UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DELL’AQUILA Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica - XX Ciclo Neutrino event analysis in the OPERA experiment: trigger confirmation and vertex location with nuclear emulsion automatic scanning Coordinatore Prof. Guido Visconti Candidata Natalia Di Marco Tutore Prof. Flavio Cavanna Relatore Prof. Piero Monacelli Gennaio 2008 To Enrica and Luca Contents Introduction 1 1 Neutrino physics 1.1 Neutrino masses and mixing . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 Dirac-Majorana mass term . . . . . . . . 1.1.2 The see-saw mechanism . . . . . . . . . 1.1.3 Three-neutrino mixing . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Neutrino oscillation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Phenomenology of three neutrino mixing 1.2.2 Neutrino oscillations in matter . . . . . . 2 Neutrino oscillation experiments 2.1 Solar neutrinos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Solar neutrino experiments . . . . . . . 2.1.2 The Kamland experiment . . . . . . . . 2.2 Atmospheric neutrinos . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Atmopheric neutrino experiments . . . 2.2.2 Long baseline experiments . . . . . . . 2.2.3 The reactor experiment Chooz . . . . . 2.3 Short baseline experiments . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 The global oscillation picture: know unknowns 2.5 Future prospects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The OPERA experiment 3.1 The CNGS beam . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 The OPERA detector . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Target section . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Muon Spectrometers . . . . . . 3.3 Operation mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Physics performances . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 τ detection and signal efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 9 . 13 . 15 . 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 19 20 23 25 26 27 29 31 32 33 . . . . . . . 35 35 36 37 41 42 44 44 . . . . . . . ii CONTENTS 3.5 3.4.2 Background estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.3 Sensitivity to νµ → ντ oscillation . . . . . . . 3.4.4 Search for the sub-leading νµ → νe oscillation PEANUT: Petit Exposure At NeUTrino beamline . . 3.5.1 The NuMI beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.2 The PEANUT detector . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Nuclear Emulsions 4.1 Basic properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 The latent image formation . . . . . . . 4.1.2 The development process . . . . . . . . 4.2 Characteristics of OPERA emulsions . . . . . . 4.2.1 The refreshing procedure at Tono mine 4.2.2 Distortions and shrinkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station 5.1 The Japanese S-UTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 The design of the European Scanning System . . 5.3 Hardware components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Optical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.3 The acquisition system . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 The on-line acquisition software . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Image processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 The off-line track reconstruction . . . . . . . . . 5.5.1 Base-track reconstruction . . . . . . . . . 5.5.2 Plate intercalibration and particle tracking 5.6 LNGS scanning station and ESS performances . . 6 Search for neutrino events 6.1 Analysis scheme . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 SFT Predictions . . . . . . 6.1.2 Doublet analysis . . . . . 6.1.3 SFT-CS Matching . . . . 6.1.4 Scan Back and Total Scan 6.2 Analysis of brick BL056 . . . . . 6.3 Analysis of brick BL045 . . . . . 6.4 Vertex reconstruction . . . . . . . 6.5 Data - Monte Carlo comparison . 6.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 47 47 50 51 53 . . . . . . 59 60 60 61 64 65 68 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 . . 72 . . 72 . . 74 . . 74 . . 76 . . 78 . . 80 . . 80 . . 82 . . 83 . . 84 . . 86 . . 88 . . . . . . . . . . 91 91 92 95 98 100 103 106 118 121 123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTENTS iii Conclusions 127 Bibliography 129 Introduction During the last decades, research in the field of neutrino physics achieved significant improvements in the knowledge of neutrino properties. In the Standard Model, neutrinos are classified as massless, left-handed particles. Nevertheless, first the problem of the solar neutrino deficit, observed by Davis in the late sixties, and then the evidence for the atmospheric neutrino anomaly observed and confirmed by several experiments using different neutrino sources like SK, KamLAND and K2K, seems by now to have a natural explanation in the neutrino oscillation theory. Consequently, an extension of the Standard Model in order to accommodate a neutrino mass term (or an indication for physics beyond the Standard Model), is unavoidable. Despite the fact that there are many experimental evidences supporting the νµ → ντ solution for the atmospheric neutrino oscillation channel, a direct evidence of the ντ appearance is still missing. The OPERA experiment aims at measuring the ντ appearance in an almost pure νµ beam produced at CERN SPS, 732 Km far from the detector. The ντ appearance signal is detected through the measurement of the decay daughter particles of the τ lepton produced in CC ν τ interaction. Since the short-lived τ particle has an average decay length of ∼1 mm, a micrometric detection resolution is needed. For this purpose the OPERA detector, placed in the hall ”C” of the Gran Sasso National Underground Laboratories, requires the use of a large amount of nuclear emulsions, the highest spatial resolution tracking detector. The basic unit of the OPERA detector is based on the concept of ECC (Emulsion Cloud Chamber), a modular structure composed by passive material (lead) and nuclear emulsion sheets. Electronic detectors complete the target section of the apparatus, while muon identification is performed by means of two magnetised spectrometers. The ECCs are arranged in a compact structure called ”brick” and composed by 57, 300 µm tick, emulsion films alternated with 56, 1 mm tick, lead layers. ∼154750 bricks will be produced for a total sensitive mass of ∼ 1.3 kton. In order to cope with the analysis of the large number of emulsion sheets related to neutrino interactions, a new generation of fast automatic optical microscopes was developed. The long R&D carried out by the European component of 2 Introduction the OPERA collaboration, gave rise to the European Scanning System (ESS) with a scanning speed one order of magnitude bigger (∼ 20 cm2 /h) than that of the systems employed in past experiments. Several test beam exposures were performed in order to evaluate efficiency, purity, instrumental background and speed of the automatic microscope. Considering the first OPERA run in October 2007, and in order to test and optimise the vertex finding and reconstruction chain, a new test beam exposure was carried out: some OPERA-like bricks were exposed in 2005 to the NuMI ν µ beam. The analysis scheme of nuclear emulsions exposed in the so called PEANUT exposure test, traces the OPERA one from the electronic trigger confirmation in nuclear emulsions up to the localisation of the interaction vertex and the study of the scattering topology. The work presented in this thesis, focuses on the analysis of CC neutrino interaction recorded in PEANUT bricks, performed at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory Scanning Station. The thesis work is organised as follow. A summary of the main neutrino theory properties and a review of the recent experimental results are the subjects of Chapter 1 and 2 respectively. In Chapter 3 a detailed description of the OPERA detector, together with the physical performances of the experiment is presented. The PEANUT exposure test is also described. The properties of the nuclear emulsions employed in OPERA are summarised in Chapter 4, while in Chapter 5 a detailed description of the European Scanning System (ESS) is presented together with the study of the performances of the automatic microscopes installed at LNGS Scanning Station. Finally, in Chapter 6 the methods and the results of the analysis of two PEANUT bricks are presented. Chapter 1 Neutrino physics The study of neutrinos properties represents, by now from decades, a fundamental field of particle physics. The existence of neutrinos was postulated by W. Pauli in 1930 as an attempt to explain the continuous spectrum of β-decay [1]: “I have hit upon a desperate remedy to save the exchange theorem of statistics and the law of conservation of energy. Namely, the possibility that there could exist in the nuclei electrically neutral particles, that I wish to call neutrons, which have spin 1/2 and obey the exclusion principle and which further differ from light quanta in that they do not travel with the velocity of light. The mass of the neutrons should be of the same order of magnitude as the electron mass and in any event not larger than 0.01 proton masses . . . ” The estimate of the cross-section was suggested by the old idea that particles emitted in β-decay were previously bound in the parent nucleus (as happens in α-decay), rather than created in the decay process. In a 1934 paper containing ”speculations too remote from reality” (and therefore rejected by the journal Nature) Fermi overcame this misconception and introduced a new energy scale (the ”Fermi” or electroweak scale) in the context of a model able of predicting neutrino couplings in terms of β-decay lifetimes. Following a joke by Amaldi, the new particle was renamed neutrino after that the true neutron had been identified by Chadwick in 1932. Neutrinos were finally directly observed by Cowan and Reines in 1956 in a nuclear reactor experiment and found to be left–handed in 1958 [2]. Later it was established that there were two different types of neutrino, one associated with the electron and one with the muon. A muon neutrino beam was made using the π → µνµ decays. The νµ interacted in a target producing muons and not electrons νµ + p → µ− + n [3]. These experiments, along with many 4 Neutrino physics others, have experimentally established that νe and νµ are the neutral partners of the electron and muon, respectively, and helped to shape our understanding of weak interactions in the Standard Model (SM). During the sixties and seventies, electron and muon neutrinos of high energy were used to probe the composition of nucleons. The experiments gave evidence for quarks and established their properties. In 1970, Glashow, Illiopoulos and Maiani made the hypothesis of the existence of a second quark family, which should correspond to the second family of leptons; this hypothesis was confirmed by experiments at the end of 1974. In 1973 neutral currents (neutrino interaction with matter where neutrino is not transformed into another particle like muon or electron) were discovered at CERN and confirmed at Fermilab. In 1977 the b quark, that is one quark of the third quark family, was discovered at Fermilab, almost at the same time that Martin Perl discovered the τ lepton at SLAC. The corresponding neutrino ντ was finally observed experimentally only in 2001 at Fermilab by the DONUT experiment [4]. A complete knowledge of weak interactions came after the discoveries of the W and the Z bosons in 1983; in 1989 the study of the Z boson width allowed to show that only three lepton families (and then three types of neutrinos) exist [5]. Precision confirmations of the validity of the SM at low and high energy were experimentally given in the 90s at LEP. The work that led to the first evidence for a neutrino anomaly was done by Bahcall et al. (that predicted the solar νe flux) and by Davis et al. (that, using a technique suggested by Pontecorvo, since 1968 measured a ν e flux smaller than the predicted one) [6]. Despite significant efforts, up to few years ago, it was not clear if there was a solar neutrino problem or a neutrino solar problem. Phenomenologists pointed out a few clean signals possibly produced by oscillations, but could not tell which ones are large enough to be detected. Only in 2002 two of these signals have been discovered. The SNO solar experiment found evidence for νµ,τ appearance and the KamLAND experiment confirmed the solar anomaly discovering disappearance of νe from terrestrial (japanese) reactors. In the meantime, analyzing the atmospheric neutrinos, originally regarded as background for proton decay searches, in 1998 the japanese (Super)Kamiokande experiment established a second neutrino anomaly, confirmed around 2004 by K2K, the first long base-line neutrino beam experiment [8]. Even so, the high energy physics community started turning toward the search for physics beyond the SM, in particular for a non zero neutrino mass. 1.1 Neutrino masses and mixing 5 1.1 Neutrino masses and mixing In the 60’s, on the basis of the knowledge available at that time on the existing elementary particles and their properties, the Standard Model was formulated. Following the so-called two-component theory of Landau [12], Lee and Yang [13], and Salam [14], neutrinos were though to be massless and were described by left-handed Weyl spinors. This description has been reproduced in the Standard Model of Glashow [9], Weinberg [10] and Salam [11] assuming the non existence of right-handed neutrino fields, which are necessary in order to generate Dirac neutrino masses with the same Higgs mechanism that generates the Dirac masses of quarks and charged leptons. As will be discussed in Chapter 2, in recent years neutrino experiments have shown convincing evidences of the existence of neutrino oscillations, which is a consequence of neutrino masses and mixing. Therefore, the SM should be revised in order to take into account neutrino masses. Considering for simplicity only one neutrino field ν, the standard Higgs mechanism generates the Dirac mass term LD = −mD ¯νν = −mD (νR νL + νL νR ) (1.1) ψ = ψc (1.2) √ with m = yv/ 2 where y is a dimensionless Yukawa coupling coefficient and D √ v/ 2 is the Vacuum Expectation Value of the Higgs field. ν L and νR are, respectively, the chiral left-handed and right-handed components of the neutrino field. Unfortunately, the generation of Dirac neutrino masses through the standard Higgs mechanism is not able to explain naturally why the neutrino are more than five order of magnitude lighter than the electron, which is the lightest of the other elementary particles (the neutrino masses are experimentally constrained below about 1-2 eV). Then, there is no explanation of why the neutrino Yukawa coupling coefficients are more than five order of magnitude smaller than the Yukawa coupling coefficients of quarks and charged leptons. In 1937 Majorana [15] discovered that a massive neutral fermion as a neutrino can be described by a spinor ψ with only two independent components imposing the so-called Majorana condition T where ψc = Cγ0 ψ∗ is the operation of charge conjugation. Decomposing the Eq. 1.2 into left-handed and right-handed components, ψ L + ψR = ψcL + ψcR and acting on both members of the equation with the right-handed projector operator PR , we obtain ψR = ψcL (1.3) 6 Neutrino physics Thus, the right-handed component ψR of the Majorana neutrino field ψ is not independent, but obtained from the left-handed component ψ L through charge conjugation and the Majorana field can be written as ψ = ψL + ψcL (1.4) This field depends only on the two independent components of ψ L . Therefore the Majorana mass term can be written as 1 L M = − m M (ψcL ψL + ψL ψcL ) 2 (1.5) 1.1.1 Dirac-Majorana mass term In addition to the Dirac mass term (Eq. 1.1), if both the chiral left-handed and right-handed fields exist and are independent, also the Majorana mass terms for νL and νR are allowed: 1 1 LLM = − mL (νcL νL + νL νcL ), LRM = − mR (νcR νR + νR νcR ) 2 2 Then the total Dirac+Majorana mass term can be written as mL mD ! νL ! 1 c D+M L =− + H.c. ν L νR m D mR νR c 2 (1.6) (1.7) Since the chiral fields νL and νR are coupled by the Dirac mass term, it is plain that they do not have a definite mass. In order to find the fields with definite masses it is necessary to diagonalize the mass matrix in Eq. 1.7. For this purpose, it is convenient to write the Dirac+Majorana mass term in the matrix form 1 LD+M = NLc MNL + H.c. 2 where M= mL mD m D mR ! , NL = (1.8) νL νcR ! (1.9) The column matrix NL is left-handed, because it contains left-handed fields, and can be written as ! ν1L NL = UnL , with nL = (1.10) ν2L where U is the unitary mixing matrix (U † = U −1 ) and nL is the column matrix of the left-handed components of the massive neutrino fields. The Dirac+Majorana mass term is diagonalized requiring that ! m1 0 T U MU = (1.11) 0 m2 1.1 Neutrino masses and mixing 7 with mk real and positive for k = 1, 2. Let us consider the simplest case of a real mass matrix M. Since the values of m L and mR can be chosen real and positive by an appropriate choice of phase of the chiral fields ν L and νR , the mass matrix M is real if mD is real. In this case, the mixing matrix U can be written as U = Oρ (1.12) where O is an orthogonal matrix and ρ is a diagonal matrix of phases: ! ! ρ1 0 cos θ sin θ , , ρ= O= 0 ρ2 − sin θ cos θ with |ρk |2 = 1. The orthogonal matrix O is chosen in order to have ! m01 0 T O MO = 0 m02 (1.13) (1.14) leading to 2mD tan 2θ = , mR − m L m02,1 " # q 1 2 2 = mL + mR ± (mL − mR ) + 4mD 2 (1.15) Since mL and mR have been chosen positive, m02 is always positive, while m01 is negative if m2D > mL mR . Therefore, since the the Eq. 1.11 can be written as T T T U MU = ρ O MOρ = ρ21 m01 0 2 0 0 ρ 2 m2 ! (1.16) we have ρ22 = 1 always, and ρ21 = 1 if m01 ≥ 0 or ρ21 = −1 if m01 < 0. Therefore, being the diagonalized Dirac+Majorana mass term a sum of Majorana mass terms for the massive Majorana neutrino fields ν K = νkL + νckL (k=1,2) LD+M = 1X mk νckL νkL + H.c., 2 k=1,2 (1.17) the two massive neutrinos are Majorana particles. 1.1.2 The see-saw mechanism It can be demonstrated that the Dirac+Majorana mass term leads to maximal mixing (θ = π/4) if mL = mR , or to so-called pseudo-Dirac neutrinos if m L and mR are much smaller that |mD | [16]. However, the most interesting case is the so-called 8 Neutrino physics ”see-saw” mechanism [17], which is obtained considering m L = 0 and |mD | mR . In this case m2 mD m1 ' D | mD |, m 2 ' mR , tan θ ' 1, ρ21 = −1 (1.18) mR mR Being suppressed by the small ratio m D /mR , from Eq. 1.18 follows that m1 is much smaller than mD . Since m2 is of order mR , a very heavy ν2 corresponds to a very light ν1 , as in a see-saw. Since m D is a Dirac mass, presumably generated with the standard Higgs mechanism, its value is expected to be of the same order as the mass of a quark or the charged fermion in the same generation of the neutrino we are considering. Hence, the see-saw explains naturally the suppression of m 1 with respect to mD , providing the most plausible explanation of the smallness of neutrino masses. The small value of the mixing angle θ in Eq.1.18 implies that ν1L ' −νL and ν2L ' νcR . This means that the light neutrino ν1 is the only neutrino participating to weak interactions, while the heavy neutrino ν2 is practically decoupled from interactions with matter. As it happens in the general case of a Dirac+Majorana mass term, another important consequence of the see-saw mechanism is that massive neutrinos are Majorana particles. This is a very important indication that strongly encourages the search for the Majorana nature of neutrinos (mainly performed through the search of neutrinoless double-β decay, see section 2.5). The see-saw mechanism is based on the two assumptions m L = 0 and |mD | mR . The first one is a consequence of the gauge symmetries of the Standard Model; in fact νL belongs to a weak isodoublet of the Standard Model: ! νL LL = (1.19) lL Since νL has third component of the weak isospin I3 = 1/2, the combination νcL νL = −νTL C † νL in the Majorana mass term in eq. 1.6 has I3 = 1 and belongs to a triplet. Since in the Standard Model there is no Higgs triplet that could couple to νcL νL in order to form a Lagrangian term invariant under a S U(2) L transformation of the Standard Model gauge group, a Majorana mass term for ν L is forbidden. On the other hand, m D is allowed in the Standard Model, because it is generated through the standard Higgs mechanism, and mR is also allowed, because νR and νcR νR are singlets of the Standard Model gauge symmetries. Hence, quite unexpectedly, we have an extended Standard Model with massive neutrinos that are Majorana particles and in which the smallness of neutrino masses can be naturally explained through the see-saw mechanism. The only assumption which remains unexplained in this scenario is the heaviness of mR with respect to mD . This assumption cannot be motivated in the framework of the Standard Model, but if we believe that the Standard Model is a theory 1.1 Neutrino masses and mixing 9 that describes the world only at low energies, it is quite natural to expect that the mass mR is generated at ultra-high energy by the symmetry breaking of the theory beyond the Standard Model. Hence, it is plausible that the value of m R is many orders of magnitude larger than the scale of the electroweak symmetry breaking and of mD , as required for the working of the see-saw mechanism [18]. 1.1.3 Three-neutrino mixing In the previous sections we considered the existence of only one neutrino, but it is well known from a large variety of experimental data that there are three neutrinos that participate to weak interactions: νe , νµ , ντ . In particular, from the precise measurement of the invisible width of the Z-boson produced by the decays P Z → α να να , we also know that the number of active flavor neutrinos is exactly three [19] excluding the possibility of existence of additional heavy active flavor neutrinos. The active flavor neutrinos take part in the charged-current (CC) and neutral current (NC) weak interaction Lagrangians X g CC ρ CC j W + H.c., with j = 2 ναL γρ αL , (1.20) LCC = − √ ρ ρ I 2 2 α=e,µ,τ X g NC NC ρ NC LI = − ναL γρ ναL , (1.21) j Z + H.c., with jρ = 2 cos θW ρ α=e,µ,τ NC where jCC ρ and jρ are, respectively, the charged and neutral leptonic currents, θ W is the weak mixing angle (sin2 θW ' 0.23) and g = e/ sin θW (e is the positron electric charge). The Dirac+Majorana mass term, given by Eq. 1.7, considering three lefthanded chiral fields νeL , νµL , ντL (that describe the three active flavor neutrinos) and three corresponding right-handed chiral fields ν s1 R , ν s2 R , ν s3 R (that describe three sterile neutrinos, which do not take part in weak interactions), can be written as X D LD = − ν sR M sβ νβL + H.c. (1.22) s,β 1X c L ν M νβL + H.c. 2 α,β αL αβ 1X c R = − ν M ν s0 R + H.c. 2 s,s0 sR αβ LLM = − (1.23) LRM (1.24) where M D is a complex matrix and M L , M R are symmetric complex matrices. Then, following the procedure illustrated in section 1.1.1, the Dirac+Majorana 10 Neutrino physics mass term can be written as the one in eq. 1.8 with the column matrix of lefthanded fields c ! νeL ν s1 R νL c c ν , with ν = NL = and ν = (1.25) L µL ν s2 R R νcR c ντL ν s3 R and the 6 × 6 mass matrix M= M L (M D )T MD MR ! (1.26) The matrix M is digonalised by a unitary transformation analogous to the one in eq. 1.10: ν1L (1.27) NL = VnL with nL = ... ν6L where V is the unitary (6 × 6) mixing matrix and nkL are the left-handed components of the massive neutrino fields. The mixing matrix V is determined by the diagonalization relation VT MV = diag(m1 , · · · , m6 ) (1.28) with mk real and positive for k = 1, · · · , 6. Therefore the Dirac+Majorana mass term can be written as 1X =− mk νckL νkL + H.c. 2 k=1 6 L D+M (1.29) which is a sum of Majorana mass terms for the massive Majorana neutrino fields νK = νkL +νckL , (k = 1, · · · , 6). Hence, as we have already seen, in the case of one neutrino generation, a Dirac+Majorana mass term implies that massive neutrinos are Majorana particles. The mixing relation 1.27 can be written as ναL = 6 X k=1 Vαk νkL (α = e, µ, τ), νcsR = 6 X V sk νkL (s = s1 , s2 , s3 ) k=1 (1.30) which shows that active and sterile neutrinos are linear combinations of the same massive neutrino fields. This means that in general active-sterile oscillations are possible. The so called ”see-saw” mechanism, that allows to explain the smallness of the light neutrino masses, can be applied also in this case. Assuming that M L = 0 1.1 Neutrino masses and mixing 11 and that the eigenvalues of M R are much larger than those of M D (as expected if the Majorana mass term 1.24 for the sterile neutrinos is generated at a very high energy scale characteristic of the theory beyond the Standard Model), the mixing matrix V can be written V = WU (1.31) where both W and U are unitary matrices, and use W for an approximate blockdiagonalization of the mass matrix M at leading order in the expansion in powers of (M R )−1 M D : ! Mlight 0 T (1.32) W MW ' 0 Mheavy It can be demonstrated that the two 3 × 3 mass matrices Mlight and Mheavy are given by Mlight ' −(M D )T (M R )−1 M D , Mheavy ' M R (1.33) Therefore, the see-saw mechanism is implemented by the suppression of M light with respect to M D by the small ratio (M D )T (M R )−1 . For the low-energy phenomenology it is sufficient to consider only the light 3 × 3 mass matrix M light which is diagonalized by the 3 × 3 upper-left submatrix of U that we call U, such that U T Mlight U = diag(m1 , m2 , m3 ) (1.34) where m1 , m2 , m3 are the three light neutrino mass eigenvalues. Neglecting the small mixing with the heavy sector, the effective mixing of the active flavor neutrinos relevant for the low-energy phenomenology is given by ναL = 3 X Uαk νkL (α = e, µ, τ) (1.35) k=1 where ν1L , ν2L , ν3L are the left-handed components of the three light massive Majorana neutrino fields. This scenario, called ”three-neutrino mixing”, can accommodate the experimental evidences of neutrino oscillations in solar and atmospheric neutrino experiments. The 3 × 3 unitary mixing matrix U can be parameterized in terms of 3 2 = 9 parameters which can be divided in 3 mixing angles and 6 phases. However, only 3 phases are physical. This can be seen by considering the charged-current Lagrangian 1.201 , which can be written as LCC I 1 3 g X X =−√ αL γρ Uαk νkL Wρ† + H.c. 2 α=e,µ,τ k=1 (1.36) Unitary mixing has no effect on the neutral-current weak interaction Lagrangian, which is diagonal in the massive neutrino fields (GIM mechanism) 12 Neutrino physics in terms of the light massive neutrino fields νk (k = 1, 2, 3). Three of the six phases in U can be eliminated by rephasing the charged lepton fields e, µ, τ , whose phases are arbitrary because all other terms in the Lagrangian are invariant under such change of phases ( [20], [21], [22], [23]). On the other hand, the phases of the Majorana massive neutrino fields cannot be changed, because the Majorana mass term in eq. 1.29 are not invariant2 under rephasing of νkL . Therefore, the number of physical phases in the mixing matrix U is three and it can be shown that two of these phases can be factorized in a diagonal matrix of phases on the right of U. These two phases are usually called ”Majorana phases”, because they appear only if the massive neutrinos are Majorana particles (if the massive neutrinos are Dirac particles these two phases can be eliminated by rephasing the massive neutrino fields, since a Dirac mass term is invariant under rephasing of the fields). The third phase is usually called ”Dirac phase”, because it is present also if the massive neutrinos are Dirac particles, being the analogous of the phase in the quark mixing matrix. These complex phases in the mixing matrix generate violations of the CP symmetry ( [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [16]). The most common parameterization of the mixing matrix is U = R23 W13 R12 D(λ21 , λ31 ) c13 0 s13 e−iϕ13 c12 s12 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 = 0 c23 s23 −s12 c12 0 0 0 0 0 1 −s13 eiϕ13 0 c13 0 −s23 c23 c12 c13 s12 c13 s13 e−iϕ13 1 iϕ13 iϕ13 c12 c23 − s12 s23 s13 e s23 c13 0 = −s12 c23 − c12 s23 s13 e s12 s23 − c12 c23 s13 eiϕ13 −c12 s23 − s12 c23 s13 eiϕ13 c23 c13 0 (1.37) 0 0 eiλ21 0 0 eiλ31 0 0 eiλ21 0 0 eiλ31 with ci j = cosθi j , si j = sin θi j , where θ12 , θ23 , θ13 are the three mixing angles, ϕ13 is the Dirac phase, λ21 and λ31 are the Majorana phases. In eq. 1.37 Ri j is a real rotation in the i− j plane, W13 is a complex rotation in the 1−3 plane and D(λ21 λ31 ) is the diagonal matrix with the Majorana phases. Let us finally remark that, although in the case of Majorana neutrinos there is no difference between neutrinos and antineutrinos and one should only distinguish between states with positive and negative helicity, it is a common convention to call neutrino a particles created together with a positive charged lepton and having almost exactly negative helicity, and antineutrino a particles created together with a negative charged lepton and having almost exactly positive helicity. This 2 In Field Theory, Noether’s theorem establishes that invariance of the Lagrangian under a global change of phase of the fields corresponds to the conservation of a quantum number: lepton number L for leptons and baryon number B for quarks. The non-invariance of the Majorana mass term in eq. 1.29 under rephasing of νkL implies the violation of lepton number conservation. Indeed, a Majorana mass term induces | ∆L |= 2 processes as neutrinoless double-β decay 1.2 Neutrino oscillation theory 13 convention follows from the fact that Dirac neutrinos are created together with a positive charged lepton and almost exactly negative helicity, and Dirac antineutrinos are created together with a negative charged lepton and almost exactly positive helicity. 1.2 Neutrino oscillation theory Consider a neutrino beam created in a charged current interaction along the antilepton α. As discussed in section 1.1.3, by definition, the neutrino created is called να . In general this is not a physical particle but rather is a superimposition of the physical fields νk with masses mk . Therefore, the normalized state describing a neutrino with flavor α is |να i = 3 X k=1 ? Uαk |νk i (1.38) This state describes the neutrino at the production point at the production time. The state describing the neutrino at detection, after a time T at a distance L of propagation in vacuum, is obtained by acting on |να i with the space-time translab + iPL), b where E b and P b are the energy and momentum tion operator exp(−iET operators, respectively. The resulting state is |να (L, T )i = 3 X k=1 ? −iEk T +ipk L e |νk i Uαk (1.39) where E k and pk are, respectively, the energy and momentum of the massive neutrino νk . Inverting the Eq. 1.35 it can demonstrated that, at detection, the state is a superposition of different neutrino flavors: 3 X X ? −iE T +ip L k k (1.40) Uβk |νβ i |να (L, T )i = Uαk e β=e,µ,τ k=1 The coefficient of |νβ i is the amplitude of να → νβ transitions, then the probability can be obtained as follows: 3 2 X ? −iEk T +ipk L 2 Pνα →νβ (L, T ) = |hνβ |να (L, T )i| = Uαk e Uβk (1.41) k=1 The transition probability 1.41 depends on the space and time of neutrino propagation, but in real experiments the propagation time is not measured. Therefore it is necessary to connect the propagation time to the propagation distance. 14 Neutrino physics In order to obtain an expression for the transition probability depending only on the known distance between neutrino source and detector we can use the approximation: E k t − p x x ' (E k − pk )L = E k2 − p2k m2k m2 L= L' kL E k + pk E k + pk 2E (1.42) where E is the neutrino energy in the massless limit. This approximation for the phase of the neutrino oscillation amplitude is very important, because it shows that the phase of ultrarelativistic neutrinos depends only on the ratio m 2k L/E and not on the specific values of E k and pk , which in general depend on the specific characteristics of the production process. The resulting oscillation probability is, therefore, valid in general, regardless of the production process. With the approximation 1.42, the transition probability in space can be written as 2 X ? −im2 L/2E (1.43) Uαk e k Uβk Pνα →νβ (L) = k X X ∆m2k j L 2 2 ? ? = |Uαk | |Uβk | + 2Re Uαk Uβk Uα j Uβ j exp −i 2E k k> j where ∆m2k j ≡ m2k − m2j . Equation 1.43 shows that the constants of nature that determine neutrino oscillations are the elements of the mixing matrix and the differences of the squares of the neutrino masses. Different experiments are characterized by different neutrino energy E and different source-detector distance L. In the simplest case of two-neutrino mixing between να , νβ there is only one squared-mass difference ∆m2 ≡ ∆m221 ≡ m22 − m21 and the mixing matrix can be parameterized in terms of one mixing angle: ! cos θ sin θ U= (1.44) − sin θ cos θ The resulting transition probability between different flavors can be written as ! 2 2 2 ∆m L Pνα →νβ (L) = sin 2θ sin (1.45) 4E This expression is historically very important, because the data of neutrino oscillation experiments have been always analyzed as a first approximation in the two-neutrino mixing framework using eq. 1.45. The two-neutrino transition probability can also be written as ! (∆m2 /eV 2 )(L/Km) 2 2 Pνα →νβ (L) = sin 2θ sin 1.27 (1.46) (E/GeV) 1.2 Neutrino oscillation theory 15 1.2.1 Phenomenology of three neutrino mixing The explanation in terms of neutrino oscillation of the recent solar and atmospheric neutrino experimental results can be accommodated in the framework of three-neutrino mixing illustrated in section 1.1.3. In the mixing matrix U (Eq. 1.37), the mixing angle θ12 is associated with the solar neutrino oscillations, and the masses m1 and m2 are separated by the smaller interval ∆m2sun (we shall assume, by convention, that m2 > m1 ) while m3 is separated from the 1, 2 pair by the larger interval ∆m2atm , and can be either lighter or heavier than m1 and m2 . The situation where m3 > m2 is called ”normal hierarchy”, while the ”inverse hierarchy” has m3 < m1 . The transition probability expressed in Eq. 1.43 can be simplified in several cases of practical importance; using the empirical evidence that ∆m 2atm ∆m2sun and considering distances comparable to the atmospheric neutrino oscillation length, only three parameters are relevant at the lowest order of approximation: the angles θ23 , θ13 and ∆matm ≡ ∆m2atm L/4E ν . However, corrections of the first order in ∆m sun L/4E ν should be also considered, while some of the terms with ∆ sun are further reduced by the presence of the empirically small sin2 2θ13 . Therefore we can write the following transition probabilities: P(νµ → ντ ) ≈ cos4 θ13 sin2 2θ23 sin2 ∆atm (1.47) 2 2 2 2 2 −∆ sun cos θ13 sin 2θ23 (cos θ12 − sin θ13 sin θ12 ) sin 2∆atm −∆ sun cos δ cos θ13 sin 2θ12 sin 2θ13 sin 2θ23 cos 2θ23 sin 2∆atm /2 +∆ sun sin δ cos θ13 sin 2θ12 sin 2θ13 sin 2θ23 sin2 ∆atm P(νµ → νe ) ≈ sin2 2θ13 sin2 θ23 sin2 ∆atm (1.48) 2 2 2 2 −∆ sun sin θ23 sin θ12 sin 2θ13 sin 2∆atm +∆ sun cos δ cos θ13 sin 2θ13 sin 2θ23 sin 2θ12 sin 2∆atm /2 −∆ sun sin δ cos θ13 sin 2θ12 sin 2θ13 sin 2θ23 sin2 ∆atm where δ is the CP phase. 1.2.2 Neutrino oscillations in matter The presence of matter between the neutrino source and the detector can modify the oscillation pattern of traveling neutrinos, due to their coherent forward scattering from particles. This is true even if, as in the Standard Model, forward scattering of neutrinos from other particles does not by itself change neutrino flavor. The flavor change in matter is know as the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) effect [29] and depends by an interplay between flavor non changing neutrinomatter interactions and neutrino mass and mixing. 16 Neutrino physics In the two-neutrino approximation, a ν can be described by a column vector in flavor space ! ae (t) (1.49) aµ (t) where ae (t) is the amplitude for the neutrino to be a νe at time t, and similarly for the other flavor. The neutrino propagation through matter, can be described with a good approximation via a Schrodinger equation in which the Hamiltonian H is a 2 × 2 matrix that acts on this column vector. If the neutrino is traveling in vacuum, the mixing is described by the vacuum mixing matrix ! cos θV sin θV (1.50) UV = − sin θV cos θV in which θV is the mixing angle in vacuum. Then the Hamiltonian H in vacuum is ! ∆m2V − cos 2θV sin 2θV HV = (1.51) sin 2θV cos 2θV 4E where ∆m2V ≡ m22 − m21 and E is the neutrino energy. In matter, in order to take into account the contribute of the W-exchange-induced coherent forward scattering of νe from ambient electrons, an interaction energy V to the νe → νe element of H, has to be added. The V term can be written as √ (1.52) V = 2G F Ne where G F is the Fermi constant and Ne is number of electrons per unit volume. Thus, the 2 × 2 Hamiltonian in matter is ! ! ∆m2V − cos 2θV sin 2θV V 0 (1.53) + H= 0 0 sin 2θV cos 2θV 4E Adding to this H the multiple −V/2 of the identity, we may rewrite it as ! ∆m2M − cos 2θ M sin 2θ M H= (1.54) sin 2θ M cos 2θ M 4E p where ∆m2M = ∆m2V sin2 2θV + (cos 2θV − x)2 is the effective mass splitting in matter, and sin2 2θV 2 (1.55) sin 2θ M = sin2 2θV + (cos 2θV − x)2 is the effective mixing angle in matter. The factor x≡ V ∆m2V /2E (1.56) 1.2 Neutrino oscillation theory 17 is a dimensionless measure of the relative importance of the interaction with matter in the behavior of the neutrino. If the matter traversed by the neutrino is of constant density then the Hamiltonian (Eq. 1.54) is a position-independent constant: the analytical expression is the same as the vacuum Hamiltonian, except that the vacuum mass splitting and mixing angle are replaced by their values in matter. As a result, the oscillation probability is given by the Eq. 1.45, but with the mass splitting and mixing angle replaced by their values in matter. The latter values can largely differ from their vacuum counterparts. A striking example is the case where the vacuum mixing angle θV is very small, but x ≈ cos 2θV . Then, as we see from eq. 1.55, sin2 2θ M ≈ 1. Interaction with matter has modified a very small mixing angle with a maximal one. 18 Neutrino physics Chapter 2 Neutrino oscillation experiments Historically, disappearance of solar νe gave the first signal of a neutrino anomaly, that was therefore named ”solar anomaly”: as will be discussed in the next section, the measured Cl rate in the Homestake experiment, was found to be about 3 times lower than the predicted value, suggesting an intriguing discrepancy between a pioneering experiment and supposedly accurate enough solar models. In 1972 Pontecorvo commented: “It starts to be really interesting! It would be nice if all this will end with something unexpected from the point of view of particle physics. Unfortunately, it will not be easy to demonstrate this, even if nature works that way” About 15 years were necessary for a second experiment, and 30 for finally establishing solar oscillations. In the meanwhile several experiments demonstrate also an atmospheric neutrino anomaly. In this chapter we review the main results of the oscillation experiments which are connected with the existing model-independent evidences in favor of oscillations of solar and atmospheric neutrinos and the interpretation of the experimental data in the framework of three neutrino mixing. 2.1 Solar neutrinos Solar neutrinos are produced by nuclear fusion processes in the core of the sun, which yield exclusively electron neutrinos. The expected spectral composition of solar neutrinos are indicated in Fig. 2.1 as a function of neutrino energy. The low energy p-p neutrinos are the most abundant and, since they arise from reactions that are responsible for most of the energy output of the sun, the predicted flux of these neutrinos is constrained very precisely (±2%) by the solar luminosity. 20 Neutrino oscillation experiments Figure 2.1: The predicted unoscillated spectrum dΦ/dE ν of solar neutrinos, together with the energy thresholds of the experiments performed so far and with the best-fit oscillation survival probability Pee (Eν ) (dashed line). The higher energy neutrinos are more accessible experimentally, but the fluxes are known with a larger uncertainty. 2.1.1 Solar neutrino experiments At the end of the 60's the radiochemical Homestake experiment [30] began the observation of solar neutrinos through the charged-current reaction νe +37 Cl →37 Ar + e− (2.1) th with a threshold ECl = 0.814 MeV which allows to observe mainly 7 Be and 8 B neutrinos produced, respectively, in the reactions e− +7 Be →7 Li + νe (E = 0.8631 MeV) and 8 B →8 Be? + e+ + νe (E . 15 MeV) of the thermonuclear pp cycle that produces energy in the core of the sun. The Homestake experiment is called ”radiochemical” because the 37 Ar atoms were extracted every ∼ 35 days from the detector tank containing 615 tons of tetrachloroethylene (C2 Cl4 ) through chemical methods and counted in small proportional counters which detect the Auger electron produced in the electron-capture of 37 Ar. As all solar neutrino detectors, the Homestake tank was located deep underground (1478 m) in order to have a good shielding from cosmic ray muons. The Homestake experiment detected solar electron neutrinos for about 30 years, measuring a flux which is about one third of the one predicted by the Standard 2.1 Solar neutrinos 21 Solar Model (SSM): Hom φCl SSM φCl = 0.34 ± 0.03 (2.2) This deficit was called ”the solar neutrino problem”. The next radiochemical experiments, SAGE and Gallex/GNO [31] (respectively located in the Baksan and Gran Sasso underground laboratories in Soviet Union and Italy) employed the reaction νe +71 Ga →71 Ge + e− which has the lowest threshold reached so far, E νe > 0.233 MeV. As a consequence more than half of the νe induced events is generated by pp neutrinos (Fig: 2.1). Their total flux can be reliably approximated from the solar luminosity and can be predicted by solar models with 1% error. After a half-live of 16.5 days the inverse β-decay of 71Ge produces observable Auger electrons and X-rays with the typical L-peak and K-peak energy distributions, giving two different signals used to infer the flux of solar νe . The combined results of the three Gallium experiments confirm the solar neutrino problem: φGa = 0.56 ± 0.03 (2.3) SSM φGa The solar neutrino anomaly was also confirmed in the late 80's by the realtime water Cherenkov Kamiokande experiment [32] (3000 tons of water, 1000 m underground) which observed solar neutrinos through the elastic scattering (ES) reaction ν + e− → ν + e− which is mainly sensitive to electron neutrinos, whose cross section is about six time larger than the cross section of muon and tau neutrinos. The experiment is called ”real-time” because the Cherenkov light produced in water by the recoil electron in the ES reaction is observed in real time. The solar neutrino signal is separated statistically from the background using the fact that the recoil electron preserves the directionality of the incoming neutrino. The energy threshold of the Kamiokande experiment was 6.75 MeV, allowing only the detection of 8 B neutrinos. After 1995 the Kamiokande experiment has been replaced by the bigger Super-Kamiokande experiment [33] (50 ktons of water, 1000 m underground) which has measured with high accuracy the flux of solar 8 B neutrinos with an energy threshold of 4.75 MeV, obtaining: φSESK φSESS M = 0.451 ± 0.005 (2.4) Although it was difficult to doubt of the Standard Solar Model, which was well tested by helioseismological measurements, and it was difficult to explain the different suppression of solar νe ’s observed in different experiments with astrophysical mechanisms, a definitive model-independent proof that the solar neutrino problem is due to neutrino physics was lacking until the real-time heavy-water 22 Neutrino oscillation experiments Cherenkov detector SNO [34]. With respect to the Super-Kamiokande experiment, the crucial improvement is that SNO employs 1 kton of salt heavy water rather than water, so that neutrinos can interact in different ways, allowing to measure separately the νe and νµ , ντ fluxes: in this sense SNO is the first solar neutrino appearance experiment. SNO observes solar 8 B neutrinos through the interactions 1. ES: νe,µ,τ + e− → νe,µ,τ + e− . Like in SK, νe,µ,τ can be detected (but not distinguished) thanks to CC and NC scattering on electrons; 2. CC: νe + d → p + p + e− Only νe can interact with CC reaction. SNO sees the scattered electron and measures its direction and energy; 3. NC: ν + d → p + n + ν All active neutrinos can break deuterons. The cross section is equal for all flavours and has a E ν > 2.2 MeV threshold. About one third of the neutrons are captured by deuterons and give a 6.25 MeV γ ray: observing the photopeak SNO can detect n with ∼ 15% efficiency. Adding salt allowed to tag the n with enhanced ∼ 45% efficiency, because neutron capture by 35Cl produces multiple γ rays. Several handles allow to discriminate ES from CC from NC events. ES events are not much interesting and can be subtracted since, unlike CC and NC events, ES events are forward peaked. CC/NC discrimination was performed in different ways before (phase 2) and after (phase 3) adding salt to heavy water: in phase 2 SNO mostly discriminated CC from NC events from their energy spectra: NC events produce a γ ray of known average energy (almost always smaller than 9 MeV). The spectrum of CC events can be computed knowing the spectrum of 8 B neutrinos (oscillations only give a minor distortion). Phase 2 SNO data imply 106 cm2 s 106 = 5.09 ± 0.44(stat) ± 0.46(syst) 2 cm s φνe = 1.76 ± 0.06(stat) ± 0.09(syst) φνe,µ,τ (2.5) The total flux agrees with the value predicted by solar models, and the reduced ν e flux gives a 5σ evidence for νe → νµ,τ transitions. After adding salt, SNO could statistically discriminate events from the pattern of photomultiplier tube hits: NC events produce multiple γ rays and consequently a more isotropic Cherenkov light than the single e− produced in CC and ES scat- 2.1 Solar neutrinos 23 Figure 2.2: Best-fit regions at 90, 99 and 99.73% CL obtained fitting solar ν data (red dashed contours); reactor ¯ν data that do not distinguish θ from π/2 − θ (blue dotted contours); all data (shaded region). Dots indicate the best fit points [8]. terings. Phase 3 SNO data imply 106 cm2 s 106 φνe,µ,τ = 5.21 ± 0.27(stat) ± 0.38(syst) 2 (2.6) cm s giving a more accurate and independent measurement of total ν e,µ,τ flux. SNO finds φνe /φνe,µ,τ < 1/2, that can be explained by oscillations enhanced by matter effects. In a successive phase, by adding 3 He SNO will be able of tagging NC events on an event-by event basis by detecting neutrons via the scattering n3 He → p3 H : proportional counters allow to see both p and 3 H. SNO (like SK) can also search for energy-dependent or time-dependent effects. The day/night asymmetry of the νe flux is found to be φνe = 1.59 ± 0.08(stat) ± 0.08(syst) ACC DN = 7.0 ± 5.1% (2.7) assuming zero day/night asymmetry in the νe,µ,τ flux (the direct measurement of this asymmetry is consistent with zero up to a ∼ 15% uncertainty). 2.1.2 The Kamland experiment The result of the global analysis of all solar neutrino data in terms of the simplest hypothesis of two-neutrino oscillations favors the so-called Large Mixing Angle 24 Neutrino oscillation experiments Figure 2.3: Left: the E vis = E ¯ν+ me energy spectrum measured by KamLAND. Right: history of reactor experiments and reduction in the reactor ν e flux as predicted at 1, 2, 3σ by a global oscillation fit of solar data. (LMA) region, as shown in Fig. 2.2. A spectacular proof of the correctness of the LMA region has been obtained in the KamLAND long-baseline νe disappearance experiment. KamLAND [35] is a Cherenkov scintillator composed by 1 kton of a liquid scintillator (the number of protons, 8.6 × 1031 , is about 200 times larger than in CHOOZ, see section 2.2.3) contained in a spherical balloon surrounded by inert oil that shields external radiation. KamLAND detects νe emitted by terrestrial (mainly japanese) reactors using the νe + p → e+ + n reaction. The detector can see both the positron and the 2.2 MeV γ ray from neutron capture on proton. By requiring their delayed coincidence, being located underground and having achieved sufficient radio-purity, KamLAND reactor data are almost background-free. As illustrated in Fig. 2.3, KamLAND only analyzes ν e events with E vis = E e+ + me > 2.6 MeV (i.e. E ν > 3.4 MeV) in order to avoid a poorly predictable background of νe generated by radioactive elements inside the earth. Above this energy threshold KamLAND should detect, in absence of oscillations, about 500 events per kton · yr, depending on operating conditions of reactors. Thanks to previous reactor experiments the unoscillated νe flux is known with ∼ 3% uncertainty. The KamLAND efficiency is about 90%. Using as fiducial volume only an inner fraction of the detector (known with 4.7% uncertainty), the 2004 data showed 258 events instead of the 365 ± 24 events expected in absence of oscillations. This gives a 4σ evidence for a 68.6 ± 4.4(stat) ± 4.5(syst)% reduction in the ν e rate. As illustrated in Fig. 2.3, this is consistent with expectations from solar data. More importantly, KamLAND data allow to test if the νe survival probabil- 2.2 Atmospheric neutrinos 25 ity depends on the neutrino energy as predicted by oscillations.√In fact, KamLAND can measure the positron energy with a σ E /E = 7.5% E/MeV error, then the neutrino energy is directly determinated by E ¯ν≈ E e+ + mn − m p . Present KamLAND spectral data (Fig. 2.3) give a 3σ indication for oscillation dips: the first one at E vis ∼ 7 MeV (where statistics is poor) and the second one at E vis ∼ 4 MeV. Taking into account the average baseline L ∼ 180 km, this second dip fixes ∆m2S un ≈ 8 × 10−5 eV2 . The global fit of Fig. 2.2 shows that ∆m2S un is presently dominantly fixed by KamLAND data, which however still allow 3 different best-fit regions: the oscillation dip most likely identified as the second one could instead be the first or the third one. Solar data help in resolving this ambiguity and dominantly fix the solar mixing angle θS un (which is more precisely measured by SNO). 2.2 Atmospheric neutrinos Atmospheric neutrinos are generated by collisions of primary cosmic rays, mainly composed by H and He nuclei yielding respectively ∼ 82% and ∼ 12% of the nucleons. Heavier nuclei constitute the remaining fraction. The production process can be schematised in 3 steps: 1. Primary cosmic rays hit the nuclei of air in the upper part of the earth atmosphere, producing mostly pions (and some kaon). 2. Charged pions decay promptly generating muons and muonic neutrinos: π + → µ + νµ π − → µ − νµ (2.8) The total flux of νµ ,νµ neutrinos is about 0.1 cm−2 s−1 at E ν ∼ GeV with a ∼ 20% error (mostly due to the uncertainty in the flux of cosmic rays and in their hadronic interactions). At higher energy the flux dφ/d ln E ν approximately decreases as E ν−2±0.05 . The few kaons decay like pions, except that K → πe+ νe decays are not entirely negligible. 3. The muons produced by π decays travel a distance d ≈ cτµ γµ ≈ 1Km Eµ 0.3GeV (2.9) here τµ is the muon life-time and γµ = E µ /mµ is the relativistic dilatation factor. If all muons could decay µ + → e + νe νµ µ − → e − νe νµ (2.10) 26 Neutrino oscillation experiments Figure 2.4: Flux of atmospheric neutrinos in absence of oscillations. one would obtain a flux of νµ and νe in proportion 2 : 1, with comparable energy, larger than ∼ 100 MeV. However, muons with energy above few GeV typically collide with the earth before decaying, so that at higher energy the νµ : νe ratio is larger than 2. The fluxes predicted by detailed computations is shown in Fig. 2.4, at SK location, averaged over zenith angle and ignoring oscillations. 2.2.1 Atmopheric neutrino experiments The traditional way that has been followed for testing the atmospheric neutrino flux calculation is to measure the ratio of ratios R≡ [N(νµ + νµ )/N(νe + νe )]data [[N(νµ + νµ )/N(νe + νe )]theo (2.11) If nothing happens to neutrinos on their way to the detector R should be equal to one. Atmospheric neutrinos are observed through high-energy charged-current interactions in which the flavor, direction and energy of the neutrino are strongly correlated with the measured flavor, direction and energy of the produced charged lepton. In 1988 the Kamiokande [36] and IMB [37] experiments measured a ratio of ratios significantly lower than one. 2.2 Atmospheric neutrinos 27 Also the Soudan-2 experiment [38] observed a value of R significantly lower than one (R = 0.69 ± 0.12), and the MACRO experiment [39] measured a disappearance of upward-going muons. Although data of the above experiments suggest an evidence of an atmospheric neutrino anomaly probably due to neutrino oscillations, they are not completely model-independent. The breakthrough in atmospheric neutrino research occurred in 1998, when the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration [40] discovered the up-down asymmetry of high-energy events generated by atmospheric νµ 's, providing a model independent proof of atmospheric νµ disappearance. The SuperKamiokandeI data are shown in Fig. 2.5 (1489 days of data taking, terminated by an accident). The ”multiGeV µ + PC” data sample shows that a neutrino anomaly is present even without relying our knowledge of atmospheric neutrino fluxes. The crucial point is that since the Earth is a good sphere, in absence of oscillations the neutrino rate would be up/down symmetric, i.e. it depends only on | cos θ|3 The dN/d cos θν spectrum would be flat, if one could ignore that horizontal muons have more time for freely decaying before hitting the earth, while vertical muons cross the atmosphere along the shortest path. This effect produces the peak at cos θν ∼ 0 visible in Fig. 2.5b. While the zenith-angle distribution of µ events is clearly asymmetric, e-like events show no asymmetry. The flux of up-ward going muons is about two times lower than the flux of down-ward muons. Therefore the data can be interpreted assuming that nothing happens to νe and that νµ oscillate into ντ (or into sterile ν s ). A global fit (performed including the results of the atmospheric neutrino experiment discussed in next section) gives the best-fit values shown in Fig. 2.6. 2.2.2 Long baseline experiments Long Baseline experiments employs an artificial neutrino source to study the atmospheric neutrino anomaly. In the K2K experiment , an artificial long-baseline νµ pulsed beam is sent from KEK to the SK detector, located L = 250 km away in the Kamioka mine. Since the beam is pulsed, SK can discriminate atmospheric νµ from KEK νµ , both detected using charged-current scattering on nucleons, as previously discussed. The neutrino beam was produced by colliding a total of 9 × 1019 accelerated protons on a target; a magnetic field is used to collect and focus the resulting π + , obtaining from their decays a 98% pure νµ beam with an average energy of E ν ∼ 1.3 GeV. The base-line L and the energy E ν have been chosen such that • ∆m2atm L/E ν ∼ 1 in order to sit around the first oscillation dip; • E ν ∼ m p in order to have large opening angles between the incoming neutrino and the scattered µ: θµν ∼ 1. 28 Neutrino oscillation experiments Figure 2.5: The main SK data: number of e± (red) and of µ± (blue) events as function of direction of scattered lepton. The horizontal axis is cos θ, the cosine of the zenith angle ranging between -1 (vertically up-going events) and +1 (vertically down-going events). The right panel shows high-energy through-going muons, only measured in the up direction. The crosses are the data and their errors, the thin lines are the best-fit oscillation expectation, and thick lines are the no-oscillation expectation: these are roughly up/down symmetric. Data in the multi-GeV muon samples are very clearly asymmetric, while data in the electron samples (in red) are compatible with no oscillations. Since the direction of the incoming neutrino is known (unlike in the case of atmospheric neutrinos), measuring E µ and θµν SK can reconstruct the neutrino energy Eν = mN E l − m2µ /2 mN − E l + pl cos θµν (2.12) having assumed that νµ n → µp is the dominant reaction. Since the neutrino flux and the νµ N cross section are not precisely computable, small detectors (mainly a 1 kton WČ and fine-graned systems) have been built close to the neutrino source in KEK, so that oscillations can be seen by comparing SK data with near detectors. νµ → ντ oscillations at the atmospheric frequency should give an energydependent deficit of events in the far detector. The 2004 K2K results, shown in Fig. 2.6 are consistent with the expectations based on SK atmospheric data and contain a 4σ indication for oscillations. Concerning the total rate, one expects in absence of oscillations 151 ± 12 fully contained events in the SK fiducial volume (the uncertainty is mainly due to the far/near extrapolation and to the error on the fiducial volume). SK detected 107 events of this kind. In view of the poorer statistics the atmospheric mixing angle is determined much more precisely by SK than by K2K. The most important K2K result is the energy spectrum: K2K is competitive on the determination of ∆m2atm because, unlike SK, K2K can reconstruct the neutrino energy and data show a hint of the spectral distortion characteristic of oscillations. As a consequence K2K suggests a few different local best-fit values of ∆m 2atm , and the global best fit lies in the region suggested by SK (Fig: 2.6b) [41]. 2.2 Atmospheric neutrinos 29 Figure 2.6: The left panel shows the K2K data, and the expectation in absence of oscillations. The right panel shows the best-fit ranges at 90% CL from SK, K2K and NuMi. The running NuMi experiment [42] is similar to K2K: a dominantly ν µ pulsed beam is sent from FermiLab to the Minos detector, located 735 km away. Thanks to the longer base-line, the NuMi neutrino beam (see section 3.5.1) has a larger mean energy (around a few GeV) than K2K. A near detector, functionally identical to the far detector, allows to predict the non-oscillation rate. Both detectors consist of magnetized steel plates alternated to scintillator strips. The far detector has a 5.4 kton mass and a magnetic field B ∼ 1.2 Tesla: this allows to discriminate particles from anti-particles, and to discriminate NC from CC scatterings. First results indicate that 92 events have been observed at energies lower than 10 GeV, showing a 5σ deficit with respect to the number of events expected in absence of oscillations, 177 ± 11. Like K2K data, NuMi data also contain a hint of the spectral distortion predicted by oscillations, and point to a best-fit region similar to the K2K best-fit region (see Fig. 2.6). First NuMi data (combined with the SK measurement of the atmospheric mixing angle) provide the best single measurement of the mass splitting, ∆m2atm = (2.7 ± 0.4) × 10−3 eV2 . Future NuMi data should reduce the uncertainty on ∆m2atm by a factor of few, achieve a sensitivity to θ23 slightly worse than SK and a sensitivity to νµ → νe slightly better than CHOOZ (see section 2.2.3). 2.2.3 The reactor experiment Chooz CHOOZ was a long-baseline reactor νe disappearance experiment [43] which did not observe any disappearance of electron neutrinos at a distance of about 1 km from the source. In spite of such negative result, the CHOOZ experiment is very 30 Neutrino oscillation experiments Figure 2.7: Left: Allowed region obtained from the analysis of Super-Kamiokande atmospheric and K2K data in terms of νµ → ντ oscillations. Right: CHOOZ exclusion curves confronted with the Kamiokande allowed regions [18]. important, because it shows that the oscillations of electron neutrinos at the atmospheric scale of ∆m2 are small or zero. This constraint is particularly important in the framework of three-neutrino mixing. The CHOOZ detector consisted in 5 tons of liquid scintillator in which neutrinos were revealed through the inverse β-decay reaction νe + p → n + e+ , with a threshold E th = 1.8 MeV. The ratio of observed and expected number of events in the CHOOZ experiment is CHOOZ Nobserved CHOOZ Nexpected = 1.01 ± 0.04 (2.13) showing no indication of any electron antineutrino disappearance. The right panel in Fig. 2.7 shows the CHOOZ exclusion curves confronted with the Kamiokande allowed regions for νµ → νe transitions. The area on the right of the exclusion curves is excluded. Since the Kamiokande allowed region lies in the excluded area, the disappearance of muon neutrinos observed in Kamiokande (and IMB, Super-Kamiokande, Soudan-2 and MACRO) cannot be due to νµ → νe transitions. Indeed, νµ → νe transitions are also disfavored by Super-Kamiokande data, which prefer the νµ → ντ channel. The results of the CHOOZ experiment have been confirmed, albeit with lower accuracy, by the Palo Verde experiment [44]. 2.3 Short baseline experiments 31 Experiment Bugey CDHS CCFR LSND KARMEN NOMAD CHORUS NuTeV Channels ν e → νe (−) (−) νµ →νµ (−) (−) (−) (−) (−) (−) (−) (−) νµ →νµ , νµ → νe , νe → ντ , νe → νe νµ → νe ,νµ → νe ν µ → νe ν µ → νe , νµ → ντ , νe → ντ ν µ → ντ , νe → ντ (−) (−) νµ → νe Table 2.1: Short-baseline experiments (SBL) whose data give the most stringent constraints on different oscillation channels. 2.3 Short baseline experiments The SBL experiments whose data give the most stringent constraints on the different oscillation channels are listed in table 2.1. All the SBL experiments in table 2.1 did not observe any indication of neutrino oscillations, except the LSND experiment [45], which has presented evidence for νµ → νe oscillations at the ∆m2 ∼ 1 eV2 scale; this result could be accommodated together with solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations in the framework of four-neutrino mixing, in which there are three light active neutrinos and one light sterile neutrino. However, the global fit of recent data in terms of four-neutrino mixing is not good [49], disfavoring such possibility. Also, a large part of the region in the sin 2 θ-∆m2 plane allowed by LSND has been excluded by the results of other experiments which are sensitive to similar values of the neutrino oscillation parameters (KARMEN [46], CCFR [47], NOMAD [48]). The recent MiniBooNE experiment, running at Fermilab, was motivated by LSND results. MiniBooNE is located at 541 m from the front of the target of the Fermilab neutrino beam. The detector is a spherical tank of inner radius 610 cm filled with 800 tons of pure mineral oil (CH2 ); charged particles passing through the oil can emit both directional Cherenkov light and isotropic scintillation light. An optical barrier separates the detector into two regions, an inner volume with a radius of 575 cm and an outer volume 35 cm thick. The optical barrier supports 1280 equally-spaced inward-facing photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). An additional 240 tubes are mounted in the outer volume, which acts as a veto shield, detecting particles entering or leaving the detector. The MiniBooNE collaboration has recently provided first results [50]: as shown in fig. 2.8, the LSND 90% CL allowed region is excluded at the 90% CL. While there is a presently unexplained discrepancy with data lying above background at 32 Neutrino oscillation experiments Figure 2.8: The MiniBooNE 90% CL limit and sensitivity (dashed curve) for events with 475 < EνQE < 3000 MeV within a two neutrino oscillation model. Also shown is the limit from the boosted decision tree analysis (thin solid curve) for events with 300 < E νQE < 3000 MeV. The shaded areas show the 90% and 99% CL allowed regions from the LSND experiment [50]. low energy, there is excellent agreement between data and prediction in the oscillation analysis region. If the oscillations of neutrinos and antineutrinos are the same, this result excludes two neutrino appearance-only oscillations as an explanation of the LSND anomaly at 98% CL. 2.4 The global oscillation picture: know unknowns As discussed in previous sections the ∆m2 responsible of the atmospheric anomaly is larger than the one responsible of the solar anomaly. Therefore we identify: |∆m213 | ∼ |∆m223 | = ∆m2atm ∼ (2.5 ± 0.2)10−3 eV2 , ∆m212 = ∆m2sun ∼ (8.0 ± 0.3)10−5 eV2 (2.14) A positive ∆m223 means that the neutrinos separated by the atmospheric mass splitting are heavier than those separated by the solar mass splitting: this is usually named ”normal hierarchy”. At the moment this cannot be distinguished from the opposite case usually named ”inverted hierarchy”. 2.5 Future prospects 33 Oscillation Parameter Central Value 2 solar mass splitting ∆m12 = (8.0 ± 0.3)10−5 eV2 atmospheric mass splitting |∆m223 | = (2.5 ± 0.2)10−3 eV2 solar mixing angle tan2 θ12 = 0.45 ± 0.05 atmospheric mixing angle sin2 2θ23 = 1.02 ± 0.04 ”CHOOZ” mixing angle sin2 2θ13 = 0 ± 0.05 99% CL range (7.2 ÷ 8.9)10−5 eV2 (2.1 ÷ 3.1)10−3 eV2 30◦ < θ12 < 38◦ 36◦ < θ23 < 54◦ θ13 < 10◦ Table 2.2: Summary of present information on neutrino masses and mixings from oscillation data. As explained in section 1.1.3, the neutrino mixing matrix contains 3 mixing angles: two of them (θ23 and θ13 ) produce oscillations at the larger atmospheric frequency, one of them (θ12 ) gives rise to oscillations at the smaller solar frequency. Solar data want a large mixing angle. The CHOOZ constraint tells that νe can only be slightly involved in atmospheric oscillations, and SK finds that atmospheric data can be explained by νµ → ντ oscillations with large mixing angle. These considerations single out the global solution θ23 = θatm ∼ 45◦ , θ12 = θ sun ∼ 30◦ , θ13 . 10◦ , δ = unknown (2.15) Nothing is known on the CP-violating phase δ. If θ13 = 0 the solar and atmospheric anomalies depend on different set of parameters; there is no interplay between them. A θ13 , 0 would affect both solar and atmospheric data. Both data provide some upper bound on θ 13 , preferring θ13 = 0. The strongest bound on θ13 is directly provided by the CHOOZ experiment. In conclusion, a summary of present information on neutrino masses and mixings from oscillation data is given in table 2.2. 2.5 Future prospects Neutrino beam experiments are considered the main next step of oscillation studies. K2K (in Japan), NuMi (in USA) and CNGS (in Europe) are the first longbaseline experiments. While K2K and NuMI projects are disappearance experiments, the CNGS project employs a higher E ν , somewhat above the ντ → τ production threshold, with the goal of directly confirming the ν µ → ντ character of atmospheric oscillations by detecting a few τ appearance events. The OPERA experiment will be described in detail in chapter 3. However, the evolution of neutrino physics demands new schemes to produce intense, collimated and pure neutrino beams. New possibilities have been studied in the last few years: neutrino beams from a Neutrino Factory, Beta-Beams and 34 Neutrino oscillation experiments Super-Beams. The current Neutrino Factory concept implies the production, collection, and storage of muons to produce very intense beams of muon and electron neutrinos with equal fluxes through the decays 2.10. Research and development addressing the feasibility of a Neutrino Factory are currently in progress. The Beta-Beam concept is based on the acceleration and storage of radioactive ions. The β-decay of these radioactive ions can produce a very intense beam of electron neutrinos or antineutrinos with perfectly known energy spectrum. A next-generation neutrino oscillation experiment using reactor antineutrinos could give important information on the size of the mixing angle θ 13 . Reactor experiments can give a clean measure of the mixing angle without ambiguities associated with the size of the other mixing angles, matter effects, and effects due to CP violation. However, the search for |U 13 | and CP violation in the lepton sector does not cover all the items in today neutrino physics. Let us emphasize that still several fundamental characteristics of neutrinos are unknown. Among them, the Dirac or Majorana nature of neutrinos, the absolute scale of neutrino masses, the distinction between the normal and inverted schemes and the electromagnetic properties of neutrinos. The answer to one of the most important question in today neutrino physics, i.e. if neutrino are massive Majorana particles, can be resolved if neutrinoless beta decay will be observed. Chapter 3 The OPERA experiment The OPERA (Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus) [51] experiment is motivated by recent results about atmopheric neutrinos anomaly. The aim of the experiment is the direct observation of the ντ appearance in an almost pure νµ beam (the CNGS neutrino beam). The detector is located at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory at a distance of 732 Km from CERN, where a facility producing muon neutrino has been realised. Looking for the direct observation of the νµ → ντ appearance, OPERA will constitute a milestone in the study of neutrino oscillations. 3.1 The CNGS beam The CNGS neutrino beam [52] was designed and optimized for the study of νµ → ντ oscillations in appearance mode, by maximizing the number of charged current (CC) ντ interactions at the LNGS site. A 400 GeV proton beam is extracted from the CERN SPS in 10.5 µs short pulses with a design intensity of 2.4 x 1013 proton on target (p.o.t) per pulse. The proton beam is transported through the transfer line TT41 to the CNGS target T40. The target consists of a series of thin graphite rods. Secondary pions and kaons of positive charge produced in the target are focused into a parallel beam by a system of two magnetic lenses, called horn and reflector (Fig. 3.1). A 1000 m long decay-pipe allows the pions and kaons to decay into muonneutrinos and muons. The remaining hadrons (protons, pions, kaons, ... ) are absorbed by an iron beam-dump. The signals induced by muons (from π, k meson decays) in two arrays of silicon detectors placed in the hadron stopper is used for the on line monitoring and the tuning of the beam (steering of the proton beam on target, horn and reflector alignment, etc.). The separation of the two arrays, 67 m of passive material equivalent to 25 m of iron, allows a rough measurement of the 36 The OPERA experiment Figure 3.1: Sketch of the CNGS components at the SPS of CERN muon energy spectrum and of the beam angular distribution. Further downstream the muons are absorbed in the rock while neutrinos continue to travel toward Gran Sasso. When the neutrino beam reaches Gran Sasso, 732 km from CERN, its diameter is calculated to be of the order of two kilometres. Due to the Earth curvature neutrinos from CERN enter the LNGS halls with an angle of about 3 degrees with respect to the horizontal plane. The average neutrino energy at the LNGS location is ∼ 17 GeV. The ν µ contamination is ∼ 4%, the νe and νe contaminations are lower than 1%, while the number of prompt ντ from D s decay is negligible. The average L/E ν ratio is 43 km GeV−1 . Assuming a CNGS beam intensity of 4.5 x 1019 p.o.t. per year and a five year run, about 22000 CC plus neutral current (NC) neutrino events will be collected by OPERA from interactions in the lead-emulsion target. Out of them 67 (152) CC ν τ interactions are expected for ∆m2 = 2 x 10−3 eV2 (3 x 10−3 eV2 ) and sin2 2θ23 = 1. Taking into account the overall τ detection efficiency the experiment should gather 10 ÷ 15 signal events with a background of less than one event. 3.2 The OPERA detector The OPERA experiment is designed starting from the ECC concept, which combines in one cell (Fig. 3.3) the high precision tracking capabilities of the nuclear emulsions and the large target mass given by the lead plates. By piling-up a series of cells in a sandwich-like structure one obtains a brick (Fig. 3.4) which consti- 3.2 The OPERA detector 37 Figure 3.2: Shematic drawing of the OPERA experiment tutes the basic detector unit. The OPERA apparatus (Fig. 3.2) consists of 2 identical parts called supermodules (SMs). Each super-module consists of ∼ 77375 lead/emulsion bricks arranged in 29 target planes, each brick wall is followed by two scintillator planes with an effective granularity of 2.6 × 2.6 cm2 . These planes serve as trigger devices and allow selecting the brick containing a neutrino interaction. A muon spectrometer at the downstream end of each SM allows to measure the muon charge and momentum. A large size anti-coincidence detector placed in front of the first SM allows to veto (or tag) interactions occurring in the material and in the rock upstream of the target. The construction of the experiment started in Spring 2003. The first instrumented magnet was completed in May 2004 together with the first half of the target support structure. The second magnet was completed in the beginning of 2005. In Spring 2006 all scintillator planes were installed. The production of the ECC bricks started in October 2006 with the aim of completing half target for the high-intensity run of October 2007. 3.2.1 Target section The target part is composed of 29 walls (58 in total) and each wall contains a layer called brick wall and a layer called Target Tracker (TT) wall. The brick wall contains ∼ 2668 bricks for a total of 154750 bricks in the whole apparatus. The brick support structure is designed to insert or extract bricks from the sides of the walls, by using an automated manipulator (BMS). An R&D collaboration between the Fuji Company and the Nagoya University 38 The OPERA experiment Figure 3.3: Schematic structure of an ECC cell in the OPERA experiment. The τ decay kink is reconstructed in space by using four track segments in the emulsion films. group allowed the large scale production of the emulsion films needed for the experiment (more than 9 million individual films) fulfilling the requirements of uniformity of response and of production, time stability, sensitivity, schedule and cost [53]. The main peculiarity of the emulsion films used in high energy physics compared to normal photographic films is the relatively large thickness of the sensitive layers (∼ 44 µm) placed on both sides of a 205 µm thick plastic base. A target brick (ECC) consists of 56 lead plates of 1 mm thickness and 57 emulsion films. The plate material is a lead alloy with a small calcium content to improve its mechanical properties. The transverse dimensions of a brick are 12.7 × 10.2 cm2 and the thickness along the beam direction is 7.5 cm (about 10 radiation lengths). The weight is 8.3 Kg. The dimensions of the bricks are determined by conflicting requirements: the mass of the bricks selected and removed for analysis should represent a small fraction of the total target mass; on the other hand, the brick transverse dimensions should be substantially larger than the uncertainties in the interaction vertex position predicted by the electronic trackers. The brick thickness in units of radiation lengths is large enough to allow electron identification through their electromagnetic showering and momentum measurement by multiple coulomb scattering following tracks in consecutive cells. An efficient electron identification requires about 3 ÷ 4 X0 and the multiple scattering requires ∼ 5 X0 . With a 10 X0 3.2 The OPERA detector 39 Figure 3.4: Photography of an OPERA brick delivered by the BAM. The picture shows the CS box attached to the brick at its downstream side. brick thickness, for half of the events such measurements can be done within the same brick where the interaction took place, without the need to follow tracks into downstream bricks. The construction of more than 150000 bricks for the neutrino target is accomplished by an automatic machine, the Brick Assembly Machine (BAM), operating underground in order to minimize the number of background tracks from cosmicrays and environmental radiation. Two Brick Manipulating Systems (BMS) on the lateral sides of the detector position the bricks in the target walls and also extract those bricks containing neutrino interactions. The needs of adequate spatial resolution for high brick finding efficiency, for good calorimetric measurement of the events, as well as the requirement of covering large surfaces (∼ 6000 m2 ), impose strong requirements on the Target Tracker (TT). Therefore, the cost-effective technology of scintillating strips with wave length shifting fiber readout was adopted. The polystyrene scintillator strips are 6.86 m long, 10.6 mm thick and 26.3 mm wide. A groove in the center of the strip houses the 1 mm diameter fiber. Multi anode, 64-pixel photomultipliers are placed at both ends of the fibers. A basic unit of the TT called module consists of 64 strips glued together. One plane of 4 modules of horizontal strips and one of 4 modules of vertical strips form a scintillator wall providing X-Y track information (Fig. 3.5). Simulations have shown that a transverse segmentation below the adopted di- 40 The OPERA experiment Figure 3.5: Schematic view of the target tracker wall. mensions for scintillator strips, does not significantly improve the physics performance, in particular the brick finding efficiency. Their energy resolution is what √ is expected from a calorimetric sampling (∆E/E ∼ 0.65/ E(GeV) + 0.16). During the run, muons generated in the interaction of CNGS neutrinos in the cavern rock (”rock muons”), cosmics ray muons, radioactive sources and light injection systems will be used to calibrate the system. The selection of the brick containing the neutrino interaction vertex is performed by combining different algorithms based on the observed transverse and longitudinal event profiles as well as on the presence of individual reconstructed tracks. As an illustration, Fig. 3.6 shows the longitudinal profile of a simulated ν τ event with a muonic decay in a projected view. In order to reduce the emulsion scanning load the use of Changeable Sheets, successfully applied in the CERN CHORUS experiment [54], was extended to OPERA. CS doublets are attached to the downstream face of each brick and can be removed without opening the brick (Fig.3.4). Charged particles from a neutrino interaction in the brick cross the CS and produce a trigger in the TT scintillators. Following this trigger the brick is extracted and the CS developed and analyzed in the scanning facility at LNGS (see chapter 5). The information of the CS is used for a precise prediction of the position of the tracks in the most downstream films of the brick, hence guiding the so-called scan-back vertex-finding procedure (see chapter 6). 3.2 The OPERA detector 41 Figure 3.6: Display of a simulated τ → µ event in the OPERA target. The beam comes from the left of the figure. The primary vertex occurs in the third brick wall. Each wall of bricks is followed by a TT plane. These planes are oriented along the X and Y directions, perpendicular to the beam. The muon track corresponds to the longest track escaping on the right of the figure. 3.2.2 Muon Spectrometers Muon spectrometers [55] are conceived to perform muon identification and charge measurement which are needed for the study of the muonic τ-decay channel and for the suppression of the background from the decay of charmed particles, featuring the same topology (see section 3.4.1). Each muon spectrometer (Fig. 3.7) consists of a dipolar magnet made of two iron arms for a total weight of 990 ton. The measured magnetic field intensity is 1.55 T. The two arms are interleaved with vertical, 8 m long drift-tube planes (PT) for the precise measurement of the muon-track bending. Planes of Resistive Plates Chambers (RPCs) are inserted between the iron plates of the arms, providing a coarse tracking inside the magnet, range measurement of the stopping particles and a calorimetric analysis of hadrons. In order to measure the muon momenta and determine their sign with high accuracy, the Precision Tracker (PT) is built of thin walled aluminum tubes with 38 mm outer diameter and 8 m length [56]. Each of the ∼ 10000 tubes has a central sense wire of 45 µm diameter. They can provide a spatial resolution better than 300 µm. Each spectrometer is equipped with six fourfold layers of tubes. RPCs [57] identify penetrating muons and measure their charge and momentum in an independent way with respect to the PT. They consist of electrode plates made of 2 mm thick plastic laminate of high resistivity painted with graphite. Induced pulses are collected on two pickup strip planes made of copper strips glued on plastic foils placed on each side of the detector. The number of individual RPCs 42 The OPERA experiment Figure 3.7: Top view of an OPERA spectrometer is 924 for a total detector area of 3080 m2 . The total number of digital channels is about 25000, one for each of the 2.6 cm (vertical) and 3.5 cm (horizontal) wide strips. In order to solve ambiguities in the track spatial-reconstruction each of the two drift-tube planes of the PT upstream of the dipole magnet is complemented by an RPC plane with two 42.6◦ crossed strip-layers called XPCs. RPCs and XPCs give a precise timing signal to the PTs. Finally, a detector made of glass RPCs is placed in front of the first Super Module, acting as a veto system for interactions occurring in the upstream rock [58], [59]. 3.3 Operation mode With the CNGS beam on, OPERA will run in a rather complex mode. The low data rate from events due to neutrino interactions is in correlation with the CNGS beam spill. The synchronization with the spill is done off line via GPS. The detector remains sensitive during the inter-spill time and runs in a trigger-less mode. Events detected out of the beam spill (cosmic-ray muons, background from environmental radioactivity, dark counts) are used for monitoring. The global DAQ is built as a standard Ethernet network whose 1147 nodes are the Ethernet Controller Mezzanines plugged on controller boards interfaced to 3.3 Operation mode 43 Figure 3.8: τ decay length distribution, obtained assuming the CNGS energy spectrum and oscillation parameters coming from atmospheric neutrino experiments. each sub-detector specific front-end electronics. A general 10 ns clock synchronized with the local GPS is distributed to all mezzanines in order to insert a time stamp to each data block. The event building is performed by sorting individual sub detector data by their time stamps. As already explained above, upon the event trigger, the electronic detectors provide the trigger for brick extraction, and a probability map on the preceding brick walls. The brick located in the most probable area is extracted by the BMS and the interface CS doublets is detached, exposed to X-ray reference mark set, then developed. In the meanwhile the brick is stored underground, waiting for CS scanning feedback. If the CSs do not confirm the interaction, the brick is equipped with two new emulsion sheets and placed back in the detector. If the CSs confirm the presence of the interaction, the brick is transported to the outside laboratories and exposed to cosmic-rays inside a dedicated ”pit”, where it is shielded by 40 cm iron to minimize the electron component at mountain altitude [60]. Penetrating cosmic-ray muons will allow the sheet-to-sheet alignment with sub-micrometric precision (see chapter 5). Subsequently, the brick is exposed to X-ray reference mark set (which will provide a reference system during the scanning), disassembled and each emulsion labeled with an Id number. The films are developed with an automatic system in parallel processing chains and dispatched to the scanning labs. The expected number of bricks extracted per running-day with the full target installed and CNGS nominal intensity is about 22. The large emulsion surface to 44 The OPERA experiment be scanned requires fast automatic microscopes continuously running at a speed of ∼ 20 cm2 film surface per hour. This requirement has been met after R&D studies conducted using two different approaches by some of the European groups of the Collaboration (ESS) [61] and by the Japanese groups (S-UTS) [62]. The European Scanning System (ESS) will be described in chapter 5. 3.4 Physics performances 3.4.1 τ detection and signal efficiency The signal of the occurrence of νµ → ντ oscillation is the charged current interaction of ντ ’s in the detector target (ντ N → τ− X). The reaction is identified by the detection of the short-lived τ lepton. The τ decay channels investigated by OPERA are the electron, muon and hadron channels: BR 17.8% τ− → e − ντ νe τ− → µ − ντ νµ 17.7% − − 0 τ → h ντ (nπ ) 49.5% For the typical τ energies expected with the CNGS beam one obtains the decay length distribution shown in Fig. 3.8, with an average decay length of ∼ 450 µm. The τ decays inside the ECCs are classified in two categories: long and short decays. Short decays correspond to the case where the τ decays in the same lead plate where the neutrino interaction occurred. The τ candidates are selected on the basis of the impact parameter (IP) of the τ daughter track with respect to the interaction vertex (IP > 5-20 µm). This is applied only for the electron and muon channels, since in the hadronic channel the background coming from hadron reinteractions dominates. In the long τ decays, the decay occurs in the first or second downstream lead plate. τ candidates are selected on the basis of the detection of a reasonably large kink angle between the τ and the daughter track (θkink > 20 mrad). The analysis of the τ → e channel benefits from the dense brick structure given by the cell design, which allows the electron identification through its showering in the downstream cells. For the muonic decay mode the presence of the penetrating (often isolated) muon track crossing the whole detector structure allows an easier vertex finding. The potential background from large angle scattering of muons produced in ν µ CC interactions can be reduced to a tolerable level by applying cuts on the kink angle and on the muon transverse momentum at the decay vertex. 3.4 Physics performances τ→e τ→µ τ→h Total 45 DIS long QE long DIS short Overall 2.7 % 2.3 % 1.3 % 3.4 % 2.4 % 2.5 % 0.7 % 2.8 % 2.8 % 3.5 % 2.9 % 8.0 % 8.3 % 1.3 % 9.1 % Table 3.1: τ detection efficiencies (including branching ratios) for the OPERA experiment. Overall efficiencies are weighted sums on DIS and QE events. Hadronic decay modes have the largest branching ratio but are affected by background due to hadron interactions. One of the primary hadrons, in fact, can interact in the first lead plates and it may simulate the decay of the τ. Strong kinematical cuts will be used to reduce this background. An important tool for background reduction is the determination of the transverse momentum of the daughter particle with respect to the direction of the τ track candidate. For τ → e decays the ECC technique is well suited to identify electrons and to determine their energy by measuring the density of track segments associated to their showering in the brick. For charged hadrons and muons, the momentum is deduced from the measurement of the multiple scattering in the lead plates. The muon momentum is also measured by the electronic detectors in a large fraction of cases. The overall detection efficiency (including branching ratios), estimated by evaluating the efficiency related to the various steps of data reconstruction (i.e. trigger and brick finding, vertex finding, decay detection and kinematical analysis) is reported in Tab. 3.1. 3.4.2 Background estimation The background evaluation has been performed by means of a full simulation which includes the beam properties, the physics processes and the detector structure. Background sources are: • Prompt ντ production in the primary proton target and in the beam dump. Prompt ντ originate from the decay of τ’s produced in the CNGS target by the decay of D s mesons. The rate of ντ production from the interaction of 400 GeV/c protons in a Be target and in the downstream beam dump has been evaluated in [63], [64] for the CERN Wide Band Beam. These results have been scaled down according to the features of the CNGS beam and the distance of the experiment from the source. Following the method of [63], we expect O(10−6 ) × NCC ντ interactions, where NCC is the total number 46 The OPERA experiment of νµ CC events collected. If one also takes into account the detection efficiency and the fact that the experiment will integrate O(104 ) events, the contribution to the background is completely negligible. • One-prong decay of charmed particles. Charmed particles are produced in CC and NC neutrino interactions through the reactions: νµ N → cµX νµ N → ccµX νµ N → ccνµ X (3.1) (3.2) (3.3) Charmed mesons have masses and lifetimes similar to those of the τ lepton. The above processes may thus constitute a background to the oscillation signal if one fails to detect the primary muon in the reaction 3.1, the charm partner in the reaction 3.3 or both (charm and muon) in 3.2. The most relevant source is given by single charm production, i.e. the first reaction. • Background from π0 and prompt electrons. In addition to charm production, other sources must be considered as possible background for τ → e long decay: kink-like events from scattering of primary electrons produced in νe CC interactions and pion charge exchange process (π− p → π0 n) in νµ NC interactions. • Large angle muon scattering. Muons produced in νµ CC events and undergoing a scattering in the lead plate following the vertex plate could mimic a muonic τ decay. • Hadronic reinteractions. The last source of background, important for all the decay channels, is due to the reinteraction of hadrons produced in νµ NC and in νµ CC interactions without any visible activity at the interaction vertex. Hadronic reinteractions constitutes a backgrounds for the hadronic channel if they occur in νµ NC or in νµ CC events with the muon not identified. Hadron reinteractions constitute also an important source of background for the muonic τ decay channel. Indeed in νµ NC events an hadron may be misidentified as a muon or a genuine µ identified in the electronic detector is mismatched to a hadron track in the emulsions. Finally, hadronic reinteractions could also be a source of background for the electronic decay channel. This happens when in a νµ NC interaction (or in a νµ CC interaction with the muon undetected) a hadron from the primary vertex, after having suffered a large scattering in the first or second downstream lead plate, is misidentified as an electron. 3.4 Physics performances Channel τ→e τ→µ τ→h τ → 3h T 47 ∆m2 (eV 2 ) 2.5 · 10−3 3.0 · 10−3 3.5 5.0 2.9 4.2 3.1 4.4 0.9 1.3 10.4 15.0 Background 0.17 0.17 0.24 0.17 0.76 Table 3.2: Summary of the expected numbers of τ events per decay channel in 5 years of operation and for different ∆m2 , assuming the nominal CNGS beam intensity. The contribution on the above sources to the total background depends on the actual decay channel. The total background from the sources discussed, assuming the nominal beam intensity, is estimated to be less then ∼ 0.8 events in 5 years of OPERA operations with a fiducial mass of 1.3 Kton. 3.4.3 Sensitivity to νµ → ντ oscillation The OPERA performances after 5 years of running with the nominal beam intensity (4.5 × 1019 pot/year) are summarized in Tab. 3.2: the number of expected signal events from νµ → ντ oscillations is given as a function of the studied channel for two different values of ∆m2 at full mixing. Fig. 3.9 shows the discovery probability as a function of the ∆m2 . Fig. 3.10 shows the sensitivity of the OPERA experiment to νµ → ντ oscillation together with the region allowed by the past atmospheric neutrino experiments: the OPERA sensitivity completely covers the allowed region. 3.4.4 Search for the sub-leading νµ → νe oscillation As already discussed in chapter 2 sub-dominant νµ → νe oscillations at the ”atmospheric scale” are driven by the mixing angle θ13 . The angle is constrained by reactor experiments to be small [43], [44]. Because of the very good electron identification, OPERA is also sensitive to νµ → νe oscillations. Together with the νµ → ντ appearance search this measurement also allows to perform an analysis of neutrino oscillation with three-flavour mixing. The analysis is based on a search for an excess of νe CC events at low neutrino energies. The main background comes from the electron neutrino contamination 48 The OPERA experiment Figure 3.9: OPERA discovery probability vs ∆m2 . Figure 3.10: The OPERA sensitivity to νµ → ντ oscillations. 3.4 Physics performances θ13 9 8 7 5 3 sin2 θ13 0.095 0.076 0.058 0.030 0.011 νe CC signal τ → e 9.3 4.5 7.4 4.5 5.8 4.6 3.0 4.6 1.2 4.7 49 νµ CC → νµ NC 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 νµ NC 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 νe CC beam 18 18 18 18 18 Table 3.3: Expected number of signal and background events for OPERA assuming 5 years data taking with the nominal CNGS beam and oscillation parameters ∆m 223 = 2.5 × 10−3 eV2 , θ23 = 45◦ and θ13 ∈ [3◦ ÷ 9◦ ]. present in the beam, which is is relatively small compared to the dominant ν µ component (νe /νµ = 0.8%). The systematic error associated with the νe contamination plays an important role for the oscillation search, the statistical fluctuation (∼ 5%) of this component being the irreducible limiting factor. Other sources of background are the electronic τ decay, the decay of neutral pions produced in NC interactions, and νµ events with the primary muon not identified and having another track miming an electron. The OPERA νµ → νe search seeks for neutrino interactions with a candidate electron from the primary vertex with an energy larger than 1 GeV (to cut the soft γ component) and a visible energy smaller than 20 GeV (to reduce the background due to the prompt component). Moreover, a cut on the number of grains associated with the track of the candidate electron is also applied. The latter has a strong impact on the reduction of the background from νµ CC and νµ NC events and allowed for a softer cut on electron energy. Finally, a cut on missing p T of the event is applied (pT < 1.5 GeV) to further reduce NC contamination and suppress τ → e background. The expected number of signal and background events for OPERA assuming 5 years data taking with the nominal CNGS beam is given in Tab. 3.3 for different values of θ13 . The 90% confidence level limit for the OPERA experiment is sin2 2θ13 < 0.06. An increase of sensitivity for νµ → νe oscillation can be obtained by fitting the kinematical distributions of the selected events. By fitting simultaneously the E vis , E e , PTmiss distributions, we obtained the exclusion plot at 90% C.L. shown in Fig. 3.11 under the assumption θ23 = 45◦ [66]. 50 The OPERA experiment Figure 3.11: OPERA sensitivity to the parameter θ 13 at 90% C.L. in a three family mixing scenario, in presence of νµ → ντ with θ23 = 45◦ . The sensitivity with the higher intensity beam (×1.5) is also given (dotted line). 3.5 PEANUT: Petit Exposure At NeUTrino beamline The OPERA experiment will starts data taking in October 2007. During last years a long R&D program has been carried out in order to study several aspects of the emulsion scanning and analysis: in particular some exposure tests to pion beam have been performed in order to mainly check the ESS performances in terms of efficiency and track reconstruction capability (see section 5). In order to study and to validate the OPERA analysis scheme, the collaboration decided to expose in 2005 several OPERA-like bricks to the NuMI neutrino beam in the MINOS Near Detector (ND) hall at Chicago Fermilab. The PEANUT test has been conceived to reproduce the framework of the OPERA detector: electronic detectors provide the hint to search the track inside an emulsion doublet (that henceforth will be called CS doublet); the tracks confirmed in the CS are followed in the brick up to the neutrino interaction points. The main purpose of the PEANUT analysis is to test and optimize the vertex finding chain. Contextually the study of neutrino interactions (that can be performed in PEANUT thanks to the high number of recorded events), is a subject 3.5 PEANUT: Petit Exposure At NeUTrino beamline 51 Figure 3.12: The three available energy configuration of the NuMI beam. of interest for the neutrino community in general; in addition, being the mean energy of NuMI beam lower than the CNGS one, this test allows to characterize the OPERA performances in the low neutrino energy region. This exposure is useful for the MINOS collaboration too as an additional input to understand the initial composition of the neutrino beam. 3.5.1 The NuMI beam The primary beam system for the NuMI facility consists of the extraction and transport of 120 GeV primary protons from the Main Injector to the NuMI target. The extracted protons are focused and bent strongly downward by a string of quadrupoles and bending magnets so that they enter the pre-target hall. For conventional construction reasons the pre-target and target halls are located in the dolomite rock formation, requiring that the initial trajectory be bent down more than is actually required to aim the neutrino beam to Soudan. Another set of bend magnets brings the protons to the correct pitch of 58 mrad for a zero targeting angle beam directed toward the experiment. The size and angular dispersion of the proton beam are controlled by a final set of quadrupoles and are matched to the diameter of the production target. 52 The OPERA experiment Figure 3.13: The NuMI beam layout. Protons that strike the target, produce short lived hadrons that are focused towards the neutrino experimental areas, and as the hadrons travel through a long pipe a fraction of them decay to neutrinos and muons. The target is sufficiently long to enable most of the primary protons from the Main Injector to interact, but shaped so that secondary interactions of the π’s and K’s are minimized and energy absorption is low. This is achieved with a target that is long and thin, allowing secondary particles to escape through the sides. The focusing is performed by a set of two magnetic horns. These devices are shaped in such a way that, when a pulse of current passes through them, a magnetic field is generated which focuses particles in the desired momentum range over a wide range of production angles. The average meson energy is selected by adjusting the locations of the second horn and target with respect to the first horn. This allows to range the energy of the meson beam (and therefore of the neutrino beam) during the course of the experiment. Three configuration of target and horn spacings were defined as the low-energy (LE), medium-Energy (ME), and highenergy (HE) beams (Fig. 3.12) The higher-energy beams yield larger number of neutrino interactions as the cross section is higher. During the PEANUT exposure the NuMI beam was in LE configuration. The particles selected by the focusing horns (mainly pions with a small component of kaons and uninteracting protons) are then allowed to propagate down an evacuated beam pipe (decay tunnel) 1 m in radius and 675 m long, placed in a tunnel, pointing downward towards Soudan. While traversing the beam pipe, a fraction of mesons decay, yielding forward-going neutrinos. A hadron absorber (consisting of a water cooled aluminum central core surrounded by steel) is placed at the end of the decay pipe to remove the residual flux of protons and mesons, 3.5 PEANUT: Petit Exposure At NeUTrino beamline 53 followed by a set of beam monitoring detectors, while the 240 meters of dolomite rock between the end of the hadron absorber and the near detector is sufficient to stop all muons coming from the decay pipe (Fig. 3.13). 3.5.2 The PEANUT detector The PEANUT detector has been conceived to reproduce, in a reduced scale, the OPERA detector. The apparatus, shown in Fig. 3.14, consists of 4 structures called ”mini-walls” each housing a matrix of 3×4 OPERA-like bricks, for a total of 48 bricks. First, second and third mini-wall are followed by 2 planes of scintillator fiber trackers (SFT), while the fourth wall is followed by 4 SFT planes. Each SFT plane is 0.56×0.56 m2 and is composed by horizontal and vertical 500 µm diameter fibers providing x-y track information (see Fig. 3.14). Between second and third wall and after the last one a plane of 45◦ oriented fibers, (called U and V plane respectively), completes the electronic target section. The SFT planes (that are the same used in DONUT experiment [4]) are readout by image intensifiers and CCD cameras. A chain of high voltages ranging from 9 to 20 kV is applied to the image intensifiers continuously. The data from the CCD camera is read out at the end of thev beam spill by a local PC computer and stored on disk. The bricks used for PEANUT exposure were made of OPERA Tono-refreshed emulsion films, sent by plane from Japan to Chicago. The bricks was assembled at Fermilab using a manual version of BAM (Brick Assembly Machine). Unavoidably during the flight, the films accumulate cosmic ray radiation: for this reason the emulsions were shipped in vacuum packed boxes in an order that henceforth will be called ”transportation order” and assembled at Fermilab in opposite order (”assembly or exposure order”, see Fig. 3.15). This allows to tag tracks recorded during the flight that constitute an undesirable background for neutrino events analysis. As shown in Fig. 3.15, Peanut bricks are composed by 57 emulsion sheets: out of them 55 are interspaced by passive material plates, while the first two (located in downstream direction) are placed in contact. This configuration allows to reproduce the Changeable Sheet doublet (CS) of the real OPERA bricks. A total of 160 bricks have been produced: for 135 of them lead plates have been used as passive material, in order to achieve the best performance for the momentum measurement obtained through multiple-scattering and the electron ID, and reproduce the configuration of the OPERA bricks. However, since the MINOS detector target material is iron, to check the number of shower tracks and emission angles for neutrino-iron interaction, 35 iron ECC bricks has been realised. With iron, the momentum measurement accuracy and electron ID efficiency will decrease due to the 3 times longer radiation length compared to lead. 54 The OPERA experiment The target (Fig. 3.16) was positioned in the MINOS Near Detector hall (Fig. 3.17) and the data taking started in September 2005. Unlike the OPERA experiment, the bricks are not removed after a trigger from electronic detectors, but left in the apparatus for a period ranging from few to 100 days of beam exposure. Then they are exposed to cosmic rays in order to perform the plate to plate alignment, are unpacked, marked with optic reference marks and developed using standard procedure. Finally the emulsions are shared among the laboratories of the collaboration for the analysis. 3.5 PEANUT: Petit Exposure At NeUTrino beamline Figure 3.14: Layout of the PEANUT detector. 55 56 The OPERA experiment Figure 3.15: On the left an illustration of the film order during the transportation. Right: the piling order. 3.5 PEANUT: Petit Exposure At NeUTrino beamline Figure 3.16: A picture of the PEANUT apparatus. Figure 3.17: The PEANUT detector in the MINOS Near Hall at FermiLab 57 58 The OPERA experiment Chapter 4 Nuclear Emulsions In 1896, H. Becquerel observed for the first time a blackening of photo-plates accidentally in contact with salts of uranium. This event can be considered the starting point of the use of photographic emulsions in particle physics. Since then the development of the nuclear emulsion method for recording high-energy charged particles involved many physicists worldwide during the 1930s: in 1937 Blau and Wambacker reported the first observation of an interaction in emulsions exposed to cosmic rays [67] and in 1947, thanks to the new ”concentrated” emulsions producted by the industrial chemist C.Waller, the pion was discovered by observing the π → µ → e decay chain [68]. In the 1960s accelerators started to replace cosmic rays as sources of highenergy particles, and fast-response detectors, such as counters and spark chambers, started to replace cloud chambers and nuclear emulsions. Anyway, nuclear emulsions were not abandoned, because of their unique peculiarities: they are very sensitive and allow to resolve particle tracks to less than 1 µm, and therefore the ideal device to detect short-lived particles. In fact, nuclear emulsions are still successfully used nowadays, especially in neutrino experiments: they were employed in experiments like WA17 at CERN [69], aiming at the search for charmed particles in neutrino charged current interactions, or E531 at Fermilab [70], aiming at the measurement of charmed particle lifetimes in neutrino interactions, or WA75 at CERN [71], searching for beauty particle production by a 350 GeV/c π− beam. Furthermore, the use of nuclear emulsions allowed the first (and still unique) detection of ντ neutrinos by the DONUT collaboration [4]. The technique of nuclear emulsions has found a large scale application in the target of the CHORUS experiment [54], in which the automatic scanning of a large sample of events has first been applied. This technique has been further improved in OPERA (see Chapter 5) leading to the much larger scale of the OPERA target. 60 Nuclear Emulsions 4.1 Basic properties Emulsions used in particle physics are usually a mixtures of silver halide microcrystals (typically bromides AgBr) and a gelatin consisting mainly of a variable quantity of water, small amount of glycerol, and possibly other organic substances. The energy released by ionizing particles to the crystals produces a latent image which is almost stable in time. After development, followed by fixing and washing to remove the undeveloped crystals, the gelatin becomes transparent and with a microscope the paths of charged particles that penetrated the emulsion are visible as trails of minute dark silver grains. Nuclear emulsions are very similar to standard photographic emulsions, but with some peculiar features: in nuclear emulsions silver halide crystals are very uniform in size and sensitivity; the silver to gelatin ratio is much higher than in a conventional emulsion; there are very few crystals that may be developed without exposure to a charged particle; furthermore the film thickness is larger. The sensitivity of the emulsions depends on the size of the silver halide crystals; large grains are more sensitive to ionizing radiation than small ones. Usually, a low sensitivity emulsion is used to detect low-energy particles, as there is plenty of energy available to free electrons. However, a more sensitive emulsion is required to detect high-energy particles as they deposit little energy along their tracks. The size of the microcrystals in the OPERA emulsions is ∼ 0.2 µm and is well controlled by the current industrial technologies developed for photographic films. A minimum ionizing particle (mip) yields ' 30 grains per 100 µm. 4.1.1 The latent image formation As already seen above, the property of the crystal that makes it developable is called latent image: silver halide crystals of an emulsion absorb energy when excited by light or charged particles. This absorption sensitize the crystals in such a way that under the action of a chemical reducing agent, conversion of the halide to metallic silver will proceed more rapidly than in the not irradiated crystal. Most current theories of latent-image formation are modifications of the mechanism proposed by R. W. Gurney and N. F. Mott in 1938. When solid silver bromide is formed, as in the preparation of a photographic emulsion, each silver atom gives up one orbital electron to a bromine atom. The silver atoms, lacking one negative charge, have an effective positive charge and are known as silver ions (Ag+ ). The bromine atoms, on the other hand, have gained an electron - a negative charge - and have become bromine ions (Br − ). A crystal of silver bromide is a regular cubical array of silver and bromide ions. 4.1 Basic properties 61 A crystal of silver bromide in a photographic emulsion is not perfect; a number of imperfections are always present. First, within the crystal, there are silver ions that do not occupy the ”lattice position”, but rather are in the spaces between. These are known as interstitial silver ions. The number of the interstitial silver ions is small compared to the total number of silver ions in the crystal. In addition, there are distortions of the uniform crystal structure. These may be ”foreign” molecules, within or on the crystal, produced by reactions with the components of the gelatin, or distortions or dislocations of the regular array of ions. These may be classed together and called ”latent-images sites”. The Gurney-Mott theory envisions latent-image formation as a two-stage process. When a photon of light of energy greater than a certain minimum value is absorbed in a silver bromide crystal, it releases an electron from a bromide ion (Br− ). The ion, having lost its excess negative charge, is changed to a bromine atom. The liberated electron is free to wander about the crystal, where it may encounter a latent image site and be ”trapped” there, giving the latent-image site a negative electrical charge. This first stage of latent-image formation, involving transfer of electrical charges by means of moving electrons, is the electronic conduction stage. The negatively charged trap can then attract an interstitial silver ion because the silver ion is charged positively. When such an interstitial ion reaches a negatively charged trap, its charge is neutralized, an atom of silver is deposited at the trap, and the trap is ”reset”. This second stage of the Gurney-Mott mechanism is called the ionic condition stage, since electrical charge is transferred through the crystal by the movement of ions. The whole cycle can recur several times at a single trap, each cycle involving absorption of one photon and addition of one silver atom to the aggregate. In this way, the absorption of energy in a excited crystal of silver halide leads to a concentration of a few silver atoms into an aggregate which can act as a development center, i. e. a latent image. The formation and preservation of the latent image depends on external conditions such as temperature, humidity and pressure. As temperature and humidity increase, the sensitivity decreases and the latent image is less stable (fading). The fading can be artificially induced in order to erase the image of unwanted tracks accumulated before the exposition (refresh). Moreover, in particular conditions, it is possible to refresh emulsions without spoiling their sensitivity. 4.1.2 The development process The development procedure is a many-step chemical treatment in a darkroom, allowing the reduction of silver ions to metallic silver: in this way the latent image in an emulsion is made visible. 62 Nuclear Emulsions The reducing solution, the developer, is a chemical agent that reduces completely those crystals containing a latent image center, while leaving unchanged all the others. An important parameter of the development process is the developing time. It should be long enough for those crystals with a latent image center to be reduced completely, but not so long that unexposed crystals are developed. In fact, a certain number of crystals will be developed even if they do not contain a development center. These grains, when developed, constitute what is known as fog or background. Developing products may be divided into two main groups, depending on the source of silver ions for reduction. The first group is known as physical developing agents: in these products silver ions are provided from the solution in the form of a soluble complex; they are deposited on the latent image center and are reduced to metallic silver. This produces spherical grains, the precise shape of which is affected by the pH of the solution. The second group are the chemical developing agents: in this case, silver ions are provided from the silver halide crystal containing the latent image center. The action of a chemical developer produces a mass of filaments bearing little resemblance to the original crystal. If silver halide solvents such as sulphite are present in a chemical developer, an opportunity exists for some physical development to occur. In this case, the filaments in the processed plate will be shorter and thicker. During the development process, to exactly control the development time, one has to take into account two important parameters: temperature and PH. Chemical development, like many other chemical reactions, is dependent on temperature. In general, the development occurs more rapidly at higher temperatures while below 10◦ C the development virtually stops. For this reason it is important to keep the processing temperature constant during development, otherwise it will not be possible to assess the correct development time. Furthermore the developer maintains a given activity within a narrow pH range. In general the less alkaline the environment is, the less active the developer will be; for this reason, at the end of the development an acid stop bath is often recommended. This stops immediately the process and controls precisely the time. The developers usually used to process nuclear emulsions are combined chemical and physical agents, sulphite and bromide are solvents of silver halide. Complex silver ions become metallic silver that precipitates in the gelatin allowing to obtain the silver grains. This causes physical development of the grains and fog. A succesfull development happens when the reaction in the grains containing the desired latent image proceed faster than the development of the fog. The speed of the development often changes owing to the presence in the developer of the sulfide. The sulfide is required in the development procedure because it tends to prevent oxidation of the developing agent by dissolved oxygen 4.1 Basic properties 63 Figure 4.1: Top: photograph of the cross section of a machine-coated emulsion film taken by an electron microscope. Diluted emulsion layers of 43 µm thickness are coated on both sides of a 205 µm thick triacetate base. Bottom: enlarged view of the top emulsion layer. A thin (∼ 1 µm) protective film (gelatin) is placed over the emulsion layer at the same time of coating. from the air. After the development, a fixation procedure must be made in order to remove all the residual silver halides. These, if otherwise left in the emulsion, would slowly induce the browning and a progressive degradation of the image. The fixing agent most widely used are sodium or ammonium thiosulphate, which form thiusulphate complexes with the silver halide. Silver thiosulphate is soluble in water and so may be removed from emulsions by washing with water. This is 64 Nuclear Emulsions density radiation length (dE/dx)mip nuclear collision length nuclear interaction length ρ = 2.71 g/cm3 X0 = 5.5 cm 1.55 MeV/g/cm2 or 37 keV/100 µm λT = 33 cm λ I = 51 cm Table 4.1: Physics properties of OPERA emulsion film. the reason why at the end of fixation process emulsions must be washed very thoroughly. If the washing step is not done correctly, any residual can break down, producing silver sulphite which is brown and can obscure the image. During fixing and washing the emulsion can suffer distortions because at that stage they are soft and fragile; another source of distortions is the drying procedure but these can be more controllable by the use of alcohol-glycerin baths. 4.2 Characteristics of OPERA emulsions In the OPERA experiment the biggest amount of nuclear emulsion ever used before, has been employed for the detector target: ∼ 9 millions emulsion films have been produced. The emulsions used for the past experiments, were poured by hand following standard procedures developed in many years of experience. The same procedure applied to OPERA would be prohibitively time consuming. To solve this problem, an R&D project has been carried out by Nagoya University and the Fuji Film company; after several tests a good procedure has been established and the OPERA emulsion film was produced by commercial photographic film production lines. As opposed to hand-made films, the automatic production allows to precisely control the film thickness as in the case of commercial photographic films. The measure of the film emulsion layer thickness after development shows a distribution with σ ∼ 1.3 µm. Fig. 4.1 shows an electronic microscope photograph of the cross section of an OPERA emulsion film. Two emulsion layers of 43 µm are coated on both sides of a 205 µm thick triacetate base. A thin (∼ 1 µm) protective film (gelatin) is placed over both emulsion layers. This prevents the occurrence of black or grey patterns on the emulsion surface. These patterns, frequently emerging in the case of handpoured plates, are due to silver chemically deposited during the development. The removal of these stains had been the most time-consuming task in the emulsion pre-processing for the experiments performed so far. By means of the protective coating, surface cleaning is not needed anymore and the pre-processing procedure 4.2 Characteristics of OPERA emulsions 65 Figure 4.2: Crystal diameter distribution of the Fuji emulsion films. The distribution is centered around 0.20 µm. becomes compatible with the daily handling of thousands of emulsion films, as in the case of OPERA. In addition, the presence of a thin protective layer allows direct contact with the lead plates, otherwise chemical reactions could happen between the lead plates and the silver halides contained in the emulsion. In Fig. 4.2, the crystal diameter distribution in the emulsion layer is shown: the distribution is rather uniform with a peak at 0.20 µm. The currently achieved grain density of the machine-coated emulsion films is 30 grains/100 µm. As already seen in section 4.1.2, the so-called emulsion fog is due to accidentally developed grains (Fig. 4.3). In the OPERA emulsions the fog has to be kept at the level of ≤ 5 fog grains /1000 µm3 . This can be achieved by applying a moderate development to the emulsion films, still keeping a sensitivity of ∼ 30 grains/100 µm, as shown in Fig. 4.4. The physics properties of OPERA emulsions are listed in table 4.1 4.2.1 The refreshing procedure at Tono mine As seen in the previous section, the production of the OPERA emulsions was committed to Fuji Photo Film Company in Japan. Then the emulsion are shipped to Gran Sasso for brick assembly. Since the production, cosmic-rays and ambient radioactivity produce latent track images on emulsion sheets because of their continuous sensitivity. These 66 Nuclear Emulsions Figure 4.3: Photograph of a minimum ionising particle (mip) recorded in an emulsion layer. The grain density is defined as the number of grains per 100 µm track; the fog density as the number of fog grains per 1000 µm3 . tracks constitute unwanted background. In order to erase this background one can take advantage of the fading effect discussed in section 4.1.1. In fact the latent image of particle track gradually fades after exposure and this effect, when accelerated, can be used to erase tracks. This procedure is known as refreshing. The refreshing happens by the following oxidation reaction: Ag4 + O2 + 2H2 O → 4Ag+ + 4OH − Regulating temperature and humidity is possible to control the velocity of the process. The best environment conditions to have a succesfull refreshing is RH ≈ 90-95% and T ≈ 20-29◦ C. A strict monitoring of temperature and humidity must be done during the procedure to avoid an increase of fog and preserve the emulsion sensitivity. The refreshing is widely known since the beginning of nuclear emulsion research but the large amount of films that are used in the OPERA experiment has requested many efforts and intense R&D in order to guarantee stability, reliability and reproducibility. To reach this goal the Nagoya University group has built a refreshing facility at Tono mine [72] in Japan, designing and producing several refreshing units that work in parallel; they have reached a final speed of 150000 4.2 Characteristics of OPERA emulsions 67 Figure 4.4: Time dependence of the developed grain density and fog density. Conditions are: amidol developer at 20◦ C. A development time from 20 to 25 minutes gives satisfactory results. refreshed films/week. Each refresh unit (Fig. 4.5) is a stainless steel chamber where a water supply on the basement provides humidity; air circulation is realized by a fan and several holes in the stainless walls guarantee a constant circulation speed. In a refresh room there are up to 14 chambers and the temperature is kept constant at 27 ◦ C, warm air can circulate through the chambers and humidification is independently tuned in each unit by its own water supplier. Emulsions lay on plastic holders specifically designed in order to not disturb the air circulation and to avoid the direct contact between them. The full refreshing cycle has a duration of one week and is realized in three phases. In the preliminary pre-humidification phase (24 hours long) the films are stored in the chambers at 27◦ C and low humidity (≈ 60% RH). The air circulation is kept very fast and there must be a strong regeneration of air inside the chamber to avoid that a poisoning gas, emitted by emulsions at hight temperature, can produce fog increase and sensitivity reduction. In the refreshing step, that lasts three days, the emulsions are kept at RH ≈ 85-99% and T ≈ 26-29◦ C. In this case the air flows only inside the chamber and there is no air regeneration. Finally, during the drying phase, films need to be gradually conditioned to 20◦ C and 50%RH [73]. In 68 Nuclear Emulsions Figure 4.5: Schetch of Tono mine underground refreshing facility. On the right a drawing of a refresh unit. this operation, three days long, films remain in the chamber but there is no water supply and there is very quick air circulation and regeneration. After drying, the films are extracted from the chambers, packed under vacuum in stacks of 9 ECC basic units and stored in underground till the shipment to Europe. A special treatment is reserved for those films intented to be packed as CS doublet: in this case a second refreshing procedure is done in the Gran Sasso Underground Refreshing facility. 4.2.2 Distortions and shrinkage After the development process two effects have to be taken into account to ensure good resolution measurements: distortions and shrinkage. Distortion is a phenomenon which shifts the position of the recorded trajectories in the emulsion layer because of stresses accumulated in the gelatin layer. In handmade emulsion plates, shifts of several µm are frequently observed, caused by a not uniform drying at the plate production. The simplest form of general distortion is a uniform shear: straight tracks remain rectilinear but their direction and length change by an amount which depends on the magnitude and direction of the shear. A more serious source of error is due to differential shear of the emulsion in which both the magnitude and direction of the shear change with depth. Such distortion changes the tracks of an energetic particle from a line into a curve. A typical distortion map measured in an OPERA emulsion is shown in Fig. 4.2 Characteristics of OPERA emulsions 69 Figure 4.6: A typical distortion map of an OPERA nuclear emulsion. 4.6. The arrows indicate the distortion direction. The absolute value of the distortion is indicated by the length of the arrow. The average value of the measured distortions is ∼ 5 mrad. The use of double-sided emulsions coated on a plastic support plate improves the angular resolution at a level of 2 mrad, because the track direction can be defined by the two points near the support plate, which are practically free of distortion. The shrinkage effect is due to a reduction of the thickness of the emulsion sheet after the development process: as we have seen previously, in the developing process some materials are added in the volume of the emulsion to replace the silver halide dissolved by the fixer; this process leads to a reduction of thickness of the emulsion layer. The shrinkage factor is defined as the ratio between the values of the thickness of the emulsion before and after the development. This factor is taken into account by the tracking algorithm (the measured micro track slopes must be multiplied by this factor to obtain the real value). This effect is sketched in Figure 4.7. 70 Nuclear Emulsions Figure 4.7: The shrinkage effect: the measured track slope ∆z 0 /∆x does not coincide with the real slope ∆z/∆x. The shrinkage correction is obtained by multiplying the measured slope by the shrinkage factor ∆z/∆z 0 . Chapter 5 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station The use of nuclear emulsion as charged particle recording device has allowed, since the 30s of the last century, big improvements in particle and nuclear physics. It’s nevertheless true that the amount of emulsions used in the early experiments was relatively small making manual measurements feasible. Significant improvements in the emulsion technique and the development of fast automated scanning systems during the last two decades has made the use of nuclear emulsions possible in large scale detectors as in the OPERA experiment. In fact with the CNGS neutrino beam at its nominal intensity, ∼ 22 neutrino selected interactions per day are expected. Therefore, ∼ 1000 emulsion sheets per day must be (partially) scanned in order to find the vertex and analyze the event. In total, ∼ 4000 cm 2 per day (∼ 200 cm2 per brick) have to be analyzed with a sub-micrometric precision per 5 years of data taking (& 20000 neutrino interactions). In order to analyze in ”real” time the events and, for some decay topologies, remove other ECC bricks for a more refined kinematical analysis, a very fast automatic scanning system is needed to cope with the daily analysis of the large number of emulsion sheets associated with neutrino interactions. Taking into account the need to have a reasonable number of microscopes (∼ 1 microscope/brick/day), the minimum required scanning speed is about 20 cm2 /h per emulsion layer (44 µm thick). It corresponds to an increase in speed by more than one order of magnitude with respect to past systems. For this purpose new automatic fast microscopes have been developed: the European Scanning System (ESS) [61] and the S-UTS in Japan [74]. 72 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station 5.1 The Japanese S-UTS The automation of emulsion scanning was pioneered by the group of Nagoya University (Japan) and the first application of an automatic system, called Track Selector TS, was used for the DONUT and CHORUS experiments. The Track Selector was designed to detect tracks with predicted angles in the field of view of a CCD camera. The track detection algorithm is simple: 16 tomographic images of (e.g.) 100 µm thick emulsion layers are taken and digitised. Each image is shifted horizontally respect to the first layer, so that the predicted tracks become perpendicular to the emulsion surface. Tracks are identified by superimposing the sixteen shifted digitised images. The basic TS tracking principle was used in improved versions, New Track Selector (NTS) and Ultra Track Selector (UTS) taking advantage of the implementation of several image processors working in parallel. The maximum scanning speed was ∼2 cm2 /h. The succeeding generation of the UTS system is the so-called Super-UTS, developed to reach the speed needed for OPERA scanning. The key features of the S-UTS are the high speed camera with 3 kHz frame rate and a piezo-controlled displacement of the objective lens, synchronized to a continuous stage motion in order to avoid ”go-stop” of the microscope stage while taking images. The system uses Fast Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), fast memory and a grabber board connected to the CCD camera (512 × 512 pixel). European groups followed a different approach, initiated by the Salerno group with the SySal system for the CHORUS experiment [60]. With this approach, called multi-track system, all tracks in each field of view are reconstructed regardless of their slope. 5.2 The design of the European Scanning System The ESS is being specifically optimized for the scanning of thin emulsions exposed to perpendicularly impinging particles. The goals are high scanning speed, sub-micron precision, high tracking efficiency and low instrumental background. The system uses a software-based approach for data processing. This approach has proven extremely flexible and effective, since new algorithms can be easily tested and the integration of commercial components has been possible. Therefore, the system can be quickly upgrated as technological improvements become available. The main components of the ESS microscope shown in Fig. 5.1 are: • a high quality, rigid and vibration free support table holding the components in a fixed position; 5.2 The design of the European Scanning System 73 • a motor driven scanning stage for horizontal (XY) motion; • a granite arm which acts as an optical stand; • a motor driven stage mounted vertically (Z) on the granite arm for focusing; • optics; • digital camera for image grabbing mounted on the vertical stage and connected with a vision processor; • an illumination system located below the scanning table. The emulsion sheet is placed on a glass plate (emulsion holder) and its flatness is guaranteed by a vacuum system which holds the emulsion at a fixed position during the scanning. By adjusting the focal plane of the objective lens through the whole emulsion thickness, a sequence of equally spaced tomographic images of each field of view are taken, processed and analysed in order to recognise aligned clusters of dark pixels (grains) produced by charged particles along their trajectories. The three-dimensional structure of a track in an emulsion layer (micro-track) is reconstructed by combining clusters belonging to images at different levels and searching for geometrical alignments (Fig. 5.2a). Each microtrack pair is connected across the plastic base to form the base-track (Fig. 5.2b). This strongly reduces the instrumental background due to fake combinatorial alignments, thus significantly improving the signal to noise ratio, and increases the precision of track angle reconstruction by minimising distorsion effects. The ESS microscope has been designed according to the following specifications: • high-speed computer-controlled precision mechanics for both horizontal and vertical stages with sub-micron accuracy able to move from one field of view to the next in less than 0.1 s; • optical system from standard microscopes, customized to observe the OPERA emulsion sheets which have two emulsion layers on both sides of a plastic support for a total thickness of ∼ 300 µm; • high-resolution camera interfaced with a high-speed frame grabber and a vision processor able to grab and process images at rates > 350 frames per second (fps). The ESS is based on the use of commercial hardware components or developed in collaboration with specialized companies. In the following section an overview on the main hardware components will be done. 74 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station Figure 5.1: The European Scanning System (ESS) microscope. 5.3 Hardware components 5.3.1 Mechanics Horizontal and vertical stages The scanning table and the vertical stage have been developed in collaboration with the Micos company by modifying commercial products; they are equipped with stepping motors ”Vexta NanoStep RFK Series 5-Phase Microstepping System” produced by the Oriental Motor company. The motors are driven by a 4-axis ”FlexMotion PCI-7344” board provided by National Instruments and inserted into the host PC. The scanning table is a Micos ”MS-8” scanning table with 20.5 cm range in both directions. The coordinates are read out by two linear encoders with a resolution of 0.1 µm. External optical limit switches are mounted on each axis and manually set. The motion of the horizontal stage (maximum speed, acceleration, deceleration, ...) was set in order to minimize the time needed to move from one field of view to the next (typically ∼ 350 µm). The total displacement time is given by the sum of the rise time, i.e. the time to first reach the ”target point”, and the settling time, i.e. the time needed to wait for the oscillations to be damped to a predefined acceptable level. For our working conditions, the settling time is long enough in order to dump oscillations down ± 0.2 µm, that’s a value smaller than one image 5.3 Hardware components 75 Figure 5.2: (a) Micro-track reconstruction in one emulsion layer by combining clusters belonging to images at different levels. (b) Micro-track connections across the plastic base to form base tracks. pixel (0.3 µm). From the tests performed, we can conclude that the X displacement can be safely considered finished within ∼ 100 ms, while the time needed for the Y axis displacements is larger (∼ 140 ms) due to the scanning table design: the Y movements involve the whole table, while the X movements involve only a lighter part of the table. Therefore, the scanning procedure minimizes the number of Y displacements. Moreover the repeatability to reach a commanded position has been evaluated, giving a distribution with an RMS < 0.1 µm. The vertical stage used by the ESS is the Micos ”LS-110” model. It is equipped with a linear encoder, with resolution 0.05 µm, and limit switches. During data taking, the vertical stage moves at constant speed calculated by taking into account the camera frame rate, the number of desired frames and the emulsion thickness (44 µm). With a frame rate of about 400 frames/s and 15 levels per emulsion layer, each image is acquired at a vertical distance of about 3 µm; the resulting speed is about 1150 µm/s; the time needed to scan an emulsion layer is about 55 ms (including the time for acceleration, deceleration and synchronization with the host). Thus, the time for a cycle is obtained by adding the time for horizontal displacement (it includes the time the vertical stage takes to reach its starting position) and the time needed for the data acquisition in Z. The insertion of a synchronization time of a few milliseconds before and after the frame grabbing brings to a ∼ 170 ms cycle time. This value is adequate to reach the requested scanning 76 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station speed of 20 cm2 /h. 5.3.2 Optical system Objective Only few objectives on the market completely fulfill all the severe requirements needed for the ESS. In fact the performances of the objective should cope with the requirements of a sub-micron resolution, the need to focus at different Z depths and a magnification of few pixels per micron. An objective is characterized by the numerical aperture (N.A.), the working distance (W.D.) and the magnification (M). Moreover, an objective is designed to operate (or not) in an oil-immersion set-up. The N.A. defines the ultimate image resolution (the minimal distance between two points seen as separate) that can be achieved by the objective. Since submicron resolution is needed, the objective is required to have N.A. > 0.8 [75]. Moreover, given the overall thickness of the emulsion layers and of the plastic support (44 + 205 + 44 ) µm, a W.D. > 0.3 mm is required. The objective magnification depends on the image sensor size because an image with at least a few pixels per micron is needed. In the case of 20 mm wide megapixel sensors (see Section 5.3.3), an objective with M >40 is needed. However, the magnification should not be much larger, in order not to reduce the microscope speed. When the system scans the bottom emulsion layer, the whole plastic support and the top emulsion layer lay between the objective front lens and the focal plane, for a total thickness of 0.3 mm. For the scanning of the top emulsion layer there is no intermediate medium. The main effect of changing an intermediate medium thickness is to overcorrect or undercorrect the spherical aberration [75]. An oilimmersion objective is the best choice since the oil, the emulsion and the plastic support have the same refractive index (∼ 1.5) and therefore the optical path is almost homogeneous. To cope all these requirements our choice was the Nikon CFI Plan Achromat 50× oil, N.A. = 0.9, W.D. = 0.4 mm used in infinity corrected system with a tube lens housed in its trinocular tube. Illumination To obtain the Koehler configuration [75] a transmitted illumination system, placed below the scanning table, was designed and developed jointly with Nikon-Italy. The light comes from a tungsten halogen lamp with a computer controlled power supply. The image of the lamp filament is focused by a lens (collector) on 5.3 Hardware components 77 the aperture diaphragm of a condenser which concentrates the light into a cone that illuminates the emulsion sheet. A second diaphragm (field diaphragm) is adjusted to prevent emulsion illumination (and also heating) outside the field of view. The condenser numerical aperture should match that of the objective in order to have a wide illumination cone and an optimal optical resolution. The final choice was a Nikon achromatic condenser with N.A. = 0.8 and W.D. = 4.6 mm. In order to obtain an as uniform as possible illumination over the entire field of view and to maximize the optical resolution, a green filter and a frosted glass diffuser can be inserted into the light path. The emulsion holder and the alignment One of the main features of the ESS is the angular resolution of few mrad achieved in the reconstruction of particle track. Therefore the systematic error introduced in the angular measurement by non planarity of the glass window (which holds the emulsion) and by misalignments between the optical components and mechanical stage, has to be kept well below 1 mrad. The glass window, equipped with a vacuum system to keep the emulsion steady during the scanning, is 4 mm thick (this is compatible with the condenser working distance). It has a thickness tolerance of less than 10 µm per 10 cm length and its deviation from the parallelism is smaller than 1 mrad; the flatness is of a few fringes per inch (∼ 0.5 µm per 1 cm). A 1 mm wide groove in the glass along the emulsion edge is connected to a vacuum pump. The stages and the optical axis are aligned with respect to the glass window (used as a reference plane). Using a digital micrometric comparator the angles β and α in Fig. 5.3a between the glass window and the horizontal and vertical motion directions are adjusted with an accuracy ≤ 0.1 mrad. The ”right angle bracket” in Fig. 5.3a is aligned using an autocollimator and the final alignment of the optical axis is ≤ 0.4 mrad (angle γ in Fig. 5.3a). All the optical components shown in Fig. 5.4 are aligned using a centering telescope. In Fig. 5.3b is shown the distribution of the difference between measured and reference track slopes for emulsions vertically exposed to a 10 GeV π-beam. The reference slopes have been obtained by averaging the 2 slopes before and after a 180◦ horizontal rotation of the emulsion sheet; the residual mean value of 0.5 mrad is a good estimate of the systematic angular uncertainty arising from possible misalignments. 78 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station Figure 5.3: (a) The horizontal and vertical motion directions and the optical axis are aligned with reference to the glass window. The angles α, β and γ are measured using digital comparators and an autocollimator. (b) The distribution of the difference between measured and reference track slopes. The reference slopes have been obtained by averaging the 2 slopes measured before and after a 180 ◦ horizontal rotation of the emulsion sheet; the residual mean value of 0.5 mrad is a good estimate of the systematic uncertainty arising from possible misalignments. 5.3.3 The acquisition system Camera and grain image The goal of 20 cm2 /h scanning speed requires a frame acquisition time < 4 ms and megapixel resolutions. For this purpose the ESS is equipped with a Mikrotron MC1310 high-speed megapixel CMOS camera with Full Camera Link interface. Its image sensor is the Micron MT9M413 which delivers up to 10-bit monochrome 1280 × 1024 images at over 500 frames per second. The sensor size is 20 mm (along the diagonal) and its pixels are 12×12 µm2 large. The optical system and the CMOS camera provide a suitable grain image acquisition in terms of stability, photometric dynamics and resolution. The sensor size, the objective magnification and the setup conditions give a field of view of about 390×310 µm2 and image pixels of about 0.3×0.3 µm2 . Consequently, the image of a focused grain is ∼ 10 pixels large. The on-line processing board The frame grabber and the image processor are integrated in the same board, a Matrox Odyssey Xpro, specifically designed to perform on board image process- 5.3 Hardware components 79 Figure 5.4: Schematic layout of the ESS microscope optical system. ing. The on board processor is a Motorola G4 PowerPC supported by a Matrox custom parallel processor specifically designed to quickly perform local and point-to-point operations. It is equipped with a 1 GB DDR SDRAM memory; the internal I/O bandwidth can achieve over 4 GB per second transfer rate, while the external rate reaches 1 GB per second. A Full Camera Link connection allows an acquisition rate from the camera of up to 680 MB/s. At present, a camera frame rate of 377 fps and 8-bit grey level images are used corresponding to an acquisition rate of 471 MB/s. By acquiring 15 frames per 44 µm emulsion layer, an acquisition time of about 40 ms is needed for each field of view. Considering a synchronization time of 15 ms, a mean time of ∼ 90 ms for the field of view change, a field of view of about 390×310 µm 2 and a superimposition between contiguous fields of 30 µm, a scanning speed of about 22 cm2 /h is obtained. The effective scanning speed is a bit lower (∼ 20 cm 2 /h) because sometimes the microscope has to scan the full sheet thickness to find the emulsion surfaces (focusing). Once grabbed, each image is analyzed using the technique described in section 5.4. 80 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station 5.4 The on-line acquisition software A dedicated software to grab and process the images of nuclear emulsions was developed. The on-line DAQ program is written in the object oriented C++ language and developed under the Microsoft Visual C++ environment as standard Windows application with an user-friendly interface. It is based on a modular structure where each object carries out a well defined task (i.e. image grabbing, track pattern recognition and fitting, data I/O handling, etc...). Each object has a corresponding parameter window for configuration setting. For each field of view the program grabs several images at different depths (local tomography), recognizes black spots (clusters of dark pixels) in each image, selects possible track grains, reconstructs 3D sequences of aligned grains, then extracts a set of relevant parameters for each sequence. The implementation of a synchronous data taking scheme is relatively simple, but the use of available resources would not be optimized: every step could act as a bottleneck; furthermore, the CPU would be idle while waiting for the cycle to be completed. The significant improvement in terms of speed achieved with the ESS has been obtained after the implementation of an asynchronous data taking scheme that allows parallel execution of several tasks. Execution proceeds along four independent threads that are synchronized at the end of each cycle. In this way the vertical axis moves through the emulsion without stopping and the storage of images is not synchronized with the end of its grabbing. All the saved frames are then ready to be processed. 5.4.1 Image processing In order to obtain a high grain detection efficiency and an adequate rejection power of background clusters, a complex image treatment is needed. Once grabbed images are digitised and converted to a grey scale of 256 levels (where 0 is black and 255 is white). CMOS sensors are faster than other technologies, but normally have a high noise level: in the conversion from analogue output to digital grey level, each pixel has its own pedestal. This produces a sand effect on the image that must be minimised. Spots on the sensor surface can make some pixels blind, thus mimicking grains in fixed positions on all layers. A flat-field subtraction technique has been implemented to equalise pixel response with a pedestal map that is prepared at machine set-up time and is applied to every image before processing. The map should be re-computed time to time to account for camera aging and dust accumulation on the sensor surface. The procedure to enhance dark spots on a light background is based on the Point Spread Function (PSF) and on the application of a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter [61]. 5.4 The on-line acquisition software 81 The PSF (φ(x, y, z)) gives the 3D distribution of the light intensity due to a point-like obstacle placed at (0,0) on the focal plane z = 0. A real image is the convolution of the PSF with the real object distribution. The resulting gray level is obtained integrating over the target volume, the product of the obstacle density ρ, the flux of light I and the function φ. To enhance the contrast between focused and unfocused grains, a 2D FIR filter is applied to each image. The Kernel of the filter is a matrix that can be changed by the operator in order to obtain the best response of the system in terms of efficiency and background rejection. After some tests done in the Gran Sasso scanning station (see section 5.6) the original 6×6 kernel was substituted by the following 5×5 matrix: 2 4 4 4 2 4 0 −8 0 4 4 −8 24 −8 4 4 0 −8 0 4 2 4 4 4 2 to take into account a smaller grain size and an incremented background level observed in new OPERA emulsions respect to the standard sample. The filter convolution is a local operation: the output value of the pixel at a specific coordinate is a weighted sum of the input values of the neighbourhood pixels, the weights are given by the filter kernel. The convolution extends the original 255-values grey level scale to a wider one, making the shape of the background flat. The next step in image processing is the binarisation: pixels with values that exceeds a threshold are classified as black, the remaining ones as white. Due to residual uncorrected aberrations and to variations in the field of view illumination, the PSF function and the light flux, can change from point to point; as a consequence, the filter response can vary inside the field of view and it is not convenient to apply a fixed threshold to binarise the whole image. Since the point-to-point variation of the filter response is a reproducible feature of the microscope, it can be accounted for by applying a threshold map (equalization procedure). The results of the three described processes is shown in Fig. 5.5. At each cycle, binarised images are transferred to the host PC memory. They are processed by a fast algorithm and adjacent pixels above threshold are grouped together to form clusters. For each cluster, the area and the position of its centre of gravity are saved. A cut on the cluster area helps to discard background due to the noise in the camera signal. 82 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station Figure 5.5: Image processing: grabbed image, convolution and threshold. 5.4.2 Tracking Normally, ∼2000 clusters, almost all due to random background, are found in one field of view. By applying quality cuts based on shape and size, about 60% of them are typically selected and used for tracking (grains). The tracking consists of two main algorithms: track recognition and track fitting. In the first phase, the algorithm recognizes an array of grains as a track with geometrical alignments, the track fitting algorithm performs a linear fit of the position of the clusters and evaluates track slopes. Intercepts are given on the surface between emulsion and base. The basic idea of the tracking algorithm is that a track is a straight sequence of grains lying in different levels. If two grains belonging to a real track are measured in two non-adjacent levels, the pair is used as a track hint: other grains of the same track must lie along the line between the two. For our purposes, the algorithm must take less than 100 ms to examine 20000 grains. Checking all possible pairs would result in an awesome combinatory, thus two tests are applied to filter good track hints: an angular acceptance of tan θ < 1 (θ is the angle between the track direction and the vertical direction) is commonly used in order to reject track slopes not physically interesting. Therefore, with an emulsion sensitivity for m.i.p. tracks of 30 grains/100 µm, the number of grains of a track in each of the two 44 µm-thick emulsion layers of OPERA sheets is distributed according to the Poisson’s law with an average of about 13 grains; some trigger levels are defined (Fig. 5.6), i.e. if none of these levels has a grain along the predicted line, the track search along that line stops immediately. 5.5 The off-line track reconstruction 83 Figure 5.6: A track hint consisting of two grains in levels 1 and 6 is shown; if the hint is confirmed in at least one of the internal trigger levels, the tracking procedure is applied to all levels. Once all clusters have been found, a bidimensional linear fit is performed and spurious clusters are removed from the tracks. If the number of grains that form the track is greater than a minimum number (six or seven grains), the track is saved in the output file. As already seen, a sequence of grains measured in one 44 µm-thick emulsion layer will be referred to as a micro-track. After micro-track selection, multiple reconstructions are filtered out: if a grain belongs to two or more micro-tracks, only the track with the highest number of grains is retained. Moreover, due to shadowing, it may happen that a fully independent set of replicated grains appears with fit parameters very similar to those of another micro-track. The final pass of tracking accounts for this effect and removes track duplicates. A more reliable track reconstruction is obtained by connecting micro-tracks across the plastic base to form base-tracks, as shown in Fig. 5.7. Usually the base-track linking is performed in the off-line procedure described in the next section. 5.5 The off-line track reconstruction As already explained above, the so-called base-tracks are formed (Fig. 5.7) by connecting micro-tracks across the plastic support. This strongly reduces the instrumental background due to fake combinatorial alignments, thus significantly 84 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station Figure 5.7: Micro-track connection across the plastic base. improving the signal to noise ratio, and increases the precision of track angle reconstruction by minimising distorsion effects. After collecting these base-tracks in a series of emulsion films, all the films are aligned, with a procedure called intercalibration, and track reconstruction (i.e. connecting base-tracks between films) is performed. The off-line reconstruction tool used to perform track finding is FEDRA (Framework for Emulsion Data Reconstruction and Analysis), an object-oriented tool based on C++ language developed in Root framework [76]. 5.5.1 Base-track reconstruction The base-track reconstruction is performed by projecting micro-track pairs across the plastic base and searching for an agreement within given slope and position tolerances. The micro-track slopes are used only to define the angular agreement, while the base-track is defined by joining the points of intersection of the microtracks with the measured surface of the plastic base. A micro-track is defined by a series of aligned clusters. The depth in emulsion of a cluster, which is the digitized image of a grain, is randomly distributed and is affected by the vertical resolution of the microscope (∼ 2.5 µm). So, the micro-track resolution, defined as the angular difference between a micro-track and a base-track, is affected by this value. Since the points used for the base-track definition lie in the surface between the emulsion and the plastic base, they are almost unaffected by distortion effects: the base-track has an angular resolution 5.5 The off-line track reconstruction Peak (-0.1,0.) rad Peak (0.4,0.) rad hsx1 Entries 0.004263 RMS 0.01057 χ2 / ndf 250 Entries 90 1209 Mean 0.00214 RMS 80 0.02458 χ 2 / ndf 79.78 / 25 291.7 ± 10.8 70 Mean 0.003528 ± 0.000205 60 Sigma 0.007698 ± 0.000199 Constant 200 hsx2 1487 Mean 300 85 62.88 / 37 Constant 81.48 ± 3.13 0.0002605 ± 0.0006780 Mean 0.02229 ± 0.00055 Sigma 50 150 40 30 100 20 50 10 0 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 ∆θx (rad) Peak (-0.1,0.) rad Mean 400 300 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 ∆ θx (rad) hx2 Entries 1487 -0.4476 RMS χ2 / ndf 500 0 Peak (0.4,0.) rad hx1 Entries 600 0 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 1.11 68.24 / 13 160 2.788 χ2 / ndf 547.4 ± 19.8 120 Mean Sigma -0.38 ± 0.02 100 1209 -0.3226 RMS 140 Constant 0.8272 ± 0.0203 Mean 51.75 / 25 Constant Mean Sigma 156 ± 5.8 -0.06799 ± 0.07155 2.37 ± 0.05 80 60 200 40 100 20 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 ∆ x (µm) 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 ∆ x (µm) Figure 5.8: Angular (top) and position (bottom) micro-track resolution in one (X) projection and for two different angles: -0.1 rad (left) and 0.4 rad (right). approximatively one order of magnitude better than the micro-tracks. However, good micro-track resolution allows to keep the background due to casual match low. Fig. 5.8 shows the micro-track resolution obtained both in angle and in position. For each couple of micro-tracks that satisfy position and slope cuts, a χ is calculated as s 1 (S xt − S xB )2 (S xb − S xB )2 (S yt − S yB )2 (S xb − S yB )2 + + + (5.1) χ= 2 σx σx σy σy where S x and S y are, respectively, the x and y slopes and σ x , σy are the microtrack angular resolutions. The under-script t (b) refers to top (bottom) micro-track, while B to base-track. The linking operation between micro-tracks is usually done by iterations, where the first ones are used for emulsion shrinkage correction (see section 4.2.2) and data quality check. This permit to improve significantly signal/noise separation and base-track resolution. In Fig. 5.9 the χ distribution versus the number of grains that belongs a basetrack is shown. Two populations emerge from the sample: one with large χ value and a number of grains clearly incompatible with the expected Poissonian law 86 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station Figure 5.9: Rejection of fake base-tracks based on both the slope agreement with the two micro-tracks (χ, see text) and the number of grains: the cut represented by the line is applied. (fake base-tracks, top-left), the other one with small χ value and a number of grains well within the Poissonian expectations (bottom-right). The cut represented by the line χ<α×N +β (5.2) where N is the number of grains, is applied to remove fake base-tracks. 5.5.2 Plate intercalibration and particle tracking In order to define a global reference system, prior to track reconstruction a set affine transformations (shift, rotation and expansion) relating track coordinates in consecutive films have to be computed to account for relative misalignments and deformations. The mechanical accuracy of film piling in brick assembly is indeed of 50 ÷ 100 µm. The emulsion plate intercalibration is done by subdividing the scanned area in several cells and performing, for each cell, a pattern recognition between basetracks of two consecutive emulsion films. One of the two pattern is fixed and the other is shifted several times, the translation which have the maximum number of track coincidences is chosen. After this procedure, the algorithm connects basetracks of the two plates, and with this sample of tracks the affine transformation is 5.5 The off-line track reconstruction Base-track angular resolution vs angle 87 ∆θ (rad) ∆x (µm) Base-track position resolution vs angle 2.8 2.6 0.007 2.4 0.006 2.2 2 0.005 1.8 1.6 0.004 1.4 1.2 0.003 1 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 θx (rad) 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 θx (rad) Figure 5.10: Angular (left plot) and position (right plot) base-track resolution as a function of the measured angles. calculated as: xabs yabs ! = a11 a12 a21 a22 ! x stage y stage ! + b1 b2 ! (5.3) where x stage , y stage , are single film track coordinates and xabs , yabs are the corresponding aligned ones. By applying the above procedure to each consecutive pair of films, relative displacements can be reduced to the level of a few µm down to less than 1 µm. To achieve such precision a minimum track density is needed, while the cosmic rays and the neutrino flux to which the experiment is exposed are very low and the induced track density in the emulsions is not high enough. One needs, therefore, to expose the selected bricks to high momentum cosmic rays as reference tracks for the precise film alignment. For this purpose, a dedicated pit has been excavated at the external site of the LNGS, suitably shielded by an iron cover for the suppression of the electromagnetic component of cosmic rays [60]. After the cosmic ray exposure, the density of passing-through tracks should be low enough in order not to spoil the topological and kinematical reconstruction of neutrino events; on the other hand, the scanning time is a critical issue and needs to be minimised. Typically, a density of the order of a few tracks/mm2 and scanning surfaces of several mm2 are a reasonable compromise between these two conflicting requirements. Once all plates are aligned, the track reconstruction algorithm follows all the measured base-tracks of an emulsion film to the upstream and downstream ones to 88 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station Figure 5.11: A picture of the LNGS Scanning Station reconstruct volume-tracks. Track finding procedure consists of three main steps. The first operation consists in finding all couples of adjacent base-tracks; thus, long chains of segments, without missing plates, are formed: these chains serve as a triggers to start the Kalman Filter (KF) procedure for track fitting and following. The third step is the track propagation taking into account the possibility to loose segments in one or more plates (usually a gap of 3 consecutive plates is allowed). The main criteria for tracks/segment acceptance is the probability given by KF. The resolution of the system and the effects of multiple scattering are taken into account for the probability and fit calculation [76]. Fig. 5.10 (left plot) shows the angular difference between base-tracks belonging to a given volume-track and the volume-track, as a function of the measured angle: the so obtained base-track resolution range from 2.5 mrad for θ = 0.1 rad, to 7.3 mrad for θ = 0.4 rad and depends from the value of the angle following the empirical relation σ(θ) = σ(0)(1 + 4 · θ) (5.4) The base-tracks position resolution, shown in Fig. 5.10 (right plot ), is given by the intrinsic resolution (σr = σ(θ) × d, where d is the distance between two consecutive plates) plus the sheet-to-sheet alignment accuracy (∼ 1 µm). 5.6 LNGS scanning station and ESS performances Starting from 2004 at the LNGS, a scanning station (see Fig. 5.11) equipped with 6 ESS was prepared with the task of doing the scanning of the European fraction of Changeable Sheets during the OPERA runs. In order to evaluate the scanning system efficiency a pion beam exposure of double-refreshed (CS-like) films was performed at CERN PS-T7 in July 2006: 5.6 LNGS scanning station and ESS performances 89 θy (rad) Base-track angular distribution 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 θx (rad) Figure 5.12: Base-track angular distribution of pion beam exposure. pid0 pid0 Entries Mean x Mean y ∈ 0.98 1 RMS x RMS y 0 0 0 0 0 0.96 0.94 0.98 0.92 0.9 pid1 pid1 Base-track reconstruction efficiency 1 1 Entries Mean x Mean y 0.98 RMS x RMS y 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.98 0.96 0.96 0.94 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.9 0.9 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.82 0.8 0 pid3 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.82 0.92 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.6 pid3 Entries Mean x Mean y 0.88 RMS x RMS y 0.96 0.94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.82 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 0 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 pid4 pid4 Entries Mean x Mean y 1 0.98 RMS x RMS y 0 0 0 0 0 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.88 0.82 0.86 0.84 0.8 0 RMS x RMS y 0.94 0.9 0.84 0.82 0 0 0 0 0 Entries Mean x Mean y 0.96 0.86 0.92 0.86 0.8 0 pid2 all Entries Mean x Mean y RMS x RMS y pid2 0.84 0.8 0 0.1 0.82 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.2 0.8 0 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 θ (rad) Figure 5.13: Base-track reconstruction efficiency as a function of the base-track angle. 32 emulsion sheets, assembled in a lead-less brick, were exposed to a π − beam of average energy of ∼ 7 GeV; the brick was tilted by 4 different angle in one projection (-0.3, -0.1, 0.2, 0.4 rad) in order to study the angular dependence of the system performances. Fig. 5.12 shows the angular distribution of reconstructed base-tracks. In order to evaluate the base-track reconstruction efficiency, a 2 × 2 cm 2 area scanning on 5 emulsion sheets were performed and, following the procedure illustrated in the previous section, the volume-track reconstruction was done. For each emulsion sheet, bstr was defined as the number of passing through tracks that were 90 The ESS and the LNGS Scanning Station measured in the sheet with respect to the total number of passing through tracks. The obtained efficiencies and their errors are shown in Fig. 5.13 as a function of the spatial base-track angle θ. The behavior is due to the number of clusters belonging to the track. The average efficiency is around 90% and correspond to a micro-track finding efficiency of about 95%. Chapter 6 Search for neutrino events In this chapter we will review the main results obtained in the analysis of OPERAlike bricks exposed to NuMI beam. As already explained in section 3.5, the PEANUT exposure was designed mainly to test the chain of the neutrino event reconstruction in OPERA. The exposure setup as well as the analysis procedure of PEANUT events, follow the features and the guidelines of the OPERA experiment. In the following sections the analysis scheme together with the obtained results are presented. 6.1 Analysis scheme As discussed in section 3.3, during OPERA runs TT walls will furnish the trigger for the brick extraction. If the trigger is confirmed in the Changeable Sheet doublet, the brick is developed and analysed looking for the neutrino interaction. The CS scanning strategy was defined in several test [77] performed at the LNGS Scanning Station: the current policy1 is to perform a so called ”general scan” of 5 × 5 cm2 around TT prediction on both CS foils for CC events while for NC events a general scan of the whole surface is foreseen. In the PEANUT exposure test, the brick is not removed after a trigger from the Scintillator Fiber Trackers, (see section 3.5.2), but left in the apparatus until a predetermined exposure to the beam is reached: charged particle tracks, both passing through or created inside the brick (i.e. candidate CC neutrino interaction), are uniformly distributed on the whole surface of the emulsion. For this reason, to select the tracks to be followed upstream, when we look for the vertex position, a general scan of the CS doublet surface is performed: the tracks reconstructed on 1 further test are in progress, analysing Changeable Sheets extracted during the OPERA run of October 2007 92 Search for neutrino events Brick wall Neutrino Exposure Cosmic Rays number (days) Exposure (days) BL056 3 21.3 0.5 BL045 2 20.9 0.08 PoT SFT E+17 predictions 135.03 2502 138.34 2254 Table 6.1: Summary of the main exposure info related to the two analysed bricks. the doublet are compared with the SFT predictions and, as it will be explained in next sections, only those that are in good agreement both in position and angle, are selected. Once the sample of tracks belonging to candidate neutrino interaction has been determined, the PEANUT analysis scheme traces the OPERA one: an automated procedure, called scan-back, is performed in order to follow the track plate by plate inside the brick. When the track fades, a ”stopping point” is defined and the total scan procedure is applied in order to validate the vertex localisation and to study his topology (see section 6.1.4). 6.1.1 SFT Predictions For each brick exposed to NuMI beam, the informations about the exposure, the position of the brick inside the apparatus and the tracks hitting the brick are stored in the OPERA Data-Base. In table 6.1 the main information relative to the two bricks analysed in this thesis are summarised. The SFT tracks used in the analysis are all those reconstructed by the SFT and classified as 3D tracks: they must have at least one hit belonging to the U or V plane (see section 3.5.2). In addition, as the ”first-wall” is the first upstream wall with respect to all the track hits, a general cut is applied Nhits ≥ Cif irstwall where Nhits is the total number of the track hits, C if irstwall = {7, 7, 5, 5} and i = 1, 2, 3, 4 is the wall number. Therefore, considering the above cut and with respect to a given brick, 3D tracks can be classified as (see Fig. 6.1 and Fig. 6.2): • passing through tracks: if there are both upstream and downstream hits with respect to the brick; • created inside tracks: if there are no upstream hits with respect to the brick (i.e. the brick belongs to the ”first-wall”); • upstream of first-wall: if the brick does not belong to the ”first-wall” and the track is extrapolated upstream up to the brick. 6.1 Analysis scheme 93 Figure 6.1: Event Display for tracks reconstructed by SFT planes. The Viewer shows respectively a passing through (a) and a created inside (b) track. The light blue rectangle shows the position of the brick BL045 inside the apparatus. Pink hits belong to the fitted track, while blue hits do not belong to the reconstructed track. 94 Search for neutrino events Figure 6.2: Event Display for tracks reconstructed by SFT planes. Example of an upstream of first-wall track (c). The light blue rectangle shows the position of the brick BL045 inside the apparatus. Pink hits belong to the fitted track, while blue hits do not belong to the reconstructed track. Brick number BL056 Passing Through 1901 Created 382 Upstream 219 Total 2502 BL045 1215 777 262 2254 Table 6.2: Details of the SFT predictions and 3D track classification for the two analysed bricks. The 3D tracks that survive the cut are projected on the downstream surface of the brick allowing 1 cm more of the nominal edge to account for possible misalignments between brick and SFT. Fig. 6.3 and 6.4 show positions and slopes for tracks crossing the brick BL045, while in table 6.2 the number of SFT predictions for both bricks are summarised. In the following sections all the results presented are referred to brick BL045. 6.1 Analysis scheme 95 SlopeY Figure 6.3: Position distribution of 3D tracks hitting the brick BL045 on wall 2. The tracks are projected on the downstream surface of the brick, i.e. on the first sheet of the CS doublet. Note that the intercepted surface is 1 cm larger than the dimension of the brick (red rectangle) to account for possible misalignments between brick and SFT. 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 SlopeX Figure 6.4: Slope distribution of 3D tracks hitting the brick BL045 on Wall 2. Note that the peak is not centered at the origin due to the NuMI beam slope. 6.1.2 Doublet analysis In order to select the sample of tracks in the CS doublet to be matched with the SFT predictions, a general scan of about 80 cm2 on each CS sheet was performed. The base-track searching was done off-line with the FEDRA software following the procedure illustrated in section 5.5. 96 Search for neutrino events Figure 6.5: Distribution of the χ variable versus the grain number of the basetracks. By applying the quality cut in equation 5.2 (χ < α × N + β, with α = 0.25 and β = −2.5) to select the base-track signal, one obtains the distribution shown in Fig. 6.5; in the allowed region two populations are well distinguishable: one with ”low” grain number (red line), the other with a ”high” value of N (green line). This is the result of two different exposures: the base-tracks with a ”low” number of grains belong to tracks hitting the brick during the neutrino exposure and the succeeding cosmic ray exposure, while the base-tracks with ”high” number of grains belong to tracks recorded during the transportation from Japan to FermiLab. In fact, in the last case, since the transportation was carried out by plane, the emulsions were exposed to highly ionizing cosmic rays. These base-tracks constitute an undesirable background that can be erased by taking into account that the emulsions have been piled, inside the brick, in inverse order with respect to the transportation order (see section 3.5.2 and Fig. 3.15). Thus, by taking into account the relative position between emulsion sheets and by applying the alignment and tracking procedure illustrated in section 5.5.2, we reconstructed tracks belonging to transportation cosmic rays. The base-tracks related to these tracks were then flagged and, by applying a procedure called Virtual Erasing, they are not considered during track reconstruction in assembly order. In order to ensure a better rejection of base-tracks due to transportation, a 80 cm2 general scan of the first 5 plates (CS doublet + 3 upstream plates) was performed. Fig. 6.6 shows position and slope distribution of reconstructed tracks: the track density is about 4.9 tracks/mm2 for tracks with nseg ≥ 3 6.1 Analysis scheme 97 hx Transportation Order Entries 15664 Mean -5.792e+004 RMS 2.879e+004 900 Entries 15664 Mean 4.943e+004 RMS 2.14e+004 900 800 800 700 700 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -120 hy Transportation Order -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 ×10 0 X (µm) 3 hsx Entries 15664 Mean 0.01124 RMS 0.2371 Transportation Order 1000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 Y (µm) hsy Entries 15664 Mean 0.00413 RMS 0.2982 Transportation Order 900 800 800 700 600 600 500 400 400 300 200 200 100 0 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 SlopeX 0 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 SlopeY Figure 6.6: Position and slope distribution for recorded tracks during emulsion transportation from Japan to FermiLab. where nseg is the number of base-tracks fitting to the track. The shape of the slope distribution in the Y projection is due to the fact that the emulsions, during transportation, were stored vertically. Fig. 6.7 shows position and slope distribution for tracks reconstructed in assembly order in the CS doublet after the Virtual Erasing: the track density is ∼0.28 tracks/mm2 . Slope distributions show the position of the NuMI beam peak. Fig 6.8 shows the grain number distribution (N) and the tracking efficiency both in assembly and transportation order obtained with a general scan of less than 2 cm2 of the whole brick (57 plates). In the first case the average efficiency (∼ 77%) is well below the value of ∼ 90% obtained with reference emulsions exposed to the pion beam (see section 5.6): this effect can be explained by taking into account the fading effect due to the high temperature (∼ 20◦ ) of the MINOS near hall together with the low number of grains (∼ 24) of MIP tracks (both beam particles and cosmic rays at ground level), while in the second case the higher value of N, due to highly ionizing particles (mainly protons with energy of about hundreds of MeV), gives rise to a higher average tracking efficiency (∼ 93%). 98 Search for neutrino events hx Assembly Order Entries 1324 Mean -5.969e+004 RMS 2.872e+004 80 hy Assembly Order Entries 1324 Mean 4.897e+004 RMS 2.295e+004 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 ×10 -20 0 X (µm) 3 hsx Entries 1324 Mean 0.01788 RMS 0.19 Assembly Order 220 0 hsy Assembly Order Entries 1324 Mean -0.02477 RMS 0.203 220 200 200 180 180 160 160 140 140 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 Y (µm) -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 SlopeX 0 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 SlopeY Figure 6.7: Position and slope distribution for recorded tracks during neutrino and cosmic ray exposure (Assembly Order). 6.1.3 SFT-CS Matching The matching between SFT predictions and tracks reconstructed in the CS doublet, consists simply in the alignment and tracking procedure between SFT planes (that will be treated as an emulsion film placed in contact with the brick) and first emulsion sheet of the doublet. As explained in section 5.5.2 the aim of the alignment procedure is to determine the affine transformation between two plates; since the relative position between SFT planes and brick could be affected by large displacements by the nominal position, because of the manual insertion of the bricks in the Walls, a roughly alignment was searched for before applying the FEDRA one. Fig. 6.9 (top plots) shows the result of this procedure: an offset of about -8300 µm and -2300 µm, in X and Y projection respectively, was found. By entering these offsets in the parameters b1 and b2 of the equation 5.3 and by applying the FEDRA intercalibration procedure, a fine alignment was performed. Once the roto-translation parameters of the affine transformation have been determined, the tracking procedure was done by looking for tracks within tolerances of 1500 µm in position and 0.021 for slopes. As shown in Fig. 6.9 (bottom plots) the slope residuals of matched tracks are 6.1 Analysis scheme 99 htemp Entries 3887 Mean 23.45 RMS 3.251 Grain Number - Assembly Order 450 ht Efficiency vs angle - Assembly Order Entries Mean Mean y RMS RMS y 0.8 3887 0.2408 0.7684 0.144 0.1102 400 0.7 350 0.6 300 0.5 250 0.4 200 150 0.3 100 0.2 0.1 50 0 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 0 0 32 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 N htemp Entries 10597 Mean 27.34 RMS 3.347 Grain Number - Transportation Order 1200 1000 Efficiency vs angle - Transportation Order 1 0.5 θ (rad) ha Entries Mean Mean y RMS RMS y 10597 0.2823 0.9261 0.1106 0.06463 0.8 800 0.6 600 0.4 400 0.2 200 0 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 0 0 32 0.1 0.2 0.3 N 0.4 0.5 θ (rad) Figure 6.8: Grain number (N) and tracking efficiency for reconstructed tracks in assembly (top) and transportation (bottom) order respectively. Top plots: the mean value of grain number (N ∼ 24) is characteristic of MIP particles. The mean tracking efficiency is ∼ 77%. Bottom plots: The high value of N is due to the highly ionizing component of the cosmic radiation accumulated during the flight. The average tracking efficiency is around 93%. Data refers to a general scan of less than 2 cm2 on 57 plates. not centered at zero: the slope offsets (∼ 0.004 and ∼ 0.002 in X and Y projection respectively) are due to the tilted position of the brick with respect to the SFT plane. An offset of ∼4000 µm was found also in Z direction. Once these effects have been corrected, the tracking procedure was repeated: 537 matchings were found with the residual distributions shown in Fig. 6.10; the matching resolutions are: σ∆X = 523.5 µm σ∆Y = 496.1 µm σ∆S lopeX = 0.006 σ∆S lopeY = 0.006 (6.1) (6.2) The sample of tracks to be followed in the scan back procedure was selected basing on a 3σ cut in position and slope on the above residuals: 243 tracks survived the cut. The analysis and the results for brick BL045 will be presented in section 6.3. 100 Search for neutrino events htemp Entries 3061 Mean -8312 RMS 1886 Position offset 100 90 htemp Entries 3061 Mean -2354 1446 RMS Position offset 110 100 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 -12000 -11000 -10000 -9000 -8000 -7000 -6000 Slope offset -5000 dx (µm) -5000 0.00835 χ2 / ndf 11.74 / 10 Constant -1000 53.69 ± 4.85 Mean 0.003827 ± 0.000502 Sigma 0.007692 ± 0.000536 30 0 dy (µm) hsy Entries 0.003258 RMS 40 -2000 267 Mean 50 -3000 Slope offset hsx Entries -4000 70 0.002283 RMS 0.007924 χ 2 / ndf 60 Constant 50 267 Mean 14.18 / 9 65.58 ± 5.84 Mean 0.002012 ± 0.000466 Sigma 0.007383 ± 0.000466 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeX 0 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeX Figure 6.9: Top plots: Position offsets (dx ' −8300 µm, dy ' −2300 µm) between brick and SFT planes, obtained applying a coarse alignment (see text). Bottom plots: slope offsets due to the tilted position of the brick with respect to SFT planes. For brick BL056 a sample of 217 tracks was selected for the scan-back (see table 6.3) after the matching with SFT predictions. The analysis will be presented in section 6.2. 6.1.4 Scan Back and Total Scan The coordinates of the tracks selected with the procedure illustrated in previous sections, are inserted in the OPERA Data-Base: hereafter we refer to them as scan-back ”predictions”. As already mentioned, in the Sysal-framework (see section 5.4) the scan-back procedure is completely automated and Data Base-driven. In order to take into account the relative misalignment between films inside the brick, the first scan back operation consists in the intercalibration process: some sample of the emulsion surface are scanned looking for a set of common tracks between consecutive plates. A strong quality cut is applied in order to reject background and, once selected the signal (i.e. tracks belonging to cosmic rays), only base-tracks within given tolerances are selected to calculate the affine transformation parameters. After the intercalibration, a ”prediction scan” is performed: the objective of 6.1 Analysis scheme 101 SFT Matching 60 50 40 hy SFT Matching hx Entries 216 Mean -61.29 RMS 513.5 χ2 / ndf 6.287 / 4 Constant 64.42 ± 5.50 Mean -75.53 ± 38.50 Sigma 523.5 ± 27.9 Entries 216 Mean -34.33 RMS 472.7 χ2 / ndf 4.457 / 4 Constant 68.67 ± 6.02 Mean -54.12 ± 35.30 Sigma 496.1 ± 28.9 70 60 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 0 -4000 10 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 SFT Matching 3000 4000 ∆X (µm) 80 70 0.0006284 RMS 0.006787 Constant Mean 50 216 Mean χ 2 / ndf 60 Sigma 6.627 / 6 77.16 ± 7.38 0.0009761 ± 0.0004624 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 hsy 70 0.0004111 RMS 0.006077 Constant 50 Mean Sigma 40 30 20 20 216 Mean χ 2 / ndf 60 30 3000 4000 ∆ Y (µm) Entries 80 0.006495 ± 0.000430 40 4.381 / 3 81.41 ± 7.71 0.0005955 ± 0.0004423 0.00624 ± 0.00042 10 10 0 -0.06 -3000 SFT Matching hsx Entries 0 -4000 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeX 0 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeY Figure 6.10: Position (top) and slope (bottom) residuals between matched tracks for BL045. The resolutions achieved are: σ ∆X = 523.5 µm, σ∆Y = 496.1 µm, σ∆S lopeX = 0.006, σ∆S lopeY = 0.006. Brick number BL056 ν exposure (days) 21.28 CR exposure (days) 0.5 2 Transportation Order (tr/mm ) 3.5 2 Assembly Order (tr/mm ) 0.97 SFT sample 2502 SFT matches 217 σ∆S lopeX 0.007 σ∆S lopeY 0.007 σ∆X (µm) 473 σ∆Y (µm) 519 BL045 20.9 0.08 4.9 0.28 1992 243 0.006 0.006 523 496 Table 6.3: Summary of the characteristics of the two analysed bricks. the microscope automatically moves to the predicted position and scans the view (∼ 400 × 300 µm2 ) around the prediction. The base-track reconstruction is done 102 Search for neutrino events on-line and, in order to reject background, the quality cut s < N ∗ 0.13 − 1.3 (6.3) is applied, where s is defined as v t t 2 v 2 !2 !2 ∆S bk ∆S t⊥ ∆S b⊥ ∆S tk s= + T ol + + T ol S ⊥T ol Sk S ⊥T ol Sk (6.4) ∆P⊥ < PT⊥ol , ∆Pk < PTk ol (6.5) ∆S ⊥ < S ⊥T ol , ∆S k < S kT ol (6.6) and ∆S ⊥(k) is the transverse (longitudinal) slope difference between top/bottom T ol micro-track and base-track and S ⊥(k) is the corresponding tolerance (see Eq. 6.8 and 6.10). The selected base-tracks are compared with the prediction and a basetrack is considered a ”candidate” if the differences between predicted and measured track coordinates are within given tolerances: and for positions and slopes respectively. The transverse tolerances PT⊥ol = nσ pos S ⊥T ol = nσ slope (6.7) (6.8) where σ pos(slope) is the position (slope) resolution, are constant while the corresponding longitudinal components are defined taking into account the resolution degradation with the measured angle: PTk ol = PT⊥ol + γ1 · tan θ S kT ol = S ⊥T ol + γ2 · tan θ (6.9) (6.10) where the parameters γ1 , γ2 as well as the values of the tolerances, are fixed before starting the scan-back operation. If more than one candidate base-track is found, the best one is chosen accordingly with the following selection function: f = (∆S ⊥ /σ slope )2 + (∆S k /(σ slope + γ2 · tan θ))2 (6.11) by requiring fmin < f < fmax , where fmin , fmax are parameters. Once selected, the candidate base-track is projected to the upstream plate (by using the affine transformation calculated during the intercalibration process) and 6.2 Analysis of brick BL056 103 the procedure illustrated before is repeated. If the track is not found, the coordinates of the last found candidate are used to project the track on the following upstream plate: in order to take into account the inefficiency of the system a maximum number of missing plates is allowed while searching for the track. If the track is not found in a predefined number of consecutive plates a stopping point is declared. The scan back procedure stops and usually a visual inspection of the emulsion plate is performed in order to confirm the disappearance of the searched track. Once the position of the candidate vertex (i.e. the point where the scan-back track fades) has been determined, the total scan procedure is applied in order to confirm the interaction and study the topology. A general scan of 5 × 5 mm 2 is performed in a predefined number of plates: typically the stopping plate (the last plate where the scan-back track was measured) plus 4 downstream plates and 3 upstream. All the tracks contained in the scanned volume are reconstructed offline. The vertex finding is performed off-line using the so called pair based algorithm implemented in the FEDRA software [76]. The preliminary triggering operation for the vertex finding is the track-to-track couples search using the minimal distance criteria. Some topological cuts are used for the reduction of combinatorics. Starting from couples, the n-tracks vertices are constructed using the Kalman Filtering technique. The final vertex selection criteria is based on the χ2 -probability of the vertex defined by the Kalman Filter. A different approach for vertex reconstruction (called ”global vertexing algorithm”) also exists (see [78]). In the following sections the results of the scan back and total scan procedure for vertex reconstruction will be discussed: in particular in section 6.2 the standard procedure will be presented, while in section 6.3 a different approach will be illustrated. 6.2 Analysis of brick BL056 For the brick BL056 the number of SFT predictions is 2502: the sample of 217 tracks followed in the scan-back is obtained basing on a 3σ cut in position and slope on the matching residuals (see table 6.3). In the sample of the scan-back tracks only 12 are classified as created inside (i.e. candidate neutrino interactions). The intercalibration was performed sampling the emulsion surface with three zones, 1 cm2 each, positioned at the three corners of the emulsion plate, as shown in Fig. 6.14 a). In order to reject background base-tracks, a stronger quality cut s < N ∗ 0.13 − 1.7 with respect to the prediction scan (see eq. 6.3), was applied. In addition, in order to have a better precision in the alignment, only tracks with 104 Search for neutrino events hx BL056 Intercalibration Entries Mean 0.08421 RMS χ2 / ndf 2500 Mean Sigma Entries 3000 Mean 2500 RMS χ2 / ndf 6.384 97.93 / 11 2660 ± 33.3 Constant 2000 hy BL056 Intercalibration 10816 0.06728 ± 0.06223 6.43 ± 0.05 10816 0.03711 6.062 116.2 / 10 2782 ± 34.9 Constant 0.03345 ± 0.05938 Mean Sigma 2000 6.138 ± 0.049 1500 1500 1000 1000 500 0-40 500 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 ∆X (µm) hsx BL056 Intercalibration Entries Mean RMS 2500 χ2 / ndf Constant 2000 Mean Sigma 0 -40 0.006954 20 514.6 / 9 Mean RMS 2500 χ2 / ndf 2448 ± 30.8 2.367e-006 ± 6.677e-005 Constant 2000 Mean 0.006718 ± 0.000053 Sigma 500 500 0.02 10 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeX 0 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 30 40 ∆ Y (µm) hsy -6.151e-005 1000 0 0 Entries 1000 -0.02 -10 BL056 Intercalibration 1500 -0.04 -20 10816 1500 0 -0.06 -30 0 0.02 10816 -1.145e-005 0.00672 420.2 / 9 2535 ± 32.9 -5.628e-005 ± 6.452e-005 0.006546 ± 0.000056 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeY Figure 6.11: Position (top) and slope (bottom) residuals of intercalibration tracks for brick BL056. angle θ > 50 mrad were used. Fig. 6.11 shows the results of the intercalibration procedure for the 57 emulsion plates of the brick; we obtain: σ∆X = 6.4 µm σ∆Y = 6.1 µm σ∆S lopeX = 0.007 σ∆S lopeY = 0.006 (6.12) (6.13) After the plate by plate alignment, the sample of 217 tracks was followed from plate 1 to 57 in the upstream direction. Candidate base-tracks were accepted within the tolerances given in equations 6.7, 6.8 and 6.9,6.10 with the following parameter values: PT⊥ol = 80 µm PTk ol = PT⊥ol + 6 · tan θ S ⊥T ol S kT ol µm = 0.02 = S ⊥T ol + 0.05 · tan θ (6.14) (6.15) (6.16) (6.17) Although the precision with which we expect to find scan-back tracks is of the order of the intercalibration residuals, the value of position and slope tolerances are one order of magnitude bigger in order to take into account the Multiple Coulomb 6.2 Analysis of brick BL056 105 hx Scan Back BL056 Entries 2200 Mean 2000 RMS -0.1542 6.742 χ2 / ndf 1800 1987 ± 32.3 1400 1200 0.08802 ± 0.05910 Mean 1400 Entries 8902 Mean -2.157 RMS 8.739 χ2 / ndf 237.3 / 34 Constant 1427 ± 21.0 Mean -2.206 ± 0.083 Sigma 7.75 ± 0.08 1600 495.2 / 33 Constant 1600 hy Scan Back BL056 8902 5.401 ± 0.065 Sigma 1200 1000 800 1000 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 ∆X (µm) hsx Scan Back BL056 Entries 3000 2000 0.002946 1800 384.9 / 22 1600 Sigma -20 0 20 40 2954 ± 44.6 8902 Mean 1.633e-005 RMS 0.004041 χ2 / ndf 130.4 / 24 Constant 9.378e-006 ± 2.495e-005 1400 0.002301 ± 0.000024 1200 60 80 ∆ Y (µm) hsy Entries RMS Mean -40 Scan Back BL056 0.0001103 Constant -60 8902 Mean χ2 / ndf 2500 0 -80 Mean 1883 ± 26.3 3.858e-005 ± 3.968e-005 Sigma 0.003716 ± 0.000033 0.02 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeY 1000 1500 800 1000 600 400 500 200 0 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeX 0 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 Figure 6.12: Position (top) and slope (bottom) residuals of scan-back tracks for brick BL056. Scattering in lead plates; at the same time these values should be low enough to discard background tracks. Fig. 6.12 shows the resolutions obtained from the differences between predicted and measured tracks during scan-back: σ∆X = 5.4 µm σ∆Y = 7.7 µm σ∆S lopeX = 0.002 σ∆S lopeY = 0.004 (6.18) (6.19) The efficiency achieved, evaluated on the basis of passing through tracks, is around 76% as shown in Fig. 6.13 and is compatible with the measurement discussed in section 6.1.2 (see Fig. 6.8). A stopping point is declared if the track is not measured in 6 consecutive plates during scan-back: the number of resultant stopping points is 20 (i.e. 20 scan-back tracks stop in the analysed volume), uniformly distributed in the brick. In order to save scanning time, before starting with the total scan procedure to confirm the neutrino interaction, a visual inspection of these tracks was performed; this procedure allows to recover the inefficiencies of the system or the cases in which, due to the coulomb scattering, the candidate track is not related to the scan-back one because of the large displacement (both in position or angle) between the measured track and the prediction. 106 Search for neutrino events Figure 6.13: Estimate of the scan-back efficiency. The mean value is ∼ 76%. The visual inspection was performed in the stopping plate and in the 3 succeeding upstream films: among the 20 stopping points found during scan-back, 17 were recovered and classified as scattering. For the remaining 3 tracks the total scan procedure was applied: the results will be presented in section 6.4. 6.3 Analysis of brick BL045 The scan-back procedure illustrated in the previous section presents two weak points. As explained in section 6.1.2, due to the characteristics of the exposure, the mean efficiency achieved with PEANUT bricks (for tracks reconstructed in assembly order), is well below the average value of ∼ 90% obtained with reference emulsions (see section 5.6). On the other hand, the percentage of ”fake stopping points” (17/20 ∼ 85%), that follows from the visual inspection of the scan-back results, is high: the purity of the sample of tracks to be analysed with the total scan procedure is an important task to ensure scanning time saving and a good event reconstruction efficiency. The two requirements, good efficiency and good purity, are inevitably related to each other. Since the probability to define a fake stopping point due to the base-track reconstruction inefficiency, can be estimated as P f akestop ∼ (1 − )n (6.20) where is the efficiency and n is the number of allowed missing plates before declaring a stopping point, it is plain that by using a big value of n (as in the case of scan-back of brick BL056) we obtain a small probability value. Ranging from n = 3 to n = 6 the value of P f akestop decreases from ∼ 1.4% to ∼ 0.02%. If we 6.3 Analysis of brick BL045 107 Figure 6.14: Sketch of the intercalibration zone position (yellow rectangles) on the emulsion surface. Fig a) refers to the scan back of brick BL056, while Fig. b) refers to the analysis of brick BL045. set the number of allowed missing plates to n = 3, which is safer in case of track scattering, an increase of 20% in the scan-back efficiency gives rise to a decrease of the probability value from ∼ 1.4% to ∼ 0, 006%. Since a fake stop can be also due to the coulomb scattering (as in the case of brick BL056), the choice of the tolerance parameters used in Eq. 6.5 and 6.6, is a critical point too. Since the probability to choose a background base-track instead of the true one can be roughly estimated as PT ol Pbg ∼ Dview !2 S T ol Rθ !2 dbg (6.21) where PT ol and S T ol are the tolerance values, Dview ∼ 300 µm, Rθ ∼ 0.5 are the position and slope dimension of the measured view and dbg is the background density (dbg ∼ 12 base-tracks/view), the value of Pbg increases with the increase of the tolerances. The probability value ranges from ∼ 0.14%, with the tolerances listed in Eq. 6.14 and 6.16, to ∼ 0.03% by using PT ol = 40 µm and S T ol = 0.018. This effect is relevant especially when, due to inefficiency, the true base-track is not measured in one of more of the previous downstream plates: the prediction in this case is made by using the last measured segment and, especially in case of scattering, the prediction could be less accurate with the increase of the number of (allowed) missing plate. Starting from these simple considerations a new scan-back procedure has been conceived in order to improve the scanning efficiency and the stopping point sample purity. The simplest way to improve the efficiency consists in accepting as a candidate, in the case when the base-track is not found, a single micro-track satisfying specific quality and geometrical cuts. In fact the mean value of the probability to reconstruct a micro-track, < Pµtr >, can be estimated as the square 108 Search for neutrino events Intercalibration BL045 4284 Mean 7.361 χ 2 / ndf 1049 ± 25.4 6.041 ± 0.110 Sigma 600 -0.5309 RMS 7.912 χ 2 / ndf 800 235.4 / 17 951.9 ± 22.7 Constant -0.4651 ± 0.1066 Mean 6.715 ± 0.120 Sigma 600 400 400 200 200 0 -40 1000 0.03611± 0.09588 Mean 4284 Mean 277.4 / 17 Constant 800 Entries 0.02967 RMS 1000 hy Intercalibration BL045 hx Entries 1200 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 Intercalibration BL045 30 40 ∆ X ( µ m) -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 ∆ Y ( µ m) hty Intercalibration BL045 htx Entries 0 -40 4284 Entries 4284 1200 Mean 7.818e-006 RMS 1000 0.00766 χ 2 / ndf 404.3 / 17 1103 ± 28.6 Constant 800 Mean 600 -1.919e-005 ± 9.009e-005 0.005599 ± 0.000114 Sigma 8.562e-005 RMS 0.008054 χ 2 / ndf 316.7 / 17 800 1011 ± 24.9 Constant Mean 600 7.412e-006 ± 9.930e-005 0.006231 ± 0.000117 Sigma 400 400 200 200 0 -0.04 Mean 1000 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 ∆ SlopeX 0 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 ∆ SlopeY Figure 6.15: Position (top) and slope (bottom) residuals of intercalibration tracks for brick BL045. root of the mean value of the probability to reconstruct a base-track: p < Pµtr >= < Pbstr > (6.22) In our case, being < Pbstr >∼ 76%, < Pµtr >∼ 87%. The consequent increase of the scan-back efficiency, can be evaluated accordingly with a binomial function and is around 34%2 . This method, (together with other improvements), was applied to the analysis of neutrino interaction for brick BL045. In the following the a detailed description of the adopted procedure together with the results obtained will be presented. For the brick BL045, as already discussed, the sample of SFT prediction used to perform the matching with the doublet is 2254. Among them, 243 tracks match within 3σ with the doublet, with the resolution listed in table 6.3. To save scanning time we decided to follow in the scan-back only the subsample of 76 out of 243 tracks classified as ”created inside the brick” by the SFT. Before starting with the prediction scan, the intercalibration procedure was performed. We sampled the emulsion surface with a single central zone of 1.7×1.7 2 This value is overestimated because we did not take into account the efficiency of the quality cuts needed to select the micro-track signal. 6.3 Analysis of brick BL045 109 Scan-back BL045: base-tracks (0 holes) 3328 -0.7977 7.876 145.4 / 19 Constant 583.6 ± 14.7 Mean -0.3682 ± 0.1283 Sigma 6.962 ± 0.125 600 500 400 hy Scan-back BL045: base-tracks (0 holes) hx Entries Mean RMS χ2 / ndf 700 300 Entries 500 3328 Mean -0.1793 RMS χ2 / ndf 400 9.634 71.95 / 24 Constant 461.4 ± 10.8 -0.1096 ± 0.1585 Mean 300 9.009 ± 0.141 Sigma 200 200 100 100 0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 Scan-back BL045: base-tracks (0 holes) Entries 1000 Mean RMS χ2 / ndf 800 Constant Mean 600 Sigma 60 80 ∆X (µm) 0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 ∆ Y (µm) hsy Scan-back BL045: base-tracks (0 holes) hsx 3328 -6.651e-006 Entries 0.003871 145.4 / 17 500 964.8 ± 24.4 -9.596e-006 ± 5.601e-005 3328 Mean 600 -7.815e-005 RMS 0.005315 χ2 / ndf 18.13 / 18 Constant 400 Mean 0.003158 ± 0.000057 Sigma 606 ± 13.3 -8.686e-005 ± 9.111e-005 0.00523 ± 0.00007 300 400 200 200 0 -0.06 100 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeX 0 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeY Figure 6.16: Position (top) and slope (bottom) residuals of scan-back tracks found during first and second scanning (base-track search only) for brick BL045. cm2 as shown in Fig. 6.14 b). This choice is less time consuming with respect to the scanning of the 3 zones placed at the corner of the emulsion. The residuals achieved with the intercalibration tracks are shown in Fig. 6.15; we obtain the resolutions σ∆X = 6.0 µm σ∆Y = 6.7 µm σ∆S lopeX = 0.005 σ∆S lopeY = 0.006 (6.23) (6.24) which are compatible with the values obtained in the analysis of brick BL056 using the three zones procedure (see Eq. 6.12 and 6.13). The intercalibration tracks are also used to evaluate the shrinkage factor discussed in section 4.2.2. The shrinkage cannot be corrected during the prediction scan due to the low track density of the view scanned around the prediction: in the intercalibration area the number of tracks is high enough not only to calculate the affine transformation for the plate to plate alignment, but also to evaluate the shrinkage factor. For this last task, since the reduction of the emulsion thickness mostly affects not perpendicular tracks, only tracks with angle θ > 50 mrad were used. Once the parameters of the affine transformation were determined, the prediction scan starts automatically scanning the view around the predicted track 110 Search for neutrino events Scan-back BL045: base-tracks (1 hole) 25 89 Mean -4.184 RMS 14.65 χ2 / ndf 20 Entries 14 25.82 ± 3.92 Mean -2.665 ± 1.211 Sigma 9.774 ± 0.997 89 Mean 2.673 RMS 12 21.47 χ2 / ndf 9.94 / 8 Constant 15 hy Scan-back BL045: base-tracks (1 hole) hx Entries 5.062 / 12 Constant 10 Sigma 8 12.86 ± 1.84 2.107 ± 2.327 Mean 20.91 ± 2.01 6 10 4 5 2 0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 Scan-back BL045: base-tracks (1 hole) 0.001236 RMS 6.771 / 7 Constant 25.09 ± 3.63 Mean 0.001207 ± 0.000583 Sigma 0.005239 ± 0.000499 0 20 40 60 80 ∆ Y (µm) hsy Entries 25 0.0004619 RMS 0.006616 χ2 / ndf 20 Constant Mean 15 89 Mean Sigma 5.517 / 6 22.4 ± 3.7 0.0002162 ± 0.0007588 0.006071 ± 0.000855 10 10 5 5 0 -0.06 -20 0.00611 χ2 / ndf 15 -40 89 Mean 20 -60 Scan-back BL045: base-tracks (1 hole) hsx Entries 25 0 -80 60 80 ∆X (µm) -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeX 0 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeY Figure 6.17: Position (top) and slope (bottom) residuals of scan-back tracks found during first and second scanning after a missing plate (base-track search only) for brick BL045. position. All the micro-tracks measured in the scanned area are reconstructed and corrected with the shrinkage factor; the base-tracks reconstruction is performed on-line requiring the best micro-tracks combination and the quality cut χ < 0.25 ∗ N − 2.5 (6.25) (see Eq. 5.2) is applied in order to reject background base-tracks. The candidate base-tracks are selected by evaluating the difference between measured and predicted track coordinates (P x,y ,S x,y ) with given tolerances ∆P x,y < PiT ol ∆S x,y < S Ti ol (θ = 0) (6.26) (6.27) PiT ol = σ x,y · bi S Ti ol (θ = 0) = σS x ,S y · ci S Ti ol (θ) = S Ti ol (θ = 0) · (1 + d i tan θ) (6.28) (6.29) (6.30) where and i = 0, 1...n indicates the number of holes, i.e. the number of consecutive downstream plates in which the track was not measured. This procedure allows 6.3 Analysis of brick BL045 111 to apply stronger tolerances if the track was found in the previous plate (n = 0), while in the case of missing consecutive plate (n = 1, 2, 3) the tolerances used are bigger in order to take into account the possible coulomb scattering of the particle in the lead plates. The position and slope resolutions used in Eq. 6.28 and 6.29 are: σ x,y = 10 µm σS x ,S y = 0.006 (6.31) (6.32) while the values of the factors are bi = {4, 6, 7, 8}, ci = {3, 3, 3.5, 3.5}, d i = {4, 5, 5, 5}. Thus the corresponding tolerances are: PTi ol = {40, 60, 70, 80} µm S iT ol (θ = 0) = {0.018, 0.018, 0.021, 0.021} (6.33) (6.34) If more than one candidate base-track is found the best one is chosen by min2 imizing the following χCov function: −1 −1 2 T − Xf χCov = T − X p C −1 + T − X f C −1 p T − Xp f (6.35) where T ,X p ,X f are linked, predicted and found track coordinate matrices respectively, while C p and C f are the covariance matrices of predicted and found segments. The scanning efficiency achieved with the method illustrated above is 78.3% (see Fig. 6.24a) and, as expected, is compatible with the result obtained with the standard method (see section 6.2 and Fig. 6.13). If the searched base-track is not found, accounting for possible errors in the scanning (i.e. the emulsion surface is not focused), the view is scanned a second time. As shown in Fig. 6.24b the re-scanning procedure allows to obtain an increase up to 84.7% of the scanning efficiency . Fig. 6.16 shows the difference between predicted and measured basetrack in the first or second scanning; the obtained resolutions are: σ∆X = 7.0 µm σ∆Y = 9.0 µm σ∆S lopeX = 0.003 σ∆S lopeY = 0.005 (6.36) (6.37) The obtained residuals in the same condition for found tracks after a missing plate are, as expected, larger (see Fig. 6.17). If the track is not found in the first nor in the second scanning, the micro-track search starts. The algorithm of this analysis can be summarised in three steps: 1. among all the reconstructed micro-tracks in the scanned view only those satisfying an angular cut (∆S < 0.15) are retained. Then a linking between 112 Search for neutrino events hxt Scan-back BL045: TOP single-micro-track Entries Mean RMS 90 80 70 χ2 / ndf 19.13 / 9 Constant 86.23 ± 7.52 Mean -0.1974 ± 0.4383 Sigma 7.029 ± 0.450 60 50 40 30 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 60 50 40 30 0 -80 80 ∆ X ( µ m) hyt Scan-back BL045: TOP single-micro-track Entries Mean RMS 60 50 30 20 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 10 80 ∆ X ( µ m) hyb Scan-back BL045: BOTTOM single-micro-track 304 0.1636 9.923 χ2 / ndf 7.148 / 10 Constant 66.78 ± 4.69 Mean 0.5516 ± 0.5667 Sigma 9.464 ± 0.376 40 Entries 60 290 Mean -0.03523 RMS 50 9.867 χ 2 / ndf 40 8.693 / 9 66.65 ± 4.81 Constant 30 -0.02591 ± 0.54040 Mean 8.993 ± 0.371 Sigma 20 10 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Scan-back BL045: TOP single-micro-track 0-80 80 ∆ Y ( µ m) -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Scan-back BL045: BOTTOM single-micro-track hsxt Entries 304 30 Mean -0.006381 RMS 0.01632 80 ∆Y ( µ m) hsxb Entries 30 290 Mean -0.005906 25 25 31.1 ± 2.6 15 Constant Mean -0.006915 ± 0.000876 10 Mean -0.005758 ± 0.001016 19.46 / 21 15 Constant 10 Sigma -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.01463 ± 0.00085 0.04 35 Mean 30 RMS 25 χ 2 / ndf 20 Constant 15 10 304 0.02 0.04 0.06 ∆SlopeX hsyb Entries -0.02382 0.01433 0.01455 30 RMS 17.68 / 21 25 χ 2 / ndf 37.68 ± 3.00 20 Mean 0.001287 ± 0.000753 15 0.06 ∆ SlopeY Constant 26 / 19 38.49 ± 3.35 Mean -0.02486 ± 0.00070 10 0 -0.06 0.04 290 Mean 5 0.02 0 35 0 -0.06 0 -0.02 40 5 -0.02 27.77 ± 2.16 0.0009054 Sigma 0.01213 ± 0.00067 -0.04 -0.04 Scan-back BL045: BOTTOM single-micro-track Entries 8.421 / 19 Sigma 0.01631 ± 0.00088 5 0 -0.06 0.06 ∆ SlopeX hsyt Scan-back BL045: TOP single-micro-track 40 0.01591 χ 2 / ndf χ / ndf 2 5 RMS 20 20 0 -0.06 70 10 10 0 -80 Entries 290 Mean -1.191 RMS 8.596 χ2 / ndf 9.893 / 8 Constant 73.15 ± 5.76 Mean -0.8561 ± 0.5095 Sigma 8.155 ± 0.423 80 20 20 0 -80 hxb Scan-back BL045: BOTTOM single-micro-track 304 -0.4911 8.537 Sigma -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.0109 ± 0.0007 0.06 ∆SlopeY Figure 6.18: Position and slope residuals for top (left column) and bottom (right column) single-micro-tracks. The position resolutions are of the same order of base-track resolutions (see Fig. 6.16) while slope residuals are, as expected, one order of magnitude bigger. 6.3 Analysis of brick BL045 113 each micro-track and the predicted base-track is preformed and the quality 2 2 cut χCov < 1.6 is applied, where the χCov function is defined in Eq. 6.35 and p the resolutions used have more stringent values for the prediction (σ Pos =1 µtr µm, σSp lope = 0.007) than for the micro-track (σµtr = 10 µm, σ Pos S lope = 0.015); 2. with all the surviving micro-tracks a new top-bottom linking is performed looking for all possible combinatorics: then a base-track - like, called doublemicro-track is created. The candidate is the double-micro-track that has the 2 best χCov with respect to the prediction; 3. if no double-micro-track is in good agreement with the prediction, re-starting from the sample selected at point 1) we search for a single-micro-track by 2 requiring a minimum number of grain (N>9) and the best χCov value. We observed that, on the sample of found tracks, in 84% of cases the candidate track is measured with the standard base-track search method, while in the remaining 16% a single or double-micro-track is found: in this last subsample only in 9% of cases it is possible to recover a base-track, i.e. a double-micro-track is found, while in the remaining 91% it is possible to recover a candidate track selecting a single-micro-track. This procedure allows to have a global scanning efficiency of 96.2% as shown in Fig. 6.24 c). Fig. 6.18 shows position and slope residuals between the predictions and the measured single-micro-tracks both in X and Y projection; the left column refers to micro-tracks selected on the top surface of the emulsion while in the right column, the residuals of bottom micro-tracks are reported. The residuals obtained are: σt∆X = 7.0 µm σt∆Y = 9.5 µm σt∆S lopeX = 0.015 σt∆S lopeY = 0.012 (6.38) (6.39) for top micro-tracks, while for bottom we have σb∆X = 8.1 µm σb∆Y = 9.0 µm σb∆S lopeX = 0.016 σb∆S lopeY = 0.011 (6.40) (6.41) As expected, (see section 5.5.1), the position resolution values are compatible with the base-track resolutions (see Eq. 6.36), while the micro-track slope resolutions are one order of magnitude bigger of that of the base-tracks (see Eq. 6.37). For this reason, if the candidate track is found with the single-micro-track method, the prediction for the upstream plate is made by projecting the coordinates of the found micro-track with the slopes of the last measured base-track. It also evident that the position residuals of bottom tracks are slightly worse with respect to the 114 Search for neutrino events Single-micro-track htemp Single-micro-track Entries 304 Mean 0.7364 RMS 0.3301 10 Entries 304 Mean 12.04 2.07 RMS 50 8 40 6 30 4 20 2 0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 χ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 N Figure 6.19: χ (left plot) and grain number (right plot) distribution for found singlemicro-tracks. The red dotted line refers to top single-micro-tracks, while the blue one to the bottom layer. top micro-tracks. This effect can be explained by looking at quality plots shown in Fig. 6.19: the mean value of the χ distribution is 0.74 for top micro-tracks (red dotted line), while for bottom layers (blue line) is 0.94. This is due to the different optical conditions between the two emulsion layers. On the other hand, the non zero mean value of the slope distribution (Y projection) of bottom single-microtracks, can be explained by the bigger distortions that affects bottom emulsion layers with respect to the top layers (see Fig. 6.20). The average grain number of the measured single-micro-tracks is around 12 and it is the same for top and bottom. For double-micro-tracks the mean value of the χ distribution is 0.5 and the mean number of grains is less than 18 (see Fig. 6.21), while for ”true” base-tracks (i.e. base-tracks measured in the first or second scanning) the mean χ value is 1.26 and the mean number of grains is ∼24.4 (see Fig. 6.22). As shown in Fig. 6.23, in the χ-N plane, double-base-tracks (red open circles) are in the signal region, but they are discarded during top-bottom linking because of preliminary cuts applied to select the best micro-track combination. The micro-track search method illustrated before, allows to recover the cases in which one or both microtracks belonging to the candidate track, are affected by large distortions or fading effects. If the scan-back track is not found neither with the base-track search, nor with 6.3 Analysis of brick BL045 115 Distortion map top 58000 56000 54000 52000 50000 48000 46000 44000 42000 -70000 -68000 -66000 -64000 -62000 -60000 -58000 -56000 -54000 -66000 -64000 -62000 -60000 -58000 -56000 -54000 Distortion map bot 58000 56000 54000 52000 50000 48000 46000 44000 42000 -70000 -68000 Figure 6.20: Distortion maps for top (black) and bottom (red) emulsion layers. The reference arrow is 100 mrad. Distortions are larger for bottom layers with respect to the top. the (single or double) micro-track method, the last measured segment is used to project the track up to a maximum of 3 upstream plates: the visual inspection is performed during the scan-back process and if the track is manually recovered, it is reinserted and followed back again. This procedure, together with the high efficiency achieved, allowed us to have, as it will be presented in the next section, a very pure sample of 14 stopping points. 116 Search for neutrino events htemp Double-micro-track Entries 58 Mean 0.4966 RMS 0.3062 5 htemp Double-micro-track 14 12 Entries 58 Mean 17.64 2.218 RMS 4 10 3 8 6 2 4 1 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 χ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 N Figure 6.21: χ (left plot) and grain number (right plot) distribution for found doublemicro-tracks. Scan-back: first vs second scanning htemp Entries 3419 Mean 1.257 RMS 0.4557 140 120 Scan-back: first vs second scanning 400 350 htemp Entries 3419 Mean 24.38 RMS 3.297 300 100 250 80 200 60 150 40 100 20 0 0 50 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 χ 0 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 N Figure 6.22: χ (left plot) and grain number (right plot) distribution for found base-tracks. The red line refers to the first scanning, while the blue one to the second. The mean grain number of base-tracks measured in the second scanning is lower (∼ 22.02) of the that of the first scanning (∼ 24.59). 6.3 Analysis of brick BL045 117 χ Base-track vs double-micro-track 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 N Figure 6.23: Distribution of the χ variable versus the grain number of ”true” the basetracks (i.e. base-tracks measured in the first or second scanning). Red open circles refer to found double-micro-tracks. Figure 6.24: Scan-back efficiency for brick BL045: Fig a) and b) show the efficiency of the first ( = 78.3%) and second ( = 84.7%) scanning respectively. Fig c) shows the efficiency achieved with the use of the micro-track search ( = 96.2%). 118 Search for neutrino events Top View Side View Front View Draw Detector Rotate OpenGL X3D NeighParms TrackParms . ROOT - OPERA FEDRA . Pick Zoom UnZoom Figure 6.25: Display of all the reconstructed tracks in a total scan volume. Open circles indicate track edges (red=start, black=end), while segments of different colors indicate the measured base-track position (plate). Dotted black lines indicate the fitted track. 6.4 Vertex reconstruction The expected number of neutrino interaction in a PEANUT brick can be roughly estimated basing on the number of beam spills (triggers) during the exposure: we expect 1 neutrino interaction each 104 spills. By knowing the trigger number and by taking into account the scanned area and the CS-SFT matching efficiency, we can evaluate the expected event number as I T h = triggers × A × matching Atot (6.42) where A = 80 cm2 , Atot = 120 cm2 and matching = doublet × S FT = 0.76 × 0.76 × 0.5 ∼ 0.29 (6.43) The expected number of neutrino interaction is ∼ 13.3 ± 3.6 and ∼ 12.7 ± 3.6 for brick BL056 and BL045 respectively. As already explained in section 6.1.4, once the sample of stopping points was determined with the scan-back process, in order to confirm the vertex and study his topology, the total scan procedure is applied. As shown in Fig. 6.25 all the tracks contained in the scanned volume of 5 × 5 mm2 per 8 plates (the stopping plate 6.4 Vertex reconstruction 119 Top View Side View Front View Draw Detector Rotate OpenGL X3D NeighParms TrackParms . ROOT - OPERA FEDRA . Pick Zoom UnZoom Figure 6.26: Display of all the reconstructed vertexes in a total scan volume. The black star indicates the vertex position, while the green line refers to the track followed in the scan-back. Top View Side View Front View Draw Detector Rotate OpenGL X3D NeighParms TrackParms . ROOT - OPERA FEDRA . Pick Zoom UnZoom Figure 6.27: Display of the reconstructed 3-prong vertex. The green line indicate the track followed in the scan-back. 120 Search for neutrino events plus 4 downstream and 3 upstream plates), are reconstructed off-line using the procedure illustrated in section 5.5. The vertexing algorithm implemented within FEDRA, performs all the possible combinatorics of 2-track vertexes satisfying some topological cuts. Then the 2-prong vertexes are merged looking for n-prong vertexes within the following parameters3 : • dz < 4000 µ m • IP < 50 µ m where dz is the longitudinal distance between the track end and the fitted vertex position and IP is the impact parameter defined as the minimal three-dimensional distance between tracks belonging to the vertex and the vertex position. As shown in Fig.6.26, the reconstructed vertexes can have different topologies: only neutral vertexes (i.e. no upstream tracks are attached to the vertex) are accepted. Finally the scan back track (see the green line in Fig. 6.26 and 6.27) is searched for in the tracks fitting to the vertex. The analysis of the 14 stopping points arising from the scan-back of brick BL045 (section 6.3) gives rise to 10 reconstructed vertexes with the following multiplicities: • 1 5-prong vertex (see Fig. 6.32) • 1 3-prong vertex (see Fig. 6.27) • 3 2-prong vertexes • 5 1-prong vertexes while in the remaining 4 volumes, a scattering in the lead layer upstream to the stopping plate was found. All the total scan results were confirmed by visual inspection. The number of measured neutrino interaction is compatible, within the errors, with the expected value. As seen in section 6.2, the result of the scan-back of brick BL056 yields to 20 stopping points; 17 out of 20 have been classified, by the visual inspection, as scattering tracks. For the remaining three the total scan and the vertex reconstruction procedure was applied: only one 1-prong vertex was reconstructed in the analysed volumes, while 2 out of 3 stopping points were classified as scattering, i.e. passing through tracks. Such a so low number of neutrino interaction can be easily justified by studying the distribution of the slope residuals, both in x and y projection, for matched tracks between the CS doublet and the subsample of SFT tracks classified as ”created inside” (see Fig. 6.28): in this case the resolution values are one 3 for the study of these values we refer to [80] 6.5 Data - Monte Carlo comparison SFT Matching - ’’created inside’’ 3D tracks Entries Mean 35 RMS 30 SFT Matching - ’’created inside’’ 3D tracks hsx 148 Constant Mean 25 Sigma Entries -0.002942 0.05446 χ2 / ndf 121 Mean 35 37.46 ± 4.11 χ 2 / ndf 30 0.06767 ± 0.00718 Mean 25 Sigma 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0 0.1 0.2 Constant -0.0058 ± 0.0068 20 0 -0.4 RMS 0.7423 / 3 0.3 0.4 ∆SlopeX 0 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0 0.1 0.2 hsy 148 0.002145 0.06016 9.705 / 5 36.97 ± 3.72 -0.001461 ± 0.005364 0.06009 ± 0.00341 0.3 0.4 ∆SlopeY Figure 6.28: Slope residuals of the matching between CS-doublet and the subsample of 3D SFT tracks classified as ”created inside” for BL045. The resolutions achieved (σ∆S lopeX = 0.068, σ∆S lopeY = 0.060) are one order of magnitude bigger than in the case of the matching performed with the whole sample (”passing through”+”created inside”+”upstream”) of SFT 3D tracks. This effect was observed in several bricks belonging to Wall3 of the PEANUT apparatus. order of magnitude bigger (σ∆S lopeX = 0.068, σ∆S lopeY = 0.060) than in the case of the matching performed with the whole sample (”passing through”+”created inside”+”upstream”) of SFT 3D tracks. This effect was observed in several bricks belonging to Wall 3 and is probably due to the bigger fit uncertainty (because of the reducted number of SFT hits used in the fit) of tracks stopping on the last Walls of the apparatus, with respect to longer tracks. Then, it is clear that the track sample selected for the scan-back of brick BL056, that was composed by 205 ”passing through track” and only 12 ”created inside”, was biased by this effect. In order to find the correct number of expected neutrino interaction a new unbiased scanning is needed. 6.5 Data - Monte Carlo comparison The bricks exposed in the PEANUT test, were shared among the different laboratories of the collaboration as in the real OPERA operation. Each laboratory performed the analysis exploiting different methods, but following the same scheme presented in section 6.1. The number of reconstructed events together with the 122 Brick BL089 BL090 BL092 BL045 BL046 BL054 BL081 BL082 BL089 BL033 Search for neutrino events SFT SFT-CS ”Created tracks matchings inside” 1148 167 46 3380 306 141 3507 198 62 1992 243 76 1668 273 75 1944 543 92 3972 297 222 4203 383 285 1148 General Scan 1179 General Scan No. of Vertexes 8 14 12 10 14 5 14 15 10 30 1 7 12 9 5 10 4 10 11 9 23 Multiplicity 2 3 4 5 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 6.4: Summary of neutrino event number (together with the measured multiplicity) reconstructed on 10 analysed brick. The bricks BL033 and BL089 were analysed with a general scan method instead of the scan-back procedure. multiplicity detail is summarised in table 6.4: the total number of neutrino interactions, reconstructed in 10 scanned bricks, is 132. With the statistics collected a first attempt to measure the scattering fractions (Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS), nuclear RESonance production (RES) and Quasi Elastic (QE) channel) of neutrino CC interactions was done by the PEANUT collaboration. A complete simulation [79], [80] of the analysis procedures is in progress. In the following the first results obtained will be presented. For each CC neutrino interaction channel (DIS, RES and QE), 5000 events were simulated. The generated events were propagated with a GEANT3 [81] based software, implemented in the OpRoot framework [82], the official package of the OPERA experiment. Fig. 6.29 shows the neutrino energy distribution for DIS, RES and QE events, while in Fig. 6.30 the multiplicity distributions for each channel are shown: in the left column MC-truth (i.e. the multiplicity of simulated events without taking into account the reconstruction efficiency) is reported, while right column plots refer to the multiplicity of reconstructed MC events. In order to evaluate the different fractions of CC neutrino interaction channels, data multiplicity distribution was fitted as a sum of DIS, QE, and RES contributions with weights pDIS , pQE , pRES . The following constraints were imposed: pDIS , pRES , pQE > 0 pDIS + pRES + pQE = 1 pRES /pQE = 0.58 6.6 Conclusions 123 Figure 6.29: Neutrino energy distribution for DIS, RES and QE events. Then, a χ2 (pDIS ) function was defined as: 2 χ (pDIS ) = 7 X (nexp − (nth ))2 i i=1 σ2i (6.44) where i is the multiplicity distribution bin, σi is the relative statistical fluctuation (calculated as the quadratic sum of data and MC event statistical fluctuations), n exp is the (normalised) number of neutrino interaction in experimental data and n th is the (normalised) number of MC reconstructed events; nth is obtained weighing the MC truth (nDIS , nRES and nQE , see Fig. 6.30) with the probability fractions (p DIS , pQE , pRES ) and the reconstruction efficiency evaluated with the MC simulation: nth = DIS pDIS nDIS + RES pRES nRES + QE pQE nQE (6.45) Fig. 6.31 shows the χ2 (pDIS ) distribution; the result of the fit gives the following probability values: pDIS = (56 ± 13(stat))% pRES = (16 ± 5(stat))% pQE = (28 ± 8(stat))% (6.46) (6.47) (6.48) A more reliable simulation (including all the measurement methods adopted) is needed to improve this first attempt. The muon-tagging from the MINOS detector is in progress and will help to discard NC events from experimental data. 6.6 Conclusions The PEANUT exposure test was conceived to perform a complete check of the OPERA event reconstruction chain, from the search of the electronic detector 124 Search for neutrino events DIS MC Truth DIS DIS 1600 Entries Mean RMS 1400 1200 5000 4.073 1.589 DIS 30 25 1000 20 800 600 15 400 10 200 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 RES MC Truth 16 0 18 RES Entries 5000 Mean 3.448 RMS 0.914 2200 2000 1800 1600 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 RES Entries Mean RMS 160 140 120 1200 100 1000 80 800 60 600 18 RES 180 1400 301 1.845 0.5482 40 400 20 200 0 Entries 91 Mean 2.242 RMS 0.8655 35 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 18 Entries Mean RMS 3500 3000 2500 5000 2.675 0.5196 2000 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 QE QE QE MC Truth 0 18 QE Entries Mean RMS 500 400 673 1.583 0.3613 300 1500 200 1000 100 500 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Figure 6.30: MC results: left column plots show the multiplicity of DIS, RES and QE interaction (MC-truth). In the right column the multiplicity of reconstructed events, after the measurement process simulation, is shown. 6.6 Conclusions 125 Figure 6.31: χ2 (pDIS ) function (see Eq. 6.44) versus p DIS . triggers in the CS doublet, up to the vertex finding. The analysis of two bricks exposed to the NuMI neutrino beam has been presented: for the first brick (BL056, see section 6.2) the standard scan-back method was applied, while for brick BL045 (see section 6.3) a new procedure, allowing a bigger scanning efficiency (∼ 96%) and a more pure stopping point sample, was tested. The main features of the new procedure was already implemented in the official software and used to analyse the first neutrino events occured in the OPERA run of October 2007. The number of neutrino interaction reconstructed in brick BL045 is 10 (5 multi-prong and 5 single-prong events) and is compatible with what it is expected (see section 6.4), while in brick BL056 a bias in the SFT track fitting leads to the reconstruction of a only one 1-prong vertex. For this brick a new scan-back, with the right SFT track selection, is needed. The data collected among the laboratories of the collaboration with the scanning of several PEANUT bricks, will be exploited (when a reliable simulation will be available, accounting for all the scanning procedure adopted) to evaluate the different scattering fractions (DIS, RES and QE) of CC neutrino interaction in the low energy region (E ν ∼ 3 GeV). 126 Search for neutrino events Top View Side View Front View Draw Detector Rotate OpenGL X3D NeighParms TrackParms . ROOT - OPERA FEDRA . Pick Zoom UnZoom Top View Side View Front View Draw Detector Rotate OpenGL X3D NeighParms TrackParms . ROOT - OPERA FEDRA . Pick Zoom UnZoom Figure 6.32: Side view (top) and front view (bottom) of the reconstructed 5-prong vertex. The green line indicate the track followed in the scan-back. Conclusions The aim of the OPERA experiment is to provide the final proof of the correctness of the neutrino oscillation theory, through the detection of the appearance signal of a ντ in an initially almost pure νµ beam. The neutrino beam is produced at CERN SPS, 732 Km far from the detector located at the Gran Sasso National Underground Laboratory. The appearance signal will be unfolded through the detection of the daughter particles produced in the decay of the τ lepton, coming from CC ν τ interactions. A micro-metric spatial resolution is needed in order to measure and study the topology of the ντ induced events. For this purpose nuclear emulsions, the highest resolution tracking detector, will be the core of the OPERA apparatus. The basic detector unit is the ”brick”, a sandwich-like structure made of nuclear emulsion sheets interleaved with lead layers. More than 150000 bricks will be arranged in dedicated structures, called walls. The detector is composed of two supermodules, each divided in a target section and a magnetised iron spectrometer equipped with RPCs. Each target section is composed by 29 brick walls inter-spaced with an electronic detector wall (Target Tracker, TT). Target Trackers will furnish the trigger for the event localization in the brick, while the spectrometers will perform muon identification and momentum and charge measurements. If the TT trigger is confirmed by the scanning of a special emulsion doublet (CS) positioned downstream of each brick, the selected brick is developed and analysed. The analysis of the large amount of nuclear emulsions employed in the OPERA experiment, required the development of a new generation of fast automatic microscopes with a scanning speed one order of magnitude bigger than that achieved in past experiments exploiting nuclear emulsions. The long R&D carried out by the collaboration, gave rise to two new systems: the European Scanning System (ESS) and the Japanese S-UTS. The LNGS Scanning Station is equipped with 6 ESS running at the scanning speed of ∼ 20 cm2 /h. The ESS performances, in terms of efficiency and spatial resolution, was evaluated in the first part of this work, analysing the nuclear emulsion exposed to a pion beam at CERN PS in July 2006. The track reconstruction 128 Conclusions resolution achieved, is of the order of ∼ 1 micron in position and ∼ 1 mrad in angle. The corresponding average tracking efficiency is around 90%. Once evaluated the performances and the characteristics of the automatic microscope, in order to test the OPERA event reconstruction chain, a new test beam was performed at FermiLab of Chicago. Some OPERA-like bricks were exposed in 2005 at the NuMI neutrino beam running in the low energy configuration (< E ν >∼ 3 GeV). The so called PEANUT exposure test, was conceived in order to reproduce the OPERA detector configuration and data analysis scheme: some electronic detectors (SFT) gave the trigger to the event location; the trigger confirmation was done in the CS doublet and the selected candidate events were followed upstream looking for the neutrino vertex localization with a procedure called scan-back. In the second part of this work, the analysis of two PENAUT bricks has been presented: for the first one (BL056) the standard scan-back method was applied, giving a low reconstruction efficiency (∼ 76 %, mainly due to the fading effect caused by the high temperaure of the MINOS near hall) and a not pure sample of candidate neutrino interaction (stopping points). A new scan-back procedure, exploiting the bigger efficiency of the microtrack search method, was applied to the analysis of brick BL045, giving rise to a tracking efficiency of about 96% and a very pure sample of 14 stopping points. The vertex reconstruction procedure (total scan) was applied on the selected stopping points and 10 neutrino interaction vertexes (5 multi-prong and 5 singleprong events) were reconstructed. The number of measured neutrino interactions is compatible with what expected. For brick BL056 a bias in the SFT track fitting led to the reconstruction of a only one 1-prong vertex. For this brick a new scanback, with the right SFT track selection, is needed. The main features of the new scan-back procedure was already implemented in the official software and used to analyse the first neutrino events occured in the OPERA run of October 2007. Several PEANUT bricks were scanned and analysed among all of the laboratories of the collaboration, and a good statistics of neutrino interactions was collected. A first attempt to evaluate the different scattering fractions contributing to the neutrino CC interactions, was performed. A more reliable simulation and the muon tagging from the MINOS near detector is needed in order to discard NC events from data. Finally the PEANUT exposure test will be helpful not only to refine the vertex finding strategy, but also, being the average energy of the NuMI beam lower than that of the CNGS one, to characterize the OPERA performances in the low energy region. Bibliography [1] W. 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Then to Dr. Nicola D’Ambrosio for having introduced me to the world of nuclear emulsion scanning. A very special thank to Dr. Luigi Salvatore Esposito, ”Luillo”, for his friendly and patient support and especially for having taught me all my programming and data analysis skills. Finally thanks to Fabio who shared with me the work about PEANUT scanning. I also have to express all my gratitude to the whole Naples group, in particular to Dr. Giovanni De Lellis for his professionalism and fruitful discussions about PEANUT topics, and then to Andrea, Francesco, Luca and Valeri for their support and the large amount of work they have carried out. I cannot forget my friend Adriano who shared with me these last five years of work at LNGS. Finally a special thank to my ”large” family and especially to Enrica and Luca who have taught me, and daily remind me, the right order of things.