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North .com - Gringo Gazette
GRINGO h t r o N s s e l e ic r P VOL. 3 ED. 08 • JUNE 13TH, 2016 • NO BAD NEWS When the brush drys out, and when the goats have eaten all the tasty stuff near the ground, they get creative in seeking their dinner further up the food chain. Well, actually, further up the bush. Contrary to the misperception that goats fly, they actually climb up the branches. It’s the pigs that fly. Hence the term when pigs fly. U.S. Consulate On Passport Issue Issues If your passport expires before you do, don’t be caught with your pants down BY REN DRAKE HILL You’re living in Mexico and you discover your passport is about to expire. What do you do? What DO you do? Recently, Thalia Jimenez of the Passports and Citizenship Office of the American Consulate spoke to the FRAO (Foreign Residents Attention Office) constituency at their monthly breakfast meeting, telling us what to do in just such a situation. Americans with a still-valid passport have the option of re- newing it in the U.S. at a post office or passport office any time, or at the American Consulate in Tijuana, by appointment. But if your passport has expired, you must reestablish it through the Consulate if you’re in Mexico . Walk-ins are accepted Monday – Friday mornings, but appointments are strongly suggested. Show up with your current passport and two correctly sized photos (details at http://tijuana.USConsulate. gov). Don’t fret if you don’t have the photos; there is a photographer onsite. The process takes about two weeks. Your new passport will be delivered by DHL to your local DHL office in Mexico, or mailed to your U.S. mailing address. If you are requesting a passport book and card, the process takes about 3 ½ weeks. Why? I don’t know. It’s the United States government. They don’t need a reason. If you currently possess a valid passport booklet and want to request just the card, bring in your passport and photos. The original booklet will be returned to you on the spot. A ten year card will be mailed to you. This process is much faster when handled through the Consulate, as there is an official adjudicator on the premises, and not so with the U.S. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 .com Turning 65 Overseas Requires Attention Sign up for Medicare or you get penalized for the rest of your life! BY ORLANDO GOTAY You probably know that Medicare is a federal health insurance plan for people who are age 65 or older. Medicare has four parts—A, B, C, and D. Part A is free for people with social security benefits, and helps pay for inpatient hospital care. Under the vast majority of circumstances, most of the time, Medicare will not be avail- able to cover medical expenses when living outside the U.S. Part B helps pay for doctors’ services and outpatient care. It is voluntary. Sort of. If a person chooses not to enroll when first eligible, the premiums are increased permanently by 10 percent based on the number of 12 month periods the person went CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 2 May 30th, 2016 Que Pasa in Baja? .COM BY OLIVER QUINTERO Money fight! So what else is new? The federal high court has ruled in favor of the hoteliers of Tijuana and Tecate regarding the runaway hotel tax money. If you remember, (and why wouldn’t you?) we told you that the state hijacked the funds raised by the 3% room tax from all the cities in the state. Before that every city managed the money it raised. The money grab was pushed by our state tourism honcho, Oscar Escobedo, who said it would save big bucks in duplicated overhead which could now go toward promoting the entire state. Of course the local hotel associations were pretty pissy about this because they lost control over the money raised in their jurisdiction. Now the courts have given hope to them that they will get that money back, because their rights were violated when they were not given enough time to fight against the measure in court. This doesn’t mean that the money will revert to local control again, but it’s a step towards that. For now it’s back to the courts for more of this cat fight. Big investments in Baja. Baja California is one of the main foreign investment destinations in the country according to the National Economy Office, at least in the first quarter of 2016. We managed to snag about 481 million USD in investments this past quarter, a 75% increase from the same period last year. This increase positioned Baja as the fifth state in the country with the most foreign investment and the second from the United States. Although this is good news for Baja, we can’t say the same for the country, because the money invested nationwide was actually 15% less than the investment in the same period last year. Where is the money coming from you ask? Well as you may have guessed, the U.S. leads the chart with 66.4%, South Korea gets second place with 14.4%. The remaining 19.20% is distributed between Spain, The Netherlands, Israel, Japan, Hong Kong and other countries. This investment has helped Baja bring the unemployment rate down to 2.84%, the lowest rate since 2008. The average unemployment rate for the country is 3.8%. Yes, way lower than the United States’ 5%. Under employment is Mexico’s problem, not unemployment. That means jobs are plentiful but the work force is not paid well. Bypass on its way again. After being on hold for several months, construction on the Ensenada bypass is resuming “soon”. Alfonso Padres, head of the federal Transportation and Communications Office (SCT) in Baja, said the project had been put on hold because the construction company had run amuck. The original project was to be 39 feet wide but the construction company decided to make it 69 feet wide because they felt if it had to be enlarged later it would be too risky since big rocks had to be blown away with dyne-omite. So they just took it upon finish the first section before the year ends. The first section starts in El Sauzal and ends at Ruiz Street in Ensenada, close to the dam. Deadly Baja 500 race. This year’s off road race was saddened by the death of an 8 year old American child from California who was watching the race with You should be here today! Happy Hour Mon-Fri 2-6PM Mexican Combo w/salad $7.00 Piña Colada Fri-Sat $4.00 All day KM 73 Tij-Ens Toll Road • Ph (646) 155-8179 FB: LaSalinaCantina • themselves to make it wider. Sigh. The process of this decision was not done right, (no shit), so the construction was put on hold until it was all sorted out. About $5.4 million is being invested on the bypass this year and Padres says the goal is to her mom when a trophy truck lost control and careened into the crowd. The child died almost instantly and her mom survived with broken bones. People, it’s not safe to watch the race so close to the cars! This has happened before. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 3 .COM What’s Going On In This Country? Pemex thievery. Last year, Pemex filed 5,600 complaints with the Attorney General’s office for illegal taps into their gas pipes, thefts that totaled at least 6.9 million barrels of fuel and represented a loss to the oil company of US $591 million. It’s not getting any better. During the first four months of this year, 1,871 illegal pipeline taps were detected throughout Mexico. The states with the highest incidence of the crime are Guanajuato with 400, followed by Puebla with 389, Tamaulipas 244 and Veracruz 197. It is estimated that about a quarter of the gas you buy at the pump has been bought from his back door, by your friendly corner gas station. Stupid chick tricks. A woman was caught bringing $3,000 worth of drugs over the border in fake burritos. The woman was hired for $500. Instead of being stuffed with cheese and chicken, they were stuffed with heroin. She was caught by an alert dog who smelled the difference between drugs and burritos. Must have been a Mexican chiwawa Heavy load. An 18 year old turtle was drafted into a project Jesús González Díaz Mirón explained that the transmitters costing $1,800 are part of a project to determine the mama turtle’s natural capacity for responding to large scale oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico. Should there be Donald Trump’s proposal to make Mexico pay for a border wall, but his own administration is spending $75 million for border security on Mexico’s southern border. Since 2013, the Obama ad- illegal immigrants (a category at the time limited principally to Chinese workers as well as felons, paupers and the insane), and it wasn’t until 1924 that Congress formed the Border Patrol. , US CONSULATE ON PASSPORT... continued from page 1 post office Those guys are just letter sorters. There is a lot of useful information on the US Consulate and Embassy website at http:// Or June Specials! House salad House Salad Salmon with red sauce Rib Eye with red wine sauce Only $15.00 Only $20.00 Carrot Pie Now serving Menudo & Pozole Friday, Saturday and Sunday Carrot pie WAITERS WANTED! Great presentation, time availability. Contact us. On K43 Ros-Ens Free Road • US Ph (619) 810 7666 Mx Ph (661)-614-1135 another spill such as that caused by the accident at the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in 2010, the tracking data gathered by satellite will provide evidence that turtles travel to U.S. waters after laying Sunday Brunch Buffet Only $12 Margaritas & Bloody Marys Included Live Music • 9am - 2:30pm ministration, through a partnership with the Mexican government known as the Mérida Initiative, has already spent at least $15 million helping Mexico secure its southern border, according to a nonpartisan Congressional Research Service report. With U.S. support, the Mexican government has been implementing a southern border security plan since 2013 that has involved the establishment of 12 advanced Ph. (661) 688-0923 • KM. 52 Tij-Ens Free Road, Rosarito that not only seeks to protect turtles but ensures that compensation is paid in the event of an accident that causes environmental damage. The Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, after depositing 88 eggs on the beach in Veracruz, was briefly detained by staff at the Veracruz aquarium while they attached a satellite transmitter to its shell. Then turtle was tossed back into the sea. Aquarium biologist Raúl de BY SANTIAGO VERDUGO May 30th, 2016 their eggs in Mexico. There was no compensation paid to Mexico for possible turtle harm following the accident because there was no information available regarding the movement of the sea turtles. The project has funding for about 100 transmitters which will be divided up between four species, all classified as endangered species. More border wars. President Barack Obama has slammed DISCOUNT PHARMACY DELIVERY SERVICE IN TOWN • UP TO 40% OFF CALL US (661) 613.2999 K38 On the Free Road to Ens. In the Plaza, next to Baja Calypso Open from 8AM - 7PM • Sundays 10AM - 5PM naval bases on the country’s rivers and three security cordons that stretch more than 100 miles north of the Mexico-Guatemala and Mexico-Belize border. The State Department has provided $15 million in equipment and training assistance, including NII equipment, mobile kiosks, canine teams, and training for INAMI officials Local and International, move just 1 piece of in the southern border refurniture or an entire household! gion. It plans to spend at USA and Mexico Insured. least $75 It hasn’t always been this 30+ years experience in USA and Mexico way; for much of American Call Fletes y Mudanzas Diaz for a free estimate: history, the U.S.-Mexico borSan Diego Tijuana Rosarito der has been largely unpro(619) 822-2615 (664) 206-1033 (661) 100-1053 tected. Only in 1891 did the United States start deporting Moving Services you can snail mail questions and concerns to American Consulate General, PO Box 439030, San Ysidro, CA 92143-9039. Their physical address is Paseo de las Culturas s/n; Mesa de Otay; Delagacion Centenario C.P. 22425, Tijuana, BC; email:; MX phone: 664-977-2000; emergency phone: 1-619-692-2154. Passport questions can also be answered through Google, but be aware that lots of those answering are selling a passport service you don’t have to pay for if you go direct to Uncle Sam. Lastly, to report safety issues, robberies, delayed police response times, etc, email the office at They want to hear the bad and the good news about your experiences living here in the Baja. Well, maybe they don’t care so much about your ranting on about good stuff that happens, their only concern is problem solving. FRAO meets at 10:00 am on the third Thursday of each month at the Rosarito Beach CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 GRINGO Published bi-monthly in Vista, CA and distributed in Mexico & The United States by Enojoso Publicaciones S.A. de C.V. Northern Baja 044 (646) 179-4599 Cabo San Lucas (624) 143-5750 & 143 0865 United States 303 Magnolia Dr. Laguna Beach, CA, 92651 Ph. (562) 714 6735 Subscriptions available see page 10 or 11, maybe 12, sometimes 4. Or mail $65 for one year, (26 issues) or $45 for six months (13 issues) to the U.S. Check the paper online: You may view the entire newspaper, just as it appears in print, online Who's to blame: Publisher Carrie Duncan, US (562) 714-6735 Editor Oliver Quintero Subscriptions Santiago Sales & Distribution Oliver Quintero Cell (646) 179-4599 Graphic Design Oliver Quintero Journalism is publishing something that somebody doesn’t want printed. Everything else is just public relations 4 May 30th, 2016 .COM Red Cross Update Busy, busy, busy! BY REN DRAKE HILL Cruz Roja welcomes Sergio C. Hernandez as their new hospital president, relieving Raul Zapata who has worked tirelessly as hospital president for many years. Sergio is not new to Cruz Roja, and he attends every Cruz Roja event. He has previously been the secretary their hospital board. He was raised to support Cruz Roja since he was a child starting back in 1992 when he suffered a bad automobile ac- Your One Stop Solution For: • South Dakota NonResident plates • US Liability Insurance on SD plated Cars • Mexican VISA Resident Cards - Ask for Rose! • Mexican Tourist Insurance Lewis & Lewis Affiliate • Sentri Applications • US Income Taxes • US Mail Services • Computers~ Faxes • High-speed Copier Jackie, Rose, Ricardo & Caroline Baja’s KM 44.1 on the Free Road Local #1 Rosarito, BC 22711 Local (661) 614-0513 Fax (661) 614-0514 US 1-619-272-9991 cident and the emergency actions of Cruz Roja saved his life. He explained that no hospital or medical team will reach you sooner here than Cruz Roja. Sergio will take office after his official inauguration date in July. It isn’t widely known, but this position is unpaid. It’s a true gift of love to occupy this demanding position. Sadly, we bid adieu to Rosie Pena, Cruz Roja Vo l u n t a r i o s President, who has had to relinquish her position due to personal issues. Rosie will, however, remain very active with the Damas and hospital affairs so they may continue to “save lives by the second.” Stepping up to the presidency is Paul Flowers, current vice-president of the Voluntarios. The Primo Tapia chapter of Cruz Roja Volunteers is feeling growing pains, as they’ve had to double the size of their thrift store to accommodate all of the donations, (which means doubling their rent costs), and there are still four garages holding items. (But please continue to donate your gently used items!) The money raised at this location helps to ensure ambulance service; the alternative being a 45 minute wait for an ambulance being dispatched from Rosarito.0 Rosie Pena told us there were 471 calls in April to the Cruz Roja hospital for ambulance service, which is free to the injured, but costs the hospital an average $40 per call. Most expats being transported want to be driven to the border after stabilization of the injury or illness. Whether one is a member or not, ($100 ambulance cost vs $200 fee for non-members), payment is not discussed at the time of injury or transport. Not everyone who gets hit by a car while out for a walk carries their credit card with them. Payment may be made at a later date. Try that in the United States! Recently, members of the Cruz Roja special rescue unit risked their lives for more than 24 hours searching for a hiker who had fallen down a steep rocky cliff in Canon del Tajo. After locating the climber (or would that b e “tumbler”?), the rescue workers stabilized his leg and transported him to the Rosarito Cruz Roja hospital. This year’s collecta and donations raised nearly one million pesos and was matched by the Mexican government If you met my family, you’d understand • Health and life insurance • House and Condo insurance • Legal Assistance • Car insurance (Mexico and US) • Board Association Insurance • Personal Accident Benito Juarez # 10, Quinta del Mar strip center, in front of the stop light Phone 661-6121028 and 661-6130692 Email: the city’s bars with all proceeds going to the Cruz Roja hospital. If you don’t see the rack at your local watering hole, ask your manager to consider offering this service. Cruz Roja volunteers’ recent Art and Flower Show held in Popotla was well-attended. There were 15 Venders and the food CHARLY’S PLACE Enjoy delicious food, drinks and a great environment. Always! KM 37.5 Rosarito-Ensenada Free Road. Almost across the St. from the big Jesus. Ph. (661) 613-2685 US. (619) 663-1587 to provide a new ambulance in service to Rosarito. A new rescue vehicle is also on its way. Crus Roja wishes to thank everybody who has dropped money or checks into the collecta containers. Last June a new snack program was instituted by Cruz Roja Mexicana. Racks of snacks and candy are appearing in many of SUBSCRIBE GRINGO Yes! Yes! Sign Me Up! First in Rosarito, first in service was hot and delicious, the wait staff plentiful, and $1650 was raised; more than a 50% increase over last year! Cruz Roja’s next major fundraiser is the annual Fashion Show and luncheon, Friday, August 5. If you wish to donate items for this, please contact Cheryl Shepard, events chair, 664-6313509. , Since 1971 Let us pay pay your household bills on your behalf. Easy set up TURNING 65 OVERSEAS... continued from page 1 without coverage. Those eligible for premium free Part A (based on their or their spouse’s work record), are also eligible to sign up for Part B during an initial enrollment period, three months before and after the person turns 65, no matter where the person lives. If a person does not qualify for premium-free part A, and lives overseas, then that person must return to the U.S. to gain eligibility. No penalty applies in those cases. Those who were eligible to sign up for Part B but did not do so, must wait for a future regular enrollment period. They happen every January 1 through March 31, but remember that the premium will be higher than it would have initially been if you had signed up when you were supposed to. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 order now or we'll throw the kitty under the bus. North It's not gonna be my fault the kitty got tossed under the bus! 6 Months 2nd Class Mail (13 Issues) -$45 12 Months 2nd Class Mail (26 Issues) - $65 Send Your Dinero To The Gringo Gazette and save the kitty! Desert CAand 92252 MakeP.O. your Box check13168 payablePalm to Gringo Gazette send it to Oliver Quintero, PMB-80 PO BOX 189003, Coronado, CA, 92178 562 714 6735 Name ___________________________________________________________ continued on page25 Street _____________________________________ City___________________ State/Province _______________________________________ Zip___________ Phone (in case we can't read your crummy E-mailwriting)______________________ Sorry, Canadians, we just could not reliably get them to you so we’re not mailing to Canada anymore. To subscribe, you must have a United States address. May 30th, 2016 5 .COM QUE PASA IN BAJA?... continued from page 2 Everyone seems to be blaming the spectators for standing too close and putting themselves at risk, but the blame should be shared by the organizers and local authorities as well. If the event were held in the States, proper security measures would be taken to make sure nobody goes near the course, at least at the start. Of course that is precisely why the race isn’t held in the United States. The driver may not be so much to blame, as accidents happen in this dangerous sport and they know it. But anyway the 47 year old American driver was immediately taken into custody according to Mexican law and was released a day later when the parents of the boy signed a pardon. Of course this was after $55,000 changed hands. Later in the race two American motorcyclists died in different accidents. In related news. This year the Baja 500 race brought about 100,000 people to the city, filling the hotels to100% occupancy. The state tourist office said the race brought about $2 million into the local economy. $2 million, three people dead. Election results. As you may already know elections were held this last weekend, voting for city mayors and diputados in the 5 municipalities of Baja. Overall 3 municipalities were won by the PAN party and 2 by the PRI. From the 17 congress seats available, 12 were won by the PAN and only 5 by the PRI. In Rosarito Mirna Rincon Ask a Mexican 1. Ismael Chavez. From Coahuila. Living in Baja for 11 years. Security guard. The fact that so many foreign people choose to retire in Baja can be translated as, “Baja is a place that offers security and a tran- 1 quil environment.” So, I do feel very pleased and proud and even more love for my city that offers peace to everybody. The Gringos treat me very respectfully, so that invites me to treat them as well, too. I really enjoy their smiles and their good manners. 2. Michel Eloy. From Cuba. Living in Baja for three years. Musician. The foreign people who live in Baja are not a troubled people, especially those from the second generation. They are polite and have good manners. You re- 2 ally can communicate with these types of people. Also being a Mexican neighbor means that they spend their money here: paying taxes, and buying stuff like houses, furniture, and food. It is a good investment to generate the Baja economy. 3 . R a m ó n Ag u i l a r Fregoso. Living in Baja for 50 years. Retired. Mexico is a warm country. We really welcome everybody. We like people no matter what color or race. I think it is good having foreigners living here in Baja. They generate work for young people or for people who work as 3 housekeepers or gardeners. That means that they generate money for our state. Let’s let them live their own lives, as long as they have decent behavior. 4. Navil Castro Navarro. Living in Baja for 24 years. Merchant. It is okay that not only Gringos have their residences here won city mayor with 35.40% of the votes, defeating Laura Torres (daughter of owner of the Rosarito Beach Hotel and former mayor of Rosarito, Hugo Torres), who got 25.75% of the votes. Sra. Rincon is going to be the first woman mayor in Baja. Although during the camCONTINUED ON PAGE 7 This Week’s Question is: How do you feel about all the Gringos living in Baja? in Baja, but also Canadians and people from other parts of the world. They give work to people who need it if they have a business here or houses that need maintenance. We are not a racist country. Here the foreign people can walk freely 4 in the streets, and they do not have to show their I.D. papers with no reason. Only if they do something wrong against the Mexican law will their papers be requested of them. 5. Ramón Antonio. From Sonora. Living in Baja for seven years. Fisherman. I think it is good that the Gringos live here in Baja. That helps our economy grow a little more. We Mexicans are better neighbors to them than we are to the Guatelmatecos (people from Guatemala). On our southern borders, we are really much harsher 5 to migrants when they try to get into our country than the Gringos are with the Latino people. I think that we Mexicans are more racist or maybe more jealous of people of our same race. 6. Gabriel Gallardo. From Mazatlán. Living in Baja for 18 years. Timeshare street snagger. I do like having the Gringos as neighbors, but I would like them to have perspective whether they were invited to our town, or came on their own to a find better place to live. They should show us honor and respect as a 6 country that gave them a warm and welcoming hand. We work hard, and sometimes they seem to be annoyed with us. They must know that we have been trained by our bosses, and they are Americans or Canadians. We are working. We are decent people. , 6 May 30th, 2016 .COM Fish Report Ensenada cently when several local fleet Ensenada had fairly calm boats (pangas) scored on smallseas. Bottom fishing conto-medium-sized yeltinued to go off with lowtail up to 18 high counts of pounds. rock cod, lingThe bait Exercise? I co d, s a lmon barge just got thought you said a fresh load of grouper, red snapper, a few medium-sized extra fries sculpin and sardines. The sheepshead. price? Just $20 Yellowtail were dollars per scoop. sparse until reColonet Some pretty decent fishing for 15- to 25-pound yellowtail! Terry Byrns, The Colonet High Spot in who has owned a home in Bajamar for nearly 30 years has been living here permanently for the past 12 years. He was fishing off the gas plant just south of Bajamar when he caught a 50 lb yellowtail. Here he is with his 87 year old uncle Joe Rogers SENIORS 50% OFF YOUR CHECK* showing this ad Located Inside *Restrictions apply. Valid only on El Meson Restaurant. Open 3PM to 10PM Only on orders for adults 55 or older. One coupon per customer. Not valid on lobster, steaks or molcajetes. Valid thru June 2016. the schools are coming to the surface, biting sardines and mackerel, either fly-lined or with a small sliding sinker. San Quintin Few reports recently — red crab are thick a few miles offshore and several white seabass were caught in the 20 to 30 pound class. Other options Garage Doors Puertas Automaticas del Pacifico Garage Doors, Telephone entry, Gate Automation, Interphone systems, Access Control, Transmitters, Metal roll-up doors Installations • Repairs • Sales • Maintenance DEAL FOR YOUR WHEELS!! 9 x8 ft Cloplay Garage Door Installed. $600 USD LiftMaster Motor, Door and Installation. Remote Controls $35 • Preventive Maintenance $35 v Coronado Islands Word is, the water at the Islands has rolled over and is now green and chilly. Yellowtail fishing is slow. You still might be able to get one at the Ribbon Kelp or farther down at the Rockpile though. The San Diego reports they are giving up on the Islands, at least for a few days, to fish outside the Islands for bluefin tuna and kelp paddy yellowtail. Super Special! BY GARY GRAHAM Ph. (664) 686 2550 • US (619) 446 6635 28 Fathoms is the location. The boats are finding the fish on sonar, then drifting over them while dropping down yoyo iron. The 6X full-size is hot, with scrambled egg, blue/white and the Bait Wraps sardine being productive colors. Some of remain the lingcod and other rockfish. San Felipe The recent hot spell with temps up to 110 degrees sent folks scrambling to the beach. At least one had a fishing rod and was landing corvina very close Guard Your Investment Profesional Community Management At Associa we know there are unique needs for every community that requires management. That’s why we provide transparent, customized homeowners association management, using the most rigorous financial safeguards in place to assure that your investment is secure We ensure the board that all properties are up to the community’s expectations. Depending on the individual need of the community, our goal is to improve the overall value of the community and the properties within it. From individual homes in open and gated communities to high rise condominiums with often absentee owners, we bring everyone into the circle of communication. Every community is unique and we have the scale and depth to take care of every one of those special needs. Beyond board meetings, accounting and budgeting, we take care of the things that you see and experience every day. We make sure the flower beds look fresh. We hire trained and licensed security personnel (and make sure the gates work properly too!). We even perform association and homeowner maintenance via Associa OnCall. We ensure the board that all properties are up to the community’s expectations. The list goes on, and we are there to be responsive to phone calls, emails and online requests via Associa Access. It’s a sense of professional service that we are proud to perform; it is our job to be knowledgeable and responsive, providing our “Five Star Service” for all clients, and we take that job very seriously. It is our goal at Associa to provide the best return on your association’s investment and for your residents to see that value every time they come home…across every property we serve. Rosarito Beach Office: Land line (664) 631-3331 Cell: (664)389-6493 Southern Baja: US 214 295 6245 Toll Free 1 (888) 613 2059 Email: U.S. 5401 N. Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75205. 800 808 4882. to shore. Bahía de los Ángeles Yellowtail continue to be the favored target for most visitors. Most of the action is centered on the surrounding islands. Anglers are also scoring limits of bottom fish. Cedros Island White seabass bit well and the yellowtail fishing is picking up along the South end of the Island. Red crab are still around but lots of bait has also moved in. Calico fishing is good-to-great in 5-feet to 30-feet of water. Fish are getting ready to spawn and are eating aggressively, taking plastics, hard jerk baits like the Daiwa SP minnow and Rapala Xrap. Barracuda and bonito schools are roaming the Island as well along the front side near the Marina. And a side note: the shipping boat which travels from CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 Porque todos necesitamos opciones KM. 22 Ens-Tij Toll Road Baja, Mexico May 30th, 2016 Rosina’sSpa US CONSULATE ON PASSPORT... continued from page 3 Hotel and is open to all Americans. There is always interesting news you can use, and anyway, it’s fun to meet others who live here. The FRAO office is located in the Rosarito government building, first floor, Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. The American Consulate is also interested in American Expat’s health, welfare, security and safety…but NOT your legal issues and problems, land quarrels, or civil disputes. My next article will detail the STEP (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program) service, brought to you by the Bureau of Consular Affairs and the U.S. Department of State. If my editor will let me. She thinks the program is a conspiracy to keep tabs on Americans for nefarious reasons, including tax collections. , 7 .COM Massage List A better way to relax is right here in San Antonio. Let us pamper you! • Wide variety of single and couples Massages • Garra Rufa Fish Therapy • Ocean view • Haircuts • Color • Extensions • Hair Styling • Acrylic Nails • Gelish • Brazilian Bikini • Waxing In the San Antonio del Mar strip mall, next to Gusto Restaurant. Ph. (664) 631 2242 TURNING 65 OVERSEAS... continued from page 4 If you still work and are covered by an employer provided or national health plan (like IMSS) you are able to delay Part B enrollment until you are no longer covered. Since Seguro Popular is not employer based, you may not be able to count on it as a health plan that allows you to delay penalty free Part B enrollment. It turns my stomach to pay a premium for coverage that could be useless where one resides. On the low end, it could be over $1400 per year, and in my book, that’s quite a few tortillas. Medicare choices are critically important. They mean thousands of dollars of premiums, or the peace of mind of having stateside outpatient coverage. Don’t leave the choice to chance! Orlando Gotay is a California licensed tax attorney (with a Master of Laws in Taxation) admitted to practice before the IRS, the U.S. Tax Court and other taxing agencies. His love of things Mexican has led him to devote part of his practice to the tax matters of U.S. expats in Mexico. He can be reached at tax@orlandogotay. com. , QUE PASA IN BAJA?... continued from page 5 paign Mirna Rincon was heavily criticized for not actually living in Rosarito, but only owns a house here, it looks like people still decided to go her way, possibly because voters are tired of the PRI. The PRI, party of the 1. Breast Augmentation Massage 2. 30 one hour sessions - $400 USD 3. Reductive Massage. 12 one-anda-half hour sessions. $400 USD 4. Manual lymphatic drainage. $180 USD 3 hours. 5. Deep tissue massage. 1 hr 30 min. $90 USD 6. Sports massage. 1 hr 30 min. $90 USD 7. Anti-Stress massage. 1 hr 30 min. $90 USD 8. Swedish massage. 1 hr. $60 USD 9. Shiatsu massage. 1 hr. $60 USD 10.Reflexology foot massage. 1 hr. $60 USD President of the Republic, took a bath in this election and that was widely seen as caused by voters weary of corruption and the safety problems that brings with it. Ensenada saw a closer election for mayor, as the PRI won with 25.40% of the votes. The PAN had 21.79% and Omar Garcia, an independent candidate, on my boss to pipe up with her favorite dicho: People generally get the government they deserve. TJ boom. Tijuana is seeing a boom in construction and by next year will add 700 new condominiums in at least 30 projects. In the development of what has become known as the Alta Baja, the investment will to- gathered more than 21.66% of the votes. People seem to be so tired of the corruption in political parties that they supported a young independent candidate who almost took the election. It’s pretty unusual for a candidate not backed by a major party to win. The winner in Ensenada is Marco Novelo, owner of Las Rosas hotel and part of the Novelo family that owns the Estero Beach Resort south of the city. Let’s just hope that he does well by the American community and tourism which he is highly familiar with. The biggest losers this election were, as it has been for some years here in Baja, the non-voters. Only 33.06% of people actually bothered to cast their vote. If you do the math this means that only about 11.68% of the people actually voted for the new mayor in Rosarito and just about 8.38% of them chose the new mayor in Ensenada. This is where we can always count tal $188 million, and generate about 10,000 direct jobs, said the president of TJ’s economic development council. The 30-plus condominium projects are concentrated in Tijuana’s exclusive Golden Zone, and represent to date an investment of $100 million. “Tijuana doesn’t even have 30 such buildings now. We’re building more [condominiums] right now than in the last 126 years. By 2018, there’ll be more buildings in town than ever,” said real estate expert Héctor Bustamante. Besides the condominium buildings, Alta Baja will also include a five star hotel, high end shopping malls, and private hospitals that will cater not only to the domestic market but to foreigners too. The municipal government estimated the construction project would generate 8,000 jobs per year. The profile of the typical buyer remains national, with about 80% of all available condos havCONTINUED ON PAGE 11 8 May 30th, 2016 .COM Calendar of Events All prices are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted. ROSARITO BEACH Eden Restaurant, (next to Cruz Roja Thrift Store). PubEvery Sunday 4pm. Cultural Sundays in the park, lished and unpublished writers welcome! Bring samples featuring local Mexican and American dancers and musi- (3-7 pages) of your work to share. For more information, cians. At the IMAC in Abelardo L. Rodriguez park, west contact Marsh Cassady: Every Thursday. 830am. Local Board of Realtors of Banamex. Different themes every Sunday. Sometimes (APIR) meets at Oceana Grill. If you are a Realtor in Baja, food booths, other times vendors with food carts. Faceor thinking about it, meet Realtors to network with. Good book IMAC Rosarito. Free. place for buyers or sellers to find a Realtor Every Monday 10am Vinyasa Yoga with Phillip (YoEvery Third Thursday. 10 am. General Meeting for gaMon) Aldana at Las Gaviotas Clubhouse FRAO, Foreign Residents Assistance Office. Open to the Every Monday, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Beginning Spanpublic. Usually held at the Rosarito Beach Hotel, with ish at Club Marena clubhouse, taught by Susana Schinkel. parking validated. Sometimes held at other local sites. $6 donation. Breakfast occasionally provided, but always available. Every Monday, 10:45 am, duplicate bridge at the Baja Usually about 10 am. Different speakers brought in to Gold Bridge Club, KM 42 on Tijuana Ensenada Libre inform or address issues of concern to foreigners living at the Rosarito Beach Christian Church. bajagoldcoastin Mexico. Every Friday. 4pm. Spanish class main library, by Every Monday, 1:00 – 2:30 pm, Advanced Spanish IMAC, in Abelardo Rodriguez park behind BanaMex. reading/comprehension class at Club Marena clubhouse, Beginner level class with Sylvia. Free but donation aptaught by Susana Schinkel. $6 donation. sschinkel@yahoo. preciated. com. Every First Saturday. 10am. United Society of Baja Every Second Wednesday (except December). 2pm. California (USBC) general meeting at Casa Blanca ResFriends of the Library meeting at main library of IMAC taurant, Rosarito Beach Hotel. Good info for the English building next to Abelardo Rodríguez Park. Promotes speaking community of charitable, community service and reading and literacy in Rosarito. Carmen Dominguez, 661-6123659. Every Tuesday and Thursday. 10am. Pilates mat class at Las Gaviotas Clubhouse. $6 UDS per class. Bring a yoga mat and hand towel. Instructor is Terri Van De Sande Every Tuesday. 830am. Board Meeting for Federal law requires drivers in Mexico to have a Yo Amo Rosarito at the Corona Plaza Hotel. See minimum of $300,000 Liability Insurance what events are under consideration or volunteer 1Year Liability Ins. 3 Days Liability Ins. to help plan and run upcoming events. Great way Only $189 dlls Only $39 dlls to become involved with you community. Every Third Wednesday (except December). 10am. Flying Samaritans meeting at Villas del Mar Ph. (664) 158-0472 • In the Rosarito Beach Hotel clubhouse on free road 2 miles south of Rosarito. strip mall on Benito Juarez Blvd. Volunteers provide free health services and clinics. Susan Smith, 661-100social organizations. Judy 6066, U.S. 858-240-2360. Every Wednesday 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Intermediate Westphal, 661-614-1113. Every Saturday 10am Vinyasa Yoga with Phillip (YoSpanish class at Club Marena clubhouse, taught by Susana gaMon) Aldana at Club Marena Clubhouse Schinkel. $6 donation. Every First Saturday. Noon-sundown. Open Studio Every Wednesday, 1:00 – 2:30 pm. Intermediate SpanArt Walk, a free tour of galleries in Rosarito Beach Hotel ish Conversation class at Club Marena clubhouse, taught commercial center. Meet artists at work in their studios. by Susana Schinkel. $6 donation. Every Wednesday, 12:00 pm. Writer’s Workshop at Every Third Saturday. 1pm. USBC, United Society Eden Restaurant, (next to Cruz Roja Thrift Store). Pubof Baja California, monthly Potluck dinner, held at La lished and unpublished writers welcome! Bring Maroma Sports Bar, across from samples (3-7 pages) of your Burger King. Different theme work to share. Marsh Casevey month. 50/50 raffle. Live sady: marshcassady@yahoo. entertainment at most events. com. Free for members and guests. Every Third Wednesday Membership only $15 USD (except December). 2-4pm. per year. Beverages ordered Bingo at Oceana Grill & from the Bar at reduced Club Cafe, Blvd. Benito Juárez prices. #907-24. Great prizes, 6 difSaturdays in Tijuana – ferent games. Benefits Flying 12:30 pm, Free walking tours Samaritans. www.flyingsaof downtown Tijuana. Meet Susan under the clock monument Smith, 661-100-6066, U.S. on Avenida Revolucion. Wear 858-240-2360. susansmithz@ comfy shoes and clothing. Pay attention to the weather forecast for the area. Bring fluids. Every second and last Wedne s d ay, 1:00 – 3:00 pm Cruz Roja Primo Tapia Bingo at El Estimated walking time is 90 minutes. Every single day. AA Grupo Gringo meets daily in their Pescador Restaurant, km 44, (just north of Puerto Nuevo). meeting hall, #16 Mar Meditteraneo (two blocks behind Raising money for an ambulance in Primotapia. Hotel Brisas del Mar). Meetings: Saturday, 3:00; Sunday, Every Second Thursday. 10am. Cruz Roja volunteers Monday, Thursday: 10:00 am; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: general meeting at Rosarito Beach Hotel. Provides assis6:00 pm. Additional meetings in Cantamar (just south of tance in case of accidents or disasters. www.cruzrojarosarithe footbridge) Tuesday and Friday, 10:00 am.. For more Rosie Pena, 664-976-0613, U.S. 619-621-0292. information, 661-614-1678. June 14, Tuesday, Rosarito Theatre Guild Annual Every Wednesday, 12:00 pm. Writer’s Workshop at Membership Meeting and election at the Theatre, 76 Benito Juarez Boulevard. Nominations must be received by June 4. Irene O’Brien, phone 664-631-2447. Experience in marketing, fund raising, set design, theatre, and/or computer skills helpful. www. June 15. Wednesday. Payment deadline for Aug 25 Bus Trip to Del Mar Races, $42USD. Contact person: Dorothy Southern. June 15. Wednesday. Flying Samaritans General Meeting and Bingo. Susan Smith 661-100-6066 or 858240-2360 or or Bingo at Oceana Grill at 2pm. June 16. Thursday. 10am. FRAO breakfast meeting at Rosarito Beach Hotel, breakfast menu available, parking validated. June 16. Thursday. 10am. FRAO Breakfast Meeting at Rosarito Beach Hotel, breakfast menu available, parking validated. June 16. Thursday. 5pm. Wateke #4 BajaSand at K42 Bar & Grill, $5 USD June 16. Thursday. 5pm. Yo Amo Rosarito Business Mixer at Sunio Beach Club, inside Castillos Del Mar, $50 MN June 16, Thursday, 5:00 pm, Wateke Social Mixer at K-42 Restaurant and Bar. $5 admission gets you free margarita and appetizers 5:00 – 6:00 pm. To support the Baja Sand festival this August. Live entertainment until 10:00 pm. Baja Sand Festival del arte. June 18. Saturday. 1pm. USBC Potluck at La Maroma Sports Bar, across Benito Juarez from the Burger King. Plat The Oldlywed Game with your host Dorothy Southern. Bring eight servings of your dish; A-I – sides and salads; J-Q – main dishes; R-Z – desserts. Dorothy Southern at, or US phone 1-619-370-6285. June 18. Saturday. 4pm. Winefest Valle de Guadalupe 2016 at Vinicola Castillo Ferrer. June 23, Thursday, 5:00 pm, the monthly USBC restaurant tour visits Cocina Sylvestri Prime Steak House and Wine Bar at Calafia. Tickets: $20 and must be purchased in advance. Sandy Eddahbi at phone 1-213-787-5091. June 25. Saturday. Texas Hold ‘em Benefit Poker Tournaments at TBD June 25 to 26. Saturday to Sunday. International Beach Volleyball Tournament — Papas and Beer. Free. June 25. Saturday. 7am. Mar Tejeda Surf Memorial Classic at Club Bombay. June 26. Sunday. 12pm. Best Bartender Contest at Club Iggy’s. Entry fee $50. to benefit Rosarito Boys and Girls Club. Trophies and awards. General Admission $3.00. A percentage of all drink purchases and general admission sales will also benefit the Rosarito Boys and Girls Club June 29. Wednesday. Ladies Let’s Lunch at Almazara in Valle de Guadalupe. Contact Bo Bendana. June 29. Wednesday. 1pm. Bingo at El Pescador to benefit Cruz Roja Primotapia. June 30. Thursday. Chocolate Mousse Fluff-Off at K42 Pub and Grill. Blind tasting. 5 local chefs competing. $20 and a glass of wine included. Tickets available from any of the competing restaurants or from any Friend of Casa Hogar Jazmin Elizabeth. Many raffle prizes. Danielle Williams. June 30, July 1, 7, & 8, Thursdays and Fridays, 7:00 pm. and July 2, 3, 9, & 10, Saturdays and Sundays, 2:00 pm, Rosarito Theatre Guild presents The Taffetas, a musical comedy $25. 20% discount on your meal at Susanna’s Restaurante when booking these performances., phone: 664-609-3451. July 1 to 3. Friday to Sunday. 8th Clamato and Ceviche Festival at Playas de Tijuana. Gloria Niebla 664 232 2568. July 2. Saturday. Boy George and the Culture Club Don’t Risk Jail Time in Mexico! Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him? May 30th, 2016 .COM 9 Calendar of Events All prices are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted. kicks off the celebration by opening up the brand new 6,000 seat amphitheater at BajaMar. 664-104-7021 664104-7024. July 2. Saturday. 2pm. Tijuana Street Food + Craft Beer. 3 street food stops + 3 Tijuana craft brewery visits + tastings + traditional mezcal service onboard + RT transportation in a private, chauffeured vehicle. sarito. Victor Loza’s birthday! $5 admission gets you free margarita and appetizers 5:00 – 6:00 pm. Supports Baja Sand festival in August. Live entertainment until 10:00 pm. Baja Sand Festival del arte. July 28, Saturday, 4:00 pm. Documentary: “Cozumel, a paradise in the Mayan Caribbean,” A documentary about the riches of Cozumel Island. In the multimedia tent of the Rosarito Art Fest. Free. July 28, Saturday, 5:00 pm, “Bright Land,” a documentary showing the spirit and creative capacity of three artisans living in ENSENADA Every Monday. 7pm. Ceart Cine Club. Films about dance with “Billy Elliot” April 13, “Five Dances” April 20, “Desert Dancer” April 27. English with Spanish subtitles. Foro Experimental of Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEART) on Blvd. Costero (Lázaro Cárdenas) & Av. Club Rotario. Free. CEART, 646-173-4307. Every First & Third Wednesday. 10:30am. Club Compañeros de Baja Norte general meeting at clubhouse on Calle Mazatlán #256 in Fracc. Acapulco, 1 mile south of Ensenada. Lunch $6 donation. Multicultural, multilingual, nonprofit service and social club. Nancy McKee, 646-174-5011, U.S. 619-2074325. cdbcnm@gmail.comEvery Fourth Thursday. Red Hat Society lunch at various local restaurants. Tillie Foster, cell 646-171-5292. bajaqueentillie@ Every Friday. 7:30-9:30pm. Live world and cultural music at El Callejón Colectivo Culinario, Floresta #320 near southern Blvd. Costero extension, Fracc. Acapulco, 1 1/2 miles south of Ensenada. Free. Performer schedule with Alex O., cell 646-101-0812. Every Friday 7:30 pm. Live music at El Callejon Colectivo Culinario; Floresta #320, Fracc. Acapulco, Ensenada. Alex Orendain,, 646-120-8004; www. June 1 to 5. Wednesday to Sunday. 47th Baja 500. sculpture featuring international sand castle artists and amateurs too. Dinner and show outdoors, two days of music, dance, art exhibits and food, and of course, the completed sand sculptures. Takes them up to two weeks to build each piece. Free August 31. Wednesday. 6pm. Sabor de Baja. All-white attire requested for thefancy party at the beachfront gardens of the Rosarito Beach Hotel. Pairings of some of the July 2, Saturday, afternoon-evening; best local chefs with local wines. Fourth of July celebration at Campo Rene’s September 4. Sunday. Fandango in La (behind Rene’s spiffy new casino, formerly the Mision, for the benefit of BECA scholarrun down cru mmy Rene’s bar. KM 28 on free ships. road) to benefit the Cruz Roja Rosarito hospital and September 23 – 25, Friday through Saturambulance service. Yolanda Ortiz yolyortiz@yahoo. day, Playas de Rosarito Sister Cities International com 619-709-9503. Convention and Conference at the Puerto Nuevo July 2, Saturday, 7:00 pm concert featuring the Hotel in Puerto Nuevo. Workshops, social gatherBeatles and The Rolling Stones cover bands to benefit ings, and more. Meet delegates from Rosarito’s Sister DIF Rosarito. Tickets at Roma pharmacies. 661-612Cities around the world. Information: www.chpro6077 or 661-612-6082. Venue to be announced.; email:; phone: July 2. Saturday. 4 to 11pm. 4th Annual 4th of extension 1080. th 8 annual Chili Cook Off Saturday August 6th, 2016 661-614-9600, July Celebration at Campo Rene’s to benefit Cruz September 24. Saturday. 10am. Rosarito to Roja Rosarito. Overlooking the beach, free. Live DJ, Ensenada Bike Ride. 50 mile bike ride along the 1st, 2nd & 3rd cash prize plus people choice music, food, mariachis, fireworks, raffle. ocean and up through the hills toward the wine Raffles to benefit the local Food Bank and La Mision Childrens Fund. July 3. Sunday. Annual July 4 BBQ and fireworks country, and into the seaport of Ensenada. Starting @ 11:00 AM Judging @ 3:00 $20 Team entry fee show, presented by the Flying Samaritans. Food, October 1. Saturday. Fundraising event for Baja Sign up & pick up rules at LA SALINA CANTINA Km. 73 music, annual fundraiser. $8. Fireworks off the pier California Spay and Neuter Foundation. FB: /LaSalinaCantina Ph. (646) 155-8179 at the Rosarito Beach Hotel Gardens Benefiting the October 9, Sunday, Second Annual Tecate to Flying Samaritans clinics. Food, raffels, entertainEnsenada Bike Race/Ride through the wine country. ment, fireworks. VIP seating $15; General seating $8. Rosarito.Multimedia tent of the Rosarito Art Fest; free. Registration $50 through July 3, $80 race day. Prizes by; MX – 661-100-6066; August 5 to 21. Friday to Sunday. Olympic Games age class. US – 1-858-240-2360. from Rio de Janeiro. Not broadcast by either Televisa or October 12 to 15. Wednesday to Sunday. 7th Annual July 4. Monday. 5pm. Three Month Toy Drive Begins! Azteca. Int’l Mariachi y Ballet Folklorico Festival at Rosarito - Christmas in July! Organize a party or potluck and ask August 17, Wednesday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Intro- Beach Hotel. Three days of workshops for voice, instrueach guest to bring an unwrapped toy for children in duction to acting class beginning to intermediate at the ments and dance, followed by concerts on Friday on Satgroup home. We pick up. Marilyn Widd. Rosarito Theatre Guild, on the boulevard behind Comex. urday nights. Mariachi Mass on Sunday. Family-friendly July 4. Monday. 5 to 11pm. Campo Rene 4th of July Ages 12 – adult. Covers speaking, movement on stage, the event. Tickets prices for all budgets. Extravaganza. More later. script, developing expressions and gestures, interpretaOctober 16. Sunday. Cruz Roja Soup’s On July 7 - 10, Thursday Sunday, The Taffetas at Rosarito tion and more. Advance payment required. Members: October 28. Friday. Susanna’s pairing luncheon at Theatre Guild. Evenings and matinees. www.rosarito- $25, non-embers $30.00, youth 12 – 17: $20 omelton@aol. Susanna’s Restaurant in Rosarito Beach. Benefit Baja com, or phone: MX: 661-119-9214, US: 1-619-356-6454. Scholarship Foundation. $40 USD prepaid only. BSFJuly 22. Friday. Mexicali en la Playa — Rosarito will August 19 to 21. Friday to Sunday. Baja Blues Fest at be crowded, as bad as during Spring Break. the Rosarito Beach Hotel. Pearl Harbor Day. Wednesday. Flying Samaritans July 23. Saturday. 3pm. Fundraising concert for La August 20 to 21. Saturday to Sunday. 4th Annual Luncheon/White Elephant Gift Exchange at Las Rocas. Mision Children’s Fund at La Salina Cantina, with Straw- Rootstock - Baja Reggae Camping and music fest December 9 to December 10. Friday to Saturday. berry Alarm Clock, Wanted, and the Baja Sand Dogs. $20 August 25. Thursday. Dorothy Southern Bus Trip to Cruz Roja Rosarito Thrift Store: Annual Christmas Sale, USD advance $25 at door. Del Mar Races, $42 USD 9am-5pm July 27, Wednesday, 5:00 pm, Wateke Social Mixer at August 26 to 28. Friday to Sunday. Baja sand castle December 10. Saturday. Holiday Home Tour for the Alley Bar, on Calle Tijuana, down from Electra in Ro- gala 2016 at Rosarito Beach Hotel, north of pier. Sand Friends of the Library. , for tickets and more information. June 4. Saturday noon. Kawaii Fest Ensenada 2016 at Plaza Pueblo Antiguo. July 1 to 3. Friday to Sunday. Guadalupe Valley Fest. July 2. Saturday. Culture Club kicks off the celebration by opening up the brand new 6,000 seat amphitheater at BajaMar. Get your tickets early. July 23. Saturday. 5 to 11pm. Summer Fest 2016 at Playa Hermosa. , 10 Boy’s And Girls Club Opens New Digs It’s a little out of the way but there’s room to grow BY BARBI DHAL The new and very much improved Club de Ninos y Ninas, (that’s the Boys and Girls Club to you Gringos), has opened with much pomp and circumstance. Armed with driving instructions and a very vague street map I set out to find the party. I followed arrows to what I assumed was overflow parking only to run into a very big earth mover (and he was driving a bulldozer). At this time there is not a lot of parking space, but this won’t be a problem most days. The Club will be super nice when it’s finished. But big machines May 30th, 2016 .COM Supper Club, and daddy dearest, Hugo Torres). Years of fund raising,, including all proceeds of the popular October Mariachi Fests, have made this newly expanded club possible. The Mariachi Divas provided musical entertainment to the several hundred people in attendance, highlighted by the playing of the new Boys and Girls Club song. A contest garnered 19 entries for a chance to grab the $1000 prize sponsored by B&G Club super supporter Jerry Lester. The winning song was penned by Dolores ful costumes regaled the audience with traditional Mexican dances, followed by the older students dancing to music from the Broadway hit Grease. The staff was introduced, and framed photos were bestowed upon some of the more generous benefactors. In addition to Mexican favorites, there were burgers and ice cream. A high point of the evening was when Nancy Solomon, a script supervisor for “Fear the Walking Dead” which is currently filming season three in Rosarito, presented Subs or we’ll tcribe!! kitty und hrow the er Go to pa the bus ge 4 Classified Ads Easy Sign Up NEXT DEADLINE IS TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 Phone It or Text It In You can call or text Oliver at (646) 179 4599 Mail It In You can mail it along with your check to: Oliver Quintero, PMB-80 PO BOX 189003, Coronado, CA, 92178 Make check payable to Gringo Gazette Email It In You can email it to How easy are those choices? Hint: Very easy. Cost is only 80 cents a word, and that includes posting your ad in our online version as well as the printed edition. We do take credit cards. Total Words ____________ Times 80 Cents A Word X .80 Total Amount Owed ____________ and workmen are going to be very much present for quite a while. The main building is a weather worthy ginormous cinder block quonset hut, but clearly unfinished. Several rooms were labeled, including a huge kitchen area (thanks much to Bo Bendana of Mi Casa Moreno of Nogales. Second place was a tie between Vidal Farrett and Herman Rodriguez, a CSU Northridge professor. The winning tune will be used as the local theme song. The Club’s own ninas in beauti- a check for $10,000 U.S. from the AMC Network, to sponsor the teenagers’ dream room with brain games, comfy areas to sit and dream, and counselors to help teenagers find their way to the university or to becoming entrepreneurs. In the future there will be a library, dance hall, and creative activities room. Other rooms under construction are administrative CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 Sabbath School 9:45 am Worship Service 11:15 am English Spoken. Simulcast translation. #548 14th Street between Gastelum and Miramar Street. Ensenada The Boys & Girls Club finally has their own facility HUGE GARAGE SALE IN LA MISION! Venta de garage ! Friday june 10, sat 11th, sun. 12Th, mon. 13Th 10 am to 4 pm don’t miss this big one ! Casa welsch la mision hill section (5 minutes south of la fonda hotel/ restaurant via “ old road to ensenada) follow the directional signs. Many treasures/ collectables including 8,000+ lp records , antiques, mucho art work, mexican artcrafts, 4 autos from $950 to $5,000. Etc, etc and so forth. 30 Years of collecting ! (Unfortunately can not take it with me...Sons say “get rid of it”.) Bill (guillermo) welsch 760 554 4238 mex: 01 646 1550029. Mexico-real-estate@hotmail. Com you all come ! Gracias. ULTRA DRY CLEANING Furniture, carpet, car interior, urine treatment, protection, odor control, FREE QUOTES ON SITE. Call 661-614-0526 or 044661-850-8935 Rosarito FOR RENT IN LA MISION 3 BD 2 BT house, incredible views. Remodeled 2015 $1250 per month. Large patio. Includes Independent casita with kitchen. Both furnished. Available NOW. Call Steve at 6197871444 or email: ANNUAL GARAGE SALE Las Damas de La Salina - Friday June, fri. 24, Sat., 25 Th and Sun. 26Th - From 9-2. La salina off ramp. Enter in front of catina and proceed to end of street. All proceeds go to support “ursalo galvan elementary and kindergarten schools” OCEAN FRONT one bedroom suite $700usd or a studio $600usd per month with a 6 months lease fully furnished all utilities & DirectTV included. Salvador US 619 467-0310. Mex. Cell 661 850-4517. salnav2@ Photos: http://bit.Ly/ RosaritoHouse WANTED-vacation rentaloceanfront/view...Weekdays and last minute ok...Reasonable.. 619-710-0150 Or 619-9815756... Free Some Space @ Home!! Office Hours: 9am-5pm • Closed Wednesday Gate Hours 8am-6pm Everyday Storage space starting from $50 monthly Now offering moving services! KM 40.5 Free Road in Rosarito Ph. (661) 614 1642 • US. (619) 797 8097 May 30th, 2016 11 .COM New Bar Opens We can never have too many of those BY REN DRAKE HILL A bar with a new concept opened its doors in May. The Alley Bar, located at the former Footprinters Clubhouse on Calle Tijuana. It’s just off the toll road exit before the Pemex/dairy; or from the free road, turn inland at Electra). The Alley is not merely a sports bar, but a venue that is eager to support our local charities. For now they will be open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday moms and students so they can take care of their families, while she currently doesn’t take a salary. The Alley offers 12 signature drinks, created by 12 local charitable organizations, with a portion of the drink price donated to that charity. This amount varies but last week she gave 20% of drink money to the charities. Not all 12 slots have been claimed yet, so you can rush down and represent your favorite charity. The groups who have responded are the Hearts of Baja children’s Home Network (the B aj a - t i n i ) ; Baja Spay and Neuter (Salty Dog); Baja Sand (Sand in Your Shorts); VIVA, the Volunteers for Indigent and Vulnerable Animals (Baja Blend Margarita); and Casa Hogar Jazmin/Elizabeth (the JAZZ, a non-alcoholic beverage). Drinks are priced $4 - $4.50, with some of that going to your fave The pharmacist asked me my birthday again today. Pretty sure she’s going to get me something. noon to 2:00 am, and Sundays 10:00 am to 8:00 pm but plan to open additional days/hours during the summer. The Alley does not have a des- be one of the 12 chosen groups to arrange an event. Maryam Malak celebrated her birthday there already. And Sara wishes everyone would consider the Alley Bar as their meeting place. There is a small bar menu featuring nachos ($3.50 – 6.); Fries, plain or with carne asada or chili cheese ($5 – 6); 8piece chicken wings with BBQ or ranch ($6 – a real deal!) and for the superhungry, a hot dog or chili dog with tons of toppings ($3-4). I’ve heard this is a real joyful experience to eat. The chili is homemade, no Hormel here. Transactions are cash (dollars or pesos) only, and there is free Wi-Fi. Facebook friends of The Alley receive notices of all sorts of specials. Sara can be reached at , or better yet, just drop into the Alley bar and say Hi! , FISH REPORT... continued from page 6 Opening night at the Alley ignated happy hour, because as co-owner Sara Vega says, “We’re always happy, so it is always happy hour!” There are many promotions and specials in effect. Currently, if you purchase an Alley T-shirt, you get a free Kamikaze shot every time your wear it into the bar. You can also score a Kamikaze shot if you tag yourself at the bar on Facebook while you’re there. Groups of five or more ladies will be offered a free nacho appetizer, so ladies, grab your girlfriends and head on over. Need a fifth? I may be persuaded to join you! There is live music performed on many evenings, because Sara finds it important to support local musicians, and she hopes the public comes to support them as well. Sara has also given jobs to single organization. Indigent animals? They don’t have pockets, aren’t all of them indigent? The Alley is available for events of any kind, and you don’t have to Tortuga to the Island bringing supplies has spotted several marlin over the past few weeks in the channel between Isla Natividad and Isla Cedros. Water temp is mid- to upper-60s all around the Island and water is blue. Gary Graham, , The quality of life that your loved one deserves provided by a team of professionals Call us or visit us to schedule a tour Paseo Playas 19-C • Playas de Tijuana • Mexico US 619-628-9296 • MX 664-609-6606 QUE PASA IN BAJA?... continued from page 7 ing been bought by Mexicans. Call for volunteers! Helpers are needed July 2nd and 3rd for the Flying Samaritan’s 4th of July Bash. Bilingual preferred but not required. There are many positions available. For information, please contact DeeDee Martinson at deedeemartinson@ or MX phone 661100-6800, or US phone: 1-612332-3533. And you get a cool free t-shirt!. , BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB... continued from page 10 new home and excited to show it off. Directions to the club: going north on the free road, pass Pabellon center and turn right at the next stop light (Calle Diego Esquivel); go all the way to the end and turn right on Sharp Blvd.; Take the first left (it is a dirt road) and travel up the hill about a quarter of a mile. You can’t miss it. For information or to donate to the completion of the club, contact Rosy at RosyMTorres@hotmail. com or; phone: 661-100-2449, or 661-8501773, or visit www.ClubRosarito. org. Or you can friend them on Facebook at Club de ninos y ninas de Rosarito. , offices, an auditorium/theatre, and nurse station. The proposed computer lab will be able to help up to 60 children an hour, and there will be a library and math lab. A lot of money is still needed. Banners posted around the property pled for additional funds needed to finish the buildings. Ready for use are the soccer field and volleyball court, which are on a leveled dirt pad. Grass is planned. If you haven’t inspected the property yet, it’s well worth the visit, and they are giving guided tours, as everyone is proud of their A One Eighty Mexico Assisted Living & Memory Care Community 12 Comment On The Baja 500 Tragedy BY ORLANDO GOTAY duty to provide a safe event for spectators. I’m not breaking new ground here. In a 2008 California Court of Appeals opinion, where SCORE was sued over injuries to a spectator in another race in the Baja, the Court of Appeals held that SCORE had a duty to organize and conduct a reasonably safe event with respect to race spectators. At that time, SCORE claimed it had no control over spectators, yet the courts still ruled that nonetheless, SCORE had a duty to minimize risks to those spectators. The matter of liability aside, there is the broader question of the general way in which inherently dangerous activities such as these are allowed to unfold, and whether events that are inherently dangerous to spectators are in the best interests of tourism. To be sure, the most recent death has received worldwide coverage. The Times of London even reported on it. Is it worth it? One particularly tart commenter said “[w]e cannot change the way races proceed anymore than we can change any other part Big portions | Small Price Come and taste the most diverse and delicious menu on the coast. From Burguers to Burritos to Sushi, you can’t go wrong here! Located on KM 38, on the free road to Ens. Next to the K38 Surf Shop Ph. (661) 107-2789 • US (909) 999-5014 • FB: thebajapig of the attitude toward it”. Can we? Others spoke of “traditions” and my mind raced to think of “old traditions” and “institutions” we have found to be repugnant as our mores and enlightenment evolve. Recently, bullfights are in the cross hairs of those who think that activity is no longer acceptable. With respect to races, perhaps it is time to meaningfully reassess spectator safety, so that these events may be allowed to continue in a way beneficial to all. I don’t think races are repugnant, but indifference to life certainly fits the bill. Orlando Gotay is a tax attorney and regular contributor to Gringo Gazette. , SA LE PR IC ES Affordable beachfront living PR E Barely a mile from the start, the 2016 Baja 500 race in Ensenada claimed the life of an 8 year old that had come to watch the race. The child’s mother was injured as well. Video circulating in social media shows an event vehicle careening off a bank toward spectators. In the audio portion, an unseen witness by the videographer can be heard repeatedly saying “te lo dije” (“I told you so”). It is a tragic incident indeed. There is no disagreement on that. What has fueled debate, however, is the question of who are the responsible parties here, and what, if anything can be learned from this sad turn of events. On social media, the battle lines were immediately drawn. Some blame the child’s parents for “putting him” in harm’s way. Others point at the possibility that safety measures in a crowed race departure in downtown were inadequate, insufficient, or non functional at best. What troubles me the most is that some seem to believe that an “anything goes” safety free attitude is essential to the character of races in Baja, for otherwise, they would be adrenaline free, like ones north of the border. It is one thing to have much sympathy for a spectator that darts out, past race monitors into the racecourse itself and ends injured. What is clear to me is that race event organizers have both a moral and very likely, a legal May 30th, 2016 .COM Condos starting at $225K Villas starting at $550K BY GRUPO INMOBILIARIO DECASA THE MOST TRUSTED DEVELOPER ON THE NORTHERN COAST WITH OVER 1,000 CONDOS BUILT, DELIVERED & TITLED IN ROSARITO OTHER SUCCESSFUL PROJECTS BY DECASA INCLUDED AMENITIES: 154 Villas and 135 Condos 5 Sport courts and 3 Gyms Movie Theater 2 Private Beaches Restaurant-Bar Healthcare Clinic Underground parking 4 Club Houses Pet Clinic 10 Pools and 10 Jacuzzis Kids Playground Majestic gardens Call today: US Ph. 1•866•323•3969 | Mx Ph (661) 612•5757 & (661) 612•5243 On the free road to Tijuana #3114 Blvd. Popotla, Rosarito
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