memoriam eorum retinebimus - Royal Canadian Legion
memoriam eorum retinebimus - Royal Canadian Legion
Volume 9 2013 - 2014 Issue #5 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION-BARRHAVEN Editor: Ross Kerr ( ) Comrades all: Our small community was recently shaken by a tragic bus / train accident. Please take time to remember the neighbours we have lost. As everyone knows, our Branch has been very successful because of the hard and dedicated work of all our volunteers. However, as we grow, we are in need of more volunteers to help in many different ways. Come and talk to me if you have time to spare. Also, have you ever thought about being part of our Executive team? If yes, you need to attend at least three General Meetings (which are held on the third Tuesday of each month) and be voted in at our elections in May. We are presently looking for more people to help in some key rolls so if you are inter- BRANCH 641 Branch Website: ested, please come and talk to me. Thank you to all the people that came out to our very successful Luau and pig roast which was held on September 27. It was a great night and many thanks go to Kathy Blomquist and her team of Volunteers. We are presently in the process of bringing back our Friday night meals every Friday. Did you know we have extended our Friday night dinners to 7.30 p.m. to help those people who work late and want to come to our Branch for dinner? Tickets will be going on sale for our Remembrance Dinner which will be held on Saturday, November 9. This year’s theme is the Korean War and we will have some interesting guests and speakers. More information regarding ticket prices October 2013 and the meal will be forth coming. There’s limited seating so don’t miss out! I would like to welcome another service club to our Branch. The Rotary Club is now using our facilities for their weekly meetings. Welcome Colleagues. In closing, I remind all our Members of the pledge each of us took when we became Members of the Royal Canadian Legion, “to actively participate in the Poppy Campaign.” If you haven’t already signed up to help, please do so. We need more than 200 people to volunteer at stores in our Community, so please signup on the sheets at the Branch. “Our youth are our future. They will carry our legacy forward.” David M. Sereda Home: 613-825-4118 Cell: 613-218-7306 Memoriam Eorum Retinebimus MOORE, Gary (Retired, City of Ottawa) Gary Moore, 76, passed away peacefully after a brief battle with cancer, on September 17, 2013. Loving husband to Sandra Moore (Mackie) for 52 years and loving father to Gordon, Carolyn (Kevin MacDougall), Dwain and Kimberly. Dear brother-in-law of Pearl Hunter. Grandfather to Brandon, Brianna, Brock, Bryce and Grace. Predeceased by parents Thomas O. Moore and Lorna Moore (Olive), and survived by sisters Barbara Owens (Dalton) and Patricia Law. Gary served as a member of the Cameron Highlanders Reserve from approximately 1956-1964, and began serving as a sergeant in 1960. Gary retired from the City of Ottawa after 35 years in 1992 as a Project Officer. Thisissuecanbeviewedonthewebsiteat Page 2 C OMRADE T IM W ALTON years he has been posted to Saskatchewan, Quebec, NewfoundTim Walton was born in land, Nunavut and the Yukon and Victoria BC, where he lived until is proud to say he has visited all he was nine with his parents, the remaining provinces at least Bruce and Joyce, and his brother once. Before coming to Ottawa, and two sisters. His fondest Tim was in charge of the RCMP memories of growing up in the Detachment in Whitehorse, 1960s included Cub camp, fishing Yukon. Tim is presently the Exwith his Dad and trying to collect ecutive Assistant to the Assistant everything he found washed up on Commissioner of Contract & Abothe beach. Tim's family transriginal Policing services. ferred to Lahr, West Germany folTim met his then future lowed by three years in Kingston wife, Wendy who is from Ottawa, Ontario before returning to British in Quebec City. They married in Columbia. If you haven't already Ottawa 20 years ago this month guessed, his Dad was a Petty Offiand have two daughters, one in cer and an X-Ray tech in the CaBerrigan Elementary and the nadian Navy. In high school Tim other in Longfields High School, enjoyed playing rugby and runboth here in Ottawa. ning track. Tim went to school in Victoria, Lahr, Kingston and Sidney British Columbia. He graduated from the University of Victoria in 1983 and then worked with Corrections Canada before joining the RCMP in 1985. Over the past 28 Over the years, Tim has been involved in his community whether a scout leader, Lion, Kinsman, school council member, soccer coach or Highland Dance Dad. Still on his bucket list is to fly in a bi-plane, visit the Great Wall again, and learn to type with more than three fingers. Tim first joined the Royal Canadian Legion in Lacolle Quebec. His second Branch was in Whitehorse where he found a lot of good people and it was an opportunity for him to increase his networking within the community. On being transferred to Ottawa, Tim attended one of our Nov 11 parades where he found every one to be friendly and the rest is history. Tim is presently the Chair of 641’s Bursary Committee, past Poppy Campaign Captain for the Metro store and a proud Saskatchewan Rough Riders fan! C OMRADES Don’t forget to report any changes to your email/postal address, or your telephone number(s) to the Membership Chair, Danny Desmarais, at: Page :by Comrade Danny Desmarais Poppy Campaign 2013 Calling All Legion Members! Remember your pledge! “Actively participate in the Poppy Campaign.” All it takes is a minimum of three hours! We need Members to distribute poppies at four local stores from Friday October 25 to Monday November 11 2013. We still have over 100 shifts to cover. For more information on how you can help, contact Locations: Store Captains Independent Dave Lee “ Phone Numbers 613-440-4087 Jim Duff 613-825-4086 Loblaw Kim Krueger 613-825-1755 Metro Ross Kerr 613-825-8300 Wal-Mart Gus Este 613-825-1168 ************************************************************ Please stop by the Branch and sign-up to volunteer! ************************************************************ YOUR SUPPORT IS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED Daniel Desmarais, Poppy Chairman 613-823-5439 – “WE WILL REMEMBER THEM” 3 Page 4 2013 Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign Once again, it’s that time of year when Royal Canadian Legions are busy getting organized for the annual Poppy Campaign—the most important annual event for every Branch. This year’s Campaign runs from Friday, October 25 until November 10. During this 17-day period, Legion volunteers from across Canada will be busy distributing poppies. You will find our amazing volunteers in the community—stores, banks, restaurants—armed with donation boxes and merchandise, and this is where you will be able to donate to the Poppy Campaign. Your donations support Veterans and their families in our community. As this year’s Poppy Campaign Chairperson, I would like to take this opportunity to invite local businesses, community groups and individuals to show their support of this very important Campaign. In addition to wearing a poppy, donations can be made in a number of different ways. You can show your support of the Poppy Campaign by purchasing a wreath for $100. Each wreath includes a banner with a citation (“Lest We Forget”); however, if you would like to personalize your banner by adding your business or community group or family name, this would cost an additional $15. Should you wish to have the wreath displayed at your school, office or store during the Campaign, the wreath will be ready for pick-up at the Barrhaven Legion on October 25. Or, should you wish, the wreath will be ready for you to present on November 11 at the Ceremony site which is located at John McCrae School, 103 Malvern Drive, Ottawa K2J 4T2. You can lay your wreath on behalf of your organization or family, or you may wish to have a Legion Veteran lay your wreath on your behalf during the Ceremony. Financial donations can also be made by cash or cheque and delivered or mailed to the Barrhaven Legion at the address above. Cheques should be made payable to RCL641 Poppy Trust Campaign. Please mark the envelope “Attention: Poppy Campaign Chairperson.” If you have any questions, or if you would like more information on how you can help, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Home (613) 823-5439 / Cell (613) 983-5439 Barrhaven Legion (613) 843-8691 Email Thank you for your continued support during our 2013 Poppy Campaign. Daniel Desmarais Poppy Campaign Chairperson “We will remember them” Page 5 Monday,May29,2000wasawarmclearday,notacloudinthesky.Closeto25,000people,soldiers,sailors,air‐ men,veterans,andordinaryciti‐ zens crowded around the Na‐ tionalWarMemorialinCanada’s capital to mourn and bid fare‐ well to Canada’s Unknown Sol‐ dier. The ceremony was akin to astatefuneralforaheadofstate ‐ all this pomp for a relatively youngnobody.But,washeano‐ body?Hewasayounglad,some one’s son, perhaps even some‐ one’s husband, perhaps a father whowouldneverseehiswifeor small child again. What part of Canada did he call home? What was his name? All we know is thathewasasoldierwhoforfeitedhisfuturetogiveusthefreedomandthelibertyweenjoytoday.Thenormin lifeisthatsonsburytheirparents.OnthisMonday,inthenation’scapital,parentsburytheirson. Theveterans,thoseattendingtheOttawaceremonyandthosewatchingtheceremonyunfoldonTV,knowwhatit isliketohavetoughedouttheseemlyendlesstraining,foughtinthebattles,seentheirbuddiescutdownbyen‐ emyfireandparticipatedinbattlefieldburials.RemembranceonthisspecialMondayinMay,andoneachNovem‐ ber11,isnecessaryandbecauseasanationwemustneverforgetthosewhomadethesupremesacrificeforus,a soldierwhowillliveforeverintheheartofourgreatnation. In the late 1990s, the idea of repatriating the body of a Canadian soldier was first suggested by Chuck Murphy, president of the Royal Canadian Legion. He spearheaded the campaign to have a Tomb of the Unknown Soldier erectedinfrontofCanada’sWarMemorial.Heconsideredthisamostfittingprojecttomarktheturnofthemillen‐ niumandtohonourCanada’sfallenwarriors.Unfortunately,thedayhereturnedtoCanadawiththebodyofthe UnknownSoldier,ComradeMurphysufferedaheartattackanddiedinhishotelroomComradeMurphywas66. Theprojectconsistedofthreephases.ThefirstphasewasthehandoveroftheremainsofCanada’sUnknownSol‐ dierattheCanadianVimyMemorialandtransportthembacktoCanada.TheMinisterofVeteransAffairs,together withmembersoftheRCMPandamilitarycontingentguardfromthe1stBattalionRCR,accompaniedtheremains ontheRCAFflighttoOttawa.OncetheremainswereinCanada,theUnknownSoldierwascarriedbyguncarriage totheHousesofParliamenttolieinstateintheHallofHonour,thesecondphase.Thethirdandfinalphaseofthis importanteventwasmovementoftheremainsbytheRCMPhorse‐drawnguncarriagetothefinalrestingplaceat thefootofCanada’sWarMemorial.ThefuneralprocessionwasunderthecommandofBrigadier‐GeneralMichel MaisonneuveandconsistedofamilitaryescortandguardtogetherwithacombinedbandfromtheCentralBand andtheBandofthe22eRegimentRoyale.WaitingattheWarMemorialwasagroupofveterans,theBandofHMCS Naden,acontingentofcadetsandtheCanadianJuniorRangers.ANavyNCO“pipedtheside”–thenavy’ssaluteto theUnknownSoldier,asthecasketwasplacedoverthesarcophagus.TheUnknownSoldierwasgentlylowered into the sarcophagus; the army firing party fired three rifle volleys, symbolizing the army’s farewell to a fallen comrade.ThebuglesoftheRoyalHamiltonLightInfantrysoundedthe“LastPost,”followedbytwominutesofsi‐ lence.Thebuglesthensoundedthe“Rouse,”traditionallytheawakingcallfortroops.Asthesarcophaguswascov‐ ered,aflightofRCAFaircraftconductedaflypastinthe“missingman”formation,thetraditionalairforcefarewell. Alonepiperplayedalament. GovernorGeneralAdrienneClarksoneulogizedCanada’sUnknownSoldier.ShespokeforallCanadiansinremind‐ ingus“thatinhonouringthisUnknownSoldier,throughthisfuneralandthisburial,weareembracingthefactof anonymityandsayingthatbecausewedonotknowhimandwedonotknowwhathecouldhavebecome,hehas becomemorethanonebody,morethanonegrave.Heisanideal.Heisasymbolofsacrifice.Heiseverysoldierin allourwars.ThisUnknownSoldierwasnotabletoliveouthisallottedspanoflifetocontributetohiscountry. However,ingivinghimselftotallythroughduty,commitment,loveandhonourhehasbecomepartofusforever. Aswearepartofhim”. Therefore, as “we who are left behind” ready ourselves for the annual Poppy campaign and the November 11thparadeandremembranceserviceatcenotaphsacrossthecountryandalliedwarcemeteriesthroughoutthe worldwhereCanadianwarriorsareburied,wekeepforemostinourmindthewordsweutterattheconclusionof theopeningritualateveryLegionmeeting:“WE WILL REMEMBER THEM !” Submittedby:ComradeJohnO’Halloran Page 6 :by Comrade Danny Desmarais OCTOBER’S NEWLY-INITIATED MEMBERS C W O E M L R C A O D M E Louise Conway Edward Conway Ralph F. Legari E S LEGION SERVICE ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations Ross Stephen Donald Harper Laura Kerr Sarah Pepper OTHER COMRADES WHO WERE ABSENT INCLUDE: Martin Biefer, Lynne Brown, Christopher Furlotte, Lassenba, Sherrill Madore, Terry Pincombe, Kelly Ross and Ken Ross. Page 7 RECRUIT = REWARD. SIGN UP A FRIEND AND YOU COULD SAIL AWAY! One-by-One is a Canada Wide Membership Campaign initiated by Dominion Command which will run from, May 1, 2013 to November 15, 2013. It provides Monthly Draw incentives, (including Legion gear, gift certificates from some of Canada's leading retailers and more) per Province, to the Recruiters of any and all New Members initiated during the campaign. Plus a Grand Prize Draw, again per Province, of a balcony cabin for two on the 2nd Annual Caribbean Commonwealth Veterans Cruise. From January 30, 2014 to February 10, 2014 the cruise sails from Ft. Lauderdale to the tropical ports of St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Barbados, Dominica and St. Maarten. The contest is open to all Legion Members (and Legion Ladies Auxiliary Members) in good standing who sign up a new Legion Member. The Member’s dues must be fully paid for the current year Each time a current Member recruits a new paid Member, the current Member receives one ballot entry for the draws. There is no limit on the number of ballots a current Member may receive. However, each new Member recruited by a current Member must have been attributable to that current Member. Dominion Command will be closely tracking multiple new Member registrations from the same Member to ensure fairness in this campaign. When a new Member is recruited under the One-By-One campaign they are not entered into the draw until they have recruited at least one new Member. Paid Employees of The Royal Canadian Legion at any level are not eligible to participate. Good Luck. For more information please contact Danny Desmarais at: 613 823 5439 or Page 8 2014 Membership Renewal Program September 1 to November 30, 2013 2014 Membership Fees are unchanged at $50.00 Dues can be paid by cash or cheque, at the Branch or by mail to: Royal Canadian Legion – Br 641 3500 Fallowfield Road Unit 3 Ottawa, ON K2J 4A7 Please make your cheque payable to RCL – 641 and identify payment as, 2014 Membership Dues. Within two to three days after your payment has been received (depending on the number submitted), your 2014 membership card will be available for pick up at the bar. Early Bird – Draw To promote our “Be An Early Bird Campaign – 2014 Membership Renewal,” your Executive Committee has approved three membership reimbursement draws. These draws will take place on: Friday, September 27, October 25, and December 6, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Three lucky Winners will be reimbursed for their 2014 Membership Fee of $50.00. To participate in these draws, you only have to renew your membership for 2014 and remit your $50.00 membership fee. The earlier you renew the more chances you have to win, as your name remains eligible for all subsequent draws, unless you are one of the winners. Remember, the Early Bird gets the reward!!!!!!! As an added bonus, our Branch has the opportunity to win the “Be an Early Bird Award” from Dominion Command. In order to achieve this award, 75 per cent of our 2013 Members must have submitted their 2014 dues by November 30, 2013. So help yourself and your Branch by being “An Early Bird.” Danny Desmarais Membership Chair Tel: (613) 843-8691 Email: Page 9 :with Constable Timothy P. Murray of the OPS. STREETPROOFING FOR WOMEN What is it? This course develops self defense tactics and the knowledge of personal safety. Topics may include but are not limited to hand and leg strikes, various escapes and releases, safety in the car and home, date rape, self defense and the law, and the sexual abuse of children. This course adheres to the concept of educating the total individual in both the mental and physical domains. The basic instruction program, of which self defense is a component, offers students opportunities to gain knowledge and skill in a variety of practical situations. The self-defense techniques of this course are based on a general knowledge of martial arts. Situational awareness aspects, assault statistics, legal aspects and some tactics are derived from local and national rape crisis centres, and local police agencies. Goals: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Become aware of personal safety issues including preventive measures and tactics to avoid or prevent personal attacks. Learn up-to-date sexual assault statistics along with psychological profiles of rapists and criminals. Related topics such as self defense and the law, sexual abuse of children, acquaintance rape, domestic violence and will also be covered. Learn about the various types of weapons that are being sold as self-defense tools and the advantages and disadvantages of each of these. Be trained in the unconventional weapons of opportunity along with practical common sense techniques. Develop responses to actual situations. Interested communities members can learn more about the program by calling 613-236-1222 extension 6777, and leaving a message. A volunteer will return their call with information and upcoming dates for the program. Cst Tim Murray Page 10 Landry Vanier BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ROD A. VANIER B.A. LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR & NOTARY PUBLIC 3777 Strandherd Dr, Nepean (613 843 9413) 90 Centrepointe Drive, Bus: (613) 226-3336 Ottawa, ON Res: (613) 723-3051 K2G 6B1 Fax : (613) 226-8767 E-Mail: Page 11 BMO Support Our Troops MasterCard 1516 Merivale Road, Ottawa, Ontario K2G 3J6 Comrade Doug Mason, Prop. Page 12 Wow What a Luau!! Page 13 RCL Barrhaven Br 641 Cleans The Capital On Saturday, September 28, 2013 at 10:00 am, we gathered at the Branch for our fall clean-up of our section of Fallowfield Rd. We had a great turnout of 20 Comrades, some of whom participate in this event consistently and others who were participating for the first time. We managed to collect 30 bags of garbage and ended our morning task with a slice of pizza. For the first time ever, a City of Ottawa Rep dropped by, thanked us for our work and handed out some items to the Volunteers. The Comrades who participated were: Joyce Barr, Victor Chan, Anne Cole, Danny and Monique Desmarais, Dan Ferland, Jack Gaudreault, Barry Holman, Debbie and Ken Hopper, Jim Ireland, John Kabesh, Jon Klaus, Barbara Mathews, Dwight Van Noort, Cathy Perren, Ross Stephens, Ellie and Ed Schelenz and Clifford Valley. Thank you to a great group of volunteers. Ed Schelenz Past President More - - - > Page 14 Page 15 BANNER PRESENTATION Comrades, Doug and I would like to take a moment and thank everyone that participated in the “Support the Troops” banner presentation to Major General Lewis MacKenzie. It was such a successful event and we could not have done it without all your help. Thanks to everyone who brought food, we had seven tables full of salads and main dishes. There was so much we didn’t have room to set out all the yummy desserts until after the meal. The General really enjoyed himself and took a moment to speak to everyone in attendance. What a true gentleman. We would like to give special thanks to Joyce Barr, Ellie Schelenz, Bev Kirkham and Peggy Johnson for help getting the food out, serving and cleaning up what a great bunch of ladies. Thanks to Ross Kerr and Maureen Wheeler for looking after ticket sales and the door, plus Maureen helped clean up. Thanks Pierre Devault, Dan and Bev Kirkham for helping unload our equipment and all the food. Dave Cole, wow great job on setting up the room and introducing the General around. Also thanks to Hospitality for letting us use their kitchen facilities. Thank you Gerry Cleary, Joan Ferguson, Kathy Johnston, David Lee, Ed Dave and Ann Cole, Blaine Kiley (Zone (Deputy Zone Commander) David and Debi (from Caldwell Banker who are the sponnying the General at the head table. Coughlan, Duncan MacGibbon, Sherrill Schelenz, Bill and Lena Humphries, Commander) Doug and Shirley Munroe Major General Sereda, Keith Sennet and Rox Roy Lewis MacKenzie sors of this years banner) for accompa- It was great to see comradeship at it’s best. We had members from Orleans, Westboro, Eastview, Manotick, Bells Corners Legion and of course our own branch, this is what the Legion is all about. Also special thanks to Tom Hill, Jim Simpson, Judi Moffatt, BBQ Bob Claremont, Jack Denovan and Sherrill Ferguson for coming in and donating their time for guest slots, what fantastic musicians. Fun was had by all so thanks everyone for coming out, we truly appreciated it. Pam and Doug Champagne Accepting The Banner l to r: Pam, Maj General MacKenzie and Doug Page 16 Wall of Honour Memorial Bricks for the Barrhaven Legion If you would like to be a part of the past, present and future of the Barrhaven Legion, it’s as easy as purchasing a Memorial Brick. These Bricks will be engraved with your name and mounted on the Wall of Honour at our Branch. Available in three different denominations: Copper Silver Gold = $ 250.00 =$ 500.00 = $1,000.00 These Memorial Bricks are also a wonderful way to honour the memory of a family member. For more information on how to purchase a Memorial Brick, please contact Ross Stephen at or at the Branch 613-843-8691. BARRHAVEN FUN DART LEAGUE Play Darts every Wednesday Start time 7:00 p.m. at our Legion Branch 641’s Clubhouse Everyone is welcome No experience necessary Reconnect with old friends Join us at the Branch Clubhouse for an evening of fun and prizes and make new ones when Every Thursday you play with this bunch!! Start time 7:00 p.m. For more information call: Branch at: 613-843-8691 Terry at 613-823-1462 or Naz at 613-799-8601 Everyone is welcome! For more information contact Sharron at: 613 825 3203 Page 17 BARRHAVEN BRANCH 641 - REMEMBRANCE DAY SCHEDULE Nov 11, 2013 Royal Canadian Legion Barrhaven Branch 641 Hosts “The Remembrance Day Parade” Reserve, regular force personnel, organized groups such as correctional services, municipal and local police, RCMP, fire fighters, Legionnaires, service clubs, schools, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and the general public are invited to the participate in the Barrhaven Legion’s Annual Remembrance Day Parade. Please note that ALL Legion Members are invited to march in the parade. Fall-in for the Parade is at 10:40 a.m. Nov 11, 2013, at the underpass of the Public Library (Walter Baker Centre). Official Ceremonies start at 11 a.m. in the Memorial Garden located at the main entrance to John McRae High School, 103 Malvern Drive. Refreshments will be served following the ceremonies in Halls A & B of the Walter Baker Sports Centre. Members & Guests are welcome to return to the Branch for refreshments and entertainment. For more information, please contact Jim Ireland, Parade Commander at: 613-843-8691. Branch 641 Hosts Annual Legion Remembrance Dinner You are cordially invited to attend the 2013 Remembrance Day Dinner to be held on Saturday, November 9, 2013. Ticket available at the bar $ 22 for Veterans - $ 40 for non-Veterans Page 18 Legion Launches Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance for 2013 OTTAWA, ON, SEPTEMBER 13TH, 2013 – Every year, for more than ninety years, millions of Canadians have supported The Royal Canadian Legion’s Poppy Campaign and Remembrance Day ceremony. They have done so by attending cenotaphs and monuments for Remembrance ceremonies held across this country and by wearing the Poppy. Last year, Canadians were afforded another opportunity to show their respect for all Veterans: The Legion asked Canadians to send a photograph of a deceased Veteran to Dominion Command, The Royal Canadian Legion. These photos, in turn, were displayed on the large video screens located near the National War Memorial and shown prior to the Remembrance Day Ceremony held on November 11th and were later posted on the Legion’s website and available to all Canadians and everyone around the world to see. Building on its success from last year, The Royal Canadian Legion is asking Canadians to Remember and help build this “Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance” by sending in their photos to Dominion Command. These photos should also include the name of the deceased, years of service, element or force to which the departed belonged or regiment/unit. Relatives or friends of a beloved Veteran may have the deceased Veterans’ photo displayed on the “Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance.” Photos, either a high resolution digital image or a hard copy, may be sent to Dominion Command, 86 Aird Place, Ottawa, ON, K2L 0A1 (no originals please as they cannot be returned) or electronically to or For further information please contact Bruce Poulin at Dominion Command, at (613) 591-3335 ext. 241 or by cell at (613) 292-8760 or Page 19 Page 20 BARRHAVEN AUTO CENTRE Car Repairs & Service 890 Greenbank Road Nepean, ON 613-825-1831 GREG OGILVIE (Owner) Gisèle Grenier Miller (CRTS) 613-294-6611 YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD PUB Open Daily at 11:30 am Weekend Breakfast 7:30 am - 2:00 pm 250 Greenbank Road, at Hunt Club Rd. W. (613) 820-2969 - 613-825-7913 * Snow Removal * Landscaping * Lawn Care SELLING? Call these guys! 613-235-CREP (2737)