supporting uk PLC - Lloyds Bank Commercial Bank
supporting uk PLC - Lloyds Bank Commercial Bank
ENERGY & RESOURCES EDUCATION & TRAINING LOGISTICS & DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS TRANSPORT HEALTHCARE OIL & GAS REAL ESTATE ENERGY TEXTILES TOURISM CHEMICALS MINING AEROSPACE WHOLESALE BANKING & MARKETS CREATIVE & MEDIA PUBLIC SECTOR GENERAL INDUSTRIALS FOOD & DRINK ADVANCED ENGINEERING RETAIL TRAVEL & LEISURE ENERGY MINING SOCIAL HOUSING supporting uk PLC RENEWABLE ENERGY MINING CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & FASHION FINANCIAL SERVICES RETAIL TRANSPORT COMMUNICATIONS MANUFACTURING PHARMACEUTICALS & BIOTECHNOLOGY BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION Partners in Business BUSINESS & CONSUMER SERVICES ELECTRONICS HOUSEHOLD GOODS LEISURE TEXTILES & HEALTHELECTRONICS Autumn 2012 ADVANCED ENGINEERING HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENT & WATER & MATERIALS COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING MARINE RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE & ENERGY & RESOURCES ENVIRONMENT EDUCATION & TRAINING & WATER TOURISM MINING OIL & GAS FOOD & DRINK SOCIAL HOUSING UTILITIES PHARMACEUTICALS & BIOTECHNOLOGY ADVANCED ENGINEERING ENERGY AEROSPACE EDUCATION & TRAINING PHARMACEUTICALS & BIOTECHNOLOGY FINANCIAL SERVICES TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY RENEWABLE ENERGY CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR & FASHION AEROSPACE MINING GENERAL INDUSTRIALS ELECTRONICS TEXTILES LEISURE & HEALTH BUSINESS & CONSUMER SERVICES CREATIVE & MEDIA HEALTHCARE RETAIL FISHERIES CONSTRUCTION RETAIL AEROSPACE UTILITIES ENERGY CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC SECTOR BUILDING & PUBLIC EDUCATION SECTOR & TRAINING TRANSPORTATION UTILITIES TEXTILES ENERGY HEALTHCARE HOUSEHOLD GOODS TEXTILES RETAIL & CONSUMER GOODS ENVIRONMENT & WATER LOGISTICS & DISTRIBUTION AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE & FISHERIES BUSINESS & CONSUMER SERVICES MINING PUBLIC SECTOR COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS ENVIRONMENT & WATER MANUFACTURING CHEMICALS GENERAL INDUSTRIALS TOURISM MINING HEALTHCARE RETAIL MARINE HOUSEHOLD GOODS TECHNOLOGY LOGISTICS & DISTRIBUTION RETAIL & CONSUMER GOODS ENGINEERING MINING TRAVEL & LEISURE CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS ADVANCED ENGINEERING FOOD & DRINK UTILITIES 02 MArK stoKEs describes Lloyds Bank’s commitment to driving uK economic growth and delivering funding to businesses at the frontline of our recovery. Welcome to Partners in Business. We continue to work hand in hand with businesses across the uk to support them in meeting the challenges and seizing the opportunities the current climate creates. You’ll find some of the latest success stories in this issue. COMMITMENT TO LENDING We are passionate about supporting the growth strategies of uk businesses. You are, after all, the key to kick-starting economic recovery and helping Britain to prosper once again. That’s why we are participating in the Funding for Lending Scheme, which we’re using to unlock significant reductions in the cost of finance. Of course, providing accessible and effective funding for growth is essential to businesses. As important, however, is working alongside a bank that provides on-going commitment through good times and bad. That’s what sets Lloyds Bank apart – we are a relationship bank through and through. “ThAT’S WhAT SETS LLOYDS BANk APART – WE ARE A RELATIONShIP BANk ThROuGh AND ThROuGh.” MAkING SuPPORT COuNT As economic pressures and government policy focus the uk away from its service-led economy towards manufacturing, we’re extending the support we already provide to the sector. Whether you are a large-scale manufacturer or a niche operator leading the way in innovation and technology, we understand the demands you face and the specific needs of your business. That’s why we’re making an additional £1 billion of lending available to manufacturing firms. We, of course, remain focused on a diverse range of sectors and industry types, as this issue of Partners in Business demonstrates. Enjoy this issue and if you’d like to find out more about how our award-winning support for businesses can help your growth ambitions, please do get in touch. MArK stoKEs Managing Director Lloyds Bank Wholesale Banking & Markets Partners in Business 03 CONTENTS 04 The real game-changer 05 Signed, sealed & delivered in the uk 06 The complete banking solution 08 SCOTLAND 10 Case Study STATS Group 11 Our Expertise In Scotland 04 12 NORTH OF ENGLAND 08 14 Case Study Decorative Panels Group 15 Our Expertise In the North of England 16 MIDLANDS, EAST & SOUTH WEST 18 Case Study Riviera Travel 19 Our Expertise In the Midlands, East & South West 20 LONDON & THE SOUTH 15 22 Case Study Melrob 23 Our Expertise In London & the South 18 22 Autumn | 2012 04 ThE rEAL GAME-ChANGER Investing to win – with selected talents, world-class facilities and long-term planning. The basis of Team GB’s summer success should be mirrored by British businesses, says SIMON WALkER. siMon wALKEr Director General of the Institute of Directors There are important lessons for businesses and for government in the partnership between public and private sectors which so successfully delivered the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. If that partnership proved anything, it was the positive role of public investment in pursuit of individual world-class performance. The lasting legacy for British business is that government spending on infrastructure and education is critical. In fact, with infrastructure I’d argue that our investment ought to be ring-fenced. It’s here that public spending must be maintained, and indeed grown. ENhANCING INFRASTRuCTuRE You don’t need to look further than the most recent World Economic Forum’s Partners in Business analysis of Global Competitiveness to see why: its rankings of the quality of infrastructure among 144 economies shows the uk in 28th place, well behind France (3) and Germany (10). And that poor comparative position is evident across several key areas – with roads (26), rail (19), ports (17), airports (24) and mobile communications (27). These poor rankings didn’t happen suddenly. They’re the result of failures over generations. What’s now needed is innovative ideas, in the form, perhaps, of infrastructurebased bonds that use the government’s own credit rating and today’s low interest rates environment to invest in replenishing the infrastructure we’ve neglected over the last 30 years. One big lesson here relates to the way government behaves. The legislation that allowed the London 2012 Games to proceed removed an awful lot of the normal planning restrictions, and business organisations need to continue their lobbying to ensure other projects receive similar support. This would be a welcome boost for the property sector which would itself boost wider economic confidence. EDuCATION, EDuCATION, EDuCATION But infrastructure is just one area where government has a vital role in promoting the sectors in which to excel. Education is the other – particularly our need for people with engineering, scientific and technical skills. here’s where we, and other major European competitors, are falling badly behind the Asian growth economies. “we need people with engineering, scientific and technical skills. Here’s where Europe is falling badly behind the Asian growth economies.” siMon wALKEr, Director general of the institute of Directors 05 The success of our athletes this summer owe much to John Major and Tony Blair’s governments rebuilding sporting excellence by investing in young people and facilities. Similar levels of support for the next generation of engineers, scientists and business leaders could help uk companies achieve similar global success in the future. BuSINESS RESPONSIBILITY But government input can only direct businesses so far. The pressure of maintaining quick returns for investors and stakeholders, especially in today’s economic climate, can distract greatly from medium and long-term planning and investment. Equity markets are encouraging this short-termism and the recent Review of UK Equity Markets and Long-Term Decision Making analysis by Professor John kay revealed that uk-listed companies are at the top of international league charts for dividend payouts, but at the bottom in terms of R&D and investment. The need for long-term thinking is perhaps greater now than ever before. The flat economies both domestically and within our traditional overseas trading partners means British businesses are facing the challenge of breaking into new territories. New markets and new business cultures take time to adjust to, and that can only come with long-term planning and thought. Some may see these new business frontiers as a risk. uk manufacturers currently export 20% of their production tonnage, compared to about a quarter of German and French manufacturers. That 5% would make a massive difference to the uk economy and any risk would be comparatively small. Again, government has an important role to play, and while its united kingdom Trade & Investment agency is deeply committed to expanding exports, we must avoid an old British habit of propping up lame ducks. Infrastructure investment, better education and greater long-term business thinking would certainly be a positive public investment in which, ultimately, merit rules. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELivErED SCOTLAND UNDISCLOSED UNDISCLOSED Acquisition Facility to Support Expansion Plans Operational Banking Facilities NORTH OF ENGLAND £10M £20M RCF Trade Finance Facilities to Support Business Growth Funding for Growth MIDLANDS, EAST & SOUTH WEST £4.5M £8M Funding for MBO Aquisition Facilities LONDON & THE SOUTH Joint Mandated Lead Arranger Senior Facilities: £41.7m Equity: Czura Thornton and GCP Capital Partners £3M Funding Package Autumn | 2012 06 OF OuR CuSTOMERS RATE OuR “OvERALL vALuE FOR MONEY” AS † GOOD OR BETTER. WE SERvE MORE ThAN 26,000 CuSTOMERS NATIONWIDE, FROM MID-MARkET FIRMS TO GLOBAL CORPORATIONS AND FINANCIAL INSTITuTIONS.# OuR DEDICATED BuSINESS SuPPORT uNITS hAvE hELPED APPROXIMATELY 2,000 BuSINESSES. # Partners in Business £45.3 BILLION ThE coMpLEtE BANkING SOLuTION Our committed gross lending to UK businesses in 2011 beat our government target. FIRST Our economic experts were voted the TOp uk economic forecasters for 2011 by Bloomberg. INTERNATIONAL WE hAvE INTERNATIONAL OFFICES IN EuROPE, NORTh AMERICA, ASIA AND AuSTRALIA TO hELP WITh YOuR GLOBAL CORPORATE BANkING NEEDS. 81% OF OuR CuSTOMERS RATE uS GOOD OR BETTER FOR “SuGGESTING APPROPRIATE FINANCIAL IDEAS † & SOLuTIONS.” LLOYDS BANk’S NATIONWIDE EFFORTS hAvE PROTECTED MORE ThAN 250,000 uk JOBS SINCE 2009.# winnEr of EuroMonEy BEst DoMEstic trADE finAncE proviDEr 2012 ● wE’rE viEwED As tHE Most wiLLing to “ExtEnD crEDit in AMounts AnD on tErMs tHAt MEEt ExpEctAtions”. Source: Greenwich Associates uk Large Corporate Study 2012 07 *Source: Greenwich Associates uk Large Corporate Study 2012. # Source: Internal management information. † Source: Charterhouse Research Business Banking Survey YE q2 2011, 186 customer interviews. 1ST FOR HERITAGE we have an unparalleled heritage of nearly 600 years of dedicated service to uK businesses. 1ST FOR RELATIONSHIpS corporates rate us number 1 for commitment to long-term sustainable relationships and for overall relationship Manager capability.** WITh SPECIALIST SuPPORT AvAILABLE IN 24 OFFICES ACROSS ThE uk, WE’RE EquIPPED TO PROvIDE ThE FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS YOu NEED. intErnAtionAL • cAsH MAnAgEMEnt • trADE sErvicEs • trADE finAncE • risK MAnAgEMEnt finAncing BANK OF THE yEAR for the eighth year running, Lloyds Bank has been voted Bank of the year** by fDs of the uK’s leading companies. we are better than all other banks at providing core banking services without fuss. 1ST FOR SUppORT we’re known for our long-term supportive approach. since 2005, we’ve been rated first for ‘most supportive bank’ among the uK’s financial directors in the fDs’ Excellence Awards 2012**. • forEign ExcHAngE • onLinE sErvicEs • cArD sErvicEs • cLiEnt BAnKing • cAsH MAnAgEMEnt • forEign ExcHAngE • intErEst rAtEs • coMMoDitiEs • infLAtion April 2012, Profit & Loss 2012 Digital FX Awards March 2012, Business Moneyfacts Awards 2012 • DEposit Accounts • cLiEnt Accounts • fixED tErM & noticE DEposits risK BEST pLATFORM NAVIGATION – ARENA BEST INNOVATION IN THE SME FINANCE SECTOR – ARENA DEposits cAsH ** Source: FDs’ Excellence Awards in association with the ICAEW and supported by the CBI & Real Business. Business Bank of the Year was won in 2012 by Lloyds Banking Group plc which includes the operating subsidiaries: Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Lloyds TSB Scotland plc and Bank of Scotland plc. ● • DEBt cApitAL MArKEts • structurED finAncE • privAtE EQuity • tErM LoAns & ovErDrAfts • worKing cApitAL finAncE • trADE finAncE 9 OUT OF 10 CuSTOMERS vIEW OuR uNDERSTANDING OF ThEIR NEEDS AS GOOD OR BETTER.* 8 OuT OF 10 LOAN AND OvERDRAFT REquESTS APPROvED.# Autumn | 2012 08 SCOTLAND We’ve been proudly serving medium-sized businesses in Scotland for over 300 years. We provide funding solutions to help businesses grow at home and abroad, supporting them with effective risk management and giving them access to tools to respond to dynamic market conditions. Our experience, expertise and ambition for Scottish businesses define us as Scotland’s leading corporate bank. Partners in Business 09 ALAsDAir gArDnEr Regional Managing Director, Scotland “EArLy signs of confiDEncE” Scottish sectors that are performing well are those with global reach, or with high quality products that meet global demand, an example being our £10bn food and drink sector. As such, many businesses are deepening their relationship with our teams through flexible working capital and trade finance solutions, particularly in the oil and gas sector. We believe that 2013 will prove to be a stronger year for the Scottish economy and that these early signs of confidence will gather pace. your tEAM in scotLAnD MArK prEnticE Area Director, Edinburgh & East Scotland mark.prentice@ 0131 659 3342 frAsEr siME Area Director, Glasgow & West Scotland fraser.sime@ 0141 224 1947 stuArt wHitE Area Director, Aberdeen & North Scotland stuart.s.white@ 01224 283 120 Autumn | 2012 10 “the investment from the Business growth fund, along with the capital injection from Lloyds Bank, allowed us to move the business forward.” pEtE DuguiD, cEo, stAts group revenue. But we manage that risk.” With demand growing, Pete is keen to grasp the opportunities. “Growth has certainly provided us with an additional challenge,” explains Pete. “There’s huge potential for growth and opportunities in our strategic markets. The brake on that is around funding and skills.” sEcuring OvERSEAS ACTIvITY STATS Group faced increasing international demand for its services. With more growth available than the firm could finance, it turned to long-term banking partner, Lloyds Bank. FORMED IN ABERDEEN IN 1998, STATS Group provides a range of services to the oil and gas industry and has enjoyed steady growth despite the economic challenges. “We operate across all sub-segments of the industry,” explains CEO, Pete Duguid, “which provides us with a degree of protection against the impact of the economic cycle.” Partners in Business fAcing up to tHE cHALLEngEs Despite the volatility of oil prices in recent years, the business remains dynamic and forward-looking. “The main challenge for us is the cyclic nature of the industry,” remarks Pete. “In 2009, the price of oil, for example, dropped from around $140 a barrel to $38 in just 3 months. In another 3 months, it was back at $90. That obviously impacts on sEizing opportunitiEs for growtH With the opportunity to expand earlier this year, STATS Group required additional debt-based working capital to realise its growth. “There was no tangible option apart from taking on an investor,” Pete says. “The investment from the Business Growth Fund, along with the capital injection from Lloyds Bank, allowed us to move the business forward.” The deal, totalling £11.9m, was a first for the government-backed Business Growth Fund and was the latest in the Bank’s ongoing support for STATS Group. ExpLoring gLoBAL MArKEts “The deal has seen us undertake a great deal of global activity,” explains Pete. “We have established sites in Abu Dhabi and qatar and we’re starting work in Singapore, Malaysia and Oman. That type of fast growth ties up working capital and also puts a strain on labour resources.” With turnover at £20m this year, forecast to rise to £50m over the next two to three years, STATS Group is working hard to exploit its position in the market. “We’re a niche supplier and we’ve undertaken many technological advances, operating onshore, offshore and subsea. There’s still demand out there and, with the support of the Bank, we hope to meet that demand and continue our growth story.” 11 ON YOuR DOORSTEP IN scotLAnD confiDEncE we’re seeing early signs of a recovery in confidence across the region and seeing good performance in sectors such as high-specification manufacturing. the oil and gas sector in particular is showing signs of growth and we’re speaking to a number of customers who are looking for increased working capital facilities to support business growth. ExpErtisE understanding the scottish economy means understanding the unique issues facing businesses across the country. scotland–specific reports produced by our chief Economist in scotland, Donald Macrae, complement our uK corporate-specific research to ensure we fully understand the economic climate for businesses across scotland. to share our insights, visit “it’s good to know we have the support of Lloyds Bank behind us.” JOhN ChESSOR, Finance Director, John Clark Motor Group KnowLEDgE Because of the importance of the food and drink sector to the scottish economy, we have commissioned a report examining the challenges and international opportunities facing a cross-section of businesses within the sector. we’re also sharing knowledge about financial planning, sustainability, marketing and supplier relationships in the report, helping your growth ambitions on both domestic and international arenas. the report also features insights from various sector experts, examining the future opportunities for scotland’s food and drink businesses. to read the report, visit “we know the people, they understand the business, and the fact that we’ve dealt with the same people over a long period of time is very good for us. we value this stability and the ease of contact.” ANDREW COTTON, Group Company Secretary, Macfarlane Group read more online: Autumn | 2012 12 NORTh The North of England has always been a breeding ground for business leaders with the grit, determination and inspiration needed to succeed. At Lloyds Bank, we share that entrepreneurial spirit and work together with medium-sized businesses to deliver growth that benefits the whole region. Partners in Business 13 MArK Burton Regional Managing Director, North of England “proActivE support cLosE By” Our lending commitments have increased significantly, evidencing a clear intention amongst businesses to invest in growth. Our flexible Funding for Lending scheme is therefore proving a timely boost to promote growth across the region. We also continue to grow market share in the North, as companies recognise our commitment to business and to the local and national economies. The strength and diversity of the region’s economy is reflected in our experienced relationship and specialist product teams, and they work closely with companies to understand their businesses and develop tailored solutions. having a regionally-based credit team is proving particularly attractive for many customers, as they know credit decisions are being made by people who understand the local market. your tEAM in tHE nortH of EngLAnD DAvE ALLAnson Area Director, Manchester, East Lancashire & East Cheshire david.allanson@ 0161 227 4263 tiM pryor Area Director South Yorkshire & humberside timothy.pryor@ 0114 260 9101 stEvE HArris Area Director, North & West Yorkshire stephen.harris@ 0113 215 0935 MiKE MuLLAnEy Area Director, North East mike.mullaney@ 0191 255 1558 tiM rigg Area Director, Merseyside, West Lancashire & North Wales tim.rigg@ 0151 552 2083 Autumn | 2012 14 of the decline in house-building for example,” says Guy. “Despite that, the business has grown. We expanded our portfolio of products and began selling more aggressively. We’ve also benefited from the low value of the pound in establishing overseas markets and we now export to France, Germany and the Benelux. Throughout it all, Lloyds Bank has offered us unquestionable support.” ThE powEr OF INvESTMENT Decorative Panels Group, a West Yorkshire-based manufacturing business, has invested in new premises and cutting edge technology, creating 100 jobs and ensuring its on-going competitiveness in global markets. DECORATIvE PANELS GROuP COMPRISES three autonomous operations encompassing lamination, components and furniture. The latest development in the business’ growth strategy is the opening of a new factory to house state of the art equipment, making it one of the most advanced facilities of its kind in Europe. “Investing in equipment is the key to manufacturing success,” explains Managing Director, Guy Metcalfe. “It allows us to compete with the low labour cost economies through manufacturing efficiencies. “The asset finance facility we have with Lloyds Bank is essential to allow us to upgrade and update our equipment and to meet that challenge.” Partners in Business tHrougH tHicK AnD tHin With turnover forecast to reach £94m this year, Decorative Panels has clearly been responding to the challenges of recent years and fully exploiting the opportunities it encounters. “The recession created challenges for us. We particularly felt the effects “we’re fortunate that we have a partner in Lloyds Bank who is both very supportive and interested in how we intend to grow the business.” guy MEtcALfE, Managing Director, Decorative panels group. supporting growtH In addition to asset finance and funding for Decorative Panels’ latest factory, Lloyds Bank provides the Group’s day-to-day banking facilities, currency services and risk management. “The Bank is a big part of our growth story,” Finance Director, Tania Jones, remarks. “It’s very reassuring to have that kind of relationship, particularly when there’s uncertainty or when we’re looking at an acquisition, for example.” Richard Townsend, Relationship Director at Lloyds Bank, agrees. “We’ve seen them through year on year growth, through acquisition and winning business from competitors through greater efficiency and also protecting their existing business by their commitment to quality.” invEstMEnt for succEss Guy asserts that manufacturing “will drag the uk out of recession”. “Investment is important. Too many businesses are afraid to invest when things are uncertain, but measured investment is the only way to secure growth. Our new factory will drive that side of the business beyond its current £20m turnover, providing logistical and management efficiencies and the ability to produce over 600,000 panels per week. “We’re fortunate that we have a partner in Lloyds Bank who is both very supportive and interested in how we intend to grow the business.” 15 ON YOuR DOORSTEP IN tHE nortH LooKing AHEAD Across the region, we’re seeing an improvement in the business landscape and rising confidence in sectors such as advanced manufacturing and healthcare, where businesses are looking to invest and grow. though challenges remain, businesses have shown a robust attitude which will continue to serve them well. indications are that the second half of 2012 and the start of 2013 will see further growth. Export As well as supporting domestic trade, we’re also supporting businesses seeking to trade overseas. we are ranked first for Domestic trade finance in the Euromoney trade finance survey, and we’ll continue to invest within this sphere to further improve our trade capabilities. “the real differentiator was the sense of a return to ‘traditional banking’ – they wanted to meet all our key people, visit the factories and really understand where we wanted to take the business. that’s really healthy in this environment.” STEWART MCGuFFIE, Group Chief Executive, Allied Textiles ExpErtisE we have a well-respected economic finance team within Lloyds Bank, providing sector and region-specific reports. these reports and forecasts help us understand the unique issues, challenges and opportunities facing all businesses within the region. we also ensure these reports are shared with our customers, giving them the benefit of knowledge and confidence to support their business forecasting, and allowing them to make the most of growth opportunities. to read more of our insights, visit “the team at Lloyds Bank have developed a really in-depth understanding of the business, our trading patterns and the working capital demands we face.” STEvE EvERITT, Managing Director, Exol Lubricants read more online: Autumn | 2012 16 MIDLANDS, EAST & SOuTh WEST Since our foundation in Birmingham in 1765, we have played an important role in the economies of the Midlands, East and South West. And through our offices across this diverse economic region, we are working with medium- sized businesses to help them strengthen and find opportunities for growth. Partners in Business 17 DAviD ricHArDson Regional Managing Director, Midlands, East & South West “A cLEAr grAsp of tHE cHALLEngEs” Businesses doing well are those that have the drive to strive and thrive by creating greater efficiencies and entering new markets. As we gradually emerge from recession, that will become a way of life. Companies need to innovate – those that are performing particularly strongly are the design-led manufacturers. In our region, we continue to adapt and respond to our customers’ changing situations in order to provide the right funding to support their capital requirements or investment plans. your tEAM in tHE MiDLAnDs, EAst & soutH wEst AnDrEw connors JAson EvAns cLivE HEtHErington DEnE JonEs Area Director, West Midlands andrew.connors@ 0121 625 6552 Area Director, South West clive.hetherington@ 0117 905 2110 Area Director, South Wales & Severnside jason.evans@ 07725 446 741 pHiLip fuLton Area Director, East Anglia & South Midlands philip.g.fulton@ 01223 227478 Area Director, East Midlands dene.jones@ 0115 947 1100 Autumn | 2012 18 “Lloyds Bank has continued to support us and we’ve managed to grow well over the past few years.” EwAn MoorE, finance Director, riviera travel Bank has worked with the company over a number of years. “The business has grown year on year,” she remarks. “It’s testimony to the fact that they know their market inside out, they plan carefully and have adopted a cautious yet strategic growth plan.” ADJuSTING TO cHAnging tiMEs Riviera Travel’s knowledge of its market has seen it grow successfully despite challenging environmental conditions, with the support of long-term banking partner Lloyds Bank. ESTABLIShED IN 1984, Riviera Travel offers escorted tours to groups of like-minded travellers and is one of the uk’s leading escorted tour agents, selling primarily through reader offers in premium publications. Boasting a host of awards, including Best Escorted Tour Operator and Recommended Provider from Which?, Favourite Tour Operator from the Daily Telegraph, and Second Best Tour Operator from the Guardian, Riviera Travel has faced a number of challenges in recent years. A cHALLEnging cLiMAtE “The ash cloud, Eurostar fire, low water levels on European rivers – the past few years have seen all sorts of issues,” says Finance Director, Ewan Moore. “We’ve also seen a changing appetite Partners in Business for holidays. There’s generally increased uncertainty around incomes and, because a high proportion of our clients are older, they’re impacted by the performance of pensions and annuity rates. “Despite those challenges, Lloyds Bank has continued to support us and we’ve managed to grow well over the past few years. The key is to be innovative, to constantly re-evaluate and re-develop your offering so that you can adjust to changing times.” innovAtivE soLutions Riviera Travel takes a measured approach to risk. “We have to innovate,” explains Ewan, “but what we don’t do is launch too many new tours at the same time. We keep a good balance between tried and trusted destinations and new ones.” Liz Fuge, Relationship Director at Lloyds A MEAsurED ApproAcH Ewan takes a similar approach to the company’s finances. “Over the years we’ve grown into many of the Lloyds Bank services. The Bank supports our cash handling requirements, we undertake our card processing through Cardnet and each service has been introduced at the right time, when we needed them.” Dealing with agents and suppliers across a raft of countries, Riviera Travel also uses Lloyds Bank’s FX management services. “We have 12 accounts in different currencies, including rupees, rand, dollars, euros, dirham and Swiss francs. We hedge the currencies to manage risk and create a greater degree of certainty.” inforMAtion At your fingErtips Riviera Travel also makes good use of Lloyds Bank’s customisable e-solution, Arena. “Exchange rates are so volatile that it can be difficult to know from one day to the next what good value is,” remarks Ewan. “Arena is a fantastic solution. I can review all of our currencies at the same time, with the information literally at my fingertips. It makes decision-making much more straightforward. “The live market news and the articles and research that are available help to inform the decisions we make as a business.” 19 ON YOuR DOORSTEP IN ThE MiDLAnDs, EAst & soutH wEst ExpErtisE Lloyds Bank’s well-respected economic finance team produces a steady stream of sector and region-specific reports. this research ensures we understand the unique issues relevant to you, while also providing all of our customers with the knowledge and confidence to help unlock the domestic and international opportunities ahead. to learn about our insights, visit AnALysis Businesses right across our region should be applauded for the way they continue to respond to the many challenges they face and their short-term trading continues to do well. But uncertainty surrounding what the world will look like in 3-5 years time is acting as a brake on investment in the medium term. that’s why Lloyds Bank has a respected Economic research team, providing in-depth analysis on topical economic, financial and industry challenges to help you face both the challenges and opportunities in today’s unprecedented market conditions while also planning for long-term growth. growtH As our customers look to new markets – the west Midlands region now exports more to emerging markets than to the Eurozone, for example – there’s more interest in the trade finance solutions we can deliver. our trade finance expertise is therefore vital for many businesses across the Midlands, East and south west as they seek to exploit both domestic and international opportunities while managing the associated risk. our relationship teams complement this knowledge with vast experience of fx trading and risk management. “we’re competing with companies from the us, china and across Europe. the challenge for us is to support both our delivery and quality promises. the trade finance facility we have with Lloyds Bank allows us to do that.” JOhN MEDRAFT, CFO, Alderley Plc “the retail sector in the current climate might not be perceived as the most attractive for investment, but Lloyds Bank has been extremely supportive. there has been some real lateral thinking, resulting in a creative solution.” MIkE ThOMPSON, Finance Director, CCS McLays read more online: Autumn | 2012 20 LONDON & ThE SOuTh London and the South play a fundamental role in the uk economy. We harness the energy here, with successful long-term relationships built around a deep understanding of our customers’ business needs and use of our product specialists to provide finance solutions tailored to individual needs. Partners in Business 21 KEn DiLLEy Regional Managing Director, London & South “invEsting in tHE rEgion” We approach 2013 with a positive mind-set and plans to further expand our support for businesses across the region. The coming few months will see us further invest in our team to meet the needs of the various businesses and sectors we operate in. Export growth is vital to our economy and our Trade team provides instrumental support to both importers and exporters alike. your tEAM in LonDon & tHE soutH stEvE cLArKE Area Director Professional Practices, Retail & TMT mark.medd@ 0207 661 4849 sHAron gEogHEgAn cAtHErinE MArtin Area Director, Gatwick & South East sharon.geoghegan@ 07841 780 171 MArK MEDD Area Director, Thames valley & South steve.clarke@ 07920 207 685 MAttHEw pAcKHAM Area Director, Trade, Industrials & Services matthew.packham@ 07702 675 566 Area Director, hospitality and Leisure, healthcare, Education, Charities & Government 0207 356 3556 Autumn | 2012 22 “the people we’ve encountered at Lloyds Bank are approachable and they share a can-do attitude, rather than merely a tick-box approach.” MArtin iBBotson, fD, Melrob AN intErnAtionAL PRESENCE Melrob, a distributor of technical products and services within the chemical industry, needed innovative and forward-thinking funding to grow its business and support its expanding overseas footprint. Lloyds Bank stepped in with a truly international offering. FOuNDED IN ThE MID-90s, Melrob has grown year on year, from a turnover of £4m in 2003 to £50m in 2011. After launching a subsidiary in Japan, ostensibly to source materials, the company launched offices in Germany and then Singapore. In 2011, Melrob purchased a further firm in Japan and now employs 45 people globally. A funDing conunDruM “The nature of the business means that we don’t have a great deal of assets to Partners in Business secure finance against,” explains Melrob’s Finance Director, Martin Ibbotson. “But we do have debtors. In the uk we’ve used Invoice Discounting to fund our working capital and we wanted to expand that to exploit the ‘assets’ we had in our German warehouse.” unfortunately, Melrob’s incumbent bank was unable to offer the business invoice discounting through its German subsidiary. And that’s where Lloyds Bank stepped in. A gLoBAL nEtworK “We were initially rather sceptical of Lloyds Bank whom we viewed as a pretty uk-centric bank and wondered whether they’d be able to support a business like ours, which has 40% of its business in the Far East,” states Martin. In addition to providing fresh working capital in Germany, the Bank also supported Melrob’s acquisition of new premises in Singapore. “What the experience has taught us is that very often, banks that say they are global actually aren’t. With Lloyds Bank, we’ve found that they have a network of associate banks across the world, and that works better for us. So, in Singapore for example, Lloyds Bank has introduced us to their associate bank and the relationship is working well. It demonstrated Lloyds Bank’s global reach.” A strAtEgy for growtH Iwan Jones, Relationship Director for Melrob at Lloyds Bank, is delighted with the success of the relationship. “There’s a misconception that Lloyds Bank is focused on the uk. Relationships like Melrob show that we can and do support customers wherever their business takes them. We can open up markets and opportunities for our customers.” Martin has been impressed with the closeness of Lloyds Bank’s relationship with the business. “It’s refreshing to encounter a bank that we feel can work with us on our strategic plans. The people we’ve encountered at Lloyds Bank are approachable and they share a can-do attitude, rather than merely a tick-box approach.” 23 ON YOuR DOORSTEP IN LonDon & tHE soutH growtH Events of 2012 have created both challenges and opportunities for businesses in London and the south East. these companies should be praised for their responses in pursuing strategies for growth and stability. sEctor & rEgionAL KnowLEDgE in London, our teams are organised by sector which ensures we understand the unique priorities and needs of industries as varied as manufacturing, education, charities, retail, leisure and technology. Across the region, covering gatwick, the south East and thames valley, our experience of local needs and priorities allows us to deliver strategic support when and where it is most needed. innovAtion our e-solution, Arena, provides treasurers with finger-tip access to our fx and money markets expertise. it combines rich intellectual capital, such as markets news, interactive charting, risk analytics tools and proprietary economic research, with a customisable interface allowing you to make informed trade decisions from your desk. “it’s reassuring that we have a banking partner who shares our vision and whom we’re comfortable working with to realise that ambition.” ALEX MCLAuChLAN, Finance Director, hawksmoor “they have a good understanding of the sector, so they’re familiar with the challenges. their detailed knowledge of the hotel industry and of our business really makes a difference.” ALY kASSAM, CEO, Crimson hotels Group read more online: Autumn | 2012 For more information, please speak to your local Relationship Director or visit Please contact us if you’d like this in Braille, large print or on audio tape. We accept calls via Text Relay. Please remember we cannot guarantee security of messages sent by e-mail. Lloyds Bank, Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets and Lloyds TSB are trading names of Lloyds TSB Bank plc and Lloyds TSB Scotland plc. Lloyds Bank and Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets are trading names of Bank of Scotland plc. Lloyds TSB Bank plc. Registered Office: 25 Gresham Street, London EC2v 7hN. Registered in England and Wales no. 2065. Lloyds TSB Scotland plc. Registered Office: henry Duncan house, 120 George Street, Edinburgh Eh2 4Lh. Registered in Scotland no. 95237. Bank of Scotland plc. Registered Office: The Mound, Edinburgh Eh1 1YZ. Registered in Scotland no. 327000. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority under registration numbers 119278, 191240 and 169628 respectively. FDs’ Excellence Awards in association with the ICAEW and supported by the CBI & Real Business. Business Bank of the Year was won in 2011 & 2012 by Lloyds Banking Group plc which includes the operating subsidiaries: Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Lloyds TSB Scotland plc and Bank of Scotland plc. From 2005-2010 this award was won by Lloyds TSB Bank plc and Lloyds TSB Scotland plc. M59413/1012 MM0902/1012
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