North .com - Gringo Gazette


North .com - Gringo Gazette
VOL. 3 ED. 09 • JUNE 27TH, 2016 • NO BAD NEWS
Photo by: Karina Urquizo
A Musical Comedy Is
Our Next Local Play
Rosarito Theater Guild brings us another winner
The date is 1950 something,
and Kaye, Peggy, Cheryl and
Donna, four singing sisters from
Muncie, Indiana are making
their national television singing
debut on Spotlight on Music, a
fictitious weekly 1950’s television
show on the real-life Dumont
Television Network. It sets the
framework for an evening of
some of the greatest hits of the
1950’s, featuring such standbys
of the era as Constantinople,
Volare, Tennessee Waltz, Mr.
Sandman, See The USA In Your
Chevrolet, Tonight You Belong
To Me, I’m Sorry, Dedicated To
The One I Love, Tammy, Johnny
Angel, Puppy Love, Little Darlin’, Where The Boys Are, ShiBoom, Love Letters In The
Sand, How Much Is That Doggie
In The Window, L-O-V-E and
many more.
A tribute to the girl groups
of the 1950’s, The Taffatas pays
tribute to the sounds of The McGuire Sisters, The Fontane Sisters
and The Chordettes. Opening
off Broadway almost two years
before Forever Plaid, The Taffetas
made nostalgia what it is today. Spend an hour and a half with
The Taffates and their three piece
band at our local playhouse and
remember what Sunday night
television was like on your 12
inch black and white screen.
Rick Lewis is the creator/
author/musical arranger of the
hit off Broadway musical called
The Taffetas, with productions of
it around the world. Rick has also
written the Off-Broadway productions The Cardigans—Those
Swingin’ Singin’ Guys from Alpha Mu Phi Pi, (which won the
backstage New York bistro award
for outstanding musical revue),
and Have a Nice Day! — A 70’s
musical flashback. Rick has written and/or
arranged original music for
Disney Family Live Entertainment, American Hawaii Cruises,
MGM/UA Home Video, the
Democratic National Convention, Macy*s Thanksgiving Day
Parade. He served as audition
pianist for the pre-Broadway
workshop of Sunday in the Park
with George, and was vocal director and assistant conductor for
the pre-Broadway production of
Cy Coleman’s The Life.
As a performer, some of Rick’s
favorite roles are Pete in Pete ‘n’
Keeley, Harr y Witherspoon
in Lucky Stiff, Carl in Flaming
Idiots, and Harold in Full Monty.
Orphanage Kept
Afloat By Canadians
Anybody want to help?
“Never doubt that a small
group of committed people can
change the world. Indeed it is the
only thing that ever has”. Margaret
In 1999 Professor Wade Lorentzon (aka Lorenzo), from
Mt. Royal University in Alberta
Canada believed this quote and
organized a small group of 15 of
his university students to come
to Baja to volunteer to anyone
in need.
Each member of what he
now calls his Baja Dream Team
is responsible for raising $2400
to cover airfare, accommodations, and building materials for
two weeks. Professor Lorentzon
has a condo in Rosarito that he
visits each summer and offers to
his students any time of the year.
This generous guy is a pied piper
of hard work and charity that his
students have come to enjoy and
The Door of Faith orphanage
in Rosarito has been his main
concern since 1999 and his stuCONTINUED ON PAGE 4
This is
the only
that takes in
June 27th, 2016
Que Pasa in Baja?
Baja goes to New York. Well,
not the whole peninsula. Representatives of our state were
present at one of the world’s
largest conventions for the medical industry, Medical Design &
Manufacturing East, held this
year in New York City.
The MD&M East Expo and
Conference is the largest, most
important and comprehensive
medical manufacturing event
on the East Coast with about
500 companies presenting their
products and services on there.
We are present there because
our state has the largest medical
manufacturing industry in the
country, and of course we would
like to snag more business.
Baja has about 72 companies
in the medical manufacturing
sector which employs just about
50,000 people. Most (About
92%) of the manufactured goods
are exported to our northern
Foxconn, the huge Chinese
electronics manufacturing company which has a factory in
Tijuana, is going to be present
there hosting the talk “How to
do business in Mexico”. Like a
Chinaman is going to give that
presentation? Shouldn’t that be
delivered by, um, a Mexican?
Riverside donates fire truck.
Commemorating 40 years of sisterhood cities between Riverside
and Ensenada, Riverside mayor
Rusty Bailey donated a 1989 fire
truck in excellent condition to
the local firefighters.
Ensenada mayor Gilberto
Hirata thanked him for this 40
years of collaboration in which,
he said, the cities have shared
cultural and artistic aspects that
have enriched citizens of both
The local fire department in
Ensenada has been criticized because most of the firefighters are
volunteers who do not receive a
steady paycheck, and that the city
invests very little on equipment
for the guys, relying mostly on
donations begged.
Support for Xander. The
Amer ic an communit y has
stepped up and supported the
family of Xander Hendricks, the
boy who was tragically run over
by a trophy truck in the recent
Baja 500, along with his mom
who survived.
In a campaign, Kristen Coughran has
already secured $125,080 dlls
to support the family of the deceased 8 year old child.
What, was the youngster
employed? Was he supporting
the family? Or is the money
supposed to replace their son? Or
is the money supposed to bring
him back alive?
If you want to throw more
money at the family go to http://
Or you can support the local
Red Cross, Friends of the Library,
or the various orphanages in
northern Baja that are struggling
for survival.
And for the record, the man
driving the car that accidently
hit the child paid the family
$55,000 and in return the family
pardoned him, which freed him
from jail.
NASA researching in Baja.
The University of Baja is carrying
on collaborative research with
love today.
Because of microbial mats’
ability to use almost anything as
food, there is considerable interest in industrial uses of them, especially for water treatment and
for cleaning up pollution. NASA
is specifically interested in using
these mats for sustained oxygen
production in the less-than-
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NASA scientists and researchers
from La Paz in Baja Sur regarding
microbial mats.
These mats, that are found
along some beaches in Baja, are
the earliest form of life on Earth
and are thought to be responsible in the production of the
atmosphere we all know and
favorable space environments.
Glad to help.
Rosarito goes desal. Rosarito
just announced that it has given
the go ahead to start construction of its very own desalinization plant. The facility will be
built by private companies which
What’s Going On
In This Country?
For crying out loud. Gangs
started a shoot out at a baseball
game in the state of Puebla.
Three people were killed 14 were
wounded. Accounts were being settled between rival gangs
engaged in stealing fuel from
pipelines. About 20 men armed
with AK47 assault rifles arrived
at the ball park and opened fire
on spectators in the stands and
players on the field.
The police Chief said one of
the dead had served jail time for
stealing fuel. Some six miles of
Pemex pipelines cross the municipality, located in the center of
the state, and has become a focal
point for pipeline thefts.
A police officer was assassinated in January shortly after
participating in an operation
against a band of fuel thieves,
while two officers were arrested
in 2014 after they were linked to
stealing fuel.
Killed at a baseball game due
to turf wars over stealing someone else’s gasoline. Is nothing
off limits?Education problems.
Again. Members of the dissident
teachers’ union CNTE are going on the warpath in response
to the weekend arrest of two of
their union leaders charged with
plaza. Last week union members
shaved the heads of some teachers who defied union leaders and
returned to teach.
Nudie bikers. “Now you can
see me!” was one message painted
on the body of a nude bicyclist
when the World Naked Bike Ride
First held in 2004, the ride
is now held in some 70 cities in
20 countries, encouraging riders
with the slogan “as bare as you
dare.” Another popular one is
“Less gas, more ass.”
Banks gaining ground. Nearly 56% of adults were “unbanked,”
features that spelled the Tsuru’s
death knell, airbags and ABS. In
the words of Cousseau, “due to
its structure a Tsuru will never
have airbags. It’s impossible. It’s
not going to happen.” What will
happen, he continued, “Is that
at some point in time the Tsuru
will have to be removed from the
market. We’re already preparing
something for the future.”
Nissan tried to reduce the
production of Tsuru on several occasions, but received many
complaints, because there are
people who consider it their work
vehicle and they can’t afford a car
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Day was celebrated in Mexico
City and Guadalajara. One rider
said the event was in part a call
for respect, a protest against drivers who act as if they don’t see
cyclists, refuse to allow them pas-
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meaning they remain outside the
financial system and keep their
money in their sock drawer at
home. But those with some kind
of financial product — checking
account, savings account, retirement plan or insurance — were
up from 56% to 68% between
2015 and 2016. Meanwhile, fully
92% of the adult population prefer to pay for goods or services
in cash.
Car retiring. Say goodbye
Ph. (661) 688-0923 • KM. 52 Tij-Ens Free Road, Rosarito
money laundering. The two have
been implicated in the diversion
of $10 million U.S. belonging to
union members in Oaxaca when
they had control over Oaxaca’s
education institute. Arrest orders
have been issued for another 24
union members.
In response the CNTE called
for a general strike throughout
Mexico, protest marches in various locations, and fortifying its
protest camp in a Mexico City
June 27th, 2016
sage in traffic, and run them over.
“By riding nude”, Yereni Carranza
told Reforma, “everyone sees us
and even let us pass.”
The ride is also intended
to promote the use of bicycle
transportation and exercise.
Many riders — some reports said
there were as many as 500 in the
15 mile ride in Mexico City —
were nude; others were partially
clothed and lots of them sported
camouflage body paint.
CALL US (661) 613.2999
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to the Nissan Tsuru, one of the
most common vehicles on the
streets of Mexico. Its days are
numbered as a result of the
newly issued official standard on
automotive safety, which go into
effect by 2019. The new standard
means that vehicles must
have safety features such as
ABS braking systems, airbags, head rests, seatbelts,
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It was two of the safety
Moving Services
with better safety standards. The
Tsuru, which has been sold in
Mexico for nearly three decades
has been rated among the three
most unsafe vehicles on the road.
But it has also been among the
most popular for its low cost.
Anti corruption. A grass roots
proposal for a new law designed
to make it harder for Mexican officials to hide ill gotten gains has
garnered unprecedented public
support. The bill, however, now
appears on the point of being
blocked from becoming law by
the PRI, the party in power at the
federal level.
Drawn up by lawyers, academics, and high-profile transparency
activists and organizations, the
citizen’s bill was designed to be
included in the package of laws
governing the implementation of
the much-touted National AntiCorruption System, which was
approved last year.
This was a real landmark
for Mexico, with citizens actually drafting a bill and gaining
enough signatures for it to reach
the senate floor. The proposal
is called the Ley3de3, or the
Published bi-monthly in
Vista, CA and distributed in
Mexico & The United States
by Enojoso Publicaciones
S.A. de C.V.
Northern Baja
044 (646) 179-4599
Cabo San Lucas
(624) 143-5750 & 143 0865
United States
303 Magnolia Dr.
Laguna Beach, CA, 92651
Ph. (562) 714 6735
Subscriptions available
see page 10 or 11, maybe
12, sometimes 4.
Or mail $65 for one year,
(26 issues) or $45 for six
months (13 issues)
to the U.S.
Check the paper online:
You may view the entire
newspaper, just as it
appears in print, online
Who's to blame:
Carrie Duncan,
US (562) 714-6735
Oliver Quintero
Sales & Distribution
Oliver Quintero
Cell (646) 179-4599
Graphic Design
Oliver Quintero
Journalism is publishing
something that somebody
doesn’t want
else is
just public
June 27th, 2016
Published Author
Teaches Writing
Maybe creating writers for the Gringo Gazette
to hire?
Alice Dononfeld Vernoux is
the driving force behind a group
of us who yearn to be creative
writers. We want our words
to jump off the page with fire,
flair, and creativity that causes
the reader to turn the page with
surprise rather than seeing an
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expected outcome. The written
word is a powerful tool to use
for the greater good. Or not.
Or maybe to just tell a story to
inspire and entertain.
Our teacher’s tools are many,
and we learn from them with
each biweekly class held in Rosarito, as she encourages her
writers to expand and grow.
She also has another class in
Orange County California..
Alice takes an element of
writing like rhythm dialogue or
scenes and opens the class for
discussion. She has many more
topics, each interesting and necessary for story telling and then
the prompts are used to create a
story. The class then reads aloud
and discusses what they have
written with the tools given. All
skill levels are welcome as
the atmosphere is casual
and supportive. Her aim
is to inspire, encourage
and have some fun along the
way. Alice can be reached on
Facebook or email aliceranch@
This is Alice’s retirement in
the form of giving back from
some pretty impressive fields of
endeavor. She graduated from
law school in New York much
to her family’s surprise. She followed in her deceased father’s
footsteps and practiced law for
some 12 years. Before her venture
into the law she was a hat check
girl at two very exclusive New
York clubs but the law beckoned
and so it was for 12 years in cor-
porate and entertainment law
representing Mel Brooks, Edna
and James Thurber and many
more celebrity clients until boredom set in and she was offered a
job as head council for Marvel
Her next move was to Los
Angeles where she formed Alice
Entertainment and stayed with
that for 18 years traveling the
world. Interspersed with all that,
Alice owned a horse ranch in the
Santa Ynez Valley, taught writing
at UCLA, and is a member of
the Television Academy. She has
written six books, one of which,
“Out Of The Chute,” is a book I’m
currently reading and finding it
impossible to close the covers, it’s
that entertaining. ,
• Health and life insurance
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Benito Juarez # 10, Quinta del Mar strip
center, in front of the stop light
Phone 661-6121028 and 661-6130692
Portland Spirit Cruises, as well as
co-wrote a fully illustrated book
based on the original 1937 radio
broadcast. Rick has also written A Taffeta Wedding, (which premiered
Let us pay pay your household
bills on your behalf. Easy set up
continued from page 1
dent volunteers, 400 so far, have
lived there and cared for the chil-
continued from page 1
Rick’s conductor/musical
director credits are numerous.
‘ He is resident musical director/
conductor for the Portland Oregon Center Stage, where he has
conducted the world premiere
of the new pre-Broad- way
mu s i c a l S om e where in
November 2010), and Christmas
on Broadway, (which premiered
at Broadway Rose Theatre Company, December 2012).
Enjoy delicious food,
drinks and a great
environment. Always!
KM 37.5 Rosarito-Ensenada Free Road. Almost across the
St. from the big Jesus. Ph. (661) 613-2685 US. (619) 663-1587
Time, Fiddler on the Roof, Sweeney Todd, Black Pearl Sings, and
He composed original music
for Portland’s production of A
Christmas Carol, which ran
for three consecutive holiday
seasons. The Portland Oregon native
created and produced the original Cinnamon Bear Cruise for
Yes! Yes! Sign Me Up!
First in Rosarito,
first in service
For all of you who’s memory
goes back as far as the 1950’s a
wonderful stroll would be to go
down Memory Lane with this
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$25. rosaritotheatreboxoffice@ | 664-609-3451. Call
with credit card, or pay online.
dren , all of whom are allowed to
remain until they get married.
Many of the children have gone
on to college as well as vocational
The facility has a wellequipped nursery and is the only
orphanage accepting newborns.
The children and special needs
kids are bussed to school daily and
they are considered Lorenzo’s secret weapon. The volunteers discover after their rotation that what
they have learned from these children far outweighs any problems
or discomforts they might have in
their own lives. These volunteers
come from different backgrounds
cultures and religions. What they
share is a passion for making the
world a better place.
To date his volunteers have
worked at the Rosarito Boys and
order now or we'll
throw the kitty
under the bus.
It's not gonna be my fault the kitty got tossed under the bus!
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Send Your Dinero To The Gringo Gazette
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Sorry, Canadians, we just could not reliably get them to you so we’re not mailing to Canada anymore.
To subscribe, you must have a United States address.
June 27th, 2016
continued from page 2
will then sell the water to the
The state and the investors
have a contract which states the
city will buy the water for 40
years and after that the state gets
to keep the plant. What’s left of it.
The total investment for the
plant will be about $550 million
USD and it will take about 3 years
to build it. The huge project is
planned to provide our state with
a much needed extra 1,160 gallons of purified water per second.
Oysters are good business.
The oyster industry is booming
in Ensenada, which is already
known for its quality sea food.
We now export around 2,200
tons of oysters and another 700
tons of mussels.
The oyster industry has been
seeing steady growth in the past
few years, and it helps that local
restaurants are promoting it.
Local producers have achieved
great quality through years of
experience and they say because
they use extra clean water in their
cultivating tanks.
Official wine festivities calendar out. Provino, the wineries
association of the Guadalupe
valley has published the official
calendar for this year’s wine
There are more than 45 events
starting on August 5th and running through the 21st.
More than 50,000 people are
expected to come to this year’s
fiestas so if you want tickets for
any of the events, better shake a
leg. Their website is www.provi-
Local chef recognized. The
Mexican foreign relations office
has recognized five chefs who
have taken our very traditional
Mexican food outside of our
borders with great success.
Ask a Mexican
1. Carlos Hernandez.
Living in Baja for 20
years. Manager for 20
rentals in a commercial
plaza. I would love to
be independent, have
my own maintenance
office for houses and offices. I love my work. I
love all kinds of architectural buildings, and I
love to repair everything
that needs repairing. Of
course, then again, if I
think deeply about it, as
the accountant, seeing
the way taxes and paper
work are handled in my
country, I think I’d rather
continue as an employee.
2. Ernesto Yepez. Living in Baja for six years.
Warehouse manager at a
general supply supermarket. I would like to have my
own business. In two more
years I will have moved to
Veracruz, my native city,
with my family. Now that I
have experience concerning business, I could start
with my kids a fish supermarket. I do really love to
interact with the clients.
I am sure that business
would be very successful
working all together in
one of the best places in
3. César Alejandro
Aguayo. Living in Baja
for 16 years. General store
employee and mainte-
nance for 60 service vehicles. I love to challenge
myself. I would soon like
to own my own business.
I would sell vehicle parts
for race cars. I myself race
buggies. I started with motorcycles, so I know that my
Javier Plascencia, owner of
several restaurants in Tijuana
and another in the Guadalupe
Valley, was recognized for his
work at Bracero restuarant in
San Diego.
Also awarded was Enrique
Olvera, owner of the world renowned restaurant Pujol in Mexico City, who recently opened
“Cosme” in Mexico City. His
restaurant Pujol almost always
comes out on top of the lists
This Week’s Question is:
Where would you rather be working?
business would be a great
success. I have expertise in
both areas: maintenance
and racing.
4. Maria Yesenia Zumaya. Living in Baja for 32
years. Cashier at a super
market. If I could have the
chance to move to another
job, it would be a receptionist in a doctor’s or accountant’s office. I like to treat
people well and provide
good service. Meanwhile,
if a client had to wait for
an appointment, I would
like to entertain them with
a cup of coffee or a soda,
or whatever they needed to
make their wait better.
5. Naharai Lerma. Living in Baja for 18 years.
College student. I would
like to work for the Supreme Court, and yes, I
would like to be a judge.
I know that I am not a
corrupt person, and if I
applied justice step by step
to do great changes in my
country, we all would live
in a democracy. I would
love to make a change. A
real change, not in the way
our government always
promises with five or six
steps, but in a radical way.
6. Cynthia Flores.
Living in Baja for five
years. Secretary at a publishing company. I really
do not want to change
my job. I love it. I have
great bosses: a Mexican
and a Gringo. They are
extremely good to all the
employees. So if I maintain my loyalty to them I
have a secure future in it.
And I will continue to be
a happy person. ,
June 27th, 2016
Fish Report
Coronado Islands
Cooler, off-color water continues to plague the area. However, a few very large 15- to
20-pound bonito are showing up
and just a few miles northwest,
the bluefin continue to show,
although it’s tough to get them
to bite.
Inshore yellows are feeding
on the surface on krill (shrimp)
but are moving so fast they are
hard to get on. Offshore yellowfin
schools have moved in – a nice
grade of fish up to 30 pounds. As
water temps climb expect dorado
Super Special!
and striped marlin to follow, but at sunup. Best fishing in a few
will the wahoo return? Time years as yellowtail go on a rampage. Some boats back
will tell.
in for breakfast at
San Quintin
8:30 with limits.
The water is
Gonzaga Bay
clean — great
Sometimes I
L a Pes c a
bottom fishlaugh so hard
Baja was held
ing with lots
June 11-12 in
of halibut, plus
tears run down
San Luis Gonbig barracuda.
my legs
zaga with a record
Some boats got
of 150 competitors
nice yellows on
in the second of the
Rapalas off San
Martin Island on
t h e five “Fishing Baja” tournaments
where the winning catch of catsurface iron — run & gun!
egories — bottom and surface
Bahía de los Ángeles
Lots of bait and early action
showing this ad
Located Inside
*Restrictions apply. Valid only on El Meson
Restaurant. Open 3PM to 10PM
Only on orders for adults 55 or older. One
coupon per customer. Not valid on lobster,
steaks or molcajetes. Valid thru June & July2016.
with another one weighing 17.6
pounds, and a third by Hector
Ramirez, weighing 16 pounds.
In the surface category, three
horse mackerel reached the scale
— one to give first place to June
Pérez Silva with a 19.1-pounder;
second place went to Richard
Elizondo who came in with a
fish weighing 14.3 pounds; and
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Robert Baker, from Big Bear, California, slams the cabrilla at
Gonzaga Bay
— both adults and children,
consisted mainly of groupers
and jacks.
In the adult category, the winner was Jose Manuel Ruiz Gamez,
who caught a spotted grouper
weighing 17.8 pounds, followed
by Alejandro Coria Gonzalez
third place went to Aaron Rochín
Manuel Gallardo, with another
specimen of 13.4 pounds.
In the children’s category,
the winner in the background
was Ivan Coria, who captured a
spotted grouper weighing 13.4
pounds, while David Rochín
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into the circle of communication.
Every community is unique and we
have the scale and depth to take care
of every one of those special needs.
Beyond board meetings, accounting and
budgeting, we take care of the things
that you see and experience every day.
We make sure the flower beds look
fresh. We hire trained and licensed
security personnel (and make sure the
gates work properly too!). We even
perform association and homeowner
maintenance via Associa OnCall.
We ensure the board that all properties
are up to the community’s expectations.
The list goes on, and we are there to be
responsive to phone calls, emails and
online requests via Associa Access. It’s
a sense of professional service that we
are proud to perform; it is our job to
be knowledgeable and responsive,
providing our “Five Star Service” for
all clients, and we take that job very
It is our goal at Associa to provide
the best return on your association’s
investment and for your residents to
see that value every time they come
home…across every property we
Rosarito Beach Office: Land line (664) 631-3331 Cell: (664)389-6493
Southern Baja: US 214 295 6245 Toll Free 1 (888) 613 2059 Email:
U.S. 5401 N. Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75205. 800 808 4882.
Torres landed one weighing 9.2
pounds, and Alejandro Zozoya
Avitia won the solo category of
surface with a nice fish of 3.7
The next tournament championship, “Baja Fishing” will be in
Bahia de los Angeles on 15 and
16 July; then it will be up to San
Quentin on 19 and 20 August;
and the grand finale will be held
in Ensenada on 23 and 24 of
Gonzaga was windy and
rough every day we were there
but we saw some brief windows
daily when the wind died down.
Fish didn’t seem to care and
we did well on cabrilla, small
grouper, yellowtail, sierra, bonito, pompano, all kinds of bass,
trigger, parrotfish and a bunch
of other miscellaneous reef fish.
Many trigger, big ones, small
ones, shallow, deep. Never seen or
caught that many cochitos. They
Porque todos
KM. 22 Ens-Tij Toll Road
Baja, Mexico
June 27th, 2016
continued from page 3
three-out-of-three law, because
it would oblige all holders of
public office to upload proof of
their personal assets, tax returns,
and potential conflicts of interest
onto a national database that is
already up and running. It also
lays out formal channels for citizens to denounce corruption and
recommends sanctions for those
officials found guilty.
Prior to being presented to the
senate on March 17, a petition in
support of the proposal obtained
650,000 signatures and won the
support of Mexican celebrities
and social media fans. “I’ve only
voted once in my life, but I feel
like this meant more,” said biology student María José Flores
as she stood in line in Mexico
City’s historic downtown to add
her name to the petition. “You
can’t trust the political parties
to change Mexico. This proposal
Massage List
A better way to relax is right here in
San Antonio. Let us pamper you!
• Wide variety of
single and couples
• Garra Rufa Fish
• Ocean view
• Haircuts
• Color
• Extensions
• Hair Styling
• Acrylic Nails
• Gelish
• Brazilian Bikini
• Waxing
In the San Antonio del Mar strip mall,
next to Gusto Restaurant.
Ph. (664) 631 2242
is coming from below, from the
people, and it’s important that
our voices are heard.”
Ferry failure. On a grand
scale. Baja Ferries just bought a
new used boat for the route from
La Paz to Mazatlan on the mainland and its maiden voyage went
badly. Rechristened as the Baja
Star, it took 27 hours to make the
17 hour overnight trip because
it broke down twice, drifting
around on the Sea of Cortez while
boat operators banged away on
the engines. But the worst part of
the ordeal, according to the passengers, was that nobody would
tell anyone what was going on.
They just drifted along in the fog
for 27 hours. There was panic
onboard as passengers imagined
the worst.
Running without hiding.
Mexico proved to be a good place
to hide for an American citizen
accused of rape of two little
Oregon girls 11 and 13 19 years
ago. But last week a someone
dropped a dime on him and the
U.S. Marshals came for him. Eric
Francisco DeCleve was released
on $10,000 bail in 1997 but didn’t
show up for a court date a month
The fugitive was found working as a surf instructor in Cancún,
where he was arrested last week
on a beach in the hotel zone after
he was unable to provide immigration documents. He had been
living under the alias Eric Victor
Munhoven Navarro. He was almost immediately extradited to
the U.S., where he faces several
sex-related charges and one of
giving controlled substances to a
minor. He is now being held on
$3 million bail. ,
continued from page 4
Girls Club, Baja Spay and Neuter,
and have helped local families
build their homes. The team
builds and rebuilds, maintains the
orphanage property with dry wall
as well as gardening supplies, and
creates fun activities for the children with crafts and sports. Lorenzo has a trunk full of costumes
and old hats that the children use
for plays and pretend.
The property is managed by
an American couple that has been
there for more than 20 years.
When these volunteers return home to Canada they are
also active in Alberta feeding the
homeless, and they have donated
40 back packs filled with school
supplies to needy children. The
orphanage depends on donations
from people in Mexico the U.S
and Canada. Door of Faith Orphanage in La Mision. ,
continued from page 5
of best restaurants in Mexico
and Cosme in NYC was already
booked for the first three months
before he even opened the doors.
Congratulations to our chefs!
More Balloon rides in Baja.
An American company is offering balloon rides. You will soon
be floating over the valley, prom-
1. Breast Augmentation Massage
2. 30 one hour sessions - $400 USD
3. Reductive Massage. 12 one-anda-half hour sessions. $400 USD
4. Manual lymphatic drainage.
$180 USD 3 hours.
5. Deep tissue massage. 1 hr 30 min.
$90 USD
6. Sports massage. 1 hr 30 min. $90
7. Anti-Stress massage. 1 hr 30 min.
$90 USD
8. Swedish massage. 1 hr. $60 USD
9. Shiatsu massage. 1 hr. $60 USD
10.Reflexology foot massage. 1 hr.
$60 USD
ised Edrick Reyes, marketing director of the tourism state office.
“The balloon will be cruising at
1,200 feet, so you will be able to
see the vineyards, wineries and
the wildlife of the valley from
fairly close. No picking, though.
You will also be able to see
Rosarito beach, the Todos Santos
bay, and Punta Banda. China,
no. You will not be able to see to
China, you would need another
1000 feet of elevation for that.
Maybe more.
This will be an experience
which will include beautiful
landscapes of mountains and sea
while enjoying locally produced
wines” gushed Reyes. But then
he’s a paid professional gusher,
he’s in P.R. No, Bunkie, not
Puerto Rico, public relations.
You can check booking information at
Taking care of Rosarito Canyon. Thelma Castañeda, chief of
the state environmental protection agency, said they will start
imposing fines to developers who
are throwing their pee and poo
into the canyon.
“We are in the process of
identifying the culprits for each
case”, she said, in regards to the
sewage dumping that has been
going on for a couple of years.
“The canyon is a federal zone
and the dumping of any waste
in it is a federal crime”, she said.
She also said that residents along
June 27th, 2016
Calendar of Events
All prices are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted.
mx. Rosie Pena, 664-976-0613, U.S. 619-621-0292. wosiepeEvery Sunday 4pm. Cultural Sundays in the park, featur-
ing local Mexican and American dancers and musicians. At
Every Second Saturday Peggy Browns Bazaar KM 41
the IMAC in Abelardo L. Rodriguez park, west of Banamex. across from Ollie's Pizza. Joe's famous barbecue, margaritas.
Different themes every Sunday. Sometimes food booths, Vendors wanted for info call Peggy (661) 613 2256.
other times vendors with food carts. Facebook IMAC RoEvery Wednesday, 12:00 pm. Writer’s Workshop at Eden
sarito. Free.
Restaurant, (next to Cruz Roja Thrift Store). Published and
Every Monday, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Beginning Spanish unpublished writers welcome! Bring samples (3-7 pages) of
at Club Marena clubhouse, taught by Susana Schinkel. $6 your work to share. For more information, contact Marsh
Every Monday, 10:45 am, duplicate bridge at the Baja
Every Thursday. 8.30am. Local Board of Realtors (APIR)
Gold Bridge Club, KM 42 on Tijuana Ensenada Libre at the meets at Oceana Grill. If you are a Realtor in Baja, or thinkRosarito Beach Christian Church. bajagoldcoastbridgeclub@ ing about it, meet Realtors to network with. Good place for
buyers or sellers to find a Realtor
Every Monday, 1:00 – 2:30 pm, Advanced Spanish readEvery Third Thursday. 10 am. General Meeting for
ing/comprehension class at Club Marena clubhouse, taught FRAO, Foreign Residents Assistance Office. Open to the
by Susana Schinkel. $6 donation.
public. Usually held at the Rosarito Beach Hotel, with parkEvery Second Wednesday (except December). 2pm. ing validated. Sometimes held at other local sites. Breakfast
Friends of the Library meeting at main library of IMAC occasionally provided, but always available. Usually about 10
building next to Abelardo Rodríguez Park. Promotes reading am. Different speakers brought in to inform or address issues
and literacy in Rosarito. of concern to foreigners living in Mexico.
Carmen Dominguez, 661-612-3659. friendsofthelibraryrb@
Every Friday. 4pm. Spanish class main library, by IMAC,
Every Tuesday and Thursday. 10am. Pilates
mat class at Las Gaviotas Clubhouse. $6 UDS per
class. Bring a yoga mat and hand towel. Instructor
is Terri Van De Sande
Every Tuesday. 830am. Board Meeting for Yo
Amo Rosarito at the Corona Plaza Hotel. See what
Federal law requires drivers in Mexico to have a
events are under consideration or volunteer to help
minimum of $300,000 Liability Insurance
plan and run upcoming events. Great way to become
1Year Liability Ins.
3 Days Liability Ins.
involved with you community.
Only $189 dlls
Only $39 dlls
Every Third Wednesday (except December).
10am. Flying Samaritans meeting at Villas del Mar
158-0472 • In the Rosarito Beach Hotel
clubhouse on free road 2 miles south of Rosarito.
mall on Benito Juarez Blvd.
Volunteers provide free health services and clinics. Susan Smith,
661-100-6066, U.S. 858-240-2360. susansmithz@hotmail. in Abelardo Rodriguez park behind BanaMex. Beginner level
class with Sylvia. Free but donation appreciated.
Every First Saturday. 10am. United Society of Baja CaliEvery Wednesday 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Intermediate
(USBC) general meeting at Casa Blanca Restaurant,
Spanish class at Club Marena clubhouse, taught by Susana
Beach Hotel. Good info for the English speaking
Schinkel. $6 donation.
of charitable, community service and social
Every Wednesday, 1:00 – 2:30 pm. Intermediate Spanorganizations. Judy Westphal,
ish Conversation class at Club Marena clubhouse, taught by
Susana Schinkel. $6 donation.
Every First Saturday. Noon-sundown. Open Studio
Every Wednesday, 12:00 pm. Writer’s Workshop at Eden
Walk, a free tour of galleries in Rosarito Beach Hotel
Restaurant, (next to Cruz Roja
commercial center. Meet artists
Thrift Store). Published and
at work in their studios. pacounpublished writers welcome!
Bring samples (3-7 pages) of
Every Third Saturday.
your work to share. Marsh
1pm. USBC, United Society
Cassady: marshcassady@
of Baja California, monthly
dinner, held at La MaEvery Third Wednesday
Bar, across from
(except December). 2-4pm.
Different theme
Bingo at Oceana Grill & Cafe,
raffle. Live
Blvd. Benito Juárez #907entertainment
24. Great prizes, 6 different
games. Benefits Flying SamarMembership
itans. www.flyingsamaritanyear.
the Susan Smith, 661Bar
100-6066, U.S. 858-240-2360.
Saturdays in Tijuana – 12:30 pm, Free walking tours
Tijuana. Meet under the clock monument on
Every second and last Wednesday, 1:00 – 3:00 pm Cruz
Wear comfy shoes and clothing. Pay
Roja Primo Tapia Bingo at El Pescador Restaurant, km 44,
forecast for the area. Bring fluids.
(just north of Puerto Nuevo). Raising money for an ambuEstimated
90 minutes.
lance in Primotapia.
Every single day. AA Grupo Gringo meets daily in their
Every Second Thursday. 10am. Cruz Roja volunteers
hall, #16 Mar Meditteraneo (two blocks behind
general meeting at Rosarito Beach Hotel. Provides assistance
del Mar). Meetings: Saturday, 3:00; Sunday,
in case of accidents or disasters.
Monday, Thursday: 10:00 am; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:
6:00 pm. Additional meetings in Cantamar (just south of
the footbridge) Tuesday and Friday, 10:00 am.. For more
information, 661-614-1678.
June 29. Wednesday. Ladies Let’s Lunch at Almazara in
Valle de Guadalupe. Contact Bo Bendana.
June 29. Wednesday. 1pm. Bingo at El Pescador to benefit
Cruz Roja Primotapia.
June 30. Thursday. Chocolate Mousse Fluff-Off at K42
Pub and Grill. Blind tasting. 5 local chefs competing. at K-42,
Latitud, Baja Calypso, Pasta y Basta, Le Cocteau, and California Fresh, whose chefs will be the tasting panel of judges. $20
and a glass of wine included. Tickets available from any of
the competing restaurants or from any Friend of Casa Hogar
Jazmin Elizabeth. Many raffle prizes. Danielle Williams.
June 30, July 1, 7, & 8, Thursdays and Fridays, 7:00 pm.
and July 2, 3, 9, & 10, Saturdays and Sundays, 2:00 pm, Rosarito Theatre Guild presents The Taffetas, a musical comedy
$25. 20% discount on your meal at
Susanna’s Restaurante when booking these performances., phone: 664-6093451.
July 1 to 3. Friday to Sunday. 8th Clamato and
Ceviche Festival at Playas de Tijuana. Gloria Niebla
664 232 2568.
July 1 to 2. Friday to Saturday. 7pm. Ballet at
CEART. Performance by the Rosarito Ballet Academy.
July 2. Saturday. Boy George and the Culture Club
kicks off the celebration by opening up the brand new
6,000 seat amphitheater at BajaMar. 664-104-7021 664104-7024.July 2. Saturday. 2pm. Tijuana Street Food +
Craft Beer. 3 street food stops + 3 Tijuana craft brewery
visits + tastings + traditional mezcal service onboard
+ RT transportation in a private, chauffeured vehicle.
July 2, Saturday, afternoon-evening; Fourth of July
celebration at Campo Rene’s (behind Rene’s spiffy new
casino, formerly the run down cru mmy Rene’s bar. KM
28 on free road) to benefit the Cruz Roja Rosarito hospital
and ambulance service. Yolanda Ortiz
619-709-9503.July 2, Saturday, 7:00 pm concert featuring
the Beatles and The Rolling Stones cover bands to benefit
DIF Rosarito. Tickets at Roma pharmacies. 661-612-6077
or 661-612-6082. Venue to be announced.
July 2. Saturday. Boy George and the Culture Club kicks
off new 6,000 seat amphitheater at BajaMar. 664-104-7021
or 664-104-7024.
July 2, Saturday, 7:00 pm – 1:00 am, Fiesta Mexicana
dinner and dance with Sonora con Dinamita at the Rosarito
Beach Hotel. $12.50 (US) includes Mexican dinner buffet,
folkloric dance, live music, DJ music.
Don’t Risk Jail Time in Mexico!
Did you ever notice that
when you blow in a dog’s
face, he gets mad at you,
but when you take him
for a car ride, he sticks his
head out the window?
July 3. Sunday. Annual July 4 BBQ and fireworks
show, presented by the Flying Samaritans. Food,
music, annual fundraiser. $8. Fireworks off the pier
at the Rosarito Beach Hotel Gardens Benefiting the
Flying Samaritans clinics. Food, raffels, entertainment,
fireworks. VIP seating $15; General seating $8. www.; MX – 661-100-6066; US
– 1-858-240-2360.
July 3rd 9 to 1. Annual Garage Sale-Popotla.
July 4. Monday. 5pm. Three Month Toy Drive Begins! - Christmas in July! Organize a party or potluck
and ask each guest to bring an unwrapped toy for children in group home. We pick up. Marilyn Widd.
July 7 - 10, Thursday Sunday, The Taffetas at Rosarito
Theatre Guild. Evenings and matinees. www.rosaritotheatre.
July 7. Saturday. 12 to 3pm. Painting with Janine at
Alley Bar.
June 27th, 2016
Calendar of Events
All prices are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted.
July 7 to 31. Thursday to Sunday. Rosarito Annual Fair at com/ Baja Sand Festival del arte.
featuring international sand castle artists and amateurs too.
the Fairgrounds where the camels are. Rides, food, live music,
July 28, Saturday, 4:00 pm. Documentary: “Cozumel, Dinner and show outdoors, two days of music, dance, art exdancing, vendors, art.July 8. Friday. 6pm. Sunset Bingo at a paradise in the Mayan Caribbean,” A documentary about hibits and food, and of course, the completed sand sculptures.
Cantamar Clubhouse, benefits Cruz Roja Primotapia, with the riches of Cozumel Island. In the multimedia tent of the Takes them up to two weeks to build each piece. Free
the new Cruz Roja thrift store.
Rosarito Art Fest. Free.
August 31. Wednesday. 6pm. Sabor de Baja. All-white
July 12. Tuesday. 3 to 4pm. Dance for
requested for thefancy party at the beachfront gardens
July 28, Saturday, 5:00 pm, “Bright Land,” a documenOlder Learners at Rosarito Ballet Academy. tary showing the spirit and creative capacity of three artisans of the Rosarito Beach Hotel. Pairings of some of the best local
Free. From Quinta De Mar, head east and take
living in Rosarito.Multimedia tent of the Rosarito Art chefs with local wines.
the bridge over the toll road. Academy is at the
Fest; free.
September 4. Sunday. Fandango in La Mision,
bottom, ahead on the right.
the benefit of BECA scholarships.
August 5 to 21. Friday to Sunday.
July 16. Saturday. 12 to 3pm. Painting with
September 23 – 25, Friday through SaturJanine at Baja Calypso.July 16, Saturday, 1:00
day, Playas de Rosarito Sister Cities International
pm. USBC Monthly potluck luncheon and brief but
Convention and Conference at the Puerto Nuevo
Spectacular Talent Show at La Maroma Bar. Calling all
Hotel in Puerto Nuevo. Workshops, social gatherings,
singers, dancers, musicians, magicians, clowns, actors,
and more. Meet delegates from Rosarito’s Sister Cities
puppeteers…whatever you are (or want to be), Acts
around the world. Information:;
should be approximately five minutes (or less), and
email:; phone: 661-614-9600,
please…no politics. Kari Bryant at ckbryant123@gmail.
extension 1080.
com, or phone 664-492-3354.
September 24. Saturday. 10am. Rosarito to Ensenada
8 annual Chili Cook Off Saturday August 6th, 2016
July 20. Wednesday. Flying Sams General Meeting
Bike Ride. 50 mile bike ride along the ocean and up
& Bingo
1st, 2nd & 3rd cash prize plus people choice
through the hills toward the wine country, and into the
the local Food Bank and La Mision Childrens Fund.
July 21. Thursday. 5 to 10pm. Yo Amo Rosarito
seaport of Ensenada.
Social and Business Mixer at Sunio Beach Club, inside
Starting @ 11:00 AM Judging @ 3:00 $20 Team entry fee
October 1. Saturday. Fundraising event for Baja CaliCastillos Del Mar. $50 MN includes welcome cocktail
Sign up & pick up rules at LA SALINA CANTINA Km. 73
fornia Spay and Neuter Foundation.
and free appetizers between 5 and 6pm.
FB: /LaSalinaCantina Ph. (646) 155-8179
October 9, Sunday, Second Annual Tecate to EnsenaJuly 21, Thursday, 5:00 pm. Last Wateke Baja Sand
da Bike Race/Ride through the wine country. Registration
social event. At The Alley Bar, Calle Tijuana, between
Olympic Games from Rio de Janeiro. Not broadcast by either $50 through July 3, $80 race day. Prizes by age class. www.
Electra on the free road, and the toll road exit. $5 gets you free Televisa or Azteca.
margarita and appetizers. To support Baja Sand festival this
August 17, Wednesday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Introduction
October 12 to 15. Wednesday to Sunday. 7th Annual Int’l
August. Live entertainment until 10:00 pm. For information:
y Ballet Folklorico Festival at Rosarito Beach Hotel. Baja Sand Festival del arte.
atre Guild, on the boulevard behind Comex. Ages 12 – adult. Three days of workshops for voice, instruments and dance,
July 22. Friday. Mexicali en la Playa — Rosarito will be Covers speaking, movement on stage, the script, developing followed by concerts on Friday on Saturday nights. Mariachi
crowded, as bad as during Spring Break.
expressions and gestures, interpretation and more. Advance Mass on Sunday. Family-friendly event. Tickets prices for all
July 23. Saturday. 3pm. Fundraising concert for La Mision payment required. Members: $25, non-embers $30.00, youth budgets.
Children’s Fund at La Salina Cantina, with Strawberry Alarm 12 – 17: $20, or phone: MX: 661-119-9214,
October 16. Sunday. Cruz Roja Soup’s On
Clock, Wanted, and the Baja Sand Dogs. $20 USD advance US: 1-619-356-6454.
October 28. Friday. Susanna’s pairing luncheon at Susanna’s
$25 at door.
August 19 to 21. Friday to Sunday. Baja Blues Fest at the Restaurant in Rosarito Beach. Benefit Baja Scholarship FounJuly 23. Saturday. 11am. Chili Cook-off at Maganas, La Rosarito Beach Hotel.
dation. $40 USD prepaid only.
Mision. Dogs. $20 USD in advance or $25USD at the door.
August 20 to 21. Saturday to Sunday. 4th Annual RootPearl Harbor Day. Wednesday. Flying Samaritans LunJuly 27, Wednesday, 5:00 pm, Wateke Social Mixer at the stock - Baja Reggae Camping and music fest
cheon/White Elephant Gift Exchange at Las Rocas.
Alley Bar, on Calle Tijuana, down from Electra in Rosarito.
August 25. Thursday. Dorothy Southern Bus Trip to Del
December 9 to December 10. Friday to Saturday. Cruz
Victor Loza’s birthday! $5 admission gets you free margarita Mar Races, $42 USD
Rosarito Thrift Store: Annual Christmas Sale, 9am-5pm
and appetizers 5:00 – 6:00 pm. Supports Baja Sand festival in
August. Live entertainment until 10:00 pm. www.facebook.
December 10. Saturday. Holiday Home Tour for Friends
2016 at Rosarito Beach Hotel, north of pier. Sand sculpture of the Library
Every Monday. 7pm. Ceart Cine Club. Films about
dance with “Billy Elliot” April 13, “Five Dances” April
20, “Desert Dancer” April 27. English with Spanish subtitles. Foro Experimental of Centro Estatal de las Artes
(CEART) on Blvd. Costero (Lázaro Cárdenas) & Av. Club
Rotario. Free. CEART, 646-173-4307.
Every First & Third Wednesday. 10:30am. Club Compañeros de Baja Norte general
meeting at clubhouse on Calle
Mazatlán #256 in Fracc. Acapulco, 1 mile south of Ensenada.
Lunch $6 donation. Multicultural, multilingual, nonprofit
service and social club. Nancy
McKee, 646-174-5011, U.S.
619-207-4325. cdbcnm@gmail.
comEvery Fourth Thursday.
Red Hat Society lunch at various
local restaurants. Tillie Foster,
cell 646-171-5292.
Every Friday. 7:30-9:30pm.
Live world and cultural music
at El Callejón Colectivo Culinario, Floresta #320 near
southern Blvd. Costero extension, Fracc. Acapulco, 1 1/2
miles south of Ensenada. Free. Performer schedule with
Alex O., cell 646-101-0812.
Every Friday 7:30 pm. Live music at El Callejon Colectivo Culinario; Floresta #320, Fracc. Acapulco, Ensenada.
Alex Orendain,, 646-120-8004; www.
June 1 to 5. Wednesday to Sunday. 47th Baja 500. score- for tickets and more information.
June 4. Saturday noon. Kawaii Fest Ensenada 2016 at Plaza
Pueblo Antiguo.
July 1 to 3. Friday to Sunday. Guadalupe Valley Fest.
July 2. Saturday. Culture Club kicks off the celebration by
opening up the brand new 6,000 seat amphitheater at BajaMar.
Get your tickets early.
July 23. Saturday. 5 to 11pm. Summer Fest 2016 at Playa
Red Cross Update
Busy, busy, busy!
Cruz Roja welcomes Sergio
C. Hernandez as their new
hospital president, relieving
Raul Zapata who has worked
tirelessly as hospital president
for many years.
Sergio is not new to Cruz
Roja, and he attends every Cruz
Roja event. He has previously
been the secretary their hospital
board. He was raised to support
Cruz Roja since he was a child
starting back in 1992 when he
suffered a bad automobile accident and the emergency actions
of Cruz Roja saved his life. He
explained that no hospital or
medical team will reach you
sooner here than Cruz Roja.
Sergio will take office after
his official inauguration date
in July. It isn’t widely known,
but this position is unpaid. It’s
linquish her position due to
personal issues. Rosie will,
however, remain very active
with the Damas and hospital
affairs so they may continue to
“save lives by the second.” Step-
Sabbath School 9:45 am
Worship Service 11:15 am
English Spoken.
Simulcast translation.
#548 14th Street
between Gastelum and
Miramar Street. Ensenada
lance service, which is free to
the injured, but costs the hospital an average $40 per call. Most
expats being transported want
to be driven to the border after
stabilization of the injury or illness. Whether one is a member
or not, ($100 ambulance cost
vs $200 fee for non-members),
payment is not discussed at the
time of injury or transport. Not
everyone who gets hit by a car
while out for a walk carries their
credit card with them. Payment
may be made at a later date. Try
Classified Ads
Easy Sign Up
Phone It or Text It In
You can call or text Oliver at (646) 179 4599
Mail It In
You can mail it along with your check to:
Oliver Quintero, PMB-80 PO BOX 189003, Coronado, CA, 92178
Make check payable to Gringo Gazette
Email It In
You can email it to
How easy are those choices? Hint: Very easy.
Cost is only 80 cents a word, and that includes posting your ad in
our online version as well as the printed edition.
We do take credit cards.
Total Words
Times 80 Cents A Word X .80
ping up to the presidency is Paul
Flowers, current vice-president
of the Voluntarios.
The Primo Tapia chapter of
that in the United States!
Recently, members of the
Cruz Roja special rescue unit
risked their lives for more than
24 hours searching for a hiker
who had fallen down a steep
rocky cliff in Canon del Tajo.
After locating the climber (or
would that be “tumbler”?), the
rescue workers stabilized his
leg and transported him to the
Rosarito Cruz Roja hospital.
This year’s collecta and donations raised nearly one million pesos and was matched
by the Mexican government
to provide a new ambulance
in service to Rosarito. A new
rescue vehicle is also on its
way. Crus Roja wishes to thank
Cruz Roja Volunteers is feel- everybody who has dropped
ing growing pains, as they’ve money or checks into the colhad to double the size of their lecta containers.
thrift store to accommodate
Last June a new snack proall of the donations, (which
gram was instituted by
means doubling their
Cruz Roja Mexicana.
rent costs), and
Racks of snacks
It was
t he re are st i l l
and candy are
four garages
a whole lot easier app e ar i ng i n
holding items.
m any of t h e
to get older, than city’s bars with
(But please
continue to doall proceeds goto get wiser.
nate your gently
ing to the Cruz
used items!) The
Roja hospital. If
money raised at
you don’t see the
this location helps
rack at your local waterto ensure ambul a n c e ing hole, ask your manager to
service; the alternative being a consider offering this service.
45 minute wait for an ambuCruz Roja volunteers’ recent
lance being dispatched from Art and Flower Show held in
Popotla was well-attended.
Rosie Pena told us there There were 15 Venders and the
were 471 calls in April to the food was hot and delicious, the
Cruz Roja hospital for ambu- wait staff plentiful, and $1650
was raised; more than a 50%
increase over last year!
Cruz Roja’s next major fundraiser is the annual Fashion
Show and luncheon, Friday,
August 5. If you wish to donate
items for this, please contact
Cheryl Shepard, events chair,
664-631-3509. ,
Call us if you want your carpets done right!
a true gift of love to occupy this
demanding position.
Sadly, we bid adieu to Rosie
Pena, Cruz Roja Voluntarios
President, who has had to re-
June 27th, 2016
Total Amount Owed ____________
carpet, car interior, urine treatment,
protection, odor control, FREE
QUOTES ON SITE. Call 661-6140526 or 044661-850-8935 Rosarito
house, incredible views. Remodeled
2015 $1250 per month. Large patio.
Includes Independent casita with
kitchen. Both furnished. Available
NOW. Call Steve at 6197871444 or
OCEAN FRONT one bedroom suite
$700usd or a studio $600usd per
month with a 6 months lease fully
furnished all utilities & DirectTV included. Salvador US 619 467-0310.
Mex. Cell 661 850-4517. salnav2@
FOR SALE BY OWNER oceanfront
house/bed & breakfast 4173 sf $549k
usd 6 bedroom 6 baths 4 kitchens &
2 car garage in rosarito county bc.
Mexico. Salvador salnav2@gmail.
Com us 619 467-0310 mex. Cell 661
850-4517 photos link http://bit.Ly/
UNBELIEVABLE ! Great location
available for rent inside Calimax shopping center C. Benito Juarez 25500-23
Col quintas del mar 82 square meters Perfect for your business needs
$4500 pesos per month Contact :
Sandra Marin (664) 233-7836
ENSENADA. $200 per month in
a quiet secure area. Many beautiful
plants and trees. No pets, long term
preferred. Call 646 1250114
MALE ROOM MATE WANTED $500.00 includes all
utilities+WiFi=TV, Central Rosarito
on the beach. 2 bedroom/2 bath/
Maid service, gated. US (949)3319098 or Local (661)125-3746.
PEGGY BROWNS BAZAAR Second saturday monthly next bazaar
July 9th, KM 41 across from Ollie's
Pizza. Joe's famous barbecue, margaritas. Vendors wanted for info call
Peggy (661) 613 2256.
storage in Chula Vista. I can send
pictures upon request #(619) 874
ANNUAL GARAGE SALE -Popotla. July 3rd not the 2nd. From 9 to 1.
For information contact
Free Some Space @ Home!!
Office Hours: 9am-5pm • Closed Wednesday
Gate Hours 8am-6pm Everyday
Storage space starting
from $50 monthly
Now offering moving services!
KM 40.5 Free Road in Rosarito
Ph. (661) 614 1642 • US. (619) 797 8097
June 27th, 2016
Runaway Exchange
Rate: Good Or Bad?
Could be a good thing if you’re buying real estate
Viva Mexico and the wonderfully erratic peso. Although the
gyrations of the peso are more
a reflection on the strength of
the dollar than any weakness in
the peso.
Most to all real estate listings
are advertised in United States
dollars and funds are transferred
into a secure USD trust account
with escrow.
The most important thing for
any buyer/seller to know is that
the title reflects the exchange rate
of the day of closing and translates the USD value into pesos.
This peso value stated in your
title is the basis for determining
Many sellers purchased their
properties when the exchange
rate was at $10 to $1, so a seller’s
base then becomes $1,000,000
pesos and the capital gains tax
utilizes this value. You have just
avoided paying capital gains taxes
on 800,000 pesos, which today is
worth $44,000, which depending on your tax bracket could be
around $15,000 US.
And if you find a home you
want priced in pesos, you are
off to the races, as that property
could be bought for nearly half
what it cost in dollars just a short
while ago.
So go out and buy. ,
well offshore. Some were big
enough to pull drag on 50#. Also
had a fun time with the whale
sharks and orcas there.
Cedros Island
The quality of life that your
loved one deserves provided
by a team of professionals
continued from page 7
the canyon may be able to claim
A One Eighty Mexico
Assisted Living & Memory Care
Puerto Captains
Tavern &
Treasure Trove
Call us or visit us to schedule a tour
Paseo Playas 19-C • Playas de Tijuana • Mexico
US 619-628-9296 • MX 664-609-6606
capital gains tax for the seller and
determining the tax base for the
The peso has devaluated to
approximately $18 MN (pesos),
to $1USD therefore if you purchase a property for $100,000
USD X $18MN = $1,800,000
pesos that now becomes your tax
base for the day you sell.
continued from page 6
bit every jig that hit the water
whether it was casting in 10-feet
for cabrilla or yoyo jigging in
200-feet for yellows. There were
a couple of times when a huge
school pushed bait to the surface
will go to Primo Tapia Red Cross
The bar is at km 44 between
the hotels and lobster town. ,
Potential 108.6-pound IGFA
world record broomtail grouper –
by angler Jeff Mariani was caught
on the kayak on a heavy bass rod
on 40-pound test, using a Kicker
Jig surface iron. Yellowtail to 40
pounds were also caught from
the kayaks on jigs. Calico are going crazy!
Gary Graham, ,
compensation from the developers if a judge would say so. Ja!
The developers have more money
than the poor people living along
the canyon, they aren’t going to
have to pony up any compensation.
Fundraising event. Can you
stand one more? On July 9th &
10th from noon to five, 10% of all
sales at Puerto Captain’s Tavern
is hosting a fundraiser
for our local Primo
Tapia Red Cross
on July 9th & 10th
from 12:00 to 5:00.
10% of all sales will go
directly to their support!
We are located at km 44
between the hotels and
Puerto Nuevo village.
Please join us 🍻
Becky is looking for a home
Now this is a dream pooch! This breed is a serious and devoted pup. She will be dependable
and steady. She loves to play and will need moderate exercise. At the present time she lives with
other dogs, adults and children and is very patient with children. She rides well in the car and walks
great on a leash. Becky will make a great companion. She really needs a forever home!
In the canine heart there is always hope. Every dog
deserves a safe and loving home. Adopt a rescue dog
today; we are their voice! To adopt Becky, call Wendy at 646 150 4840.
4 Patas, which means 4 paws, is an
animal shelter in Ensenada. They have
lots of needs, from animal chow to vet
services, cash to keep the lights on, and
of course volunteers to keep the love
coming. To get involved go to their Facebook page at /4Patas/
June 27th, 2016
Friends of the Library
Elects New Leaders
And starts planning their summer projects
The Friends of the Library
held their annual meeting in
May at the Popotla Restaurant, electing Jim Harrington,
Merrilyn Avila-Gauld, Mar-
sha Baker, Jody Mayville, and
Ren Drake Hill to the board
to join Susan Shea, Armando and watching television. PanGonzalez, Alyce Gruel, Rene chito Cup winners were each
Merino, Irene O’Brien, and
presented with a
Jan Schmauder.
Guests at the breakfast meeting included
Denny’s says ‘If it’s your
the student winners of
birthday, the meal is on
the 2016 Panchito Cup,
representing the 4 , 5 ,
us.’ If you’re in Denny’s
and 6th grades of Ejido
and it’s your birthday
There is a lot of good
your life sucks
things coming to the
Rosarito libraries this
year, including a summer reading program and
preparations are already
tablet as a reward. Next year
being made for the 2017
the tournament will expand to
Panchito Cup tournament.
include several more schools,
The Friends of the Library including some in Ensenada.
encourages children to realLast year the Friends of the
ize that reading can be more Library were granted Mexican
rewarding than video games non profit status and U.S. in-
come tax 501(c)(3) status, so
all pesos and dollars donated to
the FOL are now tax deductible.
100% of all donations
go toward books, reading,
and library programs to
encourage the love of reading in Rosarito. Consider
this when you are writing
those donation checks.
FOL’s first spring Home
Garden Tour was a success,
bringing in nearly $2000.
Not bad for a first-time
event. Next year, they hope
to have enough homes to sport
a north and a south tour. (And
they promised to have better
maps for next year – although
all participants have finally been
tracked down and accounted
The summer reading pro-
gram is now being planned.
Anyone wishing to volunteer
can visit www.friendsofthellibrar and click on
“volunteer.” Donations may also
be made at this site. ,