The GTO Tiger Times


The GTO Tiger Times
June 2015
The G T O Tiger Times
Volume 20 Issue 6
The Voice of the G T O and Pontiac Enthusiast in Central Pennsylvania
Next Meeting: The next regular club meeting will be a May/
June combi, Sunday, June 7th, 1pm at the Hillside Café. Car show
committee meets at 12 noon.
The GTO Tiger Times, A 2006-14 GTOAA Award winner for Chapter Newsletter Excellence
President’s Message
June is now upon us and as it is with every year our
busiest time of the year. LCBC, GTOAA East Coast Regional, and GM Carlisle. I hope many of you can come
out and join in the fun with us as this season revs up.
Each year it seems we have one big event we’re involved in. Well, this year it’s our 20th Birthday and as all
are aware we’re throwin’ a party. Tina Wolfe has been
busy designing and practicing making sample cakes that
once perfected she’ll provide for our Car Show. She’ll be
making a combination sheet /cupcakes for over 300
people. Thanks so much Tina for offering!!! Along with
the BD cake we’ll be providing snacks, and drinks for
everyone. Not to worry, Murphy thinks our show was
moved to September so (hopefully) he’ll rain on someone else’s parade.
Our club show spot will be in the same spot as it is every year, I hope many of you can come out for this special show and celebrate our 20th year.
Our 2015 Pontiac Show
As of this writing, our special 20th anniversary awards
are back in the hands of Enck’s Trophies. The awards
are made of aluminum and were cut to size by R.E.M. in
Annville, PA. BIG thank you to Ralph, and Doug Moyer
for cutting these. The next step is to have the awards
sublimated with graphics we designed for the awards. I
had hoped to have the awards in hand in May before
Enck’s gets swamped with other business however I do
not have them yet. I will be getting an update shortly
on them and hope to have some samples for our July
membership meeting.
Milt will be arriving in his RV sometime Friday the 14th of
August and we’ll get him all set up that day. The replica
of the ’66 Bobcat will also be arriving sometime that
Friday as well. Milt will have for purchase diecasts of:
1967 GTO, the 1966 Royal Bobcat, and the 1969 Ram
Air V Royal Bobcat.
I will have information on our celebration party for after
the show shortly. We’re looking to have Enck’s Custom
Catering cater this event. I hope all can make it, Milt will
be there and is looking forward to it.
Stay tuned ………….
June 2015
Club News
Upcoming Events
Random Pontiacs
JUNE 19-20:
Performance Years OPEN HOUSE GTOAA Eastern
Regional: Performance Years, Hatfield , PA
JUNE 26-28:
GM Nationals: Carlisle Fairgrounds
Preparing a cookout for the residents of RMDH
JULY 7-11:
GTOAA CONVENTION: Columbus, Indiana
JULY 30-31:
MECUM Auctions : Northeast Event, Harrisburg
MECUM Auctions : Northeast Event, Harrisburg
SVGTO 8th Annual All Pontiac Show Landisville,
Club Picnic: Neffsville Car Show
POCI Fall Meet: AW Golden, Reading, PA
Fall Foliage Cruise
OCTOBER 18: 2016 Officer Nominations Accepted
Christmas Banquet
Be sure to check out the website
2016 Officer Elections
For the latest information of
upcoming events.
Preparing a Christmas dinner for residents of
We have quite a selection of 20th Anniversary T-shirts in stock. Please holler at Bob to get
yours. These were specially made by Wilson Wolfe’s business: Art Communications and
once sizes are gone their gone. Bob will have the traveling store at GM Carlisle so shout to
Bob to order yours before your size is gone.
Mecum Update
We’re set. I have your Driver ID badges. I need to get these to everyone before the
event. I will have them on me at all club functions. Shirt/hats/lanyards will be disbursed
when we arrive for your first day.
If you have comments
about, or suggestions to
help improve The GTO
Tiger Times, please
contact Russ Esenwine.
Page 2
Recent & Upcoming Events
Membership Update:
Total members: 65
New member for May: Wilbur Young with a 1977 Can-Am
Welcome to SVGTO Wilbur!
Since the GTOAA reformatted their chapter membership
to GTOAA requirements, we’ve gained more members.
Currently we are now at 9 members who own non GTO
cars. Just to refresh: As the GTOAA slowly raises their
chapters’ membership to GTOAA % status which is nearing 60%, they eased the requirements for chapters who
have members which do not own a GTO. Those members
are not required to be counted in the overall percentage
head count of GTO owning members. This affords a chapter to grow their chapter without being penalized for having non GTOAA members in their required recordable roster. Each chapter manages their own chapter the way
they see fit. For us, members who own a GTO are required to join the GTOAA, those who do not, have the
option although we encourage them to consider doing so.
Our yearly dues for GTOAA member remains at 15.00
dollars. Those who have the option pay 25.00 dollars.
This all has to do with liability insurance we receive
through us being a chartered chapter to the GTOAA. The
3 million dollar liability insurance policy, insurance we
could not afford on our own benefits all members of
SVGTO. Of the 25.00 non GTOAA membership dues, we
are required to pay 5.00 to the GTOAA as a fee for the
GTOAA carrying them on the national policy. This is not a
penalty but rather helps contribute to the insurance premium the GTOAA affords its chapters. The remaining
10.00 is to offset the difference between our members
who are required to join the GTOAA.
As many members recall, we set forth safeguards many
years ago in SVGTO to never fall below the 100% membership percentage to GTOAA status we attained. The
GTOAA is moving towards full 100% Chapter compliance
and in an effort to aid chapters attain the goal, they
eased the requirements of their chapters to do so. Still
there are some chapters who are struggling to get their
GTO owning members to join the GTOAA. How they manage it is up to them. Those chapters that are below the
minimum percentage are considered Auxiliary Chapters.
They are still recognized as GTOAA chapters however
they do not receive liability insurance. When I was appointed Public Relations/Membership Recruitment Coordinator, I developed 2 programs: Refer-A Friend, and a
CHapter Incentive Program. These two programs are
designed to: 1. Grow the GTOAA, 2. Grow chapter memberships and 3. Grow a chapter’s overall percentage to
the GTOAA. The GTOAA is seeing growth as a result of
these programs, hopefully the programs instituted will
enable chapters grow and attain the goal they
are working towards. Time will tell.
Great Story on the Pontiac Oakland Museum from: 2
Lane America. Follow the link.
The Real Problems With Historic Or Antique License
By: Steve Lehto @ Jalopnik
So you’ve bought an old car and are wondering about
plating it. In most states you have a choice: You can
slap regular plates on it or you can save a bunch of
money by putting on a “Historic” or “Antique” plate on
it. But those plates come at a cost.
A few years back I owned an old Army truck. Besides
being big, it was old enough to qualify for Historical Vehicle plates from the state of Michigan. That is, it was
over 26 years old. Why would someone want to get
these plates rather than the civilian ones? They cost a
lot less. $30 later and your old vehicle is legal to drive
for ten years.
Of course, you still need a proof of insurance and so on
but the tricky part is the certificate they have you
sign at the time of application:
I certify this historical vehicle is owned solely as a collector’s item and is used only for historical club activities, parades, car shows, etc. and not for routine transportation.
When I saw that restriction, I balked. I planned on taking my truck to the Upper Peninsula for vacation and
driving it around elsewhere for fun. I even used it a couple of times as a work truck, hauling a pile of bricks and
busted concrete to a landfill. If a police officer pulled me
over while I was doing that, I’d have a hard time arguing I was in a “club activity, parade, or a car show.”
Continued on pg 4
Page 3
The Back of the Garage
Club Officers
Vic Schreck- President
Brian Little-Vice
Bob Krewson Treasurer
Russ EsenwineSecretary
Classified ads by SVGTO members will be placed in the GTO Tiger Times free of charge. Please email your ads to
Russ Esenwine, at I will try to get the ads placed in the next issue. If you include a photo of the items
that you are selling, please send a clear digital photo in .jpg format. I will include your photos if space permits.
Continued from pg 3
created because of the Dream Cruise.
I know what you are thinking: “Steve, you’re a
lawyer. Isn’t that ‘etc.’ your Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free
card here?” Good question, Cletus, but no. The
application contains the vague wordage, “etc.”
but the statute does not. The statute reads:
This isn’t just for Michigan, either. States like
New Jersey say that the cars must be “used
solely for exhibition or educational purposes”
and “cannot be altered from the manufacturer’s
original design in any way.” Similarly, California
says that the vehicle should be “primarily driven in historical exhibitions, parades, or historic
club activities.”
“Historic vehicle” means a vehicle that is over 25
years old, and that is owned solely as a collector’s item and for participation in club activities,
exhibitions, tours, parades, and similar uses,
including mechanical testing, but is not used for
general transportation. For purposes of this section, use of the vehicle during the month of August in each year is considered an exhibition.
Yes, I see that the statute says 25 years and the
application says 26. But, as they say, it’s close
enough for government work. The upshot is that
if you have a historic plate on your vehicle, you
saved a ton of money. The downside is that a
police officer can pull you over and ask you
where you are going. If he/she doesn’t believe
that there is a club event on a Thursday morning
at your place of work, you might find yourself
getting ticketed.
And that is what inspired me to write this piece:
An email I received from a reader here who was
pulled over by a police officer on a weekday
morning while driving his car with historic plates.
He talked his way out of a ticket but others are
not always so lucky. Get a ticket like this and
you will find yourself in court trying to convince
a judge that you had a legitimate “similar use”
for your vehicle that day. Bring the car to the
Woodward Dream Cruise a day or two early?
That used to get people in trouble but you’ll notice the “month of August” exception. It was
Susquehanna Valley GTO is an affiliated chapter of the GTO Association of America,
the premier national organization for GTO enthusiasts. Each month GTOAA members
receive The Legend, a Golden Quill Award winning publication. Members can read
the technical articles and have access to the GTOAA Technical Advisors Staff, use 50
words of free advertising monthly, view the feature articles on some of the most
interesting GTOs you’ll come across, and have access to the GTOAA Club Store merchandise. For an on-line preview of The Legend, go to For local
chapter information, send an e-mail to Bill Vantuono at . To
receive a membership application by mail, write to: GTOAA, PO Box 213, Timnath,
CO. 80547, or send an e-mail to: for more information.
The GTOAA National Meet is hosted by various local chapters, and is held annually.
The acclaimed Concours and Popular Vote Car Shows bring some of the finest GTOs
together for superb viewing. Other highlights include many renowned Technical and
Special Interest speakers, the multi-day swap meet, drag tracing, and other great
Practically speaking, if you get a ticket for violating this law and you did have a legitimate
event you were going to, just snap some pics
of your car parked someplace nice with people
walking around it. See if you can get it taken
near another old car or two. After all,
“exhibition” is an awfully loose term. It’ll come
down to the mood of the judge and whether or
not you pissed off the cop. And we’ve talked
about that before.
Check the law in your state to see what squirrel
terms there are in your statute. Then try and
keep a low profile. You may have a license to
drive that car but it isn’t a license to smoke the
tires for 30 seconds in front of the Dairy
National Organization Information
Official GTOAA Chapter, Since 1995
Page 4
Host Hotel:
Clarion Hotel & Conference Center
2480 Jonathan Moore Pike
Columbus, IN 47201
Convention Chairperson:
Bill Sanders
Convention Co-chair:
Doug Pulskamp
Convention Co-chair:
Paul Freese
Special Guest: Milt Schornack
August 15, 2015
Registration: 8a-11a
Show: 9a-3p
PLACE: Amos Herr Park: 1670 Nissley Road Landisville, PA 17538
COST: 10.00 Pre-registration by August 8, 2015; 15.00 Day of Show
All Pontiacs welcome: Any Year, Any Model
Rain Date: August 22, 2015, same time
Come out and help us celebrate our 20th Anniversary and meet
Pontiac Legend Milt Schornack!!! **Milt’s only appearance will be
August 15. ** In the event of a weather postponement of the car
show, Milt will still be on hand for a Meet &Greet.
SEE BACK OF FLYER for details
Popular vote by registered show participants
Best of Show Awards,
Longest Distance Award
Raffles / Door Prizes
Catered food by Enck’s Custom Catering
Period Music by Jeff Primaldi
Showfield on grass / Abundant Shade in a park
Trailer parking
All Pontiac to 1964 stock except: GTO
Pontiac 1965-1979 stock except: GTO/TA/FB
Pontiac 1980-Present stock except: GTO/TA/FB
1964-1974 GTO Inclusive stock
1967-1981 TA/Firebird stock
1982-2002 TA/Firebird stock
2004-2006 GTO stock
All Pontiac modified except: GTO/TA/Firebird
1967-1981 TA/Firebird modified
1982-2002 TA/Firebird modified
1964-1974 GTO modified
2004-2006 GTO modified
** SVGTO Members cars are excluded from the judged showfield
** Modified: Any performance enhancing modifications. 3 minor mods
permitted for stock class. SVGTO reserves the right to judge cars accordingly.
Model Car Contest: Adults, & Kids Classes: Pontiac & Open Classes. Model
cars limited to plastic assembly, NO diecast. Model Car Contest is FREE.
SVGTO is a Regional Chapter of the GTO Association of America
2013 Chapter of the Year
717.405-2178; 717.521.8277; 717.615.7117; 717.880.5692
Register online:
Street: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
Phone: ( ____ ) ________________
State: ________ Zip:_______________
Email: _________________________________________
Model Ponac: ________________________ Year: _________ Class: (Leer from above)________
Children Parcipaon: (age limit 15) # of Children _______
Ages: _______________________
Enter Class letter & # of models: Class:_____________ Qty: __________ ___
Class; enter (A) or (K): __________________
**Enter “P” for Pontiac, or “O” for open class & quantity of each
A= Adult K= Kids
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
** I understand; SVGTO, Jones Dealerships, & East Hempfield Twp will not be held liable for any damages, thefts, or injuries to show cars, or participants
Checks made payable to: Susquehanna Valley G T O
Mail registraon with remiance by: August 8, 2015
Bob Krewson: 950 Driver Avenue, Landisville, PA 17538
Poron of proceeds to bene t: Ronald McDonald House Charies of Central PA
Appearing at our Anniversary Celebraon:
2015 marks our 20th year as a club. In observance of our 20th anniversary, we are
throwing a party! We cordially invite YOU, our Pontiac friends to help us celebrate
this milestone at our 8th Annual All Pontiac Show!
We are happy to announce:
Mr. Milt Schornack will be
present at our celebration
as our special guest. Milt
will be on hand August 15,
2015 for a special meet and
greet with all of our guests.
Milt worked for George DeLorean brother of John before moving on to Ace Wilson’s Royal Pontiac and
eventually ended up racing
with the Royal Racing Team.
Milt is credited for helping
perfect the Royal Bobcat
packages. Come on out and
say hello to one of the Legends of Pontiac.
** In the event of a weather postponement of the All Pontiac show, Milt will still be
on hand for a meet and greet on August 15, 2015. We hope to see you at our special 2015 All Pontiac Show!