May 10, 2015 - St. Mark the Evangelist
May 10, 2015 - St. Mark the Evangelist
ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST 1201 Alma Dr., Plano, TX 75075 (Parish) 1105 West 15th St., Plano TX 75075 (Office) Church: 972-423-5600 Fax: 972-423-5024 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9AM-4PM; Friday 9AM-12PM CLERGY Fr. Clifford G. Smith, Pastor • Fr. Jack Hopka, Parochial Vicar • Fr. Henry Erazo, Parochial Vicar Deacon Shawn French • Deacon Ed Putonti • Deacon Juan Jorge Hernandez• Deacon Dominic T. Hoang ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF: 972-423-5600 ASSISTANT PARISH MANAGER: Melissa Humason • PASTOR’S ASSISTANT/OFFICE MANAGER: Cathie Seibold • SAFE ENVIRONMENT: Connie Istas TO PAROCHIAL VICAR: Veronica Fonseca • CONTRIBUTIONS & REGISTRAR: Nadya Collard • MEMBERSHIP, ASST. REGISTRAR: Tania Salamanca COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST: Adriana Brady • FACILITIES: Joe Walter YOUTH MINISTRY: 972-578-9583 DIRECTOR: Megan McQuaid FF COORDINATOR: Linda Watts ADMIN. ASSIST: Cristina Ochoa Faith Formation Assistant: Mario Beltran FAMILY & ADULT MINISTRY COUNSELING SERVICES: 972-424-5794 ST. MARK CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 972-578-0610 PRESCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Patricia Opon COORDINATOR: Toni Jobes 972-423-7926 CO-DIRECTORS: George & Judy Clark PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Marcela Solis PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Rosie Hernández ADMIN. ASSIST: Delma Brennan FUNERAL MINISTRY & PRE-PLANNING 972-424-5794 Rosie Hernández PARISH ORGANIZATIONS GRUPOS PARROQUIALES FAITH FORMATION: 972-423-4715 DIRECTOR RCIA, ADULT & ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION: Debbie Betz RICA & AFF (Spanish) Coordinator: Ruth Sanchez (Bilingual) FF COORDINATOR: Peggy Theis FF Ministry Assistant: Sandra Lopez CHOIRS & MUSIC: 972-423-6041 Coordinator: Kenton Kravig ADMIN. ASSIST: Christine Carrington CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS ORGANIZACIONES CATÓLICAS Adult Community: Candy Butcher 972-578-9293 Communion to Home Bound: Parish Office 972-423-5600 Compassionate Ministry: 972-424-5794 ENDOW: Family & Adult Ministry 972-424-5794 Eucharistic Adoration: Kathy Keenan 972-596-8550 Fuente de Vida: Pedro García 214-536-4039 Liturgy Coordinator: Marilou Hernandez 972-985-0732 Communion Ministers: Mary Jane Heiting 972-664-0188 Christ Renews His Parish: 972-424-5794 Lectors: Jack Carlisle 972-549-0740 Ushers: Altar Servers: Kathi & Parker Thompson 972-965-0563 Military Support Group: Andy & Ellen Ray 972-345-4336 Mom’s Group: Kristin Hyman 314-601-2934 Mujer a Mujer: Viviana Olmos 214-809-4538 Nursery Coordinator: Erin Minor 469-585-6215 Pastoral Council: Julius Chambers 972-881-7015 Pro-Life: JoAnn Murray 972-442-1127 Provida Ministry: Silvia Caballero 972-916-8345 Renovación Carismática Católica: Evelyn Colón 214-636-0282 Rosary Group: Lore Profaizer 972-424-7326 Rosary Makers: Margaret Woollett 214-808-8277 Rosario Biblico:Olivia Rojas 972-985-0051 Rosario Tradicional: Pilar de la Torre 214-745-9831 We Care Ministry: Martha Bernatis 214-914-4670 Women of St. Mark: Dorette Putonti 972-898-0421 American Heritage Girls: Elizabeth Muzyka 469-855-2001 Boy Scouts: Joe Schichl 469-463-7959 Catholic Daughters: Mary Cieslewicz 817-995-2928 Cenacle: Josephine 972-867-2192, Marguerite 972-424-9779 Cub Scouts: John Petroff 469-408-0895 Cursillos: Edel Yolaina Escobar 214-284-0767 Encuentro Matrimonial: Juan and Sandra Salazar 469-386-2434 Families of Nazareth: Miles & Claudine Humphries 972-423-8834 Knights of Columbus #6065: 469-450-6651 Ladies Auxiliary: Mary Ann Schumacher-972-727-3923 Schoenstatt Mother’s Group Rosary: Jo Ann Scamardo 817-368-6024 Marriage Encounter: Ed & Ann Cabrera 972-977-5884, 972-571-8930 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Araceli & Raul Ramirez 972-627-7708 Homeschooling: Janet Moos 972-213-6437 St. Mark Home & School Assn: Elizabeth Delaney 972-838-3337 St. Mark School Advisory Council: Janiece Evans-Page 408-406-3946 St. Vincent De Paul: 972-423-1877 Talleres de Oración y Vida: Lupita Bautista 469-831-3700 That Man is You: Bryan Quarles 972-359-0185 BULLETIN DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM (11 DAYS BEFORE PUBLICATION) PLEASE SUBMIT ENTRIES TO SACRAMENT INFORMATION / CELEBRACIÓN DE LOS SACRAMENTOS BAPTISM: English classes are held the 1st Saturday of each month from 9:30 to 12:30 PM. Call the Family & Adult Ministry Office for registration form. CLASSES MAY BE TAKEN BEFORE THE BABY IS BORN. Baptisms are held the 2nd and 4th Saturday at 3:45 in English. RECONCILATION: Wednesdays: 6:30-8PM; & Fridays: 4:30-5:15 PM Saturdays: 3:30-5PM, also by appointment. MARRIAGE: Contact the Family & Adult Ministry Office at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 8AM Mass or call the parish office and request a priest. VOCATIONS & CONSECRATED LIFE: Call Fr. John Szatkowski (214-379-2860) BAUTISMO: Para niños menores de 7 años las pláticas pre-bautismales son el 3er sábado de cada mes. Es requisito inscribirse en la oficina del Ministerio de Familias y Adultos. Los bautizos son el 2º y 4º sábado del mes. Para niños de 7 años o mayores llame a la oficina de Formación de Fe. CONFESIONES: Viernes a las 4:30-5:15PM y sábados: 3:30-5PM. MATRIMONIO: Favor de llamar a la oficina del Ministerio de Familias y Adultos para hacer una cita. Se requieren 6 meses de anticipación. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: 1° y 3er sábado del mes en la Misa de las 8AM en Ingles, último miércoles del mes en la misa de las 7:30PM en español o llame a la oficina. ORDENES SAGRADAS y LA VIDA CONSAGRADA: Llame al P. John Szatkowski (214-379-2860) 1 10 DE MAYO DEL 2015 MAY 10, 2015 Please Note: The Ascension of the Lord will be celebrated on Sunday, May 17 at all Masses. MASS INTENTIONS & DAILY BIBLE READINGS Saturday - Sábado (5/9) Sunday - Domingo (5/10) Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 Ps 98 1 Jn 4:7-10 Jn 15:9-17 8:00 AM Olivia Mayes 5:30 PM Florence Trenkle 7:00 PM Oralia Martinez STEWARDSHIP Sixth Sunday of Easter Jesus’ commandment is that His disciples love one another, even to the point of laying down their lives, if necessary. What gifts of myself — my skills and talents, my time and resources — will best demonstrate my love for God’s people? 7:30 AM Leonora Vidal 9:00 AM Mother’s Day Novena 10:30 AM People of St. Mark 12:00 PM María Salamanca 1:30 PM Almas del Purgatorio 3:00 PM Sr. & Sra. Guzman 4:30 PM Deacon Nolen & Ruth 6:00 PM Mary Whitaker Monday - Lunes (5/11) Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149; Jn 15:2616:4a 6:30 AM Mother’s Day Novena 8:30 AM Valencia Ochoa Family Tuesday - Martes (5/12) Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Saint Pancras Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138; Jn 16:5-11 6:30 AM Aidee Fernandez 8:30 AM Mother’s Day Novena Wednesday - Miércoles (5/13) Our Lady of Fatima Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; Ps 148; Jn 16:12-15 6:30 AM Darlene, Brian, Eric Truskowski Thanksgiving Bertie 8:30 AM Mother’s Day Novena 7:30 PM Thursday - Jueves (5/14) Feast of St. Mathias Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; PS 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; Jn 15:9-17 6:30 AM Mother’s Day Novena 8:30 AM Guy Story Friday - Viernes (5/15) Saint Isidore Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47; Jn 16:20-23 6:30 AM Romulo Ramirez Dagdag Mother’s Day Novena 8:30 AM Thanksgiving Mr. & 5:30 PM Mrs. Harrington Saturday - Sábado (5/16) Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47; Jn 16:23b28 8:00 AM Jon-Michael Tudtud 5:30 PM Mother’s Day Novena 7:00 PM Tania Salamanca Allison Garvey is the winner of the children’s stewardship envelopes. Attention St. Mark Registered Parishioners If you DO NOT want your name listed in our new pictorial directory, please contact Nadya at or 972-423-5600. Sign up to be a part of the St. Mark Photo Directory! Help us celebrate our 50th Anniversary and be a part of our parish’s History. Sign up online at or after all the masses this weekend. Why should you sign up for a photography session? Every family that participates will receive a free 8x10 portrait even if they don't want to be in the directory. No purchase necessary and no sitting fees. St. Mark will receive $5 for every family that signs up for a session. If 1000 families sign up, St. Mark gets $5000! So tell your family and friends! PRAY FOR THE SICK AND SUFFERING OF OUR PARISH OREMOS POR LOS ENFEMOS DE LA PARROQUIA What are you waiting for? Sign up today! Appointments are filling up quickly. Please call the Parish Office to add or remove someone from the list. Names will be listed for four weeks. Photography sessions will take place from May 19-June 6 Mon-Fri from 2PM-8PM and Sat 10AM-4PM in the McGivney Hall. Judy Ahr; Payton Ahr; Robert Ahr; Fernando Alegre; Maren Angelotti; Carmen Arias; Elvia Arias; Evelia Arias; Filipinas Baga; Ken Belter; Michael Coleman; Shirley Collier; Randy Cremar; Ritchie Dailey; Frances Dougherty; Erika Duran; Jennifer Eck; Nina Egan; Michele Foust; Christy Graves; Pat Haney; Vicki Hannon; Roger Harvey; Elvia Ibarra; Marie Jacoby; Howard Johnson; Kathleen Kekesi; Margaret Kelly; Gloria Knies; Ellie Leonard; Jerry Lewallen; Maria Lopez; Betty Lutz; Bob Martin; Margarita Mena; Victoria Mena; Elizabeth Muzyka; Paul Olivares; Persia Family; Edward Philips; Daniel J. Phillips; Joan Rivera; Joel Rivera; Ray Rivera; Eduardo Rodriguez; Manny Rodriguez; Patricia Rodriguez; Jeanette Sullivan; Patty Stratman; Irma Surgent; Jeannette Thurman; Michael Watkins, Adean Woods. Fr. Cliff, Fr. Henry, Fr. Jack, and the staff of St. Mark extend to every mother best wishes for a Happy Mother’s Day and pray that God will bless you in a special way today and all year long. Extendemos nuestros mejores deseos a todas las madres y les deseamos un Feliz Día de las Madres y le pedimos a Dios que las bendiga de una forma especial hoy y durante todo el año. 2 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY FAMILY & ADULT MINISTRY - COUNSELING SERVICES Knights’ Corner MINISTERIOS DE ADULTOS Y FAMILIA - SERVICIOS DE CONSEJERIA 972-424-5794 Council 6065 Assembly 2266 Happy Mother’s Day The officers and members of Council 6065 and Assembly 2266 wish all mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. REBUILDING DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP Meets for 9 weeks on Thursday evenings, beginning May 28Aug. 6, 7PM – 9PM in the Parish Library, Room #105. Group provides a supportive environment for anyone adjusting to divorce and journeying toward healing. Cost: $35 fee which includes Rebuilding book. For more information or to register, call 972-423-5794. Election of Officers: June 4 Election of Officers will take place at our June 4 business meeting. If you are a 3rd or 4th degree Knight and are interested in running for office to help guide our council for the next fraternal year beginning July 1, please contact one of the trustees and make him aware of your wishes. All officer positions are to be filled during this election. The initial slate of candidates was announced at the May 7 meeting. Additional nominees for every office can be made at the June meeting prior to the elections. ANNULMENTS: Are You Ready To Begin The Annulment Process? Ron Fossier Memorial Scholarship The Ronald Fossier (PGK) Memorial KC Scholarship Award is entirely funded by the Fossier family in memory of Ronald Fossier who was a member of our Council for over 14 years and is one of our Past Grand Knights. This year, the scholarship award will be divided into three groups with each winner to receive $700. The groups are classified as (1) Grades 3, 4 and 5; (2) Grades 6, 7 and 8; and (3) Grades 9, 10 and 11 as of May 15 (deadline for entry). Those eligible for this scholarship must be children or grandchildren of a Knights of Columbus member in good standing who is or has been a member of Council 6065 at St. Mark. The students to receive these awards can either attend a Catholic grade school, Catholic high school or be home schooled by a Catholic parent(s). To apply for these awards, the students must submit an essay of 500 words MAXIMUM entitled: “Why is it Important for me to Receive a Catholic Education.” For more information and details, please contact our Grand Knight, Bill Butcher at 469-450-6651. Also see pages 26 and 27 of the 2014 - 2015 KC Membership Directory and Handbook for detailed requirements. All entries must be received by May 15, 2015. Plan to attend an Informational meeting: Sunday, June 14, 2015, 1PM, Smyth Pastoral Center, Upper Room, 208. Call 972-424-5794 for more information or to register. Ministry with Families An Introductory Formation Experience This class is for all those whose Ministries touch Families. It provides insight and skills for participants to live out a vision of Ministry with Families more intentionally in both their personal lives and ministerial efforts. Friday, June 12th from 6 PM - 9 PM Saturday, June 13th from 9 AM-4:30 PM St. Mark the Evangelist Parish Center, 1105 W. 15th Street, Plano, TX 75075 Contact : Claudio Mora (214) 379-2877, Registration : Thelma Trujillo, (214) 379-2896, Registration fee; $50 per person / $65 per couple (couples will receive one set of materials) After Mass Refreshments: May 9/10 The Knights are sponsoring refreshments after all Mass this weekend. Please stop and say “hello”. Pick up a cup of coffee, a glass of punch and a cookie on your way out of the Narthex. We are also assisting at the Information Table in the Narthex. Meet and Greet Knight: May 12 Our Council is holding its monthly “Meet and Greet Knight” on Tuesday, May 12 beginning at 5:30PM. This fun event is held every second Tuesday at Tino’s Two restaurant. All Knights, whether members of Council 6065 or not, please attend and share this evening of camaraderie with your brother Knights. The registration form may be picked up in the Family & Adult Ministry Office or in the Bethany Narthex in the church. CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH Women June 27-28, 2015 Men Oct 17-18, 2015 Corporate Communion: May 24 The members of our Council will hold a Corporate Communion at the 9AM Mass on Sunday, May 24. We will meet in the Narthex prior to Mass and process into the church and participate in the Mass as a group. Members of the 4th Degree Color Corps will lead the entrance procession. Following the Mass, members of our Council are hosting our families to breakfast. All members of the Knights of Columbus, regardless of their home Council, and their families are encouraged to join us. Weekend retreat provides an atmosphere for individual growth through prayer, inspiring presentations, and personal reflection. It is also an opportunity to share with others in the parish about the joys and challenges of living a Christian lifestyle in our family life, at work, with friends, and in society. It is time to begin planning the 2015 Community Carnival Help is needed in all areas including: Graphics, Solicitations, Raffle, Food, Games, Entertainment, Volunteers, Safe Environment and Set-up. Contact Carnival Chair Claudine Humphries at 214-236-9916 or The Carnival will be Oct. 30 thru Nov. 1 3 10 DE MAYO DEL 2015 MAY 10, 2015 EN ESPAÑOL Administración Caballeros de Colón Sexto Domingo de Pascua de Resurrección El mandamiento de Jesús es que sus discípulos se amen los unos a los otros, incluso hasta el punto de ofrecer sus vidas, si fuera necesario. ¿Qué dones de mí mismo — mis habilidades y mis talentos, mi tiempo y mis recursos — demostrarán mejor mi amor por el pueblo de Dios? Para más información sobre las actividades de los Caballeros de Colón, llame a Armando Guerra al 214-272-3537, Jose Romero al 214-499-2660 o Lucas Gonzalez al 972-669-3023. Ambiente Seguro Ministerio de Familia y Adultos St. Mark Familia de Fe NO SE PERMITEN NIÑOS CRISTO RENUEVA SU PARROQUIA Mujeres Julio 25-26, 2015 Hombres Oct 10-11, 2015 El retiro provee un ambiente para crecimiento individual por medio de la oración, presentaciones conmovedoras, y reflexión personal. También es una oportunidad para compartir con otros en la parroquia sus alegrías y desafíos de vivir una vida Cristiana en su vida familiar, en el trabajo, con amigos, y en la sociedad. miércoles 27 de mayo Smyth Pastoral Center, Connference room 202 Reentrenamiento en Español de 7-9PM Favor de traer el gafete de Ambiente Seguro St. Mark Catholic School está aceptando inscripciones para el año escolar 2015-16: St. Mark Catholic School ha recibido en dos ocasiones el National Blue Ribbon Award del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos y educa a estudiantes desde preescolar a octavo grado en un espíritu de fe, con los valores del Evangelio y excelencia académica de acuerdo a los principios Católicos Romanos. Por favor llámenos al (972) 578 -0610, o visite para más información. Ministerio Con Familias Una introducción a una Experiencia de Formación para todos los ministerios que trabajan con familias. Esta clase enseñará a los participantes a vivir la visión del Ministerio de Familias más intensamente tanto en sus vidas personales como en sus esfuerzos ministeriales. Formación de Fe Viernes, 12 de Junio de 6 PM – 9 PM Sábado, 13 de Junio de 9 AM – 4:30 PM ¡Muchas Gracias! ¡Gracias a todos los niños y las familias que participaron en la donación de alimentos para Catholic Charities de Dallas! St. Mark the Evangelist Parish Center Información: Claudio Mora, (214) 379-2877, Inscripciones: Thelma Trujillo, (214) 379-2896, Costo: $50 por persona / $65 por pareja (cada pareja recibirá un set de materiales) Puede recoger la forma de registro en la oficina del Ministerio de Familia y Adultos o en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. Felicidades a los estudiantes de cuarto grado de clases de Formación de Fe ¡Felicidades estudiantes de cuarto grado! Ellos son los ganadores de nuestro Reto Cuaresmal. Todo el mundo debería ser un ganador debido a que "santificar el día de reposo" es uno de los diez mandamientos! El tercer mandamiento para ser exacto. Baby Shower ¡Hay una nueva y emocionante oportunidad para voluntarios en St. Mark! ¡El Set-up Squad! Tiendita de Donación y Centro de Asistencia 1100 W. 15th St., #203 ¿No es la enseñanza lo tuyo? ¿Prefieres ponerle un poco de sudor a tus hora de voluntario? ¿Tienes un horario variado y necesitas flexibilidad con tu voluntariado? Tenemos una gran oportunidad para que puedas dar de tu tiempo y talento. St. Mark busca voluntarios para ayudar a nuestro Set-Up Squad. Este grupo es para ayudar a poner las sillas y mesas en las salas para las diferentes actividades de los muchos ministerios que se reúnen en nuestra parroquia. Un coordinador se comunicará con usted cuando sea necesario. Para más información comuníquese con Ruth Sanchez al 972423-5600 o La tienda de donaciones está abierta los miércoles de 9AM-1PM. Para mas información sobre como ayudar a mujeres embarazadas de nuestra comunidad o como recibir ayuda si estás embarazada contáctanos a uno de los siguientes números. Silvia Caballero, 972-916-8345 (Bilingüe) Shirley Cook, 972-424-2911 (Ingles) Julia Montiel 972-795-7699 (Bilingüe) Escucha Radio Católica KJON 850 AM 4 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION / Youth & Young Adult Ministries Ministerio de Jóvenes y Jóvenes adultos FORMACION DE FE: 972-423-4715 THANK YOU! Thank you to all the children and families that participated in our partnership with St. Mark School in donating food items to Catholic Charities of Dallas! 972-578-9583 New Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9AM-4PM Fri. 9AM-12PM. Congratulations 4th Grade Faith Formation Students! Great job, Grade 4 students – you are the winners of our Lenten Challenge. Everyone should be a winner because to “Keep Holy the Sabbath day” is one of the Ten Commandments! Commandment number #3 to be exact! St. Mark VBS July 13-17 We recently attended the Confirmations of all the St. Mark middle school students in the confirmation program. Next week, the NET team will help out with the high school confirmation retreat. Congratulations to all those who received their confirmation! Visit to register Attention : Ministers of Holy Communion PARISH LIBRARY Mon-Thurs 9AM-12PM Book Drop in Library door is open 24/7 Communion Ministers are needed for First Holy Communion masses. A sign up sheet is posted in the usher's room. DVD: October Baby Books: The Hail Mary: Its Meaning and Origin by Rene Laurentin Praying with Mary: A Treasury for All Occasions by Jan Connell New St. Mark Car Stickers are Now Available! St. Vincent de Paul Society SVDP Food Pantry needs the following items : Mac and Cheese, Spaghetti, Spaghetti Sauce, Boxed/bagged pasta, canned tuna Place items in donation box located in the Narthex. Pick up of large items can be arranged by calling SVDP at 972-423-1877. Only $5 available at the St. Mark parish or school offices. Facebook: St. Mark Catholic Church – Plano,TX St. Mark Catholic School – Plano,TX Stmarkplanoyouthministry Monthly Prayer Service May 14 at 7PM in the Chapel The Knights of Columbus and the Ladies Auxiliary is sponsoring a monthly prayer service in the Chapel at 7PM on the second Thursday of each month for those in the parish who are ill, recovering from surgery or for any other intention. The next service is scheduled for May 14. All parishioners are invited to attend and submit the names of those individuals for whom prayers are requested. These names will be read during the service. This Parish Prayer Service begins with the Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament, reading of the names of those for whom we are praying, the Rosary, hymns, a Litany, and concludes with Benediction. You need not be a member of the Knights of Columbus to participate or to have your requests included. Please call Will Alt at 972-423-9450 to add names to the list of those for whom prayers are requested. You can add names just prior to the service if you are in attendance. Instagram: Stmarkyouth Twitter: StMEvangeLion Pinterest: stmarkplano Pray the Rosary after the 6:30AM & 8:30AM Masses Come pray with us for the Church, Government and the salvation of souls. Benefits: Purifies our souls, washes away venial sin. Gives us victory over all our enemies. Makes it easy to practice virtue and enriches us with grace Sets us on fire with love of Our Lord and Our Lady. 5 10 DE MAYO DEL 2015 MAY 10, 2015 1201 Alma Dr, Plano, TX 75075 972.578.0610 St. Mark Catholic School is accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year. At St. Mark, it is our mission “to educate each child in a spirit of faith, gospel values, and academic excellence according to Roman Catholic principles.” We do this by educating the whole child – mind, body, and spirit. Visit us, and see what has made us special since 1982! Preschool – 8th grade Two-time recipient of the U.S. Department of Education’s National Blue Ribbon Award Exemplary academic curriculum enhanced with instruction in Art, Music, Spanish, Technology, Physical Education, and a wide variety of extra-curricular activities Catholic education and Sacrament preparation Strong, family-oriented school community Warm, loving environment that encourages a lifelong love of learning For additional information or to schedule a school tour, please visit our website at, or call 972-578-0610. Ministerio de Funerales Necesita Voluntarios Nuestro Ministerio de Funerales y de Compasión da servicio a las familias cuando han tenido una perdida de una ser querido “ ¿Cómo puedo ayudar? Ofreciendo Consolación. Acompañando a las Familia Durante el Duelo. Asistiendo con la preparación de la Liturgia Fúnebre. Estando presente con la familia durante La Celebración de la Misa Fúnebre. Asistiendo con la preparación del Programa del Funeral Asistiendo en el Ministerio de Compasión con las Recepciones después de las Misas Fúnebres. Comunicarse con recursos y ayuda de duelo y compasión. Asistiendo con la preparación del Plan Anticipatorio de Funeral al Final de la Vida. Funeral Ministry Volunteers Needed Our Funeral and Compassion Ministry serves families when they are grieving a loss of a loved one. How can you help? Offer consolation. We Walk With The Grieving Family Assist with Planning the Funeral Liturgy. To prepare the funeral program (Worship Aid). To be present with the family during the Funeral Mass Celebration. To assist in the Compassion Ministry with Receptions after the Funeral Mass. To connect the family with grieving resources. To help with End of Life and Pre-Planning Funerals. If interested in volunteering in any area of St Mark Funeral Ministry, please contact: Si usted tiene interés en ser voluntario en cualquier área de este Ministerio por favor comuniquese con: Rosalba (Rosie) Hernandez St Mark Family & Adult Ministry 1105 W. 15th St Plano TX 75075 972-424-5794 or Rosalba (Rosie) Hernández St. Mark Ministerio de Familia & Adultos 1105 W. 15th St; Plano TX 75075 972-424-5794 or 6 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY We would like to congratulate the St. Mark 8th graders who recently received the Sacrament of Confirmation María Aguirre, Sergio Aguirre, Alondra Alonso, Rafy Ambrosio, Chancey Anderson, Roman Angel, Noelia Arellano, Clara Arevalo, Carlos Arreguin, Karen Arreguin, Jibran Arriaga, Maria Arroyo, Celso Barrera, Joe Barrera, Jace Bartz, Ashley Bauer, Joseph Beam, Kate Bearden, Jacqueline Beltran, Grace Boisbrun, Kyle Bourque, Athena Bruess, Nicholas Brumfield, Carolyn Burns, Brenden Butler, Avery Bynoe, Elizabeth Caballero, Brenda Campos, Daniela Campuzano, Alex Canas, Santiago Cano, Yucany Carmona, Kaitlin Cava, Jaromyr Celestial, Isabella Clavenna, Kevin Clemente, Adrienne Cooper, Alejandro Coto, Enrique Cruz, Wendy Cruz, Brice Day, Cristian de la Garza, Fernando Dominguez, Adamaris Domínguez Luviano, Anthony Euziere, Monique Evangelista, Isa Figueres, Ferdinand (Angelo) Florendo, Alexandra Flores, Anthony Forrest, Katie Furlong, Victor Gallardo, Axel García, Emily García, Saul García, Wendy García, Worth Gilbert, Aidan Gonzalez, Jorge Gonzalez, José Gonzalez, Juan Gonzalez, Kristian Gonzalez, Landon Gottschalt, Anna Gourgues, Elena Graham, Ariadna Gutierrez, Joanna Gutierrez, Grace Harr, Ryan Helm, Lauren Hendy, Arisbeth Hernandez, Brandon Hernandez, Lizbeth Hernandez, Luke Hinckley, Mary (Haley) Hoang, Savannah Hosea, Marla Ibarra, Roland Iboni, Ethan Jackson, Mitchell James, Jordan Juarez, Christian Lamarque, Samantha Landers, Nicola Librea, Nick Ligad, Alondra Lopez, Benardo Lopez, Jonathan Lopez, Maria Luciano, Dominic Mancuso, Angel Martinez, April Martinez, Gabriela Martinez, Hector Martinez, Jessica Martinez, Luis Martinez, Willy Martinez, Jaibin (Jacob) Mathew, Tea McCormack, Fernando Mejia, Quethzaly Mejia, Alexander Mendoza, Cesar Mendoza, Ethan Messner, Anthony Migliaccio, Robert Mitchell, Zach Morgan, Anthony Navarrete, Callie Nuna, Zachary Nwachukwu, Cooper Nycz, Maverick O'Brien, Cesar Olmedo, Julio Ontiveros, Julisa Ordonez Galan, Jason Orosco, Stephanie Ortiz, Mauricio Ortiz Urbina, Cristian Oviedo, Iliana Padilla, Miles Page, Chase Parker, Eduardo Pedroza, Hannah Penney, LuisPerello, Jeremy Pham, Laura Pham, Minh-Tuan [Peter] Phung, Fernando Pichardo, April Pierdant, Evelin Popoca, Carolyn Presz, Andrew Quinn, Saira Quintanilla, Mary Ragasajo, Citali Ramirez, Daisy Ramirez, Luis Ramirez, Marilee Ramos, Eduardo Rayo, Shannon Reilly, Michael Richardson, Seth Robb, Lucy Robles, Owen Rocha, Clarissa Rodriguez, Jeniffer Rodriguez, Jose Rodriguez, Harrison Rogers, Edith Romero Camacho, Janice Rotich, Jaime Ruiz, Ivan Salas, Raymundo Salas Moreno, Sierra Salazar, Ryan Salvia, Faven Samuel, David (Nathaniel) Sanchez, María Santamaría, Kristal Santibáñez, Meghan Serwan-Manriquez, Ben Shepherd, Quincy Sheppard, Dane Sievert, Hayden Smith, April Solorzano, Berenice Soto, Jennifer Suarez, Ian SymSmith, Issac Talamantez, Angelisa Taquino, Kevin Tovar, Kevin Trevizo, Mariana Trevizo, Shelby Van Hyfte, Mark Velásquez, Jordan Vitale, Stephen Whitacre, Garrett Young, Grant Young, and Abigail Zamudio. We would like to welcome our neophytes who were fully initiated into the Catholic Church, receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, at the Easter Vigil on April 4, 2015 Jan Adriano Gachuz, Brandon Avila, Aris Bonilla, Jose Burgos Torres, Haley Calvillo, Humberto Calvillo, Luis Chamu, Letisia Chamu Torres, Melissa Coronilla, Miguel Cruz, Kathryn Eggers, Lynn Eggers, Mark Eggers, Chidimma Ejiofor, Ekene Ejiofor, Diana Escamilla, Camryn Garay, Charles Garay, Carlos Gomez, Daisy Gomez, Adamaris Gonzalez, John Hepburn, Liliana Hepburn, Marie Hernandez, Gerret Juarez, Jamie Juarez, Luzarelly Juarez-Bentancourt, Guillermo Lopez, Jennifer Lopez, Angelo Maldonado, Jesus Martinez, Andre Maya, Michele Fu McClarin, Andre Mendoza, Juliana Mendoza, Waverly Moore, Anthony Munoz-Sarabia, Laura Munoz-Sarabia, Jose Nieto Bravo, Eduardo Paredes-Diaz, Kenneth Pedraza, Kevin Pedraza-Perez, George Patrick Purdy, Constantino Ramirez, Francisco Ramirez, Johnny Ramirez, Jose Ramirez, Kevin Ramirez, Maleni Ramirez, Yanely Ramirez, Seth Roshto, Valentina Ruiz, Erick Sanchez, Jeonny Sanchez, Jeovanni Sanchez, Alexandra Sanders, Fallon Sanders, Egbert Santamaria Villanueva, Santiago Santibanez, Yvonne Santibanez, Daniel Torres, Michelle Torres, Jeremy Traylor, Lindsey Wieden, and Valeria Yanez. We would like to congratulate and welcome our new Catholics, who were received into full communion as they made a Profession of Faith, and received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist: Bradley Allgood, Lorri Lynn Goddard, Ryan Hawkins, Emily Jackson, Grady Moore, Kelly Padgett, Christina Rafferty, Jayvin Rodriguez, and Amy Silva. We would like to congratulate our baptized Catholic candidates, who received the sacrament of Eucharist and Confirmation: Genesis Adriano Gachuz, Luis Aguinaga, Edwin Banos, Elvin Bonilla, Eric Burgos, Michelle Contreras, Daisy Espinosa, Leticia E s p i n o s a , Juan Abraham Gallegos, María Gil, Jose Lopez, Lizbeth Mariano, Luis Martínez, Isidro Mejia, Ashley Mendiola, Carolina Mendiola, Nathalie Mendoza, David Munoz-Sarabia, Jair Muñoz-Sarabia, Jesús Nava, Juan Nava, Yvette Nava, Zackary Pasi, Christine Pedregon, Pedro Peña-Barrera, Svemir Polchert, Abraham Quiñones, Brittney Ramírez, Giovanni Rodriguez, Luz Sanchez, Aniedet Santamaria, and Oswaldo Santamaría, Jr. We would like to congratulate our baptized Catholic candidates, who received the sacrament of Confirmation: Carlos Cabrera Medina, Florentino De Nova Gómez, Carlos Escamilla Torres, María García, María Silvia Martínez, Erika Peñafort Salazar, Guillermo Salinas Licea, and José Mario Sanchez We would like to congratulate the following children that received First Communion at the Easter Vigil: Joshua Adriano Gachuz, Ashley Avila, Gustavo Lopez, Juan Maldonado, III, Harry Ramírez, Lindsey Ramírez, and Margarito Ramírez 7 10 DE MAYO DEL 2015 MAY 10, 2015 The Serra Club is a worldwide organization that fosters vocations. Each year the Serra Clubs sponsor a weekend event for men and women to have the opportunity to explore various Religious Vocations and what it means to have a calling. It gives the participants the opportunity to discuss on a one-to-one basis what it means to be part of the religious life. The raffle tickets support our vocation programs, not just VAP. Please show your support for Vocations by buying raffle tickets after Mass on May 16-17 Vocation Awareness Program June 26-28, 2018 (Application deadline June 15) University of Dallas, Irving — A Catholic University Visit Sponsored by Vocations Offices and Serra Clubs of Dallas and Fort Worth Who knows, one of those men who go through this program could someday become a priest at St. Mark. Nepal Earthquake Special Collection Next weekend/May 16/17 Colecta Especial Terremoto en Nepal Próximo Fin de Semana Mayo 16/17 A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal in the late morning of April 25, toppling buildings and homes, causing widespread panic, and claiming thousands of lives. Our Church mourns the terrible suffering of our brothers and sisters affected by this powerful earthquake. Please join with the Catholic community across the United States in responding to our suffering brothers and sisters through a special collection for the work of Catholic Relief Services in Nepal. CRS is the official humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the U.S. and is already responding to urgent needs for shelter, water and food in Nepal. For more information, go to For information or questions about CRS, please contact Michelle Gagne at or 214-520-6590 ext. 1007. Un terremoto de 7.8 grados de magnitud sacudió a Nepal durante las últimas horas de la mañana del 25 de abril, derribando edificios y viviendas, causando pánico generalizado y cobrando miles de vidas. Nuestra Iglesia lamenta el terrible sufrimiento de nuestros hermanos y hermanas afectados por este terremoto. Le pedimos que se una a la comunidad Católica en todos los Estados Unidos respondiendo al sufrimiento de nuestros hermanos y hermanas a través de una colecta especial destinada a la labor de Catholic Relief Services en Nepal. CRS es la agencia humanitaria oficial de la comunidad Católica en los Estados Unidos y ya está respondiendo a las necesidades urgentes de refugio, agua y alimento en Nepal. Si desea obtener información adicional visite If you have a vehicle you have been considering donating, please call Charity Motors Car Donation Program and designate the proceeds to ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH. You will receive a tax deduction while helping our church. For information, call 972-242-7489. 8 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SET-UP SQUAD! AN EXCITING NEW VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY AT ST. MARK! If teaching is not your thing? Do you prefer to put a little sweat into your volunteer hours? Well we have a great opportunity for you!! Debbie Heckmann, our new Volunteer Set-Up Squad Coordinator, would love to put you to work assisting with the various set-ups needed for parent meetings, classes, and special activities and events. We are looking for teams of 3-4 adults (men and women) with a flexible schedule to help set-up rooms with tables and chairs for the various groups and ministries that meet on our campus. Whenever a set-up is needed, Debbie will contact you for availability. PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING! WE REALLY NEED YOU! Our summer months are a little slower however by fall we hope to be up and running and in a parish this size, we really need help. If interested, please contact Debbie Heckmann at 972-596-9124 (home), 214-734-8813 (cell), or by e-mail at 9
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May 17, 2015 - St. Mark the Evangelist
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