FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Pilgrim Call Newsletter May 8, 2013 Our Mission Statement “To honor and glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ within a caring community of faith that seeks to serve the needs of a hurting world.” Upcoming Congregational Dates May 8 — 6:30 Informational Meeting about the Elevator Project May 10-11 Launch Retreat for the Youth May 12 — Happy Mother’s Day 10:45 Children Sing for Mother’s Day May 14 — 6:30 & 7:00 Board Meetings May 18 — 6:30 AM Man-2-Man Breakfast May 19 — “Fill the Pantry” Sunday for Urban Outreach 10:00 Congregational Meeting to vote on the Elevator 5:30-7:30 Downtown Youth Group May 26 — 3:50-5:30 Serve Dinner at the Rescue Mission May 28 — Church Council Meeting June 2 — Youth Sunday at Oakbrook Valley Park June 9 — Graduation Sunday June 17-21, 10:00-11:30 Vacation Bible School—5 Day Club June 22 — Lunch Fund Raiser and Garden Stroll June 29 — 7:00 Ken Davis in Logansport Sept. 7 & 8 — 150th Anniversary Celebration The Virtuous Woman, from Proverbs 31: 25-31 She is strong and graceful, as well as cheerful about the future. Her words are sensible, and her advice is thoughtful. She takes good care of her family and is never lazy. Her children praise her, and with great pride her husband says, “There are many good women, but you are the best!” [b] 26 27 28 29 Charm can be deceiving, and beauty fades away, but a woman who honors the LORD deserves to be praised. Show her respect— praise her in public for what she has done. 31 Save the Date Newsworthy Notes Fund Raiser and Garden Stroll On June 22nd, the Master Gardener’s will be having their Garden Stroll right here in our area, including the house on the corner of Mulberry across the street. There will also be a Lunch Fundraiser for Susan Cottingham from 11-3 here at the church. All profits would go to help with expenses incurred from Susan’s surgery, since a lot of it was not covered by insurance. If you have any questions or would like to help, please contact Kim Herr at 437-0392. More details to come at a later date. Mark Your Calendar for Ken Davis The McHale Performing Arts Center in Logansport will be hosting a Ken Davis Comedy Concert on June 29th at 7:00 PM. Ken Davis is a famous comedian known for his “lighten up and laugh” quips. 150th Anniversary Celebration Celebrate our church’s history: Sept. 7th—Open House, Proclamation by the Mayor Sept. 8th—Formal Luncheon— Reservations only Membership If you would like to join the church and weren’t able to attend the New Members classes, please call the office at 452-8285 and let Nancy know of your intent. Thank you! Annual Reports Copies of the Annual Report for 2012 are available for anyone to pick up on the ledge in the lobby by the mailboxes. One Report has been put in each of the mailboxes for our church leadership. Good Reads Available Several books by Jan Karon have been donated by the late Pat Parrish for our library. They are available on the book shelves in the lobby on either side of the stairwell doorway. You are welcome to “borrow” these books any time. Thank you to the Parrish Family Estate. Youth in Action Grades 6-12 LAUNCH—for all students in grades 6-12. We have been invited to join Oakbrook Church and other area churches for an overnighter on May 10-11. The purpose is to challenge and equip students to become all that God has made them to be. The experience includes three main sessions with a live band and teaching by Jared Herd. There will be food, fellowship, growth, Glo Bowling, etc. You won’t want to miss it! The cost is $20.00 per person ($30.00 if you want to go Glo Bowling). If you are interested in going or learning more please see Laura to pick up a packet with all the info you need—or check out the website at . This Sunday night, May 12th is Mother’s Day, so we will not be meeting in order for you to spend time with your families and celebrate this special day. Our next meeting on Sunday, May 19th will be the Downtown Youth, “Miracle on Mulberry Street” here at First Congo from 5:30-7:30.. Prayer Concerns May 6—Teresa, a friend of Cathy Trout’s, just found out that she has stomach cancer. Please pray for hope, healing, and comfort as she goes through treatments. May 5—Hippensteel Family, prayers of peace and comfort for the family upon the passing of Ben’s aunt. May 4—Gerry Bitner, Bryan Bitner’s father, Barb Linzey’s brother, please pray for healing from a ripped aorta, and for his medicines to work. May 1—The Schulte Family, friends of the Phillips’, please pray for Karina and Elias Schulte. They have made some progress and are out of ICU, but have a long way to go in recovery. April 29—Chuck Kern, friend of the Behler’s, please pray for healing after surgery and health concerns. April 28—Tiffiny Bunn’s Family, please pray for Tiffiny’s uncle and family. Her cousin passed unexpectedly. April 25—Elaine Moser, Amy Bitner’s mother, please pray for her many health concerns. She is currently in ICU at the University of Chicago Hospital. April 25—Sunny Hunt, please pray for healing and recovery after having stints put in his legs. April 25—Chris Kellum, has been moved to Acute Rehab at St. Joseph. Please pray for health concerns. Continue with Prayers May 7—Craig Shuck, please pray for strength and healing as he undergoes cancer treatment. He had another surgery and found out that the cancer has spread throughout his body. May 5—Sandra Bargerhuff, Autumn Reichel’s grandmother, please pray for healing. Praise God, she is doing well after finishing her radiation treatments. April 28—Susan Cottingham, please pray for healing and recovery following her surgery. She is doing well. April 28—Nancy Lazorchak, friend of Denette Schoenian, prayers for comfort and healing as she is battling breast cancer. April 28—Karen Ebeling, friend of Lisa King, continue to pray for her as she undergoes cancer treatments. April 18—Victims of the flooding and victims of the bombings, please pray for healing and comfort for those affected by these tragedies in their lives. Pray that they may see God’s love at work in their lives and find the comfort that only He can give. April 16—Family and friends of Gordy Waligorsky, Cathy Trout’s fiancé. Please pray for peace and comfort for the loved ones left here, while Gordy rejoices with his risen Christ in heaven. April 15—Mary Jane Imbus, friend of Carole Podwell’s, please pray for peace and comfort for family and friends. Mary Jane passed away last week. April 8—Hallie Davis, friend of the Hoshaw’s. Please pray for discernment so that her doctor can find a treatment that works for her asthma. She is still up several nights a week coughing and with breathing difficulties. April 4—Kristy Barsh Downing, please pray for healing and comfort while she is going through cancer treatments. March 24—Don Hutchison, Sandy Winslow’s brother, please pray for pain relief from Stage 4 cancer. March 22—Danielle Amsbury, please pray for pain relief and for the medication to relieve the Migraine’s Privacy Notice “Due to privacy laws and liability issues, First Congo will not be able to publish names in prayer requests unless the individual(s) being prayed for has given permission for their name to be published. Individuals submitting the requests will need to secure permission from the person(s) prayed for and be responsible for the request. First Congo takes no responsibility for names submitted with permission indicated by the requestor. You may still submit requests without permission by requesting prayer for “a friend”, “sister”, “colleague”, etc. Prayer Concerns Note In an effort to keep the prayer concerns most current, after two weeks the “Prayer Concern” will be moved to “Continue with Prayer” for two more weeks. After a one month time period we will remove the prayer concern or call to check and update it. If you have an update or would like your concern to be kept on our list longer please call the office. Thank you! God Belongs in My City God Belongs In My City started in New York City in 2009 when atheist groups started putting up billboards around the city. A group of youth pastors then got together and decided to start a prayer walk around the city while wearing shirts that simply said “God belongs in my city”. This showed a public declaration of their faith as they took back the city in the name of God and proved that He really is still in control. Nick Bewley has a passion to be involved with this mission and would love to see our church get involved. The walk will be on the afternoon of May 18th, and will start at 4 different locations in town, and end at Foster Park, where there will be Worship and lots of things going on. Please contact Nick if you have any questions or would like to order a t-shirt for $5.00. More details to follow. Fitness Class The fitness class will resume on Monday and Thursday mornings at 9:15 for three weeks before taking a break for the summer. It will be a different format starting next week on May 6th. On Monday’s, we will do Zumba and on Thursday’s, we will do Christian Yoga. Please call Nancy Phillips if you have any questions about the class. Graduation Sunday, June 9th Graduation is a time to celebrate achievements and to anticipate new beginnings. We, your Church Family, want to celebrate with you. Please call the Church Office at 452-8285 and let us know if you or someone in your family is graduating this year from high school, college, technical school, etc. We will recognize each during worship and at a reception in their honor on Sunday, June 9th. Thank you. Discipleship Meeting There will be a Discipleship Meeting this Friday, May 10th at 1:00. Please feel free to join us if you would like to help with any Christian Ed events, or call Stacey at 271-6677 if you have any questions. Molly Hedrick is still taking orders for the coffee fund raiser to help with her expenses to Costa Rica. Please let Molly or Buffey know if you would like to order some! My personal view of last Sunday’s open forum on the proposed elevator project. By Jerry Caylor, Administrator I had hoped for better attendance for the informational meeting that we had last Sunday. In light of many concerns that were brought forth, this is to inform you of the process that we went through previous to this meeting. In today’s society there are too many decisions made by the few that govern the many. This is the beauty of being a Congregationalist, we all have a say in the major issues of the church. The elevator committee has been meeting since December 2012, and several different options were presented at a congregational meeting in March. After much discussion at the March meeting about the pros and cons of the location of the elevator, a straw poll was taken with an overwhelming vote approving of the elevator being located in the front of the Sanctuary. So, that was the direction the Elevator Committee proceeded with in coming up with the expenses involved in this project. Attempts at this project have been made over the past 20 or more years, but have failed because of a lack of interest and financing. In order for this project to proceed and succeed, we need your support, both financially, and in having faith that God is leading the committee to make decisions in the best interest of the congregation. We will be starting a Capital Funds Drive immediately upon receiving a favorable vote at the May 19th Congregational Meeting.. More details will be given at a later date. Sunday, May 19th, at 10:00 AM, a Congregational meeting will be held to vote on whether we will be moving forward with this project. Attendance for Sunday, May 5th Praise Service — Adults— 72 Children – 5 Classic Service—Adults—82, Children—14 Total— 173 Military Notes We are finished featuring the bios of our military personnel, but would like to highlight a couple of joys that were shared on Sunday. ~~Suzanne shared that David Carey is now home from Afghanistan and at his home near Washington D.C. ~~Kitty Bell shared that her grandson, Aaron, is Dear Ones at First Congo, Your love and prayers-consistent, comforting and continuing through these many months toward my rocky recovery-have brought me hours of enjoyment along the way. Thanks so much for every expression: prayer, flower, card, note, sweet treat and visit. Yours in the Lord, Margaret Tice BIRTHDAYS 1st Brody Worl 4th Bridgely Seekri 5th Carlos Rodriguez Molly King 6th Gage Holder 8th Ian Coon 13th Steve Cassidy 12th Jesse Ben Broomfield IV 14th Paxtyn Bailey 16th Inder Seekri 17th Nicole Hemmeger 18th Brittani Wisler 19th Andrew and Matthew Orr 21st Tonia Orr 22nd Nancy Phillips 23rd Chandler Coon 24th Suzanne Carey 25th Tom Hightower Betsy Hoshaw 26th Oliver McQuiston 30th Todd Snyder Church Leaders for Sunday, May 12th Greeters: Ernie and Susan Cottingham Jerry and Karen Caylor Junior Church: Joanna Bailey & Gayle Ryberg Wise Saying’s from Mother’s We have all grown up on the wisdoms and advice of our moms. Some of these advices, rather lessons remain with us forever and keep guiding us. Here are a few selected advices and quotes given to people by their mothers. “The source of my mother's love and strength is evident in the advice she gives me every time I leave. A kiss on the cheek, a hug and a reminder to keep God first. I, in turn, share the same advice with my 6-year-old daughter.” Eric Benet, singer. Mother: Joyce Jordan “Strivers achieve what dreamers believe. If you put your mind to it, you can do it. Be careful what you wish for because you might get it. And, listen to me, I've been through it already.” Usher, singer. Mother: Jonnetta Patton “To put God first in everything that I do and to don't worry about boys until I finish my education. She told me not to worry because she is always by my side.” Charlkesha, 11, Bahamas “Before you do anything life-changing, call me!” Halle Berry, actress. Mother: Judy Berry ANNIVERSARIES 3rd Carlos & Gina Rodriguez 7th Rex & Sue Smeltzer 8th Paul & Mary Hillis 16th Bill & Marty Menges 19th Bruce & LeeAnn Hughes 30th Richard & Elaine Calloway 31st Jon & Stacey Tice Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid First Congregational Christian UCC 505 W. Mulberry St. Kokomo, In 46901 Permit No. 83 Kokomo, Indiana Come Worship With Us On Sunday Mornings! 9:00 Praise Service 10:00 Sunday School 10:00 Small Groups 10:45 Classic Service Contact Information: Phone: (765)452-8285 Nearly New: 459-8121 E-Mail: Web Site: Facebook:FirstCongo-Kokomo, IN. My Mother Kept A Garden—Author Unknown My Mother kept a garden, a garden of the heart, She planted all the good things that gave my life it's start. She turned me to the sunshine and encouraged me to dream, Fostering and nurturing the seeds of self-esteem... And when the winds and rain came, she protected me enough But not too much because she knew I'd need to stand up strong and tough. Her constant good example always taught me right from wrong Markers for my pathway that will last a lifetime long. I am my Mother's garden. I am her legacyAnd I hope today she feels the love reflected back from me. Children Singing on Mother’s Day The children ages 4 years through 5th grade will be singing two songs this Sunday on Mother’s Day during the Classic Service. They should have received the words and hand motions at previous practices. They will perform during the Classic Service near the beginning of the Service.
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