Summer|Fall 08 In this issue 2008 United Way Community


Summer|Fall 08 In this issue 2008 United Way Community
Summer|Fall 08
In this issue
2008 United Way
Community Campaign
Kicks Off with
Day of Caring
Tocqueville Society
and Constitution
Society Listing of
Father Shows
Courage to Build
a New Life
United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut is a nonprofit organization that has been meeting
human care needs in the 40 towns throughout north central Connecticut for more than 80 years.
With its network of partner agencies, volunteers and community leaders, our United Way takes a
leadership role in changing conditions to improve lives in central and northeastern Connecticut.
The annual United Way Community Campaign provides the opportunity for people in our community
to support the causes important to them. Through United Way’s Community Investment, donors’
contributions are invested in programs and initiatives to ensure success for children, strong and
healthy families and a safety net of services. Programs and initiatives funded through Community
Investment are researched and monitored by knowledgeable, experienced volunteers to be certain
they result in improved lives. Partner agencies must also meet management, governance, and
fiscal accountability standards.
Page 2
For More Information
To comment, please call
(860) 493-6800 or
visit our website at
For volunteer opportunities,
visit www.volunteersolutions.
Cover: Peter Heard, an
employee at Travelers,
helped with a painting
project at Boys and Girls
Club in Hartford as part of
a record-breaking Day of
Caring XVII, September 5,
Page 9
Page 10
In this issue
Courage to Build a New Life
1 The
Frederick Bohlen, 15th Annual Courage Award Winner
2 Trained Volunteers Assisting Working Families
Independence–One Drawing at a Time
4 Achieving
Overcoming Challenges
5 What’s in a Name?
Village for Families and Children
6 The
Receives Dr. Frederick G. Adams Award
7 Common Sense Parenting–Learning Starts at Home
8 Volunteering to Reduce Hunger and Homelessness
9 2008 United Way Community Campaign Goal Announced
10 Record-Breaking Day of Caring XVII
Tocqueville Society and
12 2007-2008
Constitution Society Listing of Members
a Friend to United Way:
33 Honoring
Remembering Lee Allison
United Way of Central and
Northeastern Connecticut is
proud to be part of the
Capitol Region Partnership.
This alliance, made up of 13
regional organizations, is
working to strengthen our
region’s economy, facilitate
inter-town and inter-agency
cooperation, and create a
recognizable identity for the
“It was my
I had always
dreamed of
coming to the
United States.
That dream
had finally
come true.”
Frederick Bohlen, 2008
Courage Award recipient
The Courage to Build a New Life
From left: Susan B. Dunn,
president and CEO of United Way
of Central and Northeastern
Connecticut; Judith Gough,
director of Migration & Refugee
Services at Catholic Charities,
Archdiocese of Hartford;
Frederick Bohlen, recipient of
United Way’s 15th annual
Courage Award; Laurie Perez,
weekend news anchor, Fox 61
and emcee of the Courage
Award luncheon, and Jeffrey
Blumenthal, assistant vice
president, The Hartford
Financial Services Group, Inc.,
Courage Award judge.
The Courage Award was established in 1994 to recognize an
individual who has triumphed
over adversity with the assistance
of programs supported through
United Way Community
For More Information
Catholic Charities,
Archdiocese of Hartford
(860) 548-0059
magine seeing members of your family and friends killed
in front of you. Would you have the courage to survive
and carry on?
Frederick Bohlen, a refugee from Liberia, did just that.
Four years ago, Bohlen was seeking asylum from his war
torn country. He and his wife Emily fled Liberia for the
Ivory Coast due to on-going warfare and civil unrest. After
living in a refugee camp for over 15 years, in 2003 the camp
was attacked. Frederick watched his father killed. He also
witnessed other family members and friends die in the
attack. Frederick thought his life was over. His father had
always been a source of inspiration for him.
“My father was my hero. When he was killed, I felt I had no
reason to live,” said Bohlen.
His remaining family and friends comforted him. He knew
his father would want him to carry on and protect his family.
So Frederick, Emily, who was pregnant, and their two sons,
Advetus and Leroy, fled the camp in search of safety.
They were homeless with no shelter other than the woods
where they found refuge. And it was there, in the woods,
that Emily went into labor and Frederick delivered their
third child, Frederick, Jr.
Even with all these experiences, Frederick never lost hope.
He recognized that his father would want him to persevere
and succeed.
When he and his family reached safety at a United Nations
camp in Tabou on the Ivory Coast, the United Nations provided them with asylum and connected them with
Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Hartford.
October 21, 2004 is a date that Frederick Bohlen will never forget. It is the day he came to the United States with his family.
“It was my proudest moment. I had always dreamed of
coming to the United States. That dream had finally come
true,” said Frederick.
Frederick and his family made a new beginning in
Hartford. Catholic Charities helped him and his family
with basic needs, such as finding an apartment, getting
food, and receiving medical attention.
Catholic Charities, and Urban League of Greater Hartford,
another United Way partner, also helped Frederick with job
training so that he could support his family.
There’s no doubt Frederick is a hard worker, at times holding down two to three jobs to provide for his family. He
also gives back to his community. He’s been a tutor with the
Hartford public schools and assists other refugees with
learning English as a second language.
Frederick helps other refugees by driving them to job interviews, medical appointments and school.
For the past three years, Frederick has been an employee of
Catholic Charities. He tutors refugee children and assists in
the agency’s Healthy Family Marriage Program and he
helps refugees cope with the stress of war. Many of these
married couples are separated from their children who are
still living in refugee camps, waiting to be reunited with
their parents.
“It hasn’t been easy, but I get great joy from helping others
overcome many of the same challenges I faced,” said
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Working Families Initiative
Trained Volunteers
Assisting Working Families
From left: Pat and Steve
Zwerling, volunteers for
Foodshare, Inc., assist
individuals and families
at the Foodshare van stop
in Glastonbury.
Impact Summer|Fall 08
n January 2007, United Way of Central and Northeastern
Connecticut established its Working Families Initiative
with a commitment to increasing awareness of the
challenges faced by hard working families and, together
with community volunteers, provide practical steps to
financial stability to help lower income families to achieve
financial independence.
This year, with leadership from Foodshare, Inc. and United
Way support, another innovative program has been
launched in which trained volunteers assist lower-income
families in applying for food stamps. For many working
families receiving food stamps means freeing up income
for other essentials such as paying for rent, day care and
saving for a more stable future.
Initially, United Way partnered with the Hartford Asset
Building Collaborative to establish a program in which
trained volunteers assist individuals and families to create a
real budget and get connected to other financial supports.
To date, 32 families have received the budget coaching and
another 48 are currently enrolled in the program.
Retired Glastonbury residents, Pat and Steve Zwerling,
were among the recently trained volunteers. They first
became interested in preventing hunger through a workshop in their church organized by Foodshare in 2006. “I
never thought about hunger before and suddenly my eyes
were open to what a serious justice issue this is,” said Steve.
The Zwerlings wanted to do more. This led to a conversation
with Gloria McAdam, president and CEO of Foodshare,
Inc. about what they could do to make a difference. They got
their opportunity by participating in Leadership Greater
Hartford’s Third Age Initiative, a year-long program for
active seniors, where they created a Hunger Task Force with
seven other members. In collaboration with Foodshare and
with support from United Way, the Hunger Task Force
chose to test-pilot a Food Stamp Outreach Project.
The project offers food stamp eligibility-screening services.
If someone qualifies, the volunteers provide assistance in
completing the application. Foodshare, Inc. currently distributes more than 10 million pounds of food annually.
A five percent increase in participation by families eligible
for food stamps would surpass the amount of food the
organization distributes annually. The five-year goal of this
program is to increase the food stamp participation rate by
15 percent.
The Food Stamp Outreach Project services are offered in
and around the Hartford area including at Hartford Asset
Building Collaborative’s Financial Resource Center, a new
year-round center where working families receive services
that help them increase income, earnings, and savings. The
center also receives United Way support.
Rising Prices Impacting Families
“We want to
reach out to
hungry people
they are and
make services
available to
Pat Zwerling, Foodshare,
Inc. volunteer.
In addition, the Zwerlings help staff at the mobile
Foodshare van stop in Glastonbury. “We are truly committed
to this program and to seeing it grow,” said Pat. “We want to
reach out to hungry people wherever they are and make
services available to them.”
“Pat and Steve Zwerling have dedicated an unending
amount of time and effort into the Food Stamp Outreach
Program,” said Krista Ostaszewski, volunteer coordinator at
Foodshare, Inc. “They were the ones who originally pushed
the idea to their Third Age Initiative group, and were
extremely active in the piloting process.”
“Their willingness to learn, open-mindedness and hearts of
gold make them a pleasure to work with. I truly admire
their commitment to helping others,” she added.
“We are enthusiastic supporters of our community and like
being involved in activities that help others,” said Pat. “The
Hunger Task Force Food Stamp Outreach Project is an
important contribution to the well-being of people needing
For More Information
Foodshare, Inc.
(860) 286-9999
Recent price hikes for fuel and food are
becoming an increasing problem in
Connecticut. Even when people are working
it’s not always enough to support their
family. Almost four out of five (78%) households that can’t make ends meet have at
least one adult working.
More than 100,000 people in central and
northeastern Connecticut rely on emergency
food assistance, including seniors, working
families and nearly 40,000 children. In
September, more than 700 people from central
and northeastern Connecticut called United
Way of Connecticut’s 2-1-1 looking for food
assistance, a 55% increase over September
2007. More than 50,000 people in the region
received emergency services such as food
and shelter through Community Investmentsupported programs last year.
Worrying about having enough food to eat is
not just a concern of lower-income urban
families. Working families throughout central
and northeastern Connecticut are also struggling to make ends meet. In fact, Foodshare,
Inc., a Community Investment partner agency,
has a mobile emergency food distribution
van that now distributes food in Glastonbury,
suburbs in the Farmington Valley and other
towns throughout the region. There are over
50 mobile Foodshare, Inc. stops in Hartford
and Tolland counties.
Many lower-income families are not aware of
– or cannot access – public benefits they
could be receiving to supplement their
income. Only 11% of those who don’t earn
enough to make ends meet receive public
benefits and only 66% of those eligible for
food stamps actually receive them.
“Our lives have been blessed in a variety of ways,” said Steve.
“We’re just trying to share those blessings.”
In addition to supporting a safety net of services such as
emergency food and efforts such as the Food Stamp Outreach
Project, United Way Community Investment supports
programs that also help individuals get better jobs, learn to
manage their budgets, and gain access to affordable housing.
These efforts are aimed at helping working families become
financially stable.
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Safety Net of Services
Achieving Independence–
One Drawing at a Time
Overcoming Challenges
he journey from adolescence into adulthood can be
very tough for some people. Add to that journey
feeling left out of life due to circumstances beyond your
control and it can be downright frustrating.
Artwork by Jennifer Minietti
For More Information
The ARC of Farmington Valley, Inc.
(860) 693-6662
Jennifer Minietti, the oldest of four girls, watched her
younger siblings date, go to college, move out of their parents’
house, get married and have children. She was disappointed
not to be doing the same and her intellectual disabilities
only added to her frustration.
As a young adult seeking more independence, Jen turned to
the ARC of the Farmington Valley, Inc. (FAVARH), a United
Way Community Investment partner agency, nearly 20 years
ago. Through FAVARH’s residential program, she was able
to finally experience living outside of the family home, on
her own.
“FAVARH helped me get an apartment and live on my
own,” said Jen.
Even as Jen appreciated living on her own,
she still struggled with depression and
loneliness. When a staff member
noticed Jen’s flair for decorating her
apartment with her own drawings, she
suggested searching for an art class that
would allow her to express her emotions
and interact with others sharing an interest in art. Unable
to find a suitable and affordable art training program for
Jen, FAVARH began its own unified art program,
Inspirational Arts. The program paired FAVARH and community volunteers with a variety of artistic abilities.
Her familiar phrase,
“I can’t do it,” started to
be replaced with
“I am a good artist.”
Jen enrolled in the program and she began to flourish.
With success building upon success, she blossomed into a
different person; one who laughed, smiled and interacted
with people in her life, and felt proud of her drawings.
When she felt angry she used her art as an outlet to help
Impact Summer|Fall 08
her cope. Her familiar phrase, “I can’t do it,” started to be
replaced with “I am a good artist.”
Jean Andersen, coordinator of respite and community
relations at the ARC of the Farmington Valley has known
Jen for 13 years and has seen her progress.
“Her confidence
has really grown,”
said Andersen. “Jen
now says, ‘When I
look in the mirror I
Jennifer Minietti, ARC of the
see a good artist.’
Farmington Valley, Inc.
She went from
doodling at home
to art class to having her work selected from submissions
and featured in the Hartford Courant. Her growth as an
artist has been measurable. FAVARH’s mission is ‘To Help
People Achieve Their Personal Best’ and Jen is certainly well
on her way.” One of Jen’s pieces of art work, “Full Bloom”
was on the cover of the Hartford Courant iTowns insert,
September 21, 2008.
“I’ve learned that
I really am a great
artist and more!”
In addition, Jen has also participated in another unified
program at FAVARH, Endless Possibilities Theater. Mike
Emery, FAVARH board of directors’ member was really
impressed with Jen’s role in the production.
“I know everyone achieved a lot doing this but my personal
observation is what a breakout performance by Jennifer,”
said Emery. “I’ve been around her for maybe eight or ten
years and her level of self-esteem has always been very low.
For her to do what she did is astounding to me. I’m sure that
a piece of that self-confidence has stuck to her permanently.”
In addition to trying new programs with FAVARH Jen
is now also working in the community. She has been
employed with Shaw’s in Canton for over three years, bagging
Continued on page 5
What’s in a Name?
United Way of the Capital Area is Now United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut
name can mean many things; a beginning, an ending,
or even a coming together. Typically, it reflects
some type of change. In the case of United Way of the
Capital Area (UWCA) becoming United Way of Central
and Northeastern Connecticut (UWCNCT), it means a
united 40-town service region and a new governance
structure to support it.
“This culminates a year of work to streamline our governance
structure to ensure maximum transparency, accountability
and efficiency,” said Raymond P. Necci, president and COO
of Connecticut Light & Power and chairman of the board
of United Way.
Necci unveiled the organization’s new name and logo at
UWCNCT’s 30 Laurel Street offices in Hartford on June 17
following the board of directors’ official action.
During the past year, several local independent United
Ways previously affiliated with UWCA voted to dissolve, or
are in the process of dissolving their independent corporate
status, to become a part of one governing body better
equipped to deal with the increasing demands of accountability and resource distribution.
Local regional advisory boards will continue to work in
communities including the Windham region, New Britain,
Berlin, Avon, Canton, and Greater Enfield. The regions will
do business under local geographic identifiers, Windham
Region United Way, United Way of New Britain and Berlin,
Avon United Way, Canton United Way, and United Way of
North Central Connecticut.
“We are changing to be a more streamlined organization
that can best meet the growing needs of our region,” said
Necci. “What will not change is our commitment to
improving lives and changing
conditions in local communities thanks to committed,
engaged and enthusiastic local
volunteers. As a result of these
changes, we can continue this
work, but without an additional
administrative layer,” he added.
“What will not change is our
commitment to improving lives
and changing conditions in
local communities thanks to
committed, engaged and
enthusiastic local volunteers.”
“United Way of Central and
Northeastern Connecticut’s
Raymond P. Necci, chairman of the board
new name reflects a change to
of directors, United Way of Central and
one regional organization with
Northeastern Connecticut.
one governing body working
together to engage people to improve lives and change
conditions in local communities,” said Susan B. Dunn,
president and CEO of UWCNCT.
groceries and assisting customers as needed. FAVARH
helped her secure the position but she is now employed
independently with agency staff checking in occasionally to
monitor her performance.
“I’ve learned that I really am a great artist and more!” said
Jen. In fact, Jen has gained a new perspective on life thanks
to the support of a Community Investment partner agency.
FAVARH is one of seven Community Investment-supported
organizations that serve hundreds of people with intellectual
disabilities in central and northeastern Connecticut.
From left: Jennifer Minietti works on another piece of her artwork alongside her art teacher, Rick Stanton.
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Strengthening Families
The Village for Families and Children
Receives Dr. Frederick G. Adams Award
nited Way of Central and Northeastern
Connecticut (UWCNCT) awarded its 12th annual
Dr. Frederick G. Adams Award to The Village for Families and
Children of Hartford’s Family Financial Leadership Program.
The Adams Award is named in memory of Dr. Frederick G.
Adams, United Way board member and friend of the Hartford
community. Dr. Adams was a longtime volunteer and
distinguished community leader whose commitment and
contributions to health and human services, philanthropy,
and human rights were tragically cut short in 1996 by
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou
Gehrig’s disease.
Dr. Galo Rodriguez, president and CEO of The Village,
accepted the award on behalf of the agency’s Family Financial
Leadership Program. The $5,000 grant for further program
enhancement was sponsored by MassMutual Financial Group.
“The Village is very proud to receive this award,” said
Rodriguez. “We appreciate the recognition of our family
services organization and are honored to be acknowledged
for the work we do,” he added.
Each year, UWCNCT presents the award to a nonprofit
program that provides outstanding service to the community
in a community priority area. This year’s award focused on
programs helping families to increase their financial stability
by increasing their earnings and sustaining assets.
The Village’s Family Financial Literacy Program was selected
by an all-volunteer committee from 16 nominees based on
its efficient and effective delivery of a comprehensive set of
services that help families become more financially stable.
The program offers volunteer income tax assistance and
education and outreach on the federal Earned Income
Tax Credit in addition to helping clients set up individual
development, or matched savings, accounts. The Family
Financial Literacy Program also offers budget coaching and
financial education programs on such topics as home buying,
credit management, spending plans, taxes, and predatory
lending. The program also collaborates with the state
Department of Social Services and with other nonprofits
to meet new client needs without duplication of effort.
Receiving this year’s honorable mention designations were:
Manchester Area Conference of Churches’ Self-Select Food
Pantry and Community Renewal Team’s Financial Literacy
and Asset Building Program.
Impact Summer|Fall 08
The Village for Families and Children has received the 12th annual Dr. Frederick G. Adams Award from United
Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut (UWCNCT) for its Family Financial Literacy Program. From left:
Richard M. Kaplan, Esq., chairman of the board of The Village; Susan B. Dunn, president and CEO of UWCNCT;
David McGhee, coordinator of The Village’s Family Financial Literacy Program; Dr. Galo Rodriguez, president and
CEO of The Village; and Raymond P. Necci, chairman of the board of UWCNCT.
Give a little. Get a lot.
Introducing the Caring Club
Give a little: By increasing your Community Investment contribution by just
$1 a week or more, you qualify for the Club, earning special discounts at
regional and national retailers. Just provide your home and home email
addresses when you pledge and you’ll receive a login and password for
online coupons and more beginning in February, 2009. For a list of our
retail partners, visit
Get a lot: You will receive discounts on food, entertainment, and valuable
services at over 50 regional and national retailers, restaurants, services and
more. The best part is that Caring Club members will be kept informed
quarterly about how your Community Investment contribution is
helping others in your community.
For questions about the Caring Club,
contact Kelly Biggins at 860-493-6852
or via email at
Ensuring Children are Successful
Common Sense Parenting–
Learning Starts at Home
earning how to accept “no” for an answer can be
challenging for children of all ages. Developing such
skills is part of how children learn to get along with others–setting the groundwork for success in school and
Research has shown that for children to be successful in
school, it is important that their parents are actively involved
in their children’s education. This includes such activities as
helping with homework, attending parent-teacher conferences
and participating in school committees. And, it’s important
that parents and teachers are consistent in their approach to
helping children develop, and manage, appropriate behavior.
Susan Vater, co-director of the Institute for Successful Families
at The Village for Families and Children, a United Way
Community Investment partner agency located in Hartford,
agrees that a child’s development is best supported when
parents and teachers act as partners in a child’s education,
so they are speaking the same language.
“It is important for all people, parents, teachers, caregivers
to interact with children positively,” said Vater.
Towards this goal, Windham Region United Way launched
a partnership to offer Nebraska-based Boys Town’s Common
Sense Parenting (CSP) program to parents in collaboration
with Windham Public Schools, The Village for Families and
Children and the Windham Parent Network. The partnership
trains Windham Public Schools’ staff and parents to provide
parenting classes in English and Spanish. It is expected the
classes will result in improvements in parenting skills and
ultimately lead to higher academic success for the children
of program participants.
“The potential for this program is terrific,” said Vater. “It really
gives parents the skills they need and can take with them to
help in their child’s development. It’s like equipping them
with a tool belt to help their kids,” she added.
CSP is designed to empower parents with skills such as
establishing consistent expectations and consequences.
Specifically, participants learn three primary facets of effective
parenting: effective praise; preventive teaching; and, corrective
teaching. Parents also learn effective techniques for staying
calm, demonstrating self-control, identifying moments
where they can explain something they’ve learned in class
and prioritizing behavior change.
Bill Stover, director of No Child Left Behind/Supplemental
Education Services in the Windham Public School District is
a volunteer member of the partnership who has recruited 18
parents to be trained to help other parents learn the techniques
of CSP. These sessions have been very successful as caregivers who participated are implementing these techniques
into their daily interactions with their children.
For More Information
Windham Region United Way
(860) 456-0188
“We know children change all the time,” said Stover. “This
course taught the participants practical skills that we can
use to really elicit better communication with our kids.”
Mabell Rosado, administrative secretary of the Windham
Public School District, and a parent, attended the CSP program
and echoed Stover’s sentiments.
“It was really interesting,” said Rosado. “It showed us, as parents,
how to communicate better with our children. We learned
that how we say things to our children, affects how they
respond to us.”
Rosado added she has already had some success with her own
children as a result of the program. She is looking forward
to sharing what she has learned with other parents in the
“I’ve used the techniques such as praising them when they
do something well,” said Rosado. “Now my kids actually
make their own snacks for school versus me having to
make them for them.”
Stover went on to say that there are many challenges facing
families in terms of parent-child communication. Many
people are tired after a long day of work and they let television and computers babysit the kids instead of talking
with them or helping them with homework.
“The potential for this
program is terrific…
It really gives parents
the skills they need
and can take with
them to help in
their child’s
Susan Vater, co-director of
the Institute for Successful
Families at The Village for
Families and Children
“This is a very positive program that teaches us how to use
watching TV, texting, talking on the phone, using the computer
as privileges the kids earn,” said Stover. “No matter what
background you are coming from, the common sense solutions in this program can benefit any parent,” said Stover.
Both Stover and Rosado will be attending the upcoming
train-the-trainer sessions this fall. They hope to team-teach
Common Sense Parenting, modeling the desired schoolhome partnership. Ultimately, with a strengthened relationship between school staff and parents and improved parenting
skills children will enjoy a higher level of success in school…
it’s just common sense.
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Safety Net of Services
Volunteering to
Reduce Hunger and
For More Information
United Way of
New Britain and Berlin
(860) 223-9294
“If we can help
more people
become self
the whole
Mike Bartley, board of
directors, United Way of
New Britain and Berlin.
aking a difference is important to Mike Bartley.
He feels best when he’s helping others in his
community with the most basic of needs–food and shelter.
long term goal for these initiatives,” said Bartley. “I feel if we
tie in employers to this, then more people will be able to get
jobs, provide for themselves.” he added.
“It is extra rewarding to me to be playing a meaningful role
in helping people who need it the most,” said Bartley.
The issue of food security, or hunger, has been accompanied
by increased attention given to homelessness in New Britain.
Community leaders have made a commitment to end
homelessness in the city. The three components of the Mayor’s
Work Plan to End Homelessness include: expanding
affordable housing; connecting individuals with job skills
and local employers; and coordinating expanded homelessness prevention strategies.
In his day job, Bartley is the regional job center director at
the Connecticut Department of Labor and oversees the
State Department of Labor Job Centers in New Britain,
Middletown and Meriden. Besides helping others prepare
for job interviews, organize resumes, and hone their interviewing skills, he is a board member of United Way of New
Britain and Berlin (UWNBB). He serves on the steering
committee for the New Britain Food Security Collaborative.
In addition, he is the Employment Committee co-chair for
the Mayor’s Work Plan to End Homelessness in New Britain.
In all of these volunteer roles, Mike is involved in developing
innovative approaches to reduce hunger and homelessness.
Recent statistics from United Way’s 2-1-1 indicate that
individuals are looking for food assistance at a higher level
compared to last year at this time. More than 600 people
called 2-1-1 inquiring about food which is a 32% increase
from August of 2007.
A recent statewide report ranked New Britain 168 out of 169
towns for food security. United Way took the lead in
facilitating strategies to assist families facing a shortage of
nutritious, affordable food. As a result, the New Britain
Food Security Collaborative (NBFSC) was formed to
address the underlying causes of food insecurity in the city.
NBFSC aims to connect people to resources that will help
them improve their financial security and eliminate their
need for crisis services. The group has created the New
Britain Food and Resource Center, scheduled to open later
this fall to provide both a food pantry and access to services
leading to financial stability. Bartley is part of a smaller
steering committee on the NBFSC along with other
UWNBB board members, Enrique Juncadella, Carol Zesut
and Barbara Kirejczyk, who chairs the committee.
“Improving food security is a front burner issue in our
community and seeing people become self sufficient is a
Impact Summer|Fall 08
“Kicking around ideas about a facility that is more than just
a food pantry as well as developing a homeless liaison position is exciting,” said Bartley. “And now touring a facility for
that pantry and seeing the liaison position being filled is
huge,” he added. “Mary Floyd, who is well respected in the
community and who has an excellent grasp of the obstacles
that we need to overcome to solve these problems, will do
a great job as our homeless liaison and we are thrilled to
have her in this position,” Bartley said.
“It’s really a team effort. I got involved because I have an
interest in helping people become self sufficient. I’m still
learning. I look for areas I can contribute, and pick my
spots where I think I can offer something. The biggest
challenge is tying the good work of the various committees
on homelessness together in a cohesive way. It’s one giant
jigsaw puzzle,” he added.
However, Bartley believes that with all the change he’s seen
in the past year, in five years he thinks even greater changes
will be a reality.
“I hope to see the person in the homelessness liaison position
firmly entrenched in the community and a seamless system
with a plan in place for helping end homelessness,” said Bartley.
“I’d also like to see the proposed food and resource pantry
in the north end of the city embraced by the community.
I think the more people we can help, the fewer people
that will need to go to a pantry for food. If we can help
more people become self sufficient, the whole community
benefits,” said Bartley.
2008 United Way Community
Campaign Goal Announced
Give Hope. Give.
ith the help and support of everyone, I know we
can hit a grand slam, surpass this goal and provide
help to lend a hand to those in need in our
community,” 2008 United Way Community Campaign
chairman Doug Elliot said as he unveiled this year’s $28.4
million goal. The 2008 campaign goal is $1.2 million higher
than last year’s and 2.6% more than the $27,678,042
announced at last year’s Victory celebration.
Elliot, president and chief executive officer of Hartford Steam
Boiler slowly rose to the third story of United Way’s building
on Laurel Street in Hartford in a Connecticut Light & Power
bucket truck to reveal the goal on September 5th, the official
campaign kick-off and 17th annual Day of Caring (see
photos on pages 10-11).
Elliot stood high above the 150 campaign volunteers, community leaders and nonprofit partners as he threw out the
first pitch of the campaign in announcing the goal. “While
this is an aggressive goal, I know we can meet and exceed
this,” said Elliot. “We have the enthusiasm and determination
to swing for the fences and hit it out of the park.”
Elliot is a member of the University of Connecticut baseball
Hall-of-Fame and has about 30 years of experience catching
whatever is thrown his way, including chairing the 2008
United Way Community Campaign.
“We have the enthusiasm and
determination to swing for the
fences and hit it out of the
Doug Elliot, chairman, 2008 United Way
Community Campaign.
The United Way Community Campaign is the largest annual
health and human service fund-raising effort in Connecticut
and second largest in New England. The annual United
Way Community Campaign raises resources in more than
900 workplaces throughout the region to support programs
and services of United Way of Central and Northeastern
Connecticut and Community Health Charities of New
England. Details of how campaign funds change lives and
improve community conditions can be found at
Above: On September 5th, 2008 United Way Community Campaign chairman, Doug Elliot, president and
CEO of Hartford Steam Boiler, announced the campaign goal of $28,400,000, while two stories high at
United Way’s offices at 30 Laurel Street in Hartford.
2008 United Way
Community Campaign Cabinet
Doug Elliot
Kevin Flaherty
Paul Pita
President and Chief Executive
Officer, Hartford Steam Boiler
2008 United Way Community
Campaign Chairman
Sovereign Bank
Pita Communications
Mickey Herbert
Dr. Galo Rodriguez
Jack Allen
Carl Johnson
The Village for Families
& Children, Inc.
Westinghouse Electric Company
Blum Shapiro & Company
Earl Schofield
Dean Andrews
Orlando Kirton, M.D.
District 26 IAMAW/
Pratt & Whitney
Bank of America
Hartford Hospital
Howard Carver
Gary Kozak
Ernst & Young (retired)
Community Health Charities
of New England
Wendy Warring
Stephen Lindsey
Connecticut Children’s
Medical Center
Paul D’Addabbo
Insurance Associates, Inc.
Doreen Spadorcia
Unison Engine Components
Eric Daniels
Robinson & Cole LLP
Shaun Mathews
Michael Zimmerman
Permatex, Inc.
ING U.S. Financial Services
Brad Drazen
NBC 30
Michael Meotti
Michael Dumais
Connecticut Department
of Higher Education
Hamilton Sundstrand
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Friday, September 5, 2008, marked the record-breaking 17th annual Day of Caring.
More than 5,000 workplace volunteers, a 20% increase over last year, representing
75 local companies stepped up to the plate at 350 project sites hosted by 164
nonprofit organizations throughout central and northeastern Connecticut.
Above: Brad Drazen, morning anchor
at NBC 30 and the 2008 United Way
Community Campaign Special Gifts
chair, emcees the 2008 United Way
Community Campaign kickoff where
this year’s goal of $28.4 million was
Above: Elyssa Haber and
John Muzzuli, from the
Hartford Courant, stocked
shelves at the Salvation
Army in Hartford.
Above, from left: David
Laroche and Mike Meczywor,
Hamilton Sundstrand
employees, washed some of
the buildings at Bloomfield’s
Auer Farm.
Above: Beth Stafford, from Manchester Area
Conference of Churches, looks on as Paul Kuehn,
of Northeast Utilities, addresses audience members
at Kickoff to thank them for their participation
in the event. Beth and Paul are the co-chairs of
the 17th annual Day of Caring.
Right, from left: James Tyler
and Mark Packard, of
Northeast Utilities, helped
with pulling weeds at
Riverfront Recapture in
Above, from left: Daniel Moskey, The Phoenix; Martin Gavin, Connecticut
Children’s Medical Center; Susan B. Dunn, United Way of Central and
Northeastern Connecticut; Douglas G. Elliot, The Hartford Steam Boiler
Inspection and Insurance Company, Shirley Payne, Northeast Utilities;
Michael R. Dumais, Hamilton Sundstrand; Beth Stafford, Manchester
Area Conference of Churches; Paul Kuehn, Northeast Utilities; and
Dona D. Young, The Phoenix, at Riverfront Recapture, Hartford.
Above: TD Banknorth employee volunteer,
Abner Martinez, sorted clothes for children
at The Village for Families and Children in
Above: Chantae Anderson of Cigna, planted
flowers at Oak Hill in Hartford.
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Activities included serving food at soup kitchens, harvesting food for food banks, painting group homes,
playing games with senior citizens and reading stories with children. Day of Caring gives workplace volunteers
the chance to see firsthand where and how their contributions, given through the Community Campaign, are
put to good use in the communities in which they work or live.
Above: UTC Fire & Security employee,
Laura Bruhn, paints the walls a bright
yellow at the YMCA in New Britain.
Above: Daniel Matecki and Elissa Kluiko,
both employees of ING, helped put a
fresh coat of varnish on a bench in
Hartford’s Bushnell Park.
Above: Mike Miller,
Pratt & Whitney
employee, peels
some onions at
MACC in Manchester.
From left: Darlene
Sawcysyn and
Amelia Grenier, who
work at Hartford
Hospital, helped
plant flowers at
CCARC in New
From left: Tina Wright, Denise Salzillo,
Julie Lesmes, and Jennifer Sanders, all
Cigna employees, picked vegetables from
the garden at Auer Farm in Bloomfield.
Above: The Hartford’s Kevin
Gilbert wheeled around weeds
in the garden at Auer Farm in
Above: Linda Korte,
volunteering from
Hilb Rogal & Hobs,
spent the day
assisting kids with
their art projects at
Organized Parents
Make A Difference
in Hartford.
Above: Jim Lovelace, of SBLI, trimmed
shrubbery at the Windsor Historical
From left: Michael Maznio, an employee
of UTC Corporate, sanded the frame of
Hartford’s Bushnell Park Carousel.
Above: Yvette Fung and Kristyn Neal, Aetna employees, washed
the windows of the YWCA New Britain facility.
Impact Summer|Fall 08
The United Way Tocqueville Society is named after the French historian, Alexis de Tocqueville,
who so admired the generosity of Americans and their willingness to help one another in times
of need with open hearts and with no thought of reward. In the nineteenth century, he toured
America and was greatly moved by the country’s spirit of voluntary effort for the common good.
Thank you for continuing this legacy of giving.
Members of the society are recognized for their gift of $10,000 or more
in the local United Way Tocqueville Society and Constitution Society
membership roster and in the annual United Way of America national
registry. Nationwide, there are nearly 28,000 members of the United Way
Tocqueville Society from 498 communities. Their contributions total more
than $505 million cumulative dollars for health and human services.
For the 2007 United Way Community Campaign, United Way Tocqueville Society
members’ gifts totaled nearly $5.8 million, or 21 percent of all dollars raised
through the annual campaign.
Under the leadership of Howard L. Carver, John Chu and Thomas A. McEachin,
121 individuals became members of the United Way Tocqueville Society
for the first time in 2007, bringing the total number of members to 360.
We wish to thank each of these donors for their commitment to our
community and for their outstanding leadership.
Impact Summer|Fall 08
United Way Tocqueville Society Top Corporations
United Technologies Family of Companies
The Phoenix Companies
Aetna Inc.
The Hartford Financial Services Group
Northeast Utilities System
Chase Enterprises
The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection
and Insurance Company
Day Pitney LLP
Deloitte & Touche
Ernst & Young LLP
MassMutual Financial Group
Webster Bank
Bank of America
Shipman & Goodwin
Women’s Health/Evolution Benefits
American Nuclear Insurers
Anocoil Corporation
Blum Shapiro & Company P.C.
Chubb Specialty Insurance
ConnectiCare, Inc.
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Conning and Company
Dowling & Partners Securities LLP
Farmington Savings Bank
Hartford City Departments
Hartford Seminary
Hilb Rogal & Hobbs
Konover Investments Company
Levy & Droney
Lincoln Financial Group
Message Center Management
OKAY Industries, Inc.
People’s United Bank
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Smith Barney
Stanley Works
United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut
United Way Community Campaign 2007
Tocqueville Society
La Société Nationale
Annual Gifts of $100,000 to $249,999
United Way Tocqueville
Society members are
recognized for their leadership
and commitment at the
following levels:
The Mathews Family★★
Ordre de Fraternité
Annual Gifts of $75,000 to $99,999
Membres de la Société
Annual Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999
Robert C. Vance Foundation★★★
Dona & Roland Young★★★
Ordre de Liberté
Annual Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Ordre d’Egalité
Annual Gifts of $50,000 to $74,999
Ordre d’Egalité
Ordre de Fraternité
Annual Gifts of $75,000 to $99,999
The Beatrice Fox Auerbach
Foundation Fund at the Hartford
Foundation for Public Giving★★★
Bill Bucknall★★★
Howard & Sue Carver★★★
Sharon & Stephen Finger★★
Grant & Christine Kurtz★★
Nancy & Bill Trachsel★★★
Annual gifts of $50,000 to $74,999
La Société Nationale
Annual Gifts of $100,000 to
Ordre d’Indépendance
Annual Gifts of $250,000 to
Ordre de Connaissance
Annual Gifts of $500,000 to
One donor who wishes
to remain anonymous.
Ordre de Prospérité
Annual Gifts of $750,000 to
Ordre de Liberté
Annual gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
La Table Ronde
d’un Million de Dollars
Annual Gifts of one million dollars
or more
★Constitution Society member for 5 or more years
David L. Albrycht★
Samuel Austin
Ari & Helene Bousbib★★
Bill & Kathy Bromage★★
Mary & Edward Budd★★★
Sara & David Carson★★★
Louis & Debra Chênevert★★
Kevin & Jenny Collins
Sue Collins★
Donna & Géraud Darnis★
George David★★★
Vincent Dowling Family Foundation★
Nelson & Mary Evans
Emmy & Steve Fast★★
Ross & John Fischer
Paul & Mary Fox★★
Donald & Jean Frahm★★
Howard & Sandra Fromson★★
Nancy H. & Frank T. Gencarelli
Jane & Stephen Gresham
Michael E. Haylon & Carol Dupuis★★
John K. & Jocelyn A. Hillman
Jeff Jones
Todd & Sarah Kallman★
Kevin & Kathleen Kimbrough
Douglas & Gale Koch
Michele & Dane Kostin★★
★★Constitution Society member for 10 or more years
Karl J. Krapek★★★
Bob & Betty-Lou Kullas★★★
Joan & John LaGrasse
Brian & Kim Laubacker
Robert & Jill Lautensack★★★
Kevin A. Lawler, CFP & Marie Lawler
Brian & Kathy MacLean★★
Tom & Michelle Marra★★★
Joan & Michael Monts★★
Rich & Julie Newcomb
Bob & Chelsea Nienaber
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery J. Nook
Dennis Oakes & Debra Rahn-Oakes★
Oliver Patrell
Philip & Julie Polkinghorn
Mrs. Millard H. Pryor, Jr.★★★
Gerald Ray
Rob & Anne Rooney
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russell★★★
Tom & Susan Rutledge
Chuck & Chris Shivery★
Sam & Cathy Sokolosky★
Kate & Tom Sullivan★★
John M. & Carol A. Trani★★
H. Alex Vance, Jr.★★★
Jim & Tammy Wehr★★
Palmer & Betsy Williams
Ron & Cynthia Williams★
Charles & Lee Klippel
Ken & Linda Knight★
Ray & Donna Kurlak★★
Jay & Sandy Lapointe★
Jean & Richard LaVecchia★★★
Bob & Jeanne Leduc★★
Nancy & Michael Lintner★
Bonnie & Ed Malley★★
Daniel & Eileen Moskey
Steve & Gina Collopy O’Connell★
Dr. Wayne Rawlins & Janet Flagg★★★
Jean & Jack Sharry★
Tutch & Early Shirane★★
Robert & Janel Simpson
Jim & Cathy Smith★★
Margaret M. Smyth
Doreen Spadorcia &
Richard Cavo★★
J and K Thomas Foundation★★★
Paul M. Thomson &
Dr. Karen R. Craparo★★
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L.
Trockenbrot, III
Four donors who wish
to remain anonymous.
Joe & Cindy Adams★
Paul & Linda Adams★
Ajay Agrawal
John & Sue Albano★
Margot & Lee Allison★★★
Elizabeth B. Amato
Ted & Micha Amyuni★
Ramani & Louise Ayer★★★
George R. Aylward, Jr.★
Charles & Jeanne Balawajder★
Chuck & Cathy Bashaw★★★
Gary & Mary Beagin★★
John & Susan Beers★★
Maxwell & Sally Belding★★★
Jay & Jeanne Benet★★★
Jeffrey & Deborah Berg
John & Lisa Bermel★
Andy & Cheryl Bessette
John & Susanne Bevacqua★
Ed & Tina Beyer★
Diane & Larry Biskupiak★★
Warren Boley & Nancy Loughlin★
Richard & Barbara Booth★★★
Christine & Matthew Bromberg★
Membres de la Société
Annual gifts of $20,000 to $24,999
Cynthia Bates & Jonathan Russell★★
Chester Paul & Pamela Beach★★
Carole & Dick Bondi★
Mr. & Mrs. Terryn J. Boucher★
J. Thomas Bowler, Jr.★
Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Callen★
Robert & Mary Beth Cardin★
Diana & Ed Cassidy
Stephan & Francine Christiansen
Thomas & Kristen Culbertson
Ed & Eileen Dempsey★★★
Greg & Jean DeSantis★★★
Patricia & Sean Egan★★
Marilda Gándara & Scott O’Keefe★★★
J. Dean & Sharon L. Garber
Darlene & Robert Hermann★★★
David & Lori Hess★★★
Terry & Linda Kaltenbach
Richard & Catherine Kaplan★★★
★★★Constitution Society member for 15 or more years
Seven donors who wish
to remain anonymous.
Membres de la Société
Annual gifts of $10,000 to $19,999
| † Deceased
Impact Summer|Fall 08
United Way Community Campaign 2007
Tocqueville Society
Michael O. Brown★
William M. Brown
Ron & Janet Bruehlman★★
Thomas & Amanda Buckingham★
Greg & Nancy Butler★
Christopher & Katherine Campbell
Deborah & Wright Carreau★★
Diane & David Carter★★
Jennifer & Russell Caruso★
William J. Casazza★
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Castellani
Kathy & Don Cawley★★
Lynne & Michael Cefole★
Dan & Sue Chambers
Dennis M. Charest
The Cheryl Chase &
Stuart Bear Family Foundation★★
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Chase★★★
Sandra & Arnold Chase★★
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cheshire★★
Peter & Jay Christman★
John Chu & Tina Eng
Pamela Churchill
Carol S. Clapp★★
Jerry Clark
David & Wendy Clarke★★
Nelson & Maria Correa★
Rick & Jane Costello★
Bennett & Stephanie Croswell★
William & Sandra Cunningham★
Michael & Mary Curran★
Nancy & Charles Curtiss★★
James & Nancy Davis★★
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Davis★
The deCastro Family★
Ronnie & Ray Deck★★★
James & Wendy Desrochers★
Edith & Giuliano Di Francesco★★
Lou & Donna DiGiacomo
Heidi & Dave Dirgins★
John & Joyce Donahue★★
John & Doreen Doucette★
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Duffy★
Michael & Diane Dumais★
Susan & Ned Dunn, Jr.★★★
Doug & Sheila Elliot★★
Kevin & Rosemary Farrell★
Ted & Claudia Fetterman★★★
Barbara L. Flynn★★★
Gerald Garfield & Whitney Whitaker★
Linda & Jim Geisler★★
Peter & Marianne Gerali
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Charles D. Gill
Barbara & Jack Gillies★★★
Lynda Godkin & Ken Hickey★★
Blanche & Steven Goldenberg★★
The Gontero Family★
Jerald & Linda Gooden★
Peter & Cynthia Gutermann★
James Hamilton★★
The Russell G. Hartmann
Family Foundation★★
Charles & Mary Harvell
Gregory & Renata Hayes★
Jennifer & John Healy★
Tim & Lisa Heaney
Mickey & Jackie Herbert
Stephanie P. Hicks
Marcia & John Hincks★★★
Donna & Robert Hobbs★★
Gregory & Barbara Howey★★
Thomas C. Hutton★★
Kurt Jablonski & Abha Patel★
Margaret & David Johnson★
Brenda Johnston
Shashi & Akhil Johri★
Larry & Beverly Jones★★
Tom & Sara Jones
James & Suzanne Keenan★
Gerald & Kimberly Kent★★
Paula & Greg Kern
Susan & Robert Kinney★★
Joel M. & Naomi Baline Kleinman★★
Jim & Pam Kohan★
Kohn-Joseloff Foundation
Doris & Simon Konover★
Paul & Amy Kraft
Kris & Meera Krishnan★
Anne & Karl L. Kuhn★★★
Thomas & Letha Kunkel★
Joe & Marisue Lacher★
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Langenus★★
Jean C. LaTorre★
Gary A. Long
Christina & Peter Longo★★★
Worth Loomis★★★
John & Tamara Lundgren
J. David Mahder★
David & Sherri-Ann Martin★
The John G. Martin Foundation★★★
Richard & Lisa Martin★
Thomas & April Martocci★
John & Robin McCormack
Ken & Linda McCullum★★
Don McDonald
The McEachin Family★
David & Shannon McHale★
Edward & Trina McHugh★
Tom & Debbie McInerney★★
Ron & Mary McKenna★
J. Michael & Sharon Page McQuade
Maxine & Ray Moncini★★
Sally M. Davis & Larry O. Moore★
Diana L. Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Murphy†
Raymond & Mary Necci★
Thomas & Jeanne O’Donnell
Robert & Rosanne O’Hara★
Louis & Rhoda Obermeier★★★
Lee & Bernadette Olivier★
Stephen G. Oswald ★
Gail & Reg Paige★
David Parekh
Ken & Tracy Parks★
Robert & Margaret Patricelli★★★
Pamela & John Patrick★
Agnes S. & William R. Peelle, Jr.★★★
Steve & Lisa Peery
David Pellerin & Catherine Marx★
Elizabeth Pendleton★★
Brewster & Judith Perkins★★★
Mr. & Mrs. David Porter★
Gregory & Catherine Powers★
Jothi & Kokila Purushotaman★★
Al & Sheila Quirk★★
Ron & Berni Rand
Zafar Rashid
Bill Reynolds
Jill Ricci
Christopher & Peggy Rice★
Tracy L. Rich★
Raquel Rivera★
Keith & Carolyn Rivers★★
Jim & Janice Robb
Paul & Maureen Robert★★★
Joseph & Deanne Rokowski
Lauren L. McGregor &
George J. Romanik★★
Kelly & Joseph Romano
Bill & Donna Rosenkrans★★
Dan & Julie Rush★
David & Betsy Sams★★★
Joseph A. Santos &
Madonna Santos★
Martin & Holly Schafer
Earl J. Schofield★★
Fred & Beth Schwarz★★★
Don & Susie Schwegman
Noreen Shugrue &
Kevin Kenzenkovic★★
Carol & Jim Sicilian★★★
Penny & Steve Sigal★★
Lon & Susan Smith★★
Michael D. Smith★★
Dan & Sue Smytka
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Soucy★★
Roger & Marcy Stamm★
Donna & Bill Striebe★
John P. Sullivan
Cynthia Karen Swank
Lisa & David Szewczul★★
Helaine & Chief Charles A. Teale, Sr.★
Raif & Lisa Todd
Joseph & Irene Triompo★★
Jan & Lynn van Dokkum★
Allan J. Vartelas★
Leon & Christine Veretto★★
Wendy Warring & Troyen Brennan
Rick & Kristi Warters★★
Dr. & Mrs. Graham Webb
L. Renee Welsh &
Michael G. DeGasperi★★
Eileen Whelley
Randy & Sandy Wilcox
Joan & Bill Wilde★★★
Brenda & Christopher Wilkos★★
Jean & Don Wilson★★★
Anna & Doug Winkler
Erol & Debbi Woods
William E. & Heidi A. Wrang, III★★★
Elease & Dana Wright★★
The Wu Family★★
Cindy & Ron Zabinski★
The Zachs Family Foundation, Inc.★★
Deborah & Peter Zawisza★
Lizabeth & Richard Zlatkus★★
Linda & Walter Zultowski★★
Twenty-one donors who wish
to remain anonymous.
2007 Membership Milestones
The United Way Community Campaign gratefully recognizes the following committed donors marking their 10th and
15th year as members of the United Way Tocqueville and Constitution Societies with their gift to the 2007 campaign.
United Way
Tocqueville Society
15 Year Members
United Way
Constitution Society
15 Year Members
United Way
Constitution Society
10 Year Members
Ramani & Louise Ayer
Maxwell & Sally Belding
Jay & Jeanne Benet
Greg & Jean DeSantis
Ted & Claudia Fetterman
Barbara & Jack Gillies
David & Lori Hess
Richard & Catherine Kaplan
Anne & Karl L. Kuhn
Bob & Betty-Lou Kullas
Tom & Michelle Marra
Dr. Wayne Rawlins &
Janet Flagg
Paul & Maureen Robert
David & Betsy Sams
Fred & Beth Schwarz
H. Alex Vance, Jr.
Scott & Patty Belden
Ed & Julie Charlebois
Gary Dahms
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H.
Deming, Jr.
Dave & Dianne Doot
Timothy Fitch &
Ann Sheldon
Robert & Gail Hayter
Lois & Allan Hutensky
Johnson Family Foundation
W.H. Judd, Jr.
John & Katherine Keane
Kevin & Marianne Lawlor
Bill & Deana Leikin
Paul R. McCary
E. Merritt McDonough
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Dave & Lauri Miller
Don & Julie Nichols
Gregory W. Nye
Roberta O’Brien &
Alfred Stimpson
Michael J. &
Marilou K. O’Hara
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Packard
Mrs. William R. Peelle, Sr.
Elizabeth & Michael Reilly
Jeanne F. Schoen
Steven & Elyse Slitt
Joan & Ken Stubenrauch
Ruth M. Tupper
George & Laura Turner
Jim & Jeanne Ward
Anne H. & Daniel E. Webb
Pete & Brenda Wertsching
Janene & Rob Willsey
Martin Wolman
Robert K. Yass &
Mary-Jane Eisen
Barbara & Albert Zakarian
John C. & Patricia E. Ash
Evelyn Bacon
Jean & Norman Bartlett
The Bates Family
Susan Battjes
Robert S. Benden &
Catherine M. Sullivan
David & Janice Berg
Bill & Carol Beyerly
Kenneth R. Blaschke, Jr.
Bert Bolle & Nancy Clavette
Michelle & Jim Bowman
Esther & William Boyes
Andrew & Dorothy Brindisi
Thomas Buchberger &
Karen Klingensmith
Len & Maureen Carlson
Coleman H. &
Jo Champlin Casey
Louie Chapman, Jr. &
Julie N. Chapman
Gary & Kathleen Christman
Thomas P. &
Mary Ellen Cody
Amy & Daniel Colasante
Kacy Colston
Marilyn & Dale Comey
John & Teresa Connelly
Mrs. Michael A. Connor, Jr.
Katherine & Kevin Conway
Katharine G. Creedon
Alden B. Davis
Scott W. Davis
Debra DeNardis
Faye Dion &
Michael Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Dionne
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M.
Tom & Bobbi Dudeck
Gant & Mona Eckfeldt
Ellen Erway &
Phoebe Evans
Lynn M. Ferris
David & Helga Findley
Lisa & Paul Finklestein
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Flaherty
Tricia & David Foley
William & Deanie Forthofer
Robert M. Garneau
Paula S. Gilberto
One donor who wishes
to remain anonymous.
United Way
Tocqueville Society
10 Year Members
Cynthia Bates &
Jonathan Russell
Gary & Mary Beagin
John & Susan Beers
Deborah & Wright Carreau
Diane & David Carter
James & Nancy Davis
Edith & Giuliano
Di Francesco
Doug & Sheila Elliot
Linda & Jim Geisler
The Russell G. Hartmann
Family Foundation
Thomas C. Hutton
Larry & Beverly Jones
Gerald & Kimberly Kent
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Langenus
Bonnie & Ed Malley
Tutch & Early Shirane
Penny & Steve Sigal
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Soucy
Paul M. Thomson & Dr.
Karen A. Craparo
Brenda & Christopher Wilkos
Elease & Dana Wright
Lizabeth & Richard Zlatkus
Linda & Walter Zultowski
Two donors who wish
to remain anonymous.
One donor who wishes
to remain anonymous.
Mr. & Mrs. James C.
Gorman, Jr.
Wayne & Roxanne Gowdy
Garth & Tannie Groves
Dinesh & Alka Gupta
Walter & Dianne Harrison
Michael Hawman
Paul Hebert & Family
Susan Hoffnagle
Lisa & Ed Hood
Dale & Isabel Hovey
Lorraine S. Hritcko
Tom & Denise Johnston
Tom & Marianne Kalmbach
Patty & Steve Kelley
Judith & Richard Keppelman
Bill & Jacki Keyes
Dr. & Mrs. Lester D.
Kerry & Stan Kuhlman
Mark & Cheli Lange
Kathleen & Brian Lindroth
Linda & Bob Liptrot
Dan & Jackie Marzi
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mayes
Richard & Cheryl McAloon
Michael & Laura McCaffrey
Joe & Bonnie McCartin
Debbie McCleary
Dave & Kate McDonald
& Family
Richard & Kathleen
Patrick & Karen McKenna
Dave & Beth Mercier
Michael & Stacy Mike
Dottie & Peter Moon
Mr. & Mrs. D. Bradley Morse
Scott & Cathy Murphy
Nancy & Hugh Murray
Jackson W. Foley, Jr. &
Saranne P. Murray
Vince & Karen Nardone
Jim & Debra O’Donnell
Mark & Tammy O’Malley
Jim & Judy O’Neil
John J. &
Elizabeth A. Oleksiw
Robert & Mary Jane Oliveiri
Morton K. Pearson
Bernie & Nancy Pelletier
Eugene Pellett
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Poirier
Rennie & David Polk
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Prevost, Jr.
Greg & Karin Reinhardt
Sharon M. Reynolds, Esq.
Ellen & Michael Rizzo
Gerard & Laura Ross
William & Jane Rucci
Dave & Sharon Russell
The Ruszala Family
Frank & Cari Sataline
Steven & Lucia Schiavone
Ed & Susan Shaw
Mike & Karen Shea
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Siegel
The Sisson Family
Janet & Peter Smith
Patrick & Karen Smith
Theodore M. Space
Felix & Helene Springer
Gerard W. & Michele Tarbox
William A. Taylor
Edith & Jim Tresner
Chris Vann
Kathy & Craig Waddington
Stephen H. &
Maria A. Ward
Tizz & Dana Weber
Ken & Karen Wilczewski
Debbie & Gary Zahorodni
Michelle & Mark Zelesky
Susan & James Ziolkowski
Christine Zweigle
Fourteen donors who wish
to remain anonymous.
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Constitution Society 2007
Annual Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
United Way Constitution
Society members are
recognized for their
leadership and commitment
at the following levels:
Tocqueville Society
Annual gifts of
$10,000 or more
Annual gifts of
$5,000 to $9,999
Annual gifts of
$2,500 to $4,999
Annual gifts of
$1,000 to $2,499
Christopher Adams★
Worthington M. Adams★★★
Doug & Sheryl Adkins★
Steve & Jane Agnelli★
Karen & Greg Alcorn★
Robert & Sharon Andersson★
Peter & Cheryl Atwood★★
John & Lauren Bagdasarian★
Michelle & Douglas Balsbough
Dianne L. Barnes
Jim & Mary Barnes★★
Bob & Susan Barnhart
Richard & Deborah Barry
Beth & Michael Barton
Joanne E. Beers★
Alain M. Bellemare
Jerry & Laura Bellizzi★
Carol & Jonathan Bennett★
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Bennett★
David & Janice Berg★★
Mark & Ellen (McGroary)
Eric & Lisa Besman★★
In Honor of Brian Bianchi★
Bert Bolle & Nancy Clavette★★
Craig & Annette Bolt★
Dotty & Paul Bousquet★★
Andrew & Dorothy Brindisi★★
Charles & Carla Brooks
The Browchuk Family
Jon & Doreen Brynga★
Joyce & Harold Buckingham★★★
Richard & Karen Burness★
Anne S. Carey★★
Lou & Pam Carpenter & Family★
Mark & Cheryl Charron★
Jim & Judy Cherry★
Jim & Leigh Clark
Mrs. Robert J. Clark★★★
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Cole★★★
Guy & Julie Colglazier
Eva & Jean Colpin★
Portia & Tim Corbett★
Beverne Cordner
Alex & Jane Corl★★
Cheryl L. Cundall & J. Kevin Farmer★
Brendan Curran
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Kate Dalton
Paul & Bev Deachin★★
Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeMaio★
Mr. & Mrs. G. Sandy Diehl, III★★
John B. Dinius★★★
Deborah R. Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Driscoll★★
Thomas Dudeck★★
Tim Duggan★
Edward & Mary Jo Dunn★
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Dunn★
Roger & Diane Duquenoy★★
Jim & Carle Dwyer
Ken & Lucy Dwyer
Alan & Barbara Eckbreth★★★
Ron & Kathy Enders★★
Patricia K. Erli★
Scott & Mercedes Esposito
Bill & Dana Everett★★
Shawn & Linda Fisher★
Tim & Dina Fisher★
Joe & Diane Foley★
Tricia & David Foley★★
Richard & Theresa Forde★★
Karen & Ken Fox★
Joel & Susan Freedman★★★
Fuller Family Charitable Trust
Don & Roberta Galler
Mark D. Garber★★
Gregory & Laura Garger★
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gates★
Kathy & Marty Gavin
Alice & Greg Gernhardt★
Chiaw Eei Ng Gibson &
Jonathan Gibson★
Mr. & Mrs. Duncan A. Gillis
The Graber-Lipperman Family★
Jill Griffiths & David Keller
Garth & Tannie Groves★★
Evelyn & Jay Haberland★
Fred & Missy Hatfield★
Michael Hawman★★
J. Gregory Haymond
Richard & Andrea Hearn★
Paul Hebert & Family★★
Michael & Julie Hermsen
Ed & Terry Hocevar★
Zack Duzan & Kathleen Hopkins★
Rachel S. Houseman
Dale & Isabel Hovey★★
Mike & Beth Hudson★
Jim & Marlene Ibsen
Ebad Jahangir & Family★
David & Karen Jarmon★
Joseph & Petra Jenkinson★★
Tom & Denise Johnston★★
Mary Ellen & Steve Jones★
Linda Jordano★
Russell & Tamra Joyner
W.H. Judd, Jr.★★★
Ray & Virginia Kaldor
Robert & Bridget Keady★★
Katie & Ross Kearney
Kevin Kearney★
Kim & Phil Keck★
Robert H. Kelly★
John & Ashley Kirkgasser★
Jane & Marlin Knight, Jr.★
Bill Kowalski & Aggie Cahill★
Kerry & Stan Kuhlman★★
Rocky & Bonnie LaPorte★
Daniel C. Lee★
Bill & Deana Leikin★★★
Martha A. Leonard★
Christopher & Karen Lewis
Stephen & Susan Lindsey★★
Linda & Bob Liptrot★★
John & Arlene Lloyd★★
Michael & Laurie Londergan★
Christy & Dave Lybass & Family★
Robert E. & Stacy T. Malecki★★★
Richard & Christine Marcks★
Ken & Nora Marks
Ray & Pam Marra★
Greg & Maria Mascoli★
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mayes★★
Jim & Tricia McCullough★
The Katharine K. McLane &
Henry R. McLane Charitable
Larry & Karen McNamara★
Pamela & Michael Meotti★
Robert K. Merrill★★
Angelo & Pat Messina★★
Brad & Susan Miller★
Dennis & Judith Mills
Corliss & Mark Montesi★
The Montross Family★
Kay D. Mooney★
Peter G. Moore
Natalie & Timothy Morris★
Denis & Heidi Mulcahy
Patricia & Peter Murphy
Nancy & Hugh Murray★★
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Musson★
Susan A. & Joel J. Rottner★★
Jane & Jim Rowan★★★
Mark Rubino
Louis Ursini, Jr.★
Erin & John Santosuosso★
Susan & Joseph Sappington, MD★★★
Elaine Sarsynski
Frank & Cari Sataline★★
Douglas & Elizabeth Scheffel★★
Phil & Bobbi Schmidt★★
Kevin Seabury
Ted & Ellen See★★★
Nicholas Seminara
Steven & Dawn Shane★
Ed & Susan Shaw★★
Catherine E. Shively &
William H. Wilson, Jr.
Paul & Susan Shook★
Rick & Brenda Silva★
Christine & Ross Skelly★
Tim & Carolyn Slapnicka
John & Ann Slyh
Jenny E. Smith★★
Michael W. Smith
Marian Sole
Susan & John Spence★★
John Stantial
Robert Stillman & Leslie Fass★
Mrs. Frances Stanley Stout★★
Dickson & Imelda Suit★
Bea & John Swanson★★
Eric M. Nelson
Jay & Lil Nolan★
Terry Nolan
Paula & Sean O’Brien★
Nicole & Mark O’Rourke★
Patrick J. O’Rourke
Peter R. Oades★★
Ron & Karen Olejniczak★
George & Donna Otten★
Bill & Patty Panetta★★
James & Lisa Patrick
Tom & Natalie Pelland★
Bernie & Nancy Pelletier★★
Abby & Steve Perelman★★
Rodney Powell★
Theresa Ranck★
Carol & George Reider
David & Louise Reilly★
Elizabeth & Michael Reilly★★★
Chris & Monique Rhemer
Bob Rice
The Rosenstock Family★
Tom & Maria Vaccaro★
Debra A. Valentine
Jim & Tracey Van Hoof★★
Barbara Walden & Bill Veronesi★
Bob & Jean Walker★
Craig & Trish Walker★
James F. Walsh
Jim & Jeanne Ward★★★
Cindy & Rich Wasserman★★★
Jeffrey Watt & Family★★
Jeannette & Martin Weichhardt★
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Wenner★
Pete & Brenda Wertsching★★★
Wayne & Melinda Westbrook★
Jennifer M. Whitlow
Susan & Robert Wilkoff
Bill & Barb Willen★
Jeff & Karen Williard★
Martha L. Wofford & John G. Knight
Paul & Joyce Zimmerman★★★
Robert Ferreira & Amy Zinsser★
Forty-two donors who wish
to remain anonymous.
Lynn E. & Martha R. Temple★
Greg & MaryJo Toczydlowski★
Steven J. Tommet★★
Paul & Lynn Trotochaud★
Rick Tuchman &
Cynthia Heering-Tuchman★
“UTC employees care about the communities in which they work and live.
We have a long history of helping our neighbors, and United Way does an
excellent job providing services to those in need in our 40-town region.
United Technologies Tocqueville Society members donated a record $1 million
to the United Way in 2007, increasing membership by over 45%.”
Tutch Shirane, United Technologies Tocqueville Society Chairperson
★Constitution Society member for 5 or more years
★★Constitution Society member for 10 or more years
★★★Constitution Society member for 15 or more years
| † Deceased
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Constitution Society 2007
Annual Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Dennis & Sharon Abbott★★
Paul Abel
Dana Abetti
Frank Abetti
Edward & Darlene Able★
Laura & Mark Adamczyk
Mike & Kathy Ahern★
Jill M. Albertelli & Nick R.
Tomassetti, Jr.★
Nancy & Jack Allen★
Debra Anderson★
Elaine C. Anderson★★
Bruce & Diane Andrews
Mary & Greg Andries★
Peggy M. Anson★
Kurt B. Arnold★
Mauro & Adriana Atalla
Chuck & Claudia Ayer★
Laurie Aylsworth
The Paul Bahre Family
Bob & Heidi Bailey★★
Kevin E. Baldwin
John & Jane Bancroft★
Judith E. Bankowski★
Kevin & Donna Barcza
Jay Barriss
Steve & Brenda Basson★★
Robert & Donna Batch★★★
Susan Battjes★★
Judy Beaton
Jon & Robin Beatty★
Scott & Patty Belden★★★
Cecil G. & Sharon A. Bellows, Jr.
Robert S. Benden &
Catherine M. Sullivan★★
Doug & Debbie Bendix
Bob & Mary Benjamin★
Judy & Tony Benvenuto★
Nancy & Scott Bernstein★
Dave Bickford
David & Susan Biederman
Johan Bill★★
Eric & Lynn Bisighini★★
J.R. & Rita Bissonnette★
Harold Blinderman & Wanda
Mary & David Block
Bill & Maria Bloom★
Scott M. Blum
Chris & Jeannie Boccaccio
Dave & Jane Boguslawski★
Daniel Boissonneault★
Michael L. Bonchick★
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bonner
Jacques Bories
Marguerite Boslaugh &
David Guadliana★★
Peter & Kathy Bothwell
Ed & Linda Bouchie★
Katherine & Paul Bourdon★
Susan & Joe Boures★★
George E. Bouthet, Jr.
Michelle & Jim Bowman★★
John & Deb Brady★
Deborah & Carl Breaux★
Jim & Mary Breneman★
Charlsa (Sandy) Broadus &
Joe Chontos★
Kathy & Al Brockett★
Jeff Brodersen & Family
Corey Brown
Rork & Zonnia Brown
Michael & Leslie Brunnschweiler
Ann L. Bryan★★
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bullock, Sr.★
Alun & Megan Buttermore★
Jane A. Buttimer★
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Michael & Linda Byam★
Chris & Kim Byrd★★★
Vinny Camire
Bruce & Marcia Campbell
Kate & Doug Caneday
John & Kelly Cantillon
Mark & Linda Caplan★
Deborah D. Carey★
Harry & Lorraine Carling★★
Bill & Lucy Carlson★
John Carlson★
Len & Maureen Carlson★★
Michelle M. Carpenter★
Mike & Anita Carrano★★
Ted & Jane Carroll★★
James & Meg Casey★★★
Bob Matthai & Mary Lou Casey★★
Fred & Patti Caswell★
Mary Caudill★
Elizabeth Ceriello★
Helen M. Champagne
Marc Champagne
Edward & Elaine Chanda★
Michael & Barbara Charles★
Peter & Victoria Chenard★
Christopher & Joanne Chiulli★
Michael & Lisa Ciarrocchi
Peter J. Clarke★
Rosemary Clarke★
Shaun & Teresa Clasby
Paula & David Cloud★★
Larry Coassin
Jean & Robert Cohn★
Amy & Daniel Colasante★★
Annette Colegrove
Robert J. Colleran
Danny & Delma Collins
Nicole & Michael Collins★
Marilyn & Dale Comey★★
Michael & Susan Concannon★
David & Karen Condren★
Paul Conlin★
Carroll & Michael Conway★★
Katherine & Kevin Conway★★
Gary & Carol Corliss★★★
Dr. Robert W. Cornell★★
Bree M. Costas
Dan & Kathy Coulom★
Richard & Donna Cronin
Linda K. Crookshanks★★
Pamela & James Cropley★
Aaron & Charlene Crosson
Ilona T. Crosswhite★★
William V Crosswhite★★
Carol M. Crowe★
Theo & Bobbie Curtis
Kathleen & Kenneth D’Auria★
Patricia M. Daigneault
Christopher M. Daley★
James & Rosemary Daley★★
Eric & Patricia Daniels★
Thomas & Janice Daugherty
James & Sue Davenport★
Jim & Kristen Davey
Sarah A. David
Gregory Deavens★
Debra DeNardis★★
Betsy & Anthony DePaolo★
William V. Depietro, Jr.
Janice Deskus
Martha E. & Anthony F. Dewey★
Robin Diamonte
Rev. Alfonso Diaz★
Shirley G. Dickes★
Dan Dickinson★
Robert G. Dilworth
Rodney C. Dimock & Marilee Porter
Faye Dion & Michael Feldman★★
Doreen C. Jennings &
Robert C. Dobson★
William & Jilline Dolan★
Betsy & Michael Donnelly★
Dave & Dianne Doot★★★
Kimberly Dornisch
Craig & Marilyn Douglas★★
Michael & Terri Doweny★
Patrick J. Duffany
Amy Dunbar
Jim & Julie Dunn
Kevin S. Dupre
Dee Duquette
The Dzielak Family
Joseph Eck
John & Carolyn Eckert★
Gant & Mona Eckfeldt★★
Mark & Lois Eddins★
Paul Eddy & Elizabeth Normen★★
Krissy & Otto Eichmann
The Eigenbrode Family
Deborah Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Emery
Richard & Wendy Fair★★
Dougla Pyrke & Jack Fairchild
James & Martha Fanelli★★★
Suzanne Faure-Porcello★
Steven Fazo
Michael & Barbara Fedoras★
Karen Ferrell
David & Helga Findley★★
Fisher Foundation★★
M. Ross Fisher
Timothy Fitch & Ann Sheldon★★★
Bendu & Michael Fitzgerald★
Jay Fleming
Robert & Melody Fletcher★
Ellen C. Flynn
James & Vincenza Flynn★
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn W.E. Ford★
Mike Forman
William & Deanie Forthofer★★
J. Scott & Susan Fox★
Ronald & Barbara Franzluebbers
Mark & Lynda Fredette★★
David & Brigid Frey
Chris & Janet Fuller★
Michael & Agnes Fusselbaugh★
John & Carol Gabranski★
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gaffney★★★
Christine M. Gagnon★
Lynn N. & Joseph M. Gambill★
Michael & Marcia Garfinkel
Robert M. Garneau★★
Susan Garrett★
Jennifer J. Geisler★★
Elena M. Gervino★
Rahul Ghai
Kenneth W. Giantonio★
Geoffrey & Mary Anne Gieseler
Paula S. Gilberto★★
Todd & Debra Gish★
Michael & Donna Giuffrida★★
Victor & Ann Marie Giuliano
Annette & Axel Glahn★
Catherine F. Godin★
Caryl & Gene Goldman★★
Mike & Kathy Gorman★
Wayne & Roxanne Gowdy★★
Robert & Shannon Graulich
Tom Greenebaum & Lisa Levin
Robert S. Gregory★
Kirsten & Oz Griebel★★
Jayme C. Gruessner★
Pierre & Maryellen Guertin★★★
John & Thea Guidone★★
Richard & Catherine Guimond
Neil Gundel★
Michael & Megin Haeflich
Larry A. Haefner
Steven & Kelly Hagar
Richard Hagger
John F. Hajkowski
Jason B. & Becki M. Piper Hall
Stephen W. Halloran★
Margaret & John Halpin
Sandy & Sam Hamilton★★
Ellen Hancock
Bob & Gwen Hansen★★
Dwight & Pat Harris★
James A. Harris, Sr.
Walter & Dianne Harrison★★
Michael & Andrea Hartigan★
Carolyn S. Hartsfield★
Larry Hartshorn★
Sherry Manetta & Brian Harvey★
Neil & Roxy Hassett★★★
William & Joanne Hastings★★
Richard & Marilyn Havighorst★
Robert & Gail Hayter★★★
Rich & Laura Hecker★
Dana P. Hendershott
Randy & Lisa Henley★
Alice & Arthur Herrmann★★★
Phillip & Allison Hibbert
Torsha L. Hicks
Charles F. &
Dr. Judith A. Hildebrand★★
M. & J. Hill★
Wendy & Jon Hofer
John Hoffman★
Susan Hoffnagle★★
Mark & Rita Holby★★
Steven S. Holstein
Harry Hom★
Ann M. Hoven, MD
Elaine & Terry Hoye★
Lorraine S. Hritcko★★
Ping & Sarah Hsieh★
David & Pamela Hudson
Wayne & Bonnie Huot★
Karen Hurley★
Richard & Catherine Ingraham★
Alan & Maryanne Innes★★
Brenda Ivory-Jones
Dan & Fabienne Jackson★★
Susan & Stephen Jackson★
Ken James
Andrew Jay★
Dave & Joyce Jenkins★
Jane & Ted Jenny★★★
Johnson Family Foundation★★★
Sue Johnson
Laura Johnston★
Bruce Jones & Debora Sokolski★★
Michael & Sarah Jordan
Robert M. Kadlubowski
Rosalie Kalisz★
Robert & Judith Kamerschen★★★
Colin & Patricia Karsten★
Les & Janet Katahara★
Brenda Keaton
Jo D. Keeler★
Brian & Carol Kelleher★
Daniel & Donna Kelly★
David & Ann Kelly★
Stewart T. Kennedy★★
Margaret M. Kenney
David A. Kenny★
Raymond K. Kersey
Anup K. Khattar
Lawrence & Dianne Kimball★
Ed & Phyllis Kindelan★
Drs. Stephen & Mary King★★
Trey Kirkpatrick
Monique M. Aduddell &
Dennis J. Klapperich
Michael & Cindy Klein
Thomas & Catherine Kmiec
Shannon & Mark Knall★
Andrew W. Kohnke★★
Brian & Chelen Kost★
Barbara Krier★★
Paul & Pam Kudra★
Robert & Michelle Kuhlberg★
Robert & Susan Kujawa
Ashish Kulkarni
Rod & Jackie Kunkel★
Rebecca & Joseph Kuzma★
Kevin LaCroix
Jorge S. Laires★
Jeff Lake
Audrey Meyer Lampert
Madelyn Lankton
Douglas & Donna Lasher★★
Joseph Latour★
David G. Lauretti
Michael J. & Pamela R. Lawler★
Alexandra Lee
John & Rachel Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Lee★
Phyllis E. Lemell★
Bettyann P. Lemire
Erica Leonard
Peg Lesiak★
The Lessard Family★
Edward S. Lewis★
JoAnne & Robert Lewis★
Stephen F. Libera
Su Liebert★
Robert & Carol Lindberg★★
Chris & Jeanne Lindgren★
Steven T. Liu
John & Julie Livingstone
Michael & Suzanne Lombard★
Mary & John Lombardo★
Jan & Kathryn Lommele★
James & Pamela Lonsdale★★★
Costas & Athena Loukellis★
Karla & Steve Ludwig★
Terry & Kathy Lukow★★
Patricia J. Lynch★
Jeff & Jane Lynn★★
The MacCloy Family
Alan & Sharon Machuga★
Susan Mackiewicz★
Patricia A. MacRae★
Sibongile Magubane★
David J. & Mary E. Maher
Jack & Cheryl Maher
Matthew & Diana Mahoney
Michael Mahonski
Roy J. Mainelli★
Muriel Makharine &
Hugh Toppazzini
Ken & Wendy Malawa★
John & Jackie Mandyck★
Doug & Linda Marshall★★
Michael & Tracy Marshall★
Michael F. Martin
Lisa & Tony Mascaro, Jr.★
David & Adrienne Maslin
Jeff C. & Cheryl M. Mathieu★
Scott & Patricia Matson★
Todd & Glenna Mattiello
Dennis & Bernadette Mayer★★
Mark & Paula Mayes★
Lynn McArthur & Gary Lefler★★
Betty & Bill McCaffrey
Patricia McCullough
Kevin & Karen McCusker★
Kate McGah & Greg Garner
Sandra & Thomas McGee★★
Lydia A. McGregor
John McMahon★
Omar & Pat Meguid★
Russell & Janice Menze★
Dave & Beth Mercier★★
Brian & Anne Merry
Karen A. Michaud★
The Michener Family
Rose & Kevin Mihaly
John A. Miklus★★
Dave & Lauri Miller★★★
John M. Milton-Benoit
Vincent & Rhonda Misciagna★
William & Shea Mitlehner★
Bobi Molchan &
Wayne Holcombe★★★
Bill & Heather Montanile★★
Walter F. Moody
Dottie & Peter Moon★★
David J. Moore★★
Pernell & Holly Moore
Deborah & James Moravecek★★
Kathryn Morris
Margot & Tyler Morrison★
Sally & Fran Morrison★★★
Mr. & Mrs. D. Bradley Morse★★
Jeff & Maribeth Mortillaro★
Peg L. Morton★
Mr. & Mrs. Tamara Morytko
Mrs. A. Henry Moses★★★
Larry & Carle Mowell★★
Maureen E. Shaw &
Robert W. Mumford
Jane J. & Mark J. Murphy★
Patrick & Karen Murphy★★
Laura K. Nadeau★
Vince & Karen Nardone★★
Sarfraz Nawaz
Brian & Lisa Neary
Mr. & Mrs. Allyn R.J. Nelson, Sr.★
Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Netcoh★
Rick & Joanne Newell★
Jeff & Connie Noiva★
Gregory W. Nye★★★
Roberta O’Brien &
Alfred Stimpson★★★
Ed & Jayne O’Donnell★
Patricia O’Donnell
Patricia O’Konis★
Jennifer Buchanan O’Neill
Michael A. O’Toole★
Paul Oechsli★★
Amy F. Oldenburg★
Mr. & Mrs. William Oliphant★
Sam & Michelle Oliva★
Jeffrey & Donna Oller
Nancy H. Oltheten★
Luis Orbegoso
Ken & Laura Osborn
Maura & Zack Osborne
Francine & Guy Ouellette
Paul H. Ouellette
Jack & Beth Pacheco
Judy & Steve Page★★
Leon & Dorry Palmer★★
Nate & Kim Palmer★
Arthur A. Palmunen★
The Pantano Family★
John & Tammy Papadopoulos★
The Papp Family
Vincent & Shari Parillo
Ronald T. Paul★
Shirley & Gary Payne
Shawn & Nanette Peach
Kurt Percy
Susan & John Perlstein★
Bill Perrotti★
Susan M. Peters
Charles & Sandra Petig★
Christopher Phelan★
Karen & Bob Phelan
Mary Phelan★★
William & Lillian Philippon
Derk Philippona★
John A. Pierce, Jr.
Richard & Beth Pierpont
Anthony Pierson
William & Susan Pike★
Michael Pinette★
Gary Plotkin & Elizabeth Lange
Steve & Sharon Pomposi★
Thomas L. Potter
Kenneth A. &
Wendy Labreche Pratt★★★
Kim & Frank Preli★
Rick & Valerie Pressley
Joseph & Alicyn Pulcini★
Vicki R. Pyne
Paula Quigley
Michele & Joe Quinn★
Himanshu Rai
John A. Rameda
Bob & Marilyn Rath★★
Carol Pelletier Rawlins
Craig & Nancy Raymond★
John & Darra Redding★
Thomas S. Reed
J. Mark & Mary Jo Regan★★
Michael Regan & Lynne Tuohy★
Patrick H. Regan
Joseph C. Reidy, Jr.★
Karin & Tom Rhoads★
Kristi & Brett Rhodes★
Donna C. Richards★★
Pamela M. Richmond
Stephen & Carolyn Rinaldi
Michael & Nancy Rion★★★
Ellen & Michael Rizzo★★
Mark L. Robitaille★
Roberto & Rosaida Rosario★
April M. Roscow
Trudy & Bob Rosensweig★★
The Ross Family
William & Amy Roth★
Jon & Viviann Rubin★
William & Jane Rucci★★
Betsy Rudden★
James & Debra Ruel
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Russell
Michael & Tamra Ryan
William & Donna Ryan
Eric & Cheryl Sabetta★
William & Kathleen Samuelson★
Joe & Jane Savage★
Susan Schechter★★
Richard Scheuch★★★
Kelly Schmidt
James G. Schoch
Jeanne F. Schoen★★★
Clifford Schuman
Samuel & Lisa Schwall
Patrick & Karen Scullion
Sandra L. Sears & Scott J. Sante
Laurance Selnick★
Ramla & Naseem Shaikh
Jill & Scott Shapiro★
Jacqueline Sharlow &
Wendelyne Sherman
Mike & Karen Shea★★
Kevin & Sheryl Sheridan★
Nathan, Carolina & Talita Shirk
Michael Showalter
John & Mary Jane Simoneau★
The Sisson Family★★
Frank & Terri Siver★★
Steven & Elyse Slitt★★★
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson A. Sly★★
Clayton J. & Donna M. Small★
Christopher & Kelly Smith
Russell & LouAnn Smith
William & Cheryl Socquet★
Family Foundation★★
Howard & Linda Sparks
Linda & Wayne Spock★
Linda & Ray Sprague★★
Felix & Helene Springer★★
Robert Staley
William Stapleton★
Mary & Scott Stauffer★
Scott L. Stevens
Tina Brown-Stevenson &
Harry C. Stevenson★
Stephen & Jacqueline Stites★★
Jim & Adria Strife★★
Joan & Ken Stubenrauch★★★
Debbie & Greg Sullivan★
Phillip & Darlene Surprenant★★
Terri A. Swanson
Joe & Lauri Sylvestro★
Artur W. Sztyler
Seyf & Yasar Tanrikut★★
Reed & Patricia Tapper★
Richard & Dawn Tavolieri★
Allan & Sally Taylor★★★
Robert & Ann Taylor★★
Kerry & Katie Teague
Dan Tennant★
Debra Testa
Gary & Kathy Thompson★
Lavell Thompson★
Mark G. Thompson &
Valerie Goulet
Westley V. Thompson
George & Suzanne Titterton★★
John & Peggy Tokarz★
Cheryl & Robert Tomastik★
Stanley Tompkins, Jr.
Robert & Eileen Touger★★
Helen & Greg Treacy★
Tobin & Sheri Treichel★
Dave Tremaglio
Fred Treviso★
Debra & Ralph Triompo
Anthony J. & Sue B. Trivella★
Theodore J. Tucci★★
George & Laura Turner★★★
Carl & Deborah Ullman★★
Vincent & Melissa Valentin★
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse VanOudenhove
Stephen & Mary Ann Varga★
Venkata Vedula
Charles & Pamela Veley★
Kimberly & Gino Veneroni
Sheila McMahon & Mark Verre
Charles & Diane Vest★
Dale Villani
Al Volponi
Kathleen & Craig Waddington★★
Mr. & Mrs. G. Philip Waldeck, Jr.★
Terrence Walker
Mike Wallace
Patrick & Kristin Walsh
Maureen & Doug Waterston★
Hank & Cindy Watkins
Barbara L. Watson★
Anne H. & Daniel E. Webb★★★
Ronnie & Mitchell Weiss★
Philip Wellman & Leslie Smith
Craig M. Wendlandt
Sharon L. Werner
Karen C. Wheat
Walter & Karen White
Andy & Debbie Wiacek
Cathy V. & Darrell E. Wilcox
Ken & Karen Wilczewski★★
Thomas & Patricia Wildman★★★
Mark Wilkman
Susan & Eliot Williams★★★
Katherine & Raymond Wilson★★
Marilyn Wilson★★
Scott & Holly Wilson★★
Stefan & Ursula Wilson
Cathy & Stephen Wing★
Jennifer & Russell Winiarskyj★★
Jeffrey & Maureen Wirth
Teresa A. Witherell★
Dwayne & Dorothy Witter★
Jeff & Lila Wittman★★
Michael Wohlschlaeger
Suzanne & Carl Woll★
Dorothea & Alex Wong★
Teresa & Peter Yacovone
Linda L. Youmatz★
Ken & Beth Young
Bernard J. Zahren★★★
Barbara & Albert Zakarian★★★
Glenn & Renee Zaugg
Robert J. & Patricia A. Zdankiewicz★
Phyllis Zerbini
Bernie & Nola Zimmerman★
The Zmyndak Family★
One hundred forty donors who
wish to remain anonymous.
“For over 25 years, UPS has partnered with United Way to support communities in need.
UPS’s United Way campaign supports our company-wide goal to sustain the communities
in which we live and work. When the community succeeds, UPSers, UPS customers, and
UPS’s business succeeds. I am proud to represent UPS and our employees who contribute
to the United Way Community Campaign.” Stefan Wilson, UPS
★Constitution Society member for 5 or more years
★★Constitution Society member for 10 or more years
★★★Constitution Society member for 15 or more years
| † Deceased
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Constitution Society 2007
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
The Aaron Family
Toni Ann Abbruzese
Rob & Mary Abel★
Arjumund Abid
Robert & Debra Abraham
Wystan Ackerman
John E. Ackley, III
Stephen Adair★
Andrea A. Adam★
Joanne T. Adamik★
Jim Adams & Sylvia Ounpuu★★
Mary Ann Affleck
Arija & Anthony Agostino★★
Sunil & Solange Agrawal
Michael C. Ahearn★
Robert Goehring & Sandra Ahearn★
Bob & Carol Ahlschlager★★
Tracy Shorts Aho
Susan & Craig Ahrens★★
Stevan Akerley★
Tesfaye & Negest Aklilu★★
David Albanesi
G. Claude & Nancy Albert★
Russell G. Albert★
Tim, Robin, Tyler & Zachary Aldieri★
Kristina Alexander
Mark Allaben & Susan Anderson★
Kyle Alldredge★
Raul & Joan Allegue★
Edgar & Nancy Allen
Ken Allen
Eric Alletzhauser &
Heather Crawford
David & Stephanie Allinson
Jeff & Beth Alquist★
Mark & Deborah Altschwager
Patricia Alvarez
Sebastian Amenta
The Amigorena Family
Joseph & Karen Anastasio
Craig & Kimberley Anderson
David & Christine Anderson★
Dick & Jan Anderson★
Douglas Anderson★★
Jeff Anderson
Lydia & Stephen Anderson★
Mark & Juleann Anderson★
The Andrade Family
Constantine & Cheryl Andrews
Drew & Corina Andrews
Timothy S. Angiolini
Thomas & Kathryn Anischik★★
Bob & Diana Annon★★
Billie & Michael Anthony★
Ricardo & Theresa Anzaldua
Gary & Vicki Apanaschik★★
Allen & Jayne Apel★
Jim & Midge Apicello★
Ronald Apter & Carrie Berman
Raymond & Paula Archacki, Jr.★
Kenneth & Christine Archer★
Lourdes Ardel★
David & Rose Armen
Joyce & Vinny Armentano★
Katharine Armstrong★★★
Richard Armstrong
Scott Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. James Arnold★
Cheryl Aronson
Stephen & Esther Aronson★
Marie Joanne Arre
Susan M. Arvanitis
John C. & Patricia E. Ash★★
Rehan Ashraf
Peter & Patty Askham★
Arthur & Shirley Assantes★
Peter B. Atherton★★
Dianne J. Auger
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Angie & Ted Augustinos★
Genevieve LaCava Aureli★
Karen S. Austin
Philip W. Austin
Sandra & William Austin
Sim & Marlys Austin★
Lourdes E. Avellana
Katherine & Dave Avery★
Timothy C. Ayer★
Bradford & Janet Babbitt★
Dave & Jill Bachiochi★★
Eugene A. Bacon
Evelyn Bacon★★
Stacy Baehman
Bernadette & Orville Bailey★★
Brian & Doreen Bailey★
Steve & Elaine Baisden★
Carol Baker
Gail S. Baker
Kathy & Keith Baksa
Naushir Bala★
Catherine Baldini★
Joseph A. Balis, Jr.★
William & Carla Bania
Susan M. Banks★
Robert Baranoff & Veronica Kuzara★
Judi Barber
Cheryl Jane Barbour
Rob & Sue Ann Barcomb★
Charles & Ursula Bardes★★★
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Baretta
Dan & Diana Barlow★
David & Michelle Barnes
Thomas & Patricia Barnes★
The Barnett Family
Donna L. Barney★
Dennis & Sheri Barnicle★
Joseph J. Barone★
Matthew & Susan Barrett
Cliff & Sue Barron
Joyce Barry
Tim Barry
Jeff Bartholomay
Andrew Bartlett
Jean & Norman Bartlett★★
Russell E. Bartlett
William & Dorothy Bartley
Amy Jaffe Barzach & Peter Barzach
Saul & Joli Basch★★
Dwayne M. Basler
Sandra Bassett
Judith & Christopher Batchelor★
The Bates Family★★
Frederick T. Batignani
Margie & Tony Battaglia
Aaron & Laurie Bayer★
Martha E. Baylock
James Beals
Bob Beaudoin
Mary Beaudoin
Richard F. Beaudoin★
Cindy Beaulieu
Adam Bechta
James Becker
Dr. Stephen Becker★★★
Thomas J. Becker★
Eric & Kate Beckner★
Kelly Bedard
Joe & Maria Bednarz
Bill Begert
John & Sarah Begina
Linda Beher
Paula & John Beland
Jill Belanger
The Belfort-Marques Family
Joseph A. Belisle★
Jennifer Bell
Kathy Bellemare
John Belsen
Janet & Paul Belval★
The Bendig Family★
Diane & Tim Bengston★
Bob & Nancy Benigni★
Carl Benker
Mark & Jackie Bennett
Tricia Grady Bennett
Cheryl Benson
Jim & Susan Bergenn
Curtis W. Berger
Marjorie Berger & David Rowe
Nancy L. Berger
Susan Bergeron★
David & Heather Berish
William T. Bernhart★
Bruce & Sally Bernier
Anthony & Candace Berry
Andy Berryann
Bob & Toby Bersak
Katherine Bertini★
Rob & Barb Betteker★
Jey Bettencourt
Bill & Carol Beyerly★★
John M. & Shelley A. Biancamano★
Mary & Frank Biancardi
Elise Marie Bibeault
Bruce Biederman★
Joseph & Christine Biernat★
Christopher N. Bing
Jane B. Bird★
Mark & Leslie Biron
Kathleen L. Bishop
Marc D. Bissonnette, Sr.
Mark J. Bittar
JoAnn & Joe Bittner★
Phyllis & Jim Bixler★
Bryan & Cecelia Blackmon
Brian & Paula Blackwell★
Alan L. Blais
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Blais
Tim Blaisdell
Robert B. Blake
Christina Blanchard
Daniel & Jayne Blanchette
Keith & Becky Blankenbicker★★★
Kenneth R. Blaschke, Jr.★★
Linda & Daniel Blinn
Harry & Janice Bloodsworth
Diane E. Blume
Karl D. Blume
Ron Blumenfeld★
Jeff Blumenthal & Catherine Gallo★
Kathy & Ken Bobenski★★
James R. Bober
Michal Bobryk★
Michael & Suzanne Bocchini
Larry & Corey Bock
Thomas & Mary Bode
Gabrielle Boisvert
Gerald & Gail Boisvert★★
Gregory Boldt
Erin Bolduc
Kathleen L. Bolduc
William Boll & Ginger Crawford★
Beth & Christopher Bombara
Thomas H. Bonarrigo, Jr.
Donald H. Bonczek★
Marie A. Bonelli
Lisa Bongiovi
David Bonsall
Michael B. Bonzagni &
Ann E. Thomas★
John & Liz Borajkiewicz
Robin M. Bores★
Pete & Donna Borgel★
Aaron & Kathleen Borkowski★
Shirley P. Boron
Gary & Rosemary Bosse
Craig & Mary Boucher
Dave & Susan Boudreau★
Paul Boudreau
Gia Oei Boullie & John Boullie
Albert Bourjaili
Anne Chezmar Bourne
William & Carolyn Bourque
Gloria T. Bouvier
Laurine Bow
Edward & Lily Bowen★
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bower★
Bryan P. Bowerman★★★
Jim Bowers &
Becky Swanson-Bowers★★
Kenneth & Marie Bowes
Brad Bowman
Jeffrey Bowne
Wallis & Laurie Boyd★★
Jesse Boyer & Family★
Esther & William Boyes★★
Lisa M. Boyle
Timothy R. Boysen
Robert A. Brackett★
Cynthia Bradley★
Mary Carol Bradley
Peter & Kathleen Bradley★★
Audrey S. Brady
Francis & Mary Brady★★
Mr. & Mrs. John Brady★
Timothy & Bernadette Brady
Stew Brandt★
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Brasa★
Susan & Brian Brattebo
Tony Braz
In Memory of
Vincent D. & Gertrude S. Breen★
Addison W. Brenan
David Brennan
Greg Brenner
Rob & P.J. Brewer★
Britt & Debra Briatico★
Jeffrey A. Bridgman
Cheryl & Brian Briggs★
Bill & Jennifer Bright
Bridget D. Broadway
Joseph Brock
Timothy Broderick★
Amy E. Brodeur★
Beth & Bob Brody★
Marcela Bronder
Ellen L. Bronson★
In Loving Memory of
Don & Joan Brooks
Tim Brooks★
Thomas R. Brouwer
Jeff & Karen Brower
Amanda E. Brown
Caroline T. Brown★
David & Irene Brown
David A. Brown★★
Denise M. Brown
Greg & Jami Brown★
Joan & Stephen Brown★
John & Kathy Brown★
Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Brown★
Mark & Thelma Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ozell & Karen Brown
Put & Nannie Brown★
Rana Brown★
Rob Brown
Robert A. Brown
Wanda Brown-Claitty★
John & Kelly Brucato
Rick Brush★
Rick & Ann Bucchi★
Carol Buchanan
Thomas Buchberger &
Karen Klingensmith★★
Benjamin M. Buckley
Maria Buckley & John Reilly★
Joseph Buda★★
Andrea Budd
David & Diane Budlong
Lori M. Budnick★
Michael Buller
Susan M. Bullock
Diana P. Bunting
Dennis & Rose Buono
Claire Marie Burchill★
Steven Burd
Gary W. Burdick
Cheryl A. Burgan
A. Lisa Burgarella★
Joyce Burgess
James J. Burke
Robert Burke
Robert F. Burney
John M. & Alanna M. Burns
Tom & Lynne Burns
Lonnie C. Burr★
Kathy & Lori Burroughs
Kim B. Bushey
Brett & Heather Bushnell
Donald C. Busocker
Bob & Noreen Buss★
Richard & Patricia Buteau
Tom Butler & Lissa Parise★★
Christine M. Buzzell
Henry & Maria Bydlak★
Stanley Bydlinski
Mike Byler
The Byrem Family★
Martin T. Byrne
Michael & Kathleen Byrne★
John & Marla Byrnes★★★
The Bystrak Family
Ritchard G. & Mary A. Cable★★
John J. Cafasso★
Stewart W. Caffrey
Jessica Brahaney Cain
Marcy Cain & Robert Kagan★★
Stephen & Rita Calabrese★
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Calatayud
Douglas H. Calby
Steven W. Caldwell
Thomas W. Callaghan, Jr.
Rick Callahan★
Jane Callanan
Mr. & Mrs. T.E. Callen★
John M. Camara
Terri & Mike Camilleri
Karen Camp
Richard Camp
Susan & Greg Campagnano
Barbara S. Campbell★
Donna R. Campbell
James E. Campbell
Scott L. & Kristina Campbell
Thomas A. & Lynn M. Campbell★
Timothy & Sara Campbell★
Jose L. Campos
Jean & Ellis Canal★
Susan & Kevin Canavan★
Erin Cannata
Diane Cantello
William D. Cantrell
Todd & Amy Cantwell
Mary Canty & Bob Linden★
David E. Canuel
John Canzio
Tom Cap
Eleanor N. Caplan★★★
Annetta K. Caplinger
Elise Sinha & Claudio Capone
Lois & Paul Cappellano
Toni Capriglione, MD★★
Mary Caputo★
Thomas Caraher
James & Lucie Carangelo
Paul & Nancy Carew★
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Carey★★★
Bruce Carlsen
Beth & Peter Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Carlson
Dave & Lori Carlson
David & Nancy Carlson★★
Dennis & Anne-Marie Carlson
Richard & Carmen Carlton★
Kenneth E. Carman
Ray & Jacky Carmicheal★
Daniel & Susan Caron
Ron & Brenda Caron
Scott A. Carr
Michael & Laura Carrubba★
Maggie G. Carson
Claudia Carter
Emily Carter★
Richard Carter★
Carrie M. Casciani
Stephen & Laurie Case
Coleman H. & Jo Champlin Casey★★
John P. & Marci Casey
Mr. & Mrs. George Caspar★★
Jane & Tom Casper★
Judy L. Casperson
David M. Cass
Kathleen M. Cassidy★
Louis & Karen Castellani★
Eileen Castolene
Lourdes & Joaquin Castro
Ron & Janice Catrone
Sharyn B. Caudle
Patrick J. & Carolyn L. Caulfield
Robert A. Causey
Lisa Cavanaugh
Cliff & Jackie Cayer
Fred A. Cazel, Jr.★★
Louis & Lori Celiberti
Michael & Doreen Cenci
Mr. & Mrs. Carl T. Centore★
Frank Ceplenski★
Martha Finkel Ceppetelli
Bill Cermignani
Jim Cerven
Rich & Donna Chagnon
Bena Chalmers
Sheila & Marc Champagne
Lesley & Donald Champion★
Ronald K. Chandler
Yoshio T. Chandler
Louie Chapman, Jr. &
Julie N. Chapman★★
Mark A. Chapman
Roger C. Chapman
Sherry L. Chapman
William Charest
Kevin & Lori Charette★
Ed & Julie Charlebois★★★
Diane & Martin Charney
Charles F. Chase
Mark & Victoria Chavey★
Michael T. Chelte★
Susannah & Gao-Ya Chen
John J. Cheng
Brad & Catherine Chhabra★
Kathy & Lou Chiappetta★
Kevin J. Chick
Samuel W. Childs & Elsie C. Childs
Deborah Chipperfield
Timothy E. Choiniere
Vivian Chow & Randy Smith★
Colleen & Ben Chowaniec★
Susan & Butch Christensen★
Gary & Kathleen Christman★★
Sam & Hilda Christy★
David E. Chzaszcz
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cianfaglione
Dorene Ciarcia
David & Marybeth Ciarlelli★
Francis & Joyce Cichowski
Kenneth P. Cidela
Stan & Betsy Ciempa★
The Cintra Family
Harry C. Cion
Brian & Sue Clancy★
Bob & Sandy Clark★
Don & Nancy Clark
Donald C. Clark, Jr.★
Lori & Tom Clark
Mike Clark
Robin Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cleary★
Christopher M. Clements
Brian & Susan Clemow★
Cathy & Tom Cloherty★
Robert Coates, Jr.
D. Cobb
Judith A. Coblentz
The Cochis Family
Bob Cochran
Karen F. Cockill
Paul D. & Joan C. Coddington★
Katherine Cody
Thomas P. & Mary Ellen Cody★★
Charles D. Coffen
Sheila C. Cohan
Bernice Cohen
The Colbree Family★
Howard F. Cole
Scott & Lynn Cole★
Laura L. Coleman
Thomas Coleman
M. Alison & Paul Colli★
John J. Collins
Kevin Collins
Patrick Collins
Rod Colson
Kacy Colston★★
Edward & Linda Condon★
Jane M. Condron
Joseph A. Conklin
Ellen Conlin
Paula & Rodney Conlogue,
Local 1746
John & Teresa Connelly★★
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Connelly★★★
Herschel W. Connor, Jr.
James & Jacqueline Connor
Mrs. Michael A. Connor, Jr.★★
Mark Conroy★
Shawn Conroy
Daniel J. Contaldi & Family
The Conte Family
John & Betsy Conte★
Brenda Conti
Lori A. Convey★
Candida M. Conway
Linda & Curtis Cook★★
Jeaneen M. Coolbroth
Christine Cooley &
Stuart Montgomery
Sandy & Roger Coombes★
Douglas & Vera Cooney
Rev. Shelley D.B. &
Rev. Michael A. Copeland★
Joseph Coray
Marie C. Corbett
Patrick J. Corcoran
Steve Corcoran
Thomas Corcoran
Dean & Valerie Cordiano★
Jill S. Corey
Ronald J. Cormier
Craig Cornell
Robert A. Cornell
The Correnti Family★
Robert & Susan Corriveau
Patricia Cosgel
Joan A. Cosgrove
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cosgrove★
Adam Cost
Joseph Costa
Lynn G. Costa
John Costello★
John & Sandra Costello
Conrad W. Cote
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Cote
John R. Cote
Steven & Johnna Cote★★
Barry & Betsy Cottle
Audrey Courtney
Maureen Couture
James T. Cowdery
Brad & Linda Cowles★
Lisa A. Cox
Lisa M. Cox
Kathy & Mike Coyle★
Michael & Joy Craig★
Dennis S. Cram
Rick Cramblet
David & Sharon Crandall★★
John F. Crane
Dolores Cranston
Ange J. Crawford
Keith Crawford
Marilyn Creavy
Katharine G. Creedon★★
Lynn R. Crisci
Joseph J. Crispino
Christine & Jim Croll
Susan & Philip Crombie, Jr.★
Peter & Janice Cross★
Paul F. Croteau
René Crowder
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Crowe★
Denise C. Cruz
Grisel A. Cuascut
Brian & Jen Cuddeback
Antoinette M. Cullen★
Jeffrey Cullen
Kevin & Cheryl Cunningham★
Timothy F. Curran★
Ken Currence
Michelle H. Curtin
Timothy B. Curtin
Linda E. Cyr
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Czaczkes
Sheila & John D’Agostino★
Lee Anne D’Ambrose★
Lisa McNeil D’Andrea★
Carmen J. D’Onofrio
David D’Onofrio
Dennis Dadalt
Gary Dahms★★★
Sharon C. Dalton★
Monsignor Charles W. Daly★
Joseph J. DaMico★
Anne & John Danaher
Anthony & Mia Danburg★
David & Sophia Danenberg★
Howard & Tina Daniel & Family
Wendy W. Daniels
Gene Danko★
M. Darbyshire
William L. Davidson, Jr.
Alden B. Davis★★
Jack P. Davis
James M. Davis Family★
James W. Davis
Jeffrey & Patricia Davis
Justin D. Davis
Lawrence C. Davis
Renée Davis
Scott W. Davis★★
Vernice Davis
Drs. Hema & Paula de Silva★
Mark DeBisschop
Kathleen P. Decker
Kevin & Elizabeth DeForest
Marguerite DeForge★
Glen DeFrance
Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. DeFrancesco
Eric Deitrich
Claire DeJoseph
Ray & Donna Del Gobbo★★
Renee deLassus★
Tom Dellolio★
Thomas L. Deloy
Kurt & Gaile Dembeck★★
Christopher G. Demers
George & Sue Demetrion
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H.
Deming, Jr.★★★
Thomas F. Denino
Debra & Enzo DeNovellis★
Dino DePellegrini★
Maryann P. dePreaux
Lily & Bill Derwin★
Alice R. Deschaines★
Dick Despins
Steven DesRoches
Peter A. DeStaffan
Alice E. DeTora
Rick & Kate Deurloo★
Mike Devaney★
Phyllis Devericks
Barry & Marie Dexter★
Steve & Georgeanne DiCenso
Chris Dickinson
Robert S. Dicks★★
John A. DiCosimo★
Raymond & Lawren DiDonna
Chris & Pam DiMartino
Salvatore F. DiMartino, III★
Ray Dimmock★★
Anthony & Eileen DiNicola★
Linda Susan Dinius★
Mark A. Dion
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Dionne★★
Michael & Karen DiPietro
Larry DiSciacca★★
“I am proud to work for a company that is such a strong supporter of United Way.
The time I spent as a United Way Community Campaign Loaned Executive further
deepened my appreciation for what United Way can accomplish for our community.
I know my contribution as a leadership donor truly changes lives and that is a
great feeling.” Cheryl Benson, Pratt & Whitney
★Constitution Society member for 5 or more years
★★Constitution Society member for 10 or more years
★★★Constitution Society member for 15 or more years
| † Deceased
Impact Summer|Fall 08
John C. DiTomasso
James M. DiVirgilio★
David & Christine Dixon
Richard & Cindy Dixon
Scott & Ann Marie Dixon
Tommy B. Dixon
Russell E. Dodge
Robert Doffek
Jamie Doherty
Michael C. Dolan
Gregory Dolansky★
Joseph A. Dolben★
Daniel Dolyak
Ellen Donadio★
Christopher J. Donahue★
John & Janet Donahue
Kenneth Donahue
Yuan Dong & Jun Su★
Brandon S. Donnell
Cyndi & Bill Donovan★
Laura Donovan
Michael & Genevieve Doody★★
Scott T. Dorman★
Thomas Dorsey &
Priya Morganstern★
Victor & Deborah dos Santos★
Michael A. DosSantos
Craig A. Doucette
Denise M. Douglas
Bernard J. Dowd
Caroline Down-Lyons &
Timothy Lyons★
Eileen Downes
Robin & Kevin Downey★
Chris Downs★
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Drain★
Thayer & Judy Drake★★★
Joe & Janice Drescher★
Richard & Daphne Dressler
Patty Driesch
Jane Driscoll & Jack Hale★
Jacqueline Drown★
Rosanne Druckman &
Larry Scherzer★★★
Charles E. Drummey★
Alain & Sally Dube★
John W. Dube★
Alan & Michelle Dubois
Daniel Dubois
Jeffrey N. Dubois
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. DuBois★
Michael E. Ducharme
Norman A. Ducharme, Jr.
Dane & Susan Dudley
Barbara & Herbert Duey★
Cheryl Duey★
John & Deborah Duffy
Monique D. Dumais
Robert Dunn
Maryann Dupont
Ronald & Joan Durej
Hank W. Durkee★
Ted & Zoe Ann Durkin★
Paul & Sheila Dworkin
John R. Dwyer
Dennis M. Dyer
Marnie A. Dyer
Ray & Brenda Dyson★
Paul Dziengelewski
Bruce & Mary Earwaker★★
Gerald & Anne Eaton
The Eaton-Robb Family★
Bruce Ebbets
Luke & Melanie Ebersold
Claudia J. Eckels
Steven D. Ecker
Tom Eddy
Andrew & Judy Ede
Dave Edgar
Charlie R. Edwards
Gary Edwards★
Zachary A. Edwards
Jennifer & Michael Eisele
Bill & Liz Eisenhart★
Anne Eisenman
Cynthia Watts Elder
Robert Elie
David & Joanne Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. R.A. Elliott & Family
Scott A. Elliott
Michael & Priscilla Elsass★★
Tahany El-Wardany
Kathy Lynn Emanuelsen
David & Jenny Emery★★
Douglas & Michele Endorf★
Brian R. Engstrom
Betsy Enloe
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Enright
John Epprecht & Denise Tonzola★
Lee & Ginger Erdmann★
Diane L. Erling
Frank & Mary Errato★
Ellen Erway & Phoebe Evans★★
John & Sherri Erwin
Mark & Lori Esposito
Scott E. Esposito
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Estrada
Umohibom & Jacob Ette
David Etter★
John & Kathy Evans
Kathryn & Gregory Even
Darlene Everette
Christopher Ewing
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Ewing★
Patrick & Anne Fagan
Brian & Doreen Fahey
Robert Fair★★
T. Fair★
Jean Faklis
Alexander & Ellen Falbowski★
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Falcone★
Richard & Alice Fancher★
Lynn Faraca-Bond
Mary Farber
Julia Farnan
Thomas O. Farrish
Susan H. Farwell★★
John A. Fascendini
Betty Fava★
Cynthia P. Favors
Roland Fawthrop
Patricia Fay
Robert V. Fay
Sue & Joe Fazzino
Elizabeth B. Feery
Gregory Fehrs
Gene & Georgia Feigel★★
Bill Feiler
Barry & Debbie Feldman
Robert J. Feldman, Jr.
Bob Feller
Meijing Li & Jinzhang Feng
Thomas F. Fenton &
Nancy K. Fenton
Rick & Nancy Fergesen
John & Patty Ferrantino★
Marcella Ferrara
Lynn H. Ferrari★
The Ferreira Family
Colette Ferrer
Lynn M. Ferris★★
Peter & Gail Ferris
Ken & Celeste Fersch
Joy & Gino Fiasconaro
Karen & Edward Fichtel★
Richard J. Field★
W.C. Fields
Susanne Figueredo
Penny Fillion
Elizabeth & Michael Finan
Daniel & Joan Fine★
Lisa & Paul Finklestein★★
Geoffrey Fisher & Anna Turner★
Stephen & Amy Fisher★★
Diane M. Fitzgerald★
Nathan Fitzgerald
Martha & Dan FitzMaurice★
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Flaherty★★
Kevin Flanigan★
Susan M. Fleege
Ron & Pam Fleming
J.P. Fletcher
Patrick J. Fleury★
Jose A. Flores
Lucille & John R. Flores★
Chris Flynn
Sarah J. Flynn
Stanley Focht★
Richard & Janet Fodaski★
Anthony D. Foley★
Jack Foley★★
Marilyn & John Foley★★★
Shelly Folsom★
Mitch Fong
Jerry Ford★
William C. Foreman
John & Wendy Formica★★★
Daniel J. Foster
Eric & Chantal Foster★
Gay & David Foster★
Gwen Foster
Gretchen & Rick Fountain
Mike & Linda Fournier★
Peter Fournier
Rick & Kathy Fournier
Ross M. Fowler
Daniel & Janet Fox★
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Frago★
Michael Fraley
Kelly M. France★
Richard Francisco
Don & Amy Franco★
Byron & Amy Frank★
Jerry & Ida Franklin
Simone Frascarelli★
Taryn Fredericksen★
Jane & Stu Freeman
Wm. Kenneth Freeman★
Douglas Freiberg
David & Tracy French★
Allison H. Fresher★
Paul & Sandra Freudenstein★
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond N. Frick★
Jon Friedl
Mark & Sandy Friedman★★
David J. Fritsch, III★
Frederick M. Fritz, Jr.
Ron Frost
Sandra & Philip Fry★
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Fuller
Jeff & Lisa Futtner
Kenneth S. Gadbois
Chris D. Gadwah★
Marlyss J. Gage
C. Kelly Gagliardi
Peter & Amy Gagliardi
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gagnon
Ernest & Fay Gagnon★
Jeanie Grasso Gagnon
Ronald Gagnon
Donald D. Gahagan
Arthur & Alfreda Gaither★
Ida Gall
John Gall, Jr.
Robert & Lynn Gall★
David & Randi Gallagher
Mary E. Gallagher
Bob Gallipeau
Ed Gallup
Paul & Nicole Gamache
Patrick A. Gambrel
Paul & Elizabeth Gannon
Thomas W. Gannon★
Mark T. & Cheryl A. Ganser★
Joel T. Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. R. Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. R. Garcia★
Laura Gariepy
Richard Garrett★
Joe & Susan Garrich★
Richard Garrison★
Thomas & Cynthia Garten★
Scott & Isabel Gaskill★
Matthew & Sarah Gates
Christine Gatten
Karen Gaul
Brian & Betsy Gauthier★
Augusto & Nancy Gautier★★
Arianna B. Gavzy
Susan Harpin Gaylord
Patrick Gee★
Alfred J. Geiling, III
Charlene & Gil Gelineau
Todd & Charlotte Gelston★
William Gemmer★
Joe, Laura, Jamie & Joey Gentile
The George Family★★
Dan George
Mark & Lisa George
Michael S. George
Patricia George★
Sergei & Jennifer Gerasimov
Jamie Gerrits
Kevin Gerrity
Joe & Susan Gest★★
Abdul Ghafur & Abida Ghafur★
Pamela Giacomini
John & Kelly Giamalis★
Phill & Sheri Giancarlo★
Anthony & Laura Giannone★
Amanda Gianquinto
Mark & Katy Giarratana
Myles & Tracy Gibbons★
Stephen & Patricia Gibeley★
Diana Gibson
Nelson S. & Deborah J. Giddings★
Jennifer & Michael Gifford★
Michel & Robin Gifford★
William K. Gigantino★
Susan Gilbert
Scott R. Gill & Family
Richard & Joan Gilland
Peter & Kristin Gillespie★
Douglas W. & Elizabeth E. Gillette
John Gillis
Virginia Gilmour★
Claudette Girard
“United Way partners with reputable organizations and agencies, so I am
confident that my investment in the community is truly making a difference
for people in need throughout our region.” Peter Gerali, Ernst & Young LLP
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Joel Gissendanner
Jeffrey Gitlin
Frank & Nundy Giusti★★
David & Julie Gladstone★★
Jaime Glanovsky
Eddie M.G.
Bill & Lynda Glavin
Jim & Susan Gleason★★
Donna L. Glenn★
Randall W. Glenney
Jim & Linda Glick
Sarah & Jim Gobes★★★
Gail Goddard
Daniel R. Godin★
Kent & Penny Goetjen★★★
Alan, Susan, &
Maddie Goetschius★
John W. Goff
John Golan
Carla C. Gold
Michael Goldbas★
Phyllis & Jim Goldblatt★
Louis Golden & Peggy Buchanan★★
The Harry E. Goldfarb
Family Foundation★★★
Linda & Peter Goldfarb★
D. Roy Goldsmith★
Richard & Debra Goldstein★
David Goloff, Ph.D.★
Steve & Laurie Gondek
James Gonsalves
Donna M. Gonzales★
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Goode★★
Bill Gordon★★
Jeffery & Mindy Gordon★
Ken Gordon & Allison MacKay★
John R. Gorecki, Jr.
Alan & Wendy Gorfain
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gorman, Jr.★★
Thomas E. Gorman
Sarah Gorski
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gottschalk★
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron L. Goucher★
Michelle Dechene Gouin &
Gabriella Frey
Gerry & Cindy Gould★
Sam & Kristina Gourley
Diane & Rusty Gower★★
Ann & Richard Grabowski★
Bob & Pamela Grabowski
The Gara Grady Family
Scott & Marcella Grady
Susan N. Grady
Stephen Granato★★
Kimberly Grant
Parker A. Grant
Robert M. Grant★
William Gray
In Memory of David Grebin
Diane Green★
Dorothy Green
Jonathan Green
Katherine B. & Gordon W. Green★
Margaret Green
Valerie B. Green★
Barbara & Ira Greenbaum★
Paul & Phyllis Greenberg★★
Randy & Vevette Greenberg★
James & Paula Greenfield★
Eric & Sue Greenhill★
Kent Greenman
Andrew Greenwalt
Richard P. Greenwood
David H. Greer
Henry Gregory
Jo Gregory
Amelia Grenier
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Gribbons★
William V. & Ellen D. Grickis
The Griesenauer Family
Jim & Maggie Griesing
Mark E. Griffin★★
Mr. & Mrs. Newton Griffith★
Theresa C. Grimes
Steven P. Grinold
Heidi Griswold
Tom Groark★★★
John & Carmen Groholski★
William A. Grondin
Rich & Kim Gross
Austin & Anita Grote★
Elizabeth & Richard Gruber★
Glenn Gruber★
Tom Gruber★
The Grubka Family
Kimberly Grunert
Gary & Narda Gruver★★
Matthew Guanci & Cathy Healy
Steven & Donna Gudzunas★
Cynthia Guendert★
John & Nancy Guerrera★
Richard & Cathy Guerriere
Richard Guerrini
Garry B. Guertin
Steve & Sherry Guest
Terri Guidone
Mark A. Guidotti
Roy & Christine Guile★
The Gundersen Family
Dinesh & Alka Gupta★★
Mark & Christine Gurevitz★
Ann Gutkowski
Julie & Edward Gutowski★
David Gutzmer
James R. Gwozdz
Mr. & Mrs. A. Evan Haag
Marcia W. Haas
Howard Haberern
Carol A. Habershon★
Gail Weaverling & John Hackendorn
David & Sara Hadden★
Bruce Hadsell
Gary & Susan Hafner★
Caroline Seaman Hagadorn
Jim Hageman
Richard C. & Tracy Hagger
Steve & Liz Haggerty
Diana Haghighat
Dwight Hahn
Ginny Hajek
Linda & Ramin Hakim
Rich & Jennifer Halbert★
Jon & Kathy Hale★
Bruce Hall
Steve & Irene Hall
Thomas J. Hall
Kerin Hallquist
Jason Halpert
Susan & Peter Halpin
David & Sandy Haluck
Rashid Hamid &
Ester Sanches Naek★★
Lynn Hamilton★
Sarah Hamilton
Carrie Hammond★
Jon & Tana Handwerk★
Michael Hannah★
Ed & Joan Hanrahan
Barbara & Tony Hansen★
Burt Hansen
Richard & Susan Hansen★
Frank Haran★
Bruce Hardcastle
Broderick T. Hardrick
Joseph Hardy
★Constitution Society member for 5 or more years
Mark & Lisa Harol
Martin & Mary-Beth Harrigan
Dale Harris★
Felicia A. Harris
Karen B. Harris
Shirley H. Harris★
Stephen Harris
David & Linda Harrold★★
John Hart★
Paul & Mary Ann Hartman★
Karl J. Harvey★
Karl Hasel
The Haskins Family
Martin & Sandra Hastings★
Stephen & Florence Hatzis★
Linda & Wayne Hauge★★★
Neale & Carol Hauss
Gil Hawkins★
Martin J. Hawkins &
Linda F. Hawkins★★
Syd & Tom Hayden★
Carol Haye
Dwight Hayes
Gerald W. & Maureen C. Hayes
Patrick & Susan Hayes★
Steven A. Hayes
Susan A. Hays★★
Barbara A. Healey★
Tom & Audrey Healy★
Tracey & Kenneth Heaton
Paul Hebert & Leslie McDonnell★
Norman L. Hecht
Karen Heck
W. MacKay Heckles★★★
Maura & Joe Heffernan
Rick Hein
Chris & Gail Heiss
Joseph & Connie Held★
Robert & Kathy Helfrich★
Houston Hemp
Terry & Paul Henault
Gavin Hendricks
Dionne Henry
Jean Henry
Doe Hentschel★
Linda A. Hepburn
William C. Herdman
Gary Hess
Susan & David Hess★
Sue & Mike Hession
Jim Hickey★
Kristen Hickey★
Carole S. Hicks
Michael Hicks
Mark Hiersche
Bertram E. Higgins
Dennis Higgins &
Sheila Morton Higgins★
James M. Higgins
Edward S. Hill, Esq. &
Lisa J. Cappalli, Esq.★★
Lisa Hill
Madelyn Hill
Susan C. Hiller
Susan Hills
Dana Himes
Kim & Saul Himmelfarb★
Sanjay & Monica Hingorani
Bruce & Anne Hinton
Daniel E. Hintz★
Joan & Carl F. Hinz★
Adam T. Histed
Lori Hitchery & David Barry
Peter & Jill Hitson
Kevin Hodge
Richard H. Hoff★
Thea Pastore & George Hoffman★
Gerald L. Hoffstot
★★Constitution Society member for 10 or more years
Bob Hogan
Dan & Sandy Hogan★
Elizabeth Carney Hogan★
Brian Holland
Peter & Kristine Holland
Stephen Holland
Heidi Hollick★
Edwina Holloway
Betsy & Bill Holm
Jerry & Bette Holmes
Marc & Mary Ann Holyfield★
Mark & Lynn Homan★
Lisa & Ed Hood★★
Paul L. Hood
Bruce & Karen Hoopes
Michael & Marie Hopkins★
Theresa Hopkins-Staten
Deidre & James Horan★
Coleen Horvith
David Hosmer★★
Michael Hotaling &
Kathleen Sullivan★
John & Mindy Hotchkiss
Steven M. Houghtaling
The Houpert Family
Christine Hovey★
Charles L. Howard★
Alison & Nathaniel Howe Fund★★
Susan J. Howe★
Mark & Patricia Howland
Dennis V. Howley
James Hoyt
John Hubbard
Keith & Natalie Hubert★
Cynthia Hubler
Sheila A. Huddleston &
Stephen F. Frazzini★★★
Eric A. Hudson
Richard & Jane Hudson★
Don & Joanne Huelsman
Frederick & Virginia Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. John Hughes★
Kevin & Kimberly Hughes
Lindsay Hughes
Mrs. Richard L. Hughes
Joan Hultquist & Ron Motter★
Douglas & Lourdes Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hunter★★
Prescott T. Huri
Edgar T. Hurle
Frank Hurley
Susan Hussar
Stephen T. Hussey
The Hutchinson Family
Jill & Brad Hutensky
Lois & Allan Hutensky★★★
Kim Hutley
James C. & Ann H. Hutton
Bob Hybsch
Bob & Annette Hyland★
The Robert E. Hyland Family★★
Beth Iacampo
Marvin & Jennifer Ide★★
Carol Idone
Michael & Norma Ignatowicz★
Harry Im
Shauna & Dean Impionbato★
Alex Incera★
Lisa & Jim Irish★
Dennis J. Ittner★
Bruce Ivers
Boysie Jackson
Willie C. Jackson
David L. Jacobs★
Nancy James
Timothy Jamieson★
★★★Constitution Society member for 15 or more years
| † Deceased
Nancy Janssen★
Lawrence & Antonia Jardine★
Donna Jarvis★
Ken Javarauckas
Marie K. Jeffery★
Christopher Jelks
A. Jackie Jenkins
Bob & Lisa Jenkins★
Rich & Pat Jensen★
Angela Jimenez
Jim Jiottis
Michael A. Joakim
Kori M. Johanson
Bonny & Dwight Johnson★★
Carl & Debbie Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Johnson★★★
Donald W. Johnson, Jr.
Edward S. Johnson, DDS★
Eric V. Johnson★
Kate Johnson
Mary K. Johnson
Pamela J. Johnson
Paul G. Johnson
Robert J. Johnson★
Scott D. Johnson
Scott D. Johnson
Steven & Robin Johnson★★
Steven B. Johnson★
Tim & Kim Johnson★
Amy Johnston & Mark Hughes★
Kathleen Jollie
Christopher W. Jones
David M. Jones
Gloria A. Jones
Dr. James F. & Mrs. Jan S. Jones
Ken & Carolyn Jones
Tim & Pam Jordan★
Toni Jordan-Jenkins★
Cathy & Fred Jortner★★
Douglas, Kathie, Michelle &
Natalie Joseph, in loving memory
of Samuel Leonard Joseph
Elliot & Carolyn Joseph
Jay Joseph
Bridget & David Joy
Carolyn A. Joy★
David & Barbara Joy
Kevin & Jennifer Joy
Stephen & Edna Joyce★
William Judd★
Donna L. Judge
Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Judice, Jr.★
Hans & Amina Jung
Jim D. Jurek
The Kaake Family★
Michelle Kackman
Tom Kaczmarski & Gretchen Locy
Steven Kaeter
Surinder Singh Kainth
Roger Kalafut★
Tom & Marianne Kalmbach★★
Robert & Mariann Kalogeros
Maria A. Kamal
Prasad V. Kambli
Dr. Jeffrey & Brenda Kang
Frederick J. Kaplan
Ron & Barbra Kaplan
Barbara & Ted Kapustka★
Zachary & Joan Karas★
Jay Karp
Boris Karpman
Joseph A. Kask
Michael P. Kasperski
Christine Kasson
Brady & Kathy Kattman
Christine Katziff
Allan Kauders★
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Valerie R. Kaufman
Peter & Linda Kaverud★
John & Katherine Keane★★★
Brian & Patricia Kearney
John J. Kearns, III★
Lisa Keating★
Maureen Keating, CFP
Susan & Daniel Keating
Lawrence Keefe
Carol Keen
David A. Keenan, Ph.D.
John & Cynthia Keenan★★
Christine Keeney
Patty & Steve Kelley★★
Peter, Maryalice & Ryan Kelley★
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Kelley
David M. Kelly★
Debra Kelsey
Barbara Kennedy
Jack & Sally Kennedy★★
James R. Kennedy
Mike & Lori Kennedy
Catherine Kennelly
George Webster Kenyon
Phil Kenyon★
Joseph & Janet Keown
Judith & Richard Keppelman★★
Robert Kerzner & Family★
Bill & Jacki Keyes★★
Jim Kidd★
Stephen L. Kidd
Timothy Kiessling
Scott A. Killian
Carol Rae King★★
Jessica E. King
Albert Kingan
Rochelle M. Kingsley
William & Susan Kingston
William Kinsley
Howard K. Kinsman
Monika & Thomas Kinstler★
Michael & Diana Kirby
John & Margaret Kirschner
Orlando C. Kirton
Andrea Borondy Kitts★★
Kim & Bill Kivela★★
Janice & David Klein★★
Waldo & Lin Klein★★
Kenneth & Deborah Klieback★
Richard J. Kloepfer
Jean & Michael Kluk★★
Ted & Joanille Kmiecik★
Chie & Michael Knapp
Jan Kneeland★
William Knight & Jill Adams
David & Leslie Knightly★
Dr. Rolf W. Knoll
Annette M. Knopf★
Linda Knybel★
Dr. & Mrs. Lester D.
Peter Kocot
Dr. & Mrs. Martin E. Kodish★
Jim & Paula Kodman★
Jeffrey M. Kohan★
Ilene & David Kohlun
Edward Kokoszka★
Michael & Kerrie Kolesnik★
John & Carolyn Koloseus★★
Lisa & Kevin Kolstad
Paul & Stacey Konopaske
Mark Kopera★
Mark & Carolyn Korber★★★
Ron & Maria Kornacki★
Steven Kornfeld & Laura Kolk
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Korns
Lee Ann & Ken Korus
Mary L. Koseian
Impact Summer|Fall 08
David Koskovich★
Nancy & Steve Kotchko
Jeffrey R. Kotkin★
Darwin & Susan Kovacs★
Cheryl Kozak
Hamdi & Gjyl Kozlu★
Dennis Kraemer
Christopher J. Kraenzle
Damon T. Krane
Roy & Julie Krause
Candida S. Krebs
Mr. & Mrs. John Kreitler
Lorraine A. Kretchman, MD
Richard & Kathy Kretz
Marilyn & Mark Kritzman★
Bruce & Claudia Kroeber
Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Krupa★
David & Jodi Kryzanski
Edward F. Krzanowski
Lawrence J. Kucharski
Paul N. Kuehn★
Elke Kulas
Laurie Kummick
Michelle Kunzman★
Peter Z. Kupczak★
Leslie C. Kurz
John & Mary Beth Kuzoian★
Stuart Kwassman
Joseph & Joan La Rosa★★
Donald H. Labelle
Lisa M. Labenski
Susan J. Laberge
Crystal R. LaBonte★
Tracy Labonte & Scot Riley
Marcel & Jackie LaBrecque★
William Labrerque
Mark D. Lacedonia
Stephen Lacey★
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. LaChance
David Lacoss
Emma Ladd
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent LaDuca
Mary Lafleur
Leon & Susan LaFreniere
Elio Lagana★★
John D. Laggis, III
Judith B. LaGrange
Barb Lalla
Frank & Kathy Lamagna★
Randy LaMar★
William & Christine Lamberti
Cathy & Ed Lamoureux★
Tony Landino
The Landsman & Johnese Family★
Mark S. Lang
Mark & Cheli Lange★★
John & Margery Langeland
Shelley T. & Robert M. Langer★
Paul Langevin★
Linda Lankowski
Jean-Marie Lapiene★
Peter & Anne LaPlaca★
Heather G. & Robert A. LaPolt★
Stephen Larcen & Susan Graham★
Carol Larco-Murzyn★
John & Corky Larew★★★
Christine & Terrance Large
Elizabeth L. Larocca
David & Gloria Laroche★
Kurt & Jeanne Larsen★
Mike Larsen
Mike & Lisa Larsen
Christine Larson
Karen & Glenn Larson
Pete & Judy Larson★★★
Timothy F. Laskowski★
John W. LaSpada
The Lataille Family★
Justin B. Latham
Marcia Lattimore★
The Laudone Family
Richard K. Laury★
Diane Lautier★
Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Lavallee
John Laverty
Robert & Denise Lavorgna★
Kevin & Marianne Lawlor★★★
Jim & Jeannie Lawrence★
John & Mary Lawrence★
Sheldon & Debbie Lawrence★★★
Douglas Lawson
Margaret W. Lawson★★
John & Hilda Layok
The Leathers Family
Ronald & Jo-Ann Lebel★
Leslie LeBlanc★
Maureen O. LeClair
Maureen Lee Leddy
Matthew LeDoux
The Lee Family of West Hartford
Michael & Monica Lee
Peter & Sherry Lee★★
Mr. & Mrs. W. Harmon Leete★
Tom & Millie Legenhausen★
Ronald Leger★
Kelli M. LeGeyt
Jerry Legge
John & Sue Legier★
Christopher & Louisa Leigh★
Daniel C. Leimbach
Rosemary Keating Leitz
James & Michele Lemieux
Jim & Karen Lendvay★
Tim & Deb Lenihan
Wayne A. Lennon
Janet & Charlie Lenore★
Frederick C. Lentz, Jr.
Bruce & Annamay Leonard★
Joe Leonard
Victoria Lepak★
Robert W. Lepine
Bruce & Pamela Lerario
Roman A. Leskiw
Robert & Teresa Lesko
David & Rita Letendre★
Shannon D. Lett
Pamela Levesque★★
Charles & Jerri Lynn Levey★
Linda & Alan Levin★
Betty J. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lewis
Jonathan Lewis &
Jennifer Hamilton Lewis
Karen O. Lewis
Michele & Tom Lewis★
Ruth & Scott Lewis
Tod A. Lewis★
Peter & Mary Fran Libassi★★★
Brian & Linda Libby★
Chadwick M. Licht
Alan & Judy Lieberman★
Robert & Stephanie Lightfoot★★
Robert Ligi
Ray & Kathy Lilley
Ying Lim★
George N. Lincoln
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Lindberg★★★
Kathleen & Brian Lindroth★★
Keith & Vicki Lindstrom★★
Charles S. Linn★★
Dr. & Mrs. L.J. Linnetz★
Robert & Andrea Linz★★
Robert D. Lipira
James Listro
Steven & Sheila Litchfield★
Brandy Little
Scott & Mara Little
Raymond & Catherine Litwin★
Min-Hwei Liu★
Yumin Liu
Norman & Pamela Livingston★
Alex Lloyd
Cheryl Lobo
Susan & Steve Lobsinger
Jane & Roger Loeb★★
Robert Loheyde & Donna Lentini★
Bob & Bonnie Lombardi
Paul D. & Patricia A. Lombardo★
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Lombari★
Kent & Jean Longenecker
Mike & Wendy Longo★
Janice Lord
Wesley K. Lord★
Dana Louth★
Kenneth & Karen Loveland★
William B. Lowe★
Elaine Title Lowengard★★
Steven C. Lowry
Joe & Gloria Lubenstein★★★
Mary Ann Lubeskie
Albert Lucas & Nina Gagarin
Charlotte & Bill Lueckel
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Luke★
Eric Lukingbeal & Sally King★
Carolyn Lumsden &
Francesco Martini
Paul & Stephanie Lundstrom
Gordon & Gretchen Lunsford
Peter & Carrie Lupoli
Sharon Luty
Andrew & Laura Lutz★
Joseph & Ruth Lux★
James J. Lyman, Jr.★
Bret & Gloria Lynch★
John B. Lynch
Kathleen M. Lynch
Kristen Lynch
James B. Lyon★★★
John & Cheryl Lyon
Jennifer & Sean Lyons
Karin E. Lyons
Philip Ma
James A. Macauley, III
Doug & Donna MacConnell
John & Karen MacDonald
Richard & Diane MacDonald★
Shaun, Erin, Hannah &
Gabrielle Mace
Debbie & John MacFarlane
Duncan Ross MacKay
Robert MacKinnon★
Chris Macklem★
Bruce & Barbara MacLean★
James & Norma Jean Macosko
Don & Katie MacQuattie
Jaime L. Macsata
Kathy Madden
Rich Magda
Michael & Salli Maglio★
Richard & Cheryl Maguire★
Tom & Flora Mahar★
Raja Maharajh
Prashanth &
Revathy Mahendra-Rajah
Robert E. Mahoney★
Christina Mainelli & John Crosson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Malarney★★
Jay & Janine Malave
Juan Maldonado
Robert & Deborah Malinowski★
Diane & Glenn Mallory★
Joseph & Jennifer Malloy★
Kyle P. Maloney
Phil Maloney
William C. Malugen & Nancy Martin
Ben & Susan Mancuso
Dr. Neal & Amy Mandell★
Carla Mangiafico
John & Pat Mangino
Eileen & Douglas Manion★
The Mann Family
Janet S. Mann
Mark & Andre Mann
Ned Mann & Mary Art★
Barry & Joy Manna
Neil & Debbie Manning
John & Anna Manningham
Paula M. Manseau★
Scott & Marie Mansolillo★
Brian L. Marburger
Gail Broussard March
Dean Marchessault
Peter Marchessault★
Josephine Marchetti★
Ted W. Marcisz★★
Richard G. Marco★
Juan Marcos★
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Marcotte
Gene Marinelli
Annette Marino
Sarabeth, Jared, Oliver, Wally &
John Markham★
Mr. & Mrs. Evan R. Marks
Paul Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marlowe
Sarah Marsh
Christopher P. & Dianne H. Martin
David Martin
Gerald M. Martin
Josh & Sarah Martin
Kevin & Yvonne Martin★
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Martin
Octavio Martin
Elaine Martinelli★
Jose L. Martinez, Jr.
Jon & Elizabeth Marx
Dan & Jackie Marzi★★
Arthur R. Masi
Andrew & Dorothy Mason
James & Angela Masotti
Joseph A. Massari
Peter Mastrangelo
Mark A. Mastrianni★
Michael A. Mastromonaco★
Gregory M. Mateja
Jared D. Matfess
Mark Mathieu★★
Michael & Rita Mathieu
Todd R. Matt
Ernie & Mickey Mattei★
Bob Mattern
John A. Mattie★
Dan & Mary Matyas★
Regis & Pat Matzie★
Dr. & Mrs. F. Taylor Mauck
Theodore J. May, Jr. &
Dolores M. May
Debora & Timothy Mayes
The Maynard Family
Kim & Joe Maynard★
Shawn J. Maynard★★★
John & Deb Mayo
Leo & Kim Mazotas★
Bob Mazurkivich
Paul & Debra McAlenney★★★
Janet T. McAlinden
Richard & Cheryl McAloon★★
Elizabeth I. McAuliffe
John W. McBride
Michael & Laura McCaffrey★★
Dan McCallum
Holly & Kevin McCarthy
Joe & Bonnie McCartin★★
Paul R. McCary★★★
Frank G. McCauley
Debbie McCleary★★
Ann McClure
Shelagh McClure
Jerry McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. D.S. McCracken
Melanie & William McCue★
Mike & Lynne McCune★
Chad A. McDaniel
Zeke P. McDaniel & Janette R. Maxey
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. McDermott★
Bruce M. McDonald
Dave & Kate McDonald & Family★★
David J. McDonald★
Michael & Suzanne McDonald★
Kevin & Loreta McDonnell★★
E. Merritt McDonough
Charitable Foundation, Inc.★★★
Judith G. McDonough★★★
Karen McDonough
Maggie & Merritt McDonough, Jr.★★★
Linda J. McDowell &
A. Michael Lussier
Bob & Brenda McFadden★
Susan R. McFarland
Craig R. McGarrah★
Michael P. McGee
Sheila McGinley-Graziosi
Anelia McGoldrick
Ray McGrane★
Nancy McGraw★
Pam & Jim McGraw★
Robert E. McGuinness★
Susan McGuirl
Ann M. McGunnigle
Joe & Barbara McIlrath
Mark & Joanne McInnis
Richard & Kathleen McIntosh★★
Tracy C. McKee
Rich & Dorothy McKelvie
Patrick & Karen McKenna★★
In Memory of Sally &
Gerry McKenzie★
Christine & Dennis McKeown
Cyndi McKinnon★
Linda McKnight★
Pamela McKoin
Kathleen McLeod
Earl F. McMahon & Dina Plapler★
Michael & Elizabeth McMahon★
Philip & Susan McMann
Kristin McManus
Jimell McMillan
Andre McMillian
The McMurray Family★
Thomas R. McNally
Glenn & Susan McNamara★
Pam & Steven McNary★
Darlene Z. McNeal
Larry & Mary McNeff
Christopher & Marianne McNeill★★
Daniel J. McNeill
Elizabeth McSherry
William McVey★
Dan Meade
Denis G. Medwick
Pamela & John Meehan★★★
Samir & Lisa Banatoski Mehta
Christian & Stacy Meisner
Toni & Mike Meleshenko★
John & Nancy Melly★
Kathy & Peter Melly
Liz & Bob Melvin★
John & Dina Menchetti
Family of Ron Mendel★
Katherine G. Mentus
John P. Merchant
Jon Mercier
David & Maryellen Mercik
Scott C. Merrell
Scott Merritt★
Lydia Messerschmidt
Natale A. & Elizabeth A. Messina★
Michelle Metzler
Mary & Harry Meyer★
Curt G. Michael
Jeff Michelson★
Walt Michlanski
Keith & Susieann Middleton
Debbie & Gil Midford
Marianne C. Midura
Michael, Karen, Jessica,
Michael & Alaina Miele
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mihaliak
Carolyn Mihalko
Michael & Stacy Mike★★
Edward & Donna Mikolaitis★
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Milano
Rick & Kendel Milbourn★
John Miletti & Kathleen Tierney★
Melissa Millan★
Sandra A. Millen
Jeffrey A. Miller
Joseph Miller, Jr.
Mary Beth Miller★
Richard & Joyce Miller★
Steven M. Miller
George H. Millerd
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Millerd
Jasper L. Mills, Jr.
Michael & Dana Mills★
Richard & Beth Mills
Kate & Rick Milton★
Cheryl A. Miner★
Kevin & Nancy Miner
David J. & Amy Miniter
Karl R. Missal★
Lisa K. Mitchell
John & Linda Mixon
Joan Mocarski★
Christine Mockalis★
Robert & Ann Moehlenkamp
William & Donna Moeller★
Alisa Molaver & Joe Gietek★
Laura & David Molnar★
Paul & Laura Molnar
Randall & Sheila Molony★
Steven J. Mongiat
Kathy & Jeff Monnes★
Sally Monson
Frank J. Montalti
Rene Monteserin
Harry & Cindy Monti★
Alan W. Moodie
Margaret O. Moody
Thomas B. & Marlee D. Mooney★
John D. Moore★
Michelle L. Moore
Portia Moore
Robert C. Moore★
Robert E. Moore
Jeffrey Moores★
Diana Morales
Jean A. Moran
Joanne A. Moran★
John Moran
Joseph & Rebecca Moran
Graham Morast
William J. Morcom★
Vito & Maria Moreno★★
Mary Morenz★
Stephen A. Morford
Linda W. Morgan★
Madolyn Morgan
John & Jacqueline Moriarty★
Bruce L. Morin★
Patricia Morris★
Robert J. Morris
Howard & Lea Mosbacher★
Jeff E. & Corinna S. Mossberg★
Marjorie K. Golden-Mossberg &
Sheldon A. Mossberg
Greg & Terri Mostoller
Michael & Patricia Motley
Lisa J. Mottola★
Christine U. Moulis
Carol & Tom Mowry★
Sean & Cara Moylan
Brady & April Mozhdehi
Phillip Mucha
Patricia P. Mueller, MD
Andrew J. Muench
Maureen Muganda
Patti & Joe Muldoon★★
Lucille Mulroy★★
Al & Sharon Mulvey★★
Amy & Andy Munzer★
Stewart & Leah Murchie★
Mark Lindquist & Alison Murdock
Brian Murdy
Michael Murillo
Stephen P. Muron★★
Andrew & Jen Murphy
Brian & Cheryl Murphy
James R. Murphy, Esq.★
John Murphy
Joseph T. Murphy
Louise D. Murphy
Maureen & James Murphy★
Paul Murphy★
Scott & Cathy Murphy★★
Thomas J. Murphy
Charles Murray &
Ann Purcell Murray★
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Murray
Jackson W. Foley, Jr. &
Saranne P. Murray★★
Sherri & Rick Murray★
John S. Murtha★★★
Joseph Musgrove, Jr.
John Muska
Andrew A. Musoke
Jeffrey & Deborah Muzio
Isabella, Sergio & Stephen Myers
Vera M. Myers★
Heather & Bobby Myrick
Stephen & Rosemary Mysatyukow★
Robert & Diane Nadeau
Michael Nadolski
Rajiv Naik
Ipei & Aki Nakano★
Kimberly & David Nardone★
Margaret & Jonathan Nareff★
Richard & Kathleen Narowski★★
Jim Nason & Pan Riley
Rebecca S. Natale
Megan Naughton & Jason Krajc
Peter & Cathy Neag
John Nealon & Pamela Lucas★★
Eric M. Nelson
Mark Nelson
Steve Nelson
Lois M. Nesci★
Sally E. Newell★★
Jon O. Newman★★
Jim & Tracy Newmark★
Mike Newsky
Mr. & Mrs. Germain D. Newton★★★
Brian & Laurie Beth Nichols
Don & Julie Nichols★★★
Richard & Lena Nichols★
Chuck Nicol
John Nicoll-Senft
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Niedermeyer
Jeffrey J. & Grace B. Niland
Michael Nisbet
David M. & Gail H. Nissley★
Carol Underwood Noel★
Timothy D. Nolt
Kenneth E. Noonan
Jeffrey Nordmark
Sharon R. Norfleet★★
Roy & Nancy Normen★
Northeast Utilities Legal Department
John Nulsen, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Nusom
Eileen Y. O’Brien★
Hank O’Brien★
Brian A. O’Connell &
Laura M. Connors
Joseph O’Connell
D. Michael O’Connor
John P. & Carol L. O’Connor★
Nancy O’Connor
Jim & Debra O’Donnell★★
Martha G. O’Donnell
Richard & Karyn O’Donnell★
Michael J. & Marilou K. O’Hara★★★
Mark & Tammy O’Malley★★
Paul M. O’Mara★
Charles G. O’Neil★
Jim & Judy O’Neil★★
MaryAnne O’Neil
James O’Regan
Helena O’Reilly
Barbara O’Shea★
Denis & Candace O’Shea
Deborah Oberhausen
Ellen & Mark Oland★
James & Marylee Oleksiw★★
John J. & Elizabeth A. Oleksiw★★
Catherine L. Olinski★
Robert & Mary Jane Oliveiri★★
Linda & Bruce Oliver
Lyndon & Mary Oliver★★
Jeffrey & Gwen Olmstead★
Chip & Nancy Olson
Bridget Onda
Nancy C. Onken★
Christopher & Brenda Opie
Wally & Ronke Orisamolu★
Marilyn Orr
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Orzell★
Debra Osborn
Thomas & Jill Osborn★
Noel F. Osowiecki
Ed Ostafin
Mark & Jane Ostrowski
Daniel C. Oswald
Karen E. Ott★
Lydia Ouellette★
Wade & Anita Overgaard★★
Karen Overturf★
Peter & Marianne Owens★
Ayodele Oyewole
Jennifer & Andy Pace
Robert Pace★
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Packard★★★
David F. Paduch★
Rick & Liberty Page
John Paik
Charles N. Paine, II
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Palacio
Debra A. Palermino★
Philip D. Palermo★
“A career is more than a succession of occupations and
involvements. It’s a cumulative difference you make in the
lives of others, and being a part of the United Way Community
Campaign has allowed me the privilege of changing our
community for the better.” Pamela Churchill
★Constitution Society member for 5 or more years
★★Constitution Society member for 10 or more years
★★★Constitution Society member for 15 or more years
| † Deceased
Impact Summer|Fall 08
John R. Palitsch
Deborah A. Palmer★
Jean D. Palmer
Robert K. Palmer, MD
Dr. Marc & Yaffa Palter
The Pangretic Family★
David & Barbara Panico
Jesse Pannell★
Odie Pansius
Andrea Pape & Barry Truitt
Karen & Roger Paquette★
Steven & Linda Paquette★
Gerald P. Paradis
Joe & Marie Paradis
Roland & Joni Paradis
Brian & Jill Parkany★
Jerome A. Passman & April Haskell★
Ellen & Darrell Pataska★★★
Lewis H. Patchett★
Alpa Patel
Mahesh R. Patel★
Anna K. Patrizzi
Clement & Marie Line Patry★
Kerry & James Patsalides★
Bill & Betty Pattison★
Anthony Paul
Mark Paul & Karen Pakulis
Ken & Kara Payne
Jeff & Sue Payton★★
Ann & Maxime Péan
Robert T. Pearce
Morton K. Pearson★★
Penny & Jack Pearson★
Frank & Jean Pease★
Christopher B. Peck
Mary Ellen & Tom Pederzoli
Mrs. William R. Peelle, Sr.★★★
Max D. Pelkey
Carol J. Pelletier★
John P. Pelletier
Eugene Pellett★★
Diane & Tom Peloquin★
Waynette C. Pelzer
Mardelle & David Peña★
Brooke & Jim Penders★
Phillip & Jennifer Penn
Robert A. & Joan C. Penney★
Elmer Penton
Lana Pentore★
John B. Percy
Kimberly & Elio Pereira★
Luis Perez
Randy & Amy Perez
Virginia & Bryan Perkins★
Maureen & Michael Pernal★★
Matthew Perra
Paul & Brenda Perron★
Peter Perrotti
Gary J. & Joyce L. Perschy
Lee & Becky Peters
C.O. (Guy) Peterson, IV
Mary Jo Peterson
Barbara Petitjean
Joyce & Mario Petrella & Family★
George & Silvia Petrini★
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Petrosky
Michael & Kathryn Petruzzello★
Sharon & Eugene Petsa★
Juergen & Kathleen Pfaff★
John & Denise Phelan
Anthony Phifer
Earl & Jane Phillips
John D. Phillips
Kathy Phillips★★
Kristen Phillips & Matt Schreck★
Paul & Sara Philpott★
Gisele & Brian Picard★
Daniel & Amy Piela
David P. Pieluszczak
Scott & Madelynn Pierson★
Fran & Lynn Pijar★★
Elisabeth & Keith Piker
Louis & Joyce Pillion
Dawn Pinand
Martha L. Pinckney
Michael Pineau
Mrs. Sidney Pinney★★
Willard & Sigita Pinney★★
Jennifer Pinsonneault &
Christian Sager
Paul & Kim Pita
Brian Pitel
Donald H. Pitkin, II★
Amy & Glen Pitruzzello★
Tom & Julie Pizzo★
Gordon A. Plankey
Alan Plough Family★
Phil Podgorski & Family
James C. Poirier★
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Poirier★★
Robert & Terese Poisson
Harry & Maureen Pokorny★
Robert F. Polito, Jr.
Rennie & David Polk★★
Bryan & Alice Pollard★
Dennis & Jodi Polsgrove
Dave & Sue Porcello
Patricia & Robert Porell★
Emily Poriss★
Jacqueline Porter★
M. Porteus★
Glen & Jean Potter
John N. Potter
Don Povak★
Mr. & Mrs. Andre Powell
Kevin C. Powell
Scott M. Powell
Maurice Precourt
Todd & Laurie Prentice
Scott I. Prentiss
John L. Preston, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Prevost, Jr.★★
Yolanda & John Preysner★
Laurentia Price★
Michael D. Price
A.M. Procko
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Proctor★
Paul T. Proko★
Martin J. Proulx★
Philipp Provencher
Maryellen Prudhomme
Thomas & Regan Pucell★
Timothy & Jean Puglielli
Sarma Pullela
Richard K. Pulling
Donald M. Purcell
Bill Pursell
Stephen & Jane Putnam
Jo-Ann Puzzo & Peter Stanchfield
Kyran J. Quackenbush
Bob & Sharon Quaglia★★
John & Marie Quattrocchi★★
Jerry & Tamara Queen
William J. Quinlan
James F. Quinn
K. Quinn★
Mark D. Quinn★
Linda Quintanilla
Renato L. & Maria P. Quiterio★
Craig A. Raabe
Lori & Steve Rabb★
David & Lisa Radanovich
Kay Rahardjo
The Rajagopalan Family
Ravi Rajamani
Jim & JoAnne Ramm★
Paul & Kathleen Ramont★
Paul & Claudette Ramsey
Brian & Susan Rancourt★
Michael G. Randall
Noreen Randazzo &
Michael Zacchio★
James & Ann Ray
Pamela & Andrew Reale★★
Susan B. Reardon
Steven M. Redd & Lauren A. Redd★★
Everett C. Redmond, Jr.
Jim & Jan Reed★
Joseph Reed★
The Regels Family,
In Memory of Maria Shephard
Kristen Reid★
Lennox Reid
Althea Reid-Banbury
Robert Reiff
Brian & Anne Reilly★
Mark Reilly
Michael J. Reilly, Sr.
Timothy & Deborah Reilly
Raymond J. Reimer
Ben S. Reinert★
Greg & Karin Reinhardt★★
Rick & Sharee Reis
Mr. & Mrs. William Reis★
John L. Reizian★
Timothy M. Remmers★
Rick Rempe★
Jane Renninger★
Sally Reis Renzulli
Stacy Resch
Roger Retana
Thomas Rettler
Nicholas Reut
Gail Kalison Reynolds
Harold & Donna Reynolds★
James P. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Reynolds★
Sharon M. Reynolds, Esq.★★
Barbara Rezner & John Pryor★★
Benjamin F. Rhodes, Jr.
A. Ricardi
Diane D. Ricciardi
Frederick D. Rice
Patricia Rice
The Richard Family★
Leigh Richardson
Rory Richardson
Thomas C. Richardson
Gail W. Richey
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Richter★★
Edward & Susan Richter
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Richter, Jr.★
Jesse Richter
Carolyn J. Rick★
L.M. Rick★
Bernard A. Ricker
Felicia Ricks★
Beverly Riddick
The Ridgeway Family
Sean & Jill Riegler
Tom & Terrie Riggs★★
Willem O. Rijksen
Sharon & Tom Rinehart
Harry Ripa & Thomas Griesing★
Mr. & Mrs. Ezra H. Ripple, IV★★
Christopher F. Rising
Reed W. Risteen
Hector L. Rivera★
Jim & Sharon Rivera★
Nitza M. Rivera
Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Rizzo, Jr.★★
Susan Rizzo
Ronald D. Robare★
Vaughn & Jeanmarie Robbin
Gary & Laura Roberge★
Kristi & Dennis Roberge
Cathy L. Roberson
Kristen L. Roberts
Leslie Robertson &
Eliza Sherlock★★
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Robertson★
Stephen H. Robertson★
Chris P. Robinson
Robert Roche
Rachel Rochette
Beatrice T. Rodgers★★
Mary & Louis Rodier
Andrene Rodney
Galo & Moraima Rodriguez★★
Veta M. Rodriguez
William H. Roell★★
Andrew Rogers★
David & Carol Rogers★★
Dick Rogers
Timothy J. Rogers
Marla Rogers-Small
Peter & Karen Rohde
Eric Rojas
Robert D. Roland
Lynn Z. Rollins
Gary & Angie Roman★
David M. Romano★
Charles A. Roohr
Kim Root & Lisa McNellis
Ana E. Rosado★
Ginny Hole & Mike Roscoe★
Bob Rose
Robert & Susan Rose★
Stephen & Margit Rosenberger★★
John & Bobbi Rosenquest
Bob & Cindy Rosenthal
Judy & David Rosenthal
“Jayne and I have been blessed to be in the position to help those less
fortunate. We have seen the benefits that United Way has given to those
in need and are proud to take part in the contributions that United Way
makes in our community.”
Daniel Blanchette, IAMAW machinist union Local 743 and his wife, Jayne
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Gerard & Laura Ross★★
Rick & Tricia Ross
Steven L. Rossi
Vanessa Rossitto
Jeff & Ann Rotatori★
Ellen D. Rothberg★
Cynthia & Marcus Rothstein★
Anne & Jim Rotondo★★
Peter J. Rouleau
Linda A. Rowe
Richard L. Rowley★
Joseph M. & Pamela Roy★
Marc-Andre Roy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Roy
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Roy, Jr.★★
Christine E. Rua★
Andrew & Jennifer Rubino★
Diana Ruddick
Jan & Tom Ruderman★
Mark & Karen Ruegg★★
Joe & Kim Ruggiero★★
Richard & Dianne Rumsey★★
Jack & Kathy Rup★
Dave & Sharon Russell★★
David & Joanne Russell★
Manuel W. Russell
Rob & Wendy Russell★
Sara & Douglas Russell★
Anthony G. Russo
Richard P. Russo
Stephanie M. Russo
Steven A. Russo
The Ruszala Family★★
Stephen Rutledge
Bill & Doreen Ryan★
Dan Ryan★
Jeffrey & Lisa Ryan
Jim & Barbara Ryan★
Joan & David Ryan
Michael C. Ryan
Ellen S. Ryczek★
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Sabia★
Jayant Sabnis★
Helen M. Sahi
Brian R. Sahlin
Meg Sakellarides★
George Alan Salisbury★
Robin Salisbury
Ann Marie Salmon
Stamos D. Salonikios
Gwenn K. Saltzman★
Michael & Victoria Samulenas★
Ronald & Marie Sanacore★★★
Christopher R. Sanders
Duane & Maureen Sanders★
Mr. & Mrs. Joel D. Sanders★
Claudia H. Sandy
The Sanford Family
Richard Sanford & Family★
Katherine Hanaway & Paul Sanson★
Frank Santa-Donato &
Janet Castricum★★
Jorge & Judy Santiago
Roy & Cecily Santolini
Elaine Santos★
Mary & Emil Sapere, Jr.★
Amy Saraco★
Jay M. Sattler
Peter D. Savage
Phil Savage & Gail Kelly★
Dorothy Savastano
Mr. & Mrs. David Savino
Darlene Sawczysyn
Robert & Marianne Sawicki
Eileen A. Sawyer★
Doug Saxton★
Craig & Cristina Sayre★★
Susan Scanlon
Kevin Scarrozzo
Nadine M. Schaber
Karl & Laura Schachtner★★
Jim & Carol Schadlich
Jeff Schaffer★
Bill Schaffner
Jacqueline Pennino Scheib
Betty Lou & Jim Scheid★
Karen & David Scheinerman
Jerry & Pam Scheinfeldt★
Peter Schenck★
Steven & Lucia Schiavone★★
David Schildwaster, CPA★
Charles Schiller★
Barbara Schillinger
Paul A. Schmelke★
Carolyn L. & J. David Schnatz, MD★★
Michael Schneeberger
Jason Schoettmer
The Schroeter Family
Richard & Terry Schug★
Marilyn J. Schulz★★
Philip & Mary Schulz★★★
Thomas Schultz
Wayne A. Schulz
Stephen W. Schuth
Peter Schwartz★
Alan & Marilyn Schwedel
Craig R. Scott
Dennis & Alohalani Scott
Gary & Cathy Scott
David Scott-Walton
The Scroggins Family
George & Rhonda Scurlock★
Kenneth & Maureen See
The Segal Family
V. Seichter
Paul J. Sellier★
Matthew & Christina Semenza
The Sendlein Family
Rebecca & Sebastian Senia
Stephen & Margaret Sennott★
Joseph P. Sepko★
Susan Settembrino
Katie Lou Sevigny
Sergio M. Sevillano-Dávila
Wade & Jodie Seward★
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sexton
Peter Sexton★
Mr. & Mrs. John Shade★
Paul Shadic & Family★
Dan Shaffer
Ned Shanahan & Deirdre Redden★
Gowri Shankar
Richard Shanks
Colleen Sharkey
Patricia A. Shaskin
Juanita D. Shavers
Gretchen Shea★★
Stephanie L. Sheaffer
Gregory Shedeck
Jim & Nancy Sheehan★★
Patrick & Jane Sheehan
Timothy Sheehan
Elizabeth Shelley★
Martin G. Shenkle★
David & Paula Sheppard★★
Liz Sheridan
Tom & Ellen Sheridan
Mark & Brenda Sherwood★
Steve & Kim Shimmel★
James & Rebecca Shinkoff★
Dianne & Steve Shobe
Donna & Loren Shoemaker
James R. Shuckerow, Jr.★
The Shulansky Foundation, Inc.★★
Steve Sides
★Constitution Society member for 5 or more years
Jason & Ava Siegel★
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Siegel★★
Robert & Elaine Siegel★
Robert E. Siering
Stephanie H. Silver
William & Lynn Silvestri★
J. Bryan Simmons★
Craig & Cyndi Simms★
Mark Simonds
Emaly & Richard Simone★★★
Dianne V. Sims
Don & Valerie Singer★
Satvendar Singh
Kathleen E. Sinnamon
Robert J. Sinnema
Larry & Ellen Siuta★
Jeff & Brenda Sizer★
John & Susan Skowronski
David Sladewski
Paul & Susan Slattery
Noelle Slifka
John Slusarski★
Angela & Kurt Small
Kimberly A. Small
Alton & Audrey Smith
Brian R. Smith & Kim K. V. McClain★★
Catherine C. Smith★
Chris & Dana Smith★
David A. & Claire O. Smith★★
Donald L. Smith★
Douglas Smith
Edward & Jacqueline Smith★
Garrick W. Smith
Janet & Peter Smith★★
Karen P. Smith★
Kenneth J. Smith, MD
Kenneth V. Smith
Lori M. Smith★
Mark E. Smith
Patrick & Karen Smith★★
Richard & Jeanne Smith★★
Robert J. Smith
Sharon & Raymond Smith★
Susan & David Smith★★
Donna & Jerry Smutney★★
Robert C. Snedeker
Bob Snediker★
David Snow★★
David E. Snow
Jill M. Snyder
Kurt & Tove Sobanski★
Rita & Dave Sobel
Richard Soderman
Leslie T. Soler
Jason B. Solomonides★
Faye & Ken Somers
Peter & Lisa Souza
Theodore M. Space★★
Joseph & Karen Spagna★★
John & Janet Spatcher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Spear
Elicia Pegues Spearman
Edward Speer
Mr. & Mrs. William &
Karen Speight, III★
Christopher Spence
Earle F. Spencer, III
Stephen K. Spencer★
Dr. & Mr. Thomas G. Spencer, III★
William M. Sperazza
Roz & Alan Spier★★★
Pamela Spinazola★
Randi & Art Spiro★
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Spitzel
Edwin P. Sroka
Bruce & Karen St. Amand
Thom & Lisa Stambaugh & Sons★
Gene E. Stankowski
★★Constitution Society member for 10 or more years
Anand Stanley
Phil & Gail Stanley★
Timothy & Vivian Stanley★
Sally & Jim Stapleton★
Jane & Joe Staszowski★
Ana & Brian Steele★
Sharon Steers
Michael Stefanowicz
Ann Stelmat★
Dennis & Anne-Marie Stempel★
Jeff & Julie Stenberg★
Steve & Peggy Stephanian★
Avril Stephens
Greg & Rebecca Stephenson
Gary M. Stetson★
Stan & Sandy Stevens
Dana Stewart
Andrea C. St. George
Craig & Leslie Stickler★
Dor Stiehler★
John L. Stiles
Stanley & Jacqueline St. John★
Nancy E. & John K. Stockman
Rodney K. & Bonny D. Stoecklin
Thomas Stokes★
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stolba, II★
Cliff Stone
Elizabeth Stone
Diane Christensen & Robert Stone★
Rachel St. Onge
Peter & Nancy Storms★★
Sandra Stott
Joanne Lewis & David Stowe★
Janet & Michael Stradley★
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Stratton★★
Giles M. Strekel★
Matthew & Lisa Strelecky★
Bob & Pat Stubbs★★
Paula & Dave Sturgess★
The Sugar Family
Michael & Elsa Daspin Suisman★★
Diane M. Sullivan★
Edward & Kathryn Sullivan★
Fred Sullivan
Kathleen & Patrick Sullivan★
Kimberley & Scott Sullivan★
Mia L. Sullivan
Molly Sullivan
Peter & Susan Sullivan★
Stephen Sullivan
Susan M. Sullivan
Tim & Gerri Sullivan★★
Scott & Heather Summerer★
John S. Supczak
Richard C. Surette★
Christopher Swan
Susan & Martin Swanson★
Marge & Ricky Swaye
Timothy G. Sweatland★
Kathleen Sweeney & Linda Ho★
Suzan & Larry Sweeney
Sharon Sweet
John D. Sweitzer
Steve & Margery Swigert★★
Craig & Denise Sylvester
Ken & Diane Sylvester★
The Sylvester-Estrada Family
Lisa Partridge Sylvia &
Norman Sylvia, Jr.
Daniel Szkrybalo
John & Shirley Taaffe★
Gregory & Diana Taft
Donna Taglianetti★
Raymond Tahnk-Johnson
Bryce & Areejit Talbert★
John & Donna Talley★★
Maureen & Allan Tamasiunas
★★★Constitution Society member for 15 or more years
| † Deceased
Brian Tamms
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Tanner★★★
Gerard W. & Michele Tarbox★★
Paula M. Taupier
Heather & Greg Taylor
Jennifer L. Taylor
Keith & Kimberly Taylor
Kevin & Kathleen Taylor
Lisa C. & Russell W. Taylor
William A. Taylor★★
Joe & Kathy Tedone
William & Elizabeth Teich★
Eileen M. Templeton
Annmarie Tepper★
Stephanie A. Tercyak★
Richard & Ruth Terray★
Lawrence A. & Judith M. Terrell★
Wendy Teslik-Welz & Russell Welz
Cliff Teutsch★★
Brian & Gail Tevnan★
Lisa Thibdaue★
Brenda Thibodeau
Mr. & Mrs. Maxim J. Thibodeau★
Norm & Debbie Thibodeau★
Charles Thomas★★
Jeff & Julie Thomas★
Melanie Thomas
Stephen & Laura Thomas
Amy & Brian Thompson
Debi Thompson
George & Kathy Thompson★★
Mark & Lori Thompson★
Patrick & Sherri Thompson
Scott Thompson★
Jeffrey Thomson, MD
Irving J. Thurrott★
Eugene Tiano, Jr.★
Elizabeth & Douglas Tillotson
Anne & Dave Timbrell
Brian & Katherine Titus★
Charles J. Tobin★
Rhonda Tobin & Jeff Smith
Laura Toce
Richard & Barbara Tomeo★★
Ted & Deborah Tompkins
C. A. Tonucci
Mark & Ava Torello★
Andrew R. Tosetti
Yan Tougas
Jeffrey M.P. Towle
Marilyn & Charles Trabold★
Frank & Tracy Tracano
Nicholas E. Tracano
Anita Tracy
Jeff Tracy
Joseph A. Tracy
Eric & Diane Trafton★
Kevin & Denise Trammel★
The Treacy Family★
Betsy Treiber
Guy J. Trepanier
Edith & Jim Tresner★★
Rachel M. Tressy
Jim Trimble★★
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Truitt
Pam & Bruce Truncali★
Charles G. Tucker
Mark & Catherine Tully
Elaine Tumicki & Daniel Surkis★
Dave & Lori Tuomala
Ruth M. Tupper★★★
Christine Turk
Gregory B. Turner
Mitzi Tuttle
Danton E.B. Tuve★
Deborah Tyler★
Tanya Tymchenko
Richard & Carol Tyo
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Priscilla Ubysz
George A. Ugalde
Francisco Uherhewar
Dan Upton
Jon & Lynne Urban★★
Fran & Dave Urbanik★
Steven & Diana Ursitti★
Vicki M. Urso
Ron Usher
Richard A. Vadnais
Catherine Vagt★★
The Valdes Family
Robert & Elizabeth Valickis
Vincent P. Vallario, Jr.★
Jane & James Vallee★
Christine A. Valluzzi★
Ronald & Ruth Van Winkle
Robert & Cassandra Vangiessen
Chris Vann★★
Helen A. Vanty
Edwin & Sylvia Vargas★
Cecily Vasington★
Andrea Vaughan
Dick Vaughan
Philip & Jodi Vecchiarelli★★
Jon & Lynn Veldman
Charlie Verfurth★
Jeff Verney
Ron & Lori Vernier★★
Nick & Geri Vernola★★
Joan & Paul Veronneau★★
Sally Verrilli
Richard & Joyce Vertz★★
Kevin Vicha
Jill L. Vichi
Miguel Villalba
Robert M. Vinickas
Gerald P. Violette, Jr.
Paul & Carol Virostek★
Felici & Lynn Vitale★
Richard & Lisa Vitarelli
Mr. & Mrs. James Vitelli★
Kathy & Paul Vitello★
Joseph & Cathleen Voelker★
Joseph R. Voelker★
Denise & William Vogel
Katherine A. Voght
Richard Voigt & Annemarie Riemer
Jack & Karen Volinski★
Arthur Vollbrecht
Frances “Scottie” Vollmer
Rose Volmar★
Mr. & Mrs. M.T. Volpe★
Francis & Carole Volz
Larry & Lil Volz★★
Rebecca & Michael Vortherms★
Andy & Lorraine Votta★
John Votto★
Pat & Frank Wachter★
Janet Wade-Utay★
W. J. Wadington & Jean T. DiOrio★
Jim & Sue Wadleigh
The Waggoner Family
Darryl & Karen Wagner★
Joel H. Wagner
John M. Wagner, Jr.
Roland & Kim Wakefield★
Patrick Waldron
Edward Walford
Herbert L. Walker
Jenny L. Walker
Lyn G. Walker★★★
Susan Wall
Ann Waller★
Nicholas & Susan Walsh★★
Norah J. Walsh
Frank & Kim Waltman
Beverly A. Walton★★
Karen & Martin Wand
Art & Chris Wanderlingh★
Dara Ward
David L. Ward
Stephen H. & Maria A. Ward★★
Karen Wardwell
Dave & Sharon Ware★
Anne & Alden Warner★
Diane F. Warner-Canova★
Constance J. Warren★
Derek & Sara Warren
Billie-Jo Warrick
Don & Elin Warwick★★
Kevin & Sheila M. Washington★
Walter & Susan Wasik★
Richard & Diane Waskiewicz★
David & Stephanie Watkins★
David & Jane Watson
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Watson
Franklin B. Watters, MD★
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Watts
Jeffrey & Berri Wayand★
James C. Weaver★
Mary Weaver
Beth E. Weber
Eric Weber
Susan B. Weber★
Tizz & Dana Weber★★
Clifford Weeks, Jr.
Glen Weeks
Kathy Weiler
Barbara S. Wein★
Bernard E. Weis, IV★
Catherine E. Weiss★
Sarah Welch
Linda J. Welles★
Jim Wellman★
Lindsley Wellman★★★
Patrick T. Wellman
Charles & Cynthia Welsh★
Richard J. Werhle, Jr.
Christian J. Wernlund, II
John Wesson
Peter Weston★
Orlene Allen Weyland★
Moira & John Whalen
James P. & Kathleen C. Wheeler
Jerry W. Wheeler
Chris & Lee Whelan
Laurie R. Whelan★
C. Michael White
Eric White
Mary K. White★
Peter White
Robert & Mary Ellen White
Temeka S. White
Kirk A. Whiteman, IV
John & Nancy Whiton★
Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Whittemore
Stuart J. Whittle
Lisa Wick
Edward M. Widness, Jr.★★
Michael Wiernasz
Marc Wiest
Dan & Cindy Wilcox
Marc & Sharol Wilcoxen★
Michael & Marjorie Wilder★★
Chele & Steve Wilkins★
Jim & Christine Wilkinson★
Christopher J. Willey
Andrew Williams
Charles T. Williams★
David A. & Joanne L. Williams
Howard Williams★
Jennifer D. Williams
John & Christine Williams
Joseph & Tracy Williams
Laura Williams
Lauren E. Williams★
Paul & Denise Williams★★
Richard A. Williams★
Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Williams★★
Sandra A. Williams★
Teesia & Kenneth Williams
Benjamin L. Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wills
Janene & Rob Willsey★★★
Lynn & Bev Willsey★★★
Maureen & Thomas Willsey★
Judith L. Wilson★
Peter Wilson, Jr.
Susanne Winchell
Carl W. Winkler
Hermance Winshell★
John T. Winter
Michael & Cynthia Wise
Larry & Victoria Witherup
Scott Witter
William & Kathleen Witz
Christopher Witzky★★
Julie & Chad Wojnar
Jane Wolak
Christopher & Elaine Wolf
Steven Wolfberg
Joel Wolfe★
Donald & Joan Wolff★
Thomas & Maura Wolff★
Thomas J. & Bette Wolff★★★
Martin Wolman★★★
Mel Wolpert
Helen Wong & Frazier Bronson
David & Amelia Wood★
Jack & Donna Woodin
Mary & David Woods★
Sue & Steve Worthington★
Arthur W. Wright
Bill Wright
Jennifer L. Wright
Joanne & Dick Wright
Kenneth L. Wright
Michael Duane Wright★
Paul S. Wright &
Cindy Schuna-Wright
Skip & Jean Wright★
Laura Wyeth
Kip A. Wyman★
Michael & Kathy Young★
Michael L. Young★
Paul A. Young
Paulette Young
William Young & Martha Page★★
The Youngstrom Family★
Andrea P. Yalof
John Jean Yamanis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Yanavich
Robert K. Yass & Mary-Jane Eisen★★★
Fong Ye
Jimmy L. Yeh
Brian J. Yeich
Gail & Ira Yellen★
Louisa Yeung★
Mark & Carol Yingling★
Margaret C. Yocher
Daniel Yoder
Donald R. & Brenda K. Young
Earl & Lenae Young★
Gary & Kristan Young–
In Loving Memory of Mandie★
Marit V. Young★
One thousand four hundred and
fifty-two donors who wish to
remain anonymous.
“As Director of Surgery at Hartford Hospital, I see people in need of services
every day. United Way plays a pivotal role in caring for our friends, neighbors and
the most vulnerable in our community. Serving as chair of the United Way
Community Campaign Medical Division, my goal is to increase giving from the
health care delivery system in helping the United Way in its focus on successful
children, strong healthy families and thriving communities.” Dr. Orlando Kirton,
Hartford Hospital
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Debbie & Gary Zahorodni★★
Michael E. Zammitti★
Valerie Zampaglione★
Debra A. Zampano
Mr. & Mrs. R. P. Zappile★
Stefan & Stephanie Zavatone★
Michael & Vickie Zebedeo
John Zebrowski★★
Stephen Zebrowski★
Darlene B. Zelazo★
Michelle & Mark Zelesky★★
Christopher R. Zell &
Beverly J. Zell★
Suzanne & Greg Zeller
John L. Zepp & Family
Mark & Penelope Ziarnik★★
Art Zieky
Allan & Jennifer Zimmerman
Barbara & Paul Zimmerman
Deborah & Michael R. Zimmerman
Robert Zinsky
Beth Ziobrowski & Family★
Susan & James Ziolkowski★★
Anthony A. Ziotas & Family★
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ziplow
Carolyn & Jon Zolty★
Rafael Zornosa
Melinda Zwecker★
Christine Zweigle★★
Kenneth & Christina Zygiel
Steve Zysman
Constitution Society 2007
Leadership Giving in Corporations and Organizations
A.G. Edwards & Son, Inc.
A.H. Harris & Sons
AAA Allied Group
Acadia Underwriters
Adams & Knight
Aetna Inc.
Ahlstrom Windsor Locks LLC
Alcohol & Drug Recovery Center
American Cancer Society
American Eagle Federal Credit Union
American Nuclear Insurers
American Red Cross - Charter Oak Chapter
Anocoil Corporation
Arbors Residents Association
Arkema, Inc.
Avon Board of Education
AXA Equitable
Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider LLP
Bank of America
Barnes Aerospace
Berlin Board of Education
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Bland Company
Bloomfield Board of Education
Bloomfield Town Departments
Blum Shapiro & Company P.C.
Boundless Playgrounds, Inc.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford
Bracewell & Giuliani
Brown Rudnick Berlack Israels LLP
Capitol Region Council of Government
Catholic Charities, Inc.
CBS Radio Hartford
Central Connecticut ARC (CCARC), Inc.
Chase Enterprises
Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation
Chubb Specialty Insurance
CIGNA Corporation
Citizens Bank of Connecticut
Community Foundation of Greater New Britain
Community Health Charities of New England
Community Health Resources - North Central Counseling Services
Community Solutions, Inc.
The Conference of Churches
ConnectiCare, Inc.
Connecticut Association for Human Services
Connecticut Bank and Trust Company
Connecticut Children's Medical Center
Connecticut Fair Plan
Connecticut Legal Services, Inc.
Connecticut Public Broadcasting
Connecticut Rivers Council, Boy Scouts of America
State of Connecticut
Capital Community College
Central Connecticut State University
Department of Children & Families
Department of Developmental Services
Department of Environmental Protection
Department of Higher Education
Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services
Department of Public Health
Department of Transportation
Division of Special Revenue
Eastern Connecticut State University
Manchester Community College
Office of the State Comptroller
Office of the State Treasurer
University of Connecticut
University of Connecticut Health Center
Conning and Company
Consumer Law Group
Conval, Inc.
Co-Opportunity, Inc.
Cowdery, Ecker & Murphy, LLC.
Cronin & Company, Inc.
CUNO/a 3M Company
Danaher Tools
Day Pitney LLP
Deloitte & Touche
Discover RE
Dowling & Partners Securities LLP
DST Output
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Leadership Giving in Corporations and Organizations
Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge, LLP
Electric Boat Corporation
Eli Lilly & Company
Ellington Town Departments
Ensign Bickford Industries
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Ernst & Young LLP
Ethel Walker School
ING Americas
Insur Banc
ITW Graphics
J.C. Penney Catalog
Jacobs Vehicle Systems
Jewish Family Services of Greater Hartford
Junior Achievement of Southwest New England
Farmington Savings Bank
Federal Express Corporation
Filomeno & Company
First Experience Communications
Fiserv Lending Solutions
Kingswood-Oxford School
Konica Minolta Business Solutions, Inc.
Konover Investments Company
Kostin, Ruffkess & Company LLC
General Electric
Gerber Scientific, Inc.
Greater Hartford Association for Retarded Citizens, Inc. (HARC)
Greater Hartford Central Labor Council AFL-CIO
Greater Hartford Legal Aid, Inc.
Grove Hill Medical Center
Guy Carpenter & Company, Inc.
Leadership Greater Hartford
Levy & Droney
LIMRA International
Lincoln Financial Group
Lindberg & Ripple, Inc.
Literacy Volunteers of Greater Hartford
Lockton Companies
Loomis-Chaffee School
MacDermid Inc
Manchester Town Departments
Mandell Jewish Community Center
MassMutual Financial Group
McCarter & English
McCue Mortgage
The McGraw-Hill Companies
MeadWestvaco Corporation
Mental Health Association of Connecticut
Merrill Lynch
Message Center Management
MetroHartford Alliance
Metropolitan District Commission
Microsoft Corporation
Murtha Cullina LLP
Mutual of America Life Insurance Company
H. P. Hood, Inc.
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Hanover Insurance
Hartford City Departments
Hartford Courant
Hartford Economic Development Corporation
The Hartford Financial Services Group
Hartford Hospital
Hartford Public Schools
Hartford Seminary
The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company
Henkel Corporation
The Herald
Hilb Rogal & Hobbs
Hooker & Holcombe
The Hospital of Central Connecticut at New Britain General Hospital
Hospital for Special Care
HOVIN Underwriting Partners, Inc.
The Hutensky Group
IBM Corporation
IKON Office Solutions
Independence Unlimited
Industrial Aircraft Lodge Local 1746
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Natchaug Hospital
Nationwide Insurance
New Alliance Bank
New Britain Consolidated Schools
New Britain Public Library
Northeast Utilities System
United Way Community Campaign gratefully acknowledges
Union support from Northeast Utilities System. Union leadership
numbers are included in the company numbers above.
I.B.E.W. Locals 420 and 457
O'Brien, Tanski & Young
Okay Industries, Inc
One Beacon
Open Solutions
Our Piece of The Pie (OPP)
Ovation Benefits
Paychex Inc
People's United Bank
Pepe & Hazard
Permatex, Inc.
Pfizer Corporation
Phonon Corporation
The Phoenix Companies
Pita Communications
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
ProHealth Physicians
Prudential Insurance Company
Prudential Retirement
Pump & Engine Control Systems
Qwest Foundation
R.C. Knox & Company Incorporated
Reden & Anders
Reflexite Technology Center
Reid and Riege PC
Rensselaer at Hartford
Robinson & Cole LLP
Royal Alliance Associates
SAFECO Insurance
Saint Francis Hospital & Medical Center
Sheldon A. Mossberg, Esquire
The Savings Bank Life Insurance Co.
Seniors Job Bank, Inc.
Shelter for Women
Shipman & Goodwin LLP
The Simsbury Bank
Smith Barney
South Arsenal Neighborhood Development Corporation (SAND)
South Windsor Board of Education
Sovereign Bank
Stanadyne Corporation
The Stanley Works
State Farm Insurance
Stop & Shop Corporate Offices
Sun Life Financial Employee Benefits Group
Swiss RE - IRI
TD Banknorth
TD Banknorth Insurance Group
Tilcon Connecticut, Inc.
Towers, Perrin, Forster & Crosby, Inc.
Town of Simsbury
Trinity College
Tyler Cooper LLP
UAW Union Staff Region 9A
Unison Engine Components
United Labor Agency (John J. Driscoll United Labor Agency), Inc.
United Technologies Family of Companies
Carrier Corporation
Hamilton Sundstrand
Otis Elevator Company
Pratt & Whitney
United Technologies Corporation
United Technologies Research Center (UTRC)
UTC Fire and Security
UTC Power
United Way Community Campaign gratefully acknowledges
Union support from Pratt & Whitney, Hamilton Sundstrand and
UTC Power. Union leadership numbers are included in the
company numbers above.
District 26 IAMAW:
Independent Fire/Security Officers Association:
East Hartford
International Association of Firefighters:
East Hartford
International Association of Machinists
and Aerospace Workers:
Local 700 Middletown
Local 743 Windsor Locks
Local 1746 East Hartford
Local 1746A Cheshire
United Way of Connecticut
United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut
UnitedHealth Group
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Leadership Giving in Corporations and Organizations
University of Hartford
Unum Provident
Updike, Kelly & Spellacy PC
UPS Capital Business Credit
Urban League of Greater Hartford, Inc.
US Bank National Association
The Village for Families & Children, Inc.
VNA Health Care, Inc.
Wachovia Bank
Wachovia Securities
Webster Bank
West Hartford Board of Education
West Hartford Town Departments
Whittlesey & Hadley
Wiggin & Dana, LLC
Windham Community Memorial Hospital
Windham Public Schools
Windsor Board of Education
Windsor Federal Savings & Loan
Windsor Town Departments
Women’s Health/Evolution Benefits
Woodard & Curran
WTIC-TV Channel 61
WVIT-Channel 30
YMCA of Greater Hartford
YWCA of the Hartford Region
Impact Summer|Fall 08
Honoring a Friend to United Way:
Remembering Lee Allison
nited Way and the community have lost a very dear
friend in the recent passing of Latham ‘Lee’ Allison on
August 14, 2008. Lee’s community activities were extensive.
His United Way experience alone spanned more than 20
years, including service on the board of directors (19871994) and its executive and strategic planning committees.
“I first came to know Lee during my tenure as chair of the
United Way board of directors,” noted Lewis J. Robinson of
Hartford. “I liked him instantly. He was a good listener,
strategic in his thinking, and superb at the operational
level. He was truly committed to making the world a better
place –not by idle talk, but by quiet and impressive deeds.
Hartford is a better place because of Lee’s contributions.”
Lee also served as a bridge between the “old” and the “new.”
In 1987 he was chairman of allocations, United Way’s former
process for distributing funds to agency programs.
Thirteen years later he became a key member of the
resource distribution redesign committee that transformed
Community Investment and strengthened United Way’s
role in changing community conditions.
In 2006, Lee joined the newly formed United Way Tocqueville
Society Advisory Committee, demonstrating not only his
personal commitment to the community, but also to developing young professionals as leadership volunteers and
givers. He was also a member of the 1924 Society, United
Way’s legacy giving program.
In addition to his extensive United Way experience, Lee
also played leadership roles in such organizations as First
Church of Christ in West Hartford, Asylum Hill
Congregational Church and its Covenant to Care initiative,
Loaves and Fishes Ministry, and Food for All.
Lee was also critical to the development of the Asylum Hill
Boys and Girls Club which opened in 2004. With Lee’s
leadership, the club opened on time and under budget. The
Asylum Hill facility is part of Boys and Girls Clubs of
Hartford, a United Way Community Investment partner.
Above, from left: Margot and Lee
Allison attended a United Way
Tocqueville Society reception for
author David K. Shipler.
A resident of Bloomfield, he is survived by his wife Margot,
his four children and his six grandchildren. Lee will be
missed by the many lives he touched as a philanthropist, an
active community leader, and a dear friend to United Way.
Since 1924, United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut has been meeting human care needs in our 40-town
region with the help of partner agencies, community leaders, and donors.
In 2000, the United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut’s 1924 Society was established to recognize those
donors who share a vision for the future well-being and success of our community by remembering the United Way
in their estate plans.
We are thankful for the contributions these members make in creating extraordinary opportunities for future generations.
As of 7/2/08
Estate of Adrienne Allen
Margot & Lee Allison
Henry T.J. Becker
Harold C. Buckingham, Jr.
Howard & Sue Carver
Ray & Ronnie Deck
Janice E. DeDominicis
Susan & Ned Dunn, Jr.
Estate of Isidore S.
Geetter, M.D.
Estate of Elizabeth
& Virginia Hicks
Estate of Richard
& Marie McCabe
Claire & Millard Pryor
Lew & Amy Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russell
The Wellman
Family Fund
Don & Jean Wilson
Two donors who wish
to remain anonymous.
To learn more about the 1924 Society or about making a planned gift to the United Way of Central and Northeastern
Connecticut, please contact Liz Kowalski at (860) 493-6847.
Impact Summer|Fall 08
“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”
Jackie Robinson
Raymond P. Necci
Susan B. Dunn
President and CEO
Paula S. Gilberto
Senior Vice President
Joseph L. LaRosa
Director, Communications
Michelle L. Griffis
Kolk Design LLC
Above: Natalie McLown, an Otis employee, trimmed bushes and shrubs at the Mi Casa Community Center in Hartford as part of the record breaking
Day of Caring XVII, September 5.
Non Profit Organization
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