

Union ofV:ietnamese Student Associations of Southern California I Tong H()i Sinh
The Union of Vietnamese Student Associations of Southern California I T6ng HQi Sinh Vien Mi~n Nam California
January 2009
Cam dn tu6i tre Vi~t Nam ni~m tin yeu dan t{)c
Thanks to Vietnamese Youth, the trust and love of our people
At the New Year, we pray for Vietnam
Happiness and Peace to be in every home
All youth in Vietnam and abroad to join steps
In a victory march for Freedom and Democracy.
Ddu Xudn cdu nguyen Viet Nom to
HQnh phuc blnh on khop mQi nho
Tu6i tre trong ngooi chung nhip bvdc
Tl/ do dan chu khai hoon co.
The NgQc
P. 0. Box 9684
Fountain Volley,CA 92728
Thank you for joining us as we celebrate the Year of the Buffalo!
The Union of Vietnamese Student Associations of Southern California
T6ng Hoi Sinh Vien Vi~t Nom, Nom Coli
12821 Western Ave.Suite H
Gorden Grove, CA 9284 l
http://www. uvso.org
Copyright 2008 Union of Vietnamese Student Associations of Southern California. All Rights Reserved.
Nguy~n Hong An
Ngo Chou An
Nguy~n Ethan
Trdn Vi~t
Bui Haily
PhQm Thj Kimberly
V6 Minh-BL!c
BL!c Trf Que' Anh
Boon Tam ThuQn
VO Monica
Mai Hvu Boo
Ngo Thien Boo
Hoai Lg
Hoang Vvdng
PhQm Qu6c An
Tam Tjnh
Boo Thi
Binh VO
TRiN~ BAy Ky
Bqng Brian
Kigu Khanh
Ly Phong
Le Hung
Binh Li
PhQm Thj Kimberly
N~iE'p A
Bang Brian
Le Nom
Binh Tn.tdng
Nguy~n L9c
Trdn Tim
Vvdng Christian
Kevin Tien Le
Michael Burr
Nguy~n Ti~u-Y
Bt1i Lilian
Nguy~n Michael
Nguy~n Van
V6 Van Nhl,ft
Bui Quinn
VietSALON Magazine
Huynh Daniel
Tuyen Vi
Trdn Frank
PhQm Thj Kimberly
T6ng H<?i Sinh Vien Vi~t Nom, Nom Cali
12821 Western Avenue, Suite H.
Garden Grove, CA 92841
Tel: (714) 891-1418 Fax: (714) 890-1518
I www.uvsa.org
M9t thong tnJoc Tet, cdn IQnh aen nhvng kh6ng can avqc nhvng ta'm long hang say cua nhvng nglloi
tre lu6n mang ly tvdng phl,JC Yl,J CQng a6ng qua nhi~u bu6i hQp. f)6 chinh Ia hinh dnh cdc thanh Yien
trong t6ng h9i sinh Yien, m9t t6 chl!c ba't Yl,J lqi cua sinh Yien co truy~n tho'ng t6 chl!c H9i Chq Tet
hang nom.
HQ cOng co CUQC s6ng bqn r(>n nhll nhC!ng sinh vien khac nhvng cole, hQ aa tQO cho mlnh
nhC!ng khodnh khac quen ai CUQC s6ng lo toan a& cung aong gop cho cong vi~c chung. Va
chinh vl Sl/ aong gop ndy, ma T6ng H9i Sinh Vien ngay cang phat tri&n YO H9i Chq Te't m6i
nom IQi quy mo han .
NhC!ng tie'ng clldi YO ni~m YUi r9n ra cua tre em va phv huynh tham dl/ h(>i chq Te't phai
chang Ia a(>ng lljc khich I~ cho ban t6 chlic va giup cho nglldi tre trong CQng aong hi&u
aLIQC gia tri cua tinh thdn da'n than phvc Vl,J. C(>ng aong cdn hQ, aa't nllck cdn hQ YO dan
t(>c cdn hQ.
Hay tie'p tvc da'n than tren con alldng pht,JC Vl,J CQng aong a& tQO nigm tin cho cac the' h~ mai
sou, bQn nhe.
onths before Te't, in winter, during finals and the holiday season, students and volunteers
spend weekends and late nights planning, building, and sharing. Time that would have
been spent with friends and family is exchanged and spent, instead, to prepare and take
care of the community for our most important celebration, the beginning of the NewYear. There
is no tangible compensation that comes from the hard work and dedication . There is no single
reason why effort is put forth in the first place.
That is, until Spring arrives.
A city park is transformed into a festive and cultural land of wonder. Carnival rides surround
once empty sand box playgrounds . The smell of Vietnamese cuisine permeates through wide
fields filled with vendors, games, music and live performances. Memories of our homeland and
past that we only know in our hearts through stories and brief visits is tediously but proudly
reconstructed, leaf by leaf, hand in hand . An environment is created where we can go to escape
and forget our busy daily lives, if just for a moment, to understand and remember the most
important things in life- family and culture. Each Spring, we welcome the Spirit of Vietnam.
In these efforts, compensation is in the form of smiles of children and their parents, learning
and working together with like-minded individuals who want to help build and shape our
community for the better. Countless organizations, committees and individuals across the country
and around the world are dedicated to making a difference to helping those in need.
There is great hope within our community, and this hope is needed to continue moving forward,
undeterred by obstacles so we can come together in solidarity to not only strive for a better
Vietnam, but also in hopes for a stronger Vietnamese community abroad.
Through working together, we can hope for the greatest compensation yet- knowing where our
stories begin, who we ore, and the infinite possibilities of where we can and will go from here.
With Hope,
Non Song 20CJ9 - Year of the Buffalo
So LLi~c ve Tong Hoi Sinh Vien
T6ng Hoi Sinh Vien Vi~t Nom Mien Nom California (THSV) Ia mot t6 chuc mang tich each cong d6ng, khong thien
vi YO YO vi lqi. Hoi ch.tqc thanh IQp vao nom 1982 nhl.l mot phl.ldng ti~n eM gidi tre trong cong d6ng c6 th~ lien ke't
tren cac phl.ldng di~n xo hoi YO chinh tri. 8a s6 cac hoi vien Ia nhOng chuyen gia tre tu6i, nhOng sinh vien, YO nhOng
hQC sinh, vdi quye't tom Ia phat huy van h6a Vi~t, giao dvc gidi tre, YO phvc vv cong d6ng. Boo g6m nhOng nha lonh
OQO tre trung YO l.IU tu trong cong d6ng ngl.loi Vi~t tQi Hoa Ky, THSV luon luon phd'n dd'u a~ OQt al.lqc mvc dich qua
nhOng chl.ldng trlnh giao dvc, tLt thi~n, va van h6a. Trang su6t 20 nom qua, THSV do cong toe vdi nhieu t6 chLtc tre
trong vung a~ phvc vv cong d6ng ngl.loi Vi~t tQi Nom California.
Suu MQng
Su MQng va Mvc 8ich cua T6ng Hoi Sinh Vien Ia:
-Lien ke't hQc sinh, sinh vien Vi~t Nom tQi mien Nom California, tQi Hoa Ky, cung nhl.l tren toan the' gidi, trong tinh
thdn th6ng nhd't YO lien adi.
- 8Qi di~n gidi tre Vi~t Nom, mot tdng IC1p rd't do dQng YO nang dong, bang each khuye'n khich hQ tich CL/C tham
gia va tl.ldng trq ldn nhau trong cong d6ng.
- Boo v~ va phat huy Qu6c NgO, van h6a, va l!ch sl! Vi~t Nom .
- Khuye'n khich SL/ phat tri~n trong tinh thdn lonh OQO YO phvc Vl) giOa cac thanh thie'u nien Vi~t Nom.
f)~ thl/c hi~n al.lqc nhOng slt mQng neu tren, THSV luon c6 gclng t6 chuc nhOng sinh hoQt mang tich each giao dvc,
xo hoi, van h6a, YO chinh tri, hdu giup cac thanh thie'u nien Vi~t Nom cam nghi~m va khai tri~n tinh thdn Vi~t toe.
NhOng sinh hoQt nay g6m c6:
- Hoi Chq Te't Nguyen Ban hang nom.
- TQp San Non Song, dvqc phon ph6i tren toan cdu
- TrQi He thl.long nien YO TrQi He hud'n luy~n lonh OQO a~ khich I~ hQc sinh/sinh vien thea chieu hvdng tich CL/C tham
gia va phvc vv cong d6ng
- Hoi Nghi/Hoi Thao thvong nien
- Cac sinh hoQt lien trl.long va trung hoc, nhl.l winter formals, summer leadership retreats, college fairs, sports
tournaments, bonfires, parties, v.v.
- Va nhieu nhOng sinh hoQt tLt thi~n nhl.l cong toe t6 chLtc cac Ngay 8i Bo cho nQn boo lvt, 8Qi NhQC Hoi a~ xay
dl/ng Tl.lqng 8ai Chie'n ST Vi~t Nom, 8em Thap Ne'n cho TL/ Do Tin Ngvong trong nl.ldc, v.v.
Thanh Phon
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
California State University, Fullerton
California State University, Long Beach
California State University, Los Angeles
California State University, San Bernardino
Mt. San Antonio College
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Riverside
University of California, San Diego
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Southern California
Vietnamese American High School Alliance
James Vu
Vu Dinh
Hoang Do
UC Los Angeles
Phong Ly
UC Los Angeles
Victoria Nguyen
UC Santa Barbara
UC Riverside
UC San Diego
lntemol Vice President
External Vice President
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
Ban Chap Hanh Tong H¢i Sinh Vien 2008-2009
Michael Huynh
TJ Suwanswetr
Vincent Tran
Anna Huynh
Huy Tran
Stacy Nguyen
Col Poly Pomona
Col Poly Pomona
UC Riverside
UC Son Diego
CSU Los Angeles
UC Irvine
Amy Dam
Sinh Ly
Brian Dang
Tiffany Nguyen-Lieu
An Le
Christian Vuong
CSU Long Beach
UC Los Angeles
UC Irvine
CSU Long Beach
UC Irvine
UC Santo Barbaro
Julie Huynh
Steven Huynh
Frank Trank
Vincent Pham
Tim Nguyen
An Nguyen
Edison High
UC Santo Barbaro
Col Poly Pomona
UC Irvine
UC Irvine
CSU Long Beach
Manica Vu
Chou An Ngo
Kimberly Pham
Vinh To
Linh Nguyen
Nom Luong
CSU Fullerton
UC Santo Barbaro
UC Irvine
UC Irvine
CSU Long Beach
Gorden Grove HS
Nick Tang
Khoo Pham
Phi Duong
Allisa Nguyen
Karen Lam
Victor Nguyen-lieu
UC Los Angeles
UC Riverside
UC Irvine
UC Los Angeles
CSU Los Angeles
CSU Los Angeles
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffa\o
C, or the Inter-Collegiate Council of UVSA is a diverse group of active college students from
_,.__ c"'
olleges throughout Southern California, each serving a one-year term as a representative of
Vietnamese student organizations on their college campus. With weekly meetings as well as quarterly
staff retreats, members of ICC work to maintain strong communications between UVSA and their
individual Vietnamese student organizations as well as develop bonds between all the colleges. To
promote individual bonds between schools and membership, ICC was able to orchestrate events such
as UVSA Staff Gala and Beach Day. In addition, ICC also masterminded the UVSA College Fair, in
hopes to promote higher education and access to young Vietnamese-Americans and to expose them
to the many universities in Southern California .
As the New Year begins, we hope to further maintain the strong relationships between each
university through Winter Formal and Friendship Games, advocate for the struggle that VietnameseAmericans went through during the Vietnam War through Black April Commemoration, as well as
support one another during each of our respective Culture Nights. As members of the council, we
seek to remind each school that the vision we have for the community is a collective one shared by all.
As products of the Vietnam War and products of struggle, the work that we do for our own respective
communities and schools, is work that should be promoted to all Vietnamese-Americans and people
of color. We as the new generation
of Vietnamese-Americans have this duty and social responsibility
in preserving such history, becoming advocates for our Vietnamese community and human rights, and
paving the way for the next generation of students to carry out this vision and even further; as ICC, we
come together as united schools to ensure such legacy.
Inter-C ollegiate C ouncil
Union of Vietnamese Student Associations
JANUARY 30 Tet Festival
FEBRUARY 28 UVSA Winter Formal
APRIL 26 UVSA Friendship Games
APRIL 30 Black April Commemoration
MAY 16 UVSA End of the Year Banquet
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
C al Poly Pomona
Vietnamese Student Association
NANCY THAI Historian
ALANN LY Events Coodinator
his year's theme of "hope" brings deep
meaning to Cal Poly Pomona's Vietnamese
Students Association, simply because we
are a hopeful group. We are hopeful that
our goals for the year are reached with
success and flare, even if they are not
done so with finesse. This leaves room for
improvement for the coming years . We are
hopeful that our new found friends and
current close friends will get along with
each other, forming new bonds through the
times they spend together. This encourages
strangers. We are hopeful for a joyous time
learning about our culture
during social
gatherings. This ensures that each person
will walk away at the end of the year with
a new thought, idea, and impression of
our club. Hopefully these experiences and
times of gathering will bring our VSA closer
and help us grow stronger.
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
WEBSITE www. vsacalpoty.org
CONTACT catpolyvsa@gmail.com
C al State U niversity, Fullerton
Vietnamese Student Association
ground to
involved within
their community
hopes of making positive changes for
themselves and others around them.
We dedicate ourselves in providing
a safe and educational environment
for our members so that they may
their heritage culturally
through social and community events.
We also encourage other ethnicities so
that we may spread our culture, beliefs,
and language among others. Doin~ s~,
we have made a lasting impact Within
our campus and community.
As we approach our25th anniversary,
expand its network in the Vietnamese
help young Vietnamese
Americans learn about their culture,
and create long lasting friendships. We
look forward to 2009 as we will work
diligently towards showca sing an aspect
of the Vietnamese community thro ugh
our annual Vietnamese Culture Night.
CINDY LUU President
AICA Representative
Event Coordinator
TARYN TOM Co-Public Relations
BEN DINH Co-Public Relations
FOR MORE INFORMATION, please visit :
WEBSITE www.csufvsa.com
CONTACT fullertonvsa®gmail.com
Non So ng 200Q- Year of the Buffalo
C at State U niversity, Los A ngeles
Vietnamese Student Association
OP.e - a very powerful word that
rings through the words and thoughts
of every cabinet and general member
here at CSULA VSA. Another new term
has come forth as we start to gear
up for what comes our way. As our
objectives are being set in stone and
our spirits high, there are many things
that we are very hopeful for. We are
hopeful for the new bonds of friendship
that will come along as we are working
closely with one another. In doing so,
we hope to preserve our heritage, and,
at the same time, promote our culture.
Here at CSULA VSA, we have a culture
within a culture; and in our culture we
love with open hearts, think with an
open mind, and dream with an open
spirit . We don't know what may come
tomorrow, so today we work hard and
welcome tomorrow with open arms
BAO TRAN President
SANG HUYNH Treasurer
TONY DUONG Events Director
filled with hope.
WEBSITE www.csulavsa.com
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
C al State U niversity, Long Beach
Vietnamese Student Association
JR BUCTON Vice President
THAO NGUYEN Treasurer /Webmaster
LINH DUONG Secretary
WILLIAM VO Sports Director
JAMES KUANG Activities Director
PHUOC QUACH Fundraising Director
cue LE Intern
he Long Beach Vietnamese Student Association
is a family. It's the strength our members, staff,
and alumni draw from in times of discovery, and
it is often the solace we turn to during moments
of grief. For some, it is a bold new world of
community service and projects around every
corner. For others, VSA offers a balance from
their hectic lives and provides a warmer family
This year, we strive to reach out to former
members, new members, and members of the
Long Beach and Vietnamese communities. We
hope to break barriers and build bonds among
generations with many of our events including our
Vietnamese culture show. Most of all, together,
we wish to instill a curiosity of the Vietnamese
culture in Vietnamese youths, across ethnicities,
and across generations.
To our family, thank you for providing the
love and support we need to grow. To our
LBVSA members, you ARE our family. In the
words of one of our members: "Joining VSA [is]
like thousands of hands just opening up to you
without hesitation. It's who you are and it's where
you belong ."
WEBSITE www.csulbvsa.org
CONTACT board@csulbvsa.org
Non S6ng 200Q- Year of the Buffalo
Mt. San A ntonio C ollege
Vietnamese Student Association
JOYCE HO President/ICC
HIEU VU Vice President/Web Master
TOAN LY Secretary
WILLIAM TAW Treasurer /Web Master
ARMANDO LOPEZ Activities Director
an Antonio College VSA
e considered as the youngest
memberwithin the UVSA family. Many
of our members that graduated have
Universities and have
move d on to
done great things for the communtty.
provides a
for students to connect with VSAs
t h roug h ou t
giving students the opportuntt~
to visit other campuses and thet r
potential VSA homes. Mt. SAC VSA
is a second family to us, and we love
each other dearly. No matter where
'II go in life we all started here
we wt
and will always remember our ft rst
VSA family.
We will always
remember our
Vietnamese roots and cherish our
homeland. We try our best to preserve
and promote the Vietnamese culture .
WEBSITE mtsacvsa. wordpress.com
CONTACT mtsacstaff®googlegroups.com
By doing so, we have learned so
urselves and others
muc h a b ou t O
al ong the way. Mt. SAC VSA leaves
with us the fondest memories of love
and fri endship .
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
U niversity of C alifornia/ Irvine
Vietnamese Student Association
~ ietnamese Student Association at University
of Californ ia Irvine (VSAUCI) is pleased to usher
in the New Year with much happiness and joy.
This special year of celebration is highlighted by
VSA's 30th Anniversary. To recognize 30 years
of dedication to service, we hope to continue our
mission to serve the community by promoting
and educating cultu ral awareness. As a social
cultural club we aim to provide students with
a common ground by hosting weekly meetings
where we celebrate our culture through skits,
games, and presentations. VSA is proud to
support our Gi6 Nom Mua Lon Lion Dance
Team , Modern Dance Team Level 5, Traditional
Dance Team, and our Choir. Through events
JOSEPH PHAN Co- President
like our annual Rose Pageant, we are able to
JENNA DAO Treasurer
raise money every year for our less fortunate
brothers and sisters in Vietnam. Every year
KHANH TRAN Co-Activities Coordinator
culminates in a magnificent blend of culture,
THAI NGUYEN Co-Activities Coordinator
theater, and performance with our annual
SERENA TA Choir Coordinator
production, Vietnamese Culture Night. It is our
BRIAN LUU Historian/Lion Dance Coordinator
goal that through VSA we are able to make a
meaningful impact through cultural awareness,
friendship; and self-enrichment in the lives of
everyone we serve.
RICHIE PHAN Lion Dance Coordinator
LILIAN BUI Modern Dance Coordinator
DONNA TRAN Modern Dance Coordinator
FOR MORE INFORMATION, please visi t :
WEBSITE www. vsauci. com
CONTACT vsa.ucirvine@gmail.com
Non S6ng 2009- Year of the Buffalo
U niversity of C alifornia, Los A ngeles
Vietnamese Student Union
rite, I smile knowing VSU and its Projects
are more to it then just any simple organization;
it is a family. Through HOPE's sites and our
Admit Day/High School Conference, I am
comforted knowing individuals are reaching out
to young students and showing them what higher
education is and brings. It is through SEACLEAR
and its quest to foster holistic development,
critical thinking, and community awareness
through events like SEA the VOTE that gives me
hope new leaders are being ushered in. Our
VCN, Ca1 Am, and Black April Commemoration
celebrate our rich culture while giving reminder
to the legacy that is the Vietnam War, the Boot
People, and the Refugee Experience. I dream to
see our SouthEast Asian community progress and
toke a stance against ills like human trafficking,
deportation, and under-representation. Aport
THUY HUYNH President
TUYEN BUI Administrative Coordinator
of UVSA, we schools must work collectively with
JOHN TRAN Fiscal Coordinator
common resolve! As the product of a modern
LAYHEARN TEP Retention Coordinator
day Exodus, we must seek such preservation
MATTHEW VAN Outreach Coordinator
of our culture, language, and legacy through
LISA NGUYEN Social Affairs Coordinator
service and love for our communities, ourselves
DAN NGUYEN Political Advocacy Coordinator
and each other, in this new era of change. Vang,
chung toi lam alldc!
BICH PHAM College Coordinator
MALINA TRAN Asian Pacific Coalition Rep
WEBSITE vsu.bol.ucla.edu
CONTACT vsu@ucla.edu
Non Song 2009- Spring of Hope
U niversity of C alifornia, R iverside
Vietnamese Student Association
ANDYTRAN Co-President
Culture Night Director
Culture Night Director
Fundraising Chair
Head Social Chair
Social Chair
PR Rep
PR Rep
MIMI HOANG Intern Chair
TUAN TRAN Intern Chair
MARIA-ANA NGUYEN Traditional Dance Coordinator
Lion Dance Coordinator
Dance Coordinator
Tech Master
Photographer /Videographer
Dedicated member
Fitness Instructor
Official Musician
Art Director
WEBSITE www. vsaucr. com
CONTACT vsaucr®gmail.com
his year has truly been exciting at
the University of California Riverside .
put countless hours into
and creating events for
p Ianmng
our VSA and community and there
are many more events to come. Our
general meetings are held every other
week and incorporate more culture
than ever before as we explore the
different regions of Vietnam and learn
Vietnamese through our famous "Word
of the Day" lessons that take place
at every meeting . We conclude our
meetings with a social event where we
all gather at a nearby restaurant for
erages and socializing .
·some f oo d , bev
If you want to get your singin.g ~n,
you can enter our Viet Idol smglng
competition or even participate m our
Culture Night. If that isn't enough, you
can help us close our year with your
Xin at Xin Sadies. See you there!
Non S6ng 2009- Year of the Buffalo
U niversity of C alifornia, Santa Barbara
Vietnamese Student Association
SANG NGUYEN Co-President
TOMMY NGUYEN Activities Chair
CYNTHIAMA Co-Culture Chair
CINDY NGUYEN Co-Culture Chair
QUA THI NGUYEN Philanthropy Chair
. . d Univeristy California of
hen I first lotne
y freshmen
' VSA dunng m
bers reflected the
Santo Barbaro s f
mber o mem
year, t e nu
·ty on campus.
ese communt
small Vtetnom
were not
toff mem ers
However, the s
t forth a great
nd stt
d teach about
rt t 0 shore on
deal of eff 0
. d by former
culture . 1nsptre
the Vietnamese
d dedication, I
' kindness on
staff mem ers
forward to seeing
. d nd loo tng
om exctte a
d the scope o
grow beyon
ou r ossocotton
0 r staff woul
the campus co
s on work that
greater ocu
like to place a I hilonthropy and culture,
promotes not on y p h
hole community
thens t e w
but also streg
d t
g Vietnamese
ew on s ron
by developtng n
members in
to he p our
leaders . I ope
th to be powenulleaders
obtaining the streng
h nge the world,
if not c a
who will some oy,
d them in
of those oroun
change the tves
so in my life .
similar ways VSA has one
Forever grateful,
FOR MORE INFORMATION , please visit:
UCSB VSA Co-Pres\dent
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
WEBSITE www.ucsbvsa.org
CONTACT hong_nguyen®umai l. ucsb. edu
sangnguyen®umail. ucsb.edu
U niversity of C alifornia, San D iego
Vietnamese Student Association
eing involved in VSA, I have learned
that it takes great people with tremendous
passion and dedication to continue the
growth of Vietnamese-Americans today. My
hopes for VSA this year is to generate that
same passion into the hearts of our members,
energizing them to find their history while
learning to find compassion for one another.
Though a small organization, I believe VSA
is a place for Vietnamese-American students
to make a difference within our community
through our events. And the best part of VSA
is that it's a great place to find long-lasting
friendships . I have enjoyed every minute with
my VSA family because of all the random
quirkiness and connections I have with them.
Our VSA has many events including High
School Conference, Charity Date Auction,
Social Awareness, and Vietnamese Culture
Night among many other activities. Our
VSA looks forward to the upcoming year
and welcome new faces to our family.
behalf of UCSD VSA, I wish you a happy
and prosperous new year!
KHANH LE President
Culture Night Chair
Retention Chair
Academic Chair
DAVIDTA Publicity
Community Service Chair
Media Chair
Sports Coordinator
Web master
WEBSITE www.ucsd.edu/vsa
CONTACT vsa®gmail.com
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
U niversity of Southern C alifornia
Vietnamese Student Association
DANEE TA Co-President
ALINE TRAN Co-President
NHI KHOAN Culture Night Coordinator
SKY PATIERSON Activities Coordinator
JIMMY PHAN Medi a Chair
FOR MORE INFORMATION, please visi t:
WEBSITE www-scf.usc.edu/ - vsa
CONTACT vsa®usc.edu
part of the
------- Southern
Student Association has been a positive
fun experience throughout our
an d
undergraduate careers. We en!OY
planning even t s, su pporting APASA
and UVSA events, and putting on our
annual Culture Night Show.
our presence on the USC campus. IS
re committed to makmg
sma II , w e a
. ·f·cant impact in our school
Slgnl I
't We're very excited that the
commum Y·
club is growing this year with new faces
and fresh ideas; from this, we hope the
club continues to improve and become
a stronger organization . We also h~pe
students will cons1der
prospect 1ve
attending the university. With our love
for our heritage and our commitment
y·,etnamese traditions, we
to con t 1nue
. h our 1·IV es as wei as
hope to ennc
'th Vietnamese culture and
ot h ers WI
values. Fight onl
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
By Julie Huynh
II heard it, seen it, read it,. and g~:~s~ campers, were able to tru y
k Leadership . Culture. We ve ~f r months. But we, especially hasp th" Caution: Leaders at Work
Teamwor .
f r us for the pas ou
. C
2008 "Pave t e a .
. t VAHSA Leadership amp
has become a mantra o
· nee as well as taste t a
·t ·1n th e1r
· ve1ns,
th e an t·1c1pa
· t.10n b u1·1d·1ng ·1n a
everyone cou ld fee I 1
silent hum. It was the moment when the lights would go down,
he set capacity of campers this year started at a mere
the trademark trailer starts rolling, and staffers in disguise would
sixty, but when we finally arrived at the familiar woodsy
literally pounce into the dining hall, that the rest of us would
scene of Camp Cuyamaca in San Diego, we saw
begin to pave our path through Tro Chdi Loo . While each family
that more people managed to fight their way and surpassed
continually encountered one activity after another, it was the
the limit-and we can see why. For myself, this has been my
journey itself that gave us the thrill of discovering what came next
second year at VAHSA Camp, the first being "Take the Lead"
in Tro Chdi L6n. Perhaps we all thought we had a basic idea
2006 . To me, the campsite was the same, the physical
of what teamwork or leadership was all about, but during TCL,
atmosphere was the same ... is it only" natural to go on and
these qualities were demonstrated through each family's acts of
believe that the experience was probably also going to be the
encouragement, kindness, and unity. Katherine Phon, a senior at
same? Thank goodness I was wrong.
Edison High School, admits, "I found that the people really nice,
back in
Honestly, how could you go wrong when you have a fantastic
set of new co-chairs who go by MTY, or woke up each morning to
because while I was blindfolded, it was nice to see that there were
some who cared enough to lead you."
energizers that have upgraded to "HD," orfind yourself constantly
You'd think that your second or third time at camp would
playing in some sort of icebreaker but never getting tired of it?
seem mundane or less original, but for me, I feel that this year's
Camp has gotten all of us to break out of our shells to get to
experience was even more empowering. That's not to take away
know the person inside of us and share it with others as well.
anything from past camp experiences, but more so to reinforce
Leadership and cultural workshops added a new distinct flavor
what VAHSA Camp is really all about. For new campers this
to camp this year-keynote speaker Kim-Thoa Hoang encouraged
year, it is possible that the three days during which they learned
us to acknowledge the fact that we all have the ability to achieve
to pave their path has become one of the greatest experiences
of their lives. For old campers such as myself, I think this time we
Vietnamese culture and taught us about the celebration of Te't
opened our eyes a little more to the smaller, more special details
Trung Thu, and utilized popular Vietnamese proverbs to reveal the
about VAHSA Camp.
what we strive for; Tammy Tran dove straight into the essence
eloquence in some of our campers. Dennis Nguyen, family head
But whether we are new or old to VAHSA Camp, or a camper,
of the Oange Oxen, managed to provide us all with his flavor of
staffer, or even a woodland animal, it seems safe to say that each
the week: his infamous peanut sauce on spring rolls.
and every one of us gained something special from camp, if not
When we weren't immersing ourselves in a variety of workshops,
there were constant games and icebreakers that challenged us
more. Indeed there is so much more, that to completely explain
it would be impossible. Some
of us have became prouder of our
to step outside of our comfort zones and enjoy the moment.
heritage, of ourselves as individuals, or just simply had a great
Activities such as VAHSA's Best Dance Crew let everyone get a
time . I remember Lilian Bui, family head of the Red Frogs, and
little crazy, and the Mole Scavenger Hunt gave family members a
her statement that we all are capable of so much more than we
chance to work together in preparation for Tr6 Chdi L6n.
realize. And now, because of camp, I believe all it takes is for
That's right ... Tro Chdi L6n. We were all expecting it, because
each and every one of us to
Pave the Path.
Vietnamese American High School Alliance
JULIE HUYNH Internal Affairs
NANCY PHAN Internal Affairs
NAM LUONG External Affairs
DENNIS PHAM Web Technician
NAM LUONG Web Technician
KATHERINE PHAN Secretary, Treasurer
CINDY LUU Social Activities
VINCENT HO Social Activities
WEBSITE www. vahsa.org
CONTACT vahsa@hsv.org
Over the past years working with
VAHSA I have grown and learned
so much. The leadership skills that
I have gained, the networking
I look forward to meeting a lot of new people, and also having many opportunities to
help the vietnamese community. I hope thot someday, people can come to realize
that in helping others you ore helping yourself. - Emily Le
skills that I have learned, and
the friendships that I will cherish
are only a small portion of what
I will toke from VAHSA when I
graduate. I will bring all of these
skills and what I hove learned and
apply them in my future; but most
importantly I will acquire the life
lessons that was taught to me and
always remember the importance
of my culture and heritage as well
as being a Vietnamese-American.
-Nancy Phon
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
I LOIE the ice breakers! I look forward to those at
VAHSA is many things; A network, a
every meeting/ event I attend. Even without those, I
home, a relationship, a foundation,
still learned to interact with people more often and
etc. Personally I can'ttakefrom VAHSA
to participate in the meetings. It's really good to think
because there ore others in need of
collectively as a group rather than to shy away from
VAHSA, so instead I'll be holding onto
your own ideas. Eboord did a really good job of
a spot on the alumni list so that maybe
helping people contribute to the club. Thus, if I were
one I could come bock and advise the
ever in a club that sucked, I would set up some ice
next group of awesome VAHSA kids.
breakers to get the mood going and osk everybody
-Dong Ho
to participate in the meeting or whatever we're doing.
Thanks! -Jenny Pham
The mission of VAHSA is to fulfill our vision
by creating
a unity within a network of high schools while promoting
social, cultural, and community projects and events.
Participating Schools
Fountain Valley
Garden Grove
La Quinta
Long Beach PolyTechnic Los Amigos
Rancho Alamitos
I look forward to a day where ICC and Eboard work closely together
. .
h e both contribute and
in an intricate orgamzahon team, w er
collectively decide on events. I am very proud ofthe current ICC and
hope to see them shine for years to come. I hope to come back after
YAHSA which is stronger, and closer than ever.
1gra duate to see a
Nom Luong
I have to say, out of everything YAHSA has to offerweekly alliance meetings, socials, community
events, college tours-1 treasure YAHSA the most
because of the members who are involved. It
so much ' beyon d compre hens1on,
time someone gives up their time in order to lend
a helping hand, or gives their heart and soul to
YAHSA. I always look forward to this great energy
The most important thing I will take with me when I graduate
from YAHSA is the memories. I will never forget the days where
everyone came together, despite their differences and came for a
common cause and had fun. I know no one can take them away
from me and they will remain as a life-long learning experience.
I hope my journey through life will be just as great as the journey I
that YAHSA generates because of the spirit each
VSA member contributes to VAHSA . When I
graduate from high school, I'll take with me the
experiences I've had with the people I've metA .
I hope that future members will discover and
experience the magic of VAHSA · -Ju1.1e Huyn h
took when I became a YAHSA member. -Monica Nguyen
Non Song 2009 - Year of the Buffalo
Photography by Michael Burr
Mvdi nom troi qua mau
Moi a6 mot thuo nao
Xudn sang tim rQo njc
Te't ae'n avqc g<;ip nhau
H9i Ch9 Te't Sinh Vien
Ba ngay ngu khong yen
Cd T vong, Thi Qu6c Phvc ...
Banh ml on ae'n ghi@n ...
Bie't boo nhieu ky ni~m
Van giCI mai trong tim
Xudn sang g<;:Ji lvu luye'n ...
H9i Chq Te't Sinh Vien
-Boon Tam Thuc;Jn
Non SOng 2009 - Year of the Buffalo
Non SOns
~©~©[fG(ill@ ~©[f(ill@[f~
Here's your chance to color our Tet Festival mascot, the lncredi-Bo! Afterwards,
you can color in our models in their pretty Vietnamese dresses. Feel free to
draw in your own a6 dai designs! Add flowers, leaves, swirls, and more.
Non S6ng 2009 - Spring of Hope
Nam co Gai Mac
A6 Dai
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
Te't xuan KY suu
Students attending Saturday Tutorials at the Indochinese Youth
Community Center (IYCC} in Gardena, Calif. were asked :
What do you see when you think of Tet?
Menky, age 9
Minh-Linh and Jay
Nhu, age 6
Ricky, age 8
Non S6ng 2009 - Spring of Hope
Kay/a, age 8
Colvin, age 10
Kristi, age 11
C/1c!c ;VIwv& II/1M ;Vl!
Non Song 2009 - Year of the Buffalo
Zodiac: All in the Num
How to Tell Your Animai"Friends" from "Foes"
By PhQm Quoc An
t has been 12 years since the year of the Ox came around
which is identified as your enemy, or the person you would
and now the ox has returned with his steady and sturdy
be incompatible with. If you start on a particular animal
steps, trudging along through green fields, chewing on
and count four steps around the cycle, you will reach a sign
grass, shooing flies with his tail and calling out his famous
that is considered a friend or compatible sign . This counting
long "mooo!" Anyone born in the year of the ox can be
pattern works for all twelve signs! Isn't this a nifty little
identified as dependable, hard working, individualistic, and
mathematical discovery?
patient among other descriptions. And we are told that two
Then it got me thinking. Maybe all of astrology can be
close and compatible friends of the ox are the rooster and the
pinpointed using mathematical calculation according to
snake, while oxen should avoid their incompatible enemy,
patterns and numbers. So, the more math you know, the
the goat or ram. Where do these tidbits of compatibility and
more you can determine your future!
incompatibility come from? Would you believe you can use
mathematical patterns to find out?
Since I was born in the year of the tiger, counting four steps
around the cycle finds my allies to be the dog and the horse
Here is what I discovered while dining in an Asian
and my arch enemy to be the monkey. Interestingly, in my life,
restaurant. While my friends and I waited for our food, we
I hove found that some of the people I hove gotten along with
discovered the zodiac on our placemats. As I sat waiting
best were born the year of the dog or horse and some people
for my food, I read through the placemat for zodiac sign
I have clashed with and lost to just happened to be born in the
characteristics, animals of compatibility and incompatibility
yeorofthe monkey. Of course, someone's zodiac sign does not
and I noticed a pattern. There are twelve animals in the
label them forever as someone compatible or incompatible with
Vietnamese zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Cot, Dragon, Snoke,
you, but the zodiac patterns and its history are an interesting
Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig in this exact
read. In the end, your relationships with people should be
order. Each has two strongly compatible friends and three
based on the real characteristics they possess, which may or
incompatible enemies .
may not be the same as those described in their zodiac sign .
If you start on one animal and count three or six steps
around the cycle, you will reach the animal of the cycle
Although for me, in case the signs read true, I just need to find
a way to best that monkey. Darn you, monkey!
liCi hoi nom ad qua, nom Sllu IQi ae'n voi chung to va bdy
gic con trdu ad tro IQi voi canh adng xanh, ngay ngay
on co, au6i rudi voi cai au6i, mi~ng thl keu, "muuuu!"
Vqy nom nay Ia nom Sllu vo ai sinh nom Sllu c6 thE n6i Ia dang
tin cqy, lam vi~c nhi~u, c6 tinh chd't chu nghia co nhdn, va kien
nhdn. Tu6i Sllu hc;Jp voi tu6i T't vo tu6i Oqu, va q voi tu6i Mui.
NhOng chi tie'c v~ hc;Jp tu61, q tu6i tll adu ra? BQn c6 tin Ia c6 thE
dung todn dE tinh kh6ng?
T6i kham phd ra OiSu nay vao mQt t6i khi ai on nha hang a
chdu cung voi mdy ngliCi bQn. Khi a6 chung t6i dang ngdi chc ad
c:in tOi thl allc;IC bie't nho hong ndy ad dung gifJy 16t c6 chi tie't cua
12 con giap. Trong luc chc dd on, t6i aQc chi tie't dy coi tu6i nao
hc;Jp voi tu6i noo. Theo nhll bQn bie't hay kh6ng bie't hoong OQO
Vi~t c6 12 con giap d61o: Ty, SU'u, Ddn, Mto, Thin, TY., NgQ,
Non SOng 2009- Spring of Hope
This Zodiac Chart shows the
order of the twelve animals
associated with the Lunisolar
Calendar. In Vietnamese
trad ition, the Cat takes the place
of the Rabbit and th e Goat takes
the place of the Sheep .
sv lien tvc ndy tren hinh
hinh tron, toi thd'y Ia toi hc;:lp vdi tu6i con ch6 va tu6i con
tron. Mdi con giop rd't hc;:1p vC1i hoi con giop khoc va kY. vC1i
ngva va kY. vdi tu6i con khi. Trong cu9c s6ng toi thd'y cung
ba con giop khoc .
dung. C6 nhOng luc cung avC1ng toi IQi tranh aua vC1i
Mui, Than , DQu, Tud't, va Hc;:li theo
Ne'u bQn bat eMu vdi m9t con gi6p va ae'm ba ho(ic s6u
bvCJc qua md'y con giop tren hinh tron se ae'n con gi6p kY. tu6i
con khi va toi do khong thang . Di nhien
minh khong th~ gioi quye't moi
vC1i con gi6p b6t adu . Ne'u bQn b6t adu vC1i m9t con gi6p va
quan h~ ngl.fdi voi ngl.fdi dva theo
ae'm bon bvC1c qua md'y con gi6p kia, thi mdi bon bvC1c se
tu6i, nhvng ne'u bie't v~ lich s\) cua
ae'n con giop hc;:1p tu6i . C6ch nay dung cho co 12 con giap
12 con giop thi cung thu vj. Cuoi cung
dvc;:1e! Sv khom pho nho nay bQn thd'y hay khong?
minh nen gioi quye't moi quan h~
Toi bat aau suy nghi c6 le co thuQt ch iem tinh c6 th~
dung toon so a~ tinh ra al.fc;:IC. Ne'u minh gioi toon minh se
bie't nhi~u v~ tl.fdng lai!
luQn ndy khong 6n lam nhvng
trong luc ngdi chd ad an va dung toon minh do hQc
ao6n cung vui. Vi toi Ia tu6i con CQp, ae'm bon bvCJc vong
ngl.IC:Ii khac tuy theo d(ic di~m cua mdi
ngl.fdi va nhOng a(ic ai~m d'y c6 th~ giong
ho<:Jc khong giong vC1i m6i con giop. Bay giC1
con m9t di~u nlJa Ia toi phoi lam sao d~ thang
con khi cho alfQc! Khi di Ia khi!
Non S6ng 2009- Year of the Buffalo
Nam suu
Yeti tai ngh~
m6ng ki~t xua't, cac ngh~ sT m6ng cua cong ty Odyssey Nail
Systems tran trQng gl!i aen quy bQn nhvng hlnh anh cua Nom
Ky SL!u tren
m6ng .
Chan Trau
by Thi€m Trang
Tram Tu
by Lim Hee A
Ngoy Tho
by Kim Young Joo
Don Tet
by Kim Gun Sun
Nom Moi
by Kwon Yu Ho
Than Tien
by Song Si Eun
Say Giac
by Sonya Chou
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
Story and nail art courtesy
of VietSALON Magazine.
For more, please visit
Mua Lon
by Anna Grace Lin
1 . e,(M S6 ACCESS
2 . e,(M s6 MU6N GOI
va NH,(N
vf DV : B•n mu6n glol h•n 15 phut :
1 5
B•n mu6n g i oi h•n 30 phut:
StJ til!n
5.7 1 Sai Gun
7.7 I
8.7 I
'"1 299
'"1 '"149
Lane Uiet
The Vietnamese Cultural Village
By Vi~t Trdn and Van Le
or the last eight years, Boon Thanh Nien Phon B<?i Chou has been a proud part of
the Tet Festival in creating Lang Vi~t Nom, one of the signature attractions of the Tet
Lang Vi~t Nom preparation begins months prior to the actual Tet Festival and comprises of
many meetings organized by D8oan Thanh Nien Phon B<?i Chou and the following community
organizations and members: Huang 8Qo Hoa Lu, Huang 8Qo Truong Son, Huang 8Qo Van
Lang, Cau LQc B<? Hung Sv Vi~t, C<?ng Dong Nom Cali, Boo Toan 86t T6, H<?i Den Hung, H<?i
Chuyen Gia Vi~t Nom, Huang 8Qo Chr Linh, Huang 8Qo Quang Trung NgQc H6i, V6 Lam Vi~t
Nom Chua Lien Hoa, and many more.
Three days before the festival, the structures are erected by the volunteers from all of the
aforementioned organizations. It is an arduous and detail-oriented process that requires
teamwork and cooperation. The result is a beautiful village that brings to life the heritage,
culture and vibrant history of Viet Nom. The experience of setting up and creating Lang Vi~t
Nom is one that is never forgotten. The tastes, smells and excitement of Tet are palpable as
the structures slowly rise and the final touches are put on.
On Friday we see the structures come to life. The structures inside of Lang Vi~t Nom include:
Nha La, Ghe, Cdu tre, c6ng vao lang, c6ng ra lang, Chua Thien Mv, Chua M9t C<?t va A6
Sen, Mieu, Den Hun. Along with these staple structures we also strive to bring new attributes to
Lang Vi~t Nom. This year we will be adding the Van Mi§u.
Lang Vi~t Nom will have a number of new booths that will be featured: Vietnamese heroines,
various ethnic groups in Viet Nom, Vietnamese community activities throughout the world, a
replica of a Vietnamese market, as well as having Co Dao Tvc NgC/ (proverbs) hanging around
Lang Vi~t Nom on scrolls.
Lang Vi~t Nom also has a stage within the village, where we host an interactive entertainment
program. Last year, we had the banh chung eating contest and the g6i banh chung (making banh
chung) contest, which were extremely popular. We will continue to do this and will include new
contests which visitors can participate in .
In addition to the structures, displays and entertainment, we will also feature cultural
celebrations such as the Dam Cuai, a traditional Vietnamese wedding, L§ Vinh Quy Bai To, a
ceremony in a village to welcome a scholar that passed the civic examination; and Ruac Ki~u, a
welcoming of the Royal Court. All of these reenactments display the importance of maintaining
and respecting customs and tradition to the Vietnamese people . Traditional costumes are
indicative of the significant cultural custo'ms of Vi~t Nom and thus are worn throughout Lang
Vi~t Nom and displayed to all those who enter.
Just as rewarding as the experience of setting up and building Lang Vi~t Nom, it is equally
rewarding to the organizers to see our guests experience the three days of the Tet Festival. The
Spirit of Tet is seen on the smiles and heard in the laughter of those who enter Lang Vi~t Nom
as they enjoy the displays, interactive booths and participate in this revival of our native land
and the land of our grandparents, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters.
We invite you to visit Lang Vi~t Nom- the Vietnamese Cultural Village- and experience
first-hand the nostalgia of being in Vi~t Nom . For those who have yet to visit Vi~t Nom, we invite
y\u to feel, see , smell, touch, hear and taste the rich, serene and proud culture and traditions
of Vi~t Nom right here in your very own back yard.
o2L 9 ;, r
DoOn Thanh Ni9n
Phon B6i ChOu
£loan Thanh Nien Phon B9i Chou
was founded by a group of young
l4 1h, 1996 with a
people on July
motto of " Ra ising the Vietnamese
for and taking back Vietnamese
people's rights ."
organization .
preserve and educate youth and
the community about Vietnamese
traditions and culture; participate in
efforts to develop and strengthen the
Vietnamese community in America;
and create an environment where
youth can come together to meet
and learn from one another; and
to contribute
to the Vietnamese
community and Vi~t Nom .
Each year £loan Thanh
Phon B9i Chou, also known by its
members as "PBC," participates in
activities throughout Little Saigon
and the greater Orange County
community that promote democracy
for Vi~t Nom and here in the United
cultural and social activities.
For the last eight years, PBC
has been a proud part of the Tet
Festival in creating Lang Vi~t Nom
with the
contributions of many
community organizations. Along
also commemorate Black April. In
November 2008, PBC organized
a rally to empower Vietnamese
voters entitled "Walk the Vote"
featuring a remix of a popular
Can Vote
However You Like ."
1 Sor
l .<M v or o• trtJ
RL .., '
I hope .. .
I hope .. .
I hope .. .
I hope .. .
I hope .. .
I hope .. .
Having hope is sometimes the only thing you have during difficult times. Hoping gives us
strength and keeps us motivated to continue on no matter the situation. What do you hope
for? See over 100 hopes and dreams that we have compiled on the last-page and add your
own here. Then, share it with your friends and family and urge them to do the same. This is,
after alL the Spring of Hope.
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
Mark Minh Nguyen, Agent
Insurance Lie. #: OE79098
15570 Brookhurst St
Westminster, CA 92683
Bus: 714-418-9050
Frank Jones, Agent
Insurance Lie. #: 07 10402
12670 Hoover Street
Garden. Grove, CA 92841
Bus: 714-895-5688
Joe T Nguyen Ins Agcy Inc
Joe T. Nguyen, Agent
Insurance lie. #: OF69794
13041 Eucl id St reet
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Jayvee Mal, Agent
Insurance Lie. #: OC29895
14331 Euclid Street
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Bus: 7 14-265-9988
Alexander Chong, Agent
Insurance Lie.#: OC10213
12942 Galway Street
Garden Grove, CA 92841
Bus: 714-539-2255
Lelly Grimes, Agent
Insurance Lie.#: OF2670 1
12062 Valley View Street
Garden Grove, CA 92845
Bus: 714-891 -3908
Sharon Leung, Agent
Insurance lie.#: OC23047
18004 Sky Park Circle
Irvine, CA 92614
Bus: 949-252-0900
Julie Ngo, Agent
Insurance Lie. #: 0085939
28410 Old Town Front Street
Temecula, CA 92590
Bus: 951 -695-2625
Kim Jones, Agent
Insurance Lie. #: 0722618
9439 Ed inger Avenue
Westminster, CA 92683
Bus: 714-531 -0502
Jack Hamilton, Agent
Insurance Lie.#: OE 15173
950 S Coast Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Bus: 714-662-7500
Van Nguy~n was born in the Year of
the Tiger, in 1985, and grew up in Simi
Valley, where many a cow roam . Van
graduated in 2008 at the University
of California, Irvine with a Bachelor
of Science in Biology and was an
active member of the Vietnamese
Student Association at UCI, serving
as secretary for two years . She loves
to dance, play the violin, do arts
Non SOng 2009 Sp,;ng of Hope
and crafts, and practice martial arts .
Van is also a member of Gia Blnh
Phqt Ta Ph6 Ba. In the future, Van's
goal is to become a pharamcist . She
currently works at Rite Aid Pharmacy
and continues her connection with
UCI through doing research at the
UCI Child Development Center.
Van designed this year's mascot
based on these playful sketches .
VietSALON , t<;ip chi danh cho gioi salon chuyen nghi$p,
dang can nhieu bien t$p vien tieng Viet.
TQa IQc tQi thanh pho Torrance, bang
Calif., VietSALON cdn nhi~u cay vie't tl/
do co th~ vie't nhi~u a~ tai, tV ky thuqt
cham soc mong toy ae'n cac v6n d~ v~
thlldng vv trong nganh mong.
8ieu ki~n:
LLiu loot co hoi ngon ngO Vi~t va Anh
Bie't v~ Word (VNI) va lnDesign/lnCopy
Co kie'n thl!c v~ nganh nail cang tot.
By Haily Bui
Miss Congeniality of Southern California 2008
~--a, · ipating in the tet Pageant was the least of
my expectations for this past year. Having stage fright,
I never imagined myself on stage, much less at the
greatest holiday celebration for my cultural heritage.
Reflecting, I can say thankfully my sometimes wiser and
always fashionable friend Hong was determined to jump
start me out of my work-obsessed, depleted spirit with a
little lights, glom, glitz, and a new strut.
She was right, who knewthatcommunal choreographed
dancing, community outreach, high fashion and tall
stilettos was going to swing a girl right into a new year
with so many new options. Tet definitely lived up to its
meaning for me this year more than any other. So I got
up on stage, swayed and danced my opening piece,
forgot my name, froze on stage, and chuckled the rest of
strut, because you have to break the tension and laugh
at yourself sometimes.
But in the end, I gained a new strut for the year with
a new appreciation for fashion, grace and poise, makeup artists, running in races, new school years, new
relationships or deepened old ones, and a renewed sense
of being a daughter of the best Vietnamese man I know.
My most tearful memory of the pageant experience was
an email I received from my dad telling me how proud
of me he was and "I always think you are a close friend
to talk to, to share the values, and ideas, because we
are so close !!!"How incredibly blessed I am to have a
loving expressive father here and in heaven.
It was wonderful to see Vietnamese-American brothers
and sisters passionately working tireless together. Being
isolated from the Vietnamese culture, it was easy to
remain isolated from how much our community has
and the
to give
ourselves. Regretfully, I also had little consideration
in dating a Vietnamese guy prior to pageant, but my
experience and witness was so great, I reconsidered
and now am even dating the most amazing VietnameseAmerican from Colorado! One word of advice I have is
to appreciate every person you meet, they have amazing
a bi I ities and great stories a bout Iife.
Illustration by Michael Nguyen
Non Song 200Q- Year of the Buffalo
Paeeant tontestants
The Miss Vietnam of Southern California Pageant takes place Friday, January 30th, 2009 at Spm
at the Tet Festival in Garden Grove.
PhQm Tram Anh
Amy f>am NgQc Bich Thuy
Age: 21
School: Western University of Health
School : CSU Long Beach
Area of Study: Health Sciences
Area of Study: 1/0 Psychology &
Career Goal: Doctor of Pharmacy
Career Goal: 1/0 Psychologist
Lisa Trdn f>oan Di~u
Julie Trdn Thi Anh My
Age: 18
School: UC Rive rside
School: UC San Diego
Area of Study: Biology
Area of Study: Biopsychology &
Career Goal: Pediatrician
Cognitive Neuroscience
Career Goal: Pediatric Psychiatrist &
Julie Nguyen f>Qng Thanh Nhan
Vu'dng Mai Khanh
Age: 17
Age: 19
School: Fountain Valley High School
School: University of Southern
Area of Study: Health Promotion &
Disease Prevention Studies
Area of Study: Biological Sciences
Career Goal: Pediatrician
Career Goal: Pharmacist
Le Hoang Vy
Kristy Nguyen Thi Anh Hong
Age: 21
School: UC Irvine
School : U C Santa Barbara
Area of Study: Biology
Area of Study: Biological Sciences
Career Goal: Reconstructive Surgeon
Career Goal: Pediatrician
Jackquelyn f>inh Thien Thai
Mimi Nguyen To My
Age: 19
School: University Of San Diego
Age: 18
Area of Study: Political Science
Area of Study: Business Administration
Career Goal: Lawyer, Magistrate
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
School: CSU Fullerton
in Finance
Career Goal: Financia l Analyst
For more information on Miss Vietnam of Southern California,
please visit www.missvietnamsocal.com
Tr6n NgQc Thuy lien
Age: 18
School: Orange Coast College
Area of Study: International Relations
& East Asian Studies
Kathleen D(ing Thi NgQc Quyen
Age: 21
School: UC Irvine
Area of Study: Biological Sciences
Career Goal: Optometrist
Career Goal: International Relations
Stephanie Chou Kim Ngan
School: UC Irvine
Area of Study: Biological Sciences,
Mathematics & Anthropology
Ann Nguy~n NgQc An
Age: 21
School: Pepperdine University
Area of Study: Biological Psychology
Career Goal: Periodontist
Career Goal: Obstetrician/
Doni ThoQi Nguy~n
Age: 24
School: UC Los Angeles
Area of Study: Political Science, Mass
PhQm Thai Huyen
School: San Diego State University
Area of Study: Child and Family
Communications, & Law
Development & Biology
Career Goal: Lawyer
Career Goal: Teacher & Health
Naomi Dqng Thanh Uyen
School: CSU Long Beach
Area of Study: Health Care
Lynn Tuyet Nguy~n
Age: 21
School: CSU Los Angeles
Area of Study: Criminal Justice &
Career Goal: Healthcare Administrator
Career Goal: Probation Officer I
& Practitioner
Michelle D6 Huynh
Age: 19
School: University of Southern
Valerie PhQm NgQc Quyen
School: UC San Diego
Area of Study: Psychology, Pre-Med
Career Goal: Physician
Area of Study: Health Development
and Aging & Economics
Career Goal: Geriatrician
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
interact with it. We ate yogurt while they
makes it shining. Everyone else's talk
were interviewing which I haven't seen
show has their own way of delivering it,
in other TV shows.
but I feel with Kristine, it's her unique
Brian Dang: How do you come up with
way, her personal style, her interest in
With Henry Chuc, we had a full-course
the content and who you will feature,
music, her interest in films, etc.
meal from appetizer to lunch to dessert
and where do you see this going later?
and having coffee at the same timEl
KS: That's funny, I feel tempted to jump
Kristine Sa: There's a reason we call
into interviewer mode and be like 'Well
it the Kristine Sa Show and we're all
ambiguous about it. The reason is
style?' (laughter)
KS: A LOT of coffee . The fact that the
show is on location like that is for the
local businesses to have exposure, too.
because we want to keep the format
It's nice if our community can come
open. When we did the pilot we didn't
In the same way it's a platform for
together, help each other out, lift each
even know what we were up to- we
me as well. I consider myself kind of
other up.
just did it as a newscast on the Anime
what's the expression when you're kind
Expo. Then we had celebrity guests
of slightly not normal. I mean, just be
BD: How do you feel you have grown
and it changes. Sometimes we did
to be blunt I consider myself kind of
from doing the Kristine Sa Show?
a piece on film and fashion and it's
strange and weird in my tastes in my
way I do things.
KS: This show actually tied together
community that's exploding outside
the community. It's not limited. Where
loose ends for me. We'll go back in
BD: You mean like eclectic?
time. I went to high school for music
could it go? It could go anywhere . So
theater. And then I have my bachelor's
that's why the name is so versatile, you
KS: I mean, no, it's beyond eclectic. It's
degree in acting which I learned about
really can't guess . There will be more
just that I'm strange. I think I have a
film and stage. And I learned a little
exclusive acoustic performances for
strange view of life and it's cool to be
about film in general and had a little bit
viewers as well.
able to share that with people because I
of TV experience in Canada .
BD: How do you think your show is
things. That's the beauty of having a
So I took a break from that and did
different from any other Vietnamese TV
self-titled show, you get to be yourself.
all this music for years and years and
know there are people wondering these
I didn't put my education to use. So
Johnny: For the Kristine Sa show, I want
Johnny: And it can't be duplicated
when I finally got this job and started
this show, by Episode 2 I emailed my
it to be about her personality and put
personality. We do try to take it in a
dad the You Tube link: "Mom
it on TY, her personality -that's what
different environment and we try to
Watch this!" My dad called me later,
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
what Ham Tran is doing, people haven't
there, playing producer, advisor. That
heard about it. These are real successes
means they care and it means a lot to
outside of our community. Dot Phon
your education." They questioned it,
both of us that they put effort into the
said this and I'm going to repeat him.
too. I went to school for acting . Who
show that she and I built. Before the
He said something along the lines of,
we talked and he said "You finally used
does that? People go to school for
show, I've always had a good level of
"Be proud and know where you came
engineering or to be a doctor. But my
communication with my family; it just
from, but don't be afraid to walk outside
parents were way, way supportive that's
gave us something more to talk about
the circle." You're not walking outside
where I'm still thankful.
to diss where you came from, you're
BD: The show lets you use your talents.
BD: Now one of the episodes brought
on TUAN from Anh Oi, the clip of
walking outside to represent who you
I see you're singing on your show now.
are . We can pat each other on the back
all day long.
VOICE and a lot of the community
KS: The itch overcomes me. I don't
involved organizations, how important
BD : How do you feel your show can
think I can ever put the music away.
do you feel it is to volunteer?
help the community overall?
never put away the acting. That's my
KS: Oh so so important, Brian . Our
KS : To be honest I'm not sure if it helps,
passion; I can't imagine my life doing
generation is finally at an age where
I hope that it helps . If it can help, I hope
anything else.
we can be taken seriously. For a long
it can be a voice. When I was growing
And vice versa, when I was singing, I
while we were being brushed off like
up, I didn't understand a lot of the
Johnny: Her family gets really involved
we were just kids, we don't know what
programming that my parents watched,
in it as well with giving input here and
we're talking about. Except we're now
or a lot of the programming I watched,
kids with degrees
they didn't understand. So now that I'm
and we can form
getting older, my parents' English is a
lot stronger and I'm trying to build my
and we really can
Vietnamese. We throw this out there
make a difference.
in hopes of bridging that gap a little
Never interview on on empty stomoche:
Kristine Sa interviews Henry Chuc over lunch and dessert.
bit. Maybe the kids and the parents
can sit down and watch together. The
and everyone, to
parts where I speak too fast in one
just be aware .
language, the kids can translate what
I said. Sometimes I learn a new phrase
For anyone who
and I use it on the show and even I'm
hasn't heard of Owl
struggling to say it. I'm always, always
and the Sparrow
learning and I'm eager to do that.
coming out, Wave
Tim Bui is doing,
We actually have a large fanbase of
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
people watching on the net, my
we've all been checking out your
existing fans from my anime scene
show, you've got to broaden that
before, and just folks catching it
out, show us some more."
on their local channel, because it's
BD: So you already have a network
mostly in English. To connect them
that's plunged into your show?
what's happening with
cu lture and vice versa? That's cool.
KS: I'm really thankful for the network
of people that have been following
BD : How can you bridge outside the
my career and actively supporting my
singing career all this time. And I've
made some weird turns. I started out
KS : I can only hope that it brings
singing in English and then I did this
a little light to how fun we are,
Japanese twist, then now I'm doing
this Vietnamese thing.
I've done
loves anime and therefore they
some weird turns and they stay with
love Japanese culture. But there
me, and now that I've got something
hasn't been an outreach from our
new out again, they're calling out
community. I was just on the phone
their buddies again.
today with a friend of mine from the
community, a straight-up American
dude, and he was telling me, "yo
show. I wanted bear honest truth
I envisioned
Kinh Chuc Quj Vj
Vui Viva Tran
Sfcc Khoe!
Ky Siru 2009
whether it be reality on my own life or
not exactly out of passion. That makes
above. And through a turn of events,
anybody else who's willing to bear all
me sad. I feel like you should follow your
sad events, I was lead back to our
like any other singer who's willing to tell
heart. Call me Bohemian but that's what
culture. But I think my message is not
us their real story, where they actually
I really believe. You do what you love. It
to just walk back into our culture, but to
live, how much the struggle really is,
will give you life, it won't take away your
give it a real chance. Look at the pride
what's behind the glitz and glamour.
life . Life stresses, there's no way to stop
within the Japanese culture, look at the
So that was the original plan but we
life stresses, but you can do what you
pride within the Korean community, the
felt like that might be too far
of a push
to start out with. I think that slowly but
love and that's what neutralizes it. I'm
Chinese community. We can have that
same type of pride, our own version of
surely, it's going to evolve into that kind
course, and stand together, sisters and
of a beast where you get a real glimpse
BD: I think that's the bulk of my questions.
brothers, really in true love, like real
into what the lives are if not just my own
Do you have a closing moment?
real love. Give your hand so that your
wacky life.
brother can stand up and reach the
KS: To the readers, I didn't know
lead role. And I really think that can
when I was going through my college
uplift the entire community. We are the
little bit educational too. I know that there
years, if I would ever reconnect with
generation to do that.
young Vietnamese-American kids that
our community because I didn't know
want to get into entertainment but then
where I'd fit in, I felt there wasn't a
they have no idea what that's like and
place for someone like me, I felt like
Check out the Kristine Sa
ShOW on Wednesday nights
it's discouraged and for some reason or
I might be a little too outspoken . And
at 7pm and lOpm on VAN-TV,
another they choose another career, but
I was a little too outspoken, all the
channel 18.7.
The show's not just out of curiousity; it's a
svlva chQn
cUa toi!
Nom Phon proudly displays his Vietnamese
Heritage Flog after defeating Sood A wad at the
Gladiator Challenge on February 16, 2008. The
Vietnamese community gives him his strength
and determination and he repays them by
representing the community after every win.
Photograph by Kimberly Phqm
The silhouette of the Vietnam War
Memorial in Freedom Pork. It is here
with these two soldiers that the thoughts
and prayers of visitors trust upon.
Photograph by Tn!dng Dinh.
More thon o week before Block April,
community organizers displayed photos
on Bolso Avenue to remember the
Vietnom Wor ond to shore imoges of
post community events.
Photograph by TrUdng EJinh
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
The Return of Anh Boo
Vua Hung Vuong
A traditional
ceremony was held
at the Vietnam War
Memorial in Freedom
Park for King Hung
Vuong followed
by a precession to
Westminster City
Hall where cultural
celebrated the
richness and diversity
of the Vietnamese
April 12, 2008
Mai Hvu Boo returned home after be ing deta ined
by communist officials in Sai Gon, Vi~t Nom fo r
visiting colleagues who were imprisoned four
months prior. Anh Boo came back through LAX to
the welcoming and relief of fam ily and friends .
April 26, 2008
April 6, 2008
Commemoration for
the Fall of Saigon
Several events took place to commemorate Black April,
the Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975 . One event took
place the weekend before, where student and commun ity
groups worked together, putting together emotional
speeches and performances to remember the day.
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
Republic of Vi$t Nom
Armed Forces Day
Both the younger and older
generations united to honor
those who fought and sacrificed
their lives for freedom. Students
handed out flowers to all those
who served as a token of their
gratitude and appreciation.
June 2008
Vinh Danh 60 Nom Cd
Vang Qu6c Gia Vi$t Nom
Month-long activities
in June celebrate the
60th Anniversary of the
Vietnamese Freedom and
Heritage Flag .
Week 1 - A caravan of more than 50 cars
paraded through Little Saigon with US and
Vietnam Heritage flags .
Week 2 - A rally took place with
organizers and attendees walking
through Little Saigon and passing out
June 21/ 2008
July 13/ 2008
UVSA receives
the Golden
Wave Award
Given by Little
Saigon Radio and
VietTide Magazine,
the Golden
Wave Award
recognizes UVSA
for outstanding
community service
in Southern
commemorative buttons.
Week 3 - A forum between the youth and
the older generations discussed what the
older generation and elders went through
during the war.
Week 4 • Official commemoration in
conjunction with Republic of Vi~t Nom
Armed Forces Day at Freedom Park in
Westminster, CA.
Non Song 2009 - Y eor ot the Butto\o
8ai Nhac Hoi
"Cam dn Anh, Nguoi
ThLidng Binh VNCH"
Human Trafficking
Awareness Event
VietACT, along with
Senator Lou Correa's
Office and the
Women's Transitional
Living Center, held
"Human Trafficking
Evening of
"Cam dn Anh
Benefit Concert II"
raised funds for
Vietnamese Veterans
and their families in
need of help in Vi~t
Nom. Thousands of
attendees, singers,
community members
and donors helped in
the concert's success.
August 3, 2008
September 26, 2008
October 2, 2008
Candlelight Vigil for Thai
Ha Parishioners
The Vietnamese community came together to join in
solidarity with the parishioners in calling for justice for the
Catholic Archdiocese of Ha NQi and to demand religious
freedom and human rights for the people of Vi~t Nom. The
candlelight vigil was held in the parking lot of Vi~n Bong Ill.
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
Michael Michalak visits
Little Saigon
US-Vietnam Ambassador to Vietnam
Michael Michalak visits Little Saigon .
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez
holds a Community Town Hall with the
U.S. Ambassador to discuss various
topics on Vietnam.
October 5, 2008
October 10, 2008
October 19, 2008
Vietnamese Nail
Tech Forum
Hosted by Senator Lou
Correa, Vietnamese and
non-Vietnamese nail
technicians were able to
voice their concerns of
policies with the California
State Board . The forum
was held at Coastline
Community College near
Westminster City Hall.
Grand opening of Chua 8ieu NgLJ
Chua Dieu Ngv in Westminster, a temple branched from the
temple of the highest Buddhist Priest in Vi~t Nom, opened its
doors to the community. Supporters of all religious backgrounds
came together with the hopes for religious freedom in Vi~t
Nom. Bvc f)~ Tv Tang Thong Thich Huyen Quang was under
house arrest for practicing his peaceful beliefs until his passing.
Non Song 2009 - Y eor
o~ ~he
Benefit Concert II
flQi NhQc H9i "Cam
dn Anh,
Nglldi Thlldng Binh VNCH"
am On Anh Concert II took place at Bolsa Grande
High School's football field on Sunday, August
3rd, 2008, with the purpose of raising funds for
the Vietnam War veterans and their widows currently
residing in Vi~t Nam, while also honoring the Vi~t
Nam C9ng Hoa (VNCH) soldiers. Starting at 10 a.m.,
neighboring streets were jammed with cars as people
headed towards the event. Live on the Vietnamese
channel SBTN , the concert's opening ceremony
started with the usual procedures of the color guard,
Vietnamese anthem, U.S. anthem, moment of silence,
opening speech, and continued with Nhc;tc Linh, or
war-themed music. Along with Pham Dinh Khuong,
UVSA's former VSA president, An Nguyen, a student at
Cal-State Long Beach, emceed the opening ceremony.
Khanh Kieu, former UVSA secretary, was invited to
perform the American national anthem. It was a grand
concert with over 60 popular singers in the Vietnamese
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
entertainment industry and 8 MCs, lasting 7 hours,
from 12:30 p.m. to 7:30 pm. Present were Duong
Nguyet Anh, Elizabeth Pham, Nam Loc, Vi~t Dzung,
Thuy Duong, Orchid Lam Quynh , Lam Nhat Tien, Dan
Nguyen, Nguyen Hong Nhung, Diem Lien, Nguyen
Khang, Thuy Huong, Anh Minh, Philip Huy, Dean Phi,
Thanh Thuy, and many more. The stage was located
at the center of the field, facing the main audience
sitting under canopies, with additional bleachers on
both sides. In addition to entertainment, there were
food booths serving pho, Vietnamese coffee, and other
goodies. Snapples distributed free beverages to all
attendees. With the sponsorship of SBTN and Asia, and
the collaboration of many community organizations
in Southern California, including UVSA and PBC, the
concert raised over $600,000. The most generous
contributor was Tuong Dinh Tran, from New York, who
alone donated $100,000. According to Co Hanh Nhon,
Former South Vietnamese soldiers and future American soldiers take a photo with
Donations are still being accepted
and can be sent to H¢1 HO Cuu Trd
Thlldng Phe Binh
Cd Nhl
Phl,JVNCH P.O Box 25554, Santa Ana,
Nv Quan Nhon
hc;Jp co .
CA 92799.
of the spear h eadmg
~9 the concert, they have raised a total of
73,040 since 1993, and have resolved over
ten thousand funding applications.
'It was extremely nerve-wracking co-hosting such an
enormous event In our community , but it was definitely an
through calls
were token
by Y247.
honor being invited to MC with PhQm 81nh Khuong in front of
many distinguished attendees. Though extremely nervous
being on that stage , my heart swelled with pride once the
color guard was presented. dressed in different military
uniforms representing the VNCH soldiers. The Vietnam War
veterans were the heroes I grew up hearing about from
my parents, so it was such an amazing experience being
able to introduce them . as well as the other numerous
dignified guests, at an event of such impressive scale .'
-An H. Nguyen, Co-Host
Singers and
mode the ir
to collect
from concert
American) pilot to fly on F-18 fighter.
Officer EIizabeth PhQm, the first female (and Vietnamese
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
The Vietnamese A\\ia~ce to
Combat Trafficking (VletACT)
hotos by Brian Dang .
By Van Le. P
n October 2nd, 2008, VietACT along with
people became survivors and are no longer victims. It was
Senator Lou Correa's Office and the Women' s
especially inspiring to hear that the survivors who were
Transitional Living Center, hosted an event titled
once victims have in turn become dedicated advocates of
"Human Trafficking Evening of Awareness ."
VietACT has always believed that the first steps to
need it the most.
fighting to end human trafficking and modern day slavery
The documentary "Sands of Silence," by Chelo Alvarez- ,
is education . In this spirit, the Evening of Awareness
which featured human trafficking survivors bui lding new
centered around empowering individuals in the community
lives in Orange County was previewed that eveni ng.
to become educated on the issue and how citizens have the
VietACT has also produced an informational video for the
power to help bring light and justice to th is crime. VietACT
Vietnamese-American community regarding the issue of
would like to acknowledge the hard work of students
human trafficking in our commun ity, which can be found
and youth who continue to take on the issue of human
on www.youtube.com .
trafficking as a topic of great concern and incorporate it
into their work and activities.
The event helped to rem ind the community that human
trafficking still exists, and that this is a worldwide issue
The Evening of Awareness drew an audience of over a
that does not discriminate nor have any boundaries. We
hundred who heard first-hand the experiences from human
are also reminded that this crime is not absent from ou r
trafficking victims. Although the stories were heart-breaking,
community in Orange County.
A display of VietACT's anti -trafficking !-shirts as well as shirts mode by
survivors of human trafficking .
fighting against human trafficking and assisting those who
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
January ll , 2009 marks
the 2nd Annual National
Human Trafficking
Awareness Day.
Please take a moment of
your time to visit VietACT's
website regarding this day
and see what YOU can do
to help the movement.
If you know of or suspect human trafficking, please
battle against human trafficking and rebuilding the lives of
contact the Human Trafficking Resource Hotline at
human trafficking survivors and their families . Along with
888-777-888. This confidential number is serviced 24
extending the TVPRA, there are new guidelines that expand
hours a day and is available in every language .
the protection of victims/survivors as well as broadening
The fight against human trafficking does not end with
presentations or events-it is a continual struggle. The
the requirements to obtain the Trafficking Visa, also known
as the T-Visa.
Vietnamese community, especially the youth, have continued
To learn more about the laws for trafficking victims/
to show their support and perseverance on the issue of
survivors, or how you can be involved in VietACT's
human trafficking. In this spirit, it is important for us to know
programs and activities throughout the year, please contact
the laws that are in place regarding human trafficking.
us at contact@vietact.org.
At the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009, there
Many thanks everyone who continue to be a part of
is hope that the efforts and voices of concern for fellow
the movement. We need to continue to raise our voices
humans are not unheard. A large success came when the
and let people know that human trafficking is an issue that
House and the Senate unanimously passed the William
concerns us greatly, and we must be active in the fight
Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2008,
against it.
which reauthorizes the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of
2000 or the TVPRA. The TVPRA continues to assist in the
For more information or to join the movement, please
The audience at the
Rose Center view a
Event participants collect information on Human Trafficking from VietACT,
Senator Lou Correa and the Women's Transitional Living Center
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
60Years of the
"Her\tage F\ag
By Phong Ly
he 60th anniversary of the golden yellow flag with
Nom, Vietnamese living overseas, parti cularly those who
three red stripes, otherwise known as the "Vietnamese
were from South Vi~t Nom and those who do not support
Freedom and Heritage Flag" is a symbol widely
the current communist regime , hove continued to use and
recognized as representative of Vietnamese communities
honor the yellow flog with three red stripes as a symbol
outside of Vi~t Nom .
and their belief in a free and democratic Vi~t Nom . In
has become rooted in Vietnamese history. In 1948, when
some countries such as the United States, cities, counties,
Japanese forces in Indo-Chino surrendered to the Allies,
states, and other jurisdictions hove honored the flog with
Vi~t Nom re-gained its independence. The country then
resolutions recognizing it as the "Vietnamese Freedom
become known as the State of Vi~t Nom with Emperor Boo
and Heritage Flog " a symbol of the Vietnamese American
Doi as its Head of State, and the yellow flog with three red
stripes become the notional flog of Vi~t Nom .
For second generation Vietnamese Americans, the vast
When Vi~t Nom was divided into North and South, the
majority of them identify with the "Vietnamese Freedom
Congress of the Republic of Vi~t Nom , led by President
and Heritage Flog " because of their family background
Ngo Dinh Diem, chose to retain the flag of the State of
and experience.
Vi~t Nom (yel low with three red stripes) as the national
To commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the "Heritage
flog of the Republic of Vi~t Nom {1954-1975) . People
Flog ", UVSAworked with a coalition ofover20 organizations
today refer to this flog as the flog of former South Vi~t
in Orange and Los Angeles counties in organizing a series
Nom, or former Republic of Vi~t Nom, although the history
of events in June, which started with a press conference on
of the flag goes beyond the Republic era.
June 2, and ended with Commemoration Day on June 22
After 1975, with the collapse of the Republic of Vi~t
representing their background, thei r refugee experience,
The flag, now 60 years old , has had many names and
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
at the Vi~t Nom War Memorial in Westminster.
Thanh Ni9n
Ti9p T~c Tim MQi
C6ch Boo Dong
Hiem Hoa M6t Dan
Ldnh Th6
Continue to Find
Ways to Warn
of the Danger of
Losing Our Land
h~nh N~en s:nh Vi~n ~:~t Nom ti~p t~c tim m9i ~hi.long
each boo d9ng ve h1em h9a mat dan lanh tho
Mot nom sou khi Trung QuO'c tuyen b6 thanh IQp
ne year after China declared the establishment
of Tam Sa District to administer the Vietnamese
islands Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, the authorities
huy~n Tam Sa d~ c6ng khai quan tri cac qudn dao Hoang
in Hanoi continue to cover up maps of the border which
Sa & TrLiC1ng Sa cua Vi~t Nom, nhvng ngLlC1i cdm quy~n tQi
they had signed away to Beijing almost a decade ago.
Ha Noi tie'p tvc em nh~m cac ban d6 bien giCii ma h9 do ky
The police continue to suppress, evict, and threaten the
ke't vdi B6c Kinh gdn mot thQp nien tri.ldc. Cong an tie'p tvc
families of patriotic students who went out to the streets
"b6t nguoi", du6i h9c, va ham d9a gia dlnh nhvng sinh vien
and protested against China at the end of 2007. The
yeu nLldc, xuO'ng aLlC1ng bi~u tlnh phon dO'i Trung QuO'c vao
nation's system of exclusive propaganda continues to
cuO'i nom 2007. H~ thO'ng tuyen truy~n doc quy~n cua Nha
support full and open relations between the two parties of
NvCic tie'p tvc tung ho mO'i quan h~ ddy tlnh nghTa giva 2
the two nations.
dang, 2 nLlCic.
N6i t6m IQi, Bo Chinh Tri dang CSVN khong chi cO' che
In short, the political body of the Vietnamese Communist
Party not only covers up the danger of losing their country,
dau hi~m h9a mat ddn dot ni.ldc, ma con chu y che' tQO mot
but also does its best to create a nice and good-mannered
bo m¢t B6c Kinh hi~n hoa, d~ nhan dan khong th~ ngC1 rang
appearance for Beijing, so people would not think that they
chinh h9 do d6ng y ky nhi.lc;ing lanh hoi, lanh th6 Vi~t Nom
themselves agreed to sign away land, sea, and Vietnam's
cho B6c Tri~u.
territory to Beijing.
Soi svc trLldc hanh vi xac xLlc;lc cua Trung QuO'c, phdn no
Boiling mad over the arrogant actions of China, enraged
trLlCic thai do "chi bie't hung han vCii dan toe" cua thi~u sO'Ianh
over the attitude of "only brutality with the natives" that the
OQO gO'c Vi~t, va lo 16ng cho ti~n d6 t6 tien tie'p tvc bi c6t lla
small number of Vietnamese leaders harbor, and worried
tl!ng mang dem ban, gidi thanh nien -sinh vien tren co ni.ldc
about the future of our ancestry continuing to be cut into
a6 lien tvc sang tQO nhi~u phi.long each vi.lc;lt qua bvc man
pieces and sold off, the youth - students across the country,
bi.lng bit thong tin cua che' do, d~ aLia tin b6o d()ng de'n vdi
have continued to create many different ways to surpass the
d6ng boo.
Mot trong nhvng sang kie'n dang ai.lc;lc nhi~u anh chi em
regime's suppressive information firewall to sound off the
alarm to their fellow countrymen.
th1,1c hi~n Ia g6n cac tC1 roi trong sach boo tQi cac ti~m s6ch,
One initiative being enacted by the youth is to attach leaflets
thv vi~n, van phong thi.long mai, va nhvng noi c6 nhi~u
to books at all bookstores, libraries, and business offices
ngvC1i ghe qua. Cach thvc nay rat kh6 cho c6ng an phat
and places frequented by many people. This method is very
hi~n, nhi.lng c6 th~ ian ddn de'n nhi~u ngLldi trong mot thC1i
difficult for the police to detect, but can spread information to
gian dai.
many people for a long time.
Bay Ia nhvng hanh dong bat bQO dong ma mQi ngi.ldi d~u
These are non-rebellious actions that anybody can do. These
c6 th~ lam aLlc;ic. Nhvng sang kie'n tuy don gian nhLlng rat
initiatives by students, although very simple, are very effective
hvu hi~u va cdn thie't nay cua anh chi em Thanh Nien Sinh
and important and will help spread the word to all countrymen
Vien se giup canh boo co dan toe v~ hi~m h9a mat dot mat
of the danger of losing our land to the hands of the Chinese
bi~n vao toy Trung QuO'c dvdi Sl/ d6ng y va tie'p toy che giau
under the guise of agreement and cooperation created by the
eva nhCtng ngLlC1i lanh dQo dang CSVN hi~n nay.
current leaders of the Vietnamese Communist Party.
Non S6nq 2009- Year of the Buffalo
I'm a Small, Small
Girl in a Big
Big Region
uNAVSA: Sharing OJr Past, Shaping OJr Future
kay, maybe I'm not that small, but in a sense of being
community while sharing their own experiences in order to further
a member of the SoCal region, I am. Living in beautiful
illustrate how each has been able to advance and overcome
SoCal can catch up to you sometimes to the point where
their obstacles. Playing along with this year's theme of, "Sharing
everyone is in her own little bubble. My bubble certainly burst this
our Past, Shaping our Future," uNAVSA did an impressive job of
past weekend after spending four days with amazing people from
encouraging attendees to share their struggles and achievements
all over the country.
in order to further build upon their accomplishments while
Just when I thoughtthat UVSA was getting huge, I learned about
the umbrella organization known as uNAVSA, which stands for
I tried to think of words to describe how I feel about this past
Union of North American Vietnamese Student Associations. This
weekend, but I was unable to come up with them. It's that same
past year's uNAVSA marks its fifth year in existence and its fifth
feeling you get after coming back from a successful staff retreat-
year of binding regions together, strengthening and empowering
or better yet, leadership camp. The nostalgia after a few days, the
the leaders in our country, and the fifth year of creating lifelong
ache that makes you want to go back and relive everything and
friendships between strangers nationwide.
make more memories with everyone, the excitement of being in a
The conference, which was hosted by Portland, Oregon,
new place, the shoulda, woulda, coulda-if I only had had more
this year, consisted of an assortment of activities with Mike and
time. As a scholar, I was lucky enough to enjoy the trip for free,
Vu, workshops hosted by uNAVSA staff and miscellaneous
but I would be willing to shell out the money for the conference
professionals, as well as a black tie gala on Saturday night in
next year, just to relive some of the memories and make new
which everyone cleaned up and looked dazzling. Never before
ones. So to all you guys who came out to uNAVSA this year, I
have I seen such a diverse variety of people within the same place
hope you decide to come again next year because I'm sure it will
with the same goal of strengthening our Vietnamese American
be even more fun.
To connect with uNAVSA please visit
strengthening their soft spots.
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
vASCON 4: Planting Seeds
. .
h been a forum to discuss pressing issues and to introduce you~h to
Since tts mceptton, VASCON as
I .
II f· ld The 4th national Vietnamese Amencan
· an professtona s m a te s.
successfu I Vtetnamese menc
A .14 6 2008 was no different as stu ents
on0 tn fo; week~nd of discovery, friendship,
Student Conference (VASCON 4), which t~ok ~·
eds "was jam-packed with over twenty
from around the country converged on as ~n,?pfn f .
and~~~e :nte~ainment . Van Duong, a sophomore
and awakenings . This year's ~ASCON~ theme I
workshop speakers, a film festtval, parttes, a go a, an
at UCLA reports on her experience at VASCON 4.
hoosing to attend VASCON 4 is a decision I will not regret.
I've never been on the east coast of the United States and the
experience was wholly captivating and enjoyable . Even from
the full day of traveling on the airplane I was able to see beautiful sights
from the sky thousands of miles high. From the beginning of my arrival, I
felt very welcome and was greeted graciously by other participants and
organizers of the event. The conference was well put together and the
University of Georgetown was an amazing place to be in Washington
D.C., offering antique sceneries of the stone buildings, damp weather,
and cherry blossoms. I think some major highlights of the conference for
me was hearing the keynote speaker Mrs. Duy-Loan
T. Le who is a Senior
Fellow at Texas Instruments. She gave an inspiring speech about her life
accomplishments and struggles and [she is the] first Vietnamese woman
who I can look up to for having such a good heart and having gone
so far in life with a great sense of will power and self determination. I
know self-determination and will power are things that I have to work
on personally, and it was amazing to see someone in our community
succeed and go so far in life .
Another highlight of my experience at VASCON was attending the
workshop on deportation . The person who presented the workshop
was Helly Lee from SEARAC and it was exciting to meet her since her
name was all over the informational papers. [During the workshop] we
we re able to watch a cl ip of the movie "Sentenced Home," which I've
been hearing so much about. Helly gave us some personal stories of
people who were going through the process or were in dange r of be ing
deported . I used these stories at UCLA's SEA .MIC meeting to give my
peers a bette r insight into the problem and I think it helped greatly.
Those were the two main things I got out of attending VASCON, and I
definitely am bringing it back to UCLA to util ize and plant seeds in my
community. Other events I enjoyed were the amazing performances, the
dance, and exploring the big Washington D.C. attractions such as the
monument, Wh ite House, and Vietnam War Memorial. I thank VASCON
for giving me this opportunity of a life experience .
Van Duong
To see photos and video of VASCON 4: Planting Seeds, or for
more information, please visit www.vasconlove.org.
VASCON Student Leader Scholar
Non So ng 2009 - Year of the Buffalo
the Weakth
reng a nd
the strong
951 len
"Why me?" the young victim softly exclaimed through tears . The
deputy and the victim's mother were at a loss for an explanation .
young, Vietnamese woman's life was shattered two
and a bake sale may seem menial, the Southern California
weeks shy of her high school graduation when she
Union of Vietnamese Student Associations managed to surpass
was found abused and brutally beaten in the late
their goal of $2,000 and raised an impressive estimate of
evening of April 24, 2008 next to the Bloomingdale Regional
$5,300 to be wired to the fund set up by the victim's friends
Library in Valrico, Florida . As a result of the situation, her
and family.
family has become nearly bankrupt and her Medicaid has
expired due to lack of progress in terms of recovery within a
Northern California and the Mid-Atlantic UVSAs sent care
reasonable time limit. Without the proper treatment and care,
packages to the victim filled with cards, t-shirts signed with
she has a low chance
of gaining a full recovery.
The family was left at a loss with the meager prospects ahead
as hopes for the victim flickered. "Her brain is damaged,"
her mother stated in an interview conducted by Dong -Phuong
Nguyen of St. Petersburg Times. "My soul is broken ."
As news of her tragedy spread throughout the Vietnamese
$200 contributed by concerned college students.
The Pacific Northwest region hosted a dance in which
$250-$300 in proceeds will be sent to the victim.
The Southeast region participated in the organization of a
benefit fashion show dubbed as "Fashion for Compassion."
communities across the nation, regions within the union of
The fashion show consisted of designs from more than 12
North American Vietnamese Student Associations made up of
different designers from all over the nation who had heard
numerous educational establishments rose to help the victim's
about the young victim's story and wanted to contribute
family in small and big ways alike .
towards the cause. This fashion show was a monumental
Southern California organized a carwash and a bake sale
to fundraise money towards the victim's cause while spreading
community awareness about the incident. While a carwash
hopes of a speedy recovery, a blanket, a teddy bear, and
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
success as it raised more than $22,000 for the Bloomingdale
Library Assault Victim Fund .
Life can be cruel in that tragedy always seems to strike at
To make a donation, please go to any SunTrust Bank and indicate that
the money is for the Bloomingdale Library Assault Victim. Or mail a check,
payable to Bloomingdale Library Assault Victim, to: SunTrust Bank, Special
Handling Department, P.O. Box 27572, Richmond, VA 23261-7572
the most unexpected times, to the least deserving people. The
response to tragedy tends to bore the humanity in a community
as the realization that "It con happen to anyone," hits home .
What once was a meager flicker has been reignited into a
passionate glow of hope.
Hope can be defined as the faith in the general feeling
"This broke our hearts when we heard of this . This could
that a desire will be fulfilled. It serves as the motivation
hove happened to anyone, my sister even! If this hod been
that is pushing the victim and her family through this
my sister, I don't know what I would hove done . This is what
difficult time, as well as the underlying characteristic within
propelled us to toke action," stated Anno H~ynh, one of the
the individuals who have heard her story and contributed
organizers for the Southern California effort.
The small, collective endeavors of several people prove to have
towards the cause. It gives the weak, strength and keeps the
strong, resilient.
a significant impact on one individual's life. Through the efforts of
An answer to the victim's soft sobs of, "Why me?" may not
thousands of individuals, $27,000 was raised in response to the
hove been uncovered, but the silent cry of despair was met by
misfortune suffered by this victim and her family.
Now that she is bock at home with limited help through
Medicaid, there has been an outpouring of assistance
the transfer of hope and compassion through the endeavors of
uNAVSA and the countless organizations and invidivuals who
have helped and continue to help.
through family, friends, strangers and volunteers who take
This act elucidates the fact that hope is never lost; it is
turns stopping by their home; professors from Speech
one of the few things in life that may be reestablished by
Department from the University of South Florida and several
kindhearted others when the light happens to be blown out.
therapists have volunteered their time, volunteers and her
high school friends, who are now in college, decorated her
In light of Southern California UVSA's Tet Festival theme,
bedroom, and a conversion van with a remote control lift was
'Spring of Hope/ may the glow of hope always be passed on
donated to the family.
to those in need.
Non Song 2009- Year
t\"\e Sufto\o
Students of
Color Conference
Call to Action: Educate, Empower, and Implement
By Ethan Nguyen
he 20th annual Students of Color
conference also served as a network for
Conference was hosted this year at
each school to discus their multicultural
UCLA from November 18-20. The
outreach and
conference brought together more than a
schools to gain the support to establish
thousand UC students with the objective of
centers on their own campuses for those
educating the attendees about social issues
who didn't have one yet.
centers or for
affecting communities of color, inspire them
The final day of the conference was our
to make a difference, and make them commit
call to action . The day started with a press
to taking action by getting more involved on
and off campus.
representatives from the different schools
Square where
and the University of California Student
inspirational speech from Dylan Rodriguez,
Association each voiced his or her concerns
of ethnic studies from UCR.
a bout the problems they experienced because
Dylan spoke about the vast growing prison
of education being underfunded and the
industrial complex and how our nation is
rising cost of tuition. It was then that every
more obsessed with criminals than with
attendee, staff member, and speaker united
education. His proposed solution was to
as one to march to the Federal Building. The
take money out of our prison funds and
hundreds of us kept our spirits high with
invest in our schools because education has
chants such as "The students united, will
risen so much that affordability had become
never be defeated." The event was covered
more difficult for communities of color.
by local and national news stations.
The conference also hosted workshops
The conference officially ended at the
ranging from the refugee experience to
Federal Building with some inspirational
grad school affordability for minorities;
words from conference chairs Stephanie
caucuses for the different community groups
and Dina, hoping to inspire empowerment
such as LGBTIQ, gender, and multiracial;
in students- so they could ready to bring the
and the spectacular freedom festival. The
change back to their campuses.
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
Mentoring Our Today to
Empower our Tomor~~,:V
Proiect MotiVATe
Obedience. (MySpace) Family. (Facebook) Respect elders. (Track team) Be polite. (Hip Hop)
Tradition. (English homework) Education. (Band) Oh, and more education.
What defines a Vietnamese-American teen's identity? Where do all the pieces fit in, like an
affinity for texting, a love for music/movies/video games or any other interests a teen may have,
and why is it that despite the ability to speak "Viet-glish," there seems to be something deeper
than language that turns teen-parent communication into a sack of potatoes?
you have ever
asked yourself any of these questions, struggled through your own teen angst and drama, all
through the lens of your Vietnamese-American "self," then you may understand the need for the
community organization called Project MotiVATe .
roject MotiVATe mentors Vietnamese-American teens by developing
their academic, cultural, and social skills to achieve educational
goals and personal success. Beginning in 1996 as Camp for Youth,
Project MotiVATe has developed to serve Vietnamese-American teens in
Orange County by offering free tutoring and one-on-one mentoring.
Volunteer mentors work with youth mentees who are at an educational
disadvantage to not only reach academic success, but personal success
as well. Don Luong, former program director says, "Our Vietnamese
community really looks to the teens as the future, and they care about
our youth, but there are two spectrums. There are the at-risk youth, who
do nat receive a lot of help and at times, are pushed to the side. On the
other extreme are students who excel academically and are very schooloriented. It creates a dichotomy between the two groups. There are peer
and social pressures for both sides, with parents oftentimes comparing and
pressuring the two."
Additionally, Project MotiVATe mentors serve as bridge builders between
the mentees and their parents and lean on one another for support and
encouragement-just like family. A well-known motto among Project
MotiVATe is "Family Love." It is this dynamic which makes Project MotiVATe
such a relevant resource in the Vietnamese community today. Chris Tran,
mentor, shares, "If you ask me what I believe in about Project MotiVATe,
I'll say this: I believe that every mentee can succeed . As a mentor, I hope
to keep them motivated in attaining their goals. I want to help mediate
family problems in any way that I can. I want to instill in them a sense of
self-assurance and confidence, and I want them to not feel awkward inside
their own skin. I want them to be able to dream, to hope, and to believe
that they can do great things when they put their hearts and minds to it."
For more information about Project MotiVATe and how you can get
involved, check out
or contact
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
DUOng Sinh ThQc
Ph6p Cho MQi Ngu'di
Hong That Cong
hudng trlnh luy~n tqp Duong Sinh Thvc
bie't: "Duong sinh thvc pha p Ia b<? man khong
nhvng giup nguCii tqp khai
thong 12 vva qua va auqc hua'n luy~n
vqn chuy~n cua cac thao toe ma con ham chva
mi~n phi tqi Club House cua khu Mission Del
co m9t ngh~ thuqt duong sinh giup con ngUCii
Amo Mobile Home Pork nd m tre n aUCing Bolsa
co y thvc so'ng hoa voi cac thao toe ke't hqp
00 thu hut Sl/ tqp luy~n CUO nhigu vi COO nien
voi hdi thd va y thvc
va trung nien.
trong CUQC so'ng . Duong Sinh Thvc Phap con
Duong Sinh Thvc Ph a p aUqc tho nh lq p bdi
ag aqt auqc Sl/ thong hoa
giup cd th~ khai thong kinh mqch, aigu hoa khi
hua'n luy~n vien Nguy~n Quang 8qt va auqc
huye't, phong ngva va ai€u tri cac chvng aau
vq n
tho' p khop".
a9ng t6 chvc tq i Mission Del Amo Mobile
Home bdi pho thi trUdng· Tq Dvc Tri voi Sl/ y~m
Ngoai nhvng thao toe th~ dt,Jc, hua'n luy~n
trq cua ban quan ly khu Mobile Home . Day Ia
vien Nguy~n Quang 8qt con pho'i hqp Bat Doqn
bQ mon duong sinh OUQC ke't hqp bdi cac thao
Ca' m trong chudng trlnh tqp luy~n . Bat Doqn
toe th~ dl,JC, khi cong thong thUCing YO phUdng
Ca'm Ia bai tqp tV b9 mon ngoqi aan khi cong
phap tqp luy~n hoan toan trong sl/ tinh thvc.
Hua'n luy~n vien Nguy~n Quang 8qt cho
aa co tV ngan nom truoc co cong dt,Jng giup aa
thong kinh mqch, va aieu hoa khi huye't. Hua'n
Vai the' t9p cue m6n Dllong Sinh ThCtc Phap.
md tam thvc qua sl/
Phap aa aUqc khai giang vao aau
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
Duong Sinh Thuc Phap dUQc huang dan hoan toan mien phf va c6 th~
dUQc ghi danh bat cu luc nco. MQi chi tiet, xin lien lqc chi Lieu Hoang
Thanh (park manager) (J
di$n thoqi: (714) 531-3764 hay vao trang web:
luy~n vien Nguy~n Quang Dqt chia se: "Noi ve
Bat Doqn C6m, hdu he't cdc m6n sinh V6 Lam
hua'n luy~n vien g6m nhung anh em tre nhLI
hua'n luy~n vien trvdng Nguy~n Quang Dqt va
Vi~t Nom aa ai.lqc bie't ae'n vao khoang cuoi
thqp nien 70 va adu thqp nien 80 do Giao Sv
Hang Thanh- Chvdng M6n V6 Lam Vi~t Nomaa mang Bat Doqn Ca'm vao chvdng trlnh luy~n
tqp cua m6n phai." BatDoqn Ca'm trong Dvang
Sinh Thac Phap Ia slf phoi hqp giua Thie'u Lam
cdc phv td hua'n luy~n vien Phon Nguyen, Tran
TrQng Nom, Trdn Vi~t, va Tq Dac Trf- ph6 thj
trvdng thanh pho Westminster. Cac hua'n luy~n
va Dqo Gia a€ co nhung thao tac nh!il nhang va
thich hqp vdi mQi Ilia tu6i.
Ldp Dvang Sinh Thac Pha p aang avqc hvdng
dcSn m6i sang tV tha Hoi ae'n Chu Nhqt tqi
khu Mission Del Amo Mobile Home Park. Ban
mQi nglloi trong CQng aCing.
Dvang Sinh Thlic Ph a p avqc hvdng deS n
hoan toan mi~n phf va co thtf OLIQC ghi danh
ba't eli luc nao. MQi chi tie't, xin lien lqc chi
Lieu Hoang Thanh (park manager) d so ai~n
quan ly cua khu mobile nay aa tqo aieu ki~n
thuqn lqi tV phut ban adu a€ ban hua'n luy~n
thoqi: 714-531-3764 hay vao trang web: www.
duongsinhthucpha p.org.
vien thay phien nhau alJng ldp ag Sl/ tqp luy~n
OLIQC di~n ra hang ngay. Udc nguy~n cua cdc
hua'n luy~n vien Ia giup nang coo sac khoe cho
co aja aitfm r<?ng rai cho vi~c tqp luy~n. Ban
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
DG: I feel like I'm giving back to
MHB: Can you tell us about the
America for everything America has
Iraqi's? How do they view us from your
given my family and me.
DG : They are very nice to us and really
very much for your service and for this
appreciate our efforts.
DG: Sure do.
opportunity to get a first hand view for
MHB: How do you communicate with
our Non Song Magazine readers from
the Iraqis?
MHB: Did you miss her?
DG: Of course, I felt very lonely
a soldier who has been to Iraq and
DG: We have Iraqi translators .
especially at dinner time. I really missed
her smile and her cooking.
back, and who is Vi~tnamese, just like
I am.
MHB: Any funny experiences?
DG: There are so many, but the best
MHB: What do you think of the antiwar
Moi Hu'U Bcio: What made you decide
one was the greasy Iraqi food . Our
to join the military in the first place?
translator made us something that
DG: Ridiculous people. Just give them
Duy Giang : Money for college and to
looked like chicken fajitas and we got
spend six months in Iraq, then maybe
travel the world.
really sick. I mean not just a stomach
I'll consider their opinions.
MHB: What is your job?
ache but more like food poisoning!
DG: Hospital corpsman. Provide
i.e. sick in bed with IV lines inserted for
medical care for marines and sailors.
two days .
MHB: Do you have any good
MHB: Should we be in Iraq? Why?
DG: Of course, just like, should the
memories of Iraq?
DG: Of course, I gain more experience
U.S. have been in Vietnam?
in my field, understanding multi-cultural
MHB: What is it like out there?
differences, and enjoying comraderie
DG: Th ings are a lot better now. Not
amongst all branches of service
as much combat but there's still IE D's
including the host nation and all other
(Improvised Explosive Devices) out
international services.
there .
MHB: Do you ever question why you
MHB: When was your deployment and
were there in Iraq?
how long?
DG: No, I'm just doing my job. If I go,
DG: March to September 2008, 6
then someone else will return.
MHB: What did you feel most of the
time you were there?
MHB: Do you have a girlfriend?
First of alii would like to thank you
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
"I om not just on American,
I om Vi~tnomese American. "
but in no comparison to what our
made you bring our flag to Iraq in the
fathers have endured during the
MHB: How does it feel to be the only
first place?
Vi~tnam War, including all the
Vi~tnamese guy in the unit?
DG: To represent Vi~tnamese pride .
hardships that they went through .
DG: At times I wished that I had some
I am not just an American, I am
one to "tom st./' with, but other times l
MHB: What were you most afraid of?
can use profanity (in tie'ng Vi~t) and not
DG: Not able to see my parents and
get into trouble with my superiors.
MHB: Do you see yourself as a
girlfriend again .
MHB: Did you miss Vi~tnamese food?
DG: Of course I did, that's why my girl
tough guy?
MHB: Were you scared?
DG : Not at all.
DG: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't.
sent me "pho an lign" and "ml g6i ."
MHB: How did you feel when you
MHB: Were you afraid to die?
MHB: Do you ever think this was how it
left Iraq?
DG: No, I believe everyone has their
was with the South Vi~tnamese soldiers
DG: Relieved that I can return without
own fate and destiny.
fought before 1975?
any injuries, not just for myself but for
MHB: Are you willing to die for your
DG: All the time. My whole family
my entire unit.
was in the Vi~t Nom C<?ng Hoa . My
MHB: Would you go back if you have
DG: Of course.
father was a Lieutenant in the South VN
a choice?
MHB: Which country?
Army. My uncles were, too, so I was
DG: Definitely, I'll do it in a heart beat!
very influenced and really disliked the
MHB: What would you suggest for our
DG: Both.
younger brothers and sisters who want
MHB: In your profile picture, you had
to join the Service?
MHB: Ole final question. If you could say
our Vi~tnamese flag behind you, what
DG: Tough question. You need
one thing to the President of the United
commitment and dedication because
States, right now, what would it be?
once you've signed, there's no backing
DG: I would say "freedom for Vi~t
Vi~t Nom or
out. It will
Nom" and to continue and finish
be difficult
what we have started and not let what
for people
happened in Vi~t Nom happen in Iraq.
with families
MHB: Is there anything I have not
time at
asked that you would like to address?
home is so
DG: I appreciate your time and effort for
limited .
interviewing me and hope that one day
all of us can return to our beloved Vi~t
MHB: How
Nom raising the "co van ba
would you
sum up Iraq?
MHB: Please let me once again say
DG: Great
thank you for all you have done for our
country and for this interview.
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
he coming of the Year of the Water Buffalo is greeted with the rhythm of drum beats, the splash of
cymbals and the tolling of the gong as Lion Donee (Muo Lon) teams around the world welcome in the
new year by bringing good luck and fortune to all. For the inaugural year, Living Trad itions
Productions (LTP) is proud to present the first Beyond the Pride Lion Donee Exhibition to be held in Orange
County, California in the Fall of 2009. Living Traditions Productions is a gross roots community organ ization
existing to strengthen, advocate for, and spread awareness of the art of Lion Dancing within the
community. As Lion Dancers, the members of LTP understand that pride is an integral part
of the Lion Dancer life style: pride in one's traditions, pride in one's team , and pride in
,_, . . - -....
one 's craft . LTP hopes to provide on open arena to display the best of the proud art form to
the community. LTP also hopes to foster brotherhood and sportsmanship between teams ,
encouraging participants to go beyond one's pride and interact and learn from each other.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to charity as a gesture of good will from LTP
and the Lion Donee community to the general public. Dote and location is currently in the
works, however seating will be limited and tickets will be pre -sold . For more information and
updates, visit the event website at
·r on tor lion
o en au d II
Pride is nolding on P in tne tradition.
Beyond \he
n believe in preserv g t performance
dance group~ wo ~ideo ot your most rec~arch 1, 2009.
Please send In listed guideline before
tnot tallows tne
d unedited
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David Lam
www. beyondthepride. com
Owl and
the Sparrow
A Movie Review
By Tieu-Y Nguyen
kids and learns to hold her own selling roses
wl and the Sparrow'' is a tale
told with a refreshing innocence
to passing strangers. Sometimes she's lucky
rarely seen in modern cinema.
enough to earn her dinner.
Set in modem day Saigon, it is simply a story
of curiosity, compassion, and love.
A lonely zookeeper, a street-smart orphan,
Lon (Cat Ly) is a flight attendant, always
on the move, and always on her guard. She
doesn't have the heart to continue her flings;
and a cynical flight attendant somehow cross
they're a waste
of time.
She barely manages
paths. Yet, there is not a hint of ill intent,
a quick hello at the front desk of the hotel. She
deceit, jealousy, or any of the other "grown-up"
just wants a break, it seems. She just needs
complications you'd expect from the average
someone worth slowing down for.
indie flick. This one does something differentit appeals directly to the heart. And it works.
This fresh take on Vietnamese storytelling
Hoi (Le The Lu) is the zookeeper and has
nothing but time . With time comes insight,
and he learns a great deal about himself and
notable behind-the-lens
the world around him from conversations with
talent. Stephane Gauger, a native of Germany
the most unlikely of friends-the elephant he
brings on some
but a fluent Vietnamese and French speaker,
cares for. He could easily be labeled as crazy,
guides the story effortlessly across a fine line
but isn't. Sometimes the best conversationalists
between heart and head. Pete Nguyen, lead
are just the best listeners-ones who aren't
singer/ guitarist, delivers a warm, guitar-driven
simply waiting for their turn to speak.
musical score punctuated by soft ambience
and driving percussion. Ham Tran, writer/
of "Journey
From The Fall," lends his
editing magic to keep the pulse of the film .
The film works beautifully in its lack of
Lon and Hoi have one thing in commonthey're both just fine on their own. But through
a mixture
both welcome and unwelcome
circumstances, Thuy brings them together,
and an unlikely surrogate family is born.
pretense . Gauger uses the surrounding
In a culture where we sometimes feel that
sounds to pull the audience in and make
obligations towards our own blood families are
the experience real. The characters and
too much to bear, this film sends a message
passers-by go about their business as if they
of appreciation and tolerance. In a society that
are not being filmed. Its simplicity is what
demotes genuine love toone ofthe last elements
makes it one of the best films of the year.
that bind a family together, this film is a breath
Thuy (Pham Thi Han) is an orphan girl,
of fresh
air and is a reminder to everyone who
presumed by her uncle to lack intelligence
has slowly and gradually forgotten the innocent
to be useful, who works at his factory making
and constructive joy
of human nature.
window blinds. Ole day, she runs away-not
The movie opens in select theaters across
because she'd been abused or neglected, but
the country starting January 16, 2009, in
simply because she wants to see what's out
Oange County, Calif. More information can
there . She quickly befriends the other street
be found at www.owlandthesparrow.com.
Opening in select theaters across
the country starting January 16.
2009 in Orange County . CA . For
more information . please visit
www .owlandthesparrow .com.
Non Song 20CF/ - Y em o1 ~he ~u11olo
Til a Tequila
Things, and especia lly people , are
not always as they appear. Tila
Tequila, who is just a pretty face
to many, is the prime example .
Born in Singapore while her
parents were fleeing their home
in Vietnam, she spent most of her
childhood in a gated Buddhist
colony in Houston, TX. The secluded
and restrictive environment and a
far-from-perfect home life led the
young teenager to rebel: she was
expelled from school and sent to
boarding school; ran away to New
York City and began experimenting
with drugs, the club life, and
relationships with both men and
women, eventually realizing that
if positive things were going to
happen in her life, she needed to
MAKE them happen .
Tila relocated to Los Angeles,
and began the task of building a
career--on her own terms and in
her own unique way. The rest is
history, or really, just the beginning.
Thien Nguyen p/k/a Tila Tequila
Hometown: Houston, TX
Occupation: Entrepreneur/Entertainer
orters of Wave Releasin
Friends and Su
Vudoo Soul
Bart and Joe
As one of the defining faces of
Dot Phon is the Original Winner of
From the midst of darkness, two
NBC's Lost Comic Standing, and
beautiful models arose from the
is a Headlining Comedian touring
ashes to save the world from
live across the U.S.
comedy and clever insight, these
journey. The native Californian
Vietnam and grew up struggling
two princes, Bart and Joe, released
infamously garnered a career
and poor in Son Diego, CA.
t~emselves onto the comedy scene
as on MIT-graduote-turned-R&B
His culturally insightful comedy
~estined to protect the world from
singer-songwriter, over the years
played-out material. These two
competing to win a multitude
and shores his experience of being
master chefs ore always serving
a regular American guy with a
Competitions in New York. A
been included in The Smithsonian
music, blogs, "shorts", and even
Institution's exhibition of The Top
10 Most Influential Vietnamese-
defecate in their pants while
American Individuals.
enjoying their comedy is the
Vu continues to work and travel
Dot Phon's mission is to bring
constantly to bring a heart-felt voice
to audiences across the notion .
Asian-Americans to mainstream
highest form of honor.
"We wont to be seen as more
than just martial artists, or bod
VU aka "Vudoo"
Hometown: Do BAY AREA, BABY!
stereotype token roles in American
TV & Movies."
Son JOoooo
Occupation: Singer, Lover, Fighter,
Random Fact: A late-bloomer; Vu
Dat Phon
Bart and Joe of Justkiddingfilms
began his singing in college, armed
Hometown : Saigon, Vietnam
Hometown: Buffet
with only the Star-Spangled Bonner and
Occupation : Stand-up Comedian
Occupation: Professional Bikin i Waxers
some 'N Sync song to join on all-mole
Random Fact: Likes watching chick
Random Fact: Fo iled pornstors make the
ocoppello group, the MIT Logorhythms.
flicks. With girls. Not guys.
best comedians.
www. myspace.com/vudoosoul
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
C/est La Vie- Carpe Diem
No need to speak
If action can tell
No need to spell
When all has gone well
Thvong yeu t9ng con trai BAO QUOC
No need to wish
If something's uncertain
Que Hvong, con hoi, nghia Ia
No need to be burdened
When fate has been determined
Noi M~ aau c1dn sinh ta lam ngvoi
Noi con tie'ng kh6c chao aoi
Va booky ni~m m9t troi au tho.
San trvong phu lop reu mo
BQn be loi x6m, som trva h9c hanh
So let things go
And fly with the wind
Let the breeze come in
And just dance and sing
Con song uon khuc lv9n quanh
C'est Ia vie!
Hang tre xanh mvOt nhv vanh n6n tho.
Life is a journey
With much exploration needed
Can nha t6 a'm m~ cha
Ong Ba, anh chi vao ra som chi~u,
Don't need to feel defeated
If we have not met our wishes
H9 hang, lang, nvoc than yeu
Ngay aem aum b9c bao nhieu an t1nh.
Giang Son Gam V6c a~p xinh
T6 Tien gay dl/ng, hy sinh aap boi
f)6 Ia TO QUOC
tuy~t voi
Ta yeu nhv thg yeu ngvoi ta yeu
Seize the day
As it has much to offer
Don't be taken by the moment
When we cannot tell if it's now or never
Live, Love, and Learn!
Carpe diem!
by Hoai Lg
Los Angeles ngay 7 7- 72-2008
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
by VL!dng Valerie Hoang
Bau Cua
co CQp
by bao.thien.ngo
Let me tell you the story of a man who played:
Bdu. Cua. Co~ C9p.
A game where
You roll the dice and let it drop.
Place your bets then lift the top.
Did you win? Or did you flop?
Will you go? Or will you stop?
This man, a hundred dollars from his lucky 11 xi,
started his first round betting on every space he
could see.
All. Six. Spaces.
In high school he tried to date every girl,
Strung 'em together like a necklace of pearls
You would've thought he would've found The
But after four years, he still wasn't done.
All. Four. Years.
And he lost a lot of money.
So now he's fifty dollars down
No matter, no matter, his luck'll turn around
Listening to the sound of the cubes against the
This time he's spreading the risk,
Three spaces he thinks, to cover his bases.
Ooh ... the lid is lifted. No smiling faces.
Oh. My. God.
In college he had a girlfriend, a mistress,
and what you would call a friend with benefits.
If it didn't work out well with one of the lovers,
Then he could simply jump to the other.
But by the time he walked on the stage with a
degree in his hands,
There was no one there to appreciate his take to
the stand
As he raised his right hand and took his
academic oath
He thought, "If you chase two rabbits, you will
lose them both."
Or. All. Three.
Now he's down to 23 dollars.
Okay, so maybe he'll wait a few rounds before
trying his luck.
Analyze the odds before passing the buck.
Calculate rounds for optimal returns,
And keep a count of every round he has
learned .
Tick. Tack. Tick.
He's in his late twenties, boy does time fly.
He doesn't even date, doesn't even try.
Every woman is unworthy in his eyes
Though he may have to lower his standards and
What. A. Bother.
He was up to 30 dollars, with steady breathing,
But after 20 rounds, he was slowly bleeding.
He's borrowing money and risking his face
He sorta feels somewhat in disgrace
But after all that time, what does he have to
Other than his shirt, his pants, and his shoes.
One. Last. Try.
He's still a tragic, single man, a mamma's boy,
His friend zone is the size of Illinois.
He's walking around with a pretty bored look,
He really has no use for this black book.
No, not phone numbers, but his journal, his
So he tosses into the air, let it get lost in a hole.
This woman picks it up and flips through a
And saw the beauty in his pain, and his valiant
She cooks up a plan, to return a lost object,
And he meets her at Starbucks, in order to
The caramel macchiato, somehow tasted much
He somehow felt lucky to be there.
Spider. Senses. Tingling.
Not sure if at all he would win.
He decided, this round, this space, to go all in.
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
Thank You\
Thank you, Spring, for making me happy
Thank you, Summer, for the memories
Thank you, fall, for yellow leaves
Thank you, Winter, for grateful times
Com dn muo Xuon cho t6i vui
Com dn muo Hq cho nhi~u
Com dn muo Thu c6 16 vong
Com dn muo Dong,. muo com tq
Thank you, Tim, for thinking of me
And giving me red roses iust because
Then you departed, leaving sadness with me
Com dn Tim do nghi den toi
Anh do cho toi nhvng d6a hong
Roi ro di
toi buon kh6
T6i se nhO onh d€n cu6i dOi.
Tim, I will miss you forever.
by Tam T\nh
L•lla hong cha ,
ChotA · •
ysangtimtoA ·
Ol cam glac
... tll tin I, I
ong nglldi
~a hong Ia· i en mot
Lam tA·
01 say SLIa aam. me thC1"
vCJi a i2
oa ra lv·a h ,
ong a"'
. coo
ong nay c~
ang them non
" nao
tNh Ling ' Illa h,ong I . d "'·
QO cho to mot • Ql • 01 gian to
. ao tllang t rong vl.l'
by Mai Hvu Boo
Sv th "t 1•
S . Q Lla hong kh "
She sings she shouts- co
co ?Ia (Coke)
Lemon question - chonh
Lost teach- ma't day
hoi chonh tllc Ia chanh a6
I wont toilet kiss ou·Trip shell bonon~- t Anh ?muon cau han em
d. .
ru'c;Jc vo chu6i
me ICine pregnant
et thuoc chllo
Peanut sugar - I .;t , Slow
QC uu'ong ,
pepper- cham tie
, ,
No star where- kh. A u We Ia kh6 hi~u a6
ong sao aA (
oor drop spinach _ n h,
r welcome)
g eo rdt mong tdi
Sugar you you go
sugar me me go
ng anh anh a·1 a '
Sad sleep - b ,.
? ' u'dng em em ai
uon ngu
Non Song 2009 - Spnng
. of Hope
to thlldng tho' ~ng co ben ay
Y Y v9ng tran .:t-' 2
C "'·
UOI cung Ill? h'
a ong a"'
an h t6ithU'ct?
otchaytimt" ·
m trong sll. ngu mu"·01 ,
91 nay...
. Ho'ang
by Vvdng 11
va 1ene
ViFF 2009
The Early Stages
By Ethan Nguyen
Tickets to ViFF, please: Viff's Opening Ceremony in 2007 was held at
Edwa rd s Unive rsity Cinema 6 in Irvine , Calif.
Going Home
t takes a lot of work in creating a film festival, and creating
successful one is even harder. The Vietnamese International Film
Festival (ViFF) is a biannual festival that started in 2003 . The festival
is collaboration between two organizations Vietnamese American Arts
& Letters Association (VAALA) and Vietnamese Language & Culture
(VNLC) . The film festival features films not only from the Untied States
and Vietnam , but from other countries around the world such as
Australia , Canada , France, Germany, Israel, and Poland.
This year, ViFF is in its fourth installment, and according to the ViFF
committee, there is a lot of arduous work that goes into planning this
festival. The co-directors, Ysa D. Le and Quyen Lam, have dedicated a
lot of effort in the developmental stages to structure and publicize the
festiva l. Although the festival is still more than five months away, all of the
organizing committees are hard at work.
The screening committee must screen countless films for months to make
Finding Madison
sure that each is viable for showing. The criteria for a film making it into
ViFF is that it must be either written, directed, or the main/major supporting
character must be portrayed by a Vietnamese person; a film could also be
shown if the film's setting or theme involves Vietnamese culture.
The sponsorship committee is also hard at work outreaching to many Los
Angeles and Orange County sources . Almost any group or individual can
Viff will announce
be a sponsor, from banks to cultural school departments, and even other
the final selection
film festivals. Sponsors also publicize and help build an early audience for
the festival.
the end of February
Other committees are also hard at work gathering volunteers, cataloging
new information, and contacting filmmakers . With everyone working hard,
ViFF will be will be a great event this year.
So if you ' re in the mood for some great Vietnamese films, come check
2009. Submissions
will be featured
throughout the twoweek long event.
out this festival. ViFF will be hosted at UC Irvine for two weeks from April
2 -5 and 9-12.
For more information, please visit www.vietfilmfest.com.
No n So ng 200Q - Ye ar of the Buffalo
.ctory· \(ev·m Bui creates a
Two courses to VI
b Shrimp
.\ \ Mignon ond Jum o
Jwo-course 1 e
. ,
f' \ p\oce in the Flemmg s
meal to to k e Irs
. ory Competition.
Steokhouse C u110
A Cu\ture Night Come rue
d around the personal iourney of a young,
VSA UCI's 2008 Culture Night: The First Cours~ r~~ v~ compete in a cook-off. Along the w~y, he
Vietnamese-American boy who travels across ~i:tn~~e~e food, ultimately carrying him to WI~ the
lture When the script was wntten,
bout the inherent cultural values of
f h.
Iearns a
h ith a better understan mg o IS cu
II I it would eventually share with reality.
cook-off and come throug w
I didn't know how uncanny of a para e
y brother, Kevin Bui, neither wanted to be a lawyer
renewed conviction in him, one he definitely had not displayed
nor a doctor. For a time, he had absolutely no idea
at outside of the basketball court or playing the guitar.
of an alternative., Bbut, if he was going to find a
One month after being in a culinary program at Cypress
way in this world, it would be his own, not one prescribed
College, Kevin reported that he had been chosen as one
by tradition or convention. He played basketball iln high
of six finalists in a cook off to take place one month later
school, he played basketball, and his vigor for the sport led
at Fleming 's Restaurant in Newport Beach . He was to use
him to be the top player on his team. The summer after he
assigned ingredients but would be allowed to add whateve r
graduated from high school, he locked himself up in his room
he felt necessary to them in order to make an enfre, salad ,
and taught himself how to play guitar. Although I don't like
and side . His nervousness was unmatched by his excite ment.
to admit it, he has far surpassed my own abilities in guitar
Now that he had the opportunity, would he be able to prove to
prowess. Early on, I recognized that when he set his heart on
our parents and himself that he was capable?
something, he would see it to its end and excel.
extra time after his classes talking to his chef, trying to learn more
in classes at Cal-State Long Beach as a marine biology
about the craft. He drove down to Fleming's Restaurant (the site
major, Kevin admittedly never felt fully committed to school.
of the competition) to observe how the chefs there worked . He
Eventually, he transferred to Cypress College and decided
corresponded with the coordinator of the competition to ma ke
to work on transferring to a school within the UC system,
sure he had a clear understanding of the rules. My mom was
hypothesizing that perhaps he did not feel challenged enough
by his side every moment she could be, coaching him with her
at Long Beach. However, something was still missing .
recipes. Every weekend I came home, he was practicing . He
One day, I came home for the weekend from Irvine and
was focused. Obsessed, even.
caught him watching the Food Network. In the following weeks,
The day of the competition finally came. As spectators were
I would come home to find grocery bags, cutting boards, and
only allowed in to watch for the last half hour, my family and I
mixing bowls set out in the kitchen . He was experimenting,
were not able to see much of the process. Surprising ly, not too
Kevin explained. One evening, I asked him if he had ever
many others came to watch. Once we moved downstairs to the
considered culinary school. A light bulb lit up. He had given it
reception, Kevin picked a table near the back of the room. "I
thought but feared the lack of support from my parents. With
don't want to sit in front/ he said, his tone morose .
a little encouragement and coercion, I convinced Kevin to talk
to my parents about it, which he did. His initial fears proved
"Congratulations, Kevin! It was such a pleasure working
with you!" a fellow competitor greeted .
accurate, as my parents were skeptical about his pursuit of
After she left, something triggered the tears . Unable to hold
a career in the culinary arts. Like many Vietnamese parents,
back anymore, my brother let himself cry. My mom, dad, and I
it was a world both unfamiliar and impractical to them, on
rushed to him demanding to know what was wrong .
their terms. One thing was for sure, though: They recognized a
During the month leading up to the cook-off, Kevin spent
College is a bit of a complicated story. Initially enrolled
Non S6ng 2009 - Spring of Hope
"I didn't get it/ he prophesized. He went on about how he
American Dream
forgot to add such-and-such ingredient, how
same sentiment. He stood there, holding his
some of his meat was burned, how he did not
giant check, smiling through his tears.
do enough of this or that. We tried to tell him
The judges recognized the type of dedication
not to be so hard on himself, but he adamantly
he invested into the competition, citing his
maintained that everyone else had done a better
late visits to the restaurant, his independent
job than he did, that he had let himself down .
commitment to learning more, showing both
We were heartbroken.
to him and to others that he was not simply
began . Third
was announced. Our focus had completely
being evaluated in terms of his ability, but
also his character.
shifted from the reception to something more
Kevin was the youngest contestant, and also
immediate-my brother's dented spirit. Second
the only one in his first semester of culinary
place. It didn't matter whether he won or lost. We
school. He was also the only Vietnamese-
were already so proud of him anyway. My brother
American contestant of the six finalists. "Three
looked away, as if preventing himself from seeing
months ago, you could barely boil water!" my
the reception would physically remove him from it.
dad reminded him. And there he was standing in
He didn't want to be there. He was bracing himself
front of everyone, in all his glory. He had proven
to hear someone else's name. And first place
to everyone there, to my parents and himself, that
he dared, tried, and did.
"Kevin Bui!"
Kevin's story to inspire all of us who have
at any point feared pursuing what we are truly
My mother almost screamed. My brother,
passionate about for fear of straying too far from
disconnected from reality, looked back up in
what is expected. His is a story for those fearful of
The flyer from VSA at UCI's 29th
utter astonishment. We had to remind him to
compromising their own integrity and sacrificing
Annual Vietnamese Culture Night,
stand up and walk up to receive his trophy,
who they are to do well. More specifically, his is
"The First Course ."
gift basket, and a check for $5,000. Greeted
also a story for the Vietnamese-American youth
by photographers, judges, and many others
who may feel pressured to follow a specific path,
wanting to shake his hand, Kevin found himself
different from one they would prefer, in order to
once again fighting tears-this time, of joy.
be successful.
I confess to tearing up as well, and looking
around the room, I observed others sharing the
His is also a story that is farfrom being over, and
I cannot wait to see what he conjures up next.
Emotions: Kevin Bui can't hold bock tears feeling he'd let
himself down and thinking he lost the competition moments before.
Just another ordinary
day: Alain Dinh
experiences one of the
biggest flood s in decades
in Saigon while Phong
Quan rides through
downtown on his way to
work at a law firm .
Viet Ki9
[expatriate: one who leaves his native country
to live elsewhere]
By Thi Dao
ke any recent college graduate, Phong Quan wakes
p at 6:30 to get ready for work. Unlike the rest of us,
e gets on his motorbike and weaves through chaotic
their birth or going to a city they'd only heard about.
France and Phong had taken English-teaching courses,
traffic, among bicyclists and cars, zoning out the honks, to go
their first route to making money, and an easy first choice
to the outdoor gym, where men work out in dress pants and
for expatriates in Asia. However, both ditched the plan within
he has to fend off the mosquitoes swarming on his face while
months. "I just got tired of all the discrimination against Asian
bench pressing.
English teachers," said Phong. "They would tell me not to speak
It's the start of a typical day in Saigon. Phong, though,
Vietnamese, and basically pretend I wasn't Asian . Personally,
isn't from Saigon-technically. Born in Minnesota and raised
I came here to explore my roots, not hide from them , so I
in Santa Ana, Calif., Phong is part of a select number of
decided to look for other opportunities." With some experience
overseas Vietnamese, armed with a good education and an
as a paralegal, he left the teaching track for a position at an
elementary grasp of the language, heading to the homeland
international law firm .
of their parents for an extended stay.
Not worried about following a career path, France found the
The expatriate circle in Saigon is small, and the young
ability to change jobs liberating. "The beauty of living abroad
Viet Ki§u population even smaller. It's no surprise, then,
is you will never know who you will meet and what you will do.
that these four have found each other. Alain Dinh, from
Everyone comes here with a plan of some sort, but most end up
Cologne, Germany; France Au, from North Carolina; Kayo
doing something else," he said . He went to a cafe, liked it, and
Nguyen, from Paris; and Phong, all from relatively different
in a move that truly defines the carpe diem ideas of a foreigne r
backgrounds, were able to find a mutual companionship in
living abroad, opened one up himself.
their stay in Vi~t Nom. After all, it takes a certain person to
leave a country to live abroad.
get in touch with the past, whether it be by returning to the city of
Kayo, too, switched jobs after a few months and Alain enjoys
the freedom of freelancing .
It's a jumble trying to figure out who got there first- it seems
With secured jobs, those with basic Vietnamese skills set to
that once you settle, the differences between Vi~t Ki§u expatriates
work. Only four years ago, Alain's limited Vietnamese consisted
decrease. They came fortheirown reasons, ranging from business
of "ba, con can ti§n" and "ma, con aoi bvng. " Since then, he
opportunities to forgetting an ex, but the common reason was to
has learned to read and write.
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
Co Phe: Alain
Dinh, France Au,
Phong Quan, and
Kayo Nguyen meet
at Cafe Terrace in
District 1 of Saigon
for drinks.
Culture Shock
"Spitting on the
streets and burping is
a normal thing. For
French people, these
actions are just banned
in public." - Kayo
"I felt really out of
place, and it too me
weeks to get used to not
being the only Asian
guy standing around."
"Relationships between
people are very friendly,
sometimes a bit too much.
Everyone wants to know
everything about you ." - Kayo
"I saw all these motorbikes
two inches away on the
right and the left. 1 was
kind of scared, so 1 sat
in the middle of the car
away from the doors. " '
- France on stepping off
- Aloin on his first taxi ride
the plane from the airport
Kayo spoke with her parents in Vietnamese, but she isn't
factor. "I get the best of both worlds," said Phong, who finds that
worried about her illiteracy, confident she will catch up easily.
locals are more willing to speak to him about his upbringing
"It's easy to catch up as it is not a total unknown language,"
than they would a foreigner, while other expatriates embrace
she said . Phong had the strongest base of Vietnamese, and
them as just another Westerner living in a different culture .
although he has yet to master complex vocabulary, he "can
Living in Vi~t Nom, the fine balance of self-identity has
sometimes pass for a local Vietnamese in conversation," even
become more concrete. Alain, a self-described "banana"
occasionally thinking or dreaming in Vietnamese.
before coming to Vi~t Nom, is now a "seasoned mongo, yellow
Despite preconceived notions about how the Vi~t Ki€u
inside, too." To compare with Germany, he said, "here, I'm
are treated in Vi~t Nom, the four haven't had much trouble
not the Asian, kind-of-short dude anymore-l'm just a normal,
making local friends, finding young locals open and receptive
kind-of-tall dude." France added, "I'm more American now
to their different upbringing . They all have made friends
than I was in the States," referring to the unavoidable task of
with locals, foreigners, and other Vi~t Ki€u. However, Kayo
constantly representing American culture.
will admit that differences will hamper a friendship. "You will
Although life may seem glamorous from the other side,
get some misunderstandings. And you won't talk to them the
the four faced some opposition in their decision to move to
same way-openly- as you would with foreigners or Vi~t Ki€u
Vietnam. Parents feared their kids would fall for scams, as
friends," she said.
Ancestra I ties seem to run deep despite culture I differencesmost have been embraced by the young population of Saigon .
Alain hangs with the Vietnamese celebrities, who treat him as
well as pickpockets and traffic conditions, but in the end, most
supported their decisions, with Kayo and Phong's parents even
arranging things with relatives living in the city.
When asked about their experience so for, the friends agreed
one of them, and it was France's cousin who helped him start
that it hod been incomparable. "I really think everyone has to
the cafe. Some of Phong's best friends are locals, he in one of
experience Vietnam for themselves," Aloin said, referring to on
the outer districts ofand Kayo have temporarily moved in with
extended stay rather than a visit with family. Kayo added, "If you
family members in the city.
feel like you need to understand more about where you come
On the other hand, they also have made friends with the
expatriate community, and see their dual identity as a positive
from, then coming here might be a good chance for you to find
[some] interesting answers."
Non Song 2009- Year ot the Butto\o
I've been able to spend some time
that you faced and how did you
overcome them?
people in the Westminster/ OC a rea
too .
What inspired you to become a
comedian? Why did you enter the
The main obstacle was poverty. Comedy
Otherwise I try to stay in touch with
doesn't pay when you're starting out, and
Vietnamese people and groups on
entertainment business?
I had gone to L.A . on my own to chase
www. VietCi rei es. com
down that dream. I worked two or three
I was in Grossmont Community College
jobs to support my pursuit of comedy
What was it like being on notional
TV and gaining support from fans all
over the country?
in San Diego and taking a speech class.
and at times I lived in my car. Living on
I was giving a speech and I was nervous,
powerbars and a loaf of bread, it's hard
but I realized I was making the class
to stay funny and motivated when you're
laugh. A friend in the class took me
struggling that hard.
It was amazing, its been several years
now and I still meet people who are
over to the La Jolla Comedy Store for an
making people laugh ever since.
What communities do you hove a
strong involvement with?
Did you hove support going down
As a comedian, I guess the answer to
the path you chose for yourself?
that is The Public in general, because
open mic night and I've been working at
excited when they meet me . They tell
me how much they enjoy my comedy,
and that they voted for me . That's a
I want everyone and anyone to be
Support it? For me, yes. Comedy is
able to come to my shows whenever
the kind of thing you do because
possible . It's funny though because
you HAVE to do it, because you're
two of the groups that come to mind
not happy doing anything else. But if
immediately are the readers of this
you're looking for money or fame,
don't bother. It is very competitive and
Vietnamese people.
very hard to find . Everyone thinks they
can be funny on stage and be famous
I'm traveling all the time to do live
like Eddie Murphy. There's a lot of
shows in cities all across the U.S., so
suffering and challenges between, and
unfortunately I have to keep in touch
you never hear about the thousands of
with a lot of people online . I get to
comics that AREN'T Robin Williams.
meet students at colleges all across the
What were some of the obstacles
with them on Facebook.
country, and it's easy to stay in touch
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
01 stage during his half-hour Comedy Central special.
with funny "asian" accents, but they are
understanding of English. Otherwise
stepping stones to get enough popularity
really great thing, especially to have
I really admired Bruce Lee for his
and influence in Hollywood to do the
that unique relationship with so many
excellence in Martial Arts, but also
movies and projects that I WANT to do .
random people in America. I want to
because he helped bring a positive
If you know someone that wants to fund
thank everyone, and the best way I
view of Asian-Americans to mainstream
a Vietnamese-American movie, please
know how is to try to perform in as
America. I'm still struggling to continue
contact my manager! Ha ha
many places and venues as possible
that work today, but I feel like he
so that they all get a chance to see
accomplished so much in those early
I always hang out after
years. And now we have an African-
What are your hopes for future
the shows to meet & greet with the
American president! I can't wait to see
fans, take pictures, shake hands, do
autographs, etc .
President in the future .
Who is your role-model?
What is your next step?
In comedy, Benny Hill and John Ritter
My mission is to improve the portrayal of
all of the pressures and expectations
are some of my early influences. I love
Asian-Americans in popular American
that come with our families and culture .
that their physical humor crosses over
entertainment. A lot of times the roles
A lot of our families have left Vietnam
cultural barriers and even made my
we get are stereotypical or unfavorable.
to find a great life here, so make the
mom laugh when she had a very basic
And sometimes I have to accept roles
most of it.
me live.
or Vietnamese
I hope you all keep trying! Work hard
and chase your dreams, find what
makes you happy. I hope we can find
ways to be happy Americans even with
On the movie set of "Spring Break 83" in 2008.
What message would you like to
send to current students?
Support our Vietnamese and Asian
entertainers. When I was growing up,
I only got to see Sulu on TV. Now we
have a much bigger presence . Go out
and watch movies by our Vietnamese
filmmakers like "Owl & the Sparrow",
and "Journey from the Fall". I fully
moviemakers are doing, and I hope
to be working with them on some
upcoming projects soon. Go to my
website www.datphan.com for more
details and to connect with me.
Non Song 2009- Year of the Buffalo
Going Digital
Exploring new [free] Vietnamese channels on all day, every day.
By PhQm Quo'c An
oi mtldi nom trt/dc aay, ne'u bQn mu6n coi aai
Vi~t tn3n tivi thi phai chC1 ae'n sang thu bay.
sang th(t bay bQn mC1i coi aai Vi~t avqc. TrvC1c
wenty years ago, if you wonted to watch Vietnamese
programs on television, you hod to wait for Saturday
morning. On Saturday morning, you hod to walk up to
he't bQn v(.ln nut tron tren tivi ctg tim aai "U" r6i mC1i VQn
the TY, physically turn the top dial on the TV to Channel "U"
aai 18, nhtl VQY bQn co thg coi clt/QC aai Vi~t trong 1 tie'ng
and the bottom dial to channel 18 to watch two hours worth
a6ng h6, ngoai nhvng tin Wc c(>ng a6ng Vi~t tQi hoi ngoQi
of Vietnamese programming, which included Vietnamese
con co tin Wc ttl Vi~t Nom va nhQc Vi~t thC1i ao. Vi thC1i nay
community-related news as well as Vietnamese music of the
bat adu thC1i digital tivi, tivi cong c(>ng (J nom Coli bay giC1
day. Thanks to this year's new digital age of TY, public television
3 aai Vi~t 24 giC1 m6i ngay
in Southern California now has not one, but four free and
c(>ng them cac aai Vi~t thvC1ng ngay nhv aai 18 KSCIIuc
accessible 24-hour Vietnamese television channels. This is in
3 giC1 chi~u va sou ao Ia cac aai Little Saigon Television va
addition to the regular programming shown afternoons and
Saigon Television.
Saturdays on regular channel 18 and the weekday evening
khong chi c6 m(>t aai ma co toi
Bay giC1 bQn chi cdn ng6i tren ghe' va bam vai nut
program on channel 44.
tren remote ai~u khign may digital converter ctg thvdng
All you hove to do now is sit bock, push a few buttons on
th(/c tin t(/c, CO nhQC, va COC chtldng trinh truy~n hinh
the remote control and enjoy news, music, and TV shows all in
toan Ia bang tie'ng Vi~t. Tivi analog va tivi digital khdc
Vietnamese. What's the difference between traditional analog TV
nhou ro sao? Cole cau tra IC1i se co nhi~u ky thu(Jt, toi
and digital TV? Perhaps, the answer is too complex and technical
for me to core about, but if it con give me four free channels of
24 giC1 mi~n phf m6i ngay Ia toi vui r6i. Lam cho toi
Vietnamese for 24 hours a day, I'm happy. It makes me almost feel
tha'y khong cdn thie't, nhvng ne'u toi co clt!QC
cam tha'y nhv minh aong
3 aai
d Vi~t Nom!
like I'm in Vietnam!
For more information about the switch to DN please visit www.dtv.gov.
To apply for a $40 coupon towards a digital converter box, please visit
Du cho bQn c6 thfch aai nao ai nuo, ne'u khong c6
No matter which channel is yourfovorite, it won't be accessible
h(>p digital converter, thi bQ n se khong coi tivi at/qc
unless you hove a new Digital TV or separate converter box,
bat adu cuoi thong 2 nom 2009. Vqy bQn nen ai muo
both sold at all major electronics supply stores. And after
February 17, no channel will be accessible at all without a
m(>t h(>p digital converter nhe!
Suy nghi cu6i cung, toi nhC1 nom adu tien toi hQC d
d trong dorm va
converter, so make sure to get one!
nha lam toi bat
On a final note, I remember my first year in the dorms at
adu nhC1 noi tie'ng Vi~t vC1i gio dlnh vi (J trvC1ng chi noi
UCLA. Being away from home, I started to miss speaking
tie'ng Anh vC1i bQn be. M6i bu6i chi~u co nuo tie'ng aai
Vietnamese with my family because I only spoke English with
Vi~t tren a a i 18, toi b(Jt len coi tin t(/c ctg clt!QC nghe tie'ng
everyone else. Every afternoon for the half hour it was accessible,
clQi hQC UCLA. S6ng
Vi~t chut xfu cho
nhC1 nha. Bay giC1 co 4 aai Vi~t, toi
I would flip to the Vietnamese news broadcast just to hear them
hy vQng cdc sinh vien ho(.lc ngvC1i Vi~t nao xo nha co
speak Vietnamese. This helped me cope with being away from
thg coi aai Vi~t bat c(/ luc nao, nhtl nhung khi aong hQC
home. These days, now with three 24-hour Vietnamese channels,
hoQC lam vi~c tr~, co thg b(Jt aai Vi~t len nghe cho ad
I hope college students or anyone away from home in Southern
nhC1 nha va van hoo cuo minh. BQn chi cdn bam nut tren
California con tune in at any hour of the day, while cramming for
remote Ia co ngoy.
exams or working late hours, to listen to a friendly Vietnamese
voice. Perhaps they, too, won't miss home and culture so much,
because its all around us at just the click of a remote control.
Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
Let's take a look at these new digital channels:
E>ai 18.7 1 Channel 18-7
B9t quo nhCJng aai digital m6i, t6i aai 18.7 rot dg dang, toi
con nh6 ten Ia "aai 18 -
aai qu6c te'," va cac aai digital
Flipping through all the new digital dials, I easily fall to 18-7
because its still feels like "channel 18 -
the international
lien quon aen KSCI cling Ia aai 6 chou. Vai chvdng trinh n6i
channel," since the other digital channels associated with KSCI
tie'n tren aai 18.7 c6 chvdng trinh clio Kristine So va phim b9
are also Asian. Popular shows that con be found on 18-7
h6ng ngay nhv"Y Thien 06 Long Ky."
include the Kristine So Show and popular Chinese dramas,
dubbed into Vietnamese like "Y Thien 06 Long Ky."
E>ai 44.4 1 Channel 44-4
Dai 44.4 tie'p tvc truy~n th6ng cuo Little Saigon Television
Channel 44-4 continues Little Saigon TV's history of bringing
aem tin tlrc the' gi6i, tin tlrc c9ng a6ng, y te', lu9t phap, va
news, entertainment, and Vietnamese community issues to its
gioi tri ae'n cho nglldi xem . NhCJng tin tlrc luc trLICic chi c6 m9t
viewers. Before, with its doily weekday one-hour afternoon
tie'ng a6ng h6 m6i ngay. Bay giC1 c6 24 tie'ng tren aai digital
time slot, they could only bring viewers international and local
cho mQi nglldi coi, nglldi xem aai c6 thg coi them co nhQc,
news as well as community legal and health issues. Now with
phim tai li~u, va nhl!ng phim b9 m6i tLI Vi~t Nom nhLI phim
access to 24 hours worth of programming on a digital channel
aong n6i tie'ng (J Vi~t Nom, "B6ng Dvng Mu6n Kh6c."
available to all, viewers con enjoy more entertainment,
documentaries and even recent Vietnamese dramas like the
currently popular "B6ng Dung Mu6n Kh6c," first shown and
mode popular lost summer in Vietnam.
E>ai 57.4 1 Channel 57-4
Saigon Entertoinment Television va Asia Entertoinment, Inc.
Run by Saigon Entertoinment Television and Asia Entertoinment,
c6 tin tlrc, gioi tri, va cac v6n a~ lien quon ae'n cong a6ng
Inc., the SET channel continues its tradition of broadcasting
nglldi Vi~t nhLI aa phat thonh trv6c tren aai cable Saigon
Broadcasting Television Network {SBTN). Mot aigm khac Ia
originally broadcast on its cable network, Saigon Broadcasting
nglldi xem truyen hinh khong cdn tro I~ phi cho h~ th6ng
Television Network {SBTN). One difference is that viewers in
cable (tg avqc coi aai Vi~t. NgvC1i xem c6 thg coi miSn phi
Southern California no longer hove to pay and subscribe to a
tren aai digital 57.4 dung may digital converter hOQC tivi
cable network to access this 24-hour Vietnamese channel. One
digital m6i. Mot trong nhCJng chvdng trinh n6i tie'ng aong
popular show currently being shown on SET is the Vietnamese-
chie'u tren aai SET Ia phim bo cuo Han Qu6c dich quo tie'ng
dubbed Korean drama entitled, "Hoo LLiu Ly."
"Hoo Lvu Ly."
E>ai 57.5 1 Channel 57-5
Trong luc toi aong vie't bai nay thi avqc bie't c6 them mot
As I wrote this article, I found out that channel 57.5 has also
aai V i ~t nvo. Do Ia aai 57 .5. Du cho bqn co thich aai
become a Vietnamese channel. No matter which channel
nao ai nvo, ne'u khong co hop digital converter, thi bqn
is your favorite, it won't be accessible unless you hove your
se khong coi tivi aL/qc bat adu cu6i thong 2 nom 2009.
converter box or digital TV. After February, no channel will
VQy bQn nen ai muo mot hop digital converter nhe!
be accessible at all without a new TV or converter, so make
sure to get one!
Non SOng 2009- Year of the Buffalo
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Non Song 2009 - Spring of Hope
AA Care Center {TTY Til An Blnh)
AA of Fonner VN POW (Gia Oinh l.oi-Ho Little Saigon CA)
Acacia Adult Day Services
Ai Huu GDPT Thua Thien Hue
American Community Outreach and Awareness
American Red Cross (HI)i Hbng Th$p Tv Hoa KyT$1 Qu$n Cam)
Asian American Seniors Association of Pomona Valley (HI)i Cao Nil!n va Than h!N Pomona v8 Phv ~n)
Association of the VN Lenguage & Culture Sdloots of Southern California (Ban e,l O~n Cac Trung TAm VN Nam Csli)
- Boy ScouiS Troop 299 (Li6n ~n HU'6iig EliiO Hoa L11)
Boy Scouts Troop 1930 (Li6n £loan HU'Qng D$0 Lam San)
Cal Poly Pomona VIetnamese Student Association
California State University, Fullerton Voetnamase Student Association
California State University, Long Beach Vietnamese Student Association
California State University, Los Angeles Voetnamese Student Association
Celifornla State University, San Bernadino Vietnamese Student Association
Cao Dai Youth Association (Dal Dao Thanh Nien Hoi Cao Dao. California)
Ceregiver Resource Center (OCRC) IT Tal Nguyl!n
City of Garden Grove • Community Services Department
City of Garden Grove • Fire Department
City of Garden Grove • Public W011<s
Coalition of the Rapublic of Vtetnam Veteran Assocations of Southflm California (Li6n Hl)l Cvu Chi6n ST V~t Nam Cl)ng HOa
Mio\n Nam California)
Compassionate Services Society (CSS) • Hoi Tu Bi Phung Su
Cl)ng Wng Nam California (Vietnamese American Community of Southern California)
Council of Affifiaed Negro Organization, Inc Preschool
Cuu Long Association (HI)I C&u Long, Cvu HQ/QLVNCH)
Election Organizing Committee of the V~ainamase American Community of Southern California
Former Vtetnamese Junior Military Cadet (HI)I Cvu Thio\u Sinh QuAn M~n Nam California)
Garden Grove Community Emergency Response Team
General Association for Development of World Martial Arts (T6ng Hl)i Ph&t Tr!in V6 Thu$t Thl! Glai)
Gia Dinh PT ~o Quang
Gia Dlnh PT Ky Vo6n
Gla Dlnh ~t Ngli Tv LVC
H.O. Invalids & Widows Relief Association (HI)i H.O. Citu Trv Th~~<mg Phi! Blnh & Qua Ph1,1 VNCH)
Hoi Dong Huong Baris Phuoc Tuy
Hbng Bang Cultural Center (Trung Tam V4n HOa HOng Bang)
Hope Community Sefvices, Inc. (HI)i Hy Vong Phvc Vv Cl)ng Wng)
Institute of Voetnamesa Studies (Votn ~t HQc)
lntemallonal Vietnamese Youth Network (M~ng Llftti Tu31 Tra V,.t Nam Llm D11{tng)
Joint Action Committee for Fatherland's Integrity (Uy Ban Ph6i H(1Jl Hanh el)ng B8o Toan e~t T6)
Jouslnealex Memorial Fund (Hoi Thien Nguyen A·L&-Xu)
Lien Doan Chi Llnh Scout Group
Li6n £loan Hlfttng D110 V4n Lang
OCAPICA ·Project MobVATe (PM)
Orange Caregiver Resource Center (OCRC)
Orange County Association for Voetnamese Mental Health Awareness and Supports (OCAVMAS)
Orange County Vovinam (Vovinam-~t V6 D$0 Nguy'n B{l Hoc, Hoa L11
Our Lady of La Vang Catholic Church Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society· (Doan Thil!u Nhi Thanh Thlt Dlic M, La Vang)
Phan Bol Chau Language School (TI'IIC7ng V,.t Ng!l' Phan 86i Ch4u)
Phan Boi Chau Youth for Democracy (£loan Thanh Ni6n Phan 81)1 ChAu)
Quang Ngai Association of Southern CA
Quoc Hoc Dong Khanh Alumni (Hoi AJ Huu Quoc Hoc Dong Khanh Nam Cali)
Republic of Voetnarn Military Police Association in Southern California (T~ng Hl)i QuAn C<\nh QuAn Lvc Vl~t Nam Cl)ng HOa;
Doan Thanh Ni6n QL)
Saint John the Baptist Vtetnamese Youth Ministry (Giai Tra Cl)ng £loan Costa Mesa)
Scouter Pack #680 (Li6n £loan Hlfttng D$0 TI'IIC7ng Son)
Sister City AsSOCiationof Garden Grove
South Bay Vtetnamese Cu«ural Center (HI)i Th~ Nguyen van HOa South Bay)
South Vietnamese Marines Veteran Charities Association (HI)I AJ H&u Thuy QuAn Lvc Chlltn Nam California)
Thleu NhiThanh The (Terexa Hal Dong Orange)
True Lam Vietnamese Buddhist Youth Association (Gia Dinh Phat Tu True Lam)
V11r::1 Alumnae Association Southern California H 1C u N& Sinh T111 V
Nam California
TuCaXuanD m
UCLA Vtetnamese Language and Culture (VNLC); Hol Ngon Ngu va Van Hoa Vtet Nam
Union of North American Voetnamese Student Associations (Li6n Hl)i Sinh Vo6n V,.t Nam Bac My)
University of Cslifomia, Irvine Vietnamese Student Association
University of Celifornla, Los Angeles Vietnamese Student Union
University of California, Riverside Vtetnamese Student Association
University of California, San Diego V10tnamese Student Association
University of California, Santa Barbara Vtetnamese Student Association
University of Southern California, Vietnamese Student Association
Uong Nuoc Nho Nguon Club (Cau Lac Bo Uong Nuoc Nho Nguon)
~t Bao Foundation
Vlet Olympjad (Gi3i Khuyltn Hoc)
Vtelnam Human Rights Network (M<tng Lvm Nh4n Quy~n)
Voetnamese Alliance to Combat TrafftCklng (LIAn Minh Ngvm ~t ChOng T~ N<tn BuOn Nglfttl)
Voetnamese American Arts & Letters AssoCiation (VAALA)
Vietnamese American Business Network (VABN)
V10tnamese American Postal Workers
Vietnamese American Women's Assocatlon (HOi Phv N& V~t M9)
Vietnamese Community of Pomona Valley (CI)ng DOng Nglftti Vott Pomona Valley)
Vietnamese Cullural Center (Trung Tam Van Hoa VietNam/ Truong Vtet Ngu)
Voetnamese Cultural House (NM Van HOa Vott Nam)
Vietnamese Dental Student Association at UCLA
Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society at Huntington Beach (Thtl!u Nhi Thanh Thlt)
Viet Foundation for CuHure & Education
Vietnamese Graduation Committee (Ban To ChicLe Ra Truong Cua Sinh Vien VN tal UCI)
VIetnamese Heritage & Cullural Foundation of America (VHCFA)
V10tnamese Historical & Cultural Performing Arts Foundation (CAu Lac 81) Hung Sli Vott)
V10tnamese National Mmtary Academy Alumni Association of Southern California (Hoi Cuu Sinh Vien Sl Quan Truong Vo Bi
Quoc Gia Voet_~m. mien Nam Celifornla)_
V10tnamese Professionals Society (HI)i Chuyl!n Gia V~t Nam)
Vietnamese Refugee Community of Los Angeles County (CI)ng DOng Ngvm Vott Tx N;~n t~i Qu~n Los Angeles)
Vietnamese Young Marines (£loan Thanh Thiltu Nien Thuy QuAn Lvc ~t Nam)
Vo-\ii Friendshl Association - rv SO xa D
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Phong Ly - Director
Monica Vu - Assistant Director
Tina Nguy~n
Vu Nguy~n
Aline Trdn
Parker Le
Catherine Nguy~n
Kim Nguy~n
Kimberly PhQm - Director
An QuO'c PhQm
Thi Dao
Steven Huynh - Director
Hoang D8 - Director
Huy Trdn
Jennifer Nguy~n
Donna Trdn
Ho i Nguy~n
Jennifer V6
Ethan Nguy~n
Lilly Nguy~n
Mai Huu Boo
Tammy Trdn
Phong Ly
Vincent PhQm - Director
Vu Dinh - Te't Chair
Frank Trdn - Front Gate
Boo Trdn
Boo Hoang
Billy Le
David Nguy~n
Dennis Nguy~n
Doan Trdn
Dong Ha
Eric Phon
Hoi Ton
Jason Le
Jennifer V6
Jenny Ha
Johnny Nguy~n
Joseph Phon
Kenneth Dvdng
Kenny Nguy~n
Khanh Trdn
Kiet Nguy~n
Larry Trinh
Michael Nguy~n
Minh Nguy~n
Ong Lee
Paul Llldng
Quoc Trdn
Sdn Trlldng
Steve Le
Thong Nguy~n
Thompson Nguy~n
Thong PhQm
Thuy PhQm
Tina D8
Tri Pho
Peter Trinh
Mylinh Nguy~n
Daniel PhQm
Tiffany Nguy~n-Lieu - Director
An Hong Nguy~n - Executive Producer
Victor Nguy~n-Lieu
Nick Tong
Ciecie Ho
Jennifer Le
Quynh Anh Le
Linh Nguy~n
Donna Trdn
Christine Le
Belinda Huy
Tim Nguy~n - Director
An Le
Khoa PhQm
Vinh To
Nick Tang
Michael Nguy~n
James Vu - Director
Mai Vi Nguy~n
An Nguy~n
Nick Tong
Steven Huynh
Tracy Nguy~n
Julie Huynh - Director
Phlldng Huynh
Jennifer Lam
Nom Llldng
Cindy Luu
Denise Nguy~n
Jennifer Nguy~n
Amy Phon
Katherine Phon
TJ Suwanswetr
Vincent Trdn
Kimberly Vu
Monica Vu
- ~---
1hope I get a 4.0 next semester. o I hope I will be close to finishing school this year. o l hope to leave a positive impa
on my VSA. o I hope ice cream can be free - the way air, water, and love have always been free. ~ I hope the econon
will get better real soon. o I hope I can make my pan= L
lo f1 PC. .:. -end more time wi
my family. o I hope to find that "somebody" very soon
I hope some thin!
are not hopeless. o I hope for a better Vi~t Nam. o I
b JS n ,.>
ss 1n D-o. p ~rity to everyone. o
hope there will be a big budget Hollywood 'movie with a Vietnamese lead. o I hope I win the lottery. o I hope mo1
people join me to
~ .:> .e u t 1 he
1 J
.... ' · \'i(' t Nam. o I hope to have a better job and make lo
of "dongs" (dong) /1
/1 CUJn ~ a
I hope for love and prosperity and that I will ha'
that one special lr \ ~ o
1 l n
1e t
."1 J.. c ru lifestyles than ours will receive more love and ca1
from others. o I hope that I get into a good college. o I hope that I will stay motivated. o I hope to find a new job. ~
hope you realize how important you are. o I hope I find my passion in life. o I hope that one day, all children ca
grow up safely in our world. o I hope to one day tr~v [ ~ ·m J o 1 1opc l/Vir h..,. te the courage 0 o e ·come tl
obstacles that may come in the way of my goals.
f~ and~
I hope the "change" that we seek will be the chat l
'l ' 1 I sc
o I herE' I--.. r ma' <>enough to, u. pOI
r J ami
in Vietnam. o I hope to finally finish writing a song. o I hope to finish the race with the set standards as I ough
o I hope to tenaciously pursue my dreams. o I hope not to forget all the valuable things I've learned in 2008. o
hope tOT
>1 { )\
(1.1c OlJL.~
1<.. I h > ( h'l t.. c.nou._h patience. o I hope my family will always t
happy. 9 lwjte 9 witt~ luwe a ~.Pe oultoo/c on
I hope we find life on a distant planet. o
hope "' m) ·e to~
"o~ ... • c n
n~ DL.,
o I ooe . make enough time to spend with my famil
. o I hope for laughter. o I hope to get accepted to my PhD program.
I hope or fur o I hooe .. ood will prevail. o
hope I will one day reach the highest peak of the lower 48 states /} ~ and/} dieant. o I hope my le~
will carry me to the moon and back. o I hope food, shelter and w1.rmth 1 \ fi 1'1b e to thos~" no need it most.
I hope I finish everything and graduate on time. o I hope I survive writing all my med school applications. o I hop
I survive all my interviews. o I hope I get into med school SOMEWHERE, ANYWHERE. o I hope I can find a job i
l b aep "5 b .:r•1e
h JP I e-m stop poiso mg .y body. o I hope my ;:> oject succeeds
I hope I find love.
9 /wjte tltat we ~ to u6e OU!i ~ {IJJ't(/ ~
tfte 6a/ce tfte ~ ( hope that I C2
be n app) o ·E. vet o I h J~J~ n l I \. iL compte ely .ove nyseh one day o I '1opp tttat I can beco.. confident. o I hop
that I will become a great writer someday. o l hope that I never become bitter. o I hope that all the people I love will t
happy forever
111oo that I will always be healthy. I nooe to always remain driven. o I hope to cr~ate a portfolio
screenplays. 9 lwjte to~ ~ 6
Ute~. I hope to become a more avid reader. o I hope
sing my hem _ut
hop( thtre IS laughte. wi~h n evet)One s daily .ives. o l hope our soldiers make it home safely
I hope this and future generations of Vietnamese Americans and Vietnamese abroad will know their family's hist<>j
and understand their roots. o I hope the De roit Lions win 1 football game ne/\.t yr.-at o I hope that people can se
each other for who they really are. 9 lwjte we can CO!JJW ~ iln jt-eace {IJJ't(/ unity. I hope you take the tirr
to see who each person is inside
1 ')pe L at g vat big hugs wll re~lac
rhe nand wa e as the most often-us~
greeting. o I hop· someday tha~ To 1g I ¢' Smh \'ien Will actually be comprised only of Sinh Vien. o I hope it does~
rain during Tet. o / }
/f CUJn
tlte «J..Ot..d tlte ~ I hope that people choose to be happy rathl
than complain about being 1niserable o hop UVSA can be as great of an experience for everyone as it has be
for me by stressing the importance of preserving the Vietnamese culture. o I hope to see the words "bad econom
finally go away. o l hope I can have a conversation in Vietnamese with my family v~ cac di~u hy vQngo I hope th
we make the most profit for Tet EVER!!! o I hope that everyone will be safe this year. o I hope that I will get to dri
a golf cart. o I hope my insurance does nor go up I hope that oeople wilJ recycle more this year. o I hope that the ,.
is better parking at Tet this year. o # lwjte tltat #can m.alce myjtwud. I hope this year people have m
time to stop and smell the flowers (smff sniff). o I hope that 1f It does rain this year, all staff will be given rain boots.
hope I can donate more to charity. o I hope that E-ve
enjoys their time on Tet staff and that you will come ba~
again for 20 I
that UVSA
forever! o I hope people turn "Yes, we can!" into "Yes, w
did!" o I
this year.
hope that we will have new awesome progra
added to
awesome food for our Tet volunteers. o I hop
so that we will have the b
uring Tet. o I hope that there are
a w and become better and bett
mese n£>rCI"'\n
to-lind myself. o I hope I can find th
one oerson I can share mv life with. o I hooe we can live
world where children are not starvino and dvino. o I hoo~
/wjte love wilt foul toat/-
dif!/!eience. ,
/wjte j!o;t
l;fe. ,
l;{e j!rn
15 GIAI THl10NG)
£)~1 HQI a1eN ANH
"Xem "Cu va Chim SeSe" de biet,
t~i sao tinh yeu l~i khong co bien gi<ii! ,,
"MQt hQ phim th~t cam dQng"
-Richard Chang, O.C. Register
"MQt cuon phim lam me ho~c
ngtidi thtidng ngo~n"
-The Hollywood Reporter
ba ngU'ai xa
bai Stephane Gauger
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Trau Lanh XOng Nha
May the Year of the Ox bring forth good fortune and prosperity
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