BOKSBURG Advertiser w w w. b o k s bu r g a d ve r t i s e r. c o . z a Friday, July 22, 2016, • 20 Sydney Road, Ravenswood Tel: 011 916-5385, Fax: 011 918-6311 • COMMUNITY NEWS OPINION SPORT State hospital again Time for government in the firing line 2 to create real jobs 6 Boksburg rules the roost in derby 20 • FREE • In the market for a home? Catch Property Week St Dominic’s Saints large drill squad in action. The St Dominic’s Saints have retained the title as the 2016 South African Elite League Champion of Champions. The South African Majorette and Cheerleading Association National Championships were hosted at the Germiston athletics stadium. Photo by Mark Preston-Whyte SEE STORY PAGE 12 DENTAL CLINIC RUINED Services at Tambo Memorial Hospital suspended due to blaze, equipment destroyed - pg 3 WIDE RANGE OF TOYS! BUY 1 GET 1 FREE SALE Selected Sissy Boy Jeans, Shirts, Jackets. RVCA, Jeep, Element, G Goliath Hood dies Hoodies Drone * Optional extra FPV available * G333110BV30 Variety of Drones Available LOTS MORE SPECIALS INSTORE! GRANDPRIX MODELS Corner of 1st and North Rand Road, Boksburg TEL: 011 894-4240 • 011 894-4249 Email: B331202BC30 THE TOY SHOP 2 Friday, July 22, 2016 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Dreadful night at Tambo Memorial A What would you do if you found an envelope containing a sum of R30 000? Would you find the rightful owner and return the envelope or would you keep it for yourself? It was business as usual for ADT Kusela security officer Andries Semase as he carried out his security duties at the Boksburg Medicross. That was until he came across an envelope containing a sum of R30 000 at the pharmacy recently. Not even thinking twice what to do with the unclaimed money, with his integrity and professionalism intact, he handed the envelope to pharmacy manager, Umme Salma Mahomed, who was shocked by the discovery of the envelope. According to Semase he just saw an envelope at the pharmacy counter with no one attending to it until he decided to look who the envelope belonged to. According to Medicross clinic administrator, Antoinette Prinsloo, it wasn’t long after the discovery that a anxious woman came into the pharmacy looking for the envelope which she said must have fallen out of her handbag. As it turned out, the funds were being delivered to hospice. She was ecstatic to recover it and thanked Semase for his trustworthiness. “We are very proud to have a person of such integrity and honesty looking after us at Boksburg Medicross and are thankful to him to have been able to return the money to its rightful owner. ADT Kusela has a shining star in Andries,” Prinsloo said. Theunis Kotze, general manager of ADT Inland Region, said they are proud of Semase. “All our staff are highly trained and conduct their duties in line with ADT’s principles of professionalism, reliability, competence, honour and proactivity. "We have recognised Semase for this exceptional service delivery." &RPSRVW /DZQ'UHVVLQJ 7RS6RLO 9LHZSRLQW )DUPLQJ 7HO ZZZYLHZSRLQWIDUPLQJFR]D Toetie van Coller cried the following morning after witnessing Tambo Memorial Hospital staff members dragging an elderly lady by a blanket on the floor during the night. Apart from the lady who fell during the night, she reportedly witnessed two other incidents where patients were seeking help, but received none, or had to deal with an arrogant attitude from the personnel. Apparently they were also making a noise throughout the night and lights were only switched off after midnight. She also raised the question why the men and women showers are right next to each other. "To top it off, you don’t have any privacy while taking a shower because there are no shower doors or curtains. “Why don’t they set fixed shower times for men and women, respectively?” The Boksburg Advertiser has sent this complaint to the Gauteng Department of Health, but is still awaiting a response. PRACTICALteaching GREATatmosphere FRIENDLYpeople BOKSBURG Advertiser H327917BU22 Trustworthy ADT security officer hands in envelope with R30 000 V326763BE30 Seen here are the staff management at Medicross Pharmacy who are delighted to work with trustworthy Andries Semase (third person in the picture) who returned an envelope he found with a sum of R30 000 inside. With him are (from left) Medicross pharmacy manager Umme Salma Mahomed, clinic administrator Antoinette Prinsloo, and ADT Kusela Security area manager Amos Nkosi. fter witnessing hospital staff members dragging an elderly lady by a blanket on the floor during the night, Toetie van Coller left the Tambo Memorial Hospital traumatised the following morning. Van Coller was admitted to the mentioned hospital for water on the lungs and heart failure, on June 30. She apparently waited the whole day from 8am to 7pm - in casualties, before she got a bed in a ward. Van Coller told the Advertiser that the hospital staff in casualties is very good with the patients, however, the staff in the ward is a different story. On the night she spent at the hospital, an elderly woman fell on the floor in an attempt to ring the button for help after allegedly feeling nauseous. Apparently the button is positioned in such a way that patients have to climb out of bed to push the button. The incident happened around 2am (July 1). According to van Coller, the woman was lying on the floor for about 15 minutes before staff members came to her rescue. “Unfortunately I was not in a position to help her, so I yelled for help three times before someone came to help,” said van Coller. “They (hospital staff) rolled her onto a blanket and dragged her about five meters on the floor to another bed.” Van Coller is not aware whether the lady sustained any injuries during her fall. “Later that morning she just lay flat on the bed and was coughing continuously,” she added. Van Coller also shared that the night shift personnel in the hospital ward are unhelpful in general. Sunday Services and Kidz Church at 8:30 & 10:30 25 Truter Street, Parkdene, Boksburg 011 917 9485 / VELVET SHEEN 163&"$3:-*$t.*%4)&&/ FULLY WASHABLE 107900 -JUSF 33900 -JUSF 8)*5&"/%45"/%"3%$0-0634 i l i BOKSBURG - VENTER CENTRE, RIETFONTEIN ROAD 5&-t5&- t"MCFSUPO t'PVSXBZT t-JUUMF'BMMT t3BOE1BSL t#MBDLIFBUI t,FOTJOHUPO t-ZOOXPPE t4JMWFS-BLFT t#SBNMFZ t,ZB4BOET t.FOMZO t8PPENFBE t$FOUVSJPO t-JOEFO t1SJODFTT$SPTTJOH PRESENT INSTORE FOR A FURTHER 5% OFF Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Crime News Police recover stolen truck With the assistance of e-Track, the Boksburg police recovered a stolen doubletrailer on Sunday, July 10, arresting the suspected thieves. According to the Boksburg police, a double-trailer transport truck worth about R1 million, filled with R4 000 000 worth of consumable goods, was stolen from Randfontein over the weekend. Investigation led Evolutionary Tracking Solutions’ Trevor Ackermann and the Boksburg SAPS’ Col Lieut Khumbulani Ndaba and W/O Lucky Raboshaba to the area, where they found three men busy respraying the stolen double-trailer - apparently to avoid detection. The highly prized cargo was not found. The three men were immediately arrested and charged with possession of a stolen property and other charges may be added. The double-trailer was towed to the Boksburg police station, where it was being processed for evidence. The stolen truck was later found abandoned in Wattville, and the key was still in the ignition. The driver of the truck was nowhere to be found. Ackermann appreciates the swift response by the Boksburg police, which resulted in the discovery and arrests of the suspects. The police also gave credit to vehicle tracking companies for helping the police recover stolen vehicles, arrest suspects, locate chop shops and break up vehicle theft syndicates. Anyone with information on the theft is asked to call CrimeStop on 08600 10111. -@FanieFLK BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... Friday, July 22, 2016 ... 3 Seven caught in operation targeting illegal mining Fanie Mthupha S even alleged illegal miners have been arrested and had their mining equipment seized in a "major operation" against illegal mining in Boksburg. The almost two-hour long joint crime operation by the Boksburg police, community patrollers, DTF Security and Amapogo Protection Services targeted illegal miners in the Cason area at a goldfield, on Thursday morning, July 14. The groups of illegal miners, known as zama zamas, ran helter-skelter as the team was approaching their workplace, along Cason Road, but the patrollers and officers pursued them down the field – and managed to arrest seven of them. The apprehended illegal miners were identified as citizens of Lesotho. Their mining tools, including shovels, spades, pickaxes and buckets were seized during the sweeping crackdown on illegal mining. They have all been charged with illegal mining and are expected to appear in the Boksburg Magistrate’s Court soon. Both the police and the security company involved in the fight against illegal mining said they believe that such operations struck a major blow to the activities of the different gangs involved in illegal mining in the city. DTF’s Duncan Horne said his company has undertaken to support the police and other law enforcement agencies because they believe that an area with the lowest crime rates attracts more business investors – who henceforth boost the economy of that particular area. -@FanieFLK Two robbers target Cora’s Costumes Cora’s Costumes, situated in Charl Cilliers Street, Boksburg North, was robbed of an undisclosed amount of money, on July 11. The two suspects also got away with an Apple iPhone, house keys and car keys. At the time of the incident, the complainant and the manager were inside the shop at around 4.45pm. According to the Boksburg North SAPS communications officer, Capt Juanita Coetzer, one of the suspects pointed a firearm at the complainant and manager. “The suspects tied them up with shoelaces and demanded money,” said Coetzer. “They took money from the cash box and also searched the complainant and manager for cash, too.” The suspects fled the scene in a white Toyota Hilux. A case of business robbery is being investigated. This team, consisting of the Boksburg police, community patrollers, DTF Security and Amapogo Protection Services, pounced on seven Basotho men, reportedly involved in illegal mining in the goldfield, along Cason Road, on July 14. Fire destroys dental rooms at Tambo Memorial Hospital Dental services at Tambo Memorial Hospital have been suspended until further notice, following the fire that destroyed the dental clinic at the facility on Friday evening, July 8. Gauteng Health spokesperson Steve Mabona said fire spread from a dental clinic situated on the ground-floor, next to the main entrance of the hospital, which is far from admission wards. He added that preliminary investigations revealed that the fire might have been caused by an electrical fault. Three rooms were affected and all the dental equipment‚ materials and consumables were destroyed. Mabona said no patients were affected by the fire, which was successfully extinguished by hospital employees. The evacuation lasted for about an hour. According to Mabona, the structural damage assessment, to determine the monetary value of the damage, has commenced. The fire department was continuing to investigate the cause. “Unfortunately‚ the hospital will no longer render any dental services until further notice, and patients will be referred to the nearest service points.” 4 Friday, July 22, 2016 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Police take a tough stance on criminals in Boksburg Fanie Mthupha T he Ekurhuleni SAPS Central Cluster and EMPD have undertaken intensified law enforcement efforts to stamp out criminal behaviour in Boksburg. To bolster their tough stance on people who have no respect for the law, police went all out over the weekend to catch criminals. They conducted a weekendlong joint crime operation throughout Boksburg, and managed to bring a number of suspects to book for their alleged criminal behaviour. The joint police operation, by the Ekurhuleni SAPS Central Cluster and EMPD, led by Boksburg SAPS’ station commander, Col Daniel Baloyi, focused on drug-related offences, shady liquor outlets and stop-and-search operations. During the operation, scores of people were apprehended for dealing and being in possession of drugs, and for dealing in liquor without a licence. Some suspects were arrested for other various crimes including drunk driving, and reckless and negligent driving. Police also confiscated liquor and drugs, including 20 000 mandrax tablets valued at R1-million, which were discovered during a traffic stop-andsearch on the N17 highway, on Sunday. The illegal shebeen operators were arrested in Jerusalem informal settlement, after they were found running shebeens without liquor licences on their properties. More than 850 bottles of beer, nine 20-litre containers filled with umqombothi and music systems were confiscated Two people were arrested in Jerusalem and had their illegal shebeens shut down in a joint police operation in Boksburg. The Ekurhuleni SAPS Central Cluster and EMPD’s weekend-long crackdown also saw scores of people being arrested for various offences, including drug-related crimes, and drunk and negligent driving. Seen with the confiscated liquor is Boksburg SAPS’ liquor officer Const Thokozani Ntshalintshali. from the illegal shebeens. Officers also carried out inspections of licensed liquor premises, to ensure that their licences were still valid and check that the operators were complying with the Gauteng Liquor Act. One licensed tavern on Main Reef Road, opposite Angelo informal settlement, was found to be contravening the Liquor Act by allegedly distributing alcohol to illegal shebeens and not having all its papers in order. Its liquor licence was temporarily suspended over the weekend. Some residents in the informal settlements are not happy with the vigorous enforcement action against illegal shebeens in their areas. But a handful of residents of the informal settlements, where illegal shebeens are causing havoc, have welcomed the closure of illegal shebeens and the rooting out of nearby legal liquor outlets that are not complying with the liquor laws. For a while, community leaders in the informal settlements have been accusing illegal shebeens of disturbing the peace because they operate 24/7. They added that they are the major contributors to social ills. Both the police and concerned residents believe that these illegal shebeens and nearby legal taverns are the contributing factors to the scourge of deadly violence, robberies, sexual assaults and domestic violence which are common in the informal settlements. The Boksburg police vowed that continuous action would be taken against transgressors, and urged members of the public to help by reporting illegal activities in their communities, in particular illegal shebeens and legal liquor outlets that are not complying with the Act. Members of the EMPD have also been aggressively going after the said drug dealers in the city of late, and they have had great successes in discovering illicit substances across Boksburg and Boksburg North in particular. -@FanieFLK FOLLOW US Twitter: @BoksburgNews facebook: Boksburg Advertiser WEB: (10 Colours Available) (7 Colours Available) 394.74 1127.81 B333357BS30 DIALYSIS D333372BS28 UNIT IN BOKSBURG NOW OPEN We offer chronic Hemodialysis, and Peritoneal dialysis. Come experience professional and dedicated d staff ff that h are committed to providing care, in a friendly, safe environment. We understand that dialysis is time away from work and home, so we strive to make your treatment timeous, and comfortable at all times. Our physician and nephrologist assist patients with their day-to-day needs and we have an active kidney transplantation programme. To book appointments, and discuss your treatment please contact: Kay Moonsamy (Clinical technologist) 082 654 1564 | 011 892-0460 Email: Office Hours - Mon, Wed and Fri 316 Rondebult Road Parkdene, Boksburg Your complete Home Loan Specialist! LOANS to Home Owners • DEBT CONSOLIDATION • HOME IMPROVEMENTS • • BOND SWITCHES • NEW HOME LOANS • Repayments example R 50 000 R 150 000 R 500 000 Where quality and family meat... Prices Valid 19 July - 28 July 2016 Short Rib, Stew, 00 & Chuck R55p/kg R 402.31 R 1153.37 R 4 023.11 INTEREST RATES AND LOAN TERM SUBJECT TO APPROVAL MINIMUM 3 MONTHS TO MAXIMUM 30 YEARS TO SETTLE Apply today!!! And start saving... 0861 111 764 • • • Two girls die of smoke inhalation Two girls aged 9 and 15, from one family were declared dead by paramedics in their home while their mother and elder sister were hospitalised in critical conditions following smoke inhalation. The incident occurred in Phumula Boksburg, on the night of July 13. Ekurhuleni Disaster and Emergency Management Services (DEMS) spokesperson William Ntladi said the family's two other children survived the deadly incident as they had slept at their neighbours. Ntladi said the gruesome incident was discovered by the neighbours and the family's two children when they went home in the morning. They then immediately alerted emergency services and the police for intervention. "As per information obtained from the scene, the family of six were warming themselves around a self-made coal stove last night until late at around 11pm when they all went to bed. "Apparently they left the stove still burning overnight to warm their RDP but somehow smoke filled the house and they were all overcome by inhalation of carbon monoxide," said Ntladi. South African Police Services and Ekurhuleni Emergency Services collectively initiated investigations. Robbery nightmare A Sunward Park single mother is still shocked after she witnessed two thieves stealing her hard-earned belongings from her house just after 8pm, on June 16. The thugs remained in the house until 10pm, when she managed to escape. “All that time I was paralysed with fear - I am still scared because at the back of my house there’s an open veld and it’s a place for thugs to hang out. That place poses a great danger to us because those thugs sit there and analyse everything we do,” said the woman, who wished to remain anonymous. She said the robber and his accomplice pointed a gun at her, told her to shut up and move to the bedroom, as she was screaming. The two thugs gathered her valuables such as a TV set, her son's PlayStation, cellphones, DVD player, computer, as well as her 26-yearold son's clothes and R6 000 in cash before demanding her car keys but she said she did not know where they were. “I then told them to help me search for them - I told them to look in the bedroom while I checked in other rooms. While they were busy in the bedroom I opened the door and ran to my neighbour’s house. They escaped by jumping the fence at the back of my house where there’s an open veld with tall grass.” She suspects that the two men knew that she lives alone and that’s why they took time robbing her house before leaving. The Boksburg police confirmed that a case of house robbery has been opened and is being investigated. Whole Lamb (up to 10 million Available) example example example Beef Lamb Pork Chicken Biltong Drywors Home Cooked Meals Spit Braais Catering Meat Deliveries The self-made coal stove behind the death of two young girls. R6495 p/kg Biltong every Saturday R11500 p/kg Like us on Facebook 59 North Rd, Beyerspark Shopping Centre, Boksburg jANNIE OOSTHUIZEN 079 224 9675 jACO bOTHA 078 823 3683 Tel: 011 894-3991 R50 Cover Charge 36 12th Street, Springs 011 815 6828 Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Tragedy at the Bokkie Park with the death of this piglet. Bokkie Park piglet ‘was already dead’ T he Advertiser recently ran a the story online on its website of a piglet at the Bokkie Park, that appeared to have suffered a severe injury. The Advertiser approached the Ekurhuleni Metro to seek clarity on the length of time the piglet had been suffering and how it was responding to treatment, if any was being administered. But it appeared the top management were clueless about the situation before it was brought to their attention by the Advertiser. Responding to the enquiry, metro spokesman Themba Gadebe then said the issue of metro staff “not reporting an incident like this to management will be followed up to ensure improved supervision over the animals”. It has now emerged that the piglet was already dead when the picture was taken. The Boksburg SPCA said, on its Facebook page, that the photo of an injured piglet was taken on July 5. "We were advised of the plight of this piglet on the morning of July 6 and immediately sent out staff to catch this youngster," read the statement. "As our staff were unable to locate the piglet (or find it anywhere on the property) we contacted the complainant and were advised that the piglet was already dead when the picture was taken. "This is probably why the rats (that are spoken of) had started to eat the body of this baby." The Boksburg SPCA said it carries out inspections at the Bokkie Park on a regular basis and is working with management to improve conditions for the animals at the park. "We do ask, though, that any complaints against this establishment are not immediately put into Facebook, but are rather brought to our attention, as, in this way, we are able to act immediately - if this piglet had been alive it would have suffered through the cold night before we were made aware of its plight. "Thank you to all who have contacted us in response to the pictures." Friday, July 22, 2016 ... 5 6 Friday, July 22, 2016 OPINION | ... Unemployment remains the burning issue in SA Walk The Line by Riaan Engelbrecht R ecently a video of window washers attacking a Johannesburg motorist emerged, which has caused outrage on social media, with many calling for serious action to be taken to protect motorists. Many of us have been in that 'uncomfortable' situation when you know you will not pay the washer (even though your window is being washed with your consent). And let us be honest - these window washers are beyond being a nuisance. In Boksburg window washers are not such a big deal, but many who stay in the city have travelled around and have encountered this dilemma. I do not really want to talk about the dangers that window washers pose, but rather about the hot topic of unemployment that will burn brighter as the elections loom. Let us be honest, South Africa Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 sits with a huge and ever-deepening crisis in terms of unemployment. The youth is on the streets popping pills and shooting up because there is no work. So naturally they will resort to leisure activities which are not so wholesome. Window washers therefore exist because of unemployment. So does crime in general. Meanwhile we sit with an army of public servants of around two million that earns way too much! Do we really think these guys like washing your window? Sure, I find them a pain in the neck, but they have two options: either wash windows even when people swear at them, or commit to a life of crime. This is the reality of South Africa. The other day while strolling to a shop, I came across one of the garbage trucks doings its rounds (don't know what is the politically correct term, maybe waste removers?). What caught my attention was that the truck was manned by seven workers (not including the driver). Yes, seven workers! As the truck stopped to pick up five bins, all seven disembarked and 'jumped' into action. I use the term 'jump' liberally. Yes, it takes seven workers to pick up five bins that are automatically tipped over into the compressor. You can imagine this is not a hard day's work. There was no rush, no real strain or effort to get the job done. Sure, I have never worked in that industry, but something does not make sense that you need so many workers. And then I figured that this is an easy way to "solve" unemployment. It reminds me of economist Dawie Rood who says that we must not Your Views Howard Skeens, from Sunward Park, writes: To those who are still blind and continue to swallow the hollow promises of the government, let’s review and question these promises. Have we not heard them all before? Delivering efficient services to all "our people". So how come there are regular and ever more violent protests about the lack of services? Jobs, jobs, jobs. The President promised over the next five years the government will create millions of jobs. So where are they? Statistics SA has just reported that unemployment has increased, again. focus on job creation but rather growing the economy. It is after all easy to create employment. Get 100 guys to dig up the road and then hire 100 more to fill it. Voila, you have created jobs. That is not real jobs. And this mentality of creating jobs just for the sake of creating work creates an illusion of prosperity. Sure, to employ seven workers to man one truck helps to fight unemployment, but at what cost and at what pay? We will continue to struggle with window washers and with a truckload of workers fixing potholes or picking up trash as long as the government fails to get the economy growing, which will force more opportunities for real jobs. Otherwise we are merely bluffing ourselves. Frustrations are boiling over on the streets because the jobs created are a mere illusion and a sham, and this is why window washers are also lashing out if no one pays them. At the end of the day, our economy is already trash (or is that junk?) status, even though we have not received a downgrade (can anybody say "recession"). It does not take a genius to figure out the government is stumped when it comes to creating real employment, even though China and India are offering a golden handshake in terms of trade partnership that will boost our economy. Just a pity about all our regulations, rules and bureaucracy that kills economic growth and therefore the prospect of creating real employment. If the government did indeed have a plan then there would be no need for seven workers to collect the trash. Just saying. 25 years of disaster! Under stifling government red tape the economy is being strangled. Foreign investors are wary of the constantly changing rules and regulations. All this is leading to failing businesses and investment downgrades to final junk status. Blatant corruption and crime are out of control. Can these get worse? Yes. How come the government leadership, their families and pals are doing so well while we all struggle? The “It’s my turn now” syndrome has kicked in, resulting in many political killings. Reason - the faction that “wins” has a direct pipeline into the now depleted finances - you’ve had five years to get rich, now it’s my turn. Nothing will improve under the current government rule. The past 25 odd years have yielded crumbling infrastructure, regular power outages and serious water problems in many parts of the country. Do we want a replication of the Zimbabwe disaster? 011 917-2213 / 011 917-2016/7 083 226-3003 S331111BN28 T Transponder Coded Car Key Specialists S PO OLE CA AT DAN NCE STUD DIO Impala Park, Boksburg D333382BU30 7RQHVKDSHIRUVXPPHU,PSURYH\RXU¿WQHVV5HOD[HGIULHQGO\ HQYLURQPHQW1RFRQWUDFWVMRQLQJIHHVDIIRUGDEOHUDWHV )XOO\DFFUHGLWHGZLWK3ROH'DQFH)HGHUDWLRQ WE ALSO CATER FOR TEAM BUILDING & BACHELORETTE PARTIES Registered Debt Counsellor Email: OR sms your details to 078 517 9513 Electric Fencing ‘Wholesale to the public!!’ Prices July 2016 610 618 622 628 630 638 646 652 657 674 682/3 R690 R690 R750 R730 R690 R850 R790 R950 R950 R1 290 R1 590 VAT Included - 1 Year Warranty (Standard BaƩeries) D330008BE27 Prices subject to change without prior notice & while stock last. Bring old baƩery in or be charged R171 extra IMPORT / EXPORT AGENCY cc COC Certificates New Installations • Monday – Friday 08h00 – 17h00 • Saturdays/Public Holidays 09h00 – 14h00 • Sundays 09h00 – 13h00 011 894-7193 Tel: 072 404-9654 87A Rieƞontein Rd, Boksburg 6%% Also Stock: Maintenance free (2 year warranty), marine, leisure, deep cycle and full range of motorcycle baƩeries BRANCHES: Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... With the debacle at the SABC over the policy of not showing violent protests, the Advertiser asked several residents what they think about the situation and if this is a form of censorship. Antoinette Swanepoel: “ I think it’s totally wrong to censor public violence contents. The citizens of the country are entitled to hear the opinion of other people, so if it’s censored we won’t know what is going on. It is not healthy for a free and liberated country to have censorship in any form.” Kyle van der Berg: “ It is my right to know what is going on in public, so if violence is censored I am asking myself what else in the future will be censored. I feel that nothing should be censored and we must view whatever is going on in our country.” Debbie Smith: “ I am angry and concerned about what has been going on at the SABC. They are taking our freedom of speech away from us. This is not what our constitution stands for. Our current government is taking further steps back instead of building a peaceful nation that exercises freedom of expression.” Ingrid Delport: “It is not right to censor the contents because it is our right in South Africa to know what is happening in our country.” WEDNESDAYS AND THURSDAYS Art classes for adults and teenagers at Art Studio 112, in Libradene. All styles and levels of experience catered for. Details available at www.artstudio112., or contact Maria Kaye on 072 203 1076. THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH The East Rand Seniors' Club meets at 10am, in the Boksburg Central Methodist Church Hall, on the corner of Commissioner and Osborne streets. All senior citizens are welcome. Contact Barbara Morrison on 011 896 2548. FIRST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH Bokkie Park Craft Market at the Bokkie Park, Southvale Road, Parkdene. Time: 9am to 2.30pm. Contact Janine Richardson on 072 713 3332. LAST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH Bunny Park Craft Market at the Bunny Park, Pretoria Road, Benoni. Time: 9am to 2.30pm. Contact Janine Richardson on 072 713 3332. The Windpomp Craft Market and Car Boot Sale, presented by Broodblik and Koffiepit, on the R51 between Petit and Broodblik. Contact Bonnie Coutinho on 083 458 3058 (a/h) or 083 445 1608. ELKE VRYDAG ’n Orkes speel by die Strelitziasentrum vanaf 10vm tot 12-middag. Etes moet vooraf bespreek word. Skakel vir Rika Crous by 011 917-5156/7. JULY 19 The next meeting of the East The What's On column is a community bulletin board for nonprofit, charity support groups and local events. Events are included at the discretion of the Advertiser. To have your event featured, send details, including your name, surname and contact number, before 1pm, every Wednesday, to Maile Matsimela, at maile@ and stand a chance to win a cruise. Open an FNB Fixed Deposit or Restart Fixed Deposit today and earn great interest of up to 10% per annum. You could also win an international cruise for two valued at R150 000. Just start investing before 31 July 2016 and you’ll get an entry into the draw for every R100 000 you invest for 13 months or longer. FOXP2 JOHANNESBURG#1133 Terms and conditions apply. Interest rates are based on age, balance and term. Competition only open to individuals. First National Bank - a division of FirstRand Bank Limited. An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20). 7 Rand Bird Club will be held in the Benoni Library Auditorium, at 7.30pm. Talk by Lia Steen. Subject: Antarctica. Visitors welcome. Contact: Awie Coetzee 083 677 7097. JULY 31 Walk for Jesus. Let’s unite and be visible for God. Meet at 11.50am at Laerskool Concordia, Rietfontein Road, Boksburg, and walk a 2km route to the East Rand Mall and back. Participation is free. For more info contact Ronel on 082 492 7702. AUGUST 6 Fête at Strelitzia Service Centre, from 8.30am until 2pm, in Champion Street, Boksburg North. Contact Rika Crous on 011 917-5156/7. Car guards will be on duty. AUGUST 14 Boksburg based NPO Gudwulfs ROC is hosting a fundraising golf day at State Mines Coutry Club at 150 Hewitt Road Brakpan. Registration time is 9am and tee-off time is 11am. For bookings contact Dani, chairman of Gudwulfs on or 076 903 1651. Dinner and prizegiving included. earn up to 10% interest p.a. Visit or call 0860 327 827 to invest for the things that count. ... What’s On Your Opinion Glynis Holdsworth: “I am horrified about what is going on at the SABC, the people in charge are completely unqualified and they continue to behave like they own our country imposing rules that we are totally against.” Friday, July 22, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Friday, July 22, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 save 20% 32 for now (Prices already marked down) 95 47 buy 3 & only pay for 2 per box save 1200 9795 Lindt Lindor Truffles per pack 125 g 21 July to 22 August 2016 Caltrate Plus 30 Tablets save 30% cashback now from 16500 (Prices already marked down) each Loading every 2 months. ClubCard members only Safeway Tie-down Electric Underblanket Available in Single, Double or Queen (See in store for price details) pay day savings 21 Jul- 2 Aug Prices already marked down. Offers limited to 6 items per customer, while promotional stock lasts. 21 July - 2 August 2016 save 20% save 30% save 40% any now now 245 3 for 2400 1395 00 each each save 1725 save 600 save 10500 per offer Lux Soap 175 g Clicks Deep Clean Toothbrush with 2 Heads now now now now 00 169 22 per pack 05 each 45 save 9 95 save 50 95 11 each 00 save 7 Yardley Shield Roll-on for Men or Women 50 ml (excl. MotionSense variants) Body Spray for Men 125 ml or Women 90 ml 3995 each save 3700 Organics Shampoo or Conditioner 1 Litre now 28200 each save 18800 now Clicks 2-Ply Toilet Paper 18 Rolls 95 74 per pack save 2500 now now 8900 per pack save 4000 delivered to your door shop @ Omo Auto Washing Powder 2 kg or Semi Concentrate Liquid Detergent 1,5 Litres 4295 each save 2200 join in store and feel the benefits Only in South Africa are only available in selected stores. Photographs are for illustration purposes only, products may vary in-store depending on availability. For more information visit our website: Products marked with or phone our Customer Service Centre on 0860-254-257. Offers are valid while promotional stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities to 6 per customer. All promotional prices are applicable to cash and credit card sales only and include any discounts and reductions. Prices apply to RSA only & include V.A.T. E&OE. We accept all major Credit and Debit Cards. * Beyond the Blue C54828 8 Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... Beauty Reasons this Winter Season Get gorgeous skin overnight The secret to a healthy skin glow is giving your skin a good night's sleep. As you rest, your skin works overtime repairing damage, creating new cells, and replenishing moisture, so obviously it's super important to get as much rest as possible. Go to bed with a clean face: never, and we mean never, fall asleep with your make-up on. Beyond just clogging your skin and causing breakouts, sleeping in make-up can lead to wrinkles down the road. Even on those nights when you're too lazy to actually wash your face, take a minute and use a cleansing wipe to remove dirt, oil, and make-up. Establish a nightly skincare routine and stick to it. Cleanse your skin, apply toner that fits your skin type with cotton wool, rub on an anti-ageing serum, use an overnight repair treatment, and finish it off with a super-moisturising night cream. Stay faithful to your ritual every night for a few weeks to see the best results. For ultra-smooth skin, look for antiageing treatments with retinol, which speeds up skin cells' turnover process, leaving your skin brighter and softer glow with fewer fine lines. Retinol can cause some redness and irritation, so if you find le your skin stinging, scale back to every other night. Your other new des, best friends are peptides, gen which replenish collagen ok and make your skin look nts, firmer, and anti-oxidants, which reverse damagee from the elements. Clock those eight hours, you may think you can power through on six hours but your skin disagrees. And even if you go to bed a few minutes earlier, scrolling through your Instagram feed may only be keeping you up later, the blue light from your phone can inhibit production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep. Switch off your phone before you get into bed, and instead take a few minutes to clear your mind of stress. While you're sleeping, your skin is working hard to repair all the damage it picked up throughout the day, which h less l punishing i hi elements l means the you expose it to, the less work it will have to do come sundown. Emotional stress, pollution, dehydration, and smoking will all stress out your skin, but the biggest cause of ageing is sun exposure. It is so important to protect your skin from the sun every day. Make SPF a part of your morning routine, even during the winter and on cloudy days, and your night treatments will spend less time reversing sun damage and more time making your skin look brighter than ever. Information obtained from www. 1 Hour Express Package age urban day spa 2 Hour Top to Toe 30 minute express facial 30 minute back, neck and shoulder massage Express manicure and pedicureure 30 min express facial 30 min back, neck & shoulder massage r All fo R290 r All fo 0 9 5 R No.5 The Terminal, Cnr Dr Vosloo & Trichardt Rds, Bartlett, Boksburg email: | T330703BL29 U330710BL30 Call us on 011 894-6224 to make your appointment! Friday, July 22, 2016 ... 9 10 Friday, July 22, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... Bride of the year Time to vote for your favourite June bride Juanita Willemse was married at NLB Gemeente, Boksburg, on June 18. Liezel-marie Harms was married at Heaven’s Gate, Boksburg, on June 4. You can now vote for your favourite June bride, as part of the Bride of the Year competition. Voting closes at noon on July 27. Each contestant’s photos will be processed in augmented reality for readers to view through an app on their smartphones. The bride who receives the most votes each month will be one of the contenders for the Bride of the Year competition, the winner of which will be announced in early 2017. To vote, go to the Advertiser’s Facebook page, where albums are created for each month, and like the photo of your favourite bride. The winner’s photograph will be published in the newspaper. There will be great prizes for the monthly winner, and for the overall winning bride of 2016. Augmented reality videos have been added to the list of awesome prizes the 2016 Bride of the Year could win. The monthly bride winners also have something to smile about. So far, the Bride of the Month will receive the fol- lowing: * Framing to the value of R500, from Janbre Art and Professional Picture Framing. * Twenty-five photos processed in augmented reality, from My Panoramic. The Bride of the Year can look forward to the following: * Framing to the value of R1 000, from Janbre Art and Professional Picture Framing. * Fifty photos processed in augmented reality, virtual reality video conversions of the wedding video and one virtual reality viewer, from My Panoramic. VIEW! To view all five photos of the two bridal entries, download the augmented reality app on your phone by visiting, or scan the provided QR code. Once the app has been loaded onto your phone, open the app and then place your phone on the published photos. The augmented reality photos will then show on your phone. Enjoy! Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Litter at park a headache A resident of Impala Park recently noticed plastic waste in the water at Buks Williams Park in Fairchild Street, Impala Park, Boksburg. The concerned resident said someone had dumped used water coolers into the water, something which in the long run will become a health hazard to the geese living there. She was worried that “a lot” of plastic waste and other waste is lying around the park and will cause blockages to the storm-water draining system come rainy times. This woman is also troubled by the “fact that there is just one broken dustbin” at the park. Furthermore, this resident said there were black refuse bags containing rubbish, dumped at the park. She wanted to know if the matter of the broken dustbin could be attended to and if there would be any clean-up action at the park. The complainant doesn’t know who is responsible for dumping all the plastic waste and refuse bags there but she wanted to know if the metro can put measures in place to prevent such and to ensure that in future, perpetrators are caught and made to face consequences. Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality said workers have removed the plastic waste and the black refuse bags. "The litter and debris in the water is in the process of being removed and will be monitored on a regular basis," said metro spokesman Themba Gadebe. Gadebe said that quotations will be obtained to purchase additional litter bins for the park, and that the broken litter bin will be removed or repaired. "Regular inspection will be done at the park to prevent perpetrators from dumping illegal waste." Hospice East Rand needs help Hospice East Rand’s charity shop is in desperate need of donations. This includes clothing, kitchen goods, ornaments, furniture, cutlery, crockery, furniture or any sellable items. The shop relies on the public’s continual support in order to function. Hospice is also in need of honest, hard-working, physically fit volunteers to assist with the running of the shop. Should you have one morning or afternoon a week free and would like to help Hospice, please speak to the shop manager. Hospice East Rand’s charity shop is situated in Main Road, Witfield (opposite Superspar). Contact 011 823 1676 for more information. Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... Friday, July 22, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... 11 Adopt a pet G et involved with the SPCA and adopt a loving animal which desperately needs a forever home, by contacting the society on 011 916 5906/7, or visiting their offices in Railway Street, Boksburg. The SPCA advises the public to visit their kennels to see if their missing pets are there, even after they have reported them missing. This is very important, as most of the descriptions of your pets are not the same as those of the SPCA. Warm your GRIND AND BREW COFFEE MAKER R229999 S/N 1047 home ESPRESSO MACHINE R799999 S/N 22097 DOUBLE ELECTRIC BLANKET PRIMA DONNA COFFEE R1099999 S/N 14959 152CM PACIFIC REST BASE SET 12000BTU BORACAY SPLIT AIRCON My name is Misty and I am a 12-monthold female cross-dachshund with a lot of energy. I have already been sterilised. INCLUDES BACK TO BACK INSTALLATION S/N 32639 99 R799 R379999 S/N 3910 R799999 S/N H33560 CARRIBEAN HEATER Jost 9 FIN OIL RADIATOR HEATER S/N 1267 PATIO GAS HEATER R89999 R169999 S/N 40865 My name is Dusty and I am a 12-monthold male cross-pug. I have been sterilised. Misty is my best friend; I would love to be homed with her. VISION CHEF 14 PIECE POT SET 6L SILVER PRESSURE COOKER 6L SLOW COOKER I am a sweet two-yearold female cross-basset hound. I am a true lady and promise to give you love every day. R269999 S/N 5732 S/N 55145 R69999 R119999 S/N 55146 R299999 S/N 53848 60CM CERAN HOB S/N 24937 STAINLESS STEEL HOB S/N 2425 R429999 60CM CLASSIC 4 BURNER GAS HOB R299999 MULTIFUNCTION EYE LEVEL OVEN 600MSE SLIMLINE OVEN S/N 45209 S/N 29030 S/N 1519 99 R399999 99 R3999 R6499 10KG TOP LOADING WASHING MACHINE My name is Nunu and I am a two-yearold female tortie-tabby. I am extremely loving and enjoy back rubs from humans. 8KG WASHER/DRYER COMBO 8KG TUMBLE DRIER R399999 S/N 55157 S/N 35473 R999999 R949999 S/N 47982 Sale ends: 24 July Hirschs.Homestore My name is Jacky (left) and I am a 12-month-female tortie-tabby. Next to me is Milo, a 12-month-old female tortoiseshell cat. HirschHomestore Hirschs_Homestores 0861 HIRSCH (447724) Kwazulu Natal#BMMJUPt6NIMBOHBt4QSJOHöFME1BSLt)JMMDSFTU Gauteng 4USVCFOT7BMMFZt'PVSXBZTt$FOUVSJPOt.FBEPXEBMF t#PLTCVSHt4JMWFSMBLFT Cape Town.JMOFSUPOt4PNFSTFU8FTU You can now have a peace of mind. Hirsch’s offer maintenance contracts on all products WE ACCEPT LAY-BY’S Allan and Richard Hirsch ALL CREDIT CARDS WELCOME ALL PRICES INCLUDE VAT. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT STOCK SOME OF THE ITEMS ARE SIMILAR TO ILLUSTRATION PRICES VALID WHILE STOCKS LAST OR UNTIL END OF TRADING ON SUNDAY E & OE T’s and C’s apply TV license & ID required to buy any TV Monday - Friday 8:30-17:30 Saturday 8:30-16:00 Sunday 9:00-16:00 12 Friday, July 22, 2016 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Saints do it again Donaldson, who’s now in his 40th year as the drum majorettes coach of St Dominic’s. The competition was run with military precision, with competing teams performing in their allocated time slots. Results are as below: Cheerleading High School division: 1. Hoërskool Brandwag (Benoni) 2. Hoërskool Noordheuwel (Krugersdorp) Majorette Primary School division: 1. Rynfield Primary School (Benoni) 2. Groote Schuur Primary School (Cape Town) 3. St Dominic’s Junior BOKSBURG (Boksburg) Majorette High School division: 1. St Dominic’s Senior (Boksburg) 2. HottentotsHolland High School (Cape Town) St Dominic’s Saints also came first in the following divisions: Large drill squad, large drill display, large drill sub leaders, large drill team overall, small drill squad, small drill sub leaders, small drill display, small drill team overall, flag group, throwing prop group (senior and junior), pom/non prop group. Visit the Advertiser Facebook page to win tickets to Brendan’s Show Former and current St Dominic’s Pre-School staff celebrating 25 years of happiness. Pre-School celebrates 25 years St Dominic’s Pre-School is celebrating its 25th birthday this year. In honour of this milestone, the all girls pre-school hosted a birthday tea on May 20 for their staff and guests. Over 600 St Dominic’s 18 AUGUSTUS 2016 WOORD & LEWE AUDITORIUM SUNWARD PARK, BOKSBURG Pre-School alumni from Grade 1 to 12 received a celebratory balloon and sang happy birthday to the current pre-schoolers. The guests included the school’s first grade 0 teacher in 1991, Rosa Callaca, and the school’s first principal, Pam Jurgens. Other guests included St Dominic’s board members, parent and teacher partnership (PTP) members and both the principal of St Dunstan’s and Woodlands Pre-School. Die Laerskool Concordia se leierskorps het onlangs die bejaardes by Huis Dien Bothma gaan besoek. Die leiers het geskenkpakkies aan die bejaardes oorhandig en Ernin Patience (regs) het hulle vermaak deur vir hulle klavier te speel en liedjies te sing. Saam met haar is inwoner Dinna Eloff. GET CONNECTED! T he St Dominic’s Saints have done it again, taking first place as they were crowned the 2016 South African Elite Majorette League Champion of Champions. They were competing at the South African Majorette and Cheerleading Association (SAMCA) National Championships, held from July 2 to 9, which this year were hosted by the Gauteng region at the Germiston athletics stadium. This achievement was also a wonderful present for Allan FOLLOW US Twitter: @BoksburgNews facebook: Boksburg Advertiser WEB: Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... Friday, July 22, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... 13 War on water leaks intensifies Ntombikayise Sibeko T he first phase of the War on Leaks project has been rolled out and 3 000 youths are already involved in the programme. The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), Rand Water and the Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority (EWSETA) hosted a War on Leaks workshop, on July 7, at the Birchwood Hotel. The aim of the workshop was to update relevant stakeholders on the status of the programme, challenges experienced, roles and responsibilities of the department and solutions to the challenges. The War on Leaks, launched in August, last year, by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), has been one of the government's commitments to curb the high unemployment rate, by training 15 000 unemployed artisans, plumbers and water agents over five years to repair leaking taps and pipes. The second phase will see 7 000 youth taking part in the programme, on July 18, in Tshwane. Speaking at the workshop, Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation Pamela Tshwete said the training of plumbers and artisans is a means by which government aims to impart much-needed skills to the youth, to drastically reduce the high rate of unemployment and address non-revenue and unaccounted for water losses. Tshwete further elaborated that Seen here are (from left): Errol Gradwell (EWSETA CEO), Ndileka Mohapi (DWS Acting Deputy Director General), Pamela Tshwete (Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation), Nolwazi Gasa (Acting General Manager of Water and Sanitation) and Percy Sechemane (Rand Water CEO). there was a need for communication between stakeholders, so that trainees better understand the aim behind the training programme. Ndileka Mohapi, Acting Deputy Director General of the department, encouraged water sectors to support the War on Leaks programme. “Municipalities should aggressively implement water conservation and demand-management strategies for effective results,'' she said. "Municipalities should also increase revenue and encourage consumers to fix leaks and target illegal water connections. The ongoing monitoring and reporting of municipal water losses should continue.'' According to Percy Sechemane, CEO of Rand Water, some of the key challenges faced in the phase two recruitment of the learners through priority municipality and community engagement, were the mistakes they made when they were applying. “Some of the learners have not met the minimum age requirements (18-35), some did not meet the minimum qualification requirements and some did not submit correct contact details, while others did not know which wards they represented or did not have the correct documentation,” Sechemane said. EWSETA CEO, Errol Gradwell, highlighted the successes of the department since it has been involved in the War on Leaks project. He said the attendance of the trainees in all constituencies ranges between 90 per cent and 99 per cent. Meanwhile, the learners are performing well due to prior knowledge, especially those who have completed their N4 and N6 and are waiting for trade testing. He said there was a high level of excitement, confidence and security and also high levels of public interest and interactive communication between the communities and the learners. A Year Of Seasonal Dishes O R3 nly 50 ! Syd and Cynthia Swales (right), from Reiger Park, celebrated 50 years of marriage in June. Originally from KwaZulu-Natal, the couple met in 1963 and tied the knot three years later, on June 11, 1966. Cynthia gave birth to three children, two daughters and one son and the couple are the proud grandparents of nine. With them are their three children, Deirdre Swales (left), Desia Theron and Dwight Swales. Food & Home Entertaining: A Year of Seasonal asonal Dishes brings toget together a number of delicious, trendy and easy recipes. Cocktails, soups, salads, main dishes and sides to desserts and baking – this inspired collection caters for every occasion, including Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. Compiled by South Africa’s most established food magazine, A Year of Seasonal Dishes provides recipes for each month of the year using ingredients in season. A seasonal chart and the ultimate quantity conversion manual ensure fool-proof cooking. Food & Home Entertaining: A Year of Seasonal Dishes is indispensable to chefs, students, cooks and all lovers of food and cooking. Available at leading bookstores nationwide. BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | A1 CARPETS 24HRS We do all types W/Machines, Fridges, reezers, T/ Dryers, Stoves, D/Washers, Aircons, Geysers, gate motors all makes - on site. WORK DONE ON SITE 12 month Guarantee JH035234 ACE CARPETS 5 ROOMS FROM R195 L/S From R95 ZH075616 DEPRESSED OR STRESSED: Phone Life Line (011) 422-4242 ZH075618 DOES someone in your family or a close friend have a drinking problem? You are not alone. Find help in the constructive approach offered by Al-Anon Family Group. 011 867-0731 0861 252 666 ZH075619 DRUG PROBLEMS We can help with recovery and support. 079 396 9722. ZH075611 EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES WITH RELATIONSHIPS: Phone Life Line (011) 422-4242 GAMBLING PROBLEM Gamblers Anonymous Gam-Anon can help. 083-308-8175 (all h) (011) 640- 4563 (a/h) ZH075612 M.G. Contracts cc T/A N.J. Blinds • Vertical Blinds • Wood Venetian Blinds • Aluminium Venetian Blinds • Bamboo & Wooden Blinds • Awnings C: 079 878 6482 T: 011 425 5810 0118 CLEANING Readers should carefully examine all services offered, quotes and deposits requested before accepting any of them. It remains the consumers` responsibility to check the credentials of all advertisers with whom they are dealing with. As Caxton offers a service to advertisers to market their products or services, it cannot be held responsible for any damages or misleading claims. MA052021 WYNAND 011 892 5287 072 381 4269 All East Rand 24/7 A-D ELECTRIC FENCING & GATE MOTORS APPLIANCE REPAIRS On site repairs to: stoves, freezers, fridges, w/machs, d/washer, t/dryers & geysers. Anthony : 079 721 0478 011 896 5420 FREE QUOTES 1 YEAR GUARANTEE On site repairs to: Wash machines, freezers, fridges, stoves, T/driers and D/washers. Gate motors, garage doors & electric fencing. 1 Year Guarantee 28 years experience FREE QUOTES DANIE MEYER 074 217 7362 079 0855 305 MA052023 AJ FAST ELECTRICAL 0123 AERIALS / SATELLITES BUILDER RONNIE We do: • Alterations • New homes • Roofs • Plumbing • Painting • Paving • Home improvement 083 306 4129 ZW011209 CEILINGS / CORNICES • Replaced promptly. • Well supervised. • Professional team. • MBA Approved. ROGER 011 907-6967 OR 082 445 2627 MC029030 CONCO WALLING Verskaffing en oprigting van betonmure en Staalpalissade elektriese 071 679 7567 skuifhekke. Gratis MA052046 kwotasies. 011 814-9013 AFFORDABILITY & MA051808 GUARANTEED SERVICE AT RCS PAVING HANDYMAN SERVICE Richard 072-665-8240 All DIY work, electrical, •• PAVING SPECIALS •• BV020574 plumbing, small building projects, tree felling etc. Domestic refuse ALL BUILDING AND removal/scrap. STEELWORK No nonsense guarantee as • Building, Plastering, all work performed by Painting, Ceilings, Tiling, myself to your satisfaction. Roofing. Call Brian • Pallisade fencing, Gates, 082 556 6857 Burglarproofs, Carports. EAST RAND AREA ONLY TRY THE BEST PRICES MA051959 Laurence 062 802 2883 MA052057 ALL Carpentry Cabinet making, bars, doors & general repairs by German Expert Over 35 years service. Richard 072 266 4911 E.D.I. BUILDING & HANDYMAN SERVICES 082 259 8132 You name it we do it MA051811 All garden soils, organic compost & lawn dressing VIEWPOINT FARMING MA052011 011 917-0493 / 94 RIPPLE Creek Organic Compost, garden soil, lawn dressing. 082 875 9507, 965 1777, 963 3439 (PTY) LTD A - CCTV & DSTV A WOMENS TOUCH DSTV & OVHD installs & Upgrades. Carp, Uph, Leather Fault finding from lounge suite. R250. Blinds - cleaning. 083 773 9728 MON TO SUN ZW011193 082 295 2795. ABOVE BV020575 SATELLITES A1 AAA PROTEA INSTALL, FAULTS, Deep clean carpets, sofas & RELOCATE, blinds. Free spot / deod. UPGRADES Open Sat.. Ower superv. 27 yr. Same Day Service HANNETJIE 24/7 All hrs 082 876 2067 / 011 869 AERIAL SATELLITE 7781 MC029174 071 510 8436 A1ACTION STEAMCLEAN Multichoice Accred From R139 for carpets R120 l/suite, Curtains,. RAPED? IN DESPAIR? Free Deo Winter quick dry Phone Life Line (011) OVER 25YRS EXP 422-4242 076 639 9225 / 011 051 ZH075617 5840 FREE QUOTES 12 MONTH GUARANTEE MA051540 BV012633 CAUTION Chris 072 213 1021 0136 HOME IMPROVEMENTS / DIY BV020603 ABOUT GATE MOTORS & GARAGE DOORS NEW & REPAIRS Steel work / gates / palisade COCs , power tripping, DB board upgrades, generators, aircons & house hold appliances. Gate Motors On site repairs/services Gate & garage motors, electrical fencing, fridge, freezers, T/Dryers, stoves, wash machines, dishwashers, air-cons, geysers ZW011199 R.K AERIALS & SATELLITE SERVICES Owner worker. All areas. Ralph 083-228-4533 BV020562 Specialise in Board Tripping. No Power. No Hot Water All Electrical Work. C.O.C. All Plumbing. No Call Out Fee Terasat Services. DSTV, aerials, etc Tel: 082 466-7949 011 440 1616 082 622 2150 A-Z ELECTRICAL MA050657 ZH075621 011 969 2732 011 969 6029 • 082 804 7856 BV020335 ALPHA ELECTRICAL & APPLIANCES MA051812 BUILD ..DEX BUILDERS Building Extensions, Cottages, Garages, & Double storeys . 074 786 3256 LA050065 ARE YOU AN ABUSED WOMAN? Practical help and advice freely available. Tel: 011 892-2714 (office hours) and 011 917-2176 (after 6pm). Blinds - full range Curtains - Designer Made Upholstery Shutters Servicing and repairs. COETZEE Q Dry Deep Clean carpets. L/s + offices. 30yrs. M/guard. Pest control. Owner sup. 082- 347- 9811/ 084 755 0310 ALL ELECTRICAL WORK Maintenance and FREE QUOTE COC`s & 24/7 Andre Tel: 011 039 2745 078 880 9331 Cell: 084 451 4170 BH001022 MA040817 ZH075614 Celebrating 21 Years • • • • • ZW010892 Power tripping. Earth leakage. New installation. Motors. Borehole. No hot water. Lighting & Fault finding Etc. Same day C.O.C Specialising in : Same day COC`s From R399 Power tripping BD board upgrades Lightning protection House rewiring Generators Fully registered & licenced Established 1988 0073 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS anonymous. We help u deal with your drinking problem. Phone: George 083 234 3040 Boksburg. A - VOLT ELECTRICAL (ECB) Domestic & Industrial • COC`s • Installations • Repairs Mark 083 456 8742 AT FALCON PAVING COBBLE PAVING SPECIAL. Tar, Bricks, Imprints George: 011 896 4903 082 828 2674 Henry: 072 190 8337 Danie VD Walt 011 892 2212 082 362 7004 ARM Plumbing Service (24hrs) Tel (011) 615 4310 082 644 8647, 086 722 7057 Hiltop Roofing, Specialising in roof repairs, etc 082-323-5615 All Areas ZH075954 Danie VD Walt 079 501 7460 011 892 2212 (Registered Electricians) A+ Electrical repairs & installations + COC`s. 083 418 4700 Call Sid AL048959 011 849-0839 or 082 455-3160 CHEMDRY BOKSBURG BV020278 CARPET & UPH CLEANING ALL DRY IN 1 - 2 HOURS • Rugs (Persian/wool/all) APPLIANCE & • ScotchGuarding • Drapes/Blinds ELECTRICAL • Leather, Mattress • Flood restoration REPAIRS / 011 425 2556 SERVICES MA051646 O 25 Years Experience , 0105 BLINDS / CURTAINS ED FULLY REGISTERED & LICENS AB ELECTRICAL & ALL PLUMBING 0127 ELECTRICIANS JH034359 Deep clean carpets & L /suites. Free deo / spot. Owner supervision. We also do WINDOW & PREOCCUPATIONAL CLEANING ALTA 011 907 6674 082 920 5877 Installation of surge protection devices Generator installations Same day COC`s All electrical work Deon 082 847 7976 011 420 0216 AAA METRO CARPET CLEANERS In loving memory of my husband, Toppie, Daddy, Pa and Grandpa. 15 years have passed. We stand without you by our sides but know you watching from way up high. Sadly missed. ELECTRICAL SERVICES BV020358 ZW011152 BRITZ MARNIE 30/05/2001 ALL AA B R A APPLIANCES + GATE MOTOR REPAIRS 5 Standard Rooms from R380. Lounge suite from R210. Mattress R195. Home valet. 1 free loose carpet. Basil 084 420 9352 0055 IN MEMORIAM Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 MA052053 ... MA050860 Friday, July 22, 2016 MA037006 14 Friday 10:00 2 Fri 10:00 Southern Thursday Wed 15h00 Fri 15h00 Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 TREE FELLING, PRUNING, GARDEN CLEAN-UPS, SITE CLEARING, RUBBISH REMOVAL MA051835 Prices from R200. Why pay more for less. Call 079 715 1416 / DEXTRAD RUBBLE 078 994 5776 REMOVAL ZH075887 Garden to building rubble BE000827 removal. HANDYMAN 24/7 Willie 084 5288 633 ALL COMPOST and garden soil, lawn dressing. TEL 917-0493 VIEWPOINT FARMING BV020557 All plumbing, steel work, all electrical, building & renovations ORGANIC COMPOST LAWN DRESSING / GARDEN SOIL / LAWN. PHONE 082 875 9507 011-965-1777, 011 963 084 716 0083 BH001010 3439 RIPPLE CREEK NURSERY HANDYMAN MA051816 NEED MAINTENANCE DONE For all your maintenance req: • Building alterations • Electrical • Plumbing • Roofs • Ceiling, etc Call Attwoud Maintenance At 072 552 3578 A-Z TREE FELLING THE PROFESSIONALS!! ZW010848 0137 ROOFING ZW010675 0154 GARDENING / RUBBLE REMOVALS A GARDEN SERVICE TREE FELLING CLEAN UPS Free quotation, quality service. LYDIA 083 365 2514 FRED 082 782 4703 011 896 5585 ELECTRONIC LEAK DETECTION 082 269 6808 JH034536 A BLOCKED DRAIN?! Call A PROUD PLUMBER (PTY) LTD for Drain Cleaning & Plumbing. Blocked drains from R200.00 T & C`s Apply. ACHEE TREE FELLING For Cheaper and expert service Tree cutting, stump uprooting, branch pruning, rubble removal Fully insured. 0181 REPAIRS A BARGAIN 4 PLUMBING Burst Geysers, Pipes Leaking Valves All Toilets & Taps Cards No Hot Water ? Blocked drains Welcome BENNIE 083 417 8155 082 553 3384 EASTRANDROOFING (EST 1982) • Waterproofing • Roof spray • Carports Tel:082 855 0813 Insurance approved RN104887 YOU`LL NEVER USE ANYONE ELSE !!! We cut & remove any tree. Trimming. SUPERVISION. Fully insured. BLUE REFRIGERATORS AND APPLIANCE REPAIRS Aircons, fridges, washing machines & driers, micro waves, stove, geysers, T.V. FREE QUOTE Call Mike 082 082 6889 7 days a week 072 112 9402 / 0861 000 052 ZW011210 ARTHUR`S PLUMBERS 35 YEARS EXP. Solar Geysers, Heat pumps, unblocking of BH001025 Drains, leak detection, All plumbing. H&C TREEFELLING Call Arthur 082 4499 484 PROJECTS 011 849 1134 JL025868 Treefelling, De-stumping ZW010800 25 + years exp. Fully AFFORDABLE RUBBLE DRAIN KING.CO.ZA insured REMOVALS & FILLING All drains unblocked from All hours Any kind of rubble & soil. R350 24/7. All plumbing. Chris 082 716 5774 8Ton/5m tipper. We load Contact Adrian Owner supervision 395-4751 or 082-565-1391 072-150-7709. MA051809 FREE QUOTES 071 994 8485 ZW010898 A ABSOLUTE ABLE SERVICE @ DE JAGER REFRIGERATION Repairs to all Fridges, Freezers, Aircons. On site. 20+ yrs exp. 083 310 5236 011 915 5433 0220 COMPUTER REPAIRS / INSTALLATIONS A - A COMPUTERS Repair, Sales, Networks, Web design/hosting. No YV003879 Call out fee. We come to you. 082 430 6040 COMPUTERS AND INSTALLATIONS 8 Yrs exp, with PC repairs / upgrades & sales as well as PC tutoring. Call Nishanya 083 305 3507 ZW011180 Bertus 084 713 8971 3825 Fridges, W/machines, Hester 061 939BV020415 D/washers, Aircons, Stoves, etc. NO POOLS & PUMPS CALL-OUT FEE! For a trouble free pool. James 24/7 Tel Darryl 011 425-3403 or 083 527 5695 082 416- 8063 BV020291 011 039 3206 BC002017 A B C MINI MAXI Local & long dist. / storage. 917-3823, fax 086 639 8456, Linda 083 620-2454 abcmovers, Packing of boxes Who would like to be trained as Trauma counsellors to work within our affiliate network. BV020327 Email: applications For More Info A BEST MOVE/STORAGE BY BE000832 L.D.MOVERS Closed Trucks. 011-744-4464 L.D.Movers 0268 PEST CONTROL BV020307 A/F-ONE FURNITURE ALL AREAS. CRITTER Closed trucks. Supervision. RIDDERS PEST 011 902 7174 Deon: CONTROL 011 979 5051/073 288 3205 082 727 8806 MC029052, BV020272 PEST CONTROL SERVICES ZW010906 Work guaranteed MA052032 pensioners Discount Fridges, Coolrooms, CLEAR Tv`s W/Machines, T COLOURFUL /Dryers, Stoves, POOLS Microwaves, Geysers 24/7 No call out fee - New Pools Tom - Renovations 079 348 1074 - Maintenance 076 882 6103 BV020563 - Repairs - Pumps, Filters ABACON - Jacuzzi`s APPLIANCE REPAIRS BV020305 WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE JL025899 AQUA DAZZLE EST 15YEARS BV020558 Weekly Maintenance, Pumps & Filters, Solar Chlorinators, Pool ABOUT APPLIANCE Heating, repairs, Koi Ponds & REPAIRS ON THE Jacuzzis SPOT (011) 849 0118 083 6122 692 15 A. Affordable. B.Blankets C.Closed trucks. P&P Removals 011-744-3073, email: BV020121 CONTACT RONEL 084 518 4333 DEBBE 082 990 6300 0172 POOLS ... 0288 REMOVALS & STORAGE ALL DIVORCES CAWOOD ATTORNEYS Effective and affordable service. Riaan 073-420-6040 DAYCARE FOR BABIES AND TODDLERS KE003213 A+ PLUMBING Water Leaks, Blocked Drains, Faulty Geysers, Bathroom Remodelling Gerhard 072 625 5062 0264 PERSONAL SERVICES 0216 CHILD CARE Darren 060 674 2040 ZW010976 0155 TREE FELLING 0200 SERVICES Fridges, w/machines, t/dryers, d/washers, stoves, m/waves, TV`s. No call out. Work guaranteed. A + PLUMBER CROWN PLUMBING • All work done by Owner. Brett 079 847 3974 BV020315 SERVICES • We do it all • All areas Eric : 072 521 9128 A K APPLIANCES & ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 0163 PLUMBERS MA051471 GLAM KITCHENS • Kitchen cupboards • Built in cupboards • Study cabinets and workstations Tel: Chris 083 298 2335 Friday, July 22, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... 0224 DRIVING SCHOOLS ALL-WAYS Removals, The rain is here. Closed trucks, packing blankets, reasonable prices. Tel 011-744- 3737/8. allwaysremovals1 PEST A TERMITE CC Pest control & termites Specialists BV020308 We Move You 086-100-0893 24/7 082-574-5455 082 576 7314 ZW010891 ALCO DRIVING SCHOOL GPG approved instructor, Dual control. Code 08. Learners/ Drivers. Pick up & Drop off. Arnold 083-380-2182 BV020552 AA SPEEDY Free Learners Gauranteed pass. Brush up Code 8 R1500.00. Code 10 R1750.00 CALL 079 887 4442 JL026161 ACT NOW!! AROUND THE BLOCK Man/Auto 08. www.aroundt Hein 072658-7853 SMS Drive 0280 PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS DIVORCE ATTORNEY Fast professional divorces, including Pension Fund Collections on divorce matters. No cash required if there is a Pension Fund.Don`t delay, contact us now! Heine Bezuidenhout Attorneys Inc. Tel: 011 918-9493 Movers Are You Moving?? Gauteng`s Favourite Local Movers. 4 Ton Truck, Driver & 2 Loaders R1800. 8 Ton Truck, Driver & 4 Loaders R3200. Closed Trucks. Mon to Sun. www.justtrucking. Call 076 418 6244 When You Move With Us It`s Almost Fun! RN104899 MIDDLE ROAD SELF STORAGE For All Your Storage Requirements 69 Middle Rd, Bartlett 082 885 1331 BV020553 RN104900 ZW010908 BV020587 ASK Experts TRAINING PROVIDER! CIALS EAR SPE MID Y July / A W FOR: BOOK NO ugust! 2016 AID FIRST DON’T HESITATE ARE AR RE Y YOU OU 100% RQO\ U, 1 &/9$7 T: 011 978 7128 C: 073 875 4291 COMPLIANT! legals notices vacancies for sale Jaco Swart 071 676 2262 Supplier of: GLASS GAS HOBBS & GAS GEYSERS Contact Jan 011 913 0567 / 0357 083 218 2369 RN104778 LKG KOI & AQUARIUMS We specialize in koi ponds: • Weekly maintenance • Pumps, filters, Uv Lights etc • Repair & construct new ponds 011 918 4461 • 083 381 1129 646 Trichardt rd,Beyers Park, Boksburg Willem 074 583 8479 225 Leeuwpoort Street, BOKSBURG For personal or corporate advertising call 011-916-5301 Fssc interiors & floors Fsc ors L IVE THE LIFESTYLE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Generators Solar power UPS systems Electrical compliance certificates CALL US NOW 011 450 0400 BULKHEADS-CEALINGS-CORNICES FEATURE WALLS-TV ENCLOSURE SKIRTINGS-PAINTING LIGHTING-LAMINATED FLOORING AFFORDABLE KITCHENS & BIC’s FOR AFFORDABLE LIFESTYLE SHABEER 0792688600 wanted services vehicles property to let found Classifiedads JL026130 CRAZY PRICE OFFER! TETA ACCREDITED Explora Upgrades New installations Problem solving Technical issues CCTV Repairs/ Installations Credit & Debit cards accepted LP Gas, Electrical & Plumbing All building alterations and renovations Painting, Ceilings, Tiling ZW011202 Accredited installers, Cameras, Gate Motors Razor wire. New & upgrades for COC on fences. 24/7 Christo 082 672 1625 LA053908 PULSE ELECTRIC FENCING GASEAGLES FN INVESTMENT T/A FN BUILDERS ZW010837 10% DISCOUNT DSTV & HOME THEATRE JL024565 PRESENT THIS COUPON TO QUALIFY FOR MA051569 We’ve got you covered. BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Various Units available ZH075932 Call 011 743 9950 / 083 856 2607 A/H MA051818 OOM HANS TREK MOVERS SINCE 1950 Local movers Regular trips to South Coast, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North-west, & Freestate. Tel 011-811-5088 Fax 086-684-2092 hanstrekmovers RIVERDALE TECH Repairs, Installations, Gate, Garage motors, Garage door. Electric Fence, CCTV, Intercoms, Access control. Tel: 083 940 0016 BV020573 0296 TUITION / EDUCATION COMPUTER COURSES Short courses from R600: Basic computers, Word, Excel, P/Point, Outlook, PASTEL ACC. Call 011 425 1090 AT LAST! Cash on the spot! For All your goods, fridges, furniture, tools, etc. We collect. Christine 082 855 1123. Marta 011 974 0371 082 492 8503 0407 ACCOMMODATION TO SHARE / ROOMS TO LET ZH075734 0421 FACTORIES / INDUSTRIAL / WORKSHOPS Security Shop RN100585 Tel: 011 823-3663 011 894-3400 WORKSHOP TO LET ANDERBOLT Meranti garage doors From R8500.00p.m Letitia 011 918 8131 4 channel CCTV full kit From R3499 From R3 799 WHOLESALE Gate Motors, Garage Doors & Motors, Electric Fencing, Cameras, Alarms 136 Rietfontein Rd Boksburg ZH075956 0342 JEWELLERY $Instant cash 4 unwanted /Broken Gold/Diamond Jewellery,Gold Coins,Do travel$ 072-027-9955 (24/7) MC029054 0396 WANTED TO BUY A BARGAIN AT GROOVIE BARGAIN PAWN SHOP 4000 square meter of stock available. We pawn, buy & sell anything even car`s, boats & Property`s. Best prices paid. We collect. Tel: 011 827-7017 Adress: 21 & 22 Voortrekker Street, Elsburg. Est. 1972 REMEMBER JESUS LOVES YOU. ZH075589 RN104888 While waiting for PENSION / PACKAGE Payout (lumpsum only) 0442 GARDEN FLATS / COTTAGES TEL 011 394-6937 NCR accredited 327 MA051703 LOANS 1000 - 200 000 Training Offered in Freight Forwarding, Customs Compliance, Shipping, Supply Chain & Logistics, Dangerous Goods Regulations and Computer Literacy Sms Name / ID All welcome 011 744 5017 073 406 5053 0484 TOWNHOUSES /SIMPLEXES /CLUSTERS /DUPLEXES BC002089 PRIVATE BONDS For home owners 082 455 5865 NCR 7385 MA052049 Tel: 011 970 1143 0805 BUSINESS GC-HOLDINGS IS N SUKSESVOLLE MAATSKAPPY MET TAKKE REGOOR SUID AFRIKA Office Admin Diploma Course BOKSBURG LIBRADENE KEMPTON PARK Rooms & studios in convenient areas. From R2 000pm. 082-900-4094 0292 SECURITY Call or WhatsApp 082 550 1660 BRIDGING CASH 0449 HOUSES RN104672 MA051825 For well established Gentleman`s club with large regular clientele base. Motivated to earn thousands daily. Flexi shifts!!. Transp/ Accomm. provided. 060 906 3742 ZH075952 0299 UPHOLSTERY Self Storage ELEGANT CLASSY LADIES REQUIRED Terms & & Condions Condions Apply Apply Terms 011 432 7035 CONTACT MADELEEN 082 324 8333 OR WILLEM 083 377 2137 BEST ZH075951 For good furniture, fridges and other household goods. FARRAR PARK We collect GARDEN COTTAGE Unitas 011 825-2216 079 576 7726 ZH075591 R3 500 p.m. Avail immed. No kids/pets. Secure parking . MIKE 082 8211 584 BV020303 Secure lock-up garages (Close to Hyperama) Edenvale BV020527 BOKSBURG CENTRAL 1 Bedr flat R3105p.m excl ZH075960 w/l. Close to transport & shops. PRICES PAID Clinton 083-766-2254 IMPROVE GRADES Individualized, assistance in all subjects. Grade 1-12. Northmead Educational Centre - Est 1982 ZW010883 011 849 8034 or 083 975 6043 RUBINS UPHOLSTERERS Recovering of lounge suites, cushions, etc, car seats, truck seats, tunney covers and rubberise bakkie linings, etc. TEL 011 811-3777 083 250-3230 Contact Laurel 083 870 2599 Pawn Your Car & Still Drive It! MA051640 MINI MAX REMOVALS & STORAGE 10 % DISCOUNT Office & Household. Closed 5, 8 & 10 ton Trucks. Tel (011) 425-6951 Fax (011) 849-3558 Free quotes ABUNDANCE OF CASH IN YOUR POCKET OOSTHUIZEN TRADERS We Pawn We buy We pay the best prices for quality furniture, tools, electrical appliances, jewellery, TV Sets etc. 011 970 1008 011 970 1029 Spacious 1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen/lounge. Top floor unit on large yard with swimming pool. R4000pm; w/l excluded. 0820 GENERAL BV017514 0428 FLATS Very spacious house to rent, in a secure access controlled village on a 1800sqm stand landscaped garden with pool. Available 1 September 2016. R12000p.m. R12000 deposit. Newly painted. Offers large spacious lounge and diningroom. Large kitchen with wooden cupboards and breakfast counter and offset scullery. 3 Spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, main en- suite all with BIC an additional 4th bedroom that can be used as a study. Separate laundry and servant quarters with bathroom and toilet. Double garage with additional undercover parking for 4/6 cars. Pre-paid electricity. To view phone Chris 076 097 0151 JL026132 BOKSBURG LAKE 2 Bedr flat in secure complex with lock up garage. W/L incl R4200 p.m . Dep required Call Mr Grey 083 3782 380 MA051885 FLATS/ROOMS/SHOPS TO LET 011 825-6182 011 825-6633 ZH075945 We buy + pawn CARS + bakkies. Best prices paid. Incl accident damaged cars. Gavin 083 708 6050 ZH075957 CLEARWATER ESTATE ATLAS ROAD 2 bed upstairs townhouse, 2 baths, R4900 p.m. excl W/L. Occ 1st Aug. Sheila 082 221 2657 A BAKKIE / CAR WANTED FOR CASH Naas 074 027 3235 Sharon 076 125 3235 BV020566 SKOON motors/ bakkies gesoek. Kobus 082 461 7198 ZW011219 ZH075581 EVERLEIGH 2 Bed townhouse. R4500 p.m. Avail immed. Call 082 889 2422 011 917 4351 ZW011183 WE ARE BUYING BAKKIES Old models up to 2004. Tel 011 740-6399 JL025850 For personal or corporate ZH075947 BOKSBURG NORTH 2 Bed semi. R4700. Avail 1 Aug. Call 082 889 2422 011 917 4351 0463 OFFICES / SHOPS / BUSINESS PREMISES ALRODE SOUTH (011) 622 5158 A ABOVE AVERAGE DEAL ZW011184 BOKSBURG Flat Available. 2 Br, Garage, own water, prepaid elec. R3500.00pm. CONTACT MAGDA 011 917 3030 1 Aug - 9 Sep 0786 WANTED advertising 0650 LOANS / INVESTMENTS PALMGOLD SHOPPING CENTRE TO LET BUTCHERY/ CLINIC/ MEDICAL SUITES/ OFFICE & SHOPS Situated between Thokoza & Brackenhurst Cnr old Bosworth & Evans Street Albert 083 458 5145 Tel 011 397 3187 or 011 397 8893 A CASH LOAN On your car, truck, laptop, gold jewellery, fixed deposit, etc 011 422 6354 072 847 0978 NCRCP 1799 call 011-916-5301 SECRETARIAL An accounting firm person who can do front desk, register companies and general tax knowledge. Please send your CV to jockz345 Poste beskikbaar in die volgende afdelings • Eiendomme • Forex • Ouditeurswese en Regte • Krag Hernuwings Tegnologie. Ons benodig: • Konsultante • Junior bestuurder • Senior bestuurder Volledige opleiding word verskaf tot en met bestuursvlak Geen ondervinding benodig Matriek n vereiste ±R240 K pa + Produksie Voordele RN104857 OFFICE ADMIN & DATA CAPTURING ASSISTANT Requirements: • Excellent command of English. •Must be figure/stats orientated. • Advanced MS Excel skills. • Reliable, conscientious, attention to detail & speed. • Strong administration and organizational abilities. • Ability to multitask. • Previous office experience. • Own vehicle and driver`s license (non-negotiable) Email CV to tarynintro Salary dependent on experience. Stuur CV aan na: hr BV020604 JUNIOR POSITION GIRL FRIDAY Must have Grade 12 & be computer literate. Must have good command and telephone manner. General admin, filing, typing. Salary negotiable R4,500R6,000/month Fax 1 page CV to 086 518 9038 JL026103 RN104828 ROAD ACCIDENT FUND CLAIMS PADONGELUKFONDSEISE MEDIESE NALATIGE EISE MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE CLAIMS Motorongelukke. Vehicle accidents. Ernstige beserings opgedoen of dood. Serious injuries or death. Hospitaal / Dokters behandeling wat liggaamlike skade / beserings / nagevolge veroorsaak het. Hospital / Doctors treatment caused bodily harm / injuries / consequences thereof. ADELE 083 233 9454 MONICA 072 262 3391 (Phone only for Road Accident Fund claims) (Skakel net vir Padongelukfondseise) (Phone only for Medical Negligence claims) (Skakel net vir Mediese Nalatigheidseise) JL023349 m7aug/road/cdb ZH075592 RN092219 133B Springs Road, Close to Carnival City * Affordable Storage Rates * 24 Hour Armed Security * CCTV Surveillance * Access Control We buy, sell & pawn. BOKSBURG MAIN STREET: LEEUWPOORT Furnished, Lockable. Peaceful gardens. R 3,800 Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Bv020572 SELF STORAGE? OFFICES TO LET IMPALA PARK JL017852 Why pay more for ABOUT THE BEST DEAL PLEASE PHONE PHILLIPS PAWNSHOP At (011) 917-4118 Cell: 073-139-7575 JL026138 ... MA049976 Friday, July 22, 2016 JL025883 16 ... * *A W PP 19 - 25 people needed Locally based company is expanding • No exp necessary • Must be able to start immed. • Company training provided • App set by Co RN104907 0850 Professional UFBDIFST/// ...DO YOU WANT TO EARN EXTRA MONEY? ...AND HAVE A PASSION FOR CHILDREN? E-X-P-A-N-D-I-N-G A Dynamic Company that has branches Countrywide is looking to groom 8-10 Young, vibrant & goal orientated Individuals to become successful in sales & marketing. Market one of the fastest growing brands in Southern Africa • No Previous experience necessary • Full Training Provided. • R12 000 + commission. TO JOIN A WINNING TEAM TODAY CALL KAYLA 011 022 7001/2 ZW011220 SALES REP REQUIRED We need the following teachers:- Must have sales Experience in the Waste and Equipment Hire Industry. Start Immediately Salary Negotiable: Interested Candidates RN104895 Intermediate Phase Maths & English Teachers Please send your CV to Contact Gwen on 011 892 5597 0835 MEDICAL DENTAL ASSISTANT REQUIRED FOR PRACTICE SUNWARD PARK To start asap. Must be registered with HPCSA and a non-smoker. To apply fax CV to: 011 913 2024 BV020596 0825 HAIRDRESSING & BEAUTY Hairdressing Operators Required 0855 SALES / MARKETING MARKETING POSITION Position for young male or female person with some work experience preferably in sales or marketing. Must be computer literate with some knowledge of programmes such as PowerPoint, CorelDraw etc. Position involves daily activities such as marketing calls, compiling client data bases, drafting newsletters and posters. Contact Lee Ann on 011 849 1592 A TRANSPORT COMPANY IN ELANDSFONTEIN REQUIRES A WELDING ASSISTANT WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: Requirements: • Qualifications in welding and manufacturing • Attention to detail • Min 5 years experience • Pro-active! • Literate (Read, write and speak)! • Own transport, to and from place of work! Please fax or email CV to: or 086 559 5120 BV020551 A TRANSPORT COMPANY IN ELANDSFONTEIN REQUIRES AN BOILERMAKER WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: Requirements: E-mail your C.V to • Qualifications in welding and JL026082 manufacturing • Attention to detail • Min 5 years 0875 experience TRADE • Pro-active! • Literate (Read, write and speak)! INDUSTRIAL • Own transport, to GEARBOX and from place of TECHNICIAN work! Perm. Position Min. 10 years` experience. Olifantsfontein trade papers. Field service experience an advantage. Salary neg. on experience. Company based on East Rand. Fax CV & trade papers to 086 669 1706 RN104905 17 NOMSA seeks full time domestic work, sleep in/out, child care + refs avail. 076 507 1944 TS011102 PRECIOUS seeks full time domestic work, sleep in/out. 072 142 8818. TS011118 ROSINAH seeks full time domestic work, sleep out, refs available. 071 082 1344. ZW011205 VERONICA Seeks work as a caregiver, anywhere. Will provide excellent service. Caregiving certificate. Prepared to work weekends & night shifts. Call 073 276 1324 SEITHATI seeks full time domestic work, Mon - Fri, sleep in/out, child care. 071 723 2488. TS011121 0950 Legal Notices SHARON seeks part/full time domestic work, sleep out. RN104822 061 951 7103. 0895 DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT WANTED ALICE seeks part/full time domestic work, Mon - fri, sleep out, refs avail. 074 904 3167 TS011115 SYLVIA seeks full time domestic work, Mon - Fri, sleep out, child care + refs avail. 073 822 1242. TS011108 THEMBISILE seeks part/full time domestic work, sleep out, cooking, child care + refs avail. 073 682 1866 TS011107 RN104908 ANNA seeks part time work on Mon, Wed & Fri sleep out work has refs. Tel: 078 439 4246 TRYPHINA seeks full time domestic work, Mon - Fri, sleep out. 060 795 5447. TS011119 NOTICE TO PUBLIC It should be noted that Mr Wahed Abed Rasool intends on making an application to the Commissioner of CIPC, for the re-instatement of Naledi Rail Projects Registration Number: 2009/113989/23 It should further be noted that any objection to the application must be filed with the Commissioner of CIPC within twenty one (21) days of the date of the publication hereof. JL026084 TS011106 0980 ADULT CHARITY seeks full time domestic work, sleep out. 061 778 7368. VIRGINIA seeks full/part time work, sleep in/out. TS011122 073 072 5873 MA052055 CHRISTINA Req. full/part time domestic work, sleep out, Cooking. Child care, 073 706 AS PART OF OUR 7331 JL026111 CINDY seeks part time domestic work, Mon, Wed, Fri, sleep out, child care + refs avail. 073 770 4062. TS011116 DOMESTIC NEEDS Extra work for 3 days per week, Tues, Wed, Fri. Call employer Mrs De Bruyn 084 503 7053 ZW011141 DOROTHY seeks full time domestic work, sleep in/out, child care + refs. 078 734 7340. TS011104 ELISA seeks full time domestic work, Mon - Sat, sleep in, cooking, child care + refs. Afrikaans ONLY. 076 176 4495 TS011117 EMILY seeks part/full time work, Mon - Fri, sleep in/out, cooking, child care + refs. 083 751 0628 TS011109 GLORIA seeks part/full time domestic work, sleep in/out, child care. 064 161 6981. TS011110 Please fax or email CV to: or 086 559 5120 MARY seeks full time domestic work, sleep in, child care + refs avail. 074 700 3151 EXHAUST FITTER REQUIRED MERCY seeks part time domestic work, Mon, Wed, Fri, sleep in /out, refs avail. 084 720 0286. BBBEE SOCIAL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE We offer a discount for domestic works wanting to place advertising in our domestic employment wanted column. CAXTON THEN APPLY at the Kip McGrath Education centre to offer extra remedial lessons for 2016! COLLEN seeks management /supervisor work, supervisory management Diploma avail. 11 yrs exp refs avail. Call 078 232 0331 ... TS011098 • R12 000 to start + bonuses + incentives MUST HAVE YOUR OWN CAR! Call 011 894 3618 or sms name, area and age to 073 043 3905 ZW011223 Fax full CV to (011) 845-2832 or send per e-mail to High School Maths Teachers 0893 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT WANTED NO Benoni Attorneys require additional junior and senior female legal litigation secretaries in the age group below 40 with all of the following i.e. good computer literacy, all round communication and performance skills to attend to litigation collections. Recent legal litigation collection experience will be an advantage. Attractive incentivised remuneration for senior position. To commence duties A.S.A.P. LY 0828 Legal LEGAL LITIGATION SECRETARIES Friday, July 22, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Normal price: R143.60 We charge them R76.00 CAXTON Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 0981 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 0899 DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE DOMESTIC EMPLOYERS Scared of the CCMA? Free disciplinary hearing in the SENSATIONAL comfort of your home. MASSAGES & MUCH CCMA representation by MORE!!! experienced officials at NO 073 951 2909 extra cost. Insurance Up to 3 months salary against ZH075949 CCMA unfair dismissal award. From as little as R30 per month. To Boksburg Area Special. Advertise Call: 011-916-5301 SMS or Whatsapp your details to 082 780 1478 RN104859 Herbal Revival SA003174 MAMA ZULU & BABA KHUMALO Specialist in : * Marriage problems * Bring back lost lover * Financial problems * Magic wallet * Win court cases * Manhood problems * Pregnancy problems * Magic ring 079 023 0903 PAY AFTER JOB IS DONE ACTONVILLE RN104874 BV020550 TS011105 Must have experience in exhausts, roll bars, towbars, shocks etc. No chancers. FAX CV TO 087 942 8700 MIRRIAM seeks full time domestic work, Mon - Fri, sleep out, refs avail. 083 966 1361. TS011111 NCUMISA seeks part time domestic work, Mon, Wed, Fri, sleep out, refs avail. 076 863 5375 RN104865 TS011099 0910 Auctions PROPERTY AUCTION 8 Cason Road, Boksburg North 10 Flats & Retail Block Fixer upper with huge potential! ZW011168 SALES REPS Contact 011 896 5360 NAIL TECHNICIAN CINDERELLA Looking for Hairdresser, Barber and Beautician to rent a chair ASAP 083 592 0278 BV020605 Looking for financially driven individuals who are self motivated & target orientated to call on and sell fast moving products to Retail Stores. Travelling required daily, must be able to do country trips & stay in hotels. Well paid position that offers a good commission structure & use of a company vehicle whilst on duty. Hand delivered CVS will only be accepted. - Unit B8, Prospur Business Park, 10 Oscar Road, Hughes, Boksburg ZW011165 ON-SITE: WED 27 JULY @ 11am R50, R50,000 (EFT). Fica required. 21.4% payable at the fall of the hammer. View: By appointment only Peter: 083 226 7960 WH Auctioneers Properties (Pty) Ltd Offices: 011 574 5700 w JH035240 RN104858 Salon based in Boksburg 18 Friday, July 22, 2016 SPORT | ... Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 GE Tennis concludes Winter League T Cobus Otto from the Atlasville Tennis Club. he Gauteng East Tennis Association recently completed its 2016 annual Winter League with a finals family fun day at the Gauteng East Tennis Centre in Benoni. The league is open to all affiliated tennis clubs throughout Gauteng East and were held every weekend from May 14 to June 18. The league is clearly a firm favourite on the tennis calendar and is growing every year. With over 230 players participating this year, numbers are well up on the previous year. This year two new divisions were added: a smaller mixed division (two men and two ladies) and a Super Seniors’ division for 50 years and older. “We are working hard at encouraging all tennis clubs and players to participate and together we can grow this league into the biggest in the region,” said the league organiser and chairman of Gauteng East Seniors Tennis, Owen O’Neill. “The generous sponsorship by Schalekamp Group Holdings also added a great incentive to clubs as winners in all eigh eight divisions won R1 000 for thei their clubs and runners-up R500. It was great to see corporates inves invest in the sport. “Also encouraging was to have development clubs p participate this year from Voslo Vosloorus and to see clubs that had di disappeared off the radar come back into the fold. “The whole league was played in great spirit and sp sportsmanship and all clubs should be commended.” GE Seniors will ho hold a Summer League later in the year and also hope to hos host a Gauteng East Closed tournam tournament for both juniors and seniors in August. All provincial clubs will be advised of dates once finalised. Final results: Saturday Mixed P Premier A League 1. Parkrand Tenni Tennis Complex A 2. Selection Park T Tennis Club A 3. Atlasville Tenni Tennis Club A 4. Modderfontein Tennis Club A 5. Atlasville Tenni Tennis Club B Saturday Mixed P Premier B League 1. Selection Park T Tennis Club B 2. Atlasville Tenni Tennis Club C 3. Sunward Park T Tennis Club 4. Modderfontein Tennis Club B Saturday Mixed G Gold League 1. Alberhart Tenni Tennis Club 2. Meyerton Park Tennis Club 3. Italian Tennis C Club 4 4. Witfield Witfield Tennis Club 5. Vosloorus Tennis Club B 6. Vosloorus Tennis Club A Saturday Men's Platinum A League 1. Albehart Tennis Club 2. Witfield Tennis Club A 3. Atlasville Tennis Club 4. Parkrand Tennis Complex A 5. Tennis Lab A - Kempton Park 6. Bracken Tennis Club Saturday Men's Platinum B League 1. Witfiled Tennis Club B 2. Parkrand Tennis Complex B 3. Selection Park Tennis Club 4. Tennis Lab B - Kempton Park 5. Bracken Tennis Club B Sunday Men's Premier A League 1. Northmead Tennis Club A 2. Atlasville Tennis Club A 3. Sunward Park Tennis Club A 4. River Ridge Tennis Club A 5. Selection Park Tennis Club A 6. River Ridge Tennis Club B 7. Modderfontein Tennis Club A 8. Northmead Tennis Club B Sunday Men's Premier B League 1. Parkrand Tennis Complex 2. Selection Park Tennis Club B 3. Benoni Country Club 4. Atlasville Tennis Club B 5. Atlasville Tennis Club C 6. Sunward Park Tennis Club B 7. Modderfontein Tennis Club B 8. River Ridge Tennis Club C 9. River Ridge Tennis Club D Sunday Super Seniors League 1. Italian Tennis Club 2. Witfield Tennis Club - @SabeloBoksburg The Boksburg North SAPS football team were crowned winners of the Gauteng SAPS Top 8 Tournament played on June 29. They beat Eden Park 5-2 in the final. The team also reeled in the following accolades: Most Improved Team; Goalkeeper of the Tournament (John Boya); Forward of the Tournament (Rodney Makoetia) and Midfielder of the Tournament (Elvis Radingwane). Photographer: Captain Juanita Coetzer. Italian Club plays host to provincial raga bolo tournament The East Rand Italian Club recently welcomed multiple indoor footballing teams for the provincial stage of the Smirnoff Raga Bolo Tournament. The day saw four teams, namely Leratos Place, Moss Jazz Café, Brunos Liquor Store and Nkadimeng General Dealer advance to the finals which took place at the Wanderers Stadium on Saturday. Raga bolo is a five-a-side street soccer championship played by predominantly tavern teams around the country. With roads as the pitches and streetlights as the stadium, it’s the sporting tournament of the year for local communities nationwide. Raga Bolo Championships is represented by four Smirnoff Kings, who are all South African football legends, namely former Orlando Pirates midfielders, Thabo Mngomeni and Benedict Vilakazi; and former Kaizer Chiefs stars, Pollen Ndlanya and Stanton Fredericks. Asked for his thoughts on the tournament, Smirnoff marketing manager Kyle Lesch said: “With Smirnoff’s inclusivity as a brand and soccer being the biggest sport in the globe, we know how massive soccer is to people and knew that this initiative would be a great way to bring people together.” Smirnoff King Ndlanya, who grew up in Ekurhuleni, commented: “Tournaments like this can help aspiring young footballers in many ways. Let me use myself as an example: I also started from street soccer like raga bolo. That’s where we all started before I realised my dream of playing for Kaizer Chiefs. “It (raga bolo) helps in developing your skill set because it’s all about showcasing your skills. Our football in South Africa has become boring, it needs these kind of skills,” explained the former striker. Ndlanya added that his involvement in raga bolo is his way of giving back to the people of South Africa, and particularly the community of Ekurhuleni, who supported him before and throughout his footballing career and made him what he is today: one of the country’s footballing icons. Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... Friday, July 22, 2016 SPORT | ... 19 Eduardo Cassonga proved to be a thorn in the Zwide defence throughout the game. Blues, Zwide settle for sharing spoils Z wide held the Boksburg Football Club to a 1-all draw in an ELFA Super League encounter played at the Boksburg City Stadium on Saturday, July 9. Following a rather lacklustre lengthy period in the first half which was void of clear-cut chances from either side, the visitors struck a blow with a goal just before the half-time whistle to take the slender lead into the break. Blues forward Eduardo Cassonga equalised in the second to salvage a point for the local side. The result meant that the Blues remain winless in over a month but captain Tyler Fisch sees the outcome as a glass half-full rather than half-empty. “We’re improving week-by-week because as you might know, we’ve had a tough few past weeks. “We’ve got a couple of new faces in the side which has really helped; we’re a totally different team. “The result could’ve gone either way, I think it was a fair result,” added the skipper. Quizzed on what the side can do to change their recent misfortunes, Fisch placed playing as a unit as number one priority. “I think we need more time to gel as a team because we’re a new bunch this season. We’re still getting to know each other; we’ve got some really talented players and we just need to gel,” he said. - @SabeloBoksburg Champion Ness to take on Mthembu Seen here is the South African team under-23 soccer squad at the Birchwood Hotel, on July 13. The squad was making its way to Benoni for practice as they are preparing for the Rio Olympic Games starting in August in Brazil. • SHOCKS • TOW BARS • TAILPIPES • BULL BARS • EXHAUSTS • BATTERIES • BRAKE PADS • FREE FLOWS • TONNEAU COVERS • TRUCK EXHAUSTS • CAT REPLACEMENTS Derrick and Melanie Tel: 011 892-3502 Cell: 082 320 4286 email: M331112BU30 SA welterweight champion Shaun Ness will defend his title in a 12-round slobberknocker against Ayanda Mthembu at Golden Gloves’ Prospects at the Palace this Sunday (July 24) at Emperors Palace. The exciting card, which will see a junior middleweight clash between Sterling Shaw and John Bopane kick-start it from 2.30pm at the convention centre, will be preceded by a two-hour lunch session at the Palace’s galleria. In announcing the latest fight card for Prospects at the Palace, Golden Gloves has stuck true to its time-honoured template of putting together fights featuring young, hungry talent. Also featured on the card are Deejay Kriel and Joshua Studdard, who will be out to impress in their respective fights following recent losses. Kriel will raise the curtain for NessMthembu against Mthobisi Nkosi in their minimum flyweight clash while Studdard will face Morapedi Khotla. Upsets are standard at these events, too, so don’t discount the so-called B-siders, who invariably give their all with the aim of catching the eye of Golden Gloves boss Rodney Berman and his staff. Eight fights in total guarantee backto-back action featuring some of the best prospects in the local game. Full fight card: Main bout: Bout 8 – SA Welterweight Title over 12 rounds: Shaun Ness vs Ayanda Mthembu Bout 7 – Minimum Flyweight eight rounds: Deejay Kriel vs Mthobisi Nkosi Bout 6 – Welterweight six rounds: Thulani Mbenge vs Zenzile Mtanze Bout 5 – Bantamweight six rounds: Joshua Studdard vs Morapedi Khotle Bout 4 – Jnr Featherweight six rounds: Laduma Lamati vs Koos Matshiye Bout 3 – Jnr Lightweight four rounds: Lucky Mongebane vs Caiphis Thomas Bout 2 – Light-heavyweight four rounds: Chaz Wasserman vs Fiston Kabamba 20 Friday, July 22, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... Do you have a sport story? Contact Sabelo Mashego on 011 916 5394 or at for all your news, results or simply anything sporty! BOKSBURG FC HELD TO 1-1 DRAW AGAINST ZWIDE - PG 19 JONKER’S DRAMATIC TRY BREAKS UNITED’S HEART Sabelo Mashego B Boksburg flank Kyle Lewis was colossal in getting his side over the advantage line. oksbu Rugby Club fullback oksburg Jason Jonker dived over for a last-g last-gasp try to hand the Owls dramat 21-20 derby win over a dramatic East Ra Rand United on Saturday, July 9. The win also saw Boksburg comp complete a 2-0 whitewash over their foes this season as they also edged United 1912 in the two sides’ reverse fixt xture back in March. T The Owls also secured the bragging rights as the top team in town - at least for th this current Valke Peregrine ccampaign. Despite home ground advantage for the Owls, however, the Reiger Park outfit was tipped t as favourites coming into the titanic clash according to the form book. Their previous thr three results read WWL including a famous win against Vereeniging. The Owls’ readi reading was WLL, with their latest loss being one of the clubs’ worst in a very long time. True to its status, however, form had little to nothing to do with wit this one as the home side held its own against ag the free-scoring United. It was indeed Bok Boksburg who enjoyed the lion’s share of the p possession in the first stanza and they took full advantage as they enjoyed a slender 13 13-10 lead going into the half-time break. United came out q quicker out of the blocks in the second half b before rallying back. Fly-half Duane Brow Brown, who orchestrated play well throughout the match for his side, scored the first points of the half with a suc- cessful penalty to tie the game. The Owls’ first real chance of the half arrived moments after Brown’s kick: the home side was clear to score a try with pacey lock forward Willem Botes in pole position after benefiting from an overlap, but an old-fashioned, textbook low tackle by United scrum-half Clayton Gindan kept United in the game. The game then entered a heated phase as tempers flared. It all started when blockbusting United back, Jacky Jonkers, who took over the vacated left-wing position by Cameron Lentoor, who has returned home in Eastern Cape, received a potentially game-changing yellow card for cynical play. But then Boksburg were also reduced to 14 and then 13 men soon after. Dean Basson tackled Brown without the ball to get his sending off before teammate Adriaan van der Nest followed suit after silly play. It didn’t take long for United’s significant advantage to affect proceedings as the referee ran out of patience with the Owls’ desperate and illegal defence and handed United a penalty try which Brown easily converted, 20-13. PJ Beukes would soon trim United’s lead to four with a penalty and the encounter stayed at 20-16 for the rest of the game before the decisive moment. With play deep into United’s half and just time for one phase remaining, the Owls swiftly moved the ball from one end of the pitch to the other as a huge overlap was created before Jonkers added the finishing touch. Scorers: Boksburg Tries: Adriaan van der Nest, Jason Jonker. Conversions: PJ Beukes. Penalties: PJ Beaukes (3) United Tries: Dustin Losch, penalty try Conversions: Duane Brown (2) Penalties: Duane Brown (2) - @SabeloBoksburg Owls, United share thoughts on derby Sabelo Mashego Boksburg Owls coach Marcell Fourie: I thought it was a titanic battle with the forwards dominating each other. They dominated the scrums and we dominated the line-outs. Nothing was going through my mind when we were trailing before the end of the game, I actually enjoyed the game, there was action all the time – you couldn’t keep your eyes off it. I was very happy when we won to be honest; I thought that we had thrown it away. I was sitting with my friends and they told me that we had thrown it away but luckily, we turned things around. Anyone could’ve won that match. Owls skipper Travis Howell: It wasn’t the way we wanted it to go. We made a lot of mistakes but luck was on our side. I just tried to calm the guys down throughout the match because they tend to get out of hand and lose focus. Anything can happen in a rugby match, as you saw us winning it in the last second. It was very emotional for me, we’ve been working very hard to get to this stage and it was almost taken away from us in a matter of seconds. A lot of tears were shed by the team after the game, tears of joy and pride. ER United United tutor Derrick Sampson: My only concern of the game was I didn’t think we played to our potential. I also think they (the union) could’ve gotten a better ref. We dominated the scrums, we lost a few line-outs but there was just something not right about the match. This was a high profile match which needed a fitting ref. The penalties kept us backwards: it was penalty after penalty after penalty. This was the game that we got the most penalties against us; we didn’t even concede this amount of penalties against Brakpan. You can’t play rugby like that and the guys got a bit frustrated. United captain Fanie van Staden: I think it was a big derby. Credit to Boksburg for winning it but I think we were the better side, we dominated upfront. It was a very difficult game for the ref. I think the result would’ve been otherwise if it was a better ref but I don’t want to blame him because Boksburg were also playing under the same referee. We weren’t clinical enough. Well done to Boksburg. We got too many penalties against us in the first-half, we didn’t have ball but we conceded a ridiculous number of penalties. I was confused with their last try. Time was up and it was our ruck; the ref told Boksburg to get their hands out of the ruck but they carried on playing it. The ball was suddenly on their side and the next thing you know, it’s a try. It’s obviously heart-breaking because we work hard but congratulations to Boksburg.
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