for example, their propagation C v BB isi is CC emitted isource now i that er ex- velocity with those of photons and neutrinos Let us assume a neutrino A. Set-up the same at the same time, E E ⌫ + O B@ at time CA ,t⌫ . A rela ⌧ and detected ⌫ with those of photons and neutrinos E t⌫E = t g⌫=+ 1 velocity 2 4 int detected com- coming both from the same astrophysical source. c⌧int and 2E 8Et⌫ . A relativist2 t = t + at time ⌫ g T ⌫ eigenstate neutrino with mass2 mi c o de- coming both from the same astrophysical source. massmass !2with eigenstate neutrino mass mi c ⌧ E 2 c4 ✓ ◆ 2 2 m art by considering a potential obsermi c E a group L veloci i = 1,i 2, L3 ) propagates with g the wherei =we thea group di↵erent speci t1, = 2.57thatwith s. 3 )2propagates velocity: i 2,assumed c eV MeV 50kpc 2E an astrophysical catastrophe. Using 01 4 a 1 com 2 4 8 neutrinos have been produced with 0 (2) T m c m c B C 2 4 4 8 v CC i m c i Bm cB CC i expann the notation of [14], we A. denote with T g ⌘ A.Set-up Set-up vnot BB+ cosmic i take=into i account iO B 1 , ( B Here we do CC , is4 CAprod @ = 1 + O B energy value E. If a given neutrino 2 @ 8E4 A8E as c 2E The neutrinos are produced 2 2E mass c sion since we consider sources at low redshift, ⌘ L/v⌫i and T ⌘ L/v respectively the byobsera source atThis a distance L, the time-of-flight d E E E a de- Let’s t t t t t t z < 0.1. causes an error less than 5%. From Let’s start by considering a potential flavor eigenstates but travel as g ⌫ g ⌫ start by considering potential obseropagation of a GW, a given aneutrino where weinassumed thatdi↵erent the di↵erent sp where we assumed that the species the expression (2) we observe that larger dise sur- vation vation of astrophysical catastrophe. Using of an an astrophysical catastrophe. Using mass eigenstates. neutrinos have been produced with a c nstate and photons with group velocineutrinos have been produced with a commo tances and small neutrino energies are needed in , will the Figure 1.notation GW, neutrino and propagation the same notation of [14], we denote same of [14], wephoton denote withwith T1g In⌘Tin g ⌘ alternative theory of gravity the three particles energy value E. If a given neutrino is pr energy value E. If a given neutrino is produce order to maximise the experimental sensitivity. and v . Following Fig. 1 a GW is emittime. when L/vL/v ⌘ L/v ⌘ L/v the T T ⌘ L/v respectively Tgrespectively L/vg the g, T ⌫i and g ,⌫iT⌘ ⌫i L/v ⌫i and study —aby photons, gravitons neutrinos— canan cou For distances around 50 and kpc (SN1987A) and by source at a distance L, the time-of-flight dela a source at a distance L, the time-of-fligh E time time t gtime from apropagation source at La and of of propagation of distance aofGW, a given neutrino a GW, given neutrino di↵erent e↵ective metrics. In this case the Shapiro energy of 10 MeV, a neutrino with a mass of 0.07 Whatdoweknowaboutneutrinos? trivial massive neutrinos implies that the left-handed (L I⌫lLThe mixing (x) =three Uljneutrino ⌫neutrino l= e, µ,and ⌧, framework (1.1) jL (x), mixing jneutrino fields ⌫lL (x), which enter into the expression for the lepton curr In the formalism used tocurrent construct the Standard Model (SM), the existence of combinations a noncharged weak interaction Lagrangian, are linear of th The three neutrino mixing framework trivial neutrino mixing and massive neutrinos implies that the left-handed (LH) flavour (orwhich more) neutrinos ⌫ja, mass havingmmasses mj 6= ofthree the field of ⌫enter 0 and U 0: is a in the where ⌫jL (x) is the LH component j possessing j the neutrino fields ⌫ (x), into the expression for lepton current Whatdoweknowaboutneutrinos? unitary matrix —thetoPontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata neutrino mixing n the formalism used construct the Standard Model (PMNS) (SM), the existence of maa nonlL Xcombinations of the fields of charged current weak interaction Lagrangian, are linear = U(CKM) l = e, µ, ⌧, (or more) ⌫j , having masses⌫m 6= 0: lLj(x) lj ⌫jL (x),quark UPMNS .three Similarly to neutrinos the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa [3, 4, 9], U ⌘ ivialtrix neutrino mixing and massive neutrinos impliesX that the left-handed (LH) flavour j mixing matrix, the leptonic matrix UPMNS , is described (to a good approximation) by ⌫lL (x) = Uljfor ⌫jL (x), = e, µ, ⌧, current in the (1.1) eutrino fields ⌫lL (x), which enter into the expression the l lepton a 3 ⇥ 3 unitary mixing matrix. In thewhere widely parametrization [6],ofU⌫PMNS (x) isstandard the jLH component of the field 0 ⌫jLused j possessing a mass mj They oscillate! harged current weak interaction Lagrangian, are linear combinations of the fields of is expressed in terms of the solar, atmospheric and—the reactor neutrino mixing angles ✓12 , (PMNS) neutrino m unitary matrix Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (x) is the LH component of the field of ⌫j possessing a mass mj 0 and U is a where ⌫ jL hree✓(or more) neutrinos ⌫ , having masses m = 6 0: j j and ✓ , respectively, and one Dirac , and two (eventually) Majorana [21] - ↵21 trix [3, 4, 9], U ⌘ U . Similarly to the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CK 23 13 PMNS unitary matrix —the Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (PMNS) neutrino mixing mathetoleptonic matrix UPMNS , is described (to a good approxim and ↵31 , CP violating phases: X trix [3, 4, 9], U mixing ⌘ UPMNSmatrix, . Similarly the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) quark ⌫lLmixing (x) = ⌫3jL (x),matrix l =Ue, µ,, ⌧, (1.1) parametrization 3lj⇥leptonic unitary mixing matrix. In the (to widely used standard matrix,aU the is described a good approximation) by PMNS a 3 ⇥⌘ 3 unitary widely parametrization [6], UPMNS expressed in ,In terms of21the solar, atmospheric and(1.2) reactor neutrino mixing UPMNS U =j Vismixing (✓ )the Q(↵ , ↵used ) ,standard 12 , ✓matrix. 23 , ✓13 31 j atmospheric = 1, 2, 3 and reactor neutrino mixing angles ✓12 , Majorana is expressed in✓terms of the solar, 23 and ✓13 , respectively, and one Dirac - , and two (eventually) ✓23 and ✓13 , respectively, and one Dirac - , and two (eventually) Majorana [21] - ↵21 andfield ↵31 , CP phases:a mass mj where of violating the of ⌫violating 0 and U is a here ⌫jL (x) is the LH component j possessing and Pontecorvo ↵31 , CP phases: 1Maki 0 1 0(PMNS) neutrino 1 mixing manitary matrix0—the Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata i 1 0 0 c13 0PMNS s13⌘e U = V (✓U12PMNS c12 0 ,12 ⌘13 ,Us)12 = V 21 (✓ , ✓)23 , ✓13 , ) Q(↵21 ,(1.2) ↵31 ) , U , ✓ , ✓ Q(↵ ↵ , 23 31 Nakagawa OSCILLATION 249 ix [3,TakaakiKajita 4, 9], U @⌘ 0UPMNS . Similarly Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark A @ to0the NEUTRINO A @ s12 cPROBABILITY A(CKM) c s 1 0 0 V = , (1.3) 23 23 12 andArthurB.McDonald Sakata where where mixing matrix, the leptonic matrix U (to 0a good by PMNS 0 s23 c23 0 approximation) 1 s13 ei ,0is described c13 10 11 0 coefficient of0 |ν1widely 01 0standard 1 0 1 β ⟩, 0 i 3 ⇥ 3 unitary mixing matrix. In the used parametrization [6], U i 0 c 0 s e c s 0 PMNS 13 13 12 12 1 0 0 c13 0 s13 e c12 s12 0 @ A @ A @ A ! 0 c23 cijs23⌘ 0✓ij , the s12 c12 0 A V =atmospheric ,✓12 and we have used of thethe standard notation cos ✓reactor ⌘neutrino sin@ allowed range ij0, sijs 1 expressed in terms solar, @and A @ , (1.3) A ∗0 mixing −iEangles 0 c 1 s c 0 V = k t0 23 23 12 12 i A (t) ≡ ⟨ν |ν (t)⟩ = U U e , (7.16) βe α 0 0 ✓ s23ν c⇡/2, 0 0 1 s13 c13 α →ν αk i βk 23β for the values of the angles being 0 and ij and ✓ , respectively, and one Dirac , and two (eventually) Majorana - ↵21 0 0 s c 0 1 s e 0 c[21] 23 13 23 23 13 13 k and we have used the standard notation cij ⌘ cos ✓ij , sij ⌘ sin ✓ij , the allowed range nd ↵31 , CP violating phases: i↵21 /2 i↵31 /2 is for thethe amplitude ofwe →being νeβ transitions anotation functioncijof⌘time. Qvalues = Diag(1, eναhave ,used and cos(1.4) ✓ijThe , sij transition ⌘ sin ✓ij , the allo of the angles 0 the ✓)ij.standard ⇡/2,asand probability is, then, by of the angles being 0 ✓ij ⇡/2, and for thegiven values i↵ /2 i↵,31 /2 21 UPMNS ⌘ U = V (✓12 , ✓23 , ✓13Q,= )Diag(1, Q(↵ , ↵ ) (1.2) (1.4) 21 31 e , e ). !years, allowed The neutrino oscillation data, accumulated over"2many to determine " ∗ ∗ i↵ −i(E −E )t "Aνα →ν (t)" = 21 /2k i↵j31 /2 P (t) = U U U U e . ). (7.17) ν →ν βk αj Q = Diag(1, e , e α αk βj β β the frequencies and the amplitudes (i.e. the angles the mass di↵erences) The neutrino oscillation data, and accumulated over squared many years, allowed to determine herewhich drive the solar andthe k,j frequencies and the amplitudes (i.e. the angles and thehigh mass precision squared di↵erences) atmospheric neutrino oscillations, with a rather The oscillation data, accumulated overhigh many years, allowed to 0 [6]). Furthermore, 1 0 1 0 1 which drive the solar andneutrino atmospheric neutrino oscillations, with a rather precision (see, e.g., there were spectacular developments in the period June i ultrarelativistic neutrinos, the dispersion eqnangles (7.8) can be approxi1 0 0For(see, c13the 0 s13 ethere c12 relation sdevelopments 0the frequencies and thespectacular amplitudes ( theJune mass squared d 12 e.g., [6]). Furthermore, were in the and period 2011 -@ June 2012 year in what concerns theinCHOOZ angle . In June of✓ 2011 the T2K the with A @by Aand @✓13 AJune 2011 - June 0 2012 year1drive what the CHOOZ of 2011 which the solar atmospheric 0 c23 s23mated 0concerns s12 2 angle c12 neutrino V = , oscillations, (1.3) T2K a rather hig 130. In Whatdoweknowaboutneutrinos? Normal Ordering bfp ±1 3 range Inverted Ordering bfp ±1 3 range sin2 ✓12 0.304+0.013 0.012 0.270 ! 0.344 0.304+0.013 0.012 0.270 ! 0.344 sin2 ✓23 0.452+0.052 0.028 0.382 ! 0.643 0.579+0.025 0.037 0.389 ! 0.644 sin2 ✓13 0.0218+0.0010 0.0186 ! 0.0250 0.0219+0.0011 0.0188 ! 0.0251 0.0010 0.0010 m221 [10 5 eV2 ] m23` [10 3 eV2 ] +2.457+0.047 +2.317 ! +2.607 0.047 7.50+0.19 0.17 7.02 ! 8.09 7.50+0.19 0.17 2.449+0.048 0.047 7.02 ! 8.09 2.590 ! 2.307 Table I. Three-flavor oscillation parameters from the fit to global data after the NOW 2014 conference pe by the NuFIT group [17]. The numbers in the 1st (2nd) column are obtained assuming NO (IO). N m23` ⌘ m231 > 0 for NO and m23` ⌘ m232 < 0 for IO. ti with respect to a massless particle, emitted by B. Neutrino orderings: current statu Whatdoweknowaboutneutrinos? The time delay between mass eigenstates t i j = ti m2ij tj = L 2 2E i, j = 1, 2, 3 Normal Ordering bfp ±1 3 range Inverted Ordering bfp ±1 3 range sin2 ✓12 0.304+0.013 0.012 0.270 ! 0.344 0.304+0.013 0.012 0.270 ! 0.344 sin2 ✓23 0.452+0.052 0.028 0.382 ! 0.643 0.579+0.025 0.037 0.389 ! 0.644 sin2 ✓13 0.0218+0.0010 0.0186 ! 0.0250 0.0219+0.0011 0.0188 ! 0.0251 0.0010 0.0010 m221 [10 5 eV2 ] m23` [10 3 eV2 ] +2.457+0.047 +2.317 ! +2.607 0.047 7.50+0.19 0.17 7.02 ! 8.09 7.50+0.19 0.17 2.449+0.048 0.047 7.02 ! 8.09 2.590 ! 2.307 Table I. Three-flavor oscillation parameters from the fit to global data after the NOW 2014 conference pe by the NuFIT group [17]. The numbers in the 1st (2nd) column are obtained assuming NO (IO). N m23` ⌘ m231 > 0 for NO and m23` ⌘ m232 < 0 for IO. ti with respect to a massless particle, emitted by B. Neutrino orderings: current statu Whatdoweknowaboutneutrinos? Incoherent detection probability 2 )i = |U i | |U i | P( 2 i, j = 1, 2, 3 , = e, µ, Normal Ordering bfp ±1 3 range Inverted Ordering bfp ±1 3 range sin2 ✓12 0.304+0.013 0.012 0.270 ! 0.344 0.304+0.013 0.012 0.270 ! 0.344 sin2 ✓23 0.452+0.052 0.028 0.382 ! 0.643 0.579+0.025 0.037 0.389 ! 0.644 sin2 ✓13 0.0218+0.0010 0.0186 ! 0.0250 0.0219+0.0011 0.0188 ! 0.0251 0.0010 0.0010 m221 [10 5 eV2 ] m23` [10 3 eV2 ] +2.457+0.047 +2.317 ! +2.607 0.047 7.50+0.19 0.17 7.02 ! 8.09 7.50+0.19 0.17 2.449+0.048 0.047 7.02 ! 8.09 2.590 ! 2.307 Table I. Three-flavor oscillation parameters from the fit to global data after the NOW 2014 conference pe by the NuFIT group [17]. The numbers in the 1st (2nd) column are obtained assuming NO (IO). N m23` ⌘ m231 > 0 for NO and m23` ⌘ m232 < 0 for IO. ti with respect to a massless particle, emitted by B. Neutrino orderings: current statu Whatisunknown? 2 0.307+0.018 0.016 3 +0.024 0.021 +0.039 0.022 0.30 ± 0.013 perimental data we have summarized in Table 1.1 are compa The0.386 experimental 0.41 data we have summarized in Table 1.1 are co Whatisunknown? rino neutrino mass patterns (see Figure 1.1): 1.1): 0.392 0.41 0.59 rent mass patterns (see Figure +0.037 0.025 +0.037 0.025 +0.021 0.022 0.0241 ± 0.0025 0.0244+0.0023 0.0025 0.023 ± 0.0023 MassHierarchy comparable to that of LBNE. European long-baseline projects (LAGUNA-LBNO) involve an intense neutrino source at CERN, a near detector, and a (phased) 100 kT underground LAr detector at Pyhäsalmi in Finland, at a baseline of 2300 km. The long baseline, large detector mass, underground location, near detector, and a broad-band neutrino beam from a 2 MW proton source make LAGUNA-LBNO an ultimate neutrino oscillation experiment, with outstanding sensitivity to both the neutrino mass hierarchy and CP . However, the timescale, costs, and priority to host such an experiment in Europe are not well defined at present. JUNO is a 20 kT liquid scintillator detector to be located at the solar oscillation maximum, approximately 60 km away from two nuclear power plants in China. This experiment plans to exploit subtle distortions in the neutrino energy spectrum sensitive to the sign of rum with normal ordering (NO), (NO), m1 < m m12 <<mm2 3< , correspond • spectrum with normal ordering m3 , corresp e summarizes two recent global 2 fit analysis for the neutrino os- 2 2 2 2 ? > 0m and >✓m 0;31 > 0; ⌘ to 1 uncertainty. For ⌘ m ,m sinm ✓ 31 and sin 1orresponding A 21 > 0mand A 3 2 31 2 23 2 13 corresponds to normal (inverted) neutrino mass ordering. These ds to extract them from experimental data are discussed in re[30]. 1 Motivations and Goals 8! • spectrum with inverted (IO), m2 , corresp rum with inverted (IO), m m31 <<mm1 2< , correspond 1ordering Motivationsordering and Goals 3 <m ata we have summarized in Table 1.1 are compatible with dif2 2 2 < 0. 2 2 m > 0 and m ⌘ m > (see 0 Figure and m 21 1.1): mA ⌘ A32 < 0.32 2 1tterns 6 6 PINGU 7! Long Baseline m221 ? 1 62 22 ⌘ 6 m mal ordering (NO), m1 < m2 < m3 , corresponding to m ? 21 1 2 2 mA ⌘ m31 > 0; m232 erted ordering (IO), m3 < m1 < m m232 m2 ⌘ 2 , corresponding to 2 2 m0. 21 m2A ⌘ m6 ?32 < ?3 2 Inverted Ordering m 6 Normal Ordering 21 ? ? 3 of the light neutrino mass min(mj ), the neutrino mass spectrum Stated MH Sensitivity 6! 5! JUNO / RENO-50 4! epending on the of the light neutrino mass min(m the neutr j ),neutrino on the value of value the light neutrino mass min(m ), the j n be: q q 2 • normal hierarchical (NH): m1 ⌧ m2 < m3 so m2 ⇠ 2 m , m Hierarchy (NH)normal q left) q possible Normal neutrino mass spectra: with ordering (NO, 3! NO!A+T2K 2! PINGU 1! 2010 2015 2020 Cosmology 2025 2030 al hierarchical (NH): m1 ⌧ m2 < White m3Paper: so Measuring m2 ⇠the Neutrino Mass m , m3 ⇠ al (NH): m1neutrino ⌧ m2 <mass m3 spectra: so m2 ⇠with normal m2 , mordering m2A left) ring (IO, right). two possible (NO, 3 ⇠ ordering (IO, right). Inverted Hierarchy (IH) q al (IH): m3 ⌧ m1 < m2 so m1,2 ⇠ m q2A hical (IH): m3 ⌧ m1 < m2 so m1,2 ⇠ m2A QD): m1 Quasi u m2 uDegenerate m3 u m0 , m2j(QD) | m2A |, i.e. m0 > 0.1eV e (QD): m1 u m2 u m3 u m0 , m2j | m2A |, i.e. m0 > 0.1eV that the global fit analyses we are referring to, [29] and [30], Year Figure 23: Summary of sensitivities to the neutrino mass hierarchy for various experimental approaches,Hierarchy with timescales, as claimed by the proponents in each case. In the case of PINGU, forR.N. which multiple the proponents’ sensitivity Cahn, D.A.studies Dwyer,exist, S.J. Freedman, W.C.stated Haxton, R.W. [29] is shown in the dark blue region, with the larger blue analysis of Kadel, Yu.G. Kolomensky, K.B.region Luk, P.representing McDonald, the G.D.independent Orebi Ref. [7]. One di↵erence between the two is the consideration of a wider range of oscillation parameters in [7] (see Section 6 for details). The vertical scale of each region represents the spread in the expected sensitivity after the full exposure. We do not attempt to project the natural increase in sensitivity over time. Note: the “long baseline” region represents the inclusive range of sensitivities for individual long-baseline experiments (LBNE, HyperK, and LBNO) rather than a combined sensitivity. d CERN, Theory Division, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland e LAPTh, Univ. de Savoie, CNRS, B.P.110, Annecy-le-Vieux F-74941, France f DGA, 7 rue des Mathurins, 92221 Bagneux cedex, France g INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Via G. B. Tiepolo 11, 34131 Trieste, Italy h INFN/National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Via Valerio 2, I-34127 Trieste, Italy i Department of Physics and Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics, Ohio State UniverI The three neutrino mixing framework sity, Columbus, OH 43210, USA E-mail:,,,,, Planck temperature power spectrum with a WMAP polarization low Whatisunknown? AbsoluteMass and ACT high-multipole (` 2500) data. We refer to this CMB da 0.20 0.15 0.10 TRIN S mi @eVD KATRIN Σ m i [eV] Abstract. We present constraints on neutrino masses, the primordial fluctuation spectrum from Planck+WP. In Measuring this case Ly↵-forest the upperpower limitwith on athe sum of the neutrin inflation, and other parameters of the ⇤CDM model, using the one-dimensional neutrino masses future galaxy survey Jan Hamann, Steen Hannestad, Yvonne Y.Y. Wong. 1 measured by Palanque-Delabrouille et al. [1] from the Baryon spectrum Oscillation Spectroscopic ⌃m 0.66 eV at 95% C.L. (Planck + WP), JCAP 1211 (2012) i <052 Planck+WP Survey (BOSS) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-III), complemented by Planck 2015 cosmic Combining the latter withimproves the Barion microwave background (CMB) data and other cosmological probes. This paper on theAcoustic Oscillation data ( Planck 2013 results. XVI. Cosmological parameters 0.50 analysis by Palanque-Delabrouille QD significantly lowered at set of calibrating previous et al. [2] by using a more powerful Astron.Astrophys. 571 (2014) A16 hydrodynamical simulations that reduces uncertainties associated with resolution and box size, by ⌃ mi <of0.23 eV at 95% C.L. (Planck + WP + BAO adopting a Planck+WP+BAO more flexible set of nuisance parameters for describing the evolution the intergalactic medium, by including additional freedom to account for uncertainties, using Planck into limits on the absolut Thesystematic above upper limits and canbybe converted Neutrino masses and cosmology with Lyman-alpha forest 2015 constraints in place of Planck 2013. masses that readpower respectively spectrum mmin . 0.22 eV in the more conserva Fitting Ly↵ data leads to cosmological parameters in excellent agreement the values BOSS Lyα alone + Planck CMB Palanque-Delabrouille (IRFU, SPP, Saclay) et al..1.10). This is and mmin . 0.07Nathalie eV in the with more stringent case (eq. 1511 (2015)nno.11, 011 derived weak tension on theJCAP scalar index s . Combining 0.10 independently from CMB data, except for a 1.2. P BOSS Ly↵ IH with Planck CMB constrains the sum of neutrino masses to m⌫ < 0.12 eV (95% C.L.) including all identified systematic uncertainties, tighter than our previous limit (0.15 1.50 eV) and more robust. to reionization 0.05 Adding NH Ly↵ data to CMB data reduces the uncertainties on the optical depth 1.00 ⌧, through the correlation of ⌧ with 8 . Similarly, correlations between cosmological parameters -4 10 0.001 0.010 ratio 0.100 1 fluctuations r. The tension 0.70 on n s canPlanck+WP help in constraining the tensor-to-scalar of primordial be accommodated by allowing for a running dn s /d ln k. Allowing running as a free parameter in the fits 0.50 m Pmin [eV] does not change the limit on m⌫ . We discuss possible interpretations of these results in the context 0.30 of slow-roll inflation. Planck+WP+BAO Setup We need a distant source of GW, neutrinos and photon, e.g. a core collapse SN, that emits a short burst. Real Signal Simplified Signal Simplification L L Burst int Burst Time Time-dependent luminosity and energy distribution int Time Box signal characterized only by the mean energy Setup We need a distant source of GW, neutrinos and photon, e.g. a core collapse SN, that emits a short burst. Simplified Signal Distance L Prob. 1 Burst Time int Box signal characterized only by the mean energy 3 Time { { int 2 t1 t12 t13 Whatinforma'oncanweget? Prob. When t1 can be disentangled from int and detector timing uncertainties, we can get information on the absolute mass. 1 int 3 Time { { 2 t1 t12 t13 When t13 can be disentangled from int and/or detector timing uncertainties, we can get information on the hierarchy. Whatdoesitrequire? int O(10) ms Super K O(1) ms detector O(10 detector 1 Hyper K ) ms Absolute Mass 1 for E = 10 MeV QD Planck+WP+BAO BOSS Lyα + Planck CMB 0.10 0.05 KATRIN mmin = 0.2 eV −→ 0.5 Mpc 0.50 Σ m i [eV] mmin = 0.07 eV −→ 4 Mpc Planck+WP IH NH 10-4 0.001 0.010 mmin [eV] 0.100 1 Whatdoesitrequire? int O(10) ms detector detector O(1) ms O(10 Hierarchy (high statistics) Super K −→ 0.8 Mpc Hyper K −→ 0.08 Mpc Hierarchy (low statistics) Normal Ordering ∆t13 > τint −→ 8 Mpc 1 ) ms Super K Hyper K ExpectednumberofeventsforHyperK 2 Low number of events at required distances What can improve the number of events: Detection Probability 1 in Super-Kamiokande (22.5 kton) is ∼ 104 , corresponding P(≥1) ; 12-38 MeV to 1 event at 1 Mpc, 0.1 events at 3 Mpc, and so on. For P(≥1) ; 18-30 MeV an expected number of events µ, the Poisson probability P(≥2) ; 15-35 MeV to detect n events is Pn = µn e−µ /n!; for small µ, we 0.8 scale P1 ≃ µ by the number of supernovae. As shown in Fig. 2, for each supernova within, say 4 Mpc, the chance of detecting a single neutrino (or a background event; see 0.6 below) in Super-Kamiokande is ∼ 3%. While small, this should motivate a careful analysis of their data. To make this technique more efficient, detectors larger 0.4 than Super-Kamiokande are needed. We consider a sim• Larger (Linear) ilar detector with detector a 1-Mton fiducial volume, which is somewhat larger than the proposed detectors, but if two • Less uncertainty on int (Quadratic) 0.2 are built, the combined mass could exceed 1 Mton. In Fig. 2, we show the detection probabilities for at least • Better time resolution (Quadratic) one or two events from a single supernova versus distance, along with the calculated supernova rate, which 0 coincidentally also varies from 0 to 1. For a 1-Mton de0 2 4 8 10 6 Distance D [Mpc] tector, both the detection probability per supernova and the relevant supernova rate are quite favorable, so that Detection of neutrinos supernovae in nearby galaxies FIG. 2: Probability of from detecting at least one (dotted and the supernova neutrino spectrum could be constructed, Shin'ichiro Ando (Ohio State U. & Tokyo U.), John F. Beacom (Ohio State U. & dashed curves) or Astron.), at leastHasan two Yuksel (solid(Ohio curves) neutriOhio State U., Dept. State supernova U. & Wisconsin U., slowly but (almost) steadily. Additionally, the detection Madison). 2005. 4 pp. Background considerations restrict the nos versusMar distance. of even a single neutrino could fix the start time of the Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 (2005) 171101 useful energy intervals, labeled here, and explained in the supernova to ∼ 10 seconds instead of ∼ 1 day, greatly retext. The upper set of curves is for a 1-Mton detector, and Thankyou!