december 2015 - Orleans Legion Branch 632


december 2015 - Orleans Legion Branch 632
Branch Officers and Executive Committee Members
Ladies Auxiliary
LA Liaison
Legion Seniors
Catholic Padre
Protestant Padre
Service Officers
Banner Editors
Marty Keates
Sherri Mcinnis
Valerie Cyr
Jim Ferguson
Margo Tremblay
Deacon William Reggler
Reverend Don Collar
Frank Stacey and Doc Hopper
Marty Keates and Marta Nuijten
Past President
David Ballman
Ken Green
Normand Delisle
1st Vice
Len Marks
2nd Vice
Ray Plourde
3rd Vice
Don Johns
Honours and Awards Ken Green
Mac Casselman
Kim Levesque
Poppy Chairman
Neil Wolfe
Poppy Trust
Lucie Goderre
Jim Grant
Hospital Visiting
Margo Tremblay
Paul Larocque
Bar Officer
Len Marks
Special Events
Mac Casselman
By-Laws, Regs &Rules Bud Dion
Training & Org Dev. Bud Dion
Public Affairs
Jean Beck
Steve Sauve
Youth Education
Jeannie Mader
Jean Beck
Vets & Aging
Marty Keates
Cadet Liaison
Ken Green
Housing Officer
Garth Mader
Marty Keates
Branch Manager
Chief Bar Steward
Kitchen Chef
Web Page Web Liaison
Tom Peel
Peter Loan
Marty Keates
Comrade Marty Keates
We have had a busy fall at the Branch, starting with a visit from
veterans residing in the Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health
Care Centre on September 19th. Many thanks to the LA for
providing baked goods and serving our guests. Sandwich and
vegetable trays were donated for the event by the Symphony
Senior Living Retirement Residence on Lumberman Way
(formerly Orleans Villa). This was followed by Volunteer
Appreciation Day on September 20th. Thanks to Len and Sue
Marks, we were able to provide refreshments for all in
attendance. Past President Ken Green presented Service
Medals and bars to deserving Legion members.
Our first initiation of the fall was held on September 22nd during
the General Meeting. Four members were initiated, and one of
them, Normand Delisle, was sworn in as our new Treasurer. A
second initiation was held September 24th, with three new
members being initiated. On September 27th, during the LA’s
Market Place, Branch members sold hot dogs and drinks as a
Two seminars were held at the Branch October 3rd and 4th
respectively. October 3rd was for District Branch Service
Officers and October 4th saw District Poppy Chairmen gather to
be briefed on the upcoming Poppy Campaign. Extra
entertainment was provided on Saturday, October 3 rd, and Peter
Loan Dining and Catering saw to it that our guests were well
Branch members held a fund-raising afternoon of tennis-ball golf
on October 4th. Big winners were June Smith for the ladies and
Andrew Proulx for the men. A fun time was followed by
hamburgers and goodies – all prepared by Branch volunteers.
The Little Red Schoolhouse did a practice evacuation of their
premises and brought the children to the Legion, which will
serve as a pick-up spot for parents in an emergency.
During all this, renovations and repairs were being carried out in
the Legion.
The entire front entrance has been painted and all the rust has
been scraped out of the stairwell. The big hole in the wall has
been patched and in my opinion, the front entry now looks bright
and welcoming. The rear entryway will be completed by the time
this goes to print. These updates are taking place thanks to a
grant we were able to procure from New Horizons.
Our busiest time at the Legion is the Poppy Campaign, which
takes us to November 11th. It started this year on October 30th
and officially ended on November 10th. Several Branch
members attended a Candlelight Service co-sponsored by
Mayor Watson and the Minister of Veterans Affairs at the War
Museum on November 4th. The ceremony is designed to ‘pass
the torch’ to the next generation, and each veteran is given a
candle which is passed to young folks in the community. Our
Annual Veterans’ Dinner was held on November 7th. We had a
great turn out, excellent entertainment and once again Chef
Peter and his staff prepared a wonderful meal.
November 11th has come and gone – the busiest day every year
at the Branch. We had beautiful weather this year for our
service and a very large crowd attended. Many thanks to our
Entertainment and Special Events’ coordinator who made
arrangements to have all the food dropped off at the Branch for
the reception which followed the service. Special thanks to
Maureen Philippe who looked after the food upstairs, and to the
entire LA who looked after the food downstairs. The reception
is a mammoth event – shoulder-to-shoulder standing room only
for two to three hours following the parade dismissal.
November 11th was also Diane Bowles’ last day at work – after
twenty-six years as a bartender. She was completely surprised
on November 13th when Branch members and her friends
showed up at the end of her card afternoon for a formal farewell.
Tears may have been shed!
A ‘Triathlon’ fund raiser followed on November 14th, again
organized by Branch members. Events included darts,
shuffleboard and pool, followed by chili and rolls (donated by
Prizes went to Blaine Kiley and partner Nicky Hebert (first),
Steve Sauve and George Williston (second), and Andrew Proulx
and Carole Kiley (boobey). I think it’s safe to say that yours truly
will not be asked to represent the Branch at any dart
tournaments in the near future!
A wrapping party was held on Nov 28th, where 300 ‘comforts for
vets’ were wrapped by eight volunteers. That same day I
attended the Christmas Dinner for the Orleans 3018 Cadets with
Ken Green, our Cadet Liaison Officer. A cheque for $1,000 from
the Branch Nevada Fund was presented to the Corps and the
cadets in turn, presented the Branch with an updated 2015
Corps photo. Our final November function was the Christmas
Party for Branch members who had reached at least their 79th
milestone. Santa paid a surprise visit and distributed ‘comforts’
to all in attendance. LA members decorated the hall, provided
baked goods and served our guests. The sandwiches and
veggies, which were enjoyed by all, were a donation from the
Amica at Bearbrook Retirement Residence. A special thank you
goes to Lara and Antony Kelderman, the LA President’s
grandchildren, who manned the lift and helped Santa with the
Christmas cards.
Reports of Chairs reporting to the President
Ladies Auxilliary: Comrade Valerie Cyr
Joint Executive Meeting Report:
For the Ladies Auxiliary – this is our Joint Executive Meeting
with the Branch and tonight the following LA members are in
attendance: President Valerie Cyr, Treasurer Lucie Goderre,
Past President Wendy Fortier, and 1ST Vice President Jeanine
The L.A. have been very busy since our last report. Our
Harvest Tea was a great success. Largely attended and
enjoyed by all. We’d like to thank all those who volunteered
and worked so hard. Many thanks go out to Comrades Betty
Ringrose and Vern Veinot and to our very capable cadets who
did such a superb job in serving our guests.
Our Ladies also participated in the Poppy Campaign –
volunteering many hours filling shifts at the various venues.
This is always a pleasure and a privilege we greatly look
forward to each year.
Of course, our role in working in the kitchen, setting up and
serving the reception on Remembrance Day following the
ceremony is always a major undertaking in our agenda. We
are always amazed by the generosity of Branch Members and
by the local businesses in ensuring that this event is so well
provided for and the wonderful comments we hear from those
attending attest to the success it brings to our Branch. Leftover
food was taken to the Shepherds of Good Hope.
Soon our Ladies will be involved in decorating the Branch for
Christmas and volunteering for the Branch Veterans
Christmas Party. We are also planning a Christmas Bake
Sale on December 5th during the Saturday morning breakfast
and hope you will support us and stock up on Christmas
Baking. A choir will be providing Christmas music at that time.
We are pleased to announce that since September we have
initiated 2 new members bring our Membership total to 30.
On behalf of the Ladies Auxiliary I wish to submit this report
and thank you.
Branch Manager
Tom Peel
The Branch is currently booked up until the end of December
Comrade Marta Nuijten
The Banner is completed and being sent to the printer. Thank
you to everyone for providing their reports and photographs
included in this issue. Our next Banner deadline is February
15th, 2016.
Poppy Chairman: Comrade Neil Wolfe
Another campaign has come and gone. The total count has not
yet been completed but it will be in the low nineties. There were
many first timers, including myself, in this year’s campaign.
There were mistakes made and opportunities missed but overall
it was a very successful campaign. Like any campaign of this
nature the success or failure depends on the volunteers
involved. We were lucky to have a large group of dedicated and
resourceful volunteers who deserve our respect and
Please see more on following pages.
Report of the First Vice – Comrade Len Marks
Since my last report the Legion has been extremely busy with
the startup of fall and winter programs. Major items which have
taken place during the summer leading into December include
the painting of the Main lobby and the rear entry areas as well
as our Trailer which includes a new entry access, our
Remembrance Day Service and planning for our annual
Christmas Veterans’ visits. We will be holding a New Year’s Eve
Party and New Year’s Day Levee (info available on Legion Web
Reports of the Chairs reporting to the 1st Vice
Legion Assets Inventory:
Comrade Paul Larocque
Paul has been updating the Legions Assets with new equipment
purchases and deletion of unusable assets and reports that all
items are up to date.
Veterans and Aging:
We continue to work on the needs of our Veterans to provide
additional comforts and advice through our Service Officer to
meet their needs. Christmas Visits are being planned as I write
this report and information should be upcoming shortly.
Sports: Comrade Steve Sauve
All Legion Sport League programs began in September- Men’s
Darts, Mixed Darts, Cribbage, Bean Bags and all are
progressing well.
Upcoming Events Calendar:
Zone Cribbage
Zone Darts
Senior Darts
Mixed Darts
December 12, 2015 Montgomery Legion
January 16, 2016 Orleans Legion
January 30, 2016 Cornwall Legion
February 27, 2016 Montgomery Legion
March 26, 2016
Strathcona Legion
Steve would like to thank Denis and Maureen Phillipe, Ron
Bradimore and Diane Bowles for a very successful Triathlon of
Sports – Pool, Shuffle Board and Darts which was held as a
fund raiser for the Legion
We have 2 tickets to this year’s Brier in Ottawa worth $1,000
donated by Canadian Curling Assoc. thanks to Ted Larabie.
We are offering these tickets to the highest BIDDER –
OPEN BID. See bartender for bid information
Comrade Garth Mader
Garth continues to keep the Legion totally operational from a
maintenance stand point – lights, equipment and building
Scrap Book:
Comrade Betty Ringrose
Betty continues to work on the Legion’s Scrap Book for this year
and requests that all Special events taking place at the Legion
be photographed by the organizing committee She has won
many Scrap Book awards and has continued her winning ways
by winning honours once more for 2015. Betty has announced
that this year is her final year and is looking for a replacement to
come forward and she will happily pass on her winning ways.
Breakfast Club:
Comrade Chantal Baron
Chantal reports that the Breakfast Club started in October and
has been well attended each Saturday under the operation of
five volunteer teams who cook and serve our clients.
Bar Inventory: Comrade Len Marks
Bar inventories have been conducted every two months since
May 1st 2015 - the last one being done November 30th 2015.
Everything is in order.
In closing I would like to thank all of the Volunteers (too many to name
in this report) and to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Veterans and Aging
Preparation is currently taking place for the purchase and/or
procurement of the Comforts for Vets that will be distributed to
approximately 400 veterans, spouses of veterans and
widow/widowers of veterans. A suggestion was made to provide
a flashlight for each as a ‘comfort’ this year. In the event of a
power outage this could be a very practical item.
Comrade Garth Mader
Work was done in the lower kitchen; storage rooms have been
cleaned out and the L.A. now have a lock on their own
Volunteer Breakfast Club
The breakfast club is up and running, once again coordinated by
Chantal and Alex Baron, with lots of help from Betty Sauve.
Breakfasts are held every Saturday morning from 8:30-11:00
a.m. This year, in addition to the regular and deluxe breakfasts,
there is a special menu for children. Details are available on the
Maureen Philippe taking care of
ticket sales.
Andrew Proulx prepares an
order to pass to June Smith.
Kathy Luten, Trevor Luten
and Claude Hebert enjoyed a
Saturday morning breakfast at the
Reports of Chairs Reporting to 2nd Vice – Comrade Ray
During the period since I last reported, not much has taken
place within the portfolios under the umbrella of the 2nd vice.
Reports at Executive meetings indicate all is well within each
Our Entertainment chairman, Comrade Mac Casselman
continues to endeavour to secure suitable artists for our Friday
night patrons and is doing a very good job of this demanding
Our recent Remembrance dinner was well attended and guests
were treated to the music of our favorite lady - Lauren Hall. I
was personally honoured that my son, LCol Stephan Plourde
was our guest speaker and by all accounts, his presentation
was very well received.
Our next big celebration will be the New Year’ Eve ball which is
being organized. Details are being worked out and will be
published soon.
Remembrance Day saw a very large participation by Branch
members and others. Since our Sgt-at-Arms was otherwise
occupied, I led the Colour party. Incidentally, the Ladies
Auxilliary were unable to provide a banner bearer so in order to
keep an even number, only six flags/banners were carried.
LGen (ret) Richard Evraire was kind enough to accept our last
minute invitation to be our Reviewing Officer and Comrade
Margo Tremblay was again this year our Master of Ceremony.
As is the case every year at this time, volunteers are difficult to
find because of the attraction southern climes have on our
ageing membership. This highlights the need for our
younger/newer members to get involved and volunteer a little bit
of their time for various Legion activities.
In closing, Margo and I wish you all a safe and pleasant winter.
Hospital Visiting:
Comrade Margo Tremblay
Since my last report I sent cards as follows:
23 Sep 2015 – Get well card to Ace Wolfe
24 Oct 2015 – Speedy recovery card to Wayne Niemi
On 26 Oct 2015 - I visited Bud Dion at the General Hospital and
took him two books
Special Events & Entertainment: Comrade Mac Casselman
The Halloween Party was a great success! There were lots of
costumes and prizes. Thank you to special legion members for
their donations which were given out as prizes. There was
great Irish music provided by Robin Averill.
The next big party is New Year’s Eve. Tickets will go on sale for
members only on 29 Nov 2015. After one week tickets will be
open to non-members. Everyone come out and celebrate the
New Year!
The Menu for New Year’s will be:
Chef Salad and Dinner rolls
Prime Rib
Lemon Chicken
Vegetable Lasagna
Roasted Potatoes
Mixed Veggies
Desert: Butter Tarts and Mixed Pastries
On the first day of the New Year
the Branch will have its annual
New Year’s Levee. Moose milk
and munchies will be available.
Entertainment will be by Ron
Prescott. It will commence around
1 p.m. and is slated to run until at
least 5 PM. It is doubtful the Moose Milk will last that long
so come early – you can always leave late to make up for it.
President Marty Keates presents Captain Richards with a cheque
for $1,000 from the Branch’s Nevada Fund, while Terry Cull,
the Corps Army Cadet League Liaison Officer turns toward the
photographer. (Rae Green).
Reports of the Chairs Reporting to the 3rd Vice – Comrade
Don Johns
Public Relations:
Comrade Jean Beck
Once the price for New Year’s Eve has been finalized this will
be going to the newspaper.
Membership and Volunteers:
Comrade Kim Levesque
We currently have 837 members, 753 in good standing. There
are 24 people to be initiated and so far we have processed 15
new members for 2016.
Comrade Jean Beck
Advertising will be starting in December for the bursaries. The
deadline for submitting applications is the end of March, 2016.
Youth Education:
Comrade Jeanine Mader
On Remembrance Day we had 30 Cadets helping out and we
would also like to thank Soo Samler for her help with the cadets.
Comrades Frank Stacey and Jeanine Made (Girl Guide
Leader) teaching the 2 Orleans Girl Guides about the
Legion and Remembrance.
On Saturday November 21 , Comrades Wendy Fortier,
Sherri McInnis and Garth Mader judged the artwork
submitted for the Remembrance Day Contests.
…more coloured posters
Some of the coloured posters
Dee Clearwater, Doris Jenkins and Terri McElroy
Doug Carruthers and Harold Chase
One of the caregivers from the Perley, Maggie Yrenaya
with long-time Branch member Ernie Kingshott
Isabelle Guthrie, Mary Johnson and Helen Maloney
Some of our Branch volunteers who helped to serve the veterans: (L to R)
Comrades Ray Plourde, Jim Grant and Mac Casselman
My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30 a m.
Can you believe that...2:30 a m?
Lucky for him I was still up practicing my Bagpipe.
Comrade Ken Pierce receives his Service Medal from Past
President Ken Green. Service Medals are awarded for
exceptional volunteering at the Branch.
Comrade Marty Keates receives her Service Medal
from Past President Ken Green
Comrades Joe and Maria McNulty received Service Medals…
as did Comrades Margo Tremblay and Ray Plourde.
First VP Len Marks, Second VP Ray Plourde,
President Marty Keates and Past President Ken Green
preside over the ceremony
Members initiated (L to R): Christian Duhamel,
Kenneth Lehman, Pierre Cloutier and Normand Delisle
L to R: Past President Ken Green, Robin Wallace, Joe Maillet,
Steve Paul and President Marty Keates
Chuckle Time
The wife was counting all the nickels and dimes out on the
kitchen table when she suddenly got very angry and started
shouting and crying for no reason. I thought to myself, "She's
going through the change."
Ladies’ Auxiliary Marketplace – September 27, 2015
Volunteers who served hot dogs and drinks at the
LA Marketplace: L to R: Kim Levesque, Molly Miller
and John Heyden
Some of the wares on display. The entire floor
space of the lower hall was used for this event
October 3 & 4, 2015
Comrade Frank Stacey at the Registration Table with
Comrades Lorraine Pratt and Barb Shier. Missing
from photo: Comrades Bev Robichaud and Terese Landry
Pictured are the six Legionnaires who conducted the
seminars: Comrades Ray Gilroy, David Cormier,
Patricia Royle, Stan Halliday, Blaine Kiley and Aubry Callan
A display for the Military Recognition Book with copies of the
first two books in the series, compliments of Carolyn McCaul,
the Ontario Command Coordinator for the publication.
Chef Peter and his able staff of Diane, Mary, Kristen
and Alex ensured that everyone was well fed
Halloween – October 20, 2015
Linda Franklin and John MacMillan won first prize
wearing Linda’s homemade costumes as
Madame Pompadour and King Louis XV
Christine Giroux and
Eddy Collin as
Beetlejuice and Beetle Bob
Gerry and Marie
Mac Casselman presented
Lori Baker with her prize
Vern Veinot and Betty Ringrose were presented with prizes
Melissa and Rae Green
National Poppy Campaign October 22, 2015 - Rideau Hall
Comrade Tom Eagles, Dominion President of The Royal Canadian Legion
presenting the First Poppy to His Excellency the Right Honourable David
Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada and patron
of The Royal Canadian Legion, during a ceremony at Rideau Hall, on
October 22, 2015.
Courtesy of Sgt Ronald Duchesne, Rideau Hall © OSGG, 2015.
His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and
Commander-in-Chief of Canada and patron of The Royal Canadian Legion
presents a Poppy to Comrade Tom Eagles, Dominion President of The Royal
Canadian Legion, during a ceremony at Rideau Hall, on October 22, 2015.
Courtesy of Sgt Ronald Duchesne, Rideau Hall © OSGG, 2015.
Comrade Tom Eagles, Dominion President of The Royal Canadian Legion
Comrade Frank Stacey Deputy Zone Commander, Zone 5 Royal Canadian
Legion and His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor
General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada and patron of The Royal
Canadian Legion on October 22 , at the 2015 National Poppy Campaign
Courtesy of Sgt Ronald Duchesne, Rideau Hall © OSGG, 2015.
Comrade Lynne Stacey Orleans Legion Branch 632, His Excellency
the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and
Commander-in-Chief of Canada and patron of The Royal Canadian
Legion and Comrade Frank Stacey Deputy Zone Commander Zone 5
and Orleans Branch 632 on October 22nd, at the 2015 National Poppy
Courtesy of Sgt Ronald Duchesne, Rideau Hall © OSGG, 2015.
Opening ceremony October 30 at Wal-mart. From left to right Jeannine St.
Louis, Ray Plourde, Cumberland Councillor Stephen Blais,
MPP Marie-France Lalonde, Branch 632 President Marty Keates,
Orleans Councillor Bob Monette, Len Marks,
Wal-Mart coordinator Gordon Kerluke and Raymond St. Louis
Raymond St. Louis pinning poppy on
Orleans Councillor Bob Monette
Sheila Bourgeois and Bob Beacock at Wal-Mart
Gerry Neville and Jim Grant at Wal-Mart
Lorraine Pratt
at Canadian Tire
Don Green at Superstore
Ken Green and Vern Veinot at Place D’Orleans
Time for a short break and then begin the planning for next
year’s campaign.
Thank you to all of our volunteers
VETERANS’ DINNER – November 7, 2015
Julie Pourde with husband LCol Stephan Plourde
who was the guest speaker for the evening
LA President Valerie Cyr accompanied
by her daughter, Rachelle Kelderman
L to R: Carmella Lemay, Marcel Lemay, Ambrose Atkins,
Edna Atkins, Betty Ringrose, Vern Veinot and
Errol Patrick (Korean War veteran)
L to R: Jack Andrews, Jack Donnelly, Joyce Andrews,
Jeanne Donnelly, Ray LeCavalier (WWII veteran), Eleanor LeCavalier, Edith
Nezan and Lloyd Hunt (WWII veteran)
L to R: Ernie Robichaud, Bev Robichaud, Barb Shier,
our wonderful table decorator for this event, Lauren Hall,
our entertainer, RAdm Darren Hawco, Julie Hawco
and Fran Grant
REMEMBRANCE DAY – November 11, 2015
Parade Commander Joe McNulty leads the parade
to the Branch Cenotaph
Barbara Johns is escorted to the cenotaph to lay a
wreath on behalf of the Mothers of Canada
Marie-France Lalonde, Provincial Member of Parliament for Ottawa-Orleans,
lays the wreath for the Province of Ontario
Honorary Richard Evraire (Lieutenant-General, retired), is escorted to the
Cenotaph to lay a wreath on behalf of the Canadian Armed Forces
Boy Scout Turner Dudzinski and Girl Guide Brooke Coleman
being escorted to the Cenotaph to lay a wreath on
behalf of the Youth of Canada
This wreath was made by children at the Little Red School
House Daycare Centre and laid at the Cenotaph
by two of the children
TRIATHLON – November 14, 2015
Jim Russett and Manon Pilote aiming for the dartboards,
while Garnet Sauve supervises his partner
Maureen Philippe tries her hand at the pool table,
while Nancy Dunning gets some pointers
Manon Pilote takes her turn at the shuffleboard
Sherri McInnis, Jennifer McInnis and Elaine Kent are the
first to arrive and immediately begin to wrap. Paper and
ribbon were pre-cut by Secretary Sherri when she was
supposed to be supervising painters.
Lorraine Pratt and Betty Ringrose join the party.
Dorothy Levesque, Lorraine Pratt, Betty Ringrose, camera-shy sisters
Brenda Tripp and Wendy Fortier under the watchful eye
of Sherri McInnis (standing).
Jennifer McInnis, Elaine Kent and Dee Dee Martin helped wrap
300 ‘comforts for vets’ – another 100 were wrapped
by Sherri McInnis at home.
Amy and Fred Jones with their ‘best’ smiles.
Diane and Oscar Leger claim they have behaved all year!
Marie and Joe Quillan enjoyed an afternoon with Santa.
Betty Ringrose and Vern Veinot smile with Santa after
Vern completed his inspection of footwear worn by a
certain member of the Branch.
Santa and his helper, Lucie Goderre, prepare to distribute
‘comforts for vets’ to our guests.
Ambrose and Edna Atkins pose with Santa
Betty Jackson sneaks a hug with Santa.
Shirley McBride receives a ‘comfort’ from Santa.
WORTH $1,000
Open Bids will be accepted until January 15, 2016
Ask Bartender for Bid Envelope place bid
Highest Bid will be placed on outside of envelope (no
Contact Information: Steve Sauve
Tickets are compliments of the Canadian Curling
They have been donated thanks to TED LARABIE and
All proceeds go directly to support Orleans Branch 632
Tickets will not be available until shortly before the
Thursday December 31st 2015
Cocktails 7 - 8 PM
Dinner 8 PM
Entertainment by Tony True
Tickets go on Sale Sunday November 29th at Noon in the
members’ lounge at the bar. Initial ticket sales will be limited to
Branch members plus one guest couple per member couple.
Reserved tables only. Early ticket buyers get first pick at table
selection. Ticket sales open to the public on Sunday December 6,
2015 at noon.
Tickets sales will be open at the bar.
Cut-off date: December 27, 2015
Cost: $50.00 per person for members and one guest
$55.00 per person for non-members
Sparkling Wine at Midnight
Party Favours
Chef Salad, Dinner Rolls
Prime Rib Roast, Lemon Chicken, Vegetable Lasagna
Roasted Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables
Mixed Pastries, Butter Tarts
Tea, Coffee
Quartier Innes Ward
(613) 580-2472
Lena Harrison
Major (ret'd) Ron Creelman.
Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 632 Orleans
800 Taylor Creek Drive
Orleans ON K1C 1T1
Phone: 613-830-9984
Fax: 613-830-6566
Web Page :