BOKSBURG Advertiser w w w. b o k s bu r g a d ve r t i s e r. c o . z a Friday, August 5, 2016, • 20 Sydney Road, Ravenswood Tel: 011 916-5385, Fax: 011 918-6311 • COMMUNITY NEWS BUSINESS NEWS SPORT Boxing event packs a Dance sensation to Think out of the box feature in festival 2 to be successful 23 7 thrilling punch • FREE • In the market for a home? Catch Property Week Seen here during the Olympic Team SA parade in Reiger Park as part of their official send-off, is Shaun Anderson (left), who will be competing in archery at the Paralympics, and long-jumper Luvo Monyonga (right with the black cap). Story on back page. VIEW GALLERY & VIDEO SUFFER THE ANIMALS SPCA responds to more than 2000 cases of animal cruelty as revealed at society’s AGM - pg 3 CRAZY SALE!! BUY 1 GET 1 FREE B331202BL32 SWEATERS SWEAT TERS & JERSEYS T JER LOTS MORE INSTORE ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Dancing sensation goes for glory T hirteen times undefeated South African National Freestyle Dance Champion, Andrea Truter (pictured) from Boksburg will be among the cream of the country’s dance crop competing in the 2016 Battle of the Giants All Styles Dance Festival. This festival will be taking place at Carnival City for the first time from August 4 to 7. One of South Africa’s largest and most prestigious all style dance competitions, the Battle of the Giants All Styles Dance Festival is in its 26th year and has traditionally been held at Sun City. Truter, who dances with Boksburg-based dance company, Nikki Truter Dance Inspiration, is the South African Dance Champion of Champions for 2011 and 2012. Truter has also competed in the Disco World Championships in South Africa in 2012 and received a third place. In 2013 in Germany, she came sixth out of 127 dancers at the Disco World Championships and was the only South African to make a disco dance final. Last year, Truter just missed the final out of 134 dancers at the World Championships. Definitely a force to be reckoned with, Truter will be competing in the 19 and over championship freestyle and slow dance categories. She will also compete in the disco dance section and disco •Compost •Lawn Dressing •Top Soil FOLLOW 9LHZSRLQW )DUPLQJ Tel: 011 917-0493/4 US Twitter: @BoksburgNews facebook: Boksburg Advertiser WEB: freestyle section at the 2016 Battle of the Giants All Styles Dance Festival, hoping to claim her disco dance South African National Champion title for the sixth time. A dedicated dance performer, Truter has been dancing since the age of two and turned 21 in July 2016. Last year’s Battle of the Giants was wildly successful. Dancers performed in a sold-out SuperBowl at Sun City, to an audience of over 9 000 people over the course of three days. “We are really excited to provide the stage for this year’s Battle of the Giants,” said Matthew Cook, the events and entertainment manager at Carnival City. “We expect capacity crowds at the Big Top Arena and Mardi Gras to watch and support the country’s up-and-coming dancers.” The Battle of the Giants All Styles Dance Festival is an internationally recognised event organised and sanctioned by the South African Dance Teachers Association Stage Branch. Competitors will showcase their talents in a range of freestyle dance techniques, including hip-hop, popping, breakdance, freestyle, ballroom, Latin American, slow dance, show dance, jazz, modern, ballet and disco dance. The competition also includes a para-dance section where able and disabled dancers join together in a routine to compete in small groups and formations, so they too can go on to compete in a world championship. All dance entry enquiries must be directed to Bev Wood on 083 282 7734 or email A new generation of dancers are coming forward with a unique dance style all of their own. Dancers demonstrate complex body movements and amazing syncopated foot movements, wearing glamorous costumes in some of the categories. Athletes are judged on a demanding set of criteria, including timing and rhythm, body lines, movement, rhythmic interpretation, footwork and floor craft. Well-known judge, ‘Super Malcolm’ is joining the event this year from the UK and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this year’s event, and will be judging the hip-hop and street dance sections. The competition is open to dancers ranging from under-nines to over 35s, from beginners to amateur or rising star level to championships level. Individual dancers will have the opportunity to compete for titles and prizes in this year’s Battle of the Giants competition, which is also one of the qualifier events in the World Trial Circuit programme. Dancers can obtain points in order to be a South Africa representative in the International Dance Organisation (IDO) Championships in the style of show dance, hip-hop and disco dance, jazz, modern and ballet. The Battle of the Achievers competition is one of the special features of this event. Finalists from the most advanced sections in the 16-years-and-over age groups in hiphop and freestyle will battle it out in an effort to win this prestigious title. HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED? Or are you a dependant of a person killed in a motor car accident or have you been unfairly arrested? Have you been properly compensated? Is your claim dragging on? Are you a victim of medical negligence? Leon J.J. van Rensburg Major Personal Injury Attorney can assist you in getting proper compensation on a no win no fee basis. BOKSBURG Advertiser H335104BU32 Friday, August 5, 2016 V326763BE30 2 LIFE INSURANCE CLAIMS REPUDIATED? We have more than 30 years experience in assisting clients and a proven track record with excellent results including: • Head injury: R7 million + lifelong medical costs • Whiplash: R1.1 million • Loss of breadwinner: R4.5 million L327876GL32 011 873-0383 | FOR ALL ROAD ACCIDENT FUND CLAIMS FOLLOW US Twitter: @BoksburgNews facebook: Boksburg Advertiser WEB: GET CONNECTED! .LG=RQHQRZRSHQ EULQJRQWKHNLG] Sunday Services and Kidz Church at 8:30 & 10:30 25 Truter Street, Parkdene, Boksburg ## 011 917 9485 / Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Crime News Hijacked truck recovered The EMPD Community Liaison Unit members acted on information about suspicious activity taking place at a plot in Mapleton, Boksburg. The officers received information recently at 1.30pm that several people were in the process of off-loading goods from an articulated truck with two trailers at the plot. "When the metro police approached the plot in Diana Street about 10 people who were seen offloading 500g coffee tins ran away. "Upon investigating further, it emerged that about 24 of the pallets were missing. "Officers continued the search on the plot and found more coffee hidden inside several vehicles on the premises," said EMPD spokesman Lieut-Col Wilfred Kgasago. Kgasago said that although the Mercedes-Benz truck was recovered with some of its cargo, its 50-year-old driver was missing and didn't answer his cellphone when contacted. The goods were from a company in Alrode and were destined for Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. Kgasago added that a sophisticated eight-channel jammer was found inside the stolen and still-idling Mercedes-Benz truck. A case of theft of goods was opened at Dawn Park Police Station. Investigations are under way to bring to book those responsible for the crime. Robbers with toy gun arrested Two men were arrested after police found them in possession of a toy gun. It is believed that the men used the toy to rob their targets along Campbell Road. Foot-beat police officers stumbled upon the pair lying on the ground in the bushes, apparently to avoid detection. Upon searching them, officers found the fake weapon, which was described as a black 9mm toy gun. The men were, however, charged with possession of a dangerous weapon. Police are now urging members of the public who were previously robbed by two men matching the description of the arrested pair to contact the Boksburg police on 011 841 6859. * Also on July 18, the Boksburg police arrested three alleged copper-cable thieves following a tip-off officers received from a member of the public, who spotted the trio carrying stolen copper cables on the N17 Freeway. BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... Friday, August 5, 2016 ... 3 Shocking stats revealed T he Boksburg SPCA had to respond to over 2 600 cruelty reports over the last year. This was revealed during the society's AGM held on on July 23, at St Dominics Hall. The newly elected Boksburg SPCA chairperson, John Penrose, presented his first overview report for the year ended March 31. He also revealed 2 000 warnings were issued out of the cruelty cases. Penrose said over 1 600 cats and over 3 300 dogs were brought to the SPCA the last year. In addition, 436 pre-home checks were conducted and over 1 700 animals were sterilised. Penrose, who took over from Alta Gobey, gave an overview of what the SPCA have done during the past year. He pointed out the three biggest challenges faced by the Boksburg SPCA. Firstly, he said the society has been running at a monthly loss over the past 12 months. Secondly, he said SPCA manager Maggie Mudd needs huge support in order to turn around the operational aspects of the pound, including numerous employee issues that had been largely neglected prior to her appointment. The third challenge is ensuring that Boksburg SPCA both retained its credibility as a society and raised its profile and reputation as a professional animal welfare organisation. The Boksburg SPCA currently has 16 employees, most of whom have long length of service. Following the resignation of Inspector Diale Ratsela, the organisation suffered headaches but later another inspector from the Long standing achievement certificates awarded to employees of the Boksburg SPCA. They are (from left) David Kholu, Doctor Mphila, Johannes Kholu, Maggie Mudd (SPCA Boksburg manager), Frans Mathathu and John Penrose (SPCA Boksburg chairperson). Germiston SPCA, Hope Mokalapa, joined the team in November 2015. Penrose said the SPCA continues to retain the services of Dr Andre Muntu for the in-house clinic and who ensures the best care is given to all animals brought into the clinic. “We have recently begun a programme by which Dr Muntu is spending time with specialist vets in order to increase his scope of expertise. "Our clinic over the last 12 months has become self-funded. I must add, however, that our clinic is showing signs of age and an upgrade of our X-ray and operating facilities as well as the clinic in general is a priority for the committee this coming year,” Penrose said. “From the statistics gathered it shows how busy the society is and unfortunately the need for this service is growing at an alarming rate." Fundraising and operational income showed a steady increase in 2014/15 to 2015/16 from street collections, the second-hand shop, medical clinic, new homes fund, donations and boarding fees. During the past financial year the Boksburg SPCA undertook maintenance projects, including: Fitting out the cattery cages to bring them up to standard. Major work on the areas for kennelling. Tiling Painting Ground works, including grassed areas. Planting of trees and flowers. Upgrading the CCTV systems. Implementing a finger-scanning clock-in system. Continued maintenance work on its ageing vehicle fleet. Repair and installation of air conditioners in the offices, clinic and shop. Roof repairs. Office furniture replacement. Pound house maintenance. Telephone system replacement. Penrose thanked multiple companies and individuals for their continued support. According to Penrose the Boksburg SPCA made great strides in raising the profile of the SPCA. “We continue to grow our credibility and public support and we know we have gone a long way in achieving our goals in the prevention of cruelty to animals. "We hope we have served the NSPCA well, the public and most importantly the animals,” Penrose said. The Boksburg SPCA presented its five long-standing employees who had been with the SPCA for over 10 years with certificates. Crime prevention operation yields results A two-day-long crime prevention operation by the Boksburg Police, Parkdene, Boksburg South and East CPFs led to the arrests of 11 suspects for crimes ranging from possession of illegal goods to theft. The massive anti-crime blitz, involving detectives, police management and CPF members, was conducted over the weekend. Although the police claim that they invited all the CPF forums within their precinct, only the above mentioned CPF forums participated in the operation. The lack of participation by the other CPF forums has not gone down well with the police, who placed on record their disappointment, stating that the lack of community involvement in the fight against crime weakens the struggle against criminals. For that reason, the police are urging commuA weekend crime prevention operation by the Boksburg police, Parkdene, Boksburg nity members to work with the police through South and East CPFs, led to the arrests of 11 suspects for different offences, in Boksburg. the existing community forums. -@FanieFLK 4 Friday, August 5, 2016 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Knives, dagga found at schools The community of Windmill Park with the support of Patriotic Alliance took the stand in fighting against drugs, gangterism and criminal activities happening in Windmill Park, on July 23. The Ekurhuleni Metro police found dagga and knives during a raid at two local 'notorious' schools on July 27. EMPD spokesperson LieutCol Wilfred Kgasago said the notoriety of the two high schools in Reiger Park, Hoërskool Oosrand and Reiger Park High School, prompted the metro police to conduct searches looking for drugs and dangerous weapons. The raids took place between 7am and 2pm. "Several small boxes of dagga and in ziplocks were confiscated. "Furthermore, two Okapi knives which were found hidden in a litter bin inside a Grade Eight classroom at one of the schools were also confiscated," said Kgasago. No arrests were made. The EMPD K9 Unit conducted the searches in conjunction with a representative from the Education Department, an SAPS member and a local social worker. A short lecture on the dangers of drug abuse and gangsterism was delivered to the learners after the searches were completed. Enough is enough H Marchers take to the streets of Windmill Park in the fight against drugs, gangsterism and crime in the area. ties. "Criminal activities have taken over Windmill Park, so we want to restore peace and implement change in our area.” Members of the community and Patriotic Alliance members marched to all the known drug houses, to warn them to stop killing their community. Patriotic Alliance councillor candidate for Ward 43, Alister Chair, conducted a prayer for restoration of the area. Patrick Mitchell with the two chlorine bombs. One of the bombs was thrown into his property and exploded about two metres from where he was standing. The other was thrown against the boundary wall outside his property. Chlorine bomb thrown into yard A chlorine bomb, which was thrown into Patrick Mitchell’s property in Falcon Crest, Parkdene, exploded about two metres from where he was standing. It is unknown who threw the chlorine bomb over the boundary wall of the property, which borders on Heidelberg Road, but to Mitchell it sounded like young children. Mitchell was busy hanging washing when "something" landed on his house’s roof before it rolled off and exploded a few metres from him. Only after the explosion did he realise that it was a chlorine bomb. “It was extremely loud,” he said. Apparently the security guard at the main gate of the complex, which is approximately 300 metres away from where Mitchell lives, also heard the explosion. “My heart was racing for about half an hour after the bomb went off,” he said. Another chlorine bomb was reportedly thrown against the wall outside the property. Mitchell is concerned over the possibility of children playing outside being injured, should such an incident occur again. “A few months ago, children threw eggs at my kitchen window,” he said. Mitchell urges the public to be on the lookout for the culprits. Crafters Fair @ Boksburg 5 - 7 AUGUST 2016 Impala Park Community Hall Cnr Atlas and Elizabeth Rd Impala Park, Boksburg Over 80 Exhibitors Friday 13:00-18:00 Saturday 08:00-18:00 Sunday 09:00-16:00 Contact 082 453 7933 / 083 417 5000 C329588KL32 undreds of Windmill Park residents chanted that drugs and crime must fall, during the #RundrugdealerRun campaign march, on July 23. The community of Windmill Park, with the support of the Patriotic Alliance, took a stand against drugs, gangterism and criminal activities. According to Kabelo Ratlhagane, the vision behind the march was to spread positive messages to the community to stop taking drugs and joining gangs, and to put a stop to crime. “The march brought unity and the public responded well to the march,'' he said. "Even though we are not using drugs, we are somehow affected because those are our brothers and sisters who are engaging in illegal activi- Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER | Friday, August 5, 2016 ... 5 6 Friday, August 5, 2016 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 The picture perfect life of an extraordinary photographer Johané Turkstra L aetitia Kenny is a mother, former teacher and a master photographer. She is proud to invite people into her home in Boksburg, which reflects her cultivation of and her love for sophistication. The Advertiser had an opportunity to sit down with Kenny, a prominent member of the Boksburg Camera Club, surrounded by interior decor which is suitable for a home and lifestyle magazine. In the living room, a painting displays an image of a beautiful woman smoking a cigarette in bed. Kenny lives there with her husband, Michael, and their two daughters, Nicole and Caitlin. She bought her first camera 22 years ago and she described it as “love at first sight”. It was an entry-level film camera and she developed the photographs herself, in a home-made chemical darkroom. She explained that she had to make the darkroom completely dark and she literally boarded the windows and air vents herself. She admitted that it was not very healthy, but the hobby was very rewarding. Decades later she describes her photographic style as “evolving". She joined the local camera club because she “was looking for likeminded people who share [her] pas- Fear. sion for the discipline and who can help [her] grow as a photographer”. "Club photography is very competitive and the photographers compete at club, national and international level," said Kenny, who is also a member and a national director of the Photographic Society of South Africa (PSSA). When asked what kind of photography she enjoys, she said she loves photographing people and that portraiture will always stay her first love. "I am drawn to the poise, grace and confidence of dancers, from little ballerinas to adult dancers," she added. Her work includes implied nude photographs, which means that the models are required to pose naked, even though the image itself does not contain explicit nudity. "I enjoy working with the models, because they are comfortable in their bodies and they also appreciate the elegance of implied nudity." When asked how she adapted to the digital migration of photography, Kenny said that she sees great potential in digital photography. "Digital cameras offer faster frame rate and lighting is easier to enhance with a digital camera,'' she explained. "In essence, photographs can be captured with more ease with digital cameras." She acknowledged that the cost of buying film and paying to develop each and every photo is something of the past. Her family was also relieved when she “traded [her] smelly darkroom” for a home computer. The digital era of photography also allowed Kenny to develop and master photo manipulation, and can be regarded as a modern day ''Photoshop Michelangelo''. She combines two, three or even four of her own, original photographs to create one fine art graphic. "For example, one time I photographed the moon from my kitchen window and placed it as a background in a couple of my Photoshop masterpieces. I call these images altered reality photographs." Kenny has won numerous awards during her career as a photographer. She received her Fellowship, a Service Award and she won the Impala trophy twice, which is annually awarded to the PSSA photographer who has the highest number of photographs accepted at national salons. All these awards were needed in order for her to receive what she called her “proudest achievement”. She was also awarded the title of Master Photographer of the PSSA. Once she qualified for the title she had to write a dissertation which she presented at a national congress, with an exhibition of her work. Laetitia Kenny is a master photographer, from Boksburg. "Looking ahead, I would still like to photograph the great wildebeest migration in the Serengeti one day, and I want to publish a photographic book of children in Africa,'' she said. "It will, however, not be images that are depressing in nature, but inspirational, rather." Her advice to aspiring photographers is to learn your craft. "Remember, photography requires a lot of technical skills and that you must learn your camera properly in order to capture well exposed images in all situations. "You must be able to control your camera, not the other way around, and that is what happens if the camera is set to automatic mode." Kenny invites all photography enthusiasts to join the Boksburg Camera Club, saying that “anybody who has an interest in photography” should join - from beginner to advanced, freelance to professional. If you are interested in joining phone the chairman, Percy Mitchell, at 0825757401. - HELP US EDUCATE FUTURE LEADERS WE’LL DONATE R30 TO COTLANDS for every specially marked pack sold. Take control. /31056/BA/E Charity golf day hosted The Methodist Homes Ridgeview Golf Day will take place at Benoni Country Club, on Wednesday, August 31. This day is seen as an important opportunity for Ridgeview Village to host and spend quality time with key organisations and stakeholders, in order for all parties to gain a better understanding of each other’s organisations and to have some fun. Ridgeview Village, in Boksburg, is an NPO, a Section 21 company, concerned with providing affordable, caring accommodation and services to the elderly. An invitation to individuals and organisations is extended to either book a four-ball or sponsor a hole in this event. The entry includes 18 holes of golf and a prizegiving dinner (does not include caddie tips and golf cart) and the format of play is a betterball Stableford. Participants will be notified of tee-off times once payment has been received and the field is full. Payment for your four-ball must be made before August 10. Organisations are also welcome to donate prizes for the prize-giving dinner. If you would like to participate, contact Pam Conway on 011 894 1269, Michelle Wilson on 081 777 1904, Alex Stevenson on 082 957 4029, or ridgeview@mha. Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... ‘Jurassic’ mentality a threat to profitability T he future is not what it used to be and it should be treated in such a way. This is according to Dr Bill Price, from Boksburg, who is an International Master Executive Global Business Coach facilitator. Price is also the national moderator of Comensa (Coaching and Mentoring South Africa), which is a professional body for coaches and mentors. Chris van Biljon, CEO of the Ekurhuleni Business Initiative, recently announced that the business initiative has appointed Price as its strategic coach facilitator, to ensure that they offer the world’s best strategic coaching service to business, government, industry champions and CEOs and their executive teams, in the greater Ekurhuleni. "Business is not easy today and the busyness of business is not enough to achieve better and improved success anymore," said Price, who, as a coach, has spent time overseeing large business mergers and acquisitions, CEO succession processes and board assessments for efficiency and effectiveness. "Sadly, leadership and management believe that leaders need to attend more MBA programmes and that this will improve leadership. "Scientific evidence proves that courses and training just amplify the busyness of business and there is very little new innovation and doing things differently ideas that flow from the present way of doing leading and managing in business overall today. "The world of customer service is the new wave. We live in a human to human economy now. "Customer loyalty and engagement are now Jurassic Park terms. It's all about customer journey and connection that will make the difference in today's economy. "We need to look at what causes our customers pain and problems and then deal with it. It should be how we can be of service to customers, instead of merely our products. "Customers are looking for their needs to be met and they are looking at convenience. Therefore, marketing has to change, selling has to adapt to interpersonal relationship models to survive and take the business to a thriving horizon. “I wake up every weekday to be a leadership guide and coach. Like Sir Edmund Hillary had a guide, Norgay, who, when Hillary went back to London to be knighted by the Queen, Tenzing went down the mountain to prepare to take the next one up to the summit. Just so I take leaders and their teams to their summits in their lifetime." Price said it is time for businesses to really think wisely and to contemplate a strategy for the way forward. "Businesses can grow by looking at the now instead of playing catch-up. Whatever has got you so far is not enough to take you further. "A success recipe for our modern times is to think out of the box, to step out of the race, to swim at times against the stream, to look at options, to gain greater insight and to take time out; therefore, make an appointment for yourself so that you may grow. "We are dealing with the art of creativity and innovation. The means to get away from the current fishing waters and head to a place where you can become incontestable. "Therefore, change your view and perception. Create new ways of creating things. Simply put, the future is not what it used to be. Success of companies rests in thinking differently. "At the end of the day, we have to start thinking beyond mundane thinking, which causes numbness, which is a big killer. It kills us emotionally, intellectu- ally, creatively, we just become immune to life around us. "Numbness causes us to remain at the same fishing waters instead of finding better waters. "Scary thing is a lot of people and companies run on auto pilot. Businesses are satisfied with just making target and so we learn in our numbness our own PR that we are the best. "If you look around you, people are living in a mode of chaos and stress, this then leads to survival mode. And many stay in survival mode until they reinvent themselves. This world demands repositioning yourself in order to get out of the numbness. "It is also Jurassic Park to measure your progress on past figures and achievements. You learn nothing from the past. It just bring us back into a state of crisis as we never learn the cause of the problem and commit to finding a solution. "This therefore calls for innovative thinking and WAS R3 490 NOW R2 790 Available in 3 shades JB_BOKSBURG_07/08_2016 Derek Fox, president of Greater Boksburg Publicity Association and Chamber of Commerce and Industry, writes: I was privileged to attended a motivational event put on by the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI), in Rosebank. The Hyatt Regency SACCI Presidential Forum was attended by the Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan, and the chairman of the Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa (NECSA), Dr Kelvin Kemm, who both addressed the meeting. Gordhan made it clear that if South Africans want the economy to grow, then businesses will need to invest in it with its own money, as a demonstration of confidence. He also said we, as businesses, need to look for market opportunities. The Minister went on to say that the budget theme remains ''resilience'' for the next four years, in a complex and volatile world. If revenue, therefore, does not come through, we will have to make even tougher decisions. Good news is that sectors that are growing include the transport and communication industries, finance and government, along with personal services. Sectors shrinking, though, are agriculture, mining and manufacturing. I took heart in the fact that the Minister challenged the presidents of SA's Chambers of Commerce to take the message back to their constituencies, that they should become known as the generation that took the South African economy forward. There was also a rousing address by Kemm on nuclear energy in South Africa. He addressed a number of untruths and rumours that are floating around in the media and public domain, regarding nuclear power and the government's nuclear programme, which is only months, or even weeks, away from being given the go-ahead. Full article on our website BOKSBURG Douglas Jones Arctic Hexagonal Marble Mosaic 305x285mm %PVHMBT+POFT WKHWLOHGpFRUFROOHFWLRQ Save up to 30% on Douglas Jones mosaics! WAS R270 NOW R249 per sheet Douglas Jones Eco Glass Green 300x300mm WAS R200 NOW R180 per sheet Franke Neptune 1160x510x200mm NOW R129 per m2 Look for market opportunities reality rapid research. Remember, busyness does not bring perception. We just play catch-up. Sometimes I wonder how some companies make profit. It seems to be success by surprise." Price said one is in danger of becoming Jurassic when you simply don't do anything. Van Biljon said more than ever business leaders need a guide, a confidant a coach as their journey is a very lonely one. "They deserve to have clarity of thought, synergy of thinking to ensure that they take their businesses into incontestable waters," said Van Biljon. "Leaders that are coached are 42 per cent more effective, productive, focused on clarity of outcomes and are far more connected to the world of their customers. We are proud to be associated with Price and we look forward to adding huge value add to our members with workshops and on line personal development in conjunction with him.” Aquarelli Sink Mixer Torre Sand Porcelain Tile 600x600mm WAS R159 ... Bill Price with Chris van Biljon, CEO of the EBI. NOW ON PROMO CORNER JAN SMUTS AND LOIZIDES AVENUE, BARDENE Friday, August 5, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER BUSINESS | WAS R5 290 NOW R4 290 011 255 1060 While stocks last. Prices subject to change. Prices include VAT. 7 8 Friday, August 5, 2016 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Boksburg beauty with a purpose Ntombikayise Sibeko to Rolemodels Foundation. Furthermore, Rolemodels Foundation Veldman is is hosting a philanrequired to thropic pageant known scout for charity as Mrs Gauteng 2016 debit orders and for people who are keen host 10 guests on making a difference or more at the in their communities. Women of Natacha Veldman, Strength High a determined woman Tea event. from Boksburg, is a The event will finalist in the pageant. be in celebration According to Veldof women who man, she saw an have overcome audition advert on the adversity. current Mrs Gauteng, Each finalist Adele de Beer’s Facemust decorate N a t a c h a Ve l d m a n , M r s her table in the book page, and upon Gauteng 2016 finalist. hearing that it is for Great Gatsby charity she decided to movie theme enter, as she is pasand arrange and sionate about making a difference in host the Tinker Bell, Peter Pan and people’s lives. Fairy pageant fund-raiser at Carnival Veldman, who works as an adminCity. istrative clerk at Leeuwpoort Primary “My motto in life is no matter what School, said she has entered many you go through in life, you can live pageants previously when she was your dream if you work hard,” Veldstill young. man said. She has, however, never entered a The gala evening will take place at philanthropic pageant, which makes Velmore Hotel Pretoria, on August it more exciting for her. 27. Prizes for the top three will in“My purpose in entering the pagclude a sash, crown and a certificate. eant is to help people wherever I can. Those who wish to support her on I am passionate about children as this journey may contact her on 082 they are the future of South Africa,” 756 5968. Veldman said. You can vote for Veldman by likVeldman's projects or activities ing her Facebook page at Natacha that she needs to do during her finalVeldman Mrs Gauteng 2016 finalist ist period is to hand in 10 gifts of any and like her pageant photo, or SMS value to the foundation. This will be “MGP-Natacha” to 47611. in the form of vouchers, stationery, * Mrs Gauteng pageant is a charity hair accessories, make-up and jewelfund-raiser for projects of Rolemodlery. She also needs to hand in 12 els Foundation which intervenes in souvenir gifts for the finalists' goodie impoverished communities throughbags and non-perishable food or staout SA, specifically targeting the tionery items that will go to the three three most vulnerable groups within vulnerable groups. a community, which are early childShe also needs to raise a minihood development, abused women mum of R5 000 in cash that will go and children, and senior citizens. Former Lions Club district governor, Steven Green (left) inducted James van Heerden as the new president of the Boksburg Lions Club. Caring for the needy Fanie Mthupha T he Boksburg Lions Club has reappointed James van Heerden for a second term as president of the organisation. He was inducted during the Lions’ 48th annual presidential induction ceremony held at the president’s house in Benoni. Van Heerden was appointed in the same position in 2015, taking over from the outgoing Lions’ president, Hannelie van der Merwe. His vision of the company's future included growing and improving the organisation in order to render the best of service to the community. According to van Heerden, the organisation managed to achieve its series of goals by the end of the 2015 term. Their plans for this term include forming a new club in Vosloorus and making sure that people who suffer from sight defects receive the necessary spectacles. “Our plans for this year include intensifying our outreach to the communities, and making sure that people who can’t see and lack basic needs receive help through our initiatives,” said van Heerden. Van Heerden has been a member of the Boksburg Lions Club for the past 33 years, and is now serving as president for the fourth time. He served as president of the Boksburg Lions Club in 1993, 1999 and 2015 and also as the Zone Six Lions chairperson. He told the Advertiser that he joined the club years ago because he always wanted to bring change to other people’s lives, in particular needy children, people with disabilities and elderly people. Van Heerden matriculated at Capricorn High School, in Polokwane, and studied aeronautical engineering at Atlas Aircraft. He also studied polymers and worked in the plastics industry, before he recently retired. Van Heerden is happily married to Anke and they will be marking their 37th wedding anniversary in August. Internationally, the Lions organisation has been in existence for 99 years. It consists of more than 1.4 million members and has been growing from strength to strength. He encouraged more people to join the club, especially the youth. Anyone interested in joining the club may phone van Heerden on 082 291 7564. – @FanieFLK Meet your local ANC councillor candidates for the upcoming municipal elections Frans Ngomane,Ward 21 (Jerusalem informal settlement, Delmore informal settlement, Kanana informal settlement, Primrose informal settlement and part of Angelo informal settlement). Samaria Lorraine Hartnieck, Ward 34 (Reiger Park and Joe Slovo informal settlement). Maria Likotse, Ward 22 (upper part of Witfield, East Rand Mall, Boksburg North, Ravenswood, Dayanglen, Boksburg West, Comet and Beyers Park). Eva Sephiwe Mgcwama, Ward 42 (Reiger Park and Joe Slovo informal settlement). Ntuthuko Masuku, Ward 32 (Parkrand, Parkdene, Farrar Park, Cinderella, Libradene, Boksburg South, Boksburg East, Boksburg CBD, Cason, Anderbolt and Plantation). Paulina Morake, Ward 43 (Sunward Park, Freeway Park, Klipoortjie, Groeneweide, Windmill Park and Dawn Park). Ncaciso Ntikinca, Ward 33 (Witfield, Lilianton, Berton Park, Hughes, Comet Village, part of Angelo informal settlement, Delmore Park and Delmore Gardens). Makhosi Calinda Lehari, Ward 45 (Villa Liza, Dawn Park, Marimba Gardens and Somalia Park). Mduduzi Luvalo, Ward 99 (Freedom Park and Windmill Park). Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Friday, August 5, 2016 ... 9 Barry van Niekerk, owner and directer of Legacy Films, is a Boksburg local. Boksburg reeling in location scouts B oksburg has become the new hot spot for location scouts to shoot advertisements, television programmes and films. On July 5, a one-day shoot took place at the prestigious Monte Christo security estate to film a television advertisement for sunflower cooking oil. The filming kicked off bright and early around 5.30am. The project was led by Legacy Films whose owner and director, Barry van Niekerk, is a Boksburg local. A crew of approximately 50 was working on the project. The commercial was van Niekerk’s first shoot in Boksburg, but he has done many shoots on other locations around Johannesburg and in various film studios. When asked why he decided to shoot the commercial in Boksburg, van Niekerk said he knew that the house in the estate had the interior decor suitable for the commercial. He also said that the South African film industry is familiar with what is available, such as the northern suburbs of Johannesburg. He argued that people don’t visit the East Rand, the locations are often never seen before and that it “is amazing [for them] to be in this part of the world”. He also said that he would love to shoot all of his projects on the East Rand, including Boksburg. The commercial will be aired on eTV only, from July 20 for three months. * This is not the first time Boksburg’s scenery served as a film set. In 2014, director Neill Blomkamp came to Boksburg to shoot a scene from the movie Chappie. The film starred Die Antwoord’s Yolandi Visser as well as international film stars Sharlto Copley and Hugh Jackman. Later, in 2014, the popular morning show, Ontbytsake, also visited Boksburg for a shoot. 10 Friday, August 5, 2016 OPINION | ... The day of the tornado In the thick of things by Maile Matsimela T uesday, July 26, was an extremely cold day throughout Gauteng but little did we know that it was going to end the way it did, particularly in Tembisa. Being a Tembisan (Hospital View) resident myself, I received during that fateful day numerous messages on my phone from Ekurhuleni Metro warning of severe weather conditions that might occur throughout the day. But I just thought "Argh, they probably mean the cold because it was already cold anyway," so I couldn't be bothered to find out more - my solution was just to keep warm! I got home just before 4pm on the said day and soon after arriving, rain started pouring down, worsening the cold weather. Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Just then I heard what sounded like stones pelting down on the roof of my home. I went out to investigate and realised it was hail - it continued for about 10 minutes and stopped. We all (me and my neighbours) went out to check if there was any damage. As we were still outside adoring the beautiful white melting stones, it suddenly got darker and darker. That was when we noticed the impending doom: a swirling dark cloud appearing from the north which threatened to engulf us. A mere kilometre or so from where I stood, I witnessed the tornado form and touch down, causing widespread havoc at the Phumlani Mall. I watched in horror as it appeared to be consuming everything in its path. It made all kinds of noises, almost like rattling sounds. It was dark, powerful and travelled at a high speed and grew thicker. We soon learnt that it was a whirlwind on steroids. "It's a tornado," we all said. After all, this is something that happens in regions in America, not Tembisa. The screaming wind kept heading in our direction. I live some 400m to 500m away from Tembisa Hospital and witnessed as this fierce monster struck the medical facility as objects flew high into the sky. All the while my senses were assaulted by this beast. As we were watching, extraordinarily huge hail stones thundered from the Your Views heavens, forcing us back inside as we sought shelter in the hope that we not be swallowed alive. In seven minutes everything was over. An eerie stillness returned only to be interrupted by the blaring sirens of the emergency services. The rest is history. The freak tornado had wreaked havoc in Tembisa with over 150 houses left in ruin in a matter of minutes. The Phumlani Mall roof had been destroyed, while the outside buildings at the Tembisa Hospital and ambulances all suffered damage and the nearby petrol garage was torn apart. Indeed, what a freaky and strange day, reminding us that anything is possible in this rainbow nation, or is that soon to be a nation of tornadoes? Local deaf boy appeals for help Dylan Scholtz (7) tells his story: Good day. I'm deaf. I have a sister named Abby (4) and a brother named Nicholus (2). Five months ago, our father was brutally assaulted at a nightclub. He is now suffering traumatic brain injury, in simple terms, severe brain damage. Unlike you and me, he is unable to perform everyday basic things - like bathing and dressing himself or even going to the toilet by himself. He requires 24-hour care. He was our hero, no matter how tired he was coming home after a hard, physical day's work, he always made time to play with us and satisfy our needs before attending to his own. Since his injury, he has missed all three of our birthdays. Every morning without fail, he would drop me at my school bus pick-up point at 6.30am and collect me in the evenings between 6pm and 6.30pm. I attend St. Vincent School for the Deaf in Rosebank and this traumatic incident has left myself, my siblings and my mother stranded. My mother has always been a housewife - my dad was the breadwinner. After the incident, we have had to move in with my grandparents and our sister now lives with our other Ouma and Oupa on my father's side. Boksburg boy Dylan Scholtz (7) appeals for help from the public. We hardly get to see her as my mother does not have a car of her own. We miss our dad and this tragic event has left us all emotionally shattered - our future is unknown and we are scared and afraid. Will our father ever recover? Will he ever take us fishing again? Will he ever slide with us at the park? I'm appealing to the public to assist me and my family in these dark days of our lives. Anybody who would be so kind to sponsor us with clothing, groceries and more, is welcome. Is there anybody who can help? We will be most grateful. You may contact my grandmother on 011 922 1364, my school on 011 788 5430 or even my mother Charlene on 079 567 5101. J330143BU22 The damage caused by the tornado at the Phumulani Mall. ‘Wholesale to the public!!’ August Specials 2016 610 618 622 628 630 638 646 652 657 674 682/3 R690 R690 R750 R730 R690 R850 R790 R950 R950 R1 290 R1 590 VAT Included - 1 Year Warranty (Standard BaƩeries) IMPORT / EXPORT AGENCY cc D330641BL32 Prices subject to change without prior notice & while stock last. Also Stock: Maintenance free (2 year warranty), marine, leisure, deep cycle and full range of motorcycle baƩeries BRANCHES: Registered Debt Counsellor • Monday – Friday 08h00 – 17h00 • Saturdays/Public Holidays 09h00 – 14h00 • Sundays 09h00 – 13h00 Tel: 072 404-9654 87A Rieƞontein Rd, Boksburg D333382BU30 Bring old baƩery in or be charged R171 extra Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... Friday, August 5, 2016 SCHOOL NEWS | ... 11 St Dominic’s u-10A third-place team. Seen here are, back (from left): Megan Dethian, Julia Monticelli, Erin Wedel and Amy Hollard. Front: Jamie Bradbury, LeahKasia Meewes, Celeste Matsaudza and Kaolin Claassen. St Dominic’s u-12A netball team. Seen here are, back (from left): Xolile Fry, Noluthando Kunene, Jade Meyer and Isabella Sayer. Front: Botlhale Chanda, Shylendra Chawira and Olufunke Gando. Great success for St Dominic’s netball S t Dominic’s has enjoyed a successful netball season this year. They participated in league matches, as well as tournaments around Gauteng. The u-13A team competed in the Inter-Catholic Tournament held at Sacred Heart and were undefeated, achieving first place. The girls were also the champions in the Inter-Dominican Tournament at Veritas College. This tournament includes Dominican schools from Gauteng, Mpumalanga and the Free State. The league results were just as impressive. St Dominic’s teams all finished in the top three schools in their district pool. The A teams finishing in the top two teams were invited to the District Championship Finals. The u-10A and u-12A teams were cordially invited and did St Dominic’s proud. After a riveting match versus Beaulieu, the u-12A team won by one goal and made it through to the Inter-Dominican netball teams (includes senior first team, u-15A, u-13A and u-11A teams). next round. The girls fought tooth and nail in another tight game against Holy Rosary, losing by one goal, as the whistle blew just before the shooter’s ball had left her hand. St Dominic’s was elated with the performance of its players. The u-10A team played like real champions, winning all games but one, which pushed the players through to the final round. In this nail-biting last match against Redhill, the girls competed for third place in the Gauteng Private Schools’ District. They won with a convincing 13-5 victory and held their heads high as they collected their bronze medals in the prize-giving. St Dominic’s u-13A Inter-Catholic Team. Seen here are back (from left): Nicole Fawcett, Khanyi Mbele, Olivia Smargiasso, coaches T. Mokgatle and Tammy Bradbury, Makayla Dos Reis and Jessica Crawford. Front: Captains Marina da Costa and Gabriella Teixeira. 12 Friday, August 5, 2016 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Case of rabies reported; vaccinate your animal The impact of the leaks is evident. What a terrible waste W hat was initially thought to be a natural fountain turned out to be numerous leakages in the main supply water pipe that runs through Parkrand Village next to the N17. According to the complainant, who wishes to remain anonymous, within a distance of 130m the mentioned pipe has about four leakages. This has apparently been ongoing for the past two years, causing poor water pressure in the surrounding areas. “The whole pipe is rusted and over a million litres of fresh water is being wasted,” said the complainant. Reeds taller than a metre have been growing in the wet areas around the leakages and now also serve as a hiding place for criminals. “It is like a swamp. Moss is growing in the still-standing water and it stinks,” he said. The complainant says this could be a health risk, as well as an ecological problem, because the contaminated water is flowing through the main supply water pipe to a dam in Sunward Village where geese have made themselves at home. In an attempt to repair the pipe, contractors were on site on June 11. However, they allegedly only dug a hole and left the job unfinished. “They said that they would return, but never did,” said the complainant. “It is as if the Ekurhuleni Metro does not want to help.” According to the metro spokesperson, Themba Gadebe, the pipe in question has not been leaking for the past two years. “It’s a 450mm steel pipe and a leak was repaired recently. Smaller pinhole leaks were detected and this could not be repaired with clamps only,” said Gadebe. He added that the metro has appointed a contractor to replace the steel pipe with a plastic pipe that can withstand wear and tear. “Work will commence soon as material and way leaves are in place as water cannot be turned off for an indefinite time,” said Gadebe. “Work is planned to commence not later than August 10.” Ringo Madlingozi to headline festival The Afro-soul musician Ringo Madlingozi is expected to rock revellers at the Birchwood Hotel’s Ekurhuleni Comes Alive Jazz Festival, to be held on August 5. The event’s headliner, Madlingozi will share the stage with Idols 2015 winner, Mmatema Moremi, whose competition single was second to Adele’s popular hit Hello on the iTunes Chart. In association with the City of Ekurhuleni and the Sowetan and Mail & Guardian newspapers, every month the festival brings a fresh set of proudly South African talent to perform for Gauteng’s musically inclined, allowing upcoming local performers a chance to introduce Theatre student showcase to light up the stage Live Arts Little Theatre will be hosting a student showcase, Night of the Stars, on Saturday, August 20. The local theatre has invited 40 of its most talent students ranging from ages 6 to 18 to perform their best loved items in a bid to wow audiences during the Night of the Stars. Agents and theatre friends are also invited to scout for any new talent or to just come and enjoy an evening of theatrical magic as these little ones showcase their talents. Take note, two shows will be held on the day - 4pm and 7pm. The theatre is situated at the Terminal Life and Style Centre (corner Trichardts and Dr Vosloo roads). To book phone 074 101 8165 or visit their talent by opening for the hotel’s prominent artists. Hosted by motivational speaker and presenter, Hector Motivator, the August festival will open with upcoming songstress and KZN local, Sibu R, whose soulful jazz music has allowed her to work with Thandiswa Mazwai, Lulu Dikane, John Legend and many more. The Birchwood Hotel also highlights the best of South African comedy, Tiny Tools, known for her appearances on the Mzansi Magic show, The Mayor, and SABC’s The Bantu Hour, as well as her performances in the SATMA 2014 and Tshwane’s Finest Comedy Festival. Ringo Madlingozi is expected to rock music lovers at the Birchwood Hotel’s Ekurhuleni Comes Alive Jazz Festival, to be held on August 5. Photograph courtesy of Urban House Media. The Boksburg SPCA have had no choice but to charge a R10 fee per animal for a vaccination against rabies. This is due to the extremely high volume of owners taking their animals to the SPCA for vaccines, following a warning issued by the local SPCA regarding a confirmed case of rabies in the area on July 27. The cost will be cover the needles being used. The SPCA said they are currently running quite low on the vaccine but more bottles have been ordered. "We wish to thank pet owners for bringing animals in to be vaccinated and for taking this matter seriously," wrote the SPCA on their Facebook page. "Rabies is one of the worst zoonotic diseases around and all warm-blooded animals (including humans) can become infected. "We thank you for your understanding in this matter," The Boksburg SPCA wrote on their Facebook page regarding the incident: "We wish to advise all pet owners of Boksburg that there has been a confirmed case of rabies in Boksburg South. We ask that all owners take their animals to either their vets or to Boksburg SPCA for vaccination against this disease. "Rabies is an infectious disease that spreads from animals to humans. “The rabies virus causes the disease by infecting nerves in animals and people. The rabies virus travels to the brain (through nerves inside the brain), the virus reproduces, and then it travels back through the nerves to most parts of the body. Eventually, the virus reaches the salivary glands where it is released into the saliva in the mouth. By this time, the disease has usually damaged the brain, sometimes producing violent behaviour. It eventually causes death. Pet shared the following valuable information about the disease: Who is at risk? People who work closely with wildlife, veterinarians, and travellers are at the highest risk of exposure. Fortunately, there is a vaccine that is available to protect high-risk people. Animals that come into contact with wildlife and are not vaccinated are at a higher risk of infection. While the risk of coming into contact with the virus is very low, it nevertheless does exist. Because of the movement of carriers, there is always the risk of exposure. Transmission of the disease The transmission of the disease almost always occurs as a result of an infected animal biting a noninfected animal. Skunks, raccoons, foxes, coyotes and bats are the animals most likely to transmit the virus. Rabies virus does not live very long outside the host and remains viable in the carcass of an infected animal for less than 24 hours. The rabies virus is shed at high levels in saliva. However, being bitten by a rabid animal does not necessarily mean that the bitten animal (or human) will become infected. It has been speculated that only around 15% of exposed people will contract the disease. Humans, cats and dogs are only mildly susceptible to the disease. Symptoms After coming in contact with the virus, the bitten animal may go through one or all of several stages. With most animals, the virus will spread through the nerves of the bitten animal towards the brain. The virus is relatively slow moving and the average time of incubation from exposure to brain involvement is between three to eight weeks in dogs, two to six weeks in cats, and three to six weeks in people. However, incubation periods as long as six months in dogs and 12 months in people have been reported. After the virus reaches the brain it then will move to the salivary glands where it can be spread through a bite. After the virus reaches the brain the animal will show one, two, or all of the three different phases. Camera enthusiasts get stuck into basics of photography The Boksburg Camera Club has recently experienced a large intake of enthusiastic new members. To bring them quickly up to speed, Steve Koekemoer, the outings co-ordinator, arranged a Basics of Photography workshop which was held on Saturday, July 23, at Baanbreker Laerskool. He took them through the basic functions that appear on most cameras, the use of different lens types, focus, aperture, speed and ISO. Lessons included composition, framing and balance. He was assisted by Magda van Vreden who gave a lecture on lead-in lines and cropping. There were a large number of props on which the delegates were able to practise their newly gained photographic knowledge. The 16 delegates reportedly enjoyed this six-hour workshop, with one attendee being glad she understood the setting P on the camera did not stand for 'panic' but 'professional'. For further information on the club, contact Percy Mitchell on 082 575 7401 or visit the Boksburg Camera Club webpage at www. Seen here are (from left) Magda van Vreden, Dee Smith (secretary of the Boksburg Camera Club) and Steve Koekemoer. Getting up close and personal to take props as part of the training. Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... Friday, August 5, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... 13 ends 31 August Adopt a pet G et involved with the SPCA and adopt a loving animal which desperately needs a forever home, by contacting the society on 011 916 5906/7, or visiting their offices in Railway Street, Boksburg. The SPCA advises the public to visit their kennels to see if their missing pets are there, even after they have reported them missing. This is very important, as most of the descriptions of your pets are not the same as those of the SPCA. global leading brands 75” UHD LED TV 65” SUHD CURVED TV SILVER CURVED SOUNDBAR FREE R4499999 UA75JU6400KXXA S/N 50840 60” SUHD SMART TV R4999999 UA65JS9000TXXA S/N 50832 40” FHD LED TV 55” UHD TIZEN SMART TV R2499999 UA60JS7200KXXA S/N 54117 AUDIO SYSTEM I am a six-month-old male cross Shar Pei with the cutest personality. Please come and meet me at the Boksburg SPCA kennels. R1534999 UA55KU7000KXXA S/N 56412 65” UHD 3D SMART TV My name is Bruno and I am a threemonth-old male cross miniature pinscher. I might be tiny, but dynamite comes in small packages. +FREE G5 PHONE R55499 I am a four-month-old male cross Border collie. I am looking for a loving forever home. R1999999 58UH630 S/N 56519 LAS450H.BZAFLLK S/N 51390 65” SMART LED TV R999999 49UH617 S/N 56515 200W 2.1 SOUND BAR TV R2499999 DVD PLAYER WITH HDMI & USB R379999 R79999 DP842H S/N 54011 58” UHD 4K TV R1799999 65K5500 S/N 55851 49” UHD SMART TV +FREE WALL BRACKET 65” UHD SMART TV 65UH617 S/N 56520 R269999 MM-J430D/XA S/N 55207 58” UHD SMART TV 99 65UH850 S/N 56523 R499999 UA40J5000AKXXA S/N 55490 55” UHD SMART TV R1599999 58K700 S/N 56464 49” LED FHD SMART TV R1199999 55K3300 S/N 56775 49” LED FHD TV 32” LED HD READY TV I am a six-year-old male cocker spaniel with only one eye. I love playing fetch with my tennis ball. Wanna join me? 49K31100/10 S/N 56771 Hirschs.Homestore R799999 R599999 LEDN49M35P S/N 41072 HirschHomestore Hirschs_Homestores R289999 32D50 S/N 51610 0861 HIRSCH (447724) Kwazulu Natal#BMMJUPt6NIMBOHBt4QSJOHöFME1BSLt)JMMDSFTU Gauteng 4USVCFOT7BMMFZt'PVSXBZTt$FOUVSJPOt.FBEPXEBMF t#PLTCVSHt4JMWFSMBLFT Cape Town.JMOFSUPOt4PNFSTFU8FTU My name is Kitty (left) and I am a twoyear-old female tortoiseshell cat. My friend’s name is Twinky and he is a two-year-old male ginger cat. WE ACCEPT LAY-BY’S ALL CREDIT CARDS WELCOME ALL PRICES INCLUDE VAT. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT STOCK SOME OF THE ITEMS ARE SIMILAR TO ILLUSTRATION PRICES VALID WHILE STOCKS LAST OR UNTIL END OF TRADING ON SUNDAY TV license & ID required to buy any TV Monday - Friday 8:30-17:30 Saturday 8:30-16:00 You can now have a peace of mind. Hirsch’s offer maintenance contracts on all products Allan and Richard Hirsch E & OE T’s and C’s apply Sunday 9:00-16:00 14 Friday, August 5, 2016 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | New local feeding project needs your assistance A new local NPO organisation, the Boksburg Bread-Bin feeding project, is planning to donate food parcels on a regular basis to needy children at Goud Rand Primary School, to households earning low incomes and elderly people in Boksburg. According to Kobus Uys, chairperson of this project, they will be asking for assistance from the Department of Social Development to assist in screening people in need of food aid, to make sure that disadvantaged people are helped. "Extra food donations will also be redistributed to other NPO organisations, churches and NPO crèches who are also in need of assistance," said Uys. "The project will also assist unemployed people in their organisation to earn an income through street collections. "We are also looking to help the unemployed to start their own projects or home-based businesses, to uplift their lives. This will be done through the Foundation for the Development of Africa and the Department of Trade and Industry." Anyone who would like to offer food donations, furniture, appliances and clothing are urged to contact Uys on 074 420 6494. Bikers to host charity event Amistad MC Bike Club will host a fun charity event for Sky Street and the Samaritaan Huis, on August 20. The event will take place at The Zone, corner of Cason and Turf roads, from 10am to 7pm. Artists who will be performing on the day are Jason Clark, Profile, André uit die Heupe, Charlene and Tanner. There will be food stalls and entertainment for the whole family - from jumping castles and facepainting to lots of competitions, with awesome prizes up for grabs. One of the great prizes to be won is a weekend breakaway at Club Marina Ifafa Beach, on the KwaZulu-Natal South Coast. Please bring the following as The 16-year-old Charlene will be performing at the Amistad MC charity event. a donation to Sky Street and the Samaritaan Huis: non-perishable food, clothing, blankets and toys. Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Entries now open for July brides C ongratulations to Juanita Willemse for being crowned the June Bride of the Month. The bride who receives the most votes each month will be one of the contenders for the Bride of the Year competition, the winner of which will be announced in early 2017. There will be great prizes for the monthly winner and for the overall winning bride of 2016. The Bride of the Month will receive the following: * Framing to the value of R500, from Janbre Art and Professional Picture Framing. * Twenty-five photos processed in augmented reality, from My Panoramic. The Bride of the Year can look forward to the following: * Framing to the value of R1 000, from Janbre Art and Professional Picture Framing. * Fifty photos processed in augmented reality, virtual reality video conversions of the wedding video and one virtual reality viewer, from My Panoramic. Brides who were married during the month of July have until August 17 to submit their photos. This competition is open only to Boksburg brides. July brides can email five of their favourite photos to Please indicate which photo is your main photo by marking it as Main Photo. Each contestant’s photos will be processed in augmented reality for readers to view through an app on their smartphones. Photos must be in JPEG format and the subject line must be marked as Bride of the Year entrant. Please ensure that the photos are no smaller than 500KB, and include the name, surname, and contact number of the bride, and where and when the wedding took place. Juanita Willemse was married at NLB Gemeente, Boksburg, on June 18. Please note: send only your favourite photos. The winner's photograph will be published in the newspaper. What’s On You’ll get up to 35% discount on this exclusive three-night MSC Sinfonia cruise, stopping off at Mozambique’s Portuguese Island, and enjoying the good life-on board with loads of activities. BOOK YOUR SPOT TODAY! WH8268/09/16 IMAGE SUPPLIED Call MSC Reservations on 0860 114 411 to book, quoting “Caxton” to qualify for the discount. Visit for more info. s by Two showEN S ARNO CARST T&Cs: Offer only applies to the MSC Sinfonia cruise from 18 to 21 November 2016. Fares are per person, with a maximum four people sharing. Kids under 18 (maximum of two) cruise free, sharing with parents. Fares based on current prima rate (less 50%), but discounts are capacity-controlled, so as ship fills, pricing may change, affecting discounted price. Transport to and from Port of Durban is excluded (a shuttle from King Shaka International Airport to port is available). Prices exclude port, baggage, insurance, and service fees. Offer can’t be used in conjunction with other special offers. Offer is subject to availability, and bookings will be taken on first-come, first-served basis; booking is essential. Prices were valid at the time of going to print. EVERY MONDAY Boksburg Girl Guides and Brownies meet from 5.30pm to 7.30pm, in the Boksburg Guide Hall, Southvale Road, Parkdene. All girls from the age of seven are welcome. Contact Clair Murphy on 083 380 7419. Inspan Volkspelelaer ontmoet by die Laerskool Goudrand, Sesdestraat, BoksburgNoord. Kontak vir Ria Kasselman by 011 896 1961. SECOND MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH The Boksburg Camera Club meets at 6.30pm for 7pm, at Laerskool Baanbreker, Boerneef Street, Parkrand. Visitors are welcome. Contact Percy Mitchell on 082 575 7401 for further information. MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS Boksburg Creative Art Centre. Painting classes in oils with Barry de Villiers. Professional tuition with a qualified art teacher. Beginners welcome. Contact de Villiers on 011 917 7085 or 073 815 3850. WEDNESDAYS AND THURSDAYS Art classes for adults and teenagers at Art Studio 112, in Libradene. All styles and levels of experience catered for. Details available at, or contact Maria Kaye on 072 203 1076. THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH The East Rand Seniors' Club meets at 10am, in the Boksburg Central Methodist Church Hall, on the corner of Commissioner and Osborne streets. All senior citizens are welcome. Contact Barbara Morrison on 011 896 2548. FIRST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH Bokkie Park Craft Market at the Bokkie Park, Southvale Road, Parkdene. Time: 9am to 2.30pm. Contact Janine Richardson on 072 713 3332. LAST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH Bunny Park Craft Market at the Bunny Park, Pretoria Road, Benoni. Time: 9am to 2.30pm. Contact Janine Richardson on 072 713 3332. The Windpomp Craft Market and Car Boot Sale, presented by Broodblik and Koffiepit, on the R51 between Petit and Broodblik. Contact Bonnie Coutinho on 083 458 3058 (a/h) or 083 445 1608. ELKE VRYDAG ’n Orkes speel by die Strelitzia-sentrum vanaf 10vm tot 12-middag. Etes moet vooraf bespreek word. Skakel vir Rika Crous by 011 917 5156/7. AUGUST 6 Fête at Strelitzia Service Centre, from 8.30am until 2pm, in Champion Street, Boksburg North. Contact Rika Crous on 011 917-5156/7. Car guards will be on duty. There will be a fundraiser held by the Oosrand Hulpgroep for feeding the people in need. It will be at Adventure Country pub on 120 Madeley Street, Dayanglen, Boksburg from 10am to 6pm. There will be live music, food stalls and kids entertainment. Anyone interested can contact Annie Dix on 0743622057. AUGUST 14 Boksburg-based NPO Gudwulfs ROC is hosting a fund-raising golf day at State Mines Country Club at 150 Hewitt Road, Brakpan. Registration time is 9am and tee-off time is 11am. For bookings contact Dani, chairman of Gudwulfs on or 076 903 1651. Dinner and prize-giving included. AUGUST 27 Trinity Community Church in Cresta Road Sunward Park is celebrating 30 years of existence from 2pm to 5pm. Come and spend a wonderful day with your family and friends while enjoying dishes from various countries. Contact Robin Lind on 082 387 7576 or Karen Hartman on 082 782 0535. AUGUST 28 Spring market at Adventure Country Pub in Boksburg from 9am to 3pm. Anyone interested may contact Bronwyn Burger on if they would like to set up a stall. The What's On column is a community bulletin board for non-profit, charity support groups and local events. Events are included at the discretion of the Advertiser. To have your event featured, send details, including your name, surname and contact number, before 1pm, every Wednesday, to Maile Matsimela, at Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Friday, August 5, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... ... 15 Your weekly Caxton motoring guide Week 32 2 August 2016 Johannesburg East Edition Advertising-ROHQHGX3OHVVLV0DUWLQ/DQGVPDQ A supplement to Benoni City Times, Boksburg Advertiser, Kempton Express. Distribution: 139 450 copies. PAGE 2 OPINION Editor 6HDQ1XUVHLettersDXWRGHDOHU#FD[WRQFR]DTelephone : 011 889 0907 Mercedes model assault Thousands of used cars available Don't catch 'em all while driving Volvo's updated V40 range > JUSTIN JACOBS I n a market ruled by many a German hatchback there are other brands that offer something a little different. Take Volvo for example, more specifically the V40, the Swede’s premium hatchback. It has been hiding in the shadow of the Volkswagen Golf, Mercedes-Benz A-Class and the BMW 1-Series for far too long and I could not work out why. 6R,ÁHZWR&DSH7RZQWRVDPSOHWKHXSGDWHG 9DQGÀQGRXWZKDWLWKDVWRRIIHU Parked outside a quaint little arty restaurant, along a bustling street somewhere in the CBD, stood three of Volvo’s updated V40s. A Cross Country, an R-Design and a standard model graced the street with their presence. One thing I couldn’t help notice was how all three cars blended into the vibrant, artistic atmosphere in which they found themselves. ȹ TIME TO TAKE A CLOSER LOOK As the cars sat there I struggled to identify any radical changes in the new model. It was only once I took a closer look that I noticed some differences. For starters, the grille has been redesigned and features a vertical design for a more classic look; however, on the R-Design models the grille appears to incorporate a sportier look. Mounted in the centre of the grille is the brand’s iron mark badge, which ZDVÀUVWVHHQRQWKHDOOQHZ;& One of the more prominent updates comes in the form of the LED day-time running lights which, like WKH;&IHDWXUHZKDW9ROYRFDOOV¶7KRU·V+DPPHU· The look is eye-catching and it brings the car in line with the brand’s new generation of models. I also noticed that the cars on offer featured some new, VWULNLQJZKHHOGHVLJQVWRVXLWFXVWRPHUV·VSHFLÀF desires. ȹ SWEDISH HOSPITALITY Inside the V40, one could be forgiven for missing WKHXSGDWHV+RZHYHUWKHUHDUHVRPHZKLFKMXVW uplift the car’s cabin ever so slightly. Keeping with WKHDUWLVWLFDSSHDORIWKHFDUWKHEUDQG·VÁRDWLQJ centre stack can now be enhanced by one of the various decor panels available for a more modern feel. Customers can also choose from an array of LQWHULRUFRORXUVFKHPHV,DPGHÀQLWHO\DIDQRIWKH City Weave, which sees a blond/charcoal interior matched with a unique tweed-like textile pattern on the seats, and a two-tone blonde/charcoal steering wheel. As for practicality, well, the V40 tends to come across as a shortened station wagon rather than DKDWFKEDFN,RSHQHGWKHUHDUWDLOJDWHWRÀQGD sizeable boot, and the rear head and leg room for passengers is also impressive. ȹ SOMETHING FOR THE ADVENTUROUS The V40 also comes in Cross Country guise. The Cross Country features a slightly higher ride height than the city slicker, 12mm to be exact. It also has some added bits to enhance its crossover characteristics, like roof rails, black bumper cladding and some slightly bolder nose treatment. The Cross Country will be great for those looking to head out to those isolated cycling routes. My ride in the Cross Country did feel softer over some rather bumpy roads. ȹ ABOUT THE RIDE The updated V40 also features a range of new engines, known as Drive-E, which includes both turbocharged petrol and diesel engines. I drove the V40 D4 R-Design, which makes use of a 140kW/400Nm 2.0-litre turbo diesel engine. Add to the mix a smooth shifting eight-speed gearbox and the results are impressive. Low-down grunt and impressive fuel economy VWRRG RXW DQG LW·V UDWKHU VSLULWHG LQ WKH ¶JR· department as well. I also drove the T5 Cross Country model, which featured a powerful 2.0-litre turbocharged petrol unit that develops 180kW and 350Nm. This model has AWD to deal with some of those tough conditions. It’s also a hoot through the corners and, as with the D4, it features an eight-speed automatic gearbox. ȹ VOLVO SAFETY I guess it’s worth mentioning that the V40 LV MDPSDFNHG ZLWK VDIHW\ IHDWXUHV 6RPH DUH optional but the cars that I drove all featured blind-spot assist, lane-keep assist as well as ACC (Active Cruise Control), which I feel are all a musthave. We as South Africans need as much help as possible to keep us safe on our roads. Blind-spot assist has helped me numerous times for those ¶ZKHUHGLGKHFRPHIURP"·PRPHQWV ȹ ADJÖ (SWEDISH FOR GOODBYE) After spending some time behind the wheel of the updated Volvo V40, I still can’t see why it is not as popular as the German offerings. It is, according to Volvo, the safest model in the segment; it looks good and offers a fresh and vibrant feel, but I think that it could do with some techno enhancements like a touch screen and a simpler control unit. While sitting on the plane heading home I had time to think about which model stood out for me the most and it was the D4 R-Design. Sure you could take it without the sports kit – the main attraction for me was undoubtedly that diesel engine. ad ȹ PRICING THE NEW V40 RANGE R351 100 V40 D3 6-speed Geartronic R432 400 V40 D4 8-speed Geartronic R442 400 V40 T3 6-speed manual R337 700 97VSHHG*HDUWURQLF 5 V40 T4 6-speed manual R400 200 V40 T4 6-speed Geartronic R420 300 97VSHHG*HDUWURQLF 5 THE V40 CROSS COUNTRY RANGE V40 Cross Country D3 6-speed Geartronic R452 700 9&URVV&RXQWU\'VSHHG*HDUWURQLF5 V40 Cross Country T4 6-speed manual R412 500 V40 Cross Country T4 6-speed Geartronic R432 600 V40 Cross Country T5 AWD 8-speed Geartronic R504 400 All V40 and V40 Cross Country models in South Africa are sold with a 5-year/ 100 000 km warranty, a 5-year/ 100 000 km Volvo Plan > PICTURE: VOLVO CARS SA 16 Friday, August 5, 2016 ... BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | EAST | PAGE 2 | WEEK 32 ROAD TEST @autodealersa Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Thousands of used cars available Mercedes model assault > SEAN NURSE @sean_carnut_ @seanurzz IT HAS been an incredibly busy year for MercedesBenz, with a new model reaching our shores every month or two. Recently, I attended the launch of several models, which included the updated SL, the SLC, which replaces the SLK and, of course, WKH ÀUHEUHDWKLQJ 0HUFHGHV$0* & DQG & S coupé range. The jam-packed event took place at Zwartkops Raceway in Pretoria where I had a chance to sample the various models around the track and on the road. ȹ SLC, FORMERLY THE SLK The SLK is a bit of an iconic nameplate for the brand, it has been with us for 20 years, however, VRZDVWKH0/ZKLFKZDVFKDQJHGWRWKH*/(ODVW year. The new naming structure at Mercedes-Benz, DOWKRXJKFRQIXVLQJDWÀUVWPDNHVVHQVHZKHQLW comes to vehicle size, where the lower one goes in the alphabet, the bigger and more expensive the cars become. The SLC isn’t an all-new car, but rather a facelift, with a new range structure and updates. The base model in the range is the SLC200 which is SRZHUHGE\DN:1POLWUHWXUERPRWRU The 200 model is available in both manual and DXWRPDWLFYDULDQWV7KH6/&IHDWXUHVWKHVDPH motor as the 200; only in this guise it produces N:1P,KDGDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRGULYHWKH PRGHODQGGHVSLWHWKHLPSUHVVLYHHQJLQHDQG nine-speed automatic gearbox I couldn’t help but note that the car feels old inside and in terms of ULGHDQGKDQGOLQJLWLVODFNLQJWKDWÀQHVVHUHTXLUH from a premium product. 7KHQHZUDQJHWRSSLQJ$0*PRGHOLQWKH6/& UDQJHIRUJRHVD9DQGJDLQVDELWXUER9LWLVFDOOHG WKH6/&7KHPRWRUSURGXFHVN:1P IRUDNPKWLPHRIVHFRQGV7KHFDULV certainly rapid and sounds the part as Mercedes aims at producing smaller performance cars, all of ZKLFKZLOOIHDWXUHWKH¶·EDGJH ȹ THE UPDATED SL The SL range is as impressive as ever, with an engine and gearbox combination that provides all of the open-top driving thrills a discerning customer could possibly want. At the entry point in to the range there is the SL400, which features a similar PRWRU WR WKH 6/& WKH ELWXUER 9 SURGXFHV N:1PLQWKLVPRGHO 7KH6/IRUPHDWOHDVWLVWKHSLFNRIWKH6/ UDQJHLWIHDWXUHVDWXUERFKDUJHGOLWUH9ZLWK > PICTURES: MERCEDES-BENZ SA N:1PRQWDS7KHZD\LQZKLFKWKH covers ground, the smooth ride, the creamy power GHOLYHU\DQGWKHZD\WKDWLWDFTXLWVLWVHOIRQRXU often bumpy roads is commendable. 7KH$0*PRGHOVLQWKH6/UDQJHDUHDEVROXWHO\ EDOOLVWLF7KH6/KDVZDLWIRULWN:1P IURPLWVOLWUHWXUER9PRWRUPDNLQJLWJRRG IRUDNPKWLPHRIVHFRQGV,KDGDJR around the track in this car, and the sound and shove is something that everyone simply has to experience to be able to believe that a conventional cabriolet can be this fast. It also stops and turns OLNHDQ$0*VKRXOGWRR 7KHQRQWRWKHÁDJVKLSWKH6/ZKLFKNHHSV LWV OLWUH ELWXUER 9 PRWRU DQG SURYLGHV N:1P 7KH FDU FRXOG SURGXFH PRUH WRUTXHEXWWKHJHDUER[ZRXOGVLPSO\GHVWUR\LWVHOI ,W·VDEOLVWHULQJO\IDVWFDUDQGZLOOJHWWRNPK LQVHFRQGVDQGVXUSDVVNPKLIÀWWHGZLWK WKH'ULYHU·V3DFN7KH6/LVRQHRIWKHODVWJUHDW V12 supercars – an ode to excess and there’s something special about that. ȹ THE MERCEDES-AMG C63 COUPÉ The highlight of the event was undoubtedly the & DQG & 6 FRXSp PRGHOV 7KHVH WZRGRRU versions of the already impressive C-Class sedan ORRNLQFUHGLEOHLQWKHPHWDO)URPWKHÁDUHGDUFKHV WRWKHPDVVLYHZKHHOVDQG$0*UHJDOLDERWKPRGHOV look the business. In terms of performance both will very likely satiate the need for a burbling V8SRZHUHGPLGVL]H0HUFHGHV$0*FRXSH 7KHLPSUHVVLYH$0*OLWUHELWXUER9SRZHUV ERWKPRGHOVDQGSURGXFHVN:1PLQWKH &DQGN:1PLQWKH&6,GURYHERWK vehicles around the track and, as with the sedan version, both are exceptionally fast, well-balanced DQGSURGXFHWKDWVLJQDWXUH$0*9VRXQGWUDFN 7KH&UDQJHLVDOPRVWFRPSOHWHEDUWKHFDEULROHW which arrives later this year, meaning the people DW$0*KDYHZKDWLWWDNHVWRWDNHRQ%0:ZLWKLWV 00PRGHOV ad ȹ PRICING 6/$0*/LQH 5 6/$0*/LQH 5 0HUFHGHV$0*6/ 5 0HUFHGHV$0*6/ 5 0HUFHGHV$0*&FRXSH 5 0HUFHGHV$0*&6FRXSH5 6/& 5 6/& 5 0HUFHGHV$0*6/& 5 THIS ROAD TEST WAS FUELLED BY ALBERANTE GM ALBERTON 011 861 8100 RUGGED AND READY TO ROLL! GENERAL MOTORS *(7 5 75$'(,1$66,67$1&( RQWKHVH5RFNLQ¶5LGHV CHEVROLET UTILITY 1.4 R143 900* 7+(23(/$'$052&.6 52&.7+,65,'( 2QO\7:2RIWKHVHLQFUHGLEOHXQLWVDYDLODEOH Get to Le Roux Motors today. LE ROUX MOTORS TEL: 010 593 6057 Cnr. Great North Road and Deodar Road, Pomona *On-the-Road & Registration Fees Excluded. Terms & Conditions Apply. Model/s shown may differ. Errors & Omissions Excepted. Like us: gm le roux motors · FSP 39511 $ ' 0 $ . ( 5 6 & 2 0 COMPLETE CARE Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... Friday, August 5, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... IC Auto Kempton Park’s Winter Price Freeze Renault CLIO EDC FROM ONLY R3 847pm BLUE AVAILABLE Renault CAPTUR Expression Renault CLIO RS CUP FROM ONLY FROM ONLY R3 869pm ORANGE AVAILABLE R409 900 Renault SANDERO Dynamique FROM ONLY R2 350pm RED AVAILABLE Renault DUSTER DCi 4x2 FROM ONLY R4 162pm WHITE & COSMO BLUE AVAILABLE FOR FAST APPROVAL SMS YOUR NAME AND NUMBER TO ANSA ANSA 082 872 6268 Picture for illustration purpose only and may differ from actual model Nissan Micra Visia+ R2 850pm 72 months | 12.75% Interest | 30% RV | NO DEPOSIT Nissan X-Trail 2.0 XE R5 950pm 72 months | 12.75% Interest | 30% RV | NO DEPOSIT Nissan NP200 1.5 dCi + AC + Safety Pack R3 450pm 72 months | 12.75% Interest | 30% RV | NO DEPOSIT PIERRE 082 419 0360 17 WEEK 32 | PAGE 3 | EAST Nissan NP300 2.0 S/Cab Base R3 250pm 72 months | 12.75% Interest | 30% RV | NO DEPOSIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY E&OE IC Auto Kempton Park 18 Wellington Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park ae_32_renaultkempt E&OE. 18 Friday, August 5, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 EAST | PAGE 4 | WEEK 32 OPINION To see the latest pics and videos go to Don’t catch ‘em all while driving ' Experts say it takes more concentration than even talking on a phone or sending a text message while driving. In addition to low concentration levels, drivers are reported to be driving recklessly if they suddenly catch sight of a rare Pokémon.' - Sean Nurse Pokémon Go is a global phenomenon, the app has overtaken most mobile-based applications on the market in a matter of weeks. For those of you unfamiliar of what it is, I’ll sum it up for you in very basic terms, however, it is quite complex so I suggest you read up on it if you want to become more familiarised. The Pokémon Go app is basically an augmented reality game where users, using the GPS and camera in their phone, go out and look for Pokémon to catch throughout the country. Once you have captured a Pokémon, you can train it, battle with it and of course as the slogan for Pokémon suggests, you “Gotta Catch ‘Em All.” Despite the fact that it isn’t even in South Africa ofcially yet, we have seen and heard of thousands of local users. Some praise the app for promoting exercise while others say it’s dangerous and can cause people to lose focus during critical moments. I am sure that both sides of the argument agree though, that this app should not be used while driving a vehicle. I roped in a local road-safety expert to give us his take on the Poké-phenomenon when it comes to driving. The MD of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, says following a number of dangerous incidents in the US, the National Safety Council is calling for players to consider safety over high scores, before a life is lost. “Along with pedestrians distracted by their quest to nd rare Pokémons, agencies are also warning about distracted driving resulting from playing the game, where consequences will be even more serious." “While the game is intended to be fun, there can be tragic real-world consequences if you’re playing it while driving or while crossing the street. Even though we haven’t seen any evidence of this in South Africa yet, it is only a matter of time before a driver is tempted. Don’t be tempted, don’t POKE and drive,” says Herbert. Even if passengers spot a Pokémon, rather safely pull over before acting on it. If you cannot safely pull over, better luck next time. The danger is not just limited to drivers but pedestrians as well. Soon after the game was launched, a US teen was killed when he stepped onto a highway while playing. As a pedestrian, do not play where reduced concentration levels could endanger you. Conversely, drivers need to be extra vigilant and employ defensive driving to see a problem before it happens. “We have more than enough evidence to prove distracted driving and walking, are incredibly dangerous. If drivers can miss seeing up to 50 percent of what is around them while talking on a phone, imagine how little they see while playing Pokémon Go. “Don’t become part of statistics which estimate up to 26 percent of crashes occur while drivers are using their cellphones,” says Herbert. Do you play Pokémon Go? Share your stories with us. •ad Have your say. Email us at top 5 online stories 1. Helped around the world with a Hilux 2. Mahindra declared as the Most Improved Passenger brand for 2016 3. Renault tops customer satisfaction survey in UK 4. Tips to stay safe in the wet 5. Car battery questions answered The temptation to catch a wild Pokemon may be too great for some, so rather ignore your phone until you have arrived at your destination. Picture:Newspresss Brighten your World with a Toyota New Toyota Aygo New Toyota Etios Cross New Toyota Etios H/B East Rand Toyota Cnr Sydney and North Rand Roads, Boksburg 011 841 1700 Follow us on ae_32_Toyotaeastrand Terms and Conditions apply E&OE GAMBLING PROBLEM Gamblers Anonymous Gam-Anon can help. 083-308-8175 (all h) (011) 640- 4563 (a/h) ZH076215 A1 AAA PROTEA Deep clean carpets, sofas & blinds. Free spot / deod. Open Sat.. Ower superv. 27 yr. HANNETJIE 082 876 2067 / 011 869 7781 DSTV & Extra Points Gate Motors & Electric Fence CCTV & Intercoms. 011 864-6312 083 267 5296 R.K AERIALS & SATELLITE SERVICES Owner worker. All areas. Ralph 083-228-4533 MC029327 5 Standard Rooms from R380. Lounge suite from R210. Mattress R195. Home valet. 1 free loose carpet. 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Danie VD Walt 011 892 2212 082 362 7004 A1ACTION STEAMCLEAN From R139 for carpets R120 l/suite, Curtains,. Free Deo Winter quick dry OVER 25YRS EXP 076 639 9225 / 011 051 5840 ZH076094 MA050657 A1 CARPETS 24HRS Specialising in : Same day COC`s From R399 Power tripping BD board upgrades Lightning protection House rewiring Generators Fully registered & licenced ALL LA052704 FREE QUOTES DANIE MEYER 074 217 7362 079 0855 305 A-Z ELECTRICAL ZH076221 FOUND Drivers licence at Bartlett Str in Boksburg, BeyersPark biginning of July. Call 076 647 6610 On site repairs to: Wash machines, freezers, fridges, stoves, T/driers and D/washers. Gate motors, garage doors & electric fencing. 1 Year Guarantee 28 years experience AL049072 BV020839 RAPED? IN DESPAIR? Phone Life Line (011) 422-4242 ELECTRICAL SERVICES ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING WORK ... BV020876 • Installation • Extraview A WOMENS TOUCH • CCTV Carp, Uph, Leather Call Eric 078 571 lounge suite. 0978 Blinds - cleaning. JH035385 MON TO SUN AERIAL SUPERB 082 295 2795. BV020851 ZH076226 F RST & FAST Established 1988 EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES WITH RELATIONSHIPS: Phone Life Line (011) 422-4242 ACTING DSTV All Areas ZH076224 0118 CLEANING MA040817 DOES someone in your family or a close friend have a drinking problem? You are not alone. Find help in the constructive approach offered by Al-Anon Family Group. 011 867-0731 0861 252 666 0066 FOUND Friday, August 5, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... LA050065 Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Wed 15h00 Fri 15h00 Friday, August 5, 2016 •• MODERNISE•• YOUR KITCHEN At a fraction of the price. Use old carcasses and replace only the doors and panels. New kitchens also an option. Contact Gavin: 082 567 8242 JH035429 NEED MAINTENANCE DONE For all your maintenance req: • Building alterations • Electrical • Plumbing • Roofs • Ceiling, etc Call Attwoud Maintenance At 072 552 3578 ZW010849 0137 ROOFING BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... BEES KNEES CREATIONS Landscaping, design, consultation. Lauren 082-453-6945 BV020747 BRADS GARDENS & POOLS SERVICE For all your gardening needs Brad 011 913-1258 082-774-5453 MA052207 0155 TREE FELLING YOU`LL NEVER USE ANYONE ELSE !!! Burst Geysers, Pipes Leaking Valves All Toilets & Taps Cards No Hot Water ? Blocked drains Welcome ELECTRONIC LEAK DETECTION 082 269 6808 A BLOCKED DRAIN?! LEAK DETECTION Call A PROUD PLUMBER (PTY) LTD for Drain Cleaning & Plumbing. Blocked drains from R200.00 T & C`s Apply. A-Z TREE FELLING THE PROFESSIONALS!! EAST RAND ROOFING (EST 1982) • Waterproofing • Roof spray • Carports Tel:082 855 0813 Insurance approved A BARGAIN 4 PLUMBING We cut & remove any tree. Trimming. SUPERVISION. Fully insured. 0172 POOLS AQUA DAZZLE EST 15YEARS Weekly Maintenance, Pumps & Filters, Solar Heating, Chlorinators, Pool repairs, Koi Ponds & Jacuzzis (011) 849 0118 083 6122 692 MA052222 POOLS & PUMPS For a trouble free pool. Tel Darryl 011 425-3403 or 082 416- 8063 0181 REPAIRS Darren 060 674 2040 H&C TREEFELLING PROJECTS Treefelling, De-stumping 25 + years exp. Fully insured All hours Chris 082 716 5774 Owner supervision A GARDEN SERVICE TREE FELLING CLEAN UPS Free quotation, quality service. LYDIA 083 365 2514 FRED 082 782 4703 011 896 5585 KE003248 ABACON APPLIANCE REPAIRS MA052215 0163 PLUMBERS JL025869 A+ PLUMBING • Faulty Geysers • Blocked Drains • Toilets & Taps • New Installations Gerhard 072 625 5062 ALL BLOCKED DRAINS FROM R350 BY AQUAMACH Rubble removal 2.5 ton Maintenance, installations, from R195. emergencies & blocked drains Call 078 716 6359 084 487 9043 RN105093 KE003250 No call out fee (O/H) MA051933 A + PLUMBER AFFORDABLE RUBBLE CROWN PLUMBING REMOVALS & FILLING • All work done by Owner. Any kind of rubble & soil. ARTHUR`S PLUMBERS Brett 8Ton/5m tipper. We load 35 YEARS EXP. 079 847 3974 395-4751 or 082-565-1391 ZW011411 Solar Geysers, Heat ZW011378 pumps, unblocking of Drains, leak detection, All DRAIN KING.CO.ZA ALL COMPOST and plumbing. All drains unblocked from garden soil, lawn dressing. Call Arthur 082 4499 484 TEL 917-0493 VIEWPOINT R350 24/7. All plumbing. 011 849 1134 Contact Adrian FARMING ZW011342 072-150-7709. AFFORDABLE MA052240 MA052087 0220 COMPUTER REPAIRS / INSTALLATIONS A - A COMPUTERS Repair, Sales, Networks, Web design/hosting. No Call out fee. We come to you. 082 430 6040 ZW011391 RN105096 BLUE REFRIGERATORS AND APPLIANCE REPAIRS Aircons, fridges, washing machines & driers, micro waves, stove, geysers, T.V. FREE QUOTE Call Mike 082 082 6889 7 days a week YV003899 BV020693 0268 PEST CONTROL ALL AREAS. CRITTER RIDDERS PEST CONTROL 011 979 5051/073 288 3205 MC029329 PEST CONTROL SERVICES Pest control & termites Specialists 086-100-0893 24/7 082-574-5455 082 576 7314 8 Yrs exp, with PC repairs / upgrades & sales as well as PC tutoring. Call Nishanya 083 305 3507 ZW011366 0280 PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS 0224 DRIVING SCHOOLS ALCO DRIVING SCHOOL GPG approved instructor, Dual control. Code 08. Learners/ Drivers. Pick up & Drop off. Arnold 083-380-2182 0288 REMOVALS & STORAGE BV020776 ROVANAS DRIVING SCHOOL MIDDLE ROAD Learners course SELF STORAGE R600 Money back For All Your Storage Gauranteed Requirements CALL IVAN 69 Middle Rd, Bartlett 072 271 9094 082 885 1331 062 388 2275 JL026328 Security Shop Tel: 011 823-3663 011 894-3400 NHBRC Registered MBA Registered RN100585 4 channel CCTV full kit From R3499 Contact: Johan 076 440 7055 Email: 071 879 3118 2016 SAFETY IVE T ESENTA REPR RQO\U ,1&/9$7 T: 011 978 7128 C: 073 875 4291 From R3 799 WHOLESALE Gate Motors, Garage Doors & Motors, Electric Fencing, Cameras, Alarms 136 Rietfontein Rd Boksburg 0299 UPHOLSTERY IALS EAR SPEC July / Au DON’T HESITATE ARE AR RE Y YOU OU 100% COMPLIANT! MC029351 0396 WANTED TO BUY A BARGAIN AT GROOVIE BARGAIN PAWN SHOP 4000 square meter of stock available. We pawn, buy & sell anything even car`s, boats & Property`s. Best prices paid. We collect. Tel: 011 827-7017 Adress: 21 & 22 Voortrekker Street, Elsburg. Est. 1972 REMEMBER JESUS LOVES YOU. ABOUT THE BEST DEAL PLEASE PHONE PHILLIPS PAWNSHOP (011) 917-4118 073-139-7575 ZH076135 AT LAST! Cash on the spot! For All your goods, fridges, furniture, tools, etc. We collect. Christine 082 855 1123. ZH076235 LKG KOI & AQUARIUMS M W FOR: BOOK NO gust! $Instant cash 4 unwanted /Broken Gold/Diamond Jewellery,Gold Coins,Do travel$ 072-027-9955 (24/7) We buy, sell & pawn. Meranti garage doors We specialize in koi ponds: • Weekly maintenance • Pumps, filters, Uv Lights etc • Repair & construct new ponds 0342 JEWELLERY ZH076130 ZW011248 JL024565 MA052230 MC026998 FOR YOUR ALL IN ONE BUILDER WITH THE BEST AFFRODABLE PRICE!! BV020767 ALL-WAYS Removals, The rain is here. Closed trucks, packing blankets, reasonable prices. Tel 011-744- 3737/8. allwaysremovals1 0292 SECURITY ID Y • Legal compliance • Disciplinary investigation & hearings • Disciplinary code • Employment contract & handbook • Job analysis & descriptions • Audits • Policies • IR Training IMPROVE GRADES Individualized, assistance in all subjects. Grade 1-12. Northmead Educational Centre - Est 1982 011 849 8034 or 083 975 6043 MINI MAX REMOVALS & STORAGE 10 % DISCOUNT Office & Household. Closed 5, 8 & 10 ton Trucks. Tel (011) 425-6951 Fax (011) 849-3558 Free quotes A. Affordable. B.Blankets C.Closed trucks. P&P Removals 011-744-3073, email: TRAINING PROVIDER! Renovations New House Electrical RN105045 BV020742 OOM HANS TREK MOVERS SINCE 1950 CRAZY PRICE OFFER! TETA ACCREDITED LABOUR HR PROBLEMS A/F-ONE FURNITURE Closed trucks. Supervision. 011 902 7174 Deon: 082 727 8806, MA051972 011 918 4461 • 083 381 1129 646 Trichardt rd,Beyers Park, Boksburg 071 676 2262 Builders & Renovators Tiling Plumbing Roofing Jaco Swart JL025938 I BUILD LA053908 Accredited installers, Cameras, Gate Motors Razor wire. New & upgrades for COC on fences. 24/7 Christo 082 672 1625 Local movers Regular trips to South Coast, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North-west, & Freestate. BV020774 Tel 011-811-5088 Fax 086-684-2092 A B C MINI MAXI hanstrekmovers Local & long dist. / storage. ZW011358 917-3823, fax 086 639 BV020280 8456, Linda 083 620-2454 abcmovers AA SPEEDY, Free Learners Packing of boxes BV020803 Guaranteed pass. Brush up Code 8 R1500.00. A BEST MOVE/STORAGE Code 10 R1750.00 BY L.D.MOVERS CALL 079 887 4442 Closed Trucks. __________________JL026336 011-744-4464 L.D.Movers CHARMED DRIVING SCHOOL GPG approved instructor, dual control. Code 08.Drivers. Pick up & drop off. . Jennifer 083-453-4483 DSTV & HOME THEATRE Extraview three 3rd view Explora Upgrades New installations Problem solving Technical issues Credit & Debit cards accepted Marta 011 974 0371 082 492 8503 BV020777 We’ve got you covered. PULSE ELECTRIC FENCING Secure lock-up garages (Close to Hyperama) Edenvale COMPUTER COURSES Short courses from R600: Basic computers, Word, Excel, P/Point, Outlook, PASTEL ACC. Call 011 425 1090 BREDELL KEMPTON PARK Lock up storage units to let 6x3 meter R800 pm 7x2 meter R700 pm 3x3 meter R600 pm MA052234 We collect 083 267 9034 ASK Experts 10% DISCOUNT Self Storage ACCOUNTING & TAX Opening Companies, Accounting, Tax and Payroll Storm & Associates 011 918 2159 BV020817 082 458 0985 ACT NOW!! AROUND THE BLOCK Man/Auto 08. www.aroundt Hein 072658-7853 SMS Drive BC002131 PRESENT THIS COUPON TO QUALIFY FOR 0296 TUITION / EDUCATION MA052223 ZW011423 BV020816 Fridges, W/machines, D/washers, Aircons, Stoves, etc. NO CALL-OUT FEE! James 24/7 083 527 5695 011 039 3206 ALL DIVORCES CAWOOD ATTORNEYS Effective and affordable service. Riaan 073-420-6040 PEST A TERMITE CC COMPUTERS AND INSTALLATIONS Fridges, w/machines, t/dryers, d/washers, stoves, m/waves, TV`s. No call out. Work guaranteed. ANOTHER TREE FELLER Maintenance & Rubbish removal, Insured . Why pay more ! Call 079 715 1416 / 082-338-4550. 078 994 5776 MA052136 BE000861 ANY AILMENTS / SICKNESSES ? I could assist with a natural miracle remedy which have scientists baffled. 083 738 4545 BV020759 A K APPLIANCES & ELECTRICAL REPAIRS JH034536 0154 GARDENING / RUBBLE REMOVALS MA052135 Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 0264 PERSONAL SERVICES 0204 BEAUTY & HEALTH 082 745 2728 ZW011408 ZW010675 Cell: 0200 SERVICES FREE QUOTES 072 112 9402 / 0861 000 052 BENNIE 083 417 8155 082 553 3384 ROOF COATINGS & REPAIRS DARREN`S PLUMBING MA051471 20 RUBINS UPHOLSTERERS Recovering of lounge suites, cushions, etc, car seats, truck seats, tunney covers and rubberise bakkie linings, etc. TEL 011 811-3777 083 250-3230 MA052117 BEST PRICES PAID For good furniture, fridges and other household goods. We collect Unitas 011 825-2216 079 576 7726 ZH076134 KRISTAL AUCTIONS Turn all your unwanted goods into cash We also buy and auction regularly 081 490 9203 060 529 6354 ZH076232 0407 ACCOMMODATION TO SHARE / ROOMS TO LET BEYERS PARK BOKSBURG Full Boarding/ guest rooms from R380p.p.per night. 076 647 6610 079 033 4060 ZH076002 WITFIELD Duplex 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, very neat complex, lockup garage. R6900.00 p.m. From 1/9/2016 BOKSBURG Upstairs, neat 2 bedrooms, full bathroom with shower, carport. R4100.00 p.m. From 1/9/2016 Phone Magda at 011 917-3135 or 011 892-3199 ZW011413 TO LET PARKDENE 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, home with lots of cupboards and extras. R11 800.00 pm (deposit required) Contact Christine (011) 622-5472 On your car, truck, laptop, gold jewellery, fixed deposit, etc 011 422 6354 072 847 0978 NCRCP 1799 PRIVATE BONDS For home owners ZW011313 0463 OFFICES / SHOPS / BUSINESS PREMISES 082 455 5865 NCR 7385 ADELE 083 233 9454 MONICA 072 262 3391 (Phone only for Road Accident Fund claims) (Skakel net vir Padongelukfondseise) (Phone only for Medical Negligence claims) (Skakel net vir Mediese Nalatigheidseise) 0805 BUSINESS ASSISTANT MANAGER REQUIRED SOCIAL MEDIA ADMINISTRATOR e-marketing company looking for experienced Social Media Admin to manage Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest profiles for clients. Similar experience essential. Salary negotiable Send CV to : sales MA052190 MA052251 bv020785 ZW011410 0442 GARDEN FLATS / COTTAGES ATLASVILLE 1 Bed bachelor flat. Occ immed. Pvt entr. Full bathr, kitchenette. R2500 p.m (excl. Elect). 1 Month dep reqd. Subject to interview. Call 083 627 8879 BOKSBURG NORTH Bachelor with garage. B.I.C. No kids. R3000 + Dep 063 621 3526 ZW011414 MORGANRIDGE AREA BRIDGING CASH While waiting for PENSION / PACKAGE Payout (lumpsum only) TEL 011 394-6937 NCR accredited 327 MA052168 ZH076183 0855 SALES / MARKETING Email your CV to: info@ or phone 011 744 0363 JL017852 0449 HOUSES A ABOVE AVERAGE DEAL We buy + pawn CARS + bakkies. Best prices paid. Incl accident damaged cars. PRINCE GEORGE PARK 2 Bedroom groundfloor unit. Avail 1Sep, R4800pm Call Alan 083 7080 970 JL026306 TO ADVERTISE CALL 011 916 5301 Gavin 083 708 6050 ZH076212 A BAKKIE / CAR WANTED FOR CASH Naas 074 027 3235 Sharon 076 125 3235 DAVID 078 128 3385 JH035386 SKOON motors/ bakkies gesoek. Kobus 082 461 7198 ZH076122 * Must have plant knowledge. * Previous nursery experience. * Salary neg. ANNA seeks part/full time domestic work, sleep out, child care + refs. 071 538 7102. TS011179 ANNAH seeks full time domestic sleep in work, sleep in/out, cooking, child care, refs avail. 072 376 8439 ZW011419 ANNIE seeks part/full time domestic work, sleep in/out, cooking, child care + refs avail. 084 994 5919. TS011173 * North Rand rd. Boksburg BELINDA seeks part time domestic work, Tues, Thurs, Sat, sleep out, refs avail. 084 401 4848. TS011187 BETTY seeks full time domestic work, sleep in, child care + refs avail. 078 929 1470. TS011162 0875 TRADE FORWARD ONE PAGE CV TO jorge.luis With drive and discipline you can lead an executive lifestyle! With over 34 years of experience, the multiple award-winning Intro Real Estate offers you world class training and support. Sales experience. Own vehicle. Over 30. Commission based. Join our dynamic team today! 0850 Professional Email CV tarynintro ELIZABETH seeks full time domestic work, Mon - Fri, sleep out, cooking + refs avail. 073 610 6296. TS011167 EXHAUST FITTER REQUIRED Must have experience in exhausts, roll bars, towbars, shocks etc. No chancers. FAX CV TO 087 942 8700 EMMA seeks part/full time domestic work, Mon - Fri, sleep out, cooking, child care + refs avail. 072 278 2968 TS011177 JENNET seeks part/full time domestic work, sleep in/out, child care. 073 931 5593 TS011176 JOHANNA seeks domestic work, Mon - Fri, sleep out, refs available. RN105047 084 961 5132 TS011185 PANEL BEATER REQUIRED JOYCE seeks part time domestic work, Thurs, sleep out, cooking, child care. 083 549 2791. Must be qualified, good all rounder. POSITION FOR TELEPHONIC DEBT COLLECTOR TS011164 Send 1 page CV to : 011 917 3703 / dirklawrence LYDICIA seeks part time domestic work, Mon, Wed, Fri, sleep out, cooking, child care + refs avail. 078 780 6323 TS011178 MALETSATSI seeks full time BV020835 domestic work, Mon - Fri, sleep out. 082 841 9045. For Debt Collecting Company in Boksburg/ Elspark area. Experience is an advantage. 0895 DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT WANTED TS011170 MAMSIE seeks part time domestic work, Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, sleep out, cooking, child care. 078 475 5807. TS011183 AGNES seeks part time domestic work, Tues, Thurs, Sat, sleep out, cooking, child care. 078 311 3675 MELISSA seeks part/full time domestic work, Mon - Sat, sleep in/out, child care + refs. TS011190 073 137 6457. TS011163 ALVINA Seeks full time work. Mon-Fri. Sleep out. Refs avail. 071 961 5145 NCUMISA seeks domestic work, Mon, Wed, Fri, sleep out, refs TS011192 avail. 060 356 6228 ANNA seeks part time domestic TS011169 work, Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, sleep out, NOZUKO seeks part/full time child care. 078 069 5494. domestic work, sleep out, child TS011191 care + refs avail. 072 642 6287 061 007 1764 FLORINA seeks part/full time TS011160 domestic work, sleep in/out, child care. 071 083 8976. OLIMPIA seeks part time domestic TS011172 work, Tues, Thurs, sleep out, cooking, child care. 073 402 9895. Suksesvolle Maatskappy opsoek na Kandidate om opgelei te word vir nuwe bestuurders vir nuwe takke in Gauteng en omliggende areas. Basies R18000 + Maatskappy voordele Stuur CV na: management@ Journalist Onderhoude word in Pretoria gevoer. ZW011349 TS011180 PAULINAH seeks part/full time domestic work, sleep out, refs. 073 4161 360 SPRINGS ADVERTISER RN105097 is looking for a Journalist. The successful applicant must: BV020843 CARS & BAKKIES WANTED FOR CASH PERSON NEEDED Contact Tanya 011 918 5655 AANSTELLING VAN JNR EN SNR BESTUURDERS 0786 WANTED PLANT SALES ARE YOU A SALES MOGUL AT HEART? STOCK RECEIVING SUPERVISOR Required for FMCG Company in Spartan Salary negotiable Must have a drivers licence. Prev exp an advantage. Person to start ASAP. Any management experience will be to your advantage. 0820 GENERAL MA052270 ZH076204 RN105048 RN105012 MORGANRIDGE FLAT 2 Bedroom Covered parking R3500 pm exl elect Occ immed 079 615 8576 082 601 1516 BOKSBURG LIBRADENE Very spacious house to rent, in a secure access controlled village on a 1800sqm stand landscaped garden with pool. Available 1 September 2016. R12000p.m. R12000 deposit. Newly painted. Offers large spacious lounge and diningroom. Large kitchen with wooden cupboards and breakfast counter and offset scullery. 3 Spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, main en- suite all with BIC an additional 4th bedroom that can be used as a study. Separate laundry and servant quarters with bathroom and toilet. Double garage with additional undercover parking for 4/6 cars. Pre-paid electricity. To view phone Chris 076 097 0151 FAX CV TO 087 942 8700 INTERNAL SALES Experience required. Age 26 and upwards East Rand based preferred. Call 078 595 3688 or email sales@hyperbuild RN105050 COMMERCIAL, PASSENGER, TAXI & PARTS SALES STAFF E-mail CV charlenep Call 076 574 6974 ZW011409 STOCK CONTROLLER For exhaust fitment centre. MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE. NO CHANCERS. RN105043 2 Bedr flat to let. 1 Bathr. R3700 p.m excl w/l. + Dep essential. Near East Rand Mall. Avail imm. NABY EAST RAND MALL 1 Slaapk. tuinwoonstel. R3200 pm sonder elekt. Veilige parkering. 082 560 3442 Email CV`s to: 072 290 4591 • 082 258 5550 TENDERS CLERK - with computer knowledge JL026327 0484 TOWNHOUSES /SIMPLEXES /CLUSTERS /DUPLEXES z Have an excellent command of the English language z z Own car and driver’s licence non negotiable Be able to work weekends and nights when required z z z %HSUR¿FLHQWLQVRFLDOPHGLDSODWIRUPV Knowledge of CMS an advantage Have a journalism degree or diploma from a reputable institution PENELOPE Seeks full/part time work. Sleep out. Cooking. Child care. 079 844 4524 JL026313 ROSE seeks part/full time domestic work, Mon - Sat, sleep out, child care + refs avail. 071 518 7578. TS011184 SARAH seeks full/part time work, sleep out, cooks, child care, refs avail. 078 977 6600 MA052276 Office Admin Diploma Course 22 Aug - 30 Sep MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, CV, Email, Bus Eng, Bus Doc, Internet (011) 622 5158 BV020860 ZW011385 Require the services and expertise of a marketing agent who have experience in the advertising and media field. TATA BRAKPAN REQUIRES 0830 MANAGEMENT 21 BV020726 Hospitaal / Dokters behandeling wat liggaamlike skade / beserings / nagevolge veroorsaak het. Hospital / Doctors treatment caused bodily harm / injuries / consequences thereof. BV020861 FLATS TO LET A CASH LOAN MA049976 BOKSBURG NORTH PET FRIENDLY Sunny, 3 Beds, B.I.C, Carport clean. R6000 + Dep 063 621 3526 0428 FLATS 0650 LOANS / INVESTMENTS Motorongelukke. Vehicle accidents. Ernstige beserings opgedoen of dood. Serious injuries or death. ... MEGA MEDIA PRODUCTIONS SA RN105090 Tel Dawn 011 422-2030 / 082 899 3734 MEDIESE NALATIGE EISE MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE CLAIMS JL023349 m7aug/road/cdb 6 Brand new 200sqm units or 1200sqm can interlink * Also available 1050sqm factory dust free environment facing Liverpool Rd . 24 hr Security. ROAD ACCIDENT FUND CLAIMS PADONGELUKFONDSEISE RN105058 ZH075943 0421 Factories INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTY VALUE PARK 17 LIVERPOOL RD BENONI Friday, August 5, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... RN105101 Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Journalism experience will be an advantage Please send your CVs to Deadline: Friday, August 26 SARAH seeks part time domestic work, Mon, Wed, Fri, sleep out, refs avail. 078 237 9216. TS011175 SOPHY seeks part time domestic work, Mon, Wed, Fri, sleep out, child care. 076 568 9452. TS011189 If you do not hear from us by September 2 consider your application unsuccessful. SUSAN seeks part/full time domestic work, Mon - Fri, sleep in/out, cooking, child care. 074 339 2263 TS011182 SPORT | ... 0950 LEGAL NOTICES TENDAI seeks part/full time domestic work, sleep out, child care. 073 906 4587. TS011186 TRISH seeks full time domestic work, Mon - Fri, sleep in, child care. 078 337 9242 TS011165 VIMBAI seeks part time domestic work, Mon, Thurs, Sat, sleep out, child care + refs avail. 071 085 9428. TS011174 CAUTION Readers should carefully examine all services offered, quotes and deposits requested before accepting any of them. It remains the consumers` responsibility to check the credentials of all advertisers with whom they are doing business. As Caxton offers a service to advertisers to market their products or services, it cannot be held responsible for any damages or misleading claims. Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 To join the likes of these 2015 TransCape MTB competitors in saying you have conquered the challenging 750km seven-day stage race from Knysna to Franschhoek, enter next year’s race (February 5 to 11) now at www. Photographer: Yolanda van der Stoep. TransCape MTB race Herbaloffers He Revival a thrilling ride JL026189 JH034972 Cell: 073 453 4093 0897 GARDENER EMPLOYMENT WANTED LEMSON seeks part time gardening work, Mon-Wed & Fri, sleep out, refs. 081 348 8434 BV020872 SIHLE seeks full time gardening work, sleep out. 073 657 6754 TS011188 MC029340 NG HEELS & WI •W CONNECTED FOLLOW US Twitter: @BoksburgNews facebook: Boksburg Advertiser WEB: Wheels & Wings • WH E E L 01 6 S& S2 2016 01 NG S 2 6 • W H Xbudi!pvu!gps!pvs Eje!Zpv!Lopx Bewfsut fwfsz xffl" GET ! FIND HIM IN BOKSBURG, BENONI, KEMPTON PARK CELL: 073 497 8484 it’s a short (under 80km) but hard ride, from Villiersdorp to the finish line and a medal of honour at the beautiful La Couronne Wine Farm in Franschhoek. As has become customary in the race, cyclists will be spend their evenings enjoying the best wine the Cape has to offer while enjoying scrumptious local fare prepared under the watchful eye of well-known chef, Nic van Wyk in the evenings. Riders also get to spend race nights sleeping snuggly in hotels, guest houses and other comfy sleeping quarters. To make sure each participant gets personal attention and is treated like a king or a queen from start to finish, only 130 entries are accepted into this exclusive event so entering as soon as possible is paramount. To avoid missing out on an adventure of a lifetime that offers a demanding on-the-bike race coupled with a first-class off-the-bike experience, visit now to enter or call Lenore Collett on 082 575 0716 for further information. Article issued on behalf of TransCape MTB by Yolanda van der Stoep. - @SabeloBoksburg WI Return lost lovers/ lost love spells * Relationship problems * Financial problems * Magic ring & magic wallet * Manhood enlargement problems * Pregnancy problems KE003251 CHIEF JOSHUA 0982 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT VACANY 6 0980 ADULT @S p r i n g s A i r f i e l d H333950SL31 CAXTON * Bring all problems I will help you, * All body pains; BP, diabetes. * Magic wallet & lucky stick. * Win lottery & all gambling / tenders & political elections. * Lost lover and fix broken marriage * Manhood enlargement & all sexual problems * Cleaning homes and chase away bad luck * All financial matters / court cases coordinators are working on some tweaks to these sections and finetuning the other five stages of the race to make it a little less intense,” says Collett. But don’t be fooled, she adds. “It still won’t be a walk in the park, so riders can still expect a helluva challenge with all the amazing scenery, fine dining and creature comforts competitors have come to expect from the TransCape!” While it will provide a stern but fair challenge for pro riders, dedicated amateur mountain bikers will also find it achievable, with every finisher sure to leave with a true sense of accomplishment. The seven-day event, open to individual riders and teams of two cyclists (men’s/women’s/mixed), will see the field taken on a classic route from Knysna to George on day one, then onto Calitzdorp on day two before heading to Riversdal on day three. Stage four will see the group of riders tackle the tweaked route from Riversdal to Swellendam before the intrepid field heads to Greyton on day five with the next stop Villiersdorp on the penultimate day. On the final day W I NG S 2 01 CAXTON We offer a discount for domestic works wanting to place advertising in our domestic employment wanted column. T MAMA BELA & PROF. NILO he date for the third edition of the TransCape MTB Cycle Race has been confirmed for February 5 to 11, 2017. Mountain bike enthusiasts are urged to get their entries in for this exclusive event as soon as possible, to avoid missing out on a cycling experience of a lifetime. According to race owner Lenore Collett, the seven-stage event will, as in the past two years, take competitors along a challenging 750km route from Knysna to Franschhoek, but with a few changes to certain stages of the race, from previous years. Boksburg mountain biker Robert Rostoll rode for 38 hours in this year’s TransCape MTB race. Rostoll, along with his Team Speztic teammate Albert van der Berg, completed the gruelling race in exactly 38:00:37 hours, good enough for seventh in the men’s teams and 17th overall. “We listened to the riders' comments from the first two races who found stage two, from George to Calitzdorp, and stage four from Riversdal to Swellendam, particularly tough so with this in mind our route LS & AS PART OF OUR BBBEE SOCIAL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE Normal price: R143.60 We charge them R76.00 NOTICE In the Estate Late Andries Abraham Weber: (ID 681228 5016 087) who resided at 12 Perone Avenue, Germiston, 1401. DATE OF DEATH:16/06/2016 ESTATE NO: 9145 /2016/PTA The First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account in the above estate shall lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court in PRETORIA for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof. Dated at Boksburg the 19th day of July 2016. Cindy Pretorius Executor 1 Molen Road Freeway Park Boksburg 1459 Cell: 071 332 4162 Tel: 011 916 5301 Fax: 011 918 6067 Friday, August 5, 2016 EE 22 Fleamarket and Food Stalls Business Stands. Calling on ALL EAST RAND FLEAMARKETERS WELCOME! Contact Izahn van Huyssteen on 011 812-4828 or email to book your space 48 5th Ave, Springs • Tel: 011 812-4800 • Like us on Lots of entertainment Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 ... Friday, August 5, 2016 SPORT | ... 23 Following a slow start, Ness (left) recovered for the win. Ness outpoints Mthembu in title fight and damaging blows. He had Mthembu in trouble against the ropes and referee Thabo Spampool could’ve decided to stop the fight and spare Mthembu from being further pummelled but the hard challenger refused to back down and survived another onslaught. Mthembu drew inspiration from his stamina’s reserve tank and still had enough to give the champion a scare in rounds 10 and 11. Undoubtedly the aggressor in this late period, Mthembu had the tired champion in big trouble in round 11 with a series of unanswered strikes and it was again the bell which came to the champion’s rescue this time. The champion improved his record to 10-1-2; 5 while Mthembu dropped to 5-4-1; 4. In the afternoon’s penultimate bout, Dee-Jay Kriel survived a couple of knockdowns before coming back to earn a TKO win in the seventh in an equally contested eightround catchweight battle with Nyelisani Thagambega. Elsewhere, Thulani Mbenge maintained his perfect record as he gave Zenzile Mtanze a boxing lesson in their welterweight clash scheduled six rounds. Mbenge easily won via TKO in the first to improve his record to 7-0-0. Watch this space. Other results: John Bopape W TKO 1 Andile Mabilisa - junior middleweight Ephraim Chauke draw 6 Morabedi Khotle - junior featherweight Chaz Wasserman draw 4 Fiston Kabamba - light heavyweight Lucky Mongebane W KO 1 Caiphus Thomas - junior lightweight - @SabeloBoksburg Thagambega lands a clean one to Kriel’s jaw. Snooker heats up The Easterns Snooker and Billiards Association will be hosting the 2016 South African Women’s Snooker Championships from August 5 to August 9. The tournament will be held at the Matchroom Snooker Club at 116 Pretoria Road, Rynfield. The schedule of play will soon be made available. TEL: 011 394-8418 FAX: 011 394-9832 STEEL & HARDWARE PRODUCTS AT DISCOUNT PRICES A BEE Accredited Supplier PALISADE PANELS & GATES Standard or Custom-made Panels 40 x 40 x 2.0mm (3 or 7 spike, 16 palings per panel) Panels 3m x 1.8m R632.95 each Panels 3m x 2.0m R679.76 each Complete Posts @ R149.25 each (76 x 76 x 2.4m) Gates 1.8m high @ R716.38 p/m Gates 2.0m high @ R748.29 p/m Concrete Gate Track R220 each Gate Motors & Tracks Available Phone for our latest specials R50 Cover Charge 36 12th Street, Springs 011 815 6828 PRICES INCLUDE VAT AND ARE CASH ‘N CARRY 92 Plane Road, Spartan, Kempton Park OPEN SATURDAYS 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM C307020KE20 S A welterweight champion Shaun Ness was made to work hard for his unanimous decision win over Ayanda Mthembu to retain his title in a bloody slugfest at Emperors Palace on Sunday, July 24. The tournament, dubbed ‘Prospects at the Palace III’ was presented by Golden Gloves in conjunction with Emperors Palace and SuperSport. Both pugilists gave onlookers a fight to remember for a long time to come as they both refused to lose before the fight went the distance. Judge Wally Snowball scored the fight 117-113 and judges Joe Chaane and Simon Mokadi scored it 115-114 and 117-111 respectively, all in favour of the champion. Either fighter could have won the fight at different stages of the bout. Mthembu made a flying start and surprised the champion with an effective combination of blows. The challenger maintained the pressure for the next three rounds with Ness having a slow start. The champion then began to pick up the pace and his measured, accurate, more educated and devastating punches that left Mthembu’s face a bleeding wreck were a pleasure to watch. Ness continued as the aggressor with rounds six to eight being his best. He had Mthembu under the cosh in the sixth but the challenger was saved by the round interval bell. Mthembu enjoyed another good start in the eighth but his tired punches did minimal damage to Ness. The champion assumed the ascendency midway through the round with hard 24 Friday, August 5, 2016 BOKSBURG ADVERTISER NEWS | ... Got a story? Call us on 011 916 5385 Do you have a sport story? Contact Sabelo Mashego on 011 916 5394 or at for all your news, results or simply anything sporty! GET YOUR ENTRIES IN EARLY FOR GRUELLING BIKE RACE - PG 22 Brakpan beats outclassed Boksburg Brakpan put 61 points past Boksburg, in a Valke Peregrine Rugby League last round robin fixture, in Brakpan, on Friday, July 22. Kicker PJ Beukes and Markus Leonard scored the Owls’ two tries on the night, with the former converting both and slotting an additional two penalties. “We had a tough game, with six guys out due to being sick,” commented Boksburg coach Marcell Fourie. “Brakpan is a great team so we did struggle.” The result meant that the Owls finished fourth on the league table, qualifying for the play-offs, behind Vereeniging, Springs and leaders Brakpan. Boksburg scorers: Tries – PJ Beukes, Markus Leonard. Conversions - PJ Beukes (2). Penalties - PJ Beukes (2) - @SabeloBoksburg It was a frustrating afternoon for Boksburg forward Eduardo Cassonga (battling for possession) and co as Union enjoyed the lion’s share of possession throughout the game. BLUES OUTPLAYED Sabelo Mashego B Derrick and Melanie Tel: 011 892-3502 Cell: 082 320 4286 email: ous whenever forward Ndumiso Selepe was in possession on the right flank. The skilful attacker produced a neat run down the right which culminated in Kagisano Seforo being presented with a good chance to register his side on the scoreboard but he shot his effort straight into the goalkeeper’s hands. Union were having a field day down Boksburg’s left flank and an attack from that very side from a recycled ball from their keeper resulted in a corner. Blues fullback Alex Daniel made a vital interception as he deflected a rebound shot on to the crossbar from the resulting corner. With the half nearing its end, the Blues created an eye-catching build-up as they enjoyed a rare spell of possession. No 2 found himself in space in front of goal moments later but also shot straight to the keeper from a tight angle. The game’s pattern continued into the second and the visitors added three more goals for the handsome win. - @SabeloBoksburg Heroes’ farewell for Team SA • SHOCKS • TOW BARS • TAILPIPES • BULL BARS • EXHAUSTS • BATTERIES • BRAKE PADS • FREE FLOWS • TONNEAU COVERS • TRUCK EXHAUSTS • CAT REPLACEMENTS M335103BU32 Owls halfback Dirkie Burger. oksburg Football Club ELFA Super League rivals Union scored three goals in either half for a 6-0 win over the local side. The lopsided fixture took place at the Boksburg City Stadium on Saturday, July 23. The visitors had the all but won the game in the first half with their three goals and a bevy of missed chances which could have seen the scoreboard reading worse for the Blues. It was all Union from the start and it did not take long until their superiority was apparent as they gave themselves an early cushion with two goals. The visitors kept up the pressure and should have extended their lead halfway through the first stanza as they hit the same upright in a space of five minutes. The wave of attack continued and the visitors grabbed their third just moments after hitting the upright. Boksburg looked most danger- A few athletes of Team SA paraded the streets of Reiger Park with the community on Saturday, July 23, before jetting off to Brazil for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. The games kick off on Friday, August 5, and run until Sunday, August 21. The parade, which was officially opened by Gauteng Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation MEC Faith Mazibuko, offered the Reiger Park community the opportunity to meet their heroes. Local fans got to take pictures with the likes of footballers Rivaldo Coetzee, Abubakar Mobara and charismatic long-jumper Luvo Monyonga, who also led the team with his impressive dancing skills. Having finished in overall 23rd position on the medals tally in the last Olympics, in London, with six medals three gold, two silver and a single bronze - Team 2016 will be looking to improve on that total. Meanwhile, 400m world champion Wayde van Niekerk was named Team SA flag-bearer for the opening ceremony, in an announcement recently made at the team’s send-off, at Emperors Palace. The 2016 Rio Olympics also mark the debut of Rugby Sevens and golf. A total of 137 athletes will be representing and defending the nation’s flag at the Games. - @SabeloBoksburg MEC Faith Mazibuko (left) leads the team during the parade.
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