Pte. Joe`s Bugle


Pte. Joe`s Bugle
August 2014
Volume 2 Issue 1
Pte. Joe’s Bugle
Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 136
Special Points
Of Interest
 85th Anniversary
Branch Executive & Chairs
President – Patr icia Thompson
Past President: Bob Williams
First Vice President – Bob Elliot
Canteen Chair Cadet Liaison
Second Vice President – Don Hipwell
Service Officer
Third Vice President – Dan Haddad
Youth & ED, Sports
Secretary: Debr a Gor ski
Treasurer : Linda Dor ey-Blair
Elected Executive: Lynn Bousfield
Elected Executive: Bob Mahan
House and Property
Elected Executive: Kathleen Blane
Poppy Chair
P.R.O. : Debbie Blowe
Sergeant at Arms: Ur ban Far ia
Entertainment/Ways & Means:
Frank Green
T.O.D. /Honors & Awards/
La Liaison: Shar on McKeown
Chaplain/S&V: Rev. J ames Lindsay
 Track & Field
 Public Speaking
 Flat Stanley Project
 Lest we Forget
Colour Party
Urban Faria
Sam Perry
Steve Barrager
Don Jasper
Sandy Lonesberry
Debbie Gorski
Bob Elliot
Georgia Shaw
Bob Williams
Don Hipwell
Dana Barrager
Joan Corradetti
Kerrie Purgavie
Lynn Bousefield
Dan Phillip
The Last Post
Inside this issue:
Party/Last Post
Presidents Report
T.O.D. Report
Youth & Ed
Events & Reports
Flat Stanley Project
Events & Reports
The members following
have passed on since the last
issue of Pte Joe’s Bugle.
Veterans are indicated by *.
Joseph (Joe) Paul*
William (Bill) Alexander
Jean Rose Hasselfeldt
85th Anniversary Celebration
U.J. (Joe) Waters Branch 136 WWII Veterans
Pte. Joe’s Bugle
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Presidents Report –Pat Thompson
U.J. (Joe) Waters, Br. 136, Milton – August 2014
Summer is well under and I hope you are enjoying the sunshine!
I would like to thank the Colour Party for their participation in the
opening ceremonies for both the District B and The Provincial
Track & Field Meets. Both Meets were held in Brampton at
Chinguacousy Park, Terry Fox Stadium.
The weekend of August 8, 9 &10th, Branch 136 is working the bar for the LWSP Tournament. This is going to be a very
busy weekend with 76 teams entered in the tournament! If you have a couple free hours, please come and help out.
The sign up sheet for the bus to the CNE for the annual Warrior’s Day Parade is on the bar. Again come out and enjoy
the day and pay tribute to our veterans and maybe have a ride at the midway.
Please keep watch on the ‘white board’ for dates of the fall seminars, such as Poppy, Membership etc. You do not have
to be on the Executive to attend these seminars. They are open to all interested and in good standing members. They
are indeed a great experience – you learn from other branches, share experience and meet
some great comrades.
This summer also had us bid farewell to two well-known members.
Comrade Bill Alexander. I’m sure the canteen staff misses Bill’s early Monday phone calls to
see if he won one of the draws or won a meat roll.
Comrade Jean Hasslefelt. Jean was a Life Member of both the Branch and the Ladies
Auxiliary. Jean’s wisdom will certainly be missed!
Pte. Joe’s Bugle
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Become The Wind
Do you hear the wind?
That rustles the trees and moves the leaves?
That carries the call of birds and seas?
It remembers and never forgets.
It remembers the cries and screams of those who’d been.
The long days and nights that so many had seen.
It can recall the crimson blood as well.
And the brave soldiers who dared to dwell.
It has recollections of the brave, holding friends who fell.
Whose bodies could be left for no one to tell.
It recalls those who lived and then so sorrowfully died.
And those who were, so happily, denied.
It remembers not only those who fought for peace,
But also those who felt the loss of the deceased.
The children, the mothers, the wives and so many more.
All who could not be but lost in their grief.
The father who told not, his son a goodbye,
The mother who still tries to sleep through her cries.
We must become the wind and remember as well.
For where would we be without the brave like themselves?
On November 11th wear a poppy.
Remember those deceased.
Become The Wind.
Laura W. – Br 625, District G 1st Place Senior Provincial Poem
As requested the above poem is what I read at the anniversary of D-Day.
See you at the Legion
Yours in Comradeship
Patricia Thompson
Pte. Joe’s Bugle
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Training & Organization Development
Sharon McKeown
Provincial Membership – Vice-President Sharon McKeown
Following that long cold winter, we dare not complain about the heat and sunshine of July!
Accepting the few intermittent showers, or, torrential downpours, are Mother Nature's way of
letting us know who's in charge, appreciate her contribution to the green grass & brilliant flowers!
Mid-June only 285 Accredited Ontario Delegates, carrying 973 proxies, attended our 45 th
Dominion Convention in Edmonton. Thanks to Dave & Robyn for the hours spent distributing
proxies. Shame on the no shows! Hopefully, those who said they were saving to attend the 46 th in
St John, Newfoundland, are doing just that!
First time delegates had to be impressed when witnessing the strength demonstrated by the floor
on a couple of issues. It was obvious our ranks were not happy, nor should we be. Though we
may have been a tad quick to decide some issues, I believe the majority received due attention,
and, fair discussion.
Congratulations to our Ontario Reps elected to Dominion Executive, Comrade Jack FrostDominion Chairman, Comrades Ed Pigeau and Andre Paquette – Vice-Presidents.
Rather than update you on my social calendar and Legion activities conducted since our last
bulletin, at Comrade Brenda's suggestion, I'll touch on membership. First, some items from
Convention.....Associate Members, nationally, say THANK YOU Comrade Patti Sargent-Gibson,
DD C Commander, who with raspy throat, gave an emotionally charged plea, to all delegates,
defeating the resolution to drop from 4 membership categories to 2, being Veteran and member.
With but one delegate at the mike to speak for the resolution, you could tell we are PROUD of our
family ties!
The online application available since the Fall of 2013, received support. The Dominion Executive
Secretary advised a member of the virtual Legion, at renewal, would be encouraged to transfer to
a local branch, however, currently, there is a 6 year window to actually make that move.
Remember, if a 'member' transfers to your branch from the Dominion Command Branch, if
accepted by the floor, the 'member' should be initiated. As an FYI, a total of 366 people have
joined to date. Its too soon for renewal stats on the 'no contact' method. However, while on stats,
note our recruiting is good, our retention is poor. Comrades, all of us need to make the effort to
involve the new members in activities around the branch ASAP, make them feel welcome and
wanted. As a side note, its been proven that volunteering can increase life expectancy, since
helping others increases the brain's production of happy cells....get longer!
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Pte. Joe’s Bugle
It was approved that Dominion Command develop a simplified single form to address all
membership input requirements, with the form available online, and a method of paying
membership dues, either online, thru automatic deduction or pre-authorized payment. While on the
topic of paying dues, many Senior members pay the dues of family. If you don't see those members
in your branch, get in touch NOW! Don't waste a moment, given, 80% of our membership is over
the age of 65, if we don't act soon, they're gone, we're gone, too! Make contact, keep your
Legion alive!
All Branches in Canada received One by One Campaign promotional material, in February, yet, of
1400+ only 187 entered the contest! The campaign ended May 16, bringing in 1031 new members.
The top three: BC/Yukon with 358; Ontario with 290: Alberta with 140. Let's do better next time.
David McQuillen of Branch 142 Dunnville Ontario won the grand prize of a balcony cabin for
two on the 3rd Annual Caribbean Commonwealth Veterans Cruise. David and wife Joan sail from
Fort Lauderdale to visit the Grand Caymans, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Belize and Mexico,
along with IPDP Comrade Gord Moore. Be the next lucky winner, it only takes one member to win!
Congrats & Happy Sails to Dave & Joan McQuillen from All Ontario Comrades !
Last summer, the Legion Riders program was introduced across Canada, to attract motorcycling
enthusiasts to join our ranks. Thank you to those members making this initiative work. Comrade Bill
Bennett of Branch 25 SSM has organized a group of 35 to 40 riders who meet at the branch
Monday nights for coffee. They're planning group rides around the District to promote the program.
In Edmonton, on Friday the 13th, a partnership between the Legion & 'Ride for Dad' was
announced, by Comrade Gord Moore. Riders had traveled from Calgary to Edmonton to attend the
official announcement. Thanks to Comrade Colin Wackett, District E PRO, an Executive Member of
the Ride for Dad group, for suggesting the initiative and Comrade Bob Berg, ZC C-2 for his support.
Early this year we were told the Non-Voting Affiliate category would be eliminated, as the status
wasn't legal in Canada. Comrade Robyn researched and confirms this is not the case. To our
Non-Voting Affiliates, our apologies for the confusion. Make no mistake, you are wanted and
most welcome in our branches.
In closing, membership is the lifeblood of the Legion, we must all do our part to keep it flowing!
Acknowledging that membership is on the decline, let's work together to turn it around, take up the
challenge of bringing in one by one, get us on the road to recovery. Special Thank You to All
members who diligently, with energy and enthusiasm, pride and passion carry on the work of our
organization, Keep it up!
Keep Smiling & Have a Great Summer!
See you by the Falls in May 2015!
In Comradeship,
Sharon McKeown
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Pte. Joe’s Bugle
Be an Early Bird
2015 dues may be paid starting Sept 1st.
Pay your dues before Sunday, Nov 30th and pay $50.00
After November 30th, the dues will be $60.00
To remain a member in good standing, 2015 dues must be paid by
January 31st, 2015.
After this date your door card will be deactivated.
Lynn Bousfield—Membership Chair
New Members sworn in on June 25, 2014. Pictured Lynne Bousfield, Sharon McKeown, Bruce Nicholson, Rob Hewlett, Don
Singular, Janice Kemp, Brock Hamley, Kay Bratty, Christopher McLean, Clare Ganson-Bell, Patricia Thompson, Urban Faria
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Pte. Joe’s Bugle
District Public Speaking Contest held at Branch 136 Congratulations to all the winners & participants.
“Veterans of all kinds stand side by side—traditional Veterans with
Canadian Forces Veterans, uniformed CF members beside the RCMP,
families and friends of Veterans all united in one group to commemorate
unselfish service. At that moment we are no longer just traditional
Veterans, peacekeeping Veterans or Afghanistan Veterans; we are one
Pte. Joe’s Bugle
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Service Officer Report
Hello to all our Veterans and members, hard to believe it’s already August! I
hope you have been having a wonderful summer. It’s been a busy year for us,
with the visit and Luncheon with the Sunny brook vets, our branches 85th
Anniversary, and D-Day . It was so good to see a lot of our veterans come out
and take part in these events.
September is the start of a brand new season in the Legion, our entertainment staff is planning
some great events that we hope to see you all out having fun at them. I will be sending our a
letter to our veterans with the dates of the upcoming parades for Remembrance Day, the
November 11th luncheon at the branch.
This year we will be hosting our Second Annual Christmas High Tea, all information will be
included in the fall letter.
As always if you need any help or know of some one who does, please do not hesitate to
contact me or leave a message for me at the bar. We at the branch will do all we can to help.
Don Hipwell -2nd Vice President/Service Officer.
Pte. Joe’s Bugle
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Entertainment/Ways & Means Frank Green
Hello again, is everyone enjoying the summer, I know I am. Not much happening at the Branch, people are away on vacation or their trailers, who can blame them? After the recent winter, they deserve
So , let’s look to the fall now, on August 30th we are having a steak & corn BBQ in the clubroom and
the ‘Seasick Sailors’ will be entertaining us. They consist of 2 guys who play for the bigger band and
are quite talented, you may know one of them—Marcus, he wins meat all the time along with Ernie
and Linda, bring your dancing shoes along.
On we go now to September 20th, again, this is downstairs. We have D.J. and Karaoke with the
emphasis on D.J. However, if anyone would like to sing, Karaoke will be available. ‘Terrier's Karaoke’
is the entertainment. We are cooking up burgers and sausages on the BBQ.
Okay lets look at October. We have the return of “Fiddlestix”, if you missed them last time around,
you got to be here on the Saturday Oct. 25th upstairs for a dinner and dance, Gator BBQ will be
providing the meal. Posters will be out shortly, tickets are on sale from September. Get your table
for 8 people, once again, put on your dancing shoes.
There’s nothing booked for November yet, but we have a band for sometime in December and, of
course, New Years Eve, both have to be sorted yet. More about them in the next ‘Bugle’.
That’s all for now comrades, enjoy the remainder of your summer and remember, let’s keep the
lights on in the Legion, please support our efforts.
Bye for now, on behalf of the Entertainment Committee. Frank.
Sergeant at Arms Report - Urban Faria
August 16, 2014 Warriors Day Parade Toronto
These events are open to all Members free, so
please come on Board. Come out and support
your legion. Thank You. Urban
(There will be a buffet all you can eat lunch $5.00 per person)
Urban Faria & Pat Thompson
showing Colour Party Awards
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Pte. Joe’s Bugle
In October and November of this year, I taught a World War I history unit to my
Grade 4/5 class; something that has not been done previously with a group as
young as mine. It was very interesting to me to see them make connections
between that conflict, and the work our soldiers do in peacetime; even months later
they bring me things they are reading and say "that's just like...", and it inevitably
makes a connection to what we see from our penpals letters and photos. My class
was responsible for the Remembrance Day service for our entire school, no small
feat for a group of Grade 4 and 5s to take the lead in front of the entire school to present information and songs and teach both their older and younger peers. In December my class challenged
our entire school to support Red Friday, and we were featured in our local paper and on the website
"Canadian Heroes" with our entire student body (over 170 students + all staff) dressed in red.
In January 2014 I set about organizing a Valentine's Day "Treat" for all our "Stanley Handlers"; each
one of our participating penpals received a letter and homemade Valentine from their little buddy, a
letter from me, and a pair of red and white fleece "Canada Mittens", designed and manufactured by
a local business called My Ol' Blues. My Ol' Blues helped us by providing a wholesale price for the
mittens, and our local Legion Branch 514 provide a donation which helped with a portion of the
shipping costs. I organized this Valentine Surprise to say Thank You to all our partners, who have
added so much to the learning environment in my classroom this year. There is not a day goes by
that we don't talk about what the Stanleys are up to, or who we might hear from next. For several
of my students, communication with their penpal become a great motivator, and has prompted
them to greater achievement and participation in class this year. In my mind, there is no gift I could
organize that would adequately reward the Stanley Handlers for that, but I hope that the mittens
are a daily reminder for them how much I appreciate them.
If you were to come into my classroom, the first thing you would see is a bulletin board, approximately 25 feet x 4 feet COVERED with Stanley stuff... we have a Canadian Map covered with
pushpins indentifying the bases we are working with and the name of each student who has a
"Handler" there. Each student has at least one "pile" of printed letters and photos from their penpal
(they get to take the original letters and photos home, and I copy each one to put up in the class,
as they will eventually be compiled into a "Flat Stanley Joins the Canadian Forces 2013 - 2014"
Book), and one of my students has three "piles" of letters already ~ because Lt. David White of CFB
Goose Bay is definitely the most prolific Handler we've got! You would see hand-printed and decorated letters, family photos, photos from different exercises, and even pictures from the Philippines,
where one of our Handlers took Stanley when she travelled with the DART in December. My
students all know which "Handler" belongs to which student, and what kinds of jobs they do. They
watch the news for anything related to the CF, and are quick to come back and say "Do you think
one of our Stanley's will be there?" (e.g. the amazing rescue in Kingston, or the journey of the DART
to the Philippines). It has been an amazing experience ~ Our handlers have taken time out of their
busy schedules to make an amazing experience for my "little guys". I am so impressed with each
and every one of them.
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Pte. Joe’s Bugle
Through the help of personal friends, local businesses, and our local Legion, my
"OP Troop Support" program has grown and evolved over the years. I have been asked over the
course of this time what "my connection" is with the Forces. I do not come from a military family,
nor is there a base close to where we live. As both a student and teacher of History, I think it is so
important to show where we have come from, and that the men and women who choose to join
the Canadian Forces do so with the understanding that they serve our country and must go and
do what our government orders. I think it is very important that we recognize that our Forces are
populated by people who CHOOSE to do a job for our country; no one is making them do it, they
choose to do it. And they do it well! I think, too, that many times Remembrance Day is the only
day many Canadians think of our Forces in any way at all. And, to be honest, I think that is
wrong! I decided, following that 2006 letter from Lt. Col. Hope that if there was something I could
do the help boost the morale of our serving members, I would do so. I also decided I needed to
help teach my students about the many jobs of the Forces;
from Peacekeeping to Search and Rescue, to Logistics; and also about the vibrant history that our
Forces have. And so, as I continue to work in my chosen profession of teaching, I have decided I
will continue to try to build a working relationship with the member of the CF who serve both in
Canada and around the world.
As a teacher, I know that soon enough June will be here, and I will have to say good-bye to the
32 men and women who have so graciously participated in my program this year. It has been
such a success, and such an amazing learning experience for my class, that I am hopeful that perhaps some of our "Stanley Handlers" might agree to participate again next year, and if not, that
they might be willing to recommend the program to some of their colleagues, so that I may continue with this teaching strategy again next year. I know from the feedback I receive from both
our local community and friends I am connected with across the country, that there are many
adults who now have a better understanding of what our Forces personnel do, and how important
they are.
In all my dealings with CF personnel, I have learned what a bunch of "Class Acts" our soldiers
are... Over the years I have been blessed with men and women who have shared their jobs and
their lives with us, and helped me teach not only about English, History and Geography, but also
empathy, sacrifice and good citizenship. I believe my "partnership" with our military has made my
classroom environment more rich and vibrant for my students, and I believe in the end, it will
make my students more respectful, responsible Canadian citizens.
Heather Jefkins.
If you have questions about OP Flat
Stanley. you may contact Heather at:
Thank you Roy Eaton District H, Public Relations Officer, for sharing the above article
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Pte. Joe’s Bugle
Bob Elliot
1st Vice President
Canteen Chair
Cadet Liaison
Milton ON First Vice President and Cadet Liaison Officer, Bob
Elliott (right) presents the semi-annual cheque for $4000 to
2990 Lorne Scots Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps Commanding Officer Capt Brent Cross (left) and Parent Support Committee Chair Cindy Coffin (centre).
Milton Branch Cadet Liaison Officer, Bob Elliott
(right) presents a Royal Canadian Legion Cadet
Medal of Excellence to Chief Petty Officer First
Class Delaney Moore, Coxswain of Royal
Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Chaudiere.
Sam Perry Retires—Thank you to everyone that came out
To celebrate his many years as Chief Stewart .
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Bob Williams
Past President
Nevada Chair
Pte. Joe’s Bugle
The money generated from
the sale of Nevada Tickets is
used to support our Sea, Army, & Air
Cadets. Give Big & Win Big.
04Aug 2014
Lest We Forget
100th anniversary of the start of World War I
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One. For The Royal Canadian Legion, and our more than
300,000 members, we do not normally commemorate the start of conflicts. It is only fitting however, that the Legion
acknowledges this important date because it was from this conflict that more than 20,000 Canadian Veterans joined
together to found The Royal Canadian Legion in 1925.
From these humble beginnings, our membership has grown and it has achieved considerable success to gain privileges and
benefits for Veterans which otherwise would not have been awarded. We take considerable pride in the knowledge that
there is not a Veteran, male or female, in this country who has not received some benefit through efforts The Royal Canadian
Legion in one form or another.
Since 1926, the Legion and its members have been a driving force in building the strength of our great nation by
supporting countless activities in our communities, advancing youth leadership development, and always holding the torch
of Remembrance ever high.
It should come as no surprise that Legion branches across the country will mark this significant anniversary. By doing so,
they will remind all Canadians of this legacy of courage and great sacrifice made, not only by Veterans of WWI, but by all
Veterans of yesterday and today. We hope that you will take the time today to remember, and to consider joining the Legion
to carry on the great traditions and contributions we make to our great nation.
Pte. Joe’s Bugle
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Aug. 8-10 LWCB Tournament
Aug. 16 Warriors Day Parade
Aug. 30 Steak & Corn Roast
Sept. 7 Zone Social
Sept. 20 BBQ Karaoke
Oct. 4-5 District Convention
Hamilton Br. 163
Oct. 25 Dinner Dance Fiddlestix
It has been a very busy spring and
summer. Our 85th Anniversary
Celebrations were well attended and
everyone enjoyed themselves. Thank
you to the 85th Anniversary Committee for
all their efforts. A very big thank you to
the Milton Champion, Cogeco and Snap’d
for their advertising of our celebrations.
Please have a look in the branch and see
the Plaque received from the Town of
Milton commemorating the event.
I want to thank everyone that contributed to this edition of our
Bugle. I hope to see it grow into an informational and useful
tool to the branch. I want to show some past and future
events for those members who cannot attend but still want to
experience some of the fun and adventures we partake in.
Nov. 2 Haltonville Parade
I hope to see as many as we can at the upcoming events.
Nov. 9 Victoria Park
Take care,
Nov. 11 Veterans Lunch
Evergreen Remembrance Day
Debbie Blowe
Nov 15 Club Room Dance
RCL Branch 136 Pte. Joe’s Bugle Editor
RCL Branch 136 Pte. Joe’s Bugle
Next Issue December 2014