
Dei politiske utvala
Arkivsak: 200900388-6/CHALIL
Kopi til:
05. august 2010
Arkivnr.: 503
Internasjonalt nyheitsbrev frå HFK - juni 2010
Årets første internasjonale nyheitsbrev frå Hordaland fylkeskommune vart sendt ut til skolar,
kommunar, samarbeidsregionar, norsk utanriksteneste i dei land som er omtalt og andre
samarbeidspartar i sankthansveka.
Nyheitsbrevet gir ei oversikt over dei internasjonale aktivitetane i Hordaland fylkeskommune, første
halvår 2010. Nyheitsbrevet er på engelsk sidan det og vert sendt til våre samarbeidsregionar, og er
meint å vise litt av den store bredda i Hordaland sitt internasjonale engasjement.
Første halvår 2010 var fylkeskommunen involvert i eit breitt spekter av aktivitetar, det vere seg
gjennom etablerte program eller som bilaterale initiativ med våre samarbeidsregionar. På første side av
nyheitsbrevet har vi valt å trekke fram dei mange utanlandsklassane som finst i regi av
Neste nyheitsbrev vil bli sendt ut til jul.
Besøksadresse: Agnes Mowinckels gate 5 - Postadresse: Postboks 7900. 5020 BERGEN - Telefon 55 23 93 06 - Telefaks 55 23 93 19
E-postadresse: international@post.hfk.no
Bankgironr. 5201 06 74239 - Foretaksnr. NO 938 626 367 mva.
Welcome to the international newsletter from Hordaland County Council, giving you a short introduction to the county’s international engagement during the last 6 months. Although the list is not
extensive, we nevertheless hope to give you an idea of the breadth of activities that takes place
within our region. The next newsletter is scheduled to be sent before Christmas.
This spring, we are particularly happy that the application for the “Clean North Sea Shipping”
project, where Hordaland will be the lead beneficiary, was approved in June! This will be an important project for the region.
Within the field of education we have a growing list of “international classes”, regular offers of a
full year of study abroad; Knarvik videregående coordinates a class in Cardiff, Øystese gymnas
coordinates one in Missouri, USA, Voss agricultural school coordinates one in Babolna, Hungary,
and Askøy videregående one in Erfurt, Germany. In addition there are every year two pupils going
to the Orkney Islands. A pilot project this spring has also been Lønborg videreående’s offer on
Zanzibar and a new class in Normandy has just been approved.
Hordaland County Council’s ”International classes”
Open spaces on the Orkneys
Fall ex
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Horse training in
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, 5020 Bergen, Norway
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
fe in Erf
1. Our cooperating regions
can start their school year in France, both regions are
enthusiastic about the projects and are determined to do
their best to make this a success.
Cooperation on innovation
”Innovation” was one of the central themes, both during
the delegation to Bergen in June last year and the
delegation to Normandie in November. This spring, the
talks saw some concrete results as Laurent Lecoeur from
Miriade Innovation in Caen was invited to Bergen
Technology Transfer Office (BTO) in order to help them
organise an “R & D speed dating” session, a method that
Miriade has seen very good results from in Normandie.
BTO organised a session on “cancer research” during the
GROW10 conference in Bergen in March and another
one on aquaculture is planned for the fall. The next step
is to invite institutions or companies from each other’s
regions to future sessions.
“Speed-dating” during the Grow conference in March
Reception at Academie de Caen, with rectors from
schools in the region.
Development of new cultural projects
During this year’s Boréales festival in Basse-Normandie
there will be a special focus on artists from Hordaland.
The festival’s artistic director, Jérôme Rémy, works in
close contact with the Department of Culture in
Hordaland County Council on this, and was also in
Bergen in late January in order to meet with potential
participants. The performances from Hordaland will all
be concentrated during the festival’s last week – from 2026th of November.
The two regions are also planning a common exhibition
project on the use of wood – past, present and future. The
exhibition is due to be presented in 2011 and a representative from CRECET, a regional centre for cultural
heritage in Normandie, visited Bergen in June in order to
discuss the project with potential participants from
Hordaland such as Hardanger Ships Preservation Centre,
the Oselvar workshop and the museum centre in Salhus .
Two persons working with the innovation and entrepreneurship strategies in Hordaland County Council also
received scholarships from the Leonardo program in
order to spend a week in Caen this May to learn more
about their efforts in the field as well as to discuss future
collaborations between central actors.
“Hordaland class” in Normandie to be established
This spring, Hordaland County Council approved a new
project that sets out to create a “Hordaland class” in
Normandie, similar to the arrangements already in place
in Cardiff. The central idea is to give 15 pupils from
Hordaland the opportunity to spend a full school year in
Basse-Normandie, not in fact as a single class but in 4-5
different schools in the region. Voss gymnas will be the
coordinating school on our side while Lycée Alain
Chartier in Bayeux will have a special responsibility on
the French side, due to their experience and the
Norwegian section. The start of the first “class” is
scheduled for August 2011 and representatives from
Voss gymnas and the Department of Education visited
Basse-Normandie in late April in order to discuss these
plans with the region and the Academie de Caen.
Although much remains to be done before the first pupils
Visit to the Oselvar workshop
Continued cooperation between the schools
Several schools in Hordaland have set up bilateral links
with schools in Basse-Normandie. The latest of these are
the agricultural school at Voss who established links
with Lycée Agricole de Coutance last fall. This spring
they were granted a Leonardo project with the school and
the plans are to make a preparatory visit this fall. Sandsli
videregående has already sent 3 girls from their “food
program” to Lycée Rabelais this spring with Leonardo
scholarships. The girls worked for 3 weeks in the
kitchens of 2 hotels in the Caen area and are in awes over
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
how much they learnt. Slåtthaug videregående received
5 pupils and 2 teachers from Lycée Paul Cornu for two
weeks this March, one of them being a work placement
at a print shop. This fall 5 pupils from the “Textile and
Design” program have received scholarships in order to
return the visit. Voss gymnas and Fusa videregående
both have cooperations with Lycée Alain Chartier in
Bayeux and for a week in March they both received large
groups of pupils from Bayeux. Voss has a cooperation
that focuses on languages while Fusa focuses on natural
science and mathematics. 15 pupils from Fusa returned
the visit to Bayeux in April/May.
Pupils from Fusa join the teaching of chemistry in
Bayeux (photo: Fusa vgs)
Welsh volunteer to Hardanger Fartøyvernsenter
Hardanger Ships Preservation Centre (part of Hardanger
and Voss Museum) was accepted as an EVS host
organisation within the Youth in
Action Program last year.
Through the county’s twinning
with Cardiff, connections with the
local exchange organisation UNA
exchange in Cardiff were
established and a young man
from the Cardiff area was
identified as a good candidate for
the job. He arrived in Hardanger
in early June and will work as a
volunteer on board the boat
Mathilde until November.
Cardiff exchange from 10 schools in Hordaland
The 16 pupils that form this year’s “Hordaland class” in
‘Cardiff come from 10 different high schools in
Hordaland and are currently studying at 6 schools in
Cardiff and Barry. The 14 girls and 2 boys are currently
finishing up their Welsh school year. The Lord Mayor of
Cardiff, Keith Hyde, used the opportunity during a visit
to Hordaland in May to express the region’s satisfaction
with the exchange and the good impression that the
pupils have on everyone that they have been in contact
with. The Lord Mayor was also present for the class’
farewell ceremony in June.
Cardiff, Wales
Extension of the Norwegian Church in Cardiff
An extension of the Norwegian Church Arts Centre has
been sought for many years and especially the kitchen
has needed upgrading in order to give the church the
capacity it needs to meet the demands - in the cafeteria
but also for special functions. Cardiff County Council
has now been able to secure public funding for the
extension, and the work will start this fall. The “new”
church will be officially reopened on May 17th next year.
In relation to this, Hordaland County Council has
decided to contribute the materials for a new outside
decking. The timber is a special kind of “heartwood”
which is extra durable and which will have a long life in
the local climate. The wood will be brought over to
Cardiff bay this summer and architects /carpenters from
discuss the
aspects with
Farewell ceremony with the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, with
the red dragon of Wales as something to remember their
stay by (photo: Knarvik vgs)
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
Orkney Islands,
Exchange of High School pupils
Every year, two pupils from each region are given the
opportunity to spend a year in the sister-region. For the
school year 2009/10 there are two pupils from Hordaland
(Tanks videregående and Øystese gymnas) at Kirkwall
Grammar School, while two pupils from Kirkwall is
spending a full year at Voss Folkehøgskole.
in Kaunas, she did a 10-week placement at the
Department of Education from January to March.
Involved in several different tasks within the department,
her primary affiliation, though, was with the admissions
office. More
Viktorija Gedutyte with Head of Admissions, Nils
Thüringen, Germany
The Orkney landscape, with the two pupils from
Hordaland, hiding from the camera
Youth project on work life preparations
Together with partners from some of Kaunas’ other twin
cities and regions, the centre for training for employment
– ALF (Senter for arbeidslivsforberedelse) in Bergen will
participate in a Youth in Action project this summer. The
background for the project is the fact that due to the
economic crisis, the labour market for young people with
no experience has become increasingly difficult and even
more so for the less advantaged persons. This project is
directly connected to 2010 as the European year for the
fight against poverty and social exclusion. The project
will give the participants appropriate knowledge and
skills associated with the entering into the labour market
and will cooperate with entrepreneurs from the Kaunas
region in order to present participants with the real
processes of entering the labour market.
Exchange of High School pupils
The exchange of high school pupils is also an important
part of the cooperation. For the academic year 2009/10
there are three Lithuanian pupils attending the folkloric
dance section at Manger folkehøgskole.
Kaunas student on placement at the county council
Viktorija Gedutyte, from Kretinga in Lithuania worked
as an intern at Hordaland County Council this spring. A
political science student at Vytautas Magnus University
Partnership project with Thüringen accepted
The partnership projects under the Leonardo da Vinci
program may be a tool to combine different actors in
more manageable projects. In January, representatives
from Odda videregående and the county council’s
Department of Regional Development visited Thüringen
in order to discuss a new project that combines two
themes: entrepreneurship & training and incubator
management. The final project proposal which also
includes the University College of Bergen on the
Norwegian side, is titled “Partnership, training and
incubator management”. In late June it was announced
that this project was among those who had been
New call for projects with Thüringen
The cooperation with Thüringen, in relation to joint
projects with ERDF/ESF or regional funds respectively,
is continuing in 2010. A new call for proposals is closing
on July 1st. By this date, it is expected that local
companies in Thüringen have submitted 30-50 proposals
for projects with ERDF-funds. It is first in the next round
that they will identify project partners, and where actors
from Hordaland can be officially involved – at this stage
it is more indications of themes and objectives. Lars
Tveit from the Dept. of Regional Development and
Thore Thomassen from the International section were in
Erfurt when the call opened in May. At that time is was
clear that the priorities in this round would be related to
environmental aspects. The call for projects under the
European Social funds – ESF, will open later this year.
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
Exchange of High School pupils
This May, for the third year running, 8 young people
from Hordaland finished a full year of electro studies at
Andreas Gordon Schule in Erfurt. The 8 pupils come
from different municipalities around Bergen but were
followed up by the coordinating school at Askøy. The
group did very well for their final exams and has seen a
great personal development and has matured over the
year spent away from home. They have managed to keep
up the good spirit of the group and are all well satisfied
with the year in Erfurt, although some of them admit that
it has been quite challenging.
The electro class during the farewell dinner in Erfurt,
together with the rector of Andreas Gordon Schule
(photo: Askøy vgs)
Joint activities
2. Cooperation through international
Regions (AER)
Hordaland is one of 270 member regions in AER, which
was founded in 1985 to increase the dialog and
cooperation between European regions. This spring, AER
celebrated its 25th anniversary, an event that was marked
with the conference “From Subsidiarity to Success:
Strong Regions for a Strong Europe” in Brussels. Among
the speakers were Jean-Luc Vanraes, Minister of
Foreign Affairs of Bruxelles-Capitale, MEP Danuta
Hübner, Mercedes Bresso, President of the Committee
of the Regions and Jordi Pujol, former AER President
(1992-1996). Together with AER Members and
representatives of European institutions, they analysed
the regions’ evolution over the last 25 years, the
contribution of EU policies to decentralisation, the role
of the Regions in today’s Europe and the perspectives for
regions in the coming years. Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs
from the International section represented Hordaland at
this event.
Visit from Orkney, Cardiff and Edinburgh
The last week-end in May, the mayors of Cardiff,
Edinburgh and the Orkneys made a 4-day visit to
Hordaland, invited by the County Mayor of Hordaland.
These are the same three regions where Hordaland
participates in local winter festivals with delegations and
musicians every year. This was a way for us of returning
their hospitality and to show something of what our
region has to offer. Over the week-end, Stephen Hagan
from Orkney Islands Council, George Grubb from City
of Edinburgh Council and Keith Hyde from Cardiff
County Council experienced parts of the Bergen
International Festival, as well as a fjord cruise in
beautiful spring weather. In addition to this, they visited
central cultural institutions such as the Oselvar boat
builders and the West Norway Museum of Decorative
Art. The
was spent
Nilsen, Deputy Mayor, gave the guest an introduction to
some of the current challenges in Hordaland. More
President of AER, Michèle Sabban
During the conference, AER presented its new
regionalism report. The report gives an overview of the
47 Member States of the Council of Europe and provides
a snapshot of the state of regional democracy in
European countries in 2010. The report can be downloaded
Eastern Norway County Network has taken the initiative
to a network of the Norwegian members in AER. The
objective is exchange of information and to better
coordinate the Norwegian participation in the organisation. The first meeting in “AER Norway” was held in
Akershus on April 28th and Marit Einen from the
International section represented Hordaland.
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
Committee on Peripheral and
Maritime Regions (CPMR)
Hordaland is one of the 156 member regions in CPMR.
The CPMR works to secure a development across the
European regions, regardless of their geographical
location. This spring the main focus areas of the
organisation have been the EU 2020 Strategy as well as
the continued work with the Cohesion Policy. In
particular, the importance of the territorial perspective as
well as the regions’ role, both as participants and
contributors, in achieving the goals of EU2020, have
been underlined. CPMR has, on numerous occasions,
communicated both to the Commission and the Council
of Ministers the fact that the Lisbon treaty expands the
subsidiarity principle and includes a territorial
partnership. The EU2020 Strategy, however, lacks a
concrete definition of these principles. During the last
meeting of the Political Bureau which was held in
Tromsø in June, the board agreed on a statement to the
Council of Ministers, asking them to follow-up on how
the territorial approach should be maintained.
basin areas with the aim of giving a common direction to
different programs and initiatives covering the same
geographical areas. NSC have identified 5 priorities for
their strategy: Managing Maritime Space, Increasing
accessibility and attractiveness, Tackling climate change,
Promoting innovation and excellence, Sustaining liveable
General assembly in Stavanger
This year’s joint event between the North Sea Program
and the North Sea Commission, the Joint Annual
conference and General Assembly was held in Stavanger
from 16-18th of June. This year’s conference had a strong
focus on members’ participation and the delegates were
divided into clusters cafés in order to come up with
suggestions for the different themes of the North Sea
Strategy. The General Assembly re-elected Gunn Marit
Helgesen as president and also adopted a statement on
the oil spill in the Mexico Gulf. The North Sea Strategy
was also renamed North Sea Region 2020 in order to
reflect the long term challenges for the region and to link
it with the ongoing EU processes, EU2020.
As for the Cohesion Policy, CPMR has promoted the
important role of the regions and the need for a territorial
approach. Macro-regions are also very much on the
agenda, and in particular after the adoption of the Baltic
Sea macro-regional strategy. CPMR has initiated a
process where the role of the macro-regions is discussed
- their function and possible role in the regional policy
and in international programs. More
Closing panel of the Annual Conference in Stavanger
North Sea Commission (NSC)
The North Sea Commission was founded in 1989 as a
sub-commission to CPMR, in order to facilitate and
enhance partnerships between regions by the North Sea.
The NSC has 36 member regions, 15 from Norway.
Deputy Mayor Tom-Christer Nilsen from Hordaland
County Council is the National representative in the
Executive Committee. More
This spring, a lot of the efforts of the North Sea
Commission have been focused on the development of
the new North Sea Strategy. A stakeholder conference
focused on the marine resources was arranged in
Newcastle 17-18th March. Hordaland County Council
was present during this conference and Deputy Mayor
Tom-Christer Nilsen gave a presentation on the “Clean
North Sea Shipping” initiative. There was also a
conference together with the Committee of the Regions
in Brussels in May and a workshop in Oviedo, Spain, on
the Maritime Day in May. The work on such a common
policy document was in part a response to EU’s pilot
actions for “macro-regional strategies” based around sea-
Regional cooperation in Norway:
The Regional Council for Western Norway
The Regional Council for Western Norway is an
organization of cooperation consisting of 4 County
Councils on the west coast of Norway: Møre og
Romsdal, Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland and Rogaland.
The council consists of 20 members; 5 politicians elected
from each of the county councils. As the leadership and
the secretariat alternates between the member counties,
Møre og Romsdal has the leadership in 2010.
Administrative groups have been established for some of
the council’s focus areas. More
Activities in the international group
The Regional Council’s International working group
consists of officers from the 4 counties. The main tasks
are the follow-up of the Regional Council’s strategic plan
and the exchange of information regarding international
affairs. This spring the group met in Kristiansund in May
in order to prepare papers for the political meeting in
June, on the counties’ participation in international
organisations such as the North Sea Commission/CPMR
and in regards to the ongoing process of the North Sea
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
3. Projects
Interreg IV projects
Hordaland is eligible for participation in the following
programs; Interreg IV B: The North Sea Region
Program, Northern Periphery Program and the Baltic Sea
Program and Interreg IV C; Interregional Cooperation.
3a: Invisible Intemodal Transport, where they to a certain
degree are carrying out parallel activities. The results of a
SWOT analysis have been discussed as a basis for
common exercise on SWOT analyses. The SWOT
analysis gives directions to specific pilot projects to be
pursued by various partners. A full overview can be
found on the project’s website More
Information from the National
Contact Point for the Interreg
IVB North Sea Region Program
This spring there was a new call for
applications under the North Sea Region program. As the
call ended on April 7th, there were 17 applications for
new projects and 9 for extensions. 10 + 6 of them had
Norwegian partners. The steering committee, in a
meeting in early June, approved 7 new projects and 6
One of the new projects has a Norwegian lead partner –
the Clean North Sea Shipping project that will be
managed from Hordaland County Council. This project
was first discussed in the thematic group on Maritime
Resources within the North Sea Commission, and
Hordaland County Council was asked to act as the lead
beneficiary of the project. Another one of the new
projects also has a partner from our region. Cruise
Destination Hardangerfjord will participate in the project
CRUISE GATEWAY – towards sustainable growth of
cruise shipping in the North Sea Region. This project will
develop the region as a cruise destination and promote it
as a “lighthouse” for sustainable cruise traffic. The lead
beneficiary of this project will be Hafen Hamburg
Marketing. The steering committee has asked that these
two projects cooperate and share their results.
Interreg IVB – North Sea Region Program
Coast Alive!
Hordaland is the lead beneficiary of the Interreg IVB
(North Sea) project Coast Alive, heading a consortium of
12 partners from the United Kingdom,
Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and
Norway. This project builds on the
former North Sea Trail and North Sea
Cycle Route projects. More on the
project website www.coast-alive.eu
Hordaland became one of the partner regions in the
project “Motorways of the Sea Strategic Project –
StratMoS” in December 2008. The project is currently
involving 29 partners, covering the North Sea Region
from Flanders in the south to North Norway in the north.
The Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and Nenets regions in
Russia are associated partners. The project is organised
in 4 Work packages and 5 Strategic Demonstration
Projects, each with separate tasks and purposes.
Hordaland, together with Aberdeenshire, Rogaland, VestAgder and Telemark, are taking part in the Demo Project
Clean North Sea Shipping project approved
The application for the North Sea project Clean North
Sea Shipping – CNSS was approved by the steering
committee in June. The project has 19 partners,
representing Belgium, Germany, Norway, Sweden,
Netherlands and the UK and Hordaland County Council
is the lead beneficiary. The partners represent ports,
politically active regions and cities, energy suppliers,
universities/research centres, shipping certification
association and shipbuilding /maintenance association.
This partnership reflects the diversity of the maritime
transport sector and brings them together with public and
private stakeholders. The overall objective of the project
is to present a joint effort to reduce air pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions by looking into available
technologies and the implementation of cost efficient and
cleaner energy supply infrastructure to ships in harbours
and at sea. More
Interreg IVB – Baltic Sea Program
First regional seminar in “Baltic Biogas Bus”
The project Baltic Biogas Bus - BBB, under the Baltic
Sea Program started in September 2009. Hordaland
County Council, through its transport division Skyss, and
HOG Energy (formerly Hordaland Oil and Gas) are
partners in the project. Skyss is primarily a dissemination
partner while HOG is an active contributor in several
work packages. In conjunction with a partner meeting in
Oslo, the BBB-project, through the project partner in
Oslo, Ruter AS, acted as a co-organizer of the Nordic
Biogas Conference (a biannual event) between the 10th
and 12th of March. This was also the first regional
seminar held by the project and a special parallel session
was organised on the 10th of March. As part of the
conference the project also organized an exhibition about
the benefits with Biogas as fuel in buses. HOG Energy
was one of the contributors during the annual Gas
Conference in Bergen on 28th and 29th of March. More
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
Interreg IVB – Northern Periphery
The ENE project meets with the
network organisation in Quebec
Hordaland County Council is the lead partner in the
project “Economusées Northern Europe” – ENE, with
partners from Iceland, The Faeroe Islands, Greenland,
Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, as well as the
Canadian province of Quebec.
This spring the Economusée project visited Canada and
had a program of meetings with existing establishments
as well as new candidates. During their stay in Quebec,
the delegation met with the leadership of the
Economusée organisation and in a meeting with the
project steering group the good progress of the project
was confirmed and ideas for further future cooperation
was discussed. There was also a meeting with the
leadership of the Atlantic Region Economusée network,
represented by Chairman Ann Soucie. The Atlantic
region hosts 16 Economusées today and the 17th will
open in late July on Change islands. This economusée is
also part of the ENE project and represents an innovative
new development of the concept, where small home
based crafts are included into a new structure or
presentation of an Economusée. If this proves successful
it may be a new concept to introduce into many small
North Atlantic communities in the next phase of the
Economusée project. More
The project group is visiting the Mona Chassis which is
the only black currant Economusée
EEA Grants
Slovak project on good governance
Hordaland County Council contributed
to a Slovak project concerning good governance in the
field of regional development. The project is funded by
the Norwegian EEA grants and is run by the Carpathian
Development Institute, in Kosice, Slovakia. The project
was basically seeking answers to two questions: 1) what
stands in the way of improving governance in the area of
development at the regional and local level? And 2) what
strategies for improvement are most likely to succeed?
The Department of Regional Development in Hordaland
had prepared a program for them explaining the
processes of regional development and planning in
Hordaland and also how international programs are used
in this process.
Lithuanian project on gender equality
Hordaland county Council contributed to a Lithuanian
project on gender equality and the democratisation of
institutions in Lithuania, both public and private. The
project was financed by the Norwegian EEA grants and
the participants were all members of the Lithuanian
branch of the international network EWMD – European
Women’s Management Development. The delegation
was headed by Mrs Ausrine Burneikiene, State
Ombudsman under the Parliament of Lithuania. During
their visit to Bergen, the group, among other things, had
a workshop where they learnt more about the work for
gender equality at the University of Bergen and the
County Council.
The EWMD network meets with representatives from
Hordaland County Council
4. Youth and internationalisation
The Youth Council attends conference in Lithuania
Hordaland Youth Council sent 3 members to attend the
"B-Young" event on 13-16 May in Vilnius, Lithuania,
organised by the Lithuanian Youth Council, together
with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania. This
youth event was part of the Lithuanian presidency agenda
for the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS). The
project aim was to gather around 150 young people and
youth policy officers as well as politicians, youth
researches, and youth policy experts to present and
discuss the most successful practices in the field of youth
work. The participants were from Baltic Sea countries,
Scandinavia, and Russia (Kaliningrad and St Petersburg).
The results of the event will be presented to the Leaders
Representatives from the county’s Youth Council
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
Leonardo da
Vinci Program
Youth in Action
Hordaland County Council, through the International
Section, is a regional contact point for the LdVprogramme. Through the programme, 50 – 70 people
travel to other European countries every year to make
placements in companies and institutions to acquire new
skills, both professional and personal. The target groups
of the programme are apprentices, pupils in vocational
secondary schools, as well as teachers and people
responsible for the training in companies/training offices.
The most popular target countries for our projects are
Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, France,
Denmark, Slovenia and most of the placements last from
2 – 12 weeks. The most important distribution of trades
is: Cookery, gardening, nursing auxiliary skills, care
work, industrial mechanic, chemical processing, travel
services and carpentry. As Spain is one of the most
popular target countries, special focus has been put on
enlarging the cooperation with Murcia, Spain. This work
has resulted in an exchange of pupils being placed in
companies and institutions in both Murcia and
Hordaland. There has also been an exchange of teachers
between the two regions. You can read more about this in
section 6.
YOUTH IN ACTION is the EU programme for young
people aged 13-30 and youth leaders. It promotes
mobility within and beyond the EU borders, intercultural
dialogue and non-formal learning ("learning by doing"),
and encourages the inclusion of all young people. A
variety of activities can get EU support, like international
youth exchanges, youth democracy projects, local youth
initiatives and seminars for youth workers. In addition
there is a possibility for all young people aged 18-30
to work and live in one of EU’s countries for one year,
with all expenses covered for the young person.
Hordaland County Council uses this programme
strategically for regional development. The first part of
2010 we organised five projects together with youth
councils in different parts of Hordaland. We have been
working on different topics: internationalisation and
integration in Hardanger, social entrepreneurship, partnership between Sveio/Fitjar and two Polish
municipalities, regional youth initiatives in Sunnhordaland and lobbyism for youth council members in
Hordaland. More
Representatives from Slovenia and Lithuania have
brought local specialities to a cultural evening, during a
workshop on youth and social entrepreneurship.
Spanish teachers visit their pupils on work placement at
the Museum Centre in Salhus
In 2009 Hordaland County Council was certified as a
“Super User” of the Leonardo da Vinci-programme, as
one of five County Councils in Norway, due to a large
number of successful projects as well as high quality
projects over a long period of time. For the 2010
application in February, Hordaland County Council was
granted about € 140 000 to be distributed among partners
in Hordaland. More and more people all over Europe
have become aware of the huge possibilities the
programme offers, and thus the number of applicants to
consequently increased considerably over the past years.
Active High Schools
Many of the high schools in Hordaland are very active in
the international field. Below, you will find a couple of
examples of activities from the last 6 months
High Comenius activity at Tertnes videregående
Tertnes Upper Secondary School has been of the most
active schools in the region in terms of using the
Comenius program. This spring they have hosted visits
from Comenius partners from Slovenia and Spain. The
topic of their project is food – food for youths. “We want
to find tasty alternatives to ‘fast food’. We think ‘slow
food’ is the way to go”, says Bente Bjørkli at Tertnes.
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
The visit lasted for a week, and over 10 teachers and 2
principals were among the visitors. More
The project participants visits the county administration
for lunch
Bjørgvin goes Spanish
There has been a strong Spanish influence at Bjørgvin
Upper Secondary School this spring. They have hosted
pupils from three different schools from the Murcia
region in Spain. These pupils were specialising within
three very different fields; Information and Communication Technology, Dermatology and general studies.
The pupils stayed for almost a month, and even though
they came from different schools and worked with
different things, they had a lot of common activities. The
Norwegian pupils who study Spanish at Bjørgvin were
‘local aids’ and guides during the stay. They got to see a
lot of different Norwegian weather, and unfortunately
even some Icelandic ash, something that made them take
a bus instead of a plane back to Spain. More
the Council and the target is to start the new class already
this autumn. More
Berit Roksvåg from the Dept. of Education meest with the
first pupils at Zanzibar
Bergen Maritime school with new international focus
Bergen Maritime Videregående has established contacts
with two different schools in the Murcia region in Spain
and has already received both teachers and pupils from
the two schools. This marked the start of a new and
exciting collaboration for the school within the Leonardo
da Vinci program. Next year there will be teachers and
pupils going from Bergen to Spain.
The two pupils from a school in
Cartagena had an exciting stay
in Bergen as they got the
opportunity to work with the
local pupils on board the tall
ship Statsraad Lemkuhl on a
voyage to the Faroe Islands.
Back in Bergen they followed
both regular courses and
training on different ships. Two
other pupils, studying ICT, had
a one moth placement in a
company in Bergen. More
Out sailing with the training ship, Statsraad Lemkuhl
5. West Norway Office in Brussels
The Spanish students visit VilVite in Bergen (photo:
Bjørgvin vgs)
The first pupils from Lønborg to Zanzibar
Lønborg Upper Secondary School has a long history of
internationalisation and cooperation with schools in other
countries. This year they are working on something new
– an international healthcare class with an eight week
long placement on the island of Zanzibar outside
Tanzania working in different social institutions.
As a pilot project, six Norwegian pupils have had
placements on Zanzibar this spring, and they have done a
magnificent job. The goal is to make this into a
permanent class offered at Lønborg. The program has
been accepted by the Education and Health Committee of
Being a liaison between members in West Norway and
the EU, information services and increasing EU
knowledge is two of West Norway’s (WNO) most
important tasks, particularly as it is often local and
regional authorities who have to implement new EU rules
and regulations. During a busy winter and spring WNO
events in Brussels have attracted around 200 people from
all over the region; mostly politicians and administrative
staff from West Norway, but also students, pupils,
teachers and other actors. This shows that many people
want to learn more about how the EU works and how EU
policies are shaped, as well as learning more about
various opportunities through EU programmes and
WNO has continued to bring relevant EU information
back to West Norway. 12 general newsletters have been
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
published so far in 2010. In addition, WNO is now also
publishing a specific newsletter on energy, as it has
stepped up the focus on energy and energy policies.
The first half of 2010 has been an interesting period for
the European Union. The new Lisbon Treaty has entered
into force, bringing change to the Union’s institutional
framework. A new Commission has been appointed and
a wide range of new action plans for the coming years
has been outlined and presented. The EU has also
adopted “EU2020”, the new strategy for creating jobs
and growth in Europe. WNO has kept a close eye on the
regional dimension on this development and will
continue to do so in the future.
entrepreneurship in the education system, and this May a
delegation visited Norway in order to learn more. “There
are reports that the aspect of youth entrepreneurship is
spreading to schools all around the country, and this is
good news for us and the project”, says Director of
Education, Svein-Erik Fjeld who himself visited Zambia
to study the results, earlier this year. The Zambians are
making significant progress in the field, and are now
hoping to move the cooperation from the project phase to
the program phase. More
The educational authorities from Zambia visits Bergen
Meeting with Commissioner Hahn in Brussels (Photo:
West Norway Office has in 2010 seen a pronounced
increase in new members. BKK, a local power company,
and the municipalities of Jølster and Haram became
members in January and during the spring, the
municipalities of Gloppen, Samnanger, Balestrand and
Sande also joined WNO.
In April West Norway Office was again accepted as one
of the partner regions for OPEN DAYS 2010. West
Norway is part of the regional partnership called “2020
Regions: Acting for the Future”. West Norway Office
continues the excellent partnership from Open Days 2009
with Castilla y Leon (ES), Central Region (PT), North
Portugal (PT), East of England (UK), England's
Northwest (UK), Mid-Norway (NO), Warmia and
Mazury (PL), Central Denmark (DK) and Saxony (DE)
as partner regions. This year our joint Open Days
seminars will focus on local development and green
growth. More
Strong participation at the Expo 2010 in Shanghai
Bergen Chamber of Commerce’ annual “China Summit”
was this year arranged in Shanghai in conjunction with
the World Expo 2010. An extensive program gathered
more than 120 people from Hordaland and Rogaland
counties in the period from 19th to 25th of May. The
delegation was headed by the mayors of Bergen and
Stavanger. Besides the one-day China Summit which
was developed in cooperation with Chinese authorities,
the delegation visited the Norwegian pavilion at the Expo
and met with different economic actors in china.
Business contracts were also signed, such as the one
between the company from Sotra, Net El-torget AS and
the Chinese company Wintorp. After Shanghai a large
part of the delegates from Hordaland, including the
County Mayor Torill Selsvold Nyborg, went on to the
northeast where Bergen signed an agreement with the
city of Dalian. More
6. Other activities
Cooperation on young Entrepreneurship in Zambia
Hordaland County Council and Sotra Upper Secondary
School are carrying out a project with Zambian
authorities and the Northern Province in Zambia on the
topic of youth entrepreneurship. The Zambians are eager
to learn about how Norwegian schools implement youth
The county Mayor meets with the authorities in the City
of Dalian (photo: Bergen Chamber of Commerce)
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
Visit from Hainan province in China
On June 23rd, Hordaland County Council received a
delegation from the province of Hainan in southeast
China. The delegation was headed by Mr. Yu Xun,
Honorary President, Hainan Provincial People’s
Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. Being
located in a tropical zone in the South China Sea, the
Island of Hainan has a large part of their income from
tropical fruit growing and tourism, but aquaculture is a
sector in rapid growth. Aquaculture was therefore one of
their central topics during their visit in Norway, both
through talks with the Ministry of Fisheries and in
Hordaland. At the County Council they met with the
County Mayor and Director of Regional Development,
Mr Jan-Per Styve, before receiving a presentation of the
county and especially the aquaculture sector.
Region Cocktail our and a Bergen Region Breakfast
Seminar, including both the NCE Subsea breakfast
seminar and Energy and Climate Change: Technology
Development in the Bergen Region. More
Regional representatives at the Norwegian stand in
Houston (photo: BRB)
The delegation from Hainan meets at the County
Mayor’s office
The Hardanger Council with links in Tuscany
In January, representatives from the Hardanger Council,
together with the County Council’s International section,
visited the municipality of Greve in Chianti, in Tuscany.
The objective was to prepare an application for the
Comenius Regio program called “Entrepreneurship in
nature and culture based tourism” where the two subregions would exchange experiences on topics such as
entrepreneurship training in school and the integration of
aspects such as the “food related traditions” in the
teaching. Unfortunately, the application was declined on
the Italian side, as the national agency did not accept a
municipality as “project owner”, but the partners will resubmit the application next year, but with the Tuscany
region. The collaboration has seen results, though, as one
of the involved schools, located in Firenze, has already
visited Hardanger. The elected representatives of the
Hardanger Council have also been in Greve in May for
the Flower Festival.
Oil conference in Houston
May 3rd to 6th, a delegation from Hordaland participated
in the world's largest petroleum conference, the Offshore
Technology Conference – OTC in Houston. County
Mayor Torill S. Nyborg headed the Hordaland delegation
that was organised by Business Region Bergen (BRB), in
cooperation with NCE Subsea and HOG Energy. One of
the main objectives of the participation was networking,
and BRB created arenas for this both through a Bergen
Visit by the Canadian ambassador
The Canadian Ambassador to Norway Mr. John F.G.
Hannaford visited Hordaland in March. His first stop was
the Oselvar Economusée on Sunday 21st March. He was
guided by the Mayor of Os, Mr. Terje Søviknes and the
director of the Oselvar Boatyard Mr. Åsmund Lien and
was impressed by what he saw. The Canadian embassy
has followed this project closely and was also present for
the opening of the first economusée in Aurland last year.
On the Monday, the ambassador had a meeting at the
County Council with, among others, the County Mayor
and the Director of Culture and learnt more about the
activities of the county, in particular within the
international field. More
The ambassador meets with Terje Søviknes, the Mayor of
Os and Director of the Oselvar workshop, Åsmund Lien
Visit to Berlin to study reconstruction of German
The two first weeks of June, representatives from
Hordaland County Council, Voss municipality and
Museum West visited Berlin in relation to a cooperation
project with Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin. The
project has received scholarships from the Leonardo da
Vinci program and aims to create an exhibition on a
German bomber (Focke Wulf 200 Condor) that crashed
at Voss during World War II. In addition to talks with the
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
project partners, the participants visited several museum
exhibitions, as well as a company that creates virtual
solutions, in order to find new ideas for the project. Time
had also been allocated to visits at the Airbus factory in
Bremen, the Lufthansa factory in Hamburg and the Rolls
Royce factory in Berlin, all participating in the
restoration of the plane type that crashed at Voss.
Restoration of one of the wings at the Airbus factory in
Establishing cooperation with Murcia, Spain
This spring more concrete results of the efforts to create
new educational links with the region of Murcia in Spain
have been realised. As a result of surveys for possible
partner schools and preliminary visits, 3 vocational
secondary schools sent in applications with partners from
Murcia with a successful result. And even though these
projects will not be carried out until later this year, the
cooperation between Murcia and Hordaland has already
started, as there have been visits from Spanish teachers
and administrators to Bergen, as well as pupils who have
accomplished placements in companies and institutions
in Hordaland within the fields of ICT and cultural
animation. Pupils from Hordaland have also made
successful placements in Spain during the spring of 2010
and more placements are planned for the autumn.
A Helping Hand from Slovenia
The International section in Hordaland County Council
has had an extra set of hands this spring. Tina Vinkovic
from Ljubljana in Slovenia has been working as an intern
at the office since the beginning of May.
Tina heard of the job through connections in SIU while
working at the national office in Slovenia, and during her
stay in Hordaland she has worked on a variety of projects
including cooperation on regional development between
Hordaland and Slovenia, and searching for future
Slovenian partners for international projects.
When Tina finishes her internship at the end of July, she
will go back to Ljubljana to finish her Masters Degree in
Political Science.
Tina is eagerly taking notes during an excursion to
Hardanger this winter.
International lunch meetings
As part of the county council's strategy to make
internationalisation an integrated part of all aspects of the
organisation and to create joint arenas of discussion, the
initiate of "international lunch meetings" was continued
this spring. The idea has been to create a common forum
across the different departments, where the staff can
learn more about international initiatives, projects etc.
This spring there has been 2 meetings; one on
international sports projects and one on youth and
New organisation of the international relations
This spring there has been a reorganisation of the
international administration of the County Council. The
two units that formerly was in place, the international
relations team and the European Office has now been
joined in one single unit – the international section, part
of the Department of Regional Development. This new
section will be responsible for the coordination of the
County Council’s international activities, and will work
both with the different departments of the council as well
as with external actors.
For more information,
Editing completed on June 24th, 2010
Students from Lønborg at a local school in Cartagena,
Murcia (photo: Lønborg vgs)
Hordaland County Council, International Section, P.O. Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen
Editor: Charlotte Lillefjære-Tertnæs, charlotte.lillefjaere@post.hfk.no
International Affairs,
P.O.Box 7900,
5020 Bergen, Norway