The GTO Tiger Times


The GTO Tiger Times
The G T O Tiger Times
August 2015
Volume 20 Issue 7
The Voice of the G T O and Pontiac Enthusiast in Central Pennsylvania
Next Meeting:
Next regular club meeting will be Saturday, August 8th, 6pm at
RMHC in Hershey. This will be our last meeting before the show.
The GTO Tiger Times, A 2006-2015 GTOAA Award winner for Chapter Newsletter Excellence
President’s Message
When I joined SVGTO in 2007 I recall 24 total members
at that time when I asked. I recall walking up to the
SVGTO tent at GM Carlisle and forking over $15.00 to
join. I then returned to my GTO not knowing anyone. I
milled around looking at the members GTOs and thinking there are some pretty neat looking cars here. I met
then President Doug Warble, and his wife Laura. I recall
meeting Russ and Joel Miller who was then vice present.
I then recall attending my first meeting at the Hillside
In 2007 I recall meeting Rich Slarb and Brent Lehman at
Frysinger Pontiac in Mechanicsburg when SVGTO held
their All Pontiac Show. Not knowing anyone really, I
began attending events, and getting involved. As I got
to know the members I recall thinking they are pretty
cool guys here. I was welcomed not just as a member
of the club but as a friend.
to the GTOAA. That club had a rift within its
membership and its officers with the changes and they
eventually succeeded from the GTOAA.
I am often asked how we grew like we have. My answer
is always the same, I really am not sure. It’s the overall
membership I tell people. We’re blessed. To give you an
idea: Last year at Mecum, Tom Syzmczyk (Spellcheck in
layman’s terms) our editor of The Legend was invited
to join in the fun. I recall Tom telling me how impressed
he was with our membership and how nice and friendly
all are and how he and his buddies he brought with him
from the Delaware Old Goat Club was treated. It’s that
same type friendship I was greeted with when I joined
in 2007. It goes back to: it’s not about the cars its
about the people. I am glad to be associated with so
many GREAT people, and the way we’ve been growing I
am sure I speak for many others.
As the years progressed our membership did as well. 8
years after I became a member we’ve seen the
membership grow 300% to as of this note, a robust 71
total members. We have an outstanding body of members that supports the decisions our board makes that
benefits everyone. It makes it so easy to execute the
ideas we come up with. Trust me when I tell you I hear
stories of turmoil in other clubs that stunts their progress and inhibits their growth and officer turnovers
because of hostilities, or lack of getting along keeps
them constantly regrouping. I witnessed firsthand a
chapter’s officers at a President’s meeting screaming at
GTOAA officers because they could, or their membership
would not conform to raising membership percentages
August 2015
Random Pontiacs
Club News
Meeting Notes 7/19/2015
In Attendance:
Vic & Geri Schreck
Russ Esenwine
Brian Little
Andy Kear
Rich & Darlene Slarb
Mike& Cindy Martin
Ed Sloan
Rob Schaeffer
Wilson Wolfe
Jim Eyer
Dave Sanaman
Terry Barrnett
Mike & Kathy Bailey
Jeff Jukes
Doug Warble
Show Committee Meeting
This is the last newsletter before our car
show on August 15th.
Be sure to check out the website
For the latest information of
upcoming events.
Not much news to tell other than to say,
your show committee has been working
hard all year to put on the best show yet.
Being our 20th club anniversary, there will
be lots of special things going on to make
this show
memorable. Milt Schornack will be our
special guest. We will be having a 20th
anniversary party after the show. You
should have received information already.
If not, please contact Bob asap.
We urge all members to attend the show
as this will be a special event for
Regular Club Meeting.
In Bob’s absence, Vic presented the
Treasurer’s report. Report was accepted
by Vic, second by Rob Schaeffer.
Secretary’s report was accepted as
Our membership continues to grow,
adding 4 new members in June and early
July. Our club is the biggest it has ever
Please keep up to date on upcoming
events on our website. New events are
added all the time, so you don’t want to
miss anything.
We still have some of our
commemorative 20th Anniversary T Shirts
featuring our special 20th Anniversary
logo. This is the only time these will be
available. We will have them for sale at
the show. Make sure you pick one up as
a memento of how far our club has
As always, if you have an idea for a club
event, please contact Vic, Brian, Bob or
Russ. We love new ideas for fun events.
This coming Saturday August 8th, we will
be having out club meeting and also
stuffing goodie bags. We will be meeting
at 6pm at RMHC in Hershey.
37th Annual 2016 GTOAA International Convention
Hosted by the Northwest GTO Legends from Seattle, Washington, the 2016 Convention is
headed west. June 13-17 2016. The week following the convention is a cruise to Alaska
for those choosing to vacation after the convention. There will be plenty of information on
this convention forthcoming as time leads up to the event. For more info:
SVGTO Membership Update
Currently we have 71 members. For 2015 we have seen a 26% surge of new memberships to SVGTO.
Welcome For July 2015:
Ron Hatalia
Michael Kuhn
David Popovich
Page 2
If you have comments
about, or suggestions to
help improve The GTO
Tiger Times, please
contact Russ Esenwine.
Recent & Upcoming Events
Upcoming Event
New memberships to the National Organization continue
to climb. In the past 11 months we’ve seen 9.4% growth
as 333 new members were added. Nearing 3800 total
GTOAA members, total membership continues to set new
overall membership records. The GTOAA is stronger than
it has ever been. The Refer-A-Friend Program has been a
success thus far as 24% of the total of new memberships
is attributed to the RAF program. Please keep referring
friends to the GTOAA!
We all know about our show and festivities on August
15 updates via email with last minute details will be
Beginning with the 2016 GTOAA Convention in Seattle,
Washington: The Winner’s Circle class will be eliminated.
That class will be replaced with a drive it as you have it
class. Cars that folks think are not worthy of taking to a
show not less a convention. Many have not entered their
rides in conventions because they feel they are not
restored or worthy. The GTOAA WANTS those cars at the
convention. Doesn’t matter what shape or condition it’s
in. BRING IT!! There will be awards for them. The name
of this class has yet to be decided upon. The GTOAA will
be soliciting from the general membership ideas on what
to name this newly formed class. Have a name for this
class? Let me know (Vic) I will forward your ideas on to
the proper channels.
September 19: The Neffsville Show. Chef Krewson will
have the Goat Grill and GR!RRR on the road for our annual Club picnic. More info from the Chef will be coming.
Will need a minimum of 10 cars registered to secure our
normal shaded area. Please download the flyer in the
newsletter and remit your 15.00 per car to Bob by September 14. You can also paypal Bob and inform him of
your covered dish item.
Also beginning with the 2016 GTOAA Convention in Seattle, Washington: All Pontiac A-Body cars from 1964-1974
will now be included in concours judging. They’ll be subject to the same guidelines and classing as the GTOs with
bronze, silver, and gold standards.
Beginning in 2019, the new gen GTOs 2004-2006 will be
included into concours judging. They will be subject to
the same guidelines and classing as the classics and will
be judged for bronze, silver, and gold standards.
Some have asked why 2019? Typically the wait for a
model to be eligible for concours judging is 20 years, the
GTOAA Board decided to move it to 15 years for all years
rather than introduce the 2004 in 2019 the 2005 in 2020
and the 2006 in 2021. Classing will be the same as the
classics with original, restored or modified. Standards of
bronze, silver, and gold will also be applied.
Page 3
The Back of the Garage
Club Officers
Vic Schreck- President
Brian Little-Vice
Bob Krewson Treasurer
Classified ads by SVGTO members will be placed in the GTO Tiger Times free of charge. Please email your ads to
Russ Esenwine, at I will try to get the ads placed in the next issue. If you include a photo of the items
that you are selling, please send a clear digital photo in .jpg format. I will include your photos if space permits.
Nobody Built ‘80s Concept Cars Better Than
To some it may seem like just yesterday. 2015 will
mark six years since the belts stopped whirring on the
Pontiac production line. Six years since you could
order a brand new Solstice roadster, six years past a
fresh-faced G8 muscle sedan. And while many may
say, “look at all the fantastic cars General Motors has
built since then,” it’s hard to shake one lasting feeling.
Pontiac always felt special.It had an x-factor, and
perhaps nothing emphasized that Pontiac zing quite
like the wild concept cars it crafted in the ‘80s. During
that decade, GM wasn’t exactly at the peak of its performance
game, but a
look at these
four ‘80s Pontiac concepts
would suggest
Russ EsenwineSecretary
It’s hard to lust for a minivan, but this is certainly an
exception. It’s the vehicle that restarted Pontiac concept car production after nearly a decade of dormancy
– the sleek ’86 Trans Sport (get it?). The minivan
featured one gull-wing side door, a head-up windshield display, a computer to book travel reservations,
and a TV screen rear-view mirror.Not convinced of its
coolness? It paired a three-speed automatic with a
turbocharged 2.9-liter V6 to spin 235 horsepower to
the front wheels. Remember… this is a van.
The edgy Pontiac
Pursuit shows just how
forward-thinking the
Pontiac development
team was. The twodoor, four seat concept
came with space age
styling to complement its removable top, but also
featured drive-by-wire four-wheel steering and an
automatically adjustable pneumatic-suspension, which
Susquehanna Valley GTO is an affiliated chapter of the GTO Association of America,
the premier national organization for GTO enthusiasts. Each month GTOAA members
receive The Legend, a Golden Quill Award winning publication. Members can read
the technical articles and have access to the GTOAA Technical Advisors Staff, use 50
words of free advertising monthly, view the feature articles on some of the most
interesting GTOs you’ll come across, and have access to the GTOAA Club Store merchandise. For an on-line preview of The Legend, go to For local
chapter information, send an e-mail to Bill Vantuono at . To
receive a membership application by mail, write to: GTOAA, PO Box 213, Timnath,
CO. 80547, or send an e-mail to: for more information.
The GTOAA National Meet is hosted by various local chapters, and is held annually.
The acclaimed Concours and Popular Vote Car Shows bring some of the finest GTOs
together for superb viewing. Other highlights include many renowned Technical and
Special Interest speakers, the multi-day swap meet, drag tracing, and other great
lowered autonomously for high speed and raised for
bumpy roads. Power came courtesy of a 2.0-liter, 200
horsepower turbocharged four-cylinder. Heady stuff.
If it looks like a ‘90s Firebird, then it did its job. In
1988, Pontiac revitalized its ‘Banshee’ concept car
nameplate for the
fourth and final time,
putting the brand’s
sports car styling
back under the
microscope. It boasted doors operated by
infrared signal,
another iteration of heads-up display, more rear-view
TV monitors, and an early navigation system. Its 4.0liter V8 was rather less inspired… and made just 30hp
over the four-cylinder in the Pursuit.
The Stinger is simply wonderfully weird. It was designed with the young folks in mind, and came fitted
with every possible thing a young person could ever
need – portable vacuum cleaner, camping
stove, sewing kit, calculator, dust pan, picnic table, pull-out radio
and binoculars, just to
name a few. The allwheel-drive vehicle
wore carbon fiber body panels and once again sported
a pneumatic active suspension. Strangely, there was a
button to toggle either a soft or hard ride.The madness
didn’t stop in the ’80s either. Pontiac debuted its
eye-catching Sunfire concept in 1990 (seen at top),
followed by the quirkySalsa concept car in 1992, which
was billed as an all-weather hatchback, convertible and
two-seat delivery truck. Odd. Sadly, we won’t be seeing
any new Pontiacs in the foreseeable future, so these
will have to tide you over for quite a long, long time.
Zack Doell…..Boldride
National Organization Information
Official GTOAA Chapter, Since 1995
Page 4
GTOAA International Convention wrap up.
If one word
could describe
this year’s convention in Columbus Indiana, it could
It rained 5 out
of the 6 days
there. Arriving
on Tuesday
June 9 My wife
Geri and I drove through fog off and on heavy at times
from Lancaster to Pittsburgh then, 4 different rains from
there to Columbus, arriving in light rain and by late afternoon a super soaker ensued with about 2” of rain moved
in. Wednesday it rained, hard, all day, imagine this past
GM show in Carlisle the Saturday of the event but worse,
monsoon worse. The rain was relentless, welcome to
flooding. Thursday it began raining. By late morning the
sun came out and heck it was actually nice. Friday started out
then proceeded to
guessed it:
rain, and
more then
more however the
rain stopped in time for the downtown cruise Friday
evening. Saturday? Was the nicest of the days, the sun
was out all day.
Sunday, departure time…. Thunderstorms moved in
about 3 am, that storm went through, at 4 am a big one
hit which knocked power out to our room … then, that
storm no sooner left and another one hit ….. we left just
before 6 am in a driving rain, stopping at 4 different gas
stations before we found one that had working pumps,
the storms knocked the pumps out to 3 of the 4 we
stopped at. Did I say it was raining? It poured from Columbus, Indiana to just before Wheeling West Virginia.
The closer we got to PA the nicer it got. Did I mention it
rained? We learned it rains a lot there, so much in fact
the corn stalks resembled fabled bean stalks… reaching
into the sky, I swear I saw golden eggs, harps and giants walking around. Corn stalks 8 feet + tall. Now that
the weather report is over …….
SVGTO member Robert Lynch had his gorgeous 1966
red GTO under the concours tent. Robert’s GTO earned
a concours GOLD! Congrats to Robert! Tonja and Greg
Haupt’s 2006 Spice Red GTO took 2nd place in their
modified 2004-2006 GTO class.
All in all over 300 people were registered and just over
250 show cars attended I am told, despite the weather
Page 5
Special Guest: Milt Schornack
August 15, 2015
Registration: 8a-11a
Show: 9a-3p
PLACE: Amos Herr Park: 1670 Nissley Road Landisville, PA 17538
COST: 10.00 Pre-registration by August 8, 2015; 15.00 Day of Show
All Pontiacs welcome: Any Year, Any Model
Rain Date: August 22, 2015, same time
Come out and help us celebrate our 20th Anniversary and meet
Pontiac Legend Milt Schornack!!! **Milt’s only appearance will be
August 15. ** In the event of a weather postponement of the car
show, Milt will still be on hand for a Meet &Greet.
SEE BACK OF FLYER for details
Popular vote by registered show participants
Best of Show Awards,
Longest Distance Award
Raffles / Door Prizes
Catered food by Enck’s Custom Catering
Period Music by Jeff Primaldi
Showfield on grass / Abundant Shade in a park
Trailer parking
All Pontiac to 1964 stock except: GTO
Pontiac 1965-1979 stock except: GTO/TA/FB
Pontiac 1980-Present stock except: GTO/TA/FB
1964-1974 GTO Inclusive stock
1967-1981 TA/Firebird stock
1982-2002 TA/Firebird stock
2004-2006 GTO stock
All Pontiac modified except: GTO/TA/Firebird
1967-1981 TA/Firebird modified
1982-2002 TA/Firebird modified
1964-1974 GTO modified
2004-2006 GTO modified
** SVGTO Members cars are excluded from the judged showfield
** Modified: Any performance enhancing modifications. 3 minor mods
permitted for stock class. SVGTO reserves the right to judge cars accordingly.
Model Car Contest: Adults, & Kids Classes: Pontiac & Open Classes. Model
cars limited to plastic assembly, NO diecast. Model Car Contest is FREE.
SVGTO is a Regional Chapter of the GTO Association of America
2013 Chapter of the Year
717.405-2178; 717.521.8277; 717.615.7117; 717.880.5692
Register online:
Street: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
Phone: ( ____ ) ________________
State: ________ Zip:_______________
Email: _________________________________________
Model Ponac: ________________________ Year: _________ Class: (Leer from above)________
Children Parcipaon: (age limit 15) # of Children _______
Ages: _______________________
Enter Class letter & # of models: Class:_____________ Qty: __________ ___
Class; enter (A) or (K): __________________
**Enter “P” for Pontiac, or “O” for open class & quantity of each
A= Adult K= Kids
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
** I understand; SVGTO, Jones Dealerships, & East Hempfield Twp will not be held liable for any damages, thefts, or injuries to show cars, or participants
Checks made payable to: Susquehanna Valley G T O
Mail registraon with remiance by: August 8, 2015
Bob Krewson: 950 Driver Avenue, Landisville, PA 17538
Poron of proceeds to bene t: Ronald McDonald House Charies of Central PA
Appearing at our Anniversary Celebraon:
2015 marks our 20th year as a club. In observance of our 20th anniversary, we are
throwing a party! We cordially invite YOU, our Pontiac friends to help us celebrate
this milestone at our 8th Annual All Pontiac Show!
We are happy to announce:
Mr. Milt Schornack will be
present at our celebration
as our special guest. Milt
will be on hand August 15,
2015 for a special meet and
greet with all of our guests.
Milt worked for George DeLorean brother of John before moving on to Ace Wilson’s Royal Pontiac and
eventually ended up racing
with the Royal Racing Team.
Milt is credited for helping
perfect the Royal Bobcat
packages. Come on out and
say hello to one of the Legends of Pontiac.
** In the event of a weather postponement of the All Pontiac show, Milt will still be
on hand for a meet and greet on August 15, 2015. We hope to see you at our special 2015 All Pontiac Show!

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