Redlines September/October 2007 (Show Issue)


Redlines September/October 2007 (Show Issue)
38532 Beecher Dr.
Sterling Hts, MI. 48312
Sept / October 2007
1 800 542-7278
1 800 363-8804
17th Annual WGT Classic Weekend Recap Photo’s
♦ Show Results - Class Winners
♦ Welcome New WGT Members
REDLINES is the official publication of the “Woodward GTO Tigers”. It is printed bimonthly, and there is a news update sent out in between newsletters. Articles and other
contributions should be sent to the newsletter editor, Jack Giannosa, 21700 Trombly,
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080, or e-mail at
Pres. / Web Admin: Joe Kozlowski
Vice President:
Frank Kahofer
Ed Sova
Bruce Bury
Jack Giannosa
Tom Frecentese
Terry Tipton
Club Store:
Amy Harris
Club Website:
The Woodward GTO Tigers are dedicated to the restoration and preservation of all classic Pontiacs. We welcome all enthusiasts to join one of the Mid-West's most exciting
organizations. Our dues are $20.00 per year for members, and $7.00 per year for
associate members. You can either send for an application, or you may print one from
our website, then mail it in with payment to our club address:
Woodward GTO Tigers
38532 Beecher Dr.
Sterling Heights, MI. 48312
We are an affiliated Chapter of The GTO Association of America, the premier national
organization for GTO enthusiasts. It is not required that you belong to the GTO
Association of America to be a member of this club, but we would recommend that you
join. Along with your membership in the GTOAA, you will receive their monthly publication “The Legend”, a Golden Quill Award winning publication. The cost is $30.00 per
year, To receive a membership application by mail, write to: GTOAA, P.O. Box 455,
Timnath, CO 80547, or send an email to for more
As a GTOAA member you can read the technical articles and have access to the
GTOAA Technical Advisor Staff, use 50 words of free classified advertising monthly,
view the feature articles on some of the most interesting GTO's you’ll come across and
have access to the GTOAA Club Store merchandise. For an online preview of The
Legend, go to For local chapter information, send an email to:
John Johnson at or call (573) 581-8013.
The GTOAA National Meet is hosted by various local Chapters, and is held annually.
The acclaimed Concours and Popular Vote Car Shows bring some of the finest GTO's
together for superb viewing. Other highlights include many renowned Technical and
Special-interest speakers, the multi-day swap meet, drag racing, cruises and other great
Document Your GTO
You may obtain information for documenting your GTO, or any other classic Pontiac, by
sending your VIN number along with your name and address, and a check or money
order for $35.00 to:
Pontiac Historic Service
P.O. Box 884 Sterling Heights, MI. 48311-0884
********** COMING EVENTS **********
Events that are typed in bold print are considered Club Activities.
All Members are encouraged to attend these Activities.
Sept. 7-9, Frankenmuth Auto/Oldies Fest, Heritage Park, Frankenmuth
MI, 989-652-6964
Sept. 14-15, 2007 Pure Stock Muscle Car Drag Races, Mid-Michigan
Motorplex, Stanton, MI, 517-423-8133
Sept. 16, Sunday, WGT Club Meeting, 4 pm, Gino's Pizzeria - Restaurant & Bar, 1999 Cass Lake Rd., Keego Harbor (248) 682-6540. Directions below.
Sept.22, Saturday, Bob Sellers 19th Annual Indian Summer Show, 38000
Grand River-Ten Mile & Grand River, Sellers Buick Pontiac GMC,
Farmington Hills, MI, 248-478-8000 Ext.1151
Sept 22-23 - Michigan Antique & Collectible Festivals Classic Car Show &
Swap Meet - US-10 at Eastman Ave. Fairgrounds, Midland, MI - Lori: (989)
Sept 23, VMCCA 12th Annual Car Show, Blossom Heath Park, 24800 Jefferson Ave., St. Clair Shores, MI, 586-293-1284, Note: avoid 10 Mile, under
Oct. 6 - ididit inc Car Show & Open House , ididit, Inc. - 610 S. Maumee
Street - Tecumseh, MI Sales: (517) 424-0577 - Dustin: (517) 424-0577
Oct. 7 - Cider / Poker Run - Ypsi Area Street Rods - Start at: McDonalds - I
94 & Huron St. - Ypsi, MI , Dusty: (734) 485-7025
Oct. 7, Shelby Twp. Lions Annual Charity Car Show, K of C Grounds,
21 Mile Rd. & M-53, Utica, MI, Gates open @ 8:00 am, 586-323-4935
Oct. 9, Cruis’News Photo Shoot, Rams Horn Cruise Night, 16 Mile &
Harper, First 75 Cars, Clinton Twp., MI, 586-792-9950
Oct. 20 - Royal Pontiac Invitational - Royal Pontiac Club of America - Milan
Dragway - 9a-Noon, Eric: (248) 855-6291 - Bill: (810) 225-2877,
Oct. 27 - Royal Pontiac Drag Series #6 - Royal Pontiac Club of America Milan Dragway - 9a-Noon, Eric: (248) 855-6291 - Bill: (810) 225-2877,
WGT Club Meeting, 4 PM @ Gino’s Pizzeria: Take I-696 to Exit 5Orchard Lake Rd., go north on Orchard Lake Rd. about 8 miles to
Cass Lake Rd. Turn Left, Gino’s is about a 1/4 mile.
Sitting in the Drivers Seat
WGT MEETING MINUTES - August 11, 2007
1. Meeting was opened with member introductions at about 4:20pm.
2. Joe Kozlowski led off with announcements for the upcoming GTO Weekend.
He also requested additional volunteers to help with show tasks.
3. The announcements were followed by a T-shirt folding activity which was
Quickly accomplished.
4. Mike Hardwick won the 50/50 raffle of $37.00. The attendance drawing worth
$326 was won by James Breese, who was not present so the pot rolls over
5. The next club meeting will be on September 16. Location TBD.
The show report will be in the next RedLines newsletter
Lost and Found:
1. Red and gray child car chair in parking lot. Contact Amy Harris.
Ed Sova
August 21, 2007
Club Store...Amy Harris
Even though the weather did not cooperate with us during our show this year
the Club Store had a great day! Thank you to everyone who shopped while
waiting out all the rain. If you pre-ordered your show shirt this year but did not
attend the show please contact me so we can get you your shirt! I have plenty
of shirts left if you missed getting one!
As some of you already know I am stepping down from the Club Store this
year. I have enjoyed my position for the last 6 years however as my son gets
older I am finding it harder and harder to devote the time needed for this position. I would like to thank everyone for all of your help over the years. A BIG
THANK YOU to my husband Rob for all of your help, support and for giving up
the room in the garage for the boxes of club store items!
I will continue to chair the annual Christmas party along with Sue Parker.
We are now in search of someone to fill my position. If you are interested or
have any questions about the position please contact
me via email or phone
586.446.0870. Thank you all again!!
Joe Kozlowski, President, Woodward GTO Tigers
Hmmm... Post-show issue... What should I write about?
Well let me start out by thanking our show sponsors. Of course
there's our long time sponsor Performance Years
( and Pypes Performance Exhaust
( Legendary Auto Interiors
( is our new major sponsor this year. Other long time sponsors
include Sellers Buick-Pontiac-GMC ( and Cruizn' Collectables (586-285CARS). We were also fortunate to have the following companies sponsor us this year: Ames Performance Engineering (, Jim Causley Pontiac-GMC ( and
Hooters new location on Rochester Rd. in Troy, Michigan. Without all of their contributions, it would
not be economically feasible to hold our show.
The economic factor is only one part of running a show, without volunteers, we literally could not
run a show! I would like to start off by thanking Ken Stahovec who was a vital component of the
show. I would like to also thank the following club officers who not only make the show possible,
but are key to the club running as smoothly as it does. Frank Kahofer, Club Vice President. Bruce
Bury, Club Treasurer. Ed Sova, Club Secretary. Jack Giannosa, Newsletter Editor. Terry Tipton,
Assistant Newsletter Editor and Amy Harris, Club Store. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who
volunteered to work the show (this year more than ever!). It's hard enough to show up for a fun
event and work it; it's even more difficult when it's raining!
Oh, I'm not done thanking people yet! I would like to thank Jim Wangers and his assistant Dave
Anderson for their presentation on Sunday and for bringing the GeeTO Tiger! I would also like to
thank Jim Mattison from Pontiac Historical Services for his presentation of "The State of the
Hobby". Of course I can't forget founding WGT member Milt Schornack for his display during the
show weekend. As an unexpected bonus, I would like to thank John Sawruck (legendary retired
Pontiac engineer) for making himself available to answer questions on show day.
Now with all of that you would figure that I would have news about one of our best shows ever...
Unfortunately the weather just would not cooperate on show day! The weather was great for Friday
and Saturday. Friday night there was bench racing (some of us raced more than others!) in addition to people running out to Woodward for some cruising. A great time was had by all playing
catch-up with friends that we haven't seen in a year (or years in some cases!).
Saturday was phenomenal! You couldn't ask for better cruising weather for the Dream Cruise.
It was sunny out, and in the low 70s for almost the whole day. In addition to that, we had around 60
cars in our lot. Now things started heading south during our Dessert Social that night... Around 7
PM the rain started. It wasn't a downpour, so the party went on without a hitch. Unfortunately, the
rain just would not go away! Without going into a lot of details (actually, there's not a lot of details
to go into!), the show itself was pretty much rained out. The show went on, but in a much smaller
scale than it would have been if we didn't have rain. Since there's not much we can do about the
weather, all we can do is hope that it cooperates a little more next year!
Before I sign off, I would like to get into some club business. It's getting to be that time of year
again! At the beginning of the September meeting, nominations are open for all club officers.
Nominations close at the end of the October meeting. The following officer positions are open for
nominations: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Club Secretary. At the time of this writing, I
have not confirmed which officers are intending on staying in their positions. On a related note,
Club Store Representative Amy Harris is stepping down due to an excessive workload at her day
job. If anyone is interested in the position, please contact Amy. That's about all I have, everyone
get out there and enjoy summer before it's gone! Until next time...
-Joe Kozlowski
Riding Shotgun
Frank Kahofer
WGT Vice President
HI gang,
Well what a week, Woodward Dream Cruise then our show. For the members that couldn’t make it you missed a great show..well it would have been
better without the rain but I STILL THINK ALL HAD A GOOD TIME, I know I
did and I would like to thank all of you that were there and your help for a great
job. I’m still working on my car and hopefully it should be done for next year
and the cruisin’ season. I hope so...still lots of work to do. Well that’s all for
now and I hope to see all of you at the next meeting. Take care stay
safe .................frank
For Sale
1965 Pontiac 389 WT, Four Barrel Engine, complete from Carb to Pan.
REBUILT with 30 minute beak-in run. $5,500, - Call Roger Mac Zura
Roger has other stuff for sale too…
4 Trailer Tires, Load Range D, ST225 x 75 x 15R, approx 3,000 miles on 3,
50 miles on #4, These are Radial Tires $75.00 for set
Roger Mac Zura: (734) 878-9338 H
(313) 715-7557 C
Roseville, MI (586) 285-CARS (2277)
..the Woodward Scene...a week before the Woodward Dream Cruise... 1-800 421-2637
Runnin’ Hot
by Bruce Bury
It seems like the summer has slipped away and soon it will be time to put the
Goat’s in the barn. Don’t forget to change the fluids and clean them up so
there ready for spring.
August was a pretty busy month with the Telegraph, and Gratiot Cruise and
going to Continental Lanes on Friday’s It just went by to fast.
The big Cruise (Woodward) finally had just about perfect weather until the
clouds rolled in and the rain came later on that night but all in all it was a good
day and about 50 GTO’s showing up at our parking spot.
The show was a different story...we had rain and more rain but we had about
47 cars show up (mine was in the Garage) and I want to thank them for putting
up with the elements.
I haven’t compiled the totals for the Show & The Cruise, that will be in the
next issue. I’m taking some time off. That’s about all for now hope to see you
real soon.
Bruce Bury WGT Treasurer, (248) 478-8000
Now that the dust has settled or should I say rain drops, all that’s left
are some memories of a swift and whirlwind week. After a near perfect
Dream Cruise Saturday the weather Gods were not kind to us on “Show
Day” this year.
Saturday was perfect up on Woodward, we had a great turnout of
GTO’s and with the parking location we have, hitting Woodward for an
occasional cruise was easy. Our somewhat remote location even allowed opportunities to “fry the tires” with little risk of getting caught and
a hefty ticket.
Saturday evening things began to go sour and even though the rain
began just prior to the Dessert Social I think we all had a really good
time. It wasn’t long before the EZ-Up’s were opened and keeping us
dry and the socializing began. A big thanks to Roger and Judy MacZura
for use of their trailer for shelter and a place for all the dessert treats.
I found it interesting that because of the rain and close proximity of
several EZ-Ups it made for a cozy environment that led to interaction
and conversation. The GTO stories, restoration experiences, and whatever abound...and just some good laughs.
So despite the rain we all made the best of it and not to overuse an
old expression: “The show must go on”….see you all next year.
Welcome New WGT Members
Thomas & Janelle Haverlock
Macomb, MI
69 HT GTO, 75 Firebird, 76 Trans Am
Jim & Gail Kramer
Sterling Heights, MI
Steve & Jeannie Sample
Emmett, MI
William Gillespie
Naughton, ONT
SUNDAY - The “Big Show” Day….
1. Classic GTO Club of Ontario
2. Cruisin' Tigers, IL
3. GTO Association of Colorado
BEST OF SHOW - Original/Restored
Ron & Shelley McDonald,1965 HT, Waterford, MI
BEST OF SHOW - Altered/Restored
Irv Simms, 1966 HT, Mancelona, MI
CLASS # 1 / 1964 Hardtop Stock/Restored
1st Place: Peter & April Mazzocato, 1964 HT, Ontario, CA
2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #2 / 1965 Hardtop Stock/Restored
1st Place: Ralph Marsai, 1965 HT, Pinckney, MI
2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #3 / 1966 Hardtop Stock/Restored
1st Place: Michael Walters, 1966 HT, Derby, NY
2nd Place: Kirk Barrick, 1966 HT, Orion, MI
3rd Place: Mile Giannini, 1966 HT Hamilton, Ontario, CA
CLASS #4 / 1967 Hardtop Stock/Restored
1st Place: Kerry Doyle, 1967 HT, Abbotsford, British Columbia
2nd Place: Bruce Schmakel, 1967 HT, Springboro, OH
3rd Place: -CLASS #5 / 1968/69 Hardtop Stock/Restored
1st Place: Sheldon Hamilton, 1968 HT, Waunakee, WI
2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #6 / 1970/72 Hardtop Stock/Restored
1ST Place: -2nd Place: -3rd Place: --
CLASS #7 / 1973/74 Hardtop Stock/Restored
1st Place: -2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #8 / 1969/71 All Judge Stock/Restored
1st Place: -2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #9 / 1964/65 Conv. Stock/Restored
1st Place: Rick Vander Heide, 1964 CV, Grosse Pointe Park, MI
2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #10 / 1966/67 Conv. Stock/Restored
1st Place: Tom & Irene Morgan, 1967 CV, Whitmore Lake, MI
2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #11 / 1968/71 Conv. Stock/Restored
1st Place: Dondi & Dan Globowski, 1970 CV, Port Huron, MI
2nd Place: Greg Cooke, 1969 CV, Lansing, MI
3rd Place: -CLASS #12 / 1964 All - Altered/Restored.
1st Place: John & Peggy Sieffert, 1964 HT, Troy, MI
2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #13 / 1965 All - Altered/Restored
1st Place: Pat & Joe Marino, '1965 CV, Shelby Twp, MI
2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #14 / 1966 All - Altered/Restored
1st Place: John Sames, 1966 HT, Deford, MI
2nd Place: Shawn Rinehart, 1966 HT, Graveport, OH
3rd Place: -CLASS #15 / 1967 All - Altered/Restored
1st Place: Rick & Carol Beecherl, 1967 HT, St. Clair Shores, MI
2nd Place: Norm & Veronica Finch, 1967 HT, Pinckney, MI
3rd Place: Ken Reder, Ontario, 1967 HT, Amherstburg, Ont. CA
2007 WGT Classic Weekend
Re-Cap - Events & Photo’s
Saturday Night “Dessert Social”...rain and all...
CLASS #16 / 1968/69 All - Altered/Restored
1st Place: -2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #17 / 1970/72 All - Altered/Restored
1st Place: James Moore, 1970 HT, Chesterfield, MI
2nd Place: John & Marilyn Lawton, 1972 HT, Hamilton, Ont, CA
3rd Place: -CLASS #18 / 1973/74 All - Altered/Restored
1st Place: -2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #19 / 2004/06 All - Stock/Alt./Rest/Street
1st Place: Mark Henry, 2005 HT, Clinton Twp., MI
2nd Place: Don Phillips, 2005 HT, Niagra Falls, NY
3rd Place: Randy Zielke, 2004 HT, Macomb Twp., MI
CLASS #20 / 1964/67 All Street machine
1st Place: Rob & Amy Harris, 1967 HT, Warren, MI
2nd Place: Chris & Kathy Warfield, 1965 CV, Byron, MI
3rd Place: Sam Davis, 1965 HT, Ortonville, MI
CLASS #21 / 1968/74 All Street machine
1st Place: Imron Chaudary, 1970 HT, Wainfleet, Ontario, CA
2nd Place: -3rd Place: -CLASS #22 / 1964/06 All Cust./Comp./Race
1st Place: -2nd Place: -fold those shirts!!!....fill those boxes!!...damm
3rd Place: -cheap labor...
Saturday, August 18th - Woodward Avenue Dream Crusin’…!!